@@TheSailingsilver True. Plus I think in bavaria students are generally more diligent than in other german states because they have too since it's pretty hard
Me thinking about my whole class constantly bullying our French teacher: Hmmmmm No but seriously sometimes it's hilarious it makes for some good storys for example, once a boy brought a harmonica to class and there are oranges flying around during class constantly... It's a mess
@@youdontknowme6111 ich war auf einem Gymnasium und hab in der 5. Fast nieee gelernt, aber Latein hat alles geändert, ich hab in den ferien manchmal 4 tage lang von der früh bis abend gelernt und zwar für ne Schulaufgabe, also für die schulaufgabe ca. 30-40 Stunden oder mehr gelernt (hätte nie gedacht das ich so krass lernen kann) und hab dann eine 6 geschrieben.... Ich frag mich wie des geht ohne zu lernen 😶
@@Samira-sg4jj vlt. liegt der Unterschied einfach darin das man es dir nicht auf ne Art und Weise beigebracht hat die es dir einfach macht Latein zu lernen, darf Latein nun für's Studium nachholen und eines der Dinge die mir ne gute Freundin beigebracht hat war : Bam bas bat bamus batis bant, als die Bombenform also BAM BAS BAT ect. oder Or ris tur mur mini ntur als Lied mit klatschen, hat schon nen Rythmus wenn man das vor sich her sagt X'D
The focus on sports in american high schools is because students want to get scholarships for college. In Germany universities are free so there is no need for that.
@@kristinaanikonovaa Yes, that's what I mean. 😊 You only have to pay a small fee (for administration) like less than a hundred euros per semester and with that you have free public transport in your hole region. That's a pretty good deal!
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that not everyone's classes get cancelled. I guess at most of the schools the lower grades need to stay there and a substitute teacher comes, but the higher grades' classes are often cancelled. :)
In Oberstufe, we never had a substitute, just "self study" were we had to take attendance ourselves and then would get exercises to do, whereas in the lower grades we always had a substitute, and only very seldomly (if it was the last lesson of the day etc) class would be canceled
Yeah it’s because your parents expect you to be at school and the time that you would have had classes you are still insured through your school so in lower grades they want you to stay on campus and be supervised whereas in the Oberstufe most people were 18 and hence responsible for themselves. At my school we actually weren’t allowed to leave the school premises when we where underage and had a class off but I guess that depends on the federal state your school is in
Substitute teachers: In Germany we have substitute teachers as well, but just for the younger students. In my school , we've had subs until grade 9. Since the first year of gymnasiale Oberstufe (like high school, except you're not changing school) classes get cancelled and we are allowed to leave scool during breaks. This is, because the school has to look up, what their students are doing. Older students have more freedoms.
that's interesting in my school they used to only have subs for 5/6 grade, until people complained and now we're stuck with "lernbox" where you get a folder with stuff you have to do and this includes grades 5-9, which i honestly don't understand
At my school it was usually the same. Usually the first or last class got canceled for younger students. But when i was in the Oberstufe some things changed so that we also had substitute teachers sometimes.
Nein, die schule möchte nicht nach den Schülern gucken, es sind Versicherungs- und Verantwortungsfragen. Wenn ein Schüler in der Pause angefahren wird ist die Schule schuld, und abhängig vom Bundesland in dem du lebst kommt dir Eigenverantwortung mit 16 was bedeutet, dass auch alleine raus gehen darfst (oder freu)
@@msatr_ Das mag zwar so sein, das bestreite ich auch nicht. Ich habe nur gesagt wie es bei mir war. Als ich in die fünfte Klasse kam hieß es, dass nur Oberstufenschüler das Gelände verlassen dürfen. Als ich aber in der Oberstufe war wurde das auch geändert. Zunächst hat man gesagt, dass nur Kinder welche einen unterschrieben Zettel von den Eltern haben auch das Gelände verlassen dürfen. Das wurde dann aber auch schnell nicht mehr kontrolliert oder überwacht. Und als ich noch nicht in der Oberstufe war, war es auch nicht unübersichtlich, dass die erste oder letzte Stunde dann ausgefallen ist.
What I heard from US schools is, that if you're teacher isn't there, the substitute teacher is a special teacher who is only there for substitute. Is that true? In Germany for the most part its just a teacher from the school who is free at the time and they often know the teacher who would have given the class and therefore know what tasks to do.
In America it depends. There are people who are just substitutes, but they’re usually either retired teachers or people who are training to be teachers. If the school can’t find a substitute, then they will get another teacher who has free time to fill in.
Naja, hängt wohl von der Schule und vom Bundesland ab. Im Gesetz steht, dass wir Vertretungsleher haben müssen. (Und das wir das Schulgelände während der Schulzeit nicht verlassen dürfen. Ab 18 nur wenn wir vorher einen Zettel unterschreiben, aber das lohnt halt nicht für 15 Minuten extra den Direktor zu suchen.) Und dann hing dafür auch ein Plan im Lehrerzimmer - nur leider hat da kein Leher draufgeguckt. Wir hatten so in 20% der Fälle dann tatsächlich Vertretung und ansonsten hatten wir erst 15 Minuten gewartet und wenn dann Niemand kam haben wir Karten gespiel, oder hingen am Handy. Die jungs sind natürlich wie die Wilden durchs Klassenzimmer gerannt und haben noch mit 17 Fangen gespielt... oder geboxt. In der nächsten Stunde waren die Gesichter dann dick, aber die Lehrer haben das auch nicht gemerkt.
@@cinemaatrium3863 Im Prinzip gelten diese Regeln auch für uns, aber daran hält sich niemand.😂 Vor allem wenn die Stunde vor einer Freistunde ausfällt, dann sind so gut wie alle sofort weg 🏃. Verstehe ich aber voll das man sich nicht daran hält, diese Regeln sind schon ein bisschen rein theoretisch und unpraktisch
Punkt 1: Vertretungslehrer gibt es schon in der Unter- und Mittelstufe. Lehrer geben in der Regel Aufgaben für die entfallende Stunde, nach Möglichkeit wird auch ein entsprechender Fachlehrer für die Stunde organisiert, der bei Fragen helfen kann. Punkt 2: Ich persönlich finde nicht, dass Lehrer gut bezahlt werden. Es ist schon ok, und vor allem die Freizeit/Schulferien sind aus Lehrersicht sehr positiv, besonders angesehen ist der Beruf aber nicht und respektvoll und dankbar sind ein Großteil der Schüler aus meiner Erinnerung auch nicht. Nur wenige, meist junge und noch nicht so frustrierte Lehrer sind überhaupt motiviert genug ihren Unterricht interessant zu gestalten. Die multiple-choice tests in den USA sind tatsächlich ein Witz. Ich habe vor ca. einem Jahrzehnt zu meiner Schulzeit ein halbes Jahr bei euch verbracht und die Zeit auch sehr genossen, gelernt habe ich aber (außer Englisch) quasi nichts. Verrückt, wie viel Geld in die Forschung der Eliteuniversitäten fließt aber die Schulbildung komplett auf der Strecke bleibt.
Zusätzlich: viele Schulen entlassen ihre Lehrer zu Beginn der Sommerferien um Geld zu sparen und stellen sie dann am Anfang des Schuljahres wieder ein... Das ist eine ziemliche Schweinerei in meinen Augen
@@anblueboot5364 Dann sollen sie sich auch so verhalten. Wir hatten Lehrer die Verschwörungstheorien im Unterricht erzählt haben (Flat Earth, chem trails, etc), Lehrer die Kinder rassistisch beleidigt haben wenn sie etwas nicht verstanden haben, Lehrer die 60% ihres Unterrichts ausfallen lassen und wenn sie mal da waren trotzdem immer eine halbe Stunde zu spät.... Trotz etlicher Beschwerden durften sie immer weiter unterrichten, in einem Gymnasium btw. Dieser Beruf zieht Leute an, die wissen dass sie sich alles erlauben könne, weil sie ja eh nicht gefeuert werden oder mit negativen Konsequenzen zu rechnen haben. In jedem anderem Job fliegst du mit so einem Verhalten raus, aber nicht als Lehrer.
@@TheBanana202 ich bin solchen Lehrern noch nie in meinem Leben begegnet, meine Schwester auch nicht und die meisten meiner Freunden welche nicht an meiner Schule waren auch nicht. (Bin Realschule dann aufs Gymnasium gegangen bzw. auf ein informationstechnische Gymnasium) Ich bin mir sicher hätte ein Lehrer einen solchen Bullshit von sich auf unseren Schulen gegeben hätte er zu einem Scharfe Kritik von den Schülern bekommen. Zumindest weiss ich das meine Klassen das nicht geduldet hätte. Zum anderen hätte wir Kollektiv mal die Eltern eingeschalten und hätten das auf ne höhere Instant gebracht. Das sage ich nicht aus irgendeiner "wass wäre wenn" Situation sondern genau das ist damals in meiner Klasse geschehen als sie derartig unzufrieden mit dem Klassenlehrer war. Das ging auch soweit das wir ihn nicht auf die Abschlussfahrt mitgenommen haben und dafür unsere Deutsch Lehrerin verlangt haben. Punkt ist : das sind alles individuelle Erfahrungen und Schüler/Eltern sind nicht machtlos. Im schlimmsten Fall gibt es hält nen Schulwechsel ist doch das schöne hier in Deutschland. Mein Ort mit 26 Tausend Einwohner hat glaube ich 4 Realschulen, ohne Probleme 6 Gymnasien mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkte, 2-3 Hauptschulen, da fehlen noch sonder Schulen und und und. Liegt vlt auch daran das viele Schüler aus den umliegenden Dörfern und Großstädten zu uns kommen gerade für die weiterführende Schulen und es nun Mal vollkommen normal ist die Schulen zu wechseln.
