Thing about The Chase is this...if you go into it expecting a serious Dalek story, you'll hate it. But if you understand going in that its a comedy, you'll really enjoy it like I did
It’s not a comedy. It is old school science fiction. All the plot elements are there. Yes, there are comic moments but that was used to pad out the story.
I enjoyed The Chase as well and The Daleks ebb and flow between scary and comedic. I thought it was a nice change of pace. In the Master Plan, I liked the ambition of it although I wasn't sure whether to be intimidated by Mavic Chen or laugh at him. He's a discount Ming the Merciless which is fitting as that serial feels very Flash Gordan.
Season 1 has a loose serial format with layered character development not seen since. Not a single story is bad and each episode includes at least one piece of the puzzle, no matter how tangential or indirect. Each time I watch it I love it that much more. With luck the lost episodes can be found and repaired before they disintegrate... Great review of the era! Can't wait to see the next, thank you much!
To be fair, Chibnall did try to do that. But the writing was all over the place. I would like to see more of the classic style, and out there ideas like midnight. And this is something I hope RTD does. But idk, he brought DW back once, I hope he does it again. At least him and Moffat made really good episodes.
Oh I don't think I'll ever make one that length! The whole series put together will probably run over that, but no individual one will come close - Sony Vegas barely managed to render this one!!!
The Doctor's promise to Susan to see her again has yet to be fulfilled on screen unfortunately. In fact I think the more of the Doctor's incarnations they wait to do this, the more likely the Doctor will find out Susan also regenerated, if the Doctor fulfills that promise at all.
The problem is as far as we know, Susan wasn’t a timelord. She was a regular galifrayan. Timelord is a rank, not a species. To me it would mean more for the current Doctor to meet Susan, and have them reflect on each other, that Susan accepts that she only has this one life, meanwhile the Doctor has become younger with each incarnation with an occasional old face.
The Big Finish audios, and many of the novels are regarded as Canon, and it's been made clear that Susan is a Time Lord, and she met up with the Eighth Doctor, if not others. The recent Susan's War audio series was excellent, and still featuring Carol-Ann-Ford in the role.
It's a pity hindsight tries to force us to see the first four episodes as one story. As each episode (up to The Savages, I think?) had its own title, I prefer to think of An Unearthly Child as a single episode standalone story since it raises the question asked by Ian and Barbara of why Susan is such a strange pupil and introduces the mysterious Doctor and the TARDIS and the first journey in it, allowing us to meet all four ongoing characters. What follows is then a separate three part story about cavemen (collected as The Tribe of Gum) that also properly explores the ongoing concept of time travel that will form the backbone of the series.
Agree completely. I'm watching these episodes for the first time and I treat The Unearthly Child and The Cavemen as separate stories. Although out of the entire First Doctor era, the cavemen episodes are BY FAR the worst.
The Chase is one of my all-time favorites. It’s worth going through all the padding to get to the Mechanoid city…which is very impressive in design and the Mechanoids themselves, which is a mind-blowing piece of costuming. The battle scene is phenomenal!
1) An Unearthly Child is one perfect episode followed by three which are uncharacteristic of the show and what is to come. They're not great 'first episodes' - it's a shame we don't get the Daleks first for example - but they're not as bad as everybody points out either. They're just atypical. 2) The Daleks: You summarised it perfectly. Great story, just too overlong. 3) The Edge of Destruction: I also think this one is a bit underrated. I love the 'trapped in the TARDIS' and character interactivity / growth of it. I like the fact that Barbara snaps at the Doctor but by the end they have reached an accord, even some genuine warmth. 4) Marco Polo: Definitely a candidate for the most desperate to find lost story. And yeah Bradley and the others doing a remake would be awesome! More so than some of the other lost stories since I think Marco Polo is uniquely filmic. 5) The Keys of Marinus: It's good. The first couple of episodes have some really bad gaffes in it but I do like the 'anthology' / 'quest' format. I particularly like the Whodunnit. I kind of wish Who did 'Whodunnit' more often. 6) The Aztecs: One of the best ever. Not just of Hartnell. I love it. I wish this could be colourised! The performances are what make it - but Jacqueline Hill has to be on the Mount Rushmore of any companion list. And this is where I feel Hartnell was more of the Doctor we know and love finally, if still 'Time Lordy' more than anti-establishment! 7) The Sensorites: I totally agree with you that this story is very underrated. The first episode is quite spooky to me. Sinister is exactly the word I'd use! I don't think it's a Classic but it's definitely not as bad as some seem to think! It is slow though. And I love the scene with the Doctor reminiscing over Susan too! These moments make 60's Who very watchable - we don't get this with, say, Old Sixie and Peri. 8) Reign of Terror: So I disagree a little with you here I suppose. I kind of felt it's fine but bland for me somehow. I like the Doctor dressing up and I like the political intrigue, but the gunshot implication is more than I expected too. It's not bad. It definitely is not bad at all. It's just that it's fine. I do wonder if it wasn't Animated if my mind would have changed... 9) Planet of Giants: The four part recon version isn't very good for me actually but it seems to work pretty good as a three parter. I just think it didn't have enough story for four parts due to the TARDIS crew not really interacting that directly with the main plot except Barbara being poisoned. Although I do get your points also! It's not a classic but it is unique in the 60's and I like the experimental nature of it. Also, this Doctor just suits a cloak quite frankly. I do think the effects are fantastic for the time and the performances work. Again, not bad but it isn't a classic either. 10) Dalek Invasion of Earth: I find this ambitious, daring, well acted and totally epic. Surprise surprise I like it. A LOT. And I am fond myself of Susan's final scene. 11) The Rescue: If they're on Dido... does that mean Bennett and Vicky went down with their ship? ... ... I'll get my coat. In other news Barbara is a murderer. In other other news I really really like Vicki. I think she is an improvement over Susan as implemented, and I really like Koquillian as a simple villain... More to follow... My rankings: * The Time Meddler * The Aztecs * The Daleks Master Plan * An Unearthly Child (first episode) * The Dalek Invasion of Earth * The War Machines * The Romans * The Rescue * Marco Polo * The Keys of Marinus * The Daleks * The Edge of Destruction * The Chase * The Gunfighters * The Tenth Planet * The Sensorites * An Unearthly Child 2-4 * Planet of Giants * The Reign of Terror * The Crusade * The Myth Makers * The Web Planet * The Massacre * The Smugglers * The Celestial Toymaker * Mission to the Unknown * The Space Museum * The Ark * Galaxy 4 * The Savages
No-one serious thinks the show never tackled political stuff before Chib or RTD round 2. It was just a lot more organic with it. It never brought the story to a screeching halt to smack viewers in the face with a protest sign.
