*IMPORTANT SPOILER/MODERATION NOTE* Comments on Liera's play are welcome - but remember it's Liera's game, and she doesn't have to follow advice. If something has been suggested several time, and she doesn't follow it, that's likely her choice. If she plays differently than you, accept it.
You don't have to agree with the Spoiler/Moderation policy - but you WILL be subject to it. Comments that violate it will simply be removed without discussion. General strategy advice is OK. Advice for gear/building/using blueprints or gear that Liera has ALREADY UNLOCKED is fine. Discussing how you played, or handled something, and how it turned out, IS OK - so long as it doen't violate any of the points below. Mentioning future gear that has not unlocked is NOT OK. Mentioning future events is NOT OK. Mentioning future resources is NOT OK. Mentioning future creatures, or how to handle existing hazards is NOT OK. Pointing out the location of resources/data points ( unless Liera SPECIFICALLY ASKS ), is NOT OK.
33:01 It's very faint and gets drowned out by the Reefbacks powerfull call but you can hear it, 33:16 you hear it again closer and then the message at 33:53 We who have played the game game knows exactly where she ended up by being distracted by the awesomeness of the Reefback and It's promise of resourses. This is one of the things subnautica does so well the sound design which in this case is both of awe and terror blended perfectly.
"We got table coral at home, it's fine" 😂... "I need sunlight, and I'm not seein' it, anywhere close" 😂... "So they do collapse under pressure, just like me" 😂... Yes! The "Keep Calm" poster! You need this 😄... "Welcome aboard Captain" You're the captain now 😂... keep facing your fears, Liera, you're doing great! 👍
I very much regret not checking them out in my first playtheough. When I played below zero, I made a point of checking out things I'd overlooked in the first game. Oh, the facepalm! Lol. Both uses have saved me, and I use it often just for the fun.
Agreed. The description on some of the devices doesn't fully explain how useful they actually are. Same with using beacons and grav traps - they are incredibly useful yet new players never realize until late in the game.
@@MrMalchore The grav trap not so much, I think - once you're an accomplished melon farmer, you don't really need to catch fish. I did a vegan run through last year. Just about possible - if you happen to already know where to go look for veggies.
Great progress on the start of a Base, and well done avoiding the rookie mistake of leaving your first base without marking it’s location with a beacon and never finding it again! (I’ve seen it happen). You noticed that construction is fully refundable, you get everything back when you deconstruct so there’s no need to be hesitant about building, experiment! Go wild! The Air Bladder tool is your best friend early game, please consider trying it out. If you’re really worried about your Mobile Vehicle Bay getting moved by Reefback bois, just store it in a locker and whip it out when needed? Reefbacks won’t damage it but there’s a very slim chance they could bump it away from where you left it (which goes for a Seamoth too; they can be “bumped” by creatures, something to keep in mind if you leave it parked only one meter above Crush Depth). Trust the story to lead you to both diamonds and the Multipurpose Room, but I’m so glad you experimented with base building without the MPR, some players hold off on any building until they find the MPR and honestly it really hampers them, especially with storage. Really hoping you’re enjoying this wonderful game!
Loving the playthrough so far! You're taking your time. You're reading things. This is all good. You did pick up a databox in the wreck that you asked about, and yes it was something you already had so it just gave you titanium. When you come across those databoxes if you hover your cursor over them, they'll let you know what's inside. Very interested in tracking your progress in this!
