Video topic is inspired by Omar Isuf, you can check his vid here --- Let's discuss the real truth. Also, give me your reasons why most gym bros hate training legs and the solutions that will end their ways! In my eyes, they need to train their legs twice a week with lower volume, and do movements that they actually enjoy. In other words, by doing what they want and setting REAL individual goals, motivation climbs high which in turn makes leg training enjoyable again. That's the way it should be. --- 0:14 They Don't Care 2:40 Psychotic Leg Days 4:20 Dogma/Social Pressure 8:00 Hard Work 9:00 Strength Potential
AlphaDestiny ur so right bro as of 2 weeks ago I just started to do ass to grass squats instead of parallel squats not my legs days is Monday Wednesday Friday💪😎
It's like you knew i just finished a leg workout right now... My legs are so weak i should really give them more atention. I didn't really care about them so much until i watched this video but now as soon as i achieve my deadlift goal I'll start working legs more often. Thanks Alex you're the man :D
@@ouroboros4664 lifting heavy its not really that mentaly hard, you either can lift it or you cant, but when you train endurance for example put 50pound vest and go climb mountain, thats hard, mentally hard, thats why lifters dont like it. Or do aquathlon or triathlon, thats hard you dont even want to start it. Every aspect of athletic performance deserve respect, you cant act like kid sayin my sport is better than yours, or you can, then you become idiot.
i dont train my legs because if i add one gram of fat it will be in my legs and glutes because of that iwas do alot of diet which made me loss all my muscles before
Very true that a lot of individuals don't give a fuck about legs. I LOVE training legs but that's because as an athlete, training legs is absolutely critical and translates monumentally to my explosive performance on the field.
for me it's kinda the opposite: i don't want my legs to be massive. Don't get me wrong: getting some strength in the legs is definitely helpful for any person. But I rather want them to be strong and fast -for longer-. i dont see any benefit of huge legs in most sport activities i do regularly, it doesnt let me sprint much faster, it doesnt let me run or cycle longer, nor would my kicks get much stronger or faster if i did kickboxing ( just boxing atm), and i probably would get tired faster (noticed that with training to much arms ---> got tired faster when punching), because i have more mass to move. For people doing american football or wrestling or strongman competitions, it surely is highly beneficial. But atleast in Europe, these sports arent really practiced alot by the population. Most people play Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, or do some sort of combat sport(boxing, kickboxing, judo, taekwondo are big here), or simply do cardio by running or cycling. And Aestheticly it's also hugely dependend on your opinion: most people want to have a good developed core and back, shoulders, and arms to a degree. but legs: some want tree trunks, some just want them to be kinda proportional, not more, more athletic looking.
I hate how it completely gases me out. I don't do much cardio because i never make time for it so when it is leg day my heart probably isn't up to the task and i fall to the floor after 5 or 6 sets.
Honestly, I was a gym bouncer, bro-splitter, leg day hating kinda guy before I hopped on your novice program. I fucking love it, made incredible gains with it and I fell in love with lifting, which mixes very well with my medical school practice. Safe to say it was because of you my friend. Keep it up and keep leading people into their alpha destiny!!!
Minewire Fitness never too late to start man, if you still didn't hit the numbers that he mentions on compound lifts (225 bench, 315 squat and 405 DL) you could still run it, and even beyond that, it's a great program.
This is another Alpha Destiny Exclusive "Psychology of the Gym bro" We will be tackling on issues that people are too proud or traditional to question and talk about.
All the way man. You are so right about motivation. I hated regular back squats and deadlifts because I am not built for deadlifts and I don't like squats, so I do box squats and 5'' block pulls. I'm just as big or bigger than those who do the regular versions. I am psyched to go to the gym everyday and set a new PR. It's all about mind set.
I don't understand how someone could devote so much time to training their upper body and so little to their lower. It makes their bodies look so disproportionate and weird.
Bro you never talk about nutrition ! Would you make a video where you Show everything you eat ? Unfiltered though, it will include everything eat-drink even the cookies and stuff :D
Nutrition is overrated. The number one thing most fuck up is exercise selection. For example, I have never seen anybody floor press in real life, in any gym, ever, even though it will do way more for your bench than pec fly.
Another reason people don't train their legs is because if you get big legs pull ups/dips and all bodyweight movements in general become much harder because legs don't contribute to any of those movements and only weigh you down so they stay away from leg training and then brag about their pull up and dip count while only weighing 135 pounds smh...
AlphaDestiny it's actually crossed my mind lots of times to skip legs just so I can increase my dips or pull-ups. It's hard to not when you have goals yet want to look big too
Im 185 with big legs . I yet have to see someone similar to me in the calisthenics game . And you right any bw movement that involves leverage like front and back levers , handstand and even pullups and muscle ups are harder with heavier legs but i dont think i would trade my leg size for the skill of front lever even tho im dying and training very hard to master it .IT IS POSSIBLE , IT WILL JUST TAKE A LONG TIME , POSSIBLY VERY LONG , BUT ALL I HAVE IS TIME , PROVIDED I LIVE LONG ENOUGH , people just need to learn to enjoy the process .Meanwhile i can dip 235 and pull 160 . not too bad for having trunk legs . Train Steady my friend and do not be afraid to train your legs .
Man I don’t care if my Dips get harder when I get stronger on leg exercises. It just forces me to work a little bit harder and I’ll still be getting closer to both my lower and upper body goals. This is coming from a guy who loves Dips more than any other exercise (Other than Rack Pulls).
I think the *why* of this question has to do with the disparity between males and females. The evolutionary cues of one's sex from a distance are in the shoulders and traps (maybe why there are more androgen receptors there). That V-taper look that guys are chasing is heavily dependent on the shoulders, traps, chest, and upper back. The V-taper is more or less a hyper-masculine body look, hence why the upper body is prioritized, and the legs are neglected. It actually makes a lot of sense if what you are chasing is looking attractive to the opposite sex. And guys like myself with huge lower bodies like to virtue signal about how "disciplined" we are because we like training legs, like we're so pure for doing the other half of the body that guys don't care about, lmao! Alex is spot on in this one.
