So Christianity was persecuted for ten years, and it seems they weren't even persecuted for religious reasons, but because they refused to participate in the sacrificial ritual for the emperor. Which was seen as actively defying the emperor.... They would have been persecuted for that, even if they were a chess club. It was like actively letting the emperor know you were a traitor. To be fair, there was a secondary reason as well, Nero used them as an scapegoat for a tragedy that happened due to a fire... but also the persecution was heavily exaggerated, there were openly Christian soldiers and officials... If they were actually being persecuted as Christians claim they were, they wouldn't have their faith out in the open and still hold their position. And soon after Christianity became the official religion of Rome, Christians began persecuting all other religions for religious reasons. Every time Christianity has had power, they persecuted other religions or at the very least, heavily limited their freedom...
I’m not saying christianity is true or false. But...”proof” requires something more concrete than quoting books or history. History is written by the winners. It’s always skewed in favor of the victor’s beliefs, regardless of whether there are facts, lies, or half-truths in their version. And the sheeple buy it lock, stock and barrel.
Important finds? Excellent! Such as? By the way, the burden of prove is on creationists to prove the existence of God. I can’t disprove that there are flying unicorns circling Neptune, but that doesn’t mean there is any reason to believe there are.
Splatfan empty tomb, early followers of Christ being willing to die for something that they at least believes was truth, and Paul’s testimony claiming that the risen Lord appeared to him and now he’s a Christian.
@Ant man Theres a lot of small goups out there in the world that say that this one person or multiple people/ things are god or a deity, you know what thats called...a cult.
So if a guy has a vision, goes against the most popular religions of his day, manages to get followers, survives a ton of persecution, and leaves a couple billion believers in the world today, that makes a religion true? Welcome to Islam everyone...
@@user-ev9wl7bh9e Background radiation was detected decades ago and followed a radiating path which could be used to determine the "start" point of the expansion of energy that would coalesce into our universe. The guys who identified it were award the Nobel award for it and the discovery has worked to advance our understanding of the universe as a greater whole. Your obvious inference is "well you think everything came from nothing" which is a strawman as atheists, theists, scientists, laymen, etc do not as groups universally agree on a singular point of non-existence concept. Many hold to a expand-contract rubber banding model or alternate universe bleed through ala string theory. The only group that thinks as a whole everything came from absolute nothing are biblical literalist who thinks a magical entity poofed all that is from an existentially inconceivable void. but please go ahead and put up any other strawmen you might have laying around =) Or did you mean the 2007 sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady? Never seen it.
@@user-ev9wl7bh9e the irony of your comment is that the source of the big bang theory are christians....along with their comprehensive independent peer reviewed studies and journals. You do know majority of christians, along with muslims, hindus, buddhists, atheists etc, understand scientific facts such as big bang, gravity, evolution, cell, germ theory etc? Now please provide the sources for the claims in the bible.
+Folahan Adelakun If today I write a book says a tortoise god exists. Two thousand years later people will believe such tortoise god once existed. Very convincing.
+1luimavis First of all this says the Jesus existed and second of all he mentions that he was crucified. Josephus's father was in the Sanhedrin- the Jewish court that wanted him crucified. So his father would know if Jesus existed or not.Also Tacitus and Josephus's had nothing to gain in terms of propaganda because they Jews and Romans, and not believers in Christ. also they are not the only two sources they are 11 other sources I know of all over the ancient world greek, pagan Roman and Jewish historians that all testify to his life and existence. Furthermore it makes no sense that he didn't exist because there are recorded Roman texts to show some of the disciples were killed for following Jesus as the son of God.The Roman empire wouldn't kill them for following someone who didn't exist, they would think they are crazy.
God exists , and the proof is in the quran Don't you see , my brother? Many facts that science discovered recently have benn in the quran about 1400 years ago , how did they , know these , it's god who told them , if you want to discuss , you can maybe answer me and wait for me And that is in case you are not yet beleiving in god (Allah)
Callum Bell You can look up exactly what defines civilizations and how they came to be (Here's a google search: I simply believe that science and religion don't necessarily contradict each other. I believe they can both be beneficial to society.
This is not evidence. Jesus may have very well existed, doesn't make him the son of god. Arthur also says that Christians were persecuted and that the fact that the religion survived so long is a miracle and proof that Christianity is right. Hinduism is older and also survived the test of time, does that make it a miracle and right too? Just a few things you can look up, if you are willing to doubt your Christianity: 1. "God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well." How come god doesn't know how is own universe works? The moon is a not a light, nor does it produce any, it simply reflects the sun's light. Also, that's all he had to say about the stars? What about the fact that our star (the sun) is not that great of a light at all, that there are billions of stars, bigger and badder than it? 2. The exodus, Noah's ark, and many other things written in the bible have been proven to be absolutely untrue. 3. The earth is 6000 years old, Really??? Come on. You can't simply dismiss evolution and our dating techniques which have been proven time and time again to be accurate. You can have your religion of lies and control.
0:19 So he tells us to ask the scholars, and asserts that they all believe that Jesus died, was crucified etc. - but then fails to tell us WHY those scholars say what they do. Also 0:50 - 1:50 - It's kind of self-explanatory why Christianity still exists today (if you know your history). It was dominant in the West during the Middle Ages. Countries that followed it happened to grow into very influential nations. It was spread by the sword, as most religions were. And do you know why it was dominant during the Middle Ages? Because Constantine, due to the fearlessness of Christians in battles (they all believed they would go to heaven anyways, so they didn't fear death), made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. 2:29 Straw-man fallacy. That's really not why most people say Christianity is false. Most people may not like organized religion because of that, but thats not really why they think it's FALSE. Thats a different conversation entirely. 2:55 Yes you can call people misguided based on the actions of a few influential figures within their ideology just like I can call Nazis misguided because of the actions of those whom they looked up too - like Hitler, Goebels, and Himmler. Or Christians in the middle ages because of the Popes, and the Knights, and the inquisitors. Especially when those people believe that by following those disgusting people they are doing something good. Thats misguided. 3:05 Good for them. Me and 6/7ths of the people on this globe haven't felt this Spirit. Care to inform us why God reveals himself to only a small minority while ignoring the general masses of people? In conclusion, this is wrong and flawed. Not even close to evidence that Christianity is true.
There is historical authenticity of his existence. Nearly universally agreed upon by academics. His divinity is questioned by many, but you can't blame people for believing.
"The popular opinion of the world isn't credible?" No, it isn't. If you go by popular opinion rather than facts then you are using a fallacious argument called Argumentum ad populum, or appeal to the people. Thousands of years ago the popular opinion was that the Earth was flat. Does that mean that the Earth was flat? Obviously not.
Do you not know about a guy named Constantine?? If he hadn't adopted christianity as the official religion of Rome, then christianity would not be the force it is today. Most likely it'd be a dead religion, just like Mithraism, and Zoroastrianism are today. And as its already been said, you're just appealing to popularity which is a logical fallacy. The fact that there are billions of christians doesn't make it true, same goes for Islam and any other religion
There's no proof in this video nothing at all he didn't even use the bible to prove the bible is real like all the other lame "proof" videos, it's just his opinion and him talking.
There might of been a flesh and blood Jesus who is the basis for the myths, but the miracle worker Jesus IS a myth and there is no good reason to think otherwise.
You gave proof that there are plenty of good people among Christians, and plenty of good people among Muslims. I like the spirit in that, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. However, if you can find so many good people among Christians and Muslims (and Jews, and Buddhists, and Daoists, and Hindus and so on) how can that be proof that Christianity (or Islam, or Judaism or Buddhism) is the only true religion, and the others are not?
+Ashoerchen Get a copy of the Bible and a copy of the Quran, and spend 2 weeks reading or read an entire book of the Bible and 10 pages of the Quran and let the clues be the Judge As a Christian, growing up in the Church, leaving the Church and coming back.; I have become content that Christ is the Truth. How? because stepping away from the Church, I understood that Everybody believes in something or many things; some that edify and some that don't. as non-believers we focus on our physical senses and leave everything else up to argument. But Christians put the Spiritual above the Physical, meaning we put morals and values above Self, as the Bible says; "The Flesh is Weak, but the Spirit is Strong" Atheists are waiting for Science to perform a miracle that will save us.Christians believe that the most important miracles have already happened and the final and last miracle is Life after death, which we sincerely have No Doubt it is Fact and will happen.
