@@kiwisaram9373God is a Trinity, three persons in one being. God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament there are many places where Christ speaks of God as His Father and also says that He and the Father are One. He tells the disciples if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. The Trinity is also seen when Christ is baptized. God the Father calls from Heaven that this is my blessed Son and the Holy Spirit takes on the form of a dove and rests upon Jesus. In the book of John we learn more about this mysterious idea of the Trinity. Jesus is called the Word of God and He is the light of the world as told in the first chapter. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.” John 1:1-4 NASB1995 If He was with God in the beginning and was involved in the earth’s creation we know He is not just a human but is divine.
The first "commandment" is "I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" ... its parallel is "thou shalt not murder"; the second is "Thou shalt not have any other gods upon my face" (translated as "before me"); it is a prohibition against having an intercessor, a go-between, or any other idolatrous relationship between us and God -- it is specifically a condemnation of the philosophy of 1 Timothy 2:5. The idea of having a mediator, an intercessor, etc., between us and God is what makes Christianity idolatrous. Not Maryology, not the Byzantine iconology, that just compounds the problem: its root is in I Tim 2:5, and its parallel on the second Tablet is "thou shalt not commit adultery". Having a mediator is like inviting your mistress to dinner and then pretending your wife is being unreasonable. 2 Chronicles 7:14 doesn't say "turn to Jesus", it says return to Me=God, the Almighty Father; not to a prophet, intercessor, liaison, or even son: return to God. All of that aside, as it happens, the actual first commandment is "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28), but I digress...
The Pope never mentioned "OTHER GODS". All worshipping One God "Jesus," the Pope recalled, "taught us to welcome one another as brothers," adding that "this applies first and foremost to us, Christians, Jews, and Muslims, who worship the One God and who refer, albeit in different ways, to Abraham as father in faith."
@@coop2011rAsk a former Muslim who is now a Christian, and they’ll tell you that the “god” of Islam is not YHWH God of the Bible. Jesus Christ is Lord YHWH.
@@Noxy106but the Catholics, popes, have deleted the second commandment and split the tenth to have the ten. See the KJV 1611 for the official Ten Commandments.
I would far rather have had my children and raised them as I did. Than to not have them.... Now that they have their own small children I am being as encouraging as I can be. Always telling them how good a job they are doing. Occasionally make extremely small suggestions if they seem to be stressed about anything. Listen carefully most of all. Let them vent awhile. ( Going out drinking is not a recipe for happiness for anyone . Seen a lot of people mess their lives up that way.)
He's a shocking individual. I'm not Catholic and wouldn't even walk into a Catholic church but when he started talking about accepting homosexuals it was then that I realized the severity of his existence. Millions of people worship this person who refers to himself as the *"Holy Father!"* Mind boggling!
@@The_Lord_has_it,remember the hurah when he was named pope? Seems people did not like him in any position! Now he has tried to take the place of the Son Of God!
@@The_Lord_has_it That is not true. He never said that. He was trying to tell people that our Lord wanted us to confess our sins to the apostles & their successors ... If you would like proof you can go to the LA Times website and purchase the article. Otherwise, stop believing the anti-Catholic lies, told to you. --- Oddly, you believe you can interpret the Bible for yourself (and you cannot), and do not realize your ability to research for the factual truths about the CC (and you can). *As the Father has sent me, even so I send you. Then he breathed on them, and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained (John 20:21-23).* Also ... *Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders (priests) of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:14-16).*
=that is so true Lord Chaitanya, who is non other but Krishna Himself, during His time on Earth has shown us that no only He forgives the most sinful persons - but that He comes especially to deliver the most fallen! Yes, Krishna can forgive every sin - if we sincerely regret, repent, want to change
@@robinwolstenholme6377 there is only one name given among men whereby we must be saved. That is the name of Jesus. Declare Jesus as Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
@@markreynolds6715 Yes. And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. - Revelation 17:1-5
@@markreynolds6715 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. {Revelation 17:15} The seven headed beast of Revelation 17: The seven heads are symbolic of seven kingdoms, starting with the beast of Daniel chapter 7 1st < Babylon 2nd < Medo-Persia 3rd < Greece 4th < Pagan Rome 5th < Papal Rome; the little horn ("that was" & "is not" & "yet is") 6th < "one is" ^ The woman that rides the beast is in captivity at the time of John's vision, AFTER receiving the deadly wound from the (atheist) beast from the bottomless pit [Rev 11:7]. This is the beast of THE TIME of John's vision IN THE WILDERNESS. (Meaning that John is in the wilderness in his vision and not physical on Patmos, and he sees a beast that would come up from out of this wilderness. Read Job 38:26.) The 7th < "is not yet come" At the time of John's vision *in the wilderness* this head of the beast was yet to come; this is *the beast from out of the earth* [Rev 13:11]; (And he shall exercise all of the power of the first beast...) when this beast will speak like a dragon. This beast must continue a short time, as per the others before him. I believe by the testimony of Jesus, that we are now living in that "short time". The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. {Revelation 17:8} :11...even he is the eighth, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition. --There are seven heads at the time of John's vision, five kings/heads/beast are fallen, so this eighth is of the seven kingdoms...."that was"...."and is not"...."yet is" AND received a deadly wound; AND his deadly wound was healed. This wound is the loss of her (the woman/church that rides the beast.) temporal sword (also her captivity), which is the earthly secular world kingdom. This is the image of the beast (that great city), who like Babylon of antiquity, who thinks to usurp church and state craft. The number eight is a metaphor for the resurrection. The eighth is resurrected from a former head of the seven; the 5th head that received a deadly wound. (When he shall go into perdition: this will be the final dispensation of this beast with seven heads, that is a metaphor for satan.) Jesus; (The resurrection; Jn 11:25) Ἰησοῦς/Iēsous = 888 by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration; I(10), E(8), S(200), O(70), U(400), S(200). In antiquity the mountain was not only a metaphor for a kingdom, but it was also symbolic of the head of a (river) dragon that was symbolic of a river that flows out from a mountain, after the spring thaw and overflowing its banks, spreading out in the form of the dragon's tail. The color is scarlet because it is symbolic of the blood of the saints of the Lord. A woman in prophecy is always a metaphor for a church, in this case (Jezebel) it is the fallen temple of God. The false prophet, a lamb (Christ like) with two horns, and/but will speak like a dragon (a wolf in sheep's clothing), will be the beast (from out of the earth ... the USA) that will make an image unto the first beast from out of the sea, who received a deadly wound and his deadly wound was healed. The two horns are a metaphor for two (equal) kingdoms in one, church and state craft. Medo-Persia also is expressed as having two horns [Dan 8:3], but one was higher, (Persia) and eventually usurps the other. This is the image of the first beast from out of the sea (Papal Rome). Once the wall of separation of church and state is lost, then will the second beast from out of the earth become the image of the first beast, who claims the authority of both church and state. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.
since when are you God to read the inner heart of a man? It is not proper to judge the inner faith walk of another-- judge his dumb actions all you like, judge the sloppy thinking and heretical lean of his communications, but the state of his soul is only for God to determine.
Look into Candace Owens about Frankism. It’s truly disheartening. I pray you go back to your faith. Find a good church. The Pope is a Frankist. Plain and simple.
yes! so glad me and most of my family left the RCC decades ago and have not regretted it once...praying my remaining sister & bil leave that false system as well......they don't agree with this pope either but remaining under him as the titular head of the RCC is lending their consent to his authority.
I don't worry or care about what the pope thinks or does/says.... I have access to and pray to the living Christ who sacrificed himself for me and all of us. I have access to Christ for support and guidance and wisdom forever. There is no such thing as all religions lead to God - There is only one God.
There is no Vicker of Christ, I say this with sadness, Jesus Christ is the only head of the Church not any Man and also no Man can forgive Sin,I sadly don't know which is worse, Islam or Catholicism. There is but One Way and it through Christ alone by Grace and faith in Jesus Christ our Savior.
The pope made it easy to turn my back on the catholic church when he said a relationship with Jesus is dangerous because it's the most important thing you can do in your life.
The woman who said parenting was lonely because she couldn't easily go out drinking and partying with her friends probably reflects the fact that many women today are single parents. Trying to do ANYTHING all by ourselves is challenging and prone to periods of loneliness, so this is not surprising. God said that it is not good for man to be alone. True then. True now.
The great white throne judgment when the Book of life will be brought forth. Oh how terrible. But God is Just and He gives all a chance to know His mercy now.
The Bible predicted it - Satan will try it one more time to have his one world government .... it's pretty obvious the UN and WEF are and are the precursor to this end time evil kingdom to whom the dragon gave his seat, power, and great authority.
