It was likely EMTs, not the doctors that did that, it's basic first aid/triage, stem blood flow with pressure at the source, it helps the blood to coagulate faster and slows the bleeding. It looks like they just packed gauze on and secured it at the back of his head (not like they were going to shave his head, clean the entry and exit wounds and stitch him up all right then and there). He was actually very lucky, in that despite receiving a through and through shot to the head, he was in remarkably stable condition and fully ambulatory, likely didn't show any signs of shock either.. The scene would've been chaos trying to get everyone critically injured transported first, so first responders likely just taped him up and had him sit in sight of them while they loaded critical patients first until more ambulances could get to the scene. In these situations with multiple injuries they have to triage and assess patients based on severity to ensure that the most critical patients are transported and treated first. This kid was stable and therefore bandaged and put on the back burner for a few.
popsdv1 Do you know anything about these kind of medical proceedures? The head doesnt have to be shaved to get to the bullet holes. You just have to move the hair out of the way to get to the scalp and then stitch the wound and bandage it to catch any blood coming through the stitches. Do you know anything and back-of-head surgery? Its a type of cosmetic surgery done to correct any asymmetries or flatness of the head. They cut open the entire back of your head to put in synthetic bone implants. They dont have to shave your head for that surgery either, so why would they have to do so for a little bullet hole? The bullet did not fragment, the kid practically won the lottery twice in a row with how lucky he was on where the bullet hit, and it went straight through so theres another reason why shaving his head was completely unnecessary. Also Ive seen a .357 magnum hole before as well so dont try to school me on bullet holes or some shit.
LMFAO!! So, let me get this straight. This kid was shot in the back of the head and didn't know it, but managed to run and jump over a fence? Then he goes to the hospital and and they don't even bother to shave his hair around the wound? They just stick a big band-aid over his hair?! Then he pitches a baseball game that same afternoon...after having just been shot in the back of the head?!! It is truly stunning just how gullible people have become. None of this is in any way believable.
qigung my train of thought exactly. I don’t doubt that people are suffering and dying and it’s extremely sad. BUT... it’s become so blunt in our faces where things are not even being “staged” to make the public believe the tragedies. The people orchestrating this events are laughing while others are crying for their love ones just to fill an agenda. Smh
Carmen Soto; No one is suffering and dying that is only what the government wants you to believe so they can take all your freedoms away without firing a shot.
Oka can everyone stop saying this is fake, this is not fake 8 students and 2 teachers died, none of this is staged, how sick do you have to be to think that this is staged, I was in that school, I wasn't near the art rooms, but I was in the science wing, we heard those gun shots, we heard everything, and for you to think this is all just fake is sick, rome didn't play the game he was just there to support, and if this was so called "fake" why are there still funerals of my friends and teachers happening this week, so have some decency and stop saying this is fake, please,
purple00k that’s not how that works! They use regular shaving razors! Nurses do the shaving, and they would have shaved the entire path the bullet travelled, and they would have kept him overnight to monitor for brain swelling and bleeding! It’s total bull! Not to mention his new bandaid is in a different location then the one from the same day! Ridiculous
Beautiful soul I’m so thankful he is still with us and I am so heart broken over the loss of the other beautiful souls who didn’t make it home that day
Kurt Vonfricken no and his mom was pretty high an might about how her parenting skills are what kept Rome from being the shooter. Except..Rome wasn't the shooter because he wasn't on the receiving end of constant torment and bullying that happens so often and gets overlooked because the perps "rule the school."
it's me Joolz did you watch the video? The bullet went right through him cleanly from the back of the head through the neck.... That is not a graze.......
Super Naught im guessing you havent seen a gunshot wound it doesnt swell since it pierces the body and doesnt impact it enough to cause swelling which also doesnt bruise since there would be enough of an impact area left for blood to leave especially if the bullet goes straight through which is actually far better than a bullet staying in because that way no shrapnel would be lodge into the body let alone the caliber of the bullet is also taken into account with the shooter having used a shoutgun and a revolver which for one the shotgun has spread shot ammo which from a distance cant kill let alone if someone ducks to cover shortening the area in which the spread would hit the target which is why soldiers are trained to lay down feet pointed towards a grenade to decrease the area in which the shrapnel hits along with a weak .38 revolver which has a weak caliber people need to quit thinking everything is a false flag thats why the country is the way it is no one wants to be responsible for solving this issue
Super Naught wow so what do you think happens when shotgun spread hits the body beyond the range of the shot gun its like getting hit with a airsoft pellet at a close distance let alone when you have a wound with a entrance and exit they just stitch it back up and but with not actual bandaid but gause that sticks like a bandaid to keep the stitching from being infected let alone the head doesnt have much tissue other than the brain for surgery to be needed to open up and stitch things back together to keep blood from seeping through getting shot in the head isnt black and white many people have survived shots to the head with little to no consequence you people are just taking the alex jones route.