The celestial toymaker has always been a fav - remember reading the target book on it and the audio. Love to see it animated. Another is the Savages, it sounds an interesting story - the blackface can be altered to green or blueish skin. As a child I thought that was the colour of his skin - from the target novel covers where he looked greenish or blueish lol.
Series 1 raking nunuber 1 an unhealthy child number 2 the edge of destruction number 3 the Aztec and number 4 this daleks and number 5 the range of terror
Marco Polo was actually really awesome. It was way ahead of its time and I loved following the TARDIS crew and Marco Polo traveling across the Orient with the means of escape right there but they can't ise it.
My top 10 Hartnell: 1- The Time Meddler 2- The Dalek's Master Plan 3- Marco Polo 4- The War Machines 5- The Keys of Marinus 6- The Web Planet 7- The Savages 8- The Mutants (aka The Daleks) 9- The Romans 10- The Tenth Planet
Agree about 'The Web Planet'. It must have seemed a very ambitious production at the time. I don't think any other Dr Who story has aged as badly though.
Here is my raking for doctor who classic series 2 number 1 the daleks invasion of earth number 2 the time mildet nunber 3 the space museum and nunuber 4 the reusen number 5 the chase number 6 the crusade number 7 the ramons and number 8 the web planet number 9 planet of the ganits
The mild politics used in the early days were cleverly woven in and were in no way intrusive to the plot. The Whitaker era slammed politics down our throat at every available opportunity. There is a huge difference!
I’m a huge classic DW fan 1963-89 my favorites have always been Troughton Pertwee and Tom Baker. Hartnell would probably be my number 4 era but Hartnell’s era is definitely the most important cause if he didn’t get it right the show would have been over long before Troughton got there.
After finally getting the Hartnell’s here in America, Hartnell has become my second favorite Doctor. His performance is outstanding. Problem is he doesn’t get much screen time.
I knew little of the Hartnell Era as a 1980s fan, since most episodes were lost back then. Now that all the episodes have either been found or reconstructed, I ought to give them another chance. Oh, that clip of the giant moths and the giant ant is bad. “Spock’s Brain” bad. Haha.
Great video can't wait for the next instalments especially the Throughton and Pertwee years. Here's an idea that I hope you consider for the next videos, why don't you quickly rank all the story's from the doctors era at the end of the video
Thanks, the Troughton vid is already in the works, although I don't have an idea yet when it's gonna be finished. The ranking idea is a good shout, will definitely consider it for the next instalment (and would include a Hartnell one alongside Troughton's if I do go ahead)
Based just on their S1 stories I'd say John Lucarotti. The music you asked about is from the soundtrack of The Aztecs (all the music in the video is from the story being discussed at the time). I took that bit (I'm pretty sure) from the cliffhanger reprise at the beginning of episode 2 (just after Tlotoxl's line "I shall destroy her!"), but it pops up throughout the story
Regarding the racist rhyme in the Celestial Toymaker you seem absolutely incredulous that this should be scripted at all, and thus appear to be unaware, as many younger people are, of context and history. I was a boy when this was broadcast, and it was a common rhyme we used when playing games to select someone to be 'it' in tag games or similar. I had no idea what a n***** was, presuming it was something like a goblin or sprite. I'm all with you in agreeing the word should not be used now, and wisely you bleeped it out. But to pretend that people who used the rhyme were deliberately being racist is not true either. Similarly with 'blacking up' in The Crusaders etc.
Oh don't worry, I'm completely aware of why it's there etc. (us youngsters aren't completely ignorant!) I simply felt that if I didn't mention the rhyme (which I think was an ad-lib from Campbell Singer) or the blackface make up etc then people would criticise me for not! So I felt that I'd make a quick mention of "Yes I know this is in some of these stories, and yes I obviously disagree with it, even if I really like the story" kinda thing. Oh how I'm dreading discussing Talons!
