That’s like something Andrew Tate would say, and I’m telling you, the firmest Yngwie fans wouldn’t care if he farted and burped in a record. They’d buy it!!
That was epic. How many other musicians have ever seriously said they never practiced once in their life? That is a paradigm shifting state of mind that leads to whole new paths in life.
I do the exact same thing he is stating. He is performing a new song every time he plays a guitar. I record every time I pickup a guitar and afterwards put drums and improvise bass to it or use ezbass.
@@MyBichSustained that’s fine -but can u also say you never practiced anything whatsoever for even a moment since the first time you picked up a guitar? Because that’s exactly what this psychopath wants us to believe about him.
Yngwie had a guitar with him constantly. He has said in the past, in Sweden, he'd even ride the bus with it. I can tell you this! I worked as a guitar tech for years. I toured with an opening act for most of the Yngwie "Trilogy" tour. He'd show up in a taxi, and go straight to the tuning room! Yngwie would crank a practice amp (peavey) play on average 3 to 4 hrs before most shows. Just 100mph right out the gate. He had closed sound checks, except for crew. I'd watch him play some Hendrix or Yngwie would slow it up, and play some of the most wicked blues I've ever heard. I was lucky enough to see him play something very different from the norm. I consider it both a blessing and a privilege. Sorry for the long winded comment, jus sharin'.
@@AllguitarinfoYep. Yngwie isn't my favourite guitarist but he's the guitarist I think of when I think of someone who lives and breathes guitar. Man has probably practiced more than he has slept in his life.
I saw him two nights ago. It was like watching an Olympic swimmer. Incredibly impressive, not terribly expressive. Derek Trucks has more musicality in one note than he showed all night.
i think he just means he didn't have a routine he practiced over and over. Dimebag said the same thing he never practiced just played. But it's still practicing. It's like saying "i go to the gym but i don't have a routine so I actually don't work out but i'm ripped"
He uses scales, chords, arpeggios, and cadences etc.. (things others practice) as tools to express the music he hears in his head. Thats not practicing, thats composing. You either hear it....or you don't. Just because you play an instrument, doesn't mean you're an musician.
@@georgemartin4354 he never plays the same thing twice? Any form of playing is practicing techniques you already know even if you’re making it up, you’re practicing techniques
Clapton is the same. Doesn't practise, just plays, which he calls 'singing through the guitar.' People get way too hung up on scales and such. This is music, not typewriting class.
I get him though. What he means is that he tries to improvise musically instead of just playing scale or chord shapes, or doing finger exercises and stuff like that.
He doesn't look at it as practicing dude. Even when he was ripping on scales for the first time, he played them as if it were to an audience. He's trying to inspire young guitar players to think about such things differently. He's not "trolling."
@@thomasgrabowski2202lmao "where he is today" this guy's friends piss in his beers because he's such an insufferable lowlife. How could anyone look up to this cretin?
Before i coment, ill say ,yingwe never practising is complete bs. And also playing and improvising like you are preforming is also practising, so his atempth to look cool, to me just makes him look insecure. As if it isnt awsome enough that he can play . I hate this guitarits obsession with virtuosity sometimes. Its like, whats the point. And its fine to do it, dont get me wrong. But when it becomes an obsession and starts becoming a judge if self worth..them it just becomes sad Anyway Whille i dont see anything wrong with just improvising, and in fact, i think thats what music is all about. I dont think there is anything benificial to not knowing at least some amount of theory in order to comunicate with other musicians, as well as to be able to categorise ideas ( because otherwise how would one know that they are beeing repetative..unless they want to be repetative, which is also okay to do) There was an example i really like which i heard last week about it. If you learned how to drive a car, but you follow all the rules right, you dont make trafic accidents or anything, but uou just dont know what the signs are called... Thats still knowing theory. Only its theory which you have made on your own. And thats completely good too, and even prefferable sometimes. Whille i learn music theory and practise it( whatever parts i find usefull and fun) Whille i do do that, i still find myself half the time making adjustments to it with what i personally think is right, ans with what i think something should be called, or how it feels etc. I think the problem becomes musical elitism alot of times, whareby people who know theory frown upon people who dont, and people who listen to jazz or classical frown upon people who listen to pop, all the whille forgetting that music is about pleasure, about emotions, about fun,about exploration.. and not about trying to make myself feel better as a person because i decided that someone else is worst than me for some arbitrary reason as " oh he didnt know how to read notes" But then there is another side which ive also seen from people who dont know official theory, but are you know, good musicians. They tend to say " ih its going to stifle my creativity" But how will it do that i wonder now ( i used to think this myself at one point ad well ngl) The point of music theory oftain gets missed by both sides i think. Its descriptive, not prescriptive. It tells us what we can play, not what we have to play . Rick Beato many times has been an elitist when talking about pop as well. Saying things like " oh there is nothing to this somg, its only 2 chords " And its like , how can we reduce a subjective feild of art, to " complex is good, simple is bad" , i think its rediculous ( altho personally i like complex music more) Idk, whats my point , well , maybe that ultimately, music is about individual self expression, and music theory is a tool to be used, nothing more, and is the problem is a nail, you will get a hammer, and same with this. So the only thing i really can say is, do whatever you need to for your own artistic expression, but dont let yourself stifle yourown creativity .( id say this to any artist, including myself ) Have a good day Tell me what you think if you have the time Id live to know
And I heard him say, I don't know who practiced more, but it's between me or Steve Vai.. (this was because Steve released a sort of instructional like a 12 hour routine guitar practice)
This Absolutely makes sense, He is not talking about very early days when he first tried his hands on guitar. He spent his whole life doing it and he is talking about what he does on his usual days since very early even at the age of 8 that he could recall. And the context was about playing and practicing same riffs or solos repeatedly so he answered it accordingly. If you will speak to Indian Classical Musicians they would 100% agree with him. Improvising is also a practice but you just don't repeat like a looper, when your done spending enough time on an Instrument its just daily noodling on guitar and masterpieces come out of it sometimes.
