@@wadeeahfisher1566 quoting malcolm in the 1960s as he of what was previously defined as a white liberal and what today a liberal standing person seems to mean are different as the script has been flipped these days
I wonder where's Paris now? He did that a** kissing up to Trump. Didn't he said something to a women in the white house. Paris you said the wrong thing.
I have no idea why they haven't fired this clown yet. It's one thing to attempt to balance the discussion with counterpoints, but shoving your nose up the president's butt and pulling a Paris is just pure ridiculous. I honestly tried to listen to the guy this time with an open mind and a willingness to attempt to see his side, but the more he talked the more idiotic and asinine he sounded. I'm sorry, but his counterpoints were a joke, and this guy is a joke. Who even has the idiocy to go on national tv and make such doltish remarks?
but he's been a republican since the age of 16, before he could vote. I would suggest paris and everyone else to listen to Harold Melvin's "Wake Up Everybody". It should be the theme song for these times.
It's laughable how jealous Donald Trump is of both Don Lemon and LeBron James. He knows Lemon's more intelligent than he could ever aspire to be, and that James is rich, famous, and (unlike Trump) beloved by most Americans. Kudos to LeBron James and his wife for this school. It's amazing. There are few needs in this country like our desperate need for good schools that reach out into the local communities and help not only students, but their families. It's a beautiful thing. Trump can't relate to any of this because he's never thought of a person other than himself a day in his life. This is what happens to kids who grow up without discipline and good parenting while being coddled by sycophants and spoiled their entire lives- Donald J. Trump, a pitiful man-child with no respect for anyone or anything.
Donald is as jealous of Bill rock-star Clinton as he is of Barack six-pack Obama. Donald's Lebron/Maxine bashing is just racist-signaling to his super hunks Jeff Session Rudy Giuliani Steve Miller Steve Bannon, and hot supermodels Kellyanne Conway Sarah Huckabee Ann Coulter Karen Pence.
LeBron started a school for at-risk kids and said he'll pay for college if they graduate. t'rump started a fake university designed to cheat desperate Americans and settled a $25m fraud suit. Yeah, that's pretty laughable right there.
Your shared skin color with Paris Denard can never be used to implicate your entire race because it's shared with people like Dr West and Lebron James. If I'm forced to acknowledge sharing the same race with Donald Trump, you have to keep this guy sitting on your bench. You guys somehow co opted Eminem when no one was looking so you have to keep the dorky black dude too.
Btw athletes mastering their craft being the best of millions of other athletes is well worth every dime they make. Also understand you don’t open a school with nba money meaning he’s been able to take the money he has earned and grow it to the point where he is wealthy enough to do the things he does. That is intelligence.
Donald Trump is a disgrace. A racist narcissist who is spewing hatred across the globe. Instead of the world reacting back with division and hatred we should all come together with love and unity. Brother Paris the look on your face tells me you know that calling the very people Trump was sworn in to serve and protect horrible names when their simply exercising their right to voice their concern about what’s going on in our country is not only childish, ignorant, and inexcusable but all of us as a people are going forward without a leader that as taxpayers we all need and deserve at this critical time in history. This man needs to be removed from office immediately. TODAY! NOW! And may God bless us all! Including and especially Mr. Trump.
@Joe Mullins ai Trump como esta o Inferno de Dante .em ta bom ta Esquentando .e vai esquentar mas .tem o Irã .e o resto do Mundo todo seu dono de caixões fema e de um campo de concentração.já explicou tudo as altoridades .você e o maioral que se acha a cima da Lei ne Hitler Trump .
He got suspended because of his straw boss whipping man tactics and ignorance. He made CNN look bad and they were not going to be responsible for what came out of little paris's mouth.
Ashlee Williams if it means we don't get nuked by them and if it makes me 2 times richer then yeah why not. Is rather be successful over lying to myself because Mt feelings were hurt.
bolo dymond Very true. He does. But as President of the United States, he is viewed by the entire world as our highest representative. And the way he speaks to and about people is completely juvenile and inappropriate. He can say anything he wants - but he has to understand that, just like the rest of us, there are consequences for what is said. If I start tweeting that I think my daughter's volleyball coach is "low IQ" and "dumb", my daughter will be removed from the team. I 100% have the freedom to SAY IT...she has every right to issue a consequence. Do you REALLY think the POTUS should be stooping to this level? Does it seem what is appropriate for the Commander in Chief of the United States of America - the greatest super power in the world?
bolo dymond Question Bolo: do you call people YOU WORK WITH stupid and liars on a public forum? He's the leader of the free world. Calling other elected officials names *should* be beneath him, as it has for EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT (even the ones I didn't care for). Do you not believe in basic standards of decorum from our highest ranking elected official?
Stacie M well doesn't matter where you stand if your the president or if your a homeless person anyone should defend himself verbally and physically remember he's a different type of president everyone is soo use to having a president that ignores what people say about them remember trump doesn't instigate these arguments he's entitle to free speech like all of us
Paris, Paris, Paris...🤣😂 I just can't find it in me to respect anybody who is an apologist for whatever "their guy" says. You can be a conservative, but if you are a real person then u can believe in your platform and still point out the childish things that a WORLD Leader is saying.
