Unbelievable Calvinist Delusions

  • Опубліковано 25 лип 2022
  • This video tells about a second book by Ronald Craig exposing more Calvinist lies. Filled with many Scriptures, the primary delusions of John Calvin are honestly dealt with, and replaced with Bible Truth.


  • @littlebirdie27
    @littlebirdie27 Рік тому +3

    I just started reading your book "The Calvinist Conspiracy". I'm only a few pages into chapter 1 and I'm blown away by the insights you have presented using scripture.
    I've heard of Calvinism before but never looked into the theology until a few days ago. For the first ever in my, I found myself doubting the Character of God because of how Calvinist theology perverts the perfect nature of God.
    My spirit has not been able to rest because of my realisation of the dangers of Calvinism. I used to watch sermons by prominent pastors whom I learned were Calvinists and I could not believe that such seemingly great men of God could believe in a theology that makes God out to be some sadistic monster.
    Thank you for letting God use you to share the truth and expose the demonic theology of Calvinism. I hope I can purchase and read all of your books. God bless you.

  • @mannycano4599
    @mannycano4599 Рік тому +7

    Calvinist fails both biblically and philosophically actually Calvinism also doesn't square with reality at all. It makes God out to be at best a liar at worst very evil. People who believe in determinism are stuck in a quandary of cognitive dissonance no doubt. So in one place God commands men everywhere to repent! But then according to Calvinist God has this secret will that makes God incoherent. But God is not incoherent and that's where Calvinism fails to square with reality. Lastly, the acronym for TULIP is very new.... And John Calvin himself did not even hold to limited atonement. Tulip may be consistent within itself but all you have to do is knock one of the legs out and the whole thing collapses.

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 Рік тому +10

    If Calvinism is true, it means that God creates disposable people, people without any hope,” “It means that God not only allows, but micro-manages and sovereignly ordains, every war and every abortion and every rape of a child. It means that Calvin’s god does not love the world; he hates it because it is full of “totally depraved” individuals having apparently created us that way for his own glorification, or is it for his amusement? If Calvinism is true , it means that if that dying child that you held in your arms was not among the elect, then God did not love her. He never had any intention of loving her. She was nothing to Him. In fact, he would delight and find glory in her eternal torture in hell.”
    Who are we really created in the image of then, God or satan?
    All a Calvinist can say is that we should be more grateful for my own salvation! It’s like, ‘as long as my eternal destiny is secure, as long as my life is all planned out and taken care of by God, who gives a damn about family, friends or anyone else!’ How can you be okay with that? How can anyone be okay with that? Why do I feel and find this heresy morally offensive?” Only the devil should be at ease with such an abomination!
    Truth in Love

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      I could not have said it any better. Thank your for your comment. Not all comments I receive are in agreement with the Bible Truths I have written in my books on Calvinism. I hope you either have or will actually get my books and find out just how demonic ALL of Calvin's doctrines are. And tell others about both those books and my You Tube videos on many Bible subjects, including last-days-events--Daniel, Revelation, etc. You can find all that on ronalcraigbooks.com. If you will also share this information with others, we can work together to get Bible Truth out to the world, and help some get free. Many people are in bondage today to many false doctrines. My books biblically deal with many of those falsehoods; replacing them with clear Bible Truth. Another book coming out soon deals with what God's Word says about our bodily-health. That book will be a game-changer for many. Look for the book on my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com. All real Christians are in this battle together against the devil's lies. Thank you.

    • @omarsandoval6743
      @omarsandoval6743 Рік тому +1

      “But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory-”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9‬:‭20‬-‭23‬ ‭

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@omarsandoval6743 Well, well: I figure that you figure that you have just won your argument, but all you have proven is your ignorance of the REAL BIBLE MESSAGE! You and many other CALVINISTS have thrown at me that passage, BUT NOT ONE OF YOU HAVE MENTIONED ANOTHER PASSAGE THAT PROVES YOUR INTERPRETATION OF THAT PASSAGE IS ERRONEOUS. Have you ever read Jeremiah 18:6? The plain wording in that passage reveals that GOD IS ASKING ISRAEL FOR PERMISSION TO REMAKE THEM JUST AS THE POTTER JEREMIAH WATCHED REMADE THE CLAY THAT HAD BEEN MARRED IN HIS HANDS! Paul, in the passage you quoted refers to God's judgment, not to the original creation. READ THE WHOLE CONTEXT in Romans. Many Scripture passages throughout the Bible prove that Calvin's theology is a gross (demonic) distortion of the overall Bible message. God was not telling Israel that they were the way they already were because He wanted them that way, but was urging them to believe that He was able to remake them into a people pleasing to Him IF THEY WERE WILLING. Read the whole context of Jeremiah 18. They were not willing to let God change them, so His judgment fell upon them. Concentrate on chapter 23. If you happen to be a pastor, you might consider the seriousness of leading your congregation astray with Calvin's demonic theology.

    • @truth7416
      @truth7416 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 You probably will not hear from Omar again. Calvinists are not interested in context or common sense. The internet is a big blessing in our day as these Calvinist pastors cannot preach their heresy's and get away with it any more. People can read. Its like the Catholic cult that kept their members in darkness by preaching in Latin.
      Keep up the good work as many many Calvinists are turning to Christ and getting saved.
      Truth In Love

    • @omarsandoval6743
      @omarsandoval6743 Рік тому

      @@truth7416 I didn’t reply cause in another comment he told me he would no longer reply to me anymore. His mentioning of Jeremiah 18 actually hit me hard, I’d never heard anyone talk about that passage in response to Romans 9. Been doing research and I’m wrestling with it and trying to understand both passages. My main complaint with the owner of this youtube account was how he was making all these assumptions about me and pointing me towards his books rather than scriptural passages until his most recent comment. Like Bible reality, I see you are also quick to paint Calvinists as people with no common sense or people that are just not willing to open their ears. If you really got into reformed theology and grew up in it, it seems plausible and becomes the very framework you use to interpret the Bible, so next time be a little more considerate to Christians with different theological views rather than stereotyping. I made the same mistake with my step-father who claimed to be an Arminian but lived a life that did not reflect what a Christian’s life should look like (he also resorted to judging and name calling when discussing Calvinism)… so you can see how it could have been easy for me to apply that attitude towards others with the same biblical interpretations

  • @johndisalvo6283
    @johndisalvo6283 Рік тому +3

    How do I get a copy of your new book? Not on Amazon

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +2

      Thanks for your interest. The book is supposed to be on Amazon and many other online sites. If you get on my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com, you can see the exact name of the book, and you should be able to find it on Amazon. I have two books on Calvinism. You can get either in ebook format, or softcover, or hardcover. Books about other vital Bible subjects available too. And please tell others about the books and You Tube videos. Many people are trusting a FALSE GOSPEl to save them. Only the truth sets us free. (John 8:31-32)

  • @beautifulbuds
    @beautifulbuds Рік тому +16

    Im so grateful for
    You. I have been battling with this Calvinism and reformed theology for two years.
    Its absolutely taken a grip in theological colleges and is such a lie.
    Unbeknowingly we joined a church not realizing its Calvinistic.
    Please pray for my husband as he has bern sucked into this and we are suffering as a couple because of this
    Its such a mean theology and no Holy God could support it.
    God Bless you.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      I am grateful to God that there are many others out there who are grateful for Bible Truth. I wand to help others get set free from the many heresies circulating in more and more churches today. I hope you have either gotten or will get a copy of all my books, which you will find on ronaldcraigbooks.com, and tell others about the books and my You Tube videos on many Bible subjects, and that deal with many current events and falsehoods in both the world and the church today. I am not peddling my books, but getting God's Truth out to the world, and the books and videos are the vehicles I now have. This is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. It may be a long time before enough of my books are moved that I will recoup all the money I have invested in the publishing of them. God put in on my heart many years ago to write and publish these books, and so I am not ashamed to recommend them. I hope you will share this good news with others. Obviously, we are co-workers with one another and with God in getting His Bible Truth out.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +2

      I pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your husband to see the real Bible Truth about all those things John Calvin lied about in his writings. One of the best ways I know for that to happen is for your husband to READ those truths I deal with in my books on Calvinism. You can get them in e-book format, soft cover or hardcover books. SEEING those Bible Truths spelled out in those books, it will be hard for anyone to reject those Bible Truths. You can see them at ronaldcraigbooks.com, and see many You Tube Bible study videos that will fill you in on many Bible subjects. There will be no excuse when we stand before God. And Bible Truth sets us free right now in this life. I want you to be free--your whole family--and hope you will tell others about the books and videos. Let us spread the Gospel around the world.

    • @deirdremynes5920
      @deirdremynes5920 Рік тому +2

      Praying for you. It actually offends the Holy Spirit

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@deirdremynes5920 Yes, you actually are offending the Holy Spirit! Repent now!

    • @raybo632
      @raybo632 Рік тому +2

      You are not battling with Calvin, your battling with Holy inspired Scripture. The Eternal mind of our CREATOR GOD. Our sinfulness does not want us to fully confirm this. Romans CHAPTER 8.

  • @conservativemovement
    @conservativemovement Рік тому +2

    Thank you, God bless you and yours always!

  • @TheFinalStand
    @TheFinalStand Рік тому

    write the titles of your books I may buy them all. Which is the one that disprove false teaching best. Do they cover romans 9. Which I believe John C was deceived.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      The books people need to get are listed on my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com. All my books dispel one or more falsehoods in the church. There is more junk out there than John Calvin's heresies. Also, you can see all my You Tube channels, on which I discuss many different Bible subjects. The church needs therm all. You will see why when you watch the videos and read the books. Please tell others about them all. Thanks. (And if you have not subscribed, please do so.)

    • @TheFinalStand
      @TheFinalStand Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Thanks from Dr John Lopez

  • @kenmannagh7788
    @kenmannagh7788 Рік тому +3

    Calvinism = Calvin .... God = the Bible . Choose you this day whom you will serve. I will serve Christ and the scriptures , not an uninspired man born in 1509 !