Tauchen ist so wunderbar. Ich liebe es. Man ist in einer anderen Welt. Schwerelos und warmes Wasser. Die Sonne glitzert, um einen herum Korallen, Fische ...... man ist für sich alleine, nichts anderes zählt und macht Sorgen. Ich brauche Urlaub. Nach mal wieder über 11 Stunden Arbeit schenkst du mir zumindest etwas " Urlaubsfeeling ". Ich muss lächeln. Danke für den Spass, den du mit dem Spiel hast, deine Neugier und Begeisterung. Ein ehrliches und offenes lachen ist einfach unbezahlbar. Man ja, man lacht einfach mit und alle Probleme und Sorgen sind vergessen. Der Kern eines LP´s. Eintauchen. Blub blub ... man muss wieder auftauchen und der kleine Urlaub ist vorbei. Die Realität hat einen wieder. Danke, du machst diese kleinen Auszeiten wichtig. Ach ja, bitte gib mir doch vorher bescheid, wenn du zu mir nach München ziehst ..... ha, Spass muss sein. Liera, stress dich nicht wegen dem Umzug und es wird alles klappen und keine Sorgen. Du schaffst alles. Schöner Part. LG
This is a really good playthrough, although I'm slightly sad that we don't get the pick-up-all-the-mushrooms-oh-wait-what-do-you-mean-inventory-full stage that most of us do to begin with 😆I love that you're taking the time to read the PDA entries, a lot of 'let's play Subnautica' youtubers just plough ahead and have no idea what's going on because they don't bother to look at the info they're gathering, so kudos for that! **Note about time capsules** These are left by real life players. As such they can occasionally be spoiler-y or contain items from futher ahead in the game, so open at your own risk. This one seemed ok though. [edit] I forgot to mention that when you break barnacles on Reefbacks they contain resources. Unfortunately they tend to fall *through* the reefback unless you manage to grab it in the nanosecond after you break it, if you're quick and can find it you can catch it as it falls underneath.
I'm super excited to see you giving us a full playthrough of this game! I'm glad that you have enough prior experience to not be suffering with details like where the find cave sulfur, yet still not spoiled on the game as a whole. I'm buckled up for the journey and thrilled to see where you take us!
Great vid and good start for your first base. This is the first time that I heard the reefbacks as referred to as turtles! Lol they're actually suppose to be like earth whales coz they travel in pods, like whales do. But I like this reference too. Also on another note, the time capsules are from other players who have finished the game and left those behind.
you seem a little nervous. relax, we're all here rooting for you. you got this. and we don't mind watching you gather resources. yeah those big guys could move your vehicle bay. probably not far though.
33:53 There's the clip!!! Omg so iconic, I love it so much. Hope you keep enjoying the game as much as I do watching it Also the time capsule mechanic 1:03:50 is that at the end of their playthrough every player can leave a time capsule, and someone will find that in random spot of their game!
Time capsules are actually left by other players once they have completed the game. Unfortunately they no longer put new ones in the game, but for many years they would add them add them, you get the option at the end of the game to write a message and leave a screenshot and some items for another player.
I too had fear issues playing this game. Sometime along the ride I realized it just a video game. I still get jump scared from time to time. Just keep on having fun!
If you're gathering supplies in the red grass area, don't forget to stop and scan some of the local wildlife. There are edible fish you haven't caught before in that biome, that you may find useful for bioreactor fuel as well as food.
Congratulations on identifying the tiger plant! They are one of the most deadly things in the game IMHO . Many a new player has died to them with no clue what killed them.
Once you're done with the game, you might want to watch again your first episodes and see how much you've learned to deal with your fears. Right now you're still reacting to any signal from random creatures around, but eventually this will all sound like background noise and you will start going further and deeper with ease. So far so good, you've built your first "base" quite early compared to most blind playthroughs to be honest, although it might be due to editing. You'll probably notice people in the comments (myself included) asking for less cuts, just like Outer Wilds the journey is part of the process! And just like in Outer Wilds, stay curious, try everything, and keep notes if necessary! ::)
Hey, just wanted to say, that was really nice. I love your Subnautica vids. They're so chill and I love how you vibe with the game and that you're looking at everything and trying a lot of things. So fun to watch. And it's perfect to have it with me when I'm working. Looking forward to more.
I am enjoying watching you play this, and like your style. I found you because I was watching Mike Burnfire and.Zach play.this and you we're the.first recommended video. I havent played the game, but now I want too. Thank you, and I hope you have a great day.
One very important piece of advice....scan everything, it will give you information on stuff or materials that you need for building everything......Semper Fi again kiddo.....
I started experimenting with the floating air pump, and I was surprised at what happened. I came back one day to find a reefback that'd tried swimming up against the pipe. The pump hadn't moved at all, but the reefback was tilted nose-down to almost vertical.
