  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @Secret4u2hear
    @Secret4u2hear 4 роки тому

    7:36 screw it into a place

    • @StanJanParanormal
      @StanJanParanormal  4 роки тому

      Well, obviously we were not going to screw it into the wall in a hotel, unless I wanted to forfeit any deposit. But, at home we do have one mounted directly onto the wall so that we can watch our bird while we are on vacation. These cameras can't be beat for watching a room remotely. We have only found two hotels where the internet was not strong enough or configured well enough to get into the Zmodo cloud. One was the El Tovar at the Grand Canyon which we just completed and is considered an upscale hotel. So, you never know.

  • @AvitalShtap
    @AvitalShtap 5 років тому

    Writing a cartoon pilot now about Jerome Arizona and one of the places is the Connor Hotel:))
    Thanks for the awesome help!!!

    • @AvitalShtap
      @AvitalShtap 5 років тому

      How you gonna take a short whirlpool???? LOL

    • @StanJanParanormal
      @StanJanParanormal  5 років тому

      Very Nice. Hope it comes out well.

  • @winston153
    @winston153 5 років тому

    Jerome's a pretty cool town, I've visited a few times and plan on going again this summer to shoot a video of the town. You said the Ghost Inn B&B was 'creepy'. How so? I was considering staying there for one night.

    • @StanJanParanormal
      @StanJanParanormal  5 років тому

      Here's a rundown: We stayed in Jerome in 2008, the Grand Jerome was out first hunt. We only had a 10mp digital camera, a couple of voice recorders and a parabolic dish. We were up on the balcony room where I pointed out in this video. We quickly determined that often reported sounds of a woman or child crying was a bird down in the valley whose sound filtered upward. We went on the ghost hunt and our guide was Chris who now gives the hunt at the Liberty Theater. On the hunt they gave everyone digital cameras that the property owned and prompted to take as many pictures as it would hold, but at the end of the tour they would take them back, download the pics and look at them and then give everyone a CD of all of the pictures taken. I thought it was a hoax, that they had those gimmick ghost cameras that put a haze or orb in every photo, so I used my own camera. We found out later from Chris that his uncle (owner) had gotten reports of ghosts and ignored them until he realized that people were booking into the hotel based on those rumors. Then he saw the potential and wanted a clear pic. I could see that was true once we got our CD copy. I could also see how poorly most people are in taking photos. One guy took dozens of photos of his wife's butt, another took photo's of my wife's butt. Nobody got any pics of interest, including me. Early the next morning in our room I awoke to the strong smell of what I thought were burning brakes, but the highway is way down. I decided it must be the guy Claude Harvey who was crushed by a stuck elevator way back when, but upon viewing death certificates in the last few years I realized that there were literally hundreds of miners who died in this old hospital, many were smelter men who burned to death by falling in molten ore tubs. I would go back here but Chris said they have ceased the tours. If you equipment I would recommend staying there.
      On to the the Ghost City Inn on the next night. We stayed in the Cleopatra Room which is downstairs and on the left as you face the building. It was the only room available and supposedly the haunted one, but I spoke with other guests and apparently there is activity through out the structure. This is a B&B and our room had a private bathroom. Problem was, because of sliding on the hill the floor is uneven, not just slanted but "rolley-polley" uneven with humps to step over like a fun house. Now, this is over ten years ago and the owners may have changed, but the woman who owned it at that time had placed religious icons and religious books all over the room to ward off the spirit and make it go away. Now, I am pretty spiritual guy, but walking around a room with crucifixs, and Bibles; bumping into them when you get up in the night to use the restroom while you step from hump to hump was a little much for me. That's what I meant by "creepy". There is ghost book in that room (and maybe all of them) with maybe 50 encounters. I deemed all of them to be junk mail, except for one which I believe was an accurate account. This writer, a female, reported that in the early morning she was awakened by a man dressed in 1900's suit who walked through the a wall, across the room, and out the back door at a speed that was faster than anyone humanly could produce. We know the report of fast movement is a trait of apparition sightings. I also know that apparitions usually walk through an area where there used to be a door during their life time. The next morning when I asked the owner about the section of wall that the apparition had been observed to walk through, she told me that used to be a door, but they had sealed it up. That one is believable, at least to us. Anyway, you do what you want, once was enough for us.
      The next day we drove on to Prescott and the Vendome and I declined to take Room 16 because I had been up all night at the Ghost City Inn staring at religious icons in the dim light room. We stayed in Room 19 down the hall and upon leaving that room to get a jacket in my car I followed the apparition of the Cowboy down the hallway..(Vendome Video) and now I am hooked.