Ian Davison, you're exactly right. If you just want to do 'enough' to meet your goals, then more power to you! Lifting is great that way. It's very meritocratic; you get what you put in 👍
I used to hate leg training when all I did was standard squats. Incorporating variations like the hack squat, different dead lifts, etc has made me love leg training. Variety is the key! Great vid btw
I think that body part splits might be the problem too, because it requires a lot of effort to go through an entire leg day. Therefore I've recently transitioned to do a full-body spilt so that can distribute the weekly volume into bite size chunks. This makes it way easier for me to get motivated for legs
I have 2 reasons why I don’t workout legs. 1) No girl in the history of girls ever says “Damn your tree trunk legs look good let’s hook up” 2) I am a FedEx style Route Truck Driver and the soreness is so damn painful it affects my job performance.
can see your neck coming back to it's filled out glory again. From my limited 1.5 years of neck training i have noticed a strong aesthetic improvement when i direct more heavy focus on side of the neck training. Anyone reading this and interested in neck curls NEVER neglect the sides or else you'll be missing out a lot.
This couldn't be more true. I used to love to train everything, and woke up every morning wanting to lift. (accept the squat). Because I was bad at it, my form was bad. I could never squat more than 245. By the time I got my form right I built up such a hate for squats and got so fed up with failing lifts that i should have been able to do in the squat that I haven't trained in months even though I know I should, the passion is not there anymore, and I currently don't want it enough. Hopefully I get it back soon.
I Never worked out legs ever because of astethic reasons, people want that temporary pump in the gym without any functional strength. Until I switched to powerlifting, the strength gains I got in one year on my squats and deadlifts is unbelievable, overall functional strength outside the gym was great, posture and balance improved..that’s how I fell in love with leg days or compound work in general...never looked back to being a gym bro again.
I think you're spot on with the training frequency aspect. If you hate training legs, you tend to have longer breaks between leg sessions, and therefore you never adapt to the stimuli and end up with DOMS every time. It seems so counter productive, but literally just throw in another set of squats somewhere else during the week (or some big compound exercise) and this pretty much will get remedied. And as with just being "Mr. Upperbody" if you want to train like that, go hard. I believe there is a negative aspect of cutting out legs EVEN IF YOUR PRIMARY GOAL is to build up your upper body. The heavy training stimuli of legs turns my body into a anabolic machine. I'll make better gains even in my upper body if I am frequently training legs. There's some bro science "hormonal" adaptations caused by this(that i would have to really read into before claiming as fact), but I'm judging this purely on my clients and myself.
great video man! i almost forced myself to do backsquats alltho my goals are mainly aesthetics and not getting huge legs. i love bulgarian split squats and rdl`s and im including them in my alternating full body sessions 3 times a week. thx for opening a lot of eyes and for not being so f...... dogmatic as lots of others
Completely agree with your points. Hate when people say you HAVE to do an exercise. I do power cleans, deadlifts, and lunges for legs makin all kinds of gainz
Back when I was a noobie listening to Kinobody, I got brainwashed into thinking leg training isn’t important and there was no point in deadlifting. Now on Naturally Enhanced I fucking love doing all the deadlift variations!
You could argue "leg" training WILL help you in other aspects of lifting. The amount of hormones released with heavy movements like squats and deadlifts will improve your gains in other lifts...
Classic video, definitely changed my perspective on training overall, now i'm just doing whatever I feel like and my legs still look a little overdeveloped honestly. I think if your natty overgrowing your legs is pretty easy just because of how resilient they are compared to your upperbody.
I used to follow those programs that say you must back squat while i did get strong I got bored... You taught me its okay to use a variation of a lift. I found out for my body Im much better suited for front squats and I love them. Thanks man!!
My goal for legs is to squat 405 and deadlift 465 at my current bw, 375 and 435 are my current maxs. I currently weigh 155 so hopefully i get there so i can gain some weight.
Alex I back what you say 1000% I trained legs twice a week with massive volume I never progressed. I either had to eat more or increase weight with less reps. I learned. Glad I bought your PDF book I support you dude
Really good points. I personally can't squat properly, But I can do hack-squats, split squats and the other ones you mentioned. I love deadlifting with all its variations (Sumo, RDL, Conventional, from deficits, blocks, speed pulls etc) My motivation for strenghtening my legs was that in the end it would effect my deadlift.
I train legs twice a week and I do pretty high volume (low bar squat 4 x 8, trap bar deadlift 4 x 8, barbell lunges 4 x 8, leg press 4 x 12, lying leg curl 4 x 12, leg extension 4 x 12 and standing calf raises 4 x 20) and I'm NEVER sore. It's the most intense training day in my split which is why I do it on the first day after my rest day.
Dude you're right on the ball. I train legs 2x a week, low volume, high intensity. My only aim is to get stronger and that's what encourages me to hit legs hard af. They keep getting bigger as long as I get stronger.
I personally love training legs, while equaling not wanting tree trunk legs. So, I mainly strength/athletic leg training 2-3x/week to add lots of functional strength and minimal size. I'm a martial artist and a bodyweight movement fanatic, so I can't have too big of legs or else it could slow me down.....Specifically with martial arts. Gotta be lightning fast. Been doing TKD for 10years for anyone that cares BTW.