Paris: "I don't know why he was even taking about President Trump in this interview" Cooper: "cause he was asked a question about him." Paris: "EXACTLY" 😂 Grade A response
Twoofer Derper I cant say for sure if you’re being sarcastic or if you can’t express yourself correctly, but Paris can NEVER admit the truth. Just like most right wing white people. The only time people on the right can admit wrong is when they’re fifty years removed from said wrong.
Would be more appropriate to say Republican. Not all whites are bad. At some point, color/race has to stop being used. Countering against a racist with racism is not the solution, Ever. Don’t lower yourself to that level. 😃✌🏻
Paris is a lonely little girl. He's been a Republican since age 16 and realizes the error of that strange decision, but now he's in too far to even admit the Truth concerning the buffoon he desperately tries to justify.
He literally said people from the kkk are responsible for some of his people missing in the south. Yet he pulls off his earrings to fight for a man who didn’t want his kind, our kind … even living in his building ?
Airing a trump surrogate for every occasion was a great gift to trump, a blinded and flawed idea by whomever at CNN deciding to peddle out Dennard in defense of any and all trump critiques.
One correction; when Trump called NFL players SOBs he wasn't responding to a personal attack. He was trying to push the myth that those players were attacking the anthem or the flag, which is a lie. They were protesting police violence on unarmed people. And kneeling is often considered more respectful than standing! But even if you believe the players are attacking the anthem or the flag, it still wasn't an attack on Trump personally, so Paris's argument falls apart. Even if you think Trump was striking back over the fact that several members of the team that won the Superbowl did not want to go to the White House; that's not a personal attack against Trump. Maybe they had family commitments; just because they refused does not necessarily mean they did it because they are attacking anyone. Does Trump attack everyone who doesn't show up at his parties, too?
Let's see your one sentence in and already saying lies. Trump said and I quote " If I were to be the owner of a football team and saw them kneeling I'd tell them get that son of a bitch out of there". And last time I checked not rising, taking your hat off, or even recognizing that the flag or the national anthem is being displayed or showed it is considered being disrespectful. And what I said or even what Trump is not lies it's truth. Last time I checked freedom is not free so the only reason people are allowed to do what Kaepernick has done or even debate about this subject like you and I are doing is because people have fought and died to defend the flag, anthem and U.S. constitution think about that the next time you speak.
Hahahahaha "maybe they had family commitments".... Oh boy, that's rich. The Eagles organization told the White House they would have 80-something people coming to the White House. Then the truth came out that they were only going to show up with, like 3 players and the mascot to try and punk Trump. He cancelled. These fools and those other idiots in Oakland, including the 7' snake don't need to go to the White House. What does Trump care about these idiots? And when the players tell the media "I ain't going" why is it wrong for Trump to then uninvite them? Why is this on him? Much of the country hated watching these guys kneel for the anthem. Are we assholes, too?
"And last time I checked not rising, taking your hat off, or even recognizing that the flag or the national anthem is being displayed or showed it is considered being disrespectful. " They obviously kneel in recognition of the flag, the anthem and its values. Last time I checked, kneeling for someone or something is a sign of deep respect, hence men kneel in front of their would be brides to make their proposal. You just wilfully ignore that. That is the disrespectful part.
Paris need a reality check. Not reminding him that he is black but the harsh things trump is saying. The people who are being targeted by police that are shot and killed. Paris need to experience what alot of us as blacks are going through.
Now y’all knew damn well Paris wasn’t gonna let That Pastor from the other day out Boot Lick him. He had to turn his Shucking and Jiving up another notch
@NADAL Goat these two, Cornell & Anderson love and appreciate each other. I always enjoy their talks. I'm sure they both wanted to cuss Paris out or slap the shit out of his racist ass.
Hold the President to the same standard as an athlete is what Paris is saying. Ok there’s no point in arguing with that because obviously he doesn’t get it. President Obama and all of the previous 44 Presidents have to be Presidential but number 45 doesn’t. Get that to your brain.
Roughly 35% of Americans have the exact same mental affliction as trump. It isn't hard to figure out. You know/knew people just like him, they just never made it much past High School, though.
Paris: "I don't understand why LeBron was even talking about Trump in this interview..." AC: "Because he was asked a question about him." Paris: "Exactly!" Wait, what? I also like how Paris posits that because Trump is an equal opportunity offender so that it makes it okay for him to constantly lash out or clap back on people just because they said something mean or disrespectful about him. He's the POTUS, he should be above all that! I know this is rhetorical but if Trump is so great and the people he attacks are so beneath him then why is he punching down? Why come down to their level if they're so dumb or stupid or whatever? Say what you will about Obama but for all the disgusting criticism he received during his tenure he never took to social media to retaliate or suggest they were menstruating while asking him questions. I know comparing a man of intelligence and integrity, who's been married to the same woman for over 20 years, never raped or cheated on her with models and porn stars and doesn't want to have sex with his own daughter isn't fair but it does speak to the kind of person Paris is that he'd admonish President Obama but laud Trump as someone that others should follow or celebrate. As for Paris having his own opinion and speaking for himself -- since he was 16-years old no less, meaning he couldn't think or speak for himself until then -- there's no bigger example of an Uncle Tom and shoot-someone-on-5th-Avenue-loyalty then Paris. He exudes spinelessness and if born during the early days of slavery would be one of those Black men who would willingly sell out their own race just to eat leftovers from his master's plate. And I say Paris is a "person" as he's not worthy of the title of "man". I'm not even sure I'd label as "male". Maybe the guys in his gym might be able to verify if he's...I have to stop myself there 'cause Paris doesn't look like the "gym type". He probably gets winded from just walking around holding Trump's jock strap all day.