Another enjoyable episode, have just finished HZD Remaster so despite this game being in my library for ages you have inspired me to start this game now. Hope more HZD play from you coming soon too as really enjoying your style of play. Thanks for sharing with us!
To answer your one of your questions towards the end It's the Databox your speaking about? The one you found at 45:05 These ones you do want to keep your eyes open for as they do give you uppgrades and blueprints not normally found by scanning stuff but this one gave you Titanium because you had already found it in another location so in those cases it works the same as scanning blueprints you have already unlocked and just gives you two Titanium. As for leaving your mobile vehicle bay at your new base. It should be fine at the surface and wont be carried away by the Reedbacks. And the timecapsules are a thing left behind by other surviviors (Mostly other people who have played and completed the game) They get the chance to leave a Time Capsule behind that randomly might appear in other peoples playthroughs but it's also someting that could be game breaking as while there are some restrictions on what you can leave behind you could still get accsess to certain items and resourses that are much futher along and hard to get. (The one you found however was fine, Some food, Water, Bleach which you can already make and Ofc Keep Calm Kitty Poster :D but it's something to keep in mind going forward if you find more.
I started my own hardcore playthrough since 2021 after your first episode! Love watching you discover every nook and crevice! ♥ Some of those cracks in the rocks seem endless (; 33:56 LOOL "... are you certain whatever youre doing is worth it?" had me going 'uhhh mom can you come pick me up im scared ;-;' too!
Love your playthrough so far and I'm looking forward to the next installments! Looks like everything is going swimmingly. And because it's a Subnautica playthrough we're talking about, let's stick to tradition and give some unsolicited advice (no spoilers): The four rules of Subnautica: 1. Scan everything (you're doing that already) 2. Read everything (ditto) 3. Explore everything fully (including all those wrecks you're encountering -- try not to get lost inside) 4. When in doubt: GO DEEPER Also: the grav trap is a lot of fun to use and, as others have mentioned, the air bladder is a lifesaver. Also also: you can fabricate disinfected water using bleach -- this will save you a lot of hassle gathering your water rations. Good luck!
Very much enjoying this playthrough, love watching you explore everything. The thought and attention you give everything is really refreshing honestly. Can't wait for the next episode! 😁
14:30 The Aurora is quite a large ship at almost 1300 Meters long from nose to the rear thrusters and 500 Meters Tall but generally It's quite difficult to appropriately judge the size of things in this game but It's a Big ship and a good visual beacon that can be seen far (Atleast from the surface)
Mobile Vehicle Bay: You can push it by swimming against it, so I would not rule out that reefbacks can do the same. I would just store it in a locker tbh.
Just a tip, check the builder tool a little closer. It comes with some basic things it can make. Those won't appear in the list of stuff you discovered. Ex. The solar panels and tube you built as well as something you mentioned near the end. Cheers. 🙂
I think the wreck in the red grass is the biggest and most confusing wreck in the whole game. I've been in there many times, but even with a second air tank in my inventory, I still sometimes drown in there.
Für was man kämpft, für sich. Alleine .........that´s why to give a kiss. Langsam, zärtlich und mit ALLEM WAS DU HAST. Every little kiss. This song. Sorry, wie immer too much, ha. LG
Didn't see it mentioned in the top comments, but the Seaglide has a flashlight built in! You click the same button as the map it has, and cycle through Map, Light, Map+Light, and Off.
Please don't build offline. I don't know about your regular viewers, but for most serial Subnautica viewers, base building seems to be the #2 thing we enjoy the most. We like seeing the thinking, decisions, and difficulties that go into a project. You can edit the building into a digest/montage if you have the patience, but please don't leave it out entirely. ❤
Make sure to go through _everything_ you can construct. Things are so easily missed. You had the option to more storage before the first base, but you missed it completely.
1:20:30 That one is a plothole and annoyance I have with this game. Lifepod 4 has no last known location in the game, so the hint actually breaks immersion. Your lifepod is #5. Also, I'm curious if you ever got to building the scanner room since you were so excited upon reading the summary of it lmao.