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thank you for your comment. I am not alone in my exposure of Calvinism, and proclamation of God's Word. My books are all full of clear Scriptures, and those who argue against those books argue against God. Thank you for being one who stands on God's Word. My website, ronaldcraigbooks.com reveals other books on various Bible subjects. Hope you check that out and tell others about them--that are full of Bible Truth. Thanks again.

  • @murraylloyd6011
    @murraylloyd6011 Рік тому +1

    Recently have come to understand what Calvinists teach. I am horrified at its diabolical doctrines for salvation.

    • @phillipGriffiths-vr7hz
      @phillipGriffiths-vr7hz 9 місяців тому

      Strange how you call the doctrines so clearly set forth in Scripture as diabolical.

    • @murraylloyd6011
      @murraylloyd6011 9 місяців тому

      @@phillipGriffiths-vr7hz The diabolical devilish doctrine; "Predestination we call the eternal decree of God, by which He has determined in Himself what would have to become of every individual of mankind ; but eternal life is fore-ordained for some, and eternal damnation for others". (Calvin)
      Not set forth in scripture.

  • @maxbprince6301
    @maxbprince6301 Рік тому +1

    Thank you sir.. You're credible this far. Almost got destroyed by this Calvinism

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      So you can see how dangerous that heresy is! Let us join together to expose the detrimental effects of Calvinism. Thank you for telling others about the You Tube videos and the books. I am not just trying to sell books. Millions of them would have to be purchased for me to make any great amount of money. The message in each of the books is priceless. How can one put a dollar value on getting people free from that religious bondage, or saving a marriage? Thank for you helping me in spreading the truth. And please subscribe, if not already.

    • @maxbprince6301
      @maxbprince6301 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 How can I get the book? I'm in South Africa

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@maxbprince6301 If you can get on AMAZON.com in South Africa, then you can get any of my books. There is another Ron Craig author, so you also have to know the exact book title to get my books. "The Unbelievable Delusions of the Infamous John Calvin" On the cover is a drawing of John Calvin, with a green background. At my website ronaldcraigbooks.com, you can see all my books, and click on the different websites that carry my books. Thanks for your interest, and I hope you will tell others about the books and website. And please subscribe, if not already subscribed. We need to get this Bible Truth out to the world. Praise God people in South Africa are being reached.

  • @deirdremynes5920
    @deirdremynes5920 Рік тому +3

    This is now in my church. The pastor won't answer the questions. They are trained to divert the questions and no answer they do it with a question to you. We need help

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Since I can only offer help online and in the books--and prayer for you--I recommend that you get the books--if you have not already--and drill those Bible Truths down into the depths of your spirit and mind. You not only need to be able to defend yourself, but to be equipped to help others. It is only the truth--Bible Truth, that is--that sets people free. The tools are available to you, but you will have to make the decision to avail yourself of them. Be set free, and share Bible Truth with others to help them be set free. Thanks for partnering with me to get the Gospel message out around the world.

    • @deirdremynes5920
      @deirdremynes5920 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 thank you are the only one who answered me. He has resigned as he was confronted about issues. Prayed and prayed and God stopped this untruth. Praise be his name. Thank you again xxD

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@deirdremynes5920 You might fool yourself and others who are not grounded in Bible Truth, but you don't fool God--or me; for I am grounded in Bible Truth. If you wait until you stand before the God Whom you claim to serve, it will be too late to change. Better repent now of your demonic theology and cry out for God's mercy. Then help me to help others to be delivered.

    • @deirdremynes5920
      @deirdremynes5920 Рік тому +1

      @@biblereality1621 I just told you I am grounded in biblical truth and just told you God responded.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@deirdremynes5920 You are pushing demonic Calvinism, so you are DEFINITELY NOT grounded in Bible Truth! All of Calvinism is of the devil; none of God. My last reply to you.

  • @johnmoog
    @johnmoog Рік тому +2

    Who are Calvinists today? Are they Presbyterians in the US?

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +2

      Great question! Likely, no one today believes everything Calvin taught. Most have not studied what he taught. But, portions of Calvin's demonic-doctrines have infiltrated every denomination to some degree--without those people even knowing where their false but cherished doctrines came from. The Presbyterian denomination being the first founded on Calvin's theology, it is the most Calvinist. But every denomination pushes one or more of Calvin's ungodly doctrines--even the Church of Christ. And I have detected some of his falsehoods even in some supposed Full Gospel denominations. My books on Calvinism tell about all of his demonic doctrines, and if you get hold of that knowledge--contrasted with the clear Word of God--you will see who are deceived today by his foul theology. Please check out my books and tell others about them. Many people today are trapped in Calvinist strongholds, and want to get out. Calvinism is a control mechanism. You should read the comments from some of my commenters pointing out that problem. Thanks for sharing this with others--and subscribe if not already.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Рік тому +1

    He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
    2 Peter 3:16

  • @bryangatewood6749
    @bryangatewood6749 Рік тому +2

    It’s hard to believe a man that believes that infant baptism can make newborns born again. Calvin was full of deceit especially toward the end of his life

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thank you for your comment. If you can see the comments of others, you know that not all of them are positive. But, many are in tune with you, me and the Bible. I will appreciate your sharing information about my books on Calvinism with others. Also, I have two Bible-teaching You Tube channels, on which I deal with many Bible Truths, including last-days-events--Daniel, Revelation, etc. at ronaldcraigbooks.com you will find all of that, plus other books on other subject vital to Christians today, including the exposure of other heresies just as bad as Calvinism. My purpose is first of all to obey God, and to expose heresies that many people are trusting in for their salvation, which cannot produce salvation. Only God's Inspired Bible Truth can and will set people free. Thank you for telling others about all of this.

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 Рік тому

      Do u believe baptism can make a baby born again?

    • @bryangatewood6749
      @bryangatewood6749 Рік тому

      No absolutely not. Baptism is commanded of Jesus as a confession of faith as an identifying with Him through His death burial and resurrection, not what saves you. Salvation is only by believe In Jesus Christ, Trusting in Him for your salvation. God sent His son to pay the penalty of our sin through Death on the cross and by His resurrection He gives us life to those who put lean upon Him for our salvation. Ephesians 2:8. It is by grace through Faith!

  • @coreylapinas1000
    @coreylapinas1000 Рік тому +1

    Calvinism is incoherent, unbiblical and unseemly.

  • @raymondrinehart5957
    @raymondrinehart5957 Рік тому +1

    I hope to pick up these books someday.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thanks for your comment. The books are more affordable than you might think. The e-book format is only about 4$, and the softcover and hardcover are very reasonable. Go to ronaldcraigbooks.com to see all my books on other vital Bible subjects, and my You Tube videos on 3 channels. I deal with many Bible subjects, including last-days-events, which we must be in the very edge of right now. And I hope you will tell others about the books and videos. And if you have not already subscribed, I hope you will. Thanks.

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 Рік тому

    "Jesus Loves me song" for the Calvi-god follower .
    "Jesus loves me, this I know.
    As for you, I don't think so.
    Only some to Him belong. We are right and you are wrong.
    Yes, Jesus loves me!
    Yes, Jesus loves me!
    Yes, Jesus loves me!
    But I hope this isn't effervescent grace that I'm walking in and instead I'm actually deceived and one of the reprobates that He created to burn as a candle for His glory in Hell forever."

  • @reyalpEleluku
    @reyalpEleluku Рік тому +4

    If, as the apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 2, those who are now Christians were once dead in their transgressions and sins, who once had the mind of the flesh, which is enmity toward God (Romans 8), how did they come to repentance and faith? The Bible says that God brought them to life from the dead and converted them from enmity to obedience by his word and Spirit on the basis of His grace alone. This God did by Jesus Christ contrary to these sinners' corrupt will. Christ is the one who gives repentance (Acts 5). He brings the dead in sin (who as spiritually dead could do nothing of spiritual worth) to life by grace and gives the gift of faith. "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." Duet 29:29.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +2

      Is this your response to the limited information in my video on the book, or did you venture out to dare obtain and ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK? If you look at ALL the Scriptures, you will see that God does not force faith or salvation on anyone. Faith comes by hearing, and is not forced upon us. If what you and Calvin say is true, then God made us a bunch of robots. And do not try to squirm out of that tight spot by saying God did not make us robots. You cannot have it both ways. And if God alone decides arbitrarily that many will be lost forever--regardless of their OWN DECISIONS--then God is a monster. You cannot have that both ways either. Do you Calvinist contenders EVER THINK? Do you ever take your demonic arguments out to their biblical conclusions? If you did, and were honest about it, you would be embarrassed about your Calvinist pride. And it is pride--not Bible.

    • @trueg115
      @trueg115 Рік тому +2

      it is all through faith. They were born again the same way Old Testament saints were followers of Yahweh. Everyone before the new covenant was not born again and were dead in their sins and yet they had faith. Faith precedes regeneration because faith is not a work but simply a belief. Romans 7 shows a man can be in his fallen nature and acknowledge Gods ways are good, just not able to carry it out in the flesh. That is how it was with everyone before the new covenant.

    • @aletheia8054
      @aletheia8054 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 I’m perfectly ok with being God‘s robot. That’s a good thing not a bad thing
      God knows what he’s doing

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@aletheia8054 Well now,. how self-centered! You are okay with being one of John Calvin's automatically saved elect robots. What makes you think you are one of the elect? What if you found out you were one of Calvin's reprobate robots, with no chance of being saved? Would you be okay with that? You are an IDIOT! How about waking up to the Bible-Truth and accepting salvation on God's terms--deciding to believe what God says, instead of what Calvin said? There is no salvation on Calvin's terms. Only on God's terms! You will find the terms in the Bible, if you become honest with the Bible. How about getting on my Gospel team and help me help many deceived Calvinists open their eyes to the truth--Bible-Truth? How about actually getting my books on Calvinism and learning Bible-Truth about salvation? Just as Saul of Tarsus had a great turn-around, so can you. NO ROBOTS IN GOD"S KINGDOM; just in the deceived minds of people who have been hoodwinked by John Calvin's lies. Wake up before it is too late.

