A CLARIFICATION on the Islamic political movement the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ (Ikhwan al-Muslimeen). The views and statements of guests on the Blood Brothers Podcast does not represent that of 5Pillars. Since our inception in 2013, 5Pillars have always regarded the Muslim Brotherhood movement as a part of the mainstream Muslim community who have done much praiseworthy work for the betterment of the Ummah, both in the West and the Muslim majority world. Thousands of their members, activists, and scholars have been killed, imprisoned, and persecuted for decades across the Muslim-majority world for their dawah and activism in opposing tyranny and injustice, while working for Islam to have a more central role in shaping both society and government. While this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast addressed a particular spectrum of the Ikhwan’s pragmatist approach to Muslim politicians in the West, it was by no means a reflection of the entire movement, its methodology, or its undeniable contribution towards the revival of Islam. Lastly, this is not the first (nor last) time a Muslim organisation, Islamic movement, sect or group has been critically discussed on our platform, which is expected from any independent Muslim media outlet that aims to reflect the diversity of views that exist within the Ummah. May Allah (swt) unite the hearts and minds of the believers upon what is most pleasing to Him, ameen. 5Pillars Editorial Team.
"The wicked wear rich but their hearts are ripped. The poor wear ripped but their hearts are rich." Please don't forget to donate to the poor and needy.
As salaamu alaykum brothers, sisters and friends, Please like, share and comment on this video, as well as subscribing to the 5Pillars UA-cam channel! Jazakallah khayran.
Brother I am in astonishments that we are even having an argument about a man who support these things is muslim or not. May Allah protect us. Love for brother Hijab.
The argument is on weather we should call him a kafir or not and when in accordance to islamic rulings is hrl called so and who has the right to call him so ... Now fact is this label in islam is not just a label it's a verdict abd it implies a series of concequances and rulings (ex: he should not be buried in the graves of muslims if he dies,he testament should not be accepted , his wife should divorce him , muslims should not pray on his body when he dies , muslims should not pray behind him ....etc Those who are disagreeing with brother muhammad hijab are criticizing how the fundamentals of the process of takfir of individuals has been skipped and he straight away dumped to the last bit of it by placing a label which in this context is a verdict ( We are learning from brother hijab and he is way far more in knowledge than we are without any shred of a doubt ) . Brother hijab is defending his position , I disagree with him on his stance . We are dealing with this matter as if calling someone who identifies as muslim , a kafir , is the ultimate goal and is the only role we have both scholars and lay people and we have to get it done as soon as possible without any other prior nor subsequent actions . As if placing that call is the ultimate goal and getting it done is a great success and there is no other success beyond it . As an ummah of dawah ,our ultimate goal is guidance . That's why in shariha there is a process of speaking to those muslims who have uttered words of kufr or who hold a kufri belief or take a kufri stance while still identifying as muslim . That process has always had fundamentals in islam and is not a new thing . It has nothing to do with cowardice or cuteness . Shariah has مقاصد based on which a person knows what should come first and what should come last . We respect our brother mohammad hijab's knowledge and we we understand that he is practicing his freedom of speech right in the western world . I do,however, strongly disagree with his stance in regards to this.
LGBT will bend, twist and deform families and communities to such a grotesque level - that future communities will not only scald us for not doing more, but they will also have their hands around our necks on the Day of Judgement. Therefore we have an amanah not just to Islam, but to all communities. God bless you both brothers.
"Undistorted" I disagree, Muhammad Hijab has many times admitted to giving weak Islamic views as a principle of Dawah, to call back murtads to Islam, and this he has admitted, he is an ikhwaani who attacks the Scholars of Islam and takes Jordan Peterson as his role model.
@@askfaisalmuslimI have gone through the ikhwani phase and Al Humdulilah out of it now. I feel so much stronger having a one to one relationship with Allah instead of constantly trying to allow politics infiltrate my dean. It’s been a long journey but Al Humdulilah.
MaashaAllah to Mohammed Hijab for speaking the Truth. You have to call a spade a spade. We the overwhelming majority of muslims think exactly like Hijab and 5pillars. And we will back you brothers all the way inshaaAllah 💪
@@irfanmohd091it depends on the context, he's identifying as Hanafi Ashari, to declare that despite his difference in madhab and Aqeedah he still loves Brother Hijab. Difference of opinions are acceptable as long as they have justification from the Quran, Sunnah, ijma & Qiyaas.
I have to admit that I thought Hijab was a bit harsh about the situation but now I hear his explanation I respect him even more. Just because he doesn't wear a thobe or other "Islamic" attire it doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about. He has shortcomings like we all do but I think he is right in this matter.
54:40 Immense respect for Hijab here, mentioning that a Galloway was the most prominent anti-war (Iraq) voice in UK, not some "muslim" MP. That is what political participation should be, focus on the policies, not the identity of said politician.
