@UCQUQ9uvKUGO13Thv7dqgktg unfortunately, you're probably right. It absolutely sounds like she was projecting. I'm glad to hear that you're doing better, though!
I have my bachelor's in social work and I saw this outpatient detox center that opened up on a block where there are 2 bars, 1 on the same block and the other 1 is on the next block. I told my supervisor and we were appalled cause I told her there's a new center ( so we can recommend clients) but I saw there's a bar a few doors down I told her ASAP it's a bad idea.
I'm dying over this lol. Seriously, if I just saw the slogan fast acceptance, with no context, I would think it meant the same thing. Talk about a marketing fail.
Not to mention the irony of that statement, like, if your body is nobody else's business, then why the fuck are you getting into that person's business?
The first step of AA is to admit and accept that you are alcoholic. As in recognize it and don't live in denial. By the FA definition it means AA is saying they should remain alcoholics.
So she's working against doctors orders. She is sabotaging her client's health program with their doctor. She should have her certification taken , and Get fined or something for basically malpractice.
Charmaine Taylor I’m pretty sure that’s illegal... doesn’t she have to be a certified dietician to give that type of advice. So if one of her clients got sick or died, or had health problems due to her advice.. she would be liable..
What’s next? Serving out cold beer after AA meetings? Passing out bags of heroin at drug rehabilitation clinics? This giving donuts out at a work out session is so counterproductive it’s ludicrous. This “fat personal trainer” is a scam artist! My goodness smh 🤦🏻♀️
Laura-Lee Gillion There have been many studies on the similarities between drug addiction and food addiction and the effects on both on the brain and how it reacts with regard to dopamine affecting the “pleasure center” and self control, so no, I won’t stop comparing the two. Facts over emotional reaction. The point was how ludicrous it is to reward an addicted person with the the thing they are addicted to while claiming to be helping them change those habits to get healthier.
@Laura-Lee Gillion in some ways, food addiction is more difficult to get out of than drug addiction. Think of it this way, if someone is an alcoholic and in order to stop the addiction, they had to drink one beer every day, it would be difficult wouldn't it? That's what it is for food addictions, you cant live without food, food addicts need to still eat food every single day, therefore triggering their binges
i kindaaaa feel her. Our trampoline is like 10 years old and VERY fragile, i am obese but still in reach of being overweight, working very hard and am very close to be "only" overweight. However i am super duper scared of going on the trampoline, its looks like its close to ripping every time i only stand on it. Why am i saying all of this? Dk, just felt like sharing but i know this is kinda not important to know oops
Like she doesn't understand diet at all or even what gluten is. Almost as if she never was educated on that topic. But you know who is educated, registered dietitians and personal trainers. Till I see some certs or creds, I am going to say, she isn't a certified trainer, just a trainer. And how dare a restaurant advertise that they offer different styles of food with no mention of diet.
Slenderteddyotaku I was thinking this too! Gluten free has nothing to do with weight loss. As far as I’ve seen, gluten free doesn’t equal less calories, less carbs, or less sugar, so I don’t know why she’s going after the celiacs!! 😂
God, i work in retail. The image of a lady coming up to complain to me about merchandise we carry being “fat phobic” sounds like a literal nightmare. That poor employee.
@@michelleburt3468 Ikr its so frustrating sometimes, you can really tell which people have never had to work with the general public once in their life
Like she said, the employee has no control on what they sell. You cant come up and yell at an employee like a karen and expect that they can "fix" and cater everything to you
@@hyperbunnygirl101 no - I definitely wouldn’t say that. The woman in question is very wrong about the things she said but I personally have been on both sides of the spectrum (anorexia to binge eating) and I do sometimes feel like I am „trapped in a fat body“ , but I felt the same way when I was really thin. I didn’t wanna be bigger but I also didn’t wanna scare people off or make them tell me things like „eat a burger“ or something.
What is the point of getting a personal trainer that will make you...even more fat? They are supposed to make you healthier and stronger,not give you donuts. I can get fat on my own. No need to pay somone for that.
Because without shaming the girl who lost weight, she wouldn't be hired as a personal trainer. And she couldn't charge people to not lose weight and not learn to eat better. She would have to accept that her whole career is essentially lowering people's life span with the lie that "Body positivity" is the same as "Fat acceptance".
Fr like we institutionalize anorexic people so they can get to a healthy weight, we instiutionalize suicidal people so they can be mentally healthy, so why is it a bad thing to try and help fat people get to a healthy weight?
They can't comprehend that there are people who want to eat healthy. They think everyone would choose to eat unhealthily if given the choice, they know nothing else. It's like those people who think that all men are sexual creatures by nature, and they can't help themselves assaulting a girl in a skirt. It's just wrong.
My brother just made a valid point. Imagine you have like a drug addiction and go to a therapist for help. They claim to be fully qualified as a therapist You go in and then they hand you some of the drug and go "Oh don't worry, it's your body so it's your choice!" and proceeds to take the drug with you.
@@starial Yup. That's why they FINALLY dropped the pretense and stopped calling themselves "body positivity activists", because they're anything but. They only think fat bodies deserve to be celebrated.
Right, and that's how I felt like I was truly addicted to eating, it was no way to live my life revolved around eating. Im so glad I'm not eating that crap anymore. Now I look and say they are really making it harder than what it has to be. Who the hell wants that crap for breakfast?!? Once you get used to good healthy food there is no more addiction! Thank God
@@noradlark167 Sure, I self-harmed and I know it helps to regulate emotions, but it doesn't help to get better in any way, that is why it would be irresponsible of a psychologist to recommend doing that.
from personal experience, I only get fat when my depression gets out of control and I just hands down hate myself (instead of self harm, I become sweet addict). So the whole "respect your body" is so paradoxal to me, because if you DID respect your body, you wouldn't be treating it like a trash can and stuffing it with crappy food.
Me too. It's really a sad and vicious cycle if you aren't aware of this. Soooooo happy you are aware. When I wasn't aware, I would eat away to "help my depression" and I was too depressed to work out. Obviously, I would increase in weight. Which made me feel even worse, and then it would continue until one day I decided I have had enough of my current life. I just decided to walk. Like in Forrest Gump - just keep running. Except I was too "depressed" to run, so I just kept walking. I have already lost so much weight, the motivation after losing weight made me eat better. I realized that depression and eating unhealthy is a vicious negative cycle. But once you are aware, you can use it for a positive cycle as well. Seriously all the best to you, it really is a difficult journey.
This. I am recovering from an eating disorder and I have found I am more likely to skip meals or eat shitty foods when I’m feeling badly. When I feel well I enjoy finding new creative ways to meet my body’s needs.
This really hit me in college bc I wrestled 197 lbs and naturally weighed ~210-212, which was down from 230 that summer, and cutting 15 lbs every week really affected me mentally, and I eat a lot when I’m depressed, which made cutting harder.
No because there's this fat kid in my school and refuses to stop talking about cheese burgers to the point where the teacher threatened to send him to the office if she heard the word cheese burger one more time
Hahah I started working out more recently and while trying to run on the treadmill the thought of a zombie apocalypse came to mind....I’ll probably die lmao
One of my best friends has celiac disease. She cannot eat gluten. It has NOTHING to do with her weight. Also, there are still PLENTY of gluten-free foods that are still very unhealthy.
I don't have celiac disease. But I realized two years ago, after going gluten free for weight loss, that I was gluten sensitive. I have had digestive issues my ENTIRE life. Gas, bloating, constipation... Daily. I grew up in a ramen noodles, pasta, bread, bread, bread family. I just assumed that it was just me. I even thought that other people were like that. But then when I tried a gluten free diet at 26 I realized that was it! My digestion was normal for the first time ever. People may look at me crazy when I say that I stay away from wheat gluten but constant discomfort is not fun.
@@sadie2melw For the record, everyone is gluten intolerant it is just that people with celiac disease have a more extreme reaction to it. Yes even if it gluten-free it is still shit unless the carbs are strongly reduced and sugars eliminated from the diet. also, make sure to have the proper omega3 -6 balance in the body and eating healthy fats that are not processed and are not the cheap vegetable oil. Gluten basically causes leaky gut and inflames the body as food and other foreign particles end up in the bloodstream and wreaking havoc. as gluten makes the internal gut lining much more permeable than it should be. symptoms of gluten intolerance are anxiety, depression, tiredness, sleepiness, diarrhea, bloated stomach extender, there is a long list of potential symptoms. Feel free to pick up following books they are really eye-opening if books are not your thing go for audiobook or documentary about them The big fat surprise by Nina Teicholz Grain Brain by David Perlmutter Brain maker by David Perlmutter Diabetes Code by Jason Fung In my case like many others will do in time once they have read the new/forefront literature about nutrition and health. All diseases and problems travel the inflammatory highway before making the human body ill in different complications and diseases that are identified in medicine/school. So I adopted the most anti-inflammatory diet known to man and lifestyle interventions that is a KETOGENIC vegan/Mediterranean diet. I threw in controlled inflammation and stress like regular fasting, excercise and fermented food(homemade). I have never been better. The body adapts to the stress and becomes stronger and healthier. However if you inflame the body from different directions , it becomes like a tug of war and the body can not adapt to them all and breakdown. No problem losing and maintaining my ideal body weight, all of my anxiety, gut bloatedness, brain fog went away and I could finally perform at high level in both in my studies and physical fitness. I even have an internal urge to move and do something, it is like a switch that has been dormant in me just turned on. I now live by eating every other day/ fasting every other day 24-36 hours fast. It took me about 2 years to enter this rhythm/ routine by gradually going for a healthier and better lifestyle interventions.