@@AlReviewsWho The controversy with Talons makes me actually angry. People are just so sensitive and looking for things to be offended by. Are they just bored? Is that it? They're not having fun and therefore they want to take fun away from others? Is the 'little man' dialogue terrible? Yes. Is the John Bennett makeup bad? Unconscionable to a modern audience, even? Yes. But aside from the makeup and accent - what about the actual performance? The pathos of a character who has religiously and slavishly served a Master who turns out to be false and allows himself to die with perceived honour yet is still caked in sludge and doped up? I remember when the quality of a show was more important than trying to SJW it into oblivion. And it makes me even more angry that it isn't available to stream alongside the rest of the series. I actually find making a big deal of it more racist than not in many ways. If it's offensive to some sensitive poor soul who can't be bothered to learn from history, then put a disclaimer at the beginning and then promptly leave it alone. Another thing for people to remember. Magneto quote of the day. What are you going to do when they come for you and your children? Because the truth is what is socially acceptable now, won't be in years to come. For example I know some fans who legitimately want to cancel ALL Doctor Who before Tom Baker. And then it won't be long before they want to cancel Leela for being exploitative. Or Tegan because of her boob tube. In fact let's cancel all of old Who because it doesn't cast equal gender roles. I know that sounds ridiculous but when we have fans successfully cancelling Talons, and Abominable Snowmen being changed for being racist, then these fans calling to cancel Pertwee and before will eventually have enough voice to be successful. That's how these things go. Doctor Who itself has plenty of cautionary tales to prove it! My point is unless people decide to preserve things - and enjoy what is GOOD about it rather than criticise the bad - we won't learn from history. If you Black face or John Bennett someone up now, that's racist now because we as a society have deemed it racist and unacceptable. I should think it might have been been a bit eyebrow raising in the 70's anyway. But we're not making these programs now. They were made then. (Caveat: I'm not against removing black face from the Animated Snowmen adaptation but they literally changed characters entirely because they were so desperate to not seem so racist. These guys are involved with how fandom is going and that worries me. Some changes make sense as it's technically a new production but there is a limit. For example do we cancel Planet of the Spiders because of Cho-Je? What about The Sea Devils with the Doctor bullying Jo? Time Warrior for the Doctor mocking Sarah Jane? The Twin Dilemma for strangling Peri? Ah but Gary Russell wouldn't change his favourite Doctor, would he? That's part of my issue. Allow cancellation of some things and one day your things will be the next on the chopping block. Better to believe in genuine tolerance and LEARNING and equality and that means learning from, not cancelling!)
The racist/blacking up issue is a red herring in that it was not seen as such at the time. If you watch most other fictional shows of the 1950s & 60s in the UK (and probably the US), you'll find the same thing occurring, what we might currently refer to as "casual racism" (even the Black and White Minstrel Show was considered OK, since it was just an excuse to present a musical entertainment show in a different style. It's similar with sexism. Objectifying women was not seen as a bad thing at the time, even by most women. It was was similar casual cultural thing. I get that it's hard to imagine the innocence of the mindset now, when people seem tuned/programmed to seek out things to criticise about the past). Apart from any other considerations, there was a far smaller pool of good quality actors of other races who spoke English available in the UK at the time to draw from to take such roles.
@@TediousMilkshake no. I was a boy in the 60s and we definitely said the N word in the rhyme in the school playground, and I remember my dad saying it too.
Here is my raking for series 3 of classic Dr who number 1 the war machines number 2 the gunfithers number 3 the clesstrat toy maker number 4 the dakeks master plan number 5 the savegs number 6 the mithy makers and number 7 the ark number 8 galaxy 4 and number 9 the mascara
Great deep dive into the first doctor era. I'm viewing these episodes for the first time ever so your background information on several episodes is much appreciated. For the most part, I concur with a good deal of your assessments except for The Massacre. I know the historical background but is the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre really that much of a common knowledge in Britain? I'm assuming that its not and it probably had fans scratching their heads in 1966 as to what was going on. Steven seems to be in that same boat of not knowing what's going on. Its a very dry and confusing story with the Abbott doubling. I really liked the Gunfighters but OMFG that song!! Its not that its bad but WAY overused. If it were just used in the opening of episode 1 as setup and the sung at the saloon, great! The producers must have wanted to get their money's worth. Overall tremendous effort and looking forward to viewing your later doctor reviewsiii
Hey Al, it’s me The Evil Dalek again. I’m looking to remove the vocals from The Ballad Of The Last Chance Saloon from The Gunfighters for something. I noticed for The Gunfighters segment you seemed to have done it. Can I ask how you did it & how can I do it?
Hi, I used this handy website - I used it for all the unreleased music. It won't remove stuff like footsteps and the like, but it's pretty good at separating voices and music.
This is amazingly well made very enjoyable watch! I think the space museum is very unfairly rated too! (I also think reign of terror is better than the Aztec’s and I’ve always been mocked for it)
Don't think spoilers matter anymore seeing many have seen these classics or many have be lost so spoilers are expected and you cannot really spoil classic Who 🤣🤣. Great work though on this series 👍
To be fair, if you’re new to classic who, some of these will be a shock. Plus something about time travel and spoilers from a certain song played by the river.
Planet of Giants was supposed to be the pilot episode. The trim down from 4 to 3 was an agreement by the producers and BBC so they expand an extra episode for the upcoming serial.
Nope. It was because it was deemed unsatisfactory as the start of a new season. The addition of an extra episode was a necessary part of said reduction to ensure the programme would still fill all the broadcast slots assigned to it.
Susan existed in season one pretty much entirely to scream and lose her shit. The fact you used what i consider to be her most iconic freakout to represent that just killed me. its a shame the footage of that one is lost
This was the last of the extant episodes i had to track down and i finally found it on yt and it was truly BAD! But at lest i have seen them all! Need to track down Marco Polo animatic.