Look up Mike Mew. Jawersize works your masseter. Depending on the muscle belly can enhance your facial aesthetics. Combine masseter hypertrophy w/ what Mike Mew promotes you'll see enhancements big time
I find it hilarious that people who's only goal is hypertrophy get caught up in PL high-intensity low volume low-bar squatting & conventional deadlifts. OF COURSE their leg training is going to beat them up and fatigue them beyond a reasonable level. The truth is, the leg muscles grow the fastest in response to training. You can train them with moderate intensities 60-70% 2-3x/week with moderate volume and get maximum hypertrophy without beating your body up or producing all of that fatigue
I don't train my legs at all but I'm still gaining muscle on them simply by doing HITT cardio on the bike. ANd they say cardio isn't going to build muscle.
I agree with you that most people don't care about their legs, but you're damn wrong about muscle soreness being a demotivator, I fucking look forward to it, I fucking love that feeling!
The delayed onset muscle soreness is the main reason. That shit is painful and deteriorating when you thrash legs. But you gotta love it!! Love that pain when you sit on toilet and it hurts to get up or sit down
doing squats drain too much of my stamina and i end up taking so much time to workout. I rather do some deep leg press+calf machine. Ofc I could do it by increasing my time at the gym, but thats not something im willing to do right now :)
AlphaDestiny I know it's happened to me a lot it's mostly my calves the get the most soreness and they take forever to heal but my quads, hams, and ass recovery quickly
Hey Alex I went from 170 to 196 lbs form my bulk, should I cut or recomp? Which one would you recommend, because on a recomp u can gain muscle and lose weight but on a cut your just basically only losing fat and can lose some muscles. And how do you find your tdee? Thanks
U Khan You can actually recomp on Naturally Enhanced and I’m doing it now. I’ve lost over 12lb while getting stronger on every lift. My goal is 12-15% body fat. All you have to do is drop to a 10-20% calorie deficit for a certain amount of days and then refeed on one day. For example, I burn a total of 6,000 calories from Monday-Saturday. On Sunday, I eat 6,000 calories and I’ve still been losing weight. It helps with the psychological and physiological challenges of cutting. You just need to make sure that you recovery properly to pull it off.
Miami Man 375 so anyone that gains 20+ pounds are getting really fat? It's called a bulk don't even know the timetable that I achieved this bulk in. I put on a little bit of fat which comes with a bulk but mainly a lot of it is pure muscle
I want to have a classic wide physique while rocking 15% bodyfat. My legs are proposionately bigger which makes me appear narrow. Skipping direct leg work for me will not make my lower body weaker. Still doing direct glute work which is an enhanced muscle.
Tawbinho_Playz_Destiny you're gonna lose some strength in your legs but who cares. As long as you reach your goal of not looking narrow in the upper then its all good.
No truer words spoken. I did leg training Sunday and am still walking like i took a arrow to the knee lol. am going to do what you recommend and do legs Monday and Friday, thanks for the idea. grate vid btw
There are quite a few guys in my gym who are body builders and do not do squats or deadlifts. I like powerlifting so I do them, but these guys look bloody awesome. I have seen them leg press, leg curl and leg extension, but nothing else. I think the best idea is to just do what you like. If you do what you like you will keep doing it for longer. There is no way someone can do a full range leg press for 5 sets of 10 on bloody high weights without getting big strong legs.
One of the most underrated leg builders of all time is hill sprints. My legs have blown up from doing 30 hill sprints on a 15% incline 2-3x per week. This also burns WAY more cals than a typical leg day and is better for work capacity. 💯
As a 15 year old I did novice calisthenics, and the big 3. I hated bench but I loved squats and deadlifts, I increased the weight 10 lbs every two weeks worked, out 4 times a week. It worked, my legs were amazing, looked better than most of the sprinters.
I lift almost every day and i haven't had a leg day in over a year. I bench 305lb and last time I squated my 1rm was only 245lb. I dont care about legs and im happy people are finally starting to realize that legs dont mean shit. Great video alex.
The social pressure thing is so real on some parts of the internet. There used to be a certain part of the internet(coughRedditcough) in which doing squats was the solution to ALL fitness related goals. It was insane. It's gotten better now, thankfully. And I say this as someone who likes the squat the most.
Lol I haven't trained legs in 6 months, I bench 320 pounds which is way more than what I would squat today, who cares about legs? As long as they're not chickenlegs, no one cares.
Definitely agree with your second point. I used to bro split, and the insane DOMS seriously turned me off of training legs. I run upper/lower concurrent, so I guess you could maybe say that I have a pseudo-leg day twice a week, but I'm only kind of sore for maybe a day after volume days and but am going harder than ever before. I think the most satisfying thing about training legs is breaking down your mental barriers...taking your 10-12RM squat and forcing yourself to push out 20 reps, even if you're taking 20 seconds in between those last reps. Shit feels amazing and empowering /endrant
It's all good, as a novice you only want sure you're not going to RPE 10 in a set. Stick to 8 or 9 at most for at least a year or two - maybe longer. Leave a rep in the tank at whatever rep range you want, but use that rep in the tank to do more sets so your volume is higher. That's the safe way that still maximizes strength or hypertrophy.
My knees crack all the time and I'm in my twenties, it's surprisingly common and normal, so long as no pain is being caused, it's likely the same kind of "cracking" that occurs from cracking you hands
By the way, MAKE SURE to watch this video I made called "The Best Reason to Train Legs". It's a logic-based video that will surely increase your individual motivation ;)
Alex, I have seen you took down the vid where you read my comment about powerlifting-induced slave mentality. Just wondering, do you not agree with the message any more?
Betcha this will not affect his viewership or program sales in any shape or form. He's just adding to an argument. I suppose that everyone getting in on the Brad Castleberry fiasco was also in the wrong? They all "copied" Nick's Strength and Power
Honestly man a full body approach is the best ... ever since I started full body I never turned back ... every time I thought about doing a split again, I just think what’s the point when I can get it done in 2-3 days a week full body and focus on other things aswel!
