I mentioned Hamilton at a family party recently and my Uncle was like "it's overrated, they mocked Vice President Pence and President Trump. I don't like it one bit." I was like see ya on the duELING GROUNDS😂
Trump is SHOCKINGLY ill-equipped to handle the job and Pence is a sad little toadie and neither of them has displayed any class or even humanity. Maybe Pence feels he is stuck and has to kiss the increasingly large ass of his boss, so Pence gets a pass, I suppose, but, alas, so it goes and now it is up to all of us to show up in droves to cast the votes and attempt to turn back the past few years so that we may all move forward. Trump wanted to make Covid his war after claiming a hoax. The man does not know which way the wind blows or his head from his arse hole(s), not the one above his neck or the white hair helmet lying beneath his belt. It is just so sad to see these trolls in the top office of the land, but maybe we can all turn the tidees and rejoice when Trump's "war" is facing down the post-election tribunals where the Orange Fool in the High Castle has to face the deaths he caused and after "GUILTY" he faces applause and cheers and even closure, but you can't bring back the lost civilians and soldiers. It is not over yet and who knows what the crazy bastard will do with the nuke codes and a base of more fools with more guns and racist mentalities who cause more fatalities. The thought makes me cry... sigh...
I am so embarrassed and ashamed as an American right now. I mean come ON, our future President and soon-to-be leader of the free world is throwing petty Twitter hissyfits about theater plays? REALLY??? That's not a mature, thoughtful adult leader, that's what petulant kids do for crying out loud! Ugh...
I totally support this Hamilton boycott! To the Trump supporters who have already bought tickets and want to get rid of them, just send them over to me, I'll take them off your hands, you won't have to deal with them anymore. I'll handle those nasty nasty Hamilton tickets for just send them over and you'll never see them again! >:3
Yeah! You are a real American! Helping out the trump supporters with their terrible problem! If you need any assistance you have my support! Carry on you brave American!
And when people look back on that history, every leader in the world, great and small, will be shown his reign of fear, lies, ignorance and incompetence, with this simple instruction: "Don't be this guy."
I guess Trump prefers Hairspray, or maybe The Lying King. But based on his Cabinet picks, he seems to be taking a lot of inspiration from The Book of Morons. And America will be experiencing a live production of Les Misérables for the next 4 years.
You mean his cabinet picks who will probably turn out being the most honest politicians we have had for a long time due to the fact that no career politician is going to accept a job that bans him from lobbying five years afterwards? If that is inspiration from the book of morons, then that book has a very ironic name all things considered.
coolnobodycares How will Trump enforce that ban? And what's to prevent them from serving the interest of their donors while they're in office? Is Trump going to ban them from taking donations and gifts from all special interests while they're in office? Is Trump going to put a similar ban on their families and associates? Is he going to put those same limitations on himself and his business interests?
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom (gun control, climate change, Obama care) It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves (liberals)." -William Pitt 1783
Ted Hess William Pitt has little to do with the United States and his quote was most definitely not referring to gun control, climate change (which I fail to see as an infringement on human freedom), Obama care, and liberals when he made this statement.
Climate change is an infringement on human freedom when it forces you to leave your home in search of somewhere that will take you in. Oh, and remember when Giuliani tried to postpone the mayoral race after 9/11 when it meant he'd have to give up being mayor of NYC? Because it was "necessary" for him to remain mayor until the crisis was over. So it's a bit much to pretend (as has T. Hess) that only liberals resort to claims of necessity.
What-If Machine What!?! Trump is a liar!?! Why didn't anyone warn me before I voted for him? It's not like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama and pretty much all the Kennedys warned us a MILLION TIMES
Alright guys, I've got a plan...when Trump goes on his first diplomatic trip, we change the locks on the country before he gets back, and then act like no one is home. Everyone got it?
Wow. Demanding an apology from Hamilton for their respectful address to the VP-elect, while for the last 18 months he's routinely bullied, disparaged, and attacked people with disabilities, POWs, women, journalists, etc. and never apologized for any of it. Can't imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance he experiences on a daily basis. But maybe he's just not self-aware or reflective enough to even perceive his hypocrisy. It's almost as comical as his wife wanting to take a stance against online bullying and a culture that's "too mean". Start with your husband's Twitter account!
Ryan Downing Yes he did, and it’s on video. If you genuinely consider what Trump said about the disabled as “not making fun of”, then you are part of the problem.
he stinks I remember his skit of trump you will not be pres. boy he got that wrong their went his ratings ha ha now he is making up time must need better job
Everyone hating on Stephen Colbert needs to stop no matter what politics have to do with it. Instead of blowing money he gets, he s donated thiusamds(if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars from his pocket to help better education in South Carolina the state he, and I, were born in raised is. Stephen is not only hilarious, but when it comes down to politics, he doesn't take sides, he only points out what is obviously wrong with some things happening in this country affecting a lot of people. Sorry about ranting a whole paragraph but it enrages me people will insult and hate on a man who no matter what happens will always be a pure, good-hearted caring person and go out of his way to help people. Thank you, Stephen Colbert, for doing what you do.
AIDS BRIGADE Exactly. He has an obligation to tow the line of the corrupt network that employs him or he'll get the boot. If he had any integrity he'd be honest or simply resign.
Yoooo! Nobody calls Hamilton "overrated" Trump, heed my warning, DO NOT MOCK HAMILTON! Careful how you proceed, good man Intemperate indeed, good man Answer for the accusations I lay at your feet or Prepare to bleed, good man! ( obedient servant, Hamilton original)
While I completely love ur reference, u never give someone who calls Hamilton overrated the honor of their name being mad-libbed into one of the best hamilton songs.
Yeah, probably so. It's unfortunate that late nite shows have become nothing more than liberal platforms to ensure the message is pumped out 24/7 on every channel. I remember when they actually put out funny shit that wasn't about politics. Colbert has officially hit "Weird" with how upset he is about the election even 2 weeks later.
It's actually perfectly normal to be upset. This situation is completely fucked up - and people shouldn't just accept it. Blithely accepting a fraudulent, race-baiting, incompetent, inexperienced, narcissistic proto-fascist as your president would be weird.
