This video brought tears to my eyes. As an Afrikaner, I now understand what it takes to be a Afrikaner. This man, Verwoerd, represents Afrikanerism and patriotism. His love for this country was so great, that he went to all measures to lead it to a First World Country. Should he continued leading until the 70's, South Africa would still have been an economic powerhouse today. It is actually for the best that he died before 1994, so that he couldn't witness the sh!t house South-Africa of today.
Thank you for posting this - a true hero of our time. Dr. Verwoerd can and should be standing high next to Pres. Paul Kruger. South Africa has been blessed with these two outstanding leaders. Now we need the New Leader to guide us through the darkness.
jacke sutton pilsner coltrane Jacke, the biggest hurdle you will have to overcome is your inability to differentiate between the liberal propaganda you are fed on a virtual daily basis and the basic, real history that is available for anyone willing to dig a little deeper.
You'll end up just like your beloved leader, erased from history "one street name at a time" ;) SA's own de-nazification, in fact thanks for that you just gave me an idea, I'm going to write his name on my TP ready to wipe my ass for this mornings dump....
Kevin Danger Please be educated about the Nazis an stop believing Hollywood for everything you know about history: Your ignorance is showing..
amen Braai Meester !!! die waarheid. ek lag eintlik hulle is so VREK BANG vir die Boere en die Boere se vaste geloof in die enigte God dat hulle ons wil uitwis want as ons die kleinste bietjie spasie kan kry om spoed optetel there would be no stopping us!!
Mapubliki Mauliko No he did not do good for only 10% of the people. Black people had their own land at that time too, like the whites. He gave us blacks some of the best demographic areas in SA. We just couldn't manage it, just like today, while we have it all. Us blacks would have been better off under Verwoerd than Zuma. The real white racists were Botha and the rest, after Verwoerd - you don't understand how the white's hierarchy works. The ordinary white people suffered like us. You just don't know the real history. Educate yourself therein. Like Bob Marley says: Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
Mapubliki Mauliko I found this on the net a while ago, Mapubliki. "This is a picture of the country which under Verwoerd had the second highest economic growth rate in the world (7,9% per year), an average inflation rate of 2 per cent, was accommodating new labour in the formal sector at 73,6 per cent per year, and enabled the living standards of Blacks in the industrial sector to rise at 5,3 per cent per year as against those of Whites at 3,9 per cent per year. The Financial Mail published a special survey entitled "The fabulous years: 1961-66".
Dankie vir hierdie uitstekende video oor 'n legende wat nooit vergete behoort te gaan nie. Ons hoor nie meer baie sy naam vandag nie, aangesien die nuwe regering hom en sy beleide (wat Suid-Afrika suksesvol gemaak het) verafsku. Al wanneer ons wel sy naam hoor is wanneer die huidige regering nie verantwoordelikheid kan anvaar vir hulle foute nie, en alles op hom en sy suksesvolle beleide blameer. MAG ONS NOOIT SY NAAM VERGEET NIE EN MAG DAAR NOG SO 'N PERSOON KOM WAT SUID-AFRIKA KAN HERSTEL.
Hero and martyr for the cause of the South African People.During the great demonstrations in 1976, it was chanted: "TSAFENDAS INYANGA YEZIZWE" (Tsafendas healer of the nation) He is the greatest man that ever lived.
Baie dankie, Riaan. Ek hou nog all die jarre daarvan om na hom te luister as hy praat. 'n Groot leier wat 'n groot hand gehad het in die groeie van ons volk to grootheid.
apartheid was a racist criminal system in practice, I am not a negationist. I just feel sympathy with them, mandela taked them as an example of anti imperalist struggle.
The Boer people could have had their old Boer Republics back by the 1950s were it not for the opposition that the Boer Republicans faced by Afrikaner establishment which included: Verwoerd / Smuts / Malan etc. because there was a massive movement in the 1940s supported by the majority of the Boer people to restore the Boer Republics. Verwoerd played a massive role in the subjugation of the Boer people & their inherent right to self determination. The Boer Patriot Robert van Tonder & founder of the town of Randburg [ 1959 ] was an opponent of Verwoerd & called out his false Republic of South Africa which he correctly saw as a threat to Boer identity & wrote about it in a book called Boerestaat. Robert van Tonder began to advocate for the restoration of the Boer Republics in 1961 & all they way until he died in 1999. Facing opposition along the way from the same Afrikaner establishment that prevented the 1940s era Boers from obtaining the self determination that they almost gained. Part of the role of Apartheid [ which had an ever changing definition ] was to distract the people - particularly the Boer people who had a history of freedom struggles - from securing their own freedom struggle within their own states & or republics. The Boer Republics were internationally recognized & no one from outside would have been able to stop the Boers if they resurrected them but the Afrikaners did as they did not want to lose their control over the Boer Republic region.