He is not a prophet. N I'm Catholic we don't consider popes prophets. More like a president. We respect n follow his lead but far from someone we wouldn't criticize. The hate for the Catholic church is insane from people who really never worshipped as catholics
@@almac4182 The Pope is the spiritual leader of the Catholic church. If he's not holding to the truths of Scripture he's untruthful, a false teacher. He is leading the congregation away from Jesus. There is only one way to God, Jesus is The way the truth and the life.
@@katieG21 no I get it. I don't think he's him. I think he might be the one to lead us to the one world religion and false prophet. There that Irish prophecy of all the popes before Armageddon and this pope is the last one on the list. I don't think he has the charisma to decide most the world. But we will see 🤔
@@lorysipel6823 there's a great interview Glenn beck gives about travelling to the Vatican. And cardinals openly telling him about the fight for the church good vs evil. Even introduced him to the so called evil cardinals in the Vatican. Listen he is the leader of the church. That's a far cry from a prophet. I look at popes like presidents. U don't agree 100% sometimes you don't agree 10%. He is considered to be closer to God in this earthly realm but all can be corrupted and revelation says the church will fall we should all be wary. But as catholics, like all Christians, fundamentally believe Jesus is the only way. We are not the enemy and the more you let the devil divide us the harder it will be when most the world will be deceived. Not just non believers most Christians will be deceived into taking the mark. If you push true Catholics away the more of all Christians will fall.
The pope, the papacy is the first beast of the book of revelation, the little horn in Daniel 7, the harlot of the book of revelation. This is why God calls all his catholic children to come out of Babylon.
Yes, God calls all those who are in Babylon, including the people of the false prophet to Come out and “ be separate.” It’s the final call by God to mankind.
The False prophet under the Popes Fraternity..the one world religious system which will usher in the anti-christ..the beast of Revelation. The son of perdition as per 1 Thessalonians 2..when 'the Restrainer is taken away then the fullness of lawlessness will abound and the Son of perdition will arise ' When he comes finally there is satan presented as God..which has been his aim all along! Wow we are at the end of time from Adam to here. The unholy trinity..the Beast(as the son), empowered by the dragon-satan & the unholy spirit-the False prophet/the whore. The Jews will think he is Messiah & will worship him for 3 n half years after a 7 year peace treaty is signed with them..their 3rd temple will be built-already they have everything ready..even the red heifer..so time is close. For all those who are in Christ they need not fear..they will not be around. But we pray though for those who will be turn to God during the tribulation years..many will say no to the mark as per Revelation 13..but will be a part of the end time overcomers who will reign in the millenial years with Christ.
@Uranium235-g6f I saw a study once that said the predators intentionally go into positions like that because it puts them close to potential victims and in a trusted position.
@@wingednut2283yet the Bible says a leader of the church is to be the husband of one wife and have a family, as if he doesn’t know how to raise a family he won’t know how to raise a flock…
The catholic doctrine has many things that do Not line up with Gods Word. We do not need to pray through Mary …. The Bible is clear that only Jesus intercedes for us. We do not ask the Saints to pray for us. The Bible is clear we don’t pray to the dead.
@@lmullett4106 Orthodox here. I agree on the first statement about the innovations of the Roman Church but I can't let you say that the bible rules out prayers for the saints to intercede. In the book of Revelation we read in the chapter 6: _9 And when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they had upheld. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You avenge our blood and judge those who dwell upon the earth?”_
@@Hope_Boat The verse that you are giving has nothing to do with interceding. After the seven year tribulation, we come into the thousand year millennial reign, and the Saints will reign with Jesus in Jerusalem. The Bible says so. No, where in scripture does it say to pray to the saints to intercede for us? In fact, the Bible tells us that only Jesus intercedes for us . Roman 8:34….1 John 2:1….Hebrews 7:25 Jesus interceded for people during his time on earth, and he continues to do so from heaven . His intercession is based on his death and resurrection, and He pleads for us, on the basis of who he is, and what He has done . I follow what God says with the Bible tells me to do .The Catholic Church is false doctrine, and the pope is a false prophet who are leading many astray, right into hell .
@@Hope_Boat First, NOT main Catholic teaching but the hierarchy has him as vicar of Christ, a rather important role. And as for submitting, his authority is still limited to matters of the faith and morality, and only in so far as he upholds the dictates of Scripture. His opinions are his opinions as an ordinary human beyond the charism of his office..
He is and has been. He's a false teacher. Here's a shocker: 2 Peter 2..this chapter talks about false teachers but it's verse 12 that knocked my socks off. Check it out and reflect on it. Get back to me if you can. This verse changed the way I think about people, especially in these times!
This is exactly what I have been saying for years that would happen. Now we are actually seeing it happening. He is ushering the anti christ onto the stage. Be ready brothers and sisters in Christ. Shield and cover yourself with Gods Armor. The belt of truth, helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, boots of the gospel of peace, shield of Faith and the sword of the spirit and his word. ❤ stay strong in the faith and keep watch. I pray for us all ❤❤❤❤
My children were my life; they gave me a reason to get up every day and better myself. However, if I had a supportive husband and he had wanted to be a father, parenting would have been less stressful. Plus, I didn't have a good support system, but Jesus provided in miraculous ways for everything I needed for my kids. Today, they are all successful, wonderful parents and spouses. I'm more than pleased and can only give YWH the glory.
Please define "religious practice" because I don't think you know what that means. We are to obey through actions the teaching in the Bible which IS a religious practice. Failure to do so is referenced in the book of James. no religious practices=dead faith One must believe and act--both are essential.
My parents had a farm and one of my sisters and I built a house 'on the farm', so my husband and I raised our kids near grandparents and aunt and uncle. There was good and some bad times, but . . . There wasn't much loneliness.
First of all, I don't know, as a Catholic, what he's talking about. With that said, Church doesn't teach "prayer" to Mary. Pray tell, define prayer. You want to believe that so you believe it. There's no way to get it to your thick head that is not the truth. It is sick to love to hate.
If you live in one of the original 13 Colonies, you have to pray to a court of law. I'm not kidding. The word "pray" always meant "petition; ask" until a group of English speakers changed the meaning to "worship." Catholics use the original meaning.
@@icecoolguita Yet during his life the majority of the new testament is early Christian communities writing Paul and other disciples to ask them about things and seek guidance. Based on your logic, they should never have sent letters, asked for guidance and solely sought Jesus and the Father directly. Good luck.
If you actually think we are in the tribulation that’s pretty sad. The first four seals happen within a years time span and wipe out 1/4 of mankind. In the past two hundred years we’ve had 8 billion humans. 1/4 of this is 2 billion. That’s 6 times the highest estimated death toll of ww2. We have not seen the time of Israel’s trouble yet. Let no man deceive you if the antichrist is not here the day of the Lord has not started. The day of the Lord is not just the second coming, it’s the seventieth week which is appointed to the Jews who don’t believe Jesus is messiah and obviously anyone who rejects Jesus will go through it, the church being caught up is the morning star(not the son) it’s mars at 4:00A.M., the time of ISRAEL’S trouble is for ISRAEL that’s the seventieth week and is the son rising, the second coming is full son rise, the millennial reign is the day of the Lord. God literally declared the end from the beginning. Six days of labor for mankind, 6,000 years of mankind, then on the seventh day God rested. The 1,000 year reign is the seventh day. The new earth starts at the second coming, the new heaven comes to earth after the millennial reign and after the great white throne judgement!
Playing a program like this in the background is one of the things that runs up my cellphone time. It is a much better use of my time than leaving commercial radio on in the background. So, the important issue is not having the cellphone playing, but what it is tuned to.
Agreed, but it also shows the Papacy is wrong. It isnt just this one Pope either(im thinking of the Papal persecutions where they hunted and tortured anyone who didn't align with their beliefs.)
Here's a shocker: 2 Peter 2..this chapter talks about false teachers but it's verse 12 that knocked my socks off. Check it out and reflect on it. Get back to me if you can. This verse changed the way I think about people, especially in these times!
@@ZaneFogerty-c3f Amen! Thank you for the Bible verse. I do believe we are living in the last days and Jesus is returning soon. We may see the return of Christ in our lifetime. Nobody knows except the Father but maybe.