Langston: I guess Paris fells that if he shills hard enough like a faithful dog for the idiot-in-chief, he's got a place in the WH. He's so unobjective and biased when ti comes to trumpf, it's fucking sorry-ass pathetic as fuck. He loves trumpf so damn much, he probably takes that same jockstrap home and sniffs it when no one's looking. Wouldn't be surprised if he does that,lol.
Also,what dumb-ass Dennard dosen't seem to realize is that trumpf only gives a damn about other rich white dudes like himself,period. So what the hell makes Paris think trumpf would even be checking for his little worthless sellout ass? I haven't seen a single young black man anywhere in trumpf's cabinet---that speaks volumes right there.
Paris is trying come with this TIRED defense of Trump by saying that he only responds to what is said about him, yet never addresses the fact Trump puts himself in these positions by opening his mouth and saying certain things, and people draw their conclusions by his own actions.
lasoogneypubes and yet he’s attack other people less relevant than them. www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html
Why don't they ever bring up that Trump said President Obama could have not achieved what he achieved as a student and wanted to see his school records. Paris is so angry about questioning Trump but is angry at Lebron who opened a school, (which is supposedly the goals of Paris - education for black people).....instead of being lik Trump's wife and offering to support Lebron he has a fit about someone challenging his "daddy" Trump!
Obama was attacked all the time, but did not respond like a school kid. He kept his dignity.
Obama IQ = Trump's X 74468537987.
marte thompson true he did strike back but it was in a smarter kind of way
Barry was a communist who ran a stagnated economy
It’s ok Paris, we understand, there is ONE in every family.
Mikey General exactly he is a disgrace
Fucking dude is sad
the enemy of the black man is the white liberal, Malcolm X...so there you go.
@@wadeeahfisher1566 quoting malcolm in the 1960s as he of what was previously defined as a white liberal and what today a liberal standing person seems to mean are different as the script has been flipped these days
@Keisha thank you!!
Paris makes me sick
Francisco Maddox All Trump bootlickers make me sick. I don't know why they even have them on, when all they do is spin themselves into the ground.
He makes me sad ... very, very sad.
Francisco Maddox He belongs on Fox News with the rest of the idiots not CNN.
Geoff Owens You're right CNN is fake news
diapersFTMFW11 No fox news is Fake News
"I'm a grown man" - said the little boy
It’s the “said the little boy” for me😂😂😂😂😂
Paris needs his ass kicked. Maybe he was teased by black kid's for being a lesbian white woman and now he hates blacks.
Speaking with Paris is equivalent to speaking with KellyAnne Conway. It's a lost cause, a waste of time. DUDE IS LOST!
Something about Russia and Trump is dangerous.america I would leave Trump alone
Y F spot on
Paris is the kind of guy who would have lured his friends onto those boats in Africa 400 years ago.
Dude Paris luvs takin it in the fanny BIG TIME (gaydar) & he's the pURe definition of Uncle Tom. Ignorant a$s uPpiTy tTRiCkk. LOL =D
fake bot account
Anderson is trying so hard to get Paris to see reason. Mission impossible
Nobuhle Mthembu
It's all for TV. Paris has been on this show 100 times. Anderson knows what he's going to say and not say.
Islima lento kuthi angiyisakaze ngempama. Anyway wamuhle umaMthumbu
Xman Paris was dropped on his head as a child and he hasn't recovered and never will so mission will always be impossible 🤔🤔
And to see a wrong against his own race.......this girl Paris is confused
Nobuhle Mthembu Nice picture
I can’t even understand how Paris can look at himself in the mirror
nora robinson. He see a white man
The reason president Trump is a racist is because - HE MAY BE THE ANTICHRIST!
He's a g a y pussy...
I wonder where's Paris now? He did that a** kissing up to Trump. Didn't he said something to a women in the white house. Paris you said the wrong thing.
Paris Republicans don't like gay don't like blacks you make yourself look ignorant
Paris is like the young version of the butler in the movie “Django.”
Samuel l jackson?....no....no
paris probably has a poster of his hero donald lump on the wall over his bed.
@@maskful Haha... well not so much Samuel Jackson as Samual Jackson's depiction of a despicable character...
Unfortunately for Trump there is no one that could interview him to make him look smart.
Leonaza7 Elmo haha
Try harder loser.
i'm sure one 2 year old could try.
I'm sure you could.
Leonaza7 😂😂😂
I see Paris has crawled out from under his slimy rock again...
