Taylor Marshall - Base Catholic. Trump, Vance and Taylor: Spotlight on the USA

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Please visit www.catholicun...
    The conversation revolves around the impact and style of Dr. Taylor Marshall's podcast, the differences between American and British approaches to online platforms for the Catholic faith, the role of politicians in upholding Catholic values, and the potential of JD Vance as a Catholic convert in American politics.
    Dr. Taylor Marshall, impact, style, American, British, online platform, Catholic faith, politicians, Catholic values, JD Vance, Catholic convert, American politics
    Dr. Taylor Marshall's podcast has had a significant impact and provides well-informed content to its listeners.
    There are differences in style between American and British approaches to online platforms for the Catholic faith.
    Politicians should be held accountable for upholding Catholic values and speaking out against issues like abortion.
    JD Vance, as a Catholic convert, has the potential to bring a Catholic perspective to American politics.
    The conversation highlights the importance of respectful and substantive discussions about politics and religion.
    The Role of Politicians in Upholding Catholic Values
    The Impact and Style of Dr. Taylor Marshall's Podcast
    Sound Bites
    "A world without Taylor Marshall as a podcaster would be impoverished, bland, and empty."
    "Taylor Marshall brings a great degree of competence and allows us to be informed."
    "JD Vance, as a Catholic convert, has the potential to bring a Catholic perspective to American politics."
    Introduction and Discussion of Dr. Taylor Marshall's Podcast
    Differences in American and British Approaches to Online Platforms for the Catholic Faith
    The Role of Politicians in Upholding Catholic Values
    The Potential of JD Vance as a Catholic Convert in American Politics
    Promoting Respectful and Substantive Discussions about Politics and Religion


  • @terrikangas8310
    @terrikangas8310 Місяць тому +14

    You are missing the point regarding Trump, he’s truly a patriot despite his large ego. He went to military school, despite having plenty of money to avoid it, has been courageous in the face of attack after attack. He doesn’t quit until he wins and he does care about others and is very generous and loving. You see a vain man. I and many see a courageous man who loves his children and grandchildren and wife. You attack him for his bombastic ways but won’t see his kind and sincere side. Don’t judge a book by its cover!

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому +5

      I don’t think they get it at all. Those of us who’ve known him for decades see someone who has evolved. More importantly, we know what our country and our Church are up against.

    • @catholicunscripted
      @catholicunscripted  Місяць тому +2

      @@orarerosariumI think it’s fair to say that Katherine and Gavin are more in line with what you say. Mark, for reasons known to him, does not like Trump as expressed. Gavin and Katherine have discussed Trump a number of times before on member news and made the very points you have made. Thank you

    • @nickie9613
      @nickie9613 Місяць тому +1

      Dear God !! He was charged with 34 felony counts and he should be in prison !!!

    • @UnremarkableMarx
      @UnremarkableMarx Місяць тому

      ​​​​@@nickie9613His court nipped Roe, all because his platform specifically moved the needle. America can ride the ass into town I posit. Why be hysterical. Many sane people have decidedly backed Trump and not for lack of prudence in the face of the weariness his coarse personality needfully stokes. Some of his antics are down right shameful. Some humility is detected in him nonetheless. And do consider the inhumanity and strangeness of those who verociously oppose him. Rabid they seem.

    • @aniccadance13
      @aniccadance13 Місяць тому

      You’re right I know people who know Trump personally and speak highly of him.. Most people who hate mean are parroting the main stream media and they never saw Obama was a fraud😟

  • @PattiS3
    @PattiS3 Місяць тому +15

    Thank you all, very much.
    As to Dr Marshall, he and Timothy Gordon were instrumental in helping me as I inched my way back into the Church after a 48 year absence. (Of course, Our Lady did the heavy lifting.) I'll be forever grateful. I came back with eyes wide open and with much to learn, and he has taught me much. I'm anxious to see your discussion with him.
    As to Trump. I'm 70 years old. Trump is the first president in my adult life to keep his promises. I had more in my paycheck from tax cuts. I got raises I couldn't believe because the economy really was roaring back to life. He's the only president to ever attend the March for Life. He walked into the Korean DMZ like a boss, unafraid. Gavin is correct. His personal generosity is legendary, and has been for decades. I'll take his rough edges over the fake Hollywood empty suit any day.
    Our histories are so incredibly different. We are still a very young country, and we were not subjected to bombings in war. We've been unbelievably blessed even as we meddle where we're not wanted and export the most horrific popular culture. My generation is the last to understand this, and we'll be gone soon enough. All that said, I love listening to your measured, mature takes on what's happening in world and Church.
    Lastly, I'm pretty unhappy with the choice of JD Vance, for a number of reasons. I'll wait and see.