Got a free trainer session at a gym and my jaw dropped when she came out.. she was obese. She got winded handing me weights! I’m extremely fit and couldn’t break a sweat with her. Her response, “they didn’t tell me how fit you were”. Yeah, session ended 30 minutes early so I could do a real workout instead of waste my time. In my eyes, she was a joke. It made no sense.
Not just gluten intolerance, but there's full-on celiac disease too. Even just regular gluten intolerance is nothing to sneeze at, though. The gluten-free diet has become such a fad to the point that people don't take it seriously anymore. It's like calling someone a soyboy behind that person's back when they ask if a place carries soy milk because they're lactose intolerant.
@@galeforce3192 as someone who is a celiac disease and lactose/ A2 protein allergy sufferer. I've had people call me fat phobic, say I'm looking for attention, I'm high maintenance or even test to see that I am actually allergic. It sucks I hate my allergies
@@galeforce3192 best comment. i got made fun of by a few family members on facebook for “hopping on the gluten free trend” before i told them that i definitely hate it more than they do and i have no choice since i have celiac disease
A personal trainer feeding donuts to clients is like a mechanic who sabotages your car every time you bring it to the shop. Unbelievable! I’ve lost 92 pounds and still losing. I managed to reverse a number of health issues and this “trainer” makes me so mad!
No it's worse than that, it's like injecting your clients with venom saying "oh this will help your immuninty" when in all actually its sending you into a long painful death. This women needs to be arrested immediately! Everyone who supports this movement also needs to be arrested... Oh and btw good job! Hope everything works out for you!
8:20 “the yummier it tastes, the yummier it feels” Wow what bs. I enjoy junk food because of its taste but it often makes my stomach hurt and feel sick. Meanwhile, I don’t enjoy the taste of salad as much as junk food but the salad makes my stomach/body feel healthy and ready for action
Arguing with the cash register person about why the store sells some product is the equivalent of yelling at your waiter because your steak is undercooked.
"Fat acceptance is accepting that you are fat" ...Interesting perspective. Makes me think that there are The Five Stages of Fat, and that the fat activist movement constantly has one foot in Denial and the other in Anger.
@@TheIntimateAvenger seeing it in this perspective that honestly sounds a lot like what my mind went through before I decided to get healthy and lose weight
Because they don’t have the strength to change themselves, the feel like they need to shit on anyone who does. It’s really sad that the fat/body acceptance movement has become a pack of insecure addicts who want to make the world as miserable as they are.
I accept that I'm severely morbidly obese. I accept that I'm having mental and physical problems due to my weight. I accept that I must make a change. I accept it will be very hard. Love ya Michelle!
Body positive movement: every body is beautiful. Nobody can tell you what to do. Health at every size. Do what you want. Person: *is thin or does exercise to be healthy* Body positive movement: tHe dIsReSpEcT. sUcH oPrEsSiOn. i'M tRigGeReD. *_REEEEEEEEEEEEE_*
Weight for the most part Is a choice, people can be fat and like it, but there is no denying that being fat is objectively unhealthy and subjectively unattractive. Being made fun of for being fat isn't ok, but neither is denying the ramifications of being fat.
Yeah, speaking as someone who is obese (and trying to be more healthy) I think this attitude is coming from a place of low self esteem and hurt pride. Maybe with a lot of denial for good measure.
As a black woman, the "Fatphobia is Racist/Sexist" argument always peeves me. Also, does that woman realize that there are ppl who have gluten allergies? 🤦🏾♀️
BunsBuns I completely agree with you but I think they make that argument because statistically ethnic minorities in USA are more likely to be in a ‘food desert’, making fresh and healthy food more difficult to get.
@@lucyc3634 yea I get that!...but that still isn't racism. I just hate that ppl have recently been so quick to throw around the word so casually for any situation that happens to upset them. And unfortunately it works because with the hivemind/mob-mentality of the outrage side of the internet. If you the words racism, sexism, or sexual assault are mentioned, people get up in arms without even fact-checking first. And I'm scared that because of this, whenever there are REAL issues regarding those things, they're just gonna be lumped in with that of these overreactive whiners.
THANK YOU! I am celiac! I get excited every time I see a new restaurant opening with the gf sign! A new place where I won’t need to worry about getting sick if they don’t prepare my food properly! But she is too ignorant to understand that and thinks gluten free = I wanna lose weight.... About the racist thing... I won’t even comment....
BunsBuns I know. I think it’s completely disgusting to even compare the constant prejudice and discrimination people face on the day to day just because of the colour of their skin, with being obese, because that is something that is their own fault and they can change that and is not something that should be celebrated.
Slow and steady wins the race! Sustainability is huge for lasting changes. I’ve lost 100lbs and maintained it for 5 years. I was once 255lbs. So I speak from experience. Keep going! You got this ❤️
Dude, your arms look so satisfying for some reason, like for real you have such amazing arms! Man the thing about the trampoline is so wholesome, that must have felt so good for her.
@@murderousmayhem6362 I agree. I talk like this to my guy and girl friends. It's not that I'm implying that I think they are a guy, its just how I talk
I’m a fat person myself and i’ve accepted the fact that i’m fat after years of calling myself “fit fat” just cause i can run faster than someone, or carry heavier things than others, but blood work doesn’t lie I’m thankful that i didn’t reach the point of being diabetic or having irreversible organ damage, sure i have stretch marks and excess skin now but seeing and experiencing the change i’ve decided to make myself is worth the trouble of self control, living less of a sedentary lifestyle, and giving up things my body didn’t and doesn’t need. I’m quite a recent subscriber but a believer of the existence of toxic fat-acceptance culture Literally toxic to them and their bodies and socially and mentally toxic for the rest of us. Thanks Michelle, keep on fighting for health and wellness
She saw how much money the tabacco industry was making 🤷♀️ She probably figured that if people where willing to pay for a shortened life span she could also make some good money of off obesity
Michaela Louise True, but while movies and tv shows make smoking look cool there’s not smoking positive movement, the media isn’t trying to coddle smokers, and no one is denying the the consequences of smoking.
For someone who suffered with bulimia that “yummy” comment is nonsense and isn’t true...healthy food choices, portion sizing, and looking at the labels saved my health.
Going from 180lbs at 5’4 to 140lbs, at first I felt like 💩 when I avoided processed junk food and started to run more 😩 So, this beautiful woman’s journey and transformation has earned my respect!! 💛💪🏼
@@jojooooss Drink a cup (or bottle) of water before each meal, bc this will jumpstart your metabolism faster before digesting food. Also, eat junk food here and there, just always stop when you feel satisfied and not when your stomach is bursting at the seams. I trained myself to enjoy the taste of green tea w out sugar or cream, and black coffee. But that’s a little extreme for some so no worries if you like your drinks a little sugary!
me too! i just went from 175 to 135 by monitoring what i was eating. i feel so much better and am now off of my blood pressure meds; don’t need them anymore
The whole getting mad at a gluten free restaurant thing make me as someone who is celiac mad. For us we can barely eat anything and have to watch what we eat or we could potentially die! And the whole yummy food makes you feel yummy is annoying too because if I ate a cake (that was not gluten free) it would taste yummy but then after I would quickly be dying (not literally but also kinda literally). Sorry for the long comment but I’m heated, also thank god for gf restaurants we love you!
LEE BABY yeah she said that gluten free restaurants are fat phobic because they are Healthy but in fact they have nothing to do with being fat phobic (like you said).
Kenna Jade I am celiac too and GOD BLESS gluten free restaurants. I am also lactose intoletant (just because... luck) and since I live in Italy it's IMPOSSIBLE to me to go to a "normal" restaurant ad eat something else than pure meat and vegetables, without any dressing. People that have not this disease will never understand the amount of stress we have to deal with EVERYDAY, even watching someone eating a pizza becomes painful. I am 100% sure that if that lady ate like a celiac for a month she would lose most of her excess weight, only because eating like a celiac is truly difficult.
"I saw a thing, so I went directly to the person responsible for it: Some poor kid earning minimum wage and I yelled at them for something really stupid that was completely out of their control. I am such a good person and I love myself and others."
My dad is an eye surgeon, and sometimes he takes me (18) on his missions to Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, and other neighboring islands. He performs cataract surgeries for free on those who need the help. Seeing the privileged mindset in the fat acceptance community enrages me. I’ve seen what true oppression is; I’ve seen the lengths that people will go to better their health, even though they have nothing left. I’ve seen mothers beg the accompanying optometrists to help their children get a pair of glasses. I’ve seen men cry after having a successful surgery because they haven’t been able to see in ten or more years. Those people would give up everything if it meant getting the help they desperately need. Perspective is a bitch.
as a child i was on the heavier side of average. in 4/5 grade (lord i can't remember) i just stopped. i think i actually developed anorexia for a time, being 70lbs at 12-13. for years i would get sick and thrown up in the mornings and skipped lunch at school (i had invisilgn braces which are a pain to consantly take out and clean). i remember having a conversation about wieght with a classmate. at the time she was complaining about how "she was fat" so i asked how much she wieghted as she looked beautiful and didn't look overwieght to me. she said 110lbs, i was actually shocked at this. i told her she looked good and that if she felt overwieght she should see a doctor, then she asked my wieght.i told her i was 90-95lbs (had just been to the doctor's and was really proud i had gained this wieght) she looked worried and asked if i was okay. i said i was and was proud of how i was making progress. i really think that made her realise that she was healthy and she has not called herself fat since then. i'm doing a lot better now thankfully. I just turned 16 and am around 100-110lbs (i'm a 5'2 female, so this is still low but normal) i still feel nusiated in the morning on occasion but haven't thrown up in a really long time (barring the occasional sickness) and am very pround of this. sorry for the long rant. My ADHD said you're gonna write this and i can't argue with that logic. hope you have a great night :)
When you were describing how you feel ill in the morning it sounds like circadian rhythm disorder. in layman's terms that's basically saying that your body is shutting down when it should be waking and your body wakes up when it should be shutting down. Or an even more lazy terms you are truly biologically nocturnal.I have this and have a hard time eating in the morning when I first wake up due to the crippling nausea I typically feel.try smoothies as I've have found it is easier to get nutrition this way without setting off the nausea to greater extent. I myself like an avocado strawberry pineapple smoothie to get going in the morning with oat milk. After about an hour I then move on to a high protein cereal with oat milk. It was rough going at first but now it's my routine. After my coffee.