Discord yay kurze Frage: aus welchem Bundesland kommst du? In manchen BL wie in Berlin werden ja meine ich keine Lehrer mehr verbeamtet, dadurch kann es auch eher zu Kündigungen kommen. Hier bei mir in NRW werden allerdings die meisten Lehrer verbeamtet und deshalb können die eigentlich nicht aus der Schule geworfen werden. Die können eigentlich machen oder lassen was sie wollen und die bekommen so oder so ihr Geld vom Staat. Das sieht man ja auch aktuell mit dem Verhalten der Lehrer während der Coronakrise da verhalten sich einige ziemlich asozial und wollen für jeden furz und Feuerstein sofort eine Gehaltserhöhung obwohl sie in den letzten zwei drei Monaten ohne etwas getan zu haben, trotzdem volle Bezüge erhalten haben. Und dann der zweite Punkt ist ja dass viele Lehrer obwohl die unterschiedlich viel machen trotzdem genau das gleiche bekommen und deshalb haben wir auch so viele faule Säcke als Lehrer in den Schulen weil man von vornherein weiß dass man mit Erdkunde und irgendeinem anderen Nebenfach wie Musik einfach trotzdem extrem viel Geld bekommt und diejenigen die wirklich arbeiten bekommen trotzdem fast genau das gleiche. Deshalb sind die Lehrer dann ja auch irgendwann nicht mehr motiviert weil die wissen dass es sich für sie nicht auszahlt. Das ist dann ja im Prinzip genauso wie im Kommunismus.
You gotta take in consideration that, in Germany, you have to Go to University for 5 years and After that you have to do 1 1/2 years „Ref“ where you work at a school. So it takes you almost 7 years to become a teacher in Germany...
you clearly have not met German teachers. they have such a range of characteristics and values. They are also not allowed to push opinions on students. Germany has learned a lot. We value free and creative thinking.
If you attend a certain university in Germany to become a music teacher (and a second subject, of course), it even takes six years. I always wonder about the quality of homeschooling, where one parent teaches all grades in all subjects. I even once heard a women say, she is teaching her eldest kid Latin now. A language she herself never had. The outcome can only be excellent 🙄
@C J You get two things mixed up here: opinion and facts. I have been taught to ask questions, be critical and have my own opinion. And I attended 5 different schools, due to moving around the country. My kids were taught the same at their schools. We were also taught to find sources to build our opinions and how to find out if they are credible. The global warming is a fact. Even without listening to experts you might realize it yourself, after the seventh (!) way too dry spring and probably the third too hot, toi long summer with extreme temperatures in a row. That's not the weather, that's not random, no exception any more. That's the climate change and all experts say so.
And somehow a lot of my teachers are still either a) unable to explain anything or b) hate children with a burning passion. As soon as they leave university they can basically do whatever they want and noone can do anything against it. Some teachers are using their privilege in a good way but most of them... meh.
In germany we don't have a highschool . We have Gymnasium , Realschule /+ , Gesamtschule , Hauptschule. The junor highschool and the highschool are one school.
Montana, you attended a BAVARIAN High School. There are 16 different school systems in Germany, and differences can be quite "interesting". But that is politics. Besides, you have 50 different states in the USA, and even within these states local educational systems (and requirements) frequently seem to depend on the neighborhood(s), i.e. real estate taxes, .... Which also leads to teachers' salaries and employment standards and evaluations and ... Greetings from someone who worked in ONE US educational system for a decade and has retired from the Bavarian one with a good pension!
I recently had a conversation with an American friend of mine who went to a public high school in Kansas and passed his finals a few months ago (just saying that in advance to clarify that I’m NOT trying to necessarily question the entire the American school system and that I know that education differs from state to state and school to school). During the conversation, he mentioned that, at least at his school, he would have the opportunity to retake tests multiple times until he passed them (with a good grade). I do know that you’d probably end up failing anyways after the 4th or 5th time of not passing, but the fact that he would even have the chance to retake them once is an unimaginable thing to me. Here in Bavaria, Germany, where I go to school, girl, when you’re out, you're out. Test repetitions are a non-existing thing here. The only possibility you have when it comes to retaking a test is when the entire class failed the exam. But even that is not mandatory in Bavarian school law. The usual case says that repetitions can only be repeated if the requirements were not appropriate or if the teaching material was not sufficiently prepared by the teacher. Maybe all of this makes sense in the overall picture of the American school system and maybe I’m the only one not understanding where the point of grading tests, in general, is when you get several chances on them anyway but I don’t judge. I also was kind of surprised after hearing that he received pretty important grades on things like a five-minute self-introduction presentation that he had to hold in front of his class and an essay about his favorite superhero he had to write for literature class. I mean the last time I got to do such tasks I was probably in sixth grade. In French class. And I was still not graded on them bc they were seen as exercises lmao
The division into different kinds of high schools (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium) does have its problems, because pupils are graded at a rather early age into groups that have very different opportunities in life. There are simply individuals who develop later than others, and catching up at 16 with peers who have studied at a faster rate for the last six years is extremely hard to do. Often pupils who attend Gymnasium will be from families where mum and dad are university trained already. So the German system actually perpetuates social segregation and determines your chances in life much too early. In fairness, this is partly compensated by a possibility to access higher studies after vocational training, and by achieving the highest high school grade in evening courses if you discover your taste for studying after reaching adulthood. But it is rather more difficult, and it will still limit your choices to a range of subjects that are very profession-oriented.
Richtig, der zweite Bildungsweg ist erheblich schwieriger. Bei der Einstellung eines neuen Mitarbeiters habe ich diese Leute aber bevorzugt, weil sie einfach bereits gezeigt hatten, auch schierige Wege gehen zu können und erfolgreich zu sein.
Yeah, this system has its flaws, but you can also see it frim another perspective: if you are developing later than others, as you said, it is good for you to have more time in younger years. If you want to go to university later, you have a goal to study for, which makes motivation much easier. You said, that it would be hard to get unto this faster-learning-mode, but if you are going to a gymnasium, you have this troubles in 5th grade, not in 11th grade. I don't think that this is much easier. Please don't understand me wrong, I know that this system has disadvantages in reality, even if the idea sounds good, but the other opportunities do so as well.
I disagree with you at some points. Yes children are separated into different kinds of high school but i don't really think that i lowers their chances. You can graduate form Gymnasium and Gesamtschule with the Abitur. People who graduated Realschule have the chance to go to either of them and get their Abitur. I was since the 5th grade attending a Gymnasium and i graduated with many people who were first on a Realschule and came to get their Abitur. And just a few kids had parents who visited university.
@@mrsstark5964 No, it'a moch harder to transfer from realschule to gymnasium after grade 10. At gymnasium you usually learn two foreign languages, at realschule just one. there are other issues such as vectors in math which are taught at gymnasium only. The current system just exist because elitist parents just want their kids segregated from working class kids and they are heavily lobbying politics Gesamtschule as solt type of secondary school would be fine.
"In germany we respect our teachers" Me watching that video from 10 years ago where a class bullied a teacher so much that she ran out crying and quit job(my english is really bad sorryy uwu): haha yes.....
Was??? Mir wurde damals gesagt, dass man mit 7 Schülern keinen Französischkurs machen darf und der deswegen nich mehr stattfinden kann 😳 ich bin neidisch 🥺
Hey I'm from germany and just wanted to say that I find your videos really interesting and also learn english better myself by watching your videos. It's just cool what people from abroad perspective on Germany is :)
😂 When a theacher isn't there *"ODER"* a meeting comes up... 🤣 I bet you didn't even notice, but is so so cute when you're throwing German words in here and there! 😊
I really enjoy your videos. They are really fun to watch. Like you mentioned there are many differences between schools. In my 'Oberstufe' we only had 15-minute breakes and no lunch break at all even though we had classes until six twice a week. I think in the lower grades the classes can't be cancelled. In my school only from grade 9 or 10 up you get planned or spontanious 'Freistunden'.
I think the thing with sport in American High School is because its more necessary, especilly for familys with not much money, cause its easier to get a scholarship when youre good at for exemple football but not the best in school. In Germany its not necessary because college is free for everyone so no one needs a scholarship but good grades (Abitur) to study at a university. So i think thats why in Germany Grades are more important than Sport.
A mindset where education comes before anything else? I guess younger generations are a lot more studious than I was :D (being the king of procrastination and being ambitious at the same time isn't a good mix though)...
When I was still in school we'd go to our local Dönermann during Mittagspause. Like, one of us would just come to school with their car, and we'd just all get in their, go out to eat lunch, and come back.
my german friends say swiss school is even harder 😳 and i‘m swiss and i go to a gymnasium 🙈 i really want to try american high school though 🥺 i love the US and i wish i could go back there one day 😭
@@lny8364 i mean. Dont get me wrong. Swiss school system is better. In belgium you got like around 4 tests a week n shit. Theres way too much pressure on the students
Personally I don’t like the division into three separate schools at all. I also like that in American schools you don’t have a set “class” with the same people for years and years. And you have so many cool electives which we don’t. Aaaand in Germany extroverts definitely profit from the system since the majority of your grade is how much you talk in class.
Idk about your last point, I'm more of an introvert but saying an answer in class is way easier than having for example smalltalk with another student :D
Lissi Sseoh yeah I think introvert/extrovert is not the right expression. But I think you know what I mean :) for me talking to other students is easier than talking in class
What's you idea then? One big school with all the smart kids and the slow kids together? Great, then noone will get the education they need and deserve and only the rich kids will get a proper education in private schools. You cant teach them all in the same class.
Your last point isn‘t really correct. In fact the oral participation mark contributes towards the final grade the same amount as every small test does, so it’s not super crucial. Actually the most important marks are class tests (50% of the final grade) and later on Klausuren (written exams in year 11 and 12) which make up a third. I can only refer to my federal state Brandenburg, of course, but as a future English teacher I would like to emphasise that English class (for example) consists of more competences than just speaking. Basically the main skills students should acquire are listening, reading, hearing and speaking. Have a lovely day. :)
Lilly Lindner das war nun mal so, als ich zur Schule ging 😅 war in Niedersachsen. Mündlich hat 60% gezählt, manchmal 70% in den Nebenfächern. Kann ja sein, dass es bei dir anders war, bzw. Englisch eine Ausnahme ist. Obwohl auch in Englisch bei uns die mündliche Note 60% gezahlt hat.