    • @user-sd6yu1xs4g
      @user-sd6yu1xs4g Місяць тому +3

      1show reunion of TNT.....
      the harmonics between those. 2 is pitch-perfect!

    • @jefffinkbonner9551
      @jefffinkbonner9551 Місяць тому +2

      @@user-sd6yu1xs4g absolutely agreed! Really hope they can reconcile

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому +3

      I agree with most of what you said. This was a hard video for me to watch. It made me feel like John Adams-just give me a plain spoken American without a pretty accent or pretty manners. It shows you can’t know everything that’s going on here by reading books and watching some videos and interviews.

    • @UnremarkableMarx
      @UnremarkableMarx Місяць тому +2

      Gen Z here. Your wisdom shared here is much noted by me!

    • @melarrow6202
      @melarrow6202 Місяць тому

      Trump is a grifter and so is Taylor Marshall. Trump is a liar, felon , sexual predator, a cheater and in no way a Christian. And Marshall is full on board with Trump. His support of pro-life is transactional just like everything in his life. This is a pact with the evangelicals. His own nephew has claimed told him that it would be better “ to let his disabled son die so he could move to Florida”. I can’t believe the naivety of the Catholic Unscripted team. Trump is a truly despicable man and a shameful example to all. It is horrendous to think we are holding up this man to our children as an example to be emulated.

  • @kristenheitzmann4550
    @kristenheitzmann4550 Місяць тому +14

    Before you talk about the court cases, Mark, you ought to study the matter from sources other than the secular news. For instance, the classified documents in Biden‘s Corvette and his garage that he took when he was not president or even vice president but a senator who has no right to take classified documents as a former president does.

    • @lightinlondon8168
      @lightinlondon8168 Місяць тому +7

      Mark just trots out what the msm feed him.

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому +5

      I can’t believe what Mark said. Not happy at all with the tone of this talk. We are really in bad shape here. It would have been better to wait for Taylor Marshall. Dear Jesus, take the veils off!

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому

      Hang on a minute - you have attempted to defend Trump by attacking Biden? If Biden is crooked, Trump being crooked is OK?

    • @melarrow6202
      @melarrow6202 Місяць тому

      Biden was not caught with documents. They were found, he surrendered them and he cooperated with the Special Counsel appointed to investigate him. The same with Pence. Contrast that with Trump. If Trump had done the same there would have been no consequent at all. Trump hid things, tried to destroy evidence and to induce subordinates to lie, suborned his attorneys to tell falsehoods, shared information with those not authorised to know it, left things carelessly lying around. That alone should have disqualified him from future office.

  • @tamarawinget
    @tamarawinget Місяць тому +5

    I so enjoy you three, and Taylor too! I lived and worked in Texas for awhile and appreciate Dr Marshall’s faithful take. You all helped me convert last year. His style is influenced by being Texan (the land of six flags😉) and by converting from Protestantism. These are both helpful to commit to a healthy openness to those of us in love with the sacraments and in maintaining a moral and none secular consciousness.
    I was briefly persuaded to be less pro-life for a couple of decades. But I was on a journey to revert to my original strong commitment to it. I support Trump because he is the only candidate able to create an environment for me to speak out about my real Catholic values. Trump needs a lot of work but he will protect us from brutal butchery of children and I can help the pre-born without being imprisoned. That is a foot in the door as was my path towards Catholic. Additionally, I am voting against Kamala’s paganism and her globalism and promoting an environment of complete communistic agenda.

  • @debifox6555
    @debifox6555 Місяць тому +5

    I'm a Catholic in the wilderness...pretty much. I'm up in Alaska and am hungry for fellow travelers who want to be faithful, rightly focused, AND informed with truth about what's really going on in the church and the world. I no longer have faith in mainstream media, so I very much appreciate independent researchers and reporters. At the end of the day, we have to scrutinize and test what we see and hear, use our God-given discernment, and make decisions as best we can. Bishop Barron, Ralph Martin, Brian Holdsworth, a number of theologians based in faithful Catholic enclaves, and Taylor Marshall...all these voices help me to parse what's going on in both the church and my nation. I am so grateful for the three of you. You speak about real things to real people in a tumultuous age. Thanks.

    • @tolkienlewis6887
      @tolkienlewis6887 Місяць тому

      I'm a Catholic in the Vale of tears aka Germany and am also so grateful for the youtubers you mention.