@@meghanodonoghue9066 I have this too! I usually just bring a protein bar or a meal replacement drink to est quickly in the train to school when the nausea goes away 😂 I tried so hard to eat breakfast in hs but I always threw it up
“The yummier it tastes the better you feel” uuuhhhh I’ve felt quite the opposite lol something loaded with sugar sure tastes great and then a few hours later I crash and feel lathargic/gross! These people are just looking for ways to justify their actions..keep up the vids, love your channel!
"We accept all ppl! Fat acceptance is about loving your body!" "Omg how dare you love your body so much you want to not die! You can traumatize others with your weight loss!"......ummmmm isnt DEATH 💀more traumatizing
Wait, if she's saying that people's bodies aren't anyone's business...Why the heck is she a "personal trainer"? Aren't personal trainer suppose to help other people get their bodies in shape and happy? Edit: I know that she's not trying to get people in shape. I was just trying to show the irony in the fact that she's a "personal trainer" and yet says people shouldn't care about other's body when that's literally her job.
Also, it really is our business. We have survived as well as we have as a specie by looking out for each other. I mean, altruism does have its limits, but it is also part of how we thrive. Using proper tact because we don't need to be rude, we really should help each other out, and if that is with them being fat, then we point it out and help them get resolution.
@@notgreatgale you got this!! everyday we make the decision to do better- a statistic like that can’t apply to someone who consciously chooses to do better!
@@patiwhit5219 just an update: as of this comment, i've lost 20 pounds from my highest weight (169 lbs to 149 lbs) and i've even dropped a size or two! amazing what simple lifestyle changes can do :)
Why do people get so triggered with Gluten free food? Some people need that. I guess people with Coeliac disease or glutten allergy can suffer, right 🤷♀️
@Trent We're literally watching her die... I know she's not that good of a person and a liar but nobody deserves that fate. Laughing at her is all fun and games until the footage of her funeral gets uploaded, I wonder if you'd feel entertained then too...
I am a survivor of sexual assault and domestic violence. I am a survivor of drug addiction (8 months clean.) I am also the survivor of traumatic events that took the lives of 3 of my siblings and my father. Her talking about people being traumatized coming out of dirt culture?? Wow. Speechless! Personally I’ve lost 100 lbs. and it was not traumatic to lose weight. However, it was traumatic to bury my family, including my 8 year old brother after he was killed by a drunk driver.
I don't think that woman realizes that some people are allergic to gluten (my mom) and gluten is deadly to other people with celiac disease (my mom's friend).
Exactly, i dont have it nor does anyone in my immediate family but that was my first thought when hearing that. There's a special place for people like her lol
GipsiFPV She was triggered about the name of the restaurant, which was ”Yummy and GUILTfree. She wasn’t triggered by the restaurant serving gluten free waffles
Y'all..... This is irrelevant.... But..... I'm trying to lose weight to be healthier, and I didn't eat unhealthy for the past two weeks at all, worked out properly and ate healthy, balanced meals. I'm so proud since I've always been loving sweet foods and it was hard to resist. I can't really tell you guys my weight since my weighing machine is broken. But I'm feeling much better. And I want to thank this channel ALOT, it's changed some of my perspectives, not to say that I was EVER discouraging weight loss but still. And you're also really funny.
I hope you are still doing great with the change of lifestyle, I don't know why but I felt like sharing a small thing I do to kill the sweet cravings. I have always had problems cutting out sweets, so now I eat a small sandwich with peanut butter and jelly every morning and evening before bed. I know that doesn't sound healthy at all but if you weight it up you can get it to be around 200 kcal per sandwich. Since I know that every day I have access to what I enjoy most of all when it comes to sweets I can cut all other "sporadic" snacking/buying junk. When I'm in the store and crave something I know that in just a few hours I can eat a peanut butter sandwich so I don't need to buy anything else. I eat 1800-1900kcal per day and have not cheated once for 4 months now. Lost 11kg so far without training. For me it was important to make a system where I wouldn't get discouraged because of cheating(which lead to quitting) and I know I would cheat if I didn't have my "life line". Anyway, I wish you best of luck! :)
My mom dressed up as that lost dog joke for Halloween! She sewed a stuffed dog to a pair of trash paints and stuffed it with a pillow and a lost dog sign that had the stuffed dog on it.
I must say I found your channel like 2 or 3 months ago, I use to be apart of the body positive movement. I accepted that I was fat and couldnt change. about 1 month into watching your videos I did I lifestyle change. Started eating better not even working out and in 2 months I've lost 20 pounds. I'm working my way into a gym and starting to up my activity. I'm currently 237 pounds and my goal is a comfortable 160 if I commit to 2 months of the gym I will definitely be buying some of your plans cause you're the reason I'm becoming healthier ♡ I love you Michelle thanks for making me see how toxic the body positive movement is ♡♡♡
Change is hard and the journey is long. I know from personal experience. I still want to get to the 160ish pounds myself. I went from 325 to now 195-200. Anyone can change just keep going and always do it for yourself.
Im so tired of people bashing others when they are trying to improve themselves. Like let the people live! If you wanna die living like amberlynn then do you boo boo. #PositiveVibesOnly
I have never clicked a notification so fast. "bigmamayolanda" handled that with some grace and you were as eloquent as ever. I'll never understand why fat-acceptance/fat positive movement people are the only ones that get to decide who get to define things or decide who gets to speak on them- especially when the person being shot down matches their usual description of "allowed to speak" perfectly.
Exactly! I have celiac disease and a gluten free restaurant sounds like a dream! Going out to eat is anxiety producing because most people here don't understand what gluten is and cross contamination is pretty common.
Right? It’s funny because as a gluten-intolerant person I have noticed that gf substitutes sometimes have MORE calories than the original. People are wild.
In addition to the whole “gluten free” comment.... is she not aware that some people have Celiacs and will literally compromise their health by eating gluten as opposed to just hopping on the gluten free fad?
Yeah it’s great that people are starting to realize it cause it’s important for people with celiacs to be able to have a safe place to eat (my aunt has celiacs and she has to be super careful and when we have vacations together we all have to be super careful when we are cooking too)
I'm glad to see this comment. I have an aunt with celiac disease, and seeing the gluten-free diet having become a fad to the point that people don't take it seriously despite plenty of people out there whose health will be put at risk if they eat gluten is quite frustrating.
I honestly can't stand ppl who do that. The ppl who sit at the gym making conversation in the lobby, taking up chairs from ppl who actually used the gym, it's like if u want to sit and talk then go to Starbucks, the park, the grocery store idk go anywhere, but here.
I LOVE Yolanda's perspective on fat acceptance! Accepting that we are fat and need to take steps toward a healthy lifestyle. I hit that rock-bottom #fatacceptance moment myself in February when I was miserable, uncomfortable, constantly in pain, and almost homebound because I was so embarrassed about my weight. It came to a choice of either take action and start making changes, or probably die in 2 years or less. I chose to get healthy. I signed up for the Bariatric program through my insurance, started the 6 month required medical weight loss program, got the required psychiatric evaluation and counseling.... I have now completed 5 of the required 6 monthly visits with the Nurse Practitioner, and I am down 70 pounds on a high protein low carb plan, I have had the initial consult with my surgeon who ordered an endoscopy (done this week) and a cardiologist clearance (scheduled July 29). I am also working out in the pool at my gym 3+ times a week, including using resistance bands. Looking forward to finally be at my goal weight by this time next year for the first time since the mid-90s when I was in my late 20s.
It’s amazing to me how anything else we treat poorly is considered disrespectful but treating or bodies poorly is respect in the fat positive community 🤦🏾♀️
I’ve lost 13kg (about 28lbs), feeling and looking great, and these videos are so motivational to me! I’m struggling to eat healthy, but I’m going to get a notebook and jot down my foods to hopefully motivate myself to stay on track! I’ve just ordered roller skates, and I’m planning to be even more active! I wanna thank you for helping me stay on track and giving us advice/wake up calls! ‘Cause I needed it!
I absolutely hate how these people have appropriated the feminist movement into this insane, over-the -top thing filled with delusional zealots. Side note, you are absolutely shoulder goals!
@@iamabee4452 same, i was waiting for them to put up the prompt "I am healthy" lol. Jubilee imo is way better than the other 'diversity' platforms on UA-cam but I've noticed that they still fail to get into the real deep issues out of fear of making ppl with certain views uncomfortable. I still remember in the feminists vs non-feminists video, I was so disappointed when they brought up stuff like "holding the door open for women" instead of maybe bringing up real conflict between the sides regarding failure to call out discrimination from the non-feminist community or the increasing hypocrisy and double-standards in the current feminist wave. They have a good concept with their channel, I kinda wish they'd do more with it.
