I think this idea is great. I'm making firewood in business, but there are very few skilled person for part-time jobs. With this unit, not skilled workers can cut logs safer than traditional way. Really impressive.
My neighbor in the early 80's make what you call the log prop. He call his a log truck. He made his living cutting pulp wood (pine) and cut firewood out of the left over hardwood. A hard working man.
I especially like the saw holder. Very interesting concept. First section, though, your saw is so full it probably wouldn't cut butter.😉. I agree, do this for 40 years and see what kind of shape your back is in and how your fingers tingle.
I love your inventiveness and creativity. Thanks for sharing it. I hate bending over because of a bad back but I have lots of trees to cut. Your first scene highlights the " oh my aching back" situation and was a good illustration. I hope the rude people don't get the better of us. If your idea doesn't suit me or isn't useful to me, I don't have to use it and I don't have to denigrate your creativity. I think you are very inventive.
I like it, but it's definitely meant for the guy who doesn't mind if it's a slow process and has the time. However, there's really only one simple and easy way I've found to cut "MOST" of your firewood before the last few logs are laying on the skid logs. Make sure the logger who delivers the pile cuts them the same and knows how to run the grapple and stacks the logs even for the majority of the pile. Then leave the logs where they are and start cutting down into/straight into the pile. You can probably get through like 10 logs before you need to move your cut pieces away. Just keep cutting and throwing your pieces out of the way without ever moving a single log on the stack, or tumbling down some off the top making them land on the ground. But if the logs aren't flush on the end your pieces won't be even cuts, so it really rely's on a good logger who can stack the pile straight.
lol, well its a husky, what can i say? even a worn out rancher keeps idling when tossed!! the ranchers can all be tossed as far as im concerned. i guess im spoiled on the new xp huskys. the one on the saw dolly is "the legend" (372 xp) a great saw with lots of hp and 14,000 rpm
I like the idea and for someone who really need to make a lot firewood for sure a very interesting solution! And it really looks good and well working. Good job!
thank you, and yes, that might be an option. since you have offered a respectful comment, i will give a bit of info here. some have commented that if the logs could be moved in the first place there is no need to cut them at ground level. many times that is not true. it depends on the area and situation. others have said this system wouldnt be useful on unlevel ground or in the woods. the logs you see here were just laid out like that for easy filming, but this machine has cut far more logs on actual job sites where the ground wasnt perfect and logs were laying in every direction. of course, it works best on fairly level ground, but if there is too much slope or brush, etc, then i use the log roller (another tool i invented many years ago, shown on another video here) to roll the logs out of the woods to a better cutting area. in a rugged or brushy area i use the roller, but if there's a trail, old road or path of any kind, i will use a large hand truck, but either way, i am not lifting the logs any more than necessary. there are other areas where it is much easier to load the logs onto a trailer and just haul them home.
Not bad....they look well thought out. I will prolly build something like yer log lifting cart...getting the log up off the ground like that is back saving all by itself.
well, thank you. i certainly hadnt considered any awards lol. as for throwing the saw, that is correct, it was just an old spare that wasnt worth the time it would take to sharpen, and it didnt matter to me if it was damaged when i tossed it, although it didnt seem to hurt it a bit. thank you for viewing the video
Apparently they're are a bunch of jealous assholes making some unjustified, rude comments. Just because they aren't smart enough to get their heads out of their parents asses. How can you criticize the invention without actually trying it? Your made up excuses for criticizing are unfounded and probably unjustified!
Where's the beer holder? I mean you've got one free hand now. It'd be tough to haul around the bush that's for sure. It's a good solution to the back breaking work that us bucking up wood but not all wood is layed out on flat ground for you. Good job at any rate.
