“Did you read the Bible as a Catholic?” “Not really.” Uh, not the Church’s fault. And if you’re attending Mass as you’re supposed to, there’s SO MUCH scripture in the Liturgy alone.
Most of the Catholics or 99% of the Catholics never read their Bible and it's the fault of the Catholic church.Try to see the Catholics beyond the borders of the United States and you will see how rotten Catholicism is.
Praying to the Saints is idolatry, praying to Mary IS idolatry, the pope is NOT Jesus and priests CANNOT absolve you of your sin! Just those 4 TRUTHS are enough to keep me out of the "catholic faith"
@@platinum6978 asking for the Mother of God to intercede for us and asking for the saints to intercede for us is not idolatry. Worshiping false gods is idolatry. Jesus gave the Church the power to absolve and retain sins and it’s clearly stated in the scriptures. You should try reading the Bible and go off by what it actually says instead of inserting your personal interpretation into it.
As a former Catholic who spent almost 30 years in that Protestant teaching and who used to share the gospel Ray Comfort’s way, I am thrilled to be re-entering the Catholic Church! Discovering the doctrines held by protestants that were received from a German monk who broke from the church and even added to scripture in his Bible, (read the true story of the founder of the Protestant faith) to be unbiblical, and after seeing how these same protestants have misrepresented quite uncharitably what the Catholic Church teaches, I’m thrilled to be entering the Catholic Church with a full knowledge of what they teach and I am so excited to become a part of this beautiful biblical church once again. I am rejoicing as I come home.
Welcome home! What a great story... you'd probably make a great evangelist to Protestants. God bless you and your loved ones. :) And Happy Easter! Check out the Divine Mercy devotion; it's beautiful and the feast is coming up next Sunday.
@@Antonia_D Thank you, it’s great to be home! We have been praying the Divine Mercy Novena daily. I think you are right about evangelizing Protestants. My husband and I have already started, and feel like this is the ministry God has called us to. God bless you, and thanks again for the warm welcome. Happy Easter! He is risen!
@@taylormatthews4848 If you read church history you wouldn’t make that false statement. There were bibles before Luther broke from the church. And Luther added a word to his Bible, and cracked down when people did what he encouraged them to do…be their own popes. What he really meant is agree with me, because I appointed myself pope. That break from the church created chaos that gets worse each day. You have 30,000+ Protestant denominations that can’t agree on baptism, how we’re saved, leadership, worship style, how or if the a Holy Spirit works today, what we can and can’t eat, etc. You are a messy bunch that doesn’t hesitate to call others in the body of Christ heretics when they disagree with you. I highly doubt that was Christ’s intention. To quote a highly respected Protestant theologian who became Catholic, "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant." The doctrines held by the church were Catholic doctrines until the 16th century. So Christ’s church has been 100% Catholic for 3 times longer than she has had separated brethren who broke off after a tormented Augustinian monk couldn’t accept Gods love.
exactly! the Orthodox have some very strong arguments in their favour but the protestant's arguments are so feeble, unintellectual and indeed un-Biblical.
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol Orthodox and Catholics have very very similar beliefs with minor distinctions. Of course papal infallibility and the Primacy of the pope is the biggest one however Catholic and Orthodox Christians are much more unified given that we come from the same Apostolic succession and lineage
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol I'd say that the primacy of Rome is objectively a tough debate, each side had their own set of Church Fathers who had divergent views, etc.
Thank you for responding to Ray Comfort. He always brings up the same-old arguments, even after people attempt to correct him. Your work is greatly appreciated!
@H Cho I was subscribed to his channel, because I really believed in the brotherhood of Christianity... but then I started noticing that all these "Christian Pastors" have a hard anti-Catholic agenda, and horrible theology and no knowledge of history. I suspect they are more interested in getting more people to tithe.
@@MalibuGlassMI if the guy's not a liar (giving him the benefit of the doubt) he's a happy ignorant not wanting to get out of it, insisting on the old 100 times rebuked bad arguments.
@@samruggiero1778 A Christian is a person who has repented, put faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, including His death on the cross as payment for sins and His resurrection on the third day. And abides in Him daily.
I appreciate this. As a former protestant who is now Catholic, praise be to God! I struggled with these same issues. I prayed for God to show me the truth and HE did. The CATHOLIC church is the true church!!
Born and raised Catholic. Fell away from the Church at 18. Returned to Christianity via Evangelical Protestantism. Got a degree in Philosophy from an Evangelical College later in life and, as a result, returned to the Catholic Faith.
@@dekorokone I'd be very fascinated to know where in the Bible it says that the Bible is sufficient on its own. Further, I'd be fascinated to know where in the Bible it tells us what books should be in the Bible? The Church preceded the canon of the Bible by nearly 400 years... How did the early Church survive without the Bible? The answer is the Church. Jesus left a Church, not a Bible. The Church provided the Bible, based on what She saw was inspired, and useful. Changing the Bible didn't happen until after the "Reformation", when several Protestant sects decided to remove several books. Is your warning aimed at them?
@@Brennandh7777 Ok lets use your comment of, " I'd be very fascinated to know where in the Bible it says that the Bible is sufficient on its own." I would be very fascinated to know where the CC is mentioned in the Bible. Then we can move on to where Mary is sinless, assumed, and that Peter is the first pope
One interesting argument for the claim that Mary had no other children is the fact, attested in scripture, that Mary went and lived the rest of her life in the house of John, an unrelated male. If she had other children, she would have lived with them, and her children would have physically prevented her from going to live with John.
Here is how to put this thing to bed, once and for all. Show this to your sola scriptura Protestant friends - they'll either have to admit there is a contradiction in the Bible, or that they are wrong. There are two apostles named James (Luke 6:14-16, Matt 4:21, Mark 10:35). The first James is the brother of John, one of the sons of Zebedee. The second James is the son of Alpheus. Neither is Jesus' brother by blood. In Galatians 1:19 we read "But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord's brother". Are Protestants going to argue that either: 1) St. Paul was wrong 2) There was a third apostle named James 3) The Bible is corrupted and has contradictions or 4) The word brother (adelphoi) in Greek is clearly used for non-blood related relatives in the Bible, and they are mistaken? On top of that, we see adelphoi this used this way in other places in Scripture: Lot & Abraham are described as brothers despite being nephew & uncle (Genesis 14:14). In John 19:25 we read "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas (Joseph's brother), and Mary Magdeline". The Theotokos & Mary the wife of Clopas are clearly not familial sisters. There are more, but I don't have them at hand.
Read the account of the crucifixion. Mary's sister was at the cross with Mary. Her sister is the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. Thus, John was a cousin to Jesus and definitely family. Also, Jesus, as the first born has the authority to give the care of His mother to who He deems. This is part of the redeemer authority from the Jewish law.
Thanks Trent for doing this rebuttal video. I was one of the ppl who requested you do it. I hope Ray does step up to be open to debate you to see that Christ established one holy Catholic and apostolic Church as his kingdom for many. "May they all be one, as the Father and I are one..." Lord, send forth your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.
In the protestant Episcopal Church, lay persons in a parish refer to their Priest as "Father" who is the laity's spiritual leaders who are ordained under the Sacrament of Ordination of Holy Orders. As a recent Convert to Catholicism, our RCIA Director and Teacher used the Bible the entire way through our Catholic catechism. At every Mass there are 4 scriptures read: Old T, Psalm, New T, and Gospel, so the idea of not using the Bible in the Catholic Church is absurd.
When the mass service starts, there’s normally the procession of the cross bearer, the Gospel, and the priest (with some differences depending on the church). The Gospel is placed front and center on the altar, then represented during the Gospel acclaim and read from. Daily morning masses may forgo something like a procession, but the readings ALWAYS come from the Bible. Anyone who truly believes Catholic don’t read or use the Bible at mass is either 1) severely uninformed or 2) purposefully lying.
I think they are targeting lapsed Catholics or very poorly taught faithful, who do not remember the Gospel reading at the heart of every Mass. It's sad and manipulative, straw manning the beliefs of one before another. We all do it to some degree unless we are extremely careful & knowledgable, but Comfort ought to know much better after so much exposure to Catholicism.
At EVERY Mass the Priest and the entire congregation STAND and the Priest says quietly "Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God that I may worthily proclaim your holy Gospel" Then to the people: Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Priest: A reading from the holy Gospel according to (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John). People: Glory to you, O Lord (while saying these words the people trace the sign of the cross on their forehead, lips and heart, so that the Word of God may be in my mind, my heart and my mouth). The Gospel is read. At the end: Priest: The Gospel of the Lord People: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Then the Priest kisses the scriptures saying quietly "Through the words of the Gospel may our sins be wiped away". The people sit and then listen to the Homily (preaching on the Word of God). Before the Gospel the people listened to an Old Testament reading, a Psalm and a New Testament reading.
To give credit where it is due, Ray was in a way a big part of me becoming a Catholic Christian. I remember being in middle school watching his videos and being inspired to get into apologetics. Looking back on his style now I notice some concerning things that make me feel almost as if he is trying to be deceptive and I hate to say that. I dont remember ever seeing a video of his where he interacted with a well educated Catholic or a person educated on any faith contrary to his own perception of Christianity. I also notice that he seems to come off as rather condescending as if he thinks (or maybe wants his audience to think) that Catholics are stupid and don't understand their faith (which I suppose is true for a lot of us, but still not most). It's kind of sad to see in all honesty :(
There are many phoney, protestant morons too. He should be fair. He thinks he is doing God's will. He causes a lot of division in the body of Christ in my opinion. I guess we should pray God will open his eyes to the truth.
Why don't they go with the interpretations of the earliest Christians? Surely they would interpret the Bible better than protestants over a thousand years later who interpreted things specifically to be anti-Catholic.
Exactly. One of the arguments I use from the Bible is that Christ said he would build his church. Implying that it would be founded then obviously so why are we paying attention to people who came far later claiming everyone else is wrong? Our Lord said he would build his church not let's wait over a thousand years and then once people start misinterpreting everything shall my church begin.
On this rock I will build my church... The rock is mount of philippi....NOT Peter. It's evident when you realise what early Jewish people believed about mount of philippi. I'm a Catholic but if someone says that Catholic Church is the main or only church because of Peter... It's wrong.
I said the same thing before I reconverted. Say a prayer for these people, it's holy week after all. Pray for conversions, pray for impossible conversions.
By "not fed," she meant not spiritually fed. No scripture, no Word of God, no Gospel from the Catholicreligion. The Eucharist does not feed. Only scripture 👍
@@gospeltruth6368 have you ever seen Ray Comfort have any kind of debate or discussion with an actual Catholic apologist? He runs from them like a vampire running from Holy water. I hope that you realize that guys who do this kind of "man on the street" videos only include interviews with people they can manipulate. Not ever any from someone who can actually challenge them.
@@gospeltruth6368 History, other Catholic folks have put that out there and he has never responded. That is why everyone is so excited to see Trent's rebuttal. Watch, he'll stay silent. I mean, I've enjoyed watching him get people thinking but he gives them the impression that all they have to do it "accept Christ" in their heart and then go on about their life like its just a sentence they have to say. I'm sure he's a nice guy, he is just spewing anti Catholicism like he knows anything about it and if he had any kind of balls, he would have a cordial dialogue with a Catholic apologist, not just people off the street who are fallen away or non-practicing Catholics.
On gosh how can Protestants see themselves as intellectually honest. That guy at 3:30 butchers Scripture. They just twist and take liberties any way they want! This is NOT Holy Spirit revelation or discernment. The stuff these Protestants are doing is so obviously wrong it has to be of diabolical influence. A smart child could see thru the stuff they say
@@romandaigle455 No, Ray uses simplicity in support of his errors. If you receive grace through faith you will perform the loving works which will save you. That would agree with Jesus in Matt 25:31-36. Was Jesus right or was he lying?
@@bridgefin I agree that Ray has a lot of bad doctrine, but God still uses him. I reject everything or most everything the Reformers taught, mainly sole fide. You are right that without obedience to Christ we are not his sheep. We are also to avoid judging others as we are not called to separate the wheat from the tares.
@@PETERJOHN101 You: but God still uses him. Me: God also used Satan for his purposes so that fact does not mean anything positive by itself. You: We are also to avoid judging others as we are not called to separate the wheat from the tares. Me: I am to judge truth from error but not anyone's soul. I hope Ray is saved. I hope he is not judged harshly for attacking Jesus his whole life.
I've heard the counter arguments to these Protestant objections many times, but I learned something new by viewing this. If we group the two "covet" commandments as one (as the Protestants do) then we run the very real risk of viewing women (spouses) as objects to be owned. Clearly, there are two commandments here because we're dealing with two different sins (avarice and lust). Thanks, Trent!
Which is how the Jews viewed them. The commandment was only against coveting a neighbor's wife, thus Solomon was said to have a lot of wives and concubines. Why? Because if they weren't married women you didn't break the law, and women were only objects. Christ came and gave us the new Law, now even the thought of lust is equal to adultery, so you are not longer allowed to have more than one wife, because you would be committing adultery, Christ perfected the law and made it harder. Ask any protestant this and you will see how suddenly those commandments are now wrong. The Catholic view has always been the correct one.
So funny.... before seeing this video I was on living waters and argued exactly that a few weeks ago. I think it was a response to someone's comment and it wasn't as kind as it should have been as anyone attacking the faith makes me slightly "hulkish"
@@tony1685 no, it doesn't. It's only your extrapolation. To be honest, if something exposes you (I mean protestants in plural) as not christians is your suddenly appear centuries apart from the apostles. No verse can save your lack of roots back there when Christianity was born
But Trent is telling a bold faced lie: 11:00. The catholic Church has removed 2nd commandment from their Bibles. He gives some nonsensical explanation that it is stated differently and people like you blindly and naively believe him. The 2nd commandment is not stated differently or anything but it is completely removed. Even a lay man can google search and find out.
@@sabhishek9289 , Trent Horn is not a cradle Catholic nor a Catholic by birth. He’s a former anti-Catholic Protestant who after much study became a Catholic convert. So you might be mistaken to believe that he doesn’t know what he’s doing nor he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He does.
I'm kind of an exevangelical, and seriously thinking to become catholic. I like to study theology and read the church fathers, and doing so and listening to serious catholic apologists, like you are, I realixed that many of the anticatholics teachings are no more(to be soft) that misconceptions about catholic theology. Thanks for your contribution
Nothing more confusing than someone who is confused. Sounds like satan is working overtime in this world with so many people like yourself. The bible talks about this and how cunning that he is because he is the ruler of this world. Pray the the true and Living God would guide you into truth. It isn't in the catholic church or other religions.
Being a christ follower has nothing to do with being Catholic, or Baptist or evangelical the gospel is to all simple follow Jesus not a religious organization. Follow truth in the spirit of Christ. I was rasied catholic when i was born agian of spirit and truth i saw the truth and repented of all false religious secs and listen and follow Jesus christ which means salvation power. Deliverance by truth in the power of the spirit of God
@@davidwhite6032 Jesus did establish only ONE church. The rest were started by sinners in opposition the the one Jesus established. The issue comes down to one following Church in his church or following sinners instead. Sorry that Jesus was not enough for you.
What made you become an exevangelical? I'm not sure I like the label evangelical either, but I do consider myself a protestant. I have to ask myself, if the catholic tradition had gone wrong, what method do catholics have to know it? If I can't use the bible as a standard, then I am at the mercy of whatever the catholic leadership of the day is telling me, and that is unfalsafiable. If you are looking for a more historically focused protestant approach I recommend the lutheran church (and I'm not lutheran). They have a very similar service to catholicism, but they are submitted to God's Word first and the church leadership comes second.
@@caseyg1516 You: I have to ask myself, if the catholic tradition had gone wrong, what method do catholics have to know it? Me: Against what standard could you possibly judge that the church had gone wrong? In the matters of teaching faith and morals it is impossible. Jesus promised that he would be with his church forever and, if that weren't enough, he said that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. Then he promised that the spirit of truth would be with its leaders until the end of time. The Reformers failed to believe Jesus or trust the Holy Spirit.
I really hate these old arguments against catholicism that when looked at honesty or given more than 1 sec of research are easily explained or shown to be plain bad. Especially the "we took out the 2nd commandment" and "don't call someone father". Keep up the great work trent
@@davidstrelec610 Where I came from, the paganism the other side (non-Catholic) is usually bringing up is anything to do with Pope, the mitre, the title, the crooks - all of which are then used by muslims and atheists too to attack Catholics and Catholicism.
Read the comments from that video. Terrifying. But if one ten minute video is what leads you away from your faith then, you probably didn’t have faith to begin with.
Those weaklings that leave becauae of what that buffoon ray comfort had to say or what they hear from heretical protestants, I don't get upset anymore when weaklings leave the faith , we don't need weaklings in the faith, it's a spiritual war daily to be true Christian (AKA CATHOLIC), we go to the front-line as a Catholic family in union with each other daily, and having weaklings there in between us on the front-line is a subtraction by addition. Better of they leave and take their wacko ideas with them to ray comforts nightclub (aka chirch)
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
And the age-old quote of "to be steeped in history is to cease being a protestant" is once again re-affirmed as true. Thank you for your great work, Mr. Horn and may God bless you and your family!
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Remember everyone, the devil will tell you 9 truths to sell you one lie. No matter how 'loving and kind' Ray comes across, he's intentionally leading people away from salvation in the one true Church of God. I was raised a Protestant which lead me to become and Atheist. I was baptised into the Catholic Church last year. Protestantism is just humanist narcissism dressed up in religious terms. They worship themselves and their own ability to understand and interpret the Bible. They are not capable of humbling themselves before God's revealed truth because it makes them uncomfortable so they either interpret the Bible to suit their preconceived ideas or they shop around for a version of 'Christianity' that fits in with those preconceived ideas.
Very well said! So happy you are home now. Salvation is a journey. Enjoy walking the road daily with Jesus. I was also raised in a hard core evangelical fundamentalist protestant church and home. I am now the only Catholic in my family. I am home, and nothing will ever make me leave.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Because he knows that they would blow his arguments apart. I would be like watching Michael Knowls or Ben Shaprio debate with a brainwashed socialistic collage student. No facts all feelings.
No ..? Since when are we required to go out of our way to go after religious teacher .. jesus himself rarely did that and he has full authority to .. instead he comes to us the sinners Luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Or even people like Trent Horn. People who can actually provide answers to his dishonest questions. He acts as though because these folks on the street can't give an answer, then there *is* no answer.
I am a Protestant, I used to hold these same views, and while I do disagree with some things in the Catholic faith, they're honestly quite minor and not worthy of really discussing. The reason I'm Protestant has a lot to do with upbringing and the traditions I greatly appreciate in this expression of my faith. I have jokingly said to friends "if I wasn't Protestant I would be catholic" not to demeen the Catholic church, but to instead say "I would be a Christian no matter what, there is no world in which I would not be". I used to believe a number of the things discussed in this video. I greatly appreciated your insight. Over the years I've grown to respect and admire Roman Catholicism more and more, I count you all as my fellow Christians, and as the elder relatives in the faith who i can learn a great deal from. I am even currently listening to the Confessions by St Augustine and my mind is continually blown by it. I hope my catholic brothers and sisters don't take offence to my being Protestant, and believing differently than they do, since I think we are simply different parts of the same body, gifted and called to do different things. The more I learn the more respect and admiration I gain. There's a great deal we can learn from one another, thank you for continuing my education, and I will subscribe to listen more.