    • @melissaschubert1653
      @melissaschubert1653 Рік тому +1

      @@aletheia8054 except none of that is in the Bible - it’s a man made system - you may be willing to be God’s robot, but that doesn’t mean your deeper or stronger. If it isn’t in scripture, it’s false and besmirches God’s true character.

  • @helenem4586
    @helenem4586 Рік тому +3

    I find it amazing that so many antiCalvinists regard Calvinists as brethren who are merely deceived on a few points, rather than as the wolves they actually are.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thank you for your agreeing comment. Of course, I am not out to just get people to agree with me in my written exposition of Calvinism. Staunch Calvinists are thoroughly deceived; people trusting in a demonic manmade doctrine for their salvation, which obviously cannot save them. More than that, they are deceiving many other people. Jesus had some sobering words about preachers misleading people, and jeopardizing their eternal well-being. Thank you for being one who is getting the Word of God out to the world. On my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com, you will find other books exposing some other heresies in other church circles. Plus You Tube videos on the end-times--Daniel and Revelation, etc. Again, thanks..

    • @helenem4586
      @helenem4586 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Not a problem, Ron. I thank God for people such as you who do what they can to disabuse the deceived of Calvinist "churches". These clouds without water are a danger to anyone who comes under them, they shoot poison from their lips like vipers. God bless you.

    • @helenem4586
      @helenem4586 Рік тому

      @Janusz Dobrowolski It's a matter of defending the Word of God against falsehoods, distortions, misrepresentations, and crafty interpretations. If anyone, professing to believe the gospel, brings any of these into doctrine he is a wolf, a liar, and unless he repents and believes the truth he is on his way to judgement. Your English has some faults, which should be expected, but it's very good and quite understandable.

    • @helenem4586
      @helenem4586 Рік тому

      @Janusz Dobrowolski Confessing sins is not a requirement for salvation. Believing in the person of Jesus Christ who gave Himself a sacrifice once and for all for the sins of the entire world is the qualifying factor in salvation. Repentance does not signify sorrow for sins but rather a turning from the world to Jesus for salvation. And it's the corruption of this simple message which is responsible for keeping people on the broad way that leads to destruction. The gospel is simple, but the sin nature resists grace by adding other qualifiers, hungry for personal glory and the approval of men.

    • @helenem4586
      @helenem4586 Рік тому

      @Janusz Dobrowolski When you believed the gospel is when you repented. The thief on the cross merely asked Jesus to remember him because he believed, and I'm sure you're not going to insist that he confessed his sins to Jesus. No. He simply believed. Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. It really can't be any clearer. It's not the confession of sins which saves but the confession of God's word.

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 Рік тому

    Its kind of like this. A man’s wife is finally pregnant and the couple are over joyed. I hope it is a boy the man said and I hope he will be interested in becoming an electrician like me. I also hope he goes into the trade and if he does, I plan for him to take over the family business some day! But I know that these plans that I have made for him, before one of his days of life begin will be entirely up to my son. I cannot force him, I cannot put a gun to his head, I can only encourage and guide him and hope. In other word’s the man has predestined a plan for his son, He has chosen a plan for his son. He has elected to give all this to his son if he so desires it!
    Outcome 1 The baby is born and it is a boy. He is interested in his fathers work and goes to electrical trade school, but drops out and becomes a lawyer instead.
    Outcome 2 He drops out of school becomes a bum, a drunk or a murderer etc.
    Outcome 3 The son follows his fathers predestinated plan, through trade school and takes over his father’s business. The fathers predestined plans for his son will happen, or will not happen, according to the choices the son makes. Its the same with mankind.
    There is a master plan given to every human being to know God, reach salvation and eternity in Heaven. But to follow or reject the plan is the choice given to every individual. This is the "Good News Gospel" that the Angels proclaimed when the Messiah was born. Satan has attacked that message from the beginning, twisting it into what is now known as Calvinism or the doctrine of election.
    Predestination example 2:
    Grandma saves and saves to buy her granddaughter a plane ticket to France. She has been saving for many years and the day finally arrived and she gave her granddaughter her special gift.
    The granddaughter goes to the airport and asks the attendant which plane to get on. The attendant says, what is your destination on your ticket? He reads the ticket which says “Destination France.”
    He also said that flight 446 is a modern jet that was especially built and destined by the airline to fly exclusively to France for its entire service life.
    So, this aircraft has been predestined to fly to a predestined location, France.
    The girl gets on the plane and is now destined to travel to France on the predestined plane, that has been predestined by its designers, to reach its predestined, destination!
    This girl will arrive at her predestined trip that her grandmother predestined years before, as long as she goes to the airport, gets on the right plane and stays on the plane! All this took place by the choices the granddaughter made.
    Predestination example 3:
    "The man on an island." Imagine a man has been taken to a desolate island with everything he needs to survive and given only a Bible to occupy his time. This man has no preconceived idea about religion so everything he will learn over the next 10 years he will get directly from the Bible and Gods leading.
    The man accepts God’s plan of salvation and what he has learned from the Bible. He repents and is born again.
    The Holy Spirit is now counselling the man from the inside. He studies intensely for the 10 years growing in his faith and walking closer and closer with God daily.
    After 10 years he comes back to the mainland world and decides he needs to fellowship with other Christians as the Bible says he should.
    The man approaches a number of different churches and looks through the windows from the outside and says to himself “What are they doing in there what are they saying about God?
    How do you think this man will compare what he knows to be true, from what he sees going on in the mainline churches today?
    Do you think he will find what the mainline denominations are teaching will be in harmony to what this true follower of Jesus Christ has learned?
    You know it won’t be!
    Calvinism is a Doctrine of Demons and apposed to Christianity in every way.

  • @rpavich
    @rpavich Рік тому +1

    Correction: you wrote a book debunking your false ideas of what Calvinism teaches. I agree with you...what you quoted (your inaccurate idea of calvinism) is wrong and bunk....but what Calvinism actually teaches is biblical and found all over the place in scripture.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      You are either blind or deliberately lying. All liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire the will burn forever.

    • @truth7416
      @truth7416 Рік тому

      THE FOLLOWING IS CALVIN'S REIN OF TERROR! John Calvin’s Bodycount… The victims are listed, followed by references, (A)…(L), the URLs of which are at the bottom. A. Execution 1. Jacques Gruet (A)”Thus the State issued dogmatic decrees, the force of which had been anticipated earlier, as when Jacques Gruet, a known opponent of Calvin, was arrested, tortured for a month and beheaded on July 26, 1547, for placing a letter in Calvin’s pulpit calling him a hypocrite. Gruet’s book was later found and burned along with his house while his wife was thrown out into the street to watch.” (C)”Calvin cut off the head of Jacques Gruet “for having written impious letters, libertine verses, and for working to overthrow ecclesiastical ordinances.” (D)Quoting Stephan Zweig’s “The Right to Heresy”: “Jacques Gruet was racked and then executed merely for having called Calvin a hypocrite.” (E)”This regime was resisted by a party incorrectly described as ‘Libertines’, which Calvin succeeded in overcoming by force. Among the opponents executed after torture were Jacques Gruet (1547), Raoul Monnet (1549), and, best known, Michael *Servetus (1553).” (F)”Even eminent men were not safe from Calvin’s control. Jacques Gruet was beheaded for blasphemy, treason, and a threat to the ministers.” (J) 2. Giovanni Valentino Gentile (A)and(G)”Another victim of Calvin’s fiery zeal was Gentile of an Italian sect in Geneva, which also numbered among its adherents Alciati and Gribaldo. More or less Unitarian in their views, they were required to sign a confession drawn up by Calvin in 1558. Gentile signed it reluctantly, but in the upshot he was condemned and imprisoned as a perjurer. He escaped only to be twice incarcerated at Berne where, in 1566, he was beheaded.” (H) & (I) Very full accounts of Gentile 3. Michael Servetus Is much needed about him? Is there any debate about his murder? (A) (C)”Seven years before the conference which was now to take place in Calvin’s house on the proposals of the queen-mother, Michel Servet, a Frenchman, travelling through Switzerland, was arrested at Geneva, tried, condemned, and burned alive, on Calvin’s accusation, for having “attacked the mystery of the Trinity,” in a book which was neither written nor published in Geneva.” (E)(J) 4. Raoul Monnet (E) (J)page 223 “This regime was resisted by a party incorrectly described as “Libertines, which Calvin succeeded in overcoming by force.Among the opponents executed after torture were Jacques Gruet (1547), Raoul Monnet (1549), and best known, Michael Servetus (1553). By 1555, however, all resistance had ceased and Calvin was the uncontested master of the city.” 5. Others (A)”Calvin also had twenty women burned at the stake after accusing them of causing a plague that had swept through Geneva in 1545.” (A)”Calvin did not shrink from his self-appointed task. Within five years fifty-eight sentences of death and seventy-six of exile, besides numerous committals of the most eminent citizens to prison, took place in Geneva.” (F)”A heretic who also was an anti-Trinitarian was burned at the stake.” NOTE: Probably Servetus B. Banishment (mere banishment!) 1. Castellio (A)”Gruet’s death was more highly criticized by far than the banishment of Castellio or the penalties inflicted on Bolsec - moderate men opposed to extreme views in discipline and doctrine, who fell under suspicion as reactionary.” (B) (K) Very full account of Castellio 2. Bolsec (A)(B)(F)”Jerome Bolsec, a physician who attacked Calvin’s doctrine of predestination, was banished.” (L) 3. Others (A)”Calvin did not shrink from his self-appointed task. Within five years fifty-eight sentences of death and seventy-six of exile, besides numerous committals of the most eminent citizens to prison, took place in Geneva.” A. www.biblelife.org/calvinism.htm B. www.gospeltruth.net/heres…_chap5.htm C. www.worldwideschool.org/l…hap16.html D. www.dimensional.com/~randl/calvin.htm E. www.gospelcom.net/chi/HER…l047.shtml F. www.churchlink.com.au/chu…alvin.html G. www.newadvent.org/cathen/03195b.htm H. www.ccel.org/s/schaff/hcc…xv.xiv.htm I. online.sksm.edu/ouh/chapter/13_XIII.html J. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church; F.L. Cross and E.A. Livingstone; Oxford University Press; K. www.ccel.org/s/schaff/hcc….xv.ix.htm (different page from H) L. www.ccel.org/s/schaff/hcc…v.viii.htm John Calvin is a man who is held up by many evangelicals as an example of the most perfect systematic theologian that ever lived. And yet it would appear that he did not even meet the basic requirements of a NT overseer/bishop as to godly character! 1 Tim 3:2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. The New Testament approach to false teachers is the precise opposite of what Calvin’s modus operandi was: 2 Tim 2:24 The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, 25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses {and escape} from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. As to the relationship of his doctrine to his practice, as he plainly taught that everything that happens is God’s will (I can provide the quotes if you would like), then it necessarily follows that he considered everything he did as God’s will, even having his detractors beheaded, burned at the stake, or banished. I’m saying that one’s theology inevitably works out in one’s practice, and this was all too apparent in the life of John Calvin. If I had someone who disagreed with my theology put to death (had I the political power Calvin had), would I be qualified to teach the Word of God? One’s actions don’t have any bearing on the authenticity of one’s teaching? It seems to me that we should hold ANY theologian to the same moral standard as any other teacher in the body of Christ.