I'm pretty sure they do give you hints on where to find lifepod 4 later in the game, it is a mistake that you usually get the call from lifepod 6 before lifepod 4 if the two are connected, but after a while and having both calls it's possible to find them
Don't wanna be a Debby Downer but that's not correct, the map is static and never changes. Minerals do change places and are semi-randomized though. EDIT: With a new game your pod can spawn in a random place inside the safe shallows, so maybe that's why you believed the map changed?
Comments on Liera's play are welcome - but remember it's Liera's game, and she doesn't have to follow advice. If something has been suggested several time, and she doesn't follow it, that's likely her choice. If she plays differently than you, accept it.
You don't have to agree with the Spoiler/Moderation policy - but you WILL be subject to it. Comments that violate it will simply be removed without discussion.
General strategy advice is OK.
Advice for gear/building/using blueprints or gear that Liera has ALREADY UNLOCKED is fine.
Discussing how you played, or handled something, and how it turned out, IS OK - so long as it doen't violate any of the points below.
Mentioning future gear that has not unlocked is NOT OK.
Mentioning future events is NOT OK.
Mentioning future resources is NOT OK.
Mentioning future creatures, or how to handle existing hazards is NOT OK.
Pointing out the location of resources/data points ( unless Liera SPECIFICALLY ASKS ), is NOT OK.
The closest thing to being able to experience it for the first time, is going along with a new first timer. Thanks!
33:01 It's very faint and gets drowned out by the Reefbacks powerfull call but you can hear it, 33:16 you hear it again closer and then the message at 33:53 We who have played the game game knows exactly where she ended up by being distracted by the awesomeness of the Reefback and It's promise of resourses. This is one of the things subnautica does so well the sound design which in this case is both of awe and terror blended perfectly.
At 65 meters depth: "Oh, maybe this is too deep". 🤣🤣
"We got table coral at home, it's fine" 😂... "I need sunlight, and I'm not seein' it, anywhere close" 😂... "So they do collapse under pressure, just like me" 😂... Yes! The "Keep Calm" poster! You need this 😄... "Welcome aboard Captain" You're the captain now 😂... keep facing your fears, Liera, you're doing great! 👍
... The air bladder... .no one ever builds the air bladder.... Really enjoying your journey so far! Good luck
right, ez fly up to the surface from
I very much regret not checking them out in my first playtheough. When I played below zero, I made a point of checking out things I'd overlooked in the first game. Oh, the facepalm! Lol. Both uses have saved me, and I use it often just for the fun.
@@raevend1540 Mind you, I've amlost never built the seaglide these days, and I've never, ever used the pathfinder tool.
Agreed. The description on some of the devices doesn't fully explain how useful they actually are. Same with using beacons and grav traps - they are incredibly useful yet new players never realize until late in the game.
@@MrMalchore The grav trap not so much, I think - once you're an accomplished melon farmer, you don't really need to catch fish. I did a vegan run through last year. Just about possible - if you happen to already know where to go look for veggies.
Great progress on the start of a Base, and well done avoiding the rookie mistake of leaving your first base without marking it’s location with a beacon and never finding it again!
(I’ve seen it happen).
You noticed that construction is fully refundable, you get everything back when you deconstruct so there’s no need to be hesitant about building, experiment! Go wild!
The Air Bladder tool is your best friend early game, please consider trying it out.
If you’re really worried about your Mobile Vehicle Bay getting moved by Reefback bois, just store it in a locker and whip it out when needed?
Reefbacks won’t damage it but there’s a very slim chance they could bump it away from where you left it (which goes for a Seamoth too; they can be “bumped” by creatures, something to keep in mind if you leave it parked only one meter above Crush Depth).
Trust the story to lead you to both diamonds and the Multipurpose Room, but I’m so glad you experimented with base building without the MPR, some players hold off on any building until they find the MPR and honestly it really hampers them, especially with storage.
Really hoping you’re enjoying this wonderful game!
Loving the playthrough so far! You're taking your time. You're reading things. This is all good. You did pick up a databox in the wreck that you asked about, and yes it was something you already had so it just gave you titanium. When you come across those databoxes if you hover your cursor over them, they'll let you know what's inside. Very interested in tracking your progress in this!