I understand that the words you use are from your aching heart . . For sure you never imagined that you will be led by a BLACK PRESIDENT .eg Mandela ,Obama,Mbeki etc . . You have been spoiled to thinking blacks are useless and they just proved you wrong as BLACKS have chosen not to KILL the useless bunch of haters that still has the mentality u have . . If we BLACKS were cruel as you say we would have destroyed all people who think like you but we still patient trying to give you more time to repent and become a human . .If you dont accept that blacks are adding value just dig a hole and burry yourself !!!!!
Mhla Nombembe Wish you could be led by Thuli Madonsela - that would have given blacks a good name in your country. The current government is corrupt and spoils your image abroad - and they whites can say: Look, we told you so. Why can't you guys vote for a good person to lead you? It will make the difference you seek. The few remaining whites in your country cannot make all the black people rich, can they? The strife between South Africans will destroy them eventually. Better wake up.
No, I fail to see the logic in your argument. You are trying to bring Verwoerd on the same level as Hitler. Verwoerd was a man of peace whereas Hitler invaded Poland and other countries. Verwoerd did not send people to concentration camps, to mention but two facts.
What a depressing documentary... he constipated SA for decades... the opening sequence of SA becoming a republic for a start was totally illegitimate... because only white people were allowed to vote in the referendum, and most people would not have voted for a republic. The rest is too depressing for words... but we must take cognisance of it because it is a part of SA's history and we cannot understand the present if we forget the past and the lessons it has for us now. We live in an extremely complex country and we should avoid simplistic solutions and arguments regarding whta is going on now.
Can't we just be honest and realise that the Dutch and Bantu were unfair to the Khoi khoi and San, the British abused all the Bantus and the Afrikaner. The Afrikaner and English South Africans then set up apartheid to abuse the other groups and now the ANC is treating us all badly. What we need is to firstly recognise and respect our cultural differences and accept that we cannot have both cultural standards in every town but secondly to unite and form a new identity with leaders that can tackle these terrible politicians and have a government that acts in our best interests and is held accountable. It actually doesn't matter what you think because if we don't do this, there's no great future for any of us.
Werner Roets " [they] set up apartheid to abuse the other groups..." is the false premise on which the ANC justifies the hostile black nationalism they have been driving. Apartheid was a way of managing the segregated society left in SA by British colonialism. It was also a way of protecting the white minority against majority domination, rampant crime and general economic decay such as we have been experiencing since 1994. It was far from ideal; it was flawed and caused immense conflict and we are lucky to be rid of it. It was not set up to abuse. Viewing apartheid exclusively through the contemporary lens, as the media insists on doing, blocks perspective, blocks the truth and blocks the understanding that is essential for the future harmony of South Africa.
The lack of common sense and reason in petduro and Ngcebo Mvubu 's comments clearly show that they have no idea what went on in the country when it was ruled by a proper and efficient government with planning for up to 20 years or more in the future and the present government's incompetence and the resulting destruction of everything that has been achieved previously and the degrading our country to the third world 's beggar status.
so the man who instituted one of the most brutal systems of oppression and violence based on racism adn bigotry and led to problems we're stll currently dealing with, both systemically and emotionally should be venerated? I think this is one of the problems in our country.
He was an evil man with no morals. He died in a way that was too good for him. He deserved a far worse death. And that is my opinion, from a proudly South African white man.
What stupidity to argue that dr. Verwoerd ruled at the cost of the so called "oppressed ". The "oppressed " enjoyed a higher standard of living, had better education,and a relative higher per capita income compared to today as "free " .The logic of the previous remark boggles an intelligent mind.
I see a lot of conflicting views here, how is it that people from the same country have 'opinions' on history? Isn't it clear what happened? Can it all be simplistically attributed to ignorance?
Ignorance to what reality constitutes is bliss. Go explore and realize who the true benevolent tribe of Africa really was. In the words of Dr David Manning there is something wrong with the black man's mined in thousands of years the blacks of Africa has established nothing.