+DEROY CREWS I did somewhat more than that. As a matter of fact, I have dealt with the Holy Books of mankind for a number of years. I included the Thora and important Buddhist sutras such as the Tripitaka, the Kanjur and the Lotus Sutra (I confess my ignorance on the Hindus classics). I found them all enriching and thought-provoking albeit, sadly, very often subject to abuse. What was more important to me is that I found a great number of people who were just as deeply convinced of the truth of their respective religions and Holy Books as you are of yours. Most of them were intelligent and educated persons, and all of them were most sincere. I keep them in high respect and consider myself privileged that they shared their insights and views with me. However, the one thing none of them could convince me of was that it was their very own, specific religion alone that was true, while all the others were imperfect or erring. Such a claim, by its very nature, appears to me rather a proof of the weakness of man than of the hand of God, and one, if not the, cause for the misfortunes of mankind.
Ashoerchen I don't need to be a Christian on any specific grounds, except that I believe in Absolutes, and I believe that the Bible holds the data of the Absolute of human existence and why we are here. (1) Last I Checked only Christians and Muslims claim to hold Religious Truth,( let's not work so hard to win an argument, I'm not here to argue.) Buddhists all say they are not a Religion. I'm not religious either. (2)But Anyway, Denominations are arguments of Doctrine------So what, we have Republicans and Democrats, big deal. Religions are arguments against Christ, there is not a single religion out there that doesn't have their own version of who Christ is. (3)Neither does any religion reach out to the world and have the Deliverance Status that Christianity Does. (4) Let's get real, without Religion, Christianity would be the most innocent thing on the planet and 40 years ago it was. It is religion that Atheists are fighting with, not Christianity, when I ask Atheists "what am I doing wrong?" ; they point me to a religion that has nothing to do with me . For example: Catholicism is not Christianity, so if you did your homework Sir, you would Know that, so let's be honest, you didn't do your Homework. You came here because you're unsure of yourself. "Atheism has no Foundation" if it does, please tell me; what Positive Spiritual Foundation will I trade Christ for? Which Religion is the right one? Is Atheism the answer to human existence and Absolute Truth? Blowing the whistle might stop the fight for a moment, but doesn't fix the cause of things.
+DEROY CREWS I did not raise issue about a) Atheism and b) Catholicism and c) my homework. I understand you "argued" about them. Happy to do that too, but it wasn't my point. I agree on what you mention about Buddhism. Most Buddhist scholars "argue" along the same lines. However, if you witness the practice of worship of believers in both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, the similarities with Christian and Muslim believers are striking. The theological reasons you put forward about the exceptional nature of Christianity are well known and well honed. Equally, adherents to other religions are able to put forward their well-honed reasoning why their specific religion is exceptional. As long as everybody accepts the theological dilemma and nobody raises the claim of absolute truth and hence, supremacy, that's fine. Unfortunately, mankind tends to repeat that mistake.
Ashoerchen If you're not willing to do the research and try to walk in our shoes, you should just leave it alone. We Christians are humans who live human lives just like everybody else, except that we live a Higher Standard, and we Preach Higher Standards because we believe this is what God has Called humanity too and it is also obviously better it's Criminal to attack people's Faith because it didn't work for you. I studied the Bible on the Reality of the lives of Christians first; their love and guidance and perseverance , made me a believer It was later after understanding the House; that I listened to outside sources, just because I'm free to do so, and discovered that Christ is in the Way of Everything, everybody want to move Him out of the way , this is the beginning of Religion as well as Atheism, communism, Liberalism and even Racism. I have done my homework in an Area that many people Ignore, and just because we are outnumbered by Liberalists, doesn't mean I should just give up and follow the system. I did that once, I gave up and my faith and followed the crowd, but never again.
No. First, the question doesn't make sense. Christianity is definitely a thing that exists. Asking whether it is true is a ridiculous question. If, however, what you're asking is if the teaching of Christianity are true, you don't have evidence of that outside of your Bible which has so many errors in it as to completely negate its validity as a source.
I grabbed the popcorn and sat down in my comfy chair to await the evidence - well, I've finished the popcorn, and my butt's sore from sitting, but I STILL haven't seen the evidence!
Mathhew 5:17 "Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but rather I have come to fulfill them." Just like the prophets before him he was sent to a group of people to call them to the worship of the only God (the father) John 14:28 " The only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." Only one God. Mark 12:29 "The Lord our God, the Lord is one." Only one God. Matthew 4:10 "You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve." Only one God to worship. Matthew 26:39 "He went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed". Showing weakness and how humble Jesus is to God (exactly like how Muslims pray) Luke 6:46 " But why do you call me Lord Lord and not do the things which I say" I will leave you with the Book of matthew 7:22 and 7:23 I found this to be abit scary, It shows how Jesus is helpless in the "that day" the day of judgement. I say with complete sincerity only two groups believe in the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ. Muslims view him as a prophet who called people to worship the one true god. While Christians believe he is god in 3. Muslims call upon God(Allah in arabic), while christians call upon Jesus christ. Who is he referring to, this is truly scary and dear to me.
1.50 "That in itself was kind of a miracle" followed by a kind of embarrassed facepalm gesture. Says it all really. This video is an embarrassingly bad example of poor reasoning.
Brothers and sisters remember that Santa Claus said not to debate but to believe. Brothers and sisters remember that Krishna said not to debate but to believe. Brothers and sisters remember that the illuminati said not to debate but to believe. Thats not a very good line of thinking. In fact, its not a line of thinking at all.
Jonathan Koppelman but if he is fake( which he is ) we would never know and thats why Christianity still exist because some dont look into it they just blindly belive
There are literally thousands of religions, and all the stories contradict each other's. Your belief isn't any more special than anyone else's, its just different.
He was pointing to the fact that there are over 4000 religions claiming to be absolute truths, and so without evidence one cannot conclude which one is correct
We are Spiritual beings go through this human experience. Your faith will show you what to do, Talk to Jesus about everything. Pray for yourself and all of us. Watch the difference in people. Read your Bible Jesus will help you understand. You are His creation, He loves you, you are His children. He spoke 12 words to me when I was going through a divorce, and was full of fear and I felt like a failure. The words were, There is no fear, only Faith. There are no failures, only Lessons. I was 50 at that time. I am now going to be 80 in October. I hope the Lord comes for us before, so I can celebrate in heaven. Open your heart, He’s real and He’s listening. God bless us all. Come with me. AMEN!!
I noticed you called it 'just a story' which yes that's all it is, stories like Paul Bunyan, Johnny Apple seed, they are stories based on a real person but writen in Fiction to help put a point across!!
Hell is not like jail where you serve a sentence for x amount of time no once you go to hell you stay in hell. Look up hell on the Internet and you see terrible pictures but guess what hell is 10 trillion times worse than what you see on those images so I encourage you to become a Christian and walk on the streets of gold with Jesus
+TheBlankProject technicly god created that for Satán . god has a cup of rage with his cup of peace my friend. but now that rage is gone. dude I know bullys like they would try to hurt cjristans whenever they could. I told them to go to church for a month. there the nicest people ever now. stick with peace than send yourself to hell.
***** the unknown is the known. How can you be wiser now when you were wisest then. You knew the truth before. You choose to leave truth to belive in hours of wasted work. We knew it before there is proof that jesus existed at time. We know crusifiction was a way of exicution. So why is Christianity not true to you. Becuase you need reasoning for a answer when as we all know god has no reasoning for creating us. He just did. So my brother why wont you go back to god. I know its hard. I know youve almost locked your brain to atheism. But you still have the key. Open up to god. Just find the key.
after millions of years if you live in africa, your skin develops to the hot sun. Just like how people migrated to europe and spent time there and became white. You learn that in school....
James Lucas but we didn't com from Adam and Eve because that is illogical, what happens when their children want to have kids? Oh wait the can't because that is incest and incest leads to birth defects... yeh so we were all from evolution
Mirai Neko You have no idea what you're talking about, Adam and Eve were born with more gene diversity in them than one thousand of today's people as we bred it spred out the gene pool having kids with your family only became taboo when the gene pool spread out too far for it to be possible, also that's a great example of Entropy which is the law of science which actually disproves Evolution get your outdated disproved theory out of here
Christian is not even in the bible where the name of Christian came from do you know God send messenger every time people gone the wrong path from adam to mohamed (saw) and only send one religion call submit your will to almighty god but people change and call what they want and add anything including worshiping human satan and animals but masengers came every time the masege corrupted and corrected so one thing for sure god is one and don't have kid's or wife's like the human and god forgive who repent and no one have to die for your sin if someone die for your sin then that's means god don't forgive
You going to hell just because you don't believe in him is the equivelant of a 10 year old skipping a rock 1000 times(very unlikely) and killing you if you don't believe him.