Im literally crying😭in azerbaijan we have at least 6 or 7 lessons a day,sometimes it can be 8,and we dont have long breaks🥲🥲breaks r only 5 mins long and u cant even do anything w that amount of time.But fortunately,ive been learning german for 8 months and im finishing A2 and...were gonna move to germany so im happy a bit,thanks for your video😊
We also have 8 hours or 7 hours... Like for example on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we have until 3pm (8 hours) and on Tuesdays and Fridays we have until quarter past 1( 1:15 /6 hours) so it's actually different in every Bundesland I think
Loved this. Ideo! I‘m German and I have to say sometimes we have so many test that I learn so much and write the test and 1 week later I rarely know about it :(
The focus on sports is ridiculous. Unless you become a professional football player or so (which the vast majority just won't become), how does sport benefit you in your future life?
Es wäre aber trotzdem schöner, wenn Sportevents in der Schule und Uni eine größere Bedeutung hätten. Dieser Schulspirit aus den USA hat schon was und in den USA bringt es einem College eben sehr viel Reputation, wenn viele NFL/NBA Profis von dort kommen. Und strategisch wäre es für den Sportstandort Deutschland sicher nicht verkehrt, wenn die Schulen mehr mit Sportvereinen beispielweise kooperieren würden. Und zu deiner Frage: Natürlich bietet Sport große Vorteile fürs spätere Leben. Insbesondere natürlich gesundheitlich.
@@Lxcx311 It is okay to teach them, so children and young adults get a good general education, but it should not be the main focus. Also, it is actually embarrassing how little is being taught in these classes.
@CJ It may be fun for you, but some people just don’t roll the way the school would like everyone to. School sports have taught me to hate playing in teams and to avoid competitions. And because I thought every sport was like the gross stuff we did in school, I didn’t bother to do any in my free time. Just two years ago I really realized that I could do sports alone, without having to work with crazy people who go nuts over a stupid game. So no, not everyone benefits from schools trying to get the students to do sports. If we want to make PE lessons and stuff really work, we need to cater to everyone’s needs and stop favoring the „teamplayers“. (Who usually do not help everyone but themselves in a game, just sayin‘)
@@unhappyoption5910 Teamplay is actually important in most areas in your work life. However, Team as not meant to be as the German "Toll Ein Anderer Machts" (Perfect, some else does it), but a team is meant to work together towards a common goal. However, this can also be learnt in science class. Also: Students are generally very bad working as a team. But in work life, your individual effort towards the project is usually tracked more closely, so it becomes obvious if you don't contribute. Also as an engineer (like me), it makes you proud to get the best possible product onto the market. Once people are passionate about the goal, team work works a lot better. That said, you can't force team work. It has to come intrinsically from the team members...
Hey Montana, super nice video again. I really like how deliberately you talk about the topic. Especially so refreshing in times when the world seems to be upside down. I really hope that you will have the chance to visit Germany again in the near future.
The dividing of students into different schools due to their learning abilities is very negatively regarded in germany, because for the students on the hauptschule it is the hardest to move up to the next school level. Also mostly the Hauptschule has on average the most poor people in it, so its more a dividing of different socioeconomic groups than of students with low medium and high learning abilities (look at the PISA study, the german educational system is unfair). Also the reason for the classes being cancelled is because the state wasnt able to hire enough teachers. I disagree that the teaching profession is that high regarded, they do fine but they don't have any possibilities of climbing up the career ladder. Thats why there are so few teachers, there are barely any people who want to become teachers.
Love your videos, they're super interesting to me ❤ my fiancé has been on exchange in the US and has told me a lot about US high school which I didn't believe at first... especially about the food 😱 here you are, confirming it! And also: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Annika 🎂🎁🎉
Okay so first things first - classes in Germany are only allowed to be canceled from years 9 and up (at least at my school) because 8-graders and younger are not trusted enough to go home earlier alone or just have a free period, the school is responsible if anything happens to them on the way to, in or on the way back from school. The older students have a bit more freedom as they are considered old enough to not let anything happen to them, they are more responsible. Leaving the school during the big lunch breaks is honestly only allowed grades 10 or up or if you're 16 (again, my school), but not a lot of kids actually pay attention to these rules at all basically. You can even see 5th-graders sometimes go outside to buy their school lunch. Writing your own answers instead of multiple-choice questions is honestly a really good thing, as it results in students remembering and understanding the material better. You are forced to understand it if you want to answer the question correctly, as you need to explain it in your own words. The school lunch in Germany is honestly not bad at all. The only thing people usually complain at my school is the fact that it's so soft, you don't need to chew it. But that is the reason because the people who cater to my school also cater to the nursing homes for old people so... Thanks for reading!
I live in Germany and we have an extra app for our vertretungsplan. So we're able to see it from home on our smartphones, which I think is really cool 😊
The gymnasium is very stressful for some students. In my town, a student jumped out of the window because of the stress:( he did not die:) He ended up in the realschüle. I think students should find their own way. Pressure and stress is not good for anyone. Great video👍
I was actually going to do a German exchange with school this year, I’m from the U.K. and my partner came to the U.K. in February and I was supposed to go to Germany in may but my trip was cancelled
In General I agree with your opinion on the separation between gymnasium, Realschule etc but I dislike that going to a gymnasium kinda pushes you to go to a university afterwards. I went to gymnasium because I had good grades and were bored because the school stuff were pretty easy to me but I never wanted to study, still all the time teachers only talked about going to a university and even when I wanted to take a test on which profession would fit the official site for work/future planning in Germany (Arbeitsagentur) told me to search for courses in universities and sent me back to the home page. So the point I wanted to make here is that u are technically meant to choose in 4th grade what ur future should look like and then get pushed to this direction all through the rest of your time in school.
In the light of recent events I'd be very interested in your thoughts on racism in American society. Did you notice a difference to Passau? I spent a year in MN and I'm sure there are also differences between different states. What's it like in Virginia? Grüße aus Norddeutschland :)
@C J okay, that's simply not true. As I mentioned earlier, I've lived in the US for a year. There certainly is racism. You just gotta talk to any black person to confirm that. I'm not saying the US in general is more racist than every other country tho.
@C J how are you supposed to know in what area I spent my exchange year?😂 dude, it's no secret nobody knows that there's a whole lot of racism in the US, and certainly not just in the town where I lived. Again, I'm not saying every one is racist, and I'm not saying the US is the only racist country on Earth either. There's certainly racism in Europe too. However acting as if America didn't have serious issues with racism is absolutely ignorant. Maybe you should talk to some black people and ask them about their experiences before you make such bold statements. You don't know what it's like for African Americans to live in this country so stfu.
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁 This was intetesting! I think it'd be interested if you now did a video about the things you find better in American high schools (vs. German) !
actually the very selective school system in Germany is also one of the reasons why the educational inequality here is so high. So it has its downsides.
@@chubbymoth5810 yeah, thanks for the correction.. I normally know, but sometimes I write with English and sometimes with German auto correction and I get them mixed up and then something like that happens, even though in both languages names are written with the capital..
@6:04 absolutly not cool. i was at 'realschule' and all i it was focused on - from 7th to 10th grade - was preparing for work-life. no one thought of the possibiliies that we could go to further schools and do that, no one told us about those opportunities. i now study in my 2nd field, but - oh boy - at the beginning with no experience at writing papers or test that last longer than an hour, never made presentation and stuff in school... would've liked to know about those. besides 'forcing' them into school-fitting roles (like gymnasium-pupils will study, real- & hauptschule will start training and working), it is on an educational level not sesible. with mixed classes (and adequate care through teachers), pupils learn better school-stuff and social skills through interaction with each other. ps: as i see the state of teachers in germany (underpaied, over-worked, stressed-out, jobless on holydays, maybe again hired in school time, too less teachers in general, difficult classes, no money or time for further educations, to big classes, ...) the only positiv thing i can imagine in comparison to us teachers are gun laws
@@silkwesir1444 funfact: john dewey researched and presented 'democratic learning' over 100 years ago. guess in the end, schools may be for good citizens, not good education (-;
Es gibt immer noch den zweiten Bildungsweg. Du kannst übers Abendgymnasium das Abitur nachholen - zwar muss man seine Freizeit für eine Weile einschränken, dafür ist dieser Weg etwas einfacher als das Abitur übers reguläre Gymnasium, zumindest wenn ich so gesehen habe, was meine Kollegen dafür lernen mussten. Auch den Realschulabschluss kann man über den zweiten Bildungsweg nachholen, wenn man die Zeit investiert.
To your argument with the teachers salary: My mother is a teacher in primary school and their principal earns so much money like a normal teacher at an "high school" earns😅 So many teachers aren't paid well😕
lately, because of corina we only have school from 8am till 11 am which is actually pretty cool because i mean we’re only allowed to stay in the building for 4 hours maximum but for me and my class it’s pretty much of an advantage because we have our final exams coming up next week
Hey Montana! I want to apply to CBYX for my junior year, can you address how credits and GPA worked? Like do you think you missed out on certain classes, I guess missing out on study abroad opportunities is worse. But can you talk about the logistics and application of the program.
I remember you mentioning, in another video, how you got bad grades there, and I was wondering if your grades from German school matter? Like will CBYX notice those bad grades or will they effect you in other ways? (Hoping to go through CBYX next year!)
Hey cool, herzlichen Glückwunsch, Annika! Btw: Currently the classes in german schools are even smaller due to Covid19. Only up to 16 kids per class, at least in our city. And you are right: the smaller the classes, the better each one of the pupils can learn :-)
I'm living in Germany and I'm still going (well, graduate this year, so not for long xD) to a gymnasium. Because of the number of people in classes: In Germany there are huge differences between different ones. In fifth grade we had like 33 people in my class. But in my last year, I had a class (Latin) with four other people. So a lot less. And the grade which graduated last year had a class with two people. If everybody was appearing. Others were like 39 people...
