Things are going to be different...

  • Опубліковано 12 лип 2024
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  • @stbeeman
    @stbeeman 6 місяців тому +11

    Robert - you inspired me 2 years ago. At about 300 lbs (give or take 5-10) I decided I had to make a change too. I had moments of despair, times I felt like I was failing too. But your example at the time helped me a lot. I’m down 50 lbs (give or take 5 lbs depending on the week) and I’ve kept it off for 2 years. I’m anxious to drop more weight in 2024 also, but I’m approaching it realistically, and conservatively. My goal this year (like any year since the beginning) is just 10% of body mass. As with previous years, the lack of riding and the natural tendency to eat during the holidays has me starting with a deficit - I’m at 255 today (up from 249). But I know I can do it - we can do it. It starts in the kitchen, with reasonable proportions and good macros/calories. I know I drink more than I should - just empty calories - and I don’t get enough sleep, water, or exercise. I got where I’m at through incremental change, and that’s how I plan to proceed in 2024 as well. Less snacking, less alcohol (not zero!), portion control, planning the macros, and a reasonable goal for riding and exercise. One day at a time. And it started because of you. So when you feel down, or demotivated, read this comment back and remember, you move people. And take heart and inspiration all over again. Best wishes sir…and know that at least one chunky monkey is out there with you in spirit, even if we’ve never met.

  • @zed5129
    @zed5129 6 місяців тому +4

    I'm in a very similar place, and I've accepted that for me it's all about alcohol. Unless I stick to quitting alcohol, which I've been trying to do, I will keep resetting - and even getting a bit heavier each time.
    Good luck to us both for '24.

  • @donbracci2199
    @donbracci2199 6 місяців тому +17

    Hang in there, Robert. Thank you for your extreme transparency. I have followed your journey and hope you are successful in your quest. Your videos probably have helped many who share this struggle with you.

  • @CaliradoKid
    @CaliradoKid 6 місяців тому +2

    Man. No joke. I hit the weights last year. Got in a rhythm. Shed 10-15 pounds and got in the best shape I'd ever been in honestly. Then one compromise followed by another one got me right back to where I started. It's a tough mental game. I'm right there with you man. Time to ramp it back up for '24 and quit screwing around!

  • @eXpeditionAnthony
    @eXpeditionAnthony 6 місяців тому +16

    I feel ya brotha! Ive been on that roller coaster of fitness and feeling like a failure over and over. Keep at it though! Its only failure if you stay down for the count and give up! 👌🏾💪🏾

  • @chargingstar
    @chargingstar 6 місяців тому +3

    Brother, failure of this goal or any goal is not indicative of failing at life. This is a process and there will be failures that come with success. People love and support you and that's what matters the most

  • @rantingwrench
    @rantingwrench 6 місяців тому +6

    When I watched your video a couple of years ago, it caused a bit of a realisation within myself that I was also very out of shape (I knew, but I didn't *know*...). It gave me a kick up the ass and for most of that year I held myself accountable, watched what I ate, and I actually made steady progress. Come Christmas last year I let it slip and never really got back on the horse. Cue a year of big life changes, tons of stress... and tons of stress eating... and I am probably worse now than I was two years ago. I'll be tuning in Tuesday - maybe we can both get back on the horse together. Something has to change. :)

  • @scpromark
    @scpromark 6 місяців тому +3

    Yeah brother, I’m with you. I love my partying too but the yo-yo weight has got to stop for me. It always starts with a couple of innocent and mindful beers but a few months later…and boom! It’s all gone wrong again. So I’m doing “No more 24”. I’ve realised that I love my health and fitness more than I love my beer. I wish us both success for 2024.

  • @RSW033
    @RSW033 6 місяців тому +6

    I 100% relate to this, had a health scare right before my 40th birthday, followed by 4 years of bodybuilding and great eating, biking, life was good, then slowly degrading into work, financial struggles and here i am same situation again, close to or even same situation - i hate myself each morning looking into the mirror, basically just accepting the status quo, my bike hanging behind me on my office wall just staring at it makes me realize how much i have gotten out of shape. Be more 24 sounds like an escape i desperatly need, thanks for your inspiration, i'll definitely follow your path.

  • @prfctansr8752
    @prfctansr8752 6 місяців тому +1

    I myself was in the same boat. I went from 280 down to 200. A year later i was 285. So i tried again to lose weight. 285 down to 220. Then lockdowns...bang 302. I did a bit of therapy and decided to go the surgery route. I know its not for everyone. Im now at 183ish and found myself taking tokens out of my shocks. I fought some spells of low energy that affected my riding, also stay hydrated was literally a job. I have proven to myself i could lose weight lets face it its that hard, the real hard part is keeping it off. This what help sway my decision. I am 48 years old and lighter than when i got out of USMC bootcamp when i was 20. Good luck and never given up.