Adam Fuller actual tangible proof instead of simply a lot of people are converting to Christianity yes Christianity shouldn't be here but that doesn't make it right that just makes it lucky
Yes, He definitely could, easily could, reveal Himself to the world and prove the truth to everyone immediately. But if he did that, he would sabotage His own plan for us. You see, all of us as humans are His children. He created us as spirits, then gave us bodies, so that when we die we could be resurrected and have a chance to become like Him. However, in order to become like God, we have to have amazing character. Because if we were given Divine Bodies without the Character to match it it wouldn't work. That's why there are things like faith, and suffering, and trials, to strengthen our character in this life, so that if we endure faithfully we will be ready for the next life. Of course, our Heavenly Father didn't just leave us out to dry, though sometimes it does seem that way. He knew that no matter how good we were, we still wouldn't be good enough. That's why He sent Jesus to atone for our sins. So even if we did mess up in the past, as long as we truly repented, and changed our lives to be faithful and endure suffering without complaint, we could be saved through the grace of Christ. How can I prove any of this? I'll tell you how, God won't show Himself to us because one look at Him and that will cause many people to not develop the necessary character that comes with believing in a being you can't see. But He does reveal himself in other methods. Think about the last time you did something kind for someone, felt good right? Part of that feeling is God encouraging us to do more character-strengthening activities like that, and the other part is just a natural human phenomenon that is merely a sequence of chemicals being released in your brain, but who designed that phenomenon? God, to answer your question, is indeed all powerful, so he can create little tiny bacteria in such a way that he KNOWS they will eventually evolve into EXACTLY what he wants: human bodies. Sorry for going on a tangent here. Point is, God could easily prove Himself, but he won't because it would sabotage His own Plan for us to become eternally happy in Heaven. Instead we must believe with the little bread crumbs He leaves us.
Didn't convince me. I personally believe that christianity is not so much a origin of the universe, but just a teaching of certain morals, which isn't inherintly bad.
CITATION NEEDED! All you did is make unsupported hand waving statements meant to reaffirm the preexisting beliefs of people who are believers. No evidence claims were addressed. Then you engaged in a toxic game of whataboutism. All you did was go "experts say" then jingle keys to distract from the problem of evil WITH THE PROBLEM OF EVIL. /smh I mean wow this was bad. If a fraction as much effort was put into the argument as the overly emotionally pandering production value, well you would still not be presenting evidence, but it wouldn't be such an obvious deflection from addressing the initial statement of your video.
I just love it when people who don't know history talk about history. Christians weren't really persecuted for the first century or so of their history (with the exception of Neros campaign against christians that lasted roughly two seconds, and a couple of other small things). By the time Romans started to really go after christians, they had already spread all over the empire making it impossible to destroy them.
(Matthew 5:17-18) Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. HAVING JESUS SAID TO FOLLOW THE OLD TESTAMENT, WHERE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT DO YOU FINID A PASSAGE THAT STATES MESSIAH WILL BE KILLED TO PAY FOR SINS OF RAPISTS, KILLERS, THUGS, CHILD MOLESTERS, SINNERS, AND CRIMINALS? JESUS HIMSELF REFUTES THE IDEA OF TRINTIY, ATONMENT BY SACRIFICING AN INNOCENT HUMAN TO PAY FOR SIN AND GOD BEING 1 IN 3 AND 3 IN 1.
Allong with the animals god created: ebola, cancer, smallpox, yellow fever, tuberculosis, syphilis and many more disseases that whould torture from newborns to elders!
WHAT IF YAHWEH, JESUS AND ALLAH WERE ABSOLUTE KING AND JUDGES HERE ON EARTH IN OUR LIFETIME? LET'S CONSIDER HOW FAIR AND JUST THEIR RULING WOULD BE ON MAJOR SINS IN THIS LIFE AND AFTER LIFE. LET'S CONSIDER ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT FOR MURDER: (1) MURDER IN JUDAISM In Judaism murder is an Unpardonable sin. Anyone that commits murder gets executed and his soul dies. He will not be United with Yahweh or his/her loved ones in heaven. In Judaism there is NO HELLFIRE where people go to PAY for SINS. The Ultimate punishment dispensed by Yahweh would be that the sinner is executed in this lifetime and he would kill the soul of the sinner. HOWEVER, GOD COMMANDED THE KILLING OF INNOCENT MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN DEUTERONOMY 20:13-18. Same Torah but Two sets of rules. This double standard is found throughout the Old Testament. (2) MURDER IN CHRISTIANITY In Christianity Jesus died for the SINS of humanity, Anyone who believes that and repent his/her SIN shall NOT be punished and he/she goes to heaven. In Christianity there IS HELLFIRE. The punishment dispensed by Jesus is NO PUNISHMENT at ALL in this world or the next if someone REPENTS. If a person does not repent he/she will BURN IN HELL. Since Christianity is supposed to be an extension of Judaism one would imagine that the laws would be the same because Jesus himself said that he wasn't here to Abolish the commandments and not a dot of the Old Testament was to be changed. So why TWO sets of rules for the same Sin? How is it that in Christianity sinners burn in Hell while in Judaism they don't? (3) MURDER IN ISLAM Per Islamic Laws a Murderer get Executed and he burns in Hellfire. ALLAH'S Ultimate punishment of a killer is execution of the sinner in This life and Hellfire in afterlife. ISLAM IS THE ONLY RELIGION WITH PRECISE, FAIR AND JUST RULING TO ENFORCE JUSTICE FOR PEOPLE THAT COMMITED SINS AND PEOPLE THAT WERE SINNED AGAINST, HURT, KILLED AND HARMED.
deuteronomy 20:16 says to kill anything that breathes not anyone who breathes. God commanded that they use the women and children in they're plunder. God did not command the murder of them.
A scientist makes a hypothesis and then looks for evidence to back or refute his claim If there was a creator God who loved and cared about us. The evidence would be as follows: 1 Everybody would know of him and his commands and expectations. Multiple prophets all telling exactly the same story. 2 We would be emotionally mature. No petty arguments or wars. 3 We would have been designed better, no backache, baldness or cancer. 4 The earth would not have a cooling crust that is susceptible to volcanos, tsunamis, and earthquakes. 5 Bacteria and viruses would not exist or we would be immune. 6 The world would be designed in a way that we all flourished. Some people throw food away and have water on tap, some people experience famine and drought. 7 Adults would not believe or tell children ridiculous stories about talking snakes or flying horses, told as literal truths on pain of rejection if you did not believe. I could go on. There is no evidence for God or Gods.
Some religions promotes a heightened sense of self-superiority in one's beliefs .. .. the heightened sense of self beliefs makes them hypersensitive to the slightest redicule and criticisms .. .. people who are easily offended by contrary views and remarks are usually the ones to take the first steps towards war and aggression ..
Athiests, Christians, and Muslims, What amount of evidence you require depends on your interpretation of faith. If your concept of faith is proper and it means approximately 'trust' then you don't need certainty or proof, but a sufficient amount of evidence for trust/faith. If something is certain, does it require faith? NO. If there is room for doubt, faith is possible. Otherwise, it's unnecessary.
Islam is the true religion. Every other religion are just pretty much varients of Islam with the message in their religion becoming corrupt over time. Like in the Bible and the Torah, they are not in its original form today and there are many different versions. For the Quran, its a historical fact that it has never been changed ever since God revealed it the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and this is the last revelation to mankind as a criterion over all religion.
Your completely right!! Your religion which was made from a man who only had a dream, and not a bunch of stories gathered from the world must be true. I mean it's not like everything was stolen from Judaism, and retold to make cultists, oops I meant to say Muslims.
Lots more scholars will tell you that the existence of a man in the Middle East 2000 odd years ago, named Jesus does not prove the existence of god. Secondly, you are right the historical account is reflected by other authors approximately of the time. However, that too does not prove the existence of god. In fact, if you use this logic, you could say that because there are lots of sources talking about Manhattan and it is the primary setting in the Spiderman comic books, Spiderman must be real!
There were no accounts of Jesus that were written contemporary to Jesus. No one who knew him, or lived when he did, bothered to write anything down about him. And yet you Christians believe he was god incarnate and rose from the dead? Based on hearsay?
The problem with people not believing is because they don't read the bible, they read half heartedly and not fully understand who God is. God is not human, He made us in his image, meaning we are called to be like Him. Instead, people question and are indoctrinated to believe otherwise, to hate, to question, to think of something opposite the truth. People ask for facts but if facts hit people in the face, they wouldn't believe it. If God showed Himself, people who deny God would not ask why, they would deny. So if people are denying God, asking for proof, or just accepts science as facts, then clearly they are lost and dumbed down. God is a loving god but only towards those who are righteous and those who love God. But he despises the wicked, naysayers, and those like the pharisees. Putting it short, if someone asks for facts. They are lost and can only find help within themselves. Their family members who are gay, they can only help themselves and if they don't want to, don't question God. Question why they want to be gay and help them instead of beating around the bush and blaming the Lord. The root of evil is of Satan, and evil is just that, a spoiled person who wants to deny and defy God because he can't be God.