  • @tombretislow7091
    @tombretislow7091 Місяць тому +23

    I disagree with Mark's assessment of Trump as an absolute lunatic and narcissist. If he were a lunatic his businesses would have failed. If he were a narcissist his children would nurse feelings of resentment towards him. Instead you see them all beaming with love and admiration towards him.
    On the issue of abortion, however, he is a lunatic. Whether a child is conceived by rape or love has no bearing on its humanity and therefore has no bearing on its right not to be murdered. Yet he thinks it does. He clearly hasn't worked out his moral principles on that issue with any clarity.
    I grant that he is unpolished, vulgar, inarticulate and prone to childish verbal retorts. I see him as primarily a pragmatist with America's best interests at heart. He sees America as a personal project. He wants to make it better ("great again") and to be able to feel proud of having done so. Why else would he have run for president considering how old, successful and popular he was prior to entering the presidential race? You can't say he did it for money since (1) he already had billions and unlike Obama, Biden, Pelosi etc. he did not use his official position to enrich himself having: (a) forfeited his presidential salary (b) put all his assets into a blind trust although not legally required to.
    In any event, who else is there?

    • @shortferal
      @shortferal Місяць тому +7

      Those are all really good points you make.

    • @newtexan1
      @newtexan1 Місяць тому +3

      I love Trump. And you are wrong on several points.

    • @murphyorama
      @murphyorama Місяць тому

      Agreed, one of the major weaknesses of his first term in office was that he DIDN'T give important jobs to his friends. His VP was Mike Pence who didn't support any of his policies and eventually stabbed him in the back.

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому +4

      @@newtexan1History will reveal the truth. It’s like Jesus’s parables. Some get it, and some don’t.

    • @bedrosnersesyan6975
      @bedrosnersesyan6975 Місяць тому +5

      You are 100% correct about him not being a clinical narcissist. IF he was a narcissist his kids wouldn't love him.

  • @Harold-fe2cz
    @Harold-fe2cz Місяць тому +14

    Trump managed to get Roe v. Wade overturned. Your turn, Marc.
    And America prosperous. The theater is required, Marc. Enjoy your other commentary, but honestly.
    Well, honestly.
    Harold Stanford

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому

      Yes I hope it came across that I clearly agreed understood that and would vote Trump notwithstanding my concerns.

  • @gerridalton1345
    @gerridalton1345 Місяць тому +10

    Mark I could not stand Trump when he got in to office in the beginning...But living in Canada I will feel much safer if he gets back into office.At least we will know who is running the States then.😊
    So I had to eat crow on my past opinion of him.
    Another Irish woman here so you can do it .
    Yes Gavin completely agree with you on this .
    Mrs Bennett looks rested .

  • @boojasmine
    @boojasmine Місяць тому +13

    So grateful for you three. ( and Taylor too!)
    Myles, Edmonton, Canada

  • @artbliese89
    @artbliese89 Місяць тому +7

    Good discussion- thank you! I’m a strong Trump supporter here in the USA.

  • @charleswilliams8847
    @charleswilliams8847 Місяць тому +5

    Most Americans want some restrictions on abortion. Most Americans will not support an absolute prohibition on abortion. Trump's position is the best that can be achieved at the moment. The choice is half a loaf or no loaf. We must work to convince people that more restrictions is the way to go.

    • @tolkienlewis6887
      @tolkienlewis6887 Місяць тому

      It's often choosing the lesser evil in politics.

  • @philiphumphrey1548
    @philiphumphrey1548 Місяць тому +4

    I wouldn't be too hard on genuine conservative/Catholic politicians over abortion policy. They can only do the art of the possible. To go after the perfect may mean that they don't get anything, not even the good. Moreover they can only move as far as public opinion allows. Changing public opinion is down to the rest of us, not just politicians. The politicians could help by removing censorship and letting us speak freely without being shut down for "controversial" views.

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому

      Yes, it is up to us, which is exactly what Bishop Sheen said.

  • @peterkrupa5250
    @peterkrupa5250 Місяць тому +20

    The more I listen to Gavin, the more I like him

    • @frasersutherland1834
      @frasersutherland1834 Місяць тому

      One evidence of this podcast's deep likeability (apart from anything else) was Katherine's joke about Welwyn Garden City! It was a genuine lol moment!

  • @dorotheaivanovna9457
    @dorotheaivanovna9457 Місяць тому +4

    Thank you, Gavin, for giving Trump some perspective you never hear elsewhere

  • @tolkienlewis6887
    @tolkienlewis6887 Місяць тому +5

    I'm with Gavin on Trump. His greatest achievement is not going going to war.

    • @edwardbell9795
      @edwardbell9795 Місяць тому

      Yes, he let Putin go to war instead, in Syria.

