I think the entire material gathering system needs work. Almost every one of them can be remedied by having mobs drop appropriate materials. Why do I have to be a professional hunter to get meat or leather? Let it drop from killing animals so I can have the option of being a professional Tanner and Leatherworker without needing to spend huge amounts of time leveling a gathering profession that I don't enjoy. Let any enemies that can wear gear, drop metal, cloth, gems, etc. On top of all those changes, let us deconstruct gear for mats.
Legendarys, obviously it won't be like this at launch (Ideally) but someone with full legendarys can pretty much solo the dragon near steelbloom with a healer. (There is a video on it) Heres what I think, Legendary tier should only be able to be made via Grandmaster crafters Legendary can only be used by max level players. This would help mitigate the ability for a apprentice crafting to make a level 10 legendary sword that does 4-5x more damage then a common sword. Sure you can argue that legendary is difficult to get, but with the current system rarity is not random. If a player finds legendarys in one spot they can wait for it to respawn and keep farming legendarys until the node cycles. Mind you as some people get this mixed up, Artifacts are the items that are 1-3 per server. Legendary are end-game tier. I have high hopes that in phase 2 the issue with legendary is fixed and it is either nerfed or has requirements. I know and have 100% confidence that if it does become an issue where every tester has legendary gear the developers will do something about it. However I have not seen any communication regarding legendarys specifically. Just generalized "Economy balancing" etc.
Everyone is having problems with understanding that this Alpha2 isn't really an Alpha2, because they are using Agile. The game isn't really finished the design phase yet. Old games were designed, programmed, and tested holistically This one is going through those 3 steps feature by feature. Phase2 is pretty much going to be the Artisan/economy patch. We really haven't had a good look at what the design is going to look like. The only thing I can tell you is that it isn't going to look a lot like phase1. I think everyone is going to be complaining even worse come Dec20, because the change from phase1 will be pretty dramatic, and it won't be much like phase1. It may also be quite buggy. It will be in Phase3 that we will be able to look at the base game, and have a good idea what the game will look like. At that point what is being added is mostly content. I really recommend you take a minute to look up and read what Agile development is, just Google it, and see how it works, because until you do, you won't really have a clue what is going on.
As a melee player the spell FX spam is insane. Obviously it’s terrible because you can’t see mob spell FX or animations…but beyond that it’s EXHAUSTING. Having a constant light show in your face is just not pleasant.
I personally don't like having to physically pick up items after rolling for them. Obviously, we can't have a repeat of why this change was made (players sitting in town needing on everything, not involved with fighting). There has to be a middle ground, has to be a compromise for us players and Intrepid. I've had to many drops go poof because somebody forgot. Another issue I have is that the time it takes for loot piles to de-spawn is way to short. Most of the time when I die because I over pulled or maybe was punching above my weight class, I don't even bother trying to pick up my corpse because I know it'll be gone. No, its not other players snagging my corpse, I've seen it de-spawn as I was running up to it. Those are some of my gripes with the game so far, but beyond those (Intrepid give copper pls) its been a blast to play!
I understand WHY they have the loot system like that, but I do believe in the long run, the negatives will outweigh the positives and some changes will be made.
if you aren't involved in the fight you don't even get to need/greed on loot goes to show that the people talking about Ashes don't even play the game rofl
The lack of gear, and lack of copper I feel will be addressed in phase 2 since it's the crafting phase. Honestly my biggest complaint for crafting I'd you have to have uniform amounts to craft. 1, 5, 10, etc it really silly I can't just have 9 copper and them five my a time. I have to do 5 copper and 4 sets of 1 copper.
Well there isnt a lack of gear - as many of us have figured out your level range of your party determines the % of drop your group will encounter. The tighter your group level average the more drops you get. The Resources being as limited as they are is tough since we are locked into a singular region - I feel this wouldn't be 'as much' of an issue if the whole map was available.
I literally left a comment on this I’m surprised dude doesn’t know this and he follows the game from beginning. One of stevens first video showcases was of him showing how rocks have a random chance to drop resources like copper, Ruby, etc.
The verticality is brutal in general, both in terms of level and gear progression... I think they need to horizontal the shit out of it in order for the game to thrive as a PvX title. If you're doing 20% less damage to someone two levels below you, it's going to be extremely rare for you to find someone who will make a worthy PvP opponent.
Bruh --- I know others said this. Copper / Zinc is about scarcity. Also, just like Hunting you have to kill the mob for it to respawn so it can be a tameable later, the same with ROCKS. You harvest basalt, and it can respawn as COPPER / ZINC.
Yeah I think a lot of people just go looking for copper and only that. This is not the way. Mine everything and stay on your run. It will take a while put it can respawn as other ore. The biggest issue atm is your run getting flooded with T3 ores that you can't mine. That's just an alpha issue mainly though.
@@Ides385 Not certain that this is true. This pass they were testing spawning of nodes and the mechanisms involved in that. I think they just had copper turned down most of the time, for some measurement purpose. I strongly doubt that you have to farm a node for it to disappear. I'm sure that if specified it will disappear just like the grems do every night. In fact that may have been happening. The copper might have been spawning and then disappearing again. It was set fairly low, just to test that aspect of the spawning process. If they wanted to, they could make it spawn just as much as basalt, or snowdrops. In fact one day it can spawn one way and then change the next, if that is what the game requires. Or just in one section of a node or POI.
@@TheToledoTrumpton it for sure can respawn as ore - that's why I have a bunch of copper / zinc. It's the reason I don't complain about it, because I understand how it works.
@@VyrilGaming My point is that it doesn't really work that way. Yes, they can spawn in the same place, but I don't think it can be referred to as "respawning". The node, will not necessarily "respawn" as anything after a period of time. It looks that way because, for the test, they probably had a limited number of spawn points, but in the final release they will probably have 10 times the number of spawn points and the node spawning process will spawn (or despawn) the nodes in locations as required by the game. That concept of a static node that respawns, and is there until someone farms it, is for a static world game, and it is limiting. AoC doesn't have to use that system. They will put in a system that is flexible and more granular, for use in story arcs and node changing events for all types of gatherables including hunting. That spawning/despawning is what they were mainly testing in Phase1. People complaining about the quantity of metals are being silly, with one button push they could fill the world with copper, or empty it.
The metal issue. 1 - A lot of the spawns have respawned into stuff that the server just can't mine yet. Like Sapphires or something. So nodes that existed before as Copper or Tin or whatever are now locked into being a Journeyman level spawn until a Node is able to afford upgrading their Stonemasonry. 2 - Probably an easy fix and one that they have talked about before, are basic rock nodes having a chance to give you a little bit of a metal. Mine a small basalt and get your x2 basalt and sometimes get x1 copper on top. That will cause people to actually keep mining the rocks, just for the off chance of getting some metal and opening up the spawn and it has a chance to come back as a metal.
As a call back to some old-school MMOs (mainly thinking ultima online), I'd really like to see mining areas. Areas rich with ore but also enemies and PVP contesting. Would be a fun dynamic. You need people to help your miners mine and keep them safe. Miners who have combat proficiency are also rewarded. I think the new dungeon in P2 is a great opportunity for something like this. That said. I'm not reading too much into the current gathering dynamics. I don't think we are looking at their final vision.
There's a fair bit of ores, copper included - but with all the miners out there you can get skunked. I've a route that usually has my bags full before I even reach the end of it and I have to start tossing lower rarity items. There is an aoc map website, which youtube won't let me link that helps you find gatherables. It was super bad the first two weekends, but I think they fixed it. It could be because it was winter those first two weeks, supposedly weather affects spawns - not sure why it affects metals, if it does. Though I think respawns of the ores could be faster, or more of it.
Copper drops from graphite. I literally had 10 copper in less than 20 minutes by mining graphite, I got 2 heroic (orange) even. It does seem that you are more likely to get copper drop from graphite if you’re close to a node. I mined for 1 hour outside node areas and didn’t get a single copper but all my copper was close from nodes, towns. I think it’s because you get a buff the closer you are to a node. I’m surprised you didn’t know this, one of stevens first video was of him showing how some resources have a chance to drop different resources.
excatly. all the complaints about copper is from people that just go around the map ignoring basalt and granite. I've found all the copper an tine I've ever wanted by just farming rocks.
@@ShaunPrince Either this is new or there is huge bugs regarding this, I'm a lvl28 miner. I mine everything due to the random chance of spawns. everyone should mine everything to reset spawn. Have never found one piece of metal in either granite or basalt.
I mine everything all the time and have yet to see copper dropping while mining granite. I also have multiple characters on multiple servers that can not fish period. I repaired the install then reinstalled. I still can't fish with those characters. So it could be there are a lot of random bugs.
@@ShaunPrince What server are you on and what part of the map do you mine on? I've never heard of anyone on my server saying this was a thing. I'm lvl 23 mining and never have gotten metal from stone nodes. Also, have you ever gotten more than 5 items when mining a large node from the quantity stat? That's something else that's bugged on our server.
@@ParanoidJackson ashes of creation wiki says this about copper: “Requires Novice Mining to extract from rocks. Process at Novice Metalworking station.” See how it says from rock? It doesn’t specifically say, copper rock.