  • @anthonybardsley4985
    @anthonybardsley4985 Рік тому +1

    Jesus is the saviour towards all men especially of those who believe .no limit of the atonement..saviour for all men .all means all .

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thank you for your agreement with the True Bible Message. You can see all my books and my You Tube Bible-teaching videos on my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com. Please check them out and tell others about those messages. My books are FULL of God's clear word, and many people in the world (and church) today need those truths. Thanks for helping me get the word out--God's Word, that is.

  • @DavidRamirez-ww5kv
    @DavidRamirez-ww5kv Рік тому +1

    What is your theological education and training?

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +3

      First, you answer me. What was Jesus' theological education and training? And what about His disciples? Are you suggesting that unless someone graduates from some religious seminary, and maybe has one or more doctorate degrees that he or she cannot understand the Bible? And are you one of those whom all the rest of us must depend on to understand God's Word? Have you heard about the Holy Spirit, Who inspired the Bible, and Whom God sent to open the Bible message to all who honestly want to understand it--and OBEY it? Being highly educated in seminary means nothing! Many who have doctorate degrees behind their names are some of the most stupid people who ever walked this earth. Are you one of them? Get my books on Calvinism AND READ THEM, and LOOK UP ALL THE SCRIPTURE REFERENCES. You might learn something.

    • @DavidRamirez-ww5kv
      @DavidRamirez-ww5kv Рік тому +2

      @@biblereality1621 You can’t even answer my question. How can you expect people to take you seriously?

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +3

      @@DavidRamirez-ww5kv Neither did you answer my question. So I do not take you seriously. You obviously refuse to consider the possibility that you might be wrong. Self-deception--the stupidest kind. No more replies to you.

  • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
    @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Рік тому

    Calvinism and arminianism are in error but calvinism results in blasphemy with its corrupt portrayal of CHRIST.

  • @meshachmchelm6442
    @meshachmchelm6442 Рік тому

    But the doctrines of grace, were only defined after Calvin's death, as an objection to the followers of Armenius...so putting all your objections directly on John Calvin is erroneous

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Your argument against the Bible Truths I have written in my books exposing the demonic nature of Calvinism is useless, because everything I have written about Calvin came from his "Institutes" and Bible commentaries. I used no documents written after Calvin. You are not trying to defend Calvinism anyway; just your own demented doctrines. How about going to ronaldcraigbooks.com, and finding out how to get my books on Calvinism, etc, and read them for yourself; and be honest about the whole thing?

  • @geraldpolmateer3255
    @geraldpolmateer3255 Рік тому

    A universal truth is that morality exists in every groups of people.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      True: Every ethnic group has its own set of morals. HOWEVER, those morals do not necessarily correspond with God's morals. And morality will not save you anyway. It is accepting Jesus as Savior that saves one. And people need to hear God's word for conviction of that truth. Thanks for going to my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com to see other Bible-teaching books and You Tube videos. Thanks for helping me get God's Word out to the world.

    • @geraldpolmateer3255
      @geraldpolmateer3255 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 not all of them align with scripture. Name one society that thinks killing is okay.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@geraldpolmateer3255 Nearly every modern society believes killing innocent unborn human babies is okay--especially the USA. Not everyone in the USA.

    • @omnitone
      @omnitone Рік тому

      @@geraldpolmateer3255 the muslim world :awesome:

    • @geraldpolmateer3255
      @geraldpolmateer3255 Рік тому

      @@omnitone I know Muslims who would not agree that killing is okay. Typically those people have grown up around others from other cultures.

  • @melissaschubert1653
    @melissaschubert1653 Рік тому +21

    Wonderful truth - keep teaching it - Calvin was a tool of the devil for sure

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for your comment. Not all comments are positive--one big reason I have been compelled to write these books, make these videos, and hopefully help a lot of people get set free from the bondage of Calvinism and other isms. I will appreciate you telling others about the books and video channels on UA-cam. And hopefully you have subscribed, or will subscribe to my two Bible-teaching channels.

    • @melissaschubert1653
      @melissaschubert1653 Рік тому

      I do subscribe and will tell others, too! It is a wonderful work you are doing to teach against it!

    • @beaudidly5347
      @beaudidly5347 Рік тому

      55:15 / 55:18
      Calvin’s Critique of Charismatic Calvinists (Steve Lawson) (Selected Scriptures)

    • @geraldpolmateer3255
      @geraldpolmateer3255 Рік тому

      Even Calvin said if his theology were taken too far it would have problems.

  • @andrewtsousis3130
    @andrewtsousis3130 8 місяців тому

    Stay well clear of any doctrine that limits Christs atonement, takes the focus off Christ sacrifice alone for salvation , and re-defines the very nature and character of God to support its own distorted view point.
    Calvinists can’t just trust Christs sacrifice they have to trust in Gods predetermined “election”. They also take the requirement for all to believe away and say God regenerates you first and grants you belief due to our “Total depravity”. All of which is non-biblical.
    2 Peter 2:1-2

  • @cabonlux5344
    @cabonlux5344 Рік тому

    Ok let me ask you a question have you read the Mishnah how about Midrash or the Talmud or even the Zohar? Sir with all do respect Calvin was closer to the writings of old than your new Brit Hadasha (New Testament) to base your theories on the Bible only is like having a pretzel with no salt.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Is that going to be your defense when you stand before God in the judgment? The Bible warns not to ADD TO OR TAKE AWAY FROM HIS WORD. Look that up in the Bible. Pride goes before destruction. Look that up tool You are the one standing on shaky ground SIR! If you dare, go to ronaldcraigbooks.com and you will find other books on other heresies besides Calvinism. You are totally deceived SIR!

  • @kevinburtnick7818
    @kevinburtnick7818 Рік тому +1

    Don't read the piercing words from calvanists here.
    Just keep writing and equipping.
    God bless

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      I thank you for your encouragement. I had already thought about not replying to those who obviously already have their mind made up. All the answers they say they want are in my books. I also appreciate your comment suggesting that what I am doing is equipping the saints. I believe so. again thanks.

  • @biblebill6206
    @biblebill6206 5 місяців тому

    Here is everyone listening ? the proper understanding is God before you were born decided , predestined who he would call to be a Christian in their 1st life , not who would be saved who wouldn't , that is what it means . God is not calling everyone in their 1st life . Also , once your called you can decide if you want to take your calling , you do not have to . See Luke 14 : 28 [Niv] bible .

  • @gabrielmoore4233
    @gabrielmoore4233 Рік тому +2

    So what of God's decision to harden Pharoahs heart was it Pharoah who hardened his own heart or was it God . If God doesn't have omnipresence and omnipotence then he isn't God . If doesn't know all things and ordain all thing and sustains all things and has created all things then he isn't God . Brethren I pray your heart is one who wishes to do God's will cause if it is then you should see how calling people idiots and denying foundational doctrine while making claims whilst stating no evidence is in itself what false teachers do so before you pull the stick out of our eyes pull the log out of yours . It's only because of these foundational truths, which are laid out clearly in scripture ,that we have hope because if God isn't ruler over all then he isn't God .do you also deny total depravity as well or original sin . I believe you do have a strong foundation in scripture but the Bible is clear in what it teaches which is why I understand you thoughts on Calvin but maybe we should expose all the Satanism that has invaded our cultures and life's instead of attacking dead theologians we should be preaching against the devil worship that me and my pears are infected by . God is just in all his doing he laid our sins on his perfect son for our sakes undeserving as you and I will ever be and that is why we take up our crosses daily and remember those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who are humble will be exalted . Instead of spending times rewriting books fighting Calvin's we need to write books and fight against Satan and the mass enslavement of the minds of my fellow neighbors human being cursed by God with no hope need any amount of light no matter how small so they may see even a little Jesus makes clear with the fishes and loaves that even a little in the eyes of God is enough use your knowledge and understanding to fight the devil we need you brother . Rc sproul and voddie baucham who were influenced by reformed doctrine is what led me to turn away from sin and learn to read my Bible daily we need repentance we need saving grace for the divine wrath and judgment of our LORD . I may be young in the word but the lord said out of the mouths of babies and suckings we will hear the word of God now I know in my state I know very little but I beg God to please guide me and I feel compelled to share my feelings with you brethren we are not alone for we have each other and christ with us let us share in communion our shared love for the bread and the wine that is christ he will fulfill us and sustain us . Remember the name which the lord gave mosses I am who I am. Remember what the seraphim cried aloud HOLY HOLY HOLY in Isaiah 6 . If I can recommend anything brother is dive into to rc sprouls glory to the holy one concert I love God so much and I only want to do what's right by him so let me share and expose myself by share what is important to me .God bless and in Jesus name may I pray may we all who call on him who has saved us from sin lead us away from the world and to him I thank you lord for your mercy on me that I might know you that I have been led to you and through the inspiration that you have given others has been given to me and please lord let me inspire with this shared love and understanding of you love for I ask it in Jesus name Amen