    • @winston153
      @winston153 5 років тому

      @@StanJanParanormal Very interesting. I was and still am considering staying at the Jerome. As many times as I've visited the town of Jerome I've never stayed the night, I usually tour the town for a day then by five I'll drive off to either Phoenix or Sedona. This time I'm gonna stay day/night in Jerome then leave for Sedona the next morning. Both Ghost Inn and hotel Jerome are appealing to me, simply because the are both very historic. But of course hotel Jerome notoriously has much more paranormal activity. I don't partake in PI, videography is my thing and historic hotels/towns are some of my more popular subject matters. Although I've always been interested in PI and would eventually like to get involved but I would first need equipment to do so. I have viewed your video of the cowboy apparition at hotel Vendome and found it fascinating. If I had an experience such as that I would probably be more invested in PI. I have stayed in lots of notoriously haunted hotels in the southwest such as The Stanley in Estes Park, the Vendome and Hassayampa in Precott, The Beaumont in Ouray, CO, Silver Queen in Virginia City, NV, New Sheridan in Telluride, Co, The Stratter in Durango, CO among others. I have yet to experience anything that stood out as being unusual in these places. Of course I don't spend much time in these hotels I'm mostly out touring the towns then go back to my room after dinner and go to sleep. But I keep waiting for something to happen. Either way, I'm passionate about historic hotels and towns. Experiencing a haunting in one of them would simply be icing on the cake.

    • @StanJanParanormal
      @StanJanParanormal  5 років тому

      @@winston153 We have done videos on all of those places except for the Beaumont and Stratter. We did do an investigation at the Beaumont in Ouray about ten years back but got nothing and at that time in my UA-cam career (for lack of a better term) I didn't post videos that didn't show some kind of capture. Truth is, folks need to know that a location has also bombed out so they don't waste their money going looking as we did. So now I post our findings no matter what. We have done about 150 two to three day ghost surveillance hunts and have posted about a 1/3 of them. From the Paranormal hunt channels on TV, one would get the idea that activity is everywhere and that just isn't so. We have not stayed at the Stratter in Durango, but we did go listen to the ragtime piano there. The thing about activity is.. you can not predict it, or most of the time be successful in finding it. We just be our selves, let the cameras run and let it find us if it is indeed there. But, what we have found is that we never go into a room on first access without cameras running. Several times as soon as we popped the door open something happened and we were not prepared for it, and then the entire rest of the hunt was a big zero. So, our rule is if you want to capture something..always go in "hot". I would give that suggestion along with another of not second guessing an occurrence and letting it slip by as I did when I followed the Cowboy at the Vendome and never took the photo. We have actually done three hunts at the Vendome and I also got skunked on the last one. We stayed in RM 16 and we only had one detector go off in two days. This was during the two years that a couple named Eric and Stephanie Marical owned the hotel and Stephanie was a skeptic even with the activity in her own hotel. On the last morning I went downstairs to get coffee and Stephanie was in the foyer talking with some folks. As I walked by the door to the basement it suddenly swung open quite quickly. Again, I had a video recorder in my hand and did not activate it. I knew that Eric kept toiletries for the rooms down there and assumed he had pushed it open with his foot as he came up the stairs. I waited..looked down the basement stairs...alas, no Eric. I called out to Stephanie and asked her if Eric was down in the basement and she yelled at me that he was downtown. I told her that the door just opened and she asked "by itself?!!" and I told her it had. She came over and closed it and as she did she said under her breath "Good morning, Harvey". Harvey was of course the ghost rabbit from the old Jimmy Stewart movie made in 1950. I was amused and that has always stuck with me. It shows that even skeptics can come around after constant bombardment of unexplained events. Just keep your eyes and ears open in those old places and if you come across anything that didn't fit, drop me a line.
      A couple of hints about Jerome after dark: The only place in town that has food after 8:00 pm is the Haunted Hamburger and personally I think their food sucks. Everything has an off tasting twang to it and I couldn't figure out what it was, but then when I tasted the city water I realized that is what is causing it. The food is being cooked or washed in it. It is very metallic tasting because of the mining left overs. There is a BBQ place down the hill below the Connor that I would choose, but again it closes at 8:00 pm. There are no stores open either to get bottled water after this time. The Asylum in the Jerome Grand had good food, but it was pricey. The busiest night spot is the Spirit Room at the Connor, but it is a biker bar which is good if you are a biker (we aren't), not so great if not. The crowd is a little foreboding. The Connor staff came across to me as though they couldn't have cared whether we stayed there or not. I caught them over charging me $100 for the room and made them reverse the charges. The two ghost tours are basically historical tours and will tell you all the hidden truth run down, but don't expect anything paranormal. If you want to try a ghost hunt, pay the money and do the two hour hunt at the Liberty. The Theater is cool to see alone for about $5 admission. Good luck with your trip. If you stay at the Ghost City, drop me a line and tell me what it was like. Oh, when we stayed there the owner fixed breakfast and she made a Vegan Quiche which was excellent. I'm not a Vegan, but I would have gotten seconds on that one. No guarantee that the ownership hasn't changed though. Good Luck...

