The mirrors are typically just below the half way mark of the head, above the lens. If you're off by a few mm, it's not likely to cause an issue, but the closer you are on your estimate can help a bit.
Is there a way to only use cylinder correction for one object or group, and use rotary for another ? Say i want to engrave a logo with cyl corr, and test to wrap around the cylinder with rotary?
Alcohol is just 99% alcohol from the store, the Zep is a commercial degreaser available at grocery and hardware stores - it's for cleaning and shining up stainless steel.
Some copies of Ezcad2 do have a project mark plugin which we have a video on called project Mark essentials. It's not available in easy kid three and only some ez2 copies have it.
Thank you for work. I used my rotary in ezcad to mark business cards. Made a platform and turned the rotary 90 degrees so the card holder would just spin as each card is marked, then remove and replace while another is being marked. In lightburn I am unable to figure out how to do that. Any suggestions?
Can you give some tips on Hydro Flask brand tumblers? I’m struggling with them. I’m not sure if it’s just a very thick powder coat or what. I have a 30w fiber. I am a Master Academy member also! I love it!
First of all thank you so much for supporting the channel. Means the world to us. Second I would recommend this video: It's filmed in ezcad but all of the setup, settings and principles remain the same. We do use Yeti in this episode, not Hydroflask, but we do Red tumblers which are some of the most resistent to IR lasers. I think some of the guidelines and strategies in this video could really help you out with your experimenting.
When you input the focal distance, is it asking for your machines in focus length? Or is it asking what you are actually setting the focal distance to? I am using a 210mm lens so on the rotary I find that defocusing 8mm up is best. My in focus length is 239mm, would i input that into the cylinder settings or would i put in 247mm? Thanks!
I put the length of my focal stick, so from the bottom of the lens to the focusing point on the material. In my experience I've found it's the least important factor of all of these variables and doesn't need to be entirely precise.
For support with SeaCad I'd join either the discord or facebook, link in the description. I don't have experience with it but I know there are people in the community who have it so that would be the best place to ask.
If it is a gantry laser, unfortunately no. This feature was kind of intended for projection style galvo systems with lightburn. You'll likely need to stick to rotary marking for cups with a 40w diode gantry.
Is there such a thing as cylinder correction in BOTH direction - e.g. DOME correction (maybe for a stone)? Truth be told, I've been doing this in EZ CAD for the direction that has the most curve on the stone, yet I think it'd look a lot better if I can do it as a dome (one direction THEN the other looks bad)🤔
This would be super useful but as of writing I don't believe anything like that currently exists. Would be a good suggestions to the lightburn team haha.
Silly question, my output sublayer is deselected and it wont allow me to add sub layers. I assume if I could select output sublayers the + and - would appear to add sublayers. Is that a setting i have to turn on? Thanks
The output sublayers slider will be grayed out unless you have additional sublayers already added beyond the initial layer. At the top right, the + and - button below the name field (when you're in the expanded cut/layer details window, double click on the layer), that + button will add a sublayer, and the output sublayer slider will let you pick the ones that output on that layer. Sorry, hard to explain in text lol
Thank you for the reply! I really appreciate all your doing with educating the fiber laser work. Someone on Facebook suggested that it has to be a vector image for that sub layer option to be available and then the plus and minus will appear. I was using a .png - I will try your suggestion this evening. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reply! I really appreciate all your doing with educating the fiber laser work. Someone on Facebook suggested that it has to be a vector image for that sub layer option to be available and then the plus and minus will appear. I was using a .png - I will try your suggestion this evening. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reply! I really appreciate all your doing with educating the fiber laser work. Someone on Facebook suggested that it has to be a vector image for that sub layer option to be available and then the plus and minus will appear. I was using a .png - I will try your suggestion this evening. Thanks again!
Great Job Alex... Lightburn is such an upgrade from EZCAD... But it is you that is making it workable... Cheers
Thanks for watching!!
You just saved me hours of tedious work. 1,000 thanks.
Excellent! Glad I could help!
Alex, can this be used on a gantry CO2 ? Or is there a similar way to do this on a gantry CO2 ?
When can we expect some more uv content? Love the UV!
got a whole UV outline prepped for fall after LB dies down
Thank you so much, this so helpful! Side note- the playlist link in the descriptions doesn't work
Thanks for the reminder, I'll get that fixed now.
Need some info on doing a full wrap with fiber using Chuck rotary with lightburn. I can’t find anything!!!
Are you setting focus to the highest point of the cylinder or meeting the middle of high and low for this?
Can you use this in conjuction with a roatary for circle to look correctly when engraving?
Is there a chance you can share a link for those cups?
Thanks for all the great videos! You mention a download to the files for the cup jig but I don't see it. Am I overlooking it?
Nope, that was my bad, totally forgot to add it this morning. Should be there now!
Great video! One question, on the Monport GA60 there is no tube to measure. Would I just measure from the lens to the middle of the case? Thanks!
The mirrors are typically just below the half way mark of the head, above the lens. If you're off by a few mm, it's not likely to cause an issue, but the closer you are on your estimate can help a bit.
Can you use this cylinder correction the same way with a diode laser that has a variable zaxis?
Hey there. What pulse width is defaulted on your machine? I have a Mopa so. Iget to choose the pulse.
200ns, as is for most non mopa jpt sources so usually a pretty solid guess. If a user has a raycus 150 - 180 is generally appropriate.
Alex, great video. I went to the link to get your jig and it says no preview is available; the file is in the owner's trash.