The word "anti" in antichrist does not mean someone who is going to be openly anti (against) Christ. That word "anti" in the original Bible language can actually mean "IN PLACE OF". So could the bible antichrist be someone who has actually put himself "in place of" Christ? Well, we have further Bible evidence to support this. In 1 John 2:18-19 it says that there were "many antichrists", who "WENT OUT FROM THE CHURCH". In other words, John is pointing to the fact that those "antichrists" were WITHIN THE CHURCH!! Not only that, but Paul in 2 Thess. 2:3-4 calls the man of sin the "son of perdition". Now there is only one other place in the Bible where the name "son of perdition" is used, and that is in John 17:12 talking about JUDAS! And what was Judas? A professing follower of Christ Jesus. Someone who deceived from WITHIN the "church". "The leader of the Catholic church is defined by the faith as the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such by believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who TAKES THE PLACE of the Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity." (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 3, 1994). "ANTI" - Christ = "IN PLACE OF" Christ!
I am so thankful for this broadcast. It is such a blessing to hear relevant news that agrees with scripture. Thank you for your research, investment and stand of truth!
I for one cannot wait for JESUS CHRIST to come and Resurrect those of us who Truly Believe in HIM and to Truly LIVE with HIM Forevermore! GOD Bless you all with what you are doing in HIS NAME, Blessings from your sister in Christ Julie 🙏🙏🙏
Nope only a surrendering of ones heart to Jesus is the only way and Jesus is the Shepherd who has one fold. As it is written Jesus promised a comforter will come the Holy Spirit not no sinful man who says he is God on earth. Abide in the Word people
Read your Holy Bible. Christians follow Christ. We do not follow another nor do we take direction from another. Thereis only the Word of God. Christ Jesus.
Matthew 7:13-14 (ESV) 13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
"deviates from God's word and the teaching of the Catholic Church". As if a laity had any authority. Church fathers would be puzzled to see that laities now feel authoritative to say what God's word is and what the Catholic Church teaches. Justin Martyr in his Seeds of Love basically states what the Church teaching on salvation for people from other religions is. Never thought to see the day where protestant Catholics would confuse faithful Catholics. Fortunately most Catholics around the world (+95%) still know that no human can be wiser than the Holy Spirit that guides our pope's teachings.
“I have said, Ye are gods; And all of you are children of the most High.” Psalm 82:6 KJV “But ye shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.” Psalm 82:7 KJV
Quote it all so we can see the truth! 5 They do not know nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are shaken. 6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High. 7 "Nevertheless you will die like men And fall like any one of the princes." 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations. (Psalms 82:5, NASB)
"You are gods." Jesus, in quoting this phrase in Joh_10:34, supported the interpretation that the gods were human beings. In a play on words, He claims that if human leaders can be called gods, certainly the Messiah can be called God. McArthur's Bible commentary.
@@rottrod1 Context, please: Messiah wasn't "playing" with words (in the sense that he was implying that he "can be called God"), because he didn't say "You are gods." He was quoting from Psalm 82, "You are elohim," which in his language & culture means "powers," "mighty ones." Moshe was called an elohim, Exod 4:16. In addition to rulers, judges were called elohim, 1st Samuel 2:25. Idols & graven images were also called elohim: Exod 20:3, "You have no other elohim against My face." In the sense that you’re using the term, there is no instance where the Son called himself “God”/Elohim. The context of the verse you quote is at vs 33, where the religious rulers (“elohim”!) accuse Messiah of having called himself “God.” But in vs 36 Messiah corrects this falsity by clarifying not only for them but for us as well: … do you say of him whom the Father set apart and sent into the world “You are blaspheming” because I said, “I am the Son of “God”/Elohim?”
Well its time are catholic brothers to come fully to Christ and Christ alone. No popes here. Just Jesus and the only one we should follow and listen to.
@@RealHooksy quote---Yes, stop listening to your preacher as well--unquote When my preacher speaks, my Bible is OPEN!! To make sure what he says IS BIBLICAL!!! Which Catholics do not do!!!
“You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” I would not want to be the one telling Jesus he was wrong.
@RealHooksy Hey, like I said in the comments. I don't follow any man. I only follow Jesus. I let Jesus lead me. No pope, preacher, influencer, youtuber you name it I don't follow. With the only exception of Jesus Christ, my Savior, my Shepard and Redeemer.
@elcidcampeador9629 why would you tell Jesus is wrong? The rock is meant to be something immovable, sturdy, and undying. But your "Rock" or "Church" has been shaken and it shows corruption in the Vatican and the Roman Catholics and the Leaders appointed to be mediators of Christ.
@@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh because when you humble yourself and propose to a lover, you wait for their answer and then respect it. True love can not be forced.
@@clark987878 : Hmm, interesting. I am not sure i am convinced your answer is the correct answer, but it seems logical and makes sense. Thank you for responding... as Alternate universe Terran Empire Spock says, "I will consider it."
@@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh God is always successful. It is only up to us to accept His loving gift of Jesus or reject Him. True love must be freely given. The choice is up to each of us.
@@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh Because God gave man the free will to know and love Him...but many make themselves God and do not honor or glorify the one true God. We ultimately make the our own decisions as to where we will spend eternity....with our loving holy God or eternity in torment in a very real hell.
By their fruits you will know them. The popes have thought frequently to change scripture. When they changed God's sabbath day to their Sun worshiping day which the prophet Daniel warned about that was a great sin in the eyes of the father and the son. But not to worry because the father always saves a set apart people for his name that will do his commands. 2 thessilonians 2:10-12 truth = Torah. Ps 119:142 2 Thessilonians 2:13-15
Jesus rose from the dead the day after the sabbath. Early Jewish Christians joined in with the synagogue worship, and the readings from the septuagint version of the Old Testament in use at the time of Christ, then the next morning they gathered for the repeating of the last supper on the day of the resurrection because Jesus said, "do this in memory of me". When the Jews expelled the Jewish Christians from the synagogue worship, Christians began having their readings of scripture the same day as the feast of the Lamb's supper. Which is how Sunday got to be the day Christians set apart to gather for the communal worship of God.
The LORD said we're all born our father the devil, until and unless we repent and are born again in spirit becoming only then children of God ALMIGHTY the FATHER. Praying for discernment in the body of Christ so we have one mind in Him ❤
He was speaking of the Pharisees who just told him that their father is Abraham. I do not believe that our "father" is the devil. Is that anywhere else in scripture?
@@rottrod1They didn't say our father is the devil, only that he is our father IF we have not been born again. In other words, the default position is lost, not saved. The default position is that we are not children of God. This is what the apostle John said in John 1:12, "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name."
Bro go to a Catholic mass and see for yourself rather than let someone else form your opinion for you. It's attitudes like that ,that will lead you to be one of the many to be deceived. Catholics are not your enemy your letting the devil divide you by separating us. Criticize all you want but when you announce us as enemies your only showing me how so many deceived people will take the mark
You don’t abandon Christ and his church because of Judas…. There will always be evil within the leadership of the church… But the baby doesn’t go out with the bathwater
You can have the modern heretics, I'm sticking with the unabridged septuagint and the writers of the New Testament, Early Church Fathers, men whose teachers were apostles or the students of the apostles, apostles who our Bible shows knew Jesus personally.
Yeah big shift, they said since 1215 AD at the 4th Lateran Council "there is no salvation outside the catholic church" which is not true, but the polar opposite of what popa Francesco said "all religions are a path to God, like different languages" this is 1st a bad analogy, I see this claim in islam of the different kirat or different dialects the quran was revealed in that harmonize, but they don't in islam. Plus a word used in america can have a completely different definitions in the UK. so alot of issues with this pope. Do we see this man cannot and is not in the same seat and office of peter. He wants to be the cool grandpa and wants peace, but christianity is an exclusivist religion and no religious or political figure can convince us of the opposite, and unfortunately the popesplainers say, "well the pope was not speaking ex cathedra (infallible) which is convenient to claim as a person with no authority, that you know better then the pope himself. this also illustrates our rational mind and good biblical literacy helps to sniff out when people speak in contradiction to what scriptura says.
Try having a ' problem ' child that does not want to go along with the program and does everything in their power to mess up your life and the ' system ' is on their side and make YOU the bad players. Nowhere near selfishness.
Been there, your Right! I pray King Jesus heals your heart from the trauma of a rebellious child that you probably did not deserve, as I didn’t. I was a totally obedient child to my parents, so, I expected the same from my child. Such a disappointment……😪 Couldn’t even get a good God fearing child out of 3 step children either! 😫 All we can do is still pray 🙏 for them All to Repent and get Holy and filled with the Love of Jesus!!! ❤️🤴❤️
I'm definitely not Catholic, but I used to enjoy the human, kind things he used to do, like slipping out a side door and meeting the locals. That was humble and kind.
Being kind is in part being non judge mental forgiving and patient, and help people inclusively. Not doing that isn’t compatible with love. Fear separates people.
A priest does not forgive sin. Jesus forgives sins through the consecrsted hands and words of the priest, as was prescribed by Our Lord when Ho told His Apostles ‘Those whose sins you forgive will be forgiven, those you retain will be retained.” : hence the Sacramenrnof reconciliation ie : confession.