Xillin, you're way off base on the ore. You are in the Riverlands. Of course copper is rare. The scarcity of metal in the lowland will drive the economic need to transport goods in the future. You are asking them to spend time balancing a temporary fix to a problem that won't exist once they expand the map. Let them spend time doing that.
"of course copper is rare". The Riverlands have the best conditions for copper due to the magmatic activities of the Carphin Tower. Moreover, ores spawn randomly all over the map without any geological logic whatsoever. If Intrepid plans to make it geologically and geographically accurate in any way, the area around Carphin would be perfect for that. They should also clearly define the spawn locations and design specific caves and trenches for this purpose. This random spawning at every possible location without rhyme or reason is just ridiculous, and there’s no point in claiming some kind of intended game logic behind it.
I'm not gonna act like I know what the other servers are like but at shol we have at least 2 people with apprentice armorsmithing and metalworking and one weaponsmith in a guild with a 100 people and we are not by any means a hardcore guild. A few people have funneled mats to them but I can't imagine our effort has been unprecedented. I myself have done a lot of gathering and mined around 600 copper pieces so far. Again might be a server issue but it's definitely not a game design issue.
@Xillin I think they put it out as an answer to a question on this topic months ago in one of the monthly updates. I forgot which month it was but if I find it I will share the link.
I personally enjoy the rarity of metal. I have seen a lot of flak about the lack of copper nodes, and I believe that the desert biome will introduce more as the map unlocks, considering the A2 is in the Riverlands it makes tremendous sense to me that flowers, rocks, and trees are abundant. I would also treat the ability to level your gathering to grandmaster for the tool and then demote it back down as a positive thing. I would, however suggest in full launch that when you demote you start over at novice. That way if you actually wanted to stop at journeyman you'd just grind it back up
I was playing a lv 8 or so tank and crafted some epic armor molds, so thought why not let's try crafting. I quickly gave up looking for zinc, but I found a dozen iron nodes...
when it comes to the ore im pretty sure its because the riverlands is going to be an area where metals arent super common. it would give a reason later to caravan in ores from somewhere else. my guess is with phase 2 with them adding more to the desert that would add more ores. everything else youve mentioned i believe will change and main reason its not there is just the builds for the game are just too early. like i think gear is going to be better than every 10 levels or so especially in the later levels since it will take a while to level though i think its going to be more or less with rarity upgrades. the ability stuff especially for pvp needs to have a colored hue to them to signify if its ally or enemy, but even for me as a bard its hard to tell whats really going on in some fights just because of how many abilities are going off. im still surprised how much fun ive been having with it though i was definitely expecting a lot less from it being an alpha but ive been having a blast
I wouldnt say it gear quality thats out of wack it more the offensive/heaing scaling its 3 times that of defencive stat scaling. Mob dropped gear is a stepping stone to crafted gear and base line crafting gear will be heroic since they are so easy to craft once u get gathering/crafting gear online all u need is blue resources to make heroic and blue drops is abundant with gathering gear so pretty much all crafted gear will range from heroic to legendary and the difference in stat bonus is quite reasonable imo between those 3 quality. however the dmg/healing scaling between defence scaling is 100% out of wack :D phy/mahic rating currently gets divided by 3 to get actualy rating i think this need to be bumped up atleast 5 atm
This is just a complaint for those that want to win fights in PvP, instead of testing the game stability. I love how getting a item with better stats actually makes a huge difference.
Dood I completely agree with you. They are missing the mark currently on the issues you raised. The players want to enjoy the game. Help them enjoy it! Hopefully as we move forward through alpha 2 they flesh out these systems in a way that helps with these problems.
I’m not sure how accurate this is, but I was under the impression that the reason copper / metal ores are so rare is because that’s simply the case in the Riverlands biome. I thought that other biomes will likely have more metal but fewer trees.. maybe the desert for example? On another note, one system that I really currently do not like is this whole caravan event pop up. I hate this attack / defend pop up. It gets really convoluted and doesn’t work great when there’s multiple caravans. I feel like there should be a better way..
As for tools, a way bigger problem than cheesing the demote is the fact that sometimes the next tier of tools isn't as good. For example, the Journeyman Lumberjack axe you craft with T2 mats to be able to mine T3 wood has GARBAGE stats (XP/speed) on primary, which is a huge downgrade from the "quality" T2 axe. Not being able to swap between tools according to the situation is really annoying. But all that will hopefully be fixed soon.
technically there is middle ground gear, for example brass (lvl 10-14 presumably) and bronze lvl 15-19, but they all have lvl 10 requirement for some reason. same at lvl 20 with iron/steel
Tanning is a brutal processing skill. I would rate it worse than Armoring. I have been waiting for a LONG time for a tanner to get worked up enough for Otter Hides. That was pre-A2 and A2. Also, COPPER...is used for everything! So it's hard on weaponsmiths, jewelers, all gathers (for tools), etc. Nodes requiring a lot of Copper and Zinc soak it all up too.
Agree with everything except for the last point. There isn't a lack of copper. "Copper nodes" have a chance to spawn copper OR iron. When you see copper you mine it and the node respawns either copper or iron. If you see iron you can't mine it without 20+ mining and a journeyman pickaxe (requires journeyman workbench on the server to craft it). Eventually most the "copper nodes" will spawn iron which you can't mine yet, so you leave it there and essentially block copper from spawning. This is resolved when more people can actually mine iron. I don't see it as bad game design, servers just haven't progressed that far yet
I agree on most of this, but the copper resource issue is silly to get so worked up about during stress testing… well, maybe that is why they did it: to stress test you 😉
I spent about 2 hours aswell running around the edges of the map from new aela to marileth looking for copper and zinc. I had about 10 when I finished. oh, and this was at 0400 to 0600 in the morning on what my general chat continously call a 'dead server' (aeterna EU). Also another note. Ive understood that we need to pick up the loot we win on rolling to give pvp incentive of 'letting someone kill and then u kill them and loot' or something a long those lines. Fantastic, great idea. But it doesnt apply to random packs of mobs, it applies to named npcs, minibosses and actual bosses. Regular non-named npc packs of mobs.. just let the shit go into out inventory please. By the time you win the roll your group has moved 3 packs of mobs further down the line and you now gotta disengage the groupfight and run back for your 2 rare runes.. it doesnt flow and its pointless.
Your second point is dead on. It's so dumb to have to disengage from a fight to go back and pick up your rolled loot. Either make it go directly to inventory after roll OR have a glowing bag/box icon on the ground that doesn't disappear when the mob respawns so you can find it and pick it up later. First way is most practical. I thought Steven was a MMO gamer. He should know that the current system isn't fun or additive in any way
The tool thing about maxing to 50 then dropping down to novice assumes that Intrepid doesn't address this issue in the next couple years. All the artisan stuff is bare bones right now, I wouldn't worry too much just yet.
@@Guknowit I hear ya. But anyone who is watching this video who isn't in the Alpha may immediately go to doomer status. That's all. There's a lot of fixes that need to come in for tools, which should resolve this particular one. :)
I know metal is a problem but if they intentionally decreased copper spawns because it isn’t supposed to be in this region but will be plenty in the dessert i am really ok with it i guess we will know more in 2 weeks.
i think the biggest problem with metal is there is chance the spot can be t1 t1 or t3 and no on can mine t3 spots and the spots are getting stuck in t3 spots , beacuse i see Iron every where. once we cna mine iron those spots could come back as copper. but until we get to journeyman skill we are stuck
I'm mostly interested in whether the combat is going in the right direction. Particle effects and drop rates can be easily tuned, but if combat is going in the wrong directions, that might be months of reworking. Like I keep hearing about some classes being largely useless. As far as I can tell, they haven't laid out a combat balancing philosophy (aside from "it's balanced for groups")
I think the combat is the best thing the game has going for it right now. All 6 archetypes have a role they fill within groups, and have all the tools necessary to fill those roles. Melee is a little borked right now because the sever meshing technology isn't ironed completely out yet. But that has nothing to do with class or combat design.
@@Xillin you mean spam AOE spell on braindead monsters 4 by 4 in full kite and jumping like a dumb ? Sure, best combat ever 😅 3 guys killed the dragon !! With no threat
I understand some things will (presumably) be scaled accordingly , adjustments made , polish and refinements but a couple of these seem absolutely critical. It’s wild that there’s these glaring issues when the gamers themselves have so much input. Hamstringing profession progression due to lack of materials is bad juju for sure.
If they want Metal do be hard to find, I think for the sake of balance, each ore should give more than the more common resources. Then while it would be harder to hunt, and maybe more competitive, it wouldn’t be nonexistent for weapon and armor smithing
Tools on the artisan tab have durability. They want you to have to repair and your tools come from your certification. They don't want you to spend 3 hours lumberjacking. You were also just unlucky in your loot drop. I bought a 110 tin bow at level 10 and then got a 220 bow at level 12. No one is going to spend 300 hours to power level artisan. They said you will be able to turn down visuals or off visuals. This is an alpha.
Let me process any qty of goods as long as I have the matching fuel value instead of the predetermined qtys listed. Use items straight from storage at a station/vendor. Node taxes just be straight glint - why do I need to buy a tax receipt and then spend that? Honestly probably a lot more that don’t seem to really add any meaningful gameplay and changes could streamline the experience. Overall I want to spend my time in game, not in countless menus. Feels clunky and dated, especially when most menus don’t automatically disable action camera.