Great idea mate. To all the cut it like a man commenters, come back after 30 years of cutting it like a man, with your busted back, bad knees, shoulders and tell me that this is not a good thing.
thank you. i just have to say something here. i can tell you understand something about running saws & cutting timber. these young, arrogant fellows havent had enough of life and work. they would sing a different tune if they grew up in a logging community & had some brothers who were loggers, who put an old mcCulloch saw in their hands at age 16 and took them along to fall timber in the woods. and then out of high school spent many years as a faller, for multiple logging companies and private contractors, carrying saws that in those days weighed 30 lbs. and if they were experienced enough to be recommended by the regional logging association during summers of extreme forest fires- and "drafted" on several emergency firefighting assignments, working 12-16 hrs a day cutting timber in thick smoke and terrible conditions, trees on fire, trees among rock cliffs, etc, as helicopters dropped water directly overhead.....if they had also done tree service work for nearly 30 years, climbing, trimming and falling difficult trees of all species and size in nearly every imaginable circumstance....if they had worn out a multitude of high performance saws, felled hundreds of thousands of trees, bore scars on both legs and one hand, and earned an interview with the discovery channel to participate in a filmed logging show, well then, i would listen to them. - ben
thank you. and yes, it does need a fairly level area, just as any cart, hand truck, or any other wheeled machine would need. I never intended that it should be taken into a rugged, steep or brushy area (as it would seem by reading many of the comments).
Although on my homestead I would cut that sized pine up into lumber with the bandsaw mill first and only the small top of that tree would go to firewood plus the slabs off the sawmill
Many days, in the evening hours after working all day, and too tired to cut any wood in the traditional way, i have fired up this saw and worked for an hour on my log deck, without feeling any more tired than if i were sitting in the house relaxing. A man or woman (even elderly) or teenager could use this machine safely, even if they had no chainsaw experience whatsoever.
that is correct. the old rancher i threw was just an old saw with very low compression and gutless for power, so i dont use it any more. but it still ran so i used it at the beginning. the chain had been rocked and was so dull i didnt take the time to sharpen it, which opened the door to many negative comments including some who assumed i cant sharpen a chain. i never answer those sort of comments, and realize that they dont have any idea of my experience. some of the comments are more of an amusement to me than a challenge. i fell timber for many years and also have been doing tree service now for close to 30 years. i was proficient in sharpening saws when i was in my 20s. my 2 brothers and i have used every kind of flat and round file as well as various chain grinders. as a young man i worked with and learned from many older fallers, and carry their techniques as well. one of them is from the flathead area and retired now, but he had won some logging/cutting competitions, and taught me alot. i remember working one winter with him cutting right-of-way, and asking what his techniques were. he always hand-filed for competitions of course. there are a few 'trade secrets' with hand sharpening that i have not seen demonstrated on any you tube videos- and i have watched many. it is a lost art to most of the fallers and log home builders nowdays, as is boring and many other things
I'm not going to criticize anything here. The contraption looks like it does what it's designed for. I'd just point out that it appears to be designed to alleviate the back pain some associate with a chainsaw by eliminating the bendover required to buck up logs. I maintain that anybody who doesn't regularly bend and lift is going to have a sore back after a day cutting and handling firewood regardless. I suppose every little bit helps, however. Get back to me when they've got something to pick it up off the ground and stack it in a pickup truck.
honestly, I got kinda ticked when I saw ben throw the chainsaw lime he did in the beginning of this video. and now it just seems like he just doesn't wanna bend over and lift and such.
thank you, well it seems like there are so many splitters available at reasonable prices these days, that making yet another one would be like reinventing the wheel. however, for my own use i have built a big heavy machine that functions in a similar manner as the wheel of death, but i made it safe by slowing it down alot. if you type in "wheel of death" you will see several large rotary machines splitting wood. the concept is actually very efficient and fast, but also very dangerous. i love using inertia to such an advantage, so i built mine with a small and large gearbox, using a heavy flywheel on the input and mounted the splitter on the output. so i get the best of both worlds, and it splits wonderfully but the contraption is so big and heavy it would never be marketable, as many of my older inventions are. i have never posted a video of my rotary splitter here, thinking no one would be interested, but since you ask me to create an easy-to-use- splitter, i would post a video just for you--if you want me to.