Hijab does alot of good.....but the brother needs to be very careful with his language when talking about the Prophet pbuh in a hypothetical situation or question....it does not need to be repeated ! Those who know will know Just a brotherly warning
Idk if I got to that part yet but I think I might have an idea what you're on about. Edit: Nvm just got to that part. Yes you do bring up a fair point. Although, maybe he just meant it as, when the Muslims were being severely prosecuted, this was the Rasul's ﷺ response...and then he's reaching his own conclusion now by saying we are hypothetically on the threat of extinction so we have to protect that which is sacrosanct. Nonetheless, good point. Bless you my dear brother.
Adab is vocal and not through action for most and therefore renders it almost worthless. The brother is giving an extreme example to emphasise his point and even says "nauzubillah". Yes he didn't have to be that explicit, but it is to emphasise the stupidity of the oppositions opinion.
@@wackypeace1135 for the record its Dilly Hussain who says " Nauzibillah " .....but like i said the brother does a lot of good and it was just sincere advice Peace out
This podcast is proof that Islam in North America is very watered down compared Islam in Europe. In North America as Mohammed hijab has said we have a more gradual assimilation approach where as in Europe it’s less compromising of our faith, and more steadfast. May Allah guide our brothers in North America.
I agree with bro hijab completely. We need to start excommunicating these idiots who sell out the religion. We need to keep our Deen pure from the filth, that is a greater importance than the feelings of what our enemies will be towards us. Look at what we've become, remember 80% of the sahaba died in the path of Allah for this Deen to reach us. Least we can do is protect it with our mouths
100% hijabi did well to speak out. A lot of imams are supposed to lead the ummah and protecting the Islamic identity & aqeedah. Otherwise Islam will become like Christians. "Never will they be pleased with you until you follow their way...." Hijab is preserving the Deen and the imams have taken a position which they are afraid to fulfil. There are levels and you both are striving for Al firdous. May Allah bless you with that can keep you on the straight path. However I do believe this is a result of Muslims allowing the idea to enter the kufr game of politics where they will never gain benefit and the harms which they don't get far outweigh the benefits (if one uses that argument) and this is again deviating people from re-establishing Islam (Khilafah) once again as they (laymen) have accepted democracy as a way of life and many would want sharia as they want the benefits if the duniya. The list of harm's are too deep. I get it why when imam Mehdi comes, only a few in the ummah will support him in the beginning
I sometimes feel like in some weird twisted way, everyone plays some kind of role into the divine fate of the ummahs condition at any point in time. You will have this side and that side.... that side and this side.... as has always existed... Really goes to show you how argumentative the human being truly is.... divisions amongst groups have always existed, in every time period, every ethnicity, every religion or non-religion.... If there's humans involved, you can bet your money that no two people may 100% agree on everything...which is fine...but it reminds me that to an extent humans will be humans..... Back to my point, everyone plays a role, even the detractors of Islam (those that are willingly being detractors) and those that may feel differently than traditional Islam would on a contemporary topic....even they play a role.... In some way, I feel even those detractors actually carry the torch of Islam...if even unwillingly and unintentionally..... Which reminds me of how the Islamophobes on all these platforms exist by the thousands....but little do they know who The Best of planners is.... They fail to realize they are still keeping Islam relevant and reminding people of how alive Islam is lol. They simply cannot go a day without lying about our deen, it's quite laughable and disturbing how sick, twisted, & miserable these people are.... Maybe you don't have a Twitter, and you're better off. But that site is literal cesspool. Wallahi man, the amount of filth....from all groups and every group... What a time to be alive.... I envy the days when humans used candle light and had none of these distractions. Look at all they accomplished in their (even short) lives... Unbelievable.
Even if the aim was to implement the shariah how could his positions be legitimate. We don’t bend to the reality, we remain on the shariah and change the reality
Assalamu Alaikum! I have so much respect and love for MH. May Allah grant him steadfast, increase him in eman, good health and strength so as he can continue enlightening Muslims unapologetically with the help of Al-hādi, Amīn.
I applaud Dilly's take on their (weak) counter-arguments against this position that Hijab put forth, to bring out what they would try and champion forwards in justification of categorically anti-Islamic teachings right then and there before Hijab so that Hijab can refute immediately. It showed insight and intelligence, but most of all, an uncompromising conviction for the deen. Jzk Dilly, I am sure I will benefit seeing more content from this channel.
Agreed. Blindly agreeing would not be fruitful and in fact may do more harm than good. This way one can exercise their criticallity in analyzing whatever potential angles we can analyze.....at least the angles that we are aware of..... That being said, I'm sure there are many other variables we are not privy to.... Which makes me wonder of how foolish it is when, for e.g., an online teenager espouses certain rhetoric without truly understanding the implications or having wisdom to even understand. Nonetheless it's good to try and view a thing from more than one angle.