7:35 Ha, wait until you try bard. If you set your camera too close, with all the ability effects, and damage/heal indicators flying around, you play literally blind.
Great vid Xillin. I haven't been able to play the last couple of weekends, and I won't be able to for a bit, but when i did get to play, these were definitely issues I saw as well. The gathering stuff was some of the first feedback i left. Tier one materials should never be rare. It makes no sense and is completely ridiculous. The design requires continued need for these materials, so even in high quantities, they still hold value. For those saying it's because of the node we're in... who cares... It's tier one. I should not have to travel the world or do a 5-hour caravan run for some tier one materials. Games need to respect the player and their time and should strive for fun and entertainment above all else. This is truly bad game design. You are 100% correct here. I am looking forward to most of all, a well thought out and well-made crafting and gathering system. I want to be an awesome weaponsmith, and like you said, this issue has definitely been disappointing if not a bit demoralizing, especially considering their response to feedback. Hope to see you guys in the game soon.
Ngl obviously gear balance is the worst I’ve ever seen but my biggest gripe is that the game is unplayable if you want to play fighter competitively or in guild v guild. There is massive melee desync issues and in wars you’re dead from mages before your charge animation even ends. For me this is going to become a dealbreaker going into p2, my server is completely overrun with mage and ranger rerolls and every guild is planning to stack ranged and tanks in p2 wipe. So boring
I had a similar commentary early on. I asked the question of how they hoped to make melee classes competitive with ranged ones. Just like in many other mmos, the ranged classes often end up dominating in all game modes. It seems at the moment they don't have an answer for this.
@ With how crazy flashy (and effective) some of the ranged abilities are I don’t think they can make fighter ever compete in the same way, but adding a last stand feature to berserk or something that allows you to at least play the game for 3 seconds without dying and then dip out could be an interesting bob and weave play style to at least do something in guild wars. Idk but right now fighter gameplay in practice feels very….. Not fighter themed Lol. I could see a 5 second death immunity being overpowered so prob wouldn’t work but at least I’d get invited to sieges until it was nerfed.
There a lot of trees, yes. But it's an almost useless kinds of trees. If you'd try to find something really valuable like Adult Larch(Adult is key here) or Weeping Willow - THAN you realize, that copper isn't rare at all
The area we are forced to harvest in is way too small for 3k people thus the scarcity. Once we get a larger map people spread out more it will become somewhat easier to find the resources. I am an Aussie and tend to farm mats in off peak times and we are able to find mats and we work as a group to do it. Even so we as a group hunting copper have yet to get a weapon smith past level 10, armor smith is somewhat easier with me being level 15 and easily would have hit 20 but decided to focus on jewel crafting instead. But in prime time US we do not even bother trying to harvest unless its rocks or trees there is just not much point.
I don't know how you can have that much trouble finding copper. I found loads and destroyed a stack of copper because I needed space. I sometimes found 3 large nodes next to each other. 😅 It is not bad game-design the way it works now in my opinion. Once more zones are out people will be more spread out and I suspect finding copper will be easier. The way that gathering and crafting works in this game, makes zones relevant to everyone regardless of your level and not like in WoW, once you've leveled enough, the copper becomes obsolete and you never have to return to that zone or gather any copper again.
I like your takes, I was thinking exactly that among other things. But worst of all is the AoE spell clutter like you said ; you might think I'm overreacting saying this : but this alone could kill the game. :( For the metal, they should simply make more nodes, but make it so that some nodes randomly contain more than others. Then it could still be as rare as in the amount, but at the bare minimum players would still find nodes and not feel like shit.
the real question is. why did that mob with 20k health you were hitting for 5kdps for 35 seconds lose like no health? Oh! its because the melee numbers on the screen actually arent real, but nobody seems to be talking about that.
this vanilla game ahes of creation is atrm 3 / 10 world locks realy good okay chat system is a 8 / 10 nice PVE gameplay atm 4 / 10 PVP / dont play this crap Quests 1 / 10 Crafting 2 / 10 it is alpha .... atm im not realy impressed :( thx you talking exactly all this Points :) so much thx .... i run 12 h in Verra for metall :/ and found 2 times :( 12 HOURS .... you need 2000 copper to make lvl up from 1 to apprentice on 10 2000 coppppppppper
I suspect we have enough metal ore nodes, but their respawn timers have to be shortened. Visually they are also hard to spot, especially the small ones during the winter season. I'm also concerned about higher rarity metals replacing lower rarity as a node progresses. Late comers wannabe crafters will suffer because of this.
The metal is just so absurd, and him pretending it's not an issue vs every person's experience is absurd. The ore is now recorded and farmed on CD on Lyneth, and he thinks that means that there isnt an ore problem. Crazy. Meanwhile, you can grab as many oodles of any other resource as you want without consequence
there needs to be mines (with ore). I've got Mining to lvl 17 and I can promise you, Metal is WAY more rare than GEMS. I spend HOURS mining and not only is copper rare, it's hard to spot when covered in snow. my intention is to Grand Master Metal Working and Mining.. Hard to level the processing of metal when there isn't any. It's NOT that everyone else is mining it first... I spend HOURS mining and see NO ONE ELSE doing it. I'm on a LOW POP EU-SHOL server, don't tell me EU folks who are asleep are mining my metals! If RUBIES aren't more common than COPPER I'll eat my 4080 !.!
Not yet in the A2 , But for ore bieng rare , isn't the share number of players seeking them that made them look rare ? Plus , don't know if yet implemented , but resources are suppose to not have static respawn location.? The numbers of player mining VS numbers of resource nodes being disbalance would be a issue, but I don't think we have this kind of data . For visibility in fight, I kind of remember him saying " they will work on it later once classes are work out" but was a bad response in it's self, even if it's easy to fix later on...
Your player count = resource scarcity argument would have legs if it wasn't only ONE resource. As I said in the video, literally every other resource is absurdly abundant. It's just metal that is hard to find.
Ok so there is a lot to go over… 1st: just get the recipes with your Team/Guild. Have your Artisans sort out. Invest time Grinding for Gearing up to go back to the Adventures then there is no mindless Grind. Rarity is scaling insanely so i don’t see the Problem. 2nd: The Tools, yeah could be changed to have them open Market. But i think they want to limit things with it and i think its not a bad idea. If this stays they will fix the gear not working when you lose certificate. 3rd: i agree on the Visuals when Fighting there is room to improve. Also i dont want it to toned down so it feels bad without as much impact. 4rd: Copper yeah Copper is rare but zinc is even rarer. Still we had a Day of Artisan and About 300 Copper found in a Team of 4. Its there somewhere don’t walk up to too much iron thinking yeah finally got one Haha. Especially in Winter its hard to gather… Learn new ways and adapt to it ;) Have an awesome time in Verra
definately agree with you on the sparcity of zinc and copper, seems to be enough iron about but i cant mine that yet. I dont like guilds, haha, I know everyone with think i am crazy, but i am guessing thats why copper and zinc so rare, because guilds just smash through everything in the game and then cry no content
The entire conflated overly complicated crafting and gathering system is a cluster F. If the goal were actually testing, the requirements are so far out of scale that can not happen with any great frequency due to artificial scarcity and requirements of absurd levels of interactivity of professions that does not need to exist. The goal here is not to test things, but to buy time through nonsensical time gating to allow development to catch up. Yes, I do understand development cycles. The only reason to roll this out in this iteration is to make it take longer than it should, exploit the fan boys into defending every decision they make and swallow every excuse for not doing better. Like Star Citizen it has an amazing framework to build on but the scope will likely kill it or at best delay a "finished" product by many years. I hope I'm wrong. I hope they figure out that a lot of the "promises" work better as expansions and they get a finished product out and stop wasting money. I'm mostly having fun in A2, but it's not engaging enough to play long term due the self inflicted tedium of everything. The bad design is the interconnectivity of everything. This will make future updates almost impossible. Every change will ripple effect everything else. That's not sustainable. Again, I hope I'm wrong. My experience in software design says they are doing the hardest way possible wit the least likelihood of long term success.
The pixel soup was already criticized a year ago. Those responsible probably don't even understand what we're talking about, otherwise something like that wouldn't be in the game in the first place. That can only be changed if the team responsible is replaced.
I think the pvp targeting system is broken. First you cant select a player target from action cam after flagging for pvp. You have to switch to tab target to target them. And even if you strictly use tab you still have to flag up and select target even if theyve already attacked you. You need to be able to immediately respond to an attacker. Not just wait to see if he kills you and goes corrupt.
The stamina skill tree I feel is too generic. Also the bows being magic or physical, either I don't fully understand it or it seems out of place for convenience in a game design that isn't supposed to be convenient.