Steven seagall is actually a black belt in aikido. That's not why people make fun of him. It's the martial art itself thats so weird but he's a master at it.
Exactly, no need to be on point and on edge over not being fuckin Joe pescci or whatever the fucks name is, but instead, if your playing and forget, just go with what sounds coolest and just really get in touch with that music theory, get used to and remember all the notes and where they are on the fret board, it's not hard after a while for most, for some it can take a few years, but it's in everyone
I love this guy. Saw him on his first tour in Chicago. He was touring with Talas. He and Billy even played a few tune together on stage. It was mind blowing.
I really enjoyed this interview. I dont get the hate, the man says that he always plays with intention. Im sure he did scales like everyone, but what I understood was he likes to try and really commit to what comes out of his instrument. The opposite approach is not that bad either, a more clinical approach where you detach yourself and sound terrible to avoid staying in your comfort zone. Ultimately seems like two paths leading the same place, and given his perfect pitch Im not surprised he chose his approach. As for his character, the man is human and hes really grown leaps and bounds. I find it hard to not have respect for someone with such talent, tenacity and overall commitment to his craft and personal growth. I really find that very inspiring, and hope to see Rick on his Ferrari some day.
One of the best shows I ever saw was him with Alcatraz, small crowd, we were right in front and he put a show on for us while the rest of the band just went through the motions but Yngwie got a kick out of us and made the best of it, that's a pro, and he was cool and gave us the devil horns at the end and you could feel his appreciation and he certainly could feel ours ,the people that hate they only know what they read or quips from interviews and the ones who don't believe he isn't one of the greatest, I don't need to speak music with these people because I have little respect for bias or idiotic opinions, the guy is incredible
Yngwie is a musical genius! What he means by not practicing is that he was always playing out of passion. Of course he was practicing, but he never thought of it as practicing. He was creating in his own mold! I was fortunate to see him for the first time as the 2nd opening band at The Day on the Green at the Oakland Coliseum in 85' when I was 13!Yngwie is a musical genius! What he means by not practicing is that he was always playing out of passion. Of course he was practicing, but he never thought of it as practicing. He was creating in his own mold! I was fortunate to see him for the first time as the 2nd opening band at The Day on the Green at the Oakland Coliseum in 85' when I was 13!
He's a virtuoso. There's videos of kids 5-6 years old that can play like Mozart. It flows through them. Naive people think it can be taught. Or that reading music and playing it is the same thing.
Why is it Eddie Van Halen is doing so many things differently, cutting the voltage to his amp, tapping, building his own gear, but everyone talks about this guy being a genius virtuoso?
I JUST watched a video of him saying he used to practice 8 hours per day then started practicing less. Now it's "I've never practiced once." I'm not a mathematician, but I think something isn't adding up.
It is a lot of improvising playing live and creating the lerformance but a ton of lracrice aswell. I do imprpvise a bit on stage, but it feels more juat like coming from the heart.
I kind of get it. When I’m playing alone, with no one listening, I still strive to impress myself. I want to play good enough to be impressed by my own playing, so I don’t really do drills or scales. I try to perform for myself.
My teenage friend Jason was the same way. Our guitar teacher just told him one day…”I’ve taught you everything I can.” “You have to go further on your own.” “I don’t hear the music like you do” Most people don’t understand how that works but our teacher had to explain it to a lot of kids asking why he was so good and was so young.
I have never been a fan of his. In fact I always thought he was an asshole. But a co-worker showed me a few videos of Malmsteen jamming with his friend at Berklee College of Music. He was so excited at how good him and the others kids were. He was saying to them they were way better than him and gave his guitar away. I was blown away. ...that doesn't excuse his behavior in the past of course.
Paganini was a legendary improviser. He used to file partway through the strings of his violin so they would break, one by one and he would continue without a pause onto the next string, till he ended up playing on the fourth, right up the neck. Yngwie is absolutely right, it was unthinkable that a soloist would not improvise. There is a real connection between classical music and metal. There's a level at which it's all the same.
Yngwie doesn’t want and will never let anyone know how he got to be able to play they way he does he used to play 10 hours a day for 10 years but he will never let divulge what he did in all of those hours he wants to be mysterious
I think people don't understand geniuses. This guy began to play and he was a great guitarist within 2, 3 years. This is something we can't understand so believe what hes saying.
I think its hard for most people to understand the infinite depths of music theory and what it means to be a virtuoso. You see music as something to be learnt and understood. It just FLOWS through people like him. Things like scales, chords, arpeggios etc...are just tools of expression. When he plays, he's composing, when you play, you're practicing.
Hendrix said the same thing. I totally get it. Practicing means repetitiously doing the same thing over and over. Exercises. Have you ever heard Hendrix play the same solo twice? Never!
@@georgemartin4354nothing magical. When you're "improvising", your brain is actually just taking little bits from memory and stitching them together. And you can't really do that if you don't practice. You form those memories while practicing.
