Fascinating! I just finished converting a 1973 914 to electric, bolted the motor to the transaxle so I still have reverse + 5 forward gears. Even after 51 years, it still shifts smoothly.
Basically the same transaxle as in a VW Bus. Which also used the weak shift shaft bar to connect the shifter to the transaxle. This was a poor design, yet economical setup. This shaft, and it's weak thin metal material of it's design, was mostly responsible for the grind in 1st, and 2nd gear shifts in the 914 (and VW Buses) Because of this design, the weak metal of the shift shaft would bend, and or break (at both the shifter, and transaxle) in short time.
Fascinating! I just finished converting a 1973 914 to electric, bolted the motor to the transaxle so I still have reverse + 5 forward gears. Even after 51 years, it still shifts smoothly.
That’s awesome. More power and torque must be great! We do enjoy the sound of ice ❤
@ I quiver in fear of the 80 horsepower 1.7s... But yeah I get it.
Thanks recording this guy's, really appreciate it
Great Vid! Thanks guys!
I had a 74 914. Never got used to where 1st gear was located.
Any more on this 914 build?
Basically the same transaxle as in a VW Bus. Which also used the weak shift shaft bar to connect the shifter to the transaxle. This was a poor design, yet economical setup. This shaft, and it's weak thin metal material of it's design, was mostly responsible for the grind in 1st, and 2nd gear shifts in the 914 (and VW Buses) Because of this design, the weak metal of the shift shaft would bend, and or break (at both the shifter, and transaxle) in short time.
Went to a steel intermediate plate with a 2.8 ltr engine pushing 300 hp with no problems racing it
Just subscribe yesterday,
Awesome in depth video but somebody get this guy a tissue lol
Sorry guys I have driven 901 gearboxes since 1974, never thought it was sloppy, in both 911's and 914's