Gear level so adding something in for lvl 15 geatr like u said with recipes i agree with as for tool i dont think they want people running around with 10 pickaxes and just constantly swapping them out as one breaks :P i think it serves a purpose to make people go back to town to repair it from times. There no real reason for a tool market cause to use the tool your at the level to make the tool itself so there no real reason to sell them since anyone able to use them can just make them. I think this is to add a resource sink when upgrading tools. Deleveling yourself seems to stop the tool working at full effiency too btw i noticed my tool after deleveling was noticable slower when using it. And to be fair if somone gonna level all the way to t5 tools then rank back down to 1 just to have an OP tool when hitting T1 resources (Atleast for carpentry/logging T1 wood became useless once i moved into apprentice with exception of burning for artisan skill gain) that are no longer relevant than power to them man lol Once u move onto apprentice or journeyman the lower tier mats kinda become useless it seem with a couple excepton with metal using copper and tin for an ingot. Biomes wil have different resource rarity riverland seems to lack metal, dessert gonna lack wood it seems, ice biomes will probaly lack flowers and tropics will probaly lack stone, Each biome seems like it get atleast 1 rare resource problem is we only have 1 biome atm so metal is hurting im sure it be fixed with dessert/tropic additions probaly yielding more metal than riverlands, also at apprentice level seems like T2 wood is rarer than tin atleast it seems that way for me haha always finding tin when looking for willows haha.
design wise it correct move, the design seem to be one rare resource each biome, Riverland = Metal, Dessert / Tree, Ice biome = plants, Tropics = Stone the problem is right now we only have the 1 biome which is the metal one im sure it be fine once desset/tropics is introduced. It kinda designed this way so people will move resources from one biome to another to sell it for higher amount however at this stage of the game it just doesnt work due to only 1 biome currently.
disagree with copper, hunting and t2 trees (willows) are actually way more constrained, ive been funneled metal fairly casually by 5 or so gatherers and have leveled armour weapon and jewelry to apprentice just to test systems also done plenty of mining, about to hit 40 mining, the node upgrades also use massive amounts of copper, once fully upgraded there is way less downward pressure also once you can clear the iron out, 33% more spawn points theoretically (actually higher once the server gets 'blocked' by unharvestable nodes) people have nutted out the respawn rate and once you get on top of it, its quiet abundant, if youre riding around for 2 hours finding nothing, that area is clearly on respawn that being said id love to have some copper rich POIs to fight over additionally, the devs copper metrics are utterly screwed by server restarts fully respawning all the nodes so they are reporting way more copper being gathered as a result rest of the video 100% agree, esp tools not being swappable/tradable like damn let me make a quick axe and a rarity axe another big problem is t2 slate molds are just x3 harder to craft than other t2 items, boyo the armour/weaponsmith fuck yous are just begining
Honestly for me, its the world itself that's not drawing me in. Combat is good but the world seems to lack its own identity. I'll keep checking back in as the alpha goes on but atm I can't find a compelling reason to play.
When AoC was first announced I was excited. Now, the more I see and experience it during development the more I feel like it is going to miss the mark and wind up in the pile of mediocrity like so many other MMO's.
I hope developers like you won't listen. And I advise you to go to those MMOs that you like so much and where there is a lot of metal and where all the special effects can be turned off and where there are a lot of resources.
if you win a roll on something that specific item should land in your backpack . to many you group with are not to be trusted and steal the item and wont admit it and you cant check who has the item
well, it is ofc still an alpha, but If they dont fix any of that at all at any point, specially the combat effects and the metal shortage, i'm out lol. not gonna stress myself out over a game that sofar offers nothing that i can not find in other games as well. at the moment the mining is only good between 2 and 7 am and i have no intention of playing mostly at night. it's fine to have a grindy game, it's an other to have a game that you need to quit your job for to get anything done.
I think that you are off the mark, to answer your question with that. I disagree with you on everything you laid out here. but that's just my opinion. I also think that there will be tons of changes from A to B to Live. and that the game may look/feel/play entirely different from each iteration, which might be to my disliking or even the opposite. In any event, I can say without a doubt that they are creating a very ambitious and great mmo, but whether or not that also means its great for me personally remains the question. As of now, like you, I am having a blast.
The biggest immediately visible weakness of Ashes of Creation, in addition to the pixel soup of the combat system, are numerous design decisions. This applies to the blocky textures of buildings, streets and some landscapes, which are the worst that has been seen under the Unreal Engine 5. But also to armor, which uses what the industry calls non-design of the 70s. This means replacing missing shapes with triangles. For example, take a look at the trailer for Chronos Odyssey as a comparison to understand what is meant (or many other games with an art design language like Eldenring etc.).
9:48 bro once they drop other areas and develop other like desert biom, you will no longer call it stupid. Cus it is intentionally made so that some resources are rare is some place and some are not. With just a tiny area playable you feel it hard but i for one don't mind it too much cus i know it will be different soon in the future. This will force people to transport stuff around
You must not have heard the roughly eleventybillion times they've begged us for feedback on many many many different game systems. Hell, they've sent us multiple surveys asking for feedback on all kinds of topics.
Is your ragebaiting working? Genuine question. I know 100% it'll seem im being insincere since this question itself inspires the idea that I am trying to mock you but I promise I am not, In good faith I truly want to know if making "game is dying" or "bad game grrr" is actually getting you better viewership or not. again I am being completely serious and im not trying to mock or "gotcha" at all, I actually really want to know.
I don't see this as ragebaiting. If you actually watched the video, you'd know I repeatedly say how much I love the game, but I'm just giving feedback in my own way. As far as titles/thumbnails go. I hate to tell you this, kinda shocked you don't already know it. Getting clicks is not easy, it's the main reason ridiculously talented people make crazy good videos that no one ever watches. Because those creators stand on principle and refuse to be sensational. You have no idea how many creators are out there that made 3-5 insanely good videos, and you would absolutely sub to them and watch everything they put out, but they quit making videos years ago because you and everyone else clicked on all the sensational/negative/baity titles, instead of theirs. But is it working? I guess all I could say to that is that I'm completely comfortable with how my channel is positioned, and my reputation in, the Ashes of Creation niche.
I was thinking the same thing. Was gonna comment something like "thanks for the well detailed and thought out response". But I decided not to feed the troll.
Why? Doesn't seem right if you wanted to make an alt. And it doesn't at all change what Xillin said about making legendary grandmaster tools and then bringing the artisan class back down to novice. Your solution would make that problem worse.
@vexillian the idea is that you can't do everything and are forced to engage with the community. If you want 10 alts and the ability to craft every object, that game exists 5 times over. Go play WOW or FF10 or ESO or GW2. Go play your single player daily simulator and run your 27 characters through daily quests and crafting writs until your eyes bleed and then quit when you realize no one will ever buy a single thing you craft because their 27 alts can all craft all the same things as you. Crafting should be account wide, just like node citizenship. In countless interviews, Steven has confirmed that is indeed the plan. Why does everyone keep wanting this game to be like all the others? I thought the reason we wanted this game was because we are sick of all the others.
@joshuawyatt4737 You directly disregarded everything *I* said and just brought up arguments other people have brought up. Technically not *my* argument but the one Xillin provided.
Have you found anything in Ashes that feels like actual bad game design to you?
I think the entire material gathering system needs work. Almost every one of them can be remedied by having mobs drop appropriate materials. Why do I have to be a professional hunter to get meat or leather? Let it drop from killing animals so I can have the option of being a professional Tanner and Leatherworker without needing to spend huge amounts of time leveling a gathering profession that I don't enjoy. Let any enemies that can wear gear, drop metal, cloth, gems, etc. On top of all those changes, let us deconstruct gear for mats.
Legendarys, obviously it won't be like this at launch (Ideally) but someone with full legendarys can pretty much solo the dragon near steelbloom with a healer. (There is a video on it) Heres what I think,
Legendary tier should only be able to be made via Grandmaster crafters
Legendary can only be used by max level players.
This would help mitigate the ability for a apprentice crafting to make a level 10 legendary sword that does 4-5x more damage then a common sword. Sure you can argue that legendary is difficult to get, but with the current system rarity is not random. If a player finds legendarys in one spot they can wait for it to respawn and keep farming legendarys until the node cycles. Mind you as some people get this mixed up, Artifacts are the items that are 1-3 per server. Legendary are end-game tier.
I have high hopes that in phase 2 the issue with legendary is fixed and it is either nerfed or has requirements. I know and have 100% confidence that if it does become an issue where every tester has legendary gear the developers will do something about it. However I have not seen any communication regarding legendarys specifically. Just generalized "Economy balancing" etc.
the whole game is bad
@@carl5939 derrrrrrr...okay carl....
Everyone is having problems with understanding that this Alpha2 isn't really an Alpha2, because they are using Agile. The game isn't really finished the design phase yet.
Old games were designed, programmed, and tested holistically This one is going through those 3 steps feature by feature. Phase2 is pretty much going to be the Artisan/economy patch. We really haven't had a good look at what the design is going to look like. The only thing I can tell you is that it isn't going to look a lot like phase1. I think everyone is going to be complaining even worse come Dec20, because the change from phase1 will be pretty dramatic, and it won't be much like phase1. It may also be quite buggy.
It will be in Phase3 that we will be able to look at the base game, and have a good idea what the game will look like. At that point what is being added is mostly content. I really recommend you take a minute to look up and read what Agile development is, just Google it, and see how it works, because until you do, you won't really have a clue what is going on.
As a melee player the spell FX spam is insane. Obviously it’s terrible because you can’t see mob spell FX or animations…but beyond that it’s EXHAUSTING. Having a constant light show in your face is just not pleasant.
Agreed. Overall the combat and movement are so good, if they could just fix this one element, it would be damn near perfection.