Video topic is inspired by Omar Isuf, you can check his vid here
Let's discuss the real truth. Also, give me your reasons why most gym bros hate training legs and the solutions that will end their ways! In my eyes, they need to train their legs twice a week with lower volume, and do movements that they actually enjoy. In other words, by doing what they want and setting REAL individual goals, motivation climbs high which in turn makes leg training enjoyable again. That's the way it should be.
0:14 They Don't Care
2:40 Psychotic Leg Days
4:20 Dogma/Social Pressure
8:00 Hard Work
9:00 Strength Potential
AlphaDestiny ur so right bro as of 2 weeks ago I just started to do ass to grass squats instead of parallel squats not my legs days is Monday Wednesday Friday💪😎
It's like you knew i just finished a leg workout right now... My legs are so weak i should really give them more atention. I didn't really care about them so much until i watched this video but now as soon as i achieve my deadlift goal I'll start working legs more often. Thanks Alex you're the man :D
Muamer Blazevic what is ur dead lift right now cuz I'm pulling up 10 wheels how bout u?😎
Charles Johnson I so feel ya💪😎
Yeah, once I plateaued at a 345lb x 7 Squat and I decided that I preferred Deadlifts more. My motivation shot up!
Gym bros hate cardio more than training legs
lol true!!!
@@ouroboros4664 only athletes you bum
@@ouroboros4664 lifting heavy its not really that mentaly hard, you either can lift it or you cant, but when you train endurance for example put 50pound vest and go climb mountain, thats hard, mentally hard, thats why lifters dont like it. Or do aquathlon or triathlon, thats hard you dont even want to start it. Every aspect of athletic performance deserve respect, you cant act like kid sayin my sport is better than yours, or you can, then you become idiot.
being sore on the legs is the best feeling. it motivates me even more
100x100 Squats - 15s Rest
No it's not i couldn't fully extend my legs walking around at work at supermarket.
I agree, it's great to know that you're legs have gotten the workout they needed.
benycool10 same
Yep i like it
When you train legs 5 times a week and enjoy it AF
Performance Fitness Relatable as HECK. I love Sumo and Zercher Deadlifts.
I love box squats and sumo deadlifts. More I can spread them legs apart higher probability I'll cum in pants and break a PR.
Just kidding.
...or not?
Smooth Operator Ay man, whatever it takes to break those PRs. 😂
I do 6 times per week but I am training on my home because the local gym sucks... I only have dumbells barbell and squat rack but thats all I nedd
i dont train my legs because if i add one gram of fat it will be in my legs and glutes because of that iwas do alot of diet which made me loss all my muscles before
Very true that a lot of individuals don't give a fuck about legs. I LOVE training legs but that's because as an athlete, training legs is absolutely critical and translates monumentally to my explosive performance on the field.
Lonzo Dennis I enjoy training legs because I’m not doing Leg Presses anymore.
for me it's kinda the opposite:
i don't want my legs to be massive. Don't get me wrong: getting some strength in the legs is definitely helpful for any person. But I rather want them to be strong and fast -for longer-. i dont see any benefit of huge legs in most sport activities i do regularly, it doesnt let me sprint much faster, it doesnt let me run or cycle longer, nor would my kicks get much stronger or faster if i did kickboxing ( just boxing atm), and i probably would get tired faster (noticed that with training to much arms ---> got tired faster when punching), because i have more mass to move.
For people doing american football or wrestling or strongman competitions, it surely is highly beneficial. But atleast in Europe, these sports arent really practiced alot by the population. Most people play Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, or do some sort of combat sport(boxing, kickboxing, judo, taekwondo are big here), or simply do cardio by running or cycling.
And Aestheticly it's also hugely dependend on your opinion: most people want to have a good developed core and back, shoulders, and arms to a degree. but legs: some want tree trunks, some just want them to be kinda proportional, not more, more athletic looking.
Minewire Fitness I train legs but not for size because i don’t want to look short and fat, that’s what big legs do
Training legs promotes upper body growth. There is no reason to skip legs. If you already have big legs, trade the fat for muscle
I train legs x2 a week but it is insanely difficult. Mainly due to recovery, I also think some people just hate the pain and recovery.
I hate how it completely gases me out. I don't do much cardio because i never make time for it so when it is leg day my heart probably isn't up to the task and i fall to the floor after 5 or 6 sets.
52 sets a week for maximal training volume. Science says big volume bro. Hang clean to front squat only.
"Don't have $100 shoes and a 10 cent squat." ~ Louie Simmons
I don't get it
Honestly, I was a gym bouncer, bro-splitter, leg day hating kinda guy before I hopped on your novice program. I fucking love it, made incredible gains with it and I fell in love with lifting, which mixes very well with my medical school practice. Safe to say it was because of you my friend. Keep it up and keep leading people into their alpha destiny!!!
Hussein Abdulruhman Uda Making me wish I did Alex’s novice program instead of Stronglifts 5x5. Lmao
Post progress pic/vid
Minewire Fitness never too late to start man, if you still didn't hit the numbers that he mentions on compound lifts (225 bench, 315 squat and 405 DL) you could still run it, and even beyond that, it's a great program.
Left Hook Larry will do
Where I can find this program ? Is it free ?
This is another Alpha Destiny Exclusive "Psychology of the Gym bro"
We will be tackling on issues that people are too proud or traditional to question and talk about.
whats up dude You just exposed half of my school bro. Lol
Real goal should be to make legs so big that normal jeans look like skinny jeans
whats up dude but you still look foolish without some meat on your legs.
@@midzadza1 i got huge quads, big glutes and hamstrings (shit calves). Skinny jeans make me look even huger. The problem is wearing them with a pump.
I outgrew my jeans shit is motivating and discouraging at the same time
First person I thought of when I saw the title: "Robert Frank" hahaha
GutsToCuts Sorry if I sound young, but who is that?