And hendrix even played for many people before starting as a solo artist. He learned and played and listened to many songs before and mastered his language. He didn't just come up with random stuff, that's impossible
@@SoneNando That doesn't explain people like Mozart and others children who have musical virtuosity at a very early age. They play like masters at 5-6 years old. Explain that.....
@@SoneNando Let me break it down for you. They hear music in their heads, they transfer that music onto an instrument. It comes from nowhere......thats what creativity is. You're either born with it, or you're not. A lot of people love music and play an instrument. Doesn't mean they're musicians....get it?
You hear a song from a shredder like Yngwie Malmsteen then you hear a song from David Gilmour. When it's all over whose song do you remember and are able to hum the song in your head without hearing the song? That would be David Gilmour because nobody remembers Yngwie Malmsteen songs or any other shredders for that matter
For anyone confused on how this is not practice, he is expressing that the goal in mind with musicianship is to produce a sound you hear in your head rather than appeasing some technical standard. Using your ears and creativity instead of your eyes is what separates musicians from “players”. Some the greatest names in music that people spend years learning to reproduce through theory, are often the musicians who would have never judged their musicality based on a standard of learned techniques, because they themselves were too busy creating them.
@brevedad1I don’t even wanna hear him do his thing. You hear him play for about thirty seconds and that’s all you need to hear. Everything else is just going to sound exactly the same as those first thirty seconds.
I get what he's saying, I hated to practice by myself when I played in bands, most of the time I would leave my guitar at the drummers place where we played as teens. Sometimes I would play along with pop songs or whatever and improvise along with it or jam along to a CD of my favorite songs, but mainly if I had my guitar at home I was working on writing my own riffs/songs for the band. That's all the practice I needed. Yeah I could have been better if I put more time practicing scales modes etc, but I made it along just fine with what natural talent I had. This was a teenage me, but it worked great and I was never burnt out even after years of being in bands.
I'd say practice is a very deliberate thing and if he's looking at everything he does as a performance which he clearly does. Where does the practice come in? I'm guessing the dude just did how the blues players back then did. They didn't run scales to metronome. They spoke their minds through guitar.
@@TallicaMan1986You can only speak your mind through an instrument AFTER learning it’s vocabulary and how to use your hands. It always starts with the simplest of things like how to hold a pick, literally noone can play a full chord the second they pick up the guitar. Everyone needs practice and how or what you (try to) play isn’t even relevant.
Improvisation is excuse players use when they cant follow the composition. Yeah he was just born Amazing, just ask him but make sure you have some time to listen to how fantastic he truly is...
I first heard Yngwie late night in a circle K from the worker blasting the cassette late night when I was 15, always been a fan and tbh hearing him describe his musical journey I like him all the more now. Y’all think he’s cocky or arrogant I think his only setting is just honest to the heat he can describe, haters will always exist but Yngwie yoos a hero to me.
Playing a different solo especially when you have tons of guitarist in the audience is like a singer changing words to a song. I came because of the album. The recorded version is the reason I showed up.
Thank u ,from standpoint as musician ..myself I always felt like this dudes arrogance,always seem to really come out in his overall playing vibe ...main thing i have to point out..persay ,playing drums in a collaboration type thing just jamming cant see it this cat leaves no room to collaberate with another instrument hes just riffing all over the placr on some self rightous BS ..NOT GIVING NO ONE ANY ROOM ,ALSO NOT GIVING A CCRAP THAT ID ALL I GET FROM THIS CLOWNS WJOLE PLAYING WITH HIM SELF JUST LIKE ONE OF MY OLD GUITAREST IN A BAND ...TOLD HIM U KEEP THAT UP U WONT HAVE A BAND SHO ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ...STR8 UP fired by entire band enuff said .....ha ha pretty pathet really just sayin
he is not a virtuoso.. sorry.. julian bream, glenn gould, holdsworth, django, julian lage, guthrie govan, coltrane, art tatum... those are virtuosos@@georgemartin4354
Facts he could have all the technical skills at his disposal but that don't mean anything if the music isn't connecting with the listener. And Idk anyone who listens to Yngwie.😅
@@calebryhal293 if you really do believe his albums, especially his firsts album is just the harmonic minor scale you're not an average listener, you're a stupid listener, in my opinion His latter stuff I totally get that its not for everyone, but his early stuff is just amazing
I think its hard for most people to understand the infinite depths of music theory and what it means to be a virtuoso. You see music as something to be learnt and understood. It just FLOWS through people like him. Things like scales, chords, arpeggios etc...are just tools of expression. When he plays, he's composing, when you play, you're practicing.
There's a difference between practicing and playing. Yngwie is saying he played guitar for hours but, didn't practice etudes, etc. But, learning songs is a form of practice.
In my mind, He uses scales, chords, arpeggios, and cadences etc.. (things others practice) as tools to express the music he hears in his head. Thats not practicing, thats composing. You either hear it....or you don't. Just because you play an instrument, doesn't mean you're a musician.
people aren't understanding what yngwie is saying. by "never practiced" what yngwie means is he never sat down with a metronome and said i'm gonna play this run at 150 bpm and work my way up to 200 bpm etc. instead he just would put on a backing track and play and play and improvise over and and over until he became the guitar player he is today.
Practicing = repeating stuff till you get it right, that’s exactly what he did and what anyone has to do. No repetition = no results. How you do this, with a metronome or not, or whatever you play isn’t even relevant. It’s still practice.