(I didn't vote for Trump...) Obama personally approved/ordered the drone killing of thousands (if not more), Even American citizens in Yemen, whom we are not at war with. If you can stomach this (I myself can't wrap my head around it) - Obama's personal hammer is huge, bigger, faster, has a wider scope and uses mercenaries exclusively than Bush's - always looking for a nail - anywhere on the globe. If you are a US citizen makes no matter. (I am NOT a liberal, either.) "I'm just the face for the screen (tv)." - fmr Gov of Texas, GWB.
Really? You mean Hamilton is an insult to our founding fathers right? A bunch of whiny coward liberals repainting history to demean this nation as racist etc... portrays nothing of the men who founded America, more like the King we defeated to take it. And since when do liberals care about our founding? When Obama abused his power? When Hillary abused her husbands and her power? When Sanders literally ran with Adolf Hitler's propaganda and campaign promises?
Trump hating Hamilton insults your White Founding Fathers, even though Hamilton puts up ads saying that they're looking for NON-WHITE PEOPLE to apply to them for a job. Good logic.
***** As irritating as these race baiting whinos are I cant help but enjoy it knowing that their worst nightmare is going to be President, hold majority in the house and senate, hold 34 governorships and take control of the SCOTUS. A total rejection at every level of their "new transformed" America splashed in the face of the intolerant left. And when they are successful it will be that much sweeter.
It is stunning to hear the President elect demand an apology from the people of this country, any of the people of this country. The president is the servant of the people not the master of the people. I guarantee you that there will be countless reasons why Donald Trump will be owing the American People and apology during his administration. Stay tuned.
Can you elaborate? Illegal immigration by very definition flouts law. How would Democrats have "started: such a law? Other than saying he's "draining the swamp" what are Trump's specific plans to fix corruption in government? What is a "handout" - do bailouts of big banks and automakers count as "handouts"? Does Medicare or Social Security?
Right by putting even more corrupt people in his cabinet, corporate lobbiest, white supremacists and fired generals and having Russia and China already play him like a puppet since he has no clue what foreign goverment obviously wants from America nor any sense of our history with Russia . It's not like those liberals Arnt aware that they made border laws , hello Obama sent immigrants back and he publicly said so it's not like it an underground thing. The liberals are hating trump BECAUSE of the way he's going for it idk maybe a registry isn't a good idea or idk simply just labeling immigrants as a whole , you know the small stuff. Oh yea I know right it's almost as this guys is a complete idiot ... Oh wait he is!
My name is President Donald Trump... My name is President Donald Trump... And there's a million things I haven't done... But I won't stall... I'll build a wall...
When he was 10 his stocks split totally not debt-ridden two years later see Donny and his money had risen half-percent, sittin' in their own money, the stacks thick And Donny got new toys but his money went quick
"You can round up immigrants, but Hamilton is overrated?! NON!" GOD BLESS YOU STEPHEN COLBERT Also, he cannot round up immigrants. Y'know why? Because immigrants We get the job done.
YEAH! Keep fighting the good fight sister! Take a break from dependence and rail against the responsible hard workers like your parents!! Parents smarents, who needs um!!! Well until the cell phone and internet bill comes??? But until them fuck um!! Yaaaaaa!!
Yeah. Hate to disappoint you, but I am a grown ass woman who pays my own bills and lives independently from my parents (at least for the past 11 years). And to be honest, I was actually trying to celebrate the fact that we can be a family with different viewpoints. :)
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and protest democracy based on propaganda on behalf of an openly corrupt democrat party, its probably a dependent millennial SJW with so little world perspective they support socialism and soft tyranny over the constitution.
On the one hand comedians have won the jackpot with Trump, there will be so much to make fun about... on the other hand: he will be the president of the USA.
American Child Well, if he was talking about making sure crazy people don't start shooting up the theater, that's fine. But he said it should be a "safe space" where people, specifically Pence, should be safe from criticism. Sounds like an anti-free speech zone to me.
The whole election really has felt like an episode of South Park. I keep waiting for the part where Cartman decides actually being president is too much work and gives up.
I'm watching this in quarantined June, 2020. What the Hamilton's cast member said about his fears that the Trump administration would not take care or protect the minorities in this country became true, not only for the minorities of the country but for the whole country. It is chilling.
@Sandra Vaillaux never too late! I'm glad we can agree that a 5 year old has a larger vocabulary than Mango man!😂 I so wish that he would just disappear like the cockroach he is...🤦🏼♀️
Obama to the people who did not vote for him-'I am going to get your vote next time.Trump to the states that did not vote for him-'I am just going to avoid you.'
Let me just say, anyone who thought the cast was "disrespectful" has no idea how calm, collected, and respectful they were being. If I were up on that stage I wouldn't be nearly as calm and honestly I'm not a very angry person.
T Cosplays, and all these years later, if I ever meet him in person, I will bring stadium speakers and a mob of Hamiltrash and blast the soundtrack at full volume.
alphavortex1 you are literally in every comment chain, you keep downing liberals for being dumb or losers but it's like you need validation, it's like you don't even think Trump is good and are trying to convince yourself, Jesus calm it:p
alphavortex1 here you are again. you literally have no life. keep defending trump you're just a dumb as he is. actually worse, because he herds you like a fucking sheep ;)
That's how pathetic Trump is, people in the states that he lost in still voted for him, but they don't get a "thank you" was he expecting them to vote twice!
The upside to having a Trump U degree is that it is worth as much to the incoming administration as any Ivy League education. That is to say, precisely shit.
and they've already felt what it feels like to be fucked by trump, but it wont be worth anything soon because everyone else will know what it feels like too.
People miss the higher pitched cranky Queens woman in his voice when he gets animated, he isn't monotone. Kind of like Fran Drescher. And the constant aborting of his sentences. And a lot of other stuff really, it's pretty lazy considering they're going to be doing it often for probably four years at least.