I have no idea why they haven't fired this clown yet. It's one thing to attempt to balance the discussion with counterpoints, but shoving your nose up the president's butt and pulling a Paris is just pure ridiculous. I honestly tried to listen to the guy this time with an open mind and a willingness to attempt to see his side, but the more he talked the more idiotic and asinine he sounded. I'm sorry, but his counterpoints were a joke, and this guy is a joke. Who even has the idiocy to go on national tv and make such doltish remarks?
@michael: I can't tell if you're ignorant or just trolling, so I'll play it safe and assume you are the wart-carrying kind. Have a nice day, chump.
Paris. Is. A. Manchild
Who the hell is this guy ? Paris who
Anderson said "that's your gig" to Paris supporting Trump
Also he told Paris... I don't know, you might get in trouble . CLASSIC lol
And you'll seem to gloss over Paris response to Anderson Cooper. Which also was a classic!!
"You don't get in the gutter with a gangster". The most eloquent statement I've heard about how to deal with Trump.
jeanmariefagon And yet they take the bait every single time....
And I've been getting down and dirty. I thank Dr. Cornel West of Harvard Univ. for his advice so vividly put.
@@francoisfelix2913 wait... You watch Anderson Cooper. But bitch about gay people?!?
Fuck off bigot.
@@emilyhofland8219 I like your picture Emily you look sexy what are you up to?
After President Trump Paris his life is over nobody’s gonna want him
but he's been a republican since the age of 16, before he could vote. I would suggest paris and everyone else to listen to Harold Melvin's "Wake Up Everybody". It should be the theme song for these times.
You got that right
Before we all start showing Melania love for taking LeBron's side remember, she was one of the ORIGINAL people who said Obama was born in Kenya.
Thankyoumood he was. Even his brother said he was born in Kenya. I know you wouldn't know that since you watch CNN FAKE NEWS..
Thankyoumood #neverforget I still give her minimal credit!
right.....and her ass might show up in that Zara "who cares" jacket again 🙆
+ Bernie His half brother from Kenya, the one he never met growing up. You knew that, of course.
It's laughable how jealous Donald Trump is of both Don Lemon and LeBron James. He knows Lemon's more intelligent than he could ever aspire to be, and that James is rich, famous, and (unlike Trump) beloved by most Americans. Kudos to LeBron James and his wife for this school. It's amazing. There are few needs in this country like our desperate need for good schools that reach out into the local communities and help not only students, but their families. It's a beautiful thing. Trump can't relate to any of this because he's never thought of a person other than himself a day in his life. This is what happens to kids who grow up without discipline and good parenting while being coddled by sycophants and spoiled their entire lives- Donald J. Trump, a pitiful man-child with no respect for anyone or anything.
Donald is as jealous of Bill rock-star Clinton as he is of Barack six-pack Obama. Donald's Lebron/Maxine bashing is just racist-signaling to his super hunks Jeff Session Rudy Giuliani Steve Miller Steve Bannon, and hot supermodels Kellyanne Conway Sarah Huckabee Ann Coulter Karen Pence.
LeBron started a school for at-risk kids and said he'll pay for college if they graduate.
t'rump started a fake university designed to cheat desperate Americans and settled a $25m fraud suit.
Yeah, that's pretty laughable right there.
Trump needs a nice stay at a Nut House in the Country
fake bot account
Randi Young that is sooo laughable
We, the black people of planet earth, disown Paris. Do with him whatever you wish
😂 😂
@Skitz Zo Yes, I am the black people representative on planet earth.
Your shared skin color with Paris Denard can never be used to implicate your entire race because it's shared with people like Dr West and Lebron James. If I'm forced to acknowledge sharing the same race with Donald Trump, you have to keep this guy sitting on your bench. You guys somehow co opted Eminem when no one was looking so you have to keep the dorky black dude too.
@@patrickaalfs9584 You got me man lol
Paris wants to be 1st lady
Philip Clarke 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 best comment ever
Philip Clarke bwahahaha hilarious 👍
He may be already!
Philip Clarke...lol..oh lord😂😂😂
I just love Andrson Cooper! He's classy, professional and funny.
...and not too hard on the eye either
He's to that classic 'gay man' shade. As I always say, if you want the truth, ask a gay man! They won't lie to you. :-)
Courage Karnga : Racists hate him. He triggers them almost as much as Don Lemon. I love him, just for THAT. 🙂
Courage Karnga and HOT!! 🔥🔥
At least LeBron earned his money with skill and talent, something 45 is severely lacking.
Leonaza7 totally agree!!
Lol Trump made his money using his knowledge not freakish athletic ability. So you just sound like a biased loser.
Austin Giguere testament to her race? Lol hey look everyone Austin isn’t racist he has black friends 😂😂😂
Btw athletes mastering their craft being the best of millions of other athletes is well worth every dime they make. Also understand you don’t open a school with nba money meaning he’s been able to take the money he has earned and grow it to the point where he is wealthy enough to do the things he does. That is intelligence.
Libtardia Destroyer
using blackmail no doubt like he does now, though Iran will fight back for sure.
collecting popcorn for trumps funeral.