Well as u continue to study Catholicism, you’ll realize , Jesus Christ founded one Church with authority. Conversion is inevitable May God help u in your journey
I suppose I don’t see the need to convert if I am already a Christian. I can submit myself even to some degree to the authority of the magisterium as I understand it, particularly of the church fathers, but I think I am too much of an individualist, even if I have traditionalist leanings, to “convert” to Catholicism. As I said, if we are both Christians, of different sects and tertiary beliefs, then there is no reason to convert. We both follow Christ, we both believe in the same trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who proceeds from both the Father and the Son, and of the same confession, that Christ was Born of the Virgin Mary, who lived a life as a Man, fully God and fully Man, was sinless and without fault perfectly submitted to the will of the Father, died the death of the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day and ascended into heaven. So… yea. It seems to me there is nothing to which I can convert, since I am already in Christ. I am not a Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness, I am descended of the same western church, even if we separated at some point in there. The same Christ. The same Faith. Different expressions of that same faith.
@@hamasathecold7842 You are right. U don’t need to convert. You need to come back home Different expressions of the same faith is not how Jesus Christ came to establish his Church He did not say He would establish different churches that disagree on fundamentals of Christianity He said He would build one Upon Peter I understand your background might make it hard for you to become Catholic But it’s not a good idea to rationalize something as something else to make you feel good. Because the truth is written in stone Either you are in all the way or out
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Similar story - born into a Catholic home. Fell away from the faith but always felt a call back. Started listening to Protestant radio and fell in love with God but realized soon after the it was my original Catholicism that was the true faith and where my heart belonged, so here I am. Thanks Trent for these great videos
Amen me too. im baptised a catholic, but in my adult years I left it for 6 years for protestantism, until I felt a call home, I started reading about the early church, then I found out much of the objections to the catholic faith by protestants were not true, and others were misunderstood. I know say this. Catholic Church is the true church of Jesus Christ, its the most persecuted church for a reason... Jesus said we would be persecuted...
Thank you Trent for rebutting Ray Comfort. As a Catholic Christian, I'm so tired of these Evangelists criticizing the Catholic faith. Yes as a Catholic Christian I read the Bible faithfully. Our whole liturgy is full of Scripture. Unfortunately too many Catholics don't see this in their worship.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
New Covenant Whole Gospel: Let us now share the Old Testament Gospel found below with the whole world. On the road to Emmaus He said the Old Testament is about Him. He is the very Word of God in John 1:1, 14. Awaken Church to this truth. Jer 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Jer 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1 (Gal. 3:16)? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel (John 1:49)? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis? Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart. Let us now learn to preach the whole Gospel until He comes back. The King of Israel is risen from the dead! (Acts 2:36) ================================= The Word “Baptize”: Based on Luke 3:16, and John 1:33, and Acts 11:15-16, the most important thing about the word "baptize" in the New Testament has nothing to do with water. The Holy Spirit is the master teacher promised to New Covenant believers in Jeremiah 31:34, and John 14:26, and is found fulfilled in Ephesians 1:13, and 1 John 2:27. Unfortunately, many modern Christians see water when they read the word "baptize" in the text. Based on the above, what is the one baptism of our faith found in the passage below? How many times is the word "Spirit" found in the passage, and how many times is the word "water" found in the passage? Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, Eph 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Eph 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
I've been waiting too long for someone to call out Ray Comfort. He constantly attacks the Church if he comes across someone who is Catholic and he completely dumbfounds the ones who don't even know what the 4 Gospels are, yet he has never engaged a Catholic who can defend their faith. I don't dislike Ray though. He is actually a big reason why I started seeking out Christ in my life before I became Catholic, so I thank him for that, but ever since becoming Catholic I have never appreciated his videos he makes on Catholicism.
@@tony1685 2 of 2 In Syria, following the death of the last apostle, a guide for the teaching of Christians was written called the “Doctrine of the Apostles,” or the Didache. Its use was reported by church historians but the document itself was lost for centuries. It was found around 1900 in a manuscript dating back to the year 1000. The Didache taught: “On the Lord’s own day, gather together and break bread.” This is a clear reference invoking Christians to worship on Sunday written around the year 100. In the year 110-only twelve years after the death of the last apostle-Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, calls the Sabbath “antiquated.” The full passage of the letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians, reads: “Do not be led astray by other doctrines nor by old fables which are worthless. For if we have been living by now according to Judaism, we must confess that we have not received grace. The prophets . . . who walked in ancient customs came to a new hope, no longer Sabbatizing but living by the Lord’s day, on which we came to life through Him and through His death.” There is widespread belief among Christian scholars that the institution of Sunday worship occurred in the apostolic or post-apostolic age in commemoration of the Resurrection. The New Testament itself never calls Sunday the day of the Resurrection but consistently “the first day of the week.” Moreover, nowhere does the New Testament suggest that the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in commemoration of Christ’s Resurrection. Neither do the earliest post-apostolic writings invoke the Resurrection as a reason for Sunday worship. The Epistle of Barnabas (A.D. 130-135) is the first explicit mention of Lord’s day worship being based on the Resurrection. Barnabas writes: “Finally He [God] says to them: ‘I cannot bear your new moons and Sabbaths.’ You see what he means: It is not the present Sabbaths that are acceptable to me, but the one that I have made; on that Sabbath day, which is the beginning of another world. This is why we spend the eighth day in celebration, the day on which Jesus both arose from the dead and, after appearing again, ascended into heaven.” In the year 135 Jerusalem was sacked and the Roman emperor Hadrian prohibited Sabbath worship throughout the Roman Empire. Hadrian also prohibited anyone of Jewish descent from living in Jerusalem. A new Christian community was recruited for Jerusalem from other nations, and the bishops of Jerusalem until the mid-third century bore Greek and Roman names. Thus, after 135, even the Jerusalem Church worshiped on Sundays. Hadrian’s prohibition against Sabbath worship spelled the end of the Sabbath-or-Sunday problem for the early Church. Another council was not necessary. Justin Martyr confirmed the non-issue of Sunday worship in 150, writing: “On Sunday, we meet to celebrate the Lord’s supper and read the Gospels and Sacred Scripture, the first day on which God changed darkness, and made the world, and on which Christ rose from the dead.” It is worth pointing out that the unity of intent in the writings of the apostolic fathers speaks to the worldwide acceptance of Sunday worship between 100-150. In the year 321 the emperor Constantine made a new edict known as the Sunday decree: “All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable Day of the Sun. Country people, however, may freely attend to the cultivation of the fields, because it frequently happens that no other days are better adapted for planting the grain in the furrows or the vines in trenches. So that the advantage given by heavenly providence may not for the occasion of a short time perish.” At the time this law was instituted Sunday worship had been universally practiced in the Church for at least 170 years. The significance of the law, however, was that in sanctioning Sunday as a day of rest the emperor implicitly recognized Christianity as the state religion. (Constantine refers to Sunday as the “Day of the Sun” according to the Roman tradition.) In her book Cosmic Conflict, published in 1844, Seventh-Day Adventist prophetess Ellen White argues that the early Christian Church became apostate at the time of the decree of Constantine (p. 551-554). This opinion is refuted by current scholarship even from Seventh-Day Adventists. S. Bacchiocchi, a leading sabbatarian SDA scholar, writes in From Sabbath to Sunday (1997) that the change in worship days began around the year 60 in Rome but was not generally accepted until after the decree of Hadrian in 135 (p. 303-321). There is a glaring inconsistency in Mrs. White’s belief that the church apostatized in 321: She accepts specific doctrines approved by the Catholic Church after the date of alleged apostasy. Three examples will suffice to make the point: (1) the canon of the New Testament was approved in 393 at the Council of Hippo; (2) the doctrine of the Trinity was defined in 325 at the Council of Nicea; and (3) the doctrine of the true manhood true Godship of Jesus was defined in 451 at the Council of Chalcedon.
@Phil Andrew you’re doing a great job brother! If this guy doesn’t listen to you he has to be just an idiot… your explanations are great and he will have to answer for not listening to the truth in the end.
With regards to the “false teachings” or practices of the Catholic Church; I took a page from St Robert Bellarmine and turn it back to the person So I’ll ask: “okay, we’re not supposed to call priests father. When did this practice start in church history, who started it, and which Christian’s at the time called it out as being an error? Because I want to read what they wrote and the arguments for why they did.” And when you do this, it becomes very clear that the objection isn’t that well researched.
In Matthew 23:1-12, Jesus is denouncing the Jewish scribes and Pharisees for rejecting Him as their Messiah, in particular for their hypocrisy in elevating themselves above others with titles such as “teacher” and “master.” The Jewish teachers affected those titles because they supposed that a teacher formed the man or gave him real life. They sought, therefore, to be called “father,” as if they were the source of truth rather than God. Christ taught that the source of all life and truth is God, and no one ought to seek or receive a title that properly belongs to Him. The use of “Father” as the normal title for ALL priests, is a very recent practice. It originated in Ireland and spread to the United States with the Irish immigrations of the 1840’s. When Cardinal Manning was archbishop of Westminster (1865-1892) he worked hard to establish this custom as the universal practice in England as well. It's in his book the Eternal Priesthood.
I love St Robert Bellarmine, is it in his controversies ? St Robert Bellarmine was born in *Italy* on *October 4 October 1542* and died on *September 17 1621*
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Ray Comfort is very silly: From the screaming at people at the beach, to the banana is an atheist's nightmare, to the intellectual dishonesty, the only people he reaches are those as goofy as he is, like Kirk Cameron. I'm sorry if that is uncharitable, but Ray is disturbingly anti-Catholic.
I agree he's dishonest and not great with some bad arguments but pretty sure the banana was a recurring joke sketch he did, not a serious argument. Also idk if we should call people he reaches goofy, he does share the gospel and people can be saved hearing it, that wouldn't be goofy.
@@IM-tl7qv The problem is that the "Gospel" he shares is malformed. People may be saved, but it will be in spite of his interpretation of scripture, not because of it.
@@Renkinjutsushi I agree totally, when I said the gospel I meant THE gospel, what I meant was he can share basic parts of the actual gospel that can result in people getting saved. But yes, people being saved would be in spite of his theological position. People of course can be saved in imperfect communion when they are Protestant so it's still doing some good and those people can't be called goofy for doing that.
@@IM-tl7qv By that logic, we should be thankful for Bart Ehrman since he might potentially be saving souls when he quotes the New Testament in his popular books that intend to discredit it. Both of them are extreme sources of scandal. They're obviously sowing far more doubt and disrepute than they are sowing seeds of faith.
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol No, that's not following the same logic. That would be purely incidental and the opposite of what the author intended, whereas Ray is sharing a distorted gospel message but Ray's message is still orientated and will likely result in salvation as the vast majority of protestants do get baptised and many will be saved. This isn't comparable to Bart Ehrman, who doesn't intend anyone or share a message for anyone to become Christian. Anyways, this is besides the point, I never even said we should be thankful for Ray Comfort, he does do damage. I just said we shouldn't call people who accept his arguments and seek salvation "goofy" or suggest they gave to be silly or goofy to accept it because many parts and the main basic message is to seek Christ to be saved.
Excellent video. Thanks for setting the record straight. This guy Comfort, picks on ignorant people who have almost zero understanding of the Catholic Church. I hope people repent of their sin and start walking in Christ.
Ray Comfort seems like a really nice and genuine guy. I truly believe his intentions are pure and he love Christ. But he's consistently factually wrong on many topics, not just Catholicism.
I agree, any of these Catholics bothered to watch his videos yoy would know. I am not saying Ray is right, but it’s just arrogance coming from some people here
I would pay good money to see Trent and Ray have a full on discussion. With all due respect to Ray, his points made against Catholicism are and have always been incredibly simplistic and with simple research, could be squashed immediately. Perhaps a dialogue episode between the two would be fantastic. I genuinely like Ray, I just think he's flat out wrong and either spreads lies intentionally or he's just not serious about addressing the Catholic position.
I'm a Protestant who's listened to almost 50 years of ridicul9usoies & nonsense about Catholicism, & in my experience with people like Ray Comfort, they're always lying or misrepresenting facts, & they know they're lying, but think it's ok because they know the true word of God. Protestants who have never spoken with a well-cathecized Catholic truly believe they're telling the truth they were taught at church or by their family because they've never been given the true facts. Anti-Catholicism is one part of the KKK's trinity of hate: Jews & African-Americans make up the other spots. When it comes to most Southerners & evangelical Christians & this anti-Catholic narrative, the South is pre-Civil War & Catholics are lucky to be 3/5 a person. I wasn't raised with any anti-Catholic beliefs, so the hatred & ignorance constantly blow my mind. It's due to EWTN & people like Trent that I can speak the truth now when I hear bigotry & ignorance against Catholics. Thank you, Trent!
Ray is a street preacher. I don’t think it would be useful since his biblical standing is that of a layman and not a biblical scholar. Trent has a more of a scholarly approach. Some well informed Protestant scholar would be more worthwhile for the discussion.
Thank you for finally responding to Ray Comfort! He's been on my radar for quite awhile and, honestly? The thing about him that annoys me the most is how condescending he is. He talks to everyone like he's talking to some sort of child. I'd think it was just his accent, but I don't mind others who also have that accent, so I'm more prone to think he's being condescending. And when he asks people if they're born again? I seriously wanna run into him at some point just so that I can say. "Yes, I am born again. I'm a Catholic Christian, born again of water and spirit. And yes, I read my Bible daily. I trust in Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul that I am saved. Have a nice day, sir", then just walk away before he can say anything else XD 'Cause Catholics ARE, as they say, "born again", and I don't like when "born again" Christians try to say we're not just by taking that label for themselves.
@@Pratsg86 I know, but it would just be for the giggled. Lol. I know there's gotta be a ton of Catholics who actually know their faith who he edits out, and that drives me even more crazy. But he has an agenda, and to let people see that there are actually Catholics who go against his narrative would be problematic for him.
There's only one, yet incredibly important detail that you need to correct. As Catholics, we do not believe that we "are saved." We know if we are "saved" if we go to heaven, after our death. There is no way for us to know whether we are going to go to heaven or not, lest we can see whose name is written in the Book of Life.
@@csongorarpad4670 True. My apologies, I'm just bad with wording. I was trying to portray that I know that Jesus died for me and that I have faith in God's infinite mercy and grace. You are right, though. After all, the Bible does say that we ARE saved, that we're BEING saved, and that we WILL be saved in 3 different tenses. We are saved, and yet we are also still working towards salvation, and can't know for absolute certainty until the time comes. We can have faith, though, because that is what Jesus asks of us. For our faith.
@@mikaelacash3791 The issue is that protestants have a different idea of what "saved" entails. If you engage in a conversation with them then they will assume that you use think of salvation in the same manner that they do - Which you and I, as Catholics, don't.
As someone who would currently consider themselves "evangelical" i'd like to say that not all of us are like this. I was brought up catholic before I eventually got into occultism which by the grace of God I was delivered from and lead back to Christ. When I came back to faith in Christ I would have shared a lot of the same opinions as Ray. However as time has gone by I have sought to understand more about the Catholic faith and with it I gained a new found respect for the denomination I grew up in. Honestly I'm not really sure where I stand on Catholic theology, but I'm not going to dismiss the Catholic faith and deny calling Catholics my brothers and sisters in Christ just because we have some differing views. At the end of the day we're still one body in Christ and honestly I don't think the differences are as big a problem as many from a reformed tradition of faith would like to make them out to be. For me as long as it's not a blatantly heretical issue and you can give a solid defence for your theology backed up by scripture then we're good. I just wish that those with a reformed faith would actually take the time to look into why Catholics believe what they believe before refuting the claims with a lack of thoughtfulness and understanding. Who knows maybe I'll end up going back to the Catholic Church but regardless I have a lot of respect for it. On a final note, I really enjoyed this video and found it interesting to hear a Catholic view on some of Ray's theology not just on his claims about catholicism but also how he witnesses to people. Thumbs up!
Your mind is stuck in a rut slinging mud. No one can help you wash the mud out because you don't stand for Jesus but fell for a lie of Satan's place is fun. Pope had fun with kids much younger than you. Dirty fun. Your bragging makes me sick as the kids suffered as you party.
The main thing that irritates me about that guy, besides the obviously dishonest and dumb accusations against The Church, is that he thinks we're stupid. He comes at people with an attitude of deception and trying to get them to confirm his preconceived ideas.
Another thing I noticed about guys like this is that they seem to conveniently only find people who are easily manipulated and don't realize that they are being used for an agenda. What do you suppose they do with recordings of people who actually do figure out what's going on and are able to defend their faith? I would so love one of these guys to confront me. First thing I would do is start recording the encounter myself. I doubt that he would debate anyone who could actually defend Catholicism confidently.
@@trinabrousseau5568 I've asked that question many times. When Ray Comfort comes across people who really know their faith (and people like that DO exist) those videos most certainly would not be uploaded.
As far as kneeling before others goes, there is a significant difference between humbling yourself below others and raising up others above even God himself.
@@joecastillo8798 so that gives u the authority to make their statues and bow before them just because u want to give them respect?! Could u plz enlighten me with ur knowledge?
I love the Reformers. I left the Catholic Church for 7 years and was fed. Came back to the Catholic Faith and started a Bible study. WE DO NOT know the Word of God as we should. That needs to change! Get into the scriptures, daily!
I'm not Roman Catholic Church member I'm a Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal Jesus everything I've read the Bible at least 4 times it's a exciting book there was a living faith in old testament times they all looked forward to a prophet that would come or more than a prophet Jesus Christ there was a lot ceremonials in there worship similar to today Catholic mass burning of incense a table in front of altar golden cup the Catholics altered the 10 commandments especially the 3 rd thou shalt not make graven images they also change Matthew 28 19 was Changed by the RCC in second century it was originally written go ye therefore and teach all nations in my Name they don't practice Acts 2 38 they don't encourage there fallowers to study the Bible they teach there own gimmicks catacheism sacraments baby baptism which is wrong they baptized people who don't repent there just getting WET
Ray Comfort is intellectually dishonest and a laughing stock. I couldn’t take him seriously as an Atheist due to his banana argument, and I can’t take him seriously now.
@@mugsofmirth8101 I am no longer atheist, and the arguments I took seriously were Aquinas’ five ways and the Church’s claim of apostolic succession. But Ray Comfort’s banana argument is something that caused me to mock and belittle Christians for a while due to its sheer ridiculousness.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Thank you so much for this! I used to follow Living Waters and Ray Comfort and would evangelize as he does. He’s got a good heart, but as you point out through this video, he just doesn’t see the whole truth of salvation. I’m praying you get the opportunity to debate with him!! That’d be amazing to see!
Some evangelicals put theology above everything. Even if he's wrong , he has a good heart. He says he loves Catholics but hates Catholicism. I can't listen to him anymore for bashing our sacred and holy Mass. Pray for him. God would like us to be one body.