I think MMA as a whole is facing a massive decline, the ammount of diverse fighters is dropping because the overall skill of each person in every style is essentially the same. Before it used to be grappler vs striker, karate guy vs bjj guy, judo guy vs a kung fu guy etc... now its just striker grappler vs striker grappler, theres almost no style matchups anymore. They figured out what works the best. Im not saying theres none of that anymore, but it used to be way more common. Its going to become a sport where a bunch of different reskins fight with the exact same style.
I don’t eat, I just swallow food and digest it.
That’s like something Andrew Tate would say, and I’m telling you, the firmest Yngwie fans wouldn’t care if he farted and burped in a record. They’d buy it!!
he looks more like he INHALES food
“I wasn’t practicing. I was playing with myself. “
Haha, fortunately for me, I had just finished swallowing my coffee before I made it to this comment.
Bro you almost made me spit my beer just now.
"What do you mean it's not the same thing???"
It all connects...😂.
Yngwie: "I wasnt practicing, I was performing for myself"
That was epic. How many other musicians have ever seriously said they never practiced once in their life? That is a paradigm shifting state of mind that leads to whole new paths in life.
I do the exact same thing he is stating.
He is performing a new song every time he plays a guitar.
I record every time I pickup a guitar and afterwards put drums and improvise bass to it or use ezbass.
@@MyBichSustained that’s fine
-but can u also say you never practiced anything whatsoever for even a moment since the first time you picked up a guitar?
Because that’s exactly what this psychopath wants us to believe about him.
Yngwie had a guitar with him constantly. He has said in the past, in Sweden, he'd even ride the bus with it.
I can tell you this!
I worked as a guitar tech for years. I toured with an opening act for most of the Yngwie "Trilogy" tour. He'd show up in a taxi, and go straight to the tuning room!
Yngwie would crank a practice amp (peavey) play on average 3 to 4 hrs before most shows. Just 100mph right out the gate.
He had closed sound checks, except for crew.
I'd watch him play some Hendrix or Yngwie would slow it up, and play some of the most wicked blues I've ever heard.
I was lucky enough to see him play something very different from the norm. I consider it both a blessing and a privilege.
Sorry for the long winded comment, jus sharin'.
Makes sense. Any guitar player or musician knows you don't get good without practice.
He totally loves playing Hendrix.
Right on. The Man has definitely paid his dues by putting in the hours
@@AllguitarinfoYep. Yngwie isn't my favourite guitarist but he's the guitarist I think of when I think of someone who lives and breathes guitar. Man has probably practiced more than he has slept in his life.
But Shirley, you don't expect us to believe your name is Sharon. 😊
I don't never learned to walk, I just stood up and started moving. and you just you...just like that...amazing comment
Yngwie is a fucking legend. Seeing him live is always a privilege.
@@stomach-turningthrush9432 I saw him live in 1986, when he was with Alcatraz. Had front row seats in West Hartford, CT
I completely agree. I just saw him twice in the northwest. I want to see him at least once a year now haha.
Saw him a year ago. Still mindblowing!
I saw him two nights ago. It was like watching an Olympic swimmer. Incredibly impressive, not terribly expressive. Derek Trucks has more musicality in one note than he showed all night.
This guy fucking sucks. There is no soul in his music, I don't really care how "well" he can play. He didn't understand the assignment.
i think he just means he didn't have a routine he practiced over and over. Dimebag said the same thing he never practiced just played. But it's still practicing. It's like saying "i go to the gym but i don't have a routine so I actually don't work out but i'm ripped"
He uses scales, chords, arpeggios, and cadences etc.. (things others practice) as tools to express the music he hears in his head. Thats not practicing, thats composing. You either hear it....or you don't. Just because you play an instrument, doesn't mean you're an musician.
@@georgemartin4354 he never plays the same thing twice? Any form of playing is practicing techniques you already know even if you’re making it up, you’re practicing techniques
@@connormoon8363 Do you understand the concept of "Flow", when playing an instrument? When you understand that, you'll understand what i'm saying.
Hendrix’s is the same. He said he pretty much just jammed until he would find something cool.
Clapton is the same. Doesn't practise, just plays, which he calls 'singing through the guitar.' People get way too hung up on scales and such. This is music, not typewriting class.
This is the most bullshit thing yngwie has ever spoke
I get him though. What he means is that he tries to improvise musically instead of just playing scale or chord shapes, or doing finger exercises and stuff like that.
How can u Improvise without mastering the basics . Scales ,techniques, etc. I’m pretty sure he’s trolling .
@@mike8147and can just about play anything
@@Vendedoritres-jx7ocexcept a rest
He doesn't look at it as practicing dude. Even when he was ripping on scales for the first time, he played them as if it were to an audience. He's trying to inspire young guitar players to think about such things differently. He's not "trolling."
No one loves Yngwie more than Yngwie!
Well he has the mileage.
kinda have the skills to match it too heh
that's why he is who he is and where he is today...start playing! lol
@@CrazyhorseDK the skill to sound boring?
@@thomasgrabowski2202lmao "where he is today" this guy's friends piss in his beers because he's such an insufferable lowlife. How could anyone look up to this cretin?
I never learned how to read, I've been improvising all my life. When I see little kids learning the alphabet I'm like "Why'd you do that?"
Same. And when I seen everyone else reading the same way all the the time. I thought that was schweird. Why would you do that? Ya know.
Better example is with letters ive never learned how to write i was just improvising them letters all my life.
I never read or write or even learned how… it just happened I just pretend I was a professor. Impervious.. I didn’t never learnt howls to right.