This guy when he sees himself in the mirror he sees a white reflection lol
Paris is a CLOWN‼️‼️‼️
BIG time!
Major clown big time!1!
Now now, even Ronald McDonald has to make a living.
He’s black so you are a racist according to the ‘professor’.
No doubt whatsoever!
That dude.. look into his eyes he's in the sunken place
Poor Paris...stuck in the tRump Deadlights, along with the rest of tRumpster's dUmbsters!
Hey, Tim Brown! You just shit your pants!
Nah, he is getting paid well enough by the orange trumpturd. $189,000 per year. Same as Omorosa.
Uncensored Enlightenment Talk Radio lmfaooooo 💯💯💯
Even the sucken place have sunk with this dude
"Response of a 12-year old"... Brilliant!!
Donald Trump is a disgrace. A racist narcissist who is spewing hatred across the globe. Instead of the world reacting back with division and hatred we should all come together with love and unity. Brother Paris the look on your face tells me you know that calling the very people Trump was sworn in to serve and protect horrible names when their simply exercising their right to voice their concern about what’s going on in our country is not only childish, ignorant, and inexcusable but all of us as a people are going forward without a leader that as taxpayers we all need and deserve at this critical time in history. This man needs to be removed from office immediately. TODAY! NOW! And may God bless us all! Including and especially Mr. Trump.
@Joe Mullins You do understand that your outlash describes how you feel about your self, right? One know others best through one self.
Could be applied to Paris also.
@Joe Mullins ai Trump como esta o Inferno de Dante .em ta bom ta Esquentando .e vai esquentar mas .tem o Irã .e o resto do Mundo todo seu dono de caixões fema e de um campo de concentração.já explicou tudo as altoridades .você e o maioral que se acha a cima da Lei ne Hitler Trump .
Lord, Paris is like a more feminine version of uncle ruckus.
If Uncle Ruckus hada son, it would be Paris.
And he don't have no gangster in him! He's being pimped
No relation 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm glad he got fired. It's exhausting to listen to him.
He got fired! I can drink to that
He got fired cause he is agents the cnn narative
@@TheTruthUSA *against
@@maskful bots write like crap to blend in with right wing nuts.
He got suspended because of his straw boss whipping man tactics and ignorance. He made CNN look bad and they were not going to be responsible for what came out of little paris's mouth.
Why is this fool Paris Denard still on TV?
No damn idea.
How is Anderson cooper on TV? And why is Dom lemon on tv? Because they're unqualified liberals.
black out ctfu ok butt buddy trump so do y’all take turns on puttin
Ashlee Williams if it means we don't get nuked by them and if it makes me 2 times richer then yeah why not. Is rather be successful over lying to myself because Mt feelings were hurt.
+Ashlee Williams
Anything is better than than being a liberal puke
What if every President wasted time reacting to what every citizen said about him?
He doesn't just respond he tries to destroy anyone who disagrees with him.
Paris is lost
LOL....and may never be found.
Praise be to God!
Rick Nash : I thought it was only racists that support Trump? An Auto-Racist? . . . SMH
Ash Roskell I don't remember saying that. I will say the only overt racists I've met also seem to be trump supporters
Why does this guy speak...he gives me the creeps, he is such a sell out. Doesn't attack first... the lies just keep coming
He gives me the creeps ,Trump give me the creeps candace gives me the creeps
Why does Paris in every other interview feels like he has to defend his manhood? Insecurity maybe?????????
dirtysouth2821 right! Every time he tries to boss up on someone. I'd laugh at his ass like you got a complex.
I’m pretty sure Paris is Gay, and i say that being part of the LGBTQ community, my gaydar goes off when he speaks
Assumption he is male.
Maybe because he’s patronized every time he is spoken to.🧐
“You don’t get in the gutter with a gangster.” Amen!
There's a reason Dr. Cornel West is a Harvard professor and Paris is ... well, Paris is Paris.
paris looks like his soul left this earth years ago
gwaapfam09 fr
Facts. He's totally gone
Why is no one saying the obvious: the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES should be held to A HIGHER STANDARD than a basketball player. Period.
Stacie M I believe even the president of the united states has freedom of speech
bolo dymond
Very true. He does. But as President of the United States, he is viewed by the entire world as our highest representative. And the way he speaks to and about people is completely juvenile and inappropriate. He can say anything he wants - but he has to understand that, just like the rest of us, there are consequences for what is said. If I start tweeting that I think my daughter's volleyball coach is "low IQ" and "dumb", my daughter will be removed from the team. I 100% have the freedom to SAY IT...she has every right to issue a consequence.
Do you REALLY think the POTUS should be stooping to this level? Does it seem what is appropriate for the Commander in Chief of the United States of America - the greatest super power in the world?
bolo dymond
Question Bolo: do you call people YOU WORK WITH stupid and liars on a public forum? He's the leader of the free world. Calling other elected officials names *should* be beneath him, as it has for EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT (even the ones I didn't care for). Do you not believe in basic standards of decorum from our highest ranking elected official?