0:36 "but y'know who had to work all weekend?" Me: WORK WORK "Poor guy can't catch a break" Me: maybe he needs to "take a break"? I'm sorry for the Hamilton puns, but I couldn't resist Looking back on this when Trump is actually president makes me even angrier tbh And disappointed
I think the problem lies with Colbert. I've seen this show live, Batiste always tries to have an input and a lot of the time he has good conversation starters and it's a lot more brutal seeing it a couple of feet in front of you. Imagine someone laughing and trying to build on your joke and then you completely ignore them. Awkward. With Letterman and Shaffer they always interacted and had banter, Letterman would happily go off script. But Colbert just ignores Batiste I think to the loss of the show. I've noticed that Colbert isn't great at reacting off the cuff recently- which is kind of puzzling given his improv background. Really needs to be fixed, maybe he just needs to chill out more and get used to sharing the stage, have a chat with John about how they want the show to go. It should be a two man band of sorts, really isn't happening at the moment.
It's only been two weeks and so far Trump has forgotten to """drain the swamp""", gets into Twitter fight with SNL and Hamilton and will be costing taxpayers millions to keep his trophy wife and 10 yr old kid at NYC instead of the White House. He hasn't even signed into office yet haha
Ain't it great when freedom of speech and right to assemble is attacked because we filthy liberals "hurt Pence' wittle feewings?" If you didn't know that you were getting into a political situation when you go see a show with a completely interracial cast that paints a positive picture of a controversial founding federalist who was straight up shot by a political opponent then frankly stay out of the theater. Broadway has always been up-front with its left leanings. When I saw "Wicked" on Broadway, the cast stood onstage after the curtain call to tell the audience about a charity drive to fight aids and a support effort for LGBT people. This was back in 2008. Pence is something more than your average guest. If he wants to represent the people, he needs to hear the people speak, no matter how much he doesn't like it. Can't wait for Lin Manuel Miranda to write a musical about the political situation right now.
They havE every right to act like assholes and insult the vice president, and Trump has every right to answer. In some countries these guys would have been shot dead on the spot you know. But all they got is some tweeter answer. Boo fucking hoo.
Every American has the right to speak their mind! We are protected by the first amendment. They did it very respectfully. So nothing he said would have merited being shot. That is insane. For Trump to demand an apology where nothing merited one is also insane. Why as Americans and people who see Trump for what he truly is, should demand an apology from Trump to all the woman, minorities, LGBT community, disabled Americans, and even other people who ran against him from his own party. The list of people he insulted and disrespected is too long to list. How about he denounce the white supremacist and other hate organizations as his first act as president... oh wait.. that's right he is adding them to his cabinet. A Trump America is not going to make it great again.. It is making it hate again!
Trump: Hamilton is overrated Me: **gasps** WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! And clean your mouth with soap! 😡 You are not allowed to say that! **breaks LEGO wall that resembled Trump’s wall**
Late show tradition. Letterman had Paul Shaffer chuckling and tossing in comments, Johnny Carson had Ed Mcmahon (most annoying) and Craig Ferguson had the Geoffrey the skeleton.
I'm with Colbert on this one HAMILTON IS LOVE, LIFE, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! And I have found it thanks to hamilton! never insult a broadway show, this is what happens kids
just subbed several videos ago...what I like about this guy (Colbert), is that I listen to him and laugh, cringe and think, all at that same time.gotta luv him. I will keep tuning in, because I want to be informed on both sides. Oprah is kinda sweet on him too, which means imma a fan.
Mick Pence managed to be the least popular vice president at a play where the vice president literally kills the protagonist of the show.
Kate Polaski that's literally the best comment ever Oml
I cannot like this comment more than once and that makes me sad.
This comment fills me with laughter knowing if ya don't like Hamilton ya gonna be forgotten
You got the touch
Kate Polaski but what if I told you burr is the protagonist
Do NOT call Lin, Reneé, Phillipa, Jasmine, DAVEED, Oak, Anthony, Chris, Leslie, and others in Hamilton OVERRATED. I WILL ENDURE NO MORE OF THIS
Rena Toomey DAVEED is my father(I wish) I WONT LET TRUMP GET AWAY WITH IT
And thayne 😂
I mean it wasn't there specific cast but amen
Hamilton?? Overrated?? I thought I couldn't hate Trump anymore...
Zoe Clara omg right
Like Trump voters are going to see Hamilton anyway.....
I mentioned Hamilton at a family party recently and my Uncle was like "it's overrated, they mocked Vice President Pence and President Trump. I don't like it one bit." I was like see ya on the duELING GROUNDS😂
Dear Uncle.
I am slow to anger, but I toe the line
As I recon with the effects of your life on mine...
Lydia Drake now you call Hamilton overrated a dangerous disgrace if you got something to say name a time and place face to face
Lydia Drake I have the honour to be your obedient niece
Lydia Drake
Hope you don't go to heaven just because someone couldn't count to seven.
l. drake 😂
They literally said nothing rude. They asked him to defend their rights as humans and that is considered an attack.
Trump is SHOCKINGLY ill-equipped to handle the job and Pence is a sad little toadie and neither of them has displayed any class or even humanity. Maybe Pence feels he is stuck and has to kiss the increasingly large ass of his boss, so Pence gets a pass, I suppose, but, alas, so it goes and now it is up to all of us to show up in droves to cast the votes and attempt to turn back the past few years so that we may all move forward. Trump wanted to make Covid his war after claiming a hoax. The man does not know which way the wind blows or his head from his arse hole(s), not the one above his neck or the white hair helmet lying beneath his belt. It is just so sad to see these trolls in the top office of the land, but maybe we can all turn the tidees and rejoice when Trump's "war" is facing down the post-election tribunals where the Orange Fool in the High Castle has to face the deaths he caused and after "GUILTY" he faces applause and cheers and even closure, but you can't bring back the lost civilians and soldiers. It is not over yet and who knows what the crazy bastard will do with the nuke codes and a base of more fools with more guns and racist mentalities who cause more fatalities. The thought makes me cry... sigh...
@@craiggallagher7292 Your paragraph is so full of good rhymes, I thought you inteded it to be a sort of poem or rap.
@@EsselRey I have a poet's sole and a writer's short attention span. Thanks for noticing.
Sorry for the typos, but I live or die by them. Shaky hands be damned.