Minewire Fitness guy who yells on Facebook about getting swole and juicy
search for "robertfrank615"
GutsToCuts Ohh thanks lol
The man, myth and legend
All the way man. You are so right about motivation. I hated regular back squats and deadlifts because I am not built for deadlifts and I don't like squats, so I do box squats and 5'' block pulls. I'm just as big or bigger than those who do the regular versions. I am psyched to go to the gym everyday and set a new PR. It's all about mind set.
Fantastic Dominika.
Keep walking your own path :)
So impressed by you young man. Very smart guy. You just get it.
Edit:. Stay hungry
I don't understand how someone could devote so much time to training their upper body and so little to their lower. It makes their bodies look so disproportionate and weird.
Bro you never talk about nutrition ! Would you make a video where you Show everything you eat ? Unfiltered though, it will include everything eat-drink even the cookies and stuff :D
I have a nutrition playlist bro
Alpha we would love some more nutrition videos on what you're currently eating, especially as a vegan bro!
I want to know what you eat that makes you a maniac in the gym
Nutrition is overrated. The number one thing most fuck up is exercise selection. For example, I have never seen anybody floor press in real life, in any gym, ever, even though it will do way more for your bench than pec fly.
Lol everyone wants a full day of eating.
Another reason people don't train their legs is because if you get big legs pull ups/dips and all bodyweight movements in general become much harder because legs don't contribute to any of those movements and only weigh you down so they stay away from leg training and then brag about their pull up and dip count while only weighing 135 pounds smh...
Interesting point bro
AlphaDestiny it's actually crossed my mind lots of times to skip legs just so I can increase my dips or pull-ups. It's hard to not when you have goals yet want to look big too
Damn, im finding some golden comments this time.
Im 185 with big legs . I yet have to see someone similar to me in the calisthenics game . And you right any bw movement that involves leverage like front and back levers , handstand and even pullups and muscle ups are harder with heavier legs but i dont think i would trade my leg size for the skill of front lever even tho im dying and training very hard to master it .IT IS POSSIBLE , IT WILL JUST TAKE A LONG TIME , POSSIBLY VERY LONG , BUT ALL I HAVE IS TIME , PROVIDED I LIVE LONG ENOUGH , people just need to learn to enjoy the process .Meanwhile i can dip 235 and pull 160 . not too bad for having trunk legs .
Train Steady my friend and do not be afraid to train your legs .
Man I don’t care if my Dips get harder when I get stronger on leg exercises. It just forces me to work a little bit harder and I’ll still be getting closer to both my lower and upper body goals. This is coming from a guy who loves Dips more than any other exercise (Other than Rack Pulls).
tfw your legs are too big and they dwarf your upperbody
IamKley can't relate I'm 6 foot 3 lol
Tired of Being Average 6 foot 6 Lmao I feel you
Tired of Being Average also 6'3" , once you get them slightly muscular even if long they look goof
ahowls true but then if you're tall and skinny we have no calves 😣😣
Tired of Being Average yeah, thats just a sad fact of life
rus s Nani?!
They don't want you to succeed
My knees said no
6:23 “you are a slave” haha such a good video AD, nothing but pure facts
I thought slavary was abolished 😂😂 I wish someone would do Alex's funniest rants. This and his bad gym bro lessons are hilarious
I think the *why* of this question has to do with the disparity between males and females. The evolutionary cues of one's sex from a distance are in the shoulders and traps (maybe why there are more androgen receptors there). That V-taper look that guys are chasing is heavily dependent on the shoulders, traps, chest, and upper back. The V-taper is more or less a hyper-masculine body look, hence why the upper body is prioritized, and the legs are neglected. It actually makes a lot of sense if what you are chasing is looking attractive to the opposite sex. And guys like myself with huge lower bodies like to virtue signal about how "disciplined" we are because we like training legs, like we're so pure for doing the other half of the body that guys don't care about, lmao! Alex is spot on in this one.
Ian Davison, you're exactly right. If you just want to do 'enough' to meet your goals, then more power to you!
Lifting is great that way. It's very meritocratic; you get what you put in 👍
I love and respect you for this bro!
I’m late to this convo, but I’m throwing in my opinion anyway:
Squats and deadlifts will build the shoulders and back beyond anything else
@@robcubed9557 Completely false!
No lies detected with this……
I used to hate leg training when all I did was standard squats. Incorporating variations like the hack squat, different dead lifts, etc has made me love leg training. Variety is the key! Great vid btw
I think that body part splits might be the problem too, because it requires a lot of effort to go through an entire leg day. Therefore I've recently transitioned to do a full-body spilt so that can distribute the weekly volume into bite size chunks. This makes it way easier for me to get motivated for legs
The most open minded gym bro on UA-cam. 💯
among a sea of cookie cutter bs here on youtube, you're one of a kind. Brother, keep up the good work my man.
I Love the feeling after a good leg session.
Can’t use the stairs anymore...
I have 2 reasons why I don’t workout legs.
1) No girl in the history of girls ever says “Damn your tree trunk legs look good let’s hook up”
2) I am a FedEx style Route Truck Driver and the soreness is so damn painful it affects my job performance.
"Makes em sore for the entire week, and for the rest of their life." nailed it
can see your neck coming back to it's filled out glory again. From my limited 1.5 years of neck training i have noticed a strong aesthetic improvement when i direct more heavy focus on side of the neck training. Anyone reading this and interested in neck curls NEVER neglect the sides or else you'll be missing out a lot.
This couldn't be more true. I used to love to train everything, and woke up every morning wanting to lift. (accept the squat). Because I was bad at it, my form was bad. I could never squat more than 245. By the time I got my form right I built up such a hate for squats and got so fed up with failing lifts that i should have been able to do in the squat that I haven't trained in months even though I know I should, the passion is not there anymore, and I currently don't want it enough. Hopefully I get it back soon.