NO religion (all cults at this point have all infiltrated to the very top) can or will save you. ONLY Jesus will and one must have a personal relationship with Him.
Prophecy days he's the last pope. So he would be the one to usher in the false prophet. Imo anyways. He seems to be trying to get us catholics to accept a one world religion. But we know when revelation comes the church falls. So hopefully my fellow Catholics see it comin. It's not I st Catholics but most people will be deceived. I pray for all of us
@@almac4182 what prophecy says anyone is the last pope? I won't even address your comment that the church falls. It is the Body of Christ and his Bride.
@@almac4182the church is removed before the time of ISRAEL’S trouble. The saints in the tribulation don’t have the same promises we have, the Antichrist will wear them out, and will make war against them, they can’t stand up to him. They will see miracles. The great apostasy is the result of the removal of all light. The church is caught up, the trinity, and all the good angles step out of the way and allow the man of sin to be revealed, satan and the fallen realm will have free reign, including bringing the nephilim back. We aren’t in revelation yet, we’re merely at its doorstep!
I am so glad I saw this video. As a life long Catholic and someone who understands my relationship with Jesus saves me not my being a "Catholic". And as such I am Appalled at the Pope's stance that all religions lead to God. NO NO NO! Only through our acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for payment of our sins and grateful alignment with His teachings can we have eternal life through salvation Jesus made possible! If Christ is not your Lord, Savior and God, your afterlife will be hell!
The present religion in the Vatican doesn't seem to be christian anymore....since 1958 when Pope Pius XII died, it all started very slowly, and gradually it changed, theology changed, liturgy changed etc. it means that somewhere along the line, the real valid Pope went out of the picture. There are predictions of Saints in the past, that this would happen
@@nosretep1960 he is not the Anti Christ (yet). Anti Christ would be born from two parents of two different races, according to Hildegard von Bingen. Anti Christ will, most likely come from the direction of islamic extremism
Maybe it goes back further to when Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops kept prostitutes and had illegitimate children and bought their positions with gold, silver, and military power to violently seize lands and possessions in the name of the Church.
@@joni3503 he's a chameleon like Satan who appears the opposite of what he is, and he's obviously inclined towards the Mahdi. There's only ONE human race
I wonder why people think that stress is not a normal part of child - raising. Show me the generation who did without stress when raising a family. It's all part of learning and relying on God. My goodness, raising my family was wrought with stress, and still, it was the best time of my life. And it showed me the good, the bad, and the ugly in me. Wouldn't have happened without the stress of raising children. God cuts you back to square one. And if it wasn't for Him, I don't like to think how it could have ended!
Pure insanity. It's one thing to say all Christian faiths lead to God (which would be a big deal for a pope to say), but to go all out and say all faiths lead to God. Self- contradictory when others faiths say Jesus Christ was just a man and Mohammed is greater than Christ etc.
Will the Pope is right. All religious paths lead to God, but it's not the path that they want to be on. Enter by the narrow path. For the path is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who follow by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the path is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
Religion is the Opiate of the masses and Satan IS THAT DRUG DEALER!!!! Jesus said to "Follow Me" NOT a Religion because ALL Religions are False. Churches, Religions are now All Owned and Controlled by Government and have No Truth -- they're Apostate Churches.
“Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.” (2 Peter 3:17)
No, No. Please look in the Bible which is Jehovah's message for the human race. Col.1:15,16, "He (Jesus Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth ".
John 14:6, I am the way, the Truth and life. Nobody comes to the Father but by me
Is Christ the way to God or the way to the father? How can we come to Christ if we are not first looking for God?
@@kiwisaram9373God is a Trinity, three persons in one being. God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament there are many places where Christ speaks of God as His Father and also says that He and the Father are One. He tells the disciples if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. The Trinity is also seen when Christ is baptized. God the Father calls from Heaven that this is my blessed Son and the Holy Spirit takes on the form of a dove and rests upon Jesus. In the book of John we learn more about this mysterious idea of the Trinity. Jesus is called the Word of God and He is the light of the world as told in the first chapter. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.”
John 1:1-4 NASB1995
If He was with God in the beginning and was involved in the earth’s creation we know He is not just a human but is divine.
One line taken out of context is not an ultimate LAW.😅
@@kiwisaram9373 For most folks, their own moral conscience is the first clue...
Yes, exactly-Jesus’s words !thank you
1st Commandment: You shall never have other gods before me.
The 2nd is not to make any graven image, not to bow to them or serve them for his a Jealous God.
The first "commandment" is "I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" ... its parallel is "thou shalt not murder"; the second is "Thou shalt not have any other gods upon my face" (translated as "before me"); it is a prohibition against having an intercessor, a go-between, or any other idolatrous relationship between us and God -- it is specifically a condemnation of the philosophy of 1 Timothy 2:5. The idea of having a mediator, an intercessor, etc., between us and God is what makes Christianity idolatrous. Not Maryology, not the Byzantine iconology, that just compounds the problem: its root is in I Tim 2:5, and its parallel on the second Tablet is "thou shalt not commit adultery". Having a mediator is like inviting your mistress to dinner and then pretending your wife is being unreasonable. 2 Chronicles 7:14 doesn't say "turn to Jesus", it says return to Me=God, the Almighty Father; not to a prophet, intercessor, liaison, or even son: return to God. All of that aside, as it happens, the actual first commandment is "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28), but I digress...
The Pope never mentioned "OTHER GODS". All worshipping One God "Jesus," the Pope recalled, "taught us to welcome one another as brothers," adding that "this applies first and foremost to us, Christians, Jews, and Muslims, who worship the One God and who refer, albeit in different ways, to Abraham as father in faith."
@@coop2011rAsk a former Muslim who is now a Christian, and they’ll tell you that the “god” of Islam is not YHWH God of the Bible. Jesus Christ is Lord YHWH.
@@Noxy106but the Catholics, popes, have deleted the second commandment and split the tenth to have the ten. See the KJV 1611 for the official Ten Commandments.
Our High Prist - the ONLY One we need between us and the Father - is Jesus.
Amen..praise God.
🙌 book of Hebrews really hones in on this! Yes, Jesus is our high priest forever who intercedes for us.
@@CobyRandalMedia why would you need Jesus to intercede if you're already saved
@@user-dl6jz4bh6h John ch 15
You people just don't respect Jesus's decision to appoint Simon to take care of the flock and hold the keys!😂
Come quickly LORD Jesus Christ
He’s coming soon!
Things are falling right into place for it!
Ooh yes. Come quickly our Lord.
I would far rather have had my children and raised them as I did. Than to not have them.... Now that they have their own small children I am being as encouraging as I can be. Always telling them how good a job they are doing. Occasionally make extremely small suggestions if they seem to be stressed about anything. Listen carefully most of all. Let them vent awhile. ( Going out drinking is not a recipe for happiness for anyone . Seen a lot of people mess their lives up that way.)
The Pope will hand you some Spiritual Dope but Jesus will hand you a living hope.
@timothyfox6807 pfft he couldn't even do that. Sorry not sorry. I trust Jesus only. There is no man on earth that I would listen and follow.
Its hard to rock a rhyme thats right on time. ....but this was pretty good
@@briannehill7583 thanks.
I've never listened to the Pope. Not going to start now.
I've listened to him and that's how I know not to give credence to anything he says.
He's a shocking individual. I'm not Catholic and wouldn't even walk into a Catholic church but when he started talking about accepting homosexuals it was then that I realized the severity of his existence. Millions of people worship this person who refers to himself as the *"Holy Father!"* Mind boggling!
@@The_Lord_has_it,remember the hurah when he was named pope? Seems people did not like him in any position! Now he has tried to take the place of the Son Of God!
@@The_Lord_has_it That is not true. He never said that. He was trying to tell people that our Lord wanted us to confess our sins to the apostles & their successors ... If you would like proof you can go to the LA Times website and purchase the article. Otherwise, stop believing the anti-Catholic lies, told to you. --- Oddly, you believe you can interpret the Bible for yourself (and you cannot), and do not realize your ability to research for the factual truths about the CC (and you can).
*As the Father has sent me, even so I send you. Then he breathed on them, and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained (John 20:21-23).*
Also ...
*Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders (priests) of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:14-16).*
Make the pope's human opinions irrelevant again.
Well, they already are.
=that is so true
Lord Chaitanya, who is non other but Krishna Himself, during His time on Earth has shown us that no only He forgives the most sinful persons - but that He comes especially to deliver the most fallen! Yes, Krishna can forgive every sin - if we sincerely regret, repent, want to change
all religious opinions are irrelevant in the modern world
@@robinwolstenholme6377 there is only one name given among men whereby we must be saved. That is the name of Jesus. Declare Jesus as Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from death and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
all religious opinions are irrelevant in the modern world
🙏 for all the lost.