Immigrants, we get the job done
Circus Trash Yes
We also get deported by I.C.E.
Beat Tseries No videos even tho Hamilton was extremely anti-immigrant
Ryan Downing Wasn’t Hamilton an abolitionist and an immigrant himself?
I am so embarrassed and ashamed as an American right now. I mean come ON, our future President and soon-to-be leader of the free world is throwing petty Twitter hissyfits about theater plays? REALLY??? That's not a mature, thoughtful adult leader, that's what petulant kids do for crying out loud! Ugh...
RedZeshinX Canada doesn't look so bad now, eh?
when nearly 200 million people did not vote then you cannot complain and only have yourselves to blame.
Spone Mr You have no idea if he voted or not, so you can't say he only has himself to blame. If he voted, he certainly has the right to complain.
Joseph, the "eh" made your comment gold
More than 100 million eligible voters didn't vote, yet still he lost the popular vote by 1.5 million votes at last tally - and that number is rising.
I totally support this Hamilton boycott! To the Trump supporters who have already bought tickets and want to get rid of them, just send them over to me, I'll take them off your hands, you won't have to deal with them anymore. I'll handle those nasty nasty Hamilton tickets for just send them over and you'll never see them again! >:3
Maria Theresa Francesca Castillo do you know how boycotting works? lol they already bought the tickets
Roman 3MP1R3 What I'm saying is, so that it doesn't go to waste, /I/ could take care of the tickets so that no one else can get to them... Except me
Maria Theresa Francesca Castillo LOL ooohhhh my bad carry on :)
I second that! I will gladly join you in the collection of unwanted tickets XD
Yeah! You are a real American! Helping out the trump supporters with their terrible problem! If you need any assistance you have my support! Carry on you brave American!
Trump, remember from here on in, history has its eyes on you...
Oh my god...
He's gonna make every mistake
And when people look back on that history, every leader in the world, great and small, will be shown his reign of fear, lies, ignorance and incompetence, with this simple instruction:
"Don't be this guy."
Or he’ll just die of irrelevance
@@user-cy8li6xt3s they will just be laughing at him
I guess Trump prefers Hairspray, or maybe The Lying King. But based on his Cabinet picks, he seems to be taking a lot of inspiration from The Book of Morons. And America will be experiencing a live production of Les Misérables for the next 4 years.
Swamp Lord
KingOfMadCows also, Schindler's List.
KingOfMadCows hairspray?
The Lying King = The Lion King
The Book of Mormons = The Book of Morons
You mean his cabinet picks who will probably turn out being the most honest politicians we have had for a long time due to the fact that no career politician is going to accept a job that bans him from lobbying five years afterwards? If that is inspiration from the book of morons, then that book has a very ironic name all things considered.
coolnobodycares How will Trump enforce that ban? And what's to prevent them from serving the interest of their donors while they're in office? Is Trump going to ban them from taking donations and gifts from all special interests while they're in office? Is Trump going to put a similar ban on their families and associates? Is he going to put those same limitations on himself and his business interests?
A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a tyrant, and deserves one.
-Alexander Hamilton
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom (gun control, climate change, Obama care) It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves (liberals)." -William Pitt 1783
Ted Hess William Pitt has little to do with the United States and his quote was most definitely not referring to gun control, climate change (which I fail to see as an infringement on human freedom), Obama care, and liberals when he made this statement.
Ted Hess, we are ALL slaves to the 1%. Conservatives and Liberals alike.
Climate change is an infringement on human freedom when it forces you to leave your home in search of somewhere that will take you in.
Oh, and remember when Giuliani tried to postpone the mayoral race after 9/11 when it meant he'd have to give up being mayor of NYC? Because it was "necessary" for him to remain mayor until the crisis was over. So it's a bit much to pretend (as has T. Hess) that only liberals resort to claims of necessity.
master not tyrant
*''First of all,Mr.Trump,the only president who gets to complain about theater is Abraham Lincoln''*
BEST LINE!!!!!!!!
Sweet Jesus I cried 😂😂😂
This deserves a LOT more likes
Trump settled the fraud lawsuit that he vowed NOT to settle? Gasp! Feigned surprise!
What-If Machine What!?! Trump is a liar!?! Why didn't anyone warn me before I voted for him? It's not like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama and pretty much all the Kennedys warned us a MILLION TIMES
+Bilbo Took will be worth it if Bernie beats Trump in 2020. Otherwise, yeah....sucks.
blackout07maroon I'm down for a Michelle Obama presidency
Bilbo Took lol she'd lose
Chris Bellamy She's even more popular than her husband. Plus, if Donald Trump could win, ANYTHING is possible
Who the fuck said that theatre is a safe place???
Milena 100 Donald trump
Milena 100 the president of the ballbag States
Not Lincoln.
As a republican, shouldn't he be against safe places?
hahahahahhahaha thank you for that
Trump was just jealous because he didn’t get tickets to Hamilton
Don’t be Salty trump
The production should NEVER send tickets to the white house. Let them wait in line all day or with an open web browser all day like we did.
Maybe Murr or Jacksfilms still hands out tickets... but I also bet they're both liberal.
Orrrr he's salty cuz he knows 200 years from now, he won't have a musical abt him
note Mike Pence was not even angry.
There'll still be piles of folk outside the theater now with 'Broadway Conversion Therapy' pamphlets and 'God Hates Boos' signs.
I know he took it as a man unlike the whiney little bitch.
If Trump dies we'll have an ok president. Come on heart attack and stress!
DarkerPhoenix1 Or Trump is put in power to bring on Armageddon...
pence is a robot, of course he's not angry. he's far more scary than trump could ever be.
Alright guys, I've got a plan...when Trump goes on his first diplomatic trip, we change the locks on the country before he gets back, and then act like no one is home. Everyone got it?
Livid Imp haha haha
Livid Imp and we pack up his things and send them over
Livid Imp 😂😂
But the country need a wall first.
Trump “boycotting” Hamilton is the most King George thing he’s ever done.