There’s a reason why some of the later Dalek voices are so bad,that being that until their return in the 2005 revival the voice modulator settings for the daleks were never noted down so that there would always be a little difference in the voices each time,the same problem happened in 1972 with Revival of the Daleks
For an AI you have some very nuanced opinions. I confess I find the Hartnell era rather slow and boring most of the time, despite preferring “Classic Who” (hate that term). If it wasn’t for Jaqueline Hill and William Hartnell I’d never watch it. I would really like to see the missing stories though, particularly Marco Polo and the Dalek Master Plan. However, Tomb of the Cybermen proved to me that our opinions of what we can’t see are always over-inflated. Which is not to say they’re not good - I just refuse to believe they’re the best.
I feel like I could've written most of this myself. Preferring Marco Polo to the Aztecs, being annoyed by Susan in Marinus, nothing the extreme darkness of Dalek Invasion of Earth, liking Vicki more than Susan, more or less liking every story until Web Planet comes along, hating Vicki's departure, loving the end scene in the massacre... ironically though there's one thing I disagreed on... I don't like the War Machines 😂
Season 1 Ranking: 8. The edge of destruction 7. The keys of Marinus 6. The Sensorities 5. The Daleks 4. An unearthly child 3. The Aztecs 2. The reign of terror 1. Marco polo Season 2: 9. The web planet 8. The space museum 7. The rescue 6. Planet of Giants 5. The chase 4. The Dalek invasion of earth 3. The crusade 2. The romans 1. The time meddler Season 3: 10.Galaxy 4 9. the ark 8. The savages 7. The celestial toymaker 6. Mission to the unknown 5. The myth makers 4. The gunfighters 3. The War machines 2. The Daleks' masterplan 1. The massacre Season 4: 2. The smugglers 1. The tenth planet
My raking of doctor who classic season 3 are the war machines and the gunfight and the galaxy 4 and the daleks master plan and mission to the unknown and the mascara of sent eve and ark and the myth makes
Bro this video series is really good but i really didnt wanna watch it untill i left it playing by accident because i thought you meant: AI reviews doctor who
Earl Cameron became the first black TV astronaut. He lived a very long life dying at age 103. oh yah, Jackie Lane's sudden departure had to do with her contract being expired, and the producers refused to renew her contract. She was allowed to appeared in the final two episodes despite her contract already been expired. Carole Ann Ford, Maureen O'Brien and Jackie Lane all complained about their character development as women from the past (The 60s was the birth of the women liberalism movement).
I think the Keys Of Marinus is when I started to actually enjoy these episodes. The beginning of season 1 is not good for me, the first four episodes are boring, the daleks story is too much filler and not much happen, the two episodes on the TARDIS are better but the ending ruined it for me, sadly Marco Polo doesn"t exist anymore, and the Keys Of Marinus is the first story I genuinely liked. The first episode is very intriguing and I like it, the second one is a little boring but it's okay, the third and fourth one are entertaining but a little boring too, and the fifth and sixth one are great. I love the new city, the trial, the mystery, amazing. And the ending of episode 6 is good too. The Dalek Invasion of Earth is when I started to LOVE the classics. The story is... perfect. I can't see any flaw in it, it's way better than a lot of the stuff in the modern series. For the Web Planet, if you ignore how ridiculous everything is and youactually ACCEPT the story, it becomes great. You really need to disconnect your mind and ignore reason, and if you succeed, the serial is amazing.
_The Tenth Planet_ (a story comprising four episodes) does not have a BBC Radiophonic Workshop score. It’s mostly stock library tracks, plus sound effects for the Cybership and the Doctor’s regeneration.
RIP William Russell, died on June 14th, 2024 at age 99. What a long, prosperous life he had.
Carole Ann Ford is still alive tho,bless her
Thing about The Chase is this...if you go into it expecting a serious Dalek story, you'll hate it. But if you understand going in that its a comedy, you'll really enjoy it like I did
Cannot agree more.
I really like The Chase. It's not a classic but it's not terrible as it's reputation.
If you want a more serious Dalek story, I enjoy The Dalek Master Plan
@@adamlis9321 me too. Even tho there's a lot of filler but the best bits rule
It’s not a comedy. It is old school science fiction. All the plot elements are there. Yes, there are comic moments but that was used to pad out the story.
I enjoyed The Chase as well and The Daleks ebb and flow between scary and comedic. I thought it was a nice change of pace. In the Master Plan, I liked the ambition of it although I wasn't sure whether to be intimidated by Mavic Chen or laugh at him. He's a discount Ming the Merciless which is fitting as that serial feels very Flash Gordan.
Season 1 has a loose serial format with layered character development not seen since. Not a single story is bad and each episode includes at least one piece of the puzzle, no matter how tangential or indirect. Each time I watch it I love it that much more.
With luck the lost episodes can be found and repaired before they disintegrate...
Great review of the era! Can't wait to see the next, thank you much!
To be fair, Chibnall did try to do that. But the writing was all over the place. I would like to see more of the classic style, and out there ideas like midnight. And this is something I hope RTD does. But idk, he brought DW back once, I hope he does it again. At least him and Moffat made really good episodes.
Jay Exci: 5 hour video essay
*a new challenger approaches*
Oh I don't think I'll ever make one that length! The whole series put together will probably run over that, but no individual one will come close - Sony Vegas barely managed to render this one!!!
The Doctor's promise to Susan to see her again has yet to be fulfilled on screen unfortunately. In fact I think the more of the Doctor's incarnations they wait to do this, the more likely the Doctor will find out Susan also regenerated, if the Doctor fulfills that promise at all.
what about the five doctors?
The problem is as far as we know, Susan wasn’t a timelord. She was a regular galifrayan. Timelord is a rank, not a species. To me it would mean more for the current Doctor to meet Susan, and have them reflect on each other, that Susan accepts that she only has this one life, meanwhile the Doctor has become younger with each incarnation with an occasional old face.