Do you think I made my lights bright enough...Or should I go Brighter??
Go brighter! /j
Definitely not a video to watch during a migraine 😆
Hey its present Michelle and past Michelle
I just heard "welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you"
It nearly doesn't hurt my eyes and my ears as well
Her clients are literally paying for her to validate their addictions. How sad is that
I had a therapist once that encouraged my binging because I was underweight...
@@TheNickleChick ooooooooof
@@TheNickleChick w the actual f? That's crazy
@UCQUQ9uvKUGO13Thv7dqgktg unfortunately, you're probably right. It absolutely sounds like she was projecting. I'm glad to hear that you're doing better, though!
Becca Byrnes almost dealer/addict relationship!
The pictures of the woman jumping on the trampoline is so wholesome.
I love seeing that too! Instant feel good!
She looks so happy! Good luck to her!
And, as always, some fat angry bitch has to ruin that wholesome fun.
I know its incredible
There's a reason that Alcoholic Anonymous isn't held at a bar
This made me laugh for some reason
Yo, this was good
I have my bachelor's in social work and I saw this outpatient detox center that opened up on a block where there are 2 bars, 1 on the same block and the other 1 is on the next block. I told my supervisor and we were appalled cause I told her there's a new center ( so we can recommend clients) but I saw there's a bar a few doors down I told her ASAP it's a bad idea.
Guess I'll be canceling tonight's meeting..🤔
“Why did you write #fatacceptance?”
“Because I accepted that I was fat”
Cant argue with that
And yet, she did. Somehow.
She sure tried 🤣
I'm dying over this lol. Seriously, if I just saw the slogan fast acceptance, with no context, I would think it meant the same thing. Talk about a marketing fail.
couldn’t have responded better😂👏🏼
“Fat phobia is racist” She just called fat people another race....
4 main colours... Black, white, yellow and fat...
They are they come from the land of fatopia
@@lpsfankanr1 I'm educated now
They dont understand or accept that skin colour isnt changeble but being fat is.
Does that mean if you lose weight that you're transrace?
"Fatphobia is racist."
me: becomes white blinking guy meme
Me : *Suspicious Fry picture*
People who post that get backlash and are corrected on what it means: *surprised Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu face*
Me: black guy who makes this face 😗
(Y’all know)
These people are so limited and ignorant, they just don't know any more words
Wouldn't it be blinking white guy meme? What is white blinking didn't know white ppl had their own type of blinking? Lol
“Your body is nobody else’s business” GIRL YOU’RE A TRAINER. Other people’s bodies are literally her business. ☠️
That was my thought.
Not to mention the irony of that statement, like, if your body is nobody else's business, then why the fuck are you getting into that person's business?
I like this woman's interpretation of fat acceptance. "I'm fat, I've accepted it and now I'm dealing with it". Seems healthy to me.
I agree- you have to recognize and accept you have a problem before you can start fixing it.
The first step of AA is to admit and accept that you are alcoholic. As in recognize it and don't live in denial. By the FA definition it means AA is saying they should remain alcoholics.
Yes, bigmommayolanda is smart!
$70, for gaining weight? I can do that at home for free😂😂🤣
Alexis Garcia I really thought this woman was just an idiot until she got to the price of her services. She is a disgusting predator for real
Lol ikr😂
I can do that on my sleep. You think I am going to pay to gain weight. Get out of here.
Trent Irvin who are you talking about??
So she's working against doctors orders. She is sabotaging her client's health program with their doctor. She should have her certification taken , and Get fined or something for basically malpractice.
Kind of scary right? Remember when the "bro-scientists" were the problem? Whoever thought those would be the good days? SMH
I highly doubt that she has any certification at all
We all know science is is just a myth. To get ppl to wear awesome goggles and stylish white coats
Even for good trainers the certification is not worth the cost of paper it is printed on.
Charmaine Taylor I’m pretty sure that’s illegal... doesn’t she have to be a certified dietician to give that type of advice. So if one of her clients got sick or died, or had health problems due to her advice.. she would be liable..
What’s next? Serving out cold beer after AA meetings? Passing out bags of heroin at drug rehabilitation clinics? This giving donuts out at a work out session is so counterproductive it’s ludicrous. This “fat personal trainer” is a scam artist! My goodness smh 🤦🏻♀️
Laura-Lee Gillion There have been many studies on the similarities between drug addiction and food addiction and the effects on both on the brain and how it reacts with regard to dopamine affecting the “pleasure center” and self control, so no, I won’t stop comparing the two. Facts over emotional reaction. The point was how ludicrous it is to reward an addicted person with the the thing they are addicted to while claiming to be helping them change those habits to get healthier.
@Laura-Lee Gillion in some ways, food addiction is more difficult to get out of than drug addiction. Think of it this way, if someone is an alcoholic and in order to stop the addiction, they had to drink one beer every day, it would be difficult wouldn't it? That's what it is for food addictions, you cant live without food, food addicts need to still eat food every single day, therefore triggering their binges
@Laura-Lee Gillion I don't think beer at an AA meeting is a good idea since they're recovering alcoholic trying to change their lives for the better.
I am losing weight so I can jump on trampolines for my birthday for hours. I started at 260, I'm now 224, and my goal is 180.
You got this! Good luck to you!
Wish you the best ✨♥️🥳✨
Good luck man yu got this
I hope all is well and your journey is going great!!
Did you get there?
The girl with the trampoline , I’m so happy for her 😱😱😭😭😭😍😍🙌🙌
Same, it's so amazing seeing people happy and making progress on the path getting healthy. She looks so cute on the photos. :D
Me too! I actually got teary eyed (happy tears) from imagining her joy!!
I literally went to like this comment and accidentally unliked it because I already liked it before.😅
i kindaaaa feel her. Our trampoline is like 10 years old and VERY fragile, i am obese but still in reach of being overweight, working very hard and am very close to be "only" overweight.
However i am super duper scared of going on the trampoline, its looks like its close to ripping every time i only stand on it.
Why am i saying all of this? Dk, just felt like sharing but i know this is kinda not important to know oops
Was she seriously triggered because of a gluten-free resturant?! As someone who has gluten intolerance I am triggered.. because of her bs.
Like she doesn't understand diet at all or even what gluten is. Almost as if she never was educated on that topic. But you know who is educated, registered dietitians and personal trainers. Till I see some certs or creds, I am going to say, she isn't a certified trainer, just a trainer.
And how dare a restaurant advertise that they offer different styles of food with no mention of diet.
Slenderteddyotaku I was thinking this too! Gluten free has nothing to do with weight loss. As far as I’ve seen, gluten free doesn’t equal less calories, less carbs, or less sugar, so I don’t know why she’s going after the celiacs!! 😂
She's definitely discriminating to everything that's not her
Slenderteddyotaku Cacao, you guys. Just...cacao.
God, i work in retail. The image of a lady coming up to complain to me about merchandise we carry being “fat phobic” sounds like a literal nightmare. That poor employee.
Mee too my friend I work in Customer Service in a call center for a bank. I get yelled at all day for things out of my control, I can only imagine 💀
@@michelleburt3468 Ikr its so frustrating sometimes, you can really tell which people have never had to work with the general public once in their life
Like she said, the employee has no control on what they sell. You cant come up and yell at an employee like a karen and expect that they can "fix" and cater everything to you
Im sorry for yall cause i work in a donut shop. Most i get is a disbelief “*gasp/sigh*what do you mean your out of glazed donuts😦”
I’d either cry or get fired 😅
She said “people in fat bodies” as if they are trapped and have no idea how they got there...
Well it can be true for people with a full on eating disorder. Being obese can be a symptom of a psychological illness
@@SugarCrownEdits yet its now considered liberating to celebrate that eating disorder. Lets see ppl do that with anorexia or bulimia
@@hyperbunnygirl101 no - I definitely wouldn’t say that. The woman in question is very wrong about the things she said but I personally have been on both sides of the spectrum (anorexia to binge eating) and I do sometimes feel like I am „trapped in a fat body“ , but I felt the same way when I was really thin. I didn’t wanna be bigger but I also didn’t wanna scare people off or make them tell me things like „eat a burger“ or something.
Right absolutely ridiculous
What is the point of getting a personal trainer that will make you...even more fat? They are supposed to make you healthier and stronger,not give you donuts. I can get fat on my own. No need to pay somone for that.
Evo nekoga s Balkana
@@MartaStanic-ps7ew balkanski poluotok for the win
Job security.
@@robertapintaric2592 Ima nas.
Why’d she attack a girl for loosing weight? That literally makes no sense
Victim mentality
She doesnt want to see others succeed at something she's too lazy to do
jealous and in denial :/
@@orbeezeater 😂😂😂
Because without shaming the girl who lost weight, she wouldn't be hired as a personal trainer. And she couldn't charge people to not lose weight and not learn to eat better.
She would have to accept that her whole career is essentially lowering people's life span with the lie that "Body positivity" is the same as "Fat acceptance".
And here I was thinking assisted suicide was illegal
coco nut daaaaamn
Fr like we institutionalize anorexic people so they can get to a healthy weight, we instiutionalize suicidal people so they can be mentally healthy, so why is it a bad thing to try and help fat people get to a healthy weight?
this comment made me think of amberlynn reid. like. this is the perfect trainer for amber
@@youhaveagodcomplex5590 you have a too stupid to type complex
@@TrollHiddenCave clever
FAT ACCEPTANCE: “Eat whatever you want”
Literally anybody for whatever reason: “Ok I want to eat healthy”
FAT ACCEPTANCE: “No not like that”
They can't comprehend that there are people who want to eat healthy. They think everyone would choose to eat unhealthily if given the choice, they know nothing else. It's like those people who think that all men are sexual creatures by nature, and they can't help themselves assaulting a girl in a skirt. It's just wrong.
