The conjuration slander tho. I'll have you know, collecting flowers as my two dremora throw hands with a dragon while yelling profanities at it in the background is peak gameplay.
Hire Marcurio as a follower and you don't even need the dremora. He's such a good spell caster that he often clears out enemies before I can even reach them. lol
@@Velumbra I haven't played Elden Ring yet. Also, I did mean a ballista that shoots people as projectile. I think that's too over the top for ER vibe 😅
Past me was upset at myself for keep falling into a rut with games and struggling to break habits and “play it correctly”. Present me is embracing my ruts from the start because tbh they’re fun af.
Now I've got the rising urge to play as a drop-dead-gorgeous archery wood elf chick next time I play Skyrim. In fact, I should seriously get back on doing that again. Then add in some other stuff that can make *that* build a whole lot more dangerous (and hilarious!).
Playing anything else is painful because I have to purposefully avoid using the good stuff (bows) and force myself to use the terrible stuff (spells. I still can't bring myself to go 2-handed). Also, why would anyone stand up straight or ride a horse when you can crouch and a) be harder for enemies to see and b) get an early warning that "Hey, someone sees me. Are they hostile? Maybe I should back away, quicksave, and shoot them to find out."
Part of the problem with the stealth archer thing besides the suffering of trying to resist it and inevitably falling back into it at some point is that while it's satisfying for a while, I personally find it gets boring and too easy most of the time. When it's not easy it tends to swing too hard the other way and you're getting bonked in two hits by something that won't fucking die.
Everything you said is true and relevant, but Id argue there is another important reason for the rise of the stealth archer: safety. With stealth arching you are sneaking around in peace, choosing when to engage and dont have the stress of people hitting you, blocking or anything else. You are in control most of times. Which is a good thing for all the people who are not coming from action games.
the melee combat is also garbage, you can't reliably avoid hits because of the hitscan system and how all weapons have the same reach, but big enemies have more reach than you do.
This safety also has another side benefit in the fact that it lets you completely disregard all survivability options, which means you can just invest even further into dealing damage. It's a self-reinforcing loop and arguably the optimal way. You get the same result in terms of DPS as a character twice your level if all those extra levels were put into defensive perks. Without the need for armor or healing, your inventory is a whole lot lighter and ready for more valuable loot. Basically half the game just becomes a new source of money instead of an essential aspect of staying alive, and that freedom allows you to focus on things that let you punch way above your nominal level.
@@shagword1149longhammer with elemental fury. 2h hammer that becomes faster than 1handers because the longhammer has an inherent speed boost that doesnt count as an enchant for elemental fury.
Devs tend to underestimate the sheer impact that having lackluster melee combat has on other combat systems, it could be lobbing wet noodles at enemies but if the melee doesn't feel good enough players have a tendency to want to avoid it as much as possible roleplaying aside for obvious reasons.
my biggest issue with skyrim melee combat is how the camera jerks around everytime you do anything. that added with the fact you dont really have any way to tell if the enemy is in range of a swing, make the combat feel at best janky, and at worst nauseating.
It’s also pretty frustrating when you come face to face with a strong enemy in a small room and your attacks deal 10% of his health, while his attacks deal 60% of yours and are VERY hard to dodge. Sure, you can always go level up and come back later, but in the moment it practically feels like a difficulty softlock.
@@OvercroxStarted a new playthrough earlier last month, a Breton Sword and Shield character with a strong focus on restoration and alteration magic, because those are systems I've almost never engaged in in all the years I've played skyrim. Master difficulty + Survival mode, early game genuinely sucked ass. I actively made myself never carry a bow, so the game sort of forced me into conjuration magic early on just so i could have a follower tank hits while i shield-bashed for ages and poked for 2% of enemy health bars. I do play lightly modded, mainly with a perk overhaul and magic mod because alteration and restoration are basic as all hell in vanilla pre-expert/master spell levels, but yeah. It sucked. That said, mid-late game when you really get a big stamina bar and can balance shield bashing and endless CC, it's clunky but its good fun. I do still find myself needing to summon a frost atronach to tank every now and then, though, despite having a build dedicated to being a tank...
How to stealth mage: Get the silent casting perk and cast mage light into a room full of enemies. Now that enemies are gathered around the ball of light, cast a frenzy spell into the group then start casting fire balls at the group as they fight each other.
Alternatively: get Invisibility, Dark Brotherhood gloves, and the perk that makes dagger sneak attacks deal 15x damage. You cast invisibility with one hand between each attack, guaranteeing you can sneak attack, and then stab with your dagger in the other hand to deal 30x damage. It's the highest damage build in the game, and automatically kills anything!
It's a blast haha. If this was a longer video I think I'd have talked more about how the other Skills and systems in the game support the combat styles, and the alchemy -> archery path is really good, I think.
Came here to say this. Also, the fun of Alchemy is that it gives you another thing to do (collecting ingredients) while you are wandering around the world. I ended up using silenced-scoped rifles in Starfield too which felt a lot like stealth-archer.
"With up to as many blades equipped as your hands number" is the most elaborate way of phrasing this idea, and I look forward to using it frequently in the near future whenever appropriate. "Maybe even a second one if you're feeling particularly handsy" is also going into the hotkey shortlist.
@@alexochoa918 That's impressive, I love summoning minions and so my first playthrough started with conjuration. Then, as in the video, I learned to summon a bow...
@@vytautaszygelis1106 I love roleplaying games, but hate skyrim. I think saying that "oh if you dont like skyrim you probably like shooters and strategy games" is a bit dismissive. Skyrim does have some cool atmosphere, but in terms of mechanical depth it's beaten out by almost every other rpg in it's class. The Witcher 3, Dark Souls (as mentioned), Fallout New Vegas, etc. I think Skyrim has some cool ideas but like with the rest of bethesda's catalogue after morrowind, is surface level at best with little to offer.
Why stealth archery is the most common playstyle : - Because at early levels, it allows you to win fights you otherwise wouldn't be able to. - Because the stealth skill level pretty fast and give you a huge damage boost quite early. - Because at higher levels, it is still one of the most efficient way to one shot weak enemies, or deal massive damage to stronger enemies before having to properly engage with them. - Because shooting at stuff with a cool slowmo kill cam is more fun than going into a wetnoodle slapping contest, or using a magic system that makes you ask "why does every NPC spellcasters seem to use a magic system 10x more powerfull than mine ?". Stealth is overpowered, but it also feel like the least jank combat playstyle of the game. - Because the fantasy of the stealthy "they're dead without ever seeing me" guy is appealing to a lot of people. You just have to be willing to explore the game with a reduced walking speed most of the time...
Because due to how leveling in Skyrim works, the game forces you into whatever playstyle you chose early one as you would have only stealth and archery leveled up against tougher enemies. Taking on level 15 enemies with 10 in one handed is a bit problematic.
I ran with a mod that disabled the kill cam because the damn kill cam calulates the start of the trajectory path of ranged attacks from somwhere between the player's feet and their knees to some random point betwen nose and knees on the target. Had the kill cam shove too many shots, both with archery and the "bolt" spells", into berms, ledges or between the legs of what I was aiming at.
When you level up stealth enough, it also moves just as fast as standing up. As a result, there is no reason to pass through an area where you might assume enemies to be without crouching because there is basically no penalty
The kill cam is pretty epic when it works properly. As for winning fights you shouldn’t, the playstyle definitely helped me use my potion reserves a bit less, and I almost never have to fall back on my stockpile of food items. I also remember one time where I glitched out the guard AI by standing on a support beam directly above them in a shop and taking out like 6 of them. The playstyle even lets you kill Heimskr without being sliced apart if you can position yourself correctly.
it was pretty funny seeing you talk about how magic causes you to accidentally attack friends and then watch you kill an npc while trying to shoot a bear. Definitely done that multiple times
I want you to know that behind that clip was like 5 or 6 minutes of me in the editing bay torn between 'this shot of me killing a person by accident definitely devalues my point', and, 'this shot of me killing a person by accident is hilarious.'
Yes, my last replay I attempted a mage. I killed Faendal in the 1st hour, repeatedly, until I gave up reloading my last save. Then Janessa. Many times over again. Same story of reloading prev save to avoid but ….. Oh and poor Marcurio. I eventually got Mjol cause she is essential character…. I think. Lost count of times I killed also citizens while trying to kill a dragon. More reloads. 🙄. Never had these issues as an archer or even a two handed axe fighter. My mage is now using rather often a bow. And magic when safe to use on enemies only….
@@franglais-riders Same thing goes for shouts most of the time. I normally play melee builds, then I start going for stealth kills which eventually leads to me using a bow lol.
Stealth archery in skyrim simply comes at no opportunity cost. You have to actively TRY to not do it. If you are sneaky it's a great way to kill any target you need to kill without taking risk. If you aren't it's still a great way to engage combat getting a few free shots. If you are a ranged combatant you'd rather start by sneaking. If you are a melee combatant a bow will still help you against dragons. If you are a melee combatant you have no reason to rush headfirst into melee against other melee combatant you can just pummel them with arrows and wait for them to switch to your melee weapon. If you use magic it's still optimal to have a bow to launch your first attack before you start using magicka since it doesn't consumes your main ressource. If you use magic it's still optimal to have a bow in case you run out of magic while it regenerates. Basically having a bow is the path of least resistance and is always an option that is there at pretty much no cost. So yeah everyone ends up doing it naturally unless they're doing a challenge run. Playing without a bow in skyrim is like playing dark souls without an estus flask, you can but the reason is going to be internal not external.
I've never had a desire to be a stealth archer unless that's what I decided to be before starting a new playthrough. My first character was a Spellsword. As the role-player that I am I did not deviate from that. My second was a Nightblade, which is stealth+dagger/sword. My third character was similar, except she was more of a stealth-mage. Most of my recent characters have been heavy armour characters, which makes it difficult to be stealthy. If I'm a paladin or knight I might have a bow or a crossbow, but remember these are very honour-based builds. Starting combat by pummeling the enemy from far away with arrows is NOT honourable.
@@Aewon84 Yeah so that's what I'm saying, you actively tried, you set yourself internal roleplay limitations on how you were allowed to play that character. Nothing here is guided by the game design, it's your personal drive to roleplay those characters that pushed you away from stealth archery but it was still the path of least resistance, just one you chose not to take. I can tell you with confidence that every single one of those character would have been stronger if you added a bow to the mix and crouched from time to time. Even the heavily armored character (especially the heavily armored character actually). It's not a criticism of what you decided to go for, it's fine to roleplay in a roleplaying game, it's just a shame that roleplaying ends up basically amounting to playing a challenge run rather than being helped by the game.
I dunno, I built a unga bunga two hand heavy armor nord and never once needed to open with a bow. It was objectively the fastest I've ever bashed, slashed, and bodied my way through skyrim. I also got rich really fucking fast, because I just did not care about all the other classes of gear, and put zero effort into crafting.
@@XahnelI mean you don't *need* a bow, it just has no opportunity cost, that doesn't mean you need it. The game is overall not that hard so yeah you can play pretty much anything. At higher difficulty though having a range option helps a lot but that's also cause the way bethesda does difficulty is basically the worst way to do it. Bear in mind I'm not saying being a specialized stealth archer has no opportunity cost, I'm specifically saying, having a bow and arrows and doing a sneak attack with it when given the opportunity doesn't. Becoming a specialized stealth archer kinda just tend to happen from there because of how the leveling works and the fact that you don't need anything else to take out your ennemies after some time.
I DON'T have to actively try to not do it because doing the same thing over and over is something that NPCs do When i play rpg games i want do have different experiences . Now i know Skyrim is mostly action adventure and not a real rpg but I'm not going to play the same game for hours and hours doing the same thing I don't care my build is weaker than le funny stealth archer. Being obsessed with meta in a single player rpg/ action adventure is lame
yes...same for was Skyrim that got me into the "take a few shots inflict as much DPS as ya can/dip out and vanish them look for you....pick em off...very satisfying game mechanic rather it be bow or rifle...also like the Thief aspect of water arrows and drugged...they end up killing each other while you watch...when ya jump down onto the last one from above? his health is so low by then? battle completed. Loot is solid. stealth video game tactics make me feel like Satan toying with humanity....its a hobby.
@@Rammettmy guy I’m gonna have to forbid you from using “…” every again. You’ve been real naughty with it and clearly don’t know how to properly use it.
Archery is also the only form of combat that didn't have a belt sander taken to it to "streamline" the experience. In previous Elder Scrolls games you were able to build custom spells and consequently most people who discovered the system used magic leading to it being the most popular. After Morrowind melee was streamlined to what we have now and after Oblivion magic was given the same treatment. So of course the only style of combat that didn't get hit like this was popular.
I remember one playthrough. I told myself that this time I'd be a spell sword. Well, the bound weapons happen to be particularly strong for most of the game. So, I run off and hunt down the spell for single sword. "While I'm at it, might as well get bound bow. It'll be a while before I have good ranged spells." I don't need to explain the rest. You all know what happens from here lol.
As a stealth archer addict, investing a bit in those kind of spells is good for if an enemy gets to you before you dispatch it. Once it gets up close, blasting it with simultaneous flames and sword slashes is a lot better than keeping the bow out.
One of my biggest pet peeves is magic that doesn't scale with level. As a developer it's so freaking easy to include level in the damage calculation. Just take the HP of the 1st act monsters and the HP of the end game monsters to determine your multiplier. There is absolutely no excuse why we should still be having these problems in 2024. There are games today where magic still doesn't scale with level. It's mind-boggling.
The game kind of conditions you to be an archer when you really think about it. Helgen basically acts as the tutorial level of the game. When going through Helgen, there’s no real defined way of doing it, no playstyle that you’re told to adopt in order to succeed…until the end of the dungeon. Right after you get past the frostbite spiders, standing in the way of you and the exit to the cave is a sleeping bear. Both Hadvar and Ralof will tell you that they’d rather not fight the bear and would rather sneak past it. But they say that if you’re feeling lucky you could take a bow and catch her by surprise. Then they literally hand you a bow and arrows. So right there the game basically straight up tells you that if you come across a powerful enemy that you can’t handle in open combat, you should sneak and use a bow. The game doesn’t tell you to pick up a greatsword and use it or use a sword and shield, that’s just something that you try yourself, but the game flat out tells you that sneaking and bows are effective. So that strategy is planted in our minds right there at the end of the tutorial and it holds true for your entire playthrough. For a new player, that sort of guaranteed safety and success would condition them to adopt that particular style of play going forward. It’s low risk and very effective. It’s also a low maintenance build that doesn’t require much to work well. You focus on two skill trees, Sneak and Archery, that’s it. Anything else is just icing on the cake. For a melee build you would have to focus on your weapon skill tree, armor, block, smithing, etc. Stealth Archer is so simple yet so powerful that any other style of play is really just rendered obsolete by comparison.
stealth archer + bound bow = a stealth archer with summon backups to distract the enemy, that also never needs to carry a bow or arrows for a LARGE amount of the game.
Funnily enough, i didn't understand English enough to understand that Hadvar/Ralof told me to use the bow and sneak back when I first played Skyrim. I ended up smacking the bear with a sword and melee the whole fight. Made it alive but barely 😂
Not really. At the beginning of the keep they both tell you to get warrior gear, Ralof even tells you to give the axe a few swings. Are you "being conditioned" to be a warrior? In the torture room, they tell you to unlock the cage with the mage gear and get anything useful. Hell, right after that there's your first oil slick that you can light with flames to kill the archers. Are you "being conditioned" to be a mage? At the bear they tell you you can sneak by or attack. The game flat out tells you throughout Helgen Keep that there are multiple way of playing. Warrior, Mage, Archer, stealth. You aren't being conditioned to be anything, you're being shown the last of the options they haven't introduced yet. The only people that fall into constantly playing stealth archer are people that can't even handle Bethesda's weak ass combat without playing in the easiest way possible.