Before i coment, ill say ,yingwe never practising is complete bs.
And also playing and improvising like you are preforming is also practising, so his atempth to look cool, to me just makes him look insecure. As if it isnt awsome enough that he can play .
I hate this guitarits obsession with virtuosity sometimes. Its like, whats the point.
And its fine to do it, dont get me wrong. But when it becomes an obsession and starts becoming a judge if self worth..them it just becomes sad
Whille i dont see anything wrong with just improvising, and in fact, i think thats what music is all about.
I dont think there is anything benificial to not knowing at least some amount of theory in order to comunicate with other musicians, as well as to be able to categorise ideas ( because otherwise how would one know that they are beeing repetative..unless they want to be repetative, which is also okay to do)
There was an example i really like which i heard last week about it.
If you learned how to drive a car, but you follow all the rules right, you dont make trafic accidents or anything, but uou just dont know what the signs are called...
Thats still knowing theory.
Only its theory which you have made on your own.
And thats completely good too, and even prefferable sometimes.
Whille i learn music theory and practise it( whatever parts i find usefull and fun)
Whille i do do that, i still find myself half the time making adjustments to it with what i personally think is right, ans with what i think something should be called, or how it feels etc.
I think the problem becomes musical elitism alot of times, whareby people who know theory frown upon people who dont, and people who listen to jazz or classical frown upon people who listen to pop, all the whille forgetting that music is about pleasure, about emotions, about fun,about exploration.. and not about trying to make myself feel better as a person because i decided that someone else is worst than me for some arbitrary reason as " oh he didnt know how to read notes"
But then there is another side which ive also seen from people who dont know official theory, but are you know, good musicians.
They tend to say " ih its going to stifle my creativity"
But how will it do that i wonder now ( i used to think this myself at one point ad well ngl)
The point of music theory oftain gets missed by both sides i think.
Its descriptive, not prescriptive.
It tells us what we can play, not what we have to play .
Rick Beato many times has been an elitist when talking about pop as well.
Saying things like " oh there is nothing to this somg, its only 2 chords "
And its like , how can we reduce a subjective feild of art, to " complex is good, simple is bad" , i think its rediculous ( altho personally i like complex music more)
Idk, whats my point , well , maybe that ultimately, music is about individual self expression, and music theory is a tool to be used, nothing more, and is the problem is a nail, you will get a hammer, and same with this. So the only thing i really can say is, do whatever you need to for your own artistic expression, but dont let yourself stifle yourown creativity .( id say this to any artist, including myself )
Have a good day
Tell me what you think if you have the time
Id live to know
1984 Yngiew Interview: "I used to practice like 8 hrs a day."😂
That 😂😂😂
It later changed to 12 hrs. 😂😂😂
And I heard him say, I don't know who practiced more, but it's between me or Steve Vai.. (this was because Steve released a sort of instructional like a 12 hour routine guitar practice)
I saw him at the House of Blues in New Orleans, and it was ridiculous.
He is a rare master.
I don’t sleep, I lay down and close my eyes 😅
I don't sleep I stare at the back of my eyelids
That's called practice, bud.
His point is he wasn't practicing another musicians music he was always trying to top himself but yeah he definitely got influenced by classical music
Imagine watching the clip and not actually listening to what he said.
@@Adam-yo3btHmm… Strange how that seems pretty similar to practicing to improve your skill over time.
Exactly, way he tried to explain it was a pretty long way to get from your wrist to your elbow.🙄Dude is full of 💩💩.
😂 bro u don't speak yngwie
This Absolutely makes sense, He is not talking about very early days when he first tried his hands on guitar. He spent his whole life doing it and he is talking about what he does on his usual days since very early even at the age of 8 that he could recall. And the context was about playing and practicing same riffs or solos repeatedly so he answered it accordingly. If you will speak to Indian Classical Musicians they would 100% agree with him. Improvising is also a practice but you just don't repeat like a looper, when your done spending enough time on an Instrument its just daily noodling on guitar and masterpieces come out of it sometimes.
Rick is speechless when he said that😆
So humble.
Not rly, he's arrogant asf. 😂
Yet Yngwie contradicts himself...
He ripped off the moves of Jimi Hendrix and Steve Vai with a lot of practice
Love your work since my childhood yngwie,may god bless you always.
Bro is the Donald Trump of guitar 😂
Hahaha killing me smalls!
Dude came out of the womb with a Strat and Cheshire Cat’s grin. 🫡💪👍🤘🏼
Cheshire, not 'Chessier' 😸
@@rogue_luko thought so too, but deferred to autocorrect. Thx!
The fact that we manage to impress our selves is what makes us want to keep on practice
Maestro is one of a kind and his shows never disappoint.
“I’ve never practiced” things are beginning to make sense now
Good interview. You can tell Both guys like respect each to see Rick understand him so good ...
Yngwie is an incredibly talented musician. Seen him live many times, freaking amazing guitarist!!🔥💯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤘🔥🔥🔥🔥
How could you sit through that shit?
I’ve seen him several times as well and he didn’t disappoint. If comes through my neck of the woods I’ll see him again.
Exactly right! IMPROVISATION!!😎😎
Hes kinda like the steven seagall of guitar playing. But he can actually play very well when he wants to hahaha
He plays fast and precise bullshit
Permission to use this beautiful comparison
I know Yngwie has done some questionable things, but to compare him to Steven Seagall is just too much.
