Great content! Exactly what i was looking for at the moment, but i need help on other subjects too like ui/menu/inventory/pick ups/changing guns and such on godot engine, if you could add new tutorials on top of this in the future and add the other needed elements to make it a complete basic fps game tutorial playlist, it would be super helpful!
Great content! Exactly what i was looking for at the moment, but i need help on other subjects too like ui/menu/inventory/pick ups/changing guns and such on godot engine, if you could add new tutorials on top of this in the future and add the other needed elements to make it a complete basic fps game tutorial playlist, it would be super helpful!
This is beautiful heck yeah!
a dream comes true ♥ keep making ♥
This is actually so helpful thank you. Any tips for beginners at game dev?
very nice
honestly found your channel like yesterday love your art style and modeling vids underrated as no one on youtube makes models like that i salute you 🫡
Great video! Please add chapters :)
this is the best tutorial simpe and understandable for newcomers to godot sub from me
[Becomes 877th sub]
may or may not be referring to this