If you have cheap overnight charging making the switch is a no brainer there is nothing in any of the main party manifestos to address that and there should be. Your brother is lucky to have a couple of options open to him you have told him about the Tesla open to all with membership that can also save him money
Unfortunately there aren’t any superchargers near where he’ll do most of his driving. For many without home charging Tesla membership is a great option.
Depreciation is not a factor for the driver because it’s a lease. All the depreciation risk is on the leasing company. It’s also way cheaper than a lease or purchase of a Transporter.
If you have cheap overnight charging making the switch is a no brainer there is nothing in any of the main party manifestos to address that and there should be. Your brother is lucky to have a couple of options open to him you have told him about the Tesla open to all with membership that can also save him money
Unfortunately there aren’t any superchargers near where he’ll do most of his driving. For many without home charging Tesla membership is a great option.
When you factor in the depreciation and unpaid time wasted waiting for it to charge I find it very difficult to believe!!
Depreciation is not a factor for the driver because it’s a lease. All the depreciation risk is on the leasing company. It’s also way cheaper than a lease or purchase of a Transporter.