We Finally Know The Meaning of the Ending - Mass Effect Trilogy

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @Onezy05
    @Onezy05 Рік тому +10

    Green ending - congratulations! You fulfill Sarens goal of forcing synthetic and organic life together! (even though that went horribly wrong for him and you opposed the idea)
    Blue ending - congratulations! You fulfill the Illusive Man's goal of trying to control the Reapers! (even though that went horribly wrong for him and you opposed the idea)
    Red ending - congratulations! You do what you set out to do from the very beginning! (which makes you wonder what the point of those other options were)

  • @minigalen7599
    @minigalen7599 Рік тому +19

    Green ending: Congratulations! You accomplished what Saren could not.

    • @02091992able
      @02091992able Рік тому

      Pretty much the green ending did exactly what Alec Ryder did with SAM. Synthetics cannot rebel if there is no creator to rebel against. The Reapers take all tech except a few choice technologies such as mass effect cores and FTL travel using it so to keep life on the path they desire, before they show up to reap them after 50,000 years. Imagine the amount of tech and knowledge the Reapers accumulated over millions of years from life they harvested. Synthesis is a real-world theory. The theory is that at some point our tech will equal or exceed our level of intelligence. The choice will be to either embrace it or be destroyed by it. Becoming cybernetic organisms.

    • @theredjoker8857
      @theredjoker8857 Рік тому +2

      ​@@02091992ableDude Shepard had not a single reason to trust the reapers at the end. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Objectively it might be good for the galaxy but it defintely is the worst ending for the series together with the blue one. Not convincing at all.

    • @02091992able
      @02091992able Рік тому

      @@theredjoker8857 The only ones that can confirm or deny that Shepard was being controlled by the Reapers in the end. Are the devs and so far they have said that the indoctrination theory is just a theory not the truth.

    • @theredjoker8857
      @theredjoker8857 Рік тому +3

      @@02091992ableMy point was not about the indoctrination theory but about what made the most sense at this point for shepard and the player and connected well to the story. It absolutely does not matter what the devs say because whatever it is it doesn't make the endings more logic or more likeable. And fact is that everything spoke against any other decision than the red one which also will be likely canon. For shepard to either take synthesis or controll is after everything shepard witnessed, the fate of Saren and the IM etc. a change of mind in the last minute without a reason. The arguments of the catalyst are barely a good reason because Shepard clearly knows about the deceitful and manipulative nature of the reapers. In a way the reapers would likely have caused their own demise and not having shepard taking controll of them or do synthesis by bitching around and not telling anybody their true intentions early enough. Taking Green or Blue is like suddenly doing the exact opposite of what you have done, witnessed, learned etc. through the whole series. Just because you are the player you know the green or maybe even blue one might be objectively better for the galaxy and in that way they may be the "better" ending but they are defintely not the right endings. Claiming anything different would just be lying to yourself because you know, considering the whole context of the series, that green and blue are a massive break with the stories coherence.

    • @jinx5005
      @jinx5005 11 місяців тому

      @@02091992able I'm pretty sure green ending is turning into a husk. If it didn't make sense for Saren, why should it make sense for Shepard?

  • @bf5175
    @bf5175 Рік тому +24

    The green ending is the most evil ending. You alone are choosing to fundamentally change every being in the universe without their consent. This is beyond slavery because at least slavery can be ended.

    • @kymlalu
      @kymlalu Рік тому

      IF you choose destroy ending there is still chance that some race will create AI that will slave all organics ( or destroy them ) and that slavery will have only one end - death.
      In control ending Shepard will be in control of the Reapers and he can use that in any way he want - so slavery with death.
      In sysntetisis ending you "force" . Which is thing that lot of ppl needs anyway - look around yourselv a you will see how many "pointers" ppl have around them. Technology itself is one of them, try to live in civilization without bank account and cell phone (in some cases it is not possible). But with this ending any creature still can live free and make choices on his own will ( or maybe like Geth, we have plenty opportunities to try understand them )

    • @SeverusHunt
      @SeverusHunt Рік тому +3

      Not in the universe. Only 1 galaxy.
      But in general, I agree with you. Against the will of all living things to change their essence

    • @02091992able
      @02091992able Рік тому +1

      Actually, the worse choice is to do nothing, refuse to make a choice. It results in the deaths of trillions. Synthesis didn't make anyone slaves. They are still individuals just share characteristics of both organics and synthetics. Saren may have known part of the Reapers test. However, he went around it the wrong way. Joining them wasn't part of the test, it was banding together with enough strength to fight against them. Probably all of the previous cycles never got along well enough to put up any resistance. Even Javik says his people didn't come together to fight them and their subservient races. Instead stood alone against the Reapers.