Rome is a strong dude he actually lives up to the meaning whatever doesn't kill u makes u stronger, God bless him and all the people who endured the tragedy at Santa Fe HS
Steven & Tracey Jiles yeah and maybe the FBI and Facebook can make sure kids aren't turning into school shooters metal detectors is a must and if you have something metal like a lunch box or a contractor you should show it to them and even X Ray scanners but this still won't stop school shooter armed gaurds with tasers and guns should be on the campus and classroom doors need to be bullet proof and have multiple locks just in case guards should be on active duty from the time students are arriving at school till they leave nuff said
Fun fact gun control throughout history has always been promoted by those who want to oppress an entire population. Yet those same people are building up private armies to have those who expose them “disappear”
So you want a military state like north korea then god the same people saying guns are to defend against the goverment are the sane ones calling for the goverment to take military control
I am sickened by yet another act of violence at school. The student's mom brought up the need for parents to parent. What a concept huh! Most of the kids who wind up murdering their class mates have a common denominator and thst is, little or no parent involvement/supervision. Yes mental issues need to be addressed but the most vital component is for parents to build relationship with them from a young age and then stay engaged until they're out of the home. Also, know when to say no! Set limits you don't have to be your kids best friend but his/her best advocate. Metal detectors and armed guards will need to be implemented too!
He wasn't shot at all, The area were he was "shot" would be bruised badly from the entry wound and from blood under the skin. This is a fucking slap in the face ABC thanks.
I was at the school when it happened yes he got shot in the back of the head he was lucky so if y’all are making negative comments shut the fuck up if you wasn’t there don’t say shit at all.
Mouse Lord You just haven't experienced much in life. I know some one who has been shot in the forehead, bullet bounced off and he was bandaged up and sent home. Same thing with again with someone i know who was shot in the face and the bullet went in and out 1 cheek. O know some one else who survived a point blank shot to the side of the head and only lost an eye. If your a warrior then your a warrior. Stop trying to take away from someone else's experience because you haven't experienced it.
All nice you pieces of garbage saying this is a lie you don't know what happened you don't know what we went through you don't know anything if you were in that art room and you saw it happen you would say differently.
Peruvia 510 well your quite wrong about what I've experienced. Insulting me doesn't help your argument. This is a fake interview by ABC to make some money off of a tragedy. It's been done countless times before and it's only fueling these events. It's wrong.
I was in high school in texas, in late 70s. Many guns in truck windows in high school parking lot. Not one shooting EVER. IT'S NOT GUNS thats the problem.
I like how they supposedly found the one Texan for gun control. And I'm sorry but he played a baseball game the day after being shot in the head.... Yeah.... Okay....
Is it just me or would you be more upset if you heard someone killed 10 puppies or 10 students... it doesn’t even phase me when I hear about tragedies like a school shooting but for some reason if I was to hear that someone did this to animals I would be much more upset.
@@1994Godsman Then why are his forearms so fake tanned? White people don't just naturally get that dark. Unless of course they use a tanning aid, which White people do
How does somebody get shot right through the back of the head, go all the way out his neck in the caroidic region, barely have any. if at all, of his red locks shave to inspect, have a gauze (whoever applied that ratty hanging dirty thing be fired) just hanging, not have any interviews from hospital, pretty an in-and-out patient, not given doctors orders-no school, sports, or any activity for two weeks, we can't take any chances with head injury, while both he and mother stare vainly at the monitor just before interview starts, speaks with such little conviction that appears convincing, separating any kind of agenda, then all join in on the typical propaganda Hogg-esque style gan ban propaganda..?..OOps ..once again, I questioned the narrative. Gotta go...the boards are lighting up! Next caller, please!
I live in Texas. Did y'all know that there has been a warning from the army that there has been a threat /shooter threating to shoot a movie theater in Texas. They don't know where, so be careful
Either the brain has moved from where I thought it was or I'm watching a new spin off show called The Bad Doctor, where the doctors are much further down the spectrum.
SammySlammerB I'm anti gun control, but even so, you can survive losing some of your brain. One dude had a metal pole go through his his head and he survived.
SammySlammerB why didnt the hospital shave his head and clean the wound. They stuck scotch tape over his hair and sent him home. I have a lot of family and friends to include doctors and they all say no way would medical personnel not shave the hair away and clean out the wound. Just leaving the hair in the wound will cause infection and when he went to shower it would open up the woind again let alone put on a helmet and go play ball
Phineas Gage? He survived but lost precious brain capabilities (emotional processing) leading to a life great losses (job, love, marriage, etc.) So, survived but not so unaffected.
I find upcoming generations more polite and considerate than prior generations, yet I'm baffled about kids going postal, more so than postal workers. Seems school shootings would be more frequent when I was growing up. 70's to 80's kids really were a'holes.
Yes,it was.It just wasn't as common and people didn't here much about it because of internet. But of course,put the blame on internet or T.V,or video games or even books. People will never blame the individual or the person's parents for bad parenting. Not even blame their psychology.
I'm usually one who doesn't question every single little thing... but 'shot in neck... didn't feel it. Unless he caught a ricochet or something slowed down the bullet... the kid shouldn't be standing. Something seems fishy about this guy.
I was in second grade and down the road when the shooting happened. I heard the shots, screams, fire alarms everything. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
they didn’t mention this, but i know the kid that helped rome get out of the building. i do not think it is fair for any person who does not know someone who has experienced anything close to this. it’s called adrenaline people. look it up.
i live 15 minutes away from that school. my school also has police officers frequent lock down drills but i know that one day if someone felt like it they could easily kill so many of us.
Just make sure your kid has lots of clubs and stuff. Taking your kid out of school is kinda putting them into a social bubble and you really need them to socialize.