  • @AvinaashKuppusamy
    @AvinaashKuppusamy 6 місяців тому +1

    As a failure myself, You've got this! take your time, you'll surely meet and breakthrough your targeted goals my man!

  • @crayx48
    @crayx48 6 місяців тому +3

    Breaking with old habits one has developed and held on to for almost forever is about the hardest thing to do. Nobody is a failure for falling back into those habits. To me it seems to be a crucial step in overcoming them - eventhough it is immensly frustrating and can certainly break the motivation to chase ones goals. I wish for you to keep your strength to continue chasing your goal and developing strategies to keep you from falling back into old schemata. I am certain most people struggle with breaking the one or other old habit. Thank you for being so open to take all of us with you on your journey!

  • @briangong007
    @briangong007 6 місяців тому +4

    Hugs bro....the fact that you want more and know you didn't hit your goal is a positive sign! Don't shame yourself for not riding during the Holidays. I didn't and had moments like you felt, but there were positive things that happened during that time. Time shared with family and friends are important. 2024 is a chance for us to be better than 2023! I will be there to support you on Tuesday bro! 👊

  • @dooleh84
    @dooleh84 6 місяців тому +3

    I mean if you gain weight, you'll still be more in 24. lol
    On a serious note, you and me share the same problem, I'm in the ~105kg category when I get to my max (it may not sound like a lot, but it's all stored in my midsection so it is very noticeable, trust me), and that happens almost every single winter. Right now I'm at around 80kg because I lost a ton riding this summer, and kept the weight off walking for 3 hours every single day, sometimes more, up to 5 or 6 hours even.
    I still need to watch what I eat, and during this damn time (Dec 25th til early January), I gained at least 3kg, I'm actually afraid to hit the scales, and I am struggling to stop eating so much, but I know I can do it, it's all in the damn brain, you just have to want it.
    My advice is start walking or hiking, don't just ride the bike, it gets boring, maybe even running (my local weather won't let me run or ride during winter).

  • @dustykatt
    @dustykatt 6 місяців тому +1

    Same brother, same. But I'm back on that horse and you too can get back on it. It's not about how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get up get back on your bike and pedal your ass off. Literally.

  • @cjt970
    @cjt970 6 місяців тому

    Thanks for the video. This caught me on a day where I have similar feelings. I think it was helpful seeing someone going through a similar downturn. I hope you find your way back to your own progression. I will do my best to find mine.

  • @gambitmkii
    @gambitmkii 6 місяців тому +3

    If there is anything we can do or say to help out in any way please just tell us, I’ve gone from 180lbs to 260, back down to 220 and now 245 life can suck and we do stupid things but hopefully together we can head in the right direction no goal weights or dates just chip away at it every week ❤

  • @edward0
    @edward0 6 місяців тому +1

    Hang in there brotha! I know you got this and stick with it! I know it’s hard to get back on track when you’ve been so consistent but I believe you brotha stick with it!

  • @aw71290
    @aw71290 6 місяців тому +1

    I have gotten 5 pounds from my goal like 6 times. I may not be as far off, or as heavy but I feel you so much. Subscribed. Get friends that will hold you accountable!

  • @tinshield
    @tinshield 6 місяців тому +3

    The struggle is real!

  • @ljekatt
    @ljekatt 6 місяців тому

    Been here for the whole journey and you are definitely not a failure. I think me and many others can relate to the struggle and I for one ride the exact same rollercoaster. Stay in there and like someone mentioned, maybe try to talk to someone about the mental challenges you describe.

  • @jontg429
    @jontg429 6 місяців тому +1

    Just take a step back, regroup and go after your goals again. I know the feeling, I should be in better shape as well and riding more, but sometimes other things get in the way. Just keep your chin up and go after those goals again brotha!

  • @PapiOso55
    @PapiOso55 2 місяці тому

    Family your beyond inspiring!!!…appreciate you.

  • @joesouth9695
    @joesouth9695 6 місяців тому

    Keep fighting, Rob!!! Don't ever give up! Everyday is a new start. I am right there with you, constantly up and down on the scale (mostly up). Your journey inspires people to be better. Keep Pedaling!