May Allah reunite the Ummah on the straight, upright, upfront, uncompromising, undistorted, non-watering down, non-sugarcoating, yet compassionate and merciful to the degree of the prophetic example, hence: the MIDDLE path!
I was a critic of Mohammed Hijab on different stances. But Hijab is now a top brother to me. Go ahead Hijab. Crush these deviants who are causing fitna in the ummah. I admire his courage to takfir on HY. Need of the hour. It's time to be extra harsh on these deviants. Soft dawah time has passed long ago.
3rd nullifier of Islam Not making takfeer on a disbeliever , or doubting his disbelief or believing he is correct Not making takfeer can actually render somebody a kaafir themselves but not many know this Go read ‘10 Nullifiers of Islam’ by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab
@desi rajput the principle is actually the exact wording as Qadhi Iyaad who quotes ijma for the same principle maybe a thousand years ago lol , Najdi da’wah?
Hamza Yusuf has a greater effect as a member in the Muslim community, having more influence on other Muslims, than the benefits of western countries being united with the Muslims. Since he is in an influential position as a Muslim, him making incredible statements of disbelief is a greater harm than whatever benefits the western countries give.
As a muslim, I have nothing to be proud of, No economy, no political power nothing really except two things. 1) Our history. 2) We die but not compromise. If U wanna erase the 2nd then take the 1st cuz I don't care to live in History. I want my Ego and gherat. In the golden words of Poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal ; Agar mulk hatho se jata hai jaae Par ahkaam haq se na kar bewafai (If the state goes let it go But don't deviate from the HAQ) Nhi tumko tareekh se agahi kia Khilafat ki karne laga tu gadai ( don't u know history U started begging for caliphate!)
You should revaluate what your proud of. Just being muslim and having been guided is something to be proud of. Just those 2 things is honestly sounds like you just meantioned the first things that came to your mind
@@mehmet20003 I meant it from a sociological perspective. In a religious sense, the first thing I am proud of is Tauheed, then being the Ummati of Prophet Muhammad saw, then having the taufeeq to pray and fast and do some good deeds etc etc. From a social perspective, I am proud of these two things.
Definition of a Judas Goat from wikipedia: "A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter,[1] while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. They have fallen out of use in recent times,[citation needed] but can still be found in various smaller slaughterhouses in some parts of the world, as well as conservation projects"
Think every human should train. As a woman, I rate the Gracie Jiujitsu classes I attend. My husband's been blue belt for like a decade because they kept losing his combatives card. More about whether you can fight though than the belt alhamdulillah. I encourage brothers and sisters to train in grappling, whether it's Jujitsu, wrestling, Sambo etc
There is no doubt Hamza Yousaf is Kafir. The good thing is it exposes the hypocrites amongst the Muslims. Anyone on the fence or making excuses for him belongs with him.
"The wicked wear rich but their hearts are ripped. The poor wear ripped but their hearts are rich." Please don't forget to donate to the poor and needy.
Self defence is critical... Every man woman should be training hard... It is also very beneficial mentally aswell as physically... Looking after health is important.. Muslims should not be sloths....
God bless the ikhw. But Hijab brought up a good point, in middle eastern countries the concept of "Masla7a" (i.e., benefit, or political benefit) is something that is fine in a Muslim country. But bringing this to a secular country will cause issues...every time. Period. By the secular countries very virtue, there will be frictions between it and Islam....so the concept of masla7a becomes almost negligible. This is portrayed with these "Muslim" politicians in the west that always cause an uproar amongst the Muslims. It's nearly impossible to play in both arenas. You're either Muslim or you're not....Unfortunately, being a western politician there WILL be compromises. Period..... But then that brings up another point...We have Kate, a white lady who had more integrity than this Hamza guy (No I'm not going to spell his name as Humza, it looks weird). She stood to her ground and it's funny that as Muslims we much rather prefer Kate over Hamza..... It's sad that these "Muslims" sell-out to liberalism, when they should be the ones standing firmly against liberalism.... But anyways I digress. And no one is reading this 🤷
I'm sad over 1 thing, why don't anyone mention how Humza Yousaf said he won't rule by his personal faith meaning Islam? Did that pass everyone's minds?