@@jackmars931that was a pretty good argument until you got to the end and it just turned into an exercise to validate feeling better than everyone else for not playing a stealth archer
I think the fact that dragons fly is also important here. They are usually your toughest enemy and tend to stay in the air blasting you until they are wounded sufficiently to land. This makes bows essential when fighting them and leaves melee fighters running around on the ground getting zapped until they croak.
They don't need to be wounded to land, if you just run around in an open area for a while dodging their flames/frost then they will land and you can punch them
@@iainsan Play as a Khajiit, dual wield the healing spell. Run around healing yourself until the dragon lands within clawing range and then scratch them to death, MEOOOOWWWW!!!!! Dragons are no match for the angry kitty! (But although fun at first this playstyle does get boring because every fight is the same)
Right? People talk about Skyrim’s unsatisfactory combat. And then sit in a dark corner and pelt NPCs who legally aren’t allowed to notice you with insta-kill darts. How is that fun?
The allure for me, regarding stealth archery, and most forms connected to thievery in Skyrim tbh, is that sensation of being smart about it, in Dark Souls, you go “mano a mano” against your opponents, but TES has a built in ecosystem of “living” individuals going about their lives, and you’re specialising in outsmarting them all, being pickpocketing, stealth offing etc, you disrupt the ecosystem for your own benefits, without them even realising what happened, and of course, stealth archery being the strongest build only feedback loops the power fantasy behind it.
Something that I did that made Skyrim melee combat way more fun, was that I got a mod which disabled the reduction of player damage when you increase the difficulty, because a big issue with turning up the difficulty in Bethesda games is that you feel like you're fighting with nerf guns and pool noodles. After doing that it meant that I can kill enemies in just a few hits, but they also kill me in a few hits, so it becomes more intense and you have to use strategy, but you can still be aggressive and go on the offensive unlike the vanilla game on high difficulties where you just have to resort to cheesing the game. Now don't get me wrong, it's not something that "fixes" the combat in every way, it's still a far cry from games like Dark Souls or Mordhau (I love that system I wish we had that in an elder scrolls game so bad), but it's at least fun, which is enough for me.
I've played with a similar mod for Better Legendary, where Legendary difficulty increases all damage done by 300%. It doesn't fix the clunky melee combat, but it does add a whole lot of extra intensity. Was really fun for a playthrough
Fixed palyer/npc damage is one thing, but the best mod to improve melee combat is TK Hitstop. It is so simple: it adds a ~20th of a second delay whenever your melee attack connects. It makes melee hits feels so damn satisfying.
The vermintide and darktide games have some of the best melee combat if you like good melee grab vermintide 2 on sale it's really worth it in my opinion
I'm not freaking out. I'm not freaking out. I'm an adult, who's totally chill, and in control. Holy shit man I love your work, this is great, and I'm freaking out just a little bit.
Dude same. Pretty sure I let out an audible gasp when he mentioned those books lol. I was absolutely in love with that series. I made a ranged pure on RuneScape because I wanted to be like Halt and Will, and then Skyrim came out and played a stealth archer and never looked back.
Worth noting: Because arrows have no carry weight and can be sold, they are effectively also money. So it's a good idea to pick up every arrow you find even if you're not going to use them. This also applies to all types of ammunition in the Fallout games, which is worth keeping in mind because at some point you're probably going to have more .38 rounds than you have caps. Same thing goes for pre-war money, which I find hilarious, because they have a base value of ten caps (eight in FO4) and can be used to directly purchase other items via bartering. Meaning that even in the apocalyptic wasteland centuries after the fall of the United States, the US dollar is _still_ a more valuable currency than caps.
@@steamvyrus6249 True, but mechanically speaking it's one item and in the context of bartering it makes no sense to consider them stacks. Anyway, I still think it's funny since they're considered clutter/scrap.
I see the appeal of the stealth archer as its was my first skyrim build ever, but personally i think battle mage is the most slept on in the game while being the best way to play. its the most versatile and the most interesting imo because you can do one handed melee while also fully experiencing the magic system which is the most diverse feature in the game. Plus when you're alchemy, enchanting, and smithing are high level along with your combat skills you feel like a deity even in highest difficulties. Also anniversary mode adds cool new spells and you can really use every kind of magic as a battle mage, including using spells like muffle with dagger to play a stealth mage even stronger than a normal assassin or archer. Plus you dont need a bow for dragons because you have ranged magic and summons and if you're smart, a follower that also has ranged magic and summons, or a bow. Melee by itself can be boring I agree but melee mixed with magic has alot more depth and combinations than any of the other playstyles.
"Magic can go f*** itself. Mages don't know how to sneak." I'm aware you were mostly referring to sneak bonuses, but illusion magic. Archery certainly helps, but the illusion tree is primarily how I'm able to play Skyrim on the maximum difficulty. I don't need a damage bonus when I can frenzy a room full of enemies, hide with invisibility, and watch in amusement as they kill each other.
Yeah, this video way undersells the utility of Illusion magic. If fury isn't your way, you can also just use mass calm and stroll through the dungeon collecting anything you want. The only real downside to Illusion magic is that it's quite a while before your spells will work on undead or dwarven automatons.
@@irrevenant3it underselling most things, it makes fundamentally disingenuous points about archery alternatives in order to elevate its own point. It does this because the answer is simple: the game is a much smoother and more enjoyable experience as an archer.
@@irrevenant3 The other downside of illusion is that at very high levels the spells just don't work anymore on certain opponents. If the spells work you are a god, If they don't work you need to figure out another way to deal with your enemies. You can boost the effectivness of illusion spells by being a vampire or using potions but drinking potions every time your spell fails is not exactly engaging gameplay
@@jonaslinterMostly I don't play to super-high level (I like playing different builds and, once you reach high enough level, you kind of just end up with all the everything). But also the spells max out pretty darn high. Googling says, dual-casting with max perks, without potions, Illusion caps out at lvl79 for Frenzy, lvl83 for Calm, and lvl88 for Fear (that's for human opponents - it's more like 60-80 for non-humans). There's very few enemies that are higher level than that.
@@irrevenant3 Hmm. I might have misremembered this. I was pretty sure that being a vampire was the way to make illusion viable versus high level enemies. Perhaps I just never bothered to dual cast illusion spells :)
Stealth makes it so that enemies move around less before you attack them, which only makes it easier to leverage your bow's precision. Other fighting styles not only fail to have this synergy, but actually conflict with themselves. Shield-bashing an enemy in the middle of an attack results in a SHORTER stagger animation, meaning you're actually punished for properly timing your bashes. Melee stealth does a bit more damage but is ultimately a lot harder to accomplish since detection is range-based. Power attacking feels bad because it locks you in place yet has very little feedback on the enemy's side beyond damage numbers, and the stagger it inflicts is random
I don't know about that. I only use archery as secondary weapon. Having range option is good for any builds. There is not much investment or perk skill required to spent to use compared to magic. Well unless I am Mage then I don't need bow to begin with.
Does it include "archers" from other games? In more modern games I still end up with sniper rifle with silencer on it, shooting from some dark corner in hi-tech chameleon armor.
I think stealth archery is inevitable because no matter what kind of combat you focus on, it just makes good tactical sense to start each fight with a ranged ambush from stealth and then switch to your main weapon of choice.
This. That initial arrow is totally free in most cases. If they don't find you, so is the second. There is no practical reason NOT to start every fight with a stealth shot.
And I also blame Bethesda’s janky combat where you’re always taking insane damage from the most luscious of cases to where it just stops being fun to do sword and shield after a certain point. Because the bandit lord that barely has anything on, has more resistance to your melee weapons while looking like an actual Conan model.
Not always true. A strong ambush can be a high-damage backstab, as opposed to a medium damage snipe. If you play a sneak-thief, as the guards call you, you should have plenty of damage at your disposal in melee combat.
It’s an incomprehendable amount of time in the future, the universe is nearing heat death, time is understood to be finite rather than infinte. The last moments of the smallest particles make their dying motions, a new stealth archer in Skyrim sneaks past the bear under Helgen.
Don't need to sneak past. Frost Spider venom and a stealth shot combine to kill it without it reaching you if you're not playing on "everything is a damage sponge".
I suddenly realized I haven't played a stealth archer for the longest time, because my game is modded to Aetherius and back, and a handful of those mods make base Skyrim look positively pre-Cambrian. Timed blocking, stamina management, extra/more differentiating perks for weapons and elemental spells, support for unarmed play... ...and your vid made me realize it was mostly bringing melee and magic up to _parity_ with archery.
skyrim's one of my favorite games. i actully waited six months after it came out to even attempt playing it because it was *NOT* my first bethesda game and ...bethesda games without mods go from borderline unplayable to gamebreaking unplayable (because of bugfixes that modders have to do or players have to find workaround solutions for) and then you get to the actual game and you want to be a mage and if modders haven't been working on improving or giving nuance to the systems themselves, it kinda just...feels very bad. so yeah. i'm a lot like you here lol
Archery is all about immersion. Archery in Skyrim connents to real world hand-eye coordination, where your own skill at using a controller or mouse+keyboard has a direct link to the game. Archery is thus way more immersive than button mashing mele weapons or fireballs. Stealth also involves more strategy and spatial awareness, again increasing immersion.
I think it was inadvertent, but happened because the *Thief* devs working on TESV just couldn’t help but bias the game towards stealth. It has its own vibe and I love it.
This would mean that the actual developers would have an influence on what they're doing but that's just not the case as we've learned over the last decade. Being a working level developer at Bethesda means "Do what you're told, it doesn't matter if what you're told is braindead gibberish"
@@victormanyeruke9997 That's absolutely correct and this isn't a thing that always 'was this way' but it is a thing that started to happen during the development of Oblivion The last title that wasn't just 'generic lazy shovelware' by Bethesda themself was indeed Morrowind. This extends to the degrees that even the 'good' things they did post Oblivion are mostly not done by themself but done by other studios they purchased or subcontracted and then took over. The gun play of Fallout 4 f.e. isn't something Bethesda did, it's just a carbon cop of id Softwares Gunplay and especially Fallout 4 is a great example of their 'dumped down' approach to gaming and especially RPGs It was a steady decline, starting with Oblivion
Not only that, the sparring system in the game is quite simple but also complex. Blocking will block a light attack, but a power attack of any kind will break their guard and stagger them greatly. Bash blocks will block power attacks. It’s the ABC of melee Skyrim.
When you mentioned there was only one kind of bow it threw me because I’ve been using a mod that expands Skyrim’s weapons and skills for so long I forgot that there wasn’t variety in the weapons. I’m so used to having my longbows to enhance the strength and distance of my stealth archery and then having to switch to my shortbows when the enemy gets too close. I basically forgot what normal Skyrim was so… limited in the weapons and skills. I wasn’t aware that there were stealth archery guides, especially since it’s so easy and natural to gravitate to that a guide seems redundant.
It’s hilarious because I have never completed a stealth archer build. I’ve competed literally dozens of playthroughs, both modded and even a couple modless. Never a stealth archer.
My schoolmate was the model for Ranger's Apprentice. The writer was local to my hometown. Good dude. We gave him so much shit for it but It's nice to hear you enjoyed it.
Been so long since I thought about the ranger's apprentice. Sad my dad kept my copies from me when I moved out. I'll admit I liked the brotherband chronicles a bit more back then. Don't know if that would hold up on a reread now.
i absolutely loved ranger's apprentice and brotherband as a kid they were awesome to me. in hindsight i think they were pretty silly in a lot of ways, the stories and themes are excessively simple, everything is exaggerated to extremes, and they paint a very historically inaccurate picture of things that fall for a lot of misconceptions or stereotypes, so once you grow up they stop being quite as good. but for a young teen who loves reading they're definitely great, i would definitely like to own a little shaggy horse called tug and ride around at the speed of sound stopping bad guys with my flawless archery, indestructible weeb knives and a camo cloak so good i can just waltz past people undetected if i flap my arms right
You MAY think alteration is weaksauce support magic. That's until you learn that the paralysis skills invalidate like 95% of all combat in Skyrim, turning it into hacking on helpless, frozen opponents.
As a Mage player myself, it is so much easier to put a "paralyze for 1 sec" enchant on a melee weapon than using the expensive spell. Especially when combined with the 5 sec standing up animation
@@jackrabbitgee6641 With enough magic regen you can cast it near infinitely. And with a few buffs they lie on ground for half a minute. And it also has near infinite range so you don't even need to get in melee. Just paralyze everything from afar and wait until your dremora lords finish the job.
Similar I feel is the "Impact" perk. I still don't know how Dualcasting an adept-level spell meaning I can stunlock a dragon for as long as I have MP (and having a load of things that lower MP costs and having the backup of the dragon shout) but I remember being baffled it was considered fair game.
I think another aspect is the fact that Skyrim has no hard defined limits on classes. You are free from beginning to end to engage in combat the way you like. Like you said, the tangible benefits to stealth archery are so immediately apparent, that even if you're sunk deep in melee or magic you're free to choose the more reliable option at any point in the game.
Yeah, I myself usually don't go for "builds" so to speak aside from focusing more on magic because it's cool to just dual cast destruction spells at point blank range and obliterate enemies before they can hit me. I just kinda dabble in whatever kind of play style works best for the situation. Granted, I've never actually made it that far in the game (I keep picking it up only to leave it for a while and start over again) but yeah, stealth archery is generally pretty easy and fun for me, so I just do that when I get to a new area with enemies, provided I have the space and line of sight, until I get spotted before switching between spells and different weapons when my magika needs to recharge.
dude its crazy we have such a similar introduction to the series. i was randomly showed the game by a friend and he gave me his disk. i had always thought skyrim was a mech game for some reason so i ended up instantly falling in love. the disk was stained with something im not sure how it could still be read but it ended up breaking around 6 months later and i traded a couple games in for it at gamestop
about the magic system I think one interesting thing is that it's actually a great system that happens to have been made by the least imaginative people on the planet which is depressing. With mods skyrim has the best magic of any game ever. There is so much potential for complex utility spells or varied summons, I've had spells that build ice walls, spells that create a vortex, localized hailstorms, spells that mark my opponent so I can track them through walls, spells that infest my target and summon spider if I kill them, there is just a lot of potential and while the lack of scaling can also be fixed with mods it's also not such a big deal when the spells do more than just deal damage. Having the option to dualcast or use different spells in both hands is also great. But again there could be real depth here if they just thought about doing more than just basic spells. You could have spells that combo with each other, or dualcast that alter the nature of the spell rather than "more damage but cost more". It's just so frustrating because the elements for a great system are there but the actual spells are boring af. I'll say the same thing about shouts. I used to play with a mod that would make every shout have an individual cooldown rather than a global one. And while it sounds busted and kinda is, it's just so much fun to actually just switch around between your shouts and use various different effect, and you really feel your power grow as you unlock more shouts, rather than stick to a few dominant shouts because using your cooldown on the other ones is just not worth it. And it gets even better with again, mods that add more interesting shouts to the game. I hate how good modded skyrim can get because it really shows that the game didn't have a fundamental barrier to doing those systems well, they just weren't interested in actually delivering a deep experience.