The Divide you're calling mr an idiot for stating s god damn fact!?! This isn't my opinion. Watch additional interviews eith this Kid and listen to WTF he claims occurred. He's the one who said who was shot in thr back of the hesd and it exited out his neck. You fucking moron. Listen yo the god damn video shit for brains
Prayers to the victims and their families. I ran into a family who lost a loved one in this school shooting on Monday at a Dollar Tree in Alvin, Texas while trying to get balloons for my son's graduation. The atmosphere was SO heavy because all the workers, and customers, just knew. I overheard the lady mention on the phone that the victim was still at the medical examiner's office but services would be held today and tomorrow. My son said his bus drove by Scott Funeral Home earlier and it was PACKED with attendees and camera crews. I couldn't imagine... ever... having to ever go through this. My heart is heavy...🙏
The interviewer sounds so nervous, is he like new or something!? That’s so disrespectful to the victim and his family, they definitely should’ve got somebody who’s more professional and experienced to interview the victim, but that’s just my own opinion.
No one county has so many scooting at school, only here, so many victims and deaths. Still nothing change, what we are waiting for, who protects our kids?
Your so lucky kid, very happy your safe and alive. Your lucky to have a great mother like her, accounting-for your children and staying involved in your kids life is the only way!
He got shot in the head but didnt feel it the doctors taped a bandaid to his hair then sent him home hours later. Then he played baseball a few days later. 😅😅😂😂😂😂 Man I had a mini heart attack and stayed in the hospital for 2 days. This must be seebs naw it's abc- allbullcrap.
To claim that guns are not the problem but the shoot is totally insane. By the same logic is to say that illicit drugs are harmless and is the addict is to blame for taking them in. If you have guns around, like drugs is inevitable that they will be used.
Insanis Stultitia “ illicit” drugs, firearms, a brick, a knife, a rope all these things are amoral they could all be put in a room together and nothing would happen. Or your could put them in a room with a “stable” person and the would walk out having built something with that stuff. Or you could put an “unstable” in that room and they would come out with multiple plans to harm people. It is about watching over or brothers and sisters getting people the help they need and talking to them. Look at bus stops long ago people talking about life, family, and work. Now look at a bus stop everyone is at a good distance nose in a phone or earbuds in. No one takes time for the other guy any more. When we ask how someone is in a greeting we should really want to know how they are and maybe offer sound advice. It is not a thing issue it is a people issue.
Of course it's the addicts fault for taking those drugs who else made them do it . Over the counter drugs get misused all the time by people . And they get addicted to them . Are over the counter drugs the problem or people who abuse them ?
In extremely tense moment that can totally happen, your so focused on escape that you won't realise it can also tense the muscles around to stop bleeding too
Tasha denise Apparently metal detectors wouldn't have helped here, as he shot through a glass "wall" to get in through an art class, according to student witnesses.
She spent the majority of time sayin how she didn't know what had happened to her child, she knew what was up with everybody else s child was but not Rome, he was so smart, he got permission to call momz? Show us the wound man, playground rules, any thing non lethal and in no need of medical attention should be shown. It grazed him, which would have made me sht and keep me, and my stained pants, from letting mom's turn on a dime from poor victim not knowing what has happened, does he have a phone? How did you expect to get a hold of him? How do you turn around and contradict yourself and proceed to address this gun issue, she points to the crowd and Strayhand pitches a rainbow,she bunts, according to myth the CONstitution is suppose to...That was CON. The CONstitution was a contract between the King and the People of which people aren't a party!! subject to any of those rights of the People. people People do you think they ever were the same people? Well the jelly brains get to decide whether I have a choice to defend myself at home. Well once you vote for the children, save the children, they with be rounded up for your safety because people are the enemy of the People, People need the stupid/people to lay down in the coffin .She bunted so there is more just as she knows? Could this be better scripted, the stupidity hurts. Rome if you can pitch then ditch the band-aid and thank God because the only defense for a gun is a gun, you are lucky. There is something going on and we will find out the hard way.We live in a fantasy and the rug is getting pulled, if you think GOV.INC. is the answer, then you should go learn something and cancel the idiot box, you think what it tells you is true. As soon as they tell you how too think you better take notes, verify and do the opposite of what the People say!! people should man up and be responsible for the info they believe. Shot through the head? Did the Doctors have a rubber chicken, make you repeat the cough test.
It's totally possible not to feel something if your adrenaline is already kicking in it's easy to miss a slight wound like that, I had an airsoft BB shot through half of my hand that stopped at the bone and I didn't feel it at all and didn't even realize until a while later when I seen the blood. Totally plausible a little graze across the upper neck could of been missed.
Lmao they shouldn’t. Crime will only get worse once guns are banned. No one good left in the country to use them, and it’s up to criminals and the black market to shoot things up.
Since of course it's Summer, I just finished 8th grade and I'm going to 9th, in middle school we do active shooter drills and even in some elementary school, I'm kinda scared to go to school with the fear of my high school getting hurt
Bandaids don’t fix bullet holes.
-Taylor Swift
Damn it Arthur. Have a little faith
You say sorry just for show
Reporter: I’m here with 60 yr old, 16 yr old Rome.
Z E N dumb ass nigga lol 60 year old
Z E N that reporter is actually Michael straham he played for the New York Giants in the NFL
Francisco Williams racist ass bitch
Francisco Williams LMFAO
Ok he's apparently 60
Everyone knows , the smallest head injury, bleeds like crazy! He would have been soaked. I am a First Responder, Trust me.
@@999heavenlly deadass rofl
Eamon Worthen
Suzie Q Zoo Employee here. This is propaganda
Lenia's Demons no, really?! I definitely wasn’t making fun of the person who thought it was real.