I personally don't like having to physically pick up items after rolling for them. Obviously, we can't have a repeat of why this change was made (players sitting in town needing on everything, not involved with fighting). There has to be a middle ground, has to be a compromise for us players and Intrepid. I've had to many drops go poof because somebody forgot. Another issue I have is that the time it takes for loot piles to de-spawn is way to short. Most of the time when I die because I over pulled or maybe was punching above my weight class, I don't even bother trying to pick up my corpse because I know it'll be gone. No, its not other players snagging my corpse, I've seen it de-spawn as I was running up to it. Those are some of my gripes with the game so far, but beyond those (Intrepid give copper pls) its been a blast to play!
I understand WHY they have the loot system like that, but I do believe in the long run, the negatives will outweigh the positives and some changes will be made.
Agreed 👍
Yeah there's no reason for loot to be like this. They just can just add a max distance to rolling for the item...
Amen. I heard Steven’s reasoning and still think this is a bad mechanic. Really hope they change it.
if you aren't involved in the fight you don't even get to need/greed on loot
goes to show that the people talking about Ashes don't even play the game rofl
The lack of gear, and lack of copper I feel will be addressed in phase 2 since it's the crafting phase. Honestly my biggest complaint for crafting I'd you have to have uniform amounts to craft. 1, 5, 10, etc it really silly I can't just have 9 copper and them five my a time. I have to do 5 copper and 4 sets of 1 copper.
Yeah, I should have had this on the list. It's so dumb that we can't just do whatever amount we have.
Well there isnt a lack of gear - as many of us have figured out your level range of your party determines the % of drop your group will encounter. The tighter your group level average the more drops you get. The Resources being as limited as they are is tough since we are locked into a singular region - I feel this wouldn't be 'as much' of an issue if the whole map was available.
Metal will respawn on the stone nodes but no one clears them out. If you camp and clear a spot you can get tons.
I literally left a comment on this I’m surprised dude doesn’t know this and he follows the game from beginning. One of stevens first video showcases was of him showing how rocks have a random chance to drop resources like copper, Ruby, etc.
The verticality is brutal in general, both in terms of level and gear progression... I think they need to horizontal the shit out of it in order for the game to thrive as a PvX title. If you're doing 20% less damage to someone two levels below you, it's going to be extremely rare for you to find someone who will make a worthy PvP opponent.
Great catch with the tools in endgame. I wish there would be a tool market later on too.
Bruh --- I know others said this.
Copper / Zinc is about scarcity. Also, just like Hunting you have to kill the mob for it to respawn so it can be a tameable later, the same with ROCKS. You harvest basalt, and it can respawn as COPPER / ZINC.
Yeah I think a lot of people just go looking for copper and only that. This is not the way. Mine everything and stay on your run. It will take a while put it can respawn as other ore. The biggest issue atm is your run getting flooded with T3 ores that you can't mine. That's just an alpha issue mainly though.
@@Ides385 Not certain that this is true. This pass they were testing spawning of nodes and the mechanisms involved in that. I think they just had copper turned down most of the time, for some measurement purpose.
I strongly doubt that you have to farm a node for it to disappear. I'm sure that if specified it will disappear just like the grems do every night.
In fact that may have been happening. The copper might have been spawning and then disappearing again. It was set fairly low, just to test that aspect of the spawning process. If they wanted to, they could make it spawn just as much as basalt, or snowdrops. In fact one day it can spawn one way and then change the next, if that is what the game requires. Or just in one section of a node or POI.
@@TheToledoTrumpton it for sure can respawn as ore - that's why I have a bunch of copper / zinc.
It's the reason I don't complain about it, because I understand how it works.
@@VyrilGaming My point is that it doesn't really work that way. Yes, they can spawn in the same place, but I don't think it can be referred to as "respawning". The node, will not necessarily "respawn" as anything after a period of time.
It looks that way because, for the test, they probably had a limited number of spawn points, but in the final release they will probably have 10 times the number of spawn points and the node spawning process will spawn (or despawn) the nodes in locations as required by the game.
That concept of a static node that respawns, and is there until someone farms it, is for a static world game, and it is limiting. AoC doesn't have to use that system. They will put in a system that is flexible and more granular, for use in story arcs and node changing events for all types of gatherables including hunting.
That spawning/despawning is what they were mainly testing in Phase1.
People complaining about the quantity of metals are being silly, with one button push they could fill the world with copper, or empty it.
@@TheToledoTrumpton this is still wrong, but whatever
The metal issue.
1 - A lot of the spawns have respawned into stuff that the server just can't mine yet. Like Sapphires or something. So nodes that existed before as Copper or Tin or whatever are now locked into being a Journeyman level spawn until a Node is able to afford upgrading their Stonemasonry.
2 - Probably an easy fix and one that they have talked about before, are basic rock nodes having a chance to give you a little bit of a metal. Mine a small basalt and get your x2 basalt and sometimes get x1 copper on top. That will cause people to actually keep mining the rocks, just for the off chance of getting some metal and opening up the spawn and it has a chance to come back as a metal.
As a call back to some old-school MMOs (mainly thinking ultima online), I'd really like to see mining areas. Areas rich with ore but also enemies and PVP contesting. Would be a fun dynamic. You need people to help your miners mine and keep them safe. Miners who have combat proficiency are also rewarded. I think the new dungeon in P2 is a great opportunity for something like this.
That said. I'm not reading too much into the current gathering dynamics. I don't think we are looking at their final vision.
There's a fair bit of ores, copper included - but with all the miners out there you can get skunked. I've a route that usually has my bags full before I even reach the end of it and I have to start tossing lower rarity items. There is an aoc map website, which youtube won't let me link that helps you find gatherables.
It was super bad the first two weekends, but I think they fixed it. It could be because it was winter those first two weeks, supposedly weather affects spawns - not sure why it affects metals, if it does. Though I think respawns of the ores could be faster, or more of it.
Copper drops from graphite. I literally had 10 copper in less than 20 minutes by mining graphite, I got 2 heroic (orange) even. It does seem that you are more likely to get copper drop from graphite if you’re close to a node. I mined for 1 hour outside node areas and didn’t get a single copper but all my copper was close from nodes, towns. I think it’s because you get a buff the closer you are to a node. I’m surprised you didn’t know this, one of stevens first video was of him showing how some resources have a chance to drop different resources.
excatly. all the complaints about copper is from people that just go around the map ignoring basalt and granite. I've found all the copper an tine I've ever wanted by just farming rocks.
@@ShaunPrince Either this is new or there is huge bugs regarding this, I'm a lvl28 miner. I mine everything due to the random chance of spawns. everyone should mine everything to reset spawn. Have never found one piece of metal in either granite or basalt.
I mine everything all the time and have yet to see copper dropping while mining granite.
I also have multiple characters on multiple servers that can not fish period.
I repaired the install then reinstalled. I still can't fish with those characters.
So it could be there are a lot of random bugs.
@@ShaunPrince What server are you on and what part of the map do you mine on? I've never heard of anyone on my server saying this was a thing. I'm lvl 23 mining and never have gotten metal from stone nodes. Also, have you ever gotten more than 5 items when mining a large node from the quantity stat? That's something else that's bugged on our server.
@@ParanoidJackson ashes of creation wiki says this about copper: “Requires Novice Mining to extract from rocks. Process at Novice Metalworking station.” See how it says from rock? It doesn’t specifically say, copper rock.
Xillin, you're way off base on the ore. You are in the Riverlands. Of course copper is rare. The scarcity of metal in the lowland will drive the economic need to transport goods in the future.
You are asking them to spend time balancing a temporary fix to a problem that won't exist once they expand the map. Let them spend time doing that.
"of course copper is rare". The Riverlands have the best conditions for copper due to the magmatic activities of the Carphin Tower.
Moreover, ores spawn randomly all over the map without any geological logic whatsoever.
If Intrepid plans to make it geologically and geographically accurate in any way, the area around Carphin would be perfect for that.
They should also clearly define the spawn locations and design specific caves and trenches for this purpose.
This random spawning at every possible location without rhyme or reason is just ridiculous, and there’s no point in claiming some kind of intended game logic behind it.
I'm not gonna act like I know what the other servers are like but at shol we have at least 2 people with apprentice armorsmithing and metalworking and one weaponsmith in a guild with a 100 people and we are not by any means a hardcore guild. A few people have funneled mats to them but I can't imagine our effort has been unprecedented. I myself have done a lot of gathering and mined around 600 copper pieces so far. Again might be a server issue but it's definitely not a game design issue.
7:50 well they did say they will have it in setting to reduce the skill effects and adjust other things to one's liking
Ooooh, can you point me to where they said that? I try to watch all the stuff they put out, but I miss things.
@Xillin I think they put it out as an answer to a question on this topic months ago in one of the monthly updates. I forgot which month it was but if I find it I will share the link.
@@Xillin I can confirm this, I think they mentioned this a few times months ago, maybe even a year ago.
I personally enjoy the rarity of metal. I have seen a lot of flak about the lack of copper nodes, and I believe that the desert biome will introduce more as the map unlocks, considering the A2 is in the Riverlands it makes tremendous sense to me that flowers, rocks, and trees are abundant.