  • @nathanboyce6978
    @nathanboyce6978 6 місяців тому +1

    Don’t give up man. If my geography is correct you recorded that at the top of flagstaff hill. It’s takes a hell of an effort just to get up there and you seem to do it regularly. I think you are in a better position than you think you are. Hang in there.

  • @pedarbruce6373
    @pedarbruce6373 6 місяців тому

    Robert, you’re an absolute beast on your bike and the joy you share for this sport is infectious. I hope you’re able to release yourself from some of these hardcore goals so you can focus on what matters most. I found years ago after racing mtb that it took the joy away from this sport. It was actually just too much of a good thing. Now I ride maybe a few times a month but man it’s a blast when I do ride. Maybe the other goals you have will fall into place at the same time. Whatever your balance is for 2024, I wish you all the best!

  • @warmed1
    @warmed1 6 місяців тому

    I appreciate your honesty! Don't give up!

  • @charliehicks2554
    @charliehicks2554 6 місяців тому

    You’re still my hero Robert. Motivation can be hard sometimes and life happens you know. But let me tell you, seeing your rides on Strava the last couple of years is humbling to me. I’m a big ole boy. And seeing the mileage you put in and the big elevation gains has been very impressive. That’s something I think about when I’m “suffering’ up my little hills in Georgia 😄. See you on the livestream tomorrow.

  • @aubreysanders1613
    @aubreysanders1613 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow. I'm in the same exact boat. I will join you on Tuesday. Maybe we can figure this out.

  • @markkligerman6861
    @markkligerman6861 6 місяців тому

    Robert, you just sent it! In just a couple minutes you completely exposed yourself and I appreciate your honesty and feel your pain. I've lost a lot of weight and it's a CONSTANT STRUGGLE with food and alcohol. So hard to maintain intensity. So hard not to self loathe.

  • @TrailDogsMTB
    @TrailDogsMTB 6 місяців тому

    You’re creating building blocks to move farther forward. You are not a failure unless you give up. I believe in you and your ability to continue 🤘🏻

  • @kevegghead
    @kevegghead 6 місяців тому

    Your not a failure. When you do make your target it will make it all the sweeter considering the rough times you’ve had. Hang in there dude👍

  • @h.y1778
    @h.y1778 6 місяців тому

    Awe. You got this! One day at a time! ❤️

  • @RGCastro7
    @RGCastro7 6 місяців тому

    Robert, you rock, man.
    I think your words to yourself are harsher than is required. You've found an area of opportunity and you know you've been able to fight towards that goal before, so please believe in yourself!
    I think finding a friend or two who will help keep you accountable towards your goal and help motivate you by not having to train alone might be beneficial to you.
    Whatever you choose, know this: Even if you feel like you've failed, you're trying, you're human, and you're motivating many of us to keep pushing when things aren't looking good. You're worth the effort of trying again if something didn't work.

  • @RocketMTB
    @RocketMTB 6 місяців тому +3

    Let’s get’r done this year Rob!

  • @christhrift6165
    @christhrift6165 6 місяців тому

    Definitely feel what you are saying! Been struggling seems forever with the same thing! You can definitely do it! The weather here in Maryland is killing e right now as riding is very hard!

  • @TrentSiggard
    @TrentSiggard 6 місяців тому

    I feel this so much. You and me both, lets get back on it!!

  • @pauldominick3945
    @pauldominick3945 6 місяців тому

    Dude I'm right there with ya. Thought I would have lost a chunk of weight by now. Sadly I'm just about where I started few months ago. The consistency and discipline is a real problem.
    Be more in 2024! 🤞

  • @drosslander4369
    @drosslander4369 6 місяців тому

    This is the time of year when it's easy to reflect back and not see what you did accomplish. Find a buddy with similar goals to keep you on your path. All is not lost. New subscriber!

  • @MyMTBVideoYouTube
    @MyMTBVideoYouTube 6 місяців тому +1

    In your defense we can’t ride in the rain and snow around here. It’s cold AF. I’m trying to get back into shape as well. Go get it bro. Hopefully see you on some trails 👊🏽

  • @alextorresphoto
    @alextorresphoto 6 місяців тому

    Robert, It's a process. It's a Journey. One that never moves in a straight line. Many of us struggle with this. Your videos show it's possible, however, the simple idea of caloric deficit has many paths to get there. You got this.

  • @thunderdogproductions
    @thunderdogproductions 6 місяців тому +1

    Hey Robert... as steven tyler says, you got to lose to know how to win. Now you know, you got the game plan. it's only a failure if you stop trying, use the bad as a learning tool to make good happen. also remember it's not about losing weight, it's about gaining all that speed and ease on the bike!! I still have the stickers you gave me at Spartan in Nov 2021, one on the car, one on my yeti.

