Fallout 76 Score Custom Worlds is Cheating

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • store.playstat...


  • @wasdfit
    @wasdfit 2 роки тому +3

    Honestly I've been subbed since fallout 1st came out been playing since day 1, I own every blue print in the game both atom shop and in game acquired with two or three exceptions...being able to cheese the score board so I can go play a game that actually has content is a relief.

  • @militia98plays90
    @militia98plays90 Рік тому +1

    I just make a custom world and play the game solo (even if it's not recommended) because in public games, people drop fucking nuclear bombs EVERYWHERE!!!

  • @vaylon1701
    @vaylon1701 2 роки тому +1

    Its an easy way to just get it done since there is nothing from the daily most of us old timers want.

    • @billy_cross
      @billy_cross  2 роки тому

      Yeah that’s kind of appointed shouldn’t be just easy to get it done you should have to work for it they’ve made it down so that you can completely ignore all enemies and still get points of me it’s Bethesda now so you know I don’t expect him to have any fucking sad spectator to know serious here to community I mean a tiny to be fair fall old is a tiny tiny Mitch community of gamers and when they made fallout 76 it was not a game for those people but that’s all day of course market in to which completely ruined it was a great concept Irene look at fallout 76 as it was originally conceptualized compare it to all other PVP sandbox survival games look at the differences I either know off-line base distraction no logging in and finding your character dad and Luna all been able to log off the server and just log right in another and not have to start over oh I’ll be there soulmate know getting shot in the back from a distance and never seeing call Miranda actually responded damage I mean box and asked way to say you had actually shoot back before the flight what really start everything about it was a great idea except the audience they chose the wrong audience if you took away the fallout universe and just created a post apocalyptic universe similar one followed out of the name damn damn Bethesda built a game without a company that actually understood shooters Bill began with a good engine and good shooting mechanics it would be the number one played sandbox survival game on the Internet but Bethesda they basically ruined everything by catering to the wellness of the redidiots which to be fair is an even pioneer fraction I mean just a a a minuscule fraction even all of the actual community playing the game in and it always is in yet so I’m developers think that’s from voice of the community celebs cater to them well 90% of the other players are like what the fuck I don’t want that shit when it comes there like why they do this they don’t understand they did it because 2% of the player base strong my voicemail premiums over and over again yeah form on Reddit

    • @billy_cross
      @billy_cross  2 роки тому

      It’s a move point high I deleted that game for my system I think for the last time I’m stuck now on PlayStation I cannot get the fucking fallout first subscription deleted because for long longest time the place you have to go to do that spend broken I don’t know it’s just me but you know sorry only answers phone calls on Pacific time and I don’t live in the Pacific time so yeah all the times when I can call them but I can’t get them so I symbiotic turn off my credit card and honestly I’m thinking seriously about jumping ship and moving to Xbox

    • @billy_cross
      @billy_cross  2 роки тому

      I agree but if you have that can a win mentality it’s definitely paid to win because your average players can’t the ones that don’t have a bug first can they have to do it the hard way and I personally don’t give a shit by follow first stop whining and I’ll they have insurances for a goddamn thing in this game except the initial purchase price and well in all the contacts they drop in Snapchat Janet Gore or massive mostly it sounds like waste landers Shelburne free all right so by fall out first So you can use custom worlds to get it done faster or stop whining

  • @QetasX
    @QetasX 2 роки тому +1

    Does custom worlds really progress score? And does it still do it?

    • @lukasmuller810
      @lukasmuller810 2 роки тому

      I played it today and i got 4 lvl up on the season pass

    • @billy_cross
      @billy_cross  2 роки тому

      Yes it does you can do your various score test on custom worlds where you can make it much easier to do everything for instance when it says you know Bill 10 items in your camp you can just turn on all the perks so you have pre-building and I know know ammo no reloads no damage nuclear damage on my enemies I mean you can make it so easy to progress through the daily challenges but the one thing you can’t do that and then there is you can’t do the experience challenge you know that I want you can keep repeating all the way up to rank 100 that one isn’t down custom morals so if you’re if you’ve already completed all the weekly‘s and daily but you still wanna progress score you have to jump back into either a private world or my public world in order to do that otherwise it would be too goddamn easy right you could just make yourself invincible make your armor and Jensen mobile piranha electrically charged us for coils play walker and unstoppable isotope and macro you know macro your car your character so you don’t get logged off standing and turn on proximity spa character standing there getting freeze-frame far far Volvo skills there by granting you score but it doesn’t work now now the daily score ones too but you might as well just knocked it out I repeat it fix it so you can’t AFK fo Gets score but still it makes it way too easy to do score and it’s paying to win if you think about gaming in that mo I don’t really care but I have followed first so I can use customer else someone doesn’t have follow first hand so they can’t do it they have to do their score of the hard way I mean hot time easy examples what it says kill 50 critters so you turn out proximities fine you turn on nuclear damage you turn on zero damage to you and you go to anywhere how many are you have to do is login really a family photo printer will start Spawning and you kill him until you’re at 50 and it takes you like in a long minute and a half to a accomplish. Yeah it’s as hell Tam Campinas Chanel you turn on free building and Bam Bam Bam you don’t even entertain them down for the resources you just reimport the world every time you’re going to do it I mean it really does make it much easier to get score to get your daily challenges out-of-the-way and your weekly challenges racing outrageously easy bought the score calls back with you to the regular server the experience game does not you can take anything out of that custom world but whatever y’all are going to scoreboard stays unlocked