The Big Finish audios, and many of the novels are regarded as Canon, and it's been made clear that Susan is a Time Lord, and she met up with the Eighth Doctor, if not others. The recent Susan's War audio series was excellent, and still featuring Carol-Ann-Ford in the role.
One of the best series overviews I've ever seen. Great job!
Thank you, that really means a lot 😀
One of my other highlight of the William hartnell era is the tenth plant because it is the story that includes the cyberman
It's a pity hindsight tries to force us to see the first four episodes as one story. As each episode (up to The Savages, I think?) had its own title, I prefer to think of An Unearthly Child as a single episode standalone story since it raises the question asked by Ian and Barbara of why Susan is such a strange pupil and introduces the mysterious Doctor and the TARDIS and the first journey in it, allowing us to meet all four ongoing characters. What follows is then a separate three part story about cavemen (collected as The Tribe of Gum) that also properly explores the ongoing concept of time travel that will form the backbone of the series.
Agree completely. I'm watching these episodes for the first time and I treat The Unearthly Child and The Cavemen as separate stories. Although out of the entire First Doctor era, the cavemen episodes are BY FAR the worst.
Fantastic editing! I love the inclusion of the episodes music. It adds so much
Great video one of if not the best reviewed of 1st doctor. Love his doctor and some of my favourite stories are his ones. Great job 😀
You're very kind, glad you enjoyed the video
The Chase is one of my all-time favorites. It’s worth going through all the padding to get to the Mechanoid city…which is very impressive in design and the Mechanoids themselves, which is a mind-blowing piece of costuming. The battle scene is phenomenal!
1) An Unearthly Child is one perfect episode followed by three which are uncharacteristic of the show and what is to come. They're not great 'first episodes' - it's a shame we don't get the Daleks first for example - but they're not as bad as everybody points out either. They're just atypical.
2) The Daleks: You summarised it perfectly. Great story, just too overlong.
3) The Edge of Destruction: I also think this one is a bit underrated. I love the 'trapped in the TARDIS' and character interactivity / growth of it. I like the fact that Barbara snaps at the Doctor but by the end they have reached an accord, even some genuine warmth.
4) Marco Polo: Definitely a candidate for the most desperate to find lost story. And yeah Bradley and the others doing a remake would be awesome! More so than some of the other lost stories since I think Marco Polo is uniquely filmic.
5) The Keys of Marinus: It's good. The first couple of episodes have some really bad gaffes in it but I do like the 'anthology' / 'quest' format. I particularly like the Whodunnit. I kind of wish Who did 'Whodunnit' more often.
6) The Aztecs: One of the best ever. Not just of Hartnell. I love it. I wish this could be colourised! The performances are what make it - but Jacqueline Hill has to be on the Mount Rushmore of any companion list. And this is where I feel Hartnell was more of the Doctor we know and love finally, if still 'Time Lordy' more than anti-establishment!
7) The Sensorites: I totally agree with you that this story is very underrated. The first episode is quite spooky to me. Sinister is exactly the word I'd use! I don't think it's a Classic but it's definitely not as bad as some seem to think! It is slow though. And I love the scene with the Doctor reminiscing over Susan too! These moments make 60's Who very watchable - we don't get this with, say, Old Sixie and Peri.
8) Reign of Terror: So I disagree a little with you here I suppose. I kind of felt it's fine but bland for me somehow. I like the Doctor dressing up and I like the political intrigue, but the gunshot implication is more than I expected too. It's not bad. It definitely is not bad at all. It's just that it's fine. I do wonder if it wasn't Animated if my mind would have changed...
9) Planet of Giants: The four part recon version isn't very good for me actually but it seems to work pretty good as a three parter. I just think it didn't have enough story for four parts due to the TARDIS crew not really interacting that directly with the main plot except Barbara being poisoned. Although I do get your points also! It's not a classic but it is unique in the 60's and I like the experimental nature of it. Also, this Doctor just suits a cloak quite frankly. I do think the effects are fantastic for the time and the performances work. Again, not bad but it isn't a classic either.
10) Dalek Invasion of Earth: I find this ambitious, daring, well acted and totally epic. Surprise surprise I like it. A LOT. And I am fond myself of Susan's final scene.
11) The Rescue: If they're on Dido... does that mean Bennett and Vicky went down with their ship?
I'll get my coat.
In other news Barbara is a murderer.
In other other news I really really like Vicki. I think she is an improvement over Susan as implemented, and I really like Koquillian as a simple villain...
More to follow...
My rankings:
* The Time Meddler
* The Aztecs
* The Daleks Master Plan
* An Unearthly Child (first episode)
* The Dalek Invasion of Earth
* The War Machines
* The Romans
* The Rescue
* Marco Polo
* The Keys of Marinus
* The Daleks
* The Edge of Destruction
* The Chase
* The Gunfighters
* The Tenth Planet
* The Sensorites
* An Unearthly Child 2-4
* Planet of Giants
* The Reign of Terror
* The Crusade
* The Myth Makers
* The Web Planet
* The Massacre
* The Smugglers
* The Celestial Toymaker
* Mission to the Unknown
* The Space Museum
* The Ark
* Galaxy 4
* The Savages
Oh man I've officially gone through all your content. Thanks dude!
This is going to be a long haul. And I'm here for it.
No-one serious thinks the show never tackled political stuff before Chib or RTD round 2. It was just a lot more organic with it. It never brought the story to a screeching halt to smack viewers in the face with a protest sign.