The historicity of Jesus. Sure, he was a person, born, lived, and died. But that alone doesn't mean he was the son of a god or did magic tricks. It just means there was a Jewish Rabbi named Jesus that died on a cross. It in no ways proves all the claims of the bible or Christianity as true. Christianity survived persecution. It did. Many people believed it back then and many believe it now. Does simply believing in something make it true? No. No matter how many believe it that is not a factor in whether its claims are factual or not. What Christians do in the name of Christianity is irrelevant to the claims made in the bible.
I dont think this video has done its research........there really is no evidence for Jesus or the message fact theres alot more evidence in contrary......very unfortunate, imo
I believe in Karma. I believe that God sends good karma and bad karma. I believe that good Karma goes out to ministries and things like that in which are changing the world. I also believe that this good Karma goes to people who rightfully worship the Lord. However, I believe Bad Karma goes out to those who spread hate, violence, murder, terrorism,etc. Not only do their acts come back around and hit them where the Good Lord split them, but if they do not repent then guess what? They have to spend all eternity in agony, sorrow, in the company of demons, and at the full power of Satan and that is a just punishment for all the sorrow, pain, and agony they spread on earth.
Sorry but Your "feelings" aren't proof. Also just because the bible says its true. Doesnt mean it is. By that logic I'm a trillionare its true because I said it is right?
Your evidence is seriously, it spread, therefor it is true. It spread through those very persecutions you were talking about. By your logic, Islam is also true, because it spread while another religion was dominant.
So his argument is basically saying that Christianity didn’t get squashed like other religions at the time, so therefore it must be factually true. Lol. Most people in the Bronze Age didn’t even know where the sun went at night and thought the earth was flat, they’d believe in anything.
I really like this video. It isn't gonna convince me that god is real, but I can at least see where christians are coming from after this. Christianity is comforting.
christianity survied and where lucky are not evidence
4 роки тому
The Bible god claims to have set up a system where non Jesus believers are endlessly torturing in hell. Does the behavior of the Bible god towards non believers demonstrates the infinite intelligence and wisdom worthy of a real god of the entire humanity ?
i don't get one thing. if jesus is the son of god then the father(God) is more powerful then jesus, becuz he is his father. so why do Christians only pray to god and never says a thing about the father. and there is a only a father and a son? no mother god? so that means the father created the son? so the son is a creation?
Well that was vapid. Christianity got big when Constantine decided to make it the official religion of the Empire, even though he was NOT a Christian till he was dying. If then. He made the religion into a tax dodge. It was only sporadically persecuted and most of the stories are just stories except for when Nero chose to use the new cult as scapegoat for the huge fire in Rome. Mostly it was left alone. Christians carried out far more extensive and determined persecution than the Romans ever did. Well until the Romans became Christian. Get an education on the subject of the early church, you are ignorant on the subject.
We christians above anything else respect all the other religions out there. We do not persecute or openly deny other faiths and neither do we impersonate their holy book. If you are a Muslim, as you channel name describes you, I'm sure you wouldn't want other religions making the fun of your holy book. In 2001 the Catholic Pope John Paul II kissed the Qua'an as a sign of respect and to improve relations with the Islam faith. Even though am Anglican I feel this is the sort of respect we should live by. Jesus is mentioned more times in the Qua'an than Mohammed, so there is more than enough proof to know he exsisted. There is also more written proof he performed miracles than there is Julius Ceaser ever lived. Please respect other religions and stop spreading bad messages across the internet. Thank you.
Islam has very different tenets from Christianity. You were very ambiguous as to rejecting Islam. The bible says all other gods are not God at all, only idols. Islam tells people to worship an idol. If you can’t condemn the fallacies of Islam, you are either in sin or not a true Christian.
well another sucessful proof of the christian mythology. it's really encouraging to see another video proving jesus existed biting the dust, it makes up for all the stupid videos where everyone is praising god and shouting halleleujas. just to be clear the is NO EVIDENCE of any gods, so even if jesus was an actual preacher religions are false.
+Chewy Tac0ss There is a reason why deaths happen and only god knows the true reason. "babies aren't born Christian so they haven't accepted god or jesus into there lives so all dead babies go to he'll? " No u got that all wrong to go to he'll u need to have sinned more that you've done good,but a baby is still pure without sins. Also It isn't the babies fault they haven't heard about the word of God therfore it still can enter heaven.
No Christian has ever Told me so please answer, now You say heaven is heaven so there is a fucking city in the sky? HOW THE HELL ARE WE NOT SEEING IT!?
+Azerbaijani Panturkists You believe in a God called Allah and not the One True God who Jesus is apart of. Sadly, theology would suggest that you are not.
+ksb2050 You are wrong! We believe in the same God that you believe in. We even believe that Christians and Jews also have a slight chance to go to Paradise.
+Azerbaijani Panturkists the problem is your paradise is hell. Islam routinely disparage God's commandments. The fact tgat your Paradise is open to murderers alone shows that much.
How to prove Christianity false in one sentence. "If God is all powerful, why don't you go up to him and ask him to make a rock that he himself cannot lift?"
Ihazskittles If he can pick up rocks, then he can't make a rock that he can't lift, meaning he's not all powerful. Also, is there any proof that Jesus was actually born from Mary?
God being all powerful is often understood. What this has always meant is that He can do anything as long as it doesn't contradict His nature. He cannot make a rock so large he can't lift it. He cannot change because that requires being temporal and He is eternal. He can do anything that not limited by contradiction because being Truth and That Which Simply Is, is not equal to that which is not.
So Christianity was persecuted for ten years, and it seems they weren't even persecuted for religious reasons, but because they refused to participate in the sacrificial ritual for the emperor. Which was seen as actively defying the emperor....
They would have been persecuted for that, even if they were a chess club. It was like actively letting the emperor know you were a traitor.
To be fair, there was a secondary reason as well, Nero used them as an scapegoat for a tragedy that happened due to a fire... but also the persecution was heavily exaggerated, there were openly Christian soldiers and officials... If they were actually being persecuted as Christians claim they were, they wouldn't have their faith out in the open and still hold their position.
And soon after Christianity became the official religion of Rome, Christians began persecuting all other religions for religious reasons. Every time Christianity has had power, they persecuted other religions or at the very least, heavily limited their freedom...
Ok, so where's this "evidence" you claim to have in the title of this video?
May be he forgot too ad
I’m not saying christianity is true or false. But...”proof” requires something more concrete than quoting books or history. History is written by the winners. It’s always skewed in favor of the victor’s beliefs, regardless of whether there are facts, lies, or half-truths in their version. And the sheeple buy it lock, stock and barrel.
in the Bible
@@michaelgray2319 Your Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution aren't very concrete XD. Literally has the word 'theory' in the name
The bible is just a book. Changed well over three hundred times. Not historically accurate. Retold mythology stolen from pagan beliefs.
“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” (1 Peter 2:18)
Some more horrible biblical advice
It’s not an endorsement of slavery but a guide for how to navigate a situation you have no control over in a Godly way and as a follower of Christ
Extraordinarily poor reasoning from this man, even though I sympathize with him.
word salad, hunches, and feelings
Great underdog story. Still doesn't provide any evidence for Christianity.
Great comment still doesn't prove atheism. At least there's proof of Jesus because of important finds.
Important finds? Excellent! Such as? By the way, the burden of prove is on creationists to prove the existence of God. I can’t disprove that there are flying unicorns circling Neptune, but that doesn’t mean there is any reason to believe there are.
jesus existed, there is historical proof, but there is no proof for him being god
Splatfan empty tomb, early followers of Christ being willing to die for something that they at least believes was truth, and Paul’s testimony claiming that the risen Lord appeared to him and now he’s a Christian.
@Ant man
Theres a lot of small goups out there in the world that say that this one person or multiple people/ things are god or a deity, you know what thats called...a cult.
So if a guy has a vision, goes against the most popular religions of his day, manages to get followers, survives a ton of persecution, and leaves a couple billion believers in the world today, that makes a religion true? Welcome to Islam everyone...
its funny how the cross is the symbol of Christianity when the cross was a common torture method in rome.
religion IS torture.
Appeal to popularity: logical fallacy (informal)
Can you cite your sources? If the source is the bible, it doesn't count.
Can you cite your source on the Big Bang theory... oh you can't? then it doesn't count
@@austinlincoln3414 you replying to me?
@@user-ev9wl7bh9e Background radiation was detected decades ago and followed a radiating path which could be used to determine the "start" point of the expansion of energy that would coalesce into our universe. The guys who identified it were award the Nobel award for it and the discovery has worked to advance our understanding of the universe as a greater whole.