Watching Comfort take these Catholics to the woodshed is embarrassing. The pillars of the faith have been static for almost 2,000 years. There is no excuse for this. We can blame poor catechesis all we want, but every Catholic should understand the basics. Even a somewhat motivated catechumen fresh out of RCIA should be able to refute the nonsense that he is spewing.
Yes Paul call himself people's father. But more broadly many protestants seem to play this game where the apostles can violate their traditions but also then they can't. Like how they act like the apostles were Sola scriptura because they supposedly always referred to the scripture, but when they clearly don't do that, that's OK because they were the apostles
Also, never point out the fact that the "scripture" that Protestants refer to (the Bible) didn't exist when the NT books were written, so it's impossible for the Bible to the scriptures the Apostles are referencing.
@@Renkinjutsushi I find this tendency particularly irritating. It makes Paul's words nonsensical to the original recipients of his letters. "Timothy, the scriptures are sufficient for all knowledge of the Gospel. But not the scriptures you have now, you need ones that won't be written for another 40 years." - Protestant Paul
I’ve always thought the interviews with random people like the woman at the 10 minute mark are always low effort. It’s interesting how the people who use such tactics never seem to search out priests or bishops to debate; or the theology faculty of catholic universities. Like cool you found a former catholic that’s obviously ignorant about what the church teaches. That doesn’t prove the catholic position false. Because it would be just as easy for me to hang out around evangelical churches and get sound bites of their ignorant members.
I’m a Catholic Christian I am a evangelist the Pope says to evangelize not sure what your talking about, I do know Catholics and Protestants are not good at it like Morons do
@@spirituallysafe When did the Pope say not to evangelize? And Ray is running around parroting a false gospel on top of it and outright lying about the Catholic faith. Catholics evangelize all the time. We just don’t stand on street corners with bull horns looking like idiots 😂 For someone to enter the Church they go through a process called RCIA. Depending on the parish it’s anywhere from about 9months - 2 years so they can learn the faith while they attend the church
It'll never cease to amaze me the degree to which people will split hairs to separate themselves from their brothers in such an unloving way. Ridiculous.
Thank you for responding to Ray comfort. Great work Trent. I love being catholic. Matthew 7:15-16. Be on your guard against false prophets they come to you looking like sheep on the outside but on inside they are really like wild wolves you will know them by what they do. Pray for Ray. I love being catholic love from south Africa cape town.
Getting Trent out there in the evangelical world is a great benefit. When people hear how reasonable the Catholic faith is they will reconsider their Protestant position.
You are blind folded by nonsense teachings of Catholicism as Muslims are. See how this man desperately attempt to prove that Mary didn't have other children using "could be" "possibilities" etc. Proving!
@@brendansheehan6180 This is not an argument its the truth. Trent or any Roman Catholic believing person can't go out and evangelize since they don't know what the Gospel is. Do you?
The lady who says she didn’t feel fed as a Catholic is blind and misguided. A recent poll states that many Catholics don’t believe in the true Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. This is the root of the problem. Every Catholic needs to know intellectually and with all their heart and soul that when Jesus says ‘This is my Body, This is my Blood” it is true. The priesthood did not go away. Jesus meant what he said and made a new and everlasting covenant. In the Old Testament the way to worship was revealed over and over again: the priest offering sacrifices. Protestants did away with priests and alters from their own interpretation. They quote the Bible constantly but where does it say in the Bible that we no longer need priests? Jesus told the healed leper to go show himself to the priest so we know Jesus didn’t say priests were no longer needed.
I'm Non Denominational personally, but in doing Historical research into The Church and The Bible, and looking at it from an unbiased and Spirit Filled way the more Catholic I see it is I accept The Seven Sacraments, Seven Archangels, 73 Book Cannon and I accept Transubstantiation I do not accept Sola Scriptura (Because The Bible doesn't preach Sola Scriptura so it is by nature a self contradicting view) And I can't see myself coming to any other conclusion. I am also doing research into other Catholic and Protestant doctrines aswell and so far everything lines up with what The Catholic Church teaches
You are soooo important to me and to Christ's word. Soo many people just don't think things through. Sooo many just look at the surface of the word and never venture into truth through understanding. Everyone on earth needs to hear these sessions. You explain things so incredibly well. Like so well, that it's almost as if your words are helped by God in a way so that people that listen can fully understand. I love you, your channel, and your teachings of the Bible. I have came to a conclusion that people like ray and living waters, and especially jehovah's witnesses, are following the devils doctrine. People think the devil is stupid and would only be responsible for blatantly obvious evil, but I think the devils plan is waaay more clever. So clever, he can change true Christians, put them on a broken path, and have them still believe they are Christians, maybe even better Christians. And he does this by convincing people to only follow a portion of what is needed for salvation, and then twisting the very Bible they follow. Especially the johovahs witnesses, there bible is literally altered and twisted so far that it's not even Christian, but rather a lie that throws its believers onto a path of damnation.
Ah yes, the old "and here's a clip of a non-Catholic agreeing with my straw man argument. There's no way *2* protestants would misrepresent the Catholic faith, right?"
But Trent is telling a bold faced lie: 11:00. The catholic Church has removed 2nd commandment from their Bibles. He gives some nonsensical explanation that it is stated differently and people like you blindly and naively believe him. The 2nd commandment is not stated differently or anything but it is completely removed. Even a lay man can google search and find out.
@@sabhishek9289 which Catholic translation are you referring to? Even the Douay Rheims, the English translation from the middle ages, includes the prohibition of making graven images.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell. Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying. Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Thank you for this video. I tried to discuss the commandments issue on the Living Waters video, but they only threw a few bible verses at me. Nobody replied to actual arguments...
Thanks Trent, I saw that video and tried to help those protesters with my comments, but this is much better. I am a rank amateur compared to you. I’m subscribing!
Those evangelical protestants attention seeking and money grover they don't debate they don't want to lose follower and money because in the moment they debate a catholic apologist they would be embarrassed and their lies will be expose
These desperate, cheap attacks by Ray are more for his own conscience, to quell the voice in his head that draws to Catholicism but which his pride and ego seek to silence.
I agree with most of this. However, can you give one example of how coveting anything would be a good thing and not a sin? This is why I believe the two distinctions between things and persons should not have to be made, nor the commandments separated.
I have wanted to see an informed Catholic have a conversation with Ray Comfort for so long. If it has happened the video evidence has been buried. I understand that if he taped a conversation like that during his "man on the street" style interviews it would not be helpful for him to post it because it undercuts the purpose of his ministry. But, does he not engage in planned conversations like that in a professional capacity at all? Or am I just missing them? I would love to see how Mr. Comfort reacts to someone who knows their faith and pushes back with good answers without following/being lead down his question and answer "sinners prayer" conversation path.
Yeah, that’s what bums me out the most about Comfort’s vids. too, every time it’s a poorly formed cradle, I’m doing a face palm on the other side of the screen!
Watching this video has made me understand communion more than any video I have ever watched. If it does help us to flee from sin and be righteous I want this. I can't do it by just being a Christian. I'm sure some would say, "well, then you must not be saved anyway". But I am humbling my self to say I need Christ and his gifts. Pray for my direction someone.
I greatly appreciate that I clicked onto your video Trent. I'm a devout Catholic Christian. I initially liked Ray Comfort after seeing him on youtube then I quickly came to realize that he (frequently) preaches in an extremely anti Catholic manner. (and stopped watching Ray Comfort videos) This is unfortunate as what I would tell all Protestant 'anti Catholic' type of preachers,"I hope and pray that one day you (anti Catholic preachers) will realize that, in doing your 'anti Catholic' preaching, YOU ARE DOING JESUS / THE GOSPEL A HUGE INJUSTICE, NOT TO MENTION SPEAKING AGAINST THE ORIGINAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH WHICH IS THE (CATHOLIC) CHURCH THAT JESUS HIMSELF FOUNDED & ESTABLISHED UPON PETER THE ROCK. Plus, it tends to sour people who are neither Protestant or Catholic Christian from even having the desire to come to know Christ. I rarely see Catholics preaching anti Protestant rhetoric. It's 98% of the time Protestants preaching in an anti Catholic manner. I'd say this to these 'anti Catholic' preaching preachers, "It's best for Catholics & Protestants to meet on the common ground when dealing with each other throughout our walks with Jesus & Gospel sharing ministries on this earth. Thanks to God. Glory to God. :)
Love this rebuttal, Trent! Great work. Hope Ray Comfort will agree to a debate. The irrationality and lack of historical knowledge of Protestants is disheartening, but it's really b/c we Catholics have not been evangelizing. Let's get out there!
Probably the primary reason Protestants think we removed the second commandment is simply because we’re succinct when it comes to presenting the first commandment.
No, it's because your pretend Christian religion was invented by Satan. He took ancient, Babylonian pagan religion and disguised it to masquerade as a Christian church. He mixed together paganism and Christianity. Pagans worshipped idols. To help pagans convert to Christianity, the church allowed them to keep their pagan practices and idols. She just "baptized" them to make them appear Christian. Idolatry was so deeply rooted in this "church" that Rome saw it would be impossible to get rid of it. So she just did away with the second Commandment which forbade it. That's why the second Commandment is missing in your version of the Ten Commandments. We're trying so hard to tell you that your religion is false and a satanic deception and that you need to get out of it if you want to be saved. And all we get is endless arguments. Blasphemous titles claimed for the pope have been embellished and enlarged over the centuries. But a few of these boastful claims appear in an ecclesiastical (Roman Catholic) dictionary, by Lucius Ferraris, entitled _Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica,_ Vol. VI, pgs. 438, 442, article "Pope." _The Catholic Encyclopedia,_ 1913 edition, Vol. VI, p. 48, speaks of this book as "a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge," and "a precious mine of information." "The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God." "The pope is of such lofty and supreme dignity that, properly speaking, he has not been established in any rank of dignity, but rather has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities. . . ." "He is likewise the divine monarch and supreme emperor and king of kings." "Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions." "So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the pope." "The pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom." "The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God." The above quotes are from _What's Behind The New World Order?_ Go to CatholicNewWorldOrder.com and click on the top link. ---------- "The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ." _-Decretal De Translat. - Espiscop. Cap_ "I am all in all and *above all,* so that God, Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do ALMOST ALL THAT GOD CAN DO . . . What therefore, can you make of me but God?" -Pope Nicholas, quoted in _Antichrist_ by Ian Paisley, pg. 54. "You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on the earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means I am God on the earth." -Pope Pius XI, April 30, 1922. The pope calls himself God, i.e., "Lord God the pope," "another God on earth." "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty," Pope Leo XIII said in an _Encyclical Letter,_ June 20, 1894. "The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of flesh," the _Catholic National_ said in July 1895. And every priest is an "Alter Christus," Another Christ. So every priest is Jesus. Plus, during the Mass the priest transubstantiates the bread into the literal, "real presence" of Christ. In other words, man creates God. He is "the creator of his Creator. . . . 'The power of the priest,' says St. Bernardine of Sienna, 'is the power of the _divine person;_ for the transubstantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world.' . . . As the Word of God created heaven and earth, so, says St. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus Christ." _-The Dignity and Duties of the Priest_ by St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Ch. 1, Part IV, pg. 11. How is any of this _not_ blasphemy?! Christianity teaches that the pope is the Antichrist. The proud pontiff's official title is Vicar of Christ, meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ translated into Greek is Antichristos, in English Antichrist, also meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ and Antichrist are the exact same word in two different languages. Vicar of Christ in Latin is Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning Vicar of the Son of God, or Vicar of Christ. VICARIVS FILII DEI. Add up the 11 Roman numerals and you get 666. Rev. 13:18. angelfire.com/on/3angels Revelation 13. 1 I . . . saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns . . . and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And _the _*_dragon (Satan)_*_ gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat,_ and great authority. 4 And _they worshipped the _*_dragon_*_ which gave power unto the beast:_ and they worshipped the beast . . . 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies . . . 6 And he opened his mouth in *blasphemy against God,* to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, *_Come out of her,_** my people,* that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Rev. 18:4, 5.
I was raised protestant and converted to catholicism in high school. When all you have to do is generally believe and you are never forced to think of your sins or confess them to another, its easy hide sins and to fool yourself into thinking youre better christian than you are. I fell in love with the Catholic church because the prayers in the 1962 missal and the Mass remind me on daily basis that im not worthy and I must strive the conform my will to God's and deny myself
@@hello-cn5nh I think that by "these types of people" she probably refers to the people that justify any means to reach their goal, even lying and mischaracterizations are allowed in his mind to generate more converts to his movement. I don´t know if he is just ignorant but has the "honest" intention of leading people to Christianity (to his twisted version of Christianity) or if he just wants more converts to get the tithe out of them…
27As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and blessed are the breasts that nursed You!” 28But He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” 2 You can listen to Catholic lies all you want. but Jesus Himself silenced the first veneration attempt. Exodus 20 is a chapter in the Bible that contains the Ten Commandments. The chapter begins with Moses telling the people not to fear, as God has come to prove them1. The Ten Commandments are as follows2: You must not have any other gods besides Jehovah. You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them. You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it sacred. Why have Catholics removed the 2nd commandment? Respond if you want more Catholic lies exposed. May God bless everyone and save the lost
And 2 huge statues of Cherubim in the Holy of Holies in the Temple in between which the Arc was placed, images of Cherubim on the walls and gate, the brazen sea held up by 12 bronze bulls outside the temple, and God also commanded Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a stick.
I am a 38 year old who was led to the Catholic Church by God, during a problematic time, when there was no reason at all to even be thinking about Catholicism. I wasn’t thinking about religion at all when it happened. It’s a long story, but I was raised Protestant in a group of devout Baptist. Protestants do not believe in the spiritual world whatsoever and until u became catholic I never understood it. I wish I could spread my story but it would take too long. I just wanted to say that there is hope to break through to Protestants but it takes God to do it with most.
Thanks for doing this video, I'm going to link it to every video of Living Waters when he disses Catholic's from now on. I would like to see him reply but don't think that will ever happen, as he picks people that don't know the Faith! God Bless you Trent.
As a catholic I love this video and how he explain all those points but I also don't like Christians debating and arguing with each other. I pray that all humans help this world to be a peaceful place. God Bless you all
I’ve found that Ray Comfort brings up arguments that really sometimes don’t matter such as the numbering of the commandments, and ignore things such as what being biblically born again actually means
Thank you for this. I was born and raised Catholic and continue to practice today. I have recently been re-strengthening my spiritual journey beyond what I learned as a child in catechism. In my deep dives, I have heard different negative opinions toward Catholicism but wasn’t clear why. I am a fan of Ray Comfort and the Living Waters. And I will continue to follow him. But I was a little confused at the digs on Catholicism without enough explanation. This was very informative. It cleared up quite a few questions I had. I for one would absolutely love a debate between you and Ray Comfort. I think it would be even more informative and beneficial to those like me who are slightly confused.
But who's calling out the Catholics with all the pagan, satanic crap they're teaching and telling people it's Christianity when it's not? This false, Whore of Babylon (Rev. 17:4-6), "church" is dragging people to hell. Did you think Satan would invent a counterfeit Christian church in order to take them to heaven?? Blasphemous titles claimed for the pope have been embellished and enlarged over the centuries. But a few of these boastful claims appear in an ecclesiastical (Roman Catholic) dictionary, by Lucius Ferraris, entitled _Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica,_ Vol. VI, pgs. 438, 442, article "Pope." _The Catholic Encyclopedia,_ 1913 edition, Vol. VI, p. 48, speaks of this book as "a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge," and "a precious mine of information." "The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God." "The pope is of such lofty and supreme dignity that, properly speaking, he has not been established in any rank of dignity, but rather has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities. . . ." "He is likewise the divine monarch and supreme emperor and king of kings." "Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions." "So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the pope." "The pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom." "The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God." The above quotes are from _What's Behind The New World Order?_ Go to CatholicNewWorldOrder.com and click on the top link. ---------- "The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ." _-Decretal De Translat. - Espiscop. Cap_ "I am all in all and *above all,* so that God, Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do ALMOST ALL THAT GOD CAN DO . . . What therefore, can you make of me but God?" -Pope Nicholas, quoted in _Antichrist_ by Ian Paisley, pg. 54. "You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on the earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means I am God on the earth." -Pope Pius XI, April 30, 1922. The pope calls himself God, i.e., "Lord God the pope," "another God on earth." "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty," Pope Leo XIII said in an _Encyclical Letter,_ June 20, 1894. "The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of flesh," the _Catholic National_ said in July 1895. And every priest is an "Alter Christus," Another Christ. So every priest is Jesus. Plus, during the Mass the priest transubstantiates the bread into the literal, "real presence" of Christ. In other words, man creates God. He is "the creator of his Creator. . . . 'The power of the priest,' says St. Bernardine of Sienna, 'is the power of the _divine person;_ for the transubstantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world.' . . . As the Word of God created heaven and earth, so, says St. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus Christ." _-The Dignity and Duties of the Priest_ by St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Ch. 1, Part IV, pg. 11. How is any of this _not_ blasphemy?! Christianity teaches that the pope is the Antichrist. The proud pontiff's official title is Vicar of Christ, meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ translated into Greek is Antichristos, in English Antichrist, also meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ and Antichrist are the exact same word in two different languages. Vicar of Christ in Latin is Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning Vicar of the Son of God, or Vicar of Christ. VICARIVS FILII DEI. Add up the 11 Roman numerals and you get 666. Rev. 13:18. angelfire.com/on/3angels Revelation 13. 1 I . . . saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns . . . and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And _the _*_dragon (Satan)_*_ gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat,_ and great authority. 4 And _they worshipped the _*_dragon_*_ which gave power unto the beast:_ and they worshipped the beast . . . 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies . . . 6 And he opened his mouth in *blasphemy against God,* to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, *_Come out of her,_** my people,* that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Rev. 18:4, 5.
Thank you so much, Trent. I watched Ray's video and I had so many questions, so I'm glad someone with a better knowledge on the subject can give an educated answer. I'll surely reference this video in the future.
Bravo Trent! I came into full fellowship with the Catholic Church in 2020 from an evangelical (non-denominational) background. Thank you for pointing out where Ray’s Gospel presentation is right and where it is lacking. I applaud Ray for his willingness to share the Gospel-albeit incompletely. Ray is right in one thing: most Catholics have no idea how to express the Gospel in a simple, understandable way. This is where you come in. Where did you get the REPENT-BELIEVE-RECEIVE-REMAIN paradigm? It’s brilliant! I am going to try to contact you about this. You are onto something big. God bless you brother!