  • @1Bigmac69
    @1Bigmac69 6 місяців тому

    I believe in you brother. I also understand how you feel. You are not alone. #coldandwetinthePNW

  • @jaredethier6870
    @jaredethier6870 6 місяців тому

    Right there with you. We all have our own struggles and challenges. I’m local and our paths have crossed once or twice, I’m down if you want to ride (I need to be more consistent). Appreciate the honesty in your videos.

  • @destin-danser
    @destin-danser 6 місяців тому +1

    Won't be able to make the live stream due to work, but wanted to drop a comment.
    I've been following your journey since the first weight loss episode, and you've been a huge part of my own motivation. When you dropped that first video, I was about 255 or so, and I was legitimately walking up every single climb because my cardio was non-existent. In my first round of trying to get in shape and lose weight, I dropped about 30 pounds, but the following winter I gained back 20 of them. Then I dropped 30 more pounds, but gained 20 back the following winter. After that, I got down to a new 207, and then climbed back up to 230 again when I fell off of the wagon.
    Spring of 2023 hit, and I was so disgusted with myself that I let two months of great weather go by without even touching my bike. Around June, I woke up, quit my pity party, and decided it was time to finally get serious once and for all. I dropped all the way down to 191 in 2023 and set some huge fitness milestones along the way. I started adding runs into my workout routine, which absolutely sucked, but it just allowed me to get my workouts in with far less of a time commitment than cycling. In October I was feeling like a million freaking bucks, and I was convinced that I wouldn't possibly sabotage my progress this winter.
    You know what though? Laziness is a tough enemy, and cold weather makes the fight even harder. I was running 15 miles/week, walking a ton, mountain biking 1-2 days/week, and eating properly.. but now? Well, I'm back up 15 pounds again, haven't worked out in weeks, and I just crushed a whole pizza and a a handful of Christmas candy by myself. I'm on course to screw this winter up again and start over at square one, and I don't even know how to stop the downward spiral.
    I *WANT* to be in shape and keep the weight off, but trying to stop myself from eating and being lazy is a struggle man. You're not alone, and this journey is never going to be easy. If you haven't already, go read both of David Goggins books: they've really been great at lighting a fire under my ass.
    You've got this thing man. I believe in you. If a bunch of us stick together, it can only help. Maybe we start a Facebook group or a subreddit dedicated to mountain biking weight loss?

  • @burkebair
    @burkebair 6 місяців тому

    Right there with you. Getting laid off last year, rocked my world. I've put half the weigh back on that I lost back in 2019. I can count on one hand the number of rides I've done since Spring of last year. It's all changing! Going to 1-2 meals a day, intermittent fasting, Keto based eating (ribeyes for lunch...yummy!), and if I can't get out and ride I'm Zwiftin' it. It's easy to do...I just need to do it!

  • @kathybigs7820
    @kathybigs7820 6 місяців тому

    We feel this deeply too!

  • @Filthy_Rich_556
    @Filthy_Rich_556 6 місяців тому

    Not a failure, just haven't fully succeeded yet. I feel ya. You have to carry that momentum. This type of success depends on your commitment to sacrifice. Sometimes that sacrifice is those parties. That version of yourself isn't as mindful as this version. Speaking from experience here. Going to Christmas dinner with the family, I can't tell you how many times I've heard," one piece of pie won't hurt you". But if I had one and it didn't hurt, I'll remember that next time and it wi be easier to give in. I swear, I never thought I'd have more peer pressure with food, than drugs. School warned us about the wrong vice. Stay strong. You got this.

  • @garysmith643
    @garysmith643 6 місяців тому

    Feel for You buddy! Hang in there !

  • @tonybailey89
    @tonybailey89 6 місяців тому

    I'm looking to loose 45lbs using mountain biking myself, this is helpful you sharing this information to more people than you know! also starting my journey in 2024!

  • @workhorsemtb7075
    @workhorsemtb7075 6 місяців тому

    Hey, thanks for being real and sharing this. I struggle with this too. I hate looking in the mirror too and honestly I feel embarrassed to be in public sometimes. At least you have told everyone your goals and made yourself accountable. I never do...
    I had my 2nd knee replacement 6 weeks ago and more than likely the arthritis I developed that led to that was being too heavy for so long. I started seeing a counselor because I just couldn't figure out why I can't stop sabotaging myself.