Your obvious inference is "well you think everything came from nothing" which is a strawman as atheists, theists, scientists, laymen, etc do not as groups universally agree on a singular point of non-existence concept. Many hold to a expand-contract rubber banding model or alternate universe bleed through ala string theory. The only group that thinks as a whole everything came from absolute nothing are biblical literalist who thinks a magical entity poofed all that is from an existentially inconceivable void.
but please go ahead and put up any other strawmen you might have laying around =)
Or did you mean the 2007 sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady? Never seen it.
@@user-ev9wl7bh9e the irony of your comment is that the source of the big bang theory are christians....along with their comprehensive independent peer reviewed studies and journals. You do know majority of christians, along with muslims, hindus, buddhists, atheists etc, understand scientific facts such as big bang, gravity, evolution, cell, germ theory etc?
Now please provide the sources for the claims in the bible.
A sane mind would give up on a theory when there's simply no revelance between reality and the theory.
"If the world hates you, keep in mind they hated me first" John 15:18
Dmitri Roth amen brother or sister
Dmitri Roth Amen to THE AMEN AlphAOmegA YAHWEH'SHUA (YAH is Salvation- JESUS)
If you cannot convince someone, then confuse him.
+1luimavis right except that they did not confuse me at all they cite none existent evidence there is no actual evidence that jesus ever existed
+Cocaine Ninja look up the antiquity of the Jews by Josephus and anallitus of Tacitus
+1luimavis I'm say in those books they talk about Jesus Christ which is evidence of his existence because they were first century historians
+Folahan Adelakun If today I write a book says a tortoise god exists. Two thousand years later people will believe such tortoise god once existed.
Very convincing.
+1luimavis First of all this says the Jesus existed and second of all he mentions that he was crucified. Josephus's father was in the Sanhedrin- the Jewish court that wanted him crucified. So his father would know if Jesus existed or not.Also Tacitus and Josephus's had nothing to gain in terms of propaganda because they Jews and Romans, and not believers in Christ. also they are not the only two sources they are 11 other sources I know of all over the ancient world greek, pagan Roman and Jewish historians that all testify to his life and existence. Furthermore it makes no sense that he didn't exist because there are recorded Roman texts to show some of the disciples were killed for following Jesus as the son of God.The Roman empire wouldn't kill them for following someone who didn't exist, they would think they are crazy.
I'm an atheist and this still hasn't changed my mind I've never seen any concrete evidence for god
God exists , and the proof is in the quran
Don't you see , my brother?
Many facts that science discovered recently have benn in the quran about 1400 years ago , how did they , know these , it's god who told them , if you want to discuss , you can maybe answer me and wait for me
And that is in case you are not yet beleiving in god (Allah)
@@somitmie6496 your Quran believes in a flat earth
@@somitmie6496 There is absolutely NO proof of ANY gods in the koran :) But a LOT of false and evil things :) You're welcome :)
Can you show me the evil things?
@@MHMD_smir Yes, but you can easily find it yourself :)
science flew us to the moon, religion flew us into skyscrapers
Fariko Magiikk Thanks to religion those skyscrapers fell and crashed and burned.
Religion gave rise to societies and morality, science simply observed the physical aspects of reality.
Callum Bell The arts and philosophy
Callum Bell You can look up exactly what defines civilizations and how they came to be (Here's a google search: I simply believe that science and religion don't necessarily contradict each other. I believe they can both be beneficial to society.
Damn I wanted to make a Statement, Not Create a Full on War
So much wishful thinking… So little evidence.
This is not evidence. Jesus may have very well existed, doesn't make him the son of god. Arthur also says that Christians were persecuted and that the fact that the religion survived so long is a miracle and proof that Christianity is right. Hinduism is older and also survived the test of time, does that make it a miracle and right too?
Just a few things you can look up, if you are willing to doubt your Christianity:
1. "God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well." How come god doesn't know how is own universe works? The moon is a not a light, nor does it produce any, it simply reflects the sun's light. Also, that's all he had to say about the stars? What about the fact that our star (the sun) is not that great of a light at all, that there are billions of stars, bigger and badder than it?
2. The exodus, Noah's ark, and many other things written in the bible have been proven to be absolutely untrue.
3. The earth is 6000 years old, Really??? Come on. You can't simply dismiss evolution and our dating techniques which have been proven time and time again to be accurate.
You can have your religion of lies and control.
He told me the history of Christianity, not evidence that it is real. That it is true. :-/
Yes. He's confused yet he tried to spread his confusion.
0:19 So he tells us to ask the scholars, and asserts that they all believe that Jesus died, was crucified etc. - but then fails to tell us WHY those scholars say what they do.
Also 0:50 - 1:50 - It's kind of self-explanatory why Christianity still exists today (if you know your history). It was dominant in the West during the Middle Ages. Countries that followed it happened to grow into very influential nations. It was spread by the sword, as most religions were. And do you know why it was dominant during the Middle Ages? Because Constantine, due to the fearlessness of Christians in battles (they all believed they would go to heaven anyways, so they didn't fear death), made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
2:29 Straw-man fallacy. That's really not why most people say Christianity is false. Most people may not like organized religion because of that, but thats not really why they think it's FALSE. Thats a different conversation entirely.
2:55 Yes you can call people misguided based on the actions of a few influential figures within their ideology just like I can call Nazis misguided because of the actions of those whom they looked up too - like Hitler, Goebels, and Himmler. Or Christians in the middle ages because of the Popes, and the Knights, and the inquisitors. Especially when those people believe that by following those disgusting people they are doing something good. Thats misguided.
3:05 Good for them. Me and 6/7ths of the people on this globe haven't felt this Spirit. Care to inform us why God reveals himself to only a small minority while ignoring the general masses of people?
In conclusion, this is wrong and flawed. Not even close to evidence that Christianity is true.
I heard zero credible evidence
The popular opinion of the world isn't credible? Guess gravity doesn't exist.
Adam Fuller You do know gravity is back up by science right?
There is historical authenticity of his existence. Nearly universally agreed upon by academics. His divinity is questioned by many, but you can't blame people for believing.
Máfortion why shouldn't Christianity be backed by science
"The popular opinion of the world isn't credible?"
No, it isn't. If you go by popular opinion rather than facts then you are using a fallacious argument called Argumentum ad populum, or appeal to the people.
Thousands of years ago the popular opinion was that the Earth was flat. Does that mean that the Earth was flat? Obviously not.
Do you not know about a guy named Constantine?? If he hadn't adopted christianity as the official religion of Rome, then christianity would not be the force it is today. Most likely it'd be a dead religion, just like Mithraism, and Zoroastrianism are today. And as its already been said, you're just appealing to popularity which is a logical fallacy. The fact that there are billions of christians doesn't make it true, same goes for Islam and any other religion
not trying to be rude, but i want to hear the actual proof
Proof of what?
There's no proof in this video nothing at all he didn't even use the bible to prove the bible is real like all the other lame "proof" videos, it's just his opinion and him talking.
The resone of christains to be christains is they feelings, not proofs.
No, I promise it is actually real
@@rjfoxhovenschannel9303 ok proof?
There might of been a flesh and blood Jesus who is the basis for the myths, but the miracle worker Jesus IS a myth and there is no good reason to think otherwise.
You gave proof that there are plenty of good people among Christians, and plenty of good people among Muslims. I like the spirit in that, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.
However, if you can find so many good people among Christians and Muslims (and Jews, and Buddhists, and Daoists, and Hindus and so on) how can that be proof that Christianity (or Islam, or Judaism or Buddhism) is the only true religion, and the others are not?
+Ashoerchen Get a copy of the Bible and a copy of the Quran, and spend 2 weeks reading or read an entire book of the Bible and 10 pages of the Quran and let the clues be the Judge As a Christian, growing up in the Church, leaving the Church and coming back.; I have become content that Christ is the Truth. How? because stepping away from the Church, I understood that Everybody believes in something or many things; some that edify and some that don't. as non-believers we focus on our physical senses and leave everything else up to argument. But Christians put the Spiritual above the Physical, meaning we put morals and values above Self, as the Bible says; "The Flesh is Weak, but the Spirit is Strong" Atheists are waiting for Science to perform a miracle that will save us.Christians believe that the most important miracles have already happened and the final and last miracle is Life after death, which we sincerely have No Doubt it is Fact and will happen.
+DEROY CREWS I did somewhat more than that. As a matter of fact, I have dealt with the Holy Books of mankind for a number of years. I included the Thora and important Buddhist sutras such as the Tripitaka, the Kanjur and the Lotus Sutra (I confess my ignorance on the Hindus classics). I found them all enriching and thought-provoking albeit, sadly, very often subject to abuse. What was more important to me is that I found a great number of people who were just as deeply convinced of the truth of their respective religions and Holy Books as you are of yours. Most of them were intelligent and educated persons, and all of them were most sincere. I keep them in high respect and consider myself privileged that they shared their insights and views with me.