    • @melarrow6202
      @melarrow6202 Місяць тому

      That’s not an achievement. You go to war for the right things. It’s troubling that Trump is a poison that can kill taint Gavin Ashenden’s thinking.

  • @gwynnethandrus3821
    @gwynnethandrus3821 Місяць тому +18

    Regarding the binary choice in the US, Kamala is openly anti Catholic. So it goes beyond the pro life issue

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому


    • @jesuslovesaves2682
      @jesuslovesaves2682 Місяць тому

      She said you cannot be a member of the Knight of Columbus and serve as a judge (probably any government post) because they oppose abortion and gay marriage. That should put out all Catholics, but she doesn't know that apparently.

  • @kahnlives
    @kahnlives Місяць тому +8

    Keep our country in your prayers, seems the US is the brink of something!

  • @michellenorleen3427
    @michellenorleen3427 Місяць тому +3

    I enjoy your commentaries and objectives. Trump 2024, i had been almost “black pilled” but I’m back on track.
    Truely we are all playing and praying our part through some of the darkest times we are all living through. God save Holy Mother Church, God save us!

  • @regina2238
    @regina2238 Місяць тому +4

    First time , I have been exceedingly disappointed with the discussion regarding President Trump and the American election. Marc's assessment and criticism of President Trump in large measure are wrong and regarding other measures are true for all politicians. Republican Americans are deeply fond of president trump as the most Pro life president. Perfect? We don't have a perfect candidate ever, but we have had far far worse than President Trump.
    I find him a remarkable, courageous and deeply generous man with very solid policies.

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому

      That's fair enough and I don't disagree with the points you make here, I'm just expressing my own reservations!

  • @claudiataffe9763
    @claudiataffe9763 Місяць тому +12

    Always can give an automatic thumbs up before I even begin to listen. Love listening to you three and your wisdom and opinions!

  • @bridghemartin6896
    @bridghemartin6896 Місяць тому +3

    You are spot on Mr Ashenden.

  • @Hope20249
    @Hope20249 Місяць тому +3

    Thank you all..God bless.

  • @jamesdewanca
    @jamesdewanca Місяць тому +4

    For the life of me I cannot understand why people vote for someone they like. Who cares? He needs to be strong in leadership

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому

      Maybe you mean it’s not about personality, but it is about strength, policies, and convictions. With the way the Marxist Machine is set up, with the devil’s backing, we need someone who can withstand the bombardment.

  • @user-gq7xj4bc6k
    @user-gq7xj4bc6k Місяць тому +8

    What is this apparent infatuation with Taylor Marshall?

    • @leomullins
      @leomullins Місяць тому +3

      TM is a real Catholic.

    • @revelation1215
      @revelation1215 Місяць тому

      A chance to overcome xenophobia

    • @user-gq7xj4bc6k
      @user-gq7xj4bc6k Місяць тому

      @@leomullins what is a “real Catholic “then?

    • @user-gq7xj4bc6k
      @user-gq7xj4bc6k Місяць тому

      @@revelation1215 there are other Americans to engage if that’s the goal.

    • @DrGAshenden
      @DrGAshenden Місяць тому

      He had Gavin on his show recently to counter the odd contributions of Calvin Robinson, and we invited him to talk to us on this show. But at the last minute he was unaccountably committed elsewhere.

  • @seansheehy6725
    @seansheehy6725 Місяць тому +3

    Mr. Lambert you are wrong about Mr. Trump. If he was only concerned about himself, as you imply, he surely would not have gone through the Democrat party persecution of him over the past eight years. He is far more concerned about making America great than his own wellbeing.

    • @nickie9613
      @nickie9613 Місяць тому

      You are so wrong !! This man should be in prison !!!!!

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому

      I hope you are right!

    • @melarrow6202
      @melarrow6202 Місяць тому

      Mark is right on the money about the negative aspects of Trump. I think Trump has no choice but to run to keep himself out of jail. He is a total idiot. He won the Presidency unexpectedly. He could have left a brilliant legacy with all the resources he had at his disposal. Instead he remained himself and lost all the good people in early on in his administration. None of them will endorse him including his own Vice President. He also showed us his incompetence when faced with a national emergency i.e. Covid. This is a man self destructing now and taking many with him. A tragedy for himself and the country. I don’t like the comparisons to Hitler but in one respect it fits. He used his gifts for very bad ends. Hitler conflated his idea of his own greatness with Aryan supremacy to build a new world. Trump is only about his ego and using people to his own ends.