Ikr, I’m gonna start spamming him with King George gifs on Twitter
Then trump go’s on a Twitter spree
He ain’t ever gonna set the country free
So there will be an impeachment in this century
Can we take a moment and appreciate stephen rap 😂
FRED PS that was lowkey fire af
Pure poetry
awesome (>.
FRED PS I know right
Wow. Demanding an apology from Hamilton for their respectful address to the VP-elect, while for the last 18 months he's routinely bullied, disparaged, and attacked people with disabilities, POWs, women, journalists, etc. and never apologized for any of it.
Can't imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance he experiences on a daily basis. But maybe he's just not self-aware or reflective enough to even perceive his hypocrisy. It's almost as comical as his wife wanting to take a stance against online bullying and a culture that's "too mean". Start with your husband's Twitter account!
ChaoticReverie1 You should post that on Twitter and see what kind of responses you get
He has no capacity for self reflection at all. Most Narcissists don’t
ChaoticReverie1 i
ChaoticReverie1 he didn’t make fun of the disabled dude
Ryan Downing Yes he did, and it’s on video. If you genuinely consider what Trump said about the disabled as “not making fun of”, then you are part of the problem.
Funny that Trump calls the cast of Hamilton rude, given the variety of discriminating, derogatory comments he himself makes all the time
10:32 what a performance Stephen Colbert killed that 🎤
Eminem couldn't have done better
My god you don`t get out much do you ?
He probably didn't write this one, but I remember him doing some great improv raps in "Whose Line is it Anyway?" .
Ry Sun justice is that you?
he stinks I remember his skit of trump you will not be pres. boy he got that wrong their went his ratings ha ha now he is making up time must need better job
Move aside The Big Bang Theory, America is my new favorite sitcom.
same here babe.
duchesswannabe LOL!!!!!!
I'm an American in New Zealand and it's great watching from the side XD
Same 😆
i agree
"Trump, build the 4th wall."
But Deadpool would blow it up.
Andrew Hannfrd Well Deadpool has a knack for beating up presidents as well, so win win?
I just thought of this I’m so glad someone commented this
Poor Andrew Lloyd; he would have to pay it again D:
Nope, Bugs Bunny did decades ago and no one has gotten around to repairing it.
Everyone hating on Stephen Colbert needs to stop no matter what politics have to do with it. Instead of blowing money he gets, he s donated thiusamds(if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars from his pocket to help better education in South Carolina the state he, and I, were born in raised is. Stephen is not only hilarious, but when it comes down to politics, he doesn't take sides, he only points out what is obviously wrong with some things happening in this country affecting a lot of people. Sorry about ranting a whole paragraph but it enrages me people will insult and hate on a man who no matter what happens will always be a pure, good-hearted caring person and go out of his way to help people. Thank you, Stephen Colbert, for doing what you do.
I think it's more that people seem to think that it's supposed to be news and not satire.
AIDS BRIGADE If you think it's propaganda, don't watch it!
AIDS BRIGADE Exactly. He has an obligation to tow the line of the corrupt network that employs him or he'll get the boot. If he had any integrity he'd be honest or simply resign.
You don't like his show? Then fuck off and go watch something else!
PirateKitty What, and get to miss the libtard butthurt in the comments section?
Yoooo! Nobody calls Hamilton "overrated" Trump, heed my warning, DO NOT MOCK HAMILTON! Careful how you proceed, good man
Intemperate indeed, good man
Answer for the accusations I lay at your feet or
Prepare to bleed, good man! ( obedient servant, Hamilton original)
While I completely love ur reference, u never give someone who calls Hamilton overrated the honor of their name being mad-libbed into one of the best hamilton songs.
Lin and everyone else must be fuming too late lol but idc
Honestly, Pence handled it with class, and Trump blew it out of proportion.
Angie Wagner Pence liked the show and said it was completely fine, but Trump started his Twitter tantrum
Ugggh yeah. Not saying I like Pence though
That moment when Pence has more class than Trump o.e
This is what happens when a manchild gets tremendous amounts of power
Omg, these tweets... This is surreal! Trump is going to turn the White House into the Whine House
Parisian Guy into desperate housewives Washington DC edition
It's like your teen cousin is complaining re: HS (OMG)!!! But my cousins are WAY more mature than Trump!
Sometimes presidents of other countries throw Tantrums, I'm expecting some tweets in the long term with some Apologize at the end xD
I don't ever use profanity but I've got to say America is fucked, fucked, fucked, fucked, fucked!
I used to swear very rarely, until this election. Now I swear like a dock worker.
"Build the 4th wall!" Haha, quality joke.
Jake James And make Andrew Lloyd Webber pay for it!
I mean come on!!! It's Hamilton!!! If your the president you should honor the history!! Hamilton is amazing!!
Colbert is going to have nothing but golden moments these next 4 yrs...ahhh this was hilarious
LMAO I think so, all these late night comedy shows are going to rip everyone in Whitehouse ....
Yeah, probably so. It's unfortunate that late nite shows have become nothing more than liberal platforms to ensure the message is pumped out 24/7 on every channel.
I remember when they actually put out funny shit that wasn't about politics. Colbert has officially hit "Weird" with how upset he is about the election even 2 weeks later.
It's actually perfectly normal to be upset. This situation is completely fucked up - and people shouldn't just accept it. Blithely accepting a fraudulent, race-baiting, incompetent, inexperienced, narcissistic proto-fascist as your president would be weird.
Narapoia1 yes! I think I'll be upset until Trump is out of office. He's a slime ball creep...
(I didn't vote for Trump...)
Obama personally approved/ordered the drone killing of thousands (if not more),
Even American citizens in Yemen, whom we are not at war with.
If you can stomach this (I myself can't wrap my head around it) - Obama's personal hammer is huge, bigger, faster, has a wider scope and uses mercenaries exclusively than Bush's - always looking for a nail - anywhere on the globe.
If you are a US citizen makes no matter.
(I am NOT a liberal, either.)
"I'm just the face for the screen (tv)." - fmr Gov of Texas, GWB.
'Don't worry', people said, 'Trump will start acting presidential once he's elected'. Yeah, and that lasted about as long as his victory speech...
Donald Trump hating Hamilton is insulting to our founding fathers
нαтѕυиє мιкυ what?!