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      I hear a cry from your heart. But, you are all mixed up. If God truly is Sovereign (in the sense that Calvin and you claim), then why are you trying to convert me? It is all up to God; remember! If God wants me converted, then He will do it. You are not the Converter. I hear these mixed up pleas all the time. And those personal pleas contradict what you claim you want me to believe. If you want to trust John Calvin instead of God's CLEAR WORD, that is your decision (although Calvin taught that God makes our decisions for us). My books are FULL of the plain Word of God on almost every issue Calvin dealt with in his writings, and the Bible proves in every case that John Calvin was a lying hypocrite--who had the audacity to actually imply that God Himself was a liar. If you had read my books on Calvinism you would know that. You are not trying to convert me so much as you are trying to sooth your own guilty conscience for believing Calvin's lies rather than the Word of God. Sad!

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      Moreover, if God is Sovereign in the Calvinist sense, why do you feel compelled to defend His Sovereignty? Can the Sovereign God not take care of Himself? Does He need your help to make Him Sovereign? I get these same basic arguments from Calvinists repeatedly, and they all contradict themselves with their very arguments.They all prove they know not what they are talking about. Thus, it is not a defense of God so much as it is an attempt to defend their own mixed up theology.

    • @gabrielmoore4233
      @gabrielmoore4233 Рік тому

      But then why do you preach if we don't try to do the will of God so I guess both of us are wrong scripture alone is my defense and why are you again trying to pull the stick from my eye are you not defending your own point of view or are you just trying to defend God what is apologetics then and why are we called to save and preach the good news then your now giving me hope your not telling me to repent I don't even study Calvin I just felt your trying to find points to fight instead of trying to save people from this world . What is it we are called to do brother I don't feel you are trying to help me get closer to christ then . How is it we are justified how is it we are saved ? Only God knows and we do not

    • @gabrielmoore4233
      @gabrielmoore4233 Рік тому +1

      @@biblereality1621 God doesn't ask me to take care of him what is the whole point of discipleship and the gospels get back to the roots of faith .I don't have to involve myself with anyone but it's out of the inclination that God has made clear I need to have through sacred scripture. We are to try to be more and more holy and take up our crosses daily don't attack me brother when I am praying for you as my heart goes out to all who believe and truelly believe in the eternal God . You can't label people and deem them u worthy hasn't God made he clear he has made them clean and that his will be done . He saves who he saves and saves isn't it God's choice and honesty I don't really understand why your so disposed to cavinsim, it has lead teachers like rc sproul to lead me to the cross so I'm not sure where you inclination is.

    • @calebhannahlofthus8629
      @calebhannahlofthus8629 Рік тому +1

      @@biblereality1621 Though we believe in sovereign election, the very means that God uses to gather His elect is by the preaching of the word. We as followers do not forsake the great commission just because we believe in election. The external call goes out to all! For whosoever would believe! However, that does not nullify the deeper truth of knowing that the only way that someone will respond in faith to the gospel is because it is given by God. Matthew 16: 17 "And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven."

  • @toni25681
    @toni25681 Рік тому +2

    I share your views on Calvinism Ron. However, the Bible does clearly make repeated reference to Predestination. Therefore, the argument is not totally straightforward. The Bible also tells us that Christ died for all sinners. Many people miss the point of Judah and the Lost Tribes of Israel, which are vitally important. Christ also came to redeem the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, who he will reunite with their cousins Judah, on the Day of Jezreel, at the end of the age.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for your agreement with God's Word. But obviously, you have not read my books on Calvinism. I have never denied predestination--Bible predestination, that is. I just point out how Calvin's distortion of predestination is of the devil. So be careful about calling my words not straightforward. Just get the books and READ TNEM. No honest person can deny what I have written, if they get the books and read them, and not just respond to my short videos about the books. And please tell others about them. Go to ronaldcraigbooks.com to see more books about other Bible subjects.

    • @toni25681
      @toni25681 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Calvinists are by and large poor souls who distort the Word to fit their own hideous theology. However, Ron, I am actually reading one of your books right now. Regardless of that, I know the Bible, and the Bible teaches both predestination and the love of God for all sinners, who he will redeem through a faith in his son Jesus Christ. That causes the need for very deep analytical reflection.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@toni25681 I told you I fully believe in what the Bible teaches about predestination--but expose Calvin's gross distortion of Bible predestination. My books are very clear about that. My books are full of much Bible revelation, so you need to read them again and again. I do that with other authors' books in my library that I know are faithful to God's Word. I underline the more important things, and when I go over the book again I usually just reread my under lines. I do my Bibles that way too. If you cannot read a book more than once, it may not be worth having in your library.

    • @toni25681
      @toni25681 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Ron, I'm not your enemy. I'm not trying to undermine you or your work. You have, however, tweaked my interest, in what you are talking about. So relax, and stop acting like an overly defensive Calvinist. I can assure you that I am not attacking your beliefs.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@toni25681 I need to add one more thing. Analytical reflection suggests we try to figure out what the Word is teaching. Cannot be done! That is one of the functions of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John that the Holy Spirit will LEAD US INTO ALL TRUTH. No analytical reflection. That idea also came from John Calvin. He said over and over that HIS INTERPRETATION was the correct one. The Bible forbids interpreting the Bible! There are many interpretations out there, so which one is right? None of them! God's Word does not demand interpretation, but OBEDIENCE! Private interpretation of the Bible is a SIN! See Revelation 22:18-19.

  • @legomeego8581
    @legomeego8581 9 місяців тому

    God will send a strong delusion to unbelievers. Who can resist his will?

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  9 місяців тому

      If you actually get the book and read it, you might learn something. If you think you already know it all, you may get a big surprise, after it is too late to change your mind, position, and destiny. I wrote my books because I care about people. I want them to know the truth, which will set them free. I will stick with the Bible, not John Calvin. How about you? In my books on Calvinism, I point out all the errors of Calvinism. John Calvin essentially rewrote the Bible to supposedly support his demonic doctrines. Calvinism is demonic! His entire theology!

    • @legomeego8581
      @legomeego8581 9 місяців тому

      @@biblereality1621 Romans 9:17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, I have raised you up for this very purpose of displaying My power in [dealing with] you, so that My name may be proclaimed the whole world over.
      Romans 9:18 So then He has mercy on whomever He wills (chooses) and He hardens (makes stubborn and unyielding the heart of) whomever He wills.
      Romans 9:19 You will say to me, Why then does He still find fault and blame us [for sinning]? For who can resist and withstand His will?

    • @legomeego8581
      @legomeego8581 9 місяців тому

      @@biblereality1621 2 Thessalonians 2:10 And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (going to perdition) because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved.
      2 Thessalonians 2:11 Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false,
      2 Thessalonians 2:12 In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely on] the Truth, but [instead] took pleasure in unrighteousness.

    • @legomeego8581
      @legomeego8581 9 місяців тому

      @@biblereality1621 Mark 4:11 And He said to them, To you has been entrusted the mystery of the kingdom of God [that is, the secret counsels of God which are hidden from the ungodly]; but for those outside [of our circle] everything becomes a parable,
      Mark 4:12 In order that they may [indeed] look and look but not see and perceive, and may hear and hear but not grasp and comprehend, lest haply they should turn again, and it [their willful rejection of the truth] should be forgiven them. [Isa. 6:9, 10; Matt. 13:13-15.]

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  9 місяців тому

      My final reply to you. No one Scripture passage is all the Bible. And you do not even understand that Romans passage. It does not reveal God's REASON for hardening some and not others. How about reading the rest of the Bible? @@legomeego8581

  • @respectingthewordpodcast
    @respectingthewordpodcast Рік тому

    Thank God for you to focus on calvinism and not on proclaiming the Gospel to the lost.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      I take this to be a negative comment. And it is obvious that you have not read any of my books on Calvinism, for I fill those books up with the actual Gospel, so the readers will have the truth preached to them, so they will turn from Calvinism, believe the actual Word of God and be saved. Check out ronaldcraigbooks.com for proof of that. Other good books there too, and lots of Bible teaching videos on You Tube channels.

    • @respectingthewordpodcast
      @respectingthewordpodcast Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 It is a positive comment. You should focus on the Gospel. Seek and save the lost. Hearing the anti calvin Gospel won't save anyone.

    • @respectingthewordpodcast
      @respectingthewordpodcast Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 I am still interested in your books though but money is tight with a single income.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@respectingthewordpodcast I see your point, but people need to know they are putting their trust in doctrines that cannot save them. They must know the demonic origin of Calvinism so they will drop it like a hot rock. Remember, Jesus WARNED HIS DISCIPLES TO BEWARE OF THE LEVEN (DOCTRINE) OF THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES. Again, my books are FULL OF GOSPEL TRUTH, and I endeavor to point the reader in the direction of the Word of God--which alone can save. Check out ronaldcraigbooks.com.

    • @respectingthewordpodcast
      @respectingthewordpodcast Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 do you believe calvinist are saved??