@@Anhilare "given the choice". All of us already have the choice and most of us choose to be healthy.
@@thatsMeXxxx or atleast choose not to eat like 3000 calories a day
Ikr the hypocrisy
So true.
My brother just made a valid point.
Imagine you have like a drug addiction and go to a therapist for help. They claim to be fully qualified as a therapist
You go in and then they hand you some of the drug and go "Oh don't worry, it's your body so it's your choice!" and proceeds to take the drug with you.
Awesome analogy!
and in conclusion you gonna die from your drug addiction
@@starial Yup. That's why they FINALLY dropped the pretense and stopped calling themselves "body positivity activists", because they're anything but. They only think fat bodies deserve to be celebrated.
Right, and that's how I felt like I was truly addicted to eating, it was no way to live my life revolved around eating. Im so glad I'm not eating that crap anymore. Now I look and say they are really making it harder than what it has to be. Who the hell wants that crap for breakfast?!? Once you get used to good healthy food there is no more addiction! Thank God
that’s the analogy i always make. it’s really the same thing.
It's like psychologist helping someone to get out of depression but in the same time telling them to self-harm
It's more like handing them the razor while doing it themselves and encouraging them. It's sickening honestly
It's honestly like that when you think about it....
Self harm is a tool for emotional regulation.
@SuperGurlyNinja I wish I was...
Self harm gives you something to control in your life.
@@noradlark167 Sure, I self-harmed and I know it helps to regulate emotions, but it doesn't help to get better in any way, that is why it would be irresponsible of a psychologist to recommend doing that.
from personal experience, I only get fat when my depression gets out of control and I just hands down hate myself (instead of self harm, I become sweet addict). So the whole "respect your body" is so paradoxal to me, because if you DID respect your body, you wouldn't be treating it like a trash can and stuffing it with crappy food.
Me too. It's really a sad and vicious cycle if you aren't aware of this. Soooooo happy you are aware. When I wasn't aware, I would eat away to "help my depression" and I was too depressed to work out. Obviously, I would increase in weight. Which made me feel even worse, and then it would continue until one day I decided I have had enough of my current life. I just decided to walk. Like in Forrest Gump - just keep running. Except I was too "depressed" to run, so I just kept walking. I have already lost so much weight, the motivation after losing weight made me eat better. I realized that depression and eating unhealthy is a vicious negative cycle. But once you are aware, you can use it for a positive cycle as well. Seriously all the best to you, it really is a difficult journey.
This. I am recovering from an eating disorder and I have found I am more likely to skip meals or eat shitty foods when I’m feeling badly. When I feel well I enjoy finding new creative ways to meet my body’s needs.
This really hit me in college bc I wrestled 197 lbs and naturally weighed ~210-212, which was down from 230 that summer, and cutting 15 lbs every week really affected me mentally, and I eat a lot when I’m depressed, which made cutting harder.
I definitely relate to this
I understand you 100%
Fat acceptance: you can look however you want
Skinny girl walks across the room
Fat acceptance: OMG, you need to eat a cheeseburger
More like you need to eat 10 cheeseburgers
@@xeternalflowerx2000 More like 69420 cheeseburgers
Skinny girl: and you need to stop eating them
No because there's this fat kid in my school and refuses to stop talking about cheese burgers to the point where the teacher threatened to send him to the office if she heard the word cheese burger one more time
Rule 1: cardio.
You never know when there will be a zombie apocalypse...
Lmao i love it
Well then I'm quarter to dead unless someone carries me since I'm the size of a large toddler with even weight distribution. 😅
Hahah I started working out more recently and while trying to run on the treadmill the thought of a zombie apocalypse came to mind....I’ll probably die lmao
I need to watch it again
One of my best friends has celiac disease. She cannot eat gluten. It has NOTHING to do with her weight. Also, there are still PLENTY of gluten-free foods that are still very unhealthy.
As a chubby celiac I agree
I don't have celiac disease. But I realized two years ago, after going gluten free for weight loss, that I was gluten sensitive. I have had digestive issues my ENTIRE life. Gas, bloating, constipation... Daily. I grew up in a ramen noodles, pasta, bread, bread, bread family. I just assumed that it was just me. I even thought that other people were like that. But then when I tried a gluten free diet at 26 I realized that was it! My digestion was normal for the first time ever. People may look at me crazy when I say that I stay away from wheat gluten but constant discomfort is not fun.
@@sadie2melw For the record, everyone is gluten intolerant it is just that people with celiac disease have a more extreme reaction to it. Yes even if it gluten-free it is still shit unless the carbs are strongly reduced and sugars eliminated from the diet. also, make sure to have the proper omega3 -6 balance in the body and eating healthy fats that are not processed and are not the cheap vegetable oil.
Gluten basically causes leaky gut and inflames the body as food and other foreign particles end up in the bloodstream and wreaking havoc. as gluten makes the internal gut lining much more permeable than it should be. symptoms of gluten intolerance are anxiety, depression, tiredness, sleepiness, diarrhea, bloated stomach extender, there is a long list of potential symptoms.
Feel free to pick up following books they are really eye-opening if books are not your thing go for audiobook or documentary about them
The big fat surprise by Nina Teicholz
Grain Brain by David Perlmutter
Brain maker by David Perlmutter
Diabetes Code by Jason Fung
In my case like many others will do in time once they have read the new/forefront literature about nutrition and health. All diseases and problems travel the inflammatory highway before making the human body ill in different complications and diseases that are identified in medicine/school.
So I adopted the most anti-inflammatory diet known to man and lifestyle interventions that is a KETOGENIC vegan/Mediterranean diet.
I threw in controlled inflammation and stress like regular fasting, excercise and fermented food(homemade). I have never been better.
The body adapts to the stress and becomes stronger and healthier. However if you inflame the body from different directions , it becomes like a tug of war and the body can not adapt to them all and breakdown.
No problem losing and maintaining my ideal body weight, all of my anxiety, gut bloatedness, brain fog went away and I could finally perform at high level in both in my studies and physical fitness.
I even have an internal urge to move and do something, it is like a switch that has been dormant in me just turned on. I now live by eating every other day/ fasting every other day 24-36 hours fast.
It took me about 2 years to enter this rhythm/ routine by gradually going for a healthier and better lifestyle interventions.
they pump gf food alternatives full of sugar to hide how bad it tastes hahaha
Yep, I have Celiac too. I love gf restaurants.
"You're free to do whatever you want with your body."
*proceeds to shame someone trying to lose weight for using the fat acceptance hashtag*
it's one thing to live an unhealthy lifestyle and another thing to encourage other people to live an unhealthy lifestyle with you
@@bonbon5717 These are the types that give feminism a bad name and why feminism is looked down upon nowadays.
Got a free trainer session at a gym and my jaw dropped when she came out.. she was obese. She got winded handing me weights! I’m extremely fit and couldn’t break a sweat with her. Her response, “they didn’t tell me how fit you were”. Yeah, session ended 30 minutes early so I could do a real workout instead of waste my time. In my eyes, she was a joke. It made no sense.
Well, now you know why it was free.
You get what you pay for
Sounds like Planet Fitness haha
How did such a person even go through sports college??
@@slimeyoloit was free
Bro who is actually hiring her as a trainer I’m concerned
People like Glowpinkstah probably
Ignorant obese people who need more excuses
Cathryn Fontanoza they were talking about the anti healthy lifestyle fat acceptance one.
HotPotato so am I :p the before and after photos are ridiculous. Their is no change.
Some people have gluten intolerance, and she’s getting mad that there’s a gluten free restaurant.... girrllllll
Not just gluten intolerance, but there's full-on celiac disease too. Even just regular gluten intolerance is nothing to sneeze at, though. The gluten-free diet has become such a fad to the point that people don't take it seriously anymore. It's like calling someone a soyboy behind that person's back when they ask if a place carries soy milk because they're lactose intolerant.
Someone tell her shes being glutenfreephobic
@@galeforce3192 as someone who is a celiac disease and lactose/ A2 protein allergy sufferer. I've had people call me fat phobic, say I'm looking for attention, I'm high maintenance or even test to see that I am actually allergic. It sucks I hate my allergies
@@Kat-pm3kd You just made my day xD
@@galeforce3192 best comment. i got made fun of by a few family members on facebook for “hopping on the gluten free trend” before i told them that i definitely hate it more than they do and i have no choice since i have celiac disease
A personal trainer feeding donuts to clients is like a mechanic who sabotages your car every time you bring it to the shop. Unbelievable! I’ve lost 92 pounds and still losing. I managed to reverse a number of health issues and this “trainer” makes me so mad!
🎉 that's awesome your doing so good congrats 💕
No it's worse than that, it's like injecting your clients with venom saying "oh this will help your immuninty" when in all actually its sending you into a long painful death. This women needs to be arrested immediately! Everyone who supports this movement also needs to be arrested...
Oh and btw good job! Hope everything works out for you!
8:20 “the yummier it tastes, the yummier it feels” Wow what bs. I enjoy junk food because of its taste but it often makes my stomach hurt and feel sick. Meanwhile, I don’t enjoy the taste of salad as much as junk food but the salad makes my stomach/body feel healthy and ready for action
Yeah, that was a total crock of nonsense. Eating junk food makes you feel like absolute ass. It may taste good but the after feeling is not good.