Pretty handy piece of equipment. And the holder is pretty clever too. I gotta say though, the intro was a bit dramatic. Sharpen your damned saw, and you won't have to work that hard, ha! Still, cool video though.
Hmmm. dont particularly like the saw idea but the log prop isnt bad, especially if you could fit it with a sacrificial wooden tray, so you can cut the logs into rings and keep them together.
we have made some progress since this film was made. the first improvement was switching from the log prop to what we call "cutting boards" which seems close to what you are describing. go to our "schertel saw-a firewood tool" video and you will see us using the cutting boards. also, we just released a new video "schertel saw: my answer to the critics" which shows another step of progress, which is the use of some special pickaroons in combination with the saw dolly.
Another thing I'd like to add. No this isn't meant for everyone. And of course no one who designed this thought this was for the guy who goes out to the woods on his own to cut all of his firewood in the woods. Also with only a little more strain on the back, a person could get away with just shoving the log dolly directly under the log and skip using the cant hook. And you could be taking each log from a stacked pile and not in a row. It's called a demonstration for a reason people. CAN'T ANYONE DO A LITTLE THINKING FOR THEMSELVES ANYMORE????? SO MANY PEOPLE COMMENTING BEFORE THINKING...
not well thought out im afraid ..this creates more work ... how about devising a device that would help a person move the wood after its cut ...that would save many folks alot of back ache
Doesn't work for me either. My logs are found in the woods where it would be impossible to use this contraption. My trees have limbs so no matter what I'm bending over to remove the limbs. My logs are not all laid out pretty in a yard either. Just more shit to store in the shop.
first of all, that chainsaw still running after you threw it like that, that's a keeper, second, in the time it took you to take off all the bull shit you were wearing, I could have rounded ten logs that size with that good ole chainsaw you chucked away. but I like the idea
The first saw needs sharpening. All that equipment will get you tired just getting it into the woods. Get a Stihl or Echo and be done with it. Husky was a good saw, till the went mass production and started selling them in big box stores, then the quality dropped. Echo is sold in Home Depot, but so far the quality is still up there.
stihl, jonsered, echo and husky are all good saws, and i say so from much experience. the xp series huskys are still very good saws, much better than the homeowner series (ranchers and such) even though they are sold in big box stores. for climbing, the small stihl-arborist version is the best. i presently run 3 of the big xp's, an echo and 2 stihls.
What a silly post. In the first picture the lag wasn't off of the ground and the saw was so dull it wouldn't/t cut butter. Skip the theatrics and just show the new device.
This mite be useful for someone with a disability but for the average person i cant see it selling. Its like a leaf blower they have hand held and walk behinds but a walk behind chainsaw not practical.
that is correct, for the average person it wouldn't be practical. neither would a chainsaw winch or many other successful inventions. it was not designed for the average person, but for someone who has alot of wood to cut and is unwilling to waste time and energy doing things the old-fashioned, traditional way.
Ben's Inventions nobody and i mean nobody will be cutting firewood like this on a nice flate even surface! !! in Australia it is now illegal to take lengths out of the bush nore are you alowed to drag them to a clearing you have to cut you wood into blocks where it lays !!! so firstly id love to see you cart all that stuff out the bush !! and then wheel it around in all the scrub !!! i bet you would chuck it all in the bin and just sharpen the first blunt saw you started with !!! even using it like you are in this video it is way way more work than just doing it the normal way !!! you could have had it all cut and be on your 6th beer by the time you cut all that up !!! im so sorry but this is just not that good an invention unless you have health issues where maybe you shouldn't be using a saw in the first place !!!!