For whom, AIG? Not before they show some remorse. They're more like los-ers.
@@solipsist3949 The bible teaches that you should forgive and pray for everyone, even your enemies.
Amen. Pray!!!
🙏ing for all mankind.
Then go pray in private cause speaking it isn't prayer and it's seeking attention
You are swine like the bible says
Jesus is the way truth and the life ... the only pathway to God
What is written in Revelation is right on time. Even so come Lord Jesus.
Are you talking about chapters 17 & 18?
@@markreynolds6715 Yes.
And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. - Revelation 17:1-5
Yep. He is the false prophet.
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
{Revelation 17:15}
The seven headed beast of Revelation 17:
The seven heads are symbolic of seven kingdoms, starting with the beast of Daniel chapter 7
1st < Babylon
2nd < Medo-Persia
3rd < Greece
4th < Pagan Rome
5th < Papal Rome; the little horn
("that was" & "is not" & "yet is")
6th < "one is"
The woman that rides the beast is in captivity at the time of John's vision, AFTER receiving the deadly wound from the (atheist) beast from the bottomless pit [Rev 11:7]. This is the beast of THE TIME of John's vision IN THE WILDERNESS.
(Meaning that John is in the wilderness in his vision and not physical on Patmos, and he sees a beast that would come up from out of this wilderness. Read Job 38:26.)
The 7th < "is not yet come"
At the time of John's vision *in the wilderness* this head of the beast was yet to come; this is *the beast from out of the earth* [Rev 13:11];
(And he shall exercise all of the power of the first beast...) when this beast will speak like a dragon.
This beast must continue a short time, as per the others before him.
I believe by the testimony of Jesus, that we are now living in that "short time".
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
{Revelation 17:8}
:11...even he is the eighth, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition.
--There are seven heads at the time of John's vision, five kings/heads/beast are fallen, so this eighth is of the seven kingdoms...."that was"...."and is not"...."yet is" AND received a deadly wound; AND his deadly wound was healed.
This wound is the loss of her (the woman/church that rides the beast.) temporal sword (also her captivity), which is the earthly secular world kingdom.
This is the image of the beast (that great city), who like Babylon of antiquity, who thinks to usurp church and state craft.
The number eight is a metaphor for the resurrection. The eighth is resurrected from a former head of the seven; the 5th head that received a deadly wound.
(When he shall go into perdition: this will be the final dispensation of this beast with seven heads, that is a metaphor for satan.)
(The resurrection; Jn 11:25) Ἰησοῦς/Iēsous = 888
by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration;
I(10), E(8), S(200), O(70), U(400), S(200).
In antiquity the mountain was not only a metaphor for a kingdom, but it was also symbolic of the head of a (river) dragon that was symbolic of a river that flows out from a mountain, after the spring thaw and overflowing its banks, spreading out in the form of the dragon's tail.
The color is scarlet because it is symbolic of the blood of the saints of the Lord.
A woman in prophecy is always a metaphor for a church, in this case (Jezebel) it is the fallen temple of God.
The false prophet, a lamb (Christ like) with two horns, and/but will speak like a dragon (a wolf in sheep's clothing), will be the beast (from out of the earth ... the USA) that will make an image unto the first beast from out of the sea, who received a deadly wound and his deadly wound was healed.
The two horns are a metaphor for two (equal) kingdoms in one, church and state craft.
Medo-Persia also is expressed as having two horns [Dan 8:3], but one was higher, (Persia) and eventually usurps the other.
This is the image of the first beast from out of the sea (Papal Rome). Once the wall of separation of church and state is lost, then will the second beast from out of the earth become the image of the first beast, who claims the authority of both church and state.
Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.
Seems that way!
"To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no LIGHT in them." Isaiah 8:15,19,20
That’s why keeping the commandments is key to being born again 1 John 2:4-6
Woke Pope throws Women under the bus I feel sorry for the Women in Afghanistan
He def woke!
This is not a surprise; the Pope doesn't even know Christ.
Yep, not surprised at all. That's why Catholics are heretics for reinventing Christianity.
He knows Christ. Even Satan knows Christ is God. Francis is simply evil.
since when are you God to read the inner heart of a man? It is not proper to judge the inner faith walk of another-- judge his dumb actions all you like, judge the sloppy thinking and heretical lean of his communications, but the state of his soul is only for God to determine.
@gkseeton The state of his soul is on full display by the wickedness that proceeds from his lips.
So glad i left the Catholic church.
Look into Candace Owens about Frankism. It’s truly disheartening. I pray you go back to your faith. Find a good church. The Pope is a Frankist. Plain and simple.
great to see people leave their cult! They are against Christ instead of in favor!
yes! so glad me and most of my family left the RCC decades ago and have not regretted it once...praying my remaining sister & bil leave that false system as well......they don't agree with this pope either but remaining under him as the titular head of the RCC is lending their consent to his authority.
@@InHerLittleWay this pope is worse than that........he is a satanic communist
@@InHerLittleWaymany of their teachings are wrong.
I don't worry or care about what the pope thinks or does/says.... I have access to and pray to the living Christ who sacrificed himself for me and all of us. I have access to Christ for support and guidance and wisdom forever. There is no such thing as all religions lead to God - There is only one God.
Shame on ‘pope’
Bet he also has 1000 bottles of baby lotion.
I agree with you, but the "pope" has no shame.
There is no Vicker of Christ, I say this with sadness, Jesus Christ is the only head of the Church not any Man and also no Man can forgive Sin,I sadly don't know which is worse, Islam or Catholicism. There is but One Way and it through Christ alone by Grace and faith in Jesus Christ our Savior.
Trusting Jesus Christ in all things.
The pope made it easy to turn my back on the catholic church when he said a relationship with Jesus is dangerous because it's the most important thing you can do in your life.
I can’t even understand how that makes sense!
I donr savy on that?
Did he say that last part (the “because it’s the most important thing” part), or was it just the fully demonic first part?
I said a relationship with Jesus is the most important thing. He said a relationship is dangerous. He is an antichrist for saying that.
I think you need to clarify what you said. It’s not very clear.
I loved being a husband and parent. So says this home schooling dad of nine children. Now, all are adults.
From a public school kid who didn’t get all that: thank you for doing right by your family.
@@bobjob2514 thank you. Dig around. You'll find a home schooling family that was in court over it some 37 to 39 years ago. Religious exemption case.
Just excellent accomplishment ! You will get a great reward !
Glory to God. Let Your will be done Father God.
The woman who said parenting was lonely because she couldn't easily go out drinking and partying with her friends probably reflects the fact that many women today are single parents. Trying to do ANYTHING all by ourselves is challenging and prone to periods of loneliness, so this is not surprising. God said that it is not good for man to be alone. True then. True now.
The pope is going to have to answer for all of this on Judgement Day.
The great white throne judgment when the Book of life will be brought forth. Oh how terrible. But God is Just and He gives all a chance to know His mercy now.
He doesn't fking care or he wouldn't be doing this obviously 😂😂😂
No religions lead you to God. Only faith in Jesus Christ leads you to God because He is God.
You can prove this?
The pope is doing the same thing the king of babylone did... Trying to unite everyone under one banner (one religion, one thought).
The Bible predicted it - Satan will try it one more time to have his one world government .... it's pretty obvious the UN and WEF are and are the precursor to this end time evil kingdom to whom the dragon gave his seat, power, and great authority.
Hideously uncatholic of him.
well, if any of this nonsense were true, there would be only one religion, one denomination of christianity. but we don't have that now do we?
Tower of Babal?
He’s a false prophet.
You are wrong. He is THE false prophet
He is not a prophet. N I'm Catholic we don't consider popes prophets. More like a president. We respect n follow his lead but far from someone we wouldn't criticize. The hate for the Catholic church is insane from people who really never worshipped as catholics
@@almac4182 The Pope is the spiritual leader of the Catholic church. If he's not holding to the truths of Scripture he's untruthful, a false teacher. He is leading the congregation away from Jesus. There is only one way to God, Jesus is The way the truth and the life.