I think the Pertwee era definitely had some political and environmental messages
The celestial toymaker has always been a fav - remember reading the target book on it and the audio. Love to see it animated. Another is the Savages, it sounds an interesting story - the blackface can be altered to green or blueish skin. As a child I thought that was the colour of his skin - from the target novel covers where he looked greenish or blueish lol.
Doctor Who & The Blackfacers by Terrance Dicks.
Series 1 raking nunuber 1 an unhealthy child number 2 the edge of destruction number 3 the Aztec and number 4 this daleks and number 5 the range of terror
I love the range of terror.
Marco Polo was actually really awesome. It was way ahead of its time and I loved following the TARDIS crew and Marco Polo traveling across the Orient with the means of escape right there but they can't ise it.
My top 10 Hartnell:
1- The Time Meddler
2- The Dalek's Master Plan
3- Marco Polo
4- The War Machines
5- The Keys of Marinus
6- The Web Planet
7- The Savages
8- The Mutants (aka The Daleks)
9- The Romans
10- The Tenth Planet
Really great video!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it
I just started a marathon where I’m watching every classic doctor who story, one episode a day. At least the ones on Brit box
Agree about 'The Web Planet'. It must have seemed a very ambitious production at the time. I don't think any other Dr Who story has aged as badly though.
Agreed. They put everything they had into that one. A lot of imagination, and again, for the 1960s, very, very good.
It's wacky wacky bonkers
Here is my raking for doctor who classic series 2 number 1 the daleks invasion of earth number 2 the time mildet nunber 3 the space museum and nunuber 4 the reusen number 5 the chase number 6 the crusade number 7 the ramons and number 8 the web planet number 9 planet of the ganits
I love the time mildet nunber, the ramons, and the planet of the ganits.
The mild politics used in the early days were cleverly woven in and were in no way intrusive to the plot. The Whitaker era slammed politics down our throat at every available opportunity. There is a huge difference!
Yeah, can't really argue that much of the subtly has been lost recently which is a shame
I’m a huge classic DW fan 1963-89 my favorites have always been Troughton Pertwee and Tom Baker. Hartnell would probably be my number 4 era but Hartnell’s era is definitely the most important cause if he didn’t get it right the show would have been over long before Troughton got there.
After finally getting the Hartnell’s here in America, Hartnell has become my second favorite Doctor. His performance is outstanding. Problem is he doesn’t get much screen time.
I knew little of the Hartnell Era as a 1980s fan, since most episodes were lost back then. Now that all the episodes have either been found or reconstructed, I ought to give them another chance.
Oh, that clip of the giant moths and the giant ant is bad. “Spock’s Brain” bad. Haha.
'The Massacre' is the lost masterpiece of 'Doctor Who' and one of my top 3 stories of all time.
I agree about the Gunfighters, I actually think it's the best of the Hartnell era, certainly the best one that still exists.
Great video can't wait for the next instalments especially the Throughton and Pertwee years. Here's an idea that I hope you consider for the next videos, why don't you quickly rank all the story's from the doctors era at the end of the video
Thanks, the Troughton vid is already in the works, although I don't have an idea yet when it's gonna be finished. The ranking idea is a good shout, will definitely consider it for the next instalment (and would include a Hartnell one alongside Troughton's if I do go ahead)
Great can't wait and thanks for reading my comment really appreciate it
@@AlReviewsWho What is your favourite writer for season 1?
@@AlReviewsWho Also for 11:35 where did u get that sound frpm
Based just on their S1 stories I'd say John Lucarotti.
The music you asked about is from the soundtrack of The Aztecs (all the music in the video is from the story being discussed at the time). I took that bit (I'm pretty sure) from the cliffhanger reprise at the beginning of episode 2 (just after Tlotoxl's line "I shall destroy her!"), but it pops up throughout the story
Regarding the racist rhyme in the Celestial Toymaker you seem absolutely incredulous that this should be scripted at all, and thus appear to be unaware, as many younger people are, of context and history. I was a boy when this was broadcast, and it was a common rhyme we used when playing games to select someone to be 'it' in tag games or similar. I had no idea what a n***** was, presuming it was something like a goblin or sprite. I'm all with you in agreeing the word should not be used now, and wisely you bleeped it out. But to pretend that people who used the rhyme were deliberately being racist is not true either. Similarly with 'blacking up' in The Crusaders etc.
Oh don't worry, I'm completely aware of why it's there etc. (us youngsters aren't completely ignorant!) I simply felt that if I didn't mention the rhyme (which I think was an ad-lib from Campbell Singer) or the blackface make up etc then people would criticise me for not! So I felt that I'd make a quick mention of "Yes I know this is in some of these stories, and yes I obviously disagree with it, even if I really like the story" kinda thing.
Oh how I'm dreading discussing Talons!
@@AlReviewsWho The controversy with Talons makes me actually angry.
People are just so sensitive and looking for things to be offended by. Are they just bored? Is that it? They're not having fun and therefore they want to take fun away from others?
Is the 'little man' dialogue terrible? Yes. Is the John Bennett makeup bad? Unconscionable to a modern audience, even? Yes. But aside from the makeup and accent - what about the actual performance? The pathos of a character who has religiously and slavishly served a Master who turns out to be false and allows himself to die with perceived honour yet is still caked in sludge and doped up?
I remember when the quality of a show was more important than trying to SJW it into oblivion. And it makes me even more angry that it isn't available to stream alongside the rest of the series.
I actually find making a big deal of it more racist than not in many ways. If it's offensive to some sensitive poor soul who can't be bothered to learn from history, then put a disclaimer at the beginning and then promptly leave it alone.