Somehow I don't feel neglected, doing without do-hickies like this for 50 yrs running saws, and will continue so. The saw you tossed at the top probably would have cut lots better if you didn't put the chain on backwards. BTDT. Only a jerk would toss a saw that way, IMHO.
we call it a crosscut saw here, but no im not quite that old. i do remember when i was young there was an old logger who lived here who i got to know quite well before he passed away. he fell trees for many years with a crosscut. he told me one time that he and his sawing partner(it took 2 men- a "gang" as they were called- on a large crosscut) had the record for the most logs cut in one day, in our area. those were some amazing strong men in those days. he also said when they worked long hours in summer weather "swinging the fiddle" (crosscutting) they drank 2 gallons of water per man per day, and when they walked off the slope at the end of the day, their clothes would start to dry and turn white from the amount of sweat and body salts. not many men know anything about that kind of work.
There is no way in the real world you would used this to cut firewood !!! your not going to take all the stuff out the bush with you to gather a trailer load of wood !!! it maybe ok in this video on nice level flat ground but in the bush not a chance !!! And here in Australia it is illegal to take lenths out of the bush !! it is also illegal to drag logs to a clearing !!! all wood must be cut into blocks right where it lays !!! also this takes you lot longer to do than if you just sharpend the first saw on got it done the right way !!! more time is more work !! you could have had the job done and be on your 6th beer by the time you finished !!! But all that said its is a good idea for the older or less experienced user !! or maybe with some back issues or some other ailments! !! good thinking out of the box !!!! as all inventions there not for everyone! !!!!
i hate them too. had to wear them as a contract faller on various jobs, but never wear them on my own jobs. i have scars from years ago, but i just hate being encumbered by something around my legs. the young macho guys can all wear them, and probably need them, but when you are 150 lbs and have to saw long hours in wet & heavy or sweaty schaps, its miserable.
My neighbor in the early 80's make what you call the log prop. He call his a log truck. He made his living cutting pulp wood (pine) and cut firewood out of the left over hardwood. A hard working man.
I think this idea is great. I'm making firewood in business, but there are very few skilled person for part-time jobs. With this unit, not skilled workers can cut logs safer than traditional way. Really impressive.
I admire anybody who "thinks on the job" then builds something to make their life easier.
My neighbor in the early 80's make what you call the log prop. He call his a log truck. He made his living cutting pulp wood (pine) and cut firewood out of the left over hardwood. A hard working man.
Quite a thinker! Quite a thinker.....a non conventionnal mind! Admirable.....
Fantastic Idea. Thanks for taking the time to make and share.
thank you sir
Must be fun adjusting the tension on the chain and filling it up every few minutes!
there is no need to remove the saw to tighten or sharpen the chain. refueling requires removing the saw, but that only takes about a minute and a half
Real nice, Ben, good luck with future sales.
thank you
I especially like the saw holder. Very interesting concept. First section, though, your saw is so full it probably wouldn't cut butter.😉. I agree, do this for 40 years and see what kind of shape your back is in and how your fingers tingle.
I love your inventiveness and creativity. Thanks for sharing it. I hate bending over because of a bad back but I have lots of trees to cut. Your first scene highlights the " oh my aching back" situation and was a good illustration. I hope the rude people don't get the better of us. If your idea doesn't suit me or isn't useful to me, I don't have to use it and I don't have to denigrate your creativity. I think you are very inventive.
thank you for your thoughtful comments
One of the best idea's I've seen on UA-cam so far
thank you
I like the idea, I have carpal tunnel and a bad back. This uses a lot of leverage to lift a 400-500 lb log using mostly your body weigh.
My opinion this is brilliant with the grapple and the dump trailor this is the best way to gather wood most efficient and labor reduced
I like it, but it's definitely meant for the guy who doesn't mind if it's a slow process and has the time.
However, there's really only one simple and easy way I've found to cut "MOST" of your firewood before the last few logs are laying on the skid logs.
Make sure the logger who delivers the pile cuts them the same and knows how to run the grapple and stacks the logs even for the majority of the pile.
Then leave the logs where they are and start cutting down into/straight into the pile.
You can probably get through like 10 logs before you need to move your cut pieces away.
Just keep cutting and throwing your pieces out of the way without ever moving a single log on the stack, or tumbling down some off the top making them land on the ground.