Tauchen ist so wunderbar. Ich liebe es. Man ist in einer anderen Welt. Schwerelos und warmes Wasser. Die Sonne glitzert, um einen herum Korallen, Fische ...... man ist für sich alleine, nichts anderes zählt und macht Sorgen. Ich brauche Urlaub. Nach mal wieder über 11 Stunden Arbeit schenkst du mir zumindest etwas " Urlaubsfeeling ". Ich muss lächeln. Danke für den Spass, den du mit dem Spiel hast, deine Neugier und Begeisterung. Ein ehrliches und offenes lachen ist einfach unbezahlbar. Man ja, man lacht einfach mit und alle Probleme und Sorgen sind vergessen. Der Kern eines LP´s. Eintauchen. Blub blub ... man muss wieder auftauchen und der kleine Urlaub ist vorbei. Die Realität hat einen wieder. Danke, du machst diese kleinen Auszeiten wichtig. Ach ja, bitte gib mir doch vorher bescheid, wenn du zu mir nach München ziehst ..... ha, Spass muss sein. Liera, stress dich nicht wegen dem Umzug und es wird alles klappen und keine Sorgen. Du schaffst alles. Schöner Part. LG
" I hope it's not gonna eat me" Famous last words XD
This is a really good playthrough, although I'm slightly sad that we don't get the pick-up-all-the-mushrooms-oh-wait-what-do-you-mean-inventory-full stage that most of us do to begin with 😆I love that you're taking the time to read the PDA entries, a lot of 'let's play Subnautica' youtubers just plough ahead and have no idea what's going on because they don't bother to look at the info they're gathering, so kudos for that!
**Note about time capsules**
These are left by real life players. As such they can occasionally be spoiler-y or contain items from futher ahead in the game, so open at your own risk. This one seemed ok though.
I forgot to mention that when you break barnacles on Reefbacks they contain resources. Unfortunately they tend to fall *through* the reefback unless you manage to grab it in the nanosecond after you break it, if you're quick and can find it you can catch it as it falls underneath.
The reaction to ppl seing that Keep Calm poster for the first time is always great.
I'm super excited to see you giving us a full playthrough of this game! I'm glad that you have enough prior experience to not be suffering with details like where the find cave sulfur, yet still not spoiled on the game as a whole. I'm buckled up for the journey and thrilled to see where you take us!
Great vid and good start for your first base. This is the first time that I heard the reefbacks as referred to as turtles! Lol they're actually suppose to be like earth whales coz they travel in pods, like whales do. But I like this reference too. Also on another note, the time capsules are from other players who have finished the game and left those behind.
you seem a little nervous. relax, we're all here rooting for you. you got this. and we don't mind watching you gather resources. yeah those big guys could move your vehicle bay. probably not far though.
33:53 There's the clip!!! Omg so iconic, I love it so much. Hope you keep enjoying the game as much as I do watching it
Also the time capsule mechanic 1:03:50 is that at the end of their playthrough every player can leave a time capsule, and someone will find that in random spot of their game!
Time capsules are actually left by other players once they have completed the game. Unfortunately they no longer put new ones in the game, but for many years they would add them add them, you get the option at the end of the game to write a message and leave a screenshot and some items for another player.
I too had fear issues playing this game. Sometime along the ride I realized it just a video game. I still get jump scared from time to time. Just keep on having fun!
If you're gathering supplies in the red grass area, don't forget to stop and scan some of the local wildlife. There are edible fish you haven't caught before in that biome, that you may find useful for bioreactor fuel as well as food.
Congratulations on identifying the tiger plant! They are one of the most deadly things in the game IMHO . Many a new player has died to them with no clue what killed them.
Once you're done with the game, you might want to watch again your first episodes and see how much you've learned to deal with your fears. Right now you're still reacting to any signal from random creatures around, but eventually this will all sound like background noise and you will start going further and deeper with ease. So far so good, you've built your first "base" quite early compared to most blind playthroughs to be honest, although it might be due to editing. You'll probably notice people in the comments (myself included) asking for less cuts, just like Outer Wilds the journey is part of the process! And just like in Outer Wilds, stay curious, try everything, and keep notes if necessary! ::)
I have played this game so many times and never tried to build a hatch on the roof. What a great idea
Hey, just wanted to say, that was really nice. I love your Subnautica vids. They're so chill and I love how you vibe with the game and that you're looking at everything and trying a lot of things. So fun to watch. And it's perfect to have it with me when I'm working. Looking forward to more.