However, the one thing none of them could convince me of was that it was their very own, specific religion alone that was true, while all the others were imperfect or erring. Such a claim, by its very nature, appears to me rather a proof of the weakness of man than of the hand of God, and one, if not the, cause for the misfortunes of mankind.
Ashoerchen I don't need to be a Christian on any specific grounds, except that I believe in Absolutes, and I believe that the Bible holds the data of the Absolute of human existence and why we are here.
(1) Last I Checked only Christians and Muslims claim to hold Religious Truth,( let's not work so hard to win an argument, I'm not here to argue.) Buddhists all say they are not a Religion. I'm not religious either.
(2)But Anyway, Denominations are arguments of Doctrine------So what, we have Republicans and Democrats, big deal.
Religions are arguments against Christ, there is not a single religion out there that doesn't have their own version of who Christ is. (3)Neither does any religion reach out to the world and have the Deliverance Status that Christianity Does.
(4) Let's get real, without Religion, Christianity would be the most innocent thing on the planet and 40 years ago it was.
It is religion that Atheists are fighting with, not Christianity, when I ask Atheists "what am I doing wrong?" ; they point me to a religion that has nothing to do with me .
For example: Catholicism is not Christianity, so if you did your homework Sir, you would Know that, so let's be honest, you didn't do your Homework.
You came here because you're unsure of yourself. "Atheism has no Foundation" if it does, please tell me; what Positive Spiritual Foundation will I trade Christ for?
Which Religion is the right one?
Is Atheism the answer to human existence and Absolute Truth?
Blowing the whistle might stop the fight for a moment, but doesn't fix the cause of things.
+DEROY CREWS I did not raise issue about a) Atheism and b) Catholicism and c) my homework. I understand you "argued" about them. Happy to do that too, but it wasn't my point.
I agree on what you mention about Buddhism. Most Buddhist scholars "argue" along the same lines. However, if you witness the practice of worship of believers in both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, the similarities with Christian and Muslim believers are striking.
The theological reasons you put forward about the exceptional nature of Christianity are well known and well honed. Equally, adherents to other religions are able to put forward their well-honed reasoning why their specific religion is exceptional. As long as everybody accepts the theological dilemma and nobody raises the claim of absolute truth and hence, supremacy, that's fine. Unfortunately, mankind tends to repeat that mistake.
Ashoerchen If you're not willing to do the research and try to walk in our shoes, you should just leave it alone.
We Christians are humans who live human lives just like everybody else, except that we live a Higher Standard, and we Preach Higher Standards because we believe this is what God has Called humanity too and it is also obviously better
it's Criminal to attack people's Faith because it didn't work for you.
I studied the Bible on the Reality of the lives of Christians first; their love and guidance and perseverance , made me a believer
It was later after understanding the House; that I listened to outside sources, just because I'm free to do so, and discovered that Christ is in the Way of Everything, everybody want to move Him out of the way , this is the beginning of Religion as well as Atheism, communism, Liberalism and even Racism.
I have done my homework in an Area that many people Ignore, and just because we are outnumbered by Liberalists, doesn't mean I should just give up and follow the system. I did that once, I gave up and my faith and followed the crowd, but never again.
this doesn't prove there is a God, or that Jesus had any sort of powers. it's never been proven and is no different from any other religion
Average Alien So true!!!
No. First, the question doesn't make sense. Christianity is definitely a thing that exists. Asking whether it is true is a ridiculous question. If, however, what you're asking is if the teaching of Christianity are true, you don't have evidence of that outside of your Bible which has so many errors in it as to completely negate its validity as a source.
Explain to me one error in the bible
If Jesus is god, Why did he required a mother to be born, if he is capable in doing anything ?
if you are that gullible,i have another story for you!
I grabbed the popcorn and sat down in my comfy chair to await the evidence - well, I've finished the popcorn, and my butt's sore from sitting, but I STILL haven't seen the evidence!
Ever heard of the Bible
@@user-ev9wl7bh9e still not evidence.
@@lordadamant8182 to you maybe
@@user-ev9wl7bh9e bible is a claim not evidence.
Mathhew 5:17 "Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but rather I have come to fulfill them." Just like the prophets before him he was sent to a group of people to call them to the worship of the only God (the father)
John 14:28 " The only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."
Only one God.
Mark 12:29 "The Lord our God, the Lord is one."
Only one God.
Matthew 4:10 "You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve."
Only one God to worship.
Matthew 26:39 "He went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed".
Showing weakness and how humble Jesus is to God
(exactly like how Muslims pray)
Luke 6:46 " But why do you call me Lord Lord and not do the things which I say"
I will leave you with the Book of matthew 7:22 and 7:23
I found this to be abit scary, It shows how Jesus is helpless in the "that day" the day of judgement. I say with complete sincerity only two groups believe in the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ. Muslims view him as a prophet who called people to worship the one true god. While Christians believe he is god in 3. Muslims call upon God(Allah in arabic), while christians call upon Jesus christ. Who is he referring to, this is truly scary and dear to me.
Islam is the only reasonable understanding.
Is this the best evidence?
no, no its not.
billions of people belive in spaghetti so the flying spaghettimonster exist. proof!
I tryed every religion and cristian music touch me inside It made me feel so much happier and satified
Were you a real Muslim
Okay, but I like Kate Bush music more than Christian music. It doesn't show anything but a musical preference.
1.50 "That in itself was kind of a miracle" followed by a kind of embarrassed facepalm gesture. Says it all really. This video is an embarrassingly bad example of poor reasoning.
Brothers and sisters remember that god said not to debate but to believe.
Trailer TRASH Ultra yet he gave us free will and thinking
Brothers and sisters remember that Santa Claus said not to debate but to believe.
Brothers and sisters remember that Krishna said not to debate but to believe.
Brothers and sisters remember that the illuminati said not to debate but to believe.
Thats not a very good line of thinking.
In fact, its not a line of thinking at all.
Jonathan Koppelman but if he is fake( which he is ) we would never know and thats why Christianity still exist because some dont look into it they just blindly belive
Jonathan Koppelman that's cute
So you pretty much said don't ask questions because it's sinful. And God didn't say that by the way the Roman that wrote that book did.
Not a single shred of evidence given in a video with this title lmao they can't come up with ANYthibg? Not one thing? God damn
It's hard to prove something fake is real.
There are literally thousands of religions, and all the stories contradict each other's. Your belief isn't any more special than anyone else's, its just different.
Your belief in atheism is also not any more special
@@hozza0411 nah it's less special
Atheism is not a belief. Also, he never said it’s special.
He was pointing to the fact that there are over 4000 religions claiming to be absolute truths, and so without evidence one cannot conclude which one is correct
@@hozza0411 how does one beleive in atheism? Your sentence makes no sense.
We are Spiritual beings go through this human experience. Your faith will show you what to do, Talk to Jesus about everything. Pray for yourself and all of us. Watch the difference in people. Read your Bible Jesus will help you understand. You are His creation, He loves you, you are His children. He spoke 12 words to me when I was going through a divorce, and was full of fear and I felt like a failure. The words were, There is no fear, only Faith. There are no failures, only Lessons. I was 50 at that time. I am now going to be 80 in October. I hope the Lord comes for us before, so I can celebrate in heaven. Open your heart, He’s real and He’s listening. God bless us all. Come with me. AMEN!!
I noticed you called it 'just a story' which yes that's all it is, stories like Paul Bunyan, Johnny Apple seed, they are stories based on a real person but writen in Fiction to help put a point across!!
Quoting from Akio Daiki.
I'm an atheist
I challenge you
to give me a good reason to believe in God
If you do not believe than you will burn in hell for eternity
Hell is not like jail where you serve a sentence for x amount of time no once you go to hell you stay in hell. Look up hell on the Internet and you see terrible pictures but guess what hell is 10 trillion times worse than what you see on those images so I encourage you to become a Christian and walk on the streets of gold with Jesus
where did akios comment gi
+TheBlankProject technicly god created that for Satán . god has a cup of rage with his cup of peace my friend. but now that rage is gone. dude I know bullys like they would try to hurt cjristans whenever they could. I told them to go to church for a month. there the nicest people ever now. stick with peace than send yourself to hell.
***** the unknown is the known. How can you be wiser now when you were wisest then. You knew the truth before. You choose to leave truth to belive in hours of wasted work. We knew it before there is proof that jesus existed at time. We know crusifiction was a way of exicution. So why is Christianity not true to you. Becuase you need reasoning for a answer when as we all know god has no reasoning for creating us. He just did. So my brother why wont you go back to god. I know its hard. I know youve almost locked your brain to atheism. But you still have the key. Open up to god. Just find the key.
Where do black people come from if Adam and Eve were white?
James Lucas It's where they where grown in up in. The more decedents they have the less color they have.