When you get a headshot and your only left with 1HP.
A B nah the shooter was using a pump shotgun that did 9 damage
He had a in his backpack...
Just build up
that’s not funny
So doctors tape the gauze directly to the hair?
ravila518 new SOP, 2018
Yes.. they do. Either he dies of blood loss. Or they tape his hair. What the he’ll do you choose
@@dollarydoo8655 you are so stupid it hurts.
New technique for the already brain dead.
It was likely EMTs, not the doctors that did that, it's basic first aid/triage, stem blood flow with pressure at the source, it helps the blood to coagulate faster and slows the bleeding. It looks like they just packed gauze on and secured it at the back of his head (not like they were going to shave his head, clean the entry and exit wounds and stitch him up all right then and there). He was actually very lucky, in that despite receiving a through and through shot to the head, he was in remarkably stable condition and fully ambulatory, likely didn't show any signs of shock either.. The scene would've been chaos trying to get everyone critically injured transported first, so first responders likely just taped him up and had him sit in sight of them while they loaded critical patients first until more ambulances could get to the scene. In these situations with multiple injuries they have to triage and assess patients based on severity to ensure that the most critical patients are transported and treated first. This kid was stable and therefore bandaged and put on the back burner for a few.
put a bandaid on this report, it has a few holes in it
popsdv1 ur horrible
popsdv1 Do you know anything about these kind of medical proceedures? The head doesnt have to be shaved to get to the bullet holes. You just have to move the hair out of the way to get to the scalp and then stitch the wound and bandage it to catch any blood coming through the stitches. Do you know anything and back-of-head surgery? Its a type of cosmetic surgery done to correct any asymmetries or flatness of the head. They cut open the entire back of your head to put in synthetic bone implants. They dont have to shave your head for that surgery either, so why would they have to do so for a little bullet hole? The bullet did not fragment, the kid practically won the lottery twice in a row with how lucky he was on where the bullet hit, and it went straight through so theres another reason why shaving his head was completely unnecessary. Also Ive seen a .357 magnum hole before as well so dont try to school me on bullet holes or some shit.
That’s the neck, the head is located up higher
Pellet holes
Axell Hodges medically, that is considered a head injury
Glad this kid survived and rip to everyone who died in this situation🙏
I'm just saying. The stars were lined up for him
School nurse: I’ll give you an ice pack
Cough drops at my school
we dont even have a nurse
When you headshot someone with a pump and it only does 7 damage
What the hell man
What the fuck
I hate the people who can't take jokes
mini’s on me
@Jesse Gutierrez it's a joke stupid ass
If it was how he explained it, his head would be shaved.
Hair grows back you now and also he could be wearing a wig
@@thevampire6065 An entire set of hair doesn't grow back in 3 days. And who the fuck puts a band-aid on an gunshot wound?
@@10khourbeamer77 who wouldn't want to cover up a gunshot wound?
BenWeed Griffin it probably grazed him
There were no fragment and it was through and through.
LMFAO!! So, let me get this straight. This kid was shot in the back of the head and didn't know it, but managed to run and jump over a fence? Then he goes to the hospital and and they don't even bother to shave his hair around the wound? They just stick a big band-aid over his hair?! Then he pitches a baseball game that same afternoon...after having just been shot in the back of the head?!! It is truly stunning just how gullible people have become. None of this is in any way believable.
qigung my train of thought exactly. I don’t doubt that people are suffering and dying and it’s extremely sad. BUT... it’s become so blunt in our faces where things are not even being “staged” to make the public believe the tragedies. The people orchestrating this events are laughing while others are crying for their love ones just to fill an agenda. Smh
Carmen Soto; No one is suffering and dying that is only what the government wants you to believe so they can take all your freedoms away without firing a shot.
Damn, if this is true then we're really fucked. Maybe it was a very small hole & they shaved a very small portion.
Oka can everyone stop saying this is fake, this is not fake 8 students and 2 teachers died, none of this is staged, how sick do you have to be to think that this is staged, I was in that school, I wasn't near the art rooms, but I was in the science wing, we heard those gun shots, we heard everything, and for you to think this is all just fake is sick, rome didn't play the game he was just there to support, and if this was so called "fake" why are there still funerals of my friends and teachers happening this week, so have some decency and stop saying this is fake, please,
purple00k that’s not how that works! They use regular shaving razors! Nurses do the shaving, and they would have shaved the entire path the bullet travelled, and they would have kept him overnight to monitor for brain swelling and bleeding! It’s total bull! Not to mention his new bandaid is in a different location then the one from the same day! Ridiculous
0:09 top right corner there’s an ant on the camera lenses.
@@yoshflim nah its walking cuz it was too slow and if it was flying
Stop Motion r/wooosh
@@elaissaroyer4396 YESSS NOW IM ON REDDIT(I did dis on purpose)
@@elaissaroyer4396 PUT ME ON THE SCREEN SHOT
@@elaissaroyer4396 oh 2 weeks ago...
NoTiCe a lil bLoOd On My ShIrT
Beautiful soul I’m so thankful he is still with us and I am so heart broken over the loss of the other beautiful souls who didn’t make it home that day
Me: *Reads Title*
Also me: Ain't that a kick in the head.
The headline printed says "wounded student demands change" he didn't demand anything.