  • @billy_cross
    @billy_cross  2 роки тому

    Yeah I was going to make a video the other day because I thought of a way to watch videos on my phone or whatever while basically not really if if you but you know not really doing anything I thought I was gonna be able to figure out how to do that and follow worlds and the fucked up part is I didn’t look at the challenges first I went through all the set up process got myself for the point where I’m standing at Emmett Mountain getting assailed kicked by massive numbers of ghouls and I realized you couldn’t get scored through experience on custom worlds I was gonna just leave my character standing there getting an experience because you know the girls are dying the the new killer damage option affects your Tesla coils and your. Isotopes when it goes off and you know if I saw those BOE stuff so you literally can just leave your invincible character standing there play a game on your phone and game experience now I did know the experience would not come back with me to the regular world but I thought it was going to keep clapping off rain of score and then I realized that weekly line I don’t know that you get repeated score from experience game doesn’t exist on fallout worlds so giving the dev guys credit they are smarter than player based on that one I mean come on go Jarvis thing you’re going to White Pine Ave., Javada clubhouse worth proximities Farhan in Newcastle 500 goals in general a minute and a half I’ll have to up on every experience both parents so you’re rolling overall you know one level after another I can see why they took that line item out of custom worlds in fact I agree with it I don’t think score should be possible in custom worlds I mean Jamie mammals if you wanna play on a certain kind of world for a long period great allowing people to jump from the real world into even a private world were they can farm Fusion cores for instance and I’m in the wrong I do it but I think that’s wrong here it goes all the way back to old am I online when the game came out there was just for Luca in fact I don’t remember that have a name or maybe you did I don’t remember but there was just the one part of the world and then he had a bunch of whiny bitches that say I can’t farm lumber I can’t farm and gets because I keep getting PK well yes since if he would be be a and you’re in a PV area so you can pe learned to defend or run away or whatever but I hold them all they create it tremmle which is an exact duplicate of Luca but without the PVP So everybody goes to Trammell to do any PVP activities any farming Annie crafting any gathering everything they do all the gameplay in Trammell Then I just don’t bring the flu to the fight and I’m talking even the PVP community would do that and in my estimation and ruined the game the immersion you know I wasn’t immune if I went out to cut lumber because I needed lumber I have with me a pack Mule I think I could care I could have a pack mule and a beetle they both had carry capacity I would cut lumber until they were both born and then I’d fast travel back and unload if somebody killed me they get the loot all that lumber I said I have two dead pads so I wasn’t immune so when you see somebody coming you have that you know that that adrenaline rush in and one of your like is he gonna attack me is he just running past what’s going on should I recall away you know what I mean yeah that immersion where there’s actual danger in the world when you take an MMO like that and illuminate all risk versus reward calculations all threats of danger from other players threats of danger from NPC‘s and monsters in the world is usually easily avoided players in an MMO are the real frat and that’s what makes a game immersive and fun games with no PVP Ultraman we just are boring as fuck whether you’re the PVP are the PK you would call him agree for today but the PK the player killer or you’re the guy that gets PK and the game is more fun if there’s some kind of threat that you can’t control by just outsmarting The ai

  • @SpookyIYIane985
    @SpookyIYIane985 2 роки тому

    That is too funny 😂😂 NUKES AWAY !!

  • @renren5097
    @renren5097 2 роки тому

    Can you survive a launchable nuke tho? The ones you use at the launch sites

    • @billy_cross
      @billy_cross  2 роки тому +1

      Never thought of that but I mean the set up literally says you take no damage I have no idea if you could survive a nuke but why wouldn’t you nothing else hurts you I mean I realized after I did that video that I could’ve just ran around and and did the event and not even carried a weapon because nothing in there can hurt you so I suspect know you could price stand in the middle of a nuke

    • @billy_cross
      @billy_cross  2 роки тому +1

      Call Mama on the side of no because I jumped in a what do you call him a one of the crevices this course she’s come out of and that kills you if you want to have zero damage turned on I want daughter the one by my house I was gonna see if I get Skarsgård triste I jumped out and died instantly so I’m pretty sure I milk would kill you as well I don’t know would be an interesting Jastre drop a nuke right on yourself like on your house or some or even just double dip and drop one on McQueen and then go stand right in the middle of it before drops and see what happens But they install it it’s pointless to drop a new can I unless you’re glitching your way through it takes a little time and unless killing a queen is one of the scoreboard items ain’t nothing you get off work and come back are you in the experience soul it would be killing her a lot easier when you turn on zero damage for you and nuclear damage for your targets you can probably go a queen and get a whole five answer Santa

  • @billy_cross
    @billy_cross  2 роки тому +1

    Yeah you know what I realized though after I made that video I don’t even have to fire any nukes I’m immune to damage because I’m on a custom world I can just run in and do that whatever I need to do in the event and unless that includes killing shit I don’t even have to fire I can just ignore all the mobs and do my thing