Why relegate the rule of Allah as an insignificant relic with no importance in current issues to the wardrobe of “personal” faith. What’s even more damning for him is that he said it’s not a sin to be gay. “Sin” is exclusively religious either he is blatantly lying or he doesn’t believe in the Quran as the word of god because he is fully aware of what’s in the scripture
Asalamu Alaykum …… great podcast….may Allah swt reward you. As far as I am aware it is forbidden in Shariah to take part in any role of work in a non Islamic government such as MP etc Voting for any part of a non Islamic government is also forbidden as far as I am aware
Whoever wants to learn about apostasy and how Muslims can apostate through allying with disbelievers, obeying them and their ideas and supporting them should listen and read and study Surah Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
@@wackypeace1135 do you know why? Just curious as not familiar with why he would leave it out if these so called scholars are pushing corrupt ideas they should be exposed.
A CLARIFICATION on the Islamic political movement the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ (Ikhwan al-Muslimeen).
The views and statements of guests on the Blood Brothers Podcast does not represent that of 5Pillars.
Since our inception in 2013, 5Pillars have always regarded the Muslim Brotherhood movement as a part of the mainstream Muslim community who have done much praiseworthy work for the betterment of the Ummah, both in the West and the Muslim majority world.
Thousands of their members, activists, and scholars have been killed, imprisoned, and persecuted for decades across the Muslim-majority world for their dawah and activism in opposing tyranny and injustice, while working for Islam to have a more central role in shaping both society and government.
While this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast addressed a particular spectrum of the Ikhwan’s pragmatist approach to Muslim politicians in the West, it was by no means a reflection of the entire movement, its methodology, or its undeniable contribution towards the revival of Islam.
Lastly, this is not the first (nor last) time a Muslim organisation, Islamic movement, sect or group has been critically discussed on our platform, which is expected from any independent Muslim media outlet that aims to reflect the diversity of views that exist within the Ummah.
May Allah (swt) unite the hearts and minds of the believers upon what is most pleasing to Him, ameen.
5Pillars Editorial Team.
"The wicked wear rich but their hearts are ripped. The poor wear ripped but their hearts are rich."
Please don't forget to donate to the poor and needy.
Jazakumullah Khayeran for this clarification.
Yes great men like sayed qutb
Subhanallah a group that all the scholars of sunnah have labeled as Khawarij, and you guys play the fence like this.
5Pillars spoiling us with the constant quality podcast drops
Shame about the desi racism to somalis...
You ain't lyin there.
@@skp8748 which is?
Dilly looking like a lean green podcast machine. Masha'Allah.
As salaamu alaykum brothers, sisters and friends,
Please like, share and comment on this video, as well as subscribing to the 5Pillars UA-cam channel!
Jazakallah khayran.
😅😅😅😅 35:13 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 35:17 😅😊😅😅😅
Brother I am in astonishments that we are even having an argument about a man who support these things is muslim or not. May Allah protect us. Love for brother Hijab.
The argument is on weather we should call him a kafir or not and when in accordance to islamic rulings is hrl called so and who has the right to call him so ... Now fact is this label in islam is not just a label it's a verdict abd it implies a series of concequances and rulings (ex: he should not be buried in the graves of muslims if he dies,he testament should not be accepted , his wife should divorce him , muslims should not pray on his body when he dies , muslims should not pray behind him ....etc
Those who are disagreeing with brother muhammad hijab are criticizing how the fundamentals of the process of takfir of individuals has been skipped and he straight away dumped to the last bit of it by placing a label which in this context is a verdict ( We are learning from brother hijab and he is way far more in knowledge than we are without any shred of a doubt ) .
Brother hijab is defending his position , I disagree with him on his stance . We are dealing with this matter as if calling someone who identifies as muslim , a kafir , is the ultimate goal and is the only role we have both scholars and lay people and we have to get it done as soon as possible without any other prior nor subsequent actions . As if placing that call is the ultimate goal and getting it done is a great success and there is no other success beyond it .
As an ummah of dawah ,our ultimate goal is guidance . That's why in shariha there is a process of speaking to those muslims who have uttered words of kufr or who hold a kufri belief or take a kufri stance while still identifying as muslim . That process has always had fundamentals in islam and is not a new thing . It has nothing to do with cowardice or cuteness .
Shariah has مقاصد based on which a person knows what should come first and what should come last .
We respect our brother mohammad hijab's knowledge and we we understand that he is practicing his freedom of speech right in the western world . I do,however, strongly disagree with his stance in regards to this.
it is because of takfeerphobia
@@bouchrat8048 do i have to be a scholar to call someone who says hes a muslim who then says jesus is god, a kafir?
Omg Mehdi Hassan, how is your job at MSNBC? Are you enjoying America?
@@4ozking858 Calm down Shadi Masry 😂😂♥
May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!
LGBT will bend, twist and deform families and communities to such a grotesque level - that future communities will not only scald us for not doing more, but they will also have their hands around our necks on the Day of Judgement. Therefore we have an amanah not just to Islam, but to all communities. God bless you both brothers.