I enjoy your videos. I think they’re a great resource for some of the mis representation of Catholicism… it’s good to hear it from the horses mouth. But I don’t understand the Catholic doctrine of why Mary must be a perpetually virgin indefinitely. Can someone break this down? I’m also curious the view you hold about Martin Luther. Did his 95 thesis have any value? Seems like he tried to reform from within. And unfortunately Protestants kept reforming themselves 😂
Whenever you hear black people address themselves as? "brother" nowadays does it mean the people are literally siblings. You are making observations on a culture you know nothing about. And Joseph was older than Mary (a LOT older) and had other children by his first wife. "Until" in Greek means up to the point, but not beyond necessarily. 2 Samuel 6:23- “Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child until the day of her death.” Saul had children with his wife after she died? edit: the womb of St Mary is closed as the Lord pass thru it. Ezechiel 44:2 And the Eternal says to me: This door will be closed, it will not open, and nobody will pass there; because the Eternal, God of Israel entered by there. It will remain closed. Augustine: Him whom the heavens cannot contain, the womb of one woman bore. She ruled our Ruler; she carried Him in whom we are; she gave milk to our Bread. - St. Augustine And now the "reformers": Martin Luther God did not derive his divinity from Mary; but it does not follow that it is therefore wrong to say that God was born of Mary, that God is Mary’s Son, and that Mary is God’s mother…She is the true mother of God and bearer of God…Mary suckled God, rocked God to sleep, prepared broth and soup for God, etc. For God and man are one person, one Christ, one Son, one Jesus, not two Christs…just as your son is not two sons…even though he has two natures, body and soul, the body from you, the soul from God alone. (On the Councils and the Church, 1539). It is a sweet and pious belief that the infusion of Mary's soul was effected without original sin; so that in the very infusion of her soul she was also purified from original sin and adorned with God's gifts, receiving a pure soul infused by God; thus from the first moment she began to live she was free from all sin" (Sermon: "On the Day of the Conception of the Mother of God," 1527). John Calvin "There have been certain STRANGE folk who have wished to suggest from this passage [Matt 1:25 - But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.] that the Virgin Mary had other children than the Son of God, and that Joseph had then dwelt with her later; BUT WHAT FOLLY THIS IS! "For the gospel writer did not wish to record what happened afterwards; he simply wished to make clear Joseph's obedience and to show also that Joseph had been well and truly assured that it was God who had sent his angel to Mary. He had therefore NEVER dwelt with her nor had he shared her company.... "And besides this, our Lord Jesus Christ is called the first-born. This is NOT because there was a second or a third, but because the gospel writer is paying regard to the precedence. Scripture speaks thus of naming the first-born whether or no there was any question of the second. Thus we see the intention of the Holy Spirit. This is why to lend ourselves to FOOLISH SUBTLETIES WOULD BE TO ABUSE HOLY SCRIPTURE...." (Sermon on Matthew 1:22-25, published 1562) Ulrich Zwingli "I esteem immensely the Mother of God, the ever chaste, immaculate Virgin Mary." [E. Stakemeier, De Mariologia et Oecumenismo, K. Balic, ed., (Rome, 1962), 456].😜
Hey Ruslan, as you prob. know, Caths have Tradition as well as sacred scripture. The two can’t/won’t ever contradict each other, which is why, in view of our Tradition that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, remained a virgin, you’ll hear Trent explaining how we Caths interpret/understand “adelphoi” in scripture as not meaning “blood brothers.” Bottom line, though, is while there are a lot of theological reasons why it’s fitting & proper (you can find those on Google), it’s a Traditional teaching of the Church (& it doesn’t contradict scripture!), so, we hold to it.
@@jakeschwartz2514 FWIW, we interpret “κεχαριτωμένη” in Luke 1:28 as scriptural evidence (i.e., how is one going to be “full of grace” if they’re not sinless). Understand, though, elsewhere our dogmas make it abundantly clear that this was a special privilege granted to her by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, solely through His merits.
SO WHO WERE THESE "BROTHERS OF JESUS?" A. While James and Joses are mentioned as Jesus's brothers in Matthew 13:55, it is made clear in Mathew 27:56 and Mark 15:40 that their mother was another Mary. Matthew 27:56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons. This "other Mary" at the Cross, is revealed in John 19:25 to be the wife of Cleophas. Mary of Cleophas is therefore revealed as the mother of two of Jesus's so-called "brothers", James and Joses. B. In John 19:25, the original Greek states. "But by he cross of Jesus were the Mother of Him AND the sister of the Mother of Him, Mary the wife of Cleopas AND Mary the Magdalene." The precise positioning of the ANDs in the original Greek makes it clear that Mary the Wife of Cleopas, is also referred to as the Virgin Mary's sister. Since we know no-one has two daughters and calls them BOTH Mary, we know that sister here does not mean sister. The same would apply to "brother" with reference to Jesus. C. In the introduction to the Book of Jude, Jude introduces himself as: Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and a brother of James. If Jude/Judas were truly the brother of Jesus, why wouldn't he say so? He identifies himself in his letter as brother of James, but significantly not as a brother of Jesus, only as a servant. To have identified himself as Jesus's blood brother would have added enormous weight to his epistle, but Jude doesn't so identify himself here. We know the reason, because James and Joseph have already been revealed to be sons of the other Mary in Matthew 27 and Mark 15. Judas then must also be a son of this other Mary. Mary wife of Cleophas. So another of Jesus's so-called "brothers" is eliminated. D. James "Brother of Jesus" is referred to as one of the APOSTLES by Paul in Galatians 1:19. . We know from Matthew 10:2-4 that neither of the Apostles named James was actually a Son of Mary. So James, "brother of Jesus" cannot be a Son of Mary. He is actually James, Son of Alphaeus (thought to be another form of Cleophas)! James is a kinsman of Jesus, but not a sibling. A few more points: • In Luke 2:41-51, the twelve-year-old Jesus goes missing on a trip to Jerusalem, and is only found three days later in the temple. Yet in all this time no mention at all is made of any other children, even though the entire family made the journey together. If all the people mentioned in Matthew were actually surviving children of Mary, she would have had at least seven children younger than Jesus to look after! In fact both Mary and Joseph race back to Jerusalem to find him, through country filled with bandits, something they could not have done if there had been babies and other young children in need of care! • The people of Nazareth refer to Jesus as "the son of Mary" (Mark 6:3), not as "a son of Mary" Finally, if James and Joseph, Simon and Jude, were children of Mary, and if Jesus had even more brothers and sisters, why did Jesus commit His Mother to the care of St. John at His death? Mk 6:3 says, "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses, and Judas and Simon, and are not His sisters here with us?" We need to realize a few things here about these "brothers and sisters": #1, there was no word for cousin, or for nephew or niece, or for aunt or uncle in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic - the words that the Jews used in all those instances were "brother" or "sister". An example of this can be seen in Gen 14:14, where Lot, who was Abraham's nephew, is called his brother. Another point to consider. If Jesus had had any brothers, if Mary had had any other sons, would the last thing that Jesus did on earth be to grievously offend his surviving brothers? In Jn 19:26-27, right before Jesus dies, it says that Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to the beloved disciple, John. If Mary had had any other sons, it would have been an incredible slap in the face to them that the Apostle John was entrusted with the care of their mother! Also, we see from Mt. 27:55-56, that the James and Joses mentioned in Mark 6 as the "brothers" of Jesus, are actually the sons of another Mary. And, one other passage to consider is Acts 1:14-15, "[The Apostles] with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers...the company of persons was in all about a hundred and twenty." A company of 120 persons composed of the Apostles, Mary, the women, and the "brothers" of Jesus. Let's see there were 11 Apostles at the time. Jesus' mother makes 12. The women, probably the same three women mentioned in Matthew 27, but let's say it was maybe a dozen or two, just for argument's sake. So that puts us up to 30 or 40 or so. So that leaves the number of Jesus' brothers at about 80 or 90! Do you think Mary had 80 or 90 children? She would have been in perpetual labor! No, Scripture does not contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church about the "brothers" of Jesus, when Scripture is properly interpreted in context. The Bible clearly says that Jesus had brothers and sisters, but the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was a perpetual virgin...how can you reconcile those seemingly different positions?Mk 6:3 says, "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses, and Judas and Simon, and are not His sisters here with us?" We need to realize a few things here about these "brothers and sisters": #1, there was no word for cousin, or for nephew or niece, or for aunt or uncle in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic - the words that the Jews used in all those instances were "brother" or "sister". An example of this can be seen in Gen 14:14, where Lot, who was Abraham's nephew, is called his brother. Another point to consider. If Jesus had had any brothers, if Mary had had any other sons, would the last thing that Jesus did on earth be to grievously offend his surviving brothers? In Jn 19:26-27, right before Jesus dies, it says that Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to the beloved disciple, John. If Mary had had any other sons, it would have been an incredible slap in the face to them that the Apostle John was entrusted with the care of their mother! Also, we see from Mt. 27:55-56, that the James and Joses mentioned in Mark 6 as the "brothers" of Jesus, are actually the sons of another Mary. And, one other passage to consider is Acts 1:14-15, "[The Apostles] with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers...the company of persons was in all about a hundred and twenty." A company of 120 persons composed of the Apostles, Mary, the women, and the "brothers" of Jesus. Let's see there were 11 Apostles at the time. Jesus' mother makes 12. The women, probably the same three women mentioned in Matthew 27, but let's say it was maybe a dozen or two, just for argument's sake. So that puts us up to 30 or 40 or so. So that leaves the number of Jesus' brothers at about 80 or 90! Do you think Mary had 80 or 90 children? She would have been in perpetual labor! No, Scripture does not contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church about the "brothers" of Jesus, when Scripture is properly interpreted in context.🌹
Thank you, Sir. As soon as he posted his video I saw it and I was blown away by his ignorance and by how truly misleading and easily refutable all his points were. And I was waiting for a youtube apologist to do a rebuttal. Though it is low-hanging fruit, he has a big following and thus misleads people away from the true church. Thank you for this
@@MalibuGlassMI Tom, You haven't read the Bible well. Do you remember the following quote? "If he, a sinning brother, refuses to listen even to THE CHURCH, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector" (Mt 18:17). If that is not enough, when we listen to the Church, we actually listen to Jesus: "He who listens to you, LISTENS TO ME". (Luke 10:16) Moreover, full authority is only given to Jesus' ONE Church: "all that you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" (Mt. 18:18). I ask you Tom: Why ignore the important fact that the Catholic Church is the only one founded by Christ and is constantly guided by the Spirit of Truth? Our Lord said very clearly: JOHN 16, 13 13. When the SPIRIT of TRUTH comes, He WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL THE TRUTH; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. Our Lord only wants perfect unity for His one and only Church: JOHN 17:20-23 20. “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21. that ALL OF THEM MAY BE ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that THEY MAY BE ONE as WE ARE ONE 23. I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to COMPLETE UNITY. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Having said that: How could you continue to be a participant in the division of the Body of Christ against Christ's Will? Is it because LUTHER DID IT? Why do you want to imitate such wanton behavior? Look at the result! More than 68,000 "protestant" churches and sects around the world today. Remember: "If he, a sinning brother, refuses to listen even to the Church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector". (Mt 18:17) St. Paul brands schism and disunion as crimes to be classed with murder and debauchery, declaring that those guilty of "dissensions" and "sects", shall not obtain the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:20-21) Aren't you afraid? I hope so, because St. Paul, after hearing of the schisms among the Corinthians asked them (and YOU now) the simple question: "Is Christ divided? Was Paul then crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" (1 Corinthians 1:13) And in the same Epistle he describes the Church as One Body with many members distinct among themselves, but One with Christ as their Head: "For in One Spirit we are all baptized into One Body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free". (1 Corinthians 12:13) As one body, the Church that Jesus founded will always be guaranteed the one truth: 1 TIMOTHY 3:15 15. if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is The Church of the living God, the Pillar and foundation of the Truth. Therefore just like St. Paul: We declare the Catholic Church founded by Christ, not the Bible, IS the Pillar and foundation of the truth.
@@joecastillo8798 You can declare what ever you want, it does not make it true. The word church simply means group of believers. It is not an Institution or building. Have you ever studied the History of your so called one true Church? If you did then you would see that it is the oldest criminal Institution on the face of the earth. The Catholic Church has it's purpose for these end times.
@@klausmkl No, it doesn't. It means an assembly or community with a common bond. Just like the initial 12 Apostles who were called by Jesus TOGETHER, not divided by personal beliefs of Scripture. Thus our Lord Jesus tells all very clearly: John 17:21-23 21. so that they may all BE ONE, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. 22. And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may BE ONE, as WE ARE ONE, 23. I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to PERFECTION AS ONE, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me. St. Paul believes and repeats the Lord's doctrine of unity for your sake. ▪︎EPHESIANS 4:3-6 3. Striving to preserve the UNITY of the spirit through the bond of peace: 4. One Body and One Spirit, as you were also called to the One hope of your call 5. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism 6. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. May God bless your discernment.
Try angling your camera toward the corner of the room for depth instead of a flat wall behind you. Mix up the books on the shelves so some are stacked on it's back. Love the rebuttals! Keep it up!!
I saw that video and started looking into Catholic apologetics. I didn't actually see him interview any practicing Catholics. I'm a convert. My dad was a Baptist preacher and when I started doing research to dig in in deeper about Christianity, I found my way to Catholicism. My Faith has saved me! Thank you for this video!!!
10:16 Saying you moved from Catholicism to Christianity is like saying you moved from Washington DC to the United States…
Kind of. DC is ever becoming "foreign" territory.
@@AJKPenguin agreed
Good point. I don’t get how people view Catholicism as not Christian. Just because we don’t agree with a denomination doesn’t mean it’s not Christian.
@@AJKPenguin Why is DC like “foreign” territory? I am curious.
“Did you read the Bible as a Catholic?”
“Not really.”
Uh, not the Church’s fault. And if you’re attending Mass as you’re supposed to, there’s SO MUCH scripture in the Liturgy alone.
And paying attention during Mass! if you treat it like just something to get out of the way you miss the whole thing.
Most of the Catholics or 99% of the Catholics never read their Bible and it's the fault of the Catholic church.Try to see the Catholics beyond the borders of the United States and you will see how rotten Catholicism is.
@@TheCrusaderPub Which is what I used to do.
My hunch is that she was either not going to Mass, or at the least not listening.
@@samruggiero1778 gotta be one or the other, lol!
I thank Ray Comfort for bringing me out of my atheism and putting me on the path that led me BACK TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ✝️
SBC Covered up & Kept Secret List of Abusers / Ruslan KD
Welcome home!!!
Praying to the Saints is idolatry, praying to Mary IS idolatry, the pope is NOT Jesus and priests CANNOT absolve you of your sin! Just those 4 TRUTHS are enough to keep me out of the "catholic faith"
@@platinum6978 asking for the Mother of God to intercede for us and asking for the saints to intercede for us is not idolatry. Worshiping false gods is idolatry. Jesus gave the Church the power to absolve and retain sins and it’s clearly stated in the scriptures. You should try reading the Bible and go off by what it actually says instead of inserting your personal interpretation into it.
As a former Catholic who spent almost 30 years in that Protestant teaching and who used to share the gospel Ray Comfort’s way, I am thrilled to be re-entering the Catholic Church! Discovering the doctrines held by protestants that were received from a German monk who broke from the church and even added to scripture in his Bible, (read the true story of the founder of the Protestant faith) to be unbiblical, and after seeing how these same protestants have misrepresented quite uncharitably what the Catholic Church teaches, I’m thrilled to be entering the Catholic Church with a full knowledge of what they teach and I am so excited to become a part of this beautiful biblical church once again. I am rejoicing as I come home.
Welcome home! What a great story... you'd probably make a great evangelist to Protestants. God bless you and your loved ones. :) And Happy Easter! Check out the Divine Mercy devotion; it's beautiful and the feast is coming up next Sunday.
@@Antonia_D Thank you, it’s great to be home! We have been praying the Divine Mercy Novena daily. I think you are right about evangelizing Protestants. My husband and I have already started, and feel like this is the ministry God has called us to. God bless you, and thanks again for the warm welcome. Happy Easter! He is risen!
@@CatholicNana That's terrific to hear. :) He is risen, indeed! God be with you on your journey. Sounds like the Holy Spirit is truly guiding you.
@@taylormatthews4848 If you read church history you wouldn’t make that false statement. There were bibles before Luther broke from the church. And Luther added a word to his Bible, and cracked down when people did what he encouraged them to do…be their own popes. What he really meant is agree with me, because I appointed myself pope.
That break from the church created chaos that gets worse each day. You have 30,000+ Protestant denominations that can’t agree on baptism, how we’re saved, leadership, worship style, how or if the a Holy Spirit works today, what we can and can’t eat, etc. You are a messy bunch that doesn’t hesitate to call others in the body of Christ heretics when they disagree with you. I highly doubt that was Christ’s intention.
To quote a highly respected Protestant theologian who became Catholic, "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant." The doctrines held by the church were Catholic doctrines until the 16th century. So Christ’s church has been 100% Catholic for 3 times longer than she has had separated brethren who broke off after a tormented Augustinian monk couldn’t accept Gods love.
Welcome home
The more I hear these stock protestant objections over and over again, the more confident I get in the truth of Catholicism.
exactly! the Orthodox have some very strong arguments in their favour but the protestant's arguments are so feeble, unintellectual and indeed un-Biblical.
@@marcokite Very strong arguments? Like what?
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol Orthodox and Catholics have very very similar beliefs with minor distinctions. Of course papal infallibility and the Primacy of the pope is the biggest one however Catholic and Orthodox Christians are much more unified given that we come from the same Apostolic succession and lineage
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol Papal forgeries for example 😏
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol I'd say that the primacy of Rome is objectively a tough debate, each side had their own set of Church Fathers who had divergent views, etc.
Thank you for responding to Ray Comfort. He always brings up the same-old arguments, even after people attempt to correct him. Your work is greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately, that doesn't say anything good about Ray Comfort's moral character.
@@appliedvirtue7731 do you know Ray Comfort? Have you met him? Talked to him and spent some time around him? So, you can judge his character?
@@MalibuGlassMI well, since he manipulates and basically lies to the people he interviews....
@H Cho I was subscribed to his channel, because I really believed in the brotherhood of Christianity... but then I started noticing that all these "Christian Pastors" have a hard anti-Catholic agenda, and horrible theology and no knowledge of history. I suspect they are more interested in getting more people to tithe.
@@MalibuGlassMI if the guy's not a liar (giving him the benefit of the doubt) he's a happy ignorant not wanting to get out of it, insisting on the old 100 times rebuked bad arguments.
Saying that you used to be Catholic but now you’re “Christian” is an admission that you know very little about your Faith.
Excellent point!
To say you're a Christian when you are a Catholic is an admission that you know nothing about your Faith. The two don't agree.
@@brutus896 What is your definition of a Christian?
@@samruggiero1778 A Christian is a person who has repented, put faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, including His death on the cross as payment for sins and His resurrection on the third day. And abides in Him daily.
@@brutus896 got news for you buddy, Catholics believe that!
I appreciate this. As a former protestant who is now Catholic, praise be to God! I struggled with these same issues. I prayed for God to show me the truth and HE did. The CATHOLIC church is the true church!!
God told you to go to temples full o0f graven images? I doubt that.
Popes has a history of seducing kids that boasting for Pope shows what you like.
@@bobdobbs943that's a weird thing to say.
@@bobdobbs943who's graven image are you talking about? Do you know the difference between the word venerate vs worship?
God bless you I believe Catholic Church is the Church
Born and raised Catholic. Fell away from the Church at 18. Returned to Christianity via Evangelical Protestantism. Got a degree in Philosophy from an Evangelical College later in life and, as a result, returned to the Catholic Faith.
😂😂😂 that's brilliant.
What a journey. No one goes back to where he was unless he found out the truth. You got humility.