But if the logs aren't flush on the end your pieces won't be even cuts, so it really rely's on a good logger who can stack the pile straight.
That "junk" saw that you tossed at the start just sat there purring like a kitten.
lol, well its a husky, what can i say? even a worn out rancher keeps idling when tossed!! the ranchers can all be tossed as far as im concerned. i guess im spoiled on the new xp huskys. the one on the saw dolly is "the legend" (372 xp) a great saw with lots of hp and 14,000 rpm
Great idea, and it works perfectly...Work smarter not harder....
Bee Free, as long as you are on nice level ground and the logs are straight and already cut into manageable pieces, then yeah I guess I works great.
I like the idea and for someone who really need to make a lot firewood for sure a very interesting solution! And it really looks good and well working. Good job!
thank you
Great invention, chopping wood is back braking work. You'll eliminate a lot of back pain with this!
superb and so much more safe from chain or back injuries. great job.
thank you
Your right, wish I had one. this is an amazing invention thanks for showing
This is a great idea. I think I would make the T-handle on the the log holder interchangeable with a hitch to move the logs to the cutting area.
thank you, and yes, that might be an option. since you have offered a respectful comment, i will give a bit of info here. some have commented that if the logs could be moved in the first place there is no need to cut them at ground level. many times that is not true. it depends on the area and situation. others have said this system wouldnt be useful on unlevel ground or in the woods. the logs you see here were just laid out like that for easy filming, but this machine has cut far more logs on actual job sites where the ground wasnt perfect and logs were laying in every direction. of course, it works best on fairly level ground, but if there is too much slope or brush, etc, then i use the log roller (another tool i invented many years ago, shown on another video here) to roll the logs out of the woods to a better cutting area. in a rugged or brushy area i use the roller, but if there's a trail, old road or path of any kind, i will use a large hand truck, but either way, i am not lifting the logs any more than necessary. there are other areas where it is much easier to load the logs onto a trailer and just haul them home.
Where was this thing the last 40 years? Frikken genuis
Nice ! Oh just saved my back for another day just by watching .
This very well may be one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
Not bad....they look well thought out. I will prolly build something like yer log lifting cart...getting the log up off the ground like that is back saving all by itself.
I smell an academy award for that fine drama at the beginning, although you did purposely ignore the dogging teeth, lol.
well, thank you. i certainly hadnt considered any awards lol. as for throwing the saw, that is correct, it was just an old spare that wasnt worth the time it would take to sharpen, and it didnt matter to me if it was damaged when i tossed it, although it didnt seem to hurt it a bit. thank you for viewing the video
Ben's Inventions nice job you make the work look easy.
thank you sir
wow that's A COOL invention !
Apparently they're are a bunch of jealous assholes making some unjustified, rude comments. Just because they aren't smart enough to get their heads out of their parents asses. How can you criticize the invention without actually trying it? Your made up excuses for criticizing are unfounded and probably unjustified!
I agree ..
I like it , for a level ground like you have it it's perfect .
Nice...love thinking outside the box :)
Where's the beer holder? I mean you've got one free hand now. It'd be tough to haul around the bush that's for sure. It's a good solution to the back breaking work that us bucking up wood but not all wood is layed out on flat ground for you. Good job at any rate.
Great idea mate. To all the cut it like a man commenters, come back after 30 years of cutting it like a man, with your busted back, bad knees, shoulders and tell me that this is not a good thing.