Besonders in der Oberstufe ist das teilweise von Kurs zu Kurs sehr verschieden. Dabei ist aber Latein noch mal ein Sonderfall mit besonders kleinen Kursen (bei uns Kombikurs mit der Zwölften) 🙈
@@lilas.988 Ja! Das ist bei uns in Kursen wie Altgriechisch oder Latein (ab der 10. Klasse) nicht möglich, da der Wissenstand so unterschiedlich ist. Aber bei uns gibt / gab es auch zwei Kombikurse der 11. und 12. Klasse in Informatik und Latein (ab der 8. Klasse)
@@zelo4290 Latein ist wohl eines der sehr wenigen Fächer, bei denen man wenigstens 11 und 12 kombinieren kann. Aber Unterricht mit denen ist ja auch interessant.
Bei uns gab es ab der Oberstufe immer Kooperationen mit den zwei anderen Gymnasien in unserer Stadt, damit möglichst alle Fächer zustande kommen können. Und trotzdem waren wir in Reli vierstündig nur zu acht😂
@@smileyxd6240 Ja gut xD Wir haben nur ein Gymnasium, deshalb kooperiert meine Schule mit der Gesamtschule. Aber das steckt noch sehr in den Kinderschuhen. 😅 Aber auch bei uns gab es da bereits sehr kleine Kurse auf diese Weise...
What 5 o'clock?! I was in different highschools(Gymnasium) and my max is at 3 o'clock. But the fact is they aren't a whole german school system. Each state have a different school system. And also they are many differents from school to school. For example the times are different or the food is better or more bad. The sport system here is different too. They are special sport highschool. There the focus is on sport. Or you go to a sport club afternoon for sports.
I'm in a technical Gymnasium and every Wednesday we have lessons until 5 pm. I have to get up at 5:30 am and I'm at home at 7pm, so overall the day is practically over.
I'm from NRW and until grade 9 the latest was 15.35 . Since I am at gymnasiale Oberstufe, sometimes lessons gets longer because sports lessons were always in the afternoon. On tuesdays I've hab lessons from 7.40 to 12.30 (11.25 in my last year) and sports from 5 to 6 pm.
I had a Gym class starting at 5pm in Germany haha. Regular classes ended at 3:15/3:45 (depending what grade you were in) Up to 9th grade students at some point got a longer lunch break, than those in 10th grade and up (luckily they introduced that when I was in 11th grade... who needs a longer lunch break when you could just leave earlier haha). However schools who have you stay longer, are usually Ganztagsschulen.
I don't get the apologies vor the length of the videos, I think they're very informative even when I already know most of the things, from being German myself but out of school / university for a bit longer. I find it very interesting to hear about the experience of people younger and from a different country than me . Maybe I have a longer attention span than others and therefore prefer longer videos 😉
I’m supposed to be going to Germany with CBYX at the beginning of 2021, so these videos are a big help letting me know what I’m getting myself into! I was supposed to go this year, but as you know coronavirus happened. As for getting to leave school for lunch, my American high school does this and absolutely no one eats lunch at school. Everyone goes into town. It’s good to know I might be able to continue doing this when I get to go to Germany. Or IF I get to go to Germany, hopefully the coronavirus isn’t such a problem by January.
If there is "German" in the title u can be certain that all the Germans will come and take this comment section faster than they took Paris 1940... jeez
From class 1-9 (1-10 depends on your school) you usually have a substitute teacher, but when you're in the Oberstufe (class 10-12 / 11-13), classes get canceled. The missing teacher usually gives tasks the pupils have to do. At my school we had to go to the teachers room and get the worksheets and read the note that our teacher mailed the school, so we knew the tasks. :)
The longer breaks give you the opportunity to copy the homework for your next class from your friends
EXACTLY. I think I never did my homeworks at home after elemantry school.
@@Lukas-xb7cx though Montana seems like the kind of studious person who'd do them at home :)
@@TheSailingsilver True. Plus I think in bavaria students are generally more diligent than in other german states because they have too since it's pretty hard
Hhahahahha yes
@@Lukas-xb7cx And I was always the one who did the homework at home so that the others could copy before class XD
"In Germany we respect our teachers"
Me thinking about that one guy in class:......
Me thinking about my whole class...
@@WKPExpressMovies lmao samee
Me thinking about my whole class constantly bullying our French teacher: Hmmmmm
No but seriously sometimes it's hilarious it makes for some good storys for example, once a boy brought a harmonica to class and there are oranges flying around during class constantly... It's a mess
The fuck. Never respected my teacher at all :)
There was a bot in my class and he threw a shou against the blackboard and almost hit the teacher
*everybody wants to work hard on Gymnasium* me: laughing
Omg your so right i am living from germany i am a 100% german person and i know sooo mich people who dont learn much on gymnasium
@@youdontknowme6111 ich war auf einem Gymnasium und hab in der 5. Fast nieee gelernt, aber Latein hat alles geändert, ich hab in den ferien manchmal 4 tage lang von der früh bis abend gelernt und zwar für ne Schulaufgabe, also für die schulaufgabe ca. 30-40 Stunden oder mehr gelernt (hätte nie gedacht das ich so krass lernen kann) und hab dann eine 6 geschrieben....
Ich frag mich wie des geht ohne zu lernen 😶
@@Samira-sg4jj Naja Qualität geht über Quantität, vielleicht lernst du falsch?
@@kage3069 ich hatte auch schon so einen lern Therapeuten (wen man das so nennen kann), hat auch nichts gebracht!
@@Samira-sg4jj vlt. liegt der Unterschied einfach darin das man es dir nicht auf ne Art und Weise beigebracht hat die es dir einfach macht Latein zu lernen, darf Latein nun für's Studium nachholen und eines der Dinge die mir ne gute Freundin beigebracht hat war : Bam bas bat bamus batis bant, als die Bombenform also BAM BAS BAT ect.
oder Or ris tur mur mini ntur als Lied mit klatschen, hat schon nen Rythmus wenn man das vor sich her sagt X'D
The focus on sports in american high schools is because students want to get scholarships for college. In Germany universities are free so there is no need for that.
but theyre not really free, if you don't have a graduation/high school graduation you can't go to college/university
@@leoniee684 she means that you don't have to pay for college (except for the private ones).
@@kristinaanikonovaa Yes, that's what I mean. 😊 You only have to pay a small fee (for administration) like less than a hundred euros per semester and with that you have free public transport in your hole region. That's a pretty good deal!
kristina nik but you have to pay for a college? if you want to study at a university you have to pay money in the start (around 1000 to 2000 euros)
@@leoniee684 In Germany? Did that change over the last years?
I swear sometimes when I scroll through the comments I think I'm the only American watching your videos.
I am Dutch so not everybody is from Germany.
No, I'm an American that lived in Germany while in the Army. I was always interested in their school system because it looked so different than ours.
An american you so exotic here bro xD
From the UK!
Finland 🇫🇮
Ich: sehe den Titel
Auch ich: Wenn du wüsstest...
Ich dachte mir nur... wenn deutsche Schulen wirklich besser sind, wie gnadenlos beschissen müssen dann amerikanische Schulen sein?
@@שרלילה-ג6כ Mein Gedanke... meine Gedanke xD
Hello there 👋
General kenobi!
Jaaaaa ist halt so
"Sorry for the popcorn, it was my snack last night" love this sentence 😂
Sie ist schon knuffig :-)
Kleiner Mitternachstssnack wer kennt's nicht
@@brokkoliomg6103 Omnomnom :-)
A---DO---RA---BLE 🤩
welche Minute kommt das?
*German in the title*
Germans: "Hippity hoppity, this comment section is now our property!"
Ja uns gehört auch dieser Kommentarbereich.
Well that's more secure as adding tits or kittens xD
#Internet mechanics
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that not everyone's classes get cancelled. I guess at most of the schools the lower grades need to stay there and a substitute teacher comes, but the higher grades' classes are often cancelled. :)
In Oberstufe, we never had a substitute, just "self study" were we had to take attendance ourselves and then would get exercises to do, whereas in the lower grades we always had a substitute, and only very seldomly (if it was the last lesson of the day etc) class would be canceled
@@millionsparks96 Yes, that's exactly how it works at my school too :)
Yeah it’s because your parents expect you to be at school and the time that you would have had classes you are still insured through your school so in lower grades they want you to stay on campus and be supervised whereas in the Oberstufe most people were 18 and hence responsible for themselves. At my school we actually weren’t allowed to leave the school premises when we where underage and had a class off but I guess that depends on the federal state your school is in
I literally just commented the exact same without reading your comment before😁
@@Anna-je8sg that's totally fine :) I'm searching for your comment now because I want to like it😁
*German*: im Titel
Deutsche: "Dieser Kommentarbereich ist jetzt Eigentum der BRD"
Halt! wer hat Gesagt das es der BRD gehört hm?
@@flixco3572 Na @Redstoneer !?
@@GreenStorm01 😂
@@GreenStorm01 Nein, es gehört nicht der BRD, sondern uns, den Bürger!! (Spaß)
Ist doch total logisch...keiner sonst außer Deutsche interesieren sich für so was...auch keine Amerikaner !!
Substitute teachers:
In Germany we have substitute teachers as well, but just for the younger students. In my school , we've had subs until grade 9. Since the first year of gymnasiale Oberstufe (like high school, except you're not changing school) classes get cancelled and we are allowed to leave scool during breaks.
This is, because the school has to look up, what their students are doing. Older students have more freedoms.
In my school the classes get cancelled for younger students as well, if it’s the 8th/9th class of the day (Nachmittagsunterricht)
that's interesting in my school they used to only have subs for 5/6 grade, until people complained and now we're stuck with "lernbox" where you get a folder with stuff you have to do and this includes grades 5-9, which i honestly don't understand
At my school it was usually the same. Usually the first or last class got canceled for younger students. But when i was in the Oberstufe some things changed so that we also had substitute teachers sometimes.