I would also treat the ability to level your gathering to grandmaster for the tool and then demote it back down as a positive thing. I would, however suggest in full launch that when you demote you start over at novice. That way if you actually wanted to stop at journeyman you'd just grind it back up
I was playing a lv 8 or so tank and crafted some epic armor molds, so thought why not let's try crafting. I quickly gave up looking for zinc, but I found a dozen iron nodes...
when it comes to the ore im pretty sure its because the riverlands is going to be an area where metals arent super common. it would give a reason later to caravan in ores from somewhere else. my guess is with phase 2 with them adding more to the desert that would add more ores. everything else youve mentioned i believe will change and main reason its not there is just the builds for the game are just too early. like i think gear is going to be better than every 10 levels or so especially in the later levels since it will take a while to level though i think its going to be more or less with rarity upgrades. the ability stuff especially for pvp needs to have a colored hue to them to signify if its ally or enemy, but even for me as a bard its hard to tell whats really going on in some fights just because of how many abilities are going off. im still surprised how much fun ive been having with it though i was definitely expecting a lot less from it being an alpha but ive been having a blast
You forgot Legendary gear being wayyy OP!
Yes, gear scaling is very off right now. Balancing is likely a later thing though, but I very much agree with this.
Well balancing is required no doubt but It's "legendary", there's gotta be some meaning to the word
I wouldnt say it gear quality thats out of wack it more the offensive/heaing scaling its 3 times that of defencive stat scaling.
Mob dropped gear is a stepping stone to crafted gear and base line crafting gear will be heroic since they are so easy to craft once u get gathering/crafting gear online all u need is blue resources to make heroic and blue drops is abundant with gathering gear so pretty much all crafted gear will range from heroic to legendary and the difference in stat bonus is quite reasonable imo between those 3 quality. however the dmg/healing scaling between defence scaling is 100% out of wack :D phy/mahic rating currently gets divided by 3 to get actualy rating i think this need to be bumped up atleast 5 atm
Gearscaling was a bug and some of it will be fixed already on Friday.
Legendary gear will take a nerf
This is just a complaint for those that want to win fights in PvP, instead of testing the game stability. I love how getting a item with better stats actually makes a huge difference.
This game had a specific scope and now they change it at every patches
This game will finish in ashes,indeed
Dood I completely agree with you. They are missing the mark currently on the issues you raised. The players want to enjoy the game. Help them enjoy it!
Hopefully as we move forward through alpha 2 they flesh out these systems in a way that helps with these problems.
I’m not sure how accurate this is, but I was under the impression that the reason copper / metal ores are so rare is because that’s simply the case in the Riverlands biome.
I thought that other biomes will likely have more metal but fewer trees.. maybe the desert for example?
On another note, one system that I really currently do not like is this whole caravan event pop up. I hate this attack / defend pop up. It gets really convoluted and doesn’t work great when there’s multiple caravans. I feel like there should be a better way..
As for tools, a way bigger problem than cheesing the demote is the fact that sometimes the next tier of tools isn't as good. For example, the Journeyman Lumberjack axe you craft with T2 mats to be able to mine T3 wood has GARBAGE stats (XP/speed) on primary, which is a huge downgrade from the "quality" T2 axe. Not being able to swap between tools according to the situation is really annoying. But all that will hopefully be fixed soon.
technically there is middle ground gear, for example brass (lvl 10-14 presumably) and bronze lvl 15-19, but they all have lvl 10 requirement for some reason. same at lvl 20 with iron/steel
Tanning is a brutal processing skill. I would rate it worse than Armoring. I have been waiting for a LONG time for a tanner to get worked up enough for Otter Hides. That was pre-A2 and A2. Also, COPPER...is used for everything! So it's hard on weaponsmiths, jewelers, all gathers (for tools), etc. Nodes requiring a lot of Copper and Zinc soak it all up too.
Agree with everything except for the last point. There isn't a lack of copper.
"Copper nodes" have a chance to spawn copper OR iron. When you see copper you mine it and the node respawns either copper or iron. If you see iron you can't mine it without 20+ mining and a journeyman pickaxe (requires journeyman workbench on the server to craft it). Eventually most the "copper nodes" will spawn iron which you can't mine yet, so you leave it there and essentially block copper from spawning.
This is resolved when more people can actually mine iron. I don't see it as bad game design, servers just haven't progressed that far yet
I agree on most of this, but the copper resource issue is silly to get so worked up about during stress testing… well, maybe that is why they did it: to stress test you 😉
I spent about 2 hours aswell running around the edges of the map from new aela to marileth looking for copper and zinc. I had about 10 when I finished. oh, and this was at 0400 to 0600 in the morning on what my general chat continously call a 'dead server' (aeterna EU).
Also another note. Ive understood that we need to pick up the loot we win on rolling to give pvp incentive of 'letting someone kill and then u kill them and loot' or something a long those lines. Fantastic, great idea. But it doesnt apply to random packs of mobs, it applies to named npcs, minibosses and actual bosses.
Regular non-named npc packs of mobs.. just let the shit go into out inventory please. By the time you win the roll your group has moved 3 packs of mobs further down the line and you now gotta disengage the groupfight and run back for your 2 rare runes.. it doesnt flow and its pointless.
Your second point is dead on. It's so dumb to have to disengage from a fight to go back and pick up your rolled loot.
Either make it go directly to inventory after roll OR have a glowing bag/box icon on the ground that doesn't disappear when the mob respawns so you can find it and pick it up later. First way is most practical.
I thought Steven was a MMO gamer. He should know that the current system isn't fun or additive in any way
All I want for Christmas is for Organized Chaos to come to Vyra
Never gonna happen
Yeah, unfortunately several of my favorite CCs don't exactly get along, including my 2 chaos fams 😔
@@Xillin well you just ruined my Christmas i guess so thanks.
I got my wish!
Looks like your coming to vyra!
The gear does "scale" in the same range. It just doesn't increase the level requirement. IE Tin bow
There is definitely some scaling like that going on for sure. But with total random luck of the draw drops, it's hard to really notice it.
They do not want bigger guilds just outfitting all their gatherers with Grandmaster tools. If you want to use a tool you have to be able to get it.
The tool thing about maxing to 50 then dropping down to novice assumes that Intrepid doesn't address this issue in the next couple years.
All the artisan stuff is bare bones right now, I wouldn't worry too much just yet.
Completely agree. Keep in mind this wasn't a sky is falling video, this was a "here are some things that could use attention" video. That's all.
It's still VERY important to vocalize the current issues because if you don't, it WILL get overlooked.
@@Guknowit I hear ya. But anyone who is watching this video who isn't in the Alpha may immediately go to doomer status. That's all. There's a lot of fixes that need to come in for tools, which should resolve this particular one. :)
Finding Copper is a mother F
And let us craft the same amounts as processing 🙏
I know metal is a problem but if they intentionally decreased copper spawns because it isn’t supposed to be in this region but will be plenty in the dessert i am really ok with it i guess we will know more in 2 weeks.
i think the biggest problem with metal is there is chance the spot can be t1 t1 or t3 and no on can mine t3 spots and the spots are getting stuck in t3 spots , beacuse i see Iron every where. once we cna mine iron those spots could come back as copper. but until we get to journeyman skill we are stuck
I'm mostly interested in whether the combat is going in the right direction.
Particle effects and drop rates can be easily tuned, but if combat is going in the wrong directions, that might be months of reworking.
Like I keep hearing about some classes being largely useless. As far as I can tell, they haven't laid out a combat balancing philosophy (aside from "it's balanced for groups")
I think the combat is the best thing the game has going for it right now. All 6 archetypes have a role they fill within groups, and have all the tools necessary to fill those roles. Melee is a little borked right now because the sever meshing technology isn't ironed completely out yet. But that has nothing to do with class or combat design.
@@Xillin you mean spam AOE spell on braindead monsters 4 by 4 in full kite and jumping like a dumb ?
Sure, best combat ever 😅
3 guys killed the dragon !! With no threat
I understand some things will (presumably) be scaled accordingly , adjustments made , polish and refinements but a couple of these seem absolutely critical. It’s wild that there’s these glaring issues when the gamers themselves have so much input. Hamstringing profession progression due to lack of materials is bad juju for sure.
If they want Metal do be hard to find, I think for the sake of balance, each ore should give more than the more common resources. Then while it would be harder to hunt, and maybe more competitive, it wouldn’t be nonexistent for weapon and armor smithing
Tools on the artisan tab have durability. They want you to have to repair and your tools come from your certification. They don't want you to spend 3 hours lumberjacking. You were also just unlucky in your loot drop. I bought a 110 tin bow at level 10 and then got a 220 bow at level 12. No one is going to spend 300 hours to power level artisan. They said you will be able to turn down visuals or off visuals. This is an alpha.
Let me process any qty of goods as long as I have the matching fuel value instead of the predetermined qtys listed. Use items straight from storage at a station/vendor. Node taxes just be straight glint - why do I need to buy a tax receipt and then spend that? Honestly probably a lot more that don’t seem to really add any meaningful gameplay and changes could streamline the experience. Overall I want to spend my time in game, not in countless menus. Feels clunky and dated, especially when most menus don’t automatically disable action camera.