When I ate junk food it often makes me feel hungover the next day... so taste buds does not equal feeling good
Arguing with the cash register person about why the store sells some product is the equivalent of yelling at your waiter because your steak is undercooked.
Or yelling at the waiter for having the cow exist lol
At least the waiter can bring the steak back and relay the message. The cashier has absolutely no control over the store's merchandise.
And yet people still do it
I think a more logical analogy would be a vegan yelling at a waiter over some hamburger on the menu
Or yelling at receptionist for a late flight ✈️
"Fat acceptance is accepting that you are fat"
...Interesting perspective. Makes me think that there are The Five Stages of Fat, and that the fat activist movement constantly has one foot in Denial and the other in Anger.
What re the other 2 stages
@@toffiet3347 Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance in that order. Just like grief.
@@TheIntimateAvenger seeing it in this perspective that honestly sounds a lot like what my mind went through before I decided to get healthy and lose weight
Some addicts don’t like it when others try to change and improve themselves.
Heather T crabs in a bucket mentality
Because they don’t have the strength to change themselves, the feel like they need to shit on anyone who does. It’s really sad that the fat/body acceptance movement has become a pack of insecure addicts who want to make the world as miserable as they are.
I got bullied for loosing weight 😂. 15 pounds away from my goal.
I accept that I'm severely morbidly obese. I accept that I'm having mental and physical problems due to my weight. I accept that I must make a change. I accept it will be very hard. Love ya Michelle!
You got this ! 🙌
You can do it!❤
How did it end up going for you?
How are you doing babes?
I hope you made some progress ♡ I believe in you
Body positive movement: every body is beautiful. Nobody can tell you what to do. Health at every size. Do what you want.
Person: *is thin or does exercise to be healthy*
Body positive movement: tHe dIsReSpEcT. sUcH oPrEsSiOn. i'M tRigGeReD. *_REEEEEEEEEEEEE_*
Don't forget its also racist, sexist and homophobic.
Weight for the most part Is a choice, people can be fat and like it, but there is no denying that being fat is objectively unhealthy and subjectively unattractive. Being made fun of for being fat isn't ok, but neither is denying the ramifications of being fat.
Donatelia Sakura REEEEEEEEEEE
Yeah, speaking as someone who is obese (and trying to be more healthy) I think this attitude is coming from a place of low self esteem and hurt pride. Maybe with a lot of denial for good measure.
That's why I'm glad they finally dropped the pretense and stopped calling themselves body positivity. It's just "fAt AcCePtAnCe"
As a black woman, the "Fatphobia is Racist/Sexist" argument always peeves me.
Also, does that woman realize that there are ppl who have gluten allergies? 🤦🏾♀️
BunsBuns I completely agree with you but I think they make that argument because statistically ethnic minorities in USA are more likely to be in a ‘food desert’, making fresh and healthy food more difficult to get.
@@lucyc3634 yea I get that!...but that still isn't racism. I just hate that ppl have recently been so quick to throw around the word so casually for any situation that happens to upset them. And unfortunately it works because with the hivemind/mob-mentality of the outrage side of the internet. If you the words racism, sexism, or sexual assault are mentioned, people get up in arms without even fact-checking first. And I'm scared that because of this, whenever there are REAL issues regarding those things, they're just gonna be lumped in with that of these overreactive whiners.
THANK YOU! I am celiac! I get excited every time I see a new restaurant opening with the gf sign! A new place where I won’t need to worry about getting sick if they don’t prepare my food properly! But she is too ignorant to understand that and thinks gluten free = I wanna lose weight....
About the racist thing... I won’t even comment....
Yup. We can't stop being black 🥳 but all people can make healthy decisions #fatacceptance
BunsBuns I know. I think it’s completely disgusting to even compare the constant prejudice and discrimination people face on the day to day just because of the colour of their skin, with being obese, because that is something that is their own fault and they can change that and is not something that should be celebrated.
To me respecting your body is feeding your body healthy foods and exercising on a regular basis
Yes, most of my exercise is just walking, but it feels great! Make small changes on a weekly basis. Bottom line. Respect yourself and your body.
Well done keep it up
@@thomasnewton8997 but I'd rather eat fast food and candy😞
i have two turtles yeah the people who keep selling those things know it’s addicting and they get profit off of people’s addictions
The fact that the lady is a “personal trainer” and got pissed at someone for LOSING WEIGHT 😂😭 whaatttt
That's one way of having job security lol
Lol, that "personal trainer" set her instagram to private now.
More like scam artist
I'm 297 lbs and actually got an elliptical, just finished with todays 20 minutes 'workout'. It's not much but it's a start.
Łucja Uhlenberg it is a great start!
How does it go?!?
Trzymam kciuki! Kocham twoją playliste na siłownie!
Slow and steady wins the race! Sustainability is huge for lasting changes. I’ve lost 100lbs and maintained it for 5 years. I was once 255lbs. So I speak from experience. Keep going! You got this ❤️
Łucja Uhlenberg same. I am the exact same boat. Here is to us 🤍
imagine having arms like that 😍
So pretty
Imagine looking like that! 😍
Skylar Stevens well then start working out to look like that..
i love her posture
I'm not even close to being overweight but my arms just look fat when I gain muscle.. so jelly of her arms
I really liked her definition of fat acceptance. It was not only self empowering but also dealt with the reality of her situation.
Beautiful woman: Is proud of her hard earned weight loss.
Fat acceptance movement: OMG that is SO offensive and fatphobic!
Bitter truth🥲🥲
Dude, your arms look so satisfying for some reason, like for real you have such amazing arms! Man the thing about the trampoline is so wholesome, that must have felt so good for her.
@Cori Schaeffer I'm thinking it's the way he speaks in general since I do this too sometimes when speaking to girls.
No need to get offended bro😄😄😄
@@murderousmayhem6362 I agree. I talk like this to my guy and girl friends. It's not that I'm implying that I think they are a guy, its just how I talk
you mean **** treadmill ?? lol
Cori Schaeffer woah
Cori Schaeffer lol what’s to be offended about? i get called dude, bro, man, etc all the time and i’m a girl and idc
That's crazy that the one lady lost so much weight. Seeing people really put in the effort to be healthier and happier is truly inspirational.
I’m a fat person myself and i’ve accepted the fact that i’m fat after years of calling myself “fit fat” just cause i can run faster than someone, or carry heavier things than others, but blood work doesn’t lie
I’m thankful that i didn’t reach the point of being diabetic or having irreversible organ damage, sure i have stretch marks and excess skin now but seeing and experiencing the change i’ve decided to make myself is worth the trouble of self control, living less of a sedentary lifestyle, and giving up things my body didn’t and doesn’t need.
I’m quite a recent subscriber but a believer of the existence of toxic fat-acceptance culture
Literally toxic to them and their bodies and socially and mentally toxic for the rest of us.
Thanks Michelle, keep on fighting for health and wellness
I'm skinny fat. Lol.
My average ass do not understand
So you basically pay $75 - $700 a month for a ride towards death.
This literally will cost an arm and or a leg and life.
That is a scam scam.
She saw how much money the tabacco industry was making 🤷♀️
She probably figured that if people where willing to pay for a shortened life span she could also make some good money of off obesity
Michaela Louise True, but while movies and tv shows make smoking look cool there’s not smoking positive movement, the media isn’t trying to coddle smokers, and no one is denying the the consequences of smoking.
For someone who suffered with bulimia that “yummy” comment is nonsense and isn’t true...healthy food choices, portion sizing, and looking at the labels saved my health.
Going from 180lbs at 5’4 to 140lbs, at first I felt like 💩 when I avoided processed junk food and started to run more 😩 So, this beautiful woman’s journey and transformation has earned my respect!! 💛💪🏼
Thisss!!!! Went from 220 to 140, and woah I feel amazing 🙌🏽💛
omgg howww i was 190 and im now done to 150 but i was 145... i cant seem to stop overeating, what did u do?
@@jojooooss Drink a cup (or bottle) of water before each meal, bc this will jumpstart your metabolism faster before digesting food. Also, eat junk food here and there, just always stop when you feel satisfied and not when your stomach is bursting at the seams.
I trained myself to enjoy the taste of green tea w out sugar or cream, and black coffee. But that’s a little extreme for some so no worries if you like your drinks a little sugary!
@@brose.03 thank u sm🫶
me too! i just went from 175 to 135 by monitoring what i was eating. i feel so much better and am now off of my blood pressure meds; don’t need them anymore
She getting paid to be an enabler of their addictions. It’s really really sad actually.
It’s criminal
I mean
She’s providing a service
A dumb one
But still a service
The whole getting mad at a gluten free restaurant thing make me as someone who is celiac mad. For us we can barely eat anything and have to watch what we eat or we could potentially die! And the whole yummy food makes you feel yummy is annoying too because if I ate a cake (that was not gluten free) it would taste yummy but then after I would quickly be dying (not literally but also kinda literally). Sorry for the long comment but I’m heated, also thank god for gf restaurants we love you!
Gluten free restaurant are good for people who are allergic to gluten 🤦🏻♀️ doesn’t mean anything about fat-phonic
LEE BABY yeah she said that gluten free restaurants are fat phobic because they are Healthy but in fact they have nothing to do with being fat phobic (like you said).
Why did I read gluten free restaurants at the and as girlfriend restaurants..