Sorry to hear that
@@Kingdom_of_God777I can’t tell if this comment is supposed to be anti-Catholic or showing remorse for them leaving the church at one point
I certainly have no remorse that he left that church
Ironically, Ray Comfort is in great part responsible for me becoming Catholic. We must pray for him...
The Bible is sufficient on its own. It doesn't need to be changed in any way. As a matter of fact there's warnings in the bible about this topic
@@dekorokone I'd be very fascinated to know where in the Bible it says that the Bible is sufficient on its own. Further, I'd be fascinated to know where in the Bible it tells us what books should be in the Bible? The Church preceded the canon of the Bible by nearly 400 years... How did the early Church survive without the Bible? The answer is the Church. Jesus left a Church, not a Bible. The Church provided the Bible, based on what She saw was inspired, and useful. Changing the Bible didn't happen until after the "Reformation", when several Protestant sects decided to remove several books. Is your warning aimed at them?
@@Brennandh7777 Ok lets use your comment of, " I'd be very fascinated to know where in the Bible it says that the Bible is sufficient on its own."
I would be very fascinated to know where the CC is mentioned in the Bible. Then we can move on to where Mary is sinless, assumed, and that Peter is the first pope
Yep Catholics changed the commandments.
@@Brennandh7777 Are you a fan of Andy Stanley and believe what he believes ? Your opinion,
Great work Trent. I’m getting baptized during Easter Vigil!
Welcome aboard!
God bless and welcome home.
What a great news.God bless
Welcome Home ❤❤❤
Praise be Jesus Christ!
One interesting argument for the claim that Mary had no other children is the fact, attested in scripture, that Mary went and lived the rest of her life in the house of John, an unrelated male. If she had other children, she would have lived with them, and her children would have physically prevented her from going to live with John.
His brothers ridiculed him. So no way..he was the 1st born n d apostle was jesus friends. Just as it happens with best friends currently.
What does living with John have to do with Marys children?
Jesus’ brothers rejected Him until after His resurrection.
@@AMKmusic96 all the more reason they would have prevented their mother from living with an unrelated man. By force, if necessary.
Here is how to put this thing to bed, once and for all. Show this to your sola scriptura Protestant friends - they'll either have to admit there is a contradiction in the Bible, or that they are wrong.
There are two apostles named James (Luke 6:14-16, Matt 4:21, Mark 10:35). The first James is the brother of John, one of the sons of Zebedee. The second James is the son of Alpheus. Neither is Jesus' brother by blood.
In Galatians 1:19 we read "But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord's brother".
Are Protestants going to argue that either:
1) St. Paul was wrong
2) There was a third apostle named James
3) The Bible is corrupted and has contradictions
4) The word brother (adelphoi) in Greek is clearly used for non-blood related relatives in the Bible, and they are mistaken?
On top of that, we see adelphoi this used this way in other places in Scripture:
Lot & Abraham are described as brothers despite being nephew & uncle (Genesis 14:14).
In John 19:25 we read "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas (Joseph's brother), and Mary Magdeline".
The Theotokos & Mary the wife of Clopas are clearly not familial sisters.
There are more, but I don't have them at hand.
Read the account of the crucifixion. Mary's sister was at the cross with Mary. Her sister is the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. Thus, John was a cousin to Jesus and definitely family. Also, Jesus, as the first born has the authority to give the care of His mother to who He deems. This is part of the redeemer authority from the Jewish law.
Thanks Trent for doing this rebuttal video. I was one of the ppl who requested you do it. I hope Ray does step up to be open to debate you to see that Christ established one holy Catholic and apostolic Church as his kingdom for many. "May they all be one, as the Father and I are one..."
Lord, send forth your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.
Popes has a history of seducing kids that boasting for Pope shows what you like.
Protestants are the ones who evangelize and preach the Bible, Catholics are under the authority of their priests and king Pope 😢
In the protestant Episcopal Church, lay persons in a parish refer to their Priest as "Father" who is the laity's spiritual leaders who are ordained under the Sacrament of Ordination of Holy Orders. As a recent Convert to Catholicism, our RCIA Director and Teacher used the Bible the entire way through our Catholic catechism. At every Mass there are 4 scriptures read: Old T, Psalm, New T, and Gospel, so the idea of not using the Bible in the Catholic Church is absurd.
When the mass service starts, there’s normally the procession of the cross bearer, the Gospel, and the priest (with some differences depending on the church). The Gospel is placed front and center on the altar, then represented during the Gospel acclaim and read from. Daily morning masses may forgo something like a procession, but the readings ALWAYS come from the Bible.
Anyone who truly believes Catholic don’t read or use the Bible at mass is either 1) severely uninformed or 2) purposefully lying.
I think they are targeting lapsed Catholics or very poorly taught faithful, who do not remember the Gospel reading at the heart of every Mass. It's sad and manipulative, straw manning the beliefs of one before another. We all do it to some degree unless we are extremely careful & knowledgable, but Comfort ought to know much better after so much exposure to Catholicism.
At EVERY Mass the Priest and the entire congregation STAND and the Priest says quietly "Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God that I may worthily proclaim your holy Gospel"
Then to the people:
Priest: The Lord be with you.
People: And with your spirit.
Priest: A reading from the holy Gospel according to (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
People: Glory to you, O Lord (while saying these words the people trace the sign of the cross on their forehead, lips and heart, so that the Word of God may be in my mind, my heart and my mouth).
The Gospel is read. At the end:
Priest: The Gospel of the Lord
People: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Then the Priest kisses the scriptures saying quietly
"Through the words of the Gospel may our sins be wiped away".
The people sit and then listen to the Homily (preaching on the Word of God).
Before the Gospel the people listened to an Old Testament reading, a Psalm and a New Testament reading.
I strongly recommend you read, "A Biblical Walk Through the Mass" by Edward Sri.
If you're so smart then why do Popes has a history of seducing kids that your boasting for Pope shows what you seem to like?
To give credit where it is due, Ray was in a way a big part of me becoming a Catholic Christian. I remember being in middle school watching his videos and being inspired to get into apologetics. Looking back on his style now I notice some concerning things that make me feel almost as if he is trying to be deceptive and I hate to say that. I dont remember ever seeing a video of his where he interacted with a well educated Catholic or a person educated on any faith contrary to his own perception of Christianity. I also notice that he seems to come off as rather condescending as if he thinks (or maybe wants his audience to think) that Catholics are stupid and don't understand their faith (which I suppose is true for a lot of us, but still not most).
It's kind of sad to see in all honesty :(
There are many phoney, protestant morons too. He should be fair. He thinks he is doing God's will. He causes a lot of division in the body of Christ in my opinion. I guess we should pray God will open his eyes to the truth.
No such thing as a catholic christian.
We all have sinned including Mary. That I do know.
Call no man father. Correct!
@@keithpritz1347 lol sectarian go take your schizophrenia medication
I'm not even Roman Catholic (Eastern Orthodox), but this guy has absolutely no idea what he is talking about in regards to Roman Catholicism
Ray is a consummate dunce. His ignorance is willful because people have tried to correct him but he prefers his narrative.
He knows what he is talking about. Perhaps that's why you take offense?
Is he not allowed to take offense to heresy?
Are you talking about Ray or Trent?
Why don't they go with the interpretations of the earliest Christians? Surely they would interpret the Bible better than protestants over a thousand years later who interpreted things specifically to be anti-Catholic.
Evangelical Christians can get militant and weird. I think they believe the church started in America they refuse to see the whole of the world.
Exactly. One of the arguments I use from the Bible is that Christ said he would build his church. Implying that it would be founded then obviously so why are we paying attention to people who came far later claiming everyone else is wrong? Our Lord said he would build his church not let's wait over a thousand years and then once people start misinterpreting everything shall my church begin.
On this rock I will build my church... The rock is mount of philippi....NOT Peter.
It's evident when you realise what early Jewish people believed about mount of philippi.
I'm a Catholic but if someone says that Catholic Church is the main or only church because of Peter... It's wrong.
@@mirkoboi Peter is literally rock
@@TheThreatenedSwan His name is rock. But when Jesus was talking about building church he wasn't talking about him.
Not fed as a Roman Catholic? Uhhh...the EUCHARIST????
IKR. It's a shame.
I said the same thing before I reconverted. Say a prayer for these people, it's holy week after all. Pray for conversions, pray for impossible conversions.
Ya unfortunately , this couple think Mass is supposed to entertain vs. a participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Clearly poorly catechized
@@dorakinwarhammer2946 And sadly, very common.
By "not fed," she meant not spiritually fed. No scripture, no Word of God, no Gospel from the Catholicreligion. The Eucharist does not feed.
Only scripture 👍
Ray will NEVER take you up on your offer to debate, he only talks to people he can manipulate and whose vulnerable to a twist of theology.
What is your evidence for this claim?
@@gospeltruth6368 did you watch the video?
@@gospeltruth6368 have you ever seen Ray Comfort have any kind of debate or discussion with an actual Catholic apologist? He runs from them like a vampire running from Holy water.
I hope that you realize that guys who do this kind of "man on the street" videos only include interviews with people they can manipulate. Not ever any from someone who can actually challenge them.
@@gospeltruth6368 History, other Catholic folks have put that out there and he has never responded. That is why everyone is so excited to see Trent's rebuttal. Watch, he'll stay silent. I mean, I've enjoyed watching him get people thinking but he gives them the impression that all they have to do it "accept Christ" in their heart and then go on about their life like its just a sentence they have to say. I'm sure he's a nice guy, he is just spewing anti Catholicism like he knows anything about it and if he had any kind of balls, he would have a cordial dialogue with a Catholic apologist, not just people off the street who are fallen away or non-practicing Catholics.
@@jeffscully50613 I did
It is really hard listening to Ray oversimplify faith.
On gosh how can Protestants see themselves as intellectually honest. That guy at 3:30 butchers Scripture. They just twist and take liberties any way they want! This is NOT Holy Spirit revelation or discernment. The stuff these Protestants are doing is so obviously wrong it has to be of diabolical influence. A smart child could see thru the stuff they say
Lol!! It’s IS simple! You are saved by grace through faith
No, Ray uses simplicity in support of his errors. If you receive grace through faith you will perform the loving works which will save you. That would agree with Jesus in Matt 25:31-36. Was Jesus right or was he lying?
I agree that Ray has a lot of bad doctrine, but God still uses him. I reject everything or most everything the Reformers taught, mainly sole fide. You are right that without obedience to Christ we are not his sheep. We are also to avoid judging others as we are not called to separate the wheat from the tares.
You: but God still uses him.
Me: God also used Satan for his purposes so that fact does not mean anything positive by itself.
You: We are also to avoid judging others as we are not called to separate the wheat from the tares.
Me: I am to judge truth from error but not anyone's soul. I hope Ray is saved. I hope he is not judged harshly for attacking Jesus his whole life.
I've heard the counter arguments to these Protestant objections many times, but I learned something new by viewing this. If we group the two "covet" commandments as one (as the Protestants do) then we run the very real risk of viewing women (spouses) as objects to be owned. Clearly, there are two commandments here because we're dealing with two different sins (avarice and lust). Thanks, Trent!
Wow great incite!
The wisdom of St Augustine! God bless us with more like him, we have plenty of raw material!
Which is how the Jews viewed them. The commandment was only against coveting a neighbor's wife, thus Solomon was said to have a lot of wives and concubines. Why? Because if they weren't married women you didn't break the law, and women were only objects. Christ came and gave us the new Law, now even the thought of lust is equal to adultery, so you are not longer allowed to have more than one wife, because you would be committing adultery, Christ perfected the law and made it harder. Ask any protestant this and you will see how suddenly those commandments are now wrong. The Catholic view has always been the correct one.
So funny.... before seeing this video I was on living waters and argued exactly that a few weeks ago. I think it was a response to someone's comment and it wasn't as kind as it should have been as anyone attacking the faith makes me slightly "hulkish"
@@tony1685 no, it doesn't. It's only your extrapolation. To be honest, if something exposes you (I mean protestants in plural) as not christians is your suddenly appear centuries apart from the apostles. No verse can save your lack of roots back there when Christianity was born
Finally a catholic apologist reacted to Ray Comfort.
*Looking down the stairs* Catholic Truth- Hello there.
Bryan Mercier from Catholic Truth had already made a couple videos on Mr. Comfort.
@@JMJ1219 Thanks I will find those and watch
But Trent is telling a bold faced lie: 11:00. The catholic Church has removed 2nd commandment from their Bibles. He gives some nonsensical explanation that it is stated differently and people like you blindly and naively believe him. The 2nd commandment is not stated differently or anything but it is completely removed. Even a lay man can google search and find out.
@@sabhishek9289 , Trent Horn is not a cradle Catholic nor a Catholic by birth. He’s a former anti-Catholic Protestant who after much study became a Catholic convert.
So you might be mistaken to believe that he doesn’t know what he’s doing nor he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He does.
Thank you for responding to this!!!! Ur a great man Mr.Trent! God bless you and ur family!!!
I'm kind of an exevangelical, and seriously thinking to become catholic. I like to study theology and read the church fathers, and doing so and listening to serious catholic apologists, like you are, I realixed that many of the anticatholics teachings are no more(to be soft) that misconceptions about catholic theology. Thanks for your contribution
Nothing more confusing than someone who is confused. Sounds like satan is working overtime in this world with so many people like yourself. The bible talks about this and how cunning that he is because he is the ruler of this world. Pray the the true and Living God would guide you into truth. It isn't in the catholic church or other religions.
Being a christ follower has
nothing to do with being Catholic, or Baptist or evangelical the gospel is to all simple follow Jesus not a
religious organization. Follow truth in the spirit of Christ. I was rasied catholic when i was born agian of spirit and truth i saw the truth and repented of all false religious secs and listen and follow Jesus christ which means salvation power. Deliverance by truth in the power of the spirit of God
Jesus did establish only ONE church. The rest were started by sinners in opposition the the one Jesus established. The issue comes down to one following Church in his church or following sinners instead. Sorry that Jesus was not enough for you.
What made you become an exevangelical? I'm not sure I like the label evangelical either, but I do consider myself a protestant. I have to ask myself, if the catholic tradition had gone wrong, what method do catholics have to know it? If I can't use the bible as a standard, then I am at the mercy of whatever the catholic leadership of the day is telling me, and that is unfalsafiable. If you are looking for a more historically focused protestant approach I recommend the lutheran church (and I'm not lutheran). They have a very similar service to catholicism, but they are submitted to God's Word first and the church leadership comes second.
You: I have to ask myself, if the catholic tradition had gone wrong, what method do catholics have to know it?
Me: Against what standard could you possibly judge that the church had gone wrong? In the matters of teaching faith and morals it is impossible. Jesus promised that he would be with his church forever and, if that weren't enough, he said that the gates of hell would not prevail against his church. Then he promised that the spirit of truth would be with its leaders until the end of time. The Reformers failed to believe Jesus or trust the Holy Spirit.
I really hate these old arguments against catholicism that when looked at honesty or given more than 1 sec of research are easily explained or shown to be plain bad. Especially the "we took out the 2nd commandment" and "don't call someone father". Keep up the great work trent
Or saying Catholicism is influenced by paganism 😩
My thoughts exactly
There's never an example what did paganism influence in Catholicism and what pagan group exactly
@@davidstrelec610 Where I came from, the paganism the other side (non-Catholic) is usually bringing up is anything to do with Pope, the mitre, the title, the crooks - all of which are then used by muslims and atheists too to attack Catholics and Catholicism.
@@davidstrelec610 GOOGLE Catholicism and Paganism.
Read the comments from that video. Terrifying. But if one ten minute video is what leads you away from your faith then, you probably didn’t have faith to begin with.
Those weaklings that leave becauae of what that buffoon ray comfort had to say or what they hear from heretical protestants, I don't get upset anymore when weaklings leave the faith , we don't need weaklings in the faith, it's a spiritual war daily to be true Christian (AKA CATHOLIC), we go to the front-line as a Catholic family in union with each other daily, and having weaklings there in between us on the front-line is a subtraction by addition. Better of they leave and take their wacko ideas with them to ray comforts nightclub (aka chirch)
He’s separating out the wheat from the Chaff as far as I’m concerned.
I pray to God they find a real Faith once again.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
The comments on this video are terrifying.
Trent, you are on a very good path imo replying to the most relevant videos that are produced by protestants against the Church. Great!
And the age-old quote of "to be steeped in history is to cease being a protestant" is once again re-affirmed as true.
Thank you for your great work, Mr. Horn and may God bless you and your family!
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Remember everyone, the devil will tell you 9 truths to sell you one lie. No matter how 'loving and kind' Ray comes across, he's intentionally leading people away from salvation in the one true Church of God.
I was raised a Protestant which lead me to become and Atheist. I was baptised into the Catholic Church last year.
Protestantism is just humanist narcissism dressed up in religious terms. They worship themselves and their own ability to understand and interpret the Bible. They are not capable of humbling themselves before God's revealed truth because it makes them uncomfortable so they either interpret the Bible to suit their preconceived ideas or they shop around for a version of 'Christianity' that fits in with those preconceived ideas.
Welcome home!
@@LauraBeeDannon thank you! It's the best thing I have ever done!
Very well said! So happy you are home now. Salvation is a journey. Enjoy walking the road daily with Jesus. I was also raised in a hard core evangelical fundamentalist protestant church and home. I am now the only Catholic in my family. I am home, and nothing will ever make me leave.
Well said Nick !! Glad to have you in our family !
@@amyakins1284 thank you Amy :-) I wish you luck with your family, I know it can be difficult.
Isn’t it strange that Ray so rarely ever has these conversations with pastors or priests…..
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
It's not strange, because I thought he wanted to talk to those who don't believe? 🤷🏽♀️
Because he knows that they would blow his arguments apart. I would be like watching Michael Knowls or Ben Shaprio debate with a brainwashed socialistic collage student. No facts all feelings.
No ..? Since when are we required to go out of our way to go after religious teacher .. jesus himself rarely did that and he has full authority to .. instead he comes to us the sinners
Luke 5:32
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Or even people like Trent Horn. People who can actually provide answers to his dishonest questions. He acts as though because these folks on the street can't give an answer, then there *is* no answer.
Thank you for this rebuttal video, Trent!
I am a Protestant, I used to hold these same views, and while I do disagree with some things in the Catholic faith, they're honestly quite minor and not worthy of really discussing. The reason I'm Protestant has a lot to do with upbringing and the traditions I greatly appreciate in this expression of my faith. I have jokingly said to friends "if I wasn't Protestant I would be catholic" not to demeen the Catholic church, but to instead say "I would be a Christian no matter what, there is no world in which I would not be".
I used to believe a number of the things discussed in this video. I greatly appreciated your insight. Over the years I've grown to respect and admire Roman Catholicism more and more, I count you all as my fellow Christians, and as the elder relatives in the faith who i can learn a great deal from. I am even currently listening to the Confessions by St Augustine and my mind is continually blown by it.
I hope my catholic brothers and sisters don't take offence to my being Protestant, and believing differently than they do, since I think we are simply different parts of the same body, gifted and called to do different things. The more I learn the more respect and admiration I gain. There's a great deal we can learn from one another, thank you for continuing my education, and I will subscribe to listen more.
Glad you aren't ignorant but I wouldn't toss out the idea of conversion just yet
Well as u continue to study Catholicism, you’ll realize , Jesus Christ founded one Church with authority.