    • @jesuslovesaves2682
      @jesuslovesaves2682 Місяць тому

      I think you could both be right. I think he sincerely believed the US was when he started all of this. Although I think he was just as shocked as anyone else when he won the 2016 election. Once that happened the Democrats and US elites as a whole united like nothing I have ever seen before (maybe since out done by COVID) in my life to destroy the man. They made a martyr out of him ALMOST literally now. But he likely like the idea of the limelight putting his name all over like he did with big buildings, tv shows, etc. So, I think it's a little of both and how much of each is debatable.

  • @susiefromomaha
    @susiefromomaha Місяць тому +3

    Good evening from Dallas Texas. I have only recently found you on UA-cam the past 3 or 4 months or so. I very much appreciate our podcast and your take on life, the news, and all going on in the Catholic Church. You are a refreshing breath among the many shows out there. I have my faves, and they are few. You are now among that few. God bless you.

    • @susiefromomaha
      @susiefromomaha Місяць тому +2

      Katherine, I really like your new glasses! They're very complimentary.

    • @susiefromomaha
      @susiefromomaha Місяць тому +1

      Taylor has been one of my faves for 6 years. He's not going to kowtow to the heretical ones.

    • @susiefromomaha
      @susiefromomaha Місяць тому +1

      You all balance the 'straight talker' - No saint or apostle were cookie cutters. None were all the same. That is lovely!

    • @catholicunscripted
      @catholicunscripted  Місяць тому +1

      You’re very kind Susie, thank you for watching and for your encouraging comments 🙏

    • @Cheetoluv
      @Cheetoluv Місяць тому

      Taylor Marshall is a very well spoken man but his only TLM is beyond any Catholics parish is wrong. I’m in my sixties, same Catholic parish from cradle and till death. The parish is a simple Catholic parish. My parents were one of the original eight to get the parish started. It has not became a woke Catholic Church. There is always people within the church community of the parish that try to in corporate idea that are not of the meaning of the Catholic faith. Just looking towards Rome, Vatican and what’s happening. One cannot claim all Catholics parishes are going left. As a cradle Catholic I don’t agree the Body of Christ should be handled by anyone but the priest, yes miss the communion rail, but that doesn’t make the parish obsolete as a good Catholic Church, parish. For a small town Catholic Church it is still drawing the young families, matter of fact my own child and their family. The Ten Commandments stand in this Catholic parish, because it doesn’t pray in Latin, which I did as a child, doesn’t make it woke. I have seen the curtain pulled back on some Catholic Churches and priests that are going by the wayside by Taylor Marshall and I learned from him by listening to him. He has been a blessed man. There has been some branches branching off the Catholic faith and still call themselves the Catholic faith under the same umbrella. We will loose are Catholic parishes if we don’t claim our country back. Look at France!

  • @sandramckeehan5679
    @sandramckeehan5679 Місяць тому +2

    Thank you Gavin, you see the Trump his supporters see. He is not conservative, he is a populist, so we can't expect some things from him we would like to see. Who are you listening to, Marc? Sounds like the liberal press.

    • @catholicunscripted
      @catholicunscripted  Місяць тому

      Yes indeed, thanks Sandra. Populist has become perjorative but is a better description

  • @bridghemartin6896
    @bridghemartin6896 Місяць тому +3

    I am the granddaughter of a serious Irish rebel who 6:21 6:22 was forced to leave Ireland and Scotland for love of her language and faith, and a job for her father. To come to America. You guys are my favorite and I bet that she would be big fans of yours as well.

  • @marydewar5675
    @marydewar5675 Місяць тому

    During lockdown I found Taylor Marshall on UA-cam.

  • @TheJayJaydog
    @TheJayJaydog Місяць тому +3

    Sadly, the quality of Taylor Marshall’s content has gone down: now he just grabs a headline, comment on it for 5 minutes, then asks everybody to comment. It is more of feedback generating $….wish he would turn back to his way, like he was before 2023.

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому

      Who? Trump?

    • @TheJayJaydog
      @TheJayJaydog Місяць тому +1

      @@marklambert5232 No Taylor Marshall 🙁 I have corrected it.

  • @orarerosarium
    @orarerosarium Місяць тому +2

    All of this (video topic and comments) makes me want to go to Adoration, keep turning off the news, and just ask for God’s help. We have some real existential threats, and this is just a whole lot of noise. I am going through Bible In a Year, and it is actually helpful to be reminded of what a motley group of ancestors Jesus had. What imperfect rulers we see depicted in scripture. God used them all. Anyone who is in US-and we just survived an assassination attempt!-and truly knows how lies abound, knows we are lucky someone is willing to fight for us. Is he normal? No. Thank God!