  • @SoldierofChrist9
    @SoldierofChrist9 Рік тому

    Well then I guess God was wrong in the Bible when spoke on predestination and I guess the Puritans were incorrect as well. It's so funny how so many non-calvinists promote their writings each and every time they speak on Calvin.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      Well, John Calvin, you and a lot of church groups have been and are still WRONG! Calvin's teaching on predestination, election, and everything else were outright lies! And you fell for those lies. Do you have any idea the seriousness of the consequences of believing the devil over God's ACTUAL WORD? And do you know how serious it is to push your demonic lies on others? If you were to get my books on John Calvin's demonic theology and read them with an honest heart, you might be inclined to repent of your pride and haughtiness. How dare you accuse others of heresy, when you are steeped in one of the most demonic heresies that ever existed! John Calvin was the devil's mouthpiece. The man obviously knew NOTHING about the real Gospel message. He only knew his distorted and demented view of Scripture.

    • @stephenbarnigham5192
      @stephenbarnigham5192 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Absolutely Amen! They can not seem to separate God's foreknowledge from this pre-ordination of people to salvation! Just because God knows everything,the end from the beginning doesn't automatically mean that he has pre-ordained it that way,as first and foremost HE IS Holy! God bless you!

    • @stephenbarnigham5192
      @stephenbarnigham5192 Рік тому

      The Bible does NOT teach pre-destination! It teaches Gods foreknowledge of Everything! NOT that he pre-ordained everything as you ignorant Calvinists "choose" to believe!

  • @truthspeller3279
    @truthspeller3279 Рік тому +3

    People often appeal to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to say this gives the idea of free will choice...
    What people believe in the free will perspective is that it was possible for two individual, two free will agents to have made the right choice in the garden and not have sinned and the fall would not have happened..
    That has to be the case they have to believe that free will is not an illusion but it's an actual case to reality and that Adam and Eve could have made the right choice these two individuals by which they would have never fallen into sin thus the entire human race would still be living in paradise today and reaping the benefits of a unfallen world...
    God in His omniscient knowledge picked two representatives that represented the entire human race you and me we were not there to make the choice but God chose Adam and Eve to repersent us...
    Now keep in mind God knows all things and if the free will perspective was true and He did not want the fall of man to happen He could have created two free will agents that would not have sinned if it was possible and that was His will..
    People that are free will proponents say that God did not will for man to sin and they had a choice not to sin...
    Well if Gods will for man was not to sin and God is omniscient and it was possible that He could create someone else's that would not sin and that was His will that they would not sin, then why did He not create them to represent us all...
    See somebody else made a choice by which represents us all do these free will people believe they would have made a better choice than those in the garden...
    I believe they actually do believe and think so highly of themselves that given the position in the garden they would have not sinned and they would of made the right choice as they continually boast today...
    Isaiah 46:10 ( Declaring the end from the beginning,
    And from ancient times things which have not been done,
    Saying, ‘My plan will be established,
    And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;)
    The Bible says that God declares the end from the beginning that is before things even begin He already declares how they will end...
    So the question to the free will grace community is do they believe they could have made a better choice than Adam and Eve and if so why did God not put you in the garden to represent us all today so we could be in paradise if it was God's will that we would never sin...
    Free will the humansit lie not found in the bible only in the imagination of men...

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +2

      Boy you got it and you got it bad! Totally deceived, and a total liar--which you accused me of. You just blew your case by quoting that passage. You, like the deceived John Calvin, assumed that God said that everything that would happen would be His will. You blind trying to lead others into your blindness. That passage plainly says that the things God has planned will come to pass. THE PASSAGE DOES NOT SAY THAT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS WAS PART OF GOD'S PLAN. You GREATLY ERR! You are an ignoramus on Bible truth. On one hand I pity you; but it is hard to feel sorry for you, for you made your own choice to believe the big Calvinist lie. And talk about just making things up: Your page long comment is just that. BYE!

    • @chrisking6874
      @chrisking6874 Рік тому +1

      ​@@biblereality1621 John Calvin's TULIP and his deluded thoughts of "God" are probably why the atheist Richard Dawkins hates God so much, to quote Richard: "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@chrisking6874 Thank you for your contribution to this issue. Your wording is much more graphic than what I have written in my books on Calvinism. My purpose is not to argue theological points with people of differing theologies, but concern for their eternal well-being. People have to get in agreement with God's Word to get saved. Many are trusting in men's theological speculation for their salvation rather than in God's Inerrant Gospel. Only God's Truth sets men free (John 8:31-32). I hope you check out my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com, and see other books on other heresies running wild in the church today. Also, other You Tube videos on the end-times, etc. Click on my channel, "Where is God," for insight on the end-times. Thank you for helping spread the Gospel.

    • @chrisking6874
      @chrisking6874 Рік тому +1

      @@biblereality1621I know, I felt uneasy quoting those blasphemous words of Dawkins! But Calvinism to me is just as blasphemous with its limited atonement. At least you know where Dawkins stands.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@chrisking6874 Thank you. I was not complaining. Other people need to know the Bible Truth that saves, and to be aware of false teachings that will keep them from being saved while leading them to believe they are saved. God is raising up true witnesses to His truth in these last days. Thanks for being one of them.

  • @lesteracree1010
    @lesteracree1010 Рік тому

    If you want to defend/promote Gnostic Calvinism there may be a better way

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      I am not sure you said what you meant to say. In my books on Calvinism I am certainly not defending Calvinism, but pointing out the demonic nature of Calvinism. And I do not know any better way to do that than to contrast Calvinism with a multitude of clear Scripture passages that leave no doubt that Calvin lied on every subject the Bible deals with. You can see on my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com other books dealing with other vital Bible truths; as well as my many videos on 3 You Tube channels. I hope you tell others about them all, and help me spread God's Word around the world. And subscribe, if you have not done so already. Thank you.

    • @lesteracree1010
      @lesteracree1010 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 I misunderstood your way of expressing yourself as satirical. I apologize!

  • @johnortiz566
    @johnortiz566 Рік тому +5

    Calvinist read the scriptures through the lens of John Calvin and not the Holy Spirit. Calvinists have to change the meaning of words, defy logic and all reason to defend such a heretical doctrine. Believe the scriptures, not John Calvin’s doctrines.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thank you for your agreement. Of course, you are not just agreeing with me, but with the plain Word of God. If you can see the other comments on my videos and books you know they are not all positive. So I hope you will tell others about both the videos and books, which they can check out on ronaldcraigbooks.com. Some have accused me of just peddling my books for profit, but God has led me to write these books, and to introduce them via video on You Tube. Many thousands of books would have to be purchased for me to just recover the money I have invested in the publishing packages. So book writing is not a get rich quick scheme. There may be some profit someday, but I have good uses for that too. Maybe I am telling you this so others will see it and get the message. Again thank you. Maybe you and I can work together to help many Calvinists learn the truth and get set free. That is the main purpose of my books.

    • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
      @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому +2

      All you people who believe in free choice - deny the work of God and see grace as just a chance system that anyone can take advantage of it, imagine God not having any control over his creation? Read Isiah 46:10 - he will do ALL his good pleasure, so if God wants every man since Adam to be saved, what's stopping him? Oh yea, man's free will, God's biggest stumbling block! How did all the people of the Gentile nations prior to Christ coming into the world get saved? Ephesians 2:12 says they were without God and without the covenants and promises, did they get the equal opportunity you did? Yea no sense in buy a book from a person who has not thought anything through.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 When you stand before God's Judgment, John Calvin will not stand beside you to confess to God that he lied about God, and even called God a liar over and over. You will be on your own. SO I SUGGEST YOU THINK EVERYTHING THROUGH--AND BE HONEST ABOUT IT. My last reply to a hopeless Calvinist. What arrogance! What pride!

    • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
      @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Why would I think things through if I am hopeless? You are hopelessly contradicting yourself over and over without even dealing with these biblical contradictions your theology puts forward, I see emotion, not a clear mind here. You have yet to even address these issues you have with scripture, and you do not even believe we can be saved, you have the same view Calvin did on the elect after all lol. I suppose the gospel doesn't save me but it saves you bc you believe in free will? Is this the Arminian version of the elect?

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +2

      @@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 You are hopeless because YOU HAVE DECIDED to believe Calvin's demonic lies instead of the clear Word of God. Everything you have said here is a twisted Calvinist take on Scripture. You do not have to be hopeless. Just if you do not repent of your lies and self-blinded blindness. This is my last reply to your who, unless you repent and believe the real Bible truth, will remain hopeless. Have you noticed all the You Tube videos condemning Calvinism? I am not alone in an honest stand on the Bible. You are the most pathetic of all the Calvinists who have sent their lying comments to me. AND IT IS YOUR DECISION--NOT GOD'S DECISION!

  • @papax4815
    @papax4815 Рік тому

    Read John Chapter 17 Jesus praying in the garden before the night of His Death. He’s not praying for the world, for for those that His Father gave Him. Romans chapter 9. Ephesians chapter 1. All on election and predestination

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Same old, same old from all the Calvinists. No doubt that Paul wrote that part of Scripture, but Paul did not teach through that or any of his other writings what John Calvin and YOU say it means. God did not decide either before or after creation that He wanted--ARBITRARILY--to save some--the special elect--and condemn all others to Hell for His glory--His decision, not theirs! That is a doctrine of the devil himself. And you have aligned yourself with the devil by pushing that garbage--not Paul's words, but your distortion of Paul's words. Have you ever read Jeremiah 18:6? There, God asked fallen Israel for PERMISSION to remake them into what He wanted them to be. He did not teach there or anywhere else that He had made Israel to be in their fallen state. That had been THEIR DECISION--many Scriptures prove that. So, you GREATLY ERR!. I am trying to get the REAL BIBLE TRUTH out to the world, so you and others might be rescued from demonic Calvinist theology. Calvin virtually rewrote the Bible to try to prove his demonic doctrines. John Calvin was the devil's mouthpiece. And you too--unless you repent and believe the REAL GOSPEL MESSAGE. Go to ronaldcraigbooks.com to see other books on REAL Bible Truth.

  • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
    @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Рік тому +1

    Thank you brother ! The calvinistic paradigm results in the same amount of people going to hell if satan didn't even exist . According to calvinism GOD is doing the will of satan by creating most of us just to hate HIM and worship satan then go to hell and all of this to show how power HE is to have glory of all things .
    GOD bless you brother

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Thank you for agreeing with Bible Truth. And I hope you are one of many who will help me spread Bible Truth around the world. I do not know if you are responding to my videos about my Calvin books, or have gotten and read one or both. By getting the books and absorbing the multitude of Bible Truths therein, you will build into yourself the ability to help others see the truth and be set free from the lies of Calvin and other heretics. At ronalcraigbooks.com, you can see other books on other vital Bible subjects. Some accuse me of just trying to peddle my books; but first of all, God laid on my heart to write and publish these books, and second, many thousands of copies would have to be purchased for me just to recoup the money I have invested in publishing these books. I am now working on more books on other Bible subjects, and one may be available by the first of the year--on the subject of what the Bible says about the health of our bodies--More Bible Truth. So remember ronaldcraigbooks.com, and I hope you will tell others about the books and my You Tube videos on other Bible subjects--including last-days-events.

  • @fredr7217
    @fredr7217 Рік тому


  • @hunteraxtell2791
    @hunteraxtell2791 Рік тому +4

    Which doctrine did Calvin “make up”? Why don’t you seem to address the 5 points in any of these videos? Is it because they are so deeply rooted in scripture?

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +5

      On the videos I can only give a brief over-view of Calvinism. You will have to read the books and look up all the Scriptures contained within them to see the discrepancies between Calvinism and what the Scriptures PLAINLY teach. Are you willing to do that, or are you afraid you might find that John Calvin perverted every Scripture he used to supposedly back his doctrines? I back off of nothing I wrote in those books. They are solidly backed by multitudes of solid Scriptures. Be willing to go to the website ronaldcraigbooks.com, and get the books and read them for yourself. Scripture does not lie. John Calvin lied from beginning to end of His "Institutes" and Bible-commentaries.

    • @jamesglenn9827
      @jamesglenn9827 Рік тому +2

      You can watch a video by Robert Breaker called Why I'm not a Calvanist and he addresses all 5 points of TULIP and explains with scripture why this is an unbiblical doctrine. That will answer all your questions.

    • @GhostBearCommander
      @GhostBearCommander Рік тому +5

      None of the 5 points of the "Doctrines of Grace" (if you can call them "Grace") are based on Scripture.
      They are all based on Manichean Gnosticism, which Calvin inherited from Augustine and Gottschalk.
      Particularly "Limited Atonement," which was entirely invented by Gottschalk in the 800's AD, but was never taught by any Christian or the Bible before that point.

    • @calebhannahlofthus8629
      @calebhannahlofthus8629 Рік тому

      @@GhostBearCommander 6 “I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. 7 Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you. 8 For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me. 9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours." John 17:6-9

    • @GhostBearCommander
      @GhostBearCommander Рік тому +2

      @@calebhannahlofthus8629 Check the Context of that scripture.

  • @verraymundo2016
    @verraymundo2016 6 місяців тому

    This guy is very, very much lacks knowledge about calvinism system.For me, this guy I think,is a man of lies and defamation.I am Christian,not a calvinist,but we have much in common.Their doctrine T.U.L.I.P is biblical wherein I agree with them.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  6 місяців тому +1

      The entire T.U.L.I.P. theology is the very opposite of the actual Bible truth. That tells me just how much you know about the Bible. zzzzeeeerrrroooo! You are eternally wrong about Christianity having anything in common with Calvinism. And If Calvin was correct, why are you fussing on me? He taught that everyone's every thought, word and action is planned by God. So your very comment blasts John Calvin's theology.

  • @jaggedlines2257
    @jaggedlines2257 Рік тому

    From your own lips, you believe in the supralapsarian view of Predestination.
    That's OK, but I think the infralapsarian view is far more scriptural.
    I am a little concerned that you believe Calvinism is demonic.
    Therefore I take it, that all Calvinists are going to hell.
    Well, not many believers are going to heaven if that is the case.
    Maybe only people who believe what you believe. About 20 or 30.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      You are doing just what the Calvinists do--put words in people's mouths, or interpret their words to accommodate your own beliefs. How about responding to my actual words? I did not say all Calvinists are going to Hell. And Calvinism is definitely demonic! Only demons would move a preacher to lie about God, and accuse God of lying.The Holy Spirit certainly would not. IF YOU ACTUALLY READ MY BOOK ON CALVINISM YOU WOULD KNOW THAT. You are not fooling me--or God. You might fool yourself and others. My books are full ofd the Word of God. What are you full of?

  • @raybo632
    @raybo632 Рік тому

    You are unwise, to distort His what has been written. It cannot be Changed. Read Romans 9 and leave it as that. Calvin has had the best expository explanation of this text.
    And if you tamper with The HOLY Sovereignty of God, you are playing a very huge and dangerous game with your own eternal soul. You better rethink. To tred where Angels dare to tred would be a devastating experience. And those you have influenced. Read the text, it reads, just as it is written.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Рік тому +1

      Read Romans 9-11 and then consider the application, Raybo.

    • @raybo632
      @raybo632 Рік тому

      I've read it , over and over and over again. Your coming to the wrong conclusions.

    • @truthseeker5698
      @truthseeker5698 Рік тому

      @@raybo632 “ Calvin has had the best expository explanation of this text” Lord have mercy! One hell of a conclusion you’ve been deceived into Raybo . May you come out of the cult your in one day. The choice is yours.

  • @raymondrinehart5957
    @raymondrinehart5957 Рік тому +2

    I am willing to bet many of these people who have so much admiration for John Calvin would have HATED being under his rule.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      i agree. But the biggest problem with them throwing in with Calvin is that they are trusting in something to save them that cannot save them. They are greatly deceived. Only believing God's pure Word will save people. Perhaps, if we can get the real Bible Truth out to the world, some of them will see the Bible light and turn and be saved. This is a serious problem in the church today. So I hope you will tell others about these books exposing John Calvin's lies, and tell them about my You Tube videos on other vital Bible subjects the church today desperately needs to know and acknowledge. See those truths at ronaldcraigbooks.com. Truth knowers and believers are co-workers with God and with one another in the Gospel ministry. We may not meet in this realm, but we will later. Thank you much..

    • @omarsandoval6743
      @omarsandoval6743 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 Most people that adhere to “Calvinism” aren’t trusting in Calvin to save them. I wouldn’t call myself a Calvinist, but acting like people that believe in the doctrines of grace aren’t saved is just divisive and ignorant. People that believe in the doctrines of grace don’t just blindly say “Hey Calvin said this so I will believe it!” No. People look to scripture for these beliefs. Instead of making members of the body of Christ feel evil, foolish, and condemned you should be pointing people to scripture that explains your views. Look at the scriptural passages that people may not agree with you on. Point people to His word, not your books.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@omarsandoval6743 You have just proved to me that you have not read any of my books, but are responding to my video explanations of my books. My books POINT PEOPLE TO GOD'S WORD! If God's Word cannot encourage people then nothing can. So how about being honest with me, get at least one of my Calvinist books and READ it, and then communicate with me. I do not mollycoddle people. The time is short, and people better make the right choices before it is to late. Instead of taking it on yourself to fuss on me, how about joining me in getting God's Saving Truth out to people. When you rebuke me for talking about my books (which are full of the Word of God), you are at least indirectly rebuking God for laying it on my heart to write them. You need to think before opening your mouth. I did a lot of thinking, researching and writing to come up with these books, and you low rate them just because of your lack of understanding of the Bible. Your words in your comment prove just that. Calvinism is clearly a demonic theology.

    • @omarsandoval6743
      @omarsandoval6743 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 and you have just proved to me how you are contributing to the division of the church. You expect people to read your books when you are responding to people with accusations, assumptions, and judgments. I have no reason to believe you have a clear understanding when you won’t even respond to people asking how you came to be educated/ your background in learning to interpret scripture. If you want people to read your books, be loving with people, calling them out with love instead of saying they are damned for their beliefs and are part of a demonic following.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@omarsandoval6743 Real love tells people the truth. Your response to me is the same old same old. Read my other reply. This will be my last reply to you, for you have obviously made up you mind WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE.Only God can straighten you out--like He appealed to Israel--hoping they would repent. But they were not willing: And you are obviously not willing either. So there is no reason for me to further reply to you. Just get my books and read them.

  • @missthunderstormable
    @missthunderstormable Рік тому

    Calvinism is a lie. And Calvin was very legalistic. No joy in Calvinism. There s a good ex Calvinist channel by a guy called Flowers. I might get your book

  • @hamidrabiipour9707
    @hamidrabiipour9707 Рік тому +1

    God bless you brother for this video & your books. Calvinism is wrong and there are shameful false preachers like MacArthur out there with their deceiving sharp tongues promoting it. That’s why pastor John Bergsma quit Calvinism altogether.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for your positive (agreeing-with-the-Bible) comment. The next comment after yours was totally opposite. Many out there are thoroughly deceived. And none of their comments make any Bible sense, if you really know the Bible. My books on Calvinism are FULL of Scripture passages, all of which thoroughly demolish Calvin's doctrines. We must get the word out so maybe some of those deceived ones will see the real Bible light and repent and get right with God--which they claim we cannot do. But, they are wrong. I hope you share this good news with others, and subscribe to my channels (if not already), and tell others about my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com. I also have many GOOD videos on You Tube. Check them out too. I even have lessons on last-days events. And it certainly seems we are in the edge of the very last days before Jesus comes again. Thanks.