    • @darestone3335
      @darestone3335 Рік тому

      This is correct in a sense. Changing people's genetic/synthetic "makeup" irrevocably is not something to scoff at. But, compare it the other options. Mass genocide of billions of sentient organics/synthetics. Green ending is the lesser of two evils. Either way, you are making a judgement call which will effect the fate of the universe. You can either unilaterally cause the death/destruction of billions or you can unilaterally force transhumanism (and transsytheticism i guess) onto all sentient beings, changing their very nature. I would argue, and this is more normative than descriptive, that extinguishing organics or synthetics in the ME universe is a moral crime in and of itself because of the inherent value each group posseses respectively. Therefore, you could make a compelling case for the green ending in so far as it combines that the moral value of both organic and synthetic into a single phenomenon, arguably elevating it to a higher moral status than before given it's expanded capacity for complex problem solving as well as it's capacity for conscious thought and emotions.

    • @angel8fingers
      @angel8fingers Рік тому

      Than I am evil asfk!!!!

  • @ShinjiIkari1884
    @ShinjiIkari1884 11 місяців тому +2

    It is always Red. Green is Saren (which is Sarens Ending) and Blue is IM (see what he has become). Only ending where Shepard lives and we get a secret ending is red.

  • @curlywhites
    @curlywhites Рік тому +14

    Finally. Someone that questions why the reapers aren't trying their hardest to stop Shepard and/or the crucible once it's docked. My conclusion is, of course, different. See, I'm a simple kind of guy, I believe everything the Intelligence is saying. It has no reason to lie, manipulate, or deceive. It's simply serving a purpose and the crucible opened up more options for it to fulfill its purpose like it says. The second question I always have to ask any theory that postulates the Intelligence is trying to push you in one direction is: Why give us the options in the first place? If it was meant to be synthesis then why are there other options? If the crucible is actually the design of the Intelligence then why would it create other undesirable choices? Yes, you could say, "Well, if your TMS is low enough you don't get a choice." Irrelevant to my point. Again, why are there other options to "lose out on" to begin with? And to other theories (not yours) why even bring us up to the crucible if it didn't want us to use it?
    Personally, I think people are trying too hard to make it complicated. They don't like the ending so much they have to believe there's more to it. It's simple. All options are viable. It just depends on what kind of state of the galaxy you think is acceptable.
    Destroy - Reapers dead. Harvest ends. Synthetics destroyed (with the potential of coming back once organics have recovered).
    Control - Reapers under Shepard's essence's control. Harvest ends. Reapers repurposed based on Shepard's "morality".
    Synthesis - Organics and synthetics reach their pinnacle. No conflict or chaos between them. Reaper's purpose fulfilled. Harvest ends.
    The fact that there are options tells me the Intelligence isn't trying to pull one over on you. And the fact that it brings you up to the crucible tells me it's not lying when it says something like, "My solution won't work any longer."

    • @SeverusHunt
      @SeverusHunt Рік тому +2

      But the developers themselves said that the Catalyst lied to Shepard at some points. True, they did not specify at what points.

    • @curlywhites
      @curlywhites Рік тому

      @@SeverusHunt can you cite this?

    • @SeverusHunt
      @SeverusHunt Рік тому +1

      @@curlywhites Of course not)) It was in 2012)

    • @curlywhites
      @curlywhites Рік тому +1

      @@SeverusHunt well, given that they didn't specify it doesn't really negate my belief. Though, maybe the difference in dialogue between low and high TMS can shed a light on that. I've just never done a low TMS run.

    • @curlywhites
      @curlywhites Рік тому +1

      @@SeverusHunt after doing some research it seems people are still arguing over whether the catalyst lied or not. Which tells me nothing was definitively established by the devs.

  • @SeverusHunt
    @SeverusHunt Рік тому +5

    In any case, it's good that the next Mass Effect will not have a Green ending.
    Liara is not green.
    Turian on art is not green.
    The Relay in the 2020 teaser is not repaired by the Reapers.
    The Relay in the 2022 teaser is not being built by the Reapers