Also the color comes from melanin
after millions of years if you live in africa, your skin develops to the hot sun. Just like how people migrated to europe and spent time there and became white. You learn that in school....
James Lucas but we didn't com from Adam and Eve because that is illogical, what happens when their children want to have kids? Oh wait the can't because that is incest and incest leads to birth defects... yeh so we were all from evolution
Mirai Neko You have no idea what you're talking about, Adam and Eve were born with more gene diversity in them than one thousand of today's people as we bred it spred out the gene pool having kids with your family only became taboo when the gene pool spread out too far for it to be possible, also that's a great example of Entropy which is the law of science which actually disproves Evolution get your outdated disproved theory out of here
Preach it brother! Only a satanist would disagree with the truth that Christ exists!
Christian is not even in the bible where the name of Christian came from do you know God send messenger every time people gone the wrong path from adam to mohamed (saw) and only send one religion call submit your will to almighty god but people change and call what they want and add anything including worshiping human satan and animals but masengers came every time the masege corrupted and corrected so one thing for sure god is one and don't have kid's or wife's like the human and god forgive who repent and no one have to die for your sin if someone die for your sin then that's means god don't forgive
You going to hell just because you don't believe in him is the equivelant of a 10 year old skipping a rock 1000 times(very unlikely) and killing you if you don't believe him.
This isn't proof
What do you want as proof then?
Adam Fuller actual tangible proof instead of simply a lot of people are converting to Christianity yes Christianity shouldn't be here but that doesn't make it right that just makes it lucky
By tangible proof what do you mean? What kind of thing would be enough evidence for you?
Adam Fuller I don't know but I'm sure a supposed all powerful god can find a way to prove it's real like actually showing himself
Yes, He definitely could, easily could, reveal Himself to the world and prove the truth to everyone immediately. But if he did that, he would sabotage His own plan for us.
You see, all of us as humans are His children. He created us as spirits, then gave us bodies, so that when we die we could be resurrected and have a chance to become like Him. However, in order to become like God, we have to have amazing character. Because if we were given Divine Bodies without the Character to match it it wouldn't work. That's why there are things like faith, and suffering, and trials, to strengthen our character in this life, so that if we endure faithfully we will be ready for the next life. Of course, our Heavenly Father didn't just leave us out to dry, though sometimes it does seem that way. He knew that no matter how good we were, we still wouldn't be good enough. That's why He sent Jesus to atone for our sins. So even if we did mess up in the past, as long as we truly repented, and changed our lives to be faithful and endure suffering without complaint, we could be saved through the grace of Christ. How can I prove any of this? I'll tell you how, God won't show Himself to us because one look at Him and that will cause many people to not develop the necessary character that comes with believing in a being you can't see. But He does reveal himself in other methods. Think about the last time you did something kind for someone, felt good right? Part of that feeling is God encouraging us to do more character-strengthening activities like that, and the other part is just a natural human phenomenon that is merely a sequence of chemicals being released in your brain, but who designed that phenomenon? God, to answer your question, is indeed all powerful, so he can create little tiny bacteria in such a way that he KNOWS they will eventually evolve into EXACTLY what he wants: human bodies. Sorry for going on a tangent here. Point is, God could easily prove Himself, but he won't because it would sabotage His own Plan for us to become eternally happy in Heaven. Instead we must believe with the little bread crumbs He leaves us.
Just listening to this man justify his faith reaffirms what some religions truly teaches people to aspire to :
intellectual immaturity.
Islam is the true religion
Didn't convince me. I personally believe that christianity is not so much a origin of the universe, but just a teaching of certain morals, which isn't inherintly bad.
Calling something "proven" does actually prove it. Where's the actual, tangible evidence?
CITATION NEEDED! All you did is make unsupported hand waving statements meant to reaffirm the preexisting beliefs of people who are believers. No evidence claims were addressed. Then you engaged in a toxic game of whataboutism. All you did was go "experts say" then jingle keys to distract from the problem of evil WITH THE PROBLEM OF EVIL. /smh I mean wow this was bad. If a fraction as much effort was put into the argument as the overly emotionally pandering production value, well you would still not be presenting evidence, but it wouldn't be such an obvious deflection from addressing the initial statement of your video.
I just love it when people who don't know history talk about history. Christians weren't really persecuted for the first century or so of their history (with the exception of Neros campaign against christians that lasted roughly two seconds, and a couple of other small things). By the time Romans started to really go after christians, they had already spread all over the empire making it impossible to destroy them.
(Matthew 5:17-18) Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Wheres the proof! You tried but nah
Jesus Christ is the living God in human form. It's unexplainable an a great mystery.
I am a Christian but the same can be said of Islam. It started from one man and grew to become one of the Big Three, so to speak.
Allong with the animals god created: ebola, cancer, smallpox, yellow fever, tuberculosis, syphilis and many more disseases that whould torture from newborns to elders!
In Judaism murder is an Unpardonable sin. Anyone that commits murder gets executed and his soul dies. He will not be United with Yahweh or his/her loved ones in heaven. In Judaism there is NO HELLFIRE where people go to PAY for SINS. The Ultimate punishment dispensed by Yahweh would be that the sinner is executed in this lifetime and he would kill the soul of the sinner.
Same Torah but Two sets of rules. This double standard is found throughout the Old Testament.
In Christianity Jesus died for the SINS of humanity, Anyone who believes that and repent his/her SIN shall NOT be punished and he/she goes to heaven. In Christianity there IS HELLFIRE. The punishment dispensed by Jesus is NO PUNISHMENT at ALL in this world or the next if someone REPENTS. If a person does not repent he/she will BURN IN HELL.
Since Christianity is supposed to be an extension of Judaism one would imagine that the laws would be the same because Jesus himself said that he wasn't here to Abolish the commandments and not a dot of the Old Testament was to be changed. So why TWO sets of rules for the same Sin? How is it that in Christianity sinners burn in Hell while in Judaism they don't?
Per Islamic Laws a Murderer get Executed and he burns in Hellfire. ALLAH'S Ultimate punishment of a killer is execution of the sinner in This life and Hellfire in afterlife.
No need to shout bruh. we get it, you've never read the bible.
+Jub Jub
+WiseMuslim why you disrespectin' bruh!
deuteronomy 20:16 says to kill anything that breathes not anyone who breathes. God commanded that they use the women and children in they're plunder. God did not command the murder of them.
Commit one sin everyday and pray for forgiveness before night. You'd probably commit all sin before cunning around in heaven. I love this idea.
A scientist makes a hypothesis and then looks for evidence to back or refute his claim
If there was a creator God who loved and cared about us. The evidence would be as follows:
1 Everybody would know of him and his commands and expectations. Multiple prophets all telling exactly the same story.
2 We would be emotionally mature. No petty arguments or wars.
3 We would have been designed better, no backache, baldness or cancer.
4 The earth would not have a cooling crust that is susceptible to volcanos, tsunamis, and earthquakes.
5 Bacteria and viruses would not exist or we would be immune.
6 The world would be designed in a way that we all flourished. Some people throw food away and have water on tap, some people experience famine and drought.
7 Adults would not believe or tell children ridiculous stories about talking snakes or flying horses, told as literal truths on pain of rejection if you did not believe.
I could go on. There is no evidence for God or Gods.
I only have one thing to say: okay, but why?
Now you're catching on.
Some religions promotes a heightened sense of self-superiority in one's beliefs ..
.. the heightened sense of self beliefs makes them hypersensitive to the slightest redicule and criticisms ..
.. people who are easily offended by contrary views and remarks are usually the ones to take the first steps towards war and aggression ..
Athiests, Christians, and Muslims,
What amount of evidence you require depends on your interpretation of faith. If your concept of faith is proper and it means approximately 'trust' then you don't need certainty or proof, but a sufficient amount of evidence for trust/faith.
If something is certain, does it require faith? NO. If there is room for doubt, faith is possible. Otherwise, it's unnecessary.
Christianity is free ... you wont lose anything by just trying, in fact, you have all to gain if you do.
Islam is the true religion. Every other religion are just pretty much varients of Islam with the message in their religion becoming corrupt over time. Like in the Bible and the Torah, they are not in its original form today and there are many different versions. For the Quran, its a historical fact that it has never been changed ever since God revealed it the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and this is the last revelation to mankind as a criterion over all religion.
Sam Shamseddine you sir, should go and educate yourself
Your completely right!! Your religion which was made from a man who only had a dream, and not a bunch of stories gathered from the world must be true. I mean it's not like everything was stolen from Judaism, and retold to make cultists, oops I meant to say Muslims.