They also like to bend, twist and deform their bttholes and genitalia
😢💯🙏 subhanallah, never thought about it like that.
@@temporarybackup5077 May Allah protect us all..
Facts. they already coming for kids now with their sex education nonsense and people are protesting
Jazak Allahu khairan. As a revert Muslim born and raised in the United States, this video has given me a lot of food for thought. Al Hamdullilah.
Alhamduliliah for brother Mohammed hijab. One of the few daees in the west who promote undistorted traditional islam.
I disagree, Muhammad Hijab has many times admitted to giving weak Islamic views as a principle of Dawah, to call back murtads to Islam, and this he has admitted, he is an ikhwaani who attacks the Scholars of Islam and takes Jordan Peterson as his role model.
@@JamaluddinAlMuqdishaawi oh, wahhabi kafirs ain't scholars of Islam. 🤣
Shamsi claims that badge actually.
From Scotland,
Thank you for holding humzas feet to the fire 🙏
Undiluted Islam from Mohammad Hijab
No compromise on Deen
May Allah use him for the Deens Establishment
MH is compromising on other issues, you are too blind to see it.
@@askfaisalmuslim ok.
@@askfaisalmuslimI have gone through the ikhwani phase and Al Humdulilah out of it now. I feel so much stronger having a one to one relationship with Allah instead of constantly trying to allow politics infiltrate my dean. It’s been a long journey but Al Humdulilah.
Jazakallah Khayrun to the 5Pillars team
Muhammad Hijab speaking facts and bringing true Islam to the table as always!
On the contrary, I will not recommend to listen to Qadhi, he confuses peoole.
so why did he say it would be ok for brunei to no put apostates to death?
@@madhobe yet you’ll listen to a guy who promoted Andrew Tate on his podcast a person who made his wealth through webcam models.
Well ..I'm not sure about his takfir mentality ! Very disappointed in him
The legend himself.
As someone who identifies as hanfi maturidi, I really like the guy hijab especially how he articulates his argument!
MaashaAllah to Mohammed Hijab for speaking the Truth. You have to call a spade a spade. We the overwhelming majority of muslims think exactly like Hijab and 5pillars. And we will back you brothers all the way inshaaAllah 💪
As someone who identifies as a Hanafi Ashari, I love brother Hijab. May Allah SWT protect this brother at all costs
Ive seen more hanafi asharis than hanafi maturidis
@@abdulmalik_al-habeshi Most don't know the difference, the two terms are synonymous.
Why dont you just identify as a muslim. Do we really have to differentiate?
@@irfanmohd091it depends on the context, he's identifying as Hanafi Ashari, to declare that despite his difference in madhab and Aqeedah he still loves Brother Hijab. Difference of opinions are acceptable as long as they have justification from the Quran, Sunnah, ijma & Qiyaas.
@@wackypeace1135 Precisely Akhi
Keep up the good work brothers
Thank you, we will. 'Ppreciatecha, jzk
much needed discussion
I have to admit that I thought Hijab was a bit harsh about the situation but now I hear his explanation I respect him even more. Just because he doesn't wear a thobe or other "Islamic" attire it doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about. He has shortcomings like we all do but I think he is right in this matter.
He does wear "Islamic" attire just not all the time.
Shortcomings? He has less of shortcomings than akram nadwi
What’s his clothes got to do with his knowledge? Ofcourse he has knowledge despite his clothing of choice which adequately covers his awrah anyway
@@sugoi9680 who
Since when is wearing a thobe an indication for having a lot of knowledge or even being a good Mu‘min?
54:40 Immense respect for Hijab here, mentioning that a Galloway was the most prominent anti-war (Iraq) voice in UK, not some "muslim" MP.
That is what political participation should be, focus on the policies, not the identity of said politician.
Dilly great interviewing bro
Fantastic episode, may Allah bless you guys!
Very informative and absolutely necessary episode. A real eye opener, thank you!
Very important discussion, AlHamdulillah. JazakumuAllahu khair.
Well done!👍
„In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Oooooh love it.
Baarakallahu Feekum for this Interview, Much needed Indeed!
If you read this;
Say "SubhanAllah" 33x
Say "Alhamdulillah" 33x
Say "Allahu akbar" 34x
May Allah reward you.
I agree with Muhammad with everything he said 💯
May the almighty Allah bless him
@@aminuaidara8601 and you and all the other righteous brothers/sisters
@@aminuaidara8601 ameen
Great episode allahumma Barik
This is the first time I've agreed with you both. You've got a new subscriber.
Haqq is haqq, regardless of time, place, and human condition.
Wht dint u agree with them?
@@Sp33dRace You care enough to comment, which is a bit foolish.
Another must watch!
Jzk Allah khairan ahsanul jazaa
May Allah reward Dilly, Hijab and hamza tzortzis.
