Exactly, whether the Anti-Deity Donut (which prevented all gods) had a beginning isn't even a question that applies to it! I just get to claim things magically exist without a cause with no evidence (with no _proof that I know it_ ), and therefore this proves gods can't exist. Finally a theist who understands the "logic" proving gods can't exist!
something that is not real cannot be the cause of anything.till any god is proven to be true we are entitled to treat God claims as superstitious nonsense.
Life came one way father God made man. Man sin keep braking commandments for he came to take the world sin. He came as sun. In mind he is still the holy ghost spirt in mind stop ask how god when he's powerful. Evaluation needs braines to grow. Big bang ideas pop Atheists are a blank page looking for a drawing. Blueprint. Seed he plants, the eyes see as fast as light so blink how fast are there motion picture the vision for the energy is in the mind. For big bang faults. Evaluation faults till you involved god atheists St. Sieth ta words are power for let there be light
@@e.theresebradley5966 LOL!! So true, check out www.shroudresearch.net/home.html and also AE911 and Denver Airport shape, murals and horse. WTF, Shroud of Turin is cool.
@@acemak14721 evolution suggests we came from apes infact evolutionists also falsely claim that we share 99 percent of DNA with chimps which is a fabricated lie and lastly evolution has never explained where DNA comes from because DNA is information and information only comes from intelligent sources so what programmed DNA to design life because it's hypocrisy to say life is just a mixup of chemicals over a long period of time that is absolutely rubbish. To look at the sun and the earth and just to see a zebra walking and to even suggest this all happened by chance is to be more ignorant than the word ignorant itself.
God has no beginning and no end "I am the Alpha and the Omega". It is beyond our comprehension to even try to wrap your thought patterns around that, just like being everywhere at once.
The Creator is not part of His creation like an artist is not inside his painting, but the spirit of the Creator is in his work. God is Uncreated, Unknowable essence, impossible for any thing in creation to know except through the word of God from His Prophets and Messengers and the beauty of this universe
@VIII Maus i have NO idea. To possibly create a connection or make Him more approachable. Me? The more I study Him the more I understand I don't know a thing!
Agreed. God's words to Moses were: "I am that I am." But really, that's the same as saying the universe just IS, as Bertrand Russell said (see my comment, above). Still, no proof of God's existence.
@@MrRezillo Read the Revelation of Jesus Christ who comes back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Or, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and was God. The Word is Jesus Christ. That's what the New Testament says, it's not the only thing that equates Jesus with God. Search the Bible and you will find more and more. Just pointing out the obvious for anyone that has read the Bible. God is not going to force you to believe.
@@Jewonastick Remember, this is the god who created everything. If so, why would anyone worship such an incompetent entity? Think of all those diseases it created, that have caused the pain, suffering and death of billions throughout history. Think of all the millions who have died at the hands of all the despots throughout history, yet a so-called omnipotent god stood by and did not a single thing to stop it. Who wouldn't make this world a better place if they were imbued with such omnipotence? Most rational people would, yet a so-called omnipotent god is doing absolutely nothing - and that's because THERE IS NO GOD. The idea of a god - any god - was made up by people in the past to explain things they couldn't comprehend. It's all utter nonsense, which humanity would be infinitely better off without.
@@Jewonastick... it's logical. Before the universe there was no time. Time only came to be after the creation. And the Bible says " God IS from eternity to eternity "...
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv First of all; there's no logic in an immaterial and eternal being. Second; you are trying to defend the bible with the bible. "The bible says" is not an argument
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv the bible full of ridiculous claims and contradictions and falsehood..why on earth would anyone accept as fact the anonymous stories told by fearful uneducated superstitious misogynistic bronze age desert tribesmen in the most backward part of the middle east.?
@@VoluntraryismNottheState so who knows as for myself I believe in God not religions from my experience trying to prove whose wrong or right between Christianity and scientists is useless because they are both humans with theories I don't know what's more ridiculous between talking donkeys and a universe from nothing or a multiverse with infinite dimensions to me they are both ridiculous fact of the matter is people are always people were naturally always wrong doesn't matter how educated we are inside were all still stupid.
@@machinefannatic99 it not really from nothing. It is the condition of the universe before it's current form. What were the principals that governed matter and space.
@PATRIOT MAN bible is written because in acient times people have many strange god and there's no rules,then theres a wise man wrote the bible to turn people belief to one god,and teach us what good and evil.
Let’s humor this for a moment. If something Created God, then you would have to ask what created the thing that created the creator of God? and then you would also have to Ask, what created the creator In which created the creator of God? And so and so on.... it’s paradoxical. God has given the answer to this a long time ago, in the Bible. In Exodus and in revelations. He has always been and will always be. He is that he is. Our father is the Alpha and the Omega. He has created everything, even the things that scientists want to slap a label on and make claims of it being other Than a product of our father.
Xmaest Read my comment again. You’re going the complete opposite direction. I’m saying that God created all, so YES! He is in fact a “creator”... I also literally stated how paradoxical of a question it is to even ask who or what created God, without asking what created the creator... etc etc... good luck.
@@misplacedpawn if we exist because we were created, god exists, who created god? that is not "paradoxical ". If x exists, because it was created, god created everything and exists, who created god?
Xmaest It’s an information paradox... And I’m not into arguing, but neither of our opinions or beliefs, change the truth. I’ll pray for you, Take care.
When my daughter was young she asked about how God could be God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Here was my answer to her; I took a glass of water and asked, "What is in this glass?" "Water", she said. "What happens if I put it in the freezer?" She said, "It turns to ice." Then I asked, "What if I put it in a kettle on a hot stove?" "It turns to steam." she answered. Then I said, "Well, if water can be not only water, but also ice and steam, then God can be what the Bible says he is... the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." It must have worked, because she's never asked me again!
there is no such claim about the trinity in the Bible, if you know such claim written there, be kind and share with us. Also, can that water in a glass be ice, steam and liquid at the same time?
That's the heresy of Molinism. 3 parts separately but not simultaneously. Water can only have one state at a time. The Trinity is all 3 simultaneously.
… God created his holy spirit from water, Adam from soil, angels from light and demons from fire … God refused to forgive adam because of a fruit…ahahahah…that is pettiness.
I enjoy John Lennox - thanks for posting this. Our language, itself, limits us from clearly explaining this. For example, even saying "God is eternal," uses a word that invokes time: Eternal = unlimited time - but we're trying to describe "beyond time and space..." but have no words for that.
Definitely. In a sense we embrace god with our language. It’s easier to explain with our number system. 1,2,3,4 are all expressions of “infinity” (equating to eternal). It’s not so much about our limitations.. it’s more so about our belief. Want someone to disprove god. Have them count to infinity from 0.
@@Dreamskiii Quote: _"Want someone to disprove god. Have them count to infinity from 0."_ I would ask them what is on the other side of the edge of space. Every time you look up at the night sky you're staring at eternity.
Something/somebody had to trigger the beginning of time, and that thing will have to automatically be "outside time" to trigger it, nothing illogical here... And to distinguish between that thing being "something" or "somebody" (i.e. prove it's a conscious entity), just think that it takes a decision to suddenly trigger time, when time itself doesn't exist,and decision is an attribute only conscious entities have...
Steve:Definitely,count your blessings.try that in most Muslim countries.They are in a theological prison bound for eternity without the True God,very sad.thanks
This is why this country was founded. However, not to ponder other religions...but the different sects in Christianity. Christianity is the rock on which this free and prosperous nation rests. Without it...we become as all the other corrupt miserable nations. And we can see the proof of it today, as we have turned out back on Him. He has done in kind.
@@Kirkunik1 , dead-on truthful comment, though very sad... Not even 9/11 could wake us out of our rebellious, self-serving stupor for more than a couple weeks... what will it take?
“Either human intelligence ultimately owes its origin to mindless matter; or there is a Creator. It is strange that some people claim that it is their intelligence that leads them to prefer the first to the second.” John Lennox
Also, the human brain is a biochemical automate. Complex, but automate. And, there is no such thing as "free will". Our decisions were made at lower levels of automaticity than our consciousness became aware of the need to decide on something.
I believe there is infinite power has no beginning and ending that power is within the universe in commutative . That power is neither created nor destroyed but it transform into different form and exist forever.
Even if it is true that life is created by a supreme being. It still doesn't follow that Christianity is true. It still doesn't follow that Christian's God is real. You still have a lot of works to do.
@@clarkelaidlaw1678 I don't know who you are but i will never lie to you dear, HE is real and we were created in HIS image. I guarantee you, just ask HIM once with a loyal heart to show you in a dream that HE is real then, just once with a pure heart. May GOD bless you in CHRIST JESUS.
@@tokaiawomi2847 No, he isn't real. Wars, diseases, natural disasters, starvation, pestilence, etc, have caused the pain, suffering and death of billions throughout human history. So what did your sky fairy do in all that time to alleviate any of it? He is (supposedly) All-powerful and all good, isn't he?? Created everything in six days, didn't he? So one would have to ask why things that, in relative terms, would be so easy for him to deal with, haven't been dealt with in the past, and won't be in the future?? He looked on and did not one single thing, other than let it happen - and still does. So, your God is either not all good and all powerful, or that he doesn't exist at all. My money's on the latter. And please, don't bother with the usual 'as mere human beings we're not meant to know God's purpose' baloney as an answer. Repeating such nonsense doesn't make it any more convincing in its repetition.
Say Almighty Allah is uncreated. He is not bound by anything. The mind of mankind is too limited to understand the unlimited super natural being -- Almighty Allah. Believe in Almighty Allah and His last prophet MOHAMMAD (MBUH) and work according to teachings of the Holy Qur'an. You will surely inter in Al-Jannah (the Paradise. It is promise of Allah. Almighty Allah Bless all of us. Never listen them who deny His exsistenc.They are not on right path.
@@laeequenadvi4746 you are diseaved. Allah can't do anything for you. God is the only God. Muhammad can not do anything for you. Jesus is our savior. Stop spreading false word. God is the true God. Not Alah
I think that the real purpose of apologetics is to strengthen the faith of believers. In my experience very few can be "argued" or "reasoned" into faith, but most come to faith when they reach the end of themselves and realize that there has to be someone "out there" greater than themselves. That's how it worked with me, anyhow.
Cj Senanayake no most don’t because they are blind and don’t humble themselves to submit to the higher power which is god ... Jesus is coming soon get right while you can
I see what you are saying. It is actually the experienced Peace, Hope and Joy of the Lord that convinces the skeptic - not science-y words. However, Peace, Hope and Joy must be credible. That's what apologetics is for - to beat back the cynics and the accusers who attempt to convince the world that peace, hope and joy are not real.
@@alexanderstephen1567 I used to believe in god, I was brought up that way. But looking at it all honestly I see no reason to believe a god exists. I’m not convinced by any of the arguments or evidence I’ve seen to convince me. I’m not even convinced the Jesus of the bible was a real person. So I too used to talk to an imaginary friend, which I find rather embarrassing now!
As eloquent as Mr. Lennox is in his explanations, and as wonderful as those who believe and want to believe in a creator God think his explanations are, the end result is all he has are assertions. No one can show testable and provable evidence of what they believe about God. For all to be as it is a god or gods is not required.
Exactly. He merely pontificates and jokes but never actually proves anything. If he can't do it I think it's safe to conclude no--one can. Hence 'faith'...
There's more than one statement in the Bible indicating that to even look on the face of God would destroy a person. The nature of God is outside of human understanding and cannot be explained or proven by the human mind any more than the human being can stand even in the presents of God. The created will never comprehend the essence of God. Either you are given faith to believe that which you cannot comprehend, or you exist without meaning and are utterly lost. In other words, if one is not willing to believe in God, than He will have nothing to do with that person.
@@chrisneuhaus7188 What you have offered are the beliefs of one religion. Which is not evidence of anything about God. All beliefs about God, including my own, are concepts and nothing more than pure speculation. The result of the limitations in the knowledge and understanding we have as human beings. No one can show testable and provable evidence of God to another person.
Providing evidence for God would be like trying to prove where the universe ends, and what is beyond that, then trying to explain what is beyond that. Try imagining infinity, truly imagining something without end. You'd be wrong in all your assumptions because you can't quantify infinity. People keep trying to put God in a test tube, 😂😂😂
On orb, you’re correct! Scientists do prove the Bible as right! Evolution actually aligns with the 6 day creation. My belief is, those six days were extended time periods... not literally six days. I however do not agree with dinosaurs walking the earth millions of years ago. More like 10,000-40,000 years ago, and died out over time. The flood killed many of them, imo. There’s actually proof of this, but the atheistic scientists are not going to open their minds!
@Ob Ord If evolution exists and is the truth, why do we have any organisms that seem to so closely resemble humans, that ARE NOT considered humans? If our true origin is not the one stated in genesis, what makes you think it's accurate?
Natturner Idk I’m a Christian but I’m not a genius If I don’t know something I’ll usually give an answer that I can try my best to explain I mean most of my life I believed many things most Christians probably wouldn’t believe lol
@@Paul-ts5qw You have to read it in the scriptures to prove that it is there... (That will prove that part.) If you want to make a dirrect connection with God, the instructions are in there also..(Literally.)
How do you determine which ‘He’ to listen to? Multiple religions all claiming the same, cant all be right, none can convince the other, none have evidence to convince the other. Do you see the skeptics problem?
My son and I are just talking about this. He was raised in a Christian home and attended Christian schools. He now is believing that having watched “The case for a Creator”. That we did not evolve from a blob of jelly. But the question he wants answered is, if God made all of us, WHO MADE GOD ? I am trying to find how to answer this question for him. Perhaps this will help me.
I recommend watching Hugh Ross (an astrophysicist), and Nabeel Qureshi. They have very interesting points in my opinion. I agree with lennox on this: The Biblical God is eternal, therefore the question doesn’t apply to him. Outside of that, we need an eternal agent because life (as described in science) needs to come from living things. Therefore there must be an eternal life source at the start of it all, from which all life comes from. I also like to point out the way “time” works when talking about the beginning in John. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” It sounds different to what we describe things. What I also found interesting is that The Word God is literally the name of God. Which is telling us that the Word Is God. Those are some things I think the Holy Spirit revealed to me and I’ve been thinking about too
1 by 1 by 1 is 1 The Son is by the Father... The Spirit is by the Father and Son The Father the Son the Spirit are all said to be THE LORD!!! This is simple. ... Yet infinitely profound
You do have to have faith. But, I would rather have faith in an infinite God then a random chance universe. Look at the consequences if you're wrong from both perspectives
Since there has always been a creation in which man was created, mankind sometimes tends to believe that nothing or better put no one exists outside of that box but GOD does. We live we move we have our being within GOD. HE measures the universe by the spand of HIS hand. But HE humbled HIMSELF and became a man to make HIMSELF truly known and to do what was necessary in order that mankind might be saved through JESUS
Just for future reference, he's Northern Irish, he's from a few miles away from me. Some Irish people would be quite offended by the insinuation they are English, although I doubt he would really care.
@@allforthefans I'm English, and anyone regarding this nitwit as English offends me. The only reason the Irish would be offended in the way you suggest is because, like you, they confuse the actions of the State with ordinary English people. As per usual, we're painted as the pantomime, moustache-twiddling baddy by all those who can only wallow in their eternal victimhood.
It is but not as much as there was a creator. There is no evidence for that claim. It is just claiming magic did it and there are very many religions and god claims with equal footing in the abyss of ignorance.
Just because u cant see something , doesn't mean it dont exist. How can we make something up, withought ever seeing it or feeling it ?, and why does the bible make so much sence in everyday life?
"How can we make something up, withought ever seeing it or feeling it ?," Because we have examples of human beings doing just that throughout history. Are you serious? Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Frost Giants, Big Foot, Gnomes, Elves, Fairies, Minotaurs, Giant Cyclops, Sirens I mean the damn monster in the closet when you're a child and on and on and on and on. None of that crap exists yet someone at some point invented it and people at one time or another and even now believe it. Heck we can even apply that to other religions and gods. The Native Americans had their own gods, the Graeco-Roman pantheon, the pagan gods of Europe, Africa the middle east, Asia all over the damn place people invented and worshiped gods you don't believe exist....yet it is so implausible to think someone thought yours up? I mean this may be uncomfortable to find out, but the name Yahweh and El Elyion (names god is referred to in the bible) were also gods in the polytheistic Canaanite religion. Conveniently enough this is where the ancient hebrews originated and the most likely scenario was they just eliminated gods from their pantheon as time went on until they were left with whichever was their favorite one.
@Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah , well im so sorry i didnt know u were blind . so U dont belive in Love or the wind ?? 😒 do U think a class cup , knows who its creator is ??
@Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah well im sorry u lost your eye sight , god is all around U, and Babys are biggest proof of god ! But is ok, u just dont like the fact that , we gonna go to hell , for watching porn 😜
What parts of the bible make sense? The parts about owning slaves? The parts about incest? What about aiming adulterers? All of these make me warm and fuzzy...
The way John Lennox was sitting on the edge of his seat, gives me a visual of how Jesus/GOD was sitting on the edge of his seat also like....yes I’m that amazing, let me explain, this is to easy. Well son....I’m eternal.
KiLLaKonTroL 99 sorry buddy, but your mere human mined can’t comprehend it. But it’s true. Jesus is the image of the invisible GOD. When you see Jesus you see GOD.