Lots more scholars will tell you that the existence of a man in the Middle East 2000 odd years ago, named Jesus does not prove the existence of god. Secondly, you are right the historical account is reflected by other authors approximately of the time. However, that too does not prove the existence of god. In fact, if you use this logic, you could say that because there are lots of sources talking about Manhattan and it is the primary setting in the Spiderman comic books, Spiderman must be real!
No audio
There were no accounts of Jesus that were written contemporary to Jesus. No one who knew him, or lived when he did, bothered to write anything down about him. And yet you Christians believe he was god incarnate and rose from the dead? Based on hearsay?
***** What evidence do you have?
The problem with people not believing is because they don't read the bible, they read half heartedly and not fully understand who God is. God is not human, He made us in his image, meaning we are called to be like Him. Instead, people question and are indoctrinated to believe otherwise, to hate, to question, to think of something opposite the truth. People ask for facts but if facts hit people in the face, they wouldn't believe it. If God showed Himself, people who deny God would not ask why, they would deny. So if people are denying God, asking for proof, or just accepts science as facts, then clearly they are lost and dumbed down. God is a loving god but only towards those who are righteous and those who love God. But he despises the wicked, naysayers, and those like the pharisees.
Putting it short, if someone asks for facts. They are lost and can only find help within themselves. Their family members who are gay, they can only help themselves and if they don't want to, don't question God. Question why they want to be gay and help them instead of beating around the bush and blaming the Lord.
The root of evil is of Satan, and evil is just that, a spoiled person who wants to deny and defy God because he can't be God.
The root of evil is Satan? Who created Satan?
Ian G Lucifer
Rogan Windmill and Lucifer was created by? Himself?
The historicity of Jesus.
Sure, he was a person, born, lived, and died. But that alone doesn't mean he was the son of a god or did magic tricks. It just means there was a Jewish Rabbi named Jesus that died on a cross. It in no ways proves all the claims of the bible or Christianity as true.
Christianity survived persecution.
It did. Many people believed it back then and many believe it now. Does simply believing in something make it true? No. No matter how many believe it that is not a factor in whether its claims are factual or not.
What Christians do in the name of Christianity is irrelevant to the claims made in the bible.
The Bible might say the Earth is flat. Whatever the Bible says is true, is true.
I dont think this video has done its research........there really is no evidence for Jesus or the message fact theres alot more evidence in contrary......very unfortunate, imo
Stop apologizing for muslims
Obviously this guy didn't graduate middle school.
I believe in Karma. I believe that God sends good karma and bad karma.
I believe that good Karma goes out to ministries and things like that in which are changing the world. I also believe that this good Karma goes to people who rightfully worship the Lord.
However, I believe Bad Karma goes out to those who spread hate, violence, murder, terrorism,etc. Not only do their acts come back around and hit them where the Good Lord split them, but if they do not repent then guess what? They have to spend all eternity in agony, sorrow, in the company of demons, and at the full power of Satan and that is a just punishment for all the sorrow, pain, and agony they spread on earth.
+King Athiest God doesn't do karma he chooses go hell or heaven if they did good or was evil
Really pity this guy, who has pushed his brains to the back burner, and swallowed all the lies fed to him by the church. It’s time you grew up, man.
Sorry but Your "feelings" aren't proof.
Also just because the bible says its true. Doesnt mean it is. By that logic I'm a trillionare its true because I said it is right?
this only proves that a lot of people follow christianity and have for a long time.. this doesnt proe christianity
This comment section is a mine field
Your evidence is seriously, it spread, therefor it is true. It spread through those very persecutions you were talking about. By your logic, Islam is also true, because it spread while another religion was dominant.
So his argument is basically saying that Christianity didn’t get squashed like other religions at the time, so therefore it must be factually true. Lol. Most people in the Bronze Age didn’t even know where the sun went at night and thought the earth was flat, they’d believe in anything.
I really like this video. It isn't gonna convince me that god is real, but I can at least see where christians are coming from after this. Christianity is comforting.
Why do you settle for being comforted with fairytails and ancient myths ?
Santa Claus is also comforting... even more so..
christianity survied and where lucky are not evidence
The Bible god claims to have set up a system where non Jesus believers are endlessly torturing in hell. Does the behavior of the Bible god towards non believers demonstrates the infinite intelligence and wisdom worthy of a real god of the entire humanity ?
Sorry if your offended but I can't understand why people believe in miracles or that Jesus rose the dead, in my eyes it's completely insane
King Athiest I don't believe in karma, but I believe in God and if it's Gods will not to have those evil people caught then so be it.
i don't get one thing. if jesus is the son of god then the father(God) is more powerful then jesus, becuz he is his father. so why do Christians only pray to god and never says a thing about the father.
and there is a only a father and a son? no mother god? so that means the father created the son?
so the son is a creation?
Well that was vapid. Christianity got big when Constantine decided to make it the official religion of the Empire, even though he was NOT a Christian till he was dying. If then. He made the religion into a tax dodge.
It was only sporadically persecuted and most of the stories are just stories except for when Nero chose to use the new cult as scapegoat for the huge fire in Rome. Mostly it was left alone. Christians carried out far more extensive and determined persecution than the Romans ever did. Well until the Romans became Christian.
Get an education on the subject of the early church, you are ignorant on the subject.
I totally agree: christianity is true: I've got as church in my freaking street and christians bother me with their bs every Sunday
We christians above anything else respect all the other religions out there. We do not persecute or openly deny other faiths and neither do we impersonate their holy book. If you are a Muslim, as you channel name describes you, I'm sure you wouldn't want other religions making the fun of your holy book. In 2001 the Catholic Pope John Paul II kissed the Qua'an as a sign of respect and to improve relations with the Islam faith. Even though am Anglican I feel this is the sort of respect we should live by. Jesus is mentioned more times in the Qua'an than Mohammed, so there is more than enough proof to know he exsisted. There is also more written proof he performed miracles than there is Julius Ceaser ever lived. Please respect other religions and stop spreading bad messages across the internet. Thank you.
TøpisLife is Beefy I never said I though other religions were right?
the pope now is satanic is he not
Because Christians said so and they think they're word is right so it is.
Islam has very different tenets from Christianity. You were very ambiguous as to rejecting Islam. The bible says all other gods are not God at all, only idols. Islam tells people to worship an idol. If you can’t condemn the fallacies of Islam, you are either in sin or not a true Christian.
well another sucessful proof of the christian mythology. it's really encouraging to see another video proving jesus existed biting the dust, it makes up for all the stupid videos where everyone is praising god and shouting halleleujas.
just to be clear the is NO EVIDENCE of any gods, so even if jesus was an actual preacher religions are false.
+Chewy Tac0ss There is a reason why deaths happen and only god knows the true reason. "babies aren't born Christian so they haven't accepted god or jesus into there lives so all dead babies go to he'll? " No u got that all wrong to go to he'll u need to have sinned more that you've done good,but a baby is still pure without sins. Also It isn't the babies fault they haven't heard about the word of God therfore it still can enter heaven.
False, you go to heaven by worshipping and praising in Jesus Christ. False teaching is something that can bring you to hell though.
situation needed for evidences of Jesus?
No Christian has ever Told me so please answer, now You say heaven is heaven so there is a fucking city in the sky? HOW THE HELL ARE WE NOT SEEING IT!?
We Muslims also believe in Jesus. So foes that make us Christians?
+Azerbaijani Panturkists You believe in a God called Allah and not the One True God who Jesus is apart of. Sadly, theology would suggest that you are not.
+ksb2050 You are wrong! We believe in the same God that you believe in. We even believe that Christians and Jews also have a slight chance to go to Paradise.
+ksb2050 yes! Your god is allah
Not Jesus the one true God
+Azerbaijani Panturkists the problem is your paradise is hell. Islam routinely disparage God's commandments. The fact tgat your Paradise is open to murderers alone shows that much.
+chris S. You don't make sense.
This proofs that God exist, but this doesn't proof that Christianity is the right religion
just stay religion free just bieliev in god that's all u need to need to limit ur life with a religion
How to prove Christianity false in one sentence.
"If God is all powerful, why don't you go up to him and ask him to make a rock that he himself cannot lift?"
Exodus was proven and what about the man who healed people when people hated him and later died for the cause
Ihazskittles That man might have never even existed, or could have been an alien. Also, how does your sentence relate to original post?
+SuddenRush God equals Jesus so he fan technically pick up rocks and also how would Jesus be an alien if he was born from Mary? Is
Ihazskittles If he can pick up rocks, then he can't make a rock that he can't lift, meaning he's not all powerful. Also, is there any proof that Jesus was actually born from Mary?
God being all powerful is often understood. What this has always meant is that He can do anything as long as it doesn't contradict His nature. He cannot make a rock so large he can't lift it. He cannot change because that requires being temporal and He is eternal. He can do anything that not limited by contradiction because being Truth and That Which Simply Is, is not equal to that which is not.