It happened to other channels I followed. The scammer left a comment, using the same photo of the channel host, and similar name, adding the hint for who view that message to find the scammer on Telegram app. The message they post usually says you have won a sort of free gift or prize. After you started to communicate with the scammer in the Telegram app and provided all your details, they will ask your credit card number to pay for the shipment. Of course the scammer will not send you back any gift or prize. Not only that, they will take the money from the card, they will also sell your details on the dark web to other scammers. So far I have seen dozens for channels being attacked by the scammers. Including the small channels which don’t have many subscribers. My channel doesn’t have many subscribers, but I do not want any scammers attacking my viewers. So please be scammers aware. If it’s too good to be true, it is likely the scammer!
@@marieascot I have just checked your channel. That second sentence "我不会放弃奖品或使用电报" is probably translated by Google? It is giving other meanings than what you wanted to say. That sentence means "I will not give up prize or use telegram", maybe you can replace it with this sentence instead "我不会发送奖品,也不使用 Telegram app". The first sentence is fine.
Lovely old busses , very enjoyable watch . Thank you !
You inspire me to upload my video to the reading buses open day.
Please do!
love me leyland
ليش ماتفتحون فرع صغير لصناعه باصات لايلند الاطلنطي فقط في بريطانيا ونبيعون للعراق والخليج منه
You mention scammers in your about message what happened? i have a suspicious follower on my channel.
It happened to other channels I followed. The scammer left a comment, using the same photo of the channel host, and similar name, adding the hint for who view that message to find the scammer on Telegram app. The message they post usually says you have won a sort of free gift or prize. After you started to communicate with the scammer in the Telegram app and provided all your details, they will ask your credit card number to pay for the shipment. Of course the scammer will not send you back any gift or prize. Not only that, they will take the money from the card, they will also sell your details on the dark web to other scammers. So far I have seen dozens for channels being attacked by the scammers. Including the small channels which don’t have many subscribers. My channel doesn’t have many subscribers, but I do not want any scammers attacking my viewers. So please be scammers aware. If it’s too good to be true, it is likely the scammer!
@@hellowallace Thanks I'll put up a warning myself.
@@hellowallace Were the scammers from a particular country?
No one knows. The scammer was asking the payment in USD.
@@marieascot I have just checked your channel. That second sentence "我不会放弃奖品或使用电报" is probably translated by Google? It is giving other meanings than what you wanted to say. That sentence means "I will not give up prize or use telegram", maybe you can replace it with this sentence instead "我不会发送奖品,也不使用 Telegram app". The first sentence is fine.