Stacie M well doesn't matter where you stand if your the president or if your a homeless person anyone should defend himself verbally and physically remember he's a different type of president everyone is soo use to having a president that ignores what people say about them remember trump doesn't instigate these arguments he's entitle to free speech like all of us
Stacie M The President of the United States should at *least* be held to the standard of ordinary decency. He's not held to any standard.
Imagine Paris at his family reunion. He definitely would be eating his hotdog at a table alone.
Paris, Paris, Paris...🤣😂
I just can't find it in me to respect anybody who is an apologist for whatever "their guy" says.
You can be a conservative, but if you are a real person then u can believe in your platform and still point out the childish things that a WORLD Leader is saying.
but i just loooovves me some fools dat spoon feed me da victimhood i crave!
It’s not about being conservative, it’s about not being an entitled, crying, lazy and useless BLM SJW Democrat looking for a safe space.
Well said!
House Ninja of the 21, 22nd,22rd Century and beyond lmbo
Oops...23rd century
Paris: "I don't know why he was even taking about President Trump in this interview"
Cooper: "cause he was asked a question about him."
Paris: "EXACTLY"
😂 Grade A response
Veja porque aconteceu o Atake em Nôtredames .e apagou varias provas .em
My thoughts exactly! LMAO 😂
Paris shouldn’t be on CNN.
Paris should be on TV at all.
Twoofer Derper I cant say for sure if you’re being sarcastic or if you can’t express yourself correctly, but Paris can NEVER admit the truth. Just like most right wing white people. The only time people on the right can admit wrong is when they’re fifty years removed from said wrong.
One thing about trump he knows where 2 look for a Tom lol 😂😂😂
Tom was a good guy. I think its called Sam.
I wonder how much money this Paris guy is getting paid.
he said none :)
He's getting paid in presidential jizz.
kagazuki : Not enough. What do should go for, these days? . . . SMH
Paris, you do more kneeling than NFL players
G D lol OMG lol
He looks so weak.He could not walk my dog.
G D I love this comment!
Rolled my eyes the second I saw Paris 🙄
I still dislike Paris...& needs to come out of the closet. He'd be happier.
@Eric Rivera Closeted
Paris needs to walk down the street while those really nice tiki torch carrying fellows are parading around.
jenna Pitts Then he will see that his buck dancing don't work with 45 Die hard supporters!!!
Lmao 😂 I doubt they’ll be on his side!
There are good people on both sides
jenna Pitts He won't do that 😨
He's a pussy man no back bone
Paris Dennard is the whitest black man ever.
Leave that black man alone, he's the realist. You're a racist. You ain't even black. You ain't real.
Tanya&Lamont are you Paris's blood relative? Have you stolen the culture of inbreeding from the South?
Tanya&Lamont. How is he racist dumbass??? You sound dumb get the fuck off the internet bitch
If Dennard came out as a black gay man already, he'd lay off his misery and creepy behavior all together!
Would be more appropriate to say Republican. Not all whites are bad. At some point, color/race has to stop being used. Countering against a racist with racism is not the solution, Ever. Don’t lower yourself to that level. 😃✌🏻
Brother Paris....Brother Paris😂😂
I love Dr. West!
one correction..Brother Paris..Chuck D said it best "every brother ain't a brother"
Damn paris!. You had cooper over here like WTF ! His trying to defend you fool lol where's the Ice tea at !!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Paris is a lonely little girl. He's been a Republican since age 16 and realizes the error of that strange decision, but now he's in too far to even admit the Truth concerning the buffoon he desperately tries to justify.
He literally said people from the kkk are responsible for some of his people missing in the south. Yet he pulls off his earrings to fight for a man who didn’t want his kind, our kind … even living in his building ?
Is Paris giving up on supporting his own race now? Congratulations Paris, you played yourself smh
I think that Paris guy wears makeup and isn't really black.
It's called being an Uncle Tom.
Bailey sounds like a female to me
That makes sense seeing that her name is Paris
Airing a trump surrogate for every occasion was a great gift to trump, a blinded and flawed idea by whomever at CNN deciding to peddle out Dennard in defense of any and all trump critiques.
cnn do not give this paris guy airtime.
Allan Sayers
One correction; when Trump called NFL players SOBs he wasn't responding to a personal attack. He was trying to push the myth that those players were attacking the anthem or the flag, which is a lie. They were protesting police violence on unarmed people. And kneeling is often considered more respectful than standing! But even if you believe the players are attacking the anthem or the flag, it still wasn't an attack on Trump personally, so Paris's argument falls apart. Even if you think Trump was striking back over the fact that several members of the team that won the Superbowl did not want to go to the White House; that's not a personal attack against Trump. Maybe they had family commitments; just because they refused does not necessarily mean they did it because they are attacking anyone. Does Trump attack everyone who doesn't show up at his parties, too?
jrasicmark1 exactly Paris is a liar just like trump. He is also delusional
Let's see your one sentence in and already saying lies. Trump said and I quote " If I were to be the owner of a football team and saw them kneeling I'd tell them get that son of a bitch out of there". And last time I checked not rising, taking your hat off, or even recognizing that the flag or the national anthem is being displayed or showed it is considered being disrespectful. And what I said or even what Trump is not lies it's truth. Last time I checked freedom is not free so the only reason people are allowed to do what Kaepernick has done or even debate about this subject like you and I are doing is because people have fought and died to defend the flag, anthem and U.S. constitution think about that the next time you speak.