Steven seagall is actually a black belt in aikido. That's not why people make fun of him. It's the martial art itself thats so weird but he's a master at it.
He's a showman. Nothing wrong with that. But he also has the chops.
This interview was impressive. Not many good ones out there of him. 💯
Once I figured that out that improvising was the real way I started actually really playing the guitar 🎸 …… 100% correct 👍
Exactly, no need to be on point and on edge over not being fuckin Joe pescci or whatever the fucks name is, but instead, if your playing and forget, just go with what sounds coolest and just really get in touch with that music theory, get used to and remember all the notes and where they are on the fret board, it's not hard after a while for most, for some it can take a few years, but it's in everyone
But you’re still practicing when you’re improvising. You’re just practicing your improv skills. At the end of the day, it’s still practice
I remember back in the early start listening to him and all my friends we all agreed he was the best
This dude makes the bassist from KISS look humble.
"The bassist from KISS!" AHAHAH!
I love this guy. Saw him on his first tour in Chicago. He was touring with Talas. He and Billy even played a few tune together on stage. It was mind blowing.
I really enjoyed this interview. I dont get the hate, the man says that he always plays with intention. Im sure he did scales like everyone, but what I understood was he likes to try and really commit to what comes out of his instrument. The opposite approach is not that bad either, a more clinical approach where you detach yourself and sound terrible to avoid staying in your comfort zone. Ultimately seems like two paths leading the same place, and given his perfect pitch Im not surprised he chose his approach.
As for his character, the man is human and hes really grown leaps and bounds. I find it hard to not have respect for someone with such talent, tenacity and overall commitment to his craft and personal growth. I really find that very inspiring, and hope to see Rick on his Ferrari some day.
@@Guava-Lava enjoy, I'll pass
One of the best shows I ever saw was him with Alcatraz, small crowd, we were right in front and he put a show on for us while the rest of the band just went through the motions but Yngwie got a kick out of us and made the best of it, that's a pro, and he was cool and gave us the devil horns at the end and you could feel his appreciation and he certainly could feel ours ,the people that hate they only know what they read or quips from interviews and the ones who don't believe he isn't one of the greatest, I don't need to speak music with these people because I have little respect for bias or idiotic opinions, the guy is incredible
@danzemacabre8899 he's a nice guy, just don't ever ask him if he wants a donut because he'll blow a gasket. The man hates donuts I guess..
@@Saldivinorum so, donut ask then?
PS couldn't resist the temptation that pun was very low hanging fruit. Have an awesome day
Wow, great - saw Yngwie at Castle Donnington in 1988 - really loved it - ☘️🫖😊❤️🙏
Most underrated genius of all time...ever. ❤ him. ...So brilliant.
So amazing legend. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉🎉❤❤🎉❤🎉❤❤I❤🎉❤❤
Yngwie was even overdubbing at age 8. That's impressive
I adore his music 🥰
Wish I could see this dude live once
I don’t recommend it
I’ve seen him several times and he was phenomenal every time
I just wish he wouldn't try to sing.
The Kinggggg🎸🎸🎸🎸🙌🙌🤘🔥⛓️❤️Rising Force🤘
This actually rings very true to me. I too play far more instead of playing others music. Making your own songs is far far far more rewarding.
I've been improvising since i started playing bc of yngwie, I've never learned a song ,everything i play is improvised and it works for me
Yngwie is a musical genius! What he means by not practicing is that he was always playing out of passion. Of course he was practicing, but he never thought of it as practicing. He was creating in his own mold! I was fortunate to see him for the first time as the 2nd opening band at The Day on the Green at the Oakland Coliseum in 85' when I was 13!Yngwie is a musical genius! What he means by not practicing is that he was always playing out of passion. Of course he was practicing, but he never thought of it as practicing. He was creating in his own mold! I was fortunate to see him for the first time as the 2nd opening band at The Day on the Green at the Oakland Coliseum in 85' when I was 13!
He's a virtuoso. There's videos of kids 5-6 years old that can play like Mozart. It flows through them. Naive people think it can be taught. Or that reading music and playing it is the same thing.
finally a non-sour person in the comment lol
Why is it Eddie Van Halen is doing so many things differently, cutting the voltage to his amp, tapping, building his own gear, but everyone talks about this guy being a genius virtuoso?
@@rwfrench66GenXhahaha the word he said "he didn't practice" they think that virtuoso😂😂
Yeah dude, we get it. But that's practicing!
I JUST watched a video of him saying he used to practice 8 hours per day then started practicing less. Now it's "I've never practiced once." I'm not a mathematician, but I think something isn't adding up.
What a Pompous Dude. When he said he never practiced Mike Said "okay" like Yeahh Right!
It is a lot of improvising playing live and creating the lerformance but a ton of lracrice aswell. I do imprpvise a bit on stage, but it feels more juat like coming from the heart.
The craziest guitar player with music nobody wants to hear twice.
so true..
Especially with a microwave
@@thurtythree9668 yeah i think even neighbours would come to shut it off if you keep heating it in microwave
You’ll get nitrate poisoning
@@eran2626cuz a magazine from the 80s told him it wasn’t cool to enjoy Yngwies music.
"How did you learn Japanese?"
"I didn't. I just spoke a lot of Japanese!"
In my english class i never learned how to read. I would just make up a story and pass the exam.
Totally agreed, some and most players play others songs along and thinking why not to get better as A artist.. Make your own things from The Day one ❤
I kind of get it. When I’m playing alone, with no one listening, I still strive to impress myself. I want to play good enough to be impressed by my own playing, so I don’t really do drills or scales. I try to perform for myself.