Nein, die schule möchte nicht nach den Schülern gucken, es sind Versicherungs- und Verantwortungsfragen. Wenn ein Schüler in der Pause angefahren wird ist die Schule schuld, und abhängig vom Bundesland in dem du lebst kommt dir Eigenverantwortung mit 16 was bedeutet, dass auch alleine raus gehen darfst (oder freu)
@@msatr_ Das mag zwar so sein, das bestreite ich auch nicht. Ich habe nur gesagt wie es bei mir war. Als ich in die fünfte Klasse kam hieß es, dass nur Oberstufenschüler das Gelände verlassen dürfen. Als ich aber in der Oberstufe war wurde das auch geändert. Zunächst hat man gesagt, dass nur Kinder welche einen unterschrieben Zettel von den Eltern haben auch das Gelände verlassen dürfen. Das wurde dann aber auch schnell nicht mehr kontrolliert oder überwacht. Und als ich noch nicht in der Oberstufe war, war es auch nicht unübersichtlich, dass die erste oder letzte Stunde dann ausgefallen ist.
Due to the corona virus we have single desks now too😂😢
Clara Simon wir nicht wir haben normal Unterricht mit kleineren klassen
@@nerevarchthn6860 dann hast du doch auch nen Tisch alleine.
Jakob Nachname ach so war das gemeint
Ich musste jede Woche gehen, seitdem die Schulen wieder offen sind und jetzt habe ich noch 7 Tage schule, bis ich wieder daheim bin.
@@_blaubeerdrache_5494 hab schon wieder Ferien haha
German in title
Germans: Ein Volk, ein reich, ein Kommentarbereich
geklaut, aber lustig
Ich wollt den gleichen Joke machen, aber jemand Stalingrad...
What I heard from US schools is, that if you're teacher isn't there, the substitute teacher is a special teacher who is only there for substitute. Is that true? In Germany for the most part its just a teacher from the school who is free at the time and they often know the teacher who would have given the class and therefore know what tasks to do.
Depends on the school size in America. But they do exist.
In America it depends. There are people who are just substitutes, but they’re usually either retired teachers or people who are training to be teachers. If the school can’t find a substitute, then they will get another teacher who has free time to fill in.
My county hires people specifically to be substitutes, lots of college students do substitute teaching part time
Naja, hängt wohl von der Schule und vom Bundesland ab. Im Gesetz steht, dass wir Vertretungsleher haben müssen. (Und das wir das Schulgelände während der Schulzeit nicht verlassen dürfen. Ab 18 nur wenn wir vorher einen Zettel unterschreiben, aber das lohnt halt nicht für 15 Minuten extra den Direktor zu suchen.) Und dann hing dafür auch ein Plan im Lehrerzimmer - nur leider hat da kein Leher draufgeguckt. Wir hatten so in 20% der Fälle dann tatsächlich Vertretung und ansonsten hatten wir erst 15 Minuten gewartet und wenn dann Niemand kam haben wir Karten gespiel, oder hingen am Handy. Die jungs sind natürlich wie die Wilden durchs Klassenzimmer gerannt und haben noch mit 17 Fangen gespielt... oder geboxt. In der nächsten Stunde waren die Gesichter dann dick, aber die Lehrer haben das auch nicht gemerkt.
@@cinemaatrium3863 Im Prinzip gelten diese Regeln auch für uns, aber daran hält sich niemand.😂 Vor allem wenn die Stunde vor einer Freistunde ausfällt, dann sind so gut wie alle sofort weg 🏃. Verstehe ich aber voll das man sich nicht daran hält, diese Regeln sind schon ein bisschen rein theoretisch und unpraktisch
Germans: something is better in Germany
You have to put a star after the words you wanna have fat too for having it fat
We just need a lil positivity beside all the stereotypical racist comments
Punkt 1: Vertretungslehrer gibt es schon in der Unter- und Mittelstufe. Lehrer geben in der Regel Aufgaben für die entfallende Stunde, nach Möglichkeit wird auch ein entsprechender Fachlehrer für die Stunde organisiert, der bei Fragen helfen kann.
Punkt 2: Ich persönlich finde nicht, dass Lehrer gut bezahlt werden. Es ist schon ok, und vor allem die Freizeit/Schulferien sind aus Lehrersicht sehr positiv, besonders angesehen ist der Beruf aber nicht und respektvoll und dankbar sind ein Großteil der Schüler aus meiner Erinnerung auch nicht. Nur wenige, meist junge und noch nicht so frustrierte Lehrer sind überhaupt motiviert genug ihren Unterricht interessant zu gestalten.
Die multiple-choice tests in den USA sind tatsächlich ein Witz. Ich habe vor ca. einem Jahrzehnt zu meiner Schulzeit ein halbes Jahr bei euch verbracht und die Zeit auch sehr genossen, gelernt habe ich aber (außer Englisch) quasi nichts. Verrückt, wie viel Geld in die Forschung der Eliteuniversitäten fließt aber die Schulbildung komplett auf der Strecke bleibt.
Zusätzlich: viele Schulen entlassen ihre Lehrer zu Beginn der Sommerferien um Geld zu sparen und stellen sie dann am Anfang des Schuljahres wieder ein... Das ist eine ziemliche Schweinerei in meinen Augen
um es mit den Worten von Volker Pispers zu sagen : "Der Lehrer ist der Fußabtreter der Nation. Ein Lehrer muss wieder eine Respektperson sein."
@@anblueboot5364 Dann sollen sie sich auch so verhalten. Wir hatten Lehrer die Verschwörungstheorien im Unterricht erzählt haben (Flat Earth, chem trails, etc), Lehrer die Kinder rassistisch beleidigt haben wenn sie etwas nicht verstanden haben, Lehrer die 60% ihres Unterrichts ausfallen lassen und wenn sie mal da waren trotzdem immer eine halbe Stunde zu spät.... Trotz etlicher Beschwerden durften sie immer weiter unterrichten, in einem Gymnasium btw.
Dieser Beruf zieht Leute an, die wissen dass sie sich alles erlauben könne, weil sie ja eh nicht gefeuert werden oder mit negativen Konsequenzen zu rechnen haben. In jedem anderem Job fliegst du mit so einem Verhalten raus, aber nicht als Lehrer.
@@TheBanana202 ich bin solchen Lehrern noch nie in meinem Leben begegnet, meine Schwester auch nicht und die meisten meiner Freunden welche nicht an meiner Schule waren auch nicht.
(Bin Realschule dann aufs Gymnasium gegangen bzw. auf ein informationstechnische Gymnasium)
Ich bin mir sicher hätte ein Lehrer einen solchen Bullshit von sich auf unseren Schulen gegeben hätte er zu einem Scharfe Kritik von den Schülern bekommen. Zumindest weiss ich das meine Klassen das nicht geduldet hätte. Zum anderen hätte wir Kollektiv mal die Eltern eingeschalten und hätten das auf ne höhere Instant gebracht. Das sage ich nicht aus irgendeiner "wass wäre wenn" Situation sondern genau das ist damals in meiner Klasse geschehen als sie derartig unzufrieden mit dem Klassenlehrer war.
Das ging auch soweit das wir ihn nicht auf die Abschlussfahrt mitgenommen haben und dafür unsere Deutsch Lehrerin verlangt haben.
Punkt ist : das sind alles individuelle Erfahrungen und Schüler/Eltern sind nicht machtlos. Im schlimmsten Fall gibt es hält nen Schulwechsel ist doch das schöne hier in Deutschland.
Mein Ort mit 26 Tausend Einwohner hat glaube ich 4 Realschulen, ohne Probleme 6 Gymnasien mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkte, 2-3 Hauptschulen, da fehlen noch sonder Schulen und und und. Liegt vlt auch daran das viele Schüler aus den umliegenden Dörfern und Großstädten zu uns kommen gerade für die weiterführende Schulen und es nun Mal vollkommen normal ist die Schulen zu wechseln.
Discord yay kurze Frage: aus welchem Bundesland kommst du? In manchen BL wie in Berlin werden ja meine ich keine Lehrer mehr verbeamtet, dadurch kann es auch eher zu Kündigungen kommen. Hier bei mir in NRW werden allerdings die meisten Lehrer verbeamtet und deshalb können die eigentlich nicht aus der Schule geworfen werden. Die können eigentlich machen oder lassen was sie wollen und die bekommen so oder so ihr Geld vom Staat. Das sieht man ja auch aktuell mit dem Verhalten der Lehrer während der Coronakrise da verhalten sich einige ziemlich asozial und wollen für jeden furz und Feuerstein sofort eine Gehaltserhöhung obwohl sie in den letzten zwei drei Monaten ohne etwas getan zu haben, trotzdem volle Bezüge erhalten haben. Und dann der zweite Punkt ist ja dass viele Lehrer obwohl die unterschiedlich viel machen trotzdem genau das gleiche bekommen und deshalb haben wir auch so viele faule Säcke als Lehrer in den Schulen weil man von vornherein weiß dass man mit Erdkunde und irgendeinem anderen Nebenfach wie Musik einfach trotzdem extrem viel Geld bekommt und diejenigen die wirklich arbeiten bekommen trotzdem fast genau das gleiche. Deshalb sind die Lehrer dann ja auch irgendwann nicht mehr motiviert weil die wissen dass es sich für sie nicht auszahlt. Das ist dann ja im Prinzip genauso wie im Kommunismus.
Normale Schulen: Doppeltische und unangekündigte Tests
Meine Schule: Einzeltische aber unangekündigte Tests sind freiwillig😂
Oha wie geil 😂👍🏻
Bei mir:Einzeltische und angekündigte Tests
Oha in welchem Bundesland geht du zur Schule ? Und was für eine Schulart ? Gymnasium?
Wtf wie geil ist das denn? Bei mir waren nicht mal in der 5. Klasse angekündigt, nur Vokabel Tests
You gotta take in consideration that, in Germany, you have to Go to University for 5 years and After that you have to do 1 1/2 years „Ref“ where you work at a school. So it takes you almost 7 years to become a teacher in Germany...
you clearly have not met German teachers. they have such a range of characteristics and values. They are also not allowed to push opinions on students. Germany has learned a lot. We value free and creative thinking.