@@katieG21 no I get it. I don't think he's him. I think he might be the one to lead us to the one world religion and false prophet. There that Irish prophecy of all the popes before Armageddon and this pope is the last one on the list. I don't think he has the charisma to decide most the world. But we will see 🤔
@@lorysipel6823 there's a great interview Glenn beck gives about travelling to the Vatican. And cardinals openly telling him about the fight for the church good vs evil. Even introduced him to the so called evil cardinals in the Vatican. Listen he is the leader of the church. That's a far cry from a prophet. I look at popes like presidents. U don't agree 100% sometimes you don't agree 10%. He is considered to be closer to God in this earthly realm but all can be corrupted and revelation says the church will fall we should all be wary. But as catholics, like all Christians, fundamentally believe Jesus is the only way. We are not the enemy and the more you let the devil divide us the harder it will be when most the world will be deceived. Not just non believers most Christians will be deceived into taking the mark. If you push true Catholics away the more of all Christians will fall.
By now even devoted catholics should know that something is rotten in the vatican.
Devoted Catholics make excuses for the Pope just like mothers of delinquent and murderous children cry out "HE'S A GOOD BOY"!
My holy father lives in heaven.
Holy Father ⬆️🙌⬆️
Amen to Jesus is God! ❤
Nope! YHVH is God Yeshua is the SON OF GOD/MESSIAH
@@amypope9098 The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit = God
I and my father are one Christ Jesus Amen
No one comes to the Father, but through Jesus Christ
The pope, the papacy is the first beast of the book of revelation, the little horn in Daniel 7, the harlot of the book of revelation. This is why God calls all his catholic children to come out of Babylon.
You could be right but also you could be wrong remember only God knows the date and time
Yes, God calls all those who are in Babylon, including the people of the false prophet to Come out and “ be separate.” It’s the final call by God to mankind.
Yes, he puts himself in the place of Jesus Christ who is the head of His church (people). He is antichrist.
I agree!
The False prophet under the Popes Fraternity..the one world religious system which will usher in the anti-christ..the beast of Revelation. The son of perdition as per 1 Thessalonians 2..when 'the Restrainer is taken away then the fullness of lawlessness will abound and the Son of perdition will arise '
When he comes finally there is satan presented as God..which has been his aim all along! Wow we are at the end of time from Adam to here.
The unholy trinity..the Beast(as the son), empowered by the dragon-satan & the unholy spirit-the False prophet/the whore.
The Jews will think he is Messiah & will worship him for 3 n half years after a 7 year peace treaty is signed with them..their 3rd temple will be built-already they have everything ready..even the red heifer..so time is close.
For all those who are in Christ they need not fear..they will not be around. But we pray though for those who will be turn to God during the tribulation years..many will say no to the mark as per Revelation 13..but will be a part of the end time overcomers who will reign in the millenial years with Christ.
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Matthew 7:23
There has NEVER been such a thing as an infallible Pope
Kinda makes you wonder if the Pope has ever even read the Bible...
Probably a criteria of his position youd think. Considering he became a celibate.
@Uranium235-g6f yeah there are bad apples in every bunch. More then a handful of Christian youth counsellors can say the same.
@Uranium235-g6f I saw a study once that said the predators intentionally go into positions like that because it puts them close to potential victims and in a trusted position.
@@wingednut2283yet the Bible says a leader of the church is to be the husband of one wife and have a family, as if he doesn’t know how to raise a family he won’t know how to raise a flock…
@@stevenwhite8937 what verse is that from?
Do not be deceived, not even from the woke Pope
Next step, One world religion
The pope breaks with Catholic teaching constantly which is embarrassing.
The main Catholic teaching is to submit to the Roman Pontiff though.
The catholic doctrine has many things that do Not line up with Gods Word.
We do not need to pray through Mary …. The Bible is clear that only Jesus intercedes for us.
We do not ask the Saints to pray for us. The Bible is clear we don’t pray to the dead.
@@lmullett4106 Orthodox here. I agree on the first statement about the innovations of the Roman Church but I can't let you say that the bible rules out prayers for the saints to intercede.
In the book of Revelation we read in the chapter 6: _9 And when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they had upheld. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You avenge our blood and judge those who dwell upon the earth?”_
@@Hope_Boat The verse that you are giving has nothing to do with interceding.
After the seven year tribulation, we come into the thousand year millennial reign, and the Saints will reign with Jesus in Jerusalem. The Bible says so.
No, where in scripture does it say to pray to the saints to intercede for us? In fact, the Bible tells us that only Jesus intercedes for us .
Roman 8:34….1 John 2:1….Hebrews 7:25
Jesus interceded for people during his time on earth, and he continues to do so from heaven .
His intercession is based on his death and resurrection, and He pleads for us, on the basis of who he is, and what He has done .
I follow what God says with the Bible tells me to do .The Catholic Church is false doctrine, and the pope is a false prophet who are leading many astray, right into hell .
@@Hope_Boat First, NOT main Catholic teaching but the hierarchy has him as vicar of Christ, a rather important role. And as for submitting, his authority is still limited to matters of the faith and morality, and only in so far as he upholds the dictates of Scripture. His opinions are his opinions as an ordinary human beyond the charism of his office..
Sounds like he's leading the way for the anti-christ..
He is and has been. He's a false teacher. Here's a shocker: 2 Peter 2..this chapter talks about false teachers but it's verse 12 that knocked my socks off. Check it out and reflect on it. Get back to me if you can. This verse changed the way I think about people, especially in these times!
This is exactly what I have been saying for years that would happen. Now we are actually seeing it happening. He is ushering the anti christ onto the stage. Be ready brothers and sisters in Christ. Shield and cover yourself with Gods Armor. The belt of truth, helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, boots of the gospel of peace, shield of Faith and the sword of the spirit and his word. ❤ stay strong in the faith and keep watch. I pray for us all ❤❤❤❤
He is Anti-Christ!! He claims to be the Vicor of Christ -- Jesus in a veil of flesh!!
Pure Satanic.
No, you dont have the cleanse heart.
Pope speech diplomatic, he did Matt 10:16
He is an anti-Christ
My children were my life; they gave me a reason to get up every day and better myself. However, if I had a supportive husband and he had wanted to be a father, parenting would have been less stressful. Plus, I didn't have a good support system, but Jesus provided in miraculous ways for everything I needed for my kids. Today, they are all successful, wonderful parents and spouses. I'm more than pleased and can only give YWH the glory.
The anti-Christ, doing anti-Christ things. I'm shocked! 😮
No religious practice will get you to heaven..Only thru Jesus is the only way the only Truth and the Life for your soul 🙏🏻❤️
Please define "religious practice" because I don't think you know what that means. We are to obey through actions the teaching in the Bible which IS a religious practice. Failure to do so is referenced in the book of James. no religious practices=dead faith One must believe and act--both are essential.
2/3 of parents feel lonely, cause they are single moms and estranged fathers.
My parents had a farm and one of my sisters and I built a house 'on the farm', so my husband and I raised our kids near grandparents and aunt and uncle. There was good and some bad times, but . . .
There wasn't much loneliness.
@@pamcooper5837 that's the way to do it,
There’s also a problem with the Catholics wanting to pray to Mary and other saints. You only pray to Father and Jesus.
Lots of false worship with catholics
First of all, I don't know, as a Catholic, what he's talking about.
With that said, Church doesn't teach "prayer" to Mary. Pray tell, define prayer. You want to believe that so you believe it. There's no way to get it to your thick head that is not the truth. It is sick to love to hate.
If you live in one of the original 13 Colonies, you have to pray to a court of law. I'm not kidding. The word "pray" always meant "petition; ask" until a group of English speakers changed the meaning to "worship." Catholics use the original meaning.
@kimfleury Would Paul really want Christians-to be asking for him to intercede, for us to appeal to God? Jesus is our high priest.
@@icecoolguita Yet during his life the majority of the new testament is early Christian communities writing Paul and other disciples to ask them about things and seek guidance. Based on your logic, they should never have sent letters, asked for guidance and solely sought Jesus and the Father directly. Good luck.
Revelation 13 is coming! Be ready church! ✝️✝️✝️
Oh it is, I am afraid most don't know it.
@@chuckswanson8496 yes. That's why we have to pray for people and give them the gospel before it's too late.
i do not believe the church will be here when the antichrist comes.
If you actually think we are in the tribulation that’s pretty sad. The first four seals happen within a years time span and wipe out 1/4 of mankind. In the past two hundred years we’ve had 8 billion humans. 1/4 of this is 2 billion. That’s 6 times the highest estimated death toll of ww2. We have not seen the time of Israel’s trouble yet. Let no man deceive you if the antichrist is not here the day of the Lord has not started. The day of the Lord is not just the second coming, it’s the seventieth week which is appointed to the Jews who don’t believe Jesus is messiah and obviously anyone who rejects Jesus will go through it, the church being caught up is the morning star(not the son) it’s mars at 4:00A.M., the time of ISRAEL’S trouble is for ISRAEL that’s the seventieth week and is the son rising, the second coming is full son rise, the millennial reign is the day of the Lord. God literally declared the end from the beginning. Six days of labor for mankind, 6,000 years of mankind, then on the seventh day God rested. The 1,000 year reign is the seventh day. The new earth starts at the second coming, the new heaven comes to earth after the millennial reign and after the great white throne judgement!