Really? You mean Hamilton is an insult to our founding fathers right? A bunch of whiny coward liberals repainting history to demean this nation as racist etc... portrays nothing of the men who founded America, more like the King we defeated to take it. And since when do liberals care about our founding? When Obama abused his power? When Hillary abused her husbands and her power? When Sanders literally ran with Adolf Hitler's propaganda and campaign promises?
Trump hating Hamilton insults your White Founding Fathers, even though Hamilton puts up ads saying that they're looking for NON-WHITE PEOPLE to apply to them for a job. Good logic.
Someone is salty..
***** As irritating as these race baiting whinos are I cant help but enjoy it knowing that their worst nightmare is going to be President, hold majority in the house and senate, hold 34 governorships and take control of the SCOTUS. A total rejection at every level of their "new transformed" America splashed in the face of the intolerant left. And when they are successful it will be that much sweeter.
there was nothing wrong with what the cast said.
It is stunning to hear the President elect demand an apology from the people of this country, any of the people of this country. The president is the servant of the people not the master of the people. I guarantee you that there will be countless reasons why Donald Trump will be owing the American People and apology during his administration. Stay tuned.
You'll be back....
Countless reasons? Yes. An apology? HA. Apology has too many damn syllables for that man to understand.
I love you Stephen! You help keep me sane in this crazy mixed up time.
AndreaDance I have a safe space if you know what I mean ;)
Can you elaborate? Illegal immigration by very definition flouts law. How would Democrats have "started: such a law? Other than saying he's "draining the swamp" what are Trump's specific plans to fix corruption in government? What is a "handout" - do bailouts of big banks and automakers count as "handouts"? Does Medicare or Social Security?
Right by putting even more corrupt people in his cabinet, corporate lobbiest, white supremacists and fired generals and having Russia and China already play him like a puppet since he has no clue what foreign goverment obviously wants from America nor any sense of our history with Russia . It's not like those liberals Arnt aware that they made border laws , hello Obama sent immigrants back and he publicly said so it's not like it an underground thing. The liberals are hating trump BECAUSE of the way he's going for it idk maybe a registry isn't a good idea or idk simply just labeling immigrants as a whole , you know the small stuff. Oh yea I know right it's almost as this guys is a complete idiot ... Oh wait he is!
That's like saying maybe if I shit even more on a clogged toilet it will fix it...
That regressive positions on science and equality can be so well lampooned is what keeps us sane.
My name is President Donald Trump...
My name is President Donald Trump...
And there's a million things I haven't done...
But I won't stall... I'll build a wall...
Hannah Rose lol Hamilton
You must be protected.
When? lol
Hannah Rose YASSS!!!😂😂😂👌👌👌
When he was 10 his stocks split
totally not debt-ridden
two years later see Donny and his money had risen
sittin' in their own money, the stacks thick
And Donny got new toys but his money went quick
"You can round up immigrants, but Hamilton is overrated?! NON!"
Also, he cannot round up immigrants. Y'know why?
Because immigrants
We get the job done.
wow, stephen killed that rap. Who knew he could rap?
He practiced by doing Sarah Palin imitations :o)
Its not very hard to rap, you just need to talk a little bit faster
BenchmarksX that.....is....way.....too.....hard.....for.....some...of.................us
dreaminginnoother Maybe, not for me i guess i dont know whats special about raping
BenchmarksX I dunno, forced sex is pretty special
I would have thought that the Trump University motto was "No Refunds."
Trump calls other people “snowflakes” despite seemingly being “triggered” by the slightest utterances that he perceives as a threat.
I am a major Hamilton fan girl, so I feel the need to comment every time it makes news. Well there we go. Done.
You've got a nice goatee for a girl.
Livid Imp not sure if you're joking, but that's me
well not sure about girl, but certainly you look lib
Livid Imp dude that's Lin Manuel Miranda. lmao
Linnamonroll nailed it.
I hope he goes to my hometown again so I can go to a protest while my parents go to a rally. :)
YEAH! Keep fighting the good fight sister! Take a break from dependence and rail against the responsible hard workers like your parents!! Parents smarents, who needs um!!! Well until the cell phone and internet bill comes??? But until them fuck um!! Yaaaaaa!!
I like how you immediately assume she doesn't work or have any independence
Ya that was a good one, glad you liked it. lol
Yeah. Hate to disappoint you, but I am a grown ass woman who pays my own bills and lives independently from my parents (at least for the past 11 years). And to be honest, I was actually trying to celebrate the fact that we can be a family with different viewpoints. :)
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and protest democracy based on propaganda on behalf of an openly corrupt democrat party, its probably a dependent millennial SJW with so little world perspective they support socialism and soft tyranny over the constitution.
Wow America has entered a new era. Where your president can't be less presidential. Well...worlds going to shit indeed.
the sun will still rise in the morning
I'm getting sick of statements like that. Well in a couple years it might not. We may all be dead
you wont be able to see the sun through all the coal pollution
At least we'll be nice and warm from burning the coal. :)
PIlotrcm tell me about it 😒😒
i think the Victory Tour is a reference to Hunger Games
L Phantomhive LOL
oh ciel -_-
L Phantomhive haha
yup comming up to your discrict any time soon
L Phantomhive I kiiiiiinda hope it is since it's only in his states.... Just sayin.
Damn Stephen Colbert is f'n awesome! Much respect and love from Korea!!
Please send help.
Maybe look into what's happening in either Korea before asking them for help. They're kinda busy.
its a joke
Trump supporters pretty angry at this video, look at the dislikes LOL. But you will never get past the likes because Stephen is hilarious
On the one hand comedians have won the jackpot with Trump, there will be so much to make fun about... on the other hand: he will be the president of the USA.
your tears mean little to us buddy sorry
alphavortex1 your comment means even less. SAD
Brain4Zombie scary right?
Oh my God. Is Donald Trump the "safe space" President?
For saying the theater needs to be safe?
American Child Well, if he was talking about making sure crazy people don't start shooting up the theater, that's fine. But he said it should be a "safe space" where people, specifically Pence, should be safe from criticism. Sounds like an anti-free speech zone to me.