  • @pedalhound
    @pedalhound 6 місяців тому

    Dude, you are not a failure, you are trying....a failure stops trying and lets it all go. I am in the same boat. Lost 60 lbs a few years back, and then the last year or so I have steadily started gaining it back....I too am about 15 lbs from where I was...and I can not stand it. All we can do is keep working on it, keep strong got this shit!

  • @4no3bo3dy
    @4no3bo3dy 6 місяців тому +4

    If partying = not giving a f@ck, maybe consider sobriety for a while, esp while you’re pursuing a weight goal…? I feel mtb lifestyle - esp for an mtb influencer - could be full of people who’d love to have a beer w you. Except that’s a lot of new friends & old friends for those drinks - & only One you. Either way, it takes a lot of strength to clearly see where you need improvement & to realign your life towards towards old goals. I hope your journey is successful.

    • @davidstepro7486
      @davidstepro7486 6 місяців тому +1

      Having followed Robert for years on UA-cam two things have been obvious about him from the start; he is as real as they come and he has a drinking problem.

  • @SingleTrackMind207
    @SingleTrackMind207 6 місяців тому

    I almost didn't comment because there was 69 comments. HOWEVER! I followed a lot of your quest before, and I too struggle with weight/motivation/beerz. I'm here with and for you! New year new us!

  • @rosol777
    @rosol777 6 місяців тому

    Never give up You Got This Keep Pushing 👊👊👊

  • @MTBMichigan
    @MTBMichigan 6 місяців тому

    I'm on this journey with you. It's a challenge. I'm working on sharing an update myself, and this year was hard. I don't have many answers other than don't give up.

  • @0-125AVaporTrailRaceSeries
    @0-125AVaporTrailRaceSeries 6 місяців тому

    Robert you have not failed if you are continuing to try. The only failure is completely giving up on this goal, so I see this as a huge success that you are continuing to fight for it! People "fail" every day but keep pushing forward to be the best version of themselves!

  • @barker83
    @barker83 6 місяців тому

    You ain’t a failure. You’re frustrated. You will achieve your goal, with additional effort, focus, tweaks to lifestyle, and continued support from your friends and followers! If you can build “impossible” trails, you can overcome any of these setbacks.

    • @B1KER
      @B1KER  6 місяців тому

      Thanks buddy!

  • @limegreendemon5847
    @limegreendemon5847 6 місяців тому

    I totally understand, it’s like the body has a set point where it wants to be. I dropped from 215lb to 170 but in the last few years crept back up to 195. Did I feel good at 170? Hell yeah, do I love beers and snacks? Hell yeah. Life is definitely hard, my problem is winter rolls around here and I stop…. Full stop with plans to ride my exercise bike. Failing pretty hard at that, it sucks compared to being out on the trails. I hate riding in freezing temps! I’m going to take this as inspiration to push myself in 2024. Thanks for posting your reality, I’m sure many of us feel the same way. Partying is fun, you gotta live life to the fullest, if you indulge add another day to your riding it’s a win win.. You got this.

  • @Duckhead3000
    @Duckhead3000 6 місяців тому +1

    I believe in you Robert. We can do this.

  • @bullseye0112
    @bullseye0112 6 місяців тому

    So weird I left you a comment and it disappeared for some reason. Anyways I watched you do the work to hit your goals and you did hit your goals. Failure is painful and it's painful to regain all that which you work so hard to lose. Failure is also the best teacher. When you fall you get back up and after you're done licking your wounds you realize you can accomplish whatever goal you set out to do. I know you can do it again I saw you crush it last time. It's a setback, don't beat yourself up and don't be impatient with yourself give yourself grace and patience and love and you will conquer this damn struggle. I need to lose 60 lb and lost 20 of that 60 but then gain most of it back again and I was kicking myself and pissed off just like you. But I know I can't cry over spilled milk I can only move forward pick myself up and conquer this goal of being in shape and feeling better and lighter. You got this brother. Just a setback. Don't waste your energy feeling shit, just get back to the grind. We can do it together. I have a goal to lose 60 lb and so do you so starting tomorrow let's just get on it! Thanks for sharing what we all feel when these damn weight loss goals go to shit. God wants your highest good, the stupid devil keeps trying to drag you down just like he does to everyone else. You can do this You just have to be the rock for yourself and ask God how you can lose this weight and actually keep it off, what changes do you have to make mentally emotionally spiritually too be at that shape that is much better for you and me instead of carrying around this extra weight which is a lot of work.

  • @b.r.3232
    @b.r.3232 6 місяців тому

    Duude! It can be a process. You just need to stay with it, and don't beat yourself up about, but stay committed....
    Setbacks are a thing, but keep a positive'll get there..