KiLLaKonTroL 99 who said Jesus is pink? The Bible clearly describe Jesus as having skin of bronze. That’s not pink moron. Also you’re a creation made in his likeness, meaning Jesus characteristic, like....love, forgiveness, moral absolutes, and knowing right from wrong. We are made in his likeness but Christ the GOD is not created but born from marry as the image of the invisible GOD. The word came down from his glory because he can
KiLLaKonTroL 99 what are you talking about? That’s why Christ had to die for us because we all fall short of his glory. I’m not perfect and neither are you that’s why we all need Jesus
@divine.defined.sthetics9876 I'm talking about a man who is implying he has wisdom of sorts, "spiritual" perhaps, who needs to call people fools because they disagree with him.
It is amazing to me that we humans think we are so smart that we can with our puny minds figure out our Creator and insist that He has to have come from somewhere because that is our perspective in our existence and He must fit into our thinking. Do we honestly think He has revealed everything about Himself to us at this point? So we say to Him, "You don't exist because we can't figure You out". Same old problem, human pride and self-righteousness.
yet those same puny humans had no problem writing a book about that creator because they magically understood what he was telling them. Kind of funny that they say in the bible that illness is a result of sin, when we now know it is nothing more than microscopic organisms which are also apparently created by the "god of light" -- a mention of that by people who would have no way to have such knowledge would prove the bible is true.
@@Rockcroc2000Rm1wE3erWmNfkL -- if a deity feels a need to keep knowledge away from his creation, then he really isn't much of a compassionate god. Don't you find it stupid that the "knowledge" that was so forbidden in the beginning has all been revealed in his "holy book?" It's almost like the whole thing has been made up or something.
Great is the Lord! and highly to be praised and His greatness is UNFATHOMABLE (meaning, God can only be comprehended to the extent of our perception. (Which is woefully inadequate.) 😇
WildPhotoShooter, The higher than highly supremely superior Bible N TUR Purrrrr TURS do not even know what the word "VERSION" means. I am aware of over 30 VERSIONS. On each VERSION it is written, >Holy Bible< on the COVER. In many places EACH "HOLY VERSION" CONFLICTS WITH EVERY OTHER "HOLY VERSION". Satan loves to laugh TOO! Satan, aka, Gad, aka Gud, aka, God!!!
@@allenelman1233. Yes you talking about the King James VERSION. The Bible he took 7 years to alter here and there to suit his own interpretation and beliefs ? The clue is in the title " King James version". Good old gay King James and his Homosexual friend Bishop Lancelot Andrews and a group of church scribes ....there's nothing wrong with King James being gay but Christians are reading a holy book written by men who they believe are sinners and are now burning in hell. King James was so open about his Homosexuality the public used to shout "Long live Queen James" as he went down the street. Here is an article about King James and his many male lovers. rictornorton.co.uk/jamesi.htm
WildPhotoShooter, I may have known the truth about King Jamie James before You were even born. I also, years ago, read a few of the poems He wrote to his girly BOYfriends. WOW!! Did He ever LOVE TO "Bend over". Btw. You do know there is a QJV TOO, don'tcha? For anyone who may not be aware, QJV means Queen James Version. IT is ANOTHER, WRITTEN ON THE COVER, > Holy Bible
WildPhotoShooter, @ & Re: The KJV. There were 53 "translators" already indoctrinated with RCC/Church of England doctrines of DEMONS BELIEFS who translated from other translations and as to WHY the KJV was and is called the KJV, I can only presume they submitted everything translated, one piece at a time, to "Jamie" to get his approval. Homo James never translated a single solitary word. As for me, I do not know the entire story of WHY it is called the King James Version. I DO KNOW THIS, i.e., The Devil IS IN THE DETAILS. AND in ALL OTHER "VERSIONS".
In physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. Energy is a conserved quantity-the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. Wikipedia
@@rolfme5499 Quote: _"There are no gods!"_ I agree. There are not multiple 'gods'. There's only one Creator God. You made an empty claim. It's not even worth debating because you can't make a reasonable case.
@@hotrodtrucker88 God, Yahweh, or Allah has a time. For it says in Psalms 90:4 "Each day to the Lord us like 1000 years." The Aramic (Hebrew) word for 1000 in this quote is eleph (אֶלֶף). You will find this statement again in the New Testament in 2 Peter 3:8, which uses the Idumean (Greek) word Chilioi (khil'ee-oy, χίλιοι) for 1000 & the word Kurios for Lord or master. Also the Quraan 32:5, which uses the Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) word Alf (ألف) for 1000. So God does have a time, 1000 years is one day to God. So GOD has a life span as the beginning & end.
I love that he used his relationship to his wife to address Gods relation to oneness. I am still standing on the idea that the father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are 3 separate beings but are one in purpose
So what, you're standing on an idea. That proves nothing. None of your beliefs are based in reality or can be proven with empirical evidence so your world view is both irrational and illogical.
I am guessing you are still in high school and have as yet an undeveloped human brain. So I don't put much stature in your statement. Also, you are probably influenced by years of religious indoctrination from childhood when you neither had the intellect or the freedom of choice to distinguish fact from fiction, truth from belief.@@devinolson9053
@@Azharudheen321 r u trying to limit the omniscient omnipotent god by saying he can’t come in a human form? How dare u dummy ?! Ur just an ignorant abdool… i pray for Jesus to show u the right path
No , God can be found ..... How does God create species ? (. By using GENoME helix ...) Triceratops Brontasaurus foot= Elephant foot What is the message in Genesis about “man” “ God must teach them how to speak “ How do we know ? Because, everything takes time. How do language get created ? Using common object metaphor. Island Culture, how many word have to do with , “ The Sea ?” The first mammals were what? G I AN T S..... why ? They were genome of Dinosuars... First people were Giants. God had to teach them everything........How does he teach you to , speak in tongues ? [ This is the age of Revelation ... you must do better than dogma guesswork.....]
@@destroyingangel14 If I'm right in understanding what you are saying, which isn't easy, it would seem that you are presenting a series of unsubstantiated claims. Suppositions galore.
If it were a simple question, both sides wouldn’t labour to answer it. The answer isn’t a trick either, it’s AN answer. To the question. You may not like it, but because you don’t like the answer you don’t also get to then suppose the answer is a ‘trick’. That would be intellectually vapid. A better response would be to (1) explain why the answer is a trick; (2) offer a better answer. You haven’t delivered on either of those. So I can only assume that your own answer is a masterful trick to what was a reply to a difficult question for both Christians and non-Christians.
@@TheB1nary So, you want me to answer a question that I said is UNANSWERABLE because it is known to be unfalsifiable, didn't you notice? It is not possible to answer the unfalsifiable. Genuine answers can be short and clearly understandable which Lennox is not capable of because 'faith' has no basis in fact. Judge on Paul....
God is outside the universe. He is not bound by time, space or matter. Asking the question "who created God" assumes God is a created being who is bound by time. In other words, it assumes there was a time when God did not exist therefore suggesting he is bound by time. This makes the question irrelevant and inapplicable to God because it disregards one of his fundamental qualities. God is a spiritual being who is outside the universe. He is not bound by physics or time. He is eternal, he was not created.
The problem is a logical one: If you can regress INFINITELY- that is, without beginning then there is no beginning. Therefore, nothing exists.There MUST be an unmoved mover or nothing can exist. Same with time. If time has no beginning and you can regress infinitely, you would never get to today.
@Robert Vaughn I think that God is an abstract thing in our Imagination because we believe that someone must be making or creating everything up there. And because it shall never be known some smart guys used this to create Religions to manipulate ,rub, use and distroy people. Because they know that no dead man will ever come back to tell the truth. All this bullshit It is people who wrote all the existing religious books and non believers even are the authors. To be able to Controller the masses nothing else.
So could be said about the universe, therefore one can dispense of your god, whom has not been seen or heard, whereas the universe is observable, thus provable.
@David Watson No doubt. People like this dont seem to get it. God created the universe and all the laws that govern it. he is not bound to them. We are.
1John.1 [3] That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
@@p.vaughan3963 Lev.21: [16] And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, [17] Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. [18] For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, [19] Or a man that is broken footed, or broken handed [20] Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; [21] No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. [22] He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy. [23] Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them.
@@p.vaughan3963 Exod.3 [1] Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. [2] And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. [3] And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. [4] And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. [5] And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. Exod.3: [14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. John.1: [1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John.8: [58] Jesus said unto them, Verily,verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Gen.14: [18] And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. [19] And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: [20] And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. Heb.7 [1] For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; [2] To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; [3] Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Gen.25: [30] And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. [31] And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. [32] And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? [33] And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. [34] Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright. Gen.32: [27] And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. [28] And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Gen.38: [13] And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep. [14] And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife. [15] When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face. [16] And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me? [17] And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it? [18] And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him. Isa.7: [14] Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Matt.1: [23] Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Gen.1: [26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Gen.3: [15] And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Heb.2: [14] Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. Rev.5: [4] And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. [5] And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. [6] And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. [7] And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. Rev.20: [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
@@dransomb1 Thou shalt not kill. -Exodus 20:13 Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side. and slay every man his brother…companion…neighbor. -Exodus 32:27 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. -Proverbs 12:22 The Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. -I Kings 22:23 And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month…Nebuzaradan…came…unto Jerusalem… -2 Kings 25:8 …in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month…came Nebuzaradan…into Jerusalem… -Jeremiah 52:12 Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. -2 Kings 24:8 Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem… -2 Chronicles 36:9 Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. -II Kings 8:26 Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. -II Chronicles 22:2 The list of contradictions in the inerrant word of god goes on, but i bet you won't read that and continue to post verse after verse.
God exists outside of time/space; an eternal Being. The mathematical equation of God's existence is beyond the understanding of humankind. Our arrogance to think that we can possibly understand the mind of God-a Being that put all things into existence-have no bounds. It's like watching a six-year-old trying to outsmart a parent. He's been alive for a minute and thinks he knows it all, lol.
@@shanghunter7697 I believe our arrogance shows much more when we are willing to kill and die for our differing opinions on subjects we understand we can not possibly know. Ancient humans argued they couldn't understand the minds of Thor, Zeus or Ra. For non believers, why is your argument for a personal god more or less valid than theirs? Multiple gods were the norm until the Abrahamic books ..only then did the one god theory start to form . Evolving for humans means we must understand how governments have created religions to shape our belief systems all through history.
Luis A. Colon, not to be impolite, but you, just as anyone else, has no clue, proof nor idea that there's a God in the first place and are only repeating dogma that was programmed into your head when you were younger and others were in control of your mind. First off, there's no such phenomena as a "mathematical equation" of God, especially since you yourself said "The mathematical formula for God is beyond the understanding of humankind". First of all you're leaving it for us to infer that you have a knowledge of something external or existing beyond time and space even though you, your mind and yourself can only exist with these confines, which in itself is ridiculous since neither the human mind nor any other mind that we know of has the ability to think "outside of the three dimensions that we and our minds are all confined by and imprisoned within". To top off the absurdity of your statement, not only do you claim to know of a state outside of existence (which is the same as being outside the three dimensions) but that you also know of the existence of an entity that resides within that state. You also claim to know how long this entity has "been alive" within that state, yet you expect an intelligent person to believe what you said just because you said it, and not only that, but you expect to be believed without explaining how you could possibly know of an existence being outside of time and space etc. in the first place, let alone the state of the alleged entity allegedly residing within.....or without. Just all talk like most on here.
@mtman2 Sorry, my IQ is a government certified 191 to 200, Google it. My comprehension and understanding allows me admission to the most elite circles of thinkers in the world, which in turn means prominent people much smarter than you think my comprehension is excellent. You can Google that too. As I stated earlier, regardless of the "visions" and dogmatic claims of "seeing beyond the confines of time and space", man and his thoughts, whatever they may be about, must be and are limited to what can be visualized and thought of within the confines of this three dimensional time space continuum, and not outside of it. You can spout and voice all the popcorn and cracker jack opposition to fact you can think of however, it will not change nor cancel the reality of that truth. Neither you nor anyone else that's a homosapien can or will ever be able to think beyond the anthropomorphic boundaries imposed by nature on the human mind, no matter how imaginative a thought may be, even if under the influence of Ayahuasca. Now with that understood and said, perhaps you're the one with the limited comprehension. SMIB
@mtman2 Your reply is proof that you know absolutely no more about the subject than anyone else, maybe even less. The fact that you accuse me of being "limited within myself", and unable to exit my "self imposed parameters" is in itself a judgement by you using "limited", three dimensional, dogmatic thought, and composed entirely of and from your limited "worldly dogmatic" perspective. Look, all you're doing is putting your feet in your mouth and directly contradicting yourself from every angle, you know, just like all other human beings who claim to "know" God, and who claim the ability to step outside of their three dimensional prisons do. You're far less intelligent than what I was prepared to give you credit for. Have a good night and don't bother replying being as you have nothing concrete to offer in terms of reason, ration or concrete reality.
@@Itsatz0 the only lord from the gospel. You won't know him till you throw away what you know from man and the world. It's in front of you the bible surrender yourself and you'll find the only God , Elohim.
@@Itsatz0 God of heaven. We call him Father, some of us are his son s and daughters and sad we gotta ask after our ancestors and ppl like inside the WH has been saying hail #satan praise God all the signs he has gave us are lineing up and we get to be with our father, our daddy, and we are going home to be with him
@@fengxianzhe I tried that and nothing happened. I know many people who tried that and nothing happened. Then I looked into it and discovered the bible is a fairytale.
Human beings demand that a Creator have a beginning as they did. They feel in some way it would make Him more relatable to us. Because in our earthly reality, everything has a beginning, a start. Including an atheist, on this discussion, who doesn't even acknowledge the existence of a universal creator is just a big distraction from tackling this issue. So, for me personally, I would just as soon leave him out of it. But since he is included in this vid, I'll patiently acknowledge his prescence. Dawkins has attacked Genesis 1:1, so why not start there? Take another look at that same scripture that he claims to know so well and can easily refute, and ask yourself this question: Is it NECESSARY that God HAVE a beginning? Just like us? Gen1:1-" In the beginning, God created". God is the Creator. He created everything which implies that before him there was nothing. Would he have the right to that designation as the Creator, or the original cause of everything, if someone or something created Him? No. Should we, in our limited existence and limited minds expect to relate to this fully? No. Would a grasshopper with a limited life span of some 40 days easily grasp and relate to the fact that there are living things on this planet that can live , not only 50 + days, but 50 or more years? No. Because that is completely out of their experience and understanding. So just because we cannot fully understand a higher being, with a higher intelligence who could have no beginning or end, doesn't mean that it isn't true.
@M P Your welcome. But credit goes to the writer of that scripture, who claims to have been inspired by his God to include that statement in his writings. Namely Moses.
Well-written, scientific explanation. I use the term "scientific" to encompass rationality and logic, which is ultimately all science is. Many things, including God, cannot be quantified.
@@knowledgetracker Nope you are correct. But we must admit that science in itself has its limitations. So we shouldnt expect science to hold the answer to everything should we? Even amongst the most basic things around us hold mysteries that even now scientists STILL study over and over again. And to me it defies logic. Because I would have thought that by now, with all of its modern day achievements, human investigations- which in part is what science is about- should have discovered ALL the answers. But thet obviously haven't, which proves that scientists are STILL discovering things about well known insects, mammals, fish, birds, plant life, even the make up of the earth itself, the ocean not to mention the universe, that humans still do not understand. But that I like. Because there are scientists who admit that they may never fully understand this world around us in all its complexity. Which too makes it unquantifiable.
just one problem for Mr Lennox..there have been 7,000 plus gods that have been proposed by humans over time in hundreds of different languages and in hundreds of different countries,and there is ang bever has been the slightest evidence that any of them are real.
It is clear that believer and non believers alike believe in the eternity of SOMETHING. Something eternal or uncreated. Whether it be God or some "nothing" or pre-something called a quantum vacuum, etc, everyone is essentially on the same page here. I would rather believe in an eternal, loving, caring, creative intelligence, than an eternal, unfeeling, uncaring, non intelligent material or quantum realm. And I think the evidence points toward the rationality of my faith in this.
If there was a big bang as we currently understand it, there was no "before" it. And since spacetime is expanding at an accelerating rate, eventually everything will be so far apart there will cease to be interactions and therefore no "after". I have preferences too but my desires do not make them real.
@@lrvogt1257 Then we'd still have to go a little further with "How do you know that, "there was no "before" it." (the universe) You are using an absolute negation when you do not possess absolute knowledge. Essentially, we ask the questions to help people search the world and then themselves as to who is assuming to have the most convincing "magic" story. "How Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?"... "Oh - it just popped out of nowhere." ... Now we're back where we started.
@@rhemalithduncan8802 I am pretty sure he answered your question in his post. HE knows by his faith! That's how he knows for sure. He didn't say he could prove it to anyone. it's simply a matter of his personal beliief based on things in his own life that have proven to him that there is a God. He can certainly try his best to explain it to you, like they do in the video but there will always be someone out there trying to explain it away. He can tell you about his experiences but people can think he's either nuts or manipulated by other believers. So there is no way he can prove to you there is a God, My personal feeling is that it's pointless to get in a debate over these things unless debating and arguing is something you're into. He himself knows for a fact there is a God just like you know for a fact anything that you believe. Belief in God is a matter of personal faith but then again belief in anything is pretty much the same thing. That is the only fact that there is proof of.