If meatloaf and Cher had a love child. Throw in Lemmy for the mutton chops. He's like the Yanni of guitar to me.
now I understand why people dislike him lol
My teenage friend Jason was the same way. Our guitar teacher just told him one day…”I’ve taught you everything I can.” “You have to go further on your own.” “I don’t hear the music like you do”
Most people don’t understand how that works but our teacher had to explain it to a lot of kids asking why he was so good and was so young.
I have never been a fan of his. In fact I always thought he was an asshole. But a co-worker showed me a few videos of Malmsteen jamming with his friend at Berklee College of Music. He was so excited at how good him and the others kids were. He was saying to them they were way better than him and gave his guitar away. I was blown away.
...that doesn't excuse his behavior in the past of course.
Are these videos on UA-cam? Never heard anything about this
@ActivateBeastMode1 sorry, they were on the guys Facebook page and this was like 8 years ago I saw them.
Paganini was a legendary improviser. He used to file partway through the strings of his violin so they would break, one by one and he would continue without a pause onto the next string, till he ended up playing on the fourth, right up the neck. Yngwie is absolutely right, it was unthinkable that a soloist would not improvise. There is a real connection between classical music and metal. There's a level at which it's all the same.
My bullshit meter went so loud that my neighbors woke up 😂
I believe Yngwie never practices as much as I believe Kim Jong Un never takes a dump. 😂
I never practice. I just play 22hrs a day... For decades... Not practice though
Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart....repeat x100 times
YM is the man … what a great interview
Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Paganini, Beethoven, just sit and all of a sudden they were playing amazingly
I never practiced
Even when i was home starting out in my room alone playing i would pretend I’m performing!
Yeah that’s called practicing 😂
Trilogy was the first album i bought of his & it was bc all my mates who were in bands were raving about him at jam sessions
You can’t trust a word guitar players say 😂
Yngwie doesn’t want and will never let anyone know how he got to be able to play they way he does he used to play 10 hours a day for 10 years but he will never let divulge what he did in all of those hours he wants to be mysterious
"Playing to impress myself" This is perfect.
He is a badass
Or just bad. And an ass.
The dude has been playing most waking moments of his life for many decades. Call it whatever you want.
“When did you first discover your love for donuts?”🍩
Yngwie is a buster
I think people don't understand geniuses. This guy began to play and he was a great guitarist within 2, 3 years. This is something we can't understand so believe what hes saying.
Thankgod someone finally said it!!! Naive people sit here and say he's full of shit. They have no idea....
That's complete nonsense. You have to learn scales and theory to master the guitar. And he did. There is no such thing as a "Genius". You work hard.
Love him or hate him the man was a musical genius and he still is
Cory Haim and i can’t unsee it.
Malmsteen in pinocchio's mode, all true, and also quite humble😂😂😂😂
I think its hard for most people to understand the infinite depths of music theory and what it means to be a virtuoso. You see music as something to be learnt and understood. It just FLOWS through people like him. Things like scales, chords, arpeggios etc...are just tools of expression. When he plays, he's composing, when you play, you're practicing.
He’s like some of the greatest without the tone or feeling they have
Hendrix said the same thing. I totally get it. Practicing means repetitiously doing the same thing over and over. Exercises. Have you ever heard Hendrix play the same solo twice? Never!
Exactly. The force of music flows through him. Its magical. Naive people think it can be taught.
@@georgemartin4354nothing magical. When you're "improvising", your brain is actually just taking little bits from memory and stitching them together. And you can't really do that if you don't practice. You form those memories while practicing.
And hendrix even played for many people before starting as a solo artist. He learned and played and listened to many songs before and mastered his language. He didn't just come up with random stuff, that's impossible
@@SoneNando That doesn't explain people like Mozart and others children who have musical virtuosity at a very early age. They play like masters at 5-6 years old. Explain that.....
@@SoneNando Let me break it down for you. They hear music in their heads, they transfer that music onto an instrument. It comes from nowhere......thats what creativity is. You're either born with it, or you're not. A lot of people love music and play an instrument. Doesn't mean they're musicians....get it?
He came to our city once and almost got his ass handed to him after being rude to a security guard.
You hear a song from a shredder like Yngwie Malmsteen then you hear a song from David Gilmour. When it's all over whose song do you remember and are able to hum the song in your head without hearing the song? That would be David Gilmour because nobody remembers Yngwie Malmsteen songs or any other shredders for that matter
For anyone confused on how this is not practice, he is expressing that the goal in mind with musicianship is to produce a sound you hear in your head rather than appeasing some technical standard. Using your ears and creativity instead of your eyes is what separates musicians from “players”. Some the greatest names in music that people spend years learning to reproduce through theory, are often the musicians who would have never judged their musicality based on a standard of learned techniques, because they themselves were too busy creating them.
He never practices, he has donuts
Just play guitar,bro
@brevedad1I don’t even wanna hear him do his thing. You hear him play for about thirty seconds and that’s all you need to hear. Everything else is just going to sound exactly the same as those first thirty seconds.
I get what he's saying, I hated to practice by myself when I played in bands, most of the time I would leave my guitar at the drummers place where we played as teens. Sometimes I would play along with pop songs or whatever and improvise along with it or jam along to a CD of my favorite songs, but mainly if I had my guitar at home I was working on writing my own riffs/songs for the band. That's all the practice I needed. Yeah I could have been better if I put more time practicing scales modes etc, but I made it along just fine with what natural talent I had. This was a teenage me, but it worked great and I was never burnt out even after years of being in bands.
