I wave watched these in action. Leaves block the drain and no water does down the drain any more. Everywhere but in the drain. Unless you clean them everyday you will be undermining your foundations around the drain
WA is a rather large place, so exact solutions for managing rain run-off will be regionally different. Perth sits on a wide sandy coastal plain, so rain water generally soaks away very quickly. Simple soak wells are normally enough for directing run-off to from your gutters to keep it away from your slab/foundations.
Most of Perth is pretty flat but it gets more annual rainfall than Melbourne or London and all in a few months: during rain events the stormwater system and soak wells can fill up…then roads flood and downpipes connected to soak wells back up to the gutter and spill into the eaves… hence most houses are not connected to the stormwater system (to reduce further inflow) and downpipes require a disconnection (to eliminate backing up)
what does ASD066 have to say about canine decibel levels in online educational media?
Excellent thanks!
Lol don't apologise, the dog's pissed too
Can you please share which section of AS3500.3 this comes from?
I wave watched these in action. Leaves block the drain and no water does down the drain any more. Everywhere but in the drain. Unless you clean them everyday you will be undermining your foundations around the drain
Why in WA are the downpipes not connected to the stormwater system like others states in Australia
WA is a rather large place, so exact solutions for managing rain run-off will be regionally different.
Perth sits on a wide sandy coastal plain, so rain water generally soaks away very quickly. Simple soak wells are normally enough for directing run-off to from your gutters to keep it away from your slab/foundations.
Most of Perth is pretty flat but it gets more annual rainfall than Melbourne or London and all in a few months: during rain events the stormwater system and soak wells can fill up…then roads flood and downpipes connected to soak wells back up to the gutter and spill into the eaves… hence most houses are not connected to the stormwater system (to reduce further inflow) and downpipes require a disconnection (to eliminate backing up)
Who are SureTech? They aren’t WA Building Inspections…