  • @xxsilviarxx
    @xxsilviarxx 6 місяців тому +1

    I don’t comment often on videos, however, seeing this update, I wanted to say something.
    I’ve had the fit to fat to fit journey, and I went back to fat by having the bad luck of getting pregnant and having a baby just before covid lockdowns (and our summer was the Black Summer, pretty shit for being pregnant).
    There is so much I’ve learned about being ‘fit’ and the fact it is so very much tied to mental health and learning to be reasonable and not stressed with yourself. It took me until about 3 months to sort out my mental health. I was able to pick my healthy habits back up like a bike I’d left on the ground. I won’t lose the weight overnight and that’s fine, because it’s not about weight, it’s about sustainable changes.
    Whatever is your stumbling block in your life - no, not the love of food or beer, the root that causes the fallouts that make you call yourself a failure - I hope you can take the time to look at that, find out what it is, and allow yourself to be morally neutral about something you’re trying to figure out for improving your life.
    Always free for a chat. I may be in Aus but I’m not upside down.
    You’re amazing. Keep up the good work of being you.

  • @LoggyMah
    @LoggyMah 4 місяці тому

    Loosing 60lbs massive accomplishment regardless if you put some back on. You have your whole life to keep getting better it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, you got this!

  • @brettn4337
    @brettn4337 6 місяців тому

    G'day from downunder Robert
    I've followed your weight loss (and gain) for a while now and don't think of yourself as a failure, just think of it as a stumble.
    I'm in the same boat as you, I weigh about 110kg (whatever that is in lbs) and have struggled to lose weight. No sooner do I lose it I quickly put it back on. For some of us it will unfortunately always be a struggle.
    Keep up the good work mate and know you're not alone 👍

  • @JenkinsB
    @JenkinsB 6 місяців тому

    Bro, I feel ya. Same here. I get it under control in summer and lose it in the winter.

  • @franhoward141
    @franhoward141 6 місяців тому

    Been there, done that. Do not give up, please.

  • @TacksWurld
    @TacksWurld 6 місяців тому

    1% adds up, over time as long as your doing, Keep motivating sir. New follower here

    • @B1KER
      @B1KER  6 місяців тому

      Thanks and welcome

  • @Truth_Spoken
    @Truth_Spoken 6 місяців тому

    My name is also Robert, I’m 43 and have been on the struggle bus as well for the last couple of years. Just bought myself a new to me Niner RIP e9 to hopefully re-spark some motivation.

  • @themiddleagemasher8108
    @themiddleagemasher8108 6 місяців тому

    Dude you got whatever you want to accomplish in life. Take little wins. My life has flipped in end the last couple months of 23 and into ‘24. Jobs, relationships, health. Dude you GOT THIS!!

  • @originaljws
    @originaljws 6 місяців тому

    Ups and downs. You're hard on yourself, but you should also remember you're an inspiration to people even as (because) you struggle. Fall down, get back up and ride. As with bikes, so with life. Hang in there.

  • @JaredHoff
    @JaredHoff 6 місяців тому

    You got this bro!

  • @basuramanya
    @basuramanya 6 місяців тому

    I feel you. I live steps from McKinley park and minutes from the American River bike trial. Do a walk or ride? No but I should.

  • @mrvwbug4423
    @mrvwbug4423 6 місяців тому

    I feel that way every winter. This winter in particular is off to a bad start. Changed jobs last year so went from having 3 or 4 day weekends to the standard 2 day weekend and once the daylight went away riding after work became a non-starter and trying to motivate myself to ride the trainer on Zwift is hard. My tech confidence is also shot after several bad crashes this year, yet I'm actually jumping better than I ever have.

  • @kylepokraka7256
    @kylepokraka7256 4 місяці тому

    Robert, you're not a failure. You're still getting up and out of bed every day. And even if you don't some days, that's OK too. Keep your head up and keep moving forward.

  • @rollife
    @rollife 6 місяців тому

    Be more in 24! Let's go! Everyone of us!

  • @JohnC686
    @JohnC686 6 місяців тому

    Been fighting the same battle my whole life, totally know how you feel. But your weightloss videos were one of the main contributing factors I got back into mountain biking a couple years ago. I'm definitely not healthy but I'm better than I was. In my opinion you may have failed to reach your goal but you're not a failure.

  • @dems_mtb
    @dems_mtb 6 місяців тому

    I feel you! We should encourage each other! I started off losing 60 really fast, now I'm about 25 from where i started. I feel defeated and its like there is an active self destruct going on. Stay strong Robert! At least thats what I'm saying to myself.