Conversion is inevitable
May God help u in your journey
I suppose I don’t see the need to convert if I am already a Christian. I can submit myself even to some degree to the authority of the magisterium as I understand it, particularly of the church fathers, but I think I am too much of an individualist, even if I have traditionalist leanings, to “convert” to Catholicism. As I said, if we are both Christians, of different sects and tertiary beliefs, then there is no reason to convert. We both follow Christ, we both believe in the same trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who proceeds from both the Father and the Son, and of the same confession, that Christ was Born of the Virgin Mary, who lived a life as a Man, fully God and fully Man, was sinless and without fault perfectly submitted to the will of the Father, died the death of the cross, and rose again on the 3rd day and ascended into heaven. So… yea. It seems to me there is nothing to which I can convert, since I am already in Christ. I am not a Mormon or a Jehovah’s Witness, I am descended of the same western church, even if we separated at some point in there. The same Christ. The same Faith. Different expressions of that same faith.
@@hamasathecold7842 You are right. U don’t need to convert. You need to come back home
Different expressions of the same faith is not how Jesus Christ came to establish his Church
He did not say He would establish different churches that disagree on fundamentals of Christianity
He said He would build one
Upon Peter
I understand your background might make it hard for you to become Catholic
But it’s not a good idea to rationalize something as something else to make you feel good. Because the truth is written in stone
Either you are in all the way or out
I think I will leave the conversation here. Since it seems to me to have become something less than what it started as.
For beginner apologists, if you can rebut Comfort's video you pass the test. I'd say that's fair.
It's an entrance exam, but no more. Ray Is too simplistic
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
I just might start telling my RCIA class this very thing, LOL
Trent Horn is no beginner apologist
@@thunderousooner527 which is why he debunked him with ease lol
As a former Protestant, I apologize for this silliness.
Welcome home! You're forgiven! 😄
Not your fault, darlin'. I was once a protestant myself.
@@amyakins1284 "darlin" ? 😂
Why feel the need to apologize? 😂
No need to apologise;)
Similar story - born into a Catholic home. Fell away from the faith but always felt a call back. Started listening to Protestant radio and fell in love with God but realized soon after the it was my original Catholicism that was the true faith and where my heart belonged, so here I am. Thanks Trent for these great videos
Amen me too.
im baptised a catholic, but in my adult years I left it for 6 years for protestantism,
until I felt a call home, I started reading about the early church, then I found out much of the objections to the catholic faith by protestants were not true, and others were misunderstood.
I know say this.
Catholic Church is the true church of Jesus Christ, its the most persecuted church for a reason... Jesus said we would be persecuted...
Thank you Trent for rebutting Ray Comfort. As a Catholic Christian, I'm so tired of these Evangelists criticizing the Catholic faith. Yes as a Catholic Christian I read the Bible faithfully. Our whole liturgy is full of Scripture. Unfortunately too many Catholics don't see this in their worship.
You mean Evangelicals not Evangelists
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
New Covenant Whole Gospel:
Let us now share the Old Testament Gospel found below with the whole world. On the road to Emmaus He said the Old Testament is about Him.
He is the very Word of God in John 1:1, 14.
Awaken Church to this truth.
Jer 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Jer 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1 (Gal. 3:16)? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel (John 1:49)? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.
Let us now learn to preach the whole Gospel until He comes back. The King of Israel is risen from the dead! (Acts 2:36)
The Word “Baptize”:
Based on Luke 3:16, and John 1:33, and Acts 11:15-16, the most important thing about the word "baptize" in the New Testament has nothing to do with water. The Holy Spirit is the master teacher promised to New Covenant believers in Jeremiah 31:34, and John 14:26, and is found fulfilled in Ephesians 1:13, and 1 John 2:27. Unfortunately, many modern Christians see water when they read the word "baptize" in the text. Based on the above, what is the one baptism of our faith found in the passage below? How many times is the word "Spirit" found in the passage, and how many times is the word "water" found in the passage?
Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
Eph 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
Eph 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
@@Kevin5279 yes. Not weirdo tv evangelist who act like snake oil salesman. Just angry stone throwing judgemental Protestants
Why do they bother?
Aren't there thousands of other protestant sects they can criticize?
I've been waiting too long for someone to call out Ray Comfort. He constantly attacks the Church if he comes across someone who is Catholic and he completely dumbfounds the ones who don't even know what the 4 Gospels are, yet he has never engaged a Catholic who can defend their faith. I don't dislike Ray though. He is actually a big reason why I started seeking out Christ in my life before I became Catholic, so I thank him for that, but ever since becoming Catholic I have never appreciated his videos he makes on Catholicism.
@@tony1685 2 of 2
In Syria, following the death of the last apostle, a guide for the teaching of Christians was written called the “Doctrine of the Apostles,” or the Didache. Its use was reported by church historians but the document itself was lost for centuries. It was found around 1900 in a manuscript dating back to the year 1000. The Didache taught: “On the Lord’s own day, gather together and break bread.” This is a clear reference invoking Christians to worship on Sunday written around the year 100.
In the year 110-only twelve years after the death of the last apostle-Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, calls the Sabbath “antiquated.” The full passage of the letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians, reads: “Do not be led astray by other doctrines nor by old fables which are worthless. For if we have been living by now according to Judaism, we must confess that we have not received grace. The prophets . . . who walked in ancient customs came to a new hope, no longer Sabbatizing but living by the Lord’s day, on which we came to life through Him and through His death.”
There is widespread belief among Christian scholars that the institution of Sunday worship occurred in the apostolic or post-apostolic age in commemoration of the Resurrection. The New Testament itself never calls Sunday the day of the Resurrection but consistently “the first day of the week.” Moreover, nowhere does the New Testament suggest that the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in commemoration of Christ’s Resurrection. Neither do the earliest post-apostolic writings invoke the Resurrection as a reason for Sunday worship.
The Epistle of Barnabas (A.D. 130-135) is the first explicit mention of Lord’s day worship being based on the Resurrection. Barnabas writes: “Finally He [God] says to them: ‘I cannot bear your new moons and Sabbaths.’ You see what he means: It is not the present Sabbaths that are acceptable to me, but the one that I have made; on that Sabbath day, which is the beginning of another world. This is why we spend the eighth day in celebration, the day on which Jesus both arose from the dead and, after appearing again, ascended into heaven.”
In the year 135 Jerusalem was sacked and the Roman emperor Hadrian prohibited Sabbath worship throughout the Roman Empire. Hadrian also prohibited anyone of Jewish descent from living in Jerusalem. A new Christian community was recruited for Jerusalem from other nations, and the bishops of Jerusalem until the mid-third century bore Greek and Roman names. Thus, after 135, even the Jerusalem Church worshiped on Sundays. Hadrian’s prohibition against Sabbath worship spelled the end of the Sabbath-or-Sunday problem for the early Church. Another council was not necessary.
Justin Martyr confirmed the non-issue of Sunday worship in 150, writing: “On Sunday, we meet to celebrate the Lord’s supper and read the Gospels and Sacred Scripture, the first day on which God changed darkness, and made the world, and on which Christ rose from the dead.” It is worth pointing out that the unity of intent in the writings of the apostolic fathers speaks to the worldwide acceptance of Sunday worship between 100-150.
In the year 321 the emperor Constantine made a new edict known as the Sunday decree: “All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable Day of the Sun. Country people, however, may freely attend to the cultivation of the fields, because it frequently happens that no other days are better adapted for planting the grain in the furrows or the vines in trenches. So that the advantage given by heavenly providence may not for the occasion of a short time perish.”
At the time this law was instituted Sunday worship had been universally practiced in the Church for at least 170 years. The significance of the law, however, was that in sanctioning Sunday as a day of rest the emperor implicitly recognized Christianity as the state religion. (Constantine refers to Sunday as the “Day of the Sun” according to the Roman tradition.)
In her book Cosmic Conflict, published in 1844, Seventh-Day Adventist prophetess Ellen White argues that the early Christian Church became apostate at the time of the decree of Constantine (p. 551-554). This opinion is refuted by current scholarship even from Seventh-Day Adventists. S. Bacchiocchi, a leading sabbatarian SDA scholar, writes in From Sabbath to Sunday (1997) that the change in worship days began around the year 60 in Rome but was not generally accepted until after the decree of Hadrian in 135 (p. 303-321).
There is a glaring inconsistency in Mrs. White’s belief that the church apostatized in 321: She accepts specific doctrines approved by the Catholic Church after the date of alleged apostasy. Three examples will suffice to make the point: (1) the canon of the New Testament was approved in 393 at the Council of Hippo; (2) the doctrine of the Trinity was defined in 325 at the Council of Nicea; and (3) the doctrine of the true manhood true Godship of Jesus was defined in 451 at the Council of Chalcedon.
I give John McArthur credit for making me love my Cathilic faith better.
@@tony1685 tony get a job son
Oh, I'm sure he's ran into knowledgeable Catholics. He probably just edits those conversations out.
@Phil Andrew you’re doing a great job brother! If this guy doesn’t listen to you he has to be just an idiot… your explanations are great and he will have to answer for not listening to the truth in the end.
With regards to the “false teachings” or practices of the Catholic Church; I took a page from St Robert Bellarmine and turn it back to the person
So I’ll ask: “okay, we’re not supposed to call priests father. When did this practice start in church history, who started it, and which Christian’s at the time called it out as being an error? Because I want to read what they wrote and the arguments for why they did.”
And when you do this, it becomes very clear that the objection isn’t that well researched.
In Matthew 23:1-12, Jesus is denouncing the Jewish scribes and Pharisees for rejecting Him as their Messiah, in particular for their hypocrisy in elevating themselves above others with titles such as “teacher” and “master.” The Jewish teachers affected those titles because they supposed that a teacher formed the man or gave him real life. They sought, therefore, to be called “father,” as if they were the source of truth rather than God. Christ taught that the source of all life and truth is God, and no one ought to seek or receive a title that properly belongs to Him.
The use of “Father” as the normal title for ALL priests, is a very recent practice. It originated in Ireland and spread to the United States with the Irish immigrations of the 1840’s. When Cardinal Manning was archbishop of Westminster (1865-1892) he worked hard to establish this custom as the universal practice in England as well. It's in his book the Eternal Priesthood.
I love St Robert Bellarmine, is it in his controversies ?
St Robert Bellarmine was born in *Italy* on *October 4 October 1542* and died on *September 17 1621*
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
It’s in his book “on councils & the marks of the church” which are part of The Controversies
@@zacharynelson5731 oh ok thanks
Ray Comfort is very silly: From the screaming at people at the beach, to the banana is an atheist's nightmare, to the intellectual dishonesty, the only people he reaches are those as goofy as he is, like Kirk Cameron. I'm sorry if that is uncharitable, but Ray is disturbingly anti-Catholic.
I agree he's dishonest and not great with some bad arguments but pretty sure the banana was a recurring joke sketch he did, not a serious argument. Also idk if we should call people he reaches goofy, he does share the gospel and people can be saved hearing it, that wouldn't be goofy.
@@IM-tl7qv The problem is that the "Gospel" he shares is malformed. People may be saved, but it will be in spite of his interpretation of scripture, not because of it.
@@Renkinjutsushi I agree totally, when I said the gospel I meant THE gospel, what I meant was he can share basic parts of the actual gospel that can result in people getting saved. But yes, people being saved would be in spite of his theological position. People of course can be saved in imperfect communion when they are Protestant so it's still doing some good and those people can't be called goofy for doing that.
@@IM-tl7qv By that logic, we should be thankful for Bart Ehrman since he might potentially be saving souls when he quotes the New Testament in his popular books that intend to discredit it. Both of them are extreme sources of scandal. They're obviously sowing far more doubt and disrepute than they are sowing seeds of faith.
@@ToxicallyMasculinelol No, that's not following the same logic. That would be purely incidental and the opposite of what the author intended, whereas Ray is sharing a distorted gospel message but Ray's message is still orientated and will likely result in salvation as the vast majority of protestants do get baptised and many will be saved. This isn't comparable to Bart Ehrman, who doesn't intend anyone or share a message for anyone to become Christian. Anyways, this is besides the point, I never even said we should be thankful for Ray Comfort, he does do damage. I just said we shouldn't call people who accept his arguments and seek salvation "goofy" or suggest they gave to be silly or goofy to accept it because many parts and the main basic message is to seek Christ to be saved.
Excellent video. Thanks for setting the record straight. This guy Comfort, picks on ignorant people who have almost zero understanding of the Catholic Church. I hope people repent of their sin and start walking in Christ.
Ray Comfort seems like a really nice and genuine guy. I truly believe his intentions are pure and he love Christ. But he's consistently factually wrong on many topics, not just Catholicism.
Hes a NZ lowlife troll,hes famous for his "banana" speech.
If you believe that you're very VERY gullible.
I agree, any of these Catholics bothered to watch his videos yoy would know. I am not saying Ray is right, but it’s just arrogance coming from some people here
I would pay good money to see Trent and Ray have a full on discussion. With all due respect to Ray, his points made against Catholicism are and have always been incredibly simplistic and with simple research, could be squashed immediately.
Perhaps a dialogue episode between the two would be fantastic. I genuinely like Ray, I just think he's flat out wrong and either spreads lies intentionally or he's just not serious about addressing the Catholic position.
Ray wouldn’t do it, people who rely on lies and distortions don’t want to be called to account
@@SammyJ.. I agree. I think even just the public outreach would be good.
Ray wouldn’t debate a well informed Catholic in a million years.
I'm a Protestant who's listened to almost 50 years of ridicul9usoies & nonsense about Catholicism, & in my experience with people like Ray Comfort, they're always lying or misrepresenting facts, & they know they're lying, but think it's ok because they know the true word of God. Protestants who have never spoken with a well-cathecized Catholic truly believe they're telling the truth they were taught at church or by their family because they've never been given the true facts. Anti-Catholicism is one part of the KKK's trinity of hate: Jews & African-Americans make up the other spots. When it comes to most Southerners & evangelical Christians & this anti-Catholic narrative, the South is pre-Civil War & Catholics are lucky to be 3/5 a person. I wasn't raised with any anti-Catholic beliefs, so the hatred & ignorance constantly blow my mind. It's due to EWTN & people like Trent that I can speak the truth now when I hear bigotry & ignorance against Catholics. Thank you, Trent!
Ray is a street preacher. I don’t think it would be useful since his biblical standing is that of a layman and not a biblical scholar. Trent has a more of a scholarly approach. Some well informed Protestant scholar would be more worthwhile for the discussion.
Thank you for finally responding to Ray Comfort! He's been on my radar for quite awhile and, honestly? The thing about him that annoys me the most is how condescending he is. He talks to everyone like he's talking to some sort of child. I'd think it was just his accent, but I don't mind others who also have that accent, so I'm more prone to think he's being condescending. And when he asks people if they're born again? I seriously wanna run into him at some point just so that I can say. "Yes, I am born again. I'm a Catholic Christian, born again of water and spirit. And yes, I read my Bible daily. I trust in Jesus Christ with all my heart and soul that I am saved. Have a nice day, sir", then just walk away before he can say anything else XD 'Cause Catholics ARE, as they say, "born again", and I don't like when "born again" Christians try to say we're not just by taking that label for themselves.
But then he would just edit you out of his video and pretend that it never happened...and move on to a clueless catholic. 🤷♀️
@@Pratsg86 I know, but it would just be for the giggled. Lol. I know there's gotta be a ton of Catholics who actually know their faith who he edits out, and that drives me even more crazy. But he has an agenda, and to let people see that there are actually Catholics who go against his narrative would be problematic for him.
There's only one, yet incredibly important detail that you need to correct. As Catholics, we do not believe that we "are saved." We know if we are "saved" if we go to heaven, after our death. There is no way for us to know whether we are going to go to heaven or not, lest we can see whose name is written in the Book of Life.
@@csongorarpad4670 True. My apologies, I'm just bad with wording. I was trying to portray that I know that Jesus died for me and that I have faith in God's infinite mercy and grace. You are right, though. After all, the Bible does say that we ARE saved, that we're BEING saved, and that we WILL be saved in 3 different tenses. We are saved, and yet we are also still working towards salvation, and can't know for absolute certainty until the time comes. We can have faith, though, because that is what Jesus asks of us. For our faith.
@@mikaelacash3791 The issue is that protestants have a different idea of what "saved" entails. If you engage in a conversation with them then they will assume that you use think of salvation in the same manner that they do - Which you and I, as Catholics, don't.
As someone who would currently consider themselves "evangelical" i'd like to say that not all of us are like this. I was brought up catholic before I eventually got into occultism which by the grace of God I was delivered from and lead back to Christ. When I came back to faith in Christ I would have shared a lot of the same opinions as Ray. However as time has gone by I have sought to understand more about the Catholic faith and with it I gained a new found respect for the denomination I grew up in. Honestly I'm not really sure where I stand on Catholic theology, but I'm not going to dismiss the Catholic faith and deny calling Catholics my brothers and sisters in Christ just because we have some differing views. At the end of the day we're still one body in Christ and honestly I don't think the differences are as big a problem as many from a reformed tradition of faith would like to make them out to be. For me as long as it's not a blatantly heretical issue and you can give a solid defence for your theology backed up by scripture then we're good. I just wish that those with a reformed faith would actually take the time to look into why Catholics believe what they believe before refuting the claims with a lack of thoughtfulness and understanding. Who knows maybe I'll end up going back to the Catholic Church but regardless I have a lot of respect for it.
On a final note, I really enjoyed this video and found it interesting to hear a Catholic view on some of Ray's theology not just on his claims about catholicism but also how he witnesses to people. Thumbs up!
Your mind is stuck in a rut slinging mud. No one can help you wash the mud out because you don't stand for Jesus but fell for a lie of Satan's place is fun. Pope had fun with kids much younger than you. Dirty fun. Your bragging makes me sick as the kids suffered as you party.
Salvation is a process not a declaration.
Whoever endures to the end will be saved.
Those who endure are saved those who don't never was saved. Your a twisting Catholic for sure.
It's all about running the race. We must endure!
The main thing that irritates me about that guy, besides the obviously dishonest and dumb accusations against The Church, is that he thinks we're stupid. He comes at people with an attitude of deception and trying to get them to confirm his preconceived ideas.
Comfort is Jewish.
Another thing I noticed about guys like this is that they seem to conveniently only find people who are easily manipulated and don't realize that they are being used for an agenda. What do you suppose they do with recordings of people who actually do figure out what's going on and are able to defend their faith? I would so love one of these guys to confront me. First thing I would do is start recording the encounter myself. I doubt that he would debate anyone who could actually defend Catholicism confidently.
@@trinabrousseau5568 I've asked that question many times. When Ray Comfort comes across people who really know their faith (and people like that DO exist) those videos most certainly would not be uploaded.
@@julieelizabeth4856 how do you know for sure about that you would have to ask Ray that question?
Read the word and pray for wisdom, because in the Scriptures there's only one Savior, Jesus Christ, JOHN 14:6,
mary can't save..
As far as kneeling before others goes, there is a significant difference between humbling yourself below others and raising up others above even God himself.
protestants get muddled between 'worship' and 'respect/veneration'
@@marcokite Yes, that's true.