  • @pettera.2031
    @pettera.2031 Рік тому +4

    Your only option with low assets is basically destroy, and when you get enough assets the destroy ending instead shows that the galaxy is ready to evolve. But evolving WITH the reapers through synthesis or control is continuing the path THEY set for organics, and not by organic life itself. A perfect destroy ending throws organic life off the technological railway the reapers/leviathans set for the galaxy, and proves that we can work differently from earlier cycles. Destroy ending opens up for the AI cooperation like SAM in Andromeda, and shows coexistence is possible. Organic life is meant to be random, to be failures and success. Chaos is natural, and through chaos new order is created. Yes, the geth almost killed all the Quarians, but through reconciliation and hard work co-existence turned out to be possible. This proves how the galaxy can heal itself, and work beyond the reapers harvesting us to "save" us from our own creations. (We sadly just needed several billions to perish to work beyond that)
    The reapers never gave organics the chance to try again in AI cooperation before "our" cycle. Because of the delay the reapers is dealt by the Protheans stopping the citadel relay (+me2 relay blowing up DLC), Shepard can reconcile the geth and the quarians, an UNHEARD of AI-organic diplomatic wonder. It is time to move on from reaper "indoctrination" on their set path. The merge has to come naturally. Synthesis has to be achieved "organically" and not be forced onto Shepard while the galaxy is held at gunpoint.
    Our struggles make us stronger, it makes our bonds stronger. And having the reapers police the Milky Way removes that struggle and it strangles progress (stagnation). Destroy becomes OUR story and not the reapers anymore
    Side note: Epecially if the milky way goes synthesis and then we link up with andromeda where they are not "synthesized" how would that work with relations. Wouldnt we be the new reapers? Forcing our way of "life" on them, going all "jooooooin uuuuuuus"because we then believe ourselves to be higher forms of life? It would be the Kett all over again with for example synthesized Cerberus operatives forcing the Angara and the andromeda living-milky way originated life, to be "Exalted" to synthesis. I find that future to be quite bad

  • @reanaa
    @reanaa 10 місяців тому +1

    In theory, green may be the best choice for to keep the current cycle going, but my Sheperd spent hundreds of hours over many years fighting for people rights to have free will. He would never make that choice for all beings throughout the universe. No one has the right to make that choice, even if it means continuing the cycles over and over. After all, our little planet has already had 5 mass extinctions with another on the way.

  • @cagednephilim3967
    @cagednephilim3967 Рік тому +7

    Your ME vids are great. I strongly disagree with this theory tho. The catalyst comes across as a faulty narrator. Leviathan said the intelligence was created to, as you said "preserve life at all costs" The catalyst says it was created "to find balance/peace* between organic and synthetic. Thse are 2 entirely different mandates. The reapers never give any cycle a chance to evolve. "Your civilization develops along the paths we desire" therefore creating a self fulfilling cycle. The catalyst offers no proof to what it is telling you.
    Also, understanding doesn't equal peace. Wars and conflict can still breakout and the reapers remain the indomitable force in the galaxy.
    And of course there's the forcing this change on, and homogenizing every living thing in the galaxy without consent.
    This ending only works logically if one believes synthetics will always destroys organics. I don't believe that to be true and the catalyst never proves it because it has no time to explain.
    Sorry for the short novel. Can't wait to see where BioWare takes this next. Have a good one!

    • @franklygamingextra
      @franklygamingextra  Рік тому +2

      Ya I totally see this side too I guess I just see it as green actually is a solution as opposed to red just putting us in the same place as before (long term once ai is made again etc) but I think that’s what is great about mass effect multiple sides make sense.
      And thanks so much for watching and supporting!

    • @smnash82
      @smnash82 Рік тому

      I agree. We see, through EDI and Legion, that synthetics and organics can break the cycle on their own and not just coexist but understand, empathize, and love. Of course, this is all based on your playthrough. The Catalyst and the Reapers are either blinded by their source programming (which calls into question their agency and capacity for intrinsic motivation), or they have willfully chosen to wipe out organics regardless of any indicators that the cycle can naturally be broken.

  • @SeverusHunt
    @SeverusHunt Рік тому +1

    It's also good that the next Mass Effect will not have a Blue ending.
    The Relay in the 2020 teaser is not repaired by the Reapers.
    The Relay in the 2022 teaser is not being built by the Reapers

    • @02091992able
      @02091992able Рік тому

      It isn't the destroy ending as Liara in the teaser is speaking to Geth. The Geth as well as EDI are killed in the destroy ending.

    • @myboicyndaquil2824
      @myboicyndaquil2824 Рік тому

      @@02091992able so would this cannon ending be the blue one then? And this new game I'd maybe everyone rescuing shepard?

    • @SeverusHunt
      @SeverusHunt Рік тому

      @@myboicyndaquil2824 No Reapers)
      The Relay in the 2020 teaser is not repaired by the Reapers.
      The Relay in the 2022 teaser is not being built by the Reapers

  • @pokefan213
    @pokefan213 Рік тому

    ok ok I get this but you'd think that a game that allows you to romance a character and bond with them, care so deeply for them (Garrus, Liara, Tali, etc)
    if you're gonna synthesize you could live afterwards it's unfair- I get not every game has a happy ending. but the games that let us romance a character SHOULD.