Alhamdulillah what a beautiful podcast. Needed this discussion for the true path of Islam.
This was quite beneficial
Hijab does alot of good.....but the brother needs to be very careful with his language when talking about the Prophet pbuh in a hypothetical situation or question....it does not need to be repeated ! Those who know will know
Just a brotherly warning
Idk if I got to that part yet but I think I might have an idea what you're on about.
Edit: Nvm just got to that part. Yes you do bring up a fair point. Although, maybe he just meant it as, when the Muslims were being severely prosecuted, this was the Rasul's ﷺ response...and then he's reaching his own conclusion now by saying we are hypothetically on the threat of extinction so we have to protect that which is sacrosanct.
Nonetheless, good point. Bless you my dear brother.
You are correct, Aadab for the Prophet SAW is very important
Adab is vocal and not through action for most and therefore renders it almost worthless. The brother is giving an extreme example to emphasise his point and even says "nauzubillah". Yes he didn't have to be that explicit, but it is to emphasise the stupidity of the oppositions opinion.
@@wackypeace1135 for the record its Dilly Hussain who says " Nauzibillah " .....but like i said the brother does a lot of good and it was just sincere advice
Peace out
@@manufactureddissent1565 I understand your position, but far too many people are quick to jump on others for sincere mistakes.
This podcast is proof that Islam in North America is very watered down compared Islam in Europe. In North America as Mohammed hijab has said we have a more gradual assimilation approach where as in Europe it’s less compromising of our faith, and more steadfast. May Allah guide our brothers in North America.
Dilly a top host
Top 5P
I agree. Dilly is respectful and polite but also challenges his guests. He has the right balance.
I agree with bro hijab completely. We need to start excommunicating these idiots who sell out the religion. We need to keep our Deen pure from the filth, that is a greater importance than the feelings of what our enemies will be towards us. Look at what we've become, remember 80% of the sahaba died in the path of Allah for this Deen to reach us. Least we can do is protect it with our mouths
Start with Hijab himself then
@@rusi6219really? What did hijab do. To you?
100% hijabi did well to speak out. A lot of imams are supposed to lead the ummah and protecting the Islamic identity & aqeedah. Otherwise Islam will become like Christians. "Never will they be pleased with you until you follow their way...." Hijab is preserving the Deen and the imams have taken a position which they are afraid to fulfil. There are levels and you both are striving for Al firdous. May Allah bless you with that can keep you on the straight path.
I do believe this is a result of Muslims allowing the idea to enter the kufr game of politics where they will never gain benefit and the harms which they don't get far outweigh the benefits (if one uses that argument) and this is again deviating people from re-establishing Islam (Khilafah) once again as they (laymen) have accepted democracy as a way of life and many would want sharia as they want the benefits if the duniya. The list of harm's are too deep.
I get it why when imam Mehdi comes, only a few in the ummah will support him in the beginning
I sometimes feel like in some weird twisted way, everyone plays some kind of role into the divine fate of the ummahs condition at any point in time.
You will have this side and that side.... that side and this side.... as has always existed...
Really goes to show you how argumentative the human being truly is.... divisions amongst groups have always existed, in every time period, every ethnicity, every religion or non-religion....
If there's humans involved, you can bet your money that no two people may 100% agree on everything...which is fine...but it reminds me that to an extent humans will be humans.....
Back to my point, everyone plays a role, even the detractors of Islam (those that are willingly being detractors) and those that may feel differently than traditional Islam would on a contemporary topic....even they play a role....
In some way, I feel even those detractors actually carry the torch of Islam...if even unwillingly and unintentionally.....
Which reminds me of how the Islamophobes on all these platforms exist by the thousands....but little do they know who The Best of planners is....
They fail to realize they are still keeping Islam relevant and reminding people of how alive Islam is lol.
They simply cannot go a day without lying about our deen, it's quite laughable and disturbing how sick, twisted, & miserable these people are....
Maybe you don't have a Twitter, and you're better off. But that site is literal cesspool. Wallahi man, the amount of filth....from all groups and every group...
What a time to be alive....
I envy the days when humans used candle light and had none of these distractions. Look at all they accomplished in their (even short) lives... Unbelievable.
Powerful podcast MaashaAllah
Very important points made 👊🏻
Even if the aim was to implement the shariah how could his positions be legitimate. We don’t bend to the reality, we remain on the shariah and change the reality
Assalamu Alaikum!
I have so much respect and love for MH. May Allah grant him steadfast, increase him in eman, good health and strength so as he can continue enlightening Muslims unapologetically with the help of Al-hādi, Amīn.