You're doing really well. Keep pressing ahead, I'm looking forward to following your adventures.
When the game warns you are you certain its worth it🤔maybe get out of there!!!😂good call.
Really enjoying the playthrough so far and I can't wait to see more.
I am enjoying watching you play this, and like your style. I found you because I was watching Mike Burnfire and.Zach play.this and you we're the.first recommended video. I havent played the game, but now I want too.
Thank you, and I hope you have a great day.
One very important piece of advice....scan everything, it will give you information on stuff or materials that you need for building everything......Semper Fi again kiddo.....
Great video! The reefbacks wont move your mobile vehicle bay; it is safe.
I started experimenting with the floating air pump, and I was surprised at what happened. I came back one day to find a reefback that'd tried swimming up against the pipe. The pump hadn't moved at all, but the reefback was tilted nose-down to almost vertical.
33:53 No way that reefback lead you into the dunes, lmao! I didn't know they went there.
Another enjoyable episode, have just finished HZD Remaster so despite this game being in my library for ages you have inspired me to start this game now. Hope more HZD play from you coming soon too as really enjoying your style of play. Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you!
To answer your one of your questions towards the end It's the Databox your speaking about? The one you found at 45:05 These ones you do want to keep your eyes open for as they do give you uppgrades and blueprints not normally found by scanning stuff but this one gave you Titanium because you had already found it in another location so in those cases it works the same as scanning blueprints you have already unlocked and just gives you two Titanium.
As for leaving your mobile vehicle bay at your new base. It should be fine at the surface and wont be carried away by the Reedbacks.
And the timecapsules are a thing left behind by other surviviors (Mostly other people who have played and completed the game) They get the chance to leave a Time Capsule behind that randomly might appear in other peoples playthroughs but it's also someting that could be game breaking as while there are some restrictions on what you can leave behind you could still get accsess to certain items and resourses that are much futher along and hard to get. (The one you found however was fine, Some food, Water, Bleach which you can already make and Ofc Keep Calm Kitty Poster :D but it's something to keep in mind going forward if you find more.
At about 45:10 there was text on your screen telling you that you can repair the door. You will find that now and then in sunken wracks.
I saw that while editing and facepalmed haha
TBF that's the wiring near it that you will repair... The doors (not operational like this one tho) will need a laser cutter.
Hi !! You made me want to play again😁I will follow your adventure and move forward at the same pace as you
I started my own hardcore playthrough since 2021 after your first episode! Love watching you discover every nook and crevice! ♥ Some of those cracks in the rocks seem endless (;
33:56 LOOL "... are you certain whatever youre doing is worth it?" had me going 'uhhh mom can you come pick me up im scared ;-;' too!
Love your playthrough so far and I'm looking forward to the next installments! Looks like everything is going swimmingly.
And because it's a Subnautica playthrough we're talking about, let's stick to tradition and give some unsolicited advice (no spoilers):
The four rules of Subnautica:
1. Scan everything (you're doing that already)
2. Read everything (ditto)
3. Explore everything fully (including all those wrecks you're encountering -- try not to get lost inside)
4. When in doubt: GO DEEPER
Also: the grav trap is a lot of fun to use and, as others have mentioned, the air bladder is a lifesaver. Also also: you can fabricate disinfected water using bleach -- this will save you a lot of hassle gathering your water rations.
Good luck!
From your avatar, I'm guessing you're a fan of the game :D
Very much enjoying this playthrough, love watching you explore everything. The thought and attention you give everything is really refreshing honestly. Can't wait for the next episode! 😁
Have fun and enjoy 👌👍🌹💖😁
Good play through, don't worry about sands sharks, their bark is worse than their bite.
"Gloria Borger" ahaha! I swear someone loves to watch Pewdiepie.
so satisfying to see you get your bearings. amazing times ahead, wohoo!