Another thing for people to remember. Magneto quote of the day. What are you going to do when they come for you and your children? Because the truth is what is socially acceptable now, won't be in years to come.
For example I know some fans who legitimately want to cancel ALL Doctor Who before Tom Baker. And then it won't be long before they want to cancel Leela for being exploitative. Or Tegan because of her boob tube. In fact let's cancel all of old Who because it doesn't cast equal gender roles.
I know that sounds ridiculous but when we have fans successfully cancelling Talons, and Abominable Snowmen being changed for being racist, then these fans calling to cancel Pertwee and before will eventually have enough voice to be successful. That's how these things go. Doctor Who itself has plenty of cautionary tales to prove it!
My point is unless people decide to preserve things - and enjoy what is GOOD about it rather than criticise the bad - we won't learn from history.
If you Black face or John Bennett someone up now, that's racist now because we as a society have deemed it racist and unacceptable. I should think it might have been been a bit eyebrow raising in the 70's anyway. But we're not making these programs now. They were made then.
(Caveat: I'm not against removing black face from the Animated Snowmen adaptation but they literally changed characters entirely because they were so desperate to not seem so racist. These guys are involved with how fandom is going and that worries me. Some changes make sense as it's technically a new production but there is a limit. For example do we cancel Planet of the Spiders because of Cho-Je? What about The Sea Devils with the Doctor bullying Jo? Time Warrior for the Doctor mocking Sarah Jane? The Twin Dilemma for strangling Peri? Ah but Gary Russell wouldn't change his favourite Doctor, would he? That's part of my issue. Allow cancellation of some things and one day your things will be the next on the chopping block. Better to believe in genuine tolerance and LEARNING and equality and that means learning from, not cancelling!)
The racist/blacking up issue is a red herring in that it was not seen as such at the time. If you watch most other fictional shows of the 1950s & 60s in the UK (and probably the US), you'll find the same thing occurring, what we might currently refer to as "casual racism" (even the Black and White Minstrel Show was considered OK, since it was just an excuse to present a musical entertainment show in a different style. It's similar with sexism. Objectifying women was not seen as a bad thing at the time, even by most women. It was was similar casual cultural thing. I get that it's hard to imagine the innocence of the mindset now, when people seem tuned/programmed to seek out things to criticise about the past). Apart from any other considerations, there was a far smaller pool of good quality actors of other races who spoke English available in the UK at the time to draw from to take such roles.
Uh... he's actually saying 'nicker' or something along those lines. It's just old 60s audio making it sound worse
@@TediousMilkshake no. I was a boy in the 60s and we definitely said the N word in the rhyme in the school playground, and I remember my dad saying it too.
Here is my raking for series 3 of classic Dr who number 1 the war machines number 2 the gunfithers number 3 the clesstrat toy maker number 4 the dakeks master plan number 5 the savegs number 6 the mithy makers and number 7 the ark number 8 galaxy 4 and number 9 the mascara
I love the clesstrat toy maker, the gunfithers, the savegs, the mithy makers, and the mascara.
God those reconstructions are disturbing
Great deep dive into the first doctor era. I'm viewing these episodes for the first time ever so your background information on several episodes is much appreciated.
For the most part, I concur with a good deal of your assessments except for The Massacre. I know the historical background but is the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre really that much of a common knowledge in Britain? I'm assuming that its not and it probably had fans scratching their heads in 1966 as to what was going on. Steven seems to be in that same boat of not knowing what's going on. Its a very dry and confusing story with the Abbott doubling.
I really liked the Gunfighters but OMFG that song!! Its not that its bad but WAY overused. If it were just used in the opening of episode 1 as setup and the sung at the saloon, great! The producers must have wanted to get their money's worth.
Overall tremendous effort and looking forward to viewing your later doctor reviewsiii
Hey Al, it’s me The Evil Dalek again. I’m looking to remove the vocals from The Ballad Of The Last Chance Saloon from The Gunfighters for something. I noticed for The Gunfighters segment you seemed to have done it. Can I ask how you did it & how can I do it?
Hi, I used this handy website -
I used it for all the unreleased music. It won't remove stuff like footsteps and the like, but it's pretty good at separating voices and music.
@@AlReviewsWho Cheers Al!
Always think that the Animus from The Web Planet is an earlier aspect of the Great Intelligence
This is amazingly well made very enjoyable watch! I think the space museum is very unfairly rated too! (I also think reign of terror is better than the Aztec’s and I’ve always been mocked for it)
I always wonder if Adrian Tschaikowsky had Web Planet in mind when he invented his insct kinden.
Poor Susan! That's the reason she left there was no character growth for Susan😢.
I like the Sensorites too!
Don't think spoilers matter anymore seeing many have seen these classics or many have be lost so spoilers are expected and you cannot really spoil classic Who 🤣🤣. Great work though on this series 👍
Dodo was Donna before we knew we needed Donna
The Savages is very underrated and l think it's always assumed as a historical story.
I agree Vicki is much better than Susan, bout a hundred percent
When ever I watch the chase now I laugh at it because I just find it funny to watch
i love the edge of destruction more than i would think normal
You've got to love a spoiler warning for a 55 year old show. 😂😂😂
Handful of heartbeats to a Time Lord!
To be fair, if you’re new to classic who, some of these will be a shock. Plus something about time travel and spoilers from a certain song played by the river.
Planet of Giants was supposed to be the pilot episode. The trim down from 4 to 3 was an agreement by the producers and BBC so they expand an extra episode for the upcoming serial.