    • @tamarawinget
      @tamarawinget Місяць тому +1

      I suspect Marc, Kathrine and Gavin would agree with you. They would support adoration, Bible reading and prayer, and say so. I appreciate their levity at times as well. Not to mention they would be in complete agreement with you on how God uses the most imperfect people and not the least, themselves. I hope you continue to watch them and feel more comforted by the discussions and their dedication to grapple with the most fundamental ways we can be Catholic in such crazy times.

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому

      @@tamarawingetI’m still upset by Mark’s remarks and use of adjectives, but I’ll get over it. I’m used to this rhetoric everywhere else. That’s probably why I’m so upset. But if you call Trump a lunatic and/or narcissistic, you automatically say that people like me are complete idiots and simply deplorable. I’m a lot smarter than that-which is how I found Catholic Unscripted 😅. 99% of the people I know and am friends with think the same as Mark. I LOVE these people, but they all listen to the Democrat Party machine. Constantly. I just didn’t expect to hear the same talking points on CU. Critique Trump, yes, but darn it, Mark, I am not supporting a lunatic and narcissist. Ih, well. Here’s to FREE SPEECH! Holy Spirit help us all see what we are supposed to see.

  • @kristinas.2673
    @kristinas.2673 Місяць тому +4

    Great show thank you

  • @user-rq4iz5vg6l
    @user-rq4iz5vg6l Місяць тому +3

    Couldn’t disagree more on Taylor Marshall.
    Love your channel though!

  • @johnseaberg5028
    @johnseaberg5028 Місяць тому

    Go Dr Taylor Marshall 👍🙏🕊️

  • @sheetalsilveira9554
    @sheetalsilveira9554 Місяць тому +2

    I do agree with Gavin Ashenden on Trump.
    The opposition is all nice talk…
    I listen to T Marshall, listen to Catholic Unscripted, listen to ‘Avoiding Babylon, listen to US Grace Force podcast. God loves variety, and so should we. All of these podcasts are doing their best to speak truth with charity about the Catholic faith and the crisis in the Church simply because it isn’t being addressed by the Church hierarchy.
    We all make mistakes, which we can forgive and overlook but correct errors charitably. I don’t like listening to the Popesplainers…
    who just ignore the big elephant in the room.
    A great part of leading people into truth, is to address and point out theological errors and false teachings. There can’t be pretence when we are striving to be faithful to the Gospel….getting so tired of the constant pretending that everything is perfect in the Catholic Church and we should just be nice and accept everyone and everything even if they are sexual perverts and public abortion supporters.
    Enjoy your show.
    Thank you
    From Perth, Western Australia

  • @user-hw3gy5qj9k
    @user-hw3gy5qj9k Місяць тому

    Well said Gavin ! His family seem to love him. Let's give him a go!!!!

    • @melarrow6202
      @melarrow6202 Місяць тому

      “ I’m a good guy because my family says so”. Maybe he can plead that with the Judge one day.

  • @melarrow6202
    @melarrow6202 Місяць тому

    The minute a political party starts espousing religious values we’re in trouble. It doesn’t matter whether it’s our values or not. It will have bad end. Biden is right. He believes life starts at conception, he is unequivocal about it ( which means he’d never ask anyone to have an abortion voluntarily), but people should have the choice. So he has to fight for the choice regardless of his beliefs. Life is more complicated for some than we can imagine.

  • @peterfitzsimmons
    @peterfitzsimmons Місяць тому +1

    It is always better to deal with our failures and foibles and sin this side of the grave where we can repent of our errors and sins than to leave to the other side of the grave where judgement is final and everybody is really surprised, whether we are astonished to be a sheep or stunned we are really a goat. Always better this side no matter how uncomfortable it all is. Pax Christi.

    • @annawray2220
      @annawray2220 Місяць тому

      I totally agree. The Christian right self appointed influencers literally fill their days telling us how those ‘over there’ the unholy ones are so wrong and us over here…are so right. It’s very judgey and not at all self reflective.

  • @PellePoluha
    @PellePoluha Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for a very good conversation! With regards to the Republicans becoming a pro-choice party, ms Bennett is right. We can't just throw up our hands in the air and talk about binary choice and that the Republicans still is better than the opposition. We need to criticize them for abandoning pro-life principles and offer constructive ways to oppose abortions while also seeking to win an election. Too many conservatives seem all too happy to forget about the greatest evil of our time in order to focus on more popular issues (like immigration and crime), refusing to criticize Trump as he selected the justices who made the issue of abortion a non-federal issue. Read what the Catholic philosopher Edward Feser is writing on the topic.