thank you. i just have to say something here. i can tell you understand something about running saws & cutting timber. these young, arrogant fellows havent had enough of life and work. they would sing a different tune if they grew up in a logging community & had some brothers who were loggers, who put an old mcCulloch saw in their hands at age 16 and took them along to fall timber in the woods. and then out of high school spent many years as a faller, for multiple logging companies and private contractors, carrying saws that in those days weighed 30 lbs. and if they were experienced enough to be recommended by the regional logging association during summers of extreme forest fires- and "drafted" on several emergency firefighting assignments, working 12-16 hrs a day cutting timber in thick smoke and terrible conditions, trees on fire, trees among rock cliffs, etc, as helicopters dropped water directly overhead.....if they had also done tree service work for nearly 30 years, climbing, trimming and falling difficult trees of all species and size in nearly every imaginable circumstance....if they had worn out a multitude of high performance saws, felled hundreds of thousands of trees, bore scars on both legs and one hand, and earned an interview with the discovery channel to participate in a filmed logging show, well then, i would listen to them. - ben
Ben's Inventions, so which of these loggers cuts trees in a level parking lot?
How you did you make frame tilt I Ike to make one great machine
I think it is a great idea. Your less likely to get hurt. I'd does require a flat area to work in.
thank you. and yes, it does need a fairly level area, just as any cart, hand truck, or any other wheeled machine would need. I never intended that it should be taken into a rugged, steep or brushy area (as it would seem by reading many of the comments).
Dont be discouraged by the Trolls. I think it is a great idea.
know that is one great way to use a chainsaw , your back will thank you .. great rig ''
what a great invention you have here. One thing would make it better,put an attachment on it that can do windows 😀
Hi ben, is the saw holder and log lift for sale or can I buy the plans to build need this in my life!!
yeah me too - it is the bending over and holding the saw that kills my back, not the cutting itself! thanks.
Although on my homestead I would cut that sized pine up into lumber with the bandsaw mill first and only the small top of that tree would go to firewood plus the slabs off the sawmill
What a great idea. You could cut all day without getting a sore back.
Many days, in the evening hours after working all day, and too tired to cut any wood in the traditional way, i have fired up this saw and worked for an hour on my log deck, without feeling any more tired than if i were sitting in the house relaxing. A man or woman (even elderly) or teenager could use this machine safely, even if they had no chainsaw experience whatsoever.
I see the saw mounted on your device comes with a sharp chain, unlike the one at the beginning of the video.
that is correct. the old rancher i threw was just an old saw with very low compression and gutless for power, so i dont use it any more. but it still ran so i used it at the beginning. the chain had been rocked and was so dull i didnt take the time to sharpen it, which opened the door to many negative comments including some who assumed i cant sharpen a chain. i never answer those sort of comments, and realize that they dont have any idea of my experience. some of the comments are more of an amusement to me than a challenge. i fell timber for many years and also have been doing tree service now for close to 30 years. i was proficient in sharpening saws when i was in my 20s. my 2 brothers and i have used every kind of flat and round file as well as various chain grinders. as a young man i worked with and learned from many older fallers, and carry their techniques as well. one of them is from the flathead area and retired now, but he had won some logging/cutting competitions, and taught me alot. i remember working one winter with him cutting right-of-way, and asking what his techniques were. he always hand-filed for competitions of course. there are a few 'trade secrets' with hand sharpening that i have not seen demonstrated on any you tube videos- and i have watched many. it is a lost art to most of the fallers and log home builders nowdays, as is boring and many other things
great idea
Now you need to build a little Lincoln log splitter.
well that would probably be a better idea than this, lol
Mate, do you have a set of plans?
Plans and parts list, but they are not for sale at this time.
Clever clever!! 👍👍👍
I'll take the old saw!
hell give me one ill use that for sure think it would help a lot... running saw all day kills my arms anymore.
innovative idea.
I'm not going to criticize anything here. The contraption looks like it does what it's designed for. I'd just point out that it appears to be designed to alleviate the back pain some associate with a chainsaw by eliminating the bendover required to buck up logs. I maintain that anybody who doesn't regularly bend and lift is going to have a sore back after a day cutting and handling firewood regardless. I suppose every little bit helps, however. Get back to me when they've got something to pick it up off the ground and stack it in a pickup truck.
very cool love it
honestly, I got kinda ticked when I saw ben throw the chainsaw lime he did in the beginning of this video. and now it just seems like he just doesn't wanna bend over and lift and such.
how much is it?