Thanks for letting me know - I'll get that updated!
@@LaserEverything thank you.
hi, unfortunalety still in owner's trash 😉
Annoying. I uploaded it to under Business Templates
@@LaserEverything thx
The last video "Everything you need to know about rotary" .... next episode "now forget everything about rotary" 😆
Gotta know how to do things the "right way" to understand and appreciate the shortcuts 😎❤️
Is there a way to only use cylinder correction for one object or group, and use rotary for another ? Say i want to engrave a logo with cyl corr, and test to wrap around the cylinder with rotary?
which Zep & LA's awesome products do you recommend for cleanup?
The link to the jig isn't working?
I too would like this jig but as you stated, the link is broken.
Where can I get the file for the jig? Thanks
It's available here in the Community Project Database:
Hope that helps!
What were the products you recommended for cleaning? I heard Alcohol and Zep? Is that a brand of polish?
Alcohol is just 99% alcohol from the store, the Zep is a commercial degreaser available at grocery and hardware stores - it's for cleaning and shining up stainless steel.
@@LaserEverything Thanks, Zep must be a US brand but we have similar products in Oz.
Is There the same functionality in ezcad ? Congrats, nice video!
Yes, in EZCad it's called ProjectMark. Though it's not available for "Lite" boards I believe. For LightBurn, however, it's available for all galvos.
Some copies of Ezcad2 do have a project mark plugin which we have a video on called project Mark essentials. It's not available in easy kid three and only some ez2 copies have it.
Thank you for work. I used my rotary in ezcad to mark business cards. Made a platform and turned the rotary 90 degrees so the card holder would just spin as each card is marked, then remove and replace while another is being marked. In lightburn I am unable to figure out how to do that. Any suggestions?
I'll look into putting an episode together on something like this in the future for sure. I'll have to make up a plan.
Do you have a video on this jig? Sounds like a great idea.
Can you give some tips on Hydro Flask brand tumblers? I’m struggling with them. I’m not sure if it’s just a very thick powder coat or what. I have a 30w fiber. I am a Master Academy member also! I love it!
First of all thank you so much for supporting the channel. Means the world to us.
Second I would recommend this video:
It's filmed in ezcad but all of the setup, settings and principles remain the same. We do use Yeti in this episode, not Hydroflask, but we do Red tumblers which are some of the most resistent to IR lasers. I think some of the guidelines and strategies in this video could really help you out with your experimenting.
Hydro flask powder it twice as thick as more other tumblers.
Thanks again I m discovered a work off opportunities thanks for your teaching
When you input the focal distance, is it asking for your machines in focus length? Or is it asking what you are actually setting the focal distance to? I am using a 210mm lens so on the rotary I find that defocusing 8mm up is best. My in focus length is 239mm, would i input that into the cylinder settings or would i put in 247mm? Thanks!
I put the length of my focal stick, so from the bottom of the lens to the focusing point on the material. In my experience I've found it's the least important factor of all of these variables and doesn't need to be entirely precise.
@@LaserEverything Thanks for the clarity!
@@LaserEverything Lightburns page says mirror distance, not focal length. They say to measure to where your mirrors actually are.
I have a Fiber Laser and I'm having difficulty using the 4 axis, could you help me plss? The program they sent me was the SeaCad , is he good??
For support with SeaCad I'd join either the discord or facebook, link in the description. I don't have experience with it but I know there are people in the community who have it so that would be the best place to ask.
Dose the jig still exist I can’t seem to find it? Found it never mind thank you!
Can this be done with a 40w diode laser?
If it is a gantry laser, unfortunately no. This feature was kind of intended for projection style galvo systems with lightburn. You'll likely need to stick to rotary marking for cups with a 40w diode gantry.
Is there such a thing as cylinder correction in BOTH direction - e.g. DOME correction (maybe for a stone)? Truth be told, I've been doing this in EZ CAD for the direction that has the most curve on the stone, yet I think it'd look a lot better if I can do it as a dome (one direction THEN the other looks bad)🤔
This would be super useful but as of writing I don't believe anything like that currently exists. Would be a good suggestions to the lightburn team haha.
The link for jig is gone. Where can I get it?
Sorry, must have broke with the shuffle of the new site. It can be found under our main site, Resources > Project Database
Silly question, my output sublayer is deselected and it wont allow me to add sub layers. I assume if I could select output sublayers the + and - would appear to add sublayers. Is that a setting i have to turn on? Thanks
I am so looking forward to this time saver using sub-layers!
The output sublayers slider will be grayed out unless you have additional sublayers already added beyond the initial layer. At the top right, the + and - button below the name field (when you're in the expanded cut/layer details window, double click on the layer), that + button will add a sublayer, and the output sublayer slider will let you pick the ones that output on that layer. Sorry, hard to explain in text lol
Thank you for the reply! I really appreciate all your doing with educating the fiber laser work. Someone on Facebook suggested that it has to be a vector image for that sub layer option to be available and then the plus and minus will appear. I was using a .png - I will try your suggestion this evening. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reply! I really appreciate all your doing with educating the fiber laser work. Someone on Facebook suggested that it has to be a vector image for that sub layer option to be available and then the plus and minus will appear. I was using a .png - I will try your suggestion this evening. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reply! I really appreciate all your doing with educating the fiber laser work. Someone on Facebook suggested that it has to be a vector image for that sub layer option to be available and then the plus and minus will appear. I was using a .png - I will try your suggestion this evening. Thanks again!