7:35 Ha, wait until you try bard. If you set your camera too close, with all the ability effects, and damage/heal indicators flying around, you play literally blind.
Great vid Xillin. I haven't been able to play the last couple of weekends, and I won't be able to for a bit, but when i did get to play, these were definitely issues I saw as well.
The gathering stuff was some of the first feedback i left. Tier one materials should never be rare. It makes no sense and is completely ridiculous. The design requires continued need for these materials, so even in high quantities, they still hold value.
For those saying it's because of the node we're in... who cares... It's tier one. I should not have to travel the world or do a 5-hour caravan run for some tier one materials. Games need to respect the player and their time and should strive for fun and entertainment above all else. This is truly bad game design. You are 100% correct here.
I am looking forward to most of all, a well thought out and well-made crafting and gathering system.
I want to be an awesome weaponsmith, and like you said, this issue has definitely been disappointing if not a bit demoralizing, especially considering their response to feedback.
Hope to see you guys in the game soon.
Welp, I agree on... well... ALL FRIGGIN' ACCOUNTS!!! S A M E E X A C T G R I P E S !!!!
Great minds.
Is it possible the river lands are just ore dry? And all the ore is in the mountains but you can't get there yet.
Someone else suggested this. Is this ends up being true, I will retract my complaint.
Ngl obviously gear balance is the worst I’ve ever seen but my biggest gripe is that the game is unplayable if you want to play fighter competitively or in guild v guild. There is massive melee desync issues and in wars you’re dead from mages before your charge animation even ends. For me this is going to become a dealbreaker going into p2, my server is completely overrun with mage and ranger rerolls and every guild is planning to stack ranged and tanks in p2 wipe. So boring
I had a similar commentary early on. I asked the question of how they hoped to make melee classes competitive with ranged ones.
Just like in many other mmos, the ranged classes often end up dominating in all game modes.
It seems at the moment they don't have an answer for this.
@ With how crazy flashy (and effective) some of the ranged abilities are I don’t think they can make fighter ever compete in the same way, but adding a last stand feature to berserk or something that allows you to at least play the game for 3 seconds without dying and then dip out could be an interesting bob and weave play style to at least do something in guild wars.
Idk but right now fighter gameplay in practice feels very….. Not fighter themed Lol. I could see a 5 second death immunity being overpowered so prob wouldn’t work but at least I’d get invited to sieges until it was nerfed.
There a lot of trees, yes. But it's an almost useless kinds of trees. If you'd try to find something really valuable like Adult Larch(Adult is key here) or Weeping Willow - THAN you realize, that copper isn't rare at all
The area we are forced to harvest in is way too small for 3k people thus the scarcity. Once we get a larger map people spread out more it will become somewhat easier to find the resources. I am an Aussie and tend to farm mats in off peak times and we are able to find mats and we work as a group to do it. Even so we as a group hunting copper have yet to get a weapon smith past level 10, armor smith is somewhat easier with me being level 15 and easily would have hit 20 but decided to focus on jewel crafting instead. But in prime time US we do not even bother trying to harvest unless its rocks or trees there is just not much point.
I don't know how you can have that much trouble finding copper. I found loads and destroyed a stack of copper because I needed space. I sometimes found 3 large nodes next to each other. 😅 It is not bad game-design the way it works now in my opinion. Once more zones are out people will be more spread out and I suspect finding copper will be easier. The way that gathering and crafting works in this game, makes zones relevant to everyone regardless of your level and not like in WoW, once you've leveled enough, the copper becomes obsolete and you never have to return to that zone or gather any copper again.
2 hours? 5 hours my first time. Then I spend over 12 hours looking for more copper.
That's the trick, is you go looking for Granite and Basalt. The copper and Tin will reveal themselves to you.
Can even get to the iron age without going through the bronze age.
I like your takes, I was thinking exactly that among other things. But worst of all is the AoE spell clutter like you said ; you might think I'm overreacting saying this : but this alone could kill the game. :(
For the metal, they should simply make more nodes, but make it so that some nodes randomly contain more than others. Then it could still be as rare as in the amount, but at the bare minimum players would still find nodes and not feel like shit.
Have you ever thought hey if I mine the basalt/granite more copper may spawn. I travel the map an hour I have 4 stacks
the real question is. why did that mob with 20k health you were hitting for 5kdps for 35 seconds lose like no health? Oh! its because the melee numbers on the screen actually arent real, but nobody seems to be talking about that.
this vanilla game ahes of creation is atrm 3 / 10 world locks realy good okay chat system is a 8 / 10 nice PVE gameplay atm 4 / 10 PVP / dont play this crap
Quests 1 / 10 Crafting 2 / 10 it is alpha .... atm im not realy impressed :( thx you talking exactly all this Points :) so much thx ....
i run 12 h in Verra for metall :/ and found 2 times :( 12 HOURS ....
you need 2000 copper to make lvl up from 1 to apprentice on 10 2000 coppppppppper
I suspect we have enough metal ore nodes, but their respawn timers have to be shortened. Visually they are also hard to spot, especially the small ones during the winter season. I'm also concerned about higher rarity metals replacing lower rarity as a node progresses. Late comers wannabe crafters will suffer because of this.
The metal is just so absurd, and him pretending it's not an issue vs every person's experience is absurd. The ore is now recorded and farmed on CD on Lyneth, and he thinks that means that there isnt an ore problem. Crazy. Meanwhile, you can grab as many oodles of any other resource as you want without consequence
there needs to be mines (with ore). I've got Mining to lvl 17 and I can promise you, Metal is WAY more rare than GEMS.
I spend HOURS mining and not only is copper rare, it's hard to spot when covered in snow.
my intention is to Grand Master Metal Working and Mining.. Hard to level the processing of metal when there isn't any.
It's NOT that everyone else is mining it first... I spend HOURS mining and see NO ONE ELSE doing it.
I'm on a LOW POP EU-SHOL server, don't tell me EU folks who are asleep are mining my metals!
If RUBIES aren't more common than COPPER I'll eat my 4080 !.!
Not yet in the A2 , But for ore bieng rare , isn't the share number of players seeking them that made them look rare ? Plus , don't know if yet implemented , but resources are suppose to not have static respawn location.?
The numbers of player mining VS numbers of resource nodes being disbalance would be a issue, but I don't think we have this kind of data .
For visibility in fight, I kind of remember him saying " they will work on it later once classes are work out" but was a bad response in it's self, even if it's easy to fix later on...
Your player count = resource scarcity argument would have legs if it wasn't only ONE resource. As I said in the video, literally every other resource is absurdly abundant. It's just metal that is hard to find.
Ok so there is a lot to go over… 1st: just get the recipes with your Team/Guild. Have your Artisans sort out. Invest time Grinding for Gearing up to go back to the Adventures then there is no mindless Grind. Rarity is scaling insanely so i don’t see the Problem.
2nd: The Tools, yeah could be changed to have them open Market. But i think they want to limit things with it and i think its not a bad idea. If this stays they will fix the gear not working when you lose certificate.
3rd: i agree on the Visuals when Fighting there is room to improve. Also i dont want it to toned down so it feels bad without as much impact.
4rd: Copper yeah Copper is rare but zinc is even rarer. Still we had a Day of Artisan and About 300 Copper found in a Team of 4. Its there somewhere don’t walk up to too much iron thinking yeah finally got one Haha. Especially in Winter its hard to gather…
Learn new ways and adapt to it ;)
Have an awesome time in Verra
That is a good idea, with the gear between crafting and leveling.
definately agree with you on the sparcity of zinc and copper, seems to be enough iron about but i cant mine that yet. I dont like guilds, haha, I know everyone with think i am crazy, but i am guessing thats why copper and zinc so rare, because guilds just smash through everything in the game and then cry no content
Solo levelnig should be more feasible
The entire conflated overly complicated crafting and gathering system is a cluster F. If the goal were actually testing, the requirements are so far out of scale that can not happen with any great frequency due to artificial scarcity and requirements of absurd levels of interactivity of professions that does not need to exist. The goal here is not to test things, but to buy time through nonsensical time gating to allow development to catch up. Yes, I do understand development cycles. The only reason to roll this out in this iteration is to make it take longer than it should, exploit the fan boys into defending every decision they make and swallow every excuse for not doing better. Like Star Citizen it has an amazing framework to build on but the scope will likely kill it or at best delay a "finished" product by many years. I hope I'm wrong. I hope they figure out that a lot of the "promises" work better as expansions and they get a finished product out and stop wasting money. I'm mostly having fun in A2, but it's not engaging enough to play long term due the self inflicted tedium of everything. The bad design is the interconnectivity of everything. This will make future updates almost impossible. Every change will ripple effect everything else. That's not sustainable. Again, I hope I'm wrong. My experience in software design says they are doing the hardest way possible wit the least likelihood of long term success.
The pixel soup was already criticized a year ago. Those responsible probably don't even understand what we're talking about, otherwise something like that wouldn't be in the game in the first place.
That can only be changed if the team responsible is replaced.
You are not meant to kill things by yourself.
That is the point.
I think the pvp targeting system is broken. First you cant select a player target from action cam after flagging for pvp. You have to switch to tab target to target them. And even if you strictly use tab you still have to flag up and select target even if theyve already attacked you. You need to be able to immediately respond to an attacker. Not just wait to see if he kills you and goes corrupt.