Best magic system in any game ever? Mods make it darn good, I love Midas and apocalypse with ordinator. But someone has never played dragon's dogma and it shows.
@@yourface2464 I haven't indeed. Looked it up and the spells are definitely miles better than vanilla skyrim though I still think you can do some better stuff with modded skyrim, in particular there was a distinct lack of utility and scenery altering magic. But it looks cool for sure. I was also kinda going for hyperbole out of frustration haha, I'm sure there are some games with great magic but skyrim wasted potential in vaniilla pisses me off
One reason I think archery has such a strong draw is that it rewards skill. There is a LITTLE bit of skill in melee, but mostly it's just a numbers game. You swing until they die. You block when you see them swinging at you. But if you try to side step an attack? Nope! The AI automatically follows you. They can turn on a dime and hit you anyway. Magic is even worse. You just hold down or spam a button until they die or you run out of magicka. Meanwhile, with archery, you have to time your shots, take into account gravity as it pulls the arrow down, as well as your own elevation compared to your enemy's. It's very satisfying when you see an enemy walking by in the distance and you nail them in the head.
Nothing in Skyrim combat feels white as satisfying as when you use archery to one shot an enemy that seemed just a liiiiitle too far away to be possible, having to aim leagues above their head to do so.
I would say skill make a massive impact on melee, but it doesn't feel as rewarding. Managing exact distance, just-barely-dodges in between strikes, instantly powering through guards and minding stamina levels is a much more involved process than archery is. It just still doesn't feel very good. Archery is arguably more punishing for those that lack skill though.
@@neerGdyahS That's why people do archery in stealth though. It is significantly less punishing that way. Slowing time on a stationary target that doesn't notice you and x3 damage.
@@SaerBear5 There you are, intensely focused on the screen, doing Galaxy-Brain levels of calculations to try and line up your shot, hoping you can at least get the arrow close enough that you can adjust for your next shot, when suddenly the game turns cinematic and you watch as the arrow flies through the air like the finger of a god and the NPC goes flying as you hear the sound alert for a successful Sneak Attack. And then the game trains you to feel a rush of Good Chemicals whenever that happens, only to edge you so hard when the target just...walks out of the way.
That Ranger's Apprentice mention alone got you a new sub, my dude. I loved those books and Flanagan's writing so much, I decided to shift gears in what I was studying in College and get into publishing, editing and writing myself. I also loved your sense of humor here, all the little editing details and such, so there's that too.
As someone that grew up with the books I was astonished to hear anyone else talk about it. I read and owned the books growing up but even here in Australia it was never massive. I still look up when stuck because people seldom tend to look up.
I've never heard anyone else talk about those books until today! I loved those books, I think I read the first 8 or so, and the first book of the spin off series Definitely reinforced my love of bows, stealth, rangers, and assassins as a kid getting into RPGs for the first time
@@theherooffire007 Ranger's Apprentice was my all time favorite honestly in my young adults. It's like it took all my favorite ranger tropes and expanded them
btw I love Dragon's Dogma's take on the archer archetype. It gives you multiple arrow types that ranges from status effect to arrow that one shot but you get only one. But the most important are the skills that goes with it, it's very fantasy like in its execution but it still makes you feel powerful and it also reward accuracies when you combine it with the locational damage system the game has. Altho to be fair that's just DD in a nutshell every class feel powerful if you play it well.
@@BlueBDyou say most games have spell blades but that's like my favorite flavor of magic besides necromancy. I can't think of many games that do a proper spell balde especially with interesting utility spells instead of a fire and lightning attack that's just a a glorified gun that's glowy
@@BigMontey Yes but that's still a spellblade. Sword and Magic is far more common then Magic bows that are not really simple, like a bow that has infinite ammo.
Problem with DD is that only 4-5 skills are worth using at all in each class. They are awful at balancing, they just make whatever sounds cool and let it rip. Although tbh I prefer that to a perfectly balanced game where every option feels the same *cough* Outer Worlds *cough*. The skyrim mod Arcane Archery (not the creation club one) is the best magic archer I've seen in a game. Not only do you get 6 types of elemental arrows which each have 3 subtypes, you can use your shout cooldown to inscribe any spell onto an arrow type and it will be casted at the point of impact. So you can assign Fire Wall to your fire arrows, turn undead to your Holy arrows, Fury on your Magic arrows etc.
@@KD-ou2np Basically, a handful of layers of defense to avoid dying. Avoid being seen Avoid being acquired Avoid being hit Avoid taking damage Stealth makes it so the first two, and therefore most important, layers aren't broken.
@@Drave_Jr. And archery helps with the last two, since you can attack melee enemies before they can reach you, limiting the amount of hits and damage you will take. It's the exact same reason why snipers exist IRL. The element of surprise, and being able to strike from beyond the reach of one's own limbs, makes a fighter exponentially more dangerous.
1:30 it was supposed to Do you know about a game series "Thief"? Enough developers from them have worked on Skyrim. If you've played Oblivion or Morrowing, you know that stealth was a joke there (unless you've used a full chameleon enchant). So it was reworked into what it is.
If your sneak skill is high enough in Oblivion you can literally sneak right in front of someone and they won't see you. If anything, it's way too OP in Oblivion.
Are you high? Sneak was so good in Oblivion, plus then you can add all the chameleon bullshit if you want to 100% break it, plus you could immediately get max level with no effort from the first DB quest. It was pretty much just as good as in skyrim.
@@mushyroom9569 archers have lower DPS and a much harder time staggering, as well as not being able to 100% stagger bash power attacks or break blocks. Two handed weapons can outrange anything melee other than themselves, which is the majority of the game. Archery doesn't handle well in close quarters. So you usually just take the bow for help against dragons.
Many enemies in this game are purposefully too powerful to win against honorably until you're a very high level. "Emergency stealth archer" in the form of a wooden bow and 100 iron arrows will be there for you when your build fails you, because it doesn't ask for proper gear, perks, or skill, just time. But will kill that Dwarven Centurion that keeps turning your melee build into a bracelet. I say this as someone who stealth-archered when I was 16 but moved to melee because dungeons go way faster that way.
@@leaffinite2001 the literal only way for Skyrim to be hard is if you are bad, you're playing on high difficulty, or you misuse your resources. That isn't a superiority complex, that's just a fact
Two other things worth mentioning : - Carry weight : this is a limitation that everyone feels throughout the game, especially when wandering the land to collect things is much more fun than having to go back to the city to store or sell your overencumbered inventory. Melee weapons are notoriously heavier than bows, and that's before you take into account a greater need for good armor when you're into the fray, versus an archer who can go the entire playthrough without needing anything more than light armor, if at all (better stealth). - Controls & Shortcuts : Magic is versatile, but this comes at a cost. You need to change your equipped spell(s) all the time to really benefit from all its potential. It can be boring and tiring when it comes to pre-buff before every fight, and downright clunky when you have to do it mid-fight. With archery, the worst case scenario is having to switch to broad and sword in case you get swarmed in an enclosed space with little room to create distance (and if you get in such a situation, you're stealth-archering wrong). 99.9% of your gameplay is fluid, organic and dynamic from a controls point of view.
Weight is still bad even for magic because you dont want to level up stamina but still carrying tons of potions (to increase destruction damage), staves, soul gems and loot
The menu is a good point. Despite the crouch mechanic it ends up being the most fast pace because you don't need to constantly go in and out of the menu to drink potions or swap spells. Plus you can hit and run. You don't have to hold a button down the whole time which feels stupid. And spamming the projectiles burns mana so fast that it doesn't really leave you with much. I remember having these same complaints when the game came out. Everyone went ape shit over it but there were games from like 10 years before that had deeper spell casting, or melee combat. Never made any sense. The stealth archer was the only way I enjoyed progressing and even then it just felt like a weaker version of what Dishonored would eventually become.
Funnily what broke magic for me, or rather Destruction, is that I ended up spamming dualcast fire or lightning bolt, depending on target resistances. Well, that and Destruction having no stealth option.
thinking about it, my characters were... a stealth archer, who did use a dagger at times a stealth archer a sword and shield fighter, which was pretty fun since you could take on a lot of stronger enemies because of the parry mechanic (also opened fights with a bow) a stealth archer a mixed mage a stealth archer that used silent casting, illusion and conjuration so he could use muffled movement and bound bow/sword without anyone noticing the last one was my favourite and did play it 3 times, i think something about not even having a weapon in the inventory when NPCs are giving you weird looks is funny to me
You should try a stealthy, one handed, alteration+illusion build. A dagger and the illusion/alterstion combo is pretty fun and versatile. You can cause some pretty funny chaotic situations and basically get your enemies to kill each other. Always used a dagger and light armor with this one. I know it sounds kinda squishy but with alteration and dagger dps you can be tanky and dish out pretty high dps.
I have an idea. Use an stealth+illusion+conjuration build. It will result in you at high levels using anger spells to make enemies fight each other and then throw 2 Dremora Lords to kill those that survived the improvised FFA fight.
When you are 100% in archery and sneek skills you can literally break the game running around crouching and killing everything with a single but very common anciant nord arrow. Nobody can see you in your fully enchanted fancy bright white heavy dragon bone armor and gold diamond jewelries... I dont have much time to play games by now but I remember it very well. Let's all thank Faendal for his very handy free archery boost in the very first hour of the game as well as Ralof for his dedication helping you with your sneak skill!
Having a way to "thin the herd" when taking on mobs makes sense for any build. Sneaking is basically a free damage button. Combine the two and you have the stealth archer.
Yes but you do need to at least left click at the correct distance and enemy HP situation to trigger that cutscene in the first place which to me makes it gameplay. As is doesn't differ from the core gameplay in any way, point to a direction and spam left click.
@@thechugg4372 Yes and it's getting blurrier by the day. Doom, for example. It's a fun game. Both of the modern additions are extremely fun and I enjoyed playing them multiple times. Glory kills, something the games get a lot of praise for, are still just quick cutscene. It's an execution that rewards the player with health and some other pickups also if you like. For the harder difficulties it's also a brief invulnerability while you're doing it. "I frames" are always appreciated. It's still just a cut cutscene. One with clever implementation, yes. But that just means you are rewarded and actively encouraged to watch as many 1 second cutscenes and you can possibly achieve.
I knew there was a reason I always gravitated to this build (outside of cool roleplay stuff), so it's really satisfying to have a breakdown of how the game itself makes it the best playstyle, rather than just personal preference. great video!
I was playing this cute game called Bloody West. Nice pixel-art horror aesthetic. A reanimated outlaw chasing evils off. Before I realized it, I was a stealth archer once again, even though firearms are available. Todd scored once again that day.
max out illusion, sneak, and one-handed. illusion assassin was my favorite build, just as EZ mode as stealth archer but was a breath of fresh air and a fun new way to play.
"Fisting doesn't come attached to any set of skills in Skyrim." And yet for some reason, Bethesda had it in their mind to program in special animations for OHKO with unarmed combat. I discovered it recently and it's nuts, I've seen 3-4 unique animations just for unarmed OHKOs. One of them is a suplex. The NPC with the least amount of Health has 75. The maximum damage you can do without the heavy armor unarmed perk is 32 as Khajiit with Gloves of the Pugilist, and 40 as Vampire Lord using Gloves of the Pugilist. If you take into account the Poison Talons perk for Vampire Lord, then that adds 20 for a total of 60 which is still too low. Gauntlets usually have low armor rating too, so unless Smithing was level 100 or something, I can't see it happening in normal gameplay.
@@sylvanomangano8453 I figured that out about a week after commenting this, but I forgot I commented it lol I just rarely ever got it, I guess, not l unless it was one shot
@@sylvanomangano8453 earlier I was sniping Forsworn from a cliff and it did the kill cam three times but it missed every time. Then the actual killing shot didn't do it 😂
@@Iskaid Lmaoo I love when that happens. Btw if you wanna customize everything to do with killmoves Violense is a really good mod for that. It's just an mcm that lets you adjust proc rates
I clicked on this video to pass the time, after I got done I was like "wow, that was a really good video, I wonder who made it" and was shocked that you only had 13k subscribers. The video was so good I expected you to have closer to 100 or 200k. I guess I'll add one more to get you closer to it.
I've been playing Skyrim off and on since it's released, literally logging well beyond 1ooo hrs of gameplay through all my characters and probably close to that time in videos as well. This video is easily the single best dive into the fun of playing as a stealth archer
The thing about combat in Skyrim is that it basically revolves around the stagger mechanic. If you can stagger the enemy repeatedly, you can kill it without taking damage. Melee can do this well, even if you're not cheesing with food. Because of the Impact perk, magic can do this well from range. If you utilize your enchantments later on you can make your spells cost nothing, which means that low damage Firebolt can permanently stagger lock everything. You can essentially stay safe at range and deal free damage until you win. And if you want to be even safer you can fight from stealth, which can basically guarantee that you will always control how the fight begins and progresses. But archery? Just crouch. Lob an arrow into an enemy. Did it die? Hit another enemy. Still standing? Move back a bit, they'll never find you. Just wait for them to forget about the arrow sticking out of their neck, then shoot another. Rinse and repeat. My first character was a very unfocused mage who had far too many skills spread out for his level, and I eventually hit a small wall trying to deal with the vampire cave quest at Morthal. After trying to beat the vampire boss like a mage for a few deaths, I looked through my inventory and equipped the underpowered bow and iron arrows I'd been carrying around as a backup when my magicka ran out. A few minutes of stealth archering later, everything was dead. I carried on as a mage, but I was highly amused that I could effortlessly deal with an encounter I was that unprepared for with skills that were almost at their base levels. And yes, the primary culprit here is actually Stealth, not Archery. Archery just happens to unintentionally synergize a little too well with the stealth mechanics.
Things I learned from this video: 1: Fisting in Skyrim is not fun 2: Fisting in Dark Souls is fun 3:Magic doesn't involve fisting in Skyrim. 4:Archers CAN fist, but it's not usually necessary. Did I miss anything? 😋
This tickled me so pink since the first time I played Skyrim I was a competitive archer in college and felt very much in tune with Skyrim archery mechanics the same way
It’s just a very chill experience, you admire the scenery, find some enemies, pick them off, continue on your journey. It also feels safe if you’re immersed in the world and imagining your character is a genuine person trying to survive.
I've definitely felt similar pulls towards dominant playstyles in games other than Skyrim, such as Elden Ring (Bleed/Magic/Faith) or Terraria (gun). It's interesting to examine how mechanics affect a player's interactions with a work metatextually, because I think that situations where players "chose the bow" due to mechanical pressures can be manipulated to better integrate gameplay elements and story. I think my favorite moments to ever occur in a game have happened when gameplay is restricted or flipped to reflect on the story (such as Cyberpunk when you're playing as Johnny), but figuring out how to pick what's the stealth archer build in your game and how to tie that in with the themes could lead to moments where a player and a player character are sync'd up in their actions without "forcing" the player to do any one specific thing. When you're trying to tell a story where personal immersion is important, it's a useful tool to have! Much of narrative gaming is a form of emotional manipulation, after all......
One way is just putting a cool unique weapon in front of the player before a new area, to encourage them to use it, bonus points designing the area around using said weapon ability/style of weapon.