@@tiffanytaylor1502 If I understand what you are saying on LA Vogt's behalf, I suppose, that whether we are atheists or theists, we are actually more emotionally attached to a concept than intellectually. For example: “If one were to prove this God of the Christians to us, we should be even less able to believe in him... It is our preference that decides against Christianity, not arguments." --- Friedrich Nietzsche Obviously, Nietzsche’s disbelief was based on his will, not just his intellect. It's quite visceral. People believe what they want and dismiss whatever evidence they don't personally favor. Blindness isn't always a physical disability more than just a starkly unreasonable state of mind. To this effect, there is a reasonable purpose for debate, although, at times, it can be visceral and very confrontational. Really it should come across as, "I know that's what you think, but have you considered___________?" Any such discussions about reason vs religion are that way and almost always because we are emotional creatures - no matter how we post the language. I am not an apologist, however. I fail at that... as you could probably tell. But to me, we will always face two driving factors of these debates and these are 'the ambiguity of everything' and 'our insatiable curiosity'... That said. (Typed) I agree that we ALL have a kind of "FAITH" in something that we can't explain entirely, whether we are religious or non-religious... We go into masked, social-media mode and then clash with sparks flying!
Both are entities difficult to define but we can measure empirically the result of their existence, thoughts and actions come as a result of consciousness, these are observable and measurable right? Same goes for energy, the result of an energy force being applied can be seen and can be measured scientifically. You cannot make the same claim of any deity you care to name. His analogy is flawed
Time Bandit - to assume that someone who believes in a God is "religious" is your first mistake. The second is to believe they are delusional. 97% of the world is delusional? Based on the minority 3%? Obviously, you're close-minded, so one can only pray that you experience the Truth one day.
Science is literally the discoveries of God's creation, yet atheist intellectuals reel at that thought. They put all of their faith into humanity rather than God...sad and depressing.
@@knowledgetracker Your first mistake is your first sentence. Not only is it totally irrelevant to what I stated, it's false. Second mistake, your second sentence. Also false. The rest of your comment is irrelevant based on your first two sentences which are both irrelevant and not factual, not true in any way - obviously.
Dr. Kent has a spiritual acuity and understanding that can only be found through Consistent Fellowship and Intentionally Seeking a Relationship with a Divinity outside of Self. Anyone who’s ever prayed with authentic and childlike faith can relate. I believe Prayer (on occasion) can move Gods Hand but more often than not it’s going to move you, your perspective or your heart.
Sophomoric. To state that anything or being can be eternal is an admission that the universe whether as expanded or as singularity can also be eternal.
@@sd200man The universe cannot be eternal. We already know it has a beginning. It has an origin point. If this universe came from a different universe that is somehow eternal, then at that point you're expressing the same level of faith that a Christian does, except you're doing it just so you can avoid the concept of being held accountable for your sins. You're expressing the same level of faith, but only for the purpose of avoiding accountability. That is a coward's belief.
@@NovusIgnis So you're saying that a conscious being can be eternal, but deny that matter and process can't be. That's a childish belief because you are afraid of meaninglessness and mortality. I'd say you're the coward.
@@sd200man No, matter can certainly be eternal. That's within the realm of possibility. Don't pull a Cathy Newman now. Stop with the "so your saying" and read what I actually said. I was very clear, so I don't need a paraphrasing or summation. I said what I said, and it was nothing closer to what you claimed I said.
How do you know he is the alpha and omega besides from the bible? Do you not realize that there are other religions out there? How do you know your God is true and the others false? Your God like many before him could be false. All religions are myths.
@@shanghunter7697 actually I'm not trolling. I was just reading comments. I came across one of them and replied. It's the same thing on any social media site. Also of I was trolling I would have commented on every comment that disagreed with the position I hold. Trust me if I was trolling you would know. By the way nice comment about hoping no one feeds me.
Richard Dawkins, in his book, The God Delusion[1], makes a concerted attack against theism and asks if the universe needed a creator, then what about God? Who created God? Dawkins presents this question as if it was the mother of all arguments against the theistic position. Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad Khalifatul Masih II , in Hasti Bari Tala[7] refers to a hadith that predicts a time to come when atheistic people will use this question as an argument against the existence of God. Let us examine this question a little more deeply. We find that it points to the limitation of inductive reasoning. The question simply does not apply to the Prime Cause, which is, by definition, uncreated. The atheists are reduced to denying the first proposition - that is, everything that has a beginning does not necessarily have a cause and thus the universe simply is. Now either an immeasurably intelligent mind, an all-powerful being, an agent that exists beyond time and space created the universe or the universe, with neither mind nor consciousness, with neither will nor intelligence, first devised the grand laws of nature and then created itself out of absolute nothingness. Take your pick: God or universe. Which is the better candidate to be the Prime Cause? Which is the more rational and intellectually satisfying alternative?
If you believe that god always existed, why is it so difficult to believe that the universe could always have existed in one form or another and need not have been created by a god?
Because we have proof in nature, that organic and intelligent life breeds more organic, intelligent life. What we don’t have evidence of is inorganic lifeless matter magically producing organic life. That’s a hard pill for even some modern evolutionary biologists to swallow.
And this is far from the only universe....this one is still expanding.....God is not affected by time, space or matter. So, God is not affected by the universe(s).
@Natturner I didn't ask you to explain to me what a number is. I asked you to prove the number was conceived in the human mind. you're saying numbers only began to exist when human Minds "needed" them. it's your belief (which you keep stating and restating, as if doing so somehow establishes it is fact) I'm just asking for some proof. going back to the Big Bang thing, would the propositional truth statement, "one piece of matter plus one piece of matter equals two pieces of matter" still have been true even though there were no human Minds present to perceive it? it's not a trick question.
@Natturner nat you sound suspiciously like my good friend Demi dog, or one of his many other aliases. can't answer the question, so you attack my character. 🤣 what I'm detecting is someone who doesn't like the implications of anything that transcends Human Experience. the only thing that's fragile is your worldview. call Rick Rubin.
@M J That's because they are naive.. Atheist literally knows God exists, yet their argument lacks fact, Everything they say is based on stupendous assumption.
@M J Coincidence? Does that means earth and other planets were made out of nothing? The Big Ban happens naturally? Why was the earth chosen for human habitation, rather than other unhabitable plants? DNA formation, adequate oxygen, well designed water formation, Blood cells, among others were 100% coincidence? Nothing is coincidence, everything had been planned by "God Almighty who is the supreme being, Thank you.
@@francisodubela9373 earth is in the habitable zone of the solar system. We were at the perfect distance from the sun. I doubt that we're the only sentient form of life in the universe but none of it was planned. Not unless we're all in a simulation and, even then, the simulation may be designed to be unpredictable.
Thanks for your comment, why was the earth not too closely, nor too farther to the sun? However, it was 100percent placed in the right position. Yet, some says that everything was a coincidence.
@@francisodubela9373 it was just pure luck. It wasn't placed. It's physically unfeasible to just place a planet in a specific place. It was just a coincidence. Please sort your grammar out as well.
I've never heard of this man until today. But I think his answer to the question is, no matter what you believe, you're taking it on faith. Science, Christianity, or whatever, you have no idea where any of all of this began, where its going, or what it all means. We're all ignorant, even scientists. As for me and my house, I'm good with the Lord! Works for me. The logic is there. I see evidence of it all around me and within my life.
Mohamed Luqman - "And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son." - 1 John 5:11 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?"" - John 11:25-26 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." - John 5:24 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16
He is doing overtime, he is out of time and it's time to realise we are in the 21th century. Time to wake up now, time to make peace, time to make a happy world, without gods, because they are the evil of all our history. I don't need the cruelty of all the gods in the world. Before I was born, there was nothing, when I am dead there also is nothing. Get a life, your heaven is now, your hell you create yourselve.
3:50 The naturalist can as easily say "'Who created the universe?' By asking this question, the theist is already assuming the universe was created. But the central naturalist claim is that the universe is eternal. So the question by definition doesn't even apply to it." Exactly equal argumentative footing as what the theist says here.
Lennox avoided the real argument, which is, “if there would be something that logically doesn't need to be created, God, according to Christians, then also the Universe can logically be uncreated”. Usually, religious people say that the Universe had a beginning, the Big Bang, and that would be the difference, but that's not a good argument, since the cause, even if there should be any, for the Big Bang doesn't need to be logically non natural. As far as the energy analogy, it's totally inadequate because science doesn't say energy exists, it just says that this concept, invented by man and described by mathematics, helps us calculate what is going to happen next. No scientist actually believes in energy, they just must know how to use the concept to make predictions. Now, what prediction the trinity of God helps us make?
Gaudio Wind Science doesn't say energy exists? Does it exist when the event being observed is happening? Science may not say it, but you have sense enough to know it exists at some point. The Trinity isn't used for prediction, but to reveal the full nature of God. The difference between the creation of the universe and God is one is a cause, the other is effect. For every action there is a reaction, without God the creation of the universe is an effect without a cause. (For Christians, that is, I know atheists are still searching.) The cause always comes first, without getting into a "god of gaps" debate, we believe this cause to be God. When God said, "I am that I am" he was telling humanity there are some things we can't comprehend, his eternal existence is one of them.
Scott Brady Thanks for replying Scott. Nice talking to someone about interesting issues. I believe we are talking about two points here, the logical need for everything to have a cause and the existence of energy. So, I think, about the first point, you say, in short, that everything must have a cause, except for God. Is that right? And about the second point, the existence of energy, I think we can better understand each other points, after you answer me the following question: Do you believe there is something, which is equal to electrical charge multiplied by the square root of speed (q x sqrt(v))? I tried to create a totally new and unknown equation, q x sqrt(v). Honestly, I don't know if it has ever been referred by any scientist, but I believe it doesn't mean anything at all. However, of course, I could name it as I pleased, since I invented it right now. For example, we could name it as “elecnergs, Es”. Would you believe elecnergs exists just because I can write, Es=q x sqrt(v)?
On the first point, that is right, he is the cause and what upholds all things. We believe he set the laws of physics "by the word of his power". He made and sustains the universe to have free-will moral agents choose to worship him. When we try to trace our steps of cause and effect backwards the steps must stop at a cause. The human mind is limited, this is more than we can fully grasp, but it is okay to think about. On the second point, that question is over my head. My science background since high school chemistry has been Nova and the science channel, but judging from the last question elecnergs (I think that just broke my spellcheck) probably don't exist. To answer the last question, of course not. But if you are reading this now you are consuming electricity. That should prove the existence of energy. I think Lennox was referring to energy in reality, not theory. Not that there is anything wrong with theories to understand our world, but do they mean anything if not applied to reality?
Scott Brady Since we are talking about Lennox argument, I propose that we focus on the logic of it and skip, for the moment, what we believe or not. Is the statement that everything (except, God) needs a cause a logic conclusion or just a premise that you assume to be true without justification? If your answer is that it's a logical conclusion from a reasoning then I'd like you to present that. And about the second point, the existence of energy, I would just like to point out now that I could say that I am consuming oxygen and some kind of fuel, not energy, in my brain to look at the screen. In fact, a lot before science has created the concept of energy, man knew that we needed fuel to make fire, expend effort to produce movement etc. But let's forget this energy issue, for a while, if you don't mind. The first point is already enough for now, isn't it?
That is a tough question, maybe a little of both. Faith tells me to assume without justification, but logic tells me what it told Newton. Somehow the chain of cause and effect was broken, is there anything you could present besides God that is both a cause and effect? If you theorize that before the big bang the universe was packed into a form that could fit in the head of a pin the obvious question is, what caused that? From what the episodes of Nova said about the force that caused the big bang and string theory, the forces locked the laws of physics into place, the same thing the Bible says about God. This force (by way of the laws it set in place) eventually found a way to make people that choose to worship God. I accept that the evidence isn't conclusive, but I see it as enough to connect the dots when coupled with how I feel God works with me personally. Also, on your first comment, why wouldn't whatever created the universe be greater than and transcend the universe's need for creation?
so, your god tortures human beings that He created, in flames, forever ?....what kind of hideous psychotic monster do u believe in ?...that's not the God I believe in.
@@englandshope689 God is love and punishing human kind in a burning flame forever is a false conception,God is not cruel to do that.Repent your sins because jesus is coming very soon.
@@ploppysonofploppy6066Why not share your open-minded insight by illuminating us all with specific examples of his dishonesty - instead of hiding behind unsupported, asinine soundbites?
@@cgo225 OK. What does Lennox always say when asked why he believes there is a god? "Everything needs a creator, and what else could have created the universe, other than God". The obvious follow up question is, "what created god"? "Ah, you see, I don't have to answer that, because god doesnt need a creator, he's always been here". It's called a special pleading fallacy, and in my view, dishonset. Now with an open heart, can you see through that, or even better tell me where I'm wrong?
@@ploppysonofploppy6066 God, by definition, is a transcendental, timeless, spaceless, non-created personal being who exists outside of His creation - that's the essential definition of God. To ask "well what created God then?" is to ignore/overlook the fundamental definition, and is to redefine God as a created entity (which, by definition, He isn't) ..... the question is the wrong question vis-a-vis God. You may not like my answer, but it makes perfect logical sense if you remain honest to the essential definition, rather than shifting the goalposts into a fallacious position.
@@cgo225 So.. Everything needs a creator. Except this thing. And I can't explain why. And you can’t see through that? And I'm changing the goalposts! Thanks for your time. Edit..Do you know what transcendent means?
And Who is responsible for the fact that the prophet of your story couldn't understand God. Are you saying that God, allegedly the most intelligent and powerful being, cannot explain complex ideas in simple terms to a human that he himself created?
MrSidney9 Its as she said. God made humans, but didnt give us everything to believe in, just left us wondering and exploring for ourselves. There are things we werent, or arent capable of understanding, we cant even populate on another planet much less get off of one, yet humans understand of other galaxies and universe. Its to an extent that as u said God is all powerful and intelligent, our human minds cant comprehend him or his ways
I am a christian. If every origin is God, I cannot understand the reason the deformed and cancer infants. I have so many questions that I cannot understand using logical thinking. I admit that I am just a human. But God allow so many meaningless stories in the old testament. I can only comfort myself when I read the new testament, since I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior and He is a loving God. WE DON't KNOW too many thing about God. God is so silent and prayers never answered. But I want to worship God because He is the creator of the universal. Amen
There is a chapter in quran ,it known as mary (pbuh),my fellow Christian brother ,please read that chapter, U Will understand the real story of mary(pbuh) and Jesus(pbnj)😍😍
We eat junk ,swallow a lot of pharmaceutical drugs, poison our bodies with processed foods,are alcoholics,are drug addicts ,live in a polluted world where we poison the rivers,lakes and the sea,pollute the atmosphere with smoke from our factories then blame God for our unhealthy body ,what a pregnant woman eat and drink is passed on to the unborn child. So If we cannot discipline our minds how can we live and survive in a world where we worship materialism and not Spirituality.
Providing an answer to might explain the absurdity of the notion of God. It is so simple. We just do not know if there is such an entity. People should stop trying to explain the unexplainable.
+Jaikee GER the question "who created the Universe? presupposes that the Universe was created. Maybe God and the Universe are the very same thing and they always existed.
pimkytraviesa Nonsense. The one thing science knows about the universe with absolute certainty is that it had a beginning. God spoke the universe into existence: big bang. What you see all around you didn't come into existence accidently by a blind unguided process.
Jaikee GER So to you what and where is God? because there is not such a thing as -outside the universe, bc everything that exists in inside the Universe. That's why I believe that God is in fact the Universe itelf with all its laws and rules. God and the Universe are the same thing, there is no other way around it bc there is no such a thing as outside of the Universe.
Thomas Rimestad You are probably right, who knows for sure?. Still I believe that EVERYTHING IS what it IS, and that includes God. He is not outside, he is EVERYWHERE.
+2consider Imagine you are in a huge container containing lots of stuff other than yourself. The walls of the container, if they exist, are too far away for you to fathom. The walls are either farther away than you can possibly fathom or you are in fact inside something that is infinite. How can you tell if the container is finite or infinite? How can you tell that the container you are in is expanding? By observing (or measuring) the space between the components inside the container. If things are spreading out then we would say the container with all its contents is expanding. The observation from our vantage point would be the same whether the container is infinite or simply unfathomably large. You cannot say that you know for sure that the container is finite and you cannot say you know for sure that there is something outside of the container. Just because the universe is expanding, this does not imply there is anything outside the universe. It does not necessarily mean that it is expanding into something.
"Thinking about it for a long time." That's called meditation. Some people may be afraid of that word, but it's a Biblical word. Meditating on and thinking about God is what we are supposed to do. It's not hard. It's not an effort like in working for something. It's like looking at the stars and wondering about them. God put the stars in the sky. When we look up at the sky and wonder about the stars, we also look beyond them and wonder about God.
@Liberating Theology Oh how convenient. So in theory, if we repurpose our technology engineering, away from trying to travel at the speed of light (for measly interstellar & intergalactic travel) and focus on teleportation engineering, that would allow us to theoretically travel the DISTANCE of a light year in a picosecond, we could, again in theory, meet "god" ? And I'm glad you've at least identified the location of "god". Perhaps you could tell us where's the remains of Jimmy Hoffa?