  • @Baggie201
    @Baggie201 Місяць тому +3

    Katherine - G-O-P, not gop.

    • @catholicunscripted
      @catholicunscripted  Місяць тому +1

      Yeah, but we say GOP over here 👍

    • @dorotheaivanovna9457
      @dorotheaivanovna9457 Місяць тому +1

      Yes! Nobody says "gop" over here

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому

      G-O-P is American. Most words pronounced differently are understandable and acceptable, but this is one that comes off as ridiculous. Maybe consider saying it the way Americans say it.

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому

      @@catholicunscriptedIt’s not a UK based organization or interchangeable word, so please consider saying it the way our side says it.

  • @edwardbell9795
    @edwardbell9795 Місяць тому

    Ordinary Texan bloke? He's a sophisticated, highly educated commentator.

  • @MegaESSBEE
    @MegaESSBEE Місяць тому +1

    If Trump wants no trouble with XI he should resist 'picking up the phone'. Why? Because he will allow Putin to have got away with 'might has right' and thereby encourage XI... just saying. But yes Trump can change and were he to change often might he not become perfect? I think I see change.

    • @tombretislow7091
      @tombretislow7091 Місяць тому

      Are you pushing a russian collusion narrative?

  • @melaniebyng2683
    @melaniebyng2683 Місяць тому +1

    Well said, Gavin.

  • @jenyoung2473
    @jenyoung2473 Місяць тому +1

    Taylor Marshall says the novus ordo Mass is invalid. So stopped listening to him a while ago.

  • @melarrow6202
    @melarrow6202 Місяць тому +1

    Can’t believe a gentleman like Gavin Ashenden supports a grifter like Marshall. Of course Marshall is topical. He has to be. He makes a living off social media.

  • @outoforbit00
    @outoforbit00 Місяць тому +1

    I think it was about 3 years ago that i first seen Taylor Marshall's channel. I independently researched the 2 stories he presented. Turns out he was lieing on one story, and exagerating on the other. Then i seen another video where he claimed he neither recognised Pope John Paul nor Pope Benedict as Popes. I looked into Marshall himself and saw that he was a supposed Anglican priest convert. I reached the conclusion that he is a double agent as there is no information on which parish admitted him to the Catholic Church. Even if he is a catholic, no doubt he is been deceived as all we hear from him is a relentless tirade of criticism and negativity, the very qualities required for a person to be easily deceived.

    • @outoforbit00
      @outoforbit00 Місяць тому

      @@orarerosarium I seen Fr Ripperger calling Marshall out in an interview on another channel.

    • @orarerosarium
      @orarerosarium Місяць тому +1

      @@outoforbit00That’s okay. I don’t see any commentators as perfect. Fr. Chad is not infallible either. I do know that Fr. Chad is not against discussing issues with him, unless that has changed. *** We all know that converts are often much more passionate than cradle Catholics, and Taylor may fit the bill. Regardless, he is very intelligent and thoughtful, and his voice and perspective are helpful. *** I happen to love Bishop Barron, and Barron won’t have anything to do with him. At the same time, there are many Catholics who think Bishop Barron is off track, while I maintain he is one of the best communicators of the faith, theologically and philosophically, in the Church today.

  • @Mystik_Dan
    @Mystik_Dan Місяць тому +1

    I love your show

  • @jacklind1894
    @jacklind1894 Місяць тому

    That wasn’t Welby was it frolicking on the left of the tableau vivant trying to make himself “relevant”?

  • @philipschaffer9414
    @philipschaffer9414 Місяць тому +4

    Your preaching to the choir Gavin.

    • @gerridalton1345
      @gerridalton1345 Місяць тому

      Living in Canada I will feel much safer having Trump back in Whitehouse than who we have there right now 😞.As we really don't know who is running the country right now it seems.🙄
      Especially in regards the illegal immigration situation at the border.
      I could not stand Mr Trump in the beginning but I agree completely with Gavin...Mark you might have to crow like I had to do.🙏😇You can do it.Another Irish woman here.☘️🙏Slan

  • @MegaESSBEE
    @MegaESSBEE Місяць тому

    Forgive me if it's been mentioned but how do you think Trump or Harris would stop the war in Gaza?

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому


  • @user-yh3bl6bp3j
    @user-yh3bl6bp3j Місяць тому +1

    Oh Mark … just to hear a Catholic mirroring how I feel about Trump … I have no time for either side … infact Biden camp even worse . But it’s so good to hear someone speak how I feel about him. It doesn’t have to be either or … my soul likes neither side 🙈🙈🙈🙈
    Totally think when trump gets in , the world will see this too.
    JD Vance might be the saving grace of him getting in.