No he's working for the devil don't listern to him don't follow him follow Jesus🙏
This is heresy of the highest order
No one should be supposed about this. God told us what will happen in the last days. Get out there and speak the truth Jesus Christ is the only way💯🎉😇
They used to say as a way of affirmation, "Is the pope Catholic?" Now, it would be a way of stating a negatve.
Playing a program like this in the background is one of the things that runs up my cellphone time. It is a much better use of my time than leaving commercial radio on in the background. So, the important issue is not having the cellphone playing, but what it is tuned to.
I just pet my cat so it can purr...that always seems to sooth the savage beast in me..
That man, despises the Bible, and this is no shock to us.. may be for some tho.
Doesn't matter what the pope says. God's will is going to be accomplished with him or without him. God can use anyone to accomplish his goals.
Agreed, but it also shows the Papacy is wrong. It isnt just this one Pope either(im thinking of the Papal persecutions where they hunted and tortured anyone who didn't align with their beliefs.)
@@icecoolguita yes, the RCC is apostate. They are helping to bring in the kingdom of the Antichrist.
Here's a shocker: 2 Peter 2..this chapter talks about false teachers but it's verse 12 that knocked my socks off. Check it out and reflect on it. Get back to me if you can. This verse changed the way I think about people, especially in these times!
@@ZaneFogerty-c3f Amen! Thank you for the Bible verse. I do believe we are living in the last days and Jesus is returning soon. We may see the return of Christ in our lifetime. Nobody knows except the Father but maybe.
The word "anti" in antichrist does not mean someone who is going to be openly anti (against) Christ. That word "anti" in the original Bible language can actually mean "IN PLACE OF". So could the bible antichrist be someone who has actually put himself "in place of" Christ? Well, we have further Bible evidence to support this. In 1 John 2:18-19 it says that there were "many antichrists", who "WENT OUT FROM THE CHURCH". In other words, John is pointing to the fact that those "antichrists" were WITHIN THE CHURCH!! Not only that, but Paul in 2 Thess. 2:3-4 calls the man of sin the "son of perdition". Now there is only one other place in the Bible where the name "son of perdition" is used, and that is in John 17:12 talking about JUDAS! And what was Judas? A professing follower of Christ Jesus. Someone who deceived from WITHIN the "church".
"The leader of the Catholic church is defined by the faith as the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such by believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who TAKES THE PLACE of the Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity." (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. 3, 1994).
"ANTI" - Christ = "IN PLACE OF" Christ!
That cant be correct, In scripture when antichrist is mentioned its always in opposition to God.
Amen! Lord God in Heaven, please open the eyes of the world on this issue. 🙏
I am so thankful for this broadcast. It is such a blessing to hear relevant news that agrees with scripture.
Thank you for your research, investment and stand of truth!
The second he talks about global warming I knew he wasn't from God .
@@jamespringle9821 yes yes yes. I’m so sick of the carbon footprint and the climate control. God controls the climate
I for one cannot wait for JESUS CHRIST to come and Resurrect those of us who Truly Believe in HIM and to Truly LIVE with HIM Forevermore! GOD Bless you all with what you are doing in HIS NAME, Blessings from your sister in Christ Julie 🙏🙏🙏
Nope only a surrendering of ones heart to Jesus is the only way and Jesus is the Shepherd who has one fold. As it is written Jesus promised a comforter will come the Holy Spirit not no sinful man who says he is God on earth. Abide in the Word people
The Pope is supposed to be the vicar of Christ ,not God on earth
There is one way to heaven..... through Jesus Christ.
The Pope makes a mockery v God.
Read your Holy Bible. Christians follow Christ. We do not follow another nor do we take direction from another. Thereis only the Word of God. Christ Jesus.
John 14:6
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
saying you don't need Jesus is akin to saying you don't need to breathe.
I accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my ONLY lord and Saviour. AMEN
First time watching great show.
Matthew 7:13-14 (ESV) 13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Thank you this informative program from a Biblical Perspective your wisdom, insights and encouragement.
Dont hope via pope...
Thank you 🙏☝️💙
We pity the Catholics, Turn to Jesus!!
It would be great to have the links to where the books you presented can be bought.
Yeshua is the only way to God 🤲🙏
"deviates from God's word and the teaching of the Catholic Church". As if a laity had any authority. Church fathers would be puzzled to see that laities now feel authoritative to say what God's word is and what the Catholic Church teaches. Justin Martyr in his Seeds of Love basically states what the Church teaching on salvation for people from other religions is. Never thought to see the day where protestant Catholics would confuse faithful Catholics. Fortunately most Catholics around the world (+95%) still know that no human can be wiser than the Holy Spirit that guides our pope's teachings.
“I have said, Ye are gods; And all of you are children of the most High.” Psalm 82:6 KJV
“But ye shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.” Psalm 82:7 KJV
Quote it all so we can see the truth!
5 They do not know nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.
7 "Nevertheless you will die like men And fall like any one of the princes."
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations. (Psalms 82:5, NASB)
"You are gods." Jesus, in quoting this phrase in Joh_10:34, supported the interpretation that the gods were human beings. In a play on words, He claims that if human leaders can be called gods, certainly the Messiah can be called God. McArthur's Bible commentary.
@@rottrod1 Context, please:
Messiah wasn't "playing" with words (in the sense that he was implying that he "can be called God"), because he didn't say "You are gods." He was quoting from Psalm 82, "You are elohim," which in his language & culture means "powers," "mighty ones." Moshe was called an elohim, Exod 4:16. In addition to rulers, judges were called elohim, 1st Samuel 2:25. Idols & graven images were also called elohim: Exod 20:3, "You have no other elohim against My face."
In the sense that you’re using the term, there is no instance where the Son called himself “God”/Elohim. The context of the verse you quote is at vs 33, where the religious rulers (“elohim”!) accuse Messiah of having called himself “God.” But in vs 36 Messiah corrects this falsity by clarifying not only for them but for us as well: … do you say of him whom the Father set apart and sent into the world “You are blaspheming” because I said, “I am the Son of “God”/Elohim?”
Thank you AinG, it’s comforting having a reliable source in these times. You guys are awesome!!
Well its time are catholic brothers to come fully to Christ and Christ alone. No popes here. Just Jesus and the only one we should follow and listen to.
Yes, stop listening to your preacher as well
@@RealHooksy quote---Yes, stop listening to your preacher as well--unquote
When my preacher speaks, my Bible is OPEN!! To make sure what he says IS BIBLICAL!!!
Which Catholics do not do!!!
“You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” I would not want to be the one telling Jesus he was wrong.
@RealHooksy Hey, like I said in the comments. I don't follow any man. I only follow Jesus. I let Jesus lead me. No pope, preacher, influencer, youtuber you name it I don't follow. With the only exception of Jesus Christ, my Savior, my Shepard and Redeemer.
@elcidcampeador9629 why would you tell Jesus is wrong? The rock is meant to be something immovable, sturdy, and undying. But your "Rock" or "Church" has been shaken and it shows corruption in the Vatican and the Roman Catholics and the Leaders appointed to be mediators of Christ.
The POPE is a blessing in one matter. He has the remnant reading the Holy Scriptures for themselves.
Summary: All other religions are man’s attempt to reach God or godhood. Christianity is Gods attempt to reach man.
Attempt?? Why is God not 100% succesful in His outreach project?
@@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh because when you humble yourself and propose to a lover, you wait for their answer and then respect it. True love can not be forced.
@@clark987878 : Hmm, interesting. I am not sure i am convinced your answer is the correct answer, but it seems logical and makes sense. Thank you for responding... as Alternate universe Terran Empire Spock says, "I will consider it."
@@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh God is always successful. It is only up to us to accept His loving gift of Jesus or reject Him. True love must be freely given. The choice is up to each of us.
@@ColinWrubleski-eq5sh Because God gave man the free will to know and love Him...but many make themselves God and do not honor or glorify the one true God. We ultimately make the our own decisions as to where we will spend eternity....with our loving holy God or eternity in torment in a very real hell.
Pure evil. Misleading people.
By their fruits you will know them.
The popes have thought frequently to change scripture. When they changed God's sabbath day to their Sun worshiping day which the prophet Daniel warned about that was a great sin in the eyes of the father and the son. But not to worry because the father always saves a set apart people for his name that will do his commands.
2 thessilonians 2:10-12 truth = Torah. Ps 119:142
2 Thessilonians 2:13-15
Jesus rose from the dead the day after the sabbath. Early Jewish Christians joined in with the synagogue worship, and the readings from the septuagint version of the Old Testament in use at the time of Christ, then the next morning they gathered for the repeating of the last supper on the day of the resurrection because Jesus said, "do this in memory of me". When the Jews expelled the Jewish Christians from the synagogue worship, Christians began having their readings of scripture the same day as the feast of the Lamb's supper. Which is how Sunday got to be the day Christians set apart to gather for the communal worship of God.
Isn't this rich. religious apologists pointing at other religious apologists and saying, Don't believe the claims of that religious apologist.
The LORD said we're all born our father the devil, until and unless we repent and are born again in spirit becoming only then children of God ALMIGHTY the FATHER. Praying for discernment in the body of Christ so we have one mind in Him ❤
He was speaking of the Pharisees who just told him that their father is Abraham. I do not believe that our "father" is the devil. Is that anywhere else in scripture?
@@rottrod1They didn't say our father is the devil, only that he is our father IF we have not been born again. In other words, the default position is lost, not saved. The default position is that we are not children of God. This is what the apostle John said in John 1:12,
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name."
Wouldn't depending on a Bible be using it as a ''go-between'' .... between you & the father?
Charles Spurgeon sermons tell us all we need to know about Catholic Church & not to make peace with them
yes, 'churches together' is a demon policy
Bro go to a Catholic mass and see for yourself rather than let someone else form your opinion for you. It's attitudes like that ,that will lead you to be one of the many to be deceived. Catholics are not your enemy your letting the devil divide you by separating us. Criticize all you want but when you announce us as enemies your only showing me how so many deceived people will take the mark
You don’t abandon Christ and his church because of Judas…. There will always be evil within the leadership of the church… But the baby doesn’t go out with the bathwater
@@amark350you're an ignorant liar if you think the baby and bathwater analogy applies to the Catholic Church.
You can have the modern heretics, I'm sticking with the unabridged septuagint and the writers of the New Testament, Early Church Fathers, men whose teachers were apostles or the students of the apostles, apostles who our Bible shows knew Jesus personally.
There are no two ways.Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
Narrow road to heaven and not many find IT
Why are we debating false teachings and doctrine? We should expose it immediately and move on ...
Yeah big shift, they said since 1215 AD at the 4th Lateran Council "there is no salvation outside the catholic church" which is not true, but the polar opposite of what popa Francesco said "all religions are a path to God, like different languages" this is 1st a bad analogy, I see this claim in islam of the different kirat or different dialects the quran was revealed in that harmonize, but they don't in islam. Plus a word used in america can have a completely different definitions in the UK. so alot of issues with this pope. Do we see this man cannot and is not in the same seat and office of peter. He wants to be the cool grandpa and wants peace, but christianity is an exclusivist religion and no religious or political figure can convince us of the opposite, and unfortunately the popesplainers say, "well the pope was not speaking ex cathedra (infallible) which is convenient to claim as a person with no authority, that you know better then the pope himself. this also illustrates our rational mind and good biblical literacy helps to sniff out when people speak in contradiction to what scriptura says.
I am subscribed but never got notification of this vid. Just letting you know.
Try having a ' problem ' child that does not want to go along with the program and does everything in their power to mess up your life and the ' system ' is on their side and make YOU the bad players.
Nowhere near selfishness.
Been there, your Right! I pray King Jesus heals your heart from the trauma of a rebellious child that you probably did not deserve, as I didn’t. I was a totally obedient child to my parents, so, I expected the same from my child. Such a disappointment……😪
Couldn’t even get a good God fearing child out of 3 step children either! 😫
All we can do is still pray 🙏 for them All to Repent and get Holy and filled with the Love of Jesus!!!
I'm definitely not Catholic, but I used to enjoy the human, kind things he used to do, like slipping out a side door and meeting the locals. That was humble and kind.
The pope it's not a Christian
Being kind is in part being non judge mental forgiving and patient, and help people inclusively. Not doing that isn’t compatible with love. Fear separates people.
A Priest can not forgive your sins. He is not equil to JESUS CHRIST.
A priest does not forgive sin. Jesus forgives sins through the consecrsted hands and words of the priest, as was prescribed by Our Lord when Ho told His Apostles ‘Those whose sins you forgive will be forgiven, those you retain will be retained.” : hence the Sacramenrnof reconciliation ie : confession.
@HenryGi.but God forgives sins through a priest.get educated
@@BernadetteMadden-v5j only through JESUS CHRIST WILL GOD FORGIVE SINS. Not the Pope eithier
NO religion (all cults at this point have all infiltrated to the very top) can or will save you. ONLY Jesus will and one must have a personal relationship with Him.
You might be looking at the false prophet that Revelation tells you about
Prophecy days he's the last pope. So he would be the one to usher in the false prophet. Imo anyways. He seems to be trying to get us catholics to accept a one world religion.
But we know when revelation comes the church falls. So hopefully my fellow Catholics see it comin. It's not I st Catholics but most people will be deceived. I pray for all of us
In the history of the church, there have been numerous bad leaders.
Even with Christ himself, Judas was there… so nothing new under the sun.
@@almac4182 what prophecy says anyone is the last pope? I won't even address your comment that the church falls. It is the Body of Christ and his Bride.
@@almac4182the church is removed before the time of ISRAEL’S trouble. The saints in the tribulation don’t have the same promises we have, the Antichrist will wear them out, and will make war against them, they can’t stand up to him. They will see miracles. The great apostasy is the result of the removal of all light. The church is caught up, the trinity, and all the good angles step out of the way and allow the man of sin to be revealed, satan and the fallen realm will have free reign, including bringing the nephilim back. We aren’t in revelation yet, we’re merely at its doorstep!
No! he is antichrist, for he thinks to take the place of Jesus as the head of the church.
I am so glad I saw this video. As a life long Catholic and someone who understands my relationship with Jesus saves me not my being a "Catholic". And as such I am Appalled at the Pope's stance that all religions lead to God. NO NO NO! Only through our acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for payment of our sins and grateful alignment with His teachings can we have eternal life through salvation Jesus made possible! If Christ is not your Lord, Savior and God, your afterlife will be hell!
The present religion in the Vatican doesn't seem to be christian anymore....since 1958 when Pope Pius XII died, it all started very slowly, and gradually it changed, theology changed, liturgy changed etc. it means that somewhere along the line, the real valid Pope went out of the picture. There are predictions of Saints in the past, that this would happen
According to St Malachy he's the final super monster Devil. All the evidence pointing there😮
@@nosretep1960 he is not the Anti Christ (yet). Anti Christ would be born from two parents of two different races, according to Hildegard von Bingen. Anti Christ will, most likely come from the direction of islamic extremism
Maybe it goes back further to when Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops kept prostitutes and had illegitimate children and bought their positions with gold, silver, and military power to violently seize lands and possessions in the name of the Church.
@@joni3503 he's a chameleon like Satan who appears the opposite of what he is, and he's obviously inclined towards the Mahdi. There's only ONE human race
My friend the pope is the Antichrist not necessarily him but the system of vatcan
I wonder why people think that stress is not a normal part of child - raising. Show me the generation who did without stress when raising a family. It's all part of learning and relying on God. My goodness, raising my family was wrought with stress, and still, it was the best time of my life. And it showed me the good, the bad, and the ugly in me. Wouldn't have happened without the stress of raising children. God cuts you back to square one. And if it wasn't for Him, I don't like to think how it could have ended!
That's a really big lie .
...and we all know who the father of all lies is ...he was a liar from the beginning.
Pure insanity. It's one thing to say all Christian faiths lead to God (which would be a big deal for a pope to say), but to go all out and say all faiths lead to God. Self- contradictory when others faiths say Jesus Christ was just a man and Mohammed is greater than Christ etc.
Will the Pope is right. All religious paths lead to God, but it's not the path that they want to be on. Enter by the narrow path. For the path is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who follow by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the path is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
The broad way does lead to a god… the god of this world….
Religion is the Opiate of the masses and Satan IS THAT DRUG DEALER!!!!
Jesus said to "Follow Me" NOT a Religion because ALL Religions are False.
Churches, Religions are now All Owned and Controlled by Government and have No Truth -- they're Apostate Churches.
“Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.” (2 Peter 3:17)
There is only one way to the Father. Not only one way to god. Because even the evil one is the god of this world.
Only one way to the father who is God... God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit
@@grammystanley8736 I was correcting her quote. But even you have quoted scripture poorly..
No, No. Please look in the Bible which is Jehovah's message for the human race. Col.1:15,16, "He (Jesus Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth ".