There was the theory that Aldmeris was aligned with Auri-el and therefore all time and no space, hence why it's nowhere to be found; on the other hand, Atmora to the North was aligned with Lorkhan, and therefore all space and no time, hence why time seems frozen there.
This is a really cool thing to think about.... is there a larger theory discussed somewhere, either official or not? Would be fun to read more about it.
The lost Elven city sounds like a realm of Oblivion rather than a city. Considering the Soul Cairn is a realm of Oblivion created by mortal wizards, ancient elves could have made their own.
Perhaps it was naturally generated by the oldmer and when they all left it vanished because there was noone left to inhabit it and so like a aedra or deadra with no worship it was left powerless and stopped existing
@@lostboymasx Not likely, given their history, Man would be the Daedra of Lorkhan, living in his Plane of Oblivion known as Nirn. The Old Ehlnofey/Elven ancestors stuck in a pocket of calm and remained there till the humans came and started screwing them up and destroyed it all, and then they sailed around and landed in Summerset, you wouldn't sail from Oblivion into Nirn, at least not directly. If anything, given the creation story of the Mer, they would've had a Realm in Aetherius rather than Oblivion.
I think of "Aldmeris" as a romanticized racial memory of the Dawn, a time when the Mer weren't constrained by linear time. It's possible that artifacts (or other evidence, as discussed in the video) from that period cannot exist in a post-Convention Tamriel.
@@netherwalker1762 I don't like the Thalmor either. Too damn entitled, and smug for my taste. They claim Talos is no God yet we clearly gain a blessing from his shrines.
Myth Shark Talos is a god, he took Lorkhans place. His statue is him literally killing the symbol of Lorkhan the serpent, and standing above him. He ascended into godhood and will be the only mortal to ever do so which is a big reason why the thalmor hate men and Talos specifically. He did what they want more then anything, to become gods again. And he was a man which is like a double whammy in their books.
@MermmyDermmy I actually think it's probable that they where descended from Aedra that became mortal, don't get me wrong, I don't think this makes them superior any more than a Golden Saint is Superior than the Dragon Born. I think Men where also Aedra mind you as well, I think Lorhkan was truthful with the Aedra, but that many did not understand just what they where giving up, the descendants of men where the Aedra that ultimately accepted their transformation, while the Mer where the Aedra that did not, but where unable to escape like the Magna-Ge. Though it is important to note that the Mer would agree that men too where descended from aedra, but they say that they where the ones that got lost and confused while the Mer remembered their history. Of course it could still be true that the Mer descend from Aedra and men do not, and it still wouldn't make them better than anyone else. How, The Aedra that most worship as Gods where probably more akin to the Deadric Princes, while the many Aedra that became the Mer where likely more Akin to many lesser Aedra, more like Deadroth, Golden Saints, esc. Which really aren't any further up the food chain than mortals. So to say they descended from Gods is a bit high falutin, think this is why they stopped worshipping their anscestors as a while and started to worship only the Aedric Gods, not wanting to accept that they did not descend from the geater divinities. Of course I also think Lorkahn agreed to let Auri-El kill him in order to establish order amoung the Aedra and finish creating Mundus. Knowing A. I don't think he is any more dead than the other Aedric Lords, just a bit more discombobulated, with Shezzar and Talos being his reincarnations. and B. Knowing that Auri-El was just as motivated to create mundus as he was, in order to create a synthesis between order and chaos. As was likely their compulsion as the Souls of Anu-El and Sithis. So What the hell do I know...
What if Aldmeris is the name of a supercontinent that existed during the Dawn Era before being sundered by the Ehlnofey War into Tamriel, Akavir, Atmora, Yokuda, and Pyandonea?
@@mythshark409 I didn't, Alinor is the modern renaming of the Summerset Isles by the Thalmor based off their beliefs about Aldmeris, the Dawn Era, and the Towers
Atmora: Has matter, exists without time (meaning; its Frozen) Aldmeris: Has no matter, exists with time (meaning; it exists within the memories of the elves, but has no actual place) I saw something like this written by someone, sadly I don't remember what name they went by or were.
@@Mare_Man Well, lets be fair here, he's probably one of the victims of the genocidal war efforts of the Dominion. Hard to get a good education when your city was burnt to the ground and your teachers slaughtered.
@@Mare_Man Not a chance. But again, to be fair, her whole order was hunted to extinction, so I can understand her paranoia. No, no, the reports I use are firsthand and historical records, in addition to the Thalmor propaganda that you seem to exclusively use.
Without embracing deep lore stuff. It's been tens of thousands of years since the dawn of recorded history, and we don't know how long the Merethic era was at all. Canonically the Elder Scrolls aren't perfect records of the natural order, either. Aldmeris is basically Atlantis, and much like Atlantis didn't, it probably sank. | Alternatively; it's the Altmeri word for Summerset.
Well, if it was just another name for Summerset, it would be the Aldmeri word, not Altmeri. But yeah, Aldmeris may be a land that no longer exists, perhaps annihilated during the Ehlnofey War, and maybe even more afterwards, as more continental drift happened over time that they couldn't account for. Tamriel may be the largest remaining piece of Aldmeris, and it changed so much given the environment naturally would've altered after such a large scale Sundering.
Oh Morrowind oh great is thee the land of alien diversity! The people tough, mysterious and beautiful one must be a warrior to live in such a magical rough place
The last part of your theory coincides with my theory that the stone of Snow Tower is the Elves goal to regain their immortality/find Aldmeris. They are the ones in the cave believing it is the world and the humans are the ones who left the cave and seen the true world.
My personal theory on Aldmeris is that it is not a place or a specific state of being/mind, but it was the Aldmers form of the telepathic link that the Dwemer had. I think they referred to it as the Calling(?) For the Dwemer and Aldmeris for the Aldmer but they lost the telepathic link when the Aldmer fragmented into different races of Mer
@@ki-td5yb And by that you mean the going through the front door part. Your people still took the eye in the end. Mystics, Thalmor all pointy eared deceivers.
@@curtiswong7280 damn hate when weebs do this seriously i was watching a history video and one comment and its replies were talking about some animes fanfiction and how it should be "more sexual"
Aldmeris is for sure 'old' Tamriel in a fallout motif. In the dawn age ancient magic and tech were used irresponsibly which led to Lorkhan v Auriel conflict. Those who refused outright kept to their own worlds (daedra in oblivion) and those who initially acquiesced but regretted the decision later blasted off of Nirn before it was too late (Magna-Ge). The surviving badasses (Aedra) survived with little that they had, turned on Lorkhan and set about rebuilding civilization. My hypothesis is that Tamriel is but half of its original size with a good portion missing from its western half. What's left of this part is shared between Hammerfell, Summerset, Yokuda and all the islands in between. Think Hiradirge incident in Yokuda. If oral tradition is any proof of how mixed up an origin story can get thousands of years later then its understandable how they thought Tamriel was something new when the summerset elves 'discovered' it. That leaves Auriel survivers (old altmer/aldmeri) rebuilding on Summerset. Lefthanded elves rebuild Yokuda with man slaves. Also explains why Dwemer were underground and had advanced tech despite being surrounded by tribal nomadic Orcs, Beastfolk and Nedes to their South and West. In conclusion: Tamriel is the future of fallout universe lol but more seriously, Aldmeris was what the elves wanted their glorious past to be known as despite it being personal narrative/head canon on their part. The Dawn age was a high fantasy/tech era that kablooey itself to the stone age, with a few exceptions i.e dwemer, Hist. And Aldmeris is just the cute name elves call the realm that was kablooey-d.
11:30 One of our real world oldest civilizations had a city that they would burn down every so often and build on top of. Archaeologists don't know if it was religious or for cleanliness, but it wasn't battle related and they did it a ton of times
Honestly you guys should make a book with all the research, theories and timelines you've done over the years for Elder Scrolls. I'd buy the hell out of that. You're channel and videos are always so well put together, I love them!
At first glance that makes it seem like it could be another plane, but we have also learned to travel several of those and communicate with the entities from even more of them, yet no trace of this mystical dreamland.
Perhaps its the elder scrolls version of Atlantis or Lemuria? Lost to time, its survivors only ever recording how great it was in their still vain attitude?
But the entire point of Atlantis was that NO ONE survived. It was completely destroyed by the Gods due to the people's arrogance. The only people who want to find Atlantis are the ones who didn't understand what the entire point of the story was.
Also, Atlantis was never supposed to exist. It was an allegorical story told by Plato, to define what he believed was true Athenian virtue. By contrasting the Athenians of his day with the fictional Atlanteans, Plato was trying to illustrate the disaster that could befall Athenians if they failed to live proper and virtuous lives. It's no different to how Star Trek sets up Klingons and Vulcans, to show contrast with its human characters. By contrasting a fictional Them with an Us that's closer to reality, the show highlights and comments on the nature of humanity, and how different our society would be if we lacked certain qualities or virtues.
The High Elves are so tragic. They sound like they're full of shame and desperation. They think of themselves as degenerates, that life as a mortal is punishment, that to stay worthy they should practice brutally perfectionism, and believe they can earn a sort of promised land that may not exist. It's wrong that the Thalmor became hateful to those that don't cooperate, even if it's likely they think the other races are why they can't go home. Imagine if their anger and tyranny are the reason they are barred from heaven. I don't know if they're trying to avoid extinction when Nirn is wiped clean, but it seems like a pretty miserable and way of looking at life. Any change, embracing life to any degree seems to be seen as deviation.😢 Imagine the despair if it turns out they were chasing a phantom. All the fighting, building, learning, child killing, and planning to find out Aldmeris is gone, if it ever existed.
I've always loved that despairing element of the Altmer. It feels like such a massive change when roleplaying. Other races embrace life while they grieve. They are almost the last anuic Auriel worshippers who remember the past compared to others. And now they are the enemy that might end in elder scrolls VI. I especially love the Orcs and wish we could see more of Trinimac.
Aldmeris reminds me of the old myths from various tradition where the heaven are seen as a green island which is immaterial and unreachable for living people. I think it's called Avalon in the Celtic mythology. In the Old Testament it's Eden's Garden.
I believe Altmeris existed but is across Nirn. It would make sense why it hasn't been found due to the fact that we don't know about the full world of Nirn and there are a lot of dangers there
I think that aldmeris was the original land mass of nirn which then split into the continents we now know just like in our world we had Pangea which them became our continents.
@@QuixoteBadger man it's bad though you heard Summerset has crystal towers and insect structure well here comes ESO to turn them into generic Disney Land France. What's next is ES6 plot going to involve a ring that turns it's users insane
The thing about towers is interesting since the elves claimed to be former godlike beings and the fact that many of the towers of the world are metaphorical “graves” of deities specifically Lorkhan. Idk much about the other towers but almost all are connected to Lorkhan the Adamantine tower is where Lorkhan was disassembled and red mountain is where his heart layed. The Numidium was the tower for the entire Dwemer race and could be considered their grave depending on your theory. The White gold tower was made with a fragment of the heart of lorkhan. The throat of the world was where Alduin was sent into the future. It could be that the elves are remembering endless cycles of Nirns history and this current one is the only one where man exists and it messed up their society.
16:27 *"Old Ehlnofey will only return when the races of Mer are united as one"* I hope someday, the races of Mer 16:08 band together in one last epic clash with the races of Man.
The Altmer and Bosmer will meet the same fate as the other Extinct Elven races (Ayleids, Falmer, Sinistral Elves, Direnni Elves, Dwemer, Aldmer) if that happens lol. The Dunmer? I don't know about them but they'll live For Now.
@@Super50ldier The Altmer, Maormer, Bosmer, Orsimer and Dunmer are the last of the Elven races now, I have faith in them. For the first time since the Merethic Era, it will be the Elves who persevere more passionately this time. It's usually the chatioc, sithis filled forces of Man that committed Genocide in the Merethic and First Era's. Now, in the fourth, the Elves will ravage the Empire of Man. Bethesda, however, will likely grant plot armor to the humans as usual, since humans in the Elder Scrolls would lose 7/10 times without their granted Plot Armor and Plot devices
Well, it could arguably be the Summerset Isles at the start, like right after the Aldmer first established themselves and had the Island before the groups that left to Tamriel started leaving.
@@PinkWytchBytch I think the Thalmor will take a massive L in Hammerfell/High Rock in 6 and almost be if not be destroyed, and 7 will be about post-Thalmor Summerset
I know why Aldmeris can't be found again anywhere. It's because Pelinal was there. Pelinal Thuglife, spray painting "Pelinal was here" on a wall somewhere in a city on Aldmeris. Spray painting *IN RED*
It must of been a power damn war for them to sink most of the land into the Sea. Even Miraak and the Jailer only split an Soulstein from the mainland and a Dragonborn can send towns flying with ease
@@anfie2495 i think they thought themselves out of existence lol Take word kids, An educated mind is a heretical mind. Long live the god emperor! Wait... wrong franchise. Lol
It would make sense that Cyrodiil would be aldmeris imo because of the numerous Dragonbreaks and Divine wills placed upon the land by the nedic peoples it could be that what was once the elven homeland was “written over” to say.
Heh. If this is true, i dont ever see it reapearing. As it was integral to the construction of a stable nirn. Even if the (theorized) Thalmor plan to destroy/de-actiavate the Towers would work, they'd still be left as weak spirits unable to leave the plane. Like their ancestorsw they'd be stuck, untill fractures happen in their society and the whole thing starts over again. If this is true, I'd use it to point to the shear arrogance of the thalmor to think they could do what the original elven spirit ancestors could not, since they were "gods" And tbh... They were weak as tit gods. SO weak they couldn't leave. Its shear arrogance to suggest elves decent from even anything close to gods. Which kiiinda plays right into the mythos, so hey: nicely written lore xD
So basically the elves are the reason all the dumb crap happened in the first place. Sounds like if they hadn’t gotten all butthurt over the Wandering Ehlnorfey things would have been fine.
A problem with time at that point was that it was a dragonbreak all the time. So many versions of what had happened likely did and the only one that is remembered is the one of the elves once time stablized into linear time.
What's the soundtrack of this video? Is BEAUTIFUL. I would like to know the soundtrack of every video in the description or something, your music election is always very adequate.
@Hilbert França That's not true, the Eldarin elves are from Valinor originally and the Sindarin elves are from middle-earth originally and never went to Valinor at all
You should do a video on whether Tiber Septim really became a divine and try settle the debate. I personally belive he did, but it'd be cool to see what your thoughts are
What’s interesting about this theory is it adds more context to azura, boethiah, and mephala helping the Dunmer, or chimer. At first I assumed their motives were purely a mix of spite for the aedra, along with a desire to gain their own followers. I had not considered that they were being genuinely beneficial, breaking the Chimer away from this lie of a homeland that didn’t exist so they could grow into themselves more instead of being controlled by traditions that bore no meaning. I’d hesitate to genuinely call any daedra good, they seem to be inherently selfish and self centered, but it would make the Dunmer worship of them make a lot more sense, after all it is thanks to them that the Dunmer are no longer controlled by a past that may or may not exist.
"Mom, can we go to Aldmeris?"
"We have Aldmeris at home,"
Aldmeris at Home: *Summerset Isles*
I searched for Aldermis at home and all I found was the Shivering Isles.
This has been the best trade deals in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.
There was the theory that Aldmeris was aligned with Auri-el and therefore all time and no space, hence why it's nowhere to be found; on the other hand, Atmora to the North was aligned with Lorkhan, and therefore all space and no time, hence why time seems frozen there.
Ysgramornorris that’s my new favorite theory
What is Yokuda then?
@@the11382 The past, or the previous kalpa. Akavir would be the future, or the next kalpa.
@@ysgramornorris2452 Elder Scrolls in Akavir in the future?
This is a really cool thing to think about.... is there a larger theory discussed somewhere, either official or not? Would be fun to read more about it.
Just like Australia did it really exist?
The Australians hail from the long lost lands of Austria
I always thought denmark was fake
'stralia is fake, mate! G'day!
It does exist. How is this even a question?
You remember that one country who lose fighting bunch of animals? They exist alright
The lost Elven city sounds like a realm of Oblivion rather than a city.
Considering the Soul Cairn is a realm of Oblivion created by mortal wizards, ancient elves could have made their own.
Geno Breaker I agree. Mer most likely were a type of Daedra that settled on Nirn when you think about it. Aldmeris the realm they hailed from.
I was thinking it used to be a realm in Aetherius, just like Sovngarde.
Cameron Sivret interesting 🤔
Perhaps it was naturally generated by the oldmer and when they all left it vanished because there was noone left to inhabit it and so like a aedra or deadra with no worship it was left powerless and stopped existing
Not likely, given their history, Man would be the Daedra of Lorkhan, living in his Plane of Oblivion known as Nirn.
The Old Ehlnofey/Elven ancestors stuck in a pocket of calm and remained there till the humans came and started screwing them up and destroyed it all, and then they sailed around and landed in Summerset, you wouldn't sail from Oblivion into Nirn, at least not directly.
If anything, given the creation story of the Mer, they would've had a Realm in Aetherius rather than Oblivion.
The Aldmeri Dominion wants to know your location.
@Wirr Ling the one nobody likes.
@Taschip I like hunting them down and killing them.
@Taschip is there any other form of liking the Aldmeri Dominion except killing them, when yes you must be under an Illusion spell, my friend.
@Taschip Well, I should clarify that I specifically mean the Thalmor.
@Taschip I like the First.
The Second was a dream.
The Third is probably a nightmare.
Perhaps the REAL Aldmeris is the friends you've made along the journey
That's.. surprisingly close to what he was saying.
This comment is hilarious lol
Aldmeris also known as equestria
*_MLP Intensifies_*
@@Alizudo it makes so much sense that the psijic order is so powerful
they've mastered the power of friendship
I think of "Aldmeris" as a romanticized racial memory of the Dawn, a time when the Mer weren't constrained by linear time. It's possible that artifacts (or other evidence, as discussed in the video) from that period cannot exist in a post-Convention Tamriel.
We even if it's all from the previous Kalpa, the Redguards and probably parts of Yokuda made it into this Kalpa rather well in the Dawn Era
What if Aldmeris is actually the Aedric realm. Like the literal realm of the Gods, and the Mer were actually former God's that forgot this?
Not my favorite theory, but mostly because I don't want to give the Thalmor any credit. Viable though!
@@netherwalker1762 I don't like the Thalmor either. Too damn entitled, and smug for my taste. They claim Talos is no God yet we clearly gain a blessing from his shrines.
@@mr.brainger2077 talos isn't a god and you don't need to be a god to give blessings
Myth Shark Talos is a god, he took Lorkhans place. His statue is him literally killing the symbol of Lorkhan the serpent, and standing above him. He ascended into godhood and will be the only mortal to ever do so which is a big reason why the thalmor hate men and Talos specifically. He did what they want more then anything, to become gods again. And he was a man which is like a double whammy in their books.
@MermmyDermmy I actually think it's probable that they where descended from Aedra that became mortal, don't get me wrong, I don't think this makes them superior any more than a Golden Saint is Superior than the Dragon Born. I think Men where also Aedra mind you as well, I think Lorhkan was truthful with the Aedra, but that many did not understand just what they where giving up, the descendants of men where the Aedra that ultimately accepted their transformation, while the Mer where the Aedra that did not, but where unable to escape like the Magna-Ge. Though it is important to note that the Mer would agree that men too where descended from aedra, but they say that they where the ones that got lost and confused while the Mer remembered their history.
Of course it could still be true that the Mer descend from Aedra and men do not, and it still wouldn't make them better than anyone else. How, The Aedra that most worship as Gods where probably more akin to the Deadric Princes, while the many Aedra that became the Mer where likely more Akin to many lesser Aedra, more like Deadroth, Golden Saints, esc. Which really aren't any further up the food chain than mortals. So to say they descended from Gods is a bit high falutin, think this is why they stopped worshipping their anscestors as a while and started to worship only the Aedric Gods, not wanting to accept that they did not descend from the geater divinities.
Of course I also think Lorkahn agreed to let Auri-El kill him in order to establish order amoung the Aedra and finish creating Mundus. Knowing A. I don't think he is any more dead than the other Aedric Lords, just a bit more discombobulated, with Shezzar and Talos being his reincarnations. and B. Knowing that Auri-El was just as motivated to create mundus as he was, in order to create a synthesis between order and chaos. As was likely their compulsion as the Souls of Anu-El and Sithis.
So What the hell do I know...
What if Aldmeris is the name of a supercontinent that existed during the Dawn Era before being sundered by the Ehlnofey War into Tamriel, Akavir, Atmora, Yokuda, and Pyandonea?
The Thalmor are on their way, hide..
@@dominiquesmith8652 what does this have to do with his comment?
don't forget alinor
@@mythshark409 I didn't, Alinor is the modern renaming of the Summerset Isles by the Thalmor based off their beliefs about Aldmeris, the Dawn Era, and the Towers
@Jacob Theoretically possible, however how would they have not communicated
Atmora: Has matter, exists without time (meaning; its Frozen)
Aldmeris: Has no matter, exists with time (meaning; it exists within the memories of the elves, but has no actual place)
I saw something like this written by someone, sadly I don't remember what name they went by or were.
"Damn elves..." Ralof 2011
I bet they had something to do with this...
Aldmer: “we wanna go back to an imaginary continent”
Old Ehlnofey: “am I a joke to you?”
Sheogoraths greatest troll. He convinced the high elves their important, and sat back and watched as they believed it generation after generation.
Basic contractions smh
@@dstinnettmusic What more should you expect from someone with such a low opinion of the High Folk?
@@Mare_Man Well, lets be fair here, he's probably one of the victims of the genocidal war efforts of the Dominion. Hard to get a good education when your city was burnt to the ground and your teachers slaughtered.
@@netherwalker1762 Oh, one of those "purges" that we're told about by that paranoid crone Delphine?
@@Mare_Man Not a chance. But again, to be fair, her whole order was hunted to extinction, so I can understand her paranoia. No, no, the reports I use are firsthand and historical records, in addition to the Thalmor propaganda that you seem to exclusively use.
Without embracing deep lore stuff. It's been tens of thousands of years since the dawn of recorded history, and we don't know how long the Merethic era was at all. Canonically the Elder Scrolls aren't perfect records of the natural order, either. Aldmeris is basically Atlantis, and much like Atlantis didn't, it probably sank. | Alternatively; it's the Altmeri word for Summerset.
Well, if it was just another name for Summerset, it would be the Aldmeri word, not Altmeri.
But yeah, Aldmeris may be a land that no longer exists, perhaps annihilated during the Ehlnofey War, and maybe even more afterwards, as more continental drift happened over time that they couldn't account for. Tamriel may be the largest remaining piece of Aldmeris, and it changed so much given the environment naturally would've altered after such a large scale Sundering.
This deserves a million likes just for that awesome intro dude. I forgot you were talking cuz I got lost in the visuals for a second lol
Just as I needed a video to watch as I eat
Same, gotta eat those china noodles. Heck yea
Mandatory "SAME HERE" comment!
Aldmeris is nothing compared with Mother Morrowind
Oh Morrowind oh great is thee the land of alien diversity! The people tough, mysterious and beautiful one must be a warrior to live in such a magical rough place
Be quiet N'wah!!!
@@chidubemimari9015 s'wit, return to the cropfields
The immortal wizard king of the sea elves was born in Aldmeris.
Friendly reminder to always watch yourselves around elves. Long live the empire!
Strange way to spell the races of man
Bretons are the best, I agree
Death to the Elves
One day the khajiits will rise up with elves!
About to sleep sees fudgemuppets new video, sleep must come later.
Isaac Daamen-Shanahan in the wise words of Israan: Sleep is for the weak
@@shaderu3402 yes that's why I never sleep because nezeem could sneak up on you any moment.
I’m absolutely LOVING the Eso footage!!!!!
The last part of your theory coincides with my theory that the stone of Snow Tower is the Elves goal to regain their immortality/find Aldmeris. They are the ones in the cave believing it is the world and the humans are the ones who left the cave and seen the true world.
My personal theory on Aldmeris is that it is not a place or a specific state of being/mind, but it was the Aldmers form of the telepathic link that the Dwemer had. I think they referred to it as the Calling(?) For the Dwemer and Aldmeris for the Aldmer but they lost the telepathic link when the Aldmer fragmented into different races of Mer
Great place to bring Wuuthrad!
Nice one ahhahaha
As a high elf, the snow elves attacking Saarthal was a crime. They got what they deserved.
@@ki-td5yb And by that you mean the going through the front door part. Your people still took the eye in the end. Mystics, Thalmor all pointy eared deceivers.
@@insaincaldo as an altmer mage I resent that. SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS! DEATH TO THE ALTMERI DOMINION!
@@insaincaldo yeah, yeah, yeah...
You're getting a like just for using dat nice HD ESO crisp footage.
"Where is Tamriel?" *Points at map* "Here"
"Where is Akavir?" *Points at map* "Here"
"Where is Aldmeris?" *Points at heart* "Here"
Next you're going to say Nirn is flat
Are you crazy? Its a cube inside a ball on top of an egg!
But honestly nice one. 👍👍
iS tHat a JoJo rEfeRenccE
@@CRYOKnox fuck i thought it was a piramid
Oh great... someone will start a meme about "nirn-chan is not flat" after this. Simply wonderful
@@curtiswong7280 damn hate when weebs do this seriously i was watching a history video and one comment and its replies were talking about some animes fanfiction and how it should be "more sexual"
So it was a never ending city with no nature that constantly rebuilds itself? Its Ravnica. Someone just needs to learn how to planeswalk.
Many do know and yet no trace
Simic wants to know your location
Actually sounds like coruscant from starwars.
These are the times I'm glad I'm in high school and have to be up this early
Good luck at school!
It's also a good part of working the graveyard shift.. 😃
Aldmeris is for sure 'old' Tamriel in a fallout motif. In the dawn age ancient magic and tech were used irresponsibly which led to Lorkhan v Auriel conflict. Those who refused outright kept to their own worlds (daedra in oblivion) and those who initially acquiesced but regretted the decision later blasted off of Nirn before it was too late (Magna-Ge). The surviving badasses (Aedra) survived with little that they had, turned on Lorkhan and set about rebuilding civilization. My hypothesis is that Tamriel is but half of its original size with a good portion missing from its western half. What's left of this part is shared between Hammerfell, Summerset, Yokuda and all the islands in between. Think Hiradirge incident in Yokuda. If oral tradition is any proof of how mixed up an origin story can get thousands of years later then its understandable how they thought Tamriel was something new when the summerset elves 'discovered' it. That leaves Auriel survivers (old altmer/aldmeri) rebuilding on Summerset. Lefthanded elves rebuild Yokuda with man slaves. Also explains why Dwemer were underground and had advanced tech despite being surrounded by tribal nomadic Orcs, Beastfolk and Nedes to their South and West. In conclusion: Tamriel is the future of fallout universe lol but more seriously, Aldmeris was what the elves wanted their glorious past to be known as despite it being personal narrative/head canon on their part. The Dawn age was a high fantasy/tech era that kablooey itself to the stone age, with a few exceptions i.e dwemer, Hist. And Aldmeris is just the cute name elves call the realm that was kablooey-d.
Almderis once existed....yours truly is the reason they left.
We'll show those pointy eared bastards who this land belongs to!
It wasn't a god land my bet is it was a shitty tiny island and they drained its resources
@@krispinwah2784 it belongs to.... the elves
11:30 One of our real world oldest civilizations had a city that they would burn down every so often and build on top of. Archaeologists don't know if it was religious or for cleanliness, but it wasn't battle related and they did it a ton of times
I've been playing the elder scrolls series since i was a kid. Never thought about the elves like that before.
Excellent video.
15:50 There something so poetic and wonderful about that single line
Honestly you guys should make a book with all the research, theories and timelines you've done over the years for Elder Scrolls. I'd buy the hell out of that. You're channel and videos are always so well put together, I love them!
At first glance that makes it seem like it could be another plane, but we have also learned to travel several of those and communicate with the entities from even more of them, yet no trace of this mystical dreamland.
Perhaps its the elder scrolls version of Atlantis or Lemuria?
Lost to time, its survivors only ever recording how great it was in their still vain attitude?
But the entire point of Atlantis was that NO ONE survived. It was completely destroyed by the Gods due to the people's arrogance. The only people who want to find Atlantis are the ones who didn't understand what the entire point of the story was.
@@Alizudo first of all, applaud you for knowing that.
Second, hyborian age? 😀 lol
Im kidding, thats fiction
I just really like Greek stories lol
@@Alizudo Egypt was a colony of Atlantis they had conquered everything in the Mediterranean but Greece so colonists would have survived
Also, Atlantis was never supposed to exist. It was an allegorical story told by Plato, to define what he believed was true Athenian virtue. By contrasting the Athenians of his day with the fictional Atlanteans, Plato was trying to illustrate the disaster that could befall Athenians if they failed to live proper and virtuous lives.
It's no different to how Star Trek sets up Klingons and Vulcans, to show contrast with its human characters. By contrasting a fictional Them with an Us that's closer to reality, the show highlights and comments on the nature of humanity, and how different our society would be if we lacked certain qualities or virtues.
Ugh. I miss reinstalling in the morning
KillerChopSuey wait, there’s new content?
@@shaderu3402 bethesda released a set of mods on their mod workshop...but i dont like the x64 version of skyrim. Im currently installing skyrim LE
KillerChopSuey Skyrim is the crack high that just keeps on giving
@@realzachfluke1 Aaaaaahmen
I always thought of Aldmeris as a concept rather than a place, like Saint Augustine's City of God.
The High Elves are so tragic. They sound like they're full of shame and desperation. They think of themselves as degenerates, that life as a mortal is punishment, that to stay worthy they should practice brutally perfectionism, and believe they can earn a sort of promised land that may not exist. It's wrong that the Thalmor became hateful to those that don't cooperate, even if it's likely they think the other races are why they can't go home. Imagine if their anger and tyranny are the reason they are barred from heaven.
I don't know if they're trying to avoid extinction when Nirn is wiped clean, but it seems like a pretty miserable and way of looking at life. Any change, embracing life to any degree seems to be seen as deviation.😢 Imagine the despair if it turns out they were chasing a phantom. All the fighting, building, learning, child killing, and planning to find out Aldmeris is gone, if it ever existed.
I've always loved that despairing element of the Altmer. It feels like such a massive change when roleplaying. Other races embrace life while they grieve. They are almost the last anuic Auriel worshippers who remember the past compared to others. And now they are the enemy that might end in elder scrolls VI. I especially love the Orcs and wish we could see more of Trinimac.
Aldmeris reminds me of the old myths from various tradition where the heaven are seen as a green island which is immaterial and unreachable for living people. I think it's called Avalon in the Celtic mythology.
In the Old Testament it's Eden's Garden.
It's just an idealized version of ancient Sumerset before the Aldmer set out to explore the rest of Tamriel and their schisms took place.
I believe Altmeris existed but is across Nirn. It would make sense why it hasn't been found due to the fact that we don't know about the full world of Nirn and there are a lot of dangers there
if you completely ignore the data and past attempts i agree
I think that aldmeris was the original land mass of nirn which then split into the continents we now know just like in our world we had Pangea which them became our continents.
Hold on since when did you start using ESO footage
since it was the only elder scrolls game to let the player step foot in summerset.
The_Drop Bear where else do you get any summerset isles footage? Mods?
@@QuixoteBadger man it's bad though you heard Summerset has crystal towers and insect structure well here comes ESO to turn them into generic Disney Land France.
What's next is ES6 plot going to involve a ring that turns it's users insane
@@Doralga Sheogorath approves.
Parts of insects, pfff, a copy of the Dunmer. Kirkbride ran out of ideas when talking about the Altmer.
The thing about towers is interesting since the elves claimed to be former godlike beings and the fact that many of the towers of the world are metaphorical “graves” of deities specifically Lorkhan. Idk much about the other towers but almost all are connected to Lorkhan the Adamantine tower is where Lorkhan was disassembled and red mountain is where his heart layed. The Numidium was the tower for the entire Dwemer race and could be considered their grave depending on your theory.
The White gold tower was made with a fragment of the heart of lorkhan.
The throat of the world was where Alduin was sent into the future.
It could be that the elves are remembering endless cycles of Nirns history and this current one is the only one where man exists and it messed up their society.
*"Old Ehlnofey will only return when the races of Mer are united as one"*
I hope someday, the races of Mer 16:08 band together in one last epic clash with the races of Man.
The Altmer and Bosmer will meet the same fate as the other Extinct Elven races (Ayleids, Falmer, Sinistral Elves, Direnni Elves, Dwemer, Aldmer) if that happens lol. The Dunmer? I don't know about them but they'll live For Now.
The Altmer, Maormer, Bosmer, Orsimer and Dunmer are the last of the Elven races now, I have faith in them.
For the first time since the Merethic Era, it will be the Elves who persevere more passionately this time.
It's usually the chatioc, sithis filled forces of Man that committed Genocide in the Merethic and First Era's. Now, in the fourth, the Elves will ravage the Empire of Man.
Bethesda, however, will likely grant plot armor to the humans as usual, since humans in the Elder Scrolls would lose 7/10 times without their granted Plot Armor and Plot devices
@@thalmoragent9344 Orcs are Beastfolk, not elves lol.
Lmao, do you know where Orsimer came from? Why they even have MER in their name? They're cursed Elves, just as the Dunmer are
@@thalmoragent9344 No lmao, then that means Khajiit are Elves since Pelinal Whitestrake killed many of them lmao.
Zero views and one dislike. Oh, UA-cam *sigh*
Awesome vid, glad to have something to watch while I'm doing the insomnia thing lol
I think notion here implies that Aldmeris is actually a Pangaea of all the isle's with Tamriel when everything was one landmass
don't care what the elder scrolls say, this place was absolutely real, what else was Ogrum exiled from?
Well, it could arguably be the Summerset Isles at the start, like right after the Aldmer first established themselves and had the Island before the groups that left to Tamriel started leaving.
Would love to see this in ESO especially since I main a high elf- the house would be amazing
I feel like Elder Scrolls 7 will be set in Summerset
We'll show those pointy eared bastards who this land belongs to!
But it's already been basically confirmed that it'll be in somewhere like Hammerfell
@@PinkWytchBytch he said 7
@@PinkWytchBytch I think the Thalmor will take a massive L in Hammerfell/High Rock in 6 and almost be if not be destroyed, and 7 will be about post-Thalmor Summerset
The Elder Scrolls VII: Aldmeri
Three provinces Alinor, Valenwood and Elsweyr
The three best ships of the aldmeri navy: The Niña, The Pinta, and Santa María
I know why Aldmeris can't be found again anywhere. It's because Pelinal was there.
Pelinal Thuglife, spray painting "Pelinal was here" on a wall somewhere in a city on Aldmeris. Spray painting *IN RED*
It must of been a power damn war for them to sink most of the land into the Sea. Even Miraak and the Jailer only split an Soulstein from the mainland and a Dragonborn can send towns flying with ease
*screams from their padded cell* IT WAS THE HUB
It's 4 a.m. and I haven't been to bed yet. WHY AM I HERE?!?!?!
I bet the dwemer went back.
I think they were absorbed into the numidium.
@@anfie2495 i think they thought themselves out of existence lol
Take word kids,
An educated mind is a heretical mind. Long live the god emperor!
Wait... wrong franchise. Lol
@@alexanderrahl7034 What franchise is this
J. Troy Doe I want a game set before that event. So we can explore the dwemer civilization at its peak.
@@g4fly4ever8 it was a reference to the warhammer 40k franchise's God emperor of mankind lol
Your voice is so intriguing..😶 Sometimes I forget what you're talking about because I was focusing on the passion in your words.😆😆😆
The Elderly 📜's are themselves a dream.
The most eloquent videos I watch are made by a UA-cam Channel named FudgeMuppet that makes TES lore videos
Yet another amazing video from the guy's at FudgeMuppet
Aldmeris is like Atlantis. Nobody knows if it ever really existed to begin with or is just another myth.
Maybe Aldmeris is merely the friends you make along the way?
It would make sense that Cyrodiil would be aldmeris imo because of the numerous Dragonbreaks and Divine wills placed upon the land by the nedic peoples it could be that what was once the elven homeland was “written over” to say.
Cyrodiil isn't Aldmeris because it's the homeland of the Imperials.
Sounds like the line Thor: Ragnarok, "Asguard is not a place, it is a people."
thank-you for saying 'disoriented' correctly :)
summerset isle world be my favorite Provence to visit. It would be a perfect high fantasy location.
If Tamriel is the birthplace of high elves, it only seems right it belongs to us Altmer
Heh. If this is true, i dont ever see it reapearing.
As it was integral to the construction of a stable nirn.
Even if the (theorized) Thalmor plan to destroy/de-actiavate the Towers would work, they'd still be left as weak spirits unable to leave the plane.
Like their ancestorsw they'd be stuck, untill fractures happen in their society and the whole thing starts over again.
If this is true, I'd use it to point to the shear arrogance of the thalmor to think they could do what the original elven spirit ancestors could not, since they were "gods"
And tbh... They were weak as tit gods.
SO weak they couldn't leave.
Its shear arrogance to suggest elves decent from even anything close to gods.
Which kiiinda plays right into the mythos, so hey: nicely written lore xD
Just imagine in es6 the aldmer invade and look down upon the altmer and other mer and slaughter a lot of em
Fascinating stuff, this lore
Recommended reading for context: The Atlantis discussion. Graham Hancock Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods.
High Elves deserve only one thing and that is to get dunked on
Says the guy who ends a sentence in a preposition.
16:09 🔥🔥🔥
When's the next lore album coming out?
I really hope so because Nirn needs more continents.
Not that we're ever going to visit them in anything other than mods
We already have Akavir, Atmora, Yokuda and Lyg
"That's an interesting point you make there Altmer, how about you back it up with a source?"
Altmer: "Our source is we made it the fuck up!"
Maybe the Dwemer returned to Aldmeris when they disappeared. Aldmeris exists in a different dimension.
Sounds like human propaganda to me, but okay.
Shut up knife ear
Silence knife ear
This was an amazing theory, made me wish it was confirmed canon :')
So basically the elves are the reason all the dumb crap happened in the first place. Sounds like if they hadn’t gotten all butthurt over the Wandering Ehlnorfey things would have been fine.
A problem with time at that point was that it was a dragonbreak all the time. So many versions of what had happened likely did and the only one that is remembered is the one of the elves once time stablized into linear time.
What background music do you use? I like a couple of the songs!
You know you're a true fan of FudgeMuppet if you've seen the accidental live video hours ago lol
boys what was with the livestream notification from earlier today?
What's the soundtrack of this video? Is BEAUTIFUL. I would like to know the soundtrack of every video in the description or something, your music election is always very adequate.
Soundtrack is ESO, you can hear it in Auridon
ESO Auridon Soundtrack.
Elves? Wanting to go back to their forbidden homeland across the sea? How original
iammaxhailme holy shit lol I didn’t even notice that. But didn’t the elves go to their afterlife or something in lotr? Not homeland?
@Hilbert França That's not true, the Eldarin elves are from Valinor originally and the Sindarin elves are from middle-earth originally and never went to Valinor at all
Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
Madness this is a bran new video 👍
The Crystal Tower is the Gateway to the Aldmeris. It's similar to the Conjunction of Spheres in the Witcher Universe.
Good video.
You should do a video on whether Tiber Septim really became a divine and try settle the debate. I personally belive he did, but it'd be cool to see what your thoughts are
4:39 it was built by the French, by the look of it :D
19th century Bavarian.
What’s interesting about this theory is it adds more context to azura, boethiah, and mephala helping the Dunmer, or chimer. At first I assumed their motives were purely a mix of spite for the aedra, along with a desire to gain their own followers. I had not considered that they were being genuinely beneficial, breaking the Chimer away from this lie of a homeland that didn’t exist so they could grow into themselves more instead of being controlled by traditions that bore no meaning. I’d hesitate to genuinely call any daedra good, they seem to be inherently selfish and self centered, but it would make the Dunmer worship of them make a lot more sense, after all it is thanks to them that the Dunmer are no longer controlled by a past that may or may not exist.
2:07 Keystones: How do they work?
Aldmer*(Time) = Altmer + Bosmer + Ayleimer + Chimer + Dunmer + Orsimer + Malmer + Fulmer + Falmer
What about the dwemer
First time I've seen him use ESO footage.
Clock town. Look it up
he uses it a lot lately
So Aldmeris is a metaphor taken too literal by the High Elves?
*Turns console on*
Oh FudgeMuppet
*Turns console off*
Whoa I never considered this!
Aldmeris could be another planet and they crashlanded in Summerset
As with all things the elves profess, it proves to be nothing but pompous lies. Shor save us from the delusions of elves.