Wouldn't anytime you play the guitar outside of a performance be practice?
I'd say practice is a very deliberate thing and if he's looking at everything he does as a performance which he clearly does. Where does the practice come in?
I'm guessing the dude just did how the blues players back then did. They didn't run scales to metronome. They spoke their minds through guitar.
@@TallicaMan1986You can only speak your mind through an instrument AFTER learning it’s vocabulary and how to use your hands. It always starts with the simplest of things like how to hold a pick, literally noone can play a full chord the second they pick up the guitar. Everyone needs practice and how or what you (try to) play isn’t even relevant.
You have to be God Gifted
Enough said😊😊😊
Hey, that’s his schtick. He thinks he’s the incarnation of Bach, never practiced a day in his life. He was born into greatness! Let him have it..
There is an early interview of Yngwie saying he took lessons for three years. He did get a basic but formal classical guitar training.
Improvisation is excuse players use when they cant follow the composition. Yeah he was just born Amazing, just ask him but make sure you have some time to listen to how fantastic he truly is...
I guess he needed to define “practice.” Playing guitar for days on end is practicing.
I first heard Yngwie late night in a circle K from the worker blasting the cassette late night when I was 15, always been a fan and tbh hearing him describe his musical journey I like him all the more now. Y’all think he’s cocky or arrogant I think his only setting is just honest to the heat he can describe, haters will always exist but Yngwie yoos a hero to me.
All his music sounds the same 😅
Playing a different solo especially when you have tons of guitarist in the audience is like a singer changing words to a song.
I came because of the album. The recorded version is the reason I showed up.
Man, yhis guy is so full of himself. Never practiced?? Okay!😂
Thank u ,from standpoint as musician ..myself I always felt like this dudes arrogance,always seem to really come out in his overall playing vibe ...main thing i have to point out..persay ,playing drums in a collaboration type thing just jamming cant see it this cat leaves no room to collaberate with another instrument hes just riffing all over the placr on some self rightous BS ..NOT GIVING NO ONE ANY ROOM ,ALSO NOT GIVING A CCRAP THAT ID ALL I GET FROM THIS CLOWNS WJOLE PLAYING WITH HIM SELF JUST LIKE ONE OF MY OLD GUITAREST IN A BAND ...TOLD HIM U KEEP THAT UP U WONT HAVE A BAND SHO ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ...STR8 UP fired by entire band enuff said .....ha ha pretty pathet really just sayin
You two will never understand FLOW or what it means to be a virtuoso. Go home already. LOL
he is not a virtuoso.. sorry.. julian bream, glenn gould, holdsworth, django, julian lage, guthrie govan, coltrane, art tatum... those are virtuosos@@georgemartin4354
You should hear me play when I'm drunk, sounds great!!!!
Malmsteen blows
..every other guitarist out of the park. Fully agree with you, he's top 5 all time
Facts he could have all the technical skills at his disposal but that don't mean anything if the music isn't connecting with the listener. And Idk anyone who listens to Yngwie.😅
@@efwfewthe average listener doesn’t wanna hear somebody wail on the harmonic minor scale for an hour. He’s alright though 🤷♂️
@@calebryhal293 if you really do believe his albums, especially his firsts album is just the harmonic minor scale you're not an average listener, you're a stupid listener, in my opinion
His latter stuff I totally get that its not for everyone, but his early stuff is just amazing
Yngwie didn’t need to learn how to walk either as a baby, he just sprinted across the room first day he was born.
He didn't practice ever, but then he started playing the same phrygian ascending and descending licks for the next 40 years 😂😂
I think its hard for most people to understand the infinite depths of music theory and what it means to be a virtuoso. You see music as something to be learnt and understood. It just FLOWS through people like him. Things like scales, chords, arpeggios etc...are just tools of expression. When he plays, he's composing, when you play, you're practicing.
He already played those the first day he picked up the guitar as an 8yo.
There's a difference between practicing and playing. Yngwie is saying he played guitar for hours but, didn't practice etudes, etc. But, learning songs is a form of practice.
In my mind, He uses scales, chords, arpeggios, and cadences etc.. (things others practice) as tools to express the music he hears in his head. Thats not practicing, thats composing. You either hear it....or you don't. Just because you play an instrument, doesn't mean you're a musician.
I've never practiced either. Working on Bach's BWV1006a.
people aren't understanding what yngwie is saying. by "never practiced" what yngwie means is he never sat down with a metronome and said i'm gonna play this run at 150 bpm and work my way up to 200 bpm etc. instead he just would put on a backing track and play and play and improvise over and and over until he became the guitar player he is today.
Practicing = repeating stuff till you get it right, that’s exactly what he did and what anyone has to do. No repetition = no results.
How you do this, with a metronome or not, or whatever you play isn’t even relevant. It’s still practice.
I think MMA as a whole is facing a massive decline, the ammount of diverse fighters is dropping because the overall skill of each person in every style is essentially the same. Before it used to be grappler vs striker, karate guy vs bjj guy, judo guy vs a kung fu guy etc... now its just striker grappler vs striker grappler, theres almost no style matchups anymore. They figured out what works the best. Im not saying theres none of that anymore, but it used to be way more common. Its going to become a sport where a bunch of different reskins fight with the exact same style.
"I was expecting to impress myself" he said with his shin pointing to the ceiling 💀