Policy & Practice: But What Can I Do? In Conversation with Alastair Campbell

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 2 місяці тому

    And this Startup Battlefields - pop-up parallel universe model for military campaigns and new ways on how to conduct them is a bit pathetic if you have to do it to your own family, community, society, institutions even your own economy to take down other country’s?
    There is obviously something a bit wrong with this situation.

  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

    Is the Third Culture about global political change and how will that change local politics?

  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

    Also in regards to Labour policy of building more homes - You don't need to - There are boroughs after boroughs of empty properties where once living families lived.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Not just social housing estates but streets after streets of empty properties - homeowners who could have afforded a decent lawyer …”Remco" - “Covid" was strangely attracted to the most sought after properties?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      So somehow there has to be some kind of reliable guarantee that this will not happen to home buyers again.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      How this will happen, I don't know?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Because look at what has happened to our society.

  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

    You do realise this became a reality within this country, right?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      And that the population of Britain apart from 20 families within each two tier council throughout this country used as the victims for the subjects, have been socially engineered so they don't feel empathy anymore.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      I'm one of those mother's from one of those families

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      For over 10 years now - 24/7 - I am being hounded to death

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Is anything going to change next week on the 4th of July when Labour get back into power?

  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

    14 generations of children's childhoods destroyed and stolen in Britain as part of this Third Culture experiment. The Second began in 2007/8, whilst the First Culture of this experiment started in the 1970's in a Quaker Boarding school. So where is the hope for local political change?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      School children from junior school right up to 6th form coerced to push intentionally isolated children to suicide whilst the process was storyboarded on Instagram by older children from private schools, helps to change politics both globally and locally how exactly?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Or is this experiment of the First, Second and Third Culture experiment simply about making war more green in it's delivery?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Or is this all really simply about making war more green in its delivery?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      And with this in mind, is this now the end of local politics?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      And why did Alastair Campbell respect Margaret Thatcher exactly?

  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

    A women's crisis house in the borough of Islington not far from the Arsenal Football Stadium called Drayton Park Crisis House was gifted over £70 million pounds in 2011 from central government. It's not a real mental health crisis house - it's the opposite.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Whereas each borough throughout London only got £2 million pounds each to run each local council during and after the Covid virus- Hackney got paid nearly half a million more than the other boroughs....I wonder why?

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Our county use to be a buzzing cultural metropolitan city now it's just a monstrous homogenised stage-set

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Within a link attached to a pdf to the Drayton Park Women's Crisis House website read terms such coercion and the targeting of 20 families in Camden and Islington?.....I know two of those families - I am also one of those families....The other two families were not "thugs" - they worked for the BBC...And all had their youngest daughter's targeted while in junior school and secondary school - both daughter's spent nearly two years in mental health hospitals for children.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      One of those families had an older daughter who spent her entire childhood being treated for brain cancer -

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      And what of the school children that were coerced and brainwashed into trying to push our children to suicide?

  • @AlisonZoeTaylor
    @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

    The first phase of this experiment - "hell on earth" - or rather the "Tank Project" was isolated to just one school in the 1970's. A quaker boarding school. Most of those vulnerable children didn't survive and spent their entire adulthood life suffering with serious mental health issues and died prematurely. They were not vulnerable until they attended that school.
    The second phase of the experiment in 2007/8 then progressed to a social housing estate and one local school in Camden, London, by 2013 this culture had spread throughout the entire country. For example a child in Western Super-mare had been coerced and brainwashed into pushing his own mother to suicide and even took a photo of her dead in the bath.
    This photo was then shared amongst the Wikipedia editor's porno club. Not only did I read him reporting back to the editors on the date she died when he had murdered his own mother but the editors congratulated him for taking the photo.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      Porno Club was the term they used - Not me

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      I knew that mother

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      And one of the intentionally isolated children was mine - My youngest daughter.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      And one of the children that didn't survive from that quaker boarding school in the 1970's was my only sibling.

    • @AlisonZoeTaylor
      @AlisonZoeTaylor 3 місяці тому

      I read behind Wikipedia she was used as cannibal transplant fodder for her estranged sister - They used the term "yuck mother was fed into her sister"...I have the screenshot of it.

  • @advocate1563
    @advocate1563 11 місяців тому +1

    I don't listen to pepole who bully women. .his behaviour on Newsnight was totally unacceptable...tuning out.