جزاک اللہ خیرا
I applaud Dilly's take on their (weak) counter-arguments against this position that Hijab put forth, to bring out what they would try and champion forwards in justification of categorically anti-Islamic teachings right then and there before Hijab so that Hijab can refute immediately. It showed insight and intelligence, but most of all, an uncompromising conviction for the deen.
Jzk Dilly, I am sure I will benefit seeing more content from this channel.
Agreed. Blindly agreeing would not be fruitful and in fact may do more harm than good.
This way one can exercise their criticallity in analyzing whatever potential angles we can analyze.....at least the angles that we are aware of.....
That being said, I'm sure there are many other variables we are not privy to....
Which makes me wonder of how foolish it is when, for e.g., an online teenager espouses certain rhetoric without truly understanding the implications or having wisdom to even understand.
Nonetheless it's good to try and view a thing from more than one angle.
May Allah reunite the Ummah on the straight, upright, upfront, uncompromising, undistorted, non-watering down, non-sugarcoating, yet compassionate and merciful to the degree of the prophetic example, hence: the MIDDLE path!
Are you swedish
Ya Allah protect our children and our lineage
Is Dilly not eating iftar? mA looking lean 💪
Quality podcast, keep it up!
Watering Down the Deen Exposed
Beautiful podcast. May God allow it to grow.
great video, allahumabarik
I was a critic of Mohammed Hijab on different stances. But Hijab is now a top brother to me. Go ahead Hijab. Crush these deviants who are causing fitna in the ummah. I admire his courage to takfir on HY. Need of the hour. It's time to be extra harsh on these deviants. Soft dawah time has passed long ago.
MashaAllah Jazakumullahu khayr 🔥🔥🔥
Whoever does not make takfir of someone who throws the Quran or curses the prophet is a kaafir.
Those actions are kufur in and of themselves
"I won't mention his name"
"Let's not mention his name"
"He's the leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood, I head he's the Top guy" 😂😂
Who are they talking about?
@@Rashrash1234 Sadiq Khan maybe?
@@user-xq1eo6wi9r no I don't think so
@@Rashrash1234 I've no idea then 🤷
Big dawg❤
Good interview. It is amazing that certain American Imams are interfering with other Muslim communities.
بارک اللہ فی عمرک
Asalamualaykum peace be upon you all.
Big up 5 Pillars, representing Muslims across the world fairly.
Keep it up guys.
jazakAllah Khair for speaking up for the Muslims
3rd nullifier of Islam
Not making takfeer on a disbeliever , or doubting his disbelief or believing he is correct
Not making takfeer can actually render somebody a kaafir themselves but not many know this
Go read ‘10 Nullifiers of Islam’ by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab
@desi rajput the principle is actually the exact wording as Qadhi Iyaad who quotes ijma for the same principle maybe a thousand years ago lol , Najdi da’wah?
Hamza Yussaf is a Justin Trudeau who has verbally recited shahada and sometimes prays.
Hamza Yusuf has a greater effect as a member in the Muslim community, having more influence on other Muslims, than the benefits of western countries being united with the Muslims. Since he is in an influential position as a Muslim, him making incredible statements of disbelief is a greater harm than whatever benefits the western countries give.
Great podcast ❤
Barakallahu feek
As a muslim, I have nothing to be proud of, No economy, no political power nothing really except two things.
1) Our history.
2) We die but not compromise.
If U wanna erase the 2nd then take the 1st cuz I don't care to live in History. I want my Ego and gherat. In the golden words of Poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal ;
Agar mulk hatho se jata hai jaae
Par ahkaam haq se na kar bewafai
(If the state goes let it go
But don't deviate from the HAQ)
Nhi tumko tareekh se agahi kia
Khilafat ki karne laga tu gadai
( don't u know history
U started begging for caliphate!)
what do you want? " the best of words is clear and compact"
You should revaluate what your proud of. Just being muslim and having been guided is something to be proud of. Just those 2 things is honestly sounds like you just meantioned the first things that came to your mind
@@mehmet20003 I meant it from a sociological perspective. In a religious sense, the first thing I am proud of is Tauheed, then being the Ummati of Prophet Muhammad saw, then having the taufeeq to pray and fast and do some good deeds etc etc.
From a social perspective, I am proud of these two things.
@@afnankhan43001 but there also the brotherhood and more brother it still feels to short
@@mehmet20003 I guess my answer is one out of frustration and not intellectual thinking. I agree there is brotherhood and much more. Alhamdulillah
"actually she was protecting the religion more" that was funny, but I don't know if I was laughing or crying. 57:45 😭
We don’t need to capture any narrative. We just need to focus on our deen.
Mashallah this is necessary!