Kurt Vonfricken no and his mom was pretty high an might about how her parenting skills are what kept Rome from being the shooter. Except..Rome wasn't the shooter because he wasn't on the receiving end of constant torment and bullying that happens so often and gets overlooked because the perps "rule the school."
it's me Joolz 1:20 looks like they put tape over his head to me.
I screen shot it. It's not even touching his skin. It's just a blood soaked piece of gauze taped to his hair with a clear piece of tape.
it's me Joolz did you watch the video? The bullet went right through him cleanly from the back of the head through the neck.... That is not a graze.......
Mouse Lord
You are Completely Uneducated!
Sad for you.
DAVID Beale I'd rather be uneducated then a fool, lied to and sold poison for profit. Sad for you.
Michael seems VERY nervous and edgy. I LIKED THE WAY he mentions a BANDAID with a GUN SHOT WOUND to the head !!! lol a bandaid.
Firstname Lastname cause he knows it's bullshit.
I’m pretty sure if someone got shot in the head (for real) would still be in the hospital or dead.
The Divide not really getting shot in the head isnt always fatal unless it pierces through the brain you can survive without much of an injury
Super Naught im guessing you havent seen a gunshot wound it doesnt swell since it pierces the body and doesnt impact it enough to cause swelling which also doesnt bruise since there would be enough of an impact area left for blood to leave especially if the bullet goes straight through which is actually far better than a bullet staying in because that way no shrapnel would be lodge into the body let alone the caliber of the bullet is also taken into account with the shooter having used a shoutgun and a revolver which for one the shotgun has spread shot ammo which from a distance cant kill let alone if someone ducks to cover shortening the area in which the spread would hit the target which is why soldiers are trained to lay down feet pointed towards a grenade to decrease the area in which the shrapnel hits along with a weak .38 revolver which has a weak caliber people need to quit thinking everything is a false flag thats why the country is the way it is no one wants to be responsible for solving this issue
Super Naught wow so what do you think happens when shotgun spread hits the body beyond the range of the shot gun its like getting hit with a airsoft pellet at a close distance let alone when you have a wound with a entrance and exit they just stitch it back up and but with not actual bandaid but gause that sticks like a bandaid to keep the stitching from being infected let alone the head doesnt have much tissue other than the brain for surgery to be needed to open up and stitch things back together to keep blood from seeping through getting shot in the head isnt black and white many people have survived shots to the head with little to no consequence you people are just taking the alex jones route.
Rome is a strong dude he actually lives up to the meaning whatever doesn't kill u makes u stronger, God bless him and all the people who endured the tragedy at Santa Fe HS
Armed gaurds, Metal detectors and locked doors from the outside is the best solution for now. Gun control ain't happening...
Steven & Tracey Jiles yeah and maybe the FBI and Facebook can make sure kids aren't turning into school shooters metal detectors is a must and if you have something metal like a lunch box or a contractor you should show it to them and even X Ray scanners but this still won't stop school shooter armed gaurds with tasers and guns should be on the campus and classroom doors need to be bullet proof and have multiple locks just in case guards should be on active duty from the time students are arriving at school till they leave nuff said
Fun fact gun control throughout history has always been promoted by those who want to oppress an entire population. Yet those same people are building up private armies to have those who expose them “disappear”
So you want a military state like north korea then god the same people saying guns are to defend against the goverment are the sane ones calling for the goverment to take military control
Mad King. WTF? Liberals are the ones that believe in big brother. Get your facts straight.
I am sickened by yet another act of violence at school.
The student's mom brought up the need for parents to parent. What a concept huh!
Most of the kids who wind up murdering their class mates have a common denominator and thst is, little or no parent involvement/supervision.
Yes mental issues need to be addressed but the most vital component is for parents to build relationship with them from a young age and then stay engaged until they're out of the home. Also, know when to say no! Set limits you don't have to be your kids best friend but his/her best advocate.
Metal detectors and armed guards will need to be implemented too!
He wasn't shot at all, The area were he was "shot" would be bruised badly from the entry wound and from blood under the skin. This is a fucking slap in the face ABC thanks.
You think they could hire some better Satanic cult makeup men.
why don't he have a band-aid on when playing ball before this interview....what a joke...
He got shot in the back of the head and only a bandaid in and out of the hospital and not even shaved head really and you want me to believe that???
@Famousbreed I believe in Jesus and even I know this is garbage
Seriously Watson and was only in the hospital for one hour and played baseball the next day!
@@thebucketmanj8525 I believe in Jesus too and I know that this is not garbage
I was at the school when it happened yes he got shot in the back of the head he was lucky so if y’all are making negative comments shut the fuck up if you wasn’t there don’t say shit at all.
David Rauschenbach go eat foreskin with the Zionist Jews
looks awful good for somebody who was shot in the head.....just sayin.....
Mouse Lord You just haven't experienced much in life. I know some one who has been shot in the forehead, bullet bounced off and he was bandaged up and sent home. Same thing with again with someone i know who was shot in the face and the bullet went in and out 1 cheek. O know some one else who survived a point blank shot to the side of the head and only lost an eye. If your a warrior then your a warrior. Stop trying to take away from someone else's experience because you haven't experienced it.
All nice you pieces of garbage saying this is a lie you don't know what happened you don't know what we went through you don't know anything if you were in that art room and you saw it happen you would say differently.
Peruvia 510 well your quite wrong about what I've experienced. Insulting me doesn't help your argument. This is a fake interview by ABC to make some money off of a tragedy. It's been done countless times before and it's only fueling these events. It's wrong.