So my apologies... I am not ignorant, I am very well read on the history of South Africa and ex-colonial African rule, and make a point of reading both sides of the argument too. I come into the debate with a balanced rather than a warped view on things. Fact is, people in South Africa need to live together, freely and fairly, and in an air of justice and democracy. If you truly believe that all the ANC are terrorists, then it's only fair - in the event of any trials of any of those members - should be balanced off with prosecutions of heads of police, military and white minority government who terrorised the black majority with bullets, tanks, clubs and brutal intimidation for decades... If it is retribution you want, that's the way! Otherwise keep your warped, racist political moans and groans to yourself and bring your mind into the 21st Century
What planet are you living on??? Being told what to do, being told where to live, how to work, treated as something beneath a human being, forgot to add that in as well, I presume.
This video brought tears to my eyes. As an Afrikaner, I now understand what it takes to be a Afrikaner. This man, Verwoerd, represents Afrikanerism and patriotism. His love for this country was so great, that he went to all measures to lead it to a First World Country. Should he continued leading until the 70's, South Africa would still have been an economic powerhouse today. It is actually for the best that he died before 1994, so that he couldn't witness the sh!t house South-Africa of today.
Thank you for posting this - a true hero of our time. Dr. Verwoerd can and should be standing high next to Pres. Paul Kruger. South Africa has been blessed with these two outstanding leaders. Now we need the New Leader to guide us through the darkness.
What a man.
Not ONE leader after him is even worthy of standing in his shadow.
Your opinion??
It is a suppository. You know what to do with it.
bolandboertjie In the wise words of George Orwell, the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
jacke sutton pilsner coltrane
Jacke, the biggest hurdle you will have to overcome is your inability to differentiate between the liberal propaganda you are fed on a virtual daily basis and the basic, real history that is available for anyone willing to dig a little deeper.
The greatest statesman that ever lived
Not brainwashed and not racist like you!
Words flow like water off my back... then I am proudly so!
Not lesser than you, libtard
You'll end up just like your beloved leader, erased from history "one street name at a time" ;) SA's own de-nazification, in fact thanks for that you just gave me an idea, I'm going to write his name on my TP ready to wipe my ass for this mornings dump....
Kevin Danger Please be educated about the Nazis an stop believing Hollywood for everything you know about history: Your ignorance is showing..
amen Braai Meester !!! die waarheid. ek lag eintlik hulle is so VREK BANG vir die Boere en die Boere se vaste geloof in die enigte God dat hulle ons wil uitwis want as ons die kleinste bietjie spasie kan kry om spoed optetel there would be no stopping us!!
When the true history of these times is finally written, Hendrik Verwoerd will go down as a colossus in an age of political pygmies
DR. HENDRIK VERWOERD tank you for ouer history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HF VERWOERD, your legacy will go on, rest in Peace, you will never be forgotten for what you did for the White people of . South africa.
Yeah he did only good for the WHITE people, the 10% of the country...
Mapubliki Mauliko No he did not do good for only 10% of the people. Black people had their own land at that time too, like the whites. He gave us blacks some of the best demographic areas in SA. We just couldn't manage it, just like today, while we have it all. Us blacks would have been better off under Verwoerd than Zuma. The real white racists were Botha and the rest, after Verwoerd - you don't understand how the white's hierarchy works. The ordinary white people suffered like us. You just don't know the real history. Educate yourself therein. Like Bob Marley says: Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
Mapubliki Mauliko
I found this on the net a while ago, Mapubliki.
"This is a picture of the country which under Verwoerd had the second
highest economic growth rate in the world (7,9% per year), an average
inflation rate of 2 per cent, was accommodating new labour in the
formal sector at 73,6 per cent per year, and enabled the living
standards of Blacks in the industrial sector to rise at 5,3 per cent
per year as against those of Whites at 3,9 per cent per year. The
Financial Mail published a special survey entitled "The fabulous
years: 1961-66".