Also... With magic, you've got to remember that you can only attack while you still have magicka. When you run out of stamina as a melee build, you can still attack and block, you just can't POWER attack or shield bash... As a mage when you run out of magicka, you're powerless. This means that when you level up, you almost always have to put the 10 points into magicka and not health, which you CAN do as a melee build; say 50/50 to health and stamina (which also has the benefit of increasing carry weight and letting you sprint for longer). You also effectively cannot use armor as a mage if you want the alteration spells to be worth it, since the flesh spells get MASSIVELY more effective if you are wearing no armor, forcing you to use robes. Those robes can also give you much more magicka and magicka regen, and can potentially make different schools of magic cheaper to cast on top of that, making them almost essential... but it's still never quite enough, because magic in Skyrim doesn't SCALE properly. Obviously the Adept level destruction spells like fireball being AOE spells that can hit followers and passive NPCs is terrible since as a mage you pretty much require a follower or atronach to soak up some damage for you. Now you're stuck using Firebolt or Lightning bolt until you reach Expert level spells like Incinerate and Icy Spear... but then those spells do not scale up in damage with their magicka cost - if they cost 4x as much magicka but do 3x as much damage, they're not worth it. Sure they do that damage instantly rather than having to cast firebolt 12 times as an enemy is running at you (a problem that's negated once you get the perk that makes destruction spells stagger enemies)... but you still end up running out of magicka before doing enough damage to put down higher level enemies (which are also more likely to have enchantments negating your attacks, or be able to heal with spells of their own) if you try and use higher level destruction spells, making the class... really boring (since when is mage the "boring" class?!) This isn't even factoring in that to learn Equilibrium (trading health for magicka like an inverse healing spell), you have to go ALL THE WAY THROUGH the College of Winterhold questline, and if you want to use a flesh spell, then conjure an atronach, and THEN have a healing spell or a ward available... you can't dual-cast destruction spells making that perk pointless. You also can't heal followers while attacking enemies at the same time for example, or trade STAMINA for magicka with something like equilibrium, and like you said you can't sneak attack with spells either (even if you are literally invisible!) I ended up with master level destruction robes, enchanted boots and gloves, and a REALLY powerful ring, amulet and circlet pretty early into the game (Expert and Master level robes have no hoods to go with them for some reason, and the Archmage's robes are literally worse than Expert level), giving me something like 400 magicka, 200% magicka regen and 30% cheaper casting for destruction spells, and yet I was still finding it basically impossible to deal with most enemies halfway through the game without stopping every ten seconds to chug a dozen potions! This compared to a one-handed, heavy armor build (using light armor is pointless given the reduced defence since the movement penalty for heavy armor is almost nothing and can be removed entirely by getting the steed stone right near Solitude). If you have a sword enchanted with fire damage, you are literally doing more fire damage than when dual-casting fire spells, AND YOU CAN BLOCK! If you enchant your armor you can negate a substantial amount of magic damage making wards unnecessary, gain more health, stamina or more weapon or armor skill points through relevant enchantments, you obviously get the defence boost (further increased with perks like well fitted and matching set) making flesh spells unnecessary, and on top of all of that you can get enchantments like absorb health on your swords making healing spells unnecessary too! Plus your weapons do more damage and armor give more defence as you go up in level (steel to orcish to dwarven to ebony etc.) and gain relevant perks, unlike with spells that do a fixed amount of damage whether you're level 1 or level 65! And all this STILL pales in comparison to the good ol' stealth archer build, because you get all the same benefits of a melee build, but you can also attack from range AND get the stealth attack bonuses! Well done Todd Howard!!!!!!!!
There's a couple of ways I'd fix this without massively changing the game itself (like, some basic tweaks but no massive overhaul mods) - To nerf archers: 1: Add in small and large quivers that can carry either 20 or 40 arrows, effectively putting a cap on the number of arrows I can have equipped at any one time (refilling a quiver with arrows would be kind of like refilling a weapon enchantment with soul gems). I could still carry hundreds of arrows, but couldn't equip more than 20 or 40 at a time. 2: Reduce the range of a bow when using heavy armor, preventing archers from also being tanks (I think most archers use light armor anyway). 3: Reduce the damage of bows at long range. 4: Reduce the effect of stealth attack bonuses when using a bow (should be mostly just for daggers anyway). To buff melee weapons: 1: Add new weapons like spears and longswords into the game with new factors like reach and armor-piercing potential, while also adding in more attack animations than just standard and power attacks (a lunging attack with more reach for example by pressing jump and attack at the same time). 2: Increase the speed of one-handed weapons (anything up to double would be fine). 3: Increase the movement penalty for heavy armor making light armor more worthwhile. 4: Make blocking a completely separate keybind so that I can still block while dual-wielding one-handed weapons, or a one-handed weapon and a spell (literally the entire point of dual-wielding realistically is to both attack and defend simultaneously!) and make blocking with a one-handed weapon more directional. 5: Lunging attacks can't be blocked by one-handed weapons, only dodged or blocked with shields. 6: If my attack is blocked by an enemy, allow me to immediately press the block key to shove them back (negated if they do a shield bash). 7: Add in a dodge/roll ability (which can only be used when using light armor or clothes/robes but not heavy armor). To buff magic: 1: Add five-part perks to scale up the damage from destruction spells, the damage and health of familiars and atronachs, and the effectiveness of restoration, alteration and illusion spells (just like the perks for melee weapons or bows). 2: Add a perk that increases the radius of AOE spells. 3: Add perks that make wards specifically more effective against fire, frost or shock. 4: Make it so that I automatically start casting the most powerful ward spell I know when pressing the block keybind if I have two other spells in my hands (that way I don't need to switch to the ward spell and sacrifice the spell I had in that hand). If I have a melee weapon in one hand, pressing the block key blocks with the weapon instead of casting the ward. 5: Shield-bashing with a ward at the right time reflects the blocked spell back at the enemy. 6: Allow the equilibrium spell to drain half stamina and half health, rather than all health (making it more useful for a mage who probably doesn't need stamina anyway). 7: When using a spell like heal other, have some kind of autotargeting that can cast it at my follower off to one side even while I'm focusing on an enemy in front of me. 8: Have some kind of range multiplier so that spells do more damage when the enemy is closer, and even stagger enemies when they're within melee range (basically the equivalent of shield bashing but with magic). A three-part perk could increase the stagger effect just like the three levels of the Unrelenting Force shout. 9: Add in some kind of under-armor (like padded gambesons) which I can wear as a mage without sacrificing the bonuses of flesh spells to increase defence (would also benefit melee and archer builds... and, side-note, give more warmth if I have survival mode on). 10: Currently, when I hold down the attack button with a spell the character "holds" the spell and only casts it when I release the button. Give players the option to switch between "hold mode" (the current mechanic), and "rapid fire mode", where holding down the mouse button keeps casting spells like firebolt over and over again (much faster than you can currently). 11: The longer I hold a spell while in "hold mode", the more damage it does, but if I hold it too long it begins to hurt me (basically sacrificing health for increased damage). All that without actually adding a single spell to the game...
@@batteredskullsummit9854 See I personally don’t like picking Altmer mainly for the role-playing aspect. For one… … the Thalmor… I ain’t siding with Tamriel’s equivalent of the Nazi party! 😂 (I always side with the Legion over the Stormcloaks, but still…) Two: the Dragonborn is very much a Nord hero, so it makes little sense IMO for a Mer to be given the dragonblood. Technically half the Septim emperors were more Imperial or even Breton than they were Nord, but I’ve only ever heard of one Mer being Dragonborn in all of Tamriel’s history, and she was a Dunmer. And three: I play with survival mode turned on, making Nords’ cold resistance almost essential!
If you have that much problem playing a mage, I have a solution for you: Altmer, first 5 lvls into magicka then next 4 into health. After that, do an 80/20 split of magicka/health respectively. With master destruction robes and enchanting, you can knock magicka costs down to 97% reduction as a base for offensive spells without exploits. In the AE Skyrim, even the expert level Elemental Blast spell only costs 1 Magicka base cost (so double if dual cast) and that can melt just about anything in a couple hits. If you use the new robes that give you Destruction/Alteration reduction, and enchants, you knock both down to 97% reduction in cost. So then use Paralysis (or Mass Paralysis on groups) and whatever your favorite Destruction spell is and literally nothing can touch you. Quiet Casting with Invisibility right into middle of enemies, Mass Paralysis, then a Master level Spell (either of ones or the new ones) and it’s bye bye enemies 😂
every time, "oh, this time I'll play a melee build, hmm, but I need a ranged option for dragons so let me grab a bow and now I'm a stealth archer"
Lightning magic? Oh wait.
I just use dragonrend
@@Pokefan3332 ahh yes, Dragonrend at lvl 15
Geez every time with every play through. Even in my magic user build.
@@eljefe485 Going to be a mage this time.
Conjuration/illusion build....quietly conjure bow....
The conjuration slander tho. I'll have you know, collecting flowers as my two dremora throw hands with a dragon while yelling profanities at it in the background is peak gameplay.
For real, my Conjuration playthroughs are always op
Hire Marcurio as a follower and you don't even need the dremora. He's such a good spell caster that he often clears out enemies before I can even reach them. lol
I actually combine these two as Bound Bow is the most OP and fun!
I am a foreign dignitary, these daedra are my escort.
Ah! There you are weakling!
This is like the Skyrim version of “why everything turns into crabs”.
It just works
Why does everything turn into mudcrabs?
So, here is a Giant Enemy Crab.
Shit, that's exactly what I wanted to comment :D
Crab? People?
It must be because of that satisfying “tung!” Sound on a sneak attack
It's an instant dopamine hit
You can take the bow away from an archer but you can't take the archer away from a bow
Me having the bound bow spell
Me when crossbow
I'm trying to remember in which game I saw a ballista shooting people.
Some of those could have been archers.
Elden Ring, right?
Can run around with a ballista and shoot what may as well be spears rather than arrows or bolts.
@@Velumbra I haven't played Elden Ring yet.
Also, I did mean a ballista that shoots people as projectile.
I think that's too over the top for ER vibe 😅
Im finally healed. I no longer fight reality. I just started right out as a stealth archer this time.
"healed" lol, it really paints the picture of the inner turmoil we face
Past me was upset at myself for keep falling into a rut with games and struggling to break habits and “play it correctly”.
Present me is embracing my ruts from the start because tbh they’re fun af.
Now I've got the rising urge to play as a drop-dead-gorgeous archery wood elf chick next time I play Skyrim. In fact, I should seriously get back on doing that again. Then add in some other stuff that can make *that* build a whole lot more dangerous (and hilarious!).
Playing anything else is painful because I have to purposefully avoid using the good stuff (bows) and force myself to use the terrible stuff (spells. I still can't bring myself to go 2-handed). Also, why would anyone stand up straight or ride a horse when you can crouch and a) be harder for enemies to see and b) get an early warning that "Hey, someone sees me. Are they hostile? Maybe I should back away, quicksave, and shoot them to find out."
Part of the problem with the stealth archer thing besides the suffering of trying to resist it and inevitably falling back into it at some point is that while it's satisfying for a while, I personally find it gets boring and too easy most of the time. When it's not easy it tends to swing too hard the other way and you're getting bonked in two hits by something that won't fucking die.
Everything you said is true and relevant, but Id argue there is another important reason for the rise of the stealth archer: safety. With stealth arching you are sneaking around in peace, choosing when to engage and dont have the stress of people hitting you, blocking or anything else. You are in control most of times. Which is a good thing for all the people who are not coming from action games.
the melee combat is also garbage, you can't reliably avoid hits because of the hitscan system and how all weapons have the same reach, but big enemies have more reach than you do.
@@shagword1149 that still doesn't sound fun to me
It's also the gameplay style that best suits the quicksave spam. Clear a room, save, rinse repeat
This safety also has another side benefit in the fact that it lets you completely disregard all survivability options, which means you can just invest even further into dealing damage. It's a self-reinforcing loop and arguably the optimal way.
You get the same result in terms of DPS as a character twice your level if all those extra levels were put into defensive perks.
Without the need for armor or healing, your inventory is a whole lot lighter and ready for more valuable loot.
Basically half the game just becomes a new source of money instead of an essential aspect of staying alive, and that freedom allows you to focus on things that let you punch way above your nominal level.
@@shagword1149longhammer with elemental fury. 2h hammer that becomes faster than 1handers because the longhammer has an inherent speed boost that doesnt count as an enchant for elemental fury.
Also the traps. Pickpocket. Sneaking in general. Pots with oil puddles under them. It was in fact inevitable.
Devs tend to underestimate the sheer impact that having lackluster melee combat has on other combat systems, it could be lobbing wet noodles at enemies but if the melee doesn't feel good enough players have a tendency to want to avoid it as much as possible roleplaying aside for obvious reasons.
my biggest issue with skyrim melee combat is how the camera jerks around everytime you do anything. that added with the fact you dont really have any way to tell if the enemy is in range of a swing, make the combat feel at best janky, and at worst nauseating.
It’s also pretty frustrating when you come face to face with a strong enemy in a small room and your attacks deal 10% of his health, while his attacks deal 60% of yours and are VERY hard to dodge. Sure, you can always go level up and come back later, but in the moment it practically feels like a difficulty softlock.
@@OvercroxStarted a new playthrough earlier last month, a Breton Sword and Shield character with a strong focus on restoration and alteration magic, because those are systems I've almost never engaged in in all the years I've played skyrim.
Master difficulty + Survival mode, early game genuinely sucked ass. I actively made myself never carry a bow, so the game sort of forced me into conjuration magic early on just so i could have a follower tank hits while i shield-bashed for ages and poked for 2% of enemy health bars. I do play lightly modded, mainly with a perk overhaul and magic mod because alteration and restoration are basic as all hell in vanilla pre-expert/master spell levels, but yeah. It sucked.
That said, mid-late game when you really get a big stamina bar and can balance shield bashing and endless CC, it's clunky but its good fun. I do still find myself needing to summon a frost atronach to tank every now and then, though, despite having a build dedicated to being a tank...
Hell, the main reason I got into Vermintide and later Darktide was because of how good the melee combat felt!
I actually don't dislike the melee combat that much. It's just not very practical going against the iconic enemy of the game being dragons and all.
How to stealth mage: Get the silent casting perk and cast mage light into a room full of enemies. Now that enemies are gathered around the ball of light, cast a frenzy spell into the group then start casting fire balls at the group as they fight each other.
Alternatively: get Invisibility, Dark Brotherhood gloves, and the perk that makes dagger sneak attacks deal 15x damage. You cast invisibility with one hand between each attack, guaranteeing you can sneak attack, and then stab with your dagger in the other hand to deal 30x damage. It's the highest damage build in the game, and automatically kills anything!
@@normal6483FINALLY! Someone else who appreciates daggers+invisibility
this sounds like a lot of fun😂
Alternately, throw whatever explosions you want, then cast harmony and pretend you were being stealthy the whole time
And if you're low on mana you can pull out a bow and- *goddamnit*
And the entire poison mechanic is PERFECT for using with a bow! Putting paralysing poison on your bow is so OP its hilarious!
It's a blast haha. If this was a longer video I think I'd have talked more about how the other Skills and systems in the game support the combat styles, and the alchemy -> archery path is really good, I think.
Try using exploit alchemy enchantment and Smithing so you can kill every single enemy
@@ThaneBishop go for it. people watch 8 hour videos about these lol
If you're able to see a poson effect caused by an arrow, you're doing it wrong
Stealth Archery = Instagib
Came here to say this. Also, the fun of Alchemy is that it gives you another thing to do (collecting ingredients) while you are wandering around the world. I ended up using silenced-scoped rifles in Starfield too which felt a lot like stealth-archer.