If you attend a certain university in Germany to become a music teacher (and a second subject, of course), it even takes six years. I always wonder about the quality of homeschooling, where one parent teaches all grades in all subjects. I even once heard a women say, she is teaching her eldest kid Latin now. A language she herself never had. The outcome can only be excellent 🙄
@C J Lame.
@C J You get two things mixed up here: opinion and facts. I have been taught to ask questions, be critical and have my own opinion. And I attended 5 different schools, due to moving around the country. My kids were taught the same at their schools. We were also taught to find sources to build our opinions and how to find out if they are credible. The global warming is a fact. Even without listening to experts you might realize it yourself, after the seventh (!) way too dry spring and probably the third too hot, toi long summer with extreme temperatures in a row. That's not the weather, that's not random, no exception any more. That's the climate change and all experts say so.
And somehow a lot of my teachers are still either a) unable to explain anything or b) hate children with a burning passion. As soon as they leave university they can basically do whatever they want and noone can do anything against it.
Some teachers are using their privilege in a good way but most of them... meh.
In germany we don't have a highschool . We have Gymnasium , Realschule /+ , Gesamtschule , Hauptschule. The junor highschool and the highschool are one school.
Und das was du Realschule + nennst heißt in jedem Bundesland anders😂
Bei mir in BW ist es die Werkrealschule
@@newuserBviewssecondsago-uz5rw werkreal müsste Hauptschule+ sein und realschule+ vllt Fachhochschulreife?
TheGreen Fachhochschulreife ist der Abschluss der Sek II bzw. das Abitur, welchen man zum Eintritt in die Fachhochschule benötigt
@@noname-pm2ow Das Abitur ist die allgemeine Hochschulreife, nicht die Fachhochschulreife.
Zumindest in BaWü gab es früher die Hauptschule, inzwischen wurde daraus die Werkrealschule, wo man entweder nach der 9. abgeht, oder nach der 10.
Montana, you attended a BAVARIAN High School. There are 16 different school systems in Germany, and differences can be quite "interesting". But that is politics. Besides, you have 50 different states in the USA, and even within these states local educational systems (and requirements) frequently seem to depend on the neighborhood(s), i.e. real estate taxes, .... Which also leads to teachers' salaries and employment standards and evaluations and ... Greetings from someone who worked in ONE US educational system for a decade and has retired from the Bavarian one with a good pension!
What's your point? You're saying she's generalizing? She did point out she's just talking about her personal experience :)
@@hannahg8439 and he/she is giving extra information so wats your point
This starts of like a correction, sound like it was to make a point.
I can only go by the average people I meet here in the US. The educational system leaves a lot to be desired.
She is murican, don't confuse her with facts.
Wir sind überall wo German ,Germany steht 🇩🇪💪
XD genau!
hier sind voll wenig von uns in den kommis... sad hahaha
I recently had a conversation with an American friend of mine who went to a public high school in Kansas and passed his finals a few months ago (just saying that in advance to clarify that I’m NOT trying to necessarily question the entire the American school system and that I know that education differs from state to state and school to school).
During the conversation, he mentioned that, at least at his school, he would have the opportunity to retake tests multiple times until he passed them (with a good grade). I do know that you’d probably end up failing anyways after the 4th or 5th time of not passing, but the fact that he would even have the chance to retake them once is an unimaginable thing to me. Here in Bavaria, Germany, where I go to school, girl, when you’re out, you're out.
Test repetitions are a non-existing thing here. The only possibility you have when it comes to retaking a test is when the entire class failed the exam. But even that is not mandatory in Bavarian school law. The usual case says that repetitions can only be repeated if the requirements were not appropriate or if the teaching material was not sufficiently prepared by the teacher. Maybe all of this makes sense in the overall picture of the American school system and maybe I’m the only one not understanding where the point of grading tests, in general, is when you get several chances on them anyway but I don’t judge.
I also was kind of surprised after hearing that he received pretty important grades on things like a five-minute self-introduction presentation that he had to hold in front of his class and an essay about his favorite superhero he had to write for literature class.
I mean the last time I got to do such tasks I was probably in sixth grade. In French class. And I was still not graded on them bc they were seen as exercises lmao
@Rita Roork is the american system superior tho? Coz half of americans think africa is a country........
@Rita Roork god bless the american educational system.
@Rita Roork please for the love of everything tell me your joking I can't take this today
The division into different kinds of high schools (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium) does have its problems, because pupils are graded at a rather early age into groups that have very different opportunities in life. There are simply individuals who develop later than others, and catching up at 16 with peers who have studied at a faster rate for the last six years is extremely hard to do. Often pupils who attend Gymnasium will be from families where mum and dad are university trained already. So the German system actually perpetuates social segregation and determines your chances in life much too early.
In fairness, this is partly compensated by a possibility to access higher studies after vocational training, and by achieving the highest high school grade in evening courses if you discover your taste for studying after reaching adulthood. But it is rather more difficult, and it will still limit your choices to a range of subjects that are very profession-oriented.
Richtig, der zweite Bildungsweg ist erheblich schwieriger. Bei der Einstellung eines neuen Mitarbeiters habe ich diese Leute aber bevorzugt, weil sie einfach bereits gezeigt hatten, auch schierige Wege gehen zu können und erfolgreich zu sein.
Yeah, this system has its flaws, but you can also see it frim another perspective: if you are developing later than others, as you said, it is good for you to have more time in younger years. If you want to go to university later, you have a goal to study for, which makes motivation much easier. You said, that it would be hard to get unto this faster-learning-mode, but if you are going to a gymnasium, you have this troubles in 5th grade, not in 11th grade. I don't think that this is much easier.
Please don't understand me wrong, I know that this system has disadvantages in reality, even if the idea sounds good, but the other opportunities do so as well.
I disagree with you at some points. Yes children are separated into different kinds of high school but i don't really think that i lowers their chances. You can graduate form Gymnasium and Gesamtschule with the Abitur. People who graduated Realschule have the chance to go to either of them and get their Abitur. I was since the 5th grade attending a Gymnasium and i graduated with many people who were first on a Realschule and came to get their Abitur. And just a few kids had parents who visited university.
MrsStark i agree with you, one of my friends even graduated hauptschule first, then did Realschule and now she‘s doing her Abitur with me!
@@mrsstark5964 No, it'a moch harder to transfer from realschule to gymnasium after grade 10. At gymnasium you usually learn two foreign languages, at realschule just one. there are other issues such as vectors in math which are taught at gymnasium only. The current system just exist because elitist parents just want their kids segregated from working class kids and they are heavily lobbying politics Gesamtschule as solt type of secondary school would be fine.
German in the Titel: *ZUGRIFF*
Dein Profilbild hat mich verwirrt XD
*Jawohl!* 😂
187 viele likes.
Wo sind meine Deutschen Brüder und Schwestern?😂
Du bist nicht meine schwester 😶
Geh kacken
Ich hab eine Schwester?
Obi Wan Kenobi heul
"In germany we respect our teachers"
Me watching that video from 10 years ago where a class bullied a teacher so much that she ran out crying and quit job(my english is really bad sorryy uwu): haha yes.....
My english is Bad too
We had quite a few teachers that ran out crying 🤷🏼♀️
I always did my Homework in the long 20min pause. So thats a pro!!
Unser Französisch Kurs besteht aus 7 Schülern..😂
Und der Geschichts Kurs meiner Schwester (sie macht dieses Jahr Abi) besteht aus drei Leuten... 😂
Was??? Mir wurde damals gesagt, dass man mit 7 Schülern keinen Französischkurs machen darf und der deswegen nich mehr stattfinden kann 😳 ich bin neidisch 🥺
Mein Französisch Kurs in meinem Austausch Jahr in Großbritannien bestand aus zwei Personen aus unterschiedlichen Stufen (Oberstufe/A-Level)😂
Wow echt? 😳 als ich Abi gemacht habe, waren wir in keinem einzigen Kurs weniger als 20 Leute
@@realmentehannah omg same, wollte unbedingt französisch Abi machen, aber jetzt kann ich nicht mehr nur weil es "zu wenige" Leute für einen Kurs sind
Ich hatte an der Uni mal eine Vorlesung, in der ich alleine war. Nach einiger Zeit kam dann noch ein zweiter dazu.
Hey I'm from germany and just wanted to say that I find your videos really interesting and also learn english better myself by watching your videos. It's just cool what people from abroad perspective on Germany is :)
😂 When a theacher isn't there *"ODER"* a meeting comes up... 🤣 I bet you didn't even notice, but is so so cute when you're throwing German words in here and there! 😊
She say's "or there is a Meeting or something comes up..." so no german oder there
Mo Engelhardt Natürlich hat sie "oder" gesagt! Putz dir die Ohren!
@@IVIoritz ja, denk ich auch
@@IVIoritz You are definitly right, thats a "or there" instead of a "oder"
I really enjoy your videos. They are really fun to watch.
Like you mentioned there are many differences between schools.
In my 'Oberstufe' we only had 15-minute breakes and no lunch break at all even though we had classes until six twice a week.
I think in the lower grades the classes can't be cancelled. In my school only from grade 9 or 10 up you get planned or spontanious 'Freistunden'.
I think the thing with sport in American High School is because its more necessary, especilly for familys with not much money, cause its easier to get a scholarship when youre good at for exemple football but not the best in school. In Germany its not necessary because college is free for everyone so no one needs a scholarship but good grades (Abitur) to study at a university. So i think thats why in Germany Grades are more important than Sport.
Nice to see, have a wonderful weekend, too!
Happy birthday to Annika 🎂🎁🎉🥂
Wer is Annika
@@kessyandro654 die Freundin aus der Gastfamilie, am Ende ihres Videos grüßt sie, sie und wünscht ihr alles Gute, dem hab ich mich abgeschlossen!!
A mindset where education comes before anything else? I guess younger generations are a lot more studious than I was :D (being the king of procrastination and being ambitious at the same time isn't a good mix though)...
I really felt the last part...