True, fucking love training legs, I’ve been skinny as my whole life and who knew my legs would grow so fucking fast
M: Chest and Abs
T: Arms and Abs
W: Chest and Abs
T: Arms and Abs
Friday: Leg.. *sike* Chest and Abs
Rick Sanchez i would hit abs more often
Kylo Ren you need more chest and abs
😂 where back and shoulder
Ben swole
Is it possible to pull 500lbs plus on a conventional Deadlift without ever squatting?
Definitely bro.
You can raise it with bands, Sumo Deadlifts, Hack Deadlifts, Block Pulls, Low Rack Pulls, etc.
Well, did you pull 500 yet? Did you manage to do it without squats?
@@SejeSteen nope no consistency man
I Never worked out legs ever because of astethic reasons, people want that temporary pump in the gym without any functional strength.
Until I switched to powerlifting, the strength gains I got in one year on my squats and deadlifts is unbelievable, overall functional strength outside the gym was great, posture and balance improved..that’s how I fell in love with leg days or compound work in general...never looked back to being a gym bro again.
The reason being is exercises like squats and deadlifts require such amount of mental strength and discipline which the general majority lack.
I think you're spot on with the training frequency aspect. If you hate training legs, you tend to have longer breaks between leg sessions, and therefore you never adapt to the stimuli and end up with DOMS every time. It seems so counter productive, but literally just throw in another set of squats somewhere else during the week (or some big compound exercise) and this pretty much will get remedied.
And as with just being "Mr. Upperbody" if you want to train like that, go hard. I believe there is a negative aspect of cutting out legs EVEN IF YOUR PRIMARY GOAL is to build up your upper body. The heavy training stimuli of legs turns my body into a anabolic machine. I'll make better gains even in my upper body if I am frequently training legs. There's some bro science "hormonal" adaptations caused by this(that i would have to really read into before claiming as fact), but I'm judging this purely on my clients and myself.
great video man!
i almost forced myself to do backsquats alltho my goals are mainly aesthetics and not getting huge legs.
i love bulgarian split squats and rdl`s and im including them in my alternating full body sessions 3 times a week.
thx for opening a lot of eyes and for not being so f...... dogmatic as lots of others
Completely agree with your points. Hate when people say you HAVE to do an exercise. I do power cleans, deadlifts, and lunges for legs makin all kinds of gainz
Back when I was a noobie listening to Kinobody, I got brainwashed into thinking leg training isn’t important and there was no point in deadlifting. Now on Naturally Enhanced I fucking love doing all the deadlift variations!
yeh wtf man, same here, plus he looks stupid with those skinny legs
You could argue "leg" training WILL help you in other aspects of lifting. The amount of hormones released with heavy movements like squats and deadlifts will improve your gains in other lifts...
HazmatEsports What’s your favorite variation? I freaking love the Sumo style.
Society tells men that having a defined upper body is more important than lower. But squats and DL have huge benefits beyond aesthetics.
Classic video, definitely changed my perspective on training overall, now i'm just doing whatever I feel like and my legs still look a little overdeveloped honestly. I think if your natty overgrowing your legs is pretty easy just because of how resilient they are compared to your upperbody.
I used to follow those programs that say you must back squat while i did get strong I got bored... You taught me its okay to use a variation of a lift. I found out for my body Im much better suited for front squats and I love them. Thanks man!!
Robert Sparling I’ve never been able to do Front Squats, I always screw it up somehow lmao
My goal for legs is to squat 405 and deadlift 465 at my current bw, 375 and 435 are my current maxs. I currently weigh 155 so hopefully i get there so i can gain some weight.
You will get there my friend, very close!
KaptainBasketball thanks brother, still grinding trying to get those numbers
AlphaDestiny thanks Alex, nice background music btw very chill
Dude, those are very good goals. Good luck, you’ll definitely hit them!
Alex I back what you say 1000% I trained legs twice a week with massive volume I never progressed. I either had to eat more or increase weight with less reps. I learned. Glad I bought your PDF book I support you dude
when will you bring back the white tank??
I wear white tanks all the time at the gym
AlphaDestiny I think he meant for standard videos.
Really good points. I personally can't squat properly, But I can do hack-squats, split squats and the other ones you mentioned. I love deadlifting with all its variations (Sumo, RDL, Conventional, from deficits, blocks, speed pulls etc) My motivation for strenghtening my legs was that in the end it would effect my deadlift.
I had a leg injury and now I’m in love with leg training since 4 months ago I got back into it. :)
I train them everyday I can. Love legs. Feels great lifting heavy ass weight.
Nice bro
Man if i train my legs my glute will become like a balloon i hate it
@@salluayar4615 a bubble butt looks good on any gender imo
I train legs twice a week and I do pretty high volume (low bar squat 4 x 8, trap bar deadlift 4 x 8, barbell lunges 4 x 8, leg press 4 x 12, lying leg curl 4 x 12, leg extension 4 x 12 and standing calf raises 4 x 20) and I'm NEVER sore. It's the most intense training day in my split which is why I do it on the first day after my rest day.
bro you are KILLING me with all this super soft chrono trigger background music
Dude you're right on the ball. I train legs 2x a week, low volume, high intensity. My only aim is to get stronger and that's what encourages me to hit legs hard af. They keep getting bigger as long as I get stronger.
I personally love training legs, while equaling not wanting tree trunk legs. So, I mainly strength/athletic leg training 2-3x/week to add lots of functional strength and minimal size. I'm a martial artist and a bodyweight movement fanatic, so I can't have too big of legs or else it could slow me down.....Specifically with martial arts. Gotta be lightning fast. Been doing TKD for 10years for anyone that cares BTW.
Aaron J Adams so what sort of exercises do you and what rep schemes?
Honestly I used to hate squats and I love deadlifting, but I’m starting to find a love for squatting and include it everyday
Please talk about Jawsersize.