Nope. It was because it was deemed unsatisfactory as the start of a new season. The addition of an extra episode was a necessary part of said reduction to ensure the programme would still fill all the broadcast slots assigned to it.
Susan existed in season one pretty much entirely to scream and lose her shit. The fact you used what i consider to be her most iconic freakout to represent that just killed me. its a shame the footage of that one is lost
A fine video, but it should be made clear the Doctor was not revealed to be a Timelord until the end of the Troughton era.
The old days where you can have a quick holiday in the middle of filming nowadays you just stop filming
This was the last of the extant episodes i had to track down and i finally found it on yt and it was truly BAD! But at lest i have seen them all! Need to track down Marco Polo animatic.
There was only one doctor who and that was the original.
There’s a reason why some of the later Dalek voices are so bad,that being that until their return in the 2005 revival the voice modulator settings for the daleks were never noted down so that there would always be a little difference in the voices each time,the same problem happened in 1972 with Revival of the Daleks
For an AI you have some very nuanced opinions. I confess I find the Hartnell era rather slow and boring most of the time, despite preferring “Classic Who” (hate that term). If it wasn’t for Jaqueline Hill and William Hartnell I’d never watch it. I would really like to see the missing stories though, particularly Marco Polo and the Dalek Master Plan. However, Tomb of the Cybermen proved to me that our opinions of what we can’t see are always over-inflated. Which is not to say they’re not good - I just refuse to believe they’re the best.
Being completely caught off guard by The King of Hearts in The Celestial Toymaker, there might be a reason its mostly missing 😬
I know this isn’t the place but the place I couldn’t respond soooooooo I had no issue with The Timeless Child.
I feel like I could've written most of this myself. Preferring Marco Polo to the Aztecs, being annoyed by Susan in Marinus, nothing the extreme darkness of Dalek Invasion of Earth, liking Vicki more than Susan, more or less liking every story until Web Planet comes along, hating Vicki's departure, loving the end scene in the massacre... ironically though there's one thing I disagreed on... I don't like the War Machines 😂
Sadly, for those whose agenda is to knock/mock Doctor Who of this era, The Web Planet seems almost to have been created for that purpose!
The Web Planet is a bit overdone. But you have to applaud that amount imagination going into the episode. It was a grand effort!!
Season 1 Ranking:
8. The edge of destruction
7. The keys of Marinus
6. The Sensorities
5. The Daleks
4. An unearthly child
3. The Aztecs
2. The reign of terror
1. Marco polo
Season 2:
9. The web planet
8. The space museum
7. The rescue
6. Planet of Giants
5. The chase
4. The Dalek invasion of earth
3. The crusade
2. The romans
1. The time meddler
Season 3:
10.Galaxy 4
9. the ark
8. The savages
7. The celestial toymaker
6. Mission to the unknown
5. The myth makers
4. The gunfighters
3. The War machines
2. The Daleks' masterplan
1. The massacre
Season 4:
2. The smugglers
1. The tenth planet
Can you create a guide on how to watch every episode?
Scorchio 😊
Also I know it wasn’t possible but I wish the original Tardis crew could have been in the 2 movies rather than Peter Cushing.
Za will not make fire.
Kal will make fire, then Kal will be leader!
Wouldn't like to be prisoner in the cave of skulls.
the name is not encouraging
My raking of doctor who classic season 3 are the war machines and the gunfight and the galaxy 4 and the daleks master plan and mission to the unknown and the mascara of sent eve and ark and the myth makes
Today I have been mostly eating spuds
The tenth planet is ace
Bro this video series is really good but i really didnt wanna watch it untill i left it playing by accident because i thought you meant: AI reviews doctor who
Classic. Doctor. Who. 1963 review. Video
Earl Cameron became the first black TV astronaut. He lived a very long life dying at age 103. oh yah, Jackie Lane's sudden departure had to do with her contract being expired, and the producers refused to renew her contract. She was allowed to appeared in the final two episodes despite her contract already been expired. Carole Ann Ford, Maureen O'Brien and Jackie Lane all complained about their character development as women from the past (The 60s was the birth of the women liberalism movement).
I think the Keys Of Marinus is when I started to actually enjoy these episodes. The beginning of season 1 is not good for me, the first four episodes are boring, the daleks story is too much filler and not much happen, the two episodes on the TARDIS are better but the ending ruined it for me, sadly Marco Polo doesn"t exist anymore, and the Keys Of Marinus is the first story I genuinely liked. The first episode is very intriguing and I like it, the second one is a little boring but it's okay, the third and fourth one are entertaining but a little boring too, and the fifth and sixth one are great. I love the new city, the trial, the mystery, amazing. And the ending of episode 6 is good too.
The Dalek Invasion of Earth is when I started to LOVE the classics. The story is... perfect. I can't see any flaw in it, it's way better than a lot of the stuff in the modern series. For the Web Planet, if you ignore how ridiculous everything is and youactually ACCEPT the story, it becomes great. You really need to disconnect your mind and ignore reason, and if you succeed, the serial is amazing.
Who did do whodunnit he done lots of whodunit in the 70s
Look 1st. Doctor. The. Story. Episders. 1963
Weakest story the gunfighters. And that horrible song.
The historical ones are well naff
How dare you put Drs beyond Tom Baker...just a a better bunch of jobbing, no hope, unconvincing, so called actors....
I'm not a big Dr Who fan but I think the Tenth Planet is one of the most eerier episodes with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop score.
_The Tenth Planet_ (a story comprising four episodes) does not have a BBC Radiophonic Workshop score. It’s mostly stock library tracks, plus sound effects for the Cybership and the Doctor’s regeneration.