And how exactly u show respect to others?
To saints, by recognizing their heroic virtue for love of God.
@@joecastillo8798 so that gives u the authority to make their statues and bow before them just because u want to give them respect?! Could u plz enlighten me with ur knowledge?
I love the Reformers. I left the Catholic Church for 7 years and was fed. Came back to the Catholic Faith and started a Bible study. WE DO NOT know the Word of God as we should. That needs to change! Get into the scriptures, daily!
Just because the Catholic Church isn’t active in bible study didn’t mean reformers were right. They taught false doctrine.
I'm not Roman Catholic Church member I'm a Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal Jesus everything I've read the Bible at least 4 times it's a exciting book there was a living faith in old testament times they all looked forward to a prophet that would come or more than a prophet Jesus Christ there was a lot ceremonials in there worship similar to today Catholic mass burning of incense a table in front of altar golden cup the Catholics altered the 10 commandments especially the 3 rd thou shalt not make graven images they also change Matthew 28 19 was Changed by the RCC in second century it was originally written go ye therefore and teach all nations in my Name they don't practice Acts 2 38 they don't encourage there fallowers to study the Bible they teach there own gimmicks catacheism sacraments baby baptism which is wrong they baptized people who don't repent there just getting WET
Ray Comfort is intellectually dishonest and a laughing stock. I couldn’t take him seriously as an Atheist due to his banana argument, and I can’t take him seriously now.
I agree he's dishonest and not great with some bad arguments but pretty sure that was a recurring joke sketch he did, not a serious argument.
@@gk7754 I would also like to know
I know of no argument against atheism that atheists take seriously.
@@mugsofmirth8101 I am no longer atheist, and the arguments I took seriously were Aquinas’ five ways and the Church’s claim of apostolic succession.
But Ray Comfort’s banana argument is something that caused me to mock and belittle Christians for a while due to its sheer ridiculousness.
@@PitasWithPalamas I'm not familiar with those arguments either.
Thanks for defending our Beautiful catholic faith sir Horn.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
Popes has a history of seducing kids that boasting for Pope shows what you like.
Thank you so much for this! I used to follow Living Waters and Ray Comfort and would evangelize as he does. He’s got a good heart, but as you point out through this video, he just doesn’t see the whole truth of salvation. I’m praying you get the opportunity to debate with him!! That’d be amazing to see!
Actually he does not have a good heart at all. Hes a scammer.
@@quint2857 Why do you think so, please?
In that video he actually took advantage of a poor woman clearly affected by mental illness to make a point for his videos.
Some evangelicals put theology above everything. Even if he's wrong , he has a good heart. He says he loves Catholics but hates Catholicism. I can't listen to him anymore for bashing our sacred and holy Mass. Pray for him. God would like us to be one body.
Hopefully his heart is better than his brain, but I doubt that.
Watching Comfort take these Catholics to the woodshed is embarrassing. The pillars of the faith have been static for almost 2,000 years. There is no excuse for this. We can blame poor catechesis all we want, but every Catholic should understand the basics. Even a somewhat motivated catechumen fresh out of RCIA should be able to refute the nonsense that he is spewing.
Always the same.. Thank you Trent for taking this down, too.
Yes Paul call himself people's father. But more broadly many protestants seem to play this game where the apostles can violate their traditions but also then they can't. Like how they act like the apostles were Sola scriptura because they supposedly always referred to the scripture, but when they clearly don't do that, that's OK because they were the apostles
Also, never point out the fact that the "scripture" that Protestants refer to (the Bible) didn't exist when the NT books were written, so it's impossible for the Bible to the scriptures the Apostles are referencing.
@@Renkinjutsushi I find this tendency particularly irritating. It makes Paul's words nonsensical to the original recipients of his letters.
"Timothy, the scriptures are sufficient for all knowledge of the Gospel. But not the scriptures you have now, you need ones that won't be written for another 40 years." - Protestant Paul
I’ve always thought the interviews with random people like the woman at the 10 minute mark are always low effort. It’s interesting how the people who use such tactics never seem to search out priests or bishops to debate; or the theology faculty of catholic universities.
Like cool you found a former catholic that’s obviously ignorant about what the church teaches. That doesn’t prove the catholic position false.
Because it would be just as easy for me to hang out around evangelical churches and get sound bites of their ignorant members.
Perhaps we should just to show the other side how it looks
Very good point. Atheists use the same tactic they find a Christian who left or who can't explain Christianity- ergo that means Christianity is false
Ray shares the gospel to the lost on the street. Your pope says not to evangelise. Who is following the command of Jesus?
I’m a Catholic Christian I am a evangelist the Pope says to evangelize not sure what your talking about, I do know Catholics and Protestants are not good at it like Morons do
@@spirituallysafe When did the Pope say not to evangelize? And Ray is running around parroting a false gospel on top of it and outright lying about the Catholic faith.
Catholics evangelize all the time. We just don’t stand on street corners with bull horns looking like idiots 😂 For someone to enter the Church they go through a process called RCIA. Depending on the parish it’s anywhere from about 9months - 2 years so they can learn the faith while they attend the church
It'll never cease to amaze me the degree to which people will split hairs to separate themselves from their brothers in such an unloving way. Ridiculous.
Thank you for responding to Ray comfort. Great work Trent. I love being catholic. Matthew 7:15-16. Be on your guard against false prophets they come to you looking like sheep on the outside but on inside they are really like wild wolves you will know them by what they do. Pray for Ray. I love being catholic love from south Africa cape town.
Getting Trent out there in the evangelical world is a great benefit. When people hear how reasonable the Catholic faith is they will reconsider their Protestant position.
You are blind folded by nonsense teachings of Catholicism as Muslims are.
See how this man desperately attempt to prove that Mary didn't have other children using "could be" "possibilities" etc. Proving!
By reasonable, you mean wordly. That would make anyone reconsider.
@@brutus896 Sorry, are you making an argument right now? If so, how does that escape the need to offer reasons for whatever it is that we believe?
@@brendansheehan6180 This is not an argument its the truth. Trent or any Roman Catholic believing person can't go out and evangelize since they don't know what the Gospel is. Do you?
@@brutus896 How do you know what the Gospel is?
The lady who says she didn’t feel fed as a Catholic is blind and misguided. A recent poll states that many Catholics don’t believe in the true Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. This is the root of the problem. Every Catholic needs to know intellectually and with all their heart and soul that when Jesus says ‘This is my Body, This is my Blood” it is true. The priesthood did not go away. Jesus meant what he said and made a new and everlasting covenant. In the Old Testament the way to worship was revealed over and over again: the priest offering sacrifices. Protestants did away with priests and alters from their own interpretation. They quote the Bible constantly but where does it say in the Bible that we no longer need priests? Jesus told the healed leper to go show himself to the priest so we know Jesus didn’t say priests were no longer needed.
I'm Non Denominational personally, but in doing Historical research into The Church and The Bible, and looking at it from an unbiased and Spirit Filled way the more Catholic I see it is
I accept The Seven Sacraments, Seven Archangels, 73 Book Cannon and I accept Transubstantiation
I do not accept Sola Scriptura (Because The Bible doesn't preach Sola Scriptura so it is by nature a self contradicting view)
And I can't see myself coming to any other conclusion. I am also doing research into other Catholic and Protestant doctrines aswell and so far everything lines up with what The Catholic Church teaches
I'm only 14, and I've read 41 Books of The Bible (including all the 7 Dueterocannonical Books) and I see that The Lord is leading me in this process
You are soooo important to me and to Christ's word. Soo many people just don't think things through. Sooo many just look at the surface of the word and never venture into truth through understanding. Everyone on earth needs to hear these sessions. You explain things so incredibly well. Like so well, that it's almost as if your words are helped by God in a way so that people that listen can fully understand. I love you, your channel, and your teachings of the Bible. I have came to a conclusion that people like ray and living waters, and especially jehovah's witnesses, are following the devils doctrine. People think the devil is stupid and would only be responsible for blatantly obvious evil, but I think the devils plan is waaay more clever. So clever, he can change true Christians, put them on a broken path, and have them still believe they are Christians, maybe even better Christians. And he does this by convincing people to only follow a portion of what is needed for salvation, and then twisting the very Bible they follow. Especially the johovahs witnesses, there bible is literally altered and twisted so far that it's not even Christian, but rather a lie that throws its believers onto a path of damnation.
Excellent rebuttal!!!
Ah yes, the old "and here's a clip of a non-Catholic agreeing with my straw man argument. There's no way *2* protestants would misrepresent the Catholic faith, right?"
Lol 🤣😆
But Trent is telling a bold faced lie: 11:00. The catholic Church has removed 2nd commandment from their Bibles. He gives some nonsensical explanation that it is stated differently and people like you blindly and naively believe him. The 2nd commandment is not stated differently or anything but it is completely removed. Even a lay man can google search and find out.
@@sabhishek9289 which Catholic translation are you referring to? Even the Douay Rheims, the English translation from the middle ages, includes the prohibition of making graven images.
It's so funny to see Catholics twisting themselves like a pretzel to twist Bible Scriptures to fit their man-made narrative to come up with so ridiculous statements that even the answers they come up with contradict itself to prove that Mary only had one son where the Bible clearly says that she had fours sons and daughters with Joseph after Jesus Christ was born. The Bible says sons and daughters here the Catholics twist that word to say cousins what a lie from the pit of hell.
Please show me where it says in the Bible that Joseph was married before he married Mary and those were his children from his first wife. You will not find it anywhere in the Bible and why do Catholics like to make false stories and lies all the time? Get real will you and stop lying. Liars will have their part in the lake of fire. You are playing with fire and you might end up in it if you keep lying.
Mary and Joseph were very young she was about in her teen years and Joseph was just about the same. Two young Jewish couples that both came in the same lineage as King David.
I can think of two and they both are named Osteen
Thank you for this video. I tried to discuss the commandments issue on the Living Waters video, but they only threw a few bible verses at me. Nobody replied to actual arguments...
Thanks Trent, I saw that video and tried to help those protesters with my comments, but this is much better. I am a rank amateur compared to you. I’m subscribing!
Time fore a Trent Horn and Ray Comfort debate
Those evangelical protestants attention seeking and money grover they don't debate they don't want to lose follower and money because in the moment they debate a catholic apologist they would be embarrassed and their lies will be expose
These desperate, cheap attacks by Ray are more for his own conscience, to quell the voice in his head that draws to Catholicism but which his pride and ego seek to silence.
About the ten commandments, the CCC does have them in full at the end of Part 3, section 1, chapter 3, article 3 :-)
I agree with most of this. However, can you give one example of how coveting anything would be a good thing and not a sin? This is why I believe the two distinctions between things and persons should not have to be made, nor the commandments separated.
Trent, love the rebottle videos!
Thank you Trent Horn, you are an inspiration. I would love for Ray Comfort to encounter someone as yourself or a Steve Ray.
I have wanted to see an informed Catholic have a conversation with Ray Comfort for so long. If it has happened the video evidence has been buried. I understand that if he taped a conversation like that during his "man on the street" style interviews it would not be helpful for him to post it because it undercuts the purpose of his ministry. But, does he not engage in planned conversations like that in a professional capacity at all? Or am I just missing them? I would love to see how Mr. Comfort reacts to someone who knows their faith and pushes back with good answers without following/being lead down his question and answer "sinners prayer" conversation path.
Yeah, that’s what bums me out the most about Comfort’s vids. too, every time it’s a poorly formed cradle, I’m doing a face palm on the other side of the screen!
Brilliant analysis Trent. Glad to have you on our team.
Watching this video has made me understand communion more than any video I have ever watched. If it does help us to flee from sin and be righteous I want this. I can't do it by just being a Christian. I'm sure some would say, "well, then you must not be saved anyway". But I am humbling my self to say I need Christ and his gifts. Pray for my direction someone.
A guy in a suit with a Bible is not Christianity.
I greatly appreciate that I clicked onto your video Trent. I'm a devout Catholic Christian. I initially liked Ray Comfort after seeing him on youtube then I quickly came to realize that he (frequently) preaches in an extremely anti Catholic manner. (and stopped watching Ray Comfort videos) This is unfortunate as what I would tell all Protestant 'anti Catholic' type of preachers,"I hope and pray that one day you (anti Catholic preachers) will realize that, in doing your 'anti Catholic' preaching, YOU ARE DOING JESUS / THE GOSPEL A HUGE INJUSTICE, NOT TO MENTION SPEAKING AGAINST THE ORIGINAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH WHICH IS THE (CATHOLIC) CHURCH THAT JESUS HIMSELF FOUNDED & ESTABLISHED UPON PETER THE ROCK. Plus, it tends to sour people who are neither Protestant or Catholic Christian from even having the desire to come to know Christ. I rarely see Catholics preaching anti Protestant rhetoric. It's 98% of the time Protestants preaching in an anti Catholic manner. I'd say this to these 'anti Catholic' preaching preachers, "It's best for Catholics & Protestants to meet on the common ground when dealing with each other throughout our walks with Jesus & Gospel sharing ministries on this earth. Thanks to God. Glory to God. :)
You know Ray Comfort is a joke when an athiest destroys him in a debate.
Love this rebuttal, Trent! Great work. Hope Ray Comfort will agree to a debate. The irrationality and lack of historical knowledge of Protestants is disheartening, but it's really b/c we Catholics have not been evangelizing. Let's get out there!
Go watch David hunt vs Karl Keating.
@@brianbranham5157 Thank you, I'll look for it.
Finally a response to Ray Comfort. Thank you
Catholic truth debunked Ray comfort couple times
Probably the primary reason Protestants think we removed the second commandment is simply because we’re succinct when it comes to presenting the first commandment.
No, it's because your pretend Christian religion was invented by Satan. He took ancient, Babylonian pagan religion and disguised it to masquerade as a Christian church. He mixed together paganism and Christianity. Pagans worshipped idols. To help pagans convert to Christianity, the church allowed them to keep their pagan practices and idols. She just "baptized" them to make them appear Christian. Idolatry was so deeply rooted in this "church" that Rome saw it would be impossible to get rid of it. So she just did away with the second Commandment which forbade it. That's why the second Commandment is missing in your version of the Ten Commandments. We're trying so hard to tell you that your religion is false and a satanic deception and that you need to get out of it if you want to be saved. And all we get is endless arguments.
Blasphemous titles claimed for the pope have been embellished and enlarged over the centuries. But a few of these boastful claims appear in an ecclesiastical (Roman Catholic) dictionary, by Lucius Ferraris, entitled _Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica,_ Vol. VI, pgs. 438, 442, article "Pope." _The Catholic Encyclopedia,_ 1913 edition, Vol. VI, p. 48, speaks of this book as "a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge," and "a precious mine of information."
"The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God."
"The pope is of such lofty and supreme dignity that, properly speaking, he has not been established in any rank of dignity, but rather has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities. . . ."
"He is likewise the divine monarch and supreme emperor and king of kings."
"Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions."
"So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the pope."
"The pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom."
"The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God."
The above quotes are from _What's Behind The New World Order?_ Go to CatholicNewWorldOrder.com and click on the top link.
"The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ." _-Decretal De Translat. - Espiscop. Cap_
"I am all in all and *above all,* so that God, Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do ALMOST ALL THAT GOD CAN DO . . . What therefore, can you make of me but God?" -Pope Nicholas, quoted in _Antichrist_ by Ian Paisley, pg. 54.
"You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on the earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means I am God on the earth." -Pope Pius XI, April 30, 1922.
The pope calls himself God, i.e., "Lord God the pope," "another God on earth." "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty," Pope Leo XIII said in an _Encyclical Letter,_ June 20, 1894. "The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of flesh," the _Catholic National_ said in July 1895. And every priest is an "Alter Christus," Another Christ. So every priest is Jesus. Plus, during the Mass the priest transubstantiates the bread into the literal, "real presence" of Christ. In other words, man creates God. He is "the creator of his Creator. . . . 'The power of the priest,' says St. Bernardine of Sienna, 'is the power of the _divine person;_ for the transubstantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world.' . . . As the Word of God created heaven and earth, so, says St. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus Christ." _-The Dignity and Duties of the Priest_ by St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Ch. 1, Part IV, pg. 11. How is any of this _not_ blasphemy?!
Christianity teaches that the pope is the Antichrist. The proud pontiff's official title is Vicar of Christ, meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ translated into Greek is Antichristos, in English Antichrist, also meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ and Antichrist are the exact same word in two different languages. Vicar of Christ in Latin is Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning Vicar of the Son of God, or Vicar of Christ. VICARIVS FILII DEI. Add up the 11 Roman numerals and you get 666. Rev. 13:18. angelfire.com/on/3angels
Revelation 13.
1 I . . . saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns . . . and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And _the _*_dragon (Satan)_*_ gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat,_ and great authority.
4 And _they worshipped the _*_dragon_*_ which gave power unto the beast:_ and they worshipped the beast . . .
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies . . .
6 And he opened his mouth in *blasphemy against God,* to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, *_Come out of her,_** my people,* that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Rev. 18:4, 5.
I was raised protestant and converted to catholicism in high school. When all you have to do is generally believe and you are never forced to think of your sins or confess them to another, its easy hide sins and to fool yourself into thinking youre better christian than you are. I fell in love with the Catholic church because the prayers in the 1962 missal and the Mass remind me on daily basis that im not worthy and I must strive the conform my will to God's and deny myself
I talked to Ray before online. He was generally rude and insulting. Hes a total con man.
Not surprised these types of people usually are.
@@angelalemos9811 by "these types of people" you mean jews
@@hello-cn5nh I think that by "these types of people" she probably refers to the people that justify any means to reach their goal, even lying and mischaracterizations are allowed in his mind to generate more converts to his movement. I don´t know if he is just ignorant but has the "honest" intention of leading people to Christianity (to his twisted version of Christianity) or if he just wants more converts to get the tithe out of them…
I talked to him online. He said he wanted to dialogue with me. He lasted 5 min
Comes with the territory...it says something about who he is when places overt non-Christians as a Wiccan and George Carlin as exemplary "Catholics".
Sometimes calvinists sound like they think that mere sinlessness would earn Heaven if it only were possible.
I would *LOVE* to see Ray Comfort talk with you! I would pay for it! And then I'd send the link to my family who are still protestant!
27As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and blessed are the breasts that nursed You!” 28But He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” 2 You can listen to Catholic lies all you want. but Jesus Himself silenced the first veneration attempt.
Exodus 20 is a chapter in the Bible that contains the Ten Commandments. The chapter begins with Moses telling the people not to fear, as God has come to prove them1. The Ten Commandments are as follows2:
You must not have any other gods besides Jehovah.
You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.
You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them.
You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way.
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it sacred.
Why have Catholics removed the 2nd commandment?
Respond if you want more Catholic lies exposed. May God bless everyone and save the lost
Protestants do know that it was ordered that the Ark of the Covenant had a couple of Cherubim, right?
And 2 huge statues of Cherubim in the Holy of Holies in the Temple in between which the Arc was placed, images of Cherubim on the walls and gate, the brazen sea held up by 12 bronze bulls outside the temple, and God also commanded Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a stick.
Great argument for that topic though but nah the ignorance will be overwhelming. God also commands Moses to create the bronze serpent if you recall.
