Joy brother car dedication



  • @sheebab1022
    @sheebab1022 3 роки тому

    Congrats beven

  • @muhammedazgar274
    @muhammedazgar274 3 роки тому

    The Loard of the universe is the Single Supreme God Almighty alone, pray to him alone, do good deeds and win the glorious royal life in the Paradise of Heaven.
    Jesus never told himself as he God nor pray to Jesus.
    The prophets Noh, Abraham, Moses, Ismayel, Isaq, Dawwed, Muhammed, Jesus, Mery (Peace be upon all) prayed only to The Single Supreme God Yahve alone.
    The names Hiranniagerba, Allahu, The God, Yahve are the different terms for the Single Supreme God Almighty in different languages.
    But some one start praying to prophet after they left this earth.
    The Single Supreme God Almighty never conform as humen.
    God never borne nor gave birth, but he create what he intends.
    God ever living and he is able to do anything. That is God, believe this and love humans. This is the religion of prophet Jesus. Prophets are the guides to the glorious royal life in the Paradise of Heaven.
    Never lose Heaven by worship other beings instead of the Single Supreme God.
    Never follow a culprit, who killed the Stephen (Stephanose), a kind disciple of prophet Jesus.
    For example, Can you follow a culprit, who killed your loving brother without any cause ?.
    Just like that ,we cant follow a killer of our grandfathers, Stephen and more others in mysterious circumstances. That is why we must defying the teaching of Paulose in New testament. Because the Paulose (Sawool) is the member of secret killing squads created by the enemies of Jesus and his true monotheistic religion with human love.
    Can you love and follow the enemies of Jesus, if you can, you also the number one enemy of The Single Supreme God , Jesus and all angels.
    If you wants to enter the Paradise of Heaven, believe in the Single Supreme God Almighty alone, pray to him alone, consider Jesus as a great prophet and do good deeds inspired by human love.
    God bless you and guide you to Heaven.
    For more about the way to heaven, listen Ex Chrestian "Muhammed issa Yohannan" in You tube.
    Listen British scholar AbduRaheem green in you tube.
    Listen " Rebbai Tovi Singer" Jewish prospective.
    Pray for me too.
    Thank you very much.