Admiration; how else do you say it?
Your cute little log prop needs its own hook to grab the log.
Very nice.
Now invent an easy to muse log splitter.
thank you, well it seems like there are so many splitters available at reasonable prices these days, that making yet another one would be like reinventing the wheel. however, for my own use i have built a big heavy machine that functions in a similar manner as the wheel of death, but i made it safe by slowing it down alot. if you type in "wheel of death" you will see several large rotary machines splitting wood. the concept is actually very efficient and fast, but also very dangerous. i love using inertia to such an advantage, so i built mine with a small and large gearbox, using a heavy flywheel on the input and mounted the splitter on the output. so i get the best of both worlds, and it splits wonderfully but the contraption is so big and heavy it would never be marketable, as many of my older inventions are. i have never posted a video of my rotary splitter here, thinking no one would be interested, but since you ask me to create an easy-to-use- splitter, i would post a video just for you--if you want me to.
Pretty handy piece of equipment. And the holder is pretty clever too.
I gotta say though, the intro was a bit dramatic. Sharpen your damned saw, and you won't have to work that hard, ha!
Still, cool video though.
Hmmm. dont particularly like the saw idea but the log prop isnt bad, especially if you could fit it with a sacrificial wooden tray, so you can cut the logs into rings and keep them together.
we have made some progress since this film was made. the first improvement was switching from the log prop to what we call "cutting boards" which seems close to what you are describing. go to our "schertel saw-a firewood tool" video and you will see us using the cutting boards. also, we just released a new video "schertel saw: my answer to the critics" which shows another step of progress, which is the use of some special pickaroons in combination with the saw dolly.
I use a bow-saw myself. Good exercise, and it costs me about five pounds a year for blades.
this would be good for some one with a bad Back
it is even good for someone with a good back. why not keep a good back from going bad?
Another thing I'd like to add. No this isn't meant for everyone. And of course no one who designed this thought this was for the guy who goes out to the woods on his own to cut all of his firewood in the woods.
Also with only a little more strain on the back, a person could get away with just shoving the log dolly directly under the log and skip using the cant hook.
And you could be taking each log from a stacked pile and not in a row.
It's called a demonstration for a reason people.
Please contact me I would like to order plans or order a saw dolly.
Great idea you got a hit $$$$$$$$$$
not well thought out im afraid ..this creates more work ... how about devising a device that would help a person move the wood after its cut ...that would save many folks alot of back ache
Doesn't work for me either. My logs are found in the woods where it would be impossible to use this contraption. My trees have limbs so no matter what I'm bending over to remove the limbs. My logs are not all laid out pretty in a yard either. Just more shit to store in the shop.
mr10man69, I'm with you there, this contraption looks ridiculous!
Too much equipment involved bend down on one knee with chainsaw cut 3/4 way thru the log then canter lever it over and upcut the remainder easy
Agreed. And, if the first saw was sharp, it'd be easier. If your back can't take it, you probably shouldn't be cutting wood.
You're a numbdick. Can you not tell it was purposeful to set up the video?
I could have all that chunked up with by the time he moves one log.
Zamiast rzucać piłą trzeba naostrzyć w niej łańcuch i w jednej i drugiej naciągnąć łańcuch. Zawsze pomyśl zanim zemścisz się na narzędziu
first of all, that chainsaw still running after you threw it like that, that's a keeper, second, in the time it took you to take off all the bull shit you were wearing, I could have rounded ten logs that size with that good ole chainsaw you chucked away. but I like the idea
The first saw needs sharpening. All that equipment will get you tired just getting it into the woods. Get a Stihl or Echo and be done with it. Husky was a good saw, till the went mass production and started selling them in big box stores, then the quality dropped. Echo is sold in Home Depot, but so far the quality is still up there.
stihl, jonsered, echo and husky are all good saws, and i say so from much experience. the xp series huskys are still very good saws, much better than the homeowner series (ranchers and such) even though they are sold in big box stores. for climbing, the small stihl-arborist version is the best. i presently run 3 of the big xp's, an echo and 2 stihls.