Alpha. Wake up, think again. Al-pha
The stamina skill tree I feel is too generic. Also the bows being magic or physical, either I don't fully understand it or it seems out of place for convenience in a game design that isn't supposed to be convenient.
Gear level so adding something in for lvl 15 geatr like u said with recipes i agree with
as for tool i dont think they want people running around with 10 pickaxes and just constantly swapping them out as one breaks :P i think it serves a purpose to make people go back to town to repair it from times. There no real reason for a tool market cause to use the tool your at the level to make the tool itself so there no real reason to sell them since anyone able to use them can just make them. I think this is to add a resource sink when upgrading tools. Deleveling yourself seems to stop the tool working at full effiency too btw i noticed my tool after deleveling was noticable slower when using it. And to be fair if somone gonna level all the way to t5 tools then rank back down to 1 just to have an OP tool when hitting T1 resources (Atleast for carpentry/logging T1 wood became useless once i moved into apprentice with exception of burning for artisan skill gain) that are no longer relevant than power to them man lol Once u move onto apprentice or journeyman the lower tier mats kinda become useless it seem with a couple excepton with metal using copper and tin for an ingot.
Biomes wil have different resource rarity riverland seems to lack metal, dessert gonna lack wood it seems, ice biomes will probaly lack flowers and tropics will probaly lack stone, Each biome seems like it get atleast 1 rare resource problem is we only have 1 biome atm so metal is hurting im sure it be fixed with dessert/tropic additions probaly yielding more metal than riverlands, also at apprentice level seems like T2 wood is rarer than tin atleast it seems that way for me haha always finding tin when looking for willows haha.
100% agree about lack of Copper nodes
design wise it correct move, the design seem to be one rare resource each biome, Riverland = Metal, Dessert / Tree, Ice biome = plants, Tropics = Stone the problem is right now we only have the 1 biome which is the metal one im sure it be fine once desset/tropics is introduced. It kinda designed this way so people will move resources from one biome to another to sell it for higher amount however at this stage of the game it just doesnt work due to only 1 biome currently.
I don't want everyone to be able to access copper. This let's the miners that actually hit the Granite and Basalt, to find the copper and tin.
disagree with copper, hunting and t2 trees (willows) are actually way more constrained, ive been funneled metal fairly casually by 5 or so gatherers and have leveled armour weapon and jewelry to apprentice just to test systems also done plenty of mining, about to hit 40 mining, the node upgrades also use massive amounts of copper, once fully upgraded there is way less downward pressure also once you can clear the iron out, 33% more spawn points theoretically (actually higher once the server gets 'blocked' by unharvestable nodes)
people have nutted out the respawn rate and once you get on top of it, its quiet abundant, if youre riding around for 2 hours finding nothing, that area is clearly on respawn
that being said id love to have some copper rich POIs to fight over
additionally, the devs copper metrics are utterly screwed by server restarts fully respawning all the nodes so they are reporting way more copper being gathered as a result
rest of the video 100% agree, esp tools not being swappable/tradable like damn let me make a quick axe and a rarity axe
another big problem is t2 slate molds are just x3 harder to craft than other t2 items, boyo the armour/weaponsmith fuck yous are just begining
Honestly for me, its the world itself that's not drawing me in. Combat is good but the world seems to lack its own identity. I'll keep checking back in as the alpha goes on but atm I can't find a compelling reason to play.
What's your favorite wine? This game is not for everyone.
I won’t be back until/if they square away mining.
When AoC was first announced I was excited. Now, the more I see and experience it during development the more I feel like it is going to miss the mark and wind up in the pile of mediocrity like so many other MMO's.
I hope developers like you won't listen. And I advise you to go to those MMOs that you like so much and where there is a lot of metal and where all the special effects can be turned off and where there are a lot of resources.
There are too many flashing particles and colors spamming the screen. Makes it hard to see whats even happening.
Welcome to war brother, it only gets more intense from here.
Pvp near ember springs.
Agree with everything you bring up here.
Copper is such a meme at this point. You can count the number of apprentice weaponsmiths on 1 hand on Vyra.
if you win a roll on something that specific item should land in your backpack . to many you group with are not to be trusted and steal the item and wont admit it and you cant check who has the item
well, it is ofc still an alpha, but
If they dont fix any of that at all at any point, specially the combat effects and the metal shortage, i'm out lol.
not gonna stress myself out over a game that sofar offers nothing that i can not find in other games as well.
at the moment the mining is only good between 2 and 7 am and i have no intention of playing mostly at night.
it's fine to have a grindy game, it's an other to have a game that you need to quit your job for to get anything done.
I think that you are off the mark, to answer your question with that. I disagree with you on everything you laid out here. but that's just my opinion. I also think that there will be tons of changes from A to B to Live. and that the game may look/feel/play entirely different from each iteration, which might be to my disliking or even the opposite. In any event, I can say without a doubt that they are creating a very ambitious and great mmo, but whether or not that also means its great for me personally remains the question. As of now, like you, I am having a blast.
l2 gear design, i love it, give it a few tweaks sure, but keep as is
Visual noise is too much, and it costs us frames also.
all fuel for crafting being wood erks me too
Yeah true. Personally, because they seem to be magically automated, fuel should be low amounts of glint. Would make the most sense.
The biggest immediately visible weakness of Ashes of Creation, in addition to the pixel soup of the combat system, are numerous design decisions.
This applies to the blocky textures of buildings, streets and some landscapes, which are the worst that has been seen under the Unreal Engine 5.
But also to armor, which uses what the industry calls non-design of the 70s. This means replacing missing shapes with triangles.
For example, take a look at the trailer for Chronos Odyssey as a comparison to understand what is meant (or many other games with an art design language like Eldenring etc.).
A video about bad design with gameplay footage in an area that's inaccessible except through an exploit. Funny :)
Love the game had no issues so far. Its An alpha
9:48 bro once they drop other areas and develop other like desert biom, you will no longer call it stupid. Cus it is intentionally made so that some resources are rare is some place and some are not. With just a tiny area playable you feel it hard but i for one don't mind it too much cus i know it will be different soon in the future. This will force people to transport stuff around
You must not read that it’s an alpha. So yeah it all needs worked on
You must not have heard the roughly eleventybillion times they've begged us for feedback on many many many different game systems. Hell, they've sent us multiple surveys asking for feedback on all kinds of topics.
Is your ragebaiting working? Genuine question. I know 100% it'll seem im being insincere since this question itself inspires the idea that I am trying to mock you but I promise I am not, In good faith I truly want to know if making "game is dying" or "bad game grrr" is actually getting you better viewership or not.
again I am being completely serious and im not trying to mock or "gotcha" at all, I actually really want to know.
I don't see this as ragebaiting. If you actually watched the video, you'd know I repeatedly say how much I love the game, but I'm just giving feedback in my own way. As far as titles/thumbnails go. I hate to tell you this, kinda shocked you don't already know it. Getting clicks is not easy, it's the main reason ridiculously talented people make crazy good videos that no one ever watches. Because those creators stand on principle and refuse to be sensational. You have no idea how many creators are out there that made 3-5 insanely good videos, and you would absolutely sub to them and watch everything they put out, but they quit making videos years ago because you and everyone else clicked on all the sensational/negative/baity titles, instead of theirs. But is it working? I guess all I could say to that is that I'm completely comfortable with how my channel is positioned, and my reputation in, the Ashes of Creation niche.
@@Xillin I meant the title. I should have clarified.
Brother you are brave making a video with that much music haha.
AI music. It's mine. I own it.
Moar coppppeerrrrrr
Steven Shariff doesn't understand how to design an MMORPG.
After playing for about 10hrs, I would agree.
A fake shill for other games.
So many wrong assumptions.
your argumentation was nice. could def. follow your thoughts.
I was thinking the same thing. Was gonna comment something like "thanks for the well detailed and thought out response". But I decided not to feed the troll.
*Ashes hinges on Crafters making custom gear that aligns with your build.*
Definitely agree. They just need to break up the level ranges on crafted gear and add some more copper and it will be perfect!!
@@Xillin pls dont forget zinc. i actually mined more copper than zinc...
Crafting skills need to be account bound, not character bound. There. Fixed it.
Why? Doesn't seem right if you wanted to make an alt. And it doesn't at all change what Xillin said about making legendary grandmaster tools and then bringing the artisan class back down to novice. Your solution would make that problem worse.
@vexillian the idea is that you can't do everything and are forced to engage with the community. If you want 10 alts and the ability to craft every object, that game exists 5 times over. Go play WOW or FF10 or ESO or GW2.
Go play your single player daily simulator and run your 27 characters through daily quests and crafting writs until your eyes bleed and then quit when you realize no one will ever buy a single thing you craft because their 27 alts can all craft all the same things as you.
Crafting should be account wide, just like node citizenship. In countless interviews, Steven has confirmed that is indeed the plan.
Why does everyone keep wanting this game to be like all the others? I thought the reason we wanted this game was because we are sick of all the others.
@joshuawyatt4737 You directly disregarded everything *I* said and just brought up arguments other people have brought up. Technically not *my* argument but the one Xillin provided.
@vexillian your argument was hardly an argument. You just said why? You want alts, so you should have them because... feelings, I guess?