14:30 The Aurora is quite a large ship at almost 1300 Meters long from nose to the rear thrusters and 500 Meters Tall but generally It's quite difficult to appropriately judge the size of things in this game but It's a Big ship and a good visual beacon that can be seen far (Atleast from the surface)
1:19:17 No, getting a few titanium instead of scanned recipe is not a bug. You can read the databank record for the scanner, it explains.
Mobile Vehicle Bay: You can push it by swimming against it, so I would not rule out that reefbacks can do the same. I would just store it in a locker tbh.
Thanks again for playing this 😊
Just a tip, check the builder tool a little closer. It comes with some basic things it can make. Those won't appear in the list of stuff you discovered. Ex. The solar panels and tube you built as well as something you mentioned near the end. Cheers. 🙂
amazing Ocean
All energy production devices come with storage, so you may consider adding solar panels to get you through the night if that becomes an issue.
I think the wreck in the red grass is the biggest and most confusing wreck in the whole game. I've been in there many times, but even with a second air tank in my inventory, I still sometimes drown in there.
I can spend 20+ hours in a playthrough and never find a time capsule and she unwittingly builds her first ever base damn near on top of one 😂
Für was man kämpft, für sich. Alleine .........that´s why to give a kiss. Langsam, zärtlich und mit ALLEM WAS DU HAST. Every little kiss. This song. Sorry, wie immer too much, ha. LG
Didn't see it mentioned in the top comments, but the Seaglide has a flashlight built in! You click the same button as the map it has, and cycle through Map, Light, Map+Light, and Off.
Please don't build offline. I don't know about your regular viewers, but for most serial Subnautica viewers, base building seems to be the #2 thing we enjoy the most. We like seeing the thinking, decisions, and difficulties that go into a project. You can edit the building into a digest/montage if you have the patience, but please don't leave it out entirely. ❤
That's fair :) Okay!
Make sure to go through _everything_ you can construct. Things are so easily missed.
You had the option to more storage before the first base, but you missed it completely.
Good going so far, keep exploring. Many wonderful things await you. Unrelated: will we see a Balders Gate play through in the future?
The devs put multiple instances of some blueprints (not all!) If you are very thorough you will find several duplicates in databoxes. 1:19:53
You might be able to get more power in your base if you put a second solar panel on top of it
C'est tellement calme,paisible.😊
Mais attention, quelques choses me dis qu'on va découvrir de gros poissons 😅😅😅
Un gros like 😊
1:06:18 this would be worth 1400 a month here in Florida 🤣
The mobile vehicle bay wont get crashed by reefback so its ok..😅
Good 😁
at 19:05 , why is the moon like, 100 FEET FROM YOU??
Must be enormous to look that close!
u are so awesome
Thanks, Gloria Borger, for the spoilers. :-/
1:20:30 That one is a plothole and annoyance I have with this game. Lifepod 4 has no last known location in the game, so the hint actually breaks immersion. Your lifepod is #5.
Also, I'm curious if you ever got to building the scanner room since you were so excited upon reading the summary of it lmao.
@@rexosuitmk2577 not really a pothole. Lifepod 4 is out there you just have to find it. Then plot your course from there.
The player's lifepod is #5
I'm pretty sure they do give you hints on where to find lifepod 4 later in the game, it is a mistake that you usually get the call from lifepod 6 before lifepod 4 if the two are connected, but after a while and having both calls it's possible to find them
@@neural_jam Ah, thanks! I misremembered.
@@Rahurind They do give hints but only after you already should know where it is for this lifepod.
I feel kinda weird about that title... i do not consent...
You asked a question about the map changing the terrain each time. The answer is yes. It changes each time you start a new game....Semper Fi kiddo....
Don't wanna be a Debby Downer but that's not correct, the map is static and never changes. Minerals do change places and are semi-randomized though.
EDIT: With a new game your pod can spawn in a random place inside the safe shallows, so maybe that's why you believed the map changed?
No the terrain doesn't change, it is static from each game to the next.
kakak kamu jangan sampai lupa untuk makan entar dirimu jatuh sakit lagi love from Indonesia 🇲🇨