May Allah protect us Ameen
JazakAllah'u khairan
Definition of a Judas Goat from wikipedia:
"A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter,[1] while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. They have fallen out of use in recent times,[citation needed] but can still be found in various smaller slaughterhouses in some parts of the world, as well as conservation projects"
Think every human should train. As a woman, I rate the Gracie Jiujitsu classes I attend. My husband's been blue belt for like a decade because they kept losing his combatives card. More about whether you can fight though than the belt alhamdulillah. I encourage brothers and sisters to train in grappling, whether it's Jujitsu, wrestling, Sambo etc
Also train striking
Yes but even khabib himself cant defend against a knife crime
May Allah bless you both
There is no doubt Hamza Yousaf is Kafir. The good thing is it exposes the hypocrites amongst the Muslims. Anyone on the fence or making excuses for him belongs with him.
"The wicked wear rich but their hearts are ripped. The poor wear ripped but their hearts are rich."
Please don't forget to donate to the poor and needy.
Great video🎉
Host brother interrupts brother hijab everytime he's going to deep dive. You should let him speak freely. Thank you brother
Thank u man
Self defence is critical... Every man woman should be training hard... It is also very beneficial mentally aswell as physically... Looking after health is important.. Muslims should not be sloths....
Well done.
***correction**...the qadiani shop keeper claimed he was a prophet after muhammed pbuh
God bless the ikhw. But Hijab brought up a good point, in middle eastern countries the concept of "Masla7a" (i.e., benefit, or political benefit) is something that is fine in a Muslim country.
But bringing this to a secular country will cause issues...every time. Period.
By the secular countries very virtue, there will be frictions between it and Islam....so the concept of masla7a becomes almost negligible.
This is portrayed with these "Muslim" politicians in the west that always cause an uproar amongst the Muslims.
It's nearly impossible to play in both arenas. You're either Muslim or you're not....Unfortunately, being a western politician there WILL be compromises. Period.....
But then that brings up another point...We have Kate, a white lady who had more integrity than this Hamza guy (No I'm not going to spell his name as Humza, it looks weird).
She stood to her ground and it's funny that as Muslims we much rather prefer Kate over Hamza.....
It's sad that these "Muslims" sell-out to liberalism, when they should be the ones standing firmly against liberalism....
But anyways I digress. And no one is reading this 🤷
I’m reading this negro, i’m reading this
Good discussion.
Get Daniel Haqiqatjou next please
He was already here two years ago and Hijab's stance should be credited to Daniel. He is the one who sounded the alarm.
This episode should clarify which Hamza you are talking about. Had to get clarification from elsewhere.
Dilly hussain is a top man 👌🏼👌🏼
I'm sad over 1 thing, why don't anyone mention how Humza Yousaf said he won't rule by his personal faith meaning Islam? Did that pass everyone's minds?
He wont rule by his faith but publicly prays in his first day in office. 👍
Why relegate the rule of Allah as an insignificant relic with no importance in current issues to the wardrobe of “personal” faith. What’s even more damning for him is that he said it’s not a sin to be gay. “Sin” is exclusively religious either he is blatantly lying or he doesn’t believe in the Quran as the word of god because he is fully aware of what’s in the scripture
The champ
Asalamu Alaykum …… great podcast….may Allah swt reward you.
As far as I am aware it is forbidden in Shariah to take part in any role of work in a non Islamic government such as MP etc
Voting for any part of a non Islamic government is also forbidden as far as I am aware
Confusing issues such as politics, racism are separate issues from the dean.
44:08 Do you not fear Allah, Hijab? Stop lying and slandering people. That was not said by Sheikh Abd al-Aziz Ār-Rayyis.
22:10 Yasir Qadhi part
Love you my brothers
Whoever wants to learn about apostasy and how Muslims can apostate through allying with disbelievers, obeying them and their ideas and supporting them should listen and read and study
Surah Muhammad
(صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Brother please give me some insight.
@@TrueSuccess7read the books of scholars of najd you won't find more beneficial literature on this topic
Whats your thoughts on Sh Hamza Yusufs 20 minute commentary on this takfir of Humza Yousef by brother MH?
Sufi weirdo
La ilaha illallah ☝🏻
who's the Muslim Brotherhood guy in the UK Mohammed Hijab is referring to?
Haitam Al Hadad I believe but could be wrong
@@PATH2JUNNAH that is so wrong. They are on good terms with shaikh haitham. Don't make things up
@@kaz4845 he never said it in a way to slander him but the guy is known for being apart of the brotherhood
@@kaz4845 I did say I could be wrong. jazakAllah Khairan for correcting me.
@@wackypeace1135 do you know why? Just curious as not familiar with why he would leave it out if these so called scholars are pushing corrupt ideas they should be exposed.
Time stamps, Please!
You should have started them or contributed at least 1 or 2 timestamps!!!! Then we could have started a collective effort, TOGETHER!!!!
💯 agree with M Hijab. Lion of Islam !!!