Kenna Jade I am celiac too and GOD BLESS gluten free restaurants. I am also lactose intoletant (just because... luck) and since I live in Italy it's IMPOSSIBLE to me to go to a "normal" restaurant ad eat something else than pure meat and vegetables, without any dressing. People that have not this disease will never understand the amount of stress we have to deal with EVERYDAY, even watching someone eating a pizza becomes painful. I am 100% sure that if that lady ate like a celiac for a month she would lose most of her excess weight, only because eating like a celiac is truly difficult.
Facts! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
"I saw a thing, so I went directly to the person responsible for it: Some poor kid earning minimum wage and I yelled at them for something really stupid that was completely out of their control. I am such a good person and I love myself and others."
Such a Karen move.
My dad was 260lbs last year, and under 6 months he was at 175lbs🥺 im so Proud to see all these people and him being so powerful and accomplish this!!!
My dad is an eye surgeon, and sometimes he takes me (18) on his missions to Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, and other neighboring islands. He performs cataract surgeries for free on those who need the help.
Seeing the privileged mindset in the fat acceptance community enrages me. I’ve seen what true oppression is; I’ve seen the lengths that people will go to better their health, even though they have nothing left. I’ve seen mothers beg the accompanying optometrists to help their children get a pair of glasses. I’ve seen men cry after having a successful surgery because they haven’t been able to see in ten or more years. Those people would give up everything if it meant getting the help they desperately need.
Perspective is a bitch.
Matthew Jensen 💕 God bless you and your dad! That was so heart warming!
I dont need to pay 1000 dollars just to be fat im good thank you
as a child i was on the heavier side of average. in 4/5 grade (lord i can't remember) i just stopped. i think i actually developed anorexia for a time, being 70lbs at 12-13. for years i would get sick and thrown up in the mornings and skipped lunch at school (i had invisilgn braces which are a pain to consantly take out and clean).
i remember having a conversation about wieght with a classmate. at the time she was complaining about how "she was fat" so i asked how much she wieghted as she looked beautiful and didn't look overwieght to me. she said 110lbs, i was actually shocked at this. i told her she looked good and that if she felt overwieght she should see a doctor, then she asked my wieght.i told her i was 90-95lbs (had just been to the doctor's and was really proud i had gained this wieght) she looked worried and asked if i was okay. i said i was and was proud of how i was making progress. i really think that made her realise that she was healthy and she has not called herself fat since then.
i'm doing a lot better now thankfully. I just turned 16 and am around 100-110lbs (i'm a 5'2 female, so this is still low but normal) i still feel nusiated in the morning on occasion but haven't thrown up in a really long time (barring the occasional sickness) and am very pround of this.
sorry for the long rant. My ADHD said you're gonna write this and i can't argue with that logic. hope you have a great night :)
Aww congratulations!
awww im so happy for u! ❤
Congratulations 🎊🎈🍾🎉 Super happy for you and honestly I vibes with the adhd thing as I also have ADHD
When you were describing how you feel ill in the morning it sounds like circadian rhythm disorder. in layman's terms that's basically saying that your body is shutting down when it should be waking and your body wakes up when it should be shutting down. Or an even more lazy terms you are truly biologically nocturnal.I have this and have a hard time eating in the morning when I first wake up due to the crippling nausea I typically feel.try smoothies as I've have found it is easier to get nutrition this way without setting off the nausea to greater extent. I myself like an avocado strawberry pineapple smoothie to get going in the morning with oat milk. After about an hour I then move on to a high protein cereal with oat milk. It was rough going at first but now it's my routine. After my coffee.
@@meghanodonoghue9066 I have this too! I usually just bring a protein bar or a meal replacement drink to est quickly in the train to school when the nausea goes away 😂 I tried so hard to eat breakfast in hs but I always threw it up
Lily-Reigh: you should be happy in your body.
Yolanda: *Gets happy in her body*
Lily-Reigh: No, not like that.
Honestly, when I saw your thumbnail, I said "FAT...PERSONAL...TRAINER?!"
😤😂 What fresh nonsense is this?
Hahahaha I had a similar reaction. Had to read that twice
I kinda know.. But Really *Really* hoped I'm wrong 😢
that's what you call an oxymoron 👍🤣
Haha same!
I just read "what French nonsense is this" and I'm still laughing
When you realize that Michelle gets up at the crack of dawn for the work. #respect #workitgirl
Plus it's Saturday. So she gets extra respect points for getting up so early today. Il love you, Michelle!
@@jordanjordan3167 who's he?
@@ivanadjums304 Oops sorry I meant Nicokado Avocado, I was supposed to be answering an other comment and accidentally responded to that one.
“The yummier it tastes the better you feel” uuuhhhh I’ve felt quite the opposite lol something loaded with sugar sure tastes great and then a few hours later I crash and feel lathargic/gross! These people are just looking for ways to justify their actions..keep up the vids, love your channel!
Julia P that’s right
Yeah when I eat something unhealthy I immediatley start feeling gross thinking about ehat it can do to me
"Food is morally neutral." Has this person never heard of industrial animal farming, blood avocados or child labor used in plantations...
Blood avocados?
@Nicole Lam what r they doing?
@@donnyreiss1180 child labor, not paying workers nearly enough or something nothing for their work, no safety measures, no protective clothing
If you want fun, look up how sugar production not only exploits it’s workers and makes them sick, but also how it is destroying the Everglades.
@@kikicogger2284 ^ This. Plus, agave harvesting is pretty messed up. Much like the avocados, agave is well known for human rights violations.
"We accept all ppl! Fat acceptance is about loving your body!"
"Omg how dare you love your body so much you want to not die! You can traumatize others with your weight loss!"......ummmmm isnt DEATH 💀more traumatizing
@Aly Cadenas lol i meant more for the ppl around u
"The yummier we get to feel"
I've never wanted to hit a woman for saying something stupid until she said that
Wonder what happens when her or one of her clients 'accidentally' goes to the hospital out of health issues
Yes my acid reflux feels so yummy when I eat a whole pizza or lots of pop
Wait, if she's saying that people's bodies aren't anyone's business...Why the heck is she a "personal trainer"? Aren't personal trainer suppose to help other people get their bodies in shape and happy?
Edit: I know that she's not trying to get people in shape. I was just trying to show the irony in the fact that she's a "personal trainer" and yet says people shouldn't care about other's body when that's literally her job.
Also, it really is our business. We have survived as well as we have as a specie by looking out for each other. I mean, altruism does have its limits, but it is also part of how we thrive. Using proper tact because we don't need to be rude, we really should help each other out, and if that is with them being fat, then we point it out and help them get resolution.
not if she's training you to be fat.....which it sound like that is what she does.
Emily G. Keefe she trains them to gain weight
I love that she is a former fat girl turned fitness enthusiast and personal trainer plus she’s into cosplay and anime: she’s basically my dream girl
Aside from getting mad over a hashtag, why is she trying to eat a pizza box?
It feels like feeder porn.
Cause she's addicted to eating trash and feeding trash to others (I didn't call the junk food which I love trash) :)
Imma head out now
Cuz she will literally eat anything bro😅🤣😅
She’s obviously not very smart.
She’s eating trash , you are what you eat
i hate when they use the 95% statistic, that is about crash diets like the military 3 day diet- not gradual sustainable weight loss
oh thank god... i'm doing a diet and i. really didn't need to hear that my weight loss efforts were futile.
@@notgreatgale don't listen to others, they just want to discourage you, as long as you are consistent and mindful you'll be fine. Good luck hon💪💙
@@notgreatgale you got this!! everyday we make the decision to do better- a statistic like that can’t apply to someone who consciously chooses to do better!
@@patiwhit5219 just an update: as of this comment, i've lost 20 pounds from my highest weight (169 lbs to 149 lbs) and i've even dropped a size or two! amazing what simple lifestyle changes can do :)
@@notgreatgale super proud of u!!!😁
7:16 "Who have chosen a different path."
So you have chosen death.
I somehow heard this in the voice of Saruman 😂
Why do people get so triggered with Gluten free food? Some people need that.
I guess people with Coeliac disease or glutten allergy can suffer, right 🤷♀️
So personal trainers are feeding donuts to their clients now at least this would be a dream come true for Amberlyn Reid
@Trent We're literally watching her die... I know she's not that good of a person and a liar but nobody deserves that fate. Laughing at her is all fun and games until the footage of her funeral gets uploaded, I wonder if you'd feel entertained then too...
@Cori Schaeffer she is leaving UA-cam
A program that she might actually stick with
@@mellyxcat lol yeah
I’m sure if it was a joke about anorexia she wouldn’t have batted an eyelash
By her logic she has "tHiN PRivILEge" lol
She would have laughed
There's a weight limit on my knees. 12 pounds down. Knee doesn't hurt as much only occasionally. I need to loose more.
Edit: I meant lose not loose
You got this! Consistency is key!
Small Kitten lose
Small Kitten hope you can get to your goal :D
Been there knee pain sucks. Keep up the good work.
I am a survivor of sexual assault and domestic violence. I am a survivor of drug addiction (8 months clean.) I am also the survivor of traumatic events that took the lives of 3 of my siblings and my father. Her talking about people being traumatized coming out of dirt culture?? Wow. Speechless! Personally I’ve lost 100 lbs. and it was not traumatic to lose weight. However, it was traumatic to bury my family, including my 8 year old brother after he was killed by a drunk driver.
May you find peace. 💔
I don't think that woman realizes that some people are allergic to gluten (my mom) and gluten is deadly to other people with celiac disease (my mom's friend).