Jul ia same😂
When I was still in school we'd go to our local Dönermann during Mittagspause. Like, one of us would just come to school with their car, and we'd just all get in their, go out to eat lunch, and come back.
i had classes with
Yeah Montana please come back to Germany, I think you fit in our system just fine!
Btw great vid;)
my german friends say swiss school is even harder 😳 and i‘m swiss and i go to a gymnasium 🙈 i really want to try american high school though 🥺 i love the US and i wish i could go back there one day 😭
Well. You haven't been to Belgium. Swiss school feels mike kindergarten compared to belgian school
@@cedricfrombelgium6106 lol, u clearly delusional
@@lny8364 nah. Swiss school is so fucking ez
Come to uk instead. It’s better!£
@@lny8364 i mean. Dont get me wrong. Swiss school system is better. In belgium you got like around 4 tests a week n shit. Theres way too much pressure on the students
Personally I don’t like the division into three separate schools at all. I also like that in American schools you don’t have a set “class” with the same people for years and years. And you have so many cool electives which we don’t. Aaaand in Germany extroverts definitely profit from the system since the majority of your grade is how much you talk in class.
Idk about your last point, I'm more of an introvert but saying an answer in class is way easier than having for example smalltalk with another student :D
Lissi Sseoh yeah I think introvert/extrovert is not the right expression. But I think you know what I mean :) for me talking to other students is easier than talking in class
What's you idea then? One big school with all the smart kids and the slow kids together? Great, then noone will get the education they need and deserve and only the rich kids will get a proper education in private schools. You cant teach them all in the same class.
Your last point isn‘t really correct. In fact the oral participation mark contributes towards the final grade the same amount as every small test does, so it’s not super crucial. Actually the most important marks are class tests (50% of the final grade) and later on Klausuren (written exams in year 11 and 12) which make up a third. I can only refer to my federal state Brandenburg, of course, but as a future English teacher I would like to emphasise that English class (for example) consists of more competences than just speaking. Basically the main skills students should acquire are listening, reading, hearing and speaking.
Have a lovely day. :)
Lilly Lindner das war nun mal so, als ich zur Schule ging 😅 war in Niedersachsen. Mündlich hat 60% gezählt, manchmal 70% in den Nebenfächern. Kann ja sein, dass es bei dir anders war, bzw. Englisch eine Ausnahme ist. Obwohl auch in Englisch bei uns die mündliche Note 60% gezahlt hat.
Im literally crying😭in azerbaijan we have at least 6 or 7 lessons a day,sometimes it can be 8,and we dont have long breaks🥲🥲breaks r only 5 mins long and u cant even do anything w that amount of time.But fortunately,ive been learning german for 8 months and im finishing A2 and...were gonna move to germany so im happy a bit,thanks for your video😊
We also have 8 hours or 7 hours... Like for example on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays we have until 3pm (8 hours) and on Tuesdays and Fridays we have until quarter past 1( 1:15 /6 hours) so it's actually different in every Bundesland I think
Loved this. Ideo! I‘m German and I have to say sometimes we have so many test that I learn so much and write the test and 1 week later I rarely know about it :(
The focus on sports is ridiculous. Unless you become a professional football player or so (which the vast majority just won't become), how does sport benefit you in your future life?
Same with many other subjects ... Art as example or music...
Es wäre aber trotzdem schöner, wenn Sportevents in der Schule und Uni eine größere Bedeutung hätten. Dieser Schulspirit aus den USA hat schon was und in den USA bringt es einem College eben sehr viel Reputation, wenn viele NFL/NBA Profis von dort kommen. Und strategisch wäre es für den Sportstandort Deutschland sicher nicht verkehrt, wenn die Schulen mehr mit Sportvereinen beispielweise kooperieren würden.
Und zu deiner Frage: Natürlich bietet Sport große Vorteile fürs spätere Leben. Insbesondere natürlich gesundheitlich.
@@Lxcx311 It is okay to teach them, so children and young adults get a good general education, but it should not be the main focus. Also, it is actually embarrassing how little is being taught in these classes.
It may be fun for you, but some people just don’t roll the way the school would like everyone to.
School sports have taught me to hate playing in teams and to avoid competitions.
And because I thought every sport was like the gross stuff we did in school, I didn’t bother to do any in my free time.
Just two years ago I really realized that I could do sports alone, without having to work with crazy people who go nuts over a stupid game.
So no, not everyone benefits from schools trying to get the students to do sports.
If we want to make PE lessons and stuff really work, we need to cater to everyone’s needs and stop favoring the „teamplayers“. (Who usually do not help everyone but themselves in a game, just sayin‘)
@@unhappyoption5910 Teamplay is actually important in most areas in your work life. However, Team as not meant to be as the German "Toll Ein Anderer Machts" (Perfect, some else does it), but a team is meant to work together towards a common goal. However, this can also be learnt in science class. Also: Students are generally very bad working as a team. But in work life, your individual effort towards the project is usually tracked more closely, so it becomes obvious if you don't contribute. Also as an engineer (like me), it makes you proud to get the best possible product onto the market. Once people are passionate about the goal, team work works a lot better. That said, you can't force team work. It has to come intrinsically from the team members...
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!!! XD
Hallo Montana, ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut. Wieder ein schönes Video. Pass auf Dich auf und bleib gesund.
In my old school, was also a Gymnasium, I had two 15-minute breaks and lunch break was 30 minutes haha
Same goes for my current school.
Wie unfair, ich habe eine Stunde Mittagspause :( das ist viel zu lang
I'm from Austria and we have an app that tells us if a class is cancelled 😅 but our breaks are only 5 to 15 minutes long
Hey Montana, super nice video again. I really like how deliberately you talk about the topic. Especially so refreshing in times when the world seems to be upside down. I really hope that you will have the chance to visit Germany again in the near future.
I am german but I like that in the Us sport is a important part of high school, because not everyone is made for having good grades
In Florid a class sizes are stipulated with maximums in the constitution.
The dividing of students into different schools due to their learning abilities is very negatively regarded in germany, because for the students on the hauptschule it is the hardest to move up to the next school level. Also mostly the Hauptschule has on average the most poor people in it, so its more a dividing of different socioeconomic groups than of students with low medium and high learning abilities (look at the PISA study, the german educational system is unfair).
Also the reason for the classes being cancelled is because the state wasnt able to hire enough teachers. I disagree that the teaching profession is that high regarded, they do fine but they don't have any possibilities of climbing up the career ladder. Thats why there are so few teachers, there are barely any people who want to become teachers.
Love your videos, they're super interesting to me ❤ my fiancé has been on exchange in the US and has told me a lot about US high school which I didn't believe at first... especially about the food 😱 here you are, confirming it!
And also: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Annika 🎂🎁🎉
Okay so first things first - classes in Germany are only allowed to be canceled from years 9 and up (at least at my school) because 8-graders and younger are not trusted enough to go home earlier alone or just have a free period, the school is responsible if anything happens to them on the way to, in or on the way back from school. The older students have a bit more freedom as they are considered old enough to not let anything happen to them, they are more responsible.
Leaving the school during the big lunch breaks is honestly only allowed grades 10 or up or if you're 16 (again, my school), but not a lot of kids actually pay attention to these rules at all basically. You can even see 5th-graders sometimes go outside to buy their school lunch.
Writing your own answers instead of multiple-choice questions is honestly a really good thing, as it results in students remembering and understanding the material better. You are forced to understand it if you want to answer the question correctly, as you need to explain it in your own words.
The school lunch in Germany is honestly not bad at all. The only thing people usually complain at my school is the fact that it's so soft, you don't need to chew it. But that is the reason because the people who cater to my school also cater to the nursing homes for old people so...
Thanks for reading!
I live in Germany and we have an extra app for our vertretungsplan. So we're able to see it from home on our smartphones, which I think is really cool 😊
Yeah sameee/ ja isso
Have a nice Sunday.
Liebe Annika, alles Gute nachträglich zu Deinem Geburtstag! ich wünsche Dir, dass Du Montana bald wiedersehen kannst!!!
in our school we have an app for our phone where you can see if classes get canceled
I suppose the app will also tell your teachers how long you have been staying up... :P
The gymnasium is very stressful for some students. In my town, a student jumped out of the window because of the stress:( he did not die:) He ended up in the realschüle.
I think students should find their own way. Pressure and stress is not good for anyone. Great video👍
I was actually going to do a German exchange with school this year, I’m from the U.K. and my partner came to the U.K. in February and I was supposed to go to Germany in may but my trip was cancelled
What a pity. Perhaps there will be another opportunity to visit Germany in the future. However, UK will have left the EU then for sure.
In General I agree with your opinion on the separation between gymnasium, Realschule etc but I dislike that going to a gymnasium kinda pushes you to go to a university afterwards. I went to gymnasium because I had good grades and were bored because the school stuff were pretty easy to me but I never wanted to study, still all the time teachers only talked about going to a university and even when I wanted to take a test on which profession would fit the official site for work/future planning in Germany (Arbeitsagentur) told me to search for courses in universities and sent me back to the home page. So the point I wanted to make here is that u are technically meant to choose in 4th grade what ur future should look like and then get pushed to this direction all through the rest of your time in school.
How would you translate "Vertretungsplan"? Is there even an English term for it?
Substitutionplan, gerade mit google nochmal gecheckt und stimmt! :D
Michael Nickname Schedule*
Its alright, don’t worry
There is none...
You are smart! That is all I want to say. We need more young people like you.
In the light of recent events I'd be very interested in your thoughts on racism in American society. Did you notice a difference to Passau?
I spent a year in MN and I'm sure there are also differences between different states. What's it like in Virginia?
Grüße aus Norddeutschland :)
Yes I would be interested in this, too. However, her name is Monatana. She is from Virginia as I remmember. ;)
@@MartinAmbrosiusHackl ooh that's right, thanks!😂
@C J okay, that's simply not true. As I mentioned earlier, I've lived in the US for a year. There certainly is racism. You just gotta talk to any black person to confirm that.
I'm not saying the US in general is more racist than every other country tho.