@@bhvghvfy Yeah you’re right, I love to see the debate against Ray comfort or against Allen Parr
"I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."
,-Ronald Reagan, 1984
I am a 38 year old who was led to the Catholic Church by God, during a problematic time, when there was no reason at all to even be thinking about Catholicism. I wasn’t thinking about religion at all when it happened. It’s a long story, but I was raised Protestant in a group of devout Baptist. Protestants do not believe in the spiritual world whatsoever and until u became catholic I never understood it. I wish I could spread my story but it would take too long. I just wanted to say that there is hope to break through to Protestants but it takes God to do it with most.
Sounds like an interesting story tho
Thanks for doing this video, I'm going to link it to every video of Living Waters when he disses Catholic's from now on. I would like to see him reply but don't think that will ever happen, as he picks people that don't know the Faith! God Bless you Trent.
As a catholic I love this video and how he explain all those points but I also don't like Christians debating and arguing with each other. I pray that all humans help this world to be a peaceful place. God Bless you all
I’ve found that Ray Comfort brings up arguments that really sometimes don’t matter such as the numbering of the commandments, and ignore things such as what being biblically born again actually means
Thank you for this. I was born and raised Catholic and continue to practice today. I have recently been re-strengthening my spiritual journey beyond what I learned as a child in catechism. In my deep dives, I have heard different negative opinions toward Catholicism but wasn’t clear why. I am a fan of Ray Comfort and the Living Waters. And I will continue to follow him. But I was a little confused at the digs on Catholicism without enough explanation. This was very informative. It cleared up quite a few questions I had. I for one would absolutely love a debate between you and Ray Comfort. I think it would be even more informative and beneficial to those like me who are slightly confused.
Thank you, Trent for clarifying it. I always have doubts about how he preaches.
Glad more Catholic channels are calling out Ray Comfort on his crap and his channel.
But who's calling out the Catholics with all the pagan, satanic crap they're teaching and telling people it's Christianity when it's not? This false, Whore of Babylon (Rev. 17:4-6), "church" is dragging people to hell. Did you think Satan would invent a counterfeit Christian church in order to take them to heaven??
Blasphemous titles claimed for the pope have been embellished and enlarged over the centuries. But a few of these boastful claims appear in an ecclesiastical (Roman Catholic) dictionary, by Lucius Ferraris, entitled _Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica,_ Vol. VI, pgs. 438, 442, article "Pope." _The Catholic Encyclopedia,_ 1913 edition, Vol. VI, p. 48, speaks of this book as "a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge," and "a precious mine of information."
"The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God."
"The pope is of such lofty and supreme dignity that, properly speaking, he has not been established in any rank of dignity, but rather has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities. . . ."
"He is likewise the divine monarch and supreme emperor and king of kings."
"Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions."
"So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the pope."
"The pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom."
"The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God."
The above quotes are from _What's Behind The New World Order?_ Go to CatholicNewWorldOrder.com and click on the top link.
"The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ." _-Decretal De Translat. - Espiscop. Cap_
"I am all in all and *above all,* so that God, Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do ALMOST ALL THAT GOD CAN DO . . . What therefore, can you make of me but God?" -Pope Nicholas, quoted in _Antichrist_ by Ian Paisley, pg. 54.
"You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on the earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means I am God on the earth." -Pope Pius XI, April 30, 1922.
The pope calls himself God, i.e., "Lord God the pope," "another God on earth." "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty," Pope Leo XIII said in an _Encyclical Letter,_ June 20, 1894. "The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of flesh," the _Catholic National_ said in July 1895. And every priest is an "Alter Christus," Another Christ. So every priest is Jesus. Plus, during the Mass the priest transubstantiates the bread into the literal, "real presence" of Christ. In other words, man creates God. He is "the creator of his Creator. . . . 'The power of the priest,' says St. Bernardine of Sienna, 'is the power of the _divine person;_ for the transubstantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world.' . . . As the Word of God created heaven and earth, so, says St. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus Christ." _-The Dignity and Duties of the Priest_ by St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Ch. 1, Part IV, pg. 11. How is any of this _not_ blasphemy?!
Christianity teaches that the pope is the Antichrist. The proud pontiff's official title is Vicar of Christ, meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ translated into Greek is Antichristos, in English Antichrist, also meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ and Antichrist are the exact same word in two different languages. Vicar of Christ in Latin is Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning Vicar of the Son of God, or Vicar of Christ. VICARIVS FILII DEI. Add up the 11 Roman numerals and you get 666. Rev. 13:18. angelfire.com/on/3angels
Revelation 13.
1 I . . . saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns . . . and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And _the _*_dragon (Satan)_*_ gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat,_ and great authority.
4 And _they worshipped the _*_dragon_*_ which gave power unto the beast:_ and they worshipped the beast . . .
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies . . .
6 And he opened his mouth in *blasphemy against God,* to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, *_Come out of her,_** my people,* that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Rev. 18:4, 5.
Thank you so much, Trent. I watched Ray's video and I had so many questions, so I'm glad someone with a better knowledge on the subject can give an educated answer. I'll surely reference this video in the future.
Bravo Trent! I came into full fellowship with the Catholic Church in 2020 from an evangelical (non-denominational) background. Thank you for pointing out where Ray’s Gospel presentation is right and where it is lacking. I applaud Ray for his willingness to share the Gospel-albeit incompletely. Ray is right in one thing: most Catholics have no idea how to express the Gospel in a simple, understandable way. This is where you come in. Where did you get the REPENT-BELIEVE-RECEIVE-REMAIN paradigm? It’s brilliant! I am going to try to contact you about this. You are onto something big. God bless you brother!
I enjoy your videos. I think they’re a great resource for some of the mis representation of Catholicism… it’s good to hear it from the horses mouth. But I don’t understand the Catholic doctrine of why Mary must be a perpetually virgin indefinitely. Can someone break this down?
I’m also curious the view you hold about Martin Luther. Did his 95 thesis have any value? Seems like he tried to reform from within. And unfortunately Protestants kept reforming themselves 😂
Whenever you hear black people address themselves as? "brother" nowadays does it mean the people are literally siblings. You are making observations on a culture you know nothing about.
And Joseph was older than Mary (a LOT older) and had other children by his first wife. "Until" in Greek means up to the point, but not beyond necessarily. 2 Samuel 6:23- “Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child until the day of her death.” Saul had children with his wife after she died?
edit: the womb of St Mary is closed as the Lord pass thru it.
Ezechiel 44:2 And the Eternal says to me: This door will be closed, it will not open, and nobody will pass there; because the Eternal, God of Israel entered by there. It will remain closed.
Him whom the heavens cannot contain, the womb of one woman bore. She ruled our Ruler; she carried Him in whom we are; she gave milk to our Bread. - St. Augustine
And now the "reformers":
Martin Luther
God did not derive his divinity from Mary; but it does not follow that it is therefore wrong to say that God was born of Mary, that God is Mary’s Son, and that Mary is God’s mother…She is the true mother of God and bearer of God…Mary suckled God, rocked God to sleep, prepared broth and soup for God, etc. For God and man are one person, one Christ, one Son, one Jesus, not two Christs…just as your son is not two sons…even though he has two natures, body and soul, the body from you, the soul from God alone. (On the Councils and the Church, 1539).
It is a sweet and pious belief that the infusion of Mary's soul was effected without original sin; so that in the very infusion of her soul she was also purified from original sin and adorned with God's gifts, receiving a pure soul infused by God; thus from the first moment she began to live she was free from all sin" (Sermon: "On the Day of the Conception of the Mother of God," 1527).
John Calvin
"There have been certain STRANGE folk who have wished to suggest from this passage [Matt 1:25 - But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.] that the Virgin Mary had other children than the Son of God, and that Joseph had then dwelt with her later; BUT WHAT FOLLY THIS IS!
"For the gospel writer did not wish to record what happened afterwards; he simply wished to make clear Joseph's obedience and to show also that Joseph had been well and truly assured that it was God who had sent his angel to Mary. He had therefore NEVER dwelt with her nor had he shared her company....
"And besides this, our Lord Jesus Christ is called the first-born. This is NOT because there was a second or a third, but because the gospel writer is paying regard to the precedence. Scripture speaks thus of naming the first-born whether or no there was any question of the second. Thus we see the intention of the Holy Spirit. This is why to lend ourselves to FOOLISH SUBTLETIES WOULD BE TO ABUSE HOLY SCRIPTURE...." (Sermon on Matthew 1:22-25, published 1562)
Ulrich Zwingli
"I esteem immensely the Mother of God, the ever chaste, immaculate Virgin Mary." [E. Stakemeier, De Mariologia et Oecumenismo, K. Balic, ed., (Rome, 1962), 456].😜
Hey Ruslan, as you prob. know, Caths have Tradition as well as sacred scripture. The two can’t/won’t ever contradict each other, which is why, in view of our Tradition that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, remained a virgin, you’ll hear Trent explaining how we Caths interpret/understand “adelphoi” in scripture as not meaning “blood brothers.” Bottom line, though, is while there are a lot of theological reasons why it’s fitting & proper (you can find those on Google), it’s a Traditional teaching of the Church (& it doesn’t contradict scripture!), so, we hold to it.
Catholic doctrine is the only place you can find context about Mary being sinless. Because it isn’t in Scripture
@@jakeschwartz2514 FWIW, we interpret “κεχαριτωμένη” in Luke 1:28 as scriptural evidence (i.e., how is one going to be “full of grace” if they’re not sinless). Understand, though, elsewhere our dogmas make it abundantly clear that this was a special privilege granted to her by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, solely through His merits.
A. While James and Joses are mentioned as Jesus's brothers in Matthew 13:55, it is made clear in Mathew 27:56 and Mark 15:40 that their mother was another Mary.
Matthew 27:56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.
This "other Mary" at the Cross, is revealed in John 19:25 to be the wife of Cleophas. Mary of Cleophas is therefore revealed as the mother of two of Jesus's so-called "brothers", James and Joses.
B. In John 19:25, the original Greek states. "But by he cross of Jesus were the Mother of Him AND the sister of the Mother of Him, Mary the wife of Cleopas AND Mary the Magdalene." The precise positioning of the ANDs in the original Greek makes it clear that Mary the Wife of Cleopas, is also referred to as the Virgin Mary's sister. Since we know no-one has two daughters and calls them BOTH Mary, we know that sister here does not mean sister. The same would apply to "brother" with reference to Jesus.
C. In the introduction to the Book of Jude, Jude introduces himself as: Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and a brother of James. If Jude/Judas were truly the brother of Jesus, why wouldn't he say so? He identifies himself in his letter as brother of James, but significantly not as a brother of Jesus, only as a servant. To have identified himself as Jesus's blood brother would have added enormous weight to his epistle, but Jude doesn't so identify himself here. We know the reason, because James and Joseph have already been revealed to be sons of the other Mary in Matthew 27 and Mark 15. Judas then must also be a son of this other Mary. Mary wife of Cleophas. So another of Jesus's so-called "brothers" is eliminated.
D. James "Brother of Jesus" is referred to as one of the APOSTLES by Paul in Galatians 1:19. . We know from Matthew 10:2-4 that neither of the Apostles named James was actually a Son of Mary. So James, "brother of Jesus" cannot be a Son of Mary. He is actually James, Son of Alphaeus (thought to be another form of Cleophas)! James is a kinsman of Jesus, but not a sibling.
A few more points:
• In Luke 2:41-51, the twelve-year-old Jesus goes missing on a trip to Jerusalem, and is only found three days later in the temple. Yet in all this time no mention at all is made of any other children, even though the entire family made the journey together. If all the people mentioned in Matthew were actually surviving children of Mary, she would have had at least seven children younger than Jesus to look after! In fact both Mary and Joseph race back to Jerusalem to find him, through country filled with bandits, something they could not have done if there had been babies and other young children in need of care!
• The people of Nazareth refer to Jesus as "the son of Mary" (Mark 6:3), not as "a son of Mary"
Finally, if James and Joseph, Simon and Jude, were children of Mary, and if Jesus had even more brothers and sisters, why did Jesus commit His Mother to the care of St. John at His death?
Mk 6:3 says, "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses, and Judas and Simon, and are not His sisters here with us?" We need to realize a few things here about these "brothers and sisters": #1, there was no word for cousin, or for nephew or niece, or for aunt or uncle in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic - the words that the Jews used in all those instances were "brother" or "sister". An example of this can be seen in Gen 14:14, where Lot, who was Abraham's nephew, is called his brother.
Another point to consider. If Jesus had had any brothers, if Mary had had any other sons, would the last thing that Jesus did on earth be to grievously offend his surviving brothers? In Jn 19:26-27, right before Jesus dies, it says that Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to the beloved disciple, John. If Mary had had any other sons, it would have been an incredible slap in the face to them that the Apostle John was entrusted with the care of their mother!
Also, we see from Mt. 27:55-56, that the James and Joses mentioned in Mark 6 as the "brothers" of Jesus, are actually the sons of another Mary. And, one other passage to consider is Acts 1:14-15, "[The Apostles] with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers...the company of persons was in all about a hundred and twenty." A company of 120 persons composed of the Apostles, Mary, the women, and the "brothers" of Jesus. Let's see there were 11 Apostles at the time. Jesus' mother makes 12. The women, probably the same three women mentioned in Matthew 27, but let's say it was maybe a dozen or two, just for argument's sake. So that puts us up to 30 or 40 or so. So that leaves the number of Jesus' brothers at about 80 or 90! Do you think Mary had 80 or 90 children? She would have been in perpetual labor! No, Scripture does not contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church about the "brothers" of Jesus, when Scripture is properly interpreted in context.
The Bible clearly says that Jesus had brothers and sisters, but the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was a perpetual virgin...how can you reconcile those seemingly different positions?Mk 6:3 says, "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses, and Judas and Simon, and are not His sisters here with us?" We need to realize a few things here about these "brothers and sisters": #1, there was no word for cousin, or for nephew or niece, or for aunt or uncle in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic - the words that the Jews used in all those instances were "brother" or "sister". An example of this can be seen in Gen 14:14, where Lot, who was Abraham's nephew, is called his brother.
Another point to consider. If Jesus had had any brothers, if Mary had had any other sons, would the last thing that Jesus did on earth be to grievously offend his surviving brothers? In Jn 19:26-27, right before Jesus dies, it says that Jesus entrusted the care of His mother to the beloved disciple, John. If Mary had had any other sons, it would have been an incredible slap in the face to them that the Apostle John was entrusted with the care of their mother!
Also, we see from Mt. 27:55-56, that the James and Joses mentioned in Mark 6 as the "brothers" of Jesus, are actually the sons of another Mary. And, one other passage to consider is Acts 1:14-15, "[The Apostles] with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers...the company of persons was in all about a hundred and twenty." A company of 120 persons composed of the Apostles, Mary, the women, and the "brothers" of Jesus. Let's see there were 11 Apostles at the time. Jesus' mother makes 12. The women, probably the same three women mentioned in Matthew 27, but let's say it was maybe a dozen or two, just for argument's sake. So that puts us up to 30 or 40 or so. So that leaves the number of Jesus' brothers at about 80 or 90! Do you think Mary had 80 or 90 children? She would have been in perpetual labor! No, Scripture does not contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church about the "brothers" of Jesus, when Scripture is properly interpreted in context.🌹
Thank you, Sir. As soon as he posted his video I saw it and I was blown away by his ignorance and by how truly misleading and easily refutable all his points were. And I was waiting for a youtube apologist to do a rebuttal. Though it is low-hanging fruit, he has a big following and thus misleads people away from the true church. Thank you for this
No one should be leading anyone to the "church"... Recomfort leads people to Jesus. PERIOD.
@@MalibuGlassMI ray comfort has done more to turn people away from Christianity than turn to, never forget the banana argument
You haven't read the Bible well.
Do you remember the following quote?
"If he, a sinning brother, refuses to listen even to THE CHURCH, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector" (Mt 18:17).
If that is not enough, when we listen to the Church, we actually listen to Jesus:
"He who listens to you, LISTENS TO ME". (Luke 10:16)
Moreover, full authority is only given to Jesus' ONE Church:
"all that you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven"
(Mt. 18:18).
I ask you Tom:
Why ignore the important fact that the Catholic Church is the only one founded by Christ and is constantly guided by the Spirit of Truth?
Our Lord said very clearly:
JOHN 16, 13
13. When the SPIRIT of TRUTH comes, He WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL THE TRUTH; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
Our Lord only wants perfect unity for His one and only Church:
JOHN 17:20-23
20. “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,
21. that ALL OF THEM MAY BE ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
22. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that THEY MAY BE ONE as WE ARE ONE
23. I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to COMPLETE UNITY. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Having said that:
How could you continue to be a participant in the division of the Body of Christ against Christ's Will?
Is it because LUTHER DID IT?
Why do you want to imitate such wanton behavior?
Look at the result!
More than 68,000 "protestant" churches and sects around the world today.
"If he, a sinning brother, refuses to listen even to the Church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector".
(Mt 18:17)
St. Paul brands schism and disunion as crimes to be classed with murder and debauchery, declaring that those guilty of "dissensions" and "sects", shall not obtain the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:20-21)
Aren't you afraid?
I hope so, because St. Paul, after hearing of the schisms among the Corinthians asked them (and YOU now) the simple question:
"Is Christ divided?
Was Paul then crucified for you?
Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?"
(1 Corinthians 1:13)
And in the same Epistle he describes the Church as One Body with many members distinct among themselves, but One with Christ as their Head:
"For in One Spirit we are all baptized into One Body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free".
(1 Corinthians 12:13)
As one body, the Church that Jesus founded will always be guaranteed the one truth:
1 TIMOTHY 3:15
15. if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is The Church of the living God, the Pillar and foundation of the Truth.
Therefore just like St. Paul:
We declare the Catholic Church founded by Christ, not the Bible, IS the Pillar and foundation of the truth.
@@joecastillo8798 You can declare what ever you want, it does not make it true. The word church simply means group of believers. It is not an Institution or building. Have you ever studied the History of your so called one true Church? If you did then you would see that it is the oldest criminal Institution on the face of the earth.
The Catholic Church has it's purpose for these end times.
No, it doesn't.
It means an assembly or community with a common bond. Just like the initial 12 Apostles who were called by Jesus TOGETHER, not divided by personal beliefs of Scripture.
Thus our Lord Jesus tells all very clearly:
John 17:21-23
21. so that they may all BE ONE, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.
22. And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may BE ONE, as WE ARE ONE,
23. I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to PERFECTION AS ONE, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me.
St. Paul believes and repeats the Lord's doctrine of unity for your sake.
3. Striving to preserve the UNITY of the spirit through the bond of peace:
4. One Body and One Spirit, as you were also called to the One hope of your call
5. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
6. One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
May God bless your discernment.
Try angling your camera toward the corner of the room for depth instead of a flat wall behind you. Mix up the books on the shelves so some are stacked on it's back.
Love the rebuttals! Keep it up!!
I saw that video and started looking into Catholic apologetics. I didn't actually see him interview any practicing Catholics. I'm a convert. My dad was a Baptist preacher and when I started doing research to dig in in deeper about Christianity, I found my way to Catholicism. My Faith has saved me! Thank you for this video!!!