Cntrol100 hahaha. Keep it up. Your MANIPULATIVE Evil Tactics do Not work with me. God calls sin a sin and so Will I -- Until my Dying day. If you continue to reject Jesus and truth, you alone will suffer as a result of it. You WILL see. If you think Jesus is a wimp, you have yet to see. Jesus is the Most Loving, Most Merciful Being that Ever Existed -- Infinitely more. Yet He will Not tolerate sin around Him, and those of us who trust Him, but for a Limited time. When that time is over, you can reap the consequences of your rebellion towards God and truth. There is NIOTHING you can do to change truth to make it fit your evil desires -- Nothing. But you Can choose to Repent and receive the Forgiveness from an INFINITE God.
@@danasmith1165 How can you be this arrogant, calling other people EVIL for simply not believing in a god? FOr not sharing YOUR opinion about a supernatural being? What if you are the evil one?
i came across a video yesterday saying breaking down atoms into smaller particulars eventually you get sound. What is the "word of God" but sound. The next time youre at church, and people are asking to be heal. Really believe theyre going to be healed. Also if you're the person looking for healing. Receive the energy thats being sent to you.
Great post :) I have a question that to my belief no spiritual person has ever answered. In the 2004 tsunami so many people were wiped off the earth. Some of those people may have been pregnant - so a double loss. This was death before birth. How does this fit with a benign God?
You are talking about "theodicy" .... how can a good God allow evil. He even allowed His own son to be tortured to death and die on a cross. The answer boils down to free will and the introduction of sin in the world. If you could see the world with the eyes of God, death is not always a bad thing. He may end the life of a baby in a flood, for example, to spare that child a lifetime of pain (or sin). And after death is eternity in paradise. A more precise answer would take too much time... but they have books on this subject, again "theodicy".
@@amark350 Hope all well :) Thank you for the response. You mention free will in the first part of your reply and then say God might end a life to spare pain or sin - so how is that earthly agency or free will?
Why the title "WHO CREATED GOD"? Is this not a foolish question? If God is created by any other, then don't call him God he is not God, the God is the one that created him.
Funny how atheists believe in "matter" that has no beginning nor ending ... yet scoff at a "God" that is the same description. Now that's some free thinking.
@@ronaldshank7589 the difference in big bang and a Creator is ... big bang is trillions upon trillions of coincidences ... even down to DNA. With a Creator ... life is intelligent design ... even too the distance of the sun.
@@imcahnor7844 No proof? I just go by the Bible. That's all I need. Now, I'm pretty sure that you're going to call the Bible a made up book, written only by men, but the Bible was written by men, as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit, throughout the time period from the creation of the world, to the book of Revelation. Am I right?
@@joecitizen6755 Do you support the Biblical stance on creation, or do you stand against that? You seem to be supportive of the Biblical account of creation. I just want to make sure as to where you stand, that's all. Not meaning to sound obtuse, but I just wanted to know where you stand on the issue.
So the definition defines god into existence? The better question IS why COULDN’T God have been created? This is a much harder question, unless one wants to make the god arbitrary and within human limits.
You are right in that in that it is a logical fallacy. But wrong on how and why. It is a fallacy of special pleading. Unless of course you can point to any actual evidence of an uncreated being. You don't get to say that everything must follow these ideas except this one thing (your god). That is the definition of special pleading.
Saying god is an un-created being isn't the problem, it's the double standard. It's the claim that the universe requires a creator and saying God does not. Why is that a problem? Because the general explanation (complexity) as to why the universe requires a creator. The same argument can be transposed onto God. The creationist response is again, creating yet another unverifiable claim in some other dimension not bound to the rules of our universe. The thing is, this game of cat and mouse can go on forever, with creationists just making crap up that makes their worldview work. Look, Quantum physicists have recently OBSERVED AND DEMONSTRATED something coming from nothing, establish a closed state of "nothingness" and particles literally popped in and out of existence out of....nothing and have deduced that for lack of better wording...something is nothing and nothing is something. If there is nothing...something will inevitably happen. This has been repeated and every time something comes from nothing. Its just a matter of scaling up the model to show how everything in the universe can come from nothing. The consensus now is a universe from nothing is not only possible, but probable if not inevitable. With that said, I doubt this would change anyone's mind, you can still just say gods the one making this happen I guess.
Ben Gray, JESUS WAS GOD THE FATHER YHUH (John 1:1) AND HE CAME TO EARTH AS "The Son of God". JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER YHUH(in the flesh form). SATAN HAS MANY WAYS TO DECEIVE PEOPLE. HIS MAIN INTENTION IS TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS NOT GOD. NO WONDER, ALL OTHER RELIGIONS PREACH THAT JESUS IS NOT GOD (INCLUDING JEHOVAH WITNESSES)! THESE CHURCHES OF SATAN TAKE THE SAME ROUTE - Only difference is that JWs are more cunning - claiming that they believe Jesus is the Son of God BUT IS NOT GOD THE FATHER - THE FACT IS, THEY DO NOT WORSHIP JESUS AS GOD! Jesus is God -- satan will NEVER admit that! Jehovah Witnesses also follow satan and will never admit that Jesus is God! 1 Timothy 3:16 "GOD was manifest in the flesh!" JESUS SAID THAT HE IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Revelation 1:7,8! John 1;1 clearly states "HE WAS GOD". How many Gods do you think John believed there was? - Answer: ONLY ONE GOD! So, when John stated "He WAS God", he meant that JESUS WAS "THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE FATHER YHUH". Also in John 8:24 -28, JESUS SAID THAT HE IS GOD THE FATHER YHUH (in the flesh). Isaiah calls Jesus "ETERNAL FATHER" & "COUNSELLOR" (Holy Spirit) in Isaiah 9:6 because He understood/knew this. And this is the name by which he will be called: “YHUH our righteousness" Jeremiah 23:5-6. Zechariah 14:9 - In that day there shall be ONE Lord, and HIS NAME ONE - when it that day be? When the world understands that JESUS IS YHUH (in the flesh). THIS VERSE CLEARLY SHOWS THAT GOD THE FATHER (YHUH IN THE SPIRIT) IS JESUS (YHUH IN THE FLESH) - Zech 12;10, YHUH (God The Father) says, "then they will look on ME whom they pierced." WHO WAS PIERCED? Answer: Jesus. God The father CAN SEPARATE HIMSELF - Can you explain Genesis 19:24 (from your Bible) 24 "Then YHWH made it rain sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah it came from YHWH, from the heavens". WHO WAS THE YHWH ON EARTH, AT THE SAME TIME? Remember that no one had ever seen God The Father (scripture states), so who was THIS "YHUH" ON EARTH? Answer: He was "The Word Of God". The final form "The Word of God" took was as Jesus so as to become the sacrificial lamb to pay the penalty for the sin committed by Adam & Eve. BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, "THE WORD BECAME FLESH)". Jesus said in John 16:27 "I CAME OUT FROM GOD". THE BIBLE CLEARLY SHOWS/STATES THAT JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER (in the flesh) AND BEING "THE ARM" OF GOD, HE IS THE CREATOR. DURING THE TIME JESUS WAS ON EARTH HE WAS 100% HUMAN, not both human and God as many Christians WRONGLY think/believe. Hebrews 2:7 "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels" & Psalms 8:5 "For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour" ARE PROOF OF THIS. BEING HUMAN, Jesus prayed to God The Father YHUH saying “You are the only true God”. Jesus had made it clear that His miracles were done by God The Father, John 5:30 "I can of mine own self do nothing". If Jesus was God DURING HIS TIME ON EARTH, WHY DID HE PRAY TO GOD THE FATHER ASKING FOR HIS GLORY TO BE RESTORED? This show that He had NO GLORY during His time on earth. Can God suffer pain, can God feel hungry, tired, thirsty? Can God die (Jesus died!). AFTER HE ASCENDED TO HEAVEN , HE RECEIVED BACK HIS GLORY (His Name YHUH and His Title "God" - "Thy Throne O God") - Philippians 2:9. GOD THE FATHER WILL NEVER CALL ANYONE ELSE "GOD” EXCEPT HIMSELF (in the flesh)! THE IMPORTANT FACT IS WHO IS JESUS NOW IN HEAVEN, not what He was during His short time on earth! It is very important that one should know and believe that JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER (in the flesh). If this is not very important, then WHY DID JESUS SAY IN JOHN 8:24 “FOR IF YE BELIEVE NOT THAT I AM HE, YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS”. Who does the “HE” refer to? THE CONTEXT OF THIS SPEECH WAS ABOUT GOD THE FATHER. Read verse 27 "They understood not that HE SPAKE TO THEM OF THE FATHER". John 8:28 “WHEN YE HAVE LIFTED UP the Son of man (when you have unveiled ME), then shall ye know that I AM HE (then you will realize that I AM GOD THE FATHER- YHUH in the flesh)”. ISAIAH 9:6 CLEARLY STATES THAT JESUS WILL BE CALLED “ETERNAL FATHER”. Matthew 23:9 “And call no man your father upon the earth: for ONE is your Father, which is in heaven - how many Fathers in Heaven? Only ONE! Did Isaiah blasphemously say that Jesus is the Eternal Father? NO! Isaiah knew that Jesus is God The Father YHUH (in the flesh). Stephen saw Jesus standing at the side of God The Father and cried out "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit" - WHY DIDN'T STEPHEN CALL OUT TO GOD THE FATHER WHO WAS BESIDE JESUS? Wouldn't this be an insult to God The Father - to belittle Him? Answer: STEPHEN KNEW THAT JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER YHUH (in the flesh).
"...the question doesn't even apply to Him!"
I loved that. Thank you Dr.John
Exactly, whether the Anti-Deity Donut (which prevented all gods) had a beginning isn't even a question that applies to it! I just get to claim things magically exist without a cause with no evidence (with no _proof that I know it_ ), and therefore this proves gods can't exist. Finally a theist who understands the "logic" proving gods can't exist!
Pure and utter dogma.
he cant answer that question because he has to dismiss his faith to answer it.
We know that God wasn’t created because the Bible tells us so? That’s all he’s got?
something that is not real cannot be the cause of anything.till any god is proven to be true we are entitled to treat God claims as superstitious nonsense.
Why are scientists asking who created God while they tell us the universe came from nothing?
Life came one way father God made man. Man sin keep braking commandments for he came to take the world sin. He came as sun. In mind he is still the holy ghost spirt in mind stop ask how god when he's powerful.
Evaluation needs braines to grow. Big bang ideas pop
Atheists are a blank page looking for a drawing. Blueprint. Seed he plants, the eyes see as fast as light so blink how fast are there motion picture the vision for the energy is in the mind. For big bang faults. Evaluation faults till you involved god atheists St. Sieth ta words are power for let there be light
@@e.theresebradley5966 if you did not get that atheists backwards St. Siehta
@@e.theresebradley5966 it means basically to find out
@@e.theresebradley5966 LOL!! So true, check out www.shroudresearch.net/home.html and also AE911 and Denver Airport shape, murals and horse. WTF, Shroud of Turin is cool.
@@acemak14721 evolution suggests we came from apes infact evolutionists also falsely claim that we share 99 percent of DNA with chimps which is a fabricated lie and lastly evolution has never explained where DNA comes from because DNA is information and information only comes from intelligent sources so what programmed DNA to design life because it's hypocrisy to say life is just a mixup of chemicals over a long period of time that is absolutely rubbish. To look at the sun and the earth and just to see a zebra walking and to even suggest this all happened by chance is to be more ignorant than the word ignorant itself.
God has no beginning and no end "I am the Alpha and the Omega". It is beyond our comprehension to even try to wrap your thought patterns around that, just like being everywhere at once.
Alfa. Omega....what is that ?
@@Hadimful In the Greek Alphabet Alpha is the first and Omega is the last. First and last, none before and none after.
God is 100% faith no faith no god
@@andrewarmstrong7310 in simple word assume
Another way to say this is, "I like fantasies and the 'mystery' will wrap everything".
The Creator is not part of His creation like an artist is not inside his painting, but the spirit of the Creator is in his work. God is Uncreated, Unknowable essence, impossible for any thing in creation to know except through the word of God from His Prophets and Messengers and the beauty of this universe
Trying to define God using our level of intellect is a fool's errand. That is a good thing.
Then why is that exactly what theists are always doing?
@@loganleatherman7647 Hawking was a "theist"?
Trying to define a god that isn't there is a fools errand.
Not a good thing.
@VIII Maus i have NO idea. To possibly create a connection or make Him more approachable. Me? The more I study Him the more I understand I don't know a thing!
@VIII Maus thus Jesus.
Unfathomable are his ways and
The finite cannot fathom the infinite!
Answer: No one. The best explanation of God was in the Old Testament, "I AM."
Agreed. God's words to Moses were: "I am that I am." But really, that's the same as saying the universe just IS, as Bertrand Russell said (see my comment, above). Still, no proof of God's existence.
Well so am I.. so what's your point?
@@patbrennan6572 LOL, I AM, too! Thanks for the chuckle.
@@MrRezillo Yeah, let's see you change water into wine, raise the dead, or forgive sins. ha ha
@@MrRezillo Read the Revelation of Jesus Christ who comes back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Or, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and was God. The Word is Jesus Christ. That's what the New Testament says, it's not the only thing that equates Jesus with God. Search the Bible and you will find more and more. Just pointing out the obvious for anyone that has read the Bible. God is not going to force you to believe.
People often overlook the fact that time/space itself is a creation of God. God is outside the limits of time and space, he has always existed.
And you know this because???
@@Jewonastick Remember, this is the god who created everything. If so, why would anyone worship such an incompetent entity? Think of all those diseases it created, that have caused the pain, suffering and death of billions throughout history. Think of all the millions who have died at the hands of all the despots throughout history, yet a so-called omnipotent god stood by and did not a single thing to stop it. Who wouldn't make this world a better place if they were imbued with such omnipotence? Most rational people would, yet a so-called omnipotent god is doing absolutely nothing - and that's because THERE IS NO GOD. The idea of a god - any god - was made up by people in the past to explain things they couldn't comprehend. It's all utter nonsense, which humanity would be infinitely better off without.
@@Jewonastick... it's logical. Before the universe there was no time. Time only came to be after the creation. And the Bible says " God IS from eternity to eternity "...
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv First of all; there's no logic in an immaterial and eternal being.
Second; you are trying to defend the bible with the bible.
"The bible says" is not an argument
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv the bible full of ridiculous claims and contradictions and falsehood..why on earth would anyone accept as fact the anonymous stories told by fearful uneducated superstitious misogynistic bronze age desert tribesmen in the most backward part of the middle east.?
Bible says God is the Alpha and the omega and you simply can't fathom God.
The Bible also says that snakes and donkeys can talk. So what?
@@VoluntraryismNottheState so who knows as for myself I believe in God not religions from my experience trying to prove whose wrong or right between Christianity and scientists is useless because they are both humans with theories I don't know what's more ridiculous between talking donkeys and a universe from nothing or a multiverse with infinite dimensions to me they are both ridiculous fact of the matter is people are always people were naturally always wrong doesn't matter how educated we are inside were all still stupid.
@@machinefannatic99 it not really from nothing. It is the condition of the universe before it's current form. What were the principals that governed matter and space.
@PATRIOT MAN bible is written because in acient times people have many strange god and there's no rules,then theres a wise man wrote the bible to turn people belief to one god,and teach us what good and evil.
bible is no different with folktale all over the world in many cultures, it's nothing special.
Let’s humor this for a moment.
If something Created God, then you would have to ask what created the thing that created the creator of God? and then you would also have to Ask, what created the creator In which created the creator of God?
And so and so on.... it’s paradoxical.
God has given the answer to this a long time ago, in the Bible. In Exodus and in revelations. He has always been and will always be. He is that he is. Our father is the Alpha and the Omega. He has created everything, even the things that scientists want to slap a label on and make claims of it being other Than a product of our father.
you said "He has created everything", so you are saying god is a creator of things? Aren't you begging the question, what created god?
Read my comment again.
You’re going the complete opposite direction.
I’m saying that God created all, so YES! He is in fact a “creator”...
I also literally stated how paradoxical of a question it is to even ask who or what created God, without asking what created the creator... etc etc... good luck.
@@misplacedpawn stating how "paradoxical " it is, its not an argument.
@@misplacedpawn if we exist because we were created, god exists, who created god? that is not "paradoxical ". If x exists, because it was created, god created everything and exists, who created god?
It’s an information paradox...
And I’m not into arguing, but neither of our opinions or beliefs, change the truth. I’ll pray for you, Take care.
When my daughter was young she asked about how God could be God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Here was my answer to her; I took a glass of water and asked, "What is in this glass?" "Water", she said. "What happens if I put it in the freezer?" She said, "It turns to ice." Then I asked, "What if I put it in a kettle on a hot stove?" "It turns to steam." she answered. Then I said, "Well, if water can be not only water, but also ice and steam, then God can be what the Bible says he is... the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." It must have worked, because she's never asked me again!
there is no such claim about the trinity in the Bible, if you know such claim written there, be kind and share with us. Also, can that water in a glass be ice, steam and liquid at the same time?
That's the heresy of Molinism. 3 parts separately but not simultaneously. Water can only have one state at a time. The Trinity is all 3 simultaneously.
God created his holy spirit from water, Adam from soil, angels from light and demons from fire … God refused to forgive adam because of a fruit…ahahahah…that is pettiness.
This is the dumbest explanation one can offer to an innocent child.
