Archived Content - Did you Know? Pandemic Fatigue

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • This video has been archived and is not being updated. Archived information is provided for reference and research purposes. Please refer to for the latest guidance.
    Did you know that pandemic fatigue is real?
    It’s natural to feel fatigued about all this stress during the pandemic. You might feel demotivated, complacent, even hopeless. This can happen gradually as we get tired of having to adjust our lives to changing public health measures.
    Don’t let fatigue turn into burnout. Check in with your family, friends, and yourself. Pandemic fatigue can be experienced differently by everyone, so be mindful and acknowledge how you’re feeling.
    Be kind to yourself and focus on what you can control, like finding new ways to connect with your community digitally or outdoors, creating routines, and practicing self-care such as getting plenty of sleep and exercise.