Safe from what? Being lectured by performers?
Man, sounds pretty hazardous.
MiddayCoffee Trump is essentially an elderly Eric Cartman
The whole election really has felt like an episode of South Park. I keep waiting for the part where Cartman decides actually being president is too much work and gives up.
Let me just say that Colbert + Hamilton = Something the world definitely doesn’t have enough of
Colbert's impression of trump sounds like a gay villain
you mean like that nazi alt right greek? ass-o-pullos or something.
Adrian Reyes I heard a lizard somewhere in there.
Adrian Reyes that's because he is a gay villain, so Steve does a good job.
Don't know... sounds accurate to me.
So you're saying it's a spot-on impression?
Should've said "Carpe Pubis", would've been funnier since it's accurate...
good on you, Latin scholar !
But would Trump have figured that out? It was supposed to be a logo he came up with :)
That joke was Lorem Ipsum. Or Lorem allrightum.
I'm watching this in quarantined June, 2020. What the Hamilton's cast member said about his fears that the Trump administration would not take care or protect the minorities in this country became true, not only for the minorities of the country but for the whole country. It is chilling.
I think we ALL saw it coming. Well, those of us with brains.
Trump doesn’t go to the theater, they say too many words with too many syllables for him to understand what’s going on.
And in that case obviously... With Daveed and Renee... Far two many words for his brain 🤣 (Sorry I'm late but i loved your comment... From France 😉)
@Sandra Vaillaux never too late! I'm glad we can agree that a 5 year old has a larger vocabulary than Mango man!😂 I so wish that he would just disappear like the cockroach he is...🤦🏼♀️
Looks like the redhats are getting tired of downvoting all these videos. Good thing Colbert NEVER gets tired.
Inkshooter There are too busy covering for their dear leader stupidity
Inkshooter looks like the light heads are still giving a thumbs up just because they like what he says, no matter if he's right or fair
You didn't call people racists, sexists, homophobes, and Islamophobes enough.
Double down on that strategy and you should win next time.
Yeah, Stephen is not fair. He should stop reporting, and start a university only to steal money. That's probably more fair.
I thought they were SO HIGH ENERGY
Obama to the people who did not vote for him-'I am going to get your vote next time.Trump to the states that did not vote for him-'I am just going to avoid you.'
Why does Stephen's Trump impression sound like an impression of Alec Baldwin's SNL Trump impression?
It does.
Stephen is doing an impression of Alec doing an impression of Trump.
I thought it sounded more like Seth Meyer's Impression of Donald. But Alec does have a real good one too. xxD
I thought he sounded like Eric Cartman :)
Let me just say, anyone who thought the cast was "disrespectful" has no idea how calm, collected, and respectful they were being. If I were up on that stage I wouldn't be nearly as calm and honestly I'm not a very angry person.
This segment was pure gold.
The final assignment to get a Trump U degree is to actually sue Trump U.
Watching this in quarantine, and this is just amazing.
I almost snapped a pen in half when he said Hamilton was overrated.😡😡😡😡😡
T Cosplays, and all these years later, if I ever meet him in person, I will bring stadium speakers and a mob of Hamiltrash and blast the soundtrack at full volume.
Colbert is beyond brilliant
lol, silly libs... you think he writes his wit? he has a team to make him seem witty - just listen to colbert off stage... boring af
alphavortex1 you are literally in every comment chain, you keep downing liberals for being dumb or losers but it's like you need validation, it's like you don't even think Trump is good and are trying to convince yourself, Jesus calm it:p
alphavortex1 here you are again. you literally have no life. keep defending trump you're just a dumb as he is. actually worse, because he herds you like a fucking sheep ;)
Spider Ham thank you spider ham, you are the hero we deserve
That's how pathetic Trump is, people in the states that he lost in still voted for him, but they don't get a "thank you" was he expecting them to vote twice!
Matthew Smith he's only going to his SAFE SPACES
Colbert is the one who is pathetic. Propaganda machine, with his token black sidekick that he thinks gives him street cred.
+Commando lmao triggered
"Build the fourth wall, and make Andrew Lloyd Webber pay for it!" :D
Yes! Thank you. That was a brilliant line in a sprawling and satisfying monologue.
Yeah it did't get enough laughs. I would have cracked up. I don't think most the audience knew who he is.
The upside to having a Trump U degree is that it is worth as much to the incoming administration as any Ivy League education. That is to say, precisely shit.
New Message Trump is kind of like, added another reason for us to bash Ivy League.
Make Ivy League Great Again!
and they've already felt what it feels like to be fucked by trump, but it wont be worth anything soon because everyone else will know what it feels like too.
New Message why is the Ivy League shit?
Could be worse. You could have a degree in Gender Studies.
Sujith Nakkala Ivy leagues aren't shit, except to the alt-right (currently in power), who consider education 'elitism'. That's the joke.
Colberts Trump sounds like an imitation of Baldwins imitation of Trump.
Øyvind Aanderaa haha, yeah it does. that's kind of how these things go.
People miss the higher pitched cranky Queens woman in his voice when he gets animated, he isn't monotone. Kind of like Fran Drescher. And the constant aborting of his sentences. And a lot of other stuff really, it's pretty lazy considering they're going to be doing it often for probably four years at least.
keep killing it colbert, love you, we got 4 years of that shit, so we may as well try to amuse ourselves through the depression
Assassination, resignation, or impeachment
@@hner7794 i WISH. Instead, we get reelection.
thank the lord for Stephen Colbert! please don't stop. We cannot allow Donald Trump to get away with lies and ignorance!
Colbert is just impressive.
Aids brigade, oooooo I've been wanting to talk to someone with racialized castration anxiety for a while
Not really. Colbert kinda looks like a beady eye twerp; if you ask me. I bet he got beat up alot as a kid.
0:36 "but y'know who had to work all weekend?"
"Poor guy can't catch a break"
Me: maybe he needs to "take a break"?
I'm sorry for the Hamilton puns, but I couldn't resist
Looking back on this when Trump is actually president makes me even angrier tbh
And disappointed
that guy who speaks in between is a real pain in ass , stop him...jeez😂😂😂😂
They would fire him but liberals would call Colbert racist.
can we get a petition going?