@@V_Diesel …
The daughter knew she was being lied to.
I enjoy John Lennox - thanks for posting this. Our language, itself, limits us from clearly explaining this. For example, even saying "God is eternal," uses a word that invokes time: Eternal = unlimited time - but we're trying to describe "beyond time and space..." but have no words for that.
Definitely. In a sense we embrace god with our language. It’s easier to explain with our number system. 1,2,3,4 are all expressions of “infinity” (equating to eternal). It’s not so much about our limitations.. it’s more so about our belief. Want someone to disprove god. Have them count to infinity from 0.
@@Dreamskiii ua-cam.com/video/MBv5bzC0K8Y/v-deo.html
@@Dreamskiii Quote: _"Want someone to disprove god. Have them count to infinity from 0."_
I would ask them what is on the other side of the edge of space. Every time you look up at the night sky you're staring at eternity.
Something/somebody had to trigger the beginning of time, and that thing will have to automatically be "outside time" to trigger it, nothing illogical here...
And to distinguish between that thing being "something" or "somebody" (i.e. prove it's a conscious entity), just think that it takes a decision to suddenly trigger time, when time itself doesn't exist,and decision is an attribute only conscious entities have...
Beyond time and space is the description of non existant.
One thing about being a Christian I like is we can have discussions about the origin of God without getting shot.
Steve:Definitely,count your blessings.try that in most Muslim countries.They are in a theological prison bound for eternity without the True God,very sad.thanks
in the begining was the word... and died! who arose him tho
This is why this country was founded. However, not to ponder other religions...but the different sects in Christianity. Christianity is the rock on which this free and prosperous nation rests. Without it...we become as all the other corrupt miserable nations. And we can see the proof of it today, as we have turned out back on Him. He has done in kind.
Oh yeah? Try that in the bible belt as then come back and let us know what happened.
@@Kirkunik1 , dead-on truthful comment, though very sad... Not even 9/11 could wake us out of our rebellious, self-serving stupor for more than a couple weeks... what will it take?
“Either human intelligence ultimately owes its origin to mindless matter; or there is a Creator. It is strange that some people claim that it is their intelligence that leads them to prefer the first to the second.”
John Lennox
It's strange to him because he doesn't understand the concept. Ironic.
Also, the human brain is a biochemical automate. Complex, but automate.
And, there is no such thing as "free will". Our decisions were made at lower levels of automaticity than our consciousness became aware of the need to decide on something.
"How about a mindless creator ?"
A Nature itself ...
I believe there is infinite power has no beginning and ending that power is within the universe in commutative . That power is neither created nor destroyed but it transform into different form and exist forever.
Even if it is true that life is created by a supreme being. It still doesn't follow that Christianity is true. It still doesn't follow that Christian's God is real. You still have a lot of works to do.
To have a beginning u need time and space.God is the creator of time and space
@Jim Merrilees do you have a better one? I am all ears
@@LoneWolf-dt7bc Thor is the only god there is. Prove me wrong.
@@George-iv1hi thor does not exist!!! But I do ✍
@@LoneWolf-dt7bc Give me the proof of his non-existence.
What god
Professor John Lennox, I don't get tired of listening to you. May GOD ALMIGHTY grant you sight and insight.
Mr Lennox holds the record for most words spoken about an invisible imaginary friend that he has never demonstrated to be real.
Yes, John Lennox, may your imaginary god bestow imaginary blessings on you.
From a NON-RELIGIOUS, perspective for a change, as well.
@@clarkelaidlaw1678 I don't know who you are but i will never lie to you dear, HE is real and we were created in HIS image. I guarantee you, just ask HIM once with a loyal heart to show you in a dream that HE is real then, just once with a pure heart. May GOD bless you in CHRIST JESUS.
@@tokaiawomi2847 No, he isn't real. Wars, diseases, natural disasters, starvation, pestilence, etc, have caused the pain, suffering and death of billions throughout human history. So what did your sky fairy do in all that time to alleviate any of it? He is (supposedly) All-powerful and all good, isn't he?? Created everything in six days, didn't he? So one would have to ask why things that, in relative terms, would be so easy for him to deal with, haven't been dealt with in the past, and won't be in the future?? He looked on and did not one single thing, other than let it happen - and still does. So, your God is either not all good and all powerful, or that he doesn't exist at all. My money's on the latter. And please, don't bother with the usual 'as mere human beings we're not meant to know God's purpose' baloney as an answer. Repeating such nonsense doesn't make it any more convincing in its repetition.
God is not bound to time,space or matter he was always in existens.
Say Almighty Allah is uncreated. He is not bound by anything.
The mind of mankind is too limited to understand the unlimited super natural being -- Almighty Allah.
Believe in Almighty Allah and His last prophet MOHAMMAD (MBUH)
and work according to teachings of the Holy Qur'an.
You will surely inter in Al-Jannah (the Paradise. It is promise of Allah.
Almighty Allah Bless all of us.
Never listen them who deny
His exsistenc.They are not on right
@@laeequenadvi4746 you are diseaved. Allah can't do anything for you. God is the only God. Muhammad can not do anything for you. Jesus is our savior. Stop spreading false word. God is the true God. Not Alah
Existing _where?_
Marco kuipers a God that exists out side of time, space and known reality is the same as not exist in this universe
I think that the real purpose of apologetics is to strengthen the faith of believers. In my experience very few can be "argued" or "reasoned" into faith, but most come to faith when they reach the end of themselves and realize that there has to be someone "out there" greater than themselves. That's how it worked with me, anyhow.
Most come to faith because of stupidity and/or a lack of knowledge.
@@cjalisyas Yet you are still watching these videos. 😆
Cj Senanayake no most don’t because they are blind and don’t humble themselves to submit to the higher power which is god ... Jesus is coming soon get right while you can
@@jackedvette8258 What if
I see what you are saying. It is actually the experienced Peace, Hope and Joy of the Lord that convinces the skeptic - not science-y words.
However, Peace, Hope and Joy must be credible. That's what apologetics is for - to beat back the cynics and the accusers who attempt to convince the world that peace, hope and joy are not real.
God in himself is a fellowship... Profound thought!
Waffle more like.
That's true wisdom in this man ... He possesses the amazing ability to express his thoughts and knowledge transposed them into words.
@@alexanderstephen1567 Yet he still talks to an in imaginary friend and thinks events in a fairy tale book are real.
@@stanstevens6289 Why do you say "imaginary" Can you explain your thoughts on why you consider God to be imaginary? What stops you from believing?
@@alexanderstephen1567 I used to believe in god, I was brought up that way. But looking at it all honestly I see no reason to believe a god exists. I’m not convinced by any of the arguments or evidence I’ve seen to convince me. I’m not even convinced the Jesus of the bible was a real person. So I too used to talk to an imaginary friend, which I find rather embarrassing now!
As eloquent as Mr. Lennox is in his explanations, and as wonderful as those who believe and want to believe in a creator God think his explanations are, the end result is all he has are assertions. No one can show testable and provable evidence of what they believe about God. For all to be as it is a god or gods is not required.
Exactly. He merely pontificates and jokes but never actually proves anything.
If he can't do it I think it's safe to conclude no--one can. Hence 'faith'...
There's more than one statement in the Bible indicating that to even look on the face of God would destroy a person. The nature of God is outside of human understanding and cannot be explained or proven by the human mind any more than the human being can stand even in the presents of God. The created will never comprehend the essence of God. Either you are given faith to believe that which you cannot comprehend, or you exist without meaning and are utterly lost. In other words, if one is not willing to believe in God, than He will have nothing to do with that person.
@@chrisneuhaus7188 What you have offered are the beliefs of one religion. Which is not evidence of anything about God. All beliefs about God, including my own, are concepts and nothing more than pure speculation. The result of the limitations in the knowledge and understanding we have as human beings. No one can show testable and provable evidence of God to another person.
@@chrisneuhaus7188 Where legend and myth are scripture, and faith is paramount, the truth is irrelevant!
Providing evidence for God would be like trying to prove where the universe ends, and what is beyond that, then trying to explain what is beyond that. Try imagining infinity, truly imagining something without end. You'd be wrong in all your assumptions because you can't quantify infinity. People keep trying to put God in a test tube, 😂😂😂
It is true
Christians and evolutionists don't have all the answers but we Christians have given better answers
On orb, you’re correct! Scientists do prove the Bible as right! Evolution actually aligns with the 6 day creation. My belief is, those six days were extended time periods... not literally six days. I however do not agree with dinosaurs walking the earth millions of years ago. More like 10,000-40,000 years ago, and died out over time. The flood killed many of them, imo. There’s actually proof of this, but the atheistic scientists are not going to open their minds!
What evidence do you have that points to god being the creator?
@Ob Ord If evolution exists and is the truth, why do we have any organisms that seem to so closely resemble humans, that ARE NOT considered humans? If our true origin is not the one stated in genesis, what makes you think it's accurate?
B Well Isn’t 1 day in heaven like 1000 years on earth or something like that I could be wrong I’ve heard it before not sure tho
Natturner Idk I’m a Christian but I’m not a genius If I don’t know something I’ll usually give an answer that I can try my best to explain I mean most of my life I believed many things most Christians probably wouldn’t believe lol
It’s simple, He’s eternal
There is no beginning and there is no end to Him. He was, is, and always will be.
Prove it..
You're dismissing the question you cannot answer. Where did God come from? He didn't just appear.
@@Paul-ts5qw You have to read it in the scriptures to prove that it is there...
(That will prove that part.)
If you want to make a dirrect connection with God, the instructions are in there also..(Literally.)
How do you determine which ‘He’ to listen to? Multiple religions all claiming the same, cant all be right, none can convince the other, none have evidence to convince the other. Do you see the skeptics problem?
Wow why can't the same be said about the universe then?
Who composed the musician?
Unsurprisingly you confuse a composer with a musician.
My son and I are just talking about this. He was raised in a Christian home and attended Christian schools. He now is believing that having watched “The case for a Creator”. That we did not evolve from a blob of jelly. But the question he wants answered is, if God made all of us, WHO MADE GOD ? I am trying to find how to answer this question for him. Perhaps this will help me.
I recommend watching Hugh Ross (an astrophysicist), and Nabeel Qureshi. They have very interesting points in my opinion.
I agree with lennox on this: The Biblical God is eternal, therefore the question doesn’t apply to him. Outside of that, we need an eternal agent because life (as described in science) needs to come from living things. Therefore there must be an eternal life source at the start of it all, from which all life comes from. I also like to point out the way “time” works when talking about the beginning in John. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” It sounds different to what we describe things. What I also found interesting is that The Word God is literally the name of God. Which is telling us that the Word Is God. Those are some things I think the Holy Spirit revealed to me and I’ve been thinking about too
Who, or what created God? Only God can answer that question.
Who made God? God is, was, and always will be. He was not made by anyone.
“Only God can answer that question.”
And He has.
«From eternity to eternity You are God.» (Psalm 90:2)
@@Crich_Leslie I see, and what was he before that? Non existing? Come from something else? "Eternity" means time period.
1 by 1 by 1 is 1
The Son is by the Father...
The Spirit is by the Father and Son
The Father the Son the Spirit are all said to be THE LORD!!!
This is simple. ... Yet infinitely profound
@@truthsayer1662 Does begging the question mean anything to you?
You do have to have faith. But, I would rather have faith in an infinite God then a random chance universe. Look at the consequences if you're wrong from both perspectives
Since there has always been a creation in which man was created, mankind sometimes tends to believe that nothing or better put no one exists outside of that box but GOD does. We live we move we have our being within GOD. HE measures the universe by the spand of HIS hand. But HE humbled HIMSELF and became a man to make HIMSELF truly known and to do what was necessary in order that mankind might be saved through JESUS
its truly biblical sven. they made it up over two millenia.
What about other species. Do they not also exist.Cosmos is to massive for a god of man
It's enjoyable listening to John Lennox, his English accent also makes his stories entertaining and his nuggets of truth easier to digest.
Just for future reference, he's Northern Irish, he's from a few miles away from me. Some Irish people would be quite offended by the insinuation they are English, although I doubt he would really care.
Porkchop Lennox is Irish and his accent northern Irish
@@allforthefans I'm English, and anyone regarding this nitwit as English offends me. The only reason the Irish would be offended in the way you suggest is because, like you, they confuse the actions of the State with ordinary English people. As per usual, we're painted as the pantomime, moustache-twiddling baddy by all those who can only wallow in their eternal victimhood.
Who created the creator of the creator of the creator of the creator of the creator of........
This could go on forever! It is an insane question!
Man's greatest Dumb down moment
The creator is a what that is father of the who. An entity that only rewards wisdom naturally rather than a dependant favour.
Good or evil.
It is but not as much as there was a creator. There is no evidence for that claim.
It is just claiming magic did it and there are very many religions and god claims with equal footing in the abyss of ignorance.
Rational people accept that there's a definite limit on human knowledge. Others just say 'but God...'
Just because u cant see something , doesn't mean it dont exist. How can we make something up, withought ever seeing it or feeling it ?, and why does the bible make so much sence in everyday life?
"How can we make something up, withought ever seeing it or feeling it ?,"
Because we have examples of human beings doing just that throughout history. Are you serious? Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Frost Giants, Big Foot, Gnomes, Elves, Fairies, Minotaurs, Giant Cyclops, Sirens I mean the damn monster in the closet when you're a child and on and on and on and on. None of that crap exists yet someone at some point invented it and people at one time or another and even now believe it. Heck we can even apply that to other religions and gods. The Native Americans had their own gods, the Graeco-Roman pantheon, the pagan gods of Europe, Africa the middle east, Asia all over the damn place people invented and worshiped gods you don't believe exist....yet it is so implausible to think someone thought yours up? I mean this may be uncomfortable to find out, but the name Yahweh and El Elyion (names god is referred to in the bible) were also gods in the polytheistic Canaanite religion. Conveniently enough this is where the ancient hebrews originated and the most likely scenario was they just eliminated gods from their pantheon as time went on until they were left with whichever was their favorite one.
@Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah , well im so sorry i didnt know u were blind . so U dont belive in Love or the wind ?? 😒 do U think a class cup , knows who its creator is ??
@Oh yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah well im sorry u lost your eye sight , god is all around U, and Babys are biggest proof of god ! But is ok, u just dont like the fact that , we gonna go to hell , for watching porn 😜
What parts of the bible make sense? The parts about owning slaves? The parts about incest? What about aiming adulterers? All of these make me warm and fuzzy...
@@iwantmy2dollars Yes ! All of those things , thx 😉
The way John Lennox was sitting on the edge of his seat, gives me a visual of how Jesus/GOD was sitting on the edge of his seat also like....yes I’m that amazing, let me explain, this is to easy. Well son....I’m eternal.
childish reasoning
KiLLaKonTroL 99 sorry buddy, but your mere human mined can’t comprehend it. But it’s true. Jesus is the image of the invisible GOD. When you see Jesus you see GOD.
KiLLaKonTroL 99 who said Jesus is pink? The Bible clearly describe Jesus as having skin of bronze. That’s not pink moron. Also you’re a creation made in his likeness, meaning Jesus characteristic, like....love, forgiveness, moral absolutes, and knowing right from wrong. We are made in his likeness but Christ the GOD is not created but born from marry as the image of the invisible GOD. The word came down from his glory because he can
KiLLaKonTroL 99 what are you talking about? That’s why Christ had to die for us because we all fall short of his glory. I’m not perfect and neither are you that’s why we all need Jesus
Would love to see John and Bishop Barron having a conversation. Would be wonderfully entertaining and brilliant.
They don't even know how to fix the roads
They are foolish, but think they are wise.
Harold Cox
"They are foolish, but think they are wise"
Do wise people state ad hominems because people disagree?
@divine.defined.sthetics9876 I'm talking about a man who is implying he has wisdom of sorts, "spiritual" perhaps, who needs to call people fools because they disagree with him.
It is amazing to me that we humans think we are so smart that we can with our puny minds figure out our Creator and insist that He has to have come from somewhere because that is our perspective in our existence and He must fit into our thinking. Do we honestly think He has revealed everything about Himself to us at this point? So we say to Him, "You don't exist because we can't figure You out". Same old problem, human pride and self-righteousness.
yet those same puny humans had no problem writing a book about that creator because they magically understood what he was telling them. Kind of funny that they say in the bible that illness is a result of sin, when we now know it is nothing more than microscopic organisms which are also apparently created by the "god of light" -- a mention of that by people who would have no way to have such knowledge would prove the bible is true.
@@timq6224 Then you clearly don't understand the meaning of that.
the simpleton will deny reality without reason. What is so clear in your puny human mind that allows you to make your claim?
@@timq6224 Have you heard of the forbidden fruit by any chance?
@@Rockcroc2000Rm1wE3erWmNfkL -- if a deity feels a need to keep knowledge away from his creation, then he really isn't much of a compassionate god. Don't you find it stupid that the "knowledge" that was so forbidden in the beginning has all been revealed in his "holy book?" It's almost like the whole thing has been made up or something.
Great is the Lord! and highly to be praised and His greatness is UNFATHOMABLE (meaning, God can only be comprehended to the extent of our perception. (Which is woefully inadequate.) 😇
Sometimes the right answer to a question is so simple that it becomes unbelievable, especially, when you expect it to be difficult, when it isn't.
God is Alpha and Omega....
In his realm there is no time dimensions....
David Leonardo .