  • @TheJollyElf
    @TheJollyElf 6 місяців тому

    If you would accept a big hug from a random dude on the internet I'm sending a few your way. Don't be too hard on yourself...the ups and downs are part of the process...just like a mtb ride...putting this out there shows real strength and courage.

  • @dewindoethdwl2798
    @dewindoethdwl2798 6 місяців тому

    You’ve shown you can control your body weight and you have also recognised what causes the regain. I’d reckon you have the drive to solve the regain side of things, based on your will to lose weight having been successful. Have a read of a book called The Chimp Paradox. It wasn’t my cup of tea but did awaken me to my impulsive side. Hey presto, after plenty of errors, I’ve learned to recognise my chimp triggers and now have (better) control of my more destructive impulses.
    Don’t think of yourself as a failure, not after achieving the weight loss you set out to achieve. You’ve learned something about yourself with the weight regain. Knowing the problem is two thirds of solving the issue. Best of luck, keep going.

  • @omahamtb6580
    @omahamtb6580 6 місяців тому

    Bro. I have a similar path. I lost my goal of 40 pounds 5 years ago. I was riding 3+ days every week and eating enough to match. I gained 15 pounds back but still felt great so I didn't do anything about it. Then life got in the way and I wasn't able to ride more than once a week for an entire year. I gained another 10 pounds. Over the last year, after having a baby, I gained another 10 because I'm still eating like I'm riding 3+ days a week. I am riding twice a week but the rides are shorter so it's still like riding once. My wife and I are getting back to eating better/less and exercising more in the house when I can't ride. Let's go! 🤘

  • @randallgd
    @randallgd 6 місяців тому

    Right there with ya man highest weight ever and going have a hip replacement in two weeks. But you know what my super power is? Starting over!! Thats all that matters is that we start over...thats all that matters man:) My 90 year old mt biker dad has taught me that if we don't give up....we win!

  • @mudmuncher90
    @mudmuncher90 6 місяців тому

    Keep going mate I am there at that stage now too 😢 I was 17stone got down to 13.5 stone then Sadly put it all back on so quickly just by eating the wrong things and to much of it , so now I start that journey all over again 😢😢 your get back to there you were I am sure you will

  • @juliusyap825
    @juliusyap825 6 місяців тому

    Hey buddy dont give. Just keep on trying and riding. At the end of this, just be happy. Happiness is more important than anything else. I am happy when i ride if I lose a pound or so. Thats great if not I still got to ride !!!!!

  • @SemiSendy
    @SemiSendy 6 місяців тому

    The older we get, the harder it gets. Rootin' for ya, brother.

    • @B1KER
      @B1KER  6 місяців тому

      Thanks bud. I know how to lose it just as much as I know how to pack it on. It’s debatable which one is better. 🤷‍♂️😂

  • @oldkayakdude
    @oldkayakdude 2 місяці тому

    Hey bud, I'll try not too be really woo woo. You're dealing with a vicious cycle, and breaking these patterns is hard. Understanding the things in your life that pull you back into old patterns is part of finding your new path (trail). Having goals helps, but finding the source of the issues will have a bigger long term effect. Finding the right type of help can speed up the process, but you have to do the work to change and then keep riding that new trail.

  • @travelthenarrowtrail8660
    @travelthenarrowtrail8660 6 місяців тому

    Be careful Robert, how we talk to ourselves creates this stacking of reinforced negativity that our minds tend to think is real. Our minds are powerful, for us or against us. As Journey said, "Be good to yourself." Affirm yourself kindly, rediscover your childlike passions that feed your soul with fun an creativity. But give self care and lift yourself up higher. We all make mistakes but as we are live and breathe, we can get back on that off ramp, back on the trail and start climbing that difficult climb and you will get to the top. You did it once, you'll do it again. Sorry I missed the live stream.

    • @B1KER
      @B1KER  6 місяців тому +1

      I'm planning on doing one every Tuesday! Join the next one. :)

  • @fabiozambrotti
    @fabiozambrotti 6 місяців тому

    I can say that it is not easy to lose weight, especially when us have to lose a lot of weight and we are older and everything is slower. My battle has been going on for over 10 years. Food, nutrition and exercise are fundamental. We really have periods of ups and downs but stay strong and you will be proud of yourself soon. Stay active and never bored at home and avoid alcohol for now. I lost 100lbs and have been keeping my weight off for years now. We believe in you for 2024. Hugs Bro