AxleVIII fr I always get the ad for every fitness video I watch. It’s cancer.
I bought it because I was a gym noob and thought it would be cool. There are better methods for getting stronger bite.
I thought he already did but it's bullshit doesn't work it's not effective at all, no actual weight on the muscle
I was thinking about buying it. I'm waiting for more unsponsored reviews from the youtube fitness community. So far Jawsersize is a bust.
Look up Mike Mew. Jawersize works your masseter. Depending on the muscle belly can enhance your facial aesthetics. Combine masseter hypertrophy w/ what Mike Mew promotes you'll see enhancements big time
Amazing points Alex, this video is gold. I think everyone should watch this video
Love the background music. Very relaxing.
Yannick P. What the hell. I thought my phones emulator broke with Pokémon games.
Spot on. I train legs every other day coming back after surgery, fukkern loving it!
I find it hilarious that people who's only goal is hypertrophy get caught up in PL high-intensity low volume low-bar squatting & conventional deadlifts. OF COURSE their leg training is going to beat them up and fatigue them beyond a reasonable level. The truth is, the leg muscles grow the fastest in response to training. You can train them with moderate intensities 60-70% 2-3x/week with moderate volume and get maximum hypertrophy without beating your body up or producing all of that fatigue
Exactly. I have no idea why Powerlifting mentality is forced onto bodybuilding as they are completely different.
I don't train my legs at all but I'm still gaining muscle on them simply by doing HITT cardio on the bike. ANd they say cardio isn't going to build muscle.
I agree with you that most people don't care about their legs, but you're damn wrong about muscle soreness being a demotivator, I fucking look forward to it, I fucking love that feeling!
Chrono Trigger😍👍
Is it weird that i actually look forward to the soreness that comes with leg training...idk about you guys but that soreness feels good to me
Raw goddamn truth!
The delayed onset muscle soreness is the main reason. That shit is painful and deteriorating when you thrash legs.
But you gotta love it!! Love that pain when you sit on toilet and it hurts to get up or sit down
Are you still gonna make that skin care video?
Lol, really?
Minoxidil + Derma Rollers
Dope aesthetics here bruh. Dope simple rounded black shirt, lowkey visible necklace and almost same leveled hair with beard.
Oh fuck Alex quoted the Hodge twins, shit just got real!!! FUCK OUT THA WAY!!!
This has hype like a church sermon .. I was standing on my chair proclaiming "I beleive!!!!!" ..shit was lit Alex
doing squats drain too much of my stamina and i end up taking so much time to workout. I rather do some deep leg press+calf machine.
Ofc I could do it by increasing my time at the gym, but thats not something im willing to do right now :)
Definitely I'll share this video!!
Shit I love when my legs are sore it feels good
I like a bit of soreness, but when it's to the point where you can't walk...
Shit that's next level.
AlphaDestiny I know it's happened to me a lot it's mostly my calves the get the most soreness and they take forever to heal but my quads, hams, and ass recovery quickly
It may be more true for taller guys like me, but legs are so much worse because you get insanely out of breath
Hey Alex I went from 170 to 196 lbs form my bulk, should I cut or recomp? Which one would you recommend, because on a recomp u can gain muscle and lose weight but on a cut your just basically only losing fat and can lose some muscles. And how do you find your tdee? Thanks
Miami Man 375 do you even lift, probably a troll
U Khan You can actually recomp on Naturally Enhanced and I’m doing it now. I’ve lost over 12lb while getting stronger on every lift. My goal is 12-15% body fat. All you have to do is drop to a 10-20% calorie deficit for a certain amount of days and then refeed on one day. For example, I burn a total of 6,000 calories from Monday-Saturday. On Sunday, I eat 6,000 calories and I’ve still been losing weight. It helps with the psychological and physiological challenges of cutting. You just need to make sure that you recovery properly to pull it off.
Minewire Fitness would you say this is a better option then cutting?
Miami Man 375 so anyone that gains 20+ pounds are getting really fat? It's called a bulk don't even know the timetable that I achieved this bulk in. I put on a little bit of fat which comes with a bulk but mainly a lot of it is pure muscle
You made this video in time for me to realise a week of feeling crippled after leg day wasn't worth it. Game changer 👏🏼
Excellent Abid!
Let me know how your new training works out for ya :)
Thanks mate appreciate the support 👏🏼 keep up with the videos they help a hell lot
I only train glutes directly....legs are already big as fuck...gonna skip them the next 3 months or so.
Tawbinho_Playz_Destiny Why would you skip out on gains and lose size/strength?
I want to have a classic wide physique while rocking 15% bodyfat. My legs are proposionately bigger which makes me appear narrow. Skipping direct leg work for me will not make my lower body weaker. Still doing direct glute work which is an enhanced muscle.
So you’re gonna skip them completely or just maintain your leg lifts?
I will somewhat maintain with rack pulls and jefferson rack pulls. No squats though.
Tawbinho_Playz_Destiny you're gonna lose some strength in your legs but who cares. As long as you reach your goal of not looking narrow in the upper then its all good.
No truer words spoken. I did leg training Sunday and am still walking like i took a arrow to the knee lol. am going to do what you recommend and do legs Monday and Friday, thanks for the idea. grate vid btw
Deadlift is my favorite exercise. Squats are my worst.
honestly, I train legs to get a big squat and deadlift ngl. Being able to move massive amounts of weight is motivation in itself
Vegan content bro.