So yours is yet another interpretation.
The higher than highly supremely superior Bible N TUR Purrrrr TURS do not even know what the word "VERSION" means. I am aware of over 30 VERSIONS. On each VERSION it is written, >Holy Bible< on the COVER. In many places EACH "HOLY VERSION" CONFLICTS WITH EVERY OTHER "HOLY VERSION". Satan loves to laugh TOO! Satan, aka, Gad, aka Gud, aka, God!!!
@@allenelman1233. Yes you talking about the King James VERSION. The Bible he took 7 years to alter here and there to suit his own interpretation and beliefs ? The clue is in the title " King James version".
Good old gay King James and his Homosexual friend Bishop Lancelot Andrews and a group of church scribes ....there's nothing wrong with King James being gay but Christians are reading a holy book written by men who they believe are sinners and are now burning in hell.
King James was so open about his Homosexuality the public used to shout "Long live Queen James" as he went down the street. Here is an article about King James and his many male lovers.
I may have known the truth about King Jamie James before You were even born. I also, years ago, read a few of the poems He wrote to his girly BOYfriends. WOW!! Did He ever LOVE TO "Bend over". Btw. You do know there is a QJV TOO, don'tcha? For anyone who may not be aware, QJV means Queen James Version. IT is ANOTHER, WRITTEN ON THE COVER, > Holy Bible
@ & Re: The KJV.
There were 53 "translators" already indoctrinated with RCC/Church of England doctrines of DEMONS BELIEFS who translated from other translations and as to WHY the KJV was and is called the KJV, I can only presume they submitted everything translated, one piece at a time, to "Jamie" to get his approval. Homo James never translated a single solitary word. As for me, I do not know the entire story of WHY it is called the King James Version. I DO KNOW THIS, i.e., The Devil IS IN THE DETAILS. AND in ALL OTHER "VERSIONS".
In physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. Energy is a conserved quantity-the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. Wikipedia
e-=mc2. We know.
@@fredweber6585 did you have a Christian upbringing? It could explain your faith.
this man brought the big guns of wikipedia. ngl as little effort as this is most people forget definitions exist and make their own.
Father I praise you! "God in himself is a fellowship" what a revelation!
There are no gods!
@@rolfme5499 Your entitled to your opinions.. one of the great things God gave man... CHOICE.
@@rolfme5499 Quote: _"There are no gods!"_
I agree. There are not multiple 'gods'. There's only one Creator God.
You made an empty claim. It's not even worth debating because you can't make a reasonable case.
" There is only one creator god "
But there is no creation!
You should learn to distinguish between reality and fairy tales!
@@rolfme5499 _"But there is no creation!"_
Wow. We're done.
I enjoyed this. Thanks for posting
God has always been and will always be
He has neither beginning or end
Nonsense, you cannot KNOW that !
@@rossf5945 To be accurate he IS the beginning and the end.how do I know? He said so.
@@rossf5945 yes I am a Christian , that is why I know that
@@mastercraft888 Stop kidding yourself, your beliefs are the result of indoctrination,not knowledge of some secret/sacred information . Sorry !
@@hotrodtrucker88 God, Yahweh, or Allah has a time. For it says in Psalms 90:4 "Each day to the Lord us like 1000 years." The Aramic (Hebrew) word for 1000 in this quote is eleph (אֶלֶף). You will find this statement again in the New Testament in 2 Peter 3:8, which uses the Idumean (Greek) word Chilioi (khil'ee-oy, χίλιοι) for 1000 & the word Kurios for Lord or master. Also the Quraan 32:5, which uses the Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) word Alf (ألف) for 1000. So God does have a time, 1000 years is one day to God. So GOD has a life span as the beginning & end.
why does he not show himself then?
Your god is imaginary.
@@pladimir_vutin why should he you of little faith Jehovah God is the alfa and omega read revelation
Why do you keep referring to "he" ?
I love that he used his relationship to his wife to address Gods relation to oneness. I am still standing on the idea that the father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are 3 separate beings but are one in purpose
So what, you're standing on an idea. That proves nothing. None of your beliefs are based in reality or can be proven with empirical evidence so your world view is both irrational and illogical.
@@josephrich3509 😂 triggered much!?
I am guessing you are still in high school and have as yet an undeveloped human brain. So I don't put much stature in your statement. Also, you are probably influenced by years of religious indoctrination from childhood when you neither had the intellect or the freedom of choice to distinguish fact from fiction, truth from belief.@@devinolson9053
It makes more sense to believe in God than not too.
Well, keep standing on that idea because it is not in any way a fact.
The spirit of god has allways been here and allways will be, God is spirit and if you dont understand this you do not understand what spirit is.❤
Jesus said “ I am in the Father and the Father is in me”
I am with my Father and my Father is with me -they changed the words
There is only one God Jesus is the messenger of the God
@@Azharudheen321 r u trying to limit the omniscient omnipotent god by saying he can’t come in a human form? How dare u dummy ?! Ur just an ignorant abdool… i pray for Jesus to show u the right path
@@urbancohort7492 Jesus was just a human, he was not the God
@@carltonwhite910 I wonder why?🙄
A master of the trick answers to simple questions that are unanswerable.
No , God can be found .....
How does God create species ?
(. By using GENoME helix ...)
Triceratops Brontasaurus foot= Elephant foot
What is the message in Genesis about “man” “ God must teach them how to speak “
How do we know ?
Because, everything takes time.
How do language get created ?
Using common object metaphor.
Island Culture, how many word have to do with , “ The Sea ?”
The first mammals were what?
G I AN T S..... why ?
They were genome of Dinosuars...
First people were Giants.
God had to teach them everything........How does he teach you to , speak in tongues ?
[ This is the age of Revelation ... you must do better than dogma guesswork.....]
@@destroyingangel14 If I'm right in understanding what you are saying, which isn't easy, it would seem that you are presenting a series of unsubstantiated claims. Suppositions galore.
Easy question, but he doesnt know the answer
If it were a simple question, both sides wouldn’t labour to answer it. The answer isn’t a trick either, it’s AN answer. To the question. You may not like it, but because you don’t like the answer you don’t also get to then suppose the answer is a ‘trick’. That would be intellectually vapid. A better response would be to (1) explain why the answer is a trick; (2) offer a better answer. You haven’t delivered on either of those. So I can only assume that your own answer is a masterful trick to what was a reply to a difficult question for both Christians and non-Christians.
@@TheB1nary So, you want me to answer a question that I said is UNANSWERABLE because it is known to be unfalsifiable, didn't you notice? It is not possible to answer the unfalsifiable. Genuine answers can be short and clearly understandable which Lennox is not capable of because 'faith' has no basis in fact. Judge on Paul....
God is outside the universe. He is not bound by time, space or matter. Asking the question "who created God" assumes God is a created being who is bound by time. In other words, it assumes there was a time when God did not exist therefore suggesting he is bound by time. This makes the question irrelevant and inapplicable to God because it disregards one of his fundamental qualities.
God is a spiritual being who is outside the universe. He is not bound by physics or time. He is eternal, he was not created.
@Julio Carrancho" God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth" John 4:24
The problem is a logical one: If you can regress INFINITELY- that is, without beginning then there is no beginning. Therefore, nothing exists.There MUST be an unmoved mover or nothing can exist. Same with time. If time has no beginning and you can regress infinitely, you would never get to today.
This question is like asking which number is bigger than infinity
Infinity + 1 = Infinity
Infinity is a concept, but it doesn't exist in reality. So, it IS like God, I guess.
God is everywhere and no where at the same time kinda like a *LINE* theres the line and you see the two ends theirs no beginning or end
@Robert Vaughn I think that God is an abstract thing in our Imagination because we believe that someone must be making or creating everything up there. And because it shall never be known some smart guys used this to create Religions to manipulate ,rub, use and distroy people. Because they know that no dead man will ever come back to tell the truth. All this bullshit It is people who wrote all the existing religious books and non believers even are the authors. To be able to Controller the masses nothing else.
Existed in the dark. He is dark god. The god of death.
@David Watson -- you realized that you just explained your own complete ignorance of quantum mechanics....
So could be said about the universe, therefore one can dispense of your god, whom has not been seen or heard, whereas the universe is observable, thus provable.
@David Watson No doubt. People like this dont seem to get it. God created the universe and all the laws that govern it. he is not bound to them. We are.
@@riveratrackrunner God of the living. the one you speak of is Satan.
[3] That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Deuteronomy 23:1.....................................................?
@@p.vaughan3963 Lev.21:
[16] And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
[17] Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God.
[18] For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,
[19] Or a man that is broken footed, or broken handed
[20] Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
[21] No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.
[22] He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy.
[23] Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them.
Genesis 32:30...........John 1:18.....John 4:12 ????????????????
[1] Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
[2] And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
[3] And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
[4] And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
[5] And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
[14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
[58] Jesus said unto them, Verily,verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
[18] And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
[19] And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:
[20] And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.
[1] For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
[2] To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;
[3] Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
[30] And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom.
[31] And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.
[32] And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?
[33] And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.
[34] Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.
[27] And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
[28] And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
[13] And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold thy father in law goeth up to Timnath to shear his sheep.
[14] And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife.
[15] When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face.
[16] And he turned unto her by the way, and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his daughter in law.) And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?
[17] And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it?
[18] And he said, What pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.
[14] Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
[23] Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
[26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
[15] And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
[14] Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.
[4] And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
[5] And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
[6] And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
[7] And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.
[10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Thou shalt not kill. -Exodus 20:13
Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side. and slay every man his brother…companion…neighbor. -Exodus 32:27
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. -Proverbs 12:22
The Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. -I Kings 22:23
And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month…Nebuzaradan…came…unto Jerusalem… -2 Kings 25:8
…in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month…came Nebuzaradan…into Jerusalem… -Jeremiah 52:12
Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. -2 Kings 24:8
Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem… -2 Chronicles 36:9
Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. -II Kings 8:26
Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. -II Chronicles 22:2
The list of contradictions in the inerrant word of god goes on, but i bet you won't read that and continue to post verse after verse.
God exists outside of time/space; an eternal Being. The mathematical equation of God's existence is beyond the understanding of humankind. Our arrogance to think that we can possibly understand the mind of God-a Being that put all things into existence-have no bounds. It's like watching a six-year-old trying to outsmart a parent. He's been alive for a minute and thinks he knows it all, lol.
An excellent comment, us humans ARE so very arrogant. We actually know very little yet many think they know a great deal.
@@shanghunter7697 I believe our arrogance shows much more when we are willing to kill and die for our differing opinions on subjects we understand we can not possibly know. Ancient humans argued they couldn't understand the minds of Thor, Zeus or Ra. For non believers, why is your argument for a personal god more or less valid than theirs? Multiple gods were the norm until the Abrahamic books ..only then did the one god theory start to form . Evolving for humans means we must understand how governments have created religions to shape our belief systems all through history.
Luis A. Colon, not to be impolite, but you, just as anyone else, has no clue, proof nor idea that there's a God in the first place and are only repeating dogma that was programmed into your head when you were younger and others were in control of your mind. First off, there's no such phenomena as a "mathematical equation" of God, especially since you yourself said "The mathematical formula for God is beyond the understanding of humankind". First of all you're leaving it for us to infer that you have a knowledge of something external or existing beyond time and space even though you, your mind and yourself can only exist with these confines, which in itself is ridiculous since neither the human mind nor any other mind that we know of has the ability to think "outside of the three dimensions that we and our minds are all confined by and imprisoned within". To top off the absurdity of your statement, not only do you claim to know of a state outside of existence (which is the same as being outside the three dimensions) but that you also know of the existence of an entity that resides within that state. You also claim to know how long this entity has "been alive" within that state, yet you expect an intelligent person to believe what you said just because you said it, and not only that, but you expect to be believed without explaining how you could possibly know of an existence being outside of time and space etc. in the first place, let alone the state of the alleged entity allegedly residing within.....or without. Just all talk like most on here.
@mtman2 Sorry, my IQ is a government certified 191 to 200, Google it. My comprehension and understanding allows me admission to the most elite circles of thinkers in the world, which in turn means prominent people much smarter than you think my comprehension is excellent. You can Google that too. As I stated earlier, regardless of the "visions" and dogmatic claims of "seeing beyond the confines of time and space", man and his thoughts, whatever they may be about, must be and are limited to what can be visualized and thought of within the confines of this three dimensional time space continuum, and not outside of it. You can spout and voice all the popcorn and cracker jack opposition to fact you can think of however, it will not change nor cancel the reality of that truth. Neither you nor anyone else that's a homosapien can or will ever be able to think beyond the anthropomorphic boundaries imposed by nature on the human mind, no matter how imaginative a thought may be, even if under the influence of Ayahuasca. Now with that understood and said, perhaps you're the one with the limited comprehension. SMIB
@mtman2 Your reply is proof that you know absolutely no more about the subject than anyone else, maybe even less. The fact that you accuse me of being "limited within myself", and unable to exit my "self imposed parameters" is in itself a judgement by you using "limited", three dimensional, dogmatic thought, and composed entirely of and from your limited "worldly dogmatic" perspective. Look, all you're doing is putting your feet in your mouth and directly contradicting yourself from every angle, you know, just like all other human beings who claim to "know" God, and who claim the ability to step outside of their three dimensional prisons do. You're far less intelligent than what I was prepared to give you credit for. Have a good night and don't bother replying being as you have nothing concrete to offer in terms of reason, ration or concrete reality.
As Carl Sagan would SAY,that's a RIDICULOUS question."It's like asking what's North of the North Pole".
Well simply saying it's ridiculous is not a counter argument.
As Christians we are not told as to where or how God came about. We are told to tell the world about Him.
Ahhh...God, is was and always will be...(I just saw someone's statement...same as this...)TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR EVER!!!
Which god?
@@Itsatz0 the only lord from the gospel. You won't know him till you throw away what you know from man and the world. It's in front of you the bible surrender yourself and you'll find the only God , Elohim.
@@Itsatz0 God of heaven. We call him Father, some of us are his son s and daughters and sad we gotta ask after our ancestors and ppl like inside the WH has been saying hail #satan praise God all the signs he has gave us are lineing up and we get to be with our father, our daddy, and we are going home to be with him
@@fengxianzhe I tried that and nothing happened. I know many people who tried that and nothing happened. Then I looked into it and discovered the bible is a fairytale.
@@Teresahorner The bible is a proven fairytale. The history of Christianity is so ghastly it must be from the devil.
Human beings demand that a Creator have a beginning as they did. They feel in some way it would make Him more relatable to us. Because in our earthly reality, everything has a beginning, a start.
Including an atheist, on this discussion, who doesn't even acknowledge the existence of a universal creator is just a big distraction from tackling this issue. So, for me personally, I would just as soon leave him out of it. But since he is included in this vid, I'll patiently acknowledge his prescence. Dawkins has attacked Genesis 1:1, so why not start there? Take another look at that same scripture that he claims to know so well and can easily refute, and ask yourself this question: Is it NECESSARY that God
HAVE a beginning? Just like us?
Gen1:1-" In the beginning, God created". God is the Creator.
He created everything which implies that before him there was nothing.
Would he have the right to that designation as the Creator, or the original cause of everything, if someone or something created Him? No.
Should we, in our limited existence and limited minds expect to relate to this fully? No. Would a grasshopper with a limited life span of some 40 days easily grasp and relate to the fact that there are living things on this planet that can live , not only 50 + days, but 50 or more years? No. Because that is completely out of their experience and understanding.
So just because we cannot fully understand a higher being, with a higher intelligence who could have no beginning or end, doesn't mean that it isn't true.
@M P Your welcome. But credit goes to the writer of that scripture, who claims to have been inspired by his God to include that statement in his writings. Namely Moses.
Well-written, scientific explanation. I use the term "scientific" to encompass rationality and logic, which is ultimately all science is. Many things, including God, cannot be quantified.
@@knowledgetracker Nope you are correct. But we must admit that science in itself has its limitations.
So we shouldnt expect science to hold the answer to everything should we?
Even amongst the most basic things around us hold mysteries that even now scientists STILL study over and over again. And to me it defies logic. Because I would have thought that by now, with all of its modern day achievements, human investigations- which in part is what science is about- should have discovered ALL the answers. But thet obviously haven't, which proves that scientists are STILL discovering things about well known insects, mammals, fish, birds, plant life, even the make up of the earth itself, the ocean not to mention the universe, that humans still do not understand. But that I like. Because there are scientists who admit that they may never fully understand this world around us in all its complexity. Which too makes it unquantifiable.
Keith Bell - I agree
The word God
Just signifies
Something bigger
then ourselves
God could represent
The Universe or
Some other object
Or objects...
I ❤ that 🔥🔥🔥
What an incredible insight.
imaginary fellowship.
just one problem for Mr Lennox..there have been 7,000 plus gods that have been proposed by humans over time in hundreds of different languages and in hundreds of different countries,and there is ang bever has been the slightest evidence that any of them are real.
That opened up my mind more deeply about the mystery of the Holy Trinity.
@@johnmacneil6663 Riight?!!
When the Holy Spirit speaks through a scientist, you get this incredible person.
It is clear that believer and non believers alike believe in the eternity of SOMETHING. Something eternal or uncreated. Whether it be God or some "nothing" or pre-something called a quantum vacuum, etc, everyone is essentially on the same page here. I would rather believe in an eternal, loving, caring, creative intelligence, than an eternal, unfeeling, uncaring, non intelligent material or quantum realm. And I think the evidence points toward the rationality of my faith in this.