  • @andrewwarren3061
    @andrewwarren3061 6 місяців тому

    It is not the is the journey....and the journey is not always pleasant.....Peace

  • @smith42066
    @smith42066 6 місяців тому

    Dude I’m there to I understand I’ve had the goal of 255 for 3 years, let’s hit our goals together, you got this

  • @MrNewlife1968
    @MrNewlife1968 4 місяці тому

    You're not a failure. I've been where you've been. I've gone back and forth. And thanks to my sister. I am using her dietician. She came up with a meal plan. In three weeks, I lost ten lbs of fat and gained 7 lbs of muscle. Lost 4.4 percent of my body fat. And on that last of those three weeks, I lost my Dad. I still have missteps. But, I don't beat myself up, and I stay on the meal plan and keep moving forward. Day by day.

    • @B1KER
      @B1KER  4 місяці тому +1

      Sorry to hear about your father.

    • @MrNewlife1968
      @MrNewlife1968 4 місяці тому

      @@B1KER Thank you.

  • @danp3677
    @danp3677 3 місяці тому

    If you know this feeling of despair, then you know. I've struggled with my weight for many years. I have always loved biking (mountain and road) and this channel keeps popping up in my feed. I finally watched today and although I am inspired, I gotta say , I am tearful watching this. I know this path of failure all too well. I've been working on consistency more than anything else. Somedays I ride only 18 miles and somedays I ride 35. My eating is getting better and when I do have some poor eating days, its not overboard. I've always swung for the fences right from the start, and this time I'm taking it slow. I started doing push ups everyday after my morning yoga. I started with 15 push ups. I'm racking out 100-150 everyday now. On my yoga journey, I started with a very easy 20 minute routine and I told myself to just repeat it for 90 days until I had it down well enough that I could turn up the intensity. Consistency is the number one lesson I am learning. The message on this channel is spot on. Thank you. Now, I gotta go ride.

  • @johnnguyen8724
    @johnnguyen8724 6 місяців тому

    Let’s get this in 2024! Every day is a chance to make a difference. Large or small, it all adds up. 😎🤙🏻
    Ps: Recognize the summit of Flagg Staff here 🙌🏻

  • @jasonstephens2923
    @jasonstephens2923 6 місяців тому

    You are not a failure. You are human. Don't let the devil put those condemning thoughts in your head. You are a child of God and you can do anything with his help. I pray God gives you a spirit of self worth and determination, joy and peace. You can make your goals. You may fall but don't give up, keep getting back up. You only fail when you stop trying. I got faith in you. You can do this!!!!!!

  • @AFV85
    @AFV85 5 місяців тому

    Listen mate I've been through some stuff on my life in now 38 feel 68 but been sobar n clean for 5 years now life is good but I've put on a shed load of weight aswell! Long covid isn't helping it's causing water retention and edema now and bad circulation but just come into some inheritance and went and bought a brand new e mountain bike only pedal assist as from UK but used to downhill years ago so this is my goal this year is to get on this expensive bike and loose this weight the right way once and for all! I'm sire there are other's in the same boat aswell we should all make some target up we are all in different parts of the world coming together through this it could be a good thing! Stay strong man I'll keep up with the comments aswell once get my bike ready for its first day out I'm gonna thrash the heck out it being a full Suspension embt but yeah I feel the same I can't look in a mirror or have a photo taken I feel horrible looking back at my reflection! But the mind set is good so something positive! Let's do this 💪

    • @B1KER
      @B1KER  5 місяців тому

      You got this man!

  • @cyclingskills
    @cyclingskills 5 місяців тому

    Dude, don’t be so hard on yourself. We need to talk. ❤

  • @gary6361
    @gary6361 5 місяців тому

    Took me years to lose weight. I’d lose some, then slack off and put it all back on again. Don’t beat yourself up, you will get there. As someone else mentioned, a lot of it is in the mind.

  • @chefboyarleezyrides9855
    @chefboyarleezyrides9855 3 місяці тому

    Man bro, I remember when you were riding up the hills in Auburn like it was nothing you can get back at that it's just gonna be hard but it will be worth it

  • @whateverrobert
    @whateverrobert 6 місяців тому

    Robert here wanna ride bikes. Sometimes the self built wall we can never break break down or climb self defeats us. All we have to do is look deeper into our selfs and find what is the barrier stopping us. Then we can find that way to break the wall down

  • @spencerc5541
    @spencerc5541 6 місяців тому

    You got this! You inspired me to lose 40lbs and sign up for my first cross country mtb race. I was not planning on riding it this year, but if you are up for a challenge sign up for the high cascade 100 and I will too!