Mouse Lord ur nut job
I was in high school in texas, in late 70s. Many guns in truck windows in high school parking lot. Not one shooting EVER. IT'S NOT GUNS thats the problem.
K R wish I could like this comment x100000.
David Hogg is prolly upset that he won’t be in the spotlight every 5 mins... prayers to the victims and families
dessappy maybe
,that doesn't change the FACT I stated earlier
Bumper sticker logic
dessappy P.S. I love how people like you attack anyone that you dont agree with. Grow up SNOWFLAKE
0:27 "How are you feeling this morning?"
"I'm feeling really good, just a little sore."
Not even morning 😂
@@ApplesforOranges7 how WHERE u feeling this morning
@@zach4936 Kansas! final answer! 🤨
@@ApplesforOranges7 hehe
This kid is blessed god bless all the parents who have lost there child or children🙏🏼😇
I like how they supposedly found the one Texan for gun control. And I'm sorry but he played a baseball game the day after being shot in the head.... Yeah.... Okay....
Katherine Casey lol 😂 How? Like... how the fukkk you gon play like that. Boiiiii how!!!!!
He’s a pitcher and although he was on the field he probably didn’t play that game
Hold up no way he got shot in the head with a rifle that caliber and is chilling
Is it just me or would you be more upset if you heard someone killed 10 puppies or 10 students... it doesn’t even phase me when I hear about tragedies like a school shooting but for some reason if I was to hear that someone did this to animals I would be much more upset.
Lavar Ball me too
Shot in the back of the head and becomes just a scratch? Lol try harder with the narrative.
Biscuit89 they dont need to. Were morons lol
That boy's arms are also faux tanned. He's an actor.
@@greenelephant1231 He is not an actor
@@1994Godsman Then why are his forearms so fake tanned? White people don't just naturally get that dark. Unless of course they use a tanning aid, which White people do
greenelephant1231 he is not an actor. 100% sure
How does somebody get shot right through the back of the head, go all the way out his neck in the caroidic region, barely have any. if at all, of his red locks shave to inspect, have a gauze (whoever applied that ratty hanging dirty thing be fired) just hanging, not have any interviews from hospital, pretty an in-and-out patient, not given doctors orders-no school, sports, or any activity for two weeks, we can't take any chances with head injury, while both he and mother stare vainly at the monitor just before interview starts, speaks with such little conviction that appears convincing, separating any kind of agenda, then all join in on the typical propaganda Hogg-esque style gan ban propaganda..?..OOps ..once again, I questioned the narrative. Gotta go...the boards are lighting up! Next caller, please!
I live in Texas. Did y'all know that there has been a warning from the army that there has been a threat /shooter threating to shoot a movie theater in Texas. They don't know where, so be careful
Either the brain has moved from where I thought it was or I'm watching a new spin off show called The Bad Doctor, where the doctors are much further down the spectrum.
SammySlammerB the news has to sensationalize the story lol. Neck doesn't sound as extreme as the head.
SammySlammerB I'm anti gun control, but even so, you can survive losing some of your brain. One dude had a metal pole go through his his head and he survived.
Leave the Comment Section You’re anti gun control? Wow, you must be a genius lmao.
SammySlammerB why didnt the hospital shave his head and clean the wound. They stuck scotch tape over his hair and sent him home. I have a lot of family and friends to include doctors and they all say no way would medical personnel not shave the hair away and clean out the wound. Just leaving the hair in the wound will cause infection and when he went to shower it would open up the woind again let alone put on a helmet and go play ball
Phineas Gage? He survived but lost precious brain capabilities (emotional processing) leading to a life great losses (job, love, marriage, etc.) So, survived but not so unaffected.
kid: * goes to school nurse cause he got shot *
school nurse: heres a bandaid now go back to class
That’s not funny, this is serious
@@khaled-bv8oo come on, can't take a joke?
Bois shower don't drop teh tvål you souldnt joke about something like this lives matter
I find upcoming generations more polite and considerate than prior generations, yet I'm baffled about kids going postal, more so than postal workers. Seems school shootings would be more frequent when I was growing up. 70's to 80's kids really were a'holes.
Well now kids are put on SSRIs that drive them insane
I blame the internet; this shit wasn’t happening pre-social media era.
Yes,it was.It just wasn't as common and people didn't here much about it because of internet. But of course,put the blame on internet or T.V,or video games or even books. People will never blame the individual or the person's parents for bad parenting. Not even blame their psychology.
You can find people that talk about it, school shootings, but it's not in the mainstream media:
It's really about the possibilities?
Rome scaled a 7 foot wall?
The Blonde gal with the pierced nose has to jump MULTIPLE fences!
sounds Unbelievable to me. nonsense.
that guy looks pretty athletic to me. 7 foot wall isn't hard at all the climb over.
A 7 foot wall is a piece of cake for a 16 year old athletic high school student.
7 feet isn't high at all...
hmm something seems a bit off to me....
I know... all these russian trolls spreading conspiracies and lies. wont phase us americans were unfuckwithable
domestic terrorism, what else would you call mental warfare on your own people.
@@timrogal2009 wtf 🅰 "yo" 🅱️liztkrieg
There is no way he survived a gunshot to the head. NO WAY
Scott Fillingham mom shot him!
I'm usually one who doesn't question every single little thing... but 'shot in neck... didn't feel it. Unless he caught a ricochet or something slowed down the bullet... the kid shouldn't be standing. Something seems fishy about this guy.