@C J literally everyone in the World knows there is racism in the US. Why are you lying
@C J how are you supposed to know in what area I spent my exchange year?😂 dude, it's no secret nobody knows that there's a whole lot of racism in the US, and certainly not just in the town where I lived.
Again, I'm not saying every one is racist, and I'm not saying the US is the only racist country on Earth either. There's certainly racism in Europe too. However acting as if America didn't have serious issues with racism is absolutely ignorant.
Maybe you should talk to some black people and ask them about their experiences before you make such bold statements. You don't know what it's like for African Americans to live in this country so stfu.
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁 This was intetesting! I think it'd be interested if you now did a video about the things you find better in American high schools (vs. German) !
actually the very selective school system in Germany is also one of the reasons why the educational inequality here is so high. So it has its downsides.
When our first period is canceled, my friends and i just go to a café and we all have like a second breakfast, i love it
You took english class in germany right? Did your grades differ much from english to german classes?
@@0000-z4z ?
@@MrTohawk Ich will benachrichtigt werden, wenn hier eine Antwort kommt.
English,.. German,.. you write names with capitals. i.e. "I went to Germany and spoke English."
@@chubbymoth5810 yeah, thanks for the correction.. I normally know, but sometimes I write with English and sometimes with German auto correction and I get them mixed up and then something like that happens, even though in both languages names are written with the capital..
randome find ure channle and i like ure content
the differences between germany and the US are intressting
@6:04 absolutly not cool. i was at 'realschule' and all i it was focused on - from 7th to 10th grade - was preparing for work-life. no one thought of the possibiliies that we could go to further schools and do that, no one told us about those opportunities.
i now study in my 2nd field, but - oh boy - at the beginning with no experience at writing papers or test that last longer than an hour, never made presentation and stuff in school... would've liked to know about those.
besides 'forcing' them into school-fitting roles (like gymnasium-pupils will study, real- & hauptschule will start training and working), it is on an educational level not sesible. with mixed classes (and adequate care through teachers), pupils learn better school-stuff and social skills through interaction with each other.
ps: as i see the state of teachers in germany (underpaied, over-worked, stressed-out, jobless on holydays, maybe again hired in school time, too less teachers in general, difficult classes, no money or time for further educations, to big classes, ...) the only positiv thing i can imagine in comparison to us teachers are gun laws
Yes. The three-pronged system should be abolished.
It seems that all experts have been saying that for a while, but it isn't done by the politics...
@@silkwesir1444 funfact: john dewey researched and presented 'democratic learning' over 100 years ago. guess in the end, schools may be for good citizens, not good education (-;
Es gibt immer noch den zweiten Bildungsweg. Du kannst übers Abendgymnasium das Abitur nachholen - zwar muss man seine Freizeit für eine Weile einschränken, dafür ist dieser Weg etwas einfacher als das Abitur übers reguläre Gymnasium, zumindest wenn ich so gesehen habe, was meine Kollegen dafür lernen mussten. Auch den Realschulabschluss kann man über den zweiten Bildungsweg nachholen, wenn man die Zeit investiert.
I love your voice. It's so beautiful and calming😍
To your argument with the teachers salary: My mother is a teacher in primary school and their principal earns so much money like a normal teacher at an "high school" earns😅 So many teachers aren't paid well😕
lately, because of corina we only have school from 8am till 11 am which is actually pretty cool because i mean we’re only allowed to stay in the building for 4 hours maximum but for me and my class it’s pretty much of an advantage because we have our final exams coming up next week
Hey Montana! I want to apply to CBYX for my junior year, can you address how credits and GPA worked? Like do you think you missed out on certain classes, I guess missing out on study abroad opportunities is worse. But can you talk about the logistics and application of the program.
Hey! I have some other videos specially on CBYX but my general statement is whatever classes you miss out on are TOTALLY worth it.
Nice Video, I like how you also explain how it ist in America that gives me also a view on how it is there👍🏻😁
I remember you mentioning, in another video, how you got bad grades there, and I was wondering if your grades from German school matter? Like will CBYX notice those bad grades or will they effect you in other ways? (Hoping to go through CBYX next year!)
Being respectful to the teachers really depends on the class and the students it can be so different
Ohne Witz, meine Englisch ist durch sie viel besser geworden 😂🙏💖
Hey cool, herzlichen Glückwunsch, Annika!
Btw: Currently the classes in german schools are even smaller due to Covid19. Only up to 16 kids per class, at least in our city. And you are right: the smaller the classes, the better each one of the pupils can learn :-)
I'm living in Germany and I'm still going (well, graduate this year, so not for long xD) to a gymnasium.
Because of the number of people in classes: In Germany there are huge differences between different ones. In fifth grade we had like 33 people in my class. But in my last year, I had a class (Latin) with four other people. So a lot less. And the grade which graduated last year had a class with two people. If everybody was appearing. Others were like 39 people...
Besonders in der Oberstufe ist das teilweise von Kurs zu Kurs sehr verschieden. Dabei ist aber Latein noch mal ein Sonderfall mit besonders kleinen Kursen (bei uns Kombikurs mit der Zwölften) 🙈
@@lilas.988 Ja! Das ist bei uns in Kursen wie Altgriechisch oder Latein (ab der 10. Klasse) nicht möglich, da der Wissenstand so unterschiedlich ist. Aber bei uns gibt / gab es auch zwei Kombikurse der 11. und 12. Klasse in Informatik und Latein (ab der 8. Klasse)
Latein ist wohl eines der sehr wenigen Fächer, bei denen man wenigstens 11 und 12 kombinieren kann. Aber Unterricht mit denen ist ja auch interessant.
Bei uns gab es ab der Oberstufe immer Kooperationen mit den zwei anderen Gymnasien in unserer Stadt, damit möglichst alle Fächer zustande kommen können. Und trotzdem waren wir in Reli vierstündig nur zu acht😂
@@smileyxd6240 Ja gut xD Wir haben nur ein Gymnasium, deshalb kooperiert meine Schule mit der Gesamtschule. Aber das steckt noch sehr in den Kinderschuhen. 😅 Aber auch bei uns gab es da bereits sehr kleine Kurse auf diese Weise...
Alles Gute nachträglich, Annika! :)
What 5 o'clock?! I was in different highschools(Gymnasium) and my max is at 3 o'clock. But the fact is they aren't a whole german school system. Each state have a different school system. And also they are many differents from school to school. For example the times are different or the food is better or more bad.
The sport system here is different too. They are special sport highschool. There the focus is on sport. Or you go to a sport club afternoon for sports.
I'm in a technical Gymnasium and every Wednesday we have lessons until 5 pm.
I have to get up at 5:30 am and I'm at home at 7pm, so overall the day is practically over.
Maybe it depends on the state you’re living in, too. I’m from Baden Württemberg and I had school til 5:30pm twice a week as well.
I'm from NRW and until grade 9 the latest was 15.35 . Since I am at gymnasiale Oberstufe, sometimes lessons gets longer because sports lessons were always in the afternoon. On tuesdays I've hab lessons from 7.40 to 12.30 (11.25 in my last year) and sports from 5 to 6 pm.
I had a Gym class starting at 5pm in Germany haha. Regular classes ended at 3:15/3:45 (depending what grade you were in) Up to 9th grade students at some point got a longer lunch break, than those in 10th grade and up (luckily they introduced that when I was in 11th grade... who needs a longer lunch break when you could just leave earlier haha). However schools who have you stay longer, are usually Ganztagsschulen.
My school is open until 7pm because of pe lessons or Wahlpflichtfächer. 😅
I don't get the apologies vor the length of the videos, I think they're very informative even when I already know most of the things, from being German myself but out of school / university for a bit longer. I find it very interesting to hear about the experience of people younger and from a different country than me . Maybe I have a longer attention span than others and therefore prefer longer videos 😉
I went to an American high school that let the juniors and seniors go out to lunch. I'm on the west coast though, is it different in your state?
I’m supposed to be going to Germany with CBYX at the beginning of 2021, so these videos are a big help letting me know what I’m getting myself into! I was supposed to go this year, but as you know coronavirus happened. As for getting to leave school for lunch, my American high school does this and absolutely no one eats lunch at school. Everyone goes into town. It’s good to know I might be able to continue doing this when I get to go to Germany. Or IF I get to go to Germany, hopefully the coronavirus isn’t such a problem by January.
Deutsch im Titel
Deutsche: Lasst uns das hier einnehmen!
I am student in germany and no teacher has shaped me, at least not in a positive way so that I wanna be especially proud for that teacher
Why do i understand every word in this video but in my english class i understand actually nothing
Because she as a good Akzent
Hi Montana. Ich mag deine Videos sehr gern. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag 😊!
If there is "German" in the title u can be certain that all the Germans will come and take this comment section faster than they took Paris 1940... jeez
Wow that was hard but also kind of funny so😂
Would love to see a day in your life "high school Edition "
Magnifique vidéo et vous avez toujours un si beau sourire .
"German" im Titel
Alle Deutschen: ein Land, ein Reich, ein Kommentarbereich
(Nehmt das nicht zu ernst)
Ich hab das schon so oft gelesen... und jedes Mal find ichs wieder geil xD
Deutschland ist nicht ein Land sondern besteht aus 16 Ländern.
Hi Montana. Tolles Video mal wieder von dir. Ich freue mich auf ein auf Deutsch Video von dir.. Lg. A.z.
Will you go back to sutdy in Germany ? Berlin Unis sre so great ! I recommend the Freie Universität
Happy Birthday Annika🎉🎉
Jetzt bin ich froh, nicht in den USA zur Schule zu gehen😂
Happy Birthday Annika. :D
Warum sind hier noch so viele englische Kommentare?! Nehmt die Kommentarsektion ein!
From class 1-9 (1-10 depends on your school) you usually have a substitute teacher, but when you're in the Oberstufe (class 10-12 / 11-13), classes get canceled. The missing teacher usually gives tasks the pupils have to do. At my school we had to go to the teachers room and get the worksheets and read the note that our teacher mailed the school, so we knew the tasks. :)