I think the problem lies with Colbert. I've seen this show live, Batiste always tries to have an input and a lot of the time he has good conversation starters and it's a lot more brutal seeing it a couple of feet in front of you. Imagine someone laughing and trying to build on your joke and then you completely ignore them. Awkward. With Letterman and Shaffer they always interacted and had banter, Letterman would happily go off script. But Colbert just ignores Batiste I think to the loss of the show. I've noticed that Colbert isn't great at reacting off the cuff recently- which is kind of puzzling given his improv background. Really needs to be fixed, maybe he just needs to chill out more and get used to sharing the stage, have a chat with John about how they want the show to go. It should be a two man band of sorts, really isn't happening at the moment.
This whole Hamilton thing has actually been quite good for pence's image. He listened like an adult and made clear he was not offended.
TheKingby1 yeah actually it has been Trump who is making his administration look stupid. But that is Trump for you
People that make their administration look "stupid", don't win the presidency.. you are confused.
alphavortex1 have of Americans are idiots. that's how his stupid administration won.
3yrs ago, I didn’t understand any of the Hamilton references but now I do and it’s so fun
I absolutely love this guy
wow gay much?
Dai_Veed not like that dickhead
"Trump build the 4th wall" ...lmao
I gave myself a thumbs up, anybody else
here you go
I'll give you a thumbs up for giving yourself a thumbs up
I laughed too hard when he said that xD
Ry Sun Ath
"The theater Is safe!" Tell that to Lincoln...
It's only been two weeks and so far Trump has forgotten to """drain the swamp""", gets into Twitter fight with SNL and Hamilton and will be costing taxpayers millions to keep his trophy wife and 10 yr old kid at NYC instead of the White House. He hasn't even signed into office yet haha
+B Krist He could start by, you know, not hiring lobbyists and other swamp-dwellers into his administration. And I think you meant inaugurated.
Ain't it great when freedom of speech and right to assemble is attacked because we filthy liberals "hurt Pence' wittle feewings?"
If you didn't know that you were getting into a political situation when you go see a show with a completely interracial cast that paints a positive picture of a controversial founding federalist who was straight up shot by a political opponent then frankly stay out of the theater.
Broadway has always been up-front with its left leanings. When I saw "Wicked" on Broadway, the cast stood onstage after the curtain call to tell the audience about a charity drive to fight aids and a support effort for LGBT people. This was back in 2008. Pence is something more than your average guest. If he wants to represent the people, he needs to hear the people speak, no matter how much he doesn't like it.
Can't wait for Lin Manuel Miranda to write a musical about the political situation right now.
They havE every right to act like assholes and insult the vice president, and Trump has every right to answer.
In some countries these guys would have been shot dead on the spot you know. But all they got is some tweeter answer. Boo fucking hoo.
Every American has the right to speak their mind! We are protected by the first amendment. They did it very respectfully. So nothing he said would have merited being shot. That is insane. For Trump to demand an apology where nothing merited one is also insane. Why as Americans and people who see Trump for what he truly is, should demand an apology from Trump to all the woman, minorities, LGBT community, disabled Americans, and even other people who ran against him from his own party. The list of people he insulted and disrespected is too long to list. How about he denounce the white supremacist and other hate organizations as his first act as president... oh wait.. that's right he is adding them to his cabinet. A Trump America is not going to make it great again.. It is making it hate again!
Trump: Hamilton is overrated
Me: **gasps** WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! And clean your mouth with soap! 😡 You are not allowed to say that! **breaks LEGO wall that resembled Trump’s wall**
Trump's inauguration tour is just like the victory tour in hunger games catching fire! We need a conclusion to the hungry for power games!!
I half expected Lin-Manuel Miranda to come out from backstage and join in XD
Thee funniest comedian of our time - funny in the most intelligent and meaningful way. I love Stephen Colbert! Can never get enough of that man!
Can't they mute the mic of the guy at the piano.
YESSSS! He is so annoying!
pras s yes!! in other video his laugh sounded like jared letos joker! dude seems high too
I'm happy Colbert almost never acknowledges him
Late show tradition. Letterman had Paul Shaffer chuckling and tossing in comments, Johnny Carson had Ed Mcmahon (most annoying) and Craig Ferguson had the Geoffrey the skeleton.
Geoffrey was the best.
Your comedy is seriously saving me right now!!!
I'm with Colbert on this one
HAMILTON IS LOVE, LIFE, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! And I have found it thanks to hamilton! never insult a broadway show, this is what happens kids
Video starts at 0:00
glardian966 Thanks, man. You never know with these vids. You're doing God's work.
glardian966 thx a ton
your a sore loser, go trumptrain
bob young ....what?
"Where did you get the idea that the theater was safe?"
Did anyone else have to think of Paris and what happened in the Bataclan theater?
Zardo Dhieldor The theater has never been safe. Look what happened to Abraham Lincoln...
I'm sorry, but when he said "Trump U" at 3:04, I barfed a laugh because it sounded like an insult.
Arent you supposed to be frightened and scared?
Well, Trump you, sire. :D
You're all trumping it up more than Trump trumps up 'Merica.
It is, if you’re British trump means fart
"Build the 4th wall"......... my god, this might be the most brilliant joke I've ever heard.
Stephen's a pretty decent rapper
Hamilton? Overrated?
*sadistic laugh*
Then stand, boi. Weehawken, dawn. Guns, drawn.
just subbed several videos ago...what I like about this guy (Colbert), is that I listen to him and laugh, cringe and think, all at that same time.gotta luv him. I will keep tuning in, because I want to be informed on both sides. Oprah is kinda sweet on him too, which means imma a fan.
Am I the only one that loves Batiste's comments?
Looking at other comments, it sure looks like it.
Mark Summers Well, I guess it depends on who you're talking to
The Abraham Lincoln joke though XD
You are my hero - thanks for your courage - you are keeping me sane...
Victory Tour sure sounds like The Hunger Games
"Pray Away the Broadway" I would see that show.
Who else watched this video just because it said Hamilton