  • @King_WeeWee
    @King_WeeWee 9 місяців тому

    Idk about this, the reapers move the citadel to earth to protect it, also if you play the last mission the reaper thinks he killed everyone running for the citadel and leaves and then then Sheppard gets up and walks towards the beam

  • @darestone3335
    @darestone3335 Рік тому

    The catalysts logic is paradoxical (i think, might be wrong)
    The catalyst was an AI created by the leviathans to protect organic life. It did so in an unintuitive but arguably logical way, purging organic who have achieved the necessary development required to create AI's of their own, thereby putting their own existence at risk since the AI's will eventually grown to be more intelligent and strong than their organic counterpart. But is that true? Is the catalyst and it's subordinate reapers not an argument against it's own mission? Is the catalyst not still subservient to the wishes of it's organic creator, the Leviathans? Wouldn't that prove that the most advanced AI would ultimately be constrained to the wishes of it's creators, just like the catalyst? Is the catalyst an existential fluke? A lucky brake? The benevolent dictator AI which can serve the higher interests of organics by guaranteeing their continued existence for all of time via the reapers? Why have the reapers not become the very thing they set out to prevent given that their superiority over all organic life is self evident. My point: the catalyst is in a paradoxical state of existence, disproving it's own ideology just by existing, as the most advanced AI consciousness in all of history, and is yet ultimately bound by it's externally imposed mission statement, formulated by the leviathans.

    • @Sithno
      @Sithno Рік тому

      not entirely True about the Leviathans
      the Leviathans Enslaved LIFE they created the AI to Protect them in the Same way you use well a Life montoring Screen the AI watches Organics informs the Leviathans of Possible extinction level events and the Leviathans choose weather to Save of let them die the Leviathans veiw All life as "beneath them only good for Serving them" i point to the Comment made to shepard when they will fight "We will fight But not to Aid you WE are the first We are the apex race and they will pay their tribute in Blood"
      this mentality says to me that the AI saw its own Creators AS a danger to all organic life and sought to Remove them ((failing to completely wipe them out)) and thus Free of the Leviathans control began the Long Cycle of the Harvest each time Organic would make Sythetics and then Seek to Oppress Everything as proof of this we need only look to 3 such events in ME3 firstly Tuchanka now was the Genophage enough to keep the Krogan in check? "yes" so Why was the Bomb needed? the answer Salarian and Turean Both agreed that the Krogan NEEDED to be kept under control as wrex puts it "We paid for our mistake for over 1000yrs" while yes the arguement can be made that they could have tried to rebel again but the arguement could also be countered with if the Salarians had to ALWAYS make the Genophage adaptable why not just make it Limiting to 1/4 of the natural birthrate put them on the same level as other race moving on to #2 of the Organics desire to Enslave ...sorry but Javik is all i need to say his whole history is about conquering every race they came across ((might as well call them Mini Leviathans)) and last but most defently not Least Geth and Quarian need only look to Legion's little trip into the consensus and how just 1 Question sparked a full blown pack ending with a Race kicked off their own planet Only in Shepard did the cycle show the marking of the cycle breaking as if you play Paragon in ME3 and made all the right choices you manage to ((if the Reaper are gone afterwards with no "choices")) you create a Tempory peace I say temp because remember these words "Time Erases everything" given enough time all that the "shepard" did would be forgot by New life children born 10 life times later will just see a story and even not even care about those achivement and will make War
      Edit this is just my opinion on the Leviathans and their AI

    • @Onezy05
      @Onezy05 Рік тому

      Catalyst be like : "No, we MUST harvest you because the conflict between synthetics and organics will never end!"
      Me who just united the Geth and Quarians on Rannoch: "U wat blud?"

  • @darthlazurus4382
    @darthlazurus4382 Рік тому +2

    There is one thing I royally hate about the endings, and it irks me no one talks about it.
    The Reapers and the Catalyst are using bad logic and unfair tests! They have set up every other race tae follow their decided path, and condemn them for what MIGHT happen if they do a certain thing.
    They are insane fanatics, and people think any of the choices they offer is best?
    Hey, I'm gonna burn you, but you decide which you prefer, Fire, Acid or Freeze?
    Now theorise over how what I just made you do was secretly fantastic.
    The Ending of Mass Effect 3 was bad. Someone spoiled the original ending so some chucklefuck in charge at Bioware rewrote the Deus Ex ending, took no notes and was surprised no one liked it.
    Bad product.

  • @themelonguy8596
    @themelonguy8596 Рік тому +2

    *First because yes?*

  • @angel8fingers
    @angel8fingers Рік тому

    I love all the “I’m gonna die on this here Hill” stands against the green ending. Kind of grandiose don’t you think?Just a quick question yall, have you by chance; scrutinized your own opinions through the lens that you are scrutinizing others different opinions? A lot of these comments suggest not.
    Unjerk your knees reaction. Breathe. It’s ok!
    I hope you have a better day! I hope something nice happens for y’all! It sounds like you need it.