  • @phillipGriffiths-vr7hz
    @phillipGriffiths-vr7hz 9 місяців тому

    I feel sorry for you.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  9 місяців тому

      How about actually getting a copy of the book AND READING IT? If you are honest, you will see that I am not the one in trouble. I know the truth. I believe the truth. And I am saved. Besides, your comment betrays either your ignorance or dishonesty. If Calvinism is true, and I am one of the reprobates, I could not get saved anyway. So why would you feel sorry for me? You would be denying the very core of Calvinism.

    • @phillipGriffiths-vr7hz
      @phillipGriffiths-vr7hz 9 місяців тому

      What a silly reply. Likewise, if God can foresee who is going to believe and only elect these, his foreknowledge makes it certain that only these will believe. If I am an Arminian and God has not foreseen that I will believe, then I won't bother believing. It amazes me that you people make God's will dependent on the fickle will of sinners.@@biblereality1621

  • @davesanders8253
    @davesanders8253 Рік тому

    I always amazed at the hatred toward Reformed Theology. If it was for Martin Luther, John Calvin and others, you all would still be dead in your sins going to a Catholic Church. While attending a Dispensational Bible Church, I and several others became Reformed rejecting Arminianisn and Dispensational BS (Bible Silliness). Shame on you!

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      When you stand before God you will find out who the shame is on. Not me, for I am standing on God's Word. I am for neither Arminianism nor Catholicism. You who are religiously blind see no other option. Get my books and READ them and you will see God's option--His actual Word. John Calvin ran off the Gospel road and into the ditch on the opposite side Catholicism fell off into. Calvinism is just as bad as Catholicism--just in a different direction. Neither is of God! The shame is not on me!

  • @raybo632
    @raybo632 Рік тому

    Listening to you. You are definitely not a Biblical theologian, read Romans chapter 9 again, this time don't add your biases to it , but ask yourself, is it saying what it is saying. Not what I think it is saying. Let the word speak. It says what it says. Predetermined. From Eternity past. What don't you like about that. To bad!. that's what it says, so then it would be in your best interest to believe what it says. Once you tamper with its original inspired message, you are in violation of God's HOLY mandate. The mandate of twisted scripture. Now you are saying He is not Sovereign. He doesn't know the end from the beginning of time. Let me remind you, time Began in Him, and all of time will End in Him. A.W Tozer. He Knows The End from the beginning. All who are written in The Book of life will come. Not everyone is in this book. But those who do the will of my Father.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Well, the devil and John Calvin sure got you. Everything you said in your comments is a fiery dart aimed at yourself. I am not going into a lengthy reply to you. You already have your twisted mind made up. JUST GET MY BOOKS ON CALVINISM AND READ THEM WITH AN HONEST MIND, IF YOU CAN MANAGE THAT. My books are full of BIBLE TRUTH which biblically blasts Calvinism. There is more to the Bible than Romans 9. Your twisted view of Romans 9 will be your downfall. Get honest!

  • @edsnyder2801
    @edsnyder2801 Рік тому

    Predestination and election are both inseparable from the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery of the Gospel. Predestination and election are the words of Our Lord. The way of the Truth (Jesus), is being demonized and painted black All In the name of John Calvin . You as most, do not understand the doctrine of Christ! And on that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. All who stand in wilfull disbelief of predestination and election shall stand before The Lord in their evil heart of unbelief and wilfull ignorance that Christ shall reconcile All Things Unto Himself. Whether they be Things in Heaven or Things in the Earth !

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      If you really believe Calvin's doctrines are Bible, then why are you fussing on me? If Calvin was correct, then God must have predestined my stance, and there is nothing either you or I can do about it. So be careful of condemning me because I do not subscribe to Calvin's lies on predestination and election. How about investing a little cash in getting my books on Calvinism, and take an honest look at what the Bible really says about predestination and election? Go to ronaldcraigbooks.com.

    • @edsnyder2801
      @edsnyder2801 Рік тому

      @@biblereality1621 I know little to nothing in regards to John Calvin and the truths or errors that he may have taught. I have never followed John Calvin nor his teachings! The Word that we all shall stand on and be judged by- is The Word Of God. Jesus is The Word Of God ! As I've said : Predestination and election are both inseparable from the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery of the Gospel. It is the doctrine of Christ that Paul uses to bring Us (The Church), unto the unity of the faith, speaking the truth in love, that We (The Church), might grow up In Him (Jesus), In All Things ! The words predestination and election are the words of Our Lord, brought forth in His finished work. The truth in love is that: Predestination and election are not John Calvin's words, they are God's Words! As I've said: it is teachers that are willingly ignorant of the Doctrine Of Christ ! Jesus came to divide the wheat from the tares, not unite. His Promise, for His People, shall never be made void, because He, Jesus is building His Church that He hath purchased with His Own Blood, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ! It is a serious thing to pervert the doctrine of Christ and the promises of our God. So when new converts hear someone like yourself painting the words predestination and election black, and demonizing them in the name of John Calvin. Then an unlearned student would be likely to have a dark, distorted and perverted veiw of the Gospel from teachers like you! All in the name of John Calvin!

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@edsnyder2801 If you blast what I have written in my books exposing Calvinism, then whether or not your have heard of John Calvin, you are pushing his doctrines nonetheless. IF YOU WILL READ MY BOOKS you will see that I never questioned predestination or election. Not Bible Predestination or Election. Just John Calvin's demonic perversion of them. How dare you make up your own judgment rules! I believe and teach what the Bible plainly teaches about those truths. You had better be careful about who you accuse of teaching evil doctrines. You are showing yourself to be totally deceived. The devil is the accuser of the brethren, and you accuse me of things I am not guilty of. So who is inciting you to write these blasphemous things? I am not defending myself, but you obviously are trying to defend your misguided perception of Bible Truth. I have spoken the truth. I am clear of your blood. You think you are so innocent, but you are deceived. Saul of Tarsus thought the same about himself--until he met the real Jesus. Nothing you have said in this comment is biblcal--but the opposite of it. And one more thing: The bible is about a lot more than predestination and election. So you have just proven you are pushing Calvinism. You had better fall on your face and repent..

    • @edsnyder2801
      @edsnyder2801 Рік тому

      I know nothing in regards to your theology apart from the clip I saw today. I mentioned to me that you taught predestination and election. It just sounded to me that you were mocking this doctrine, All in the name of John Calvin. It is only the elect children of God that shall be saved. So whosoever will, let him call on Jesus In Truth. The preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery of the Gospel has been greatly demonized and distorted, All in the name of John Calvin!

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      @@edsnyder2801 First of all, it is not my theology. So, you missed it again. The video merely introduces the message in the book. The book holds a multitude of clear Scriptures that reveal that it was John Calvin who PERVERTED the Scriptures. And I have done nothing in the name of John Calvin. Where is that idea coming from? Just get the books and read them. i am getting other comments from sane people who understand the message of the books, and realize that I am not repudiating the doctrines of predestination and election. Stop being cheap. FIND OUT JUST WHAT I AM SAYING BEFORE YOU CONDEMN ME FOR SAYING SOMETHING THAT I DID NOT SAY. Calvinists are some of the most hard-headed people I have ever dealt with. And if you are pushing Calvinism, you cannot deny that you are Calvinist. Many churches are pushing various Calvinist doctrines, who have never heard of John Calvin. Well, they got that false doctrines somewhere. And I know where--John Calvin. The Protestant churches are full of John Calvin's demonic doctrines. And I am exposing them. And I am not alone in this endeavor. Look at the other You Tube videos trashing the doctrines of Calvinism. That might be a hint to you to consider that you might be wrong. I am not against people, but against the false doctrines that are taking many of them to hell, all the time thinking they are real Christians. BIBLE PREDESTINATION HAS TO DO WITH GOD'S ULTIMATE PLAN FOR CREATION, NOT WITH HAVING PREPLANNED EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS. AND, PAY ATTENTION TO THIS BIBLE TRUTH--THE ELECT ARE THOSE WHO HAVE ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL, NOT AN ACT THAT GOD FOREORDAINED BEFORE CREATION--LIKE CALVIN TAUGHT. PEOPLE ARE NOT SAVED BECAUSE GOD MADE THEM THE ELECT BEFORE CREATION, BUT THEY BECOME THE ELECT UPON THEIR RECEIVING SALVATION.

  • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349

    What a ridiculous notion - "God arbitrarily chose" ? Did he arbitrarily choose the nation of Israel and it's people unto himself ? Deay 7:6. Free will leads to ridiculous games of apologetics where the people import their own ridiculous ideas about God and recreate him in their own image. Jesus said he died for HIS sheep, not the sheep and the goats, twice in John 10. All that the father has given me and I shall LOSE NOTHING, according to free will heresy, you can simply choose to either be born again or not, so God has to lose most of his creation because man's will is sovereign concerning salvation. Jesus very plainly points out how WE DID NOT CHOOSE HIM, free willers just ignore this and say> "He was only talking to his disciples." This is a cope, you cannot derive from scripture that man has free will, Daniel 4:35 says the polar opposite.

    • @johnortiz566
      @johnortiz566 Рік тому

      His sheep are all those that believe.

    • @johnortiz566
      @johnortiz566 Рік тому

      1 Timothy 4:10-12 10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 11 These things command and teach.

    • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
      @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому +1

      @@johnortiz566 Ok and were they given before they believe? Or did they believe and then they were given. The scripture says they were given before they believe bc believing in Jesus is coming to him - no man can come to him unless the father draws them right? So those who are given, then come:
      37All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
      Notice they are given, then they come. You are having to reverse the order to fit the free will doctrine. You are essentially saying this: All the come to me my father gives to me.
      Hopefully you can see how this is simple when you look at it objectively.

    • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
      @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому +1

      @@johnortiz566 The all are men of all nations, tongues, kindreds - Rev 7:9. Same way John 12:32 states that now since Jesus will be lifted up, he can draw all men to him. Who did Jesus come for before the gospel went out to the Gentiles? He came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. So we can clearly see all the people in gentile nations were not even offered the gospel until Jesus was lifted up. "All" in biblical