Hahahahaha "maybe they had family commitments".... Oh boy, that's rich. The Eagles organization told the White House they would have 80-something people coming to the White House. Then the truth came out that they were only going to show up with, like 3 players and the mascot to try and punk Trump. He cancelled. These fools and those other idiots in Oakland, including the 7' snake don't need to go to the White House. What does Trump care about these idiots? And when the players tell the media "I ain't going" why is it wrong for Trump to then uninvite them? Why is this on him? Much of the country hated watching these guys kneel for the anthem. Are we assholes, too?
jrasicmark1 Paris is a fool and all of this admins staffs are fools working with this orange jackass
"And last time I checked not rising, taking your hat off, or even recognizing that the flag or the national anthem is being displayed or showed it is considered being disrespectful. "
They obviously kneel in recognition of the flag, the anthem and its values. Last time I checked, kneeling for someone or something is a sign of deep respect, hence men kneel in front of their would be brides to make their proposal. You just wilfully ignore that. That is the disrespectful part.
Paris = A man shameless to the core.
We now live in a time where calling someone SOB is just as vile as calling someone a bum.
Stealth Attack u tv ghan
Stealth Attack u tv ghana
Paris, you are so wrong. trump doesn't respond to ugliness, he attacks with ugliness, FIRST.
This Paris girl make my stomach rumble......uuuugh
Paris is a bitch
06:00 Paris Dennard: "I am a grown man.." Ok on what planet?
POTUS - “He started it! He hit me first!”
Right takes me back to my childhood and my mom yelling at my brothers to stop hitting one another in the back seat of the car!
"Paris?" or the black Steven. (Miller).
Nice! I had the same thoughts
Paris,....you are a disgrace. This man isn't offended by anything Trump says or does. Amazing!
Hes samuel l Jackson from django unchained.
Paris need a reality check. Not reminding him that he is black but the harsh things trump is saying. The people who are being targeted by police that are shot and killed. Paris need to experience what alot of us as blacks are going through.
IndianLover4you69 Yes, sir!
Paris is a sad little man
Now y’all knew damn well Paris wasn’t gonna let That Pastor from the other day out Boot Lick him. He had to turn his Shucking and Jiving up another notch
95alive 💀💀😂😂
95alive word😂😂😂😂
95alive 😂😂😂
" out boot lick him" LMAO, I'm definitely using that one in the future
"He said it first." Great argument
Paris Dennard, you have sold your soul. Was it worth it?
Stop giving paris a platform
😂😂😂😂😂When Cooper said “you’ll get in trouble” I fell out #JesusTakeTheWheel #TheShade
I’m sorry, but I will never understand a black man supporting Trump, he would not allow you to rent one of his properties.
Paris tried to swell up on ANDERSON COOPER....Let that sink in.
rick mason lmaooooo
Paris is more lady than Anderson will ever be. Lol
rick mason anderson has already made him look like a fool before o bet Anderson would knuckle Paris he's been in war zones
I love Anderson cooper so much. And the professor. Amazing talk
Erica JOY Anderson Cooper, he has s*** for brains...MAGA
Anderson cooper. He is creepy to even look at and cant get over the fact that he's some man's little play toy. Lol. Anderson cooper !!what a joke.
@@stafford1972 you di understand Cooper gives no fucks about what you think of him. Right? Ijs
I like that white haired dude he cool
@NADAL Goat these two, Cornell & Anderson love and appreciate each other. I always enjoy their talks. I'm sure they both wanted to cuss Paris out or slap the shit out of his racist ass.
Who let Paris out of the basement 😡😡
Zahara Ali I’ve never even heard this Paris guy...until now. He’s horrible.
My bad. I had to use the bathroom and got stuck watching UA-cam videos. I'll get him back in his cage.
only half bad 333 lmmfao
Balls never dropped, girly man who has sold his soul.
Hold the President to the same standard as an athlete is what Paris is saying. Ok there’s no point in arguing with that because obviously he doesn’t get it. President Obama and all of the previous 44 Presidents have to be Presidential but number 45 doesn’t. Get that to your brain.
john1023va do we say that there are 44 previous presidents officially or 43? I'll have to google it. But a few of them have been damn fools too
yeah 43 plus Obama.
john1023va 🔬🗽🗽🗽😇👼👼👼
Poor Paris....still hasn't gotten a job in the White House yet and it hasn't been for lack of trying very hard.
John Caulfield it’s not Trumps on Putin’s payroll. Maybe his party is paying him to be a sell out
Roughly 35% of Americans have the exact same mental affliction as trump. It isn't hard to figure out. You know/knew people just like him, they just never made it much past High School, though.
“To correct Dr West...” Words that should never be uttered by a person so much younger (and less well educated and accomplished) than Dr West.