This title is no different than "Dead kid explains how he got killed" LMFAOOO Im legit dead
I was in second grade and down the road when the shooting happened. I heard the shots, screams, fire alarms everything. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
It's a pattern alright. School has a drill and on que there is an "event". Wake up people.
Now that's a great mother! Glad your ok Rome and a good son!
European Schools: No peanuts at the Peanut-Free table!
(no disrespect, I go to an American school)
Just... Such a badly timed joke, it was a good joke but... fuck
they didn’t mention this, but i know the kid that helped rome get out of the building. i do not think it is fair for any person who does not know someone who has experienced anything close to this. it’s called adrenaline people. look it up.
This is why high school students should have some type of phone etc. a flip phone smart phone
Because you never know what could happen.
That kid is BLESSED! God is good🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Does anyone believe this seriously...
Unfortunately as can be seen here in the comments, many do.
I was at this school at the time of shooting its real
My boy shaggy took a bullet to the head and had no damage
Well said
how did he not feel anything ?
Adrenaline can be pretty powerful. I broke my arm once and didn’t figure it out until I got home
I think I could have found them a better actor and done a better makeup job than that.
William Zabel I know him in person you ugly bald headed 90 year old dumb fuck. It’s real
Cece Ruben how many time ur dumb comment the same post the same shyt
JJ Paris stop lying you fucking bitch
Cece Ruben no because y'all lying n dumb.u must work for them with clueless self
Cece Ruben stop lying my me somebody you know or talk too.
i live 15 minutes away from that school. my school also has police officers frequent lock down drills but i know that one day if someone felt like it they could easily kill so many of us.
No don't
@@boisshowerdontdroptehtval6523 why?
Just make sure your kid has lots of clubs and stuff. Taking your kid out of school is kinda putting them into a social bubble and you really need them to socialize.
3:19 Preach. We should learn to care for one another.
They didn't shave his head? Just like Vegas. Puts a bandage taped on top of his hair
jason walters
@@jasonwalters5288 It is not fake nor is it a hoax and he didn't play in that game
He might be wearing a wig and also hair grows back
Finally, first lady to admit that she wasn’t surprised. She had a great message
Hollywood should make movie about school shooting
Which shooting?
Why, so then they can shoot the theater 🤷♀️
zombie king they already have😂😂😂
Quentin Tarintino Is doing one about the Manson murders
zombie king; that is exactly what this event is. A drill filmed like amovie and then presented as real which it is not.
Hope he gets better than ever ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
00:11, that is one old high schooler
That mother was so right in everything that she said about parenting , just as the anchors just pointed out. Well said.
That reporter looks familiar I forgot his name😘😍❤and I hope Rome gets well soon! God bless!
Not you girl OMG u believe this shyt.u can't be black
Hes lucky to be alive and so healthy after a brutal head shot. Amazing. I'm glad he made it. That's gotta haunt these kids for life.
wait is that mike tyson interviewing them or am i crazy
I can see the why youd think that but that’s definitely not Mile Tyson.
They used to call that being grazed by a bullet. Looks like a mother who appreciates her son. Kind of strange in today's society.
Claire Underwood are you stupid? In order to actually operate with that kind of injury, you need to shave around it you moron.
The Divide you're calling mr an idiot for stating s god damn fact!?!
This isn't my opinion. Watch additional interviews eith this Kid and listen to WTF he claims occurred. He's the one who said who was shot in thr back of the hesd and it exited out his neck.
You fucking moron. Listen yo the god damn video shit for brains
The Divide
Hey moron.
Watch this!
Get a fucking clue. You ignoramus. I bet you believe this is legit too.
Hum, I remember the same story for a los vegas "victim". I call b s on all these shootings.
I call truth
Yep Im UnbraceingSky He is
the las vegas one wasnt bs tho lol
Prayers to the victims and their families. I ran into a family who lost a loved one in this school shooting on Monday at a Dollar Tree in Alvin, Texas while trying to get balloons for my son's graduation. The atmosphere was SO heavy because all the workers, and customers, just knew. I overheard the lady mention on the phone that the victim was still at the medical examiner's office but services would be held today and tomorrow. My son said his bus drove by Scott Funeral Home earlier and it was PACKED with attendees and camera crews. I couldn't imagine... ever... having to ever go through this. My heart is heavy...🙏
Nary Eim Hahahahaha!!! A good kid is a dead kid.
This is the fakest thing I've ever seen
exactly 100%
MrRochenator He said he was 60 years old at first!
no you are just to dumb to know what is real or not.
MrRochenator how dare you..!! I repeat HOW DARE YOU!!
MrRochenator it's fucking real wether you like it or not
Thank God ... thank God that so many people are finally seeing it! 🙏
Woow must be a nerve wracking when that poor mom heard about this, paryers go to the families of those students and teachers!
Hhla8485 fake as shyt
Hhla8485 OK Shelly shill
Playing baseball the day after being shot in the head. Yeah right... Nice green screen too you lying sellouts.
Hhla8485 😆
The interviewer sounds so nervous, is he like new or something!? That’s so disrespectful to the victim and his family, they definitely should’ve got somebody who’s more professional and experienced to interview the victim, but that’s just my own opinion.
No one county has so many scooting at school, only here, so many victims and deaths. Still nothing change, what we are waiting for, who protects our kids?