    • @winston153
      @winston153 5 років тому

      @@StanJanParanormal I have viewed most of your videos and I like how you'll give your final ratings of activity levels even if there was no activity. Sounds like you've had your best 'luck' experiencing activity at hotel Vendome. Hopefully you can eventually capture something on video if you decide to keep investigating there. The cowboy apparition incident alone is beyond remarkable. I don't generally roll video when I visit these places (unless I'm shooting for a videography project) but I always am on the lookout for anything unusual, I'll definitely let you know when or if I come across anything. There's still lots of alleged haunted historic hotels I plan on visiting plus I always enjoy return visits. I visit the Stanley hotel at least once a year as an annual tradition. That's the hotel that got me so interested in historic hotels. Well, that and the movie The Shining.
      The only restaurant I have eaten at in Jerome is a sandwich deli called HillTop I believe. Their sandwiches are pretty decent. Is the BBQ restaurant you're referring to called Boddy D's? It's ranked #1 in Jerome on Tripadvisor. I never much considered staying at the Conner, the biker scene is not much my scene either. Once while driving around Jerome's narrow streets a biker threatened my life because he thought I was gonna run into him and his Harley. I guess every town has it's share of riff-raff. If I have time after shooting maybe I'll do a hunt at the Liberty and I'll let ya know if I experience anything at either Ghost Inn or Hotel Jerome. Thanks for the tips.

    • @StanJanParanormal
      @StanJanParanormal  5 років тому +1

      @@winston153 Yes, it is Bobby D's. As far as eateries go it is about the best you'll get in Jerome. Also, the Stanley was good to us for activity and that one EVP we captured that was absolutely unique in itself.
      And...I have devoted my life (or what is left of it) to getting that capture. The incident with the cowboy at the Vendome was beyond remarkable, to me it was slap in the face. I got "skunked". I followed an apparition down a hallway with a camera around my neck and never bothered to take a single pic. At first after it happened I was spooked and had to go have a couple of stiff ones down at Whiskey Row to settle my nerves. My wife's response to my story was that she really didn't believe me. But, after we returned to 'Vegas and I made my first purchase of about 5K in equipment, she started believing. So, now it's "personal". I was in a gentleman's argument a few years ago with UFO/Paranormal author Bret Oldham and he told me that I would never get the catch...that, "they will always outsmart you". I have less than a year to retirement and as Jan and I are both professionals, we have a large budget to travel on and expend on future hunts so we'll see.