"With up to as many blades equipped as your hands number" is the most elaborate way of phrasing this idea, and I look forward to using it frequently in the near future whenever appropriate.
"Maybe even a second one if you're feeling particularly handsy" is also going into the hotkey shortlist.
Eh, if glaives existed in skyrim, you could have twice as many blades as you do hands.
tl;dw stealth archer is inevitable because it avoids the janky combat
Cap of all my years of playing Skyrim I’ve never down a stealth archer build 😂
@@alexochoa918 then you have more tolerance for janky combat than most ig
@@alexochoa918 That's impressive, I love summoning minions and so my first playthrough started with conjuration. Then, as in the video, I learned to summon a bow...
@@vytautaszygelis1106 I love roleplaying games, but hate skyrim. I think saying that "oh if you dont like skyrim you probably like shooters and strategy games" is a bit dismissive. Skyrim does have some cool atmosphere, but in terms of mechanical depth it's beaten out by almost every other rpg in it's class. The Witcher 3, Dark Souls (as mentioned), Fallout New Vegas, etc. I think Skyrim has some cool ideas but like with the rest of bethesda's catalogue after morrowind, is surface level at best with little to offer.
@@CErra310's the stuffing it full with mods. Or exploiting the hell ou of it.
Why stealth archery is the most common playstyle :
- Because at early levels, it allows you to win fights you otherwise wouldn't be able to.
- Because the stealth skill level pretty fast and give you a huge damage boost quite early.
- Because at higher levels, it is still one of the most efficient way to one shot weak enemies, or deal massive damage to stronger enemies before having to properly engage with them.
- Because shooting at stuff with a cool slowmo kill cam is more fun than going into a wetnoodle slapping contest, or using a magic system that makes you ask "why does every NPC spellcasters seem to use a magic system 10x more powerfull than mine ?". Stealth is overpowered, but it also feel like the least jank combat playstyle of the game.
- Because the fantasy of the stealthy "they're dead without ever seeing me" guy is appealing to a lot of people.
You just have to be willing to explore the game with a reduced walking speed most of the time...
Because due to how leveling in Skyrim works, the game forces you into whatever playstyle you chose early one as you would have only stealth and archery leveled up against tougher enemies. Taking on level 15 enemies with 10 in one handed is a bit problematic.
I ran with a mod that disabled the kill cam because the damn kill cam calulates the start of the trajectory path of ranged attacks from somwhere between the player's feet and their knees to some random point betwen nose and knees on the target. Had the kill cam shove too many shots, both with archery and the "bolt" spells", into berms, ledges or between the legs of what I was aiming at.
Honestly this is some wussy shit. Bad video. Bad players. Sword and board forever.
When you level up stealth enough, it also moves just as fast as standing up. As a result, there is no reason to pass through an area where you might assume enemies to be without crouching because there is basically no penalty
The kill cam is pretty epic when it works properly. As for winning fights you shouldn’t, the playstyle definitely helped me use my potion reserves a bit less, and I almost never have to fall back on my stockpile of food items. I also remember one time where I glitched out the guard AI by standing on a support beam directly above them in a shop and taking out like 6 of them. The playstyle even lets you kill Heimskr without being sliced apart if you can position yourself correctly.
When you're crouching holding a bow, your form somewhat resembles that of a crab, the penultimate shape that evolution seems to favor...
Stealth Crab, ultimate playstyle
@@zehkiel8018stealth ranged crab comrade
The 2nd last shape?
what's the final stage then?
@@stevbe1723I suspect poster in question is unaware penultimate refers to the second to last...
I love that you explained so clearly why the sneak archer is everyone's favorite way to play.
it was pretty funny seeing you talk about how magic causes you to accidentally attack friends and then watch you kill an npc while trying to shoot a bear. Definitely done that multiple times
I want you to know that behind that clip was like 5 or 6 minutes of me in the editing bay torn between 'this shot of me killing a person by accident definitely devalues my point', and, 'this shot of me killing a person by accident is hilarious.'
@@ThaneBishop Glad you kept it in, made me chuckle while watching.
Yes, my last replay I attempted a mage. I killed Faendal in the 1st hour, repeatedly, until I gave up reloading my last save.
Then Janessa. Many times over again. Same story of reloading prev save to avoid but ….. Oh and poor Marcurio. I eventually got Mjol cause she is essential character…. I think.
Lost count of times I killed also citizens while trying to kill a dragon. More reloads. 🙄. Never had these issues as an archer or even a two handed axe fighter. My mage is now using rather often a bow. And magic when safe to use on enemies only….
@@franglais-riders Same thing goes for shouts most of the time. I normally play melee builds, then I start going for stealth kills which eventually leads to me using a bow lol.
@@franglais-riders Maybe just don't use companions?
Stealth archery in skyrim simply comes at no opportunity cost. You have to actively TRY to not do it.
If you are sneaky it's a great way to kill any target you need to kill without taking risk.
If you aren't it's still a great way to engage combat getting a few free shots.
If you are a ranged combatant you'd rather start by sneaking.
If you are a melee combatant a bow will still help you against dragons.
If you are a melee combatant you have no reason to rush headfirst into melee against other melee combatant you can just pummel them with arrows and wait for them to switch to your melee weapon.
If you use magic it's still optimal to have a bow to launch your first attack before you start using magicka since it doesn't consumes your main ressource.
If you use magic it's still optimal to have a bow in case you run out of magic while it regenerates.
Basically having a bow is the path of least resistance and is always an option that is there at pretty much no cost. So yeah everyone ends up doing it naturally unless they're doing a challenge run. Playing without a bow in skyrim is like playing dark souls without an estus flask, you can but the reason is going to be internal not external.
I've never had a desire to be a stealth archer unless that's what I decided to be before starting a new playthrough. My first character was a Spellsword. As the role-player that I am I did not deviate from that. My second was a Nightblade, which is stealth+dagger/sword. My third character was similar, except she was more of a stealth-mage.
Most of my recent characters have been heavy armour characters, which makes it difficult to be stealthy. If I'm a paladin or knight I might have a bow or a crossbow, but remember these are very honour-based builds. Starting combat by pummeling the enemy from far away with arrows is NOT honourable.
@@Aewon84 Yeah so that's what I'm saying, you actively tried, you set yourself internal roleplay limitations on how you were allowed to play that character.
Nothing here is guided by the game design, it's your personal drive to roleplay those characters that pushed you away from stealth archery but it was still the path of least resistance, just one you chose not to take.
I can tell you with confidence that every single one of those character would have been stronger if you added a bow to the mix and crouched from time to time. Even the heavily armored character (especially the heavily armored character actually).
It's not a criticism of what you decided to go for, it's fine to roleplay in a roleplaying game, it's just a shame that roleplaying ends up basically amounting to playing a challenge run rather than being helped by the game.
I dunno, I built a unga bunga two hand heavy armor nord and never once needed to open with a bow. It was objectively the fastest I've ever bashed, slashed, and bodied my way through skyrim. I also got rich really fucking fast, because I just did not care about all the other classes of gear, and put zero effort into crafting.
@@XahnelI mean you don't *need* a bow, it just has no opportunity cost, that doesn't mean you need it.
The game is overall not that hard so yeah you can play pretty much anything.
At higher difficulty though having a range option helps a lot but that's also cause the way bethesda does difficulty is basically the worst way to do it.
Bear in mind I'm not saying being a specialized stealth archer has no opportunity cost, I'm specifically saying, having a bow and arrows and doing a sneak attack with it when given the opportunity doesn't. Becoming a specialized stealth archer kinda just tend to happen from there because of how the leveling works and the fact that you don't need anything else to take out your ennemies after some time.
I DON'T have to actively try to not do it because doing the same thing over and over is something that NPCs do
When i play rpg games i want do have different experiences . Now i know Skyrim is mostly action adventure and not a real rpg but I'm not going to play the same game for hours and hours doing the same thing
I don't care my build is weaker than le funny stealth archer. Being obsessed with meta in a single player rpg/ action adventure is lame
So good that when Fallout 4 came out I immediately went for that game’s equivalent of the stealth archer, the sneaky sniper
yes...same for was Skyrim that got me into the "take a few shots inflict as much DPS as ya can/dip out and vanish them look for you....pick em off...very satisfying game mechanic rather it be bow or rifle...also like the Thief aspect of water arrows and drugged...they end up killing each other while you watch...when ya jump down onto the last one from above? his health is so low by then? battle completed. Loot is solid. stealth video game tactics make me feel like Satan toying with humanity....its a hobby.
It doesn't hurt that FO4 launched with sneaky sniper literally being broken if you got MacCready's headshot perk.
It’s just the smartest option lol
@@Rammettmy guy I’m gonna have to forbid you from using “…” every again. You’ve been real naughty with it and clearly don’t know how to properly use it.
Archery is also the only form of combat that didn't have a belt sander taken to it to "streamline" the experience. In previous Elder Scrolls games you were able to build custom spells and consequently most people who discovered the system used magic leading to it being the most popular. After Morrowind melee was streamlined to what we have now and after Oblivion magic was given the same treatment. So of course the only style of combat that didn't get hit like this was popular.
I remember one playthrough. I told myself that this time I'd be a spell sword. Well, the bound weapons happen to be particularly strong for most of the game. So, I run off and hunt down the spell for single sword.
"While I'm at it, might as well get bound bow. It'll be a while before I have good ranged spells."
I don't need to explain the rest. You all know what happens from here lol.
As a stealth archer addict, investing a bit in those kind of spells is good for if an enemy gets to you before you dispatch it. Once it gets up close, blasting it with simultaneous flames and sword slashes is a lot better than keeping the bow out.
@@superhappygamer1162 nah. fus roh dah and keep the bow out
If you're boring
Bound bow infinite arrows, and when you have the perk that's lets you soulbind souls to soulstones.
One of my biggest pet peeves is magic that doesn't scale with level. As a developer it's so freaking easy to include level in the damage calculation. Just take the HP of the 1st act monsters and the HP of the end game monsters to determine your multiplier. There is absolutely no excuse why we should still be having these problems in 2024. There are games today where magic still doesn't scale with level. It's mind-boggling.
The game kind of conditions you to be an archer when you really think about it. Helgen basically acts as the tutorial level of the game. When going through Helgen, there’s no real defined way of doing it, no playstyle that you’re told to adopt in order to succeed…until the end of the dungeon. Right after you get past the frostbite spiders, standing in the way of you and the exit to the cave is a sleeping bear. Both Hadvar and Ralof will tell you that they’d rather not fight the bear and would rather sneak past it. But they say that if you’re feeling lucky you could take a bow and catch her by surprise. Then they literally hand you a bow and arrows. So right there the game basically straight up tells you that if you come across a powerful enemy that you can’t handle in open combat, you should sneak and use a bow. The game doesn’t tell you to pick up a greatsword and use it or use a sword and shield, that’s just something that you try yourself, but the game flat out tells you that sneaking and bows are effective. So that strategy is planted in our minds right there at the end of the tutorial and it holds true for your entire playthrough. For a new player, that sort of guaranteed safety and success would condition them to adopt that particular style of play going forward. It’s low risk and very effective. It’s also a low maintenance build that doesn’t require much to work well. You focus on two skill trees, Sneak and Archery, that’s it. Anything else is just icing on the cake. For a melee build you would have to focus on your weapon skill tree, armor, block, smithing, etc. Stealth Archer is so simple yet so powerful that any other style of play is really just rendered obsolete by comparison.
stealth archer + bound bow = a stealth archer with summon backups to distract the enemy, that also never needs to carry a bow or arrows for a LARGE amount of the game.
Funnily enough, i didn't understand English enough to understand that Hadvar/Ralof told me to use the bow and sneak back when I first played Skyrim. I ended up smacking the bear with a sword and melee the whole fight. Made it alive but barely 😂
Not really. At the beginning of the keep they both tell you to get warrior gear, Ralof even tells you to give the axe a few swings. Are you "being conditioned" to be a warrior? In the torture room, they tell you to unlock the cage with the mage gear and get anything useful. Hell, right after that there's your first oil slick that you can light with flames to kill the archers. Are you "being conditioned" to be a mage? At the bear they tell you you can sneak by or attack. The game flat out tells you throughout Helgen Keep that there are multiple way of playing. Warrior, Mage, Archer, stealth. You aren't being conditioned to be anything, you're being shown the last of the options they haven't introduced yet.
The only people that fall into constantly playing stealth archer are people that can't even handle Bethesda's weak ass combat without playing in the easiest way possible.
@@jackmars931that was a pretty good argument until you got to the end and it just turned into an exercise to validate feeling better than everyone else for not playing a stealth archer
I think the fact that dragons fly is also important here. They are usually your toughest enemy and tend to stay in the air blasting you until they are wounded sufficiently to land. This makes bows essential when fighting them and leaves melee fighters running around on the ground getting zapped until they croak.
Consider: lightning spells
They don't need to be wounded to land, if you just run around in an open area for a while dodging their flames/frost then they will land and you can punch them
@@bluemountain4181 Perhaps... I wouldn't know because my character is always dead before the landing stage.
@@iainsan Play as a Khajiit, dual wield the healing spell. Run around healing yourself until the dragon lands within clawing range and then scratch them to death, MEOOOOWWWW!!!!!
Dragons are no match for the angry kitty!
(But although fun at first this playstyle does get boring because every fight is the same)
or... you can ward yourself from their breath or use Dragon Rend to force them to land.
And then there’s me and my friend, who can’t find the fun in being an archer at all
Right? People talk about Skyrim’s unsatisfactory combat. And then sit in a dark corner and pelt NPCs who legally aren’t allowed to notice you with insta-kill darts. How is that fun?
The allure for me, regarding stealth archery, and most forms connected to thievery in Skyrim tbh, is that sensation of being smart about it, in Dark Souls, you go “mano a mano” against your opponents, but TES has a built in ecosystem of “living” individuals going about their lives, and you’re specialising in outsmarting them all, being pickpocketing, stealth offing etc, you disrupt the ecosystem for your own benefits, without them even realising what happened, and of course, stealth archery being the strongest build only feedback loops the power fantasy behind it.
Something that I did that made Skyrim melee combat way more fun, was that I got a mod which disabled the reduction of player damage when you increase the difficulty, because a big issue with turning up the difficulty in Bethesda games is that you feel like you're fighting with nerf guns and pool noodles. After doing that it meant that I can kill enemies in just a few hits, but they also kill me in a few hits, so it becomes more intense and you have to use strategy, but you can still be aggressive and go on the offensive unlike the vanilla game on high difficulties where you just have to resort to cheesing the game.
Now don't get me wrong, it's not something that "fixes" the combat in every way, it's still a far cry from games like Dark Souls or Mordhau (I love that system I wish we had that in an elder scrolls game so bad), but it's at least fun, which is enough for me.
I've played with a similar mod for Better Legendary, where Legendary difficulty increases all damage done by 300%. It doesn't fix the clunky melee combat, but it does add a whole lot of extra intensity. Was really fun for a playthrough
Fixed palyer/npc damage is one thing, but the best mod to improve melee combat is TK Hitstop. It is so simple: it adds a ~20th of a second delay whenever your melee attack connects. It makes melee hits feels so damn satisfying.
The vermintide and darktide games have some of the best melee combat if you like good melee grab vermintide 2 on sale it's really worth it in my opinion
@@BigMonteyoh yes. Vermintide is fantastic.
That mod sounds awesome. I had the same complaint about the higher difficulties.