Surayo Khayrullaeva
The police are responsible for more murders each year then every mass shooting combined for the past 30 years
Jake Martin I feel very bad for parants . I feel very sad about it, and finally nothing change!
Surayo Khayrullaeva yea I'm worried about my own children all day at work
Blind much. And I don't know what scooting has to do with anything 🤣
This mom said the true problem glad someone is brave to say it.
Stop profiting off of tragedy
Your so lucky kid, very happy your safe and alive. Your lucky to have a great mother like her, accounting-for your children and staying involved in your kids life is the only way!
He got shot in the head but didnt feel it the doctors taped a bandaid to his hair then sent him home hours later. Then he played baseball a few days later. 😅😅😂😂😂😂 Man I had a mini heart attack and stayed in the hospital for 2 days. This must be seebs naw it's abc- allbullcrap.
Dang this man took this like a boss he said he didn’t feel getting shot through the head
To claim that guns are not the problem but the shoot is totally insane. By the same logic is to say that illicit drugs are harmless and is the addict is to blame for taking them in. If you have guns around, like drugs is inevitable that they will be used.
Insanis Stultitia “ illicit” drugs, firearms, a brick, a knife, a rope all these things are amoral they could all be put in a room together and nothing would happen. Or your could put them in a room with a “stable” person and the would walk out having built something with that stuff. Or you could put an “unstable” in that room and they would come out with multiple plans to harm people. It is about watching over or brothers and sisters getting people the help they need and talking to them. Look at bus stops long ago people talking about life, family, and work. Now look at a bus stop everyone is at a good distance nose in a phone or earbuds in. No one takes time for the other guy any more. When we ask how someone is in a greeting we should really want to know how they are and maybe offer sound advice. It is not a thing issue it is a people issue.
Of course it's the addicts fault for taking those drugs who else made them do it . Over the counter drugs get misused all the time by people . And they get addicted to them . Are over the counter drugs the problem or people who abuse them ?
You are an ignorant fuck!!!
So if you have a gun next to you you're gonna shoot it just because it's next to you? I don't think so.
In extremely tense moment that can totally happen, your so focused on escape that you won't realise it can also tense the muscles around to stop bleeding too
They need to put police inside the school and metal detectors
Tasha denise Apparently metal detectors wouldn't have helped here, as he shot through a glass "wall" to get in through an art class, according to student witnesses.
And they have two armed police officers in the school. That's why it only took 4 minutes for them to engage the shooter.
You need to learn how to type.
Balcotron are you happy i fixed it 😂
It's not real so what
It's really weird to see all these people calling my high school shooting fake
who's next we are taking bets
I have 100 on Louisiana
This is a cruel comment, just remember karma listens.
florida bet
My man's has to much respect for the interviewer like if I take a bullet im calling the shots
She spent the majority of time sayin how she didn't know what had happened to her child, she knew what was up with everybody else s child was but not Rome, he was so smart, he got permission to call momz? Show us the wound man, playground rules, any thing non lethal and in no need of medical attention should be shown. It grazed him, which would have made me sht and keep me, and my stained pants, from letting mom's turn on a dime from poor victim not knowing what has happened, does he have a phone? How did you expect to get a hold of him? How do you turn around and contradict yourself and proceed to address this gun issue, she points to the crowd and Strayhand pitches a rainbow,she bunts, according to myth the CONstitution is suppose to...That was CON. The CONstitution was a contract between the King and the People of which people aren't a party!! subject to any of those rights of the People. people People do you think they ever were the same people? Well the jelly brains get to decide whether I have a choice to defend myself at home. Well once you vote for the children, save the children, they with be rounded up for your safety because people are the enemy of the People, People need the stupid/people to lay down in the coffin .She bunted so there is more just as she knows? Could this be better scripted, the stupidity hurts. Rome if you can pitch then ditch the band-aid and thank God because the only defense for a gun is a gun, you are lucky. There is something going on and we will find out the hard way.We live in a fantasy and the rug is getting pulled, if you think GOV.INC. is the answer, then you should go learn something and cancel the idiot box, you think what it tells you is true. As soon as they tell you how too think you better take notes, verify and do the opposite of what the People say!! people should man up and be responsible for the info they believe. Shot through the head? Did the Doctors have a rubber chicken, make you repeat the cough test.
He naruto runned, that is how he escaped, he didn't even feel the bullet, too bad his arms were not far back enough
It's totally possible not to feel something if your adrenaline is already kicking in it's easy to miss a slight wound like that, I had an airsoft BB shot through half of my hand that stopped at the bone and I didn't feel it at all and didn't even realize until a while later when I seen the blood. Totally plausible a little graze across the upper neck could of been missed.
“just a little sore”💀
How do we know this isn’t just a tide ad?
Love for the kids and the thoughts in their heads.
I preach this mom. She knows what needs to be done.
Oh my god the moms speech at the end, like she just speaks truth!!!
He played the next day at his baseball game too
Not one American willing to actually say that guns should be Banned... And you wonder why this continues to happen
Lmao they shouldn’t. Crime will only get worse once guns are banned. No one good left in the country to use them, and it’s up to criminals and the black market to shoot things up.
The mom made a very good point shout out to her....!
His family is blessed.
Since of course it's Summer, I just finished 8th grade and I'm going to 9th, in middle school we do active shooter drills and even in some elementary school, I'm kinda scared to go to school with the fear of my high school getting hurt
This is why bullying should have academic consequences....We don't do anything about it...This could have been avoided.