+josh hale Piss off
Joshua Higgs I don’t think Alex is going to fly the vegan flag, rather plant-based. His transition is based on scientific fact not ethical reasons.
yeah just because you're plant based does not mean you are vegan. But if you're vegan you're plant based
What´s wrong with acting ethically?
alex knows people don't want veganism shoved down their throats, so I doubt he will start posting that kind of thing
There are quite a few guys in my gym who are body builders and do not do squats or deadlifts. I like powerlifting so I do them, but these guys look bloody awesome. I have seen them leg press, leg curl and leg extension, but nothing else. I think the best idea is to just do what you like. If you do what you like you will keep doing it for longer. There is no way someone can do a full range leg press for 5 sets of 10 on bloody high weights without getting big strong legs.
Talk about Jawzrsize
I loved the bluntness of the first point.So true yet not what you expect to hear
Only reason I hate training legs is because you can't fucking walk the next 3 days, I love the training but hate being sore
Make sure to up your training frequency bro. That extreme soreness will go away if you train more like a strength athlete.
One of the most underrated leg builders of all time is hill sprints. My legs have blown up from doing 30 hill sprints on a 15% incline 2-3x per week.
This also burns WAY more cals than a typical leg day and is better for work capacity. 💯
Bbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuttttttttt alex you said.. Shit! wrong channel
Ab bas haha hell yeah i got that
As a 15 year old I did novice calisthenics, and the big 3. I hated bench but I loved squats and deadlifts, I increased the weight 10 lbs every two weeks worked, out 4 times a week. It worked, my legs were amazing, looked better than most of the sprinters.
I lift almost every day and i haven't had a leg day in over a year. I bench 305lb and last time I squated my 1rm was only 245lb. I dont care about legs and im happy people are finally starting to realize that legs dont mean shit. Great video alex.
josh hale He didn't flat out say it but he implied it.
The social pressure thing is so real on some parts of the internet. There used to be a certain part of the internet(coughRedditcough) in which doing squats was the solution to ALL fitness related goals. It was insane. It's gotten better now, thankfully.
And I say this as someone who likes the squat the most.
Lol I haven't trained legs in 6 months, I bench 320 pounds which is way more than what I would squat today, who cares about legs? As long as they're not chickenlegs, no one cares.
In terms of aesthetics, you're right. But some of us want to be better at sports aswell, squatting and deadlifting is crucial for performance.
Stop Playing Yes, can't say nothing about that 👍
Definitely agree with your second point. I used to bro split, and the insane DOMS seriously turned me off of training legs. I run upper/lower concurrent, so I guess you could maybe say that I have a pseudo-leg day twice a week, but I'm only kind of sore for maybe a day after volume days and but am going harder than ever before. I think the most satisfying thing about training legs is breaking down your mental barriers...taking your 10-12RM squat and forcing yourself to push out 20 reps, even if you're taking 20 seconds in between those last reps. Shit feels amazing and empowering /endrant
I LOVE LEG DAY 6 DAYS PER WEEK but Im 15 years old I think I do squats the proper form but my knees are craching altgought they dont hurt
If you're new to lifting, you should probably reduce the frequency a bit.
It's all good, as a novice you only want sure you're not going to RPE 10 in a set. Stick to 8 or 9 at most for at least a year or two - maybe longer. Leave a rep in the tank at whatever rep range you want, but use that rep in the tank to do more sets so your volume is higher. That's the safe way that still maximizes strength or hypertrophy.
σταματης βραγκας that’s too much
My knees crack all the time and I'm in my twenties, it's surprisingly common and normal, so long as no pain is being caused, it's likely the same kind of "cracking" that occurs from cracking you hands
Remeber to stretch and do mobility workout, also take a joint supplememt, it will help. Im promise.
My cousin refuses to squat with me. This nigga pushes a sled wiith 3 plates on it and runs for legs lolol
Because it's easy to get big biceps & chest.. it's hard to get big quads & glutes
Chestbrother No what?
yeh same, legs explode after same consistency compared to upper body
Dan Kane disagree , it's pretty easy for most to grow their legs unless you've got Sudanese genetics
By hard I mean the training.. not the rate in which the muscle grows, no one bitches about how hard chest day is lol
Dan Kane in that case I agree with you
One of your finest videos sir 👏🏾
By the way, MAKE SURE to watch this video I made called "The Best Reason to Train Legs".
It's a logic-based video that will surely increase your individual motivation ;)
Thanks Alex!
A real athlete understands that it all starts with the legs.
Shane Baird All it took was me seeing all of the Captain Upperbodies at the gym to realize that.
Minewire Fitness lol, congrats on your strong legs. Now go stomp captain upperbody!
Alex, I have seen you took down the vid where you read my comment about powerlifting-induced slave mentality. Just wondering, do you not agree with the message any more?
Me personally i just want to get my legs to above average because im a short dude, and the bigger the legs i have the shorter ill look
bruuuhhh, dont copy Omar Isuf
It's a great topic, so I'm making my own video on it.
My reasons are different from everybody else though, that's what makes this segment unique.
still its too soon man, wait a few weeks
He can do whatever the fuck he wants man. His channel, his rules
i know but it just looks bad from a business stand point.
Betcha this will not affect his viewership or program sales in any shape or form. He's just adding to an argument. I suppose that everyone getting in on the Brad Castleberry fiasco was also in the wrong? They all "copied" Nick's Strength and Power
he's right. i love leg training. i hate using the cycling machine (the one that targets quads), but i love leg extensions.
I don't train my legs because ive got trap gains to make. 😁
unknown entity with deadlifts u make legs and traps going big
Lol, thanks for the insight buddy, but i already knew that. Besides, Rack pulls grow them more than Dingleberry lifts.
unknown entity Yeah if I ever have to cut my workout short one day, I’ll always pick Rack Pulls over Deadlifts.
Same. Takes care of my quads no problem.
100% on point! Choosing your goals and exercises makes training funny
Honestly man a full body approach is the best ... ever since I started full body I never turned back ... every time I thought about doing a split again, I just think what’s the point when I can get it done in 2-3 days a week full body and focus on other things aswel!
Great video Alex!! Keep up!!