If there was a big bang as we currently understand it, there was no "before" it. And since spacetime is expanding at an accelerating rate, eventually everything will be so far apart there will cease to be interactions and therefore no "after". I have preferences too but my desires do not make them real.
@@lrvogt1257 Then we'd still have to go a little further with "How do you know that, "there was no "before" it." (the universe) You are using an absolute negation when you do not possess absolute knowledge. Essentially, we ask the questions to help people search the world and then themselves as to who is assuming to have the most convincing "magic" story. "How Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?"... "Oh - it just popped out of nowhere." ... Now we're back where we started.
@@rhemalithduncan8802 I am pretty sure he answered your question in his post. HE knows by his faith! That's how he knows for sure. He didn't say he could prove it to anyone. it's simply a matter of his personal beliief based on things in his own life that have proven to him that there is a God. He can certainly try his best to explain it to you, like they do in the video but there will always be someone out there trying to explain it away. He can tell you about his experiences but people can think he's either nuts or manipulated by other believers. So there is no way he can prove to you there is a God, My personal feeling is that it's pointless to get in a debate over these things unless debating and arguing is something you're into. He himself knows for a fact there is a God just like you know for a fact anything that you believe. Belief in God is a matter of personal faith but then again belief in anything is pretty much the same thing. That is the only fact that there is proof of.
@@tiffanytaylor1502 If I understand what you are saying on LA Vogt's behalf, I suppose, that whether we are atheists or theists, we are actually more emotionally attached to a concept than intellectually. For example: “If one were to prove this God of the Christians to us, we should be even less able to believe in him... It is our preference that decides against Christianity, not arguments."
--- Friedrich Nietzsche Obviously, Nietzsche’s disbelief was based on his will, not just his intellect. It's quite visceral. People believe what they want and dismiss whatever evidence they don't personally favor. Blindness isn't always a physical disability more than just a starkly unreasonable state of mind.
To this effect, there is a reasonable purpose for debate, although, at times, it can be visceral and very confrontational. Really it should come across as, "I know that's what you think, but have you considered___________?" Any such discussions about reason vs religion are that way and almost always because we are emotional creatures - no matter how we post the language. I am not an apologist, however. I fail at that... as you could probably tell. But to me, we will always face two driving factors of these debates and these are 'the ambiguity of everything' and 'our insatiable curiosity'... That said. (Typed) I agree that we ALL have a kind of "FAITH" in something that we can't explain entirely, whether we are religious or non-religious... We go into masked, social-media mode and then clash with sparks flying!
@@rhemalithduncan8802 you said it better than I did
What is consciousness? What is energy? Great questions! Loved this video!
If one don't know what these things are, ones has to look for the right answer, not invent one on the form of invisible gods.
Both are entities difficult to define but we can measure empirically the result of their existence, thoughts and actions come as a result of consciousness, these are observable and measurable right? Same goes for energy, the result of an energy force being applied can be seen and can be measured scientifically. You cannot make the same claim of any deity you care to name. His analogy is flawed
Consciousness is a virtual reality inside on ones mind. Energy is the capacity of system for doing work.
@@Mark13091961 Brilliant!
So ..... everything must be created so therefore there is a creator. Except the Creator. He is the exception. What a complete cop out.
Science, modern science especially, proves out a creator. To believe the myth that everything just happened is a child's fantasy.
Time Bandit - to assume that someone who believes in a God is "religious" is your first mistake. The second is to believe they are delusional. 97% of the world is delusional? Based on the minority 3%? Obviously, you're close-minded, so one can only pray that you experience the Truth one day.
Science is literally the discoveries of God's creation, yet atheist intellectuals reel at that thought. They put all of their faith into humanity rather than God...sad and depressing.
@@ImperialLegionTV its there one god or more gods?
@@knowledgetracker Your first mistake is your first sentence. Not only is it totally irrelevant to what I stated, it's false.
Second mistake, your second sentence. Also false.
The rest of your comment is irrelevant based on your first two sentences which are both irrelevant and not factual, not true in any way - obviously.
@@M.Đ-z4u There are as many little g gods as you wish there to be.
Dr. Kent has a spiritual acuity and understanding that can only be found through Consistent Fellowship and Intentionally Seeking a Relationship with a Divinity outside of Self.
Anyone who’s ever prayed with authentic and childlike faith can relate. I believe Prayer (on occasion) can move Gods Hand but more often than not it’s going to move you, your perspective or your heart.
Powerful explanation. To argue that God was created would inevitably lead to an infinite regress fallacy.
Sophomoric. To state that anything or being can be eternal is an admission that the universe whether as expanded or as singularity can also be eternal.
what? the Father created God, read my post.
@@sd200man The universe cannot be eternal. We already know it has a beginning. It has an origin point. If this universe came from a different universe that is somehow eternal, then at that point you're expressing the same level of faith that a Christian does, except you're doing it just so you can avoid the concept of being held accountable for your sins. You're expressing the same level of faith, but only for the purpose of avoiding accountability. That is a coward's belief.
@@NovusIgnis So you're saying that a conscious being can be eternal, but deny that matter and process can't be. That's a childish belief because you are afraid of meaninglessness and mortality. I'd say you're the coward.
@@sd200man No, matter can certainly be eternal. That's within the realm of possibility. Don't pull a Cathy Newman now. Stop with the "so your saying" and read what I actually said. I was very clear, so I don't need a paraphrasing or summation. I said what I said, and it was nothing closer to what you claimed I said.
He has already told you that he is Alpha and omega. The beginning and the end. Get over your question.
How do you know he is the alpha and omega besides from the bible? Do you not realize that there are other religions out there? How do you know your God is true and the others false? Your God like many before him could be false. All religions are myths.
@@michaelcramer5004 find out more: ua-cam.com/video/GVM_q0889lM/v-deo.html
He didn't tell me anything. What did he tell you?
@@michaelcramer5004 I sincerely hope no one feeds you, you're trolling HARD. Is thy atheist or a beelzebob worshiper, it's either one or the other.
@@shanghunter7697 actually I'm not trolling. I was just reading comments. I came across one of them and replied. It's the same thing on any social media site. Also of I was trolling I would have commented on every comment that disagreed with the position I hold. Trust me if I was trolling you would know. By the way nice comment about hoping no one feeds me.
thank you for an excellent answer!
Gods Religion Caste are main culprits behind disturbance, hatred amongst peoples & killings,, misunderstanding..
So avoid this TRIO.
Richard Dawkins, in his book, The God Delusion[1], makes a concerted attack against theism and asks if the universe needed a creator, then what about God? Who created God?
Dawkins presents this question as if it was the mother of all arguments against the theistic position. Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad Khalifatul Masih II , in Hasti Bari Tala[7] refers to a hadith that predicts a time to come when atheistic people will use this question as an argument against the existence of God.
Let us examine this question a little more deeply. We find that it points to the limitation of inductive reasoning. The question simply does not apply to the Prime Cause, which is, by definition, uncreated. The atheists are reduced to denying the first proposition - that is, everything that has a beginning does not necessarily have a cause and thus the universe simply is.
Now either an immeasurably intelligent mind, an all-powerful being, an agent that exists beyond time and space created the universe or the universe, with neither mind nor consciousness, with neither will nor intelligence, first devised the grand laws of nature and then created itself out of absolute nothingness.
Take your pick: God or universe. Which is the better candidate to be the Prime Cause? Which is the more rational and intellectually satisfying alternative?
If you believe that god always existed, why is it so difficult to believe that the universe could always have existed in one form or another and need not have been created by a god?
scientists don't even believe the universe always existed in the first place.
Because we have proof in nature, that organic and intelligent life breeds more organic, intelligent life. What we don’t have evidence of is inorganic lifeless matter magically producing organic life. That’s a hard pill for even some modern evolutionary biologists to swallow.
Y viceversa.
And this is far from the only universe....this one is still expanding.....God is not affected by time, space or matter. So, God is not affected by the universe(s).
How is it that God became existent?
Perhaps that goes along with the question: How is it that the Universe is existent?
or how did the number one become existent? and yet atheists still insist the number one had a begining. 🤣
@Natturner prove it, please.
@Natturnerstating your belief is not the same as building a case. how many Big Bangs were there?
@Natturner I didn't ask you to explain to me what a number is. I asked you to prove the number was conceived in the human mind. you're saying numbers only began to exist when human Minds "needed" them. it's your belief (which you keep stating and restating, as if doing so somehow establishes it is fact) I'm just asking for some proof. going back to the Big Bang thing, would the propositional truth statement, "one piece of matter plus one piece of matter equals two pieces of matter" still have been true even though there were no human Minds present to perceive it? it's not a trick question.
@Natturner nat you sound suspiciously like my good friend Demi dog, or one of his many other aliases. can't answer the question, so you attack my character. 🤣 what I'm detecting is someone who doesn't like the implications of anything that transcends Human Experience. the only thing that's fragile is your worldview. call Rick Rubin.
That's because it beyond our comprehension.
@M J That's because they are naive.. Atheist literally knows God exists, yet their argument lacks fact, Everything they say is based on stupendous assumption.
@M J Coincidence? Does that means earth and other planets were made out of nothing? The Big Ban happens naturally? Why was the earth chosen for human habitation, rather than other unhabitable plants? DNA formation, adequate oxygen, well designed water formation, Blood cells, among others were 100% coincidence?
Nothing is coincidence, everything had been planned by "God Almighty who is the supreme being,
Thank you.
@@francisodubela9373 earth is in the habitable zone of the solar system. We were at the perfect distance from the sun.
I doubt that we're the only sentient form of life in the universe but none of it was planned. Not unless we're all in a simulation and, even then, the simulation may be designed to be unpredictable.
Thanks for your comment, why was the earth not too closely, nor too farther to the sun? However, it was 100percent placed in the right position. Yet, some says that everything was a coincidence.
@@francisodubela9373 it was just pure luck. It wasn't placed. It's physically unfeasible to just place a planet in a specific place. It was just a coincidence.
Please sort your grammar out as well.
I've never heard of this man until today. But I think his answer to the question is, no matter what you believe, you're taking it on faith. Science, Christianity, or whatever, you have no idea where any of all of this began, where its going, or what it all means. We're all ignorant, even scientists. As for me and my house, I'm good with the Lord! Works for me. The logic is there. I see evidence of it all around me and within my life.
John Lennox is a very warm and charming man! Thank God for him!
The god john lennox believes in is only one of the thousands of our superstitious
ape-like brains invented! PROVE THAT WRONG
and somewhat arrogant! as if he knows there is a god!
And he has no proof whatsoever that any of 7,000 gods that have been proposed by humans is real.
You call God uncreated because you want him to exist no matter what. You cannot challenge your bias. You cannot demonstrate how God is not created.
Mohamed Luqman - if your God is a created God then he is NOT God because something came before him
@@stigmalmo3205 demonstrate how God is not created
Mohamed Luqman - "And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son."
- 1 John 5:11
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?""
- John 11:25-26
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life."
- John 5:24
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
- John 3:16
Stig...This was a teriffic answer !
Only The Eternal can give eternal Life ! Awesome !
"Before Abraham was, I AM." (John h.8:58) God exists through time and outside of time.
@Folk Aart - A rather incoherent comment, are you on something?
What is out side of time...??
He is doing overtime, he is out of time and it's time to realise we are in the 21th century. Time to wake up now, time to make peace, time to make a happy world, without gods, because they are the evil of all our history. I don't need the cruelty of all the gods in the world. Before I was born, there was nothing, when I am dead there also is nothing. Get a life, your heaven is now, your hell you create yourselve.
@Blue cigar Gaming Brainless? Get a life, I hate fanatics.
3:50 The naturalist can as easily say "'Who created the universe?' By asking this question, the theist is already assuming the universe was created. But the central naturalist claim is that the universe is eternal. So the question by definition doesn't even apply to it."
Exactly equal argumentative footing as what the theist says here.
Lennox avoided the real argument, which is, “if there would be something that logically doesn't need to be created, God, according to Christians, then also the Universe can logically be uncreated”. Usually, religious people say that the Universe had a beginning, the Big Bang, and that would be the difference, but that's not a good argument, since the cause, even if there should be any, for the Big Bang doesn't need to be logically non natural.
As far as the energy analogy, it's totally inadequate because science doesn't say energy exists, it just says that this concept, invented by man and described by mathematics, helps us calculate what is going to happen next. No scientist actually believes in energy, they just must know how to use the concept to make predictions. Now, what prediction the trinity of God helps us make?
Gaudio Wind Science doesn't say energy exists? Does it exist when the event being observed is happening? Science may not say it, but you have sense enough to know it exists at some point. The Trinity isn't used for prediction, but to reveal the full nature of God. The difference between the creation of the universe and God is one is a cause, the other is effect. For every action there is a reaction, without God the creation of the universe is an effect without a cause. (For Christians, that is, I know atheists are still searching.) The cause always comes first, without getting into a "god of gaps" debate, we believe this cause to be God. When God said, "I am that I am" he was telling humanity there are some things we can't comprehend, his eternal existence is one of them.
Scott Brady Thanks for replying Scott. Nice talking to someone about interesting issues.
I believe we are talking about two points here, the logical need for everything to have a cause and the existence of energy.
So, I think, about the first point, you say, in short, that everything must have a cause, except for God. Is that right?
And about the second point, the existence of energy, I think we can better understand each other points, after you answer me the following question: Do you believe there is something, which is equal to electrical charge multiplied by the square root of speed (q x sqrt(v))?
I tried to create a totally new and unknown equation, q x sqrt(v). Honestly, I don't know if it has ever been referred by any scientist, but I believe it doesn't mean anything at all. However, of course, I could name it as I pleased, since I invented it right now. For example, we could name it as “elecnergs, Es”. Would you believe elecnergs exists just because I can write, Es=q x sqrt(v)?
On the first point, that is right, he is the cause and what upholds all things. We believe he set the laws of physics "by the word of his power". He made and sustains the universe to have free-will moral agents choose to worship him. When we try to trace our steps of cause and effect backwards the steps must stop at a cause. The human mind is limited, this is more than we can fully grasp, but it is okay to think about.
On the second point, that question is over my head. My science background since high school chemistry has been Nova and the science channel, but judging from the last question elecnergs (I think that just broke my spellcheck) probably don't exist. To answer the last question, of course not. But if you are reading this now you are consuming electricity. That should prove the existence of energy. I think Lennox was referring to energy in reality, not theory. Not that there is anything wrong with theories to understand our world, but do they mean anything if not applied to reality?
Scott Brady Since we are talking about Lennox argument, I propose that we focus on the logic of it and skip, for the moment, what we believe or not.
Is the statement that everything (except, God) needs a cause a logic conclusion or just a premise that you assume to be true without justification? If your answer is that it's a logical conclusion from a reasoning then I'd like you to present that.
And about the second point, the existence of energy, I would just like to point out now that I could say that I am consuming oxygen and some kind of fuel, not energy, in my brain to look at the screen. In fact, a lot before science has created the concept of energy, man knew that we needed fuel to make fire, expend effort to produce movement etc. But let's forget this energy issue, for a while, if you don't mind. The first point is already enough for now, isn't it?
That is a tough question, maybe a little of both. Faith tells me to assume without justification, but logic tells me what it told Newton. Somehow the chain of cause and effect was broken, is there anything you could present besides God that is both a cause and effect? If you theorize that before the big bang the universe was packed into a form that could fit in the head of a pin the obvious question is, what caused that? From what the episodes of Nova said about the force that caused the big bang and string theory, the forces locked the laws of physics into place, the same thing the Bible says about God. This force (by way of the laws it set in place) eventually found a way to make people that choose to worship God. I accept that the evidence isn't conclusive, but I see it as enough to connect the dots when coupled with how I feel God works with me personally.
Also, on your first comment, why wouldn't whatever created the universe be greater than and transcend the universe's need for creation?
One day we all will know the answer about God, just make sure you're not burning in hell when you do find out.
so, your god tortures human beings that He created, in flames, forever ?....what kind of hideous psychotic monster do u believe in ?...that's not the God I believe in.
based upon my frequent encounters with godly people, i shall gladly prefer hell instead ...
rakoczi29 okay. Suits us
@@Cultwatch123 meet you there mr. plonker
@@englandshope689 God is love and punishing human kind in a burning flame forever is a false conception,God is not cruel to do that.Repent your sins because jesus is coming very soon.
I challenge anyone, believer or not, of open mind and honest heart to listen to this man and not be enlightened by what he says and how he says it.
The thing about opening your mind is that it allows you to see through his dishonesty.
I challenge you to do that.
@@ploppysonofploppy6066Why not share your open-minded insight by illuminating us all with specific examples of his dishonesty - instead of hiding behind unsupported, asinine soundbites?
OK. What does Lennox always say when asked why he believes there is a god?
"Everything needs a creator, and what else could have created the universe, other than God". The obvious follow up question is, "what created god"?
"Ah, you see, I don't have to answer that, because god doesnt need a creator, he's always been here".
It's called a special pleading fallacy, and in my view, dishonset.
Now with an open heart, can you see through that, or even better tell me where I'm wrong?
@@ploppysonofploppy6066 God, by definition, is a transcendental, timeless, spaceless, non-created personal being who exists outside of His creation - that's the essential definition of God. To ask "well what created God then?" is to ignore/overlook the fundamental definition, and is to redefine God as a created entity (which, by definition, He isn't) ..... the question is the wrong question vis-a-vis God.