Why do you keep that airhead Dennard on the show? He doesn't contribute anything other than poor excuses and being a focus for everyones outrage.
54tisfaction bingo! That is the reason I think they keep em on there too. He does a damn good and effective one too! 😂
He's the only one on the program with an IQ over 10 .
All trump pundits are the same. They all talk shit.
Trump response: "I know you are, but what am I?"
Love your show Anderson, thought it's about time I told you. 🇨🇦
Paris Dennard's thought process has been irreparably shattered.
Professor West we salute u. Paris u woulda been in the house during slavery
Yes, as a bed wintch.
More like in the barn.
Stop you guys. He’s a victim of reverse vitiligo, Uncle Ruckus
Brother you are embarrassing your parents.
"i've got gangster, you've got gangster, Anderson got gangester" lmao
Professor West brings it all together. I enjoy listening to him.
I have so much love for Professor West. He is a real light in all of this. I would love for him to get more air time.
Paris: "I don't understand why LeBron was even talking about Trump in this interview..."
AC: "Because he was asked a question about him."
Paris: "Exactly!"
Wait, what?
I also like how Paris posits that because Trump is an equal opportunity offender so that it makes it okay for him to constantly lash out or clap back on people just because they said something mean or disrespectful about him. He's the POTUS, he should be above all that!
I know this is rhetorical but if Trump is so great and the people he attacks are so beneath him then why is he punching down? Why come down to their level if they're so dumb or stupid or whatever? Say what you will about Obama but for all the disgusting criticism he received during his tenure he never took to social media to retaliate or suggest they were menstruating while asking him questions.
I know comparing a man of intelligence and integrity, who's been married to the same woman for over 20 years, never raped or cheated on her with models and porn stars and doesn't want to have sex with his own daughter isn't fair but it does speak to the kind of person Paris is that he'd admonish President Obama but laud Trump as someone that others should follow or celebrate.
As for Paris having his own opinion and speaking for himself -- since he was 16-years old no less, meaning he couldn't think or speak for himself until then -- there's no bigger example of an Uncle Tom and shoot-someone-on-5th-Avenue-loyalty then Paris. He exudes spinelessness and if born during the early days of slavery would be one of those Black men who would willingly sell out their own race just to eat leftovers from his master's plate.
And I say Paris is a "person" as he's not worthy of the title of "man". I'm not even sure I'd label as "male". Maybe the guys in his gym might be able to verify if he's...I have to stop myself there 'cause Paris doesn't look like the "gym type". He probably gets winded from just walking around holding Trump's jock strap all day.
I guess Paris fells that if he shills hard enough like a faithful dog for the idiot-in-chief, he's got a place in the WH. He's so unobjective and biased when ti comes to trumpf, it's fucking sorry-ass pathetic as fuck. He loves trumpf so damn much, he probably takes that same jockstrap home and sniffs it when no one's looking. Wouldn't be surprised if he does that,lol.
Also,what dumb-ass Dennard dosen't seem to realize is that trumpf only gives a damn about other rich white dudes like himself,period. So what the hell makes Paris think trumpf would even be checking for his little worthless sellout ass? I haven't seen a single young black man anywhere in trumpf's cabinet---that speaks volumes right there.
All facts... he revealed so much about himself in this interview and I'm glad I wasnt the only one who caught that.
Cooper don't insult 12 year olds lol.
Thats the problem hes a 12yr old trap in a 75yr old body.
Can't watch bc I really don't like Paris!
Paris is trying come with this TIRED defense of Trump by saying that he only responds to what is said about him, yet never addresses the fact Trump puts himself in these positions by opening his mouth and saying certain things, and people draw their conclusions by his own actions.
Why does Paris have the face of someone who's been brainsnatched like in Get Out
Yessss Yesssss!!! Omg omg you r on POINT!!!!!
He hasn't responded to Avenatti, Steve Kerr, Eminem, Greg Popovich, etc. Dennard's statement is garbage.
Jason Nysa Cleomedes Uhhh LeBron is way more relevant than all of them.
lasoogneypubes and yet he’s attack other people less relevant than them. www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html
I would love to see a panel put together Don, Anderson, Cuomo and a few others televised with Trump supporters to discuss issues of the United States.
Paris have drunk the Kool-Aid and he's the male equivalent of Omarosa
bobby Gordon this made me some it out my gold peak lemonade tea😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
bobby Gordon they Linda look a like now that u said that 😭😭💀💀💀💀💀
Why, because he's black?
I hereby revoke your "calling Republicans racist" privileges.
I feel like this was disrespectful to Omarosa but then I remember that she's Omarosa!!!
Amber Moogeun I can't stop screaming🤣🤣😂😅
„There’s gangster in Anderson“ 😂
Why don't they ever bring up that Trump said President Obama could have not achieved what he achieved as a student and wanted to see his school records. Paris is so angry about questioning Trump but is angry at Lebron who opened a school, (which is supposedly the goals of Paris - education for black people).....instead of being lik Trump's wife and offering to support Lebron he has a fit about someone challenging his "daddy" Trump!
Paris is dead inside
Paris what a sellout.
“Ganger Anderson “😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Hey Bro 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