“I am a stealth archer, like my father before me.” - Luke Stealthwalker
"So be it... stealth archer." *tries to kill Luke with lightning spell before immediately dying to a stealthy arrow in the back from his father*
Luke Stealthwalker is a name I didn't think I *needed* to hear.
@@TheAster24 Luke Stealtharrow perhaps?
1:36 My brain is so fried, I genuinely expected him to say "You're finally woke" 💀
Finally a woke ?
General Tullius, the Throat Goat awaits"
@one_vegan_boi1097 BASED.
School was uphill... BOTH WAYS!
Why are we edging? End of the grind.
lmao minding my own business watching a skyrim video and my own thumbnail shows up
I'm not freaking out. I'm not freaking out. I'm an adult, who's totally chill, and in control.
Holy shit man I love your work, this is great, and I'm freaking out just a little bit.
@@ThaneBishop thanks dude :) dig your video!!
@@jonathanymusicYo random Jonathan appearance, heck yeah
@@jonathanymusic oh wow, jonathan in the wild!
Wait when?! I missed it
I cannot believe anyone mentioned the Ranger's Apprentice in 2024, I loved those books and hardly meet anyone who's read them.
Dude same. Pretty sure I let out an audible gasp when he mentioned those books lol. I was absolutely in love with that series. I made a ranged pure on RuneScape because I wanted to be like Halt and Will, and then Skyrim came out and played a stealth archer and never looked back.
I love those books as well and even now Flanagan is making more so more content on the way :D
Literally my favorite book series was so suprised to hear it's name
oh man i was so happy to find someone else that read those books
Love this little group we have here! It’s been so long since I’ve come across people that know and love rangers apprentice
Worth noting: Because arrows have no carry weight and can be sold, they are effectively also money. So it's a good idea to pick up every arrow you find even if you're not going to use them.
This also applies to all types of ammunition in the Fallout games, which is worth keeping in mind because at some point you're probably going to have more .38 rounds than you have caps. Same thing goes for pre-war money, which I find hilarious, because they have a base value of ten caps (eight in FO4) and can be used to directly purchase other items via bartering. Meaning that even in the apocalyptic wasteland centuries after the fall of the United States, the US dollar is _still_ a more valuable currency than caps.
If I remember correctly without any skills in speech iron arrows give 0 golds
@@jumi9342 Sure, but you'll probably level up speech eventually and there's no reason to not pick them up in the meantime.
I don't think pre-war money is more valuable - the stuff you're selling for ten caps is a whole stack of money, not a single sheet.
@@steamvyrus6249 True, but mechanically speaking it's one item and in the context of bartering it makes no sense to consider them stacks. Anyway, I still think it's funny since they're considered clutter/scrap.
also, one of the devs worked on a stealth game before skyrim and transferred a lot of the same mechanics, thats why stealth is OP
I see the appeal of the stealth archer as its was my first skyrim build ever, but personally i think battle mage is the most slept on in the game while being the best way to play. its the most versatile and the most interesting imo because you can do one handed melee while also fully experiencing the magic system which is the most diverse feature in the game. Plus when you're alchemy, enchanting, and smithing are high level along with your combat skills you feel like a deity even in highest difficulties. Also anniversary mode adds cool new spells and you can really use every kind of magic as a battle mage, including using spells like muffle with dagger to play a stealth mage even stronger than a normal assassin or archer. Plus you dont need a bow for dragons because you have ranged magic and summons and if you're smart, a follower that also has ranged magic and summons, or a bow. Melee by itself can be boring I agree but melee mixed with magic has alot more depth and combinations than any of the other playstyles.
"Magic can go f*** itself. Mages don't know how to sneak."
I'm aware you were mostly referring to sneak bonuses, but illusion magic. Archery certainly helps, but the illusion tree is primarily how I'm able to play Skyrim on the maximum difficulty. I don't need a damage bonus when I can frenzy a room full of enemies, hide with invisibility, and watch in amusement as they kill each other.
Yeah, this video way undersells the utility of Illusion magic. If fury isn't your way, you can also just use mass calm and stroll through the dungeon collecting anything you want. The only real downside to Illusion magic is that it's quite a while before your spells will work on undead or dwarven automatons.
@@irrevenant3it underselling most things, it makes fundamentally disingenuous points about archery alternatives in order to elevate its own point. It does this because the answer is simple: the game is a much smoother and more enjoyable experience as an archer.
@@irrevenant3 The other downside of illusion is that at very high levels the spells just don't work anymore on certain opponents. If the spells work you are a god, If they don't work you need to figure out another way to deal with your enemies. You can boost the effectivness of illusion spells by being a vampire or using potions but drinking potions every time your spell fails is not exactly engaging gameplay
@@jonaslinterMostly I don't play to super-high level (I like playing different builds and, once you reach high enough level, you kind of just end up with all the everything). But also the spells max out pretty darn high. Googling says, dual-casting with max perks, without potions, Illusion caps out at lvl79 for Frenzy, lvl83 for Calm, and lvl88 for Fear (that's for human opponents - it's more like 60-80 for non-humans). There's very few enemies that are higher level than that.
@@irrevenant3 Hmm. I might have misremembered this. I was pretty sure that being a vampire was the way to make illusion viable versus high level enemies. Perhaps I just never bothered to dual cast illusion spells :)
Stealth makes it so that enemies move around less before you attack them, which only makes it easier to leverage your bow's precision. Other fighting styles not only fail to have this synergy, but actually conflict with themselves. Shield-bashing an enemy in the middle of an attack results in a SHORTER stagger animation, meaning you're actually punished for properly timing your bashes. Melee stealth does a bit more damage but is ultimately a lot harder to accomplish since detection is range-based. Power attacking feels bad because it locks you in place yet has very little feedback on the enemy's side beyond damage numbers, and the stagger it inflicts is random
_laughs invisibly in 30x backstab DMG modifier_
"a bit" more damage?
@@occultnightingale1106 Dont forget to skill *Block Runner* this way you can sneak around faster XD
This video is now the official meeting place of Stealth Archers Anonymous.
Greeting fellow adventurer
Are stealth archers ever *not* anonymous?
I'll make the coffee...
I don't know about that. I only use archery as secondary weapon. Having range option is good for any builds. There is not much investment or perk skill required to spent to use compared to magic. Well unless I am Mage then I don't need bow to begin with.
Does it include "archers" from other games? In more modern games I still end up with sniper rifle with silencer on it, shooting from some dark corner in hi-tech chameleon armor.
Dude, Ranger's Apprentice was my favorite series growing up. Flanagan actually gave a talk at my middle school, and I got some books signed.
I think stealth archery is inevitable because no matter what kind of combat you focus on, it just makes good tactical sense to start each fight with a ranged ambush from stealth and then switch to your main weapon of choice.
This. That initial arrow is totally free in most cases. If they don't find you, so is the second. There is no practical reason NOT to start every fight with a stealth shot.
And I also blame Bethesda’s janky combat where you’re always taking insane damage from the most luscious of cases to where it just stops being fun to do sword and shield after a certain point.
Because the bandit lord that barely has anything on, has more resistance to your melee weapons while looking like an actual Conan model.
Not always true. A strong ambush can be a high-damage backstab, as opposed to a medium damage snipe. If you play a sneak-thief, as the guards call you, you should have plenty of damage at your disposal in melee combat.
@@void1895 sadly unless modded, a lot of enemies will still see you sneaking to them, as they are almost everytime in a cave turned towards exit.
@@GhostAeonWolf illusion spells and high stealth don’t care
It’s an incomprehendable amount of time in the future, the universe is nearing heat death, time is understood to be finite rather than infinte.
The last moments of the smallest particles make their dying motions, a new stealth archer in Skyrim sneaks past the bear under Helgen.
possibly the best comment on any youtube vid
when i read this i heard Werner Herzog's voice the wholetime.. it works
nice poem
Don't need to sneak past. Frost Spider venom and a stealth shot combine to kill it without it reaching you if you're not playing on "everything is a damage sponge".
I suddenly realized I haven't played a stealth archer for the longest time, because my game is modded to Aetherius and back, and a handful of those mods make base Skyrim look positively pre-Cambrian. Timed blocking, stamina management, extra/more differentiating perks for weapons and elemental spells, support for unarmed play...
...and your vid made me realize it was mostly bringing melee and magic up to _parity_ with archery.
skyrim's one of my favorite games. i actully waited six months after it came out to even attempt playing it because it was *NOT* my first bethesda game and ...bethesda games without mods go from borderline unplayable to gamebreaking unplayable (because of bugfixes that modders have to do or players have to find workaround solutions for) and then you get to the actual game and you want to be a mage and if modders haven't been working on improving or giving nuance to the systems themselves, it kinda just...feels very bad. so yeah. i'm a lot like you here lol
Cambria 🇨🇦😍♥️♥️
@@lethaldream50 disagree. Maybe that goes with Skyrim, but Morrowind has one of the best, most complete and complex magic systems in any game
Archery is all about immersion. Archery in Skyrim connents to real world hand-eye coordination, where your own skill at using a controller or mouse+keyboard has a direct link to the game. Archery is thus way more immersive than button mashing mele weapons or fireballs. Stealth also involves more strategy and spatial awareness, again increasing immersion.
I think it was inadvertent, but happened because the *Thief* devs working on TESV just couldn’t help but bias the game towards stealth. It has its own vibe and I love it.
This would mean that the actual developers would have an influence on what they're doing but that's just not the case as we've learned over the last decade. Being a working level developer at Bethesda means "Do what you're told, it doesn't matter if what you're told is braindead gibberish"
@@Oroberus tbf pre Skyrim Bethesda had less than a 100 people working on compared to the 450 now
@@victormanyeruke9997 That's absolutely correct and this isn't a thing that always 'was this way' but it is a thing that started to happen during the development of Oblivion
The last title that wasn't just 'generic lazy shovelware' by Bethesda themself was indeed Morrowind.
This extends to the degrees that even the 'good' things they did post Oblivion are mostly not done by themself but done by other studios they purchased or subcontracted and then took over. The gun play of Fallout 4 f.e. isn't something Bethesda did, it's just a carbon cop of id Softwares Gunplay and especially Fallout 4 is a great example of their 'dumped down' approach to gaming and especially RPGs
It was a steady decline, starting with Oblivion
@@Oroberusmorrowind is to an enjoyable gameplay experience what scraping your genitals with a cheese grater is to masturbation.
@@Oroberus they would have some influence, they might have put more effort into stealth mechanics other than magic or warrior mechanics
Me : I'm going to be a necromage this time!
Me an hour later : **putting points into the perk for 3x sneak damage for archery**
I might be alone here but I've actually primarily played alot of Necromancy builds for last couple years of playing
"Oh I am already investing in conjuration, I could use the bound bow" - ends up becoming a bound bow stealth archer
Part of it, is that even tho the combat is janky, they got the feel of archery right, and it feels so good.
Also enchanting armor you CAN get spell cost down to zero for magic, which basically means unlimited destruction
@@hengineerUnlimited, but still entirely useless in vanilla skyrim
@@vtubersubs3803 you're seriously just going around necroposting to childishly hate a 13 year old game huh
@@jarlbalgruuf2415 >necroposting
>less than a month apart
As a mount and blade archer I always feel skyrim archery is shallow
7:01 imagine not realizing you can break someone’s guard by bashing from block with ANY weapon.. lol
Also you can sweep step to hit everyone or back word swing to stagger or the running power hit to stun enemy
Not only that, the sparring system in the game is quite simple but also complex.
Blocking will block a light attack, but a power attack of any kind will break their guard and stagger them greatly. Bash blocks will block power attacks. It’s the ABC of melee Skyrim.
RANGERS APPRENTICE DUDE!! I can’t believe you mentioned that in the video lol, that series is so niche and absolutely incredible. I looooved it
My thoughts exactly! I was looking for someone else who would mention it it’s top 3 series ever for me
I fucking LOVED Rangers Apprentice as a kid, I was obsessed with fictional archers and I did archery as a youngun
Yeah, hearing that series name-dropped was *very* nice. So underrated.
10 years, and I've heard about it once
Yes! Loved those books growing up!
Another point is that there are no penalties for shooting in melee. Even if the enemy closes the gap you can still use a bow effectively
Bow has a built in bash
When you mentioned there was only one kind of bow it threw me because I’ve been using a mod that expands Skyrim’s weapons and skills for so long I forgot that there wasn’t variety in the weapons. I’m so used to having my longbows to enhance the strength and distance of my stealth archery and then having to switch to my shortbows when the enemy gets too close. I basically forgot what normal Skyrim was so… limited in the weapons and skills.
I wasn’t aware that there were stealth archery guides, especially since it’s so easy and natural to gravitate to that a guide seems redundant.
It’s hilarious because I have never completed a stealth archer build. I’ve competed literally dozens of playthroughs, both modded and even a couple modless. Never a stealth archer.
Its time
My schoolmate was the model for Ranger's Apprentice. The writer was local to my hometown. Good dude. We gave him so much shit for it but It's nice to hear you enjoyed it.
Bro 😂 that book series was my life as a 14 year old kid. I read every single one I could get a hold on.
@@michaelroos7944 You should take a look at the series now there are a ton of spin offs
Been so long since I thought about the ranger's apprentice. Sad my dad kept my copies from me when I moved out.
I'll admit I liked the brotherband chronicles a bit more back then. Don't know if that would hold up on a reread now.
Read that series (all of them 1-13) like 5 times 😭😭😭
i absolutely loved ranger's apprentice and brotherband as a kid they were awesome to me. in hindsight i think they were pretty silly in a lot of ways, the stories and themes are excessively simple, everything is exaggerated to extremes, and they paint a very historically inaccurate picture of things that fall for a lot of misconceptions or stereotypes, so once you grow up they stop being quite as good. but for a young teen who loves reading they're definitely great, i would definitely like to own a little shaggy horse called tug and ride around at the speed of sound stopping bad guys with my flawless archery, indestructible weeb knives and a camo cloak so good i can just waltz past people undetected if i flap my arms right
Cut scenes may not be gameplay, but the German Suplex kill animation is sick af.
That's the one exception. Suplex kill cam is peak gameplay for skyrim.
Ahh yes, the primordial human urge to throw sticks at things while hiding in bushes.
I have never had a stealth archer build. Basically have always been a sword and shield build. I should try it
Turning off the targeting reticle (and sneak eye) makes archery in Skyrim so much more satisfying.
You should try Kingdom Come Deliverance then.
It's archery system uses no reticle and makes it much more challenging
Yo did u see the KCD2 reveil trailer?@vincentd2582
@@vincentd2582 almost as challenging as English, eh?
@@hah-vj7hcthere is nothing wrong with their comments or their English. are you taking the piss?
You MAY think alteration is weaksauce support magic. That's until you learn that the paralysis skills invalidate like 95% of all combat in Skyrim, turning it into hacking on helpless, frozen opponents.
As a Mage player myself, it is so much easier to put a "paralyze for 1 sec" enchant on a melee weapon than using the expensive spell. Especially when combined with the 5 sec standing up animation
@@jackrabbitgee6641 With enough magic regen you can cast it near infinitely. And with a few buffs they lie on ground for half a minute. And it also has near infinite range so you don't even need to get in melee. Just paralyze everything from afar and wait until your dremora lords finish the job.
@theshinken definitely true but the pure disrespect of using my Legendary Iron Dagger of Tripping to cheese a Draugr Deathlord cannot be overstated
@@jackrabbitgee6641 That's true. The ultimate disrespect xD
Similar I feel is the "Impact" perk. I still don't know how Dualcasting an adept-level spell meaning I can stunlock a dragon for as long as I have MP (and having a load of things that lower MP costs and having the backup of the dragon shout) but I remember being baffled it was considered fair game.