Watching this video and reading these comments, I feel very grateful to all the people that fought for racial equality in this country. AMANDLA ✊🏾
Dankie vir hierdie uitstekende video oor 'n legende wat nooit vergete behoort te gaan nie. Ons hoor nie meer baie sy naam vandag nie, aangesien die nuwe regering hom en sy beleide (wat Suid-Afrika suksesvol gemaak het) verafsku. Al wanneer ons wel sy naam hoor is wanneer die huidige regering nie verantwoordelikheid kan anvaar vir hulle foute nie, en alles op hom en sy suksesvolle beleide blameer. MAG ONS NOOIT SY NAAM VERGEET NIE EN MAG DAAR NOG SO 'N PERSOON KOM WAT SUID-AFRIKA KAN HERSTEL.
He made South Africa acessible for wheelchairs forty years ahead of the rest of the world.
As allen drury said In his own context, a great man!
Groeten uit Vlaanderen
Hero and martyr for the cause of the South African People.During the great demonstrations in 1976, it was chanted:
"TSAFENDAS INYANGA YEZIZWE" (Tsafendas healer of the nation) He is the greatest man that ever lived.
Long time short of what we needed to kow what Apartheid was realy about.
Baie goeie video, baie dankie!
Baie dankie, Riaan. Ek hou nog all die jarre daarvan om na hom te luister as hy praat. 'n Groot leier wat 'n groot hand gehad het in die groeie van ons volk to grootheid.
I appreciat the tribute. May he always be remembered
This Was A Great Man That Loved His Country And Its People. At Thy Will South Africa. Ons Vir Jou Suid Afrika.
What's the music that starts at 9:05?
DeeWox The Answer is: "This is our land - Epic score"
verwoerd believed in apartheid, the rest of the leaders till botha believed in racism, if you know what i mean.
not only that. he believed also that SA must been a republic so hey are free from British imperialism.
apartheid was a racist criminal system in practice, I am not a negationist. I just feel sympathy with them, mandela taked them as an example of anti imperalist struggle.
Войцех Великий Verwoerd was one of the biggest racists of ever....
thanks for saying it :D
The Boer people could have had their old Boer Republics back by the 1950s were it not for the opposition that the Boer Republicans faced by Afrikaner establishment which included: Verwoerd / Smuts / Malan etc. because there was a massive movement in the 1940s supported by the majority of the Boer people to restore the Boer Republics. Verwoerd played a massive role in the subjugation of the Boer people & their inherent right to self determination. The Boer Patriot Robert van Tonder & founder of the town of Randburg [ 1959 ] was an opponent of Verwoerd & called out his false Republic of South Africa which he correctly saw as a threat to Boer identity & wrote about it in a book called Boerestaat. Robert van Tonder began to advocate for the restoration of the Boer Republics in 1961 & all they way until he died in 1999. Facing opposition along the way from the same Afrikaner establishment that prevented the 1940s era Boers from obtaining the self determination that they almost gained. Part of the role of Apartheid [ which had an ever changing definition ] was to distract the people - particularly the Boer people who had a history of freedom struggles - from securing their own freedom struggle within their own states & or republics. The Boer Republics were internationally recognized & no one from outside would have been able to stop the Boers if they resurrected them but the Afrikaners did as they did not want to lose their control over the Boer Republic region.
Interesting piece of history. Never knew
Are you Dutch or South African?
Madiba said '"They have smile on their face but full of hate in their hearts" He was saying truth!!!
I understand that the words you use are from your aching heart . . For sure you never imagined that you will be led by a BLACK PRESIDENT .eg Mandela ,Obama,Mbeki etc . . You have been spoiled to thinking blacks are useless and they just proved you wrong as BLACKS have chosen not to KILL the useless bunch of haters that still has the mentality u have . . If we BLACKS were cruel as you say we would have destroyed all people who think like you but we still patient trying to give you more time to repent and become a human . .If you dont accept that blacks are adding value just dig a hole and burry yourself !!!!!
Mandela was full of hate...
Mhla Nombembe Wish you could be led by Thuli Madonsela - that would have given blacks a good name in your country. The current government is corrupt and spoils your image abroad - and they whites can say: Look, we told you so. Why can't you guys vote for a good person to lead you? It will make the difference you seek. The few remaining whites in your country cannot make all the black people rich, can they? The strife between South Africans will destroy them eventually. Better wake up.
Sometimes the things we say about others are a very good mirror of our own self.
I think so too. How many tickets should I reserve?
wow thats my famely realy
'n Staatsman van formaat. Ons eens vergete pad na 'n eerste wêreld land word pragtig hier ten toongestel.