Is this a joke? If it is, it's pretty funny!!
What a silly post. In the first picture the lag wasn't off of the ground and the saw was so dull it wouldn't/t cut butter. Skip the theatrics and just show the new device.
es más lento que una tortuga😂
Does that man no know how to sharpen a chainsaw or did he put his chain on backwards?
This mite be useful for someone with a disability but for the average person i cant see it selling. Its like a leaf blower they have hand held and walk behinds but a walk behind chainsaw not practical.
that is correct, for the average person it wouldn't be practical. neither would a chainsaw winch or many other successful inventions. it was not designed for the average person, but for someone who has alot of wood to cut and is unwilling to waste time and energy doing things the old-fashioned, traditional way.
Ben's Inventions nobody and i mean nobody will be cutting firewood like this on a nice flate even surface! !! in Australia it is now illegal to take lengths out of the bush nore are you alowed to drag them to a clearing you have to cut you wood into blocks where it lays !!! so firstly id love to see you cart all that stuff out the bush !! and then wheel it around in all the scrub !!! i bet you would chuck it all in the bin and just sharpen the first blunt saw you started with !!! even using it like you are in this video it is way way more work than just doing it the normal way !!! you could have had it all cut and be on your 6th beer by the time you cut all that up !!! im so sorry but this is just not that good an invention unless you have health issues where maybe you shouldn't be using a saw in the first place !!!!
Somehow I don't feel neglected, doing without do-hickies like this for 50 yrs running saws, and will continue so. The saw you tossed at the top probably would have cut lots better if you didn't put the chain on backwards. BTDT. Only a jerk would toss a saw that way, IMHO.
your fired,,,,,,,,jda
Faster and easier than the drag saw but you are probably to young to have used a drag saw.
we call it a crosscut saw here, but no im not quite that old. i do remember when i was young there was an old logger who lived here who i got to know quite well before he passed away. he fell trees for many years with a crosscut. he told me one time that he and his sawing partner(it took 2 men- a "gang" as they were called- on a large crosscut) had the record for the most logs cut in one day, in our area. those were some amazing strong men in those days. he also said when they worked long hours in summer weather "swinging the fiddle" (crosscutting) they drank 2 gallons of water per man per day, and when they walked off the slope at the end of the day, their clothes would start to dry and turn white from the amount of sweat and body salts. not many men know anything about that kind of work.
There is no way in the real world you would used this to cut firewood !!! your not going to take all the stuff out the bush with you to gather a trailer load of wood !!! it maybe ok in this video on nice level flat ground but in the bush not a chance !!! And here in Australia it is illegal to take lenths out of the bush !! it is also illegal to drag logs to a clearing !!! all wood must be cut into blocks right where it lays !!! also this takes you lot longer to do than if you just sharpend the first saw on got it done the right way !!! more time is more work !! you could have had the job done and be on your 6th beer by the time you finished !!! But all that said its is a good idea for the older or less experienced user !! or maybe with some back issues or some other ailments! !! good thinking out of the box !!!! as all inventions there not for everyone! !!!!
Sam Mason, it's a handicap saw, for wheelchair users.
stupid...still a chainsaw and you need all the extra equipment you need to run it! no faster than any other chainsaw with a sharp chain....
That's for girls
Nice way to make a chainsaw idiot- proof
don't pay them no mind there just jealous
and no need for basterd chainsaw trousers, I hate them.
i hate them too. had to wear them as a contract faller on various jobs, but never wear them on my own jobs. i have scars from years ago, but i just hate being encumbered by something around my legs. the young macho guys can all wear them, and probably need them, but when you are 150 lbs and have to saw long hours in wet & heavy or sweaty schaps, its miserable.
My neighbor in the early 80's make what you call the log prop. He call his a log truck. He made his living cutting pulp wood (pine) and cut firewood out of the left over hardwood. A hard working man.