Exactly, i dont have it nor does anyone in my immediate family but that was my first thought when hearing that. There's a special place for people like her lol
She's a dumbass who doesn't realize some people can't or don't like to have gluten. Like, they're people with the right to eat food too
GipsiFPV She was triggered about the name of the restaurant, which was ”Yummy and GUILTfree. She wasn’t triggered by the restaurant serving gluten free waffles
Y'all..... This is irrelevant.... But..... I'm trying to lose weight to be healthier, and I didn't eat unhealthy for the past two weeks at all, worked out properly and ate healthy, balanced meals. I'm so proud since I've always been loving sweet foods and it was hard to resist. I can't really tell you guys my weight since my weighing machine is broken. But I'm feeling much better. And I want to thank this channel ALOT, it's changed some of my perspectives, not to say that I was EVER discouraging weight loss but still. And you're also really funny.
Happy jungkook Day You can do it!
@@j.elizabeth4621 thanks!!!
Good job x
I hope you are still doing great with the change of lifestyle, I don't know why but I felt like sharing a small thing I do to kill the sweet cravings. I have always had problems cutting out sweets, so now I eat a small sandwich with peanut butter and jelly every morning and evening before bed. I know that doesn't sound healthy at all but if you weight it up you can get it to be around 200 kcal per sandwich. Since I know that every day I have access to what I enjoy most of all when it comes to sweets I can cut all other "sporadic" snacking/buying junk. When I'm in the store and crave something I know that in just a few hours I can eat a peanut butter sandwich so I don't need to buy anything else. I eat 1800-1900kcal per day and have not cheated once for 4 months now. Lost 11kg so far without training. For me it was important to make a system where I wouldn't get discouraged because of cheating(which lead to quitting) and I know I would cheat if I didn't have my "life line". Anyway, I wish you best of luck! :)
Good on you, keep truckin'!
Wait so one of the tiny Ben and Jerry's is a total of 1040 calories...
Oh shit
ikr what is my shortass meant to do when that's most of my calories for the day lol
@Mark Valentino cause i'm chubby lol
Yoonmin Fanatic holy shit I used to down that shit in one sitting when I was 14
It wouldn't make them as much money but I mean they need to put "not one serving per container". Oh rite, it IS on the back.
And over 100g of sugar
My mom dressed up as that lost dog joke for Halloween! She sewed a stuffed dog to a pair of trash paints and stuffed it with a pillow and a lost dog sign that had the stuffed dog on it.
I must say I found your channel like 2 or 3 months ago, I use to be apart of the body positive movement. I accepted that I was fat and couldnt change. about 1 month into watching your videos I did I lifestyle change. Started eating better not even working out and in 2 months I've lost 20 pounds. I'm working my way into a gym and starting to up my activity. I'm currently 237 pounds and my goal is a comfortable 160 if I commit to 2 months of the gym I will definitely be buying some of your plans cause you're the reason I'm becoming healthier ♡ I love you Michelle thanks for making me see how toxic the body positive movement is ♡♡♡
Good job! I hope you successfully reach your goal, it is obtainable :D
Change is hard and the journey is long. I know from personal experience. I still want to get to the 160ish pounds myself. I went from 325 to now 195-200. Anyone can change just keep going and always do it for yourself.
All of this I relate with, even down to the current and goal weights :) girl, we got this
Congrats girlie keep going ! 😍
i can imagine her workout program, 10x remote lifts, 10x fridge walks, 3 sets of food chews
Awesome work Yolanda! We're so proud of you for working towards your healthiest self and finally being able to jump on that trampoline. 💕
I think the quote ' The yummier it tastes the yummier it feels' is a play on another quote 'Nothing tastes like skinny feels' both are equally toxic
Im so tired of people bashing others when they are trying to improve themselves. Like let the people live! If you wanna die living like amberlynn then do you boo boo. #PositiveVibesOnly
Yeah! How is it a thing to shame success?! What is happening?
I have never clicked a notification so fast. "bigmamayolanda" handled that with some grace and you were as eloquent as ever. I'll never understand why fat-acceptance/fat positive movement people are the only ones that get to decide who get to define things or decide who gets to speak on them- especially when the person being shot down matches their usual description of "allowed to speak" perfectly.
Everyone should start tagging #fatacceptance in weight loss and health posts 😂😂😂😂
Or simple do the opposite and tag #fitacceptance
D. Krolmann nah lol not as funny
I wish ppl start doing that🤣
@@d.krolmann5456, Do both, you have a limit of 30. When I get down to 220Lbs you better bet I will tag it.
Great idea
Why is she going off about a gluten free restaurant? I can't eat gluten because it makes me sick
It's an allergy thing, not a diet thing
And people shouldn’t even focus on gluten free for dieting, that’s not wrong with it, UNLESS, you have some kind of intolerance
Exactly! I have celiac disease and a gluten free restaurant sounds like a dream! Going out to eat is anxiety producing because most people here don't understand what gluten is and cross contamination is pretty common.
You can heal from it
Right? It’s funny because as a gluten-intolerant person I have noticed that gf substitutes sometimes have MORE calories than the original. People are wild.
In addition to the whole “gluten free” comment.... is she not aware that some people have Celiacs and will literally compromise their health by eating gluten as opposed to just hopping on the gluten free fad?
As someone who is diagnosed celiac, I just have to say "Thank you."
Mack Higgins totally! 💜
Yeah it’s great that people are starting to realize it cause it’s important for people with celiacs to be able to have a safe place to eat (my aunt has celiacs and she has to be super careful and when we have vacations together we all have to be super careful when we are cooking too)
I'm glad to see this comment. I have an aunt with celiac disease, and seeing the gluten-free diet having become a fad to the point that people don't take it seriously despite plenty of people out there whose health will be put at risk if they eat gluten is quite frustrating.
I am allergic to gluten wheat etc
Gotta love "before" and "after" pics taken at the exact same time lol.
She basically gets paid to hangout with other fat chicks, eat and play around (sitting down) at the gym and goes home
Yeah i don't really understand how that works with the name "personal trainer "😂
I honestly can't stand ppl who do that. The ppl who sit at the gym making conversation in the lobby, taking up chairs from ppl who actually used the gym, it's like if u want to sit and talk then go to Starbucks, the park, the grocery store idk go anywhere, but here.
Tammy Brown ...There are chairs at your gym?
I LOVE Yolanda's perspective on fat acceptance! Accepting that we are fat and need to take steps toward a healthy lifestyle. I hit that rock-bottom #fatacceptance moment myself in February when I was miserable, uncomfortable, constantly in pain, and almost homebound because I was so embarrassed about my weight. It came to a choice of either take action and start making changes, or probably die in 2 years or less. I chose to get healthy. I signed up for the Bariatric program through my insurance, started the 6 month required medical weight loss program, got the required psychiatric evaluation and counseling.... I have now completed 5 of the required 6 monthly visits with the Nurse Practitioner, and I am down 70 pounds on a high protein low carb plan, I have had the initial consult with my surgeon who ordered an endoscopy (done this week) and a cardiologist clearance (scheduled July 29). I am also working out in the pool at my gym 3+ times a week, including using resistance bands. Looking forward to finally be at my goal weight by this time next year for the first time since the mid-90s when I was in my late 20s.
Wow that's great keep up the good work. I hope if you have the surgery it goes well and you can continue to be healthy🤽♂️
@@tomsheppard378 thank you.
I saw the name of your channel and I was so ready to disagree with you. I stand corrected, love your content. Signed: fatty on the way down.
Same here!
We love to see it💖
@Lonely Pluto what self hatred?
Congrats on your journey!
Lonely Pluto what
She seems insecure and wants to spread that insecurity to her clients. That's pretty insane.
It’s amazing to me how anything else we treat poorly is considered disrespectful but treating or bodies poorly is respect in the fat positive community 🤦🏾♀️
I’ve lost 13kg (about 28lbs), feeling and looking great, and these videos are so motivational to me! I’m struggling to eat healthy, but I’m going to get a notebook and jot down my foods to hopefully motivate myself to stay on track! I’ve just ordered roller skates, and I’m planning to be even more active! I wanna thank you for helping me stay on track and giving us advice/wake up calls! ‘Cause I needed it!
I get bullied for loosing weight 😂
I absolutely hate how these people have appropriated the feminist movement into this insane, over-the -top thing filled with delusional zealots.
Side note, you are absolutely shoulder goals!
So true.... they’re just giving feminists a bad reputation
It's a weightlimit, not a fatlimit. If you are a lean 7ft at 310lbs you are not allowed. with 5ft at 290lbs you are good to go.
Can you react to Jubilee’s new spectrum videos “do all plus sized people think the same”
Oh yes please
Yes just watched...I was pretty disappointed with what I saw.
Did they remove it because I can’t find it on their channel
@@iamabee4452 same, i was waiting for them to put up the prompt "I am healthy" lol.
Jubilee imo is way better than the other 'diversity' platforms on UA-cam but I've noticed that they still fail to get into the real deep issues out of fear of making ppl with certain views uncomfortable. I still remember in the feminists vs non-feminists video, I was so disappointed when they brought up stuff like "holding the door open for women" instead of maybe bringing up real conflict between the sides regarding failure to call out discrimination from the non-feminist community or the increasing hypocrisy and double-standards in the current feminist wave. They have a good concept with their channel, I kinda wish they'd do more with it.
@@linaaahhhsmile2947 ua-cam.com/video/PsDLOuXSy7k/v-deo.html
So she isnt only "fat positive" she is a karen too 👁️👄👁️