I think another aspect is the fact that Skyrim has no hard defined limits on classes. You are free from beginning to end to engage in combat the way you like. Like you said, the tangible benefits to stealth archery are so immediately apparent, that even if you're sunk deep in melee or magic you're free to choose the more reliable option at any point in the game.
Yeah, I myself usually don't go for "builds" so to speak aside from focusing more on magic because it's cool to just dual cast destruction spells at point blank range and obliterate enemies before they can hit me. I just kinda dabble in whatever kind of play style works best for the situation. Granted, I've never actually made it that far in the game (I keep picking it up only to leave it for a while and start over again) but yeah, stealth archery is generally pretty easy and fun for me, so I just do that when I get to a new area with enemies, provided I have the space and line of sight, until I get spotted before switching between spells and different weapons when my magika needs to recharge.
dude its crazy we have such a similar introduction to the series. i was randomly showed the game by a friend and he gave me his disk. i had always thought skyrim was a mech game for some reason so i ended up instantly falling in love. the disk was stained with something im not sure how it could still be read but it ended up breaking around 6 months later and i traded a couple games in for it at gamestop
about the magic system I think one interesting thing is that it's actually a great system that happens to have been made by the least imaginative people on the planet which is depressing. With mods skyrim has the best magic of any game ever. There is so much potential for complex utility spells or varied summons, I've had spells that build ice walls, spells that create a vortex, localized hailstorms, spells that mark my opponent so I can track them through walls, spells that infest my target and summon spider if I kill them, there is just a lot of potential and while the lack of scaling can also be fixed with mods it's also not such a big deal when the spells do more than just deal damage.
Having the option to dualcast or use different spells in both hands is also great. But again there could be real depth here if they just thought about doing more than just basic spells. You could have spells that combo with each other, or dualcast that alter the nature of the spell rather than "more damage but cost more".
It's just so frustrating because the elements for a great system are there but the actual spells are boring af.
I'll say the same thing about shouts. I used to play with a mod that would make every shout have an individual cooldown rather than a global one. And while it sounds busted and kinda is, it's just so much fun to actually just switch around between your shouts and use various different effect, and you really feel your power grow as you unlock more shouts, rather than stick to a few dominant shouts because using your cooldown on the other ones is just not worth it. And it gets even better with again, mods that add more interesting shouts to the game.
I hate how good modded skyrim can get because it really shows that the game didn't have a fundamental barrier to doing those systems well, they just weren't interested in actually delivering a deep experience.
Are you by any chance talking about ordinator perk mods?
And yes the vanilla system is mediocore at best and destruction is a bad joke.
Best magic system in any game ever?
Mods make it darn good, I love Midas and apocalypse with ordinator.
But someone has never played dragon's dogma and it shows.
@@yourface2464 I haven't indeed.
Looked it up and the spells are definitely miles better than vanilla skyrim though I still think you can do some better stuff with modded skyrim, in particular there was a distinct lack of utility and scenery altering magic. But it looks cool for sure.
I was also kinda going for hyperbole out of frustration haha, I'm sure there are some games with great magic but skyrim wasted potential in vaniilla pisses me off
@@Laezar1 I think it's good when someone can admit to frustrated hyperbole, so thanks for doing that.
_maybe_ its one of the better first person magic systems out there, but lots of third person games have done way better.
When 20,000 years of stealth archer epigenetic DNA sneaks into your builds
One reason I think archery has such a strong draw is that it rewards skill. There is a LITTLE bit of skill in melee, but mostly it's just a numbers game. You swing until they die. You block when you see them swinging at you. But if you try to side step an attack? Nope! The AI automatically follows you. They can turn on a dime and hit you anyway. Magic is even worse. You just hold down or spam a button until they die or you run out of magicka. Meanwhile, with archery, you have to time your shots, take into account gravity as it pulls the arrow down, as well as your own elevation compared to your enemy's. It's very satisfying when you see an enemy walking by in the distance and you nail them in the head.
Nothing in Skyrim combat feels white as satisfying as when you use archery to one shot an enemy that seemed just a liiiiitle too far away to be possible, having to aim leagues above their head to do so.
I would say skill make a massive impact on melee, but it doesn't feel as rewarding.
Managing exact distance, just-barely-dodges in between strikes, instantly powering through guards and minding stamina levels is a much more involved process than archery is. It just still doesn't feel very good.
Archery is arguably more punishing for those that lack skill though.
@@neerGdyahS That's why people do archery in stealth though. It is significantly less punishing that way. Slowing time on a stationary target that doesn't notice you and x3 damage.
@@SaerBear5 There you are, intensely focused on the screen, doing Galaxy-Brain levels of calculations to try and line up your shot, hoping you can at least get the arrow close enough that you can adjust for your next shot, when suddenly the game turns cinematic and you watch as the arrow flies through the air like the finger of a god and the NPC goes flying as you hear the sound alert for a successful Sneak Attack.
And then the game trains you to feel a rush of Good Chemicals whenever that happens, only to edge you so hard when the target just...walks out of the way.
Always great to hear someone praise Ranger's Apprentice out in the wild
The moment Ranger's Apprentice was mentioned I knew this was gonna be a good video.
That Ranger's Apprentice mention alone got you a new sub, my dude. I loved those books and Flanagan's writing so much, I decided to shift gears in what I was studying in College and get into publishing, editing and writing myself.
I also loved your sense of humor here, all the little editing details and such, so there's that too.
As someone that grew up with the books I was astonished to hear anyone else talk about it. I read and owned the books growing up but even here in Australia it was never massive. I still look up when stuck because people seldom tend to look up.
I've never heard anyone else talk about those books until today! I loved those books, I think I read the first 8 or so, and the first book of the spin off series
Definitely reinforced my love of bows, stealth, rangers, and assassins as a kid getting into RPGs for the first time
@@theherooffire007 Ranger's Apprentice was my all time favorite honestly in my young adults. It's like it took all my favorite ranger tropes and expanded them
it was a great series till they killed off alyssa for no reason then to kill her off and ruin will
@@Maddogg500 It was more upsetting when tug got hurt honestly
btw I love Dragon's Dogma's take on the archer archetype. It gives you multiple arrow types that ranges from status effect to arrow that one shot but you get only one. But the most important are the skills that goes with it, it's very fantasy like in its execution but it still makes you feel powerful and it also reward accuracies when you combine it with the locational damage system the game has. Altho to be fair that's just DD in a nutshell every class feel powerful if you play it well.
The Mystic Archer is like my favorite version of Archer. And more games should feature Alternate forms of magic thats more then just Spellblade.
@@BlueBDyou say most games have spell blades but that's like my favorite flavor of magic besides necromancy. I can't think of many games that do a proper spell balde especially with interesting utility spells instead of a fire and lightning attack that's just a a glorified gun that's glowy
@@BigMontey Yes but that's still a spellblade. Sword and Magic is far more common then Magic bows that are not really simple, like a bow that has infinite ammo.
Problem with DD is that only 4-5 skills are worth using at all in each class. They are awful at balancing, they just make whatever sounds cool and let it rip. Although tbh I prefer that to a perfectly balanced game where every option feels the same *cough* Outer Worlds *cough*.
The skyrim mod Arcane Archery (not the creation club one) is the best magic archer I've seen in a game. Not only do you get 6 types of elemental arrows which each have 3 subtypes, you can use your shout cooldown to inscribe any spell onto an arrow type and it will be casted at the point of impact. So you can assign Fire Wall to your fire arrows, turn undead to your Holy arrows, Fury on your Magic arrows etc.
Not me running around with my pawn's fully loaded on mushrooms and explosive arrows to supply the A-10 warthog of firepower that 10 fold shot is.
bro really went all-in on that 15 degree FOV with 24-ish fps.
Stealth archer is just the military’s survivability onion in practice.
Leveling speech helps you stay out of the onion as well
What dat
i never thought about it like that but youre totally right. Instinctual maneuver towards "Dont get spotted"
@@KD-ou2np Basically, a handful of layers of defense to avoid dying.
Avoid being seen
Avoid being acquired
Avoid being hit
Avoid taking damage
Stealth makes it so the first two, and therefore most important, layers aren't broken.
@@Drave_Jr. And archery helps with the last two, since you can attack melee enemies before they can reach you, limiting the amount of hits and damage you will take.
It's the exact same reason why snipers exist IRL. The element of surprise, and being able to strike from beyond the reach of one's own limbs, makes a fighter exponentially more dangerous.
1:30 it was supposed to
Do you know about a game series "Thief"? Enough developers from them have worked on Skyrim. If you've played Oblivion or Morrowing, you know that stealth was a joke there (unless you've used a full chameleon enchant). So it was reworked into what it is.
If your sneak skill is high enough in Oblivion you can literally sneak right in front of someone and they won't see you. If anything, it's way too OP in Oblivion.
@@Aewon84 If you had difficulty slider on the easiest, then yes.
@@Aewon84 And that's WITHOUT Chameleon shenanigans.
You did not need full chameleon to pull stealth shenanigans in Oblivion, although it was certainly silly and broken if you did.
Are you high? Sneak was so good in Oblivion, plus then you can add all the chameleon bullshit if you want to 100% break it, plus you could immediately get max level with no effort from the first DB quest. It was pretty much just as good as in skyrim.
Playing as an archer in VR Skyrim is OP as hell. You basically just get to be Legolas.
“Ancient rights of video game logic” is simply amazing as a line
I just find it so funny that every time I try to play a stealth archer I always go back to two-handed bonker
Probably because you have the difficulty too low. Jack the difficulty up to legendary and you’ll go right back to stealth archering real quick.
@@mushyroom9569 That kind of "difficulty" is just so boring tho
@@mushyroom9569nah, two handed weapons are good at higher difficulties too. The extra range helps keep you out of attack range
@@yourface2464 If you’re just going to kite, then why not go full archer?
@@mushyroom9569 archers have lower DPS and a much harder time staggering, as well as not being able to 100% stagger bash power attacks or break blocks. Two handed weapons can outrange anything melee other than themselves, which is the majority of the game. Archery doesn't handle well in close quarters. So you usually just take the bow for help against dragons.
Many enemies in this game are purposefully too powerful to win against honorably until you're a very high level. "Emergency stealth archer" in the form of a wooden bow and 100 iron arrows will be there for you when your build fails you, because it doesn't ask for proper gear, perks, or skill, just time. But will kill that Dwarven Centurion that keeps turning your melee build into a bracelet.
I say this as someone who stealth-archered when I was 16 but moved to melee because dungeons go way faster that way.
What 15 Alchemy and 15 enchant does to a mf, has them making takes like this
@@Weldedhodag fuck are you on, hes right.
@@leaffinite2001 maybe if you're terrible or waste your potions
@@Weldedhodag oh, sorry, i thought you had some logical issue with his statement, not a superiority complex. Next time ill just assume
@@leaffinite2001 the literal only way for Skyrim to be hard is if you are bad, you're playing on high difficulty, or you misuse your resources. That isn't a superiority complex, that's just a fact
Two other things worth mentioning :
- Carry weight : this is a limitation that everyone feels throughout the game, especially when wandering the land to collect things is much more fun than having to go back to the city to store or sell your overencumbered inventory. Melee weapons are notoriously heavier than bows, and that's before you take into account a greater need for good armor when you're into the fray, versus an archer who can go the entire playthrough without needing anything more than light armor, if at all (better stealth).
- Controls & Shortcuts : Magic is versatile, but this comes at a cost. You need to change your equipped spell(s) all the time to really benefit from all its potential. It can be boring and tiring when it comes to pre-buff before every fight, and downright clunky when you have to do it mid-fight. With archery, the worst case scenario is having to switch to broad and sword in case you get swarmed in an enclosed space with little room to create distance (and if you get in such a situation, you're stealth-archering wrong). 99.9% of your gameplay is fluid, organic and dynamic from a controls point of view.
Weight is still bad even for magic because you dont want to level up stamina but still carrying tons of potions (to increase destruction damage), staves, soul gems and loot
The menu is a good point. Despite the crouch mechanic it ends up being the most fast pace because you don't need to constantly go in and out of the menu to drink potions or swap spells. Plus you can hit and run. You don't have to hold a button down the whole time which feels stupid. And spamming the projectiles burns mana so fast that it doesn't really leave you with much.
I remember having these same complaints when the game came out. Everyone went ape shit over it but there were games from like 10 years before that had deeper spell casting, or melee combat. Never made any sense. The stealth archer was the only way I enjoyed progressing and even then it just felt like a weaker version of what Dishonored would eventually become.
no idea how this video got recommended to me but I love it. Very well done.
Stealth Archer was my JAM. I loved it. I love magic, and I just could not get out of the grip of that satisfying Archery Mechanic.
Now play stealth mage archer, bow summon only
Funnily what broke magic for me, or rather Destruction, is that I ended up spamming dualcast fire or lightning bolt, depending on target resistances.
Well, that and Destruction having no stealth option.
thinking about it, my characters were...
a stealth archer, who did use a dagger at times
a stealth archer
a sword and shield fighter, which was pretty fun since you could take on a lot of stronger enemies because of the parry mechanic (also opened fights with a bow)
a stealth archer
a mixed mage
a stealth archer that used silent casting, illusion and conjuration so he could use muffled movement and bound bow/sword without anyone noticing
the last one was my favourite and did play it 3 times, i think
something about not even having a weapon in the inventory when NPCs are giving you weird looks is funny to me
You should try a stealthy, one handed, alteration+illusion build. A dagger and the illusion/alterstion combo is pretty fun and versatile. You can cause some pretty funny chaotic situations and basically get your enemies to kill each other.
Always used a dagger and light armor with this one.
I know it sounds kinda squishy but with alteration and dagger dps you can be tanky and dish out pretty high dps.
I have an idea. Use an stealth+illusion+conjuration build. It will result in you at high levels using anger spells to make enemies fight each other and then throw 2 Dremora Lords to kill those that survived the improvised FFA fight.
When you are 100% in archery and sneek skills you can literally break the game running around crouching and killing everything with a single but very common anciant nord arrow. Nobody can see you in your fully enchanted fancy bright white heavy dragon bone armor and gold diamond jewelries... I dont have much time to play games by now but I remember it very well. Let's all thank Faendal for his very handy free archery boost in the very first hour of the game as well as Ralof for his dedication helping you with your sneak skill!
*lists every single destruction perk*
"unfortunately that's about where the value from the destruction perks end"
Having a way to "thin the herd" when taking on mobs makes sense for any build. Sneaking is basically a free damage button. Combine the two and you have the stealth archer.
"Cutscenes aren't gameplay".... BASED
I mean that's not an opinion it's a definition lmao
Yes but you do need to at least left click at the correct distance and enemy HP situation to trigger that cutscene in the first place which to me makes it gameplay. As is doesn't differ from the core gameplay in any way, point to a direction and spam left click.
what a hot take
Based? Based on what?
@@thechugg4372 Yes and it's getting blurrier by the day. Doom, for example. It's a fun game. Both of the modern additions are extremely fun and I enjoyed playing them multiple times. Glory kills, something the games get a lot of praise for, are still just quick cutscene. It's an execution that rewards the player with health and some other pickups also if you like. For the harder difficulties it's also a brief invulnerability while you're doing it. "I frames" are always appreciated.
It's still just a cut cutscene. One with clever implementation, yes. But that just means you are rewarded and actively encouraged to watch as many 1 second cutscenes and you can possibly achieve.