    • @marklambert5232
      @marklambert5232 Місяць тому

      Thank you! Best comment on this video!! 😀

  • @Bob.W.
    @Bob.W. Місяць тому +1

    Nèither candidate and neither party are Christian.

    • @philipschaffer9414
      @philipschaffer9414 Місяць тому

      @@Bob.W. Trump I believe goes to a non-denominational church., but I believe he was raised Presbyterian

  • @liammccann8763
    @liammccann8763 Місяць тому

    I am not convinced that either Trump or Vance will be good faith actors in relation to Ukraine, Gaza, Iran et al. It is on record that Vance has a long standing venture capital association with Peter Thiel - Thiel is a major investor/shareholder in Anduril and also Palantir, both of whom are heavily involved in military tech - Palantir also manages NHS data in the UK.

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому +1

    taylor marshall lied about the pacha mama debacle

    • @tombretislow7091
      @tombretislow7091 Місяць тому

      Exactly what was the lie? Verbatim please!

    • @lauraanderson7358
      @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

      @@tombretislow7091 he planned it with alexander and acted like he didn't know anything

    • @tombretislow7091
      @tombretislow7091 Місяць тому

      @@lauraanderson7358 That's not verbatim.

    • @lauraanderson7358
      @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

      @@tombretislow7091 he planned the debacle with alexander and acted like he didn' know anything about it.

    • @lauraanderson7358
      @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

      @@tombretislow7091 idc

  • @frasersutherland1834
    @frasersutherland1834 Місяць тому +1

    Round about 32:35 Gavin declares his own political naivity and then proceeds to demonstrate the very, very opposite! I had to smile....the man's a genius!

  • @TheJayJaydog
    @TheJayJaydog Місяць тому

    In regards to abortion, when you bend the rule, there is no more rule. No is no. Abortion acceptance is the proof God has been kicked out. We need men that stand up for God’s rights instead of cry babies demanding they can do whatever they want. Sick society…

  • @mjrodrigo7637
    @mjrodrigo7637 Місяць тому +3

    I used to follow TM. Used to. He is not forthright. Taylor Marshall staged the tossing of the pachamama, pretending not to know the man who did it when he paid for his ticket to fly to rome.
    He was also saying that he submitted the paperwork to run for president when he didn’t. He lost my interest and just wants to boost his viewership. I hope you reconsider your high esteem of him

  • @pg6296
    @pg6296 Місяць тому +1

    Keep away from Taylor Marshall ..bad juju Gavin !

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

    it's not red or blue IT'S ALL PURPLE

  • @philipschaffer9414
    @philipschaffer9414 Місяць тому

    The best Primeminister you Brits have was in the 1800s. Of course I am biased

  • @Baggie201
    @Baggie201 Місяць тому


  • @Kelpie119
    @Kelpie119 Місяць тому


  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

    calling WAHEGURU

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

    Trumo loves ivf

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

    Catholic ??? Vance ???? Biden ???? Pelosi ???? . . . and melania ?

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

    would Jesus vote for Trump ????

    • @jesuslovesaves2682
      @jesuslovesaves2682 Місяць тому

      It is rather interesting who God actually chose. Moses murdered a man right from the start. David did as well to get the man's wife. There is quite the long list of this sort. What is interesting is though many times He went with the better of some options available. Though it didn't appear so to their peers (and probably many today). David or Saul? Moses vs not sure but look how it turned out in the wilderness. Kings and Chronicles many of those labeled the ones doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord I am assuming many modern people wouldn't like.
      Do you see my point?
      There is also always the possibility that God raises up people to pour out judgement because there are no other better options at the time..... I pray that is not the case.

    • @lauraanderson7358
      @lauraanderson7358 Місяць тому

      @@jesuslovesaves2682 idk

  • @ground752
    @ground752 Місяць тому

    Vance wants to attack Iran…. Lovely

    • @revelation1215
      @revelation1215 Місяць тому

      Oh Lord, who said that?

    • @shortferal
      @shortferal Місяць тому

      What's this? Where did you find that?

    • @jesuslovesaves2682
      @jesuslovesaves2682 Місяць тому

      Pretty sure the Democrats want to attack Russia. One has many nukes the other maybe. There is no way to win Ukraine which is becoming a sacred cow without going into Russia. I have been really concerned the political left is likely to start a nuclear war with Russia since the 2016 election. They despise them maybe as much as some of them do Israel. If you look at what has happened under Obama and Biden it's a heck of lot closer than before.