No, I fail to see the logic in your argument. You are trying to bring Verwoerd on the same level as Hitler. Verwoerd was a man of peace whereas Hitler invaded Poland and other countries. Verwoerd did not send people to concentration camps, to mention but two facts.
pasopa nansti.. ndodemnyama you old skeleton
What a depressing documentary... he constipated SA for decades... the opening sequence of SA becoming a republic for a start was totally illegitimate... because only white people were allowed to vote in the referendum, and most people would not have voted for a republic. The rest is too depressing for words... but we must take cognisance of it because it is a part of SA's history and we cannot understand the present if we forget the past and the lessons it has for us now. We live in an extremely complex country and we should avoid simplistic solutions and arguments regarding whta is going on now.
Can't we just be honest and realise that the Dutch and Bantu were unfair to the Khoi khoi and San, the British abused all the Bantus and the Afrikaner. The Afrikaner and English South Africans then set up apartheid to abuse the other groups and now the ANC is treating us all badly. What we need is to firstly recognise and respect our cultural differences and accept that we cannot have both cultural standards in every town but secondly to unite and form a new identity with leaders that can tackle these terrible politicians and have a government that acts in our best interests and is held accountable. It actually doesn't matter what you think because if we don't do this, there's no great future for any of us.
Werner Roets " [they] set up apartheid to abuse the other groups..." is the false premise on which the ANC justifies the hostile black nationalism they have been driving. Apartheid was a way of managing the segregated society left in SA by British colonialism. It was also a way of protecting the white minority against majority domination, rampant crime and general economic decay such as we have been experiencing since 1994. It was far from ideal; it was flawed and caused immense conflict and we are lucky to be rid of it. It was not set up to abuse. Viewing apartheid exclusively through the contemporary lens, as the media insists on doing, blocks perspective, blocks the truth and blocks the understanding that is essential for the future harmony of South Africa.
The lack of common sense and reason in petduro and Ngcebo Mvubu 's comments clearly show that they have no idea what went on in the country when it was ruled by a proper and efficient government with planning for up to 20 years or more in the future and the present government's incompetence and the resulting destruction of everything that has been achieved previously and the degrading our country to the third world 's beggar status.
so the man who instituted one of the most brutal systems of oppression and violence based on racism adn bigotry and led to problems we're stll currently dealing with, both systemically and emotionally should be venerated? I think this is one of the problems in our country.
He was an evil man with no morals. He died in a way that was too good for him. He deserved a far worse death. And that is my opinion, from a proudly South African white man.
Very bold and frank statement
What stupidity to argue that dr. Verwoerd ruled at the cost of the so called "oppressed ". The "oppressed " enjoyed a higher standard of living, had better education,and a relative
higher per capita income compared to today as "free " .The logic of the previous remark boggles an intelligent mind.
I see a lot of conflicting views here, how is it that people from the same country have 'opinions' on history? Isn't it clear what happened? Can it all be simplistically attributed to ignorance?
Ignorance to what reality constitutes is bliss. Go explore and realize who the true benevolent tribe of Africa really was. In the words of Dr David Manning there is something wrong with the black man's mined in thousands of years the blacks of Africa has established nothing.
Another social engineer who created stupid laws, now people have to live with the consequences.
I meant to say, One-way tickets for you guys?
Dr Verwoerd actually came from Holland not South Africa. He should have gone back to live there.
a great bastard in deed
So my apologies... I am not ignorant, I am very well read on the history of South Africa and ex-colonial African rule, and make a point of reading both sides of the argument too. I come into the debate with a balanced rather than a warped view on things. Fact is, people in South Africa need to live together, freely and fairly, and in an air of justice and democracy. If you truly believe that all the ANC are terrorists, then it's only fair - in the event of any trials of any of those members - should be balanced off with prosecutions of heads of police, military and white minority government who terrorised the black majority with bullets, tanks, clubs and brutal intimidation for decades... If it is retribution you want, that's the way! Otherwise keep your warped, racist political moans and groans to yourself and bring your mind into the 21st Century
Good riddance to bad rubbish. I do agree, that probably him being offed was probably THE best thing for the country.
his idealogies are dead memories in this country. today we celebrate Chris Hani, Steve Biko men with morals and dignity.
What did they accomplish you like celebrating mediocrity
What planet are you living on??? Being told what to do, being told where to live, how to work, treated as something beneath a human being, forgot to add that in as well, I presume.
Dimitri Tsafendas is my hero