I knew there was a reason I always gravitated to this build (outside of cool roleplay stuff), so it's really satisfying to have a breakdown of how the game itself makes it the best playstyle, rather than just personal preference. great video!
oh dude we think way to similar, i’ve had this thesis for YEARS, phenomal video
drawback joke got me. glad to see the fellow weird archery kid rep
I was playing this cute game called Bloody West. Nice pixel-art horror aesthetic. A reanimated outlaw chasing evils off.
Before I realized it, I was a stealth archer once again, even though firearms are available.
Todd scored once again that day.
Honestly Skyrim conditioned me so much that bows were good that I end up wanting to use the bow in every game that has that option.
@@SeraphimKnight My experience with Crysis 3 in a nutshell too lol
max out illusion, sneak, and one-handed. illusion assassin was my favorite build, just as EZ mode as stealth archer but was a breath of fresh air and a fun new way to play.
Didn't realize Stealth Archer wasn't something everyone was doing from the start, I've always loved playing one since 11-11-11
"Please exist and also be good"
It's in the hands of the Divines now, brother
I'm sure Emil will take good care of it :clueless:
@@formbi X to Doubt
@@LeonM4c that was a joke
@@formbi sorry, hard to tell these days
Insert Talking Ben "hahahaha! no."
"Fisting doesn't come attached to any set of skills in Skyrim."
And yet for some reason, Bethesda had it in their mind to program in special animations for OHKO with unarmed combat. I discovered it recently and it's nuts, I've seen 3-4 unique animations just for unarmed OHKOs. One of them is a suplex.
The NPC with the least amount of Health has 75. The maximum damage you can do without the heavy armor unarmed perk is 32 as Khajiit with Gloves of the Pugilist, and 40 as Vampire Lord using Gloves of the Pugilist. If you take into account the Poison Talons perk for Vampire Lord, then that adds 20 for a total of 60 which is still too low. Gauntlets usually have low armor rating too, so unless Smithing was level 100 or something, I can't see it happening in normal gameplay.
You don't need to one shot to get the kill move you can lower their health and then proc the kill move
@@sylvanomangano8453 I figured that out about a week after commenting this, but I forgot I commented it lol
I just rarely ever got it, I guess, not l unless it was one shot
@@Iskaid Yea it's weird you have to like stop hitting for like a half second to be able to proc it
@@sylvanomangano8453 earlier I was sniping Forsworn from a cliff and it did the kill cam three times but it missed every time. Then the actual killing shot didn't do it 😂
@@Iskaid Lmaoo I love when that happens. Btw if you wanna customize everything to do with killmoves Violense is a really good mod for that. It's just an mcm that lets you adjust proc rates
I clicked on this video to pass the time, after I got done I was like "wow, that was a really good video, I wonder who made it" and was shocked that you only had 13k subscribers. The video was so good I expected you to have closer to 100 or 200k. I guess I'll add one more to get you closer to it.
I've been playing Skyrim off and on since it's released, literally logging well beyond 1ooo hrs of gameplay through all my characters and probably close to that time in videos as well.
This video is easily the single best dive into the fun of playing as a stealth archer
Your bounties come from destruction magic splash. Mine come from getting caught stealing. We are not the same.
The thing about combat in Skyrim is that it basically revolves around the stagger mechanic. If you can stagger the enemy repeatedly, you can kill it without taking damage. Melee can do this well, even if you're not cheesing with food. Because of the Impact perk, magic can do this well from range. If you utilize your enchantments later on you can make your spells cost nothing, which means that low damage Firebolt can permanently stagger lock everything. You can essentially stay safe at range and deal free damage until you win. And if you want to be even safer you can fight from stealth, which can basically guarantee that you will always control how the fight begins and progresses.
But archery? Just crouch. Lob an arrow into an enemy. Did it die? Hit another enemy. Still standing? Move back a bit, they'll never find you. Just wait for them to forget about the arrow sticking out of their neck, then shoot another. Rinse and repeat. My first character was a very unfocused mage who had far too many skills spread out for his level, and I eventually hit a small wall trying to deal with the vampire cave quest at Morthal. After trying to beat the vampire boss like a mage for a few deaths, I looked through my inventory and equipped the underpowered bow and iron arrows I'd been carrying around as a backup when my magicka ran out. A few minutes of stealth archering later, everything was dead. I carried on as a mage, but I was highly amused that I could effortlessly deal with an encounter I was that unprepared for with skills that were almost at their base levels.
And yes, the primary culprit here is actually Stealth, not Archery. Archery just happens to unintentionally synergize a little too well with the stealth mechanics.
Things I learned from this video:
1: Fisting in Skyrim is not fun
2: Fisting in Dark Souls is fun
3:Magic doesn't involve fisting in Skyrim.
4:Archers CAN fist, but it's not usually necessary.
Did I miss anything? 😋
This tickled me so pink since the first time I played Skyrim I was a competitive archer in college and felt very much in tune with Skyrim archery mechanics the same way
That's amazing!
I was wondering what an actual archer's take on Skyrim's bow mechanics might be, so thank you for pitching in
I picked up archery because of skyrim 😅
It’s just a very chill experience, you admire the scenery, find some enemies, pick them off, continue on your journey. It also feels safe if you’re immersed in the world and imagining your character is a genuine person trying to survive.
I've definitely felt similar pulls towards dominant playstyles in games other than Skyrim, such as Elden Ring (Bleed/Magic/Faith) or Terraria (gun). It's interesting to examine how mechanics affect a player's interactions with a work metatextually, because I think that situations where players "chose the bow" due to mechanical pressures can be manipulated to better integrate gameplay elements and story. I think my favorite moments to ever occur in a game have happened when gameplay is restricted or flipped to reflect on the story (such as Cyberpunk when you're playing as Johnny), but figuring out how to pick what's the stealth archer build in your game and how to tie that in with the themes could lead to moments where a player and a player character are sync'd up in their actions without "forcing" the player to do any one specific thing. When you're trying to tell a story where personal immersion is important, it's a useful tool to have! Much of narrative gaming is a form of emotional manipulation, after all......
For me... there is only one dominant playstyle. SUMMONER!
One way is just putting a cool unique weapon in front of the player before a new area, to encourage them to use it, bonus points designing the area around using said weapon ability/style of weapon.
Quick hell yeah for Ranger's Apprentice, now that was some formative literature right there
That brought me back man. Will and Halt. Oh my god. The feeling of getting a new book from your mom for Christmas. Man those were the days.
This is the first video of yours I've seen. I really enjoyed your analysis! It was very well-structured, and compelling
Every time I start a new Skyrim save, I start as a Khajit, find my first dagger and bow, and now I'm a sneaky cat ranger who doesn't finish the game.
With magic, you've got to remember that you can only attack while you still have magicka. When you run out of stamina as a melee build, you can still attack and block, you just can't POWER attack or shield bash... As a mage when you run out of magicka, you're powerless. This means that when you level up, you almost always have to put the 10 points into magicka and not health, which you CAN do as a melee build; say 50/50 to health and stamina (which also has the benefit of increasing carry weight and letting you sprint for longer). You also effectively cannot use armor as a mage if you want the alteration spells to be worth it, since the flesh spells get MASSIVELY more effective if you are wearing no armor, forcing you to use robes. Those robes can also give you much more magicka and magicka regen, and can potentially make different schools of magic cheaper to cast on top of that, making them almost essential... but it's still never quite enough, because magic in Skyrim doesn't SCALE properly.
Obviously the Adept level destruction spells like fireball being AOE spells that can hit followers and passive NPCs is terrible since as a mage you pretty much require a follower or atronach to soak up some damage for you. Now you're stuck using Firebolt or Lightning bolt until you reach Expert level spells like Incinerate and Icy Spear... but then those spells do not scale up in damage with their magicka cost - if they cost 4x as much magicka but do 3x as much damage, they're not worth it. Sure they do that damage instantly rather than having to cast firebolt 12 times as an enemy is running at you (a problem that's negated once you get the perk that makes destruction spells stagger enemies)... but you still end up running out of magicka before doing enough damage to put down higher level enemies (which are also more likely to have enchantments negating your attacks, or be able to heal with spells of their own) if you try and use higher level destruction spells, making the class... really boring (since when is mage the "boring" class?!)
This isn't even factoring in that to learn Equilibrium (trading health for magicka like an inverse healing spell), you have to go ALL THE WAY THROUGH the College of Winterhold questline, and if you want to use a flesh spell, then conjure an atronach, and THEN have a healing spell or a ward available... you can't dual-cast destruction spells making that perk pointless. You also can't heal followers while attacking enemies at the same time for example, or trade STAMINA for magicka with something like equilibrium, and like you said you can't sneak attack with spells either (even if you are literally invisible!)
I ended up with master level destruction robes, enchanted boots and gloves, and a REALLY powerful ring, amulet and circlet pretty early into the game (Expert and Master level robes have no hoods to go with them for some reason, and the Archmage's robes are literally worse than Expert level), giving me something like 400 magicka, 200% magicka regen and 30% cheaper casting for destruction spells, and yet I was still finding it basically impossible to deal with most enemies halfway through the game without stopping every ten seconds to chug a dozen potions!
This compared to a one-handed, heavy armor build (using light armor is pointless given the reduced defence since the movement penalty for heavy armor is almost nothing and can be removed entirely by getting the steed stone right near Solitude). If you have a sword enchanted with fire damage, you are literally doing more fire damage than when dual-casting fire spells, AND YOU CAN BLOCK! If you enchant your armor you can negate a substantial amount of magic damage making wards unnecessary, gain more health, stamina or more weapon or armor skill points through relevant enchantments, you obviously get the defence boost (further increased with perks like well fitted and matching set) making flesh spells unnecessary, and on top of all of that you can get enchantments like absorb health on your swords making healing spells unnecessary too! Plus your weapons do more damage and armor give more defence as you go up in level (steel to orcish to dwarven to ebony etc.) and gain relevant perks, unlike with spells that do a fixed amount of damage whether you're level 1 or level 65!
And all this STILL pales in comparison to the good ol' stealth archer build, because you get all the same benefits of a melee build, but you can also attack from range AND get the stealth attack bonuses!
Well done Todd Howard!!!!!!!!
There's a couple of ways I'd fix this without massively changing the game itself (like, some basic tweaks but no massive overhaul mods) -
To nerf archers:
1: Add in small and large quivers that can carry either 20 or 40 arrows, effectively putting a cap on the number of arrows I can have equipped at any one time (refilling a quiver with arrows would be kind of like refilling a weapon enchantment with soul gems). I could still carry hundreds of arrows, but couldn't equip more than 20 or 40 at a time.
2: Reduce the range of a bow when using heavy armor, preventing archers from also being tanks (I think most archers use light armor anyway).
3: Reduce the damage of bows at long range.
4: Reduce the effect of stealth attack bonuses when using a bow (should be mostly just for daggers anyway).
To buff melee weapons:
1: Add new weapons like spears and longswords into the game with new factors like reach and armor-piercing potential, while also adding in more attack animations than just standard and power attacks (a lunging attack with more reach for example by pressing jump and attack at the same time).
2: Increase the speed of one-handed weapons (anything up to double would be fine).
3: Increase the movement penalty for heavy armor making light armor more worthwhile.
4: Make blocking a completely separate keybind so that I can still block while dual-wielding one-handed weapons, or a one-handed weapon and a spell (literally the entire point of dual-wielding realistically is to both attack and defend simultaneously!) and make blocking with a one-handed weapon more directional.
5: Lunging attacks can't be blocked by one-handed weapons, only dodged or blocked with shields.
6: If my attack is blocked by an enemy, allow me to immediately press the block key to shove them back (negated if they do a shield bash).
7: Add in a dodge/roll ability (which can only be used when using light armor or clothes/robes but not heavy armor).
To buff magic:
1: Add five-part perks to scale up the damage from destruction spells, the damage and health of familiars and atronachs, and the effectiveness of restoration, alteration and illusion spells (just like the perks for melee weapons or bows).
2: Add a perk that increases the radius of AOE spells.
3: Add perks that make wards specifically more effective against fire, frost or shock.
4: Make it so that I automatically start casting the most powerful ward spell I know when pressing the block keybind if I have two other spells in my hands (that way I don't need to switch to the ward spell and sacrifice the spell I had in that hand). If I have a melee weapon in one hand, pressing the block key blocks with the weapon instead of casting the ward.
5: Shield-bashing with a ward at the right time reflects the blocked spell back at the enemy.
6: Allow the equilibrium spell to drain half stamina and half health, rather than all health (making it more useful for a mage who probably doesn't need stamina anyway).
7: When using a spell like heal other, have some kind of autotargeting that can cast it at my follower off to one side even while I'm focusing on an enemy in front of me.
8: Have some kind of range multiplier so that spells do more damage when the enemy is closer, and even stagger enemies when they're within melee range (basically the equivalent of shield bashing but with magic). A three-part perk could increase the stagger effect just like the three levels of the Unrelenting Force shout.
9: Add in some kind of under-armor (like padded gambesons) which I can wear as a mage without sacrificing the bonuses of flesh spells to increase defence (would also benefit melee and archer builds... and, side-note, give more warmth if I have survival mode on).
10: Currently, when I hold down the attack button with a spell the character "holds" the spell and only casts it when I release the button. Give players the option to switch between "hold mode" (the current mechanic), and "rapid fire mode", where holding down the mouse button keeps casting spells like firebolt over and over again (much faster than you can currently).
11: The longer I hold a spell while in "hold mode", the more damage it does, but if I hold it too long it begins to hurt me (basically sacrificing health for increased damage).
All that without actually adding a single spell to the game...
Yeah but as a Mage you just pick High Elf so you have temporary infinite mana lol
@@batteredskullsummit9854 See I personally don’t like picking Altmer mainly for the role-playing aspect.
For one… … the Thalmor… I ain’t siding with Tamriel’s equivalent of the Nazi party! 😂
(I always side with the Legion over the Stormcloaks, but still…)
Two: the Dragonborn is very much a Nord hero, so it makes little sense IMO for a Mer to be given the dragonblood. Technically half the Septim emperors were more Imperial or even Breton than they were Nord, but I’ve only ever heard of one Mer being Dragonborn in all of Tamriel’s history, and she was a Dunmer.
And three: I play with survival mode turned on, making Nords’ cold resistance almost essential!
"It just works!" - (probably)
If you have that much problem playing a mage, I have a solution for you: Altmer, first 5 lvls into magicka then next 4 into health. After that, do an 80/20 split of magicka/health respectively. With master destruction robes and enchanting, you can knock magicka costs down to 97% reduction as a base for offensive spells without exploits. In the AE Skyrim, even the expert level Elemental Blast spell only costs 1 Magicka base cost (so double if dual cast) and that can melt just about anything in a couple hits. If you use the new robes that give you Destruction/Alteration reduction, and enchants, you knock both down to 97% reduction in cost. So then use Paralysis (or Mass Paralysis on groups) and whatever your favorite Destruction spell is and literally nothing can touch you. Quiet Casting with Invisibility right into middle of enemies, Mass Paralysis, then a Master level Spell (either of ones or the new ones) and it’s bye bye enemies 😂
I have a buddy who didn't even know how popular the stealth archer build is. He's never taken that approach, I was shocked.
No matter what difficulty you chose... The Stealth Archer build makes you op af.
"Hmmm I'm having a bit of trouble with this room in the dungeon lemme just-"
Sneak Archer playthrough number 5