You may not like my answer, but it makes perfect logical sense if you remain honest to the essential definition, rather than shifting the goalposts into a fallacious position.
@@cgo225 So..
Everything needs a creator.
Except this thing.
And I can't explain why.
And you can’t see through that?
And I'm changing the goalposts!
Thanks for your time.
Edit..Do you know what transcendent means?
God told one of the prophets that he could explain it to him but he just would never understand what he told him.
And Who is responsible for the fact that the prophet of your story couldn't understand God. Are you saying that God, allegedly the most intelligent and powerful being, cannot explain complex ideas in simple terms to a human that he himself created?
MrSidney9 It's because the human mind would not get it.
Georgia Girl I invite you to reread my comment as it addresses your reply.. I was on my phone and realized i made lots of typos.
MrSidney9 OK Hun I will
MrSidney9 Its as she said. God made humans, but didnt give us everything to believe in, just left us wondering and exploring for ourselves. There are things we werent, or arent capable of understanding, we cant even populate on another planet much less get off of one, yet humans understand of other galaxies and universe. Its to an extent that as u said God is all powerful and intelligent, our human minds cant comprehend him or his ways
I am a christian. If every origin is God, I cannot understand the reason the deformed and cancer infants. I have so many questions that I cannot understand using logical thinking. I admit that I am just a human. But God allow so many meaningless stories in the old testament. I can only comfort myself when I read the new testament, since I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior and He is a loving God. WE DON't KNOW too many thing about God. God is so silent and prayers never answered. But I want to worship God because He is the creator of the universal. Amen
+Alice Ng well according to scriptures god does answer prayers. It depends obviously what you pray about and reasoning for it.
+Alice Ng You need to sincerely pray to God to show himself to you and he will do so, he says in the bible that he will.
Alice Ng listen revelation of hope taj pacleb sermon why loving God allow sin to exist and all other playlist
There is a chapter in quran ,it known as mary (pbuh),my fellow Christian brother ,please read that chapter, U Will understand the real story of mary(pbuh) and Jesus(pbnj)😍😍
We eat junk ,swallow a lot of pharmaceutical drugs, poison our bodies with processed foods,are alcoholics,are drug addicts ,live in a polluted world where we poison the rivers,lakes and the sea,pollute the atmosphere with smoke from our factories then blame God for our unhealthy body ,what a pregnant woman eat and drink is passed on to the unborn child. So If we cannot discipline our minds how can we live and survive in a world where we worship materialism and not Spirituality.
Lennox is a genius.
And you're not!
You have a low bar for genius .
But he is though, just because you don’t like him or his reasoning doesn’t mean he isn’t a genius. Take your trolling somewhere else. :)
And with no explanation too just ad hominems… pathetic
@@FC-vi3rm He’s no genius whether I like him or not
Providing an answer to might explain the absurdity of the notion of God. It is so simple. We just do not know if there is such an entity. People should stop trying to explain the unexplainable.
This man knows what he's saying
Listen again, he doesn't explain anything. Besides, Jesus is not God, and God is not triune.
Probably. Doesn't make it true though.
The question "who created God?" presupposes that God was created.
+Jaikee GER the question "who created the Universe? presupposes that the Universe was created. Maybe God and the Universe are the very same thing and they always existed.
pimkytraviesa Nonsense. The one thing science knows about the universe with absolute certainty is that it had a beginning. God spoke the universe into existence: big bang. What you see all around you didn't come into existence accidently by a blind unguided process.
Jaikee GER So to you what and where is God? because there is not such a thing as -outside the universe, bc everything that exists in inside the Universe. That's why I believe that God is in fact the Universe itelf with all its laws and rules. God and the Universe are the same thing, there is no other way around it bc there is no such a thing as outside of the Universe.
Thomas Rimestad You are probably right, who knows for sure?. Still I believe that EVERYTHING IS what it IS, and that includes God. He is not outside, he is EVERYWHERE.
+2consider Imagine you are in a huge container containing lots of stuff other than yourself. The walls of the container, if they exist, are too far away for you to fathom. The walls are either farther away than you can possibly fathom or you are in fact inside something that is infinite. How can you tell if the container is finite or infinite? How can you tell that the container you are in is expanding? By observing (or measuring) the space between the components inside the container. If things are spreading out then we would say the container with all its contents is expanding. The observation from our vantage point would be the same whether the container is infinite or simply unfathomably large. You cannot say that you know for sure that the container is finite and you cannot say you know for sure that there is something outside of the container. Just because the universe is expanding, this does not imply there is anything outside the universe. It does not necessarily mean that it is expanding into something.
"Thinking about it for a long time." That's called meditation. Some people may be afraid of that word, but it's a Biblical word.
Meditating on and thinking about God is what we are supposed to do.
It's not hard. It's not an effort like in working for something. It's like looking at the stars and wondering about them. God put the stars in the sky.
When we look up at the sky and wonder about the stars, we also look beyond them and wonder about God.
And "god" is out there beyond the stars huh?
@Liberating Theology Oh how convenient.
So in theory, if we repurpose our technology engineering, away from trying to travel at the speed of light (for measly interstellar & intergalactic travel) and focus on teleportation engineering, that would allow us to theoretically travel the DISTANCE of a light year in a picosecond, we could, again in theory, meet "god" ?
And I'm glad you've at least identified the location of "god".
Perhaps you could tell us where's the remains of Jimmy Hoffa?
THANK YOU JOHN LENNOX! At last, a real thinker.
Man has to become undying himself to understand eternity.
According to a Greek hymn,only art can give a glimpse of eternity.
Man has to face his mortality and stop pretending he's going to live forever to understand how precious life really is.
GOD is Eternal period!
Thank God woman didn't get that gene..can you imagine the nagging 🤔
Cntrol100 you are a fool.
A mere mortal trying to understand an Infinite God, then mocking Him.
Yes, you're a true fool.
Cntrol100 hahaha.
Keep it up.
Your MANIPULATIVE Evil Tactics do Not work with me.
God calls sin a sin and so Will I -- Until my Dying day.
If you continue to reject Jesus and truth, you alone will suffer as a result of it.
You WILL see.
If you think Jesus is a wimp, you have yet to see.
Jesus is the Most Loving, Most Merciful Being that Ever Existed -- Infinitely more.
Yet He will Not tolerate sin around Him, and those of us who trust Him, but for a Limited time.
When that time is over, you can reap the consequences of your rebellion towards God and truth.
There is NIOTHING you can do to change truth to make it fit your evil desires -- Nothing.
But you Can choose to Repent and receive the Forgiveness from an INFINITE God.
Cntrol100 So Glad you are departing from this conversation.
I will pray for your evil soul.
@@danasmith1165 How can you be this arrogant, calling other people EVIL for simply not believing in a god? FOr not sharing YOUR opinion about a supernatural being? What if you are the evil one?
Beautiful. I am enjoying listening to John
He spouts gibberish.
@@MontysKillerRabbit who?
Second guy also came out with "uncreated".
i came across a video yesterday saying breaking down atoms into smaller particulars eventually you get sound. What is the "word of God" but sound. The next time youre at church, and people are asking to be heal. Really believe theyre going to be healed. Also if you're the person looking for healing. Receive the energy thats being sent to you.
God is the i am what i am. Thanks
Great post :) I have a question that to my belief no spiritual person has ever answered. In the 2004 tsunami so many people were wiped off the earth. Some of those people may have been pregnant - so a double loss. This was death before birth. How does this fit with a benign God?
You are talking about "theodicy" .... how can a good God allow evil. He even allowed His own son to be tortured to death and die on a cross. The answer boils down to free will and the introduction of sin in the world. If you could see the world with the eyes of God, death is not always a bad thing. He may end the life of a baby in a flood, for example, to spare that child a lifetime of pain (or sin). And after death is eternity in paradise. A more precise answer would take too much time... but they have books on this subject, again "theodicy".
There is a difference between "tragedy" and "evil".
The Creator is indifferent.
@@amark350 Hope all well :) Thank you for the response. You mention free will in the first part of your reply and then say God might end a life to spare pain or sin - so how is that earthly agency or free will?
@@kfarestv Hi :) Im not entirely sure what you mean - could you elaborate :)
Why the title "WHO CREATED GOD"?
Is this not a foolish question? If God is created by any other, then don't call him God he is not God, the God is the one that created him.
Erning Paguirigan im glad somebody is wise enough to put that out there like you did, love you for that.
@James Berry Oh really? So there are maybe trillions of Gods. From what verse dud you get that, if that is not a plain and simple foolishness?
@James Berry Then why do you ,ake problem of who created God when you say there is no no evidence for one God?
Are you an atheist?
@James Berry Did I ever say that I am being fooled? Don't you understand simple english? lol.
God is God and His being and ways are beyond anything I can fathom and I take Him as He is by faith and nothing else
I am 3 persons in one!! - 1 my biological dad 2 my biological mom & 3 myself!! That’s 3 persons in One!!
Love that reasoning for me! 💜💜💜
You arent youre dad or your mom doenst make sense
It's simplistic reasoning for idiots who think an analogy suffices to determine another subset of questions pertaining a theological nature.
If you were to consider all the DNA from ancestors many times removed, you wouldn’t be able to count how many people you (we)are.😊
@@unknownunknown3692 I believe that Mary put that in their just to prove her point ....
Funny how atheists believe in "matter" that has no beginning nor ending ... yet scoff at a "God" that is the same description.
Now that's some free thinking.
More like dumb thinking! This Russian guy doesn't get it! We are finite creatures, but God is the INFINITE CREATOR!!!
@@ronaldshank7589 the difference in big bang and a Creator is ... big bang is trillions upon trillions of coincidences ... even down to DNA.
With a Creator ... life is intelligent design ... even too the distance of the sun.
Ronald Shank u have no proof of that at all
@@imcahnor7844 No proof? I just go by the Bible. That's all I need. Now, I'm pretty sure that you're going to call the Bible a made up book, written only by men, but the Bible was written by men, as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit, throughout the time period from the creation of the world, to the book of Revelation. Am I right?
@@joecitizen6755 Do you support the Biblical stance on creation, or do you stand against that? You seem to be supportive of the Biblical account of creation. I just want to make sure as to where you stand, that's all. Not meaning to sound obtuse, but I just wanted to know where you stand on the issue.
Who created God is a logical fallacy. By definition, God is an uncreated being.
So the definition defines god into existence? The better question IS why COULDN’T God have been created? This is a much harder question, unless one wants to make the god arbitrary and within human limits.
You are right in that in that it is a logical fallacy. But wrong on how and why. It is a fallacy of special pleading. Unless of course you can point to any actual evidence of an uncreated being. You don't get to say that everything must follow these ideas except this one thing (your god). That is the definition of special pleading.
Saying god is an un-created being isn't the problem, it's the double standard. It's the claim that the universe requires a creator and saying God does not. Why is that a problem? Because the general explanation (complexity) as to why the universe requires a creator. The same argument can be transposed onto God. The creationist response is again, creating yet another unverifiable claim in some other dimension not bound to the rules of our universe. The thing is, this game of cat and mouse can go on forever, with creationists just making crap up that makes their worldview work.
Look, Quantum physicists have recently OBSERVED AND DEMONSTRATED something coming from nothing, establish a closed state of "nothingness" and particles literally popped in and out of existence out of....nothing and have deduced that for lack of better wording...something is nothing and nothing is something. If there is nothing...something will inevitably happen. This has been repeated and every time something comes from nothing. Its just a matter of scaling up the model to show how everything in the universe can come from nothing. The consensus now is a universe from nothing is not only possible, but probable if not inevitable. With that said, I doubt this would change anyone's mind, you can still just say gods the one making this happen I guess.
I can't explain energy, gravity, etc. but I can measure their effect. Can you measure the effect of your god?
I don't know all about GOD but I know he made everything even the sun! There was no big bang . It was all arranged by GOD!
Ben Gray,
JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER YHUH(in the flesh form). SATAN HAS MANY WAYS TO DECEIVE PEOPLE. HIS MAIN INTENTION IS TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS NOT GOD. NO WONDER, ALL OTHER RELIGIONS PREACH THAT JESUS IS NOT GOD (INCLUDING JEHOVAH WITNESSES)! THESE CHURCHES OF SATAN TAKE THE SAME ROUTE - Only difference is that JWs are more cunning - claiming that they believe Jesus is the Son of God BUT IS NOT GOD THE FATHER - THE FACT IS, THEY DO NOT WORSHIP JESUS AS GOD! Jesus is God -- satan will NEVER admit that! Jehovah Witnesses also follow satan and will never admit that Jesus is God!
1 Timothy 3:16 "GOD was manifest in the flesh!" JESUS SAID THAT HE IS THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Revelation 1:7,8! John 1;1 clearly states "HE WAS GOD". How many Gods do you think John believed there was? - Answer: ONLY ONE GOD! So, when John stated "He WAS God", he meant that JESUS WAS "THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE FATHER YHUH". Also in John 8:24 -28, JESUS SAID THAT HE IS GOD THE FATHER YHUH (in the flesh). Isaiah calls Jesus "ETERNAL FATHER" & "COUNSELLOR" (Holy Spirit) in Isaiah 9:6 because He understood/knew this. And this is the name by which he will be called: “YHUH our righteousness" Jeremiah 23:5-6. Zechariah 14:9 - In that day there shall be ONE Lord, and HIS NAME ONE - when it that day be? When the world understands that JESUS IS YHUH (in the flesh). THIS VERSE CLEARLY SHOWS THAT GOD THE FATHER (YHUH IN THE SPIRIT) IS JESUS (YHUH IN THE FLESH) - Zech 12;10, YHUH (God The Father) says, "then they will look on ME whom they pierced." WHO WAS PIERCED? Answer: Jesus.
God The father CAN SEPARATE HIMSELF - Can you explain Genesis 19:24 (from your Bible) 24 "Then YHWH made it rain sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah it came from YHWH, from the heavens". WHO WAS THE YHWH ON EARTH, AT THE SAME TIME? Remember that no one had ever seen God The Father (scripture states), so who was THIS "YHUH" ON EARTH? Answer: He was "The Word Of God". The final form "The Word of God" took was as Jesus so as to become the sacrificial lamb to pay the penalty for the sin committed by Adam & Eve. BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, "THE WORD BECAME FLESH)". Jesus said in John 16:27 "I CAME OUT FROM GOD". THE BIBLE CLEARLY SHOWS/STATES THAT JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER (in the flesh) AND BEING "THE ARM" OF GOD, HE IS THE CREATOR.
DURING THE TIME JESUS WAS ON EARTH HE WAS 100% HUMAN, not both human and God as many Christians WRONGLY think/believe. Hebrews 2:7 "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels" & Psalms 8:5 "For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour" ARE PROOF OF THIS. BEING HUMAN, Jesus prayed to God The Father YHUH saying “You are the only true God”. Jesus had made it clear that His miracles were done by God The Father, John 5:30 "I can of mine own self do nothing". If Jesus was God DURING HIS TIME ON EARTH, WHY DID HE PRAY TO GOD THE FATHER ASKING FOR HIS GLORY TO BE RESTORED? This show that He had NO GLORY during His time on earth. Can God suffer pain, can God feel hungry, tired, thirsty? Can God die (Jesus died!).
AFTER HE ASCENDED TO HEAVEN , HE RECEIVED BACK HIS GLORY (His Name YHUH and His Title "God" - "Thy Throne O God") - Philippians 2:9. GOD THE FATHER WILL NEVER CALL ANYONE ELSE "GOD” EXCEPT HIMSELF (in the flesh)! THE IMPORTANT FACT IS WHO IS JESUS NOW IN HEAVEN, not what He was during His short time on earth!
It is very important that one should know and believe that JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER (in the flesh). If this is not very important, then WHY DID JESUS SAY IN JOHN 8:24 “FOR IF YE BELIEVE NOT THAT I AM HE, YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS”. Who does the “HE” refer to? THE CONTEXT OF THIS SPEECH WAS ABOUT GOD THE FATHER. Read verse 27 "They understood not that HE SPAKE TO THEM OF THE FATHER". John 8:28 “WHEN YE HAVE LIFTED UP the Son of man (when you have unveiled ME), then shall ye know that I AM HE (then you will realize that I AM GOD THE FATHER- YHUH in the flesh)”. ISAIAH 9:6 CLEARLY STATES THAT JESUS WILL BE CALLED “ETERNAL FATHER”. Matthew 23:9 “And call no man your father upon the earth: for ONE is your Father, which is in heaven - how many Fathers in Heaven? Only ONE! Did Isaiah blasphemously say that Jesus is the Eternal Father? NO! Isaiah knew that Jesus is God The Father YHUH (in the flesh). Stephen saw Jesus standing at the side of God The Father and cried out "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit" - WHY DIDN'T STEPHEN CALL OUT TO GOD THE FATHER WHO WAS BESIDE JESUS? Wouldn't this be an insult to God The Father - to belittle Him? Answer: STEPHEN KNEW THAT JESUS IS GOD THE FATHER YHUH (in the flesh).
How do you know?
@@user-md3is4dq2d Prove him wrong !
hes such a friendly man
Folk Afart,
Lennox rox! 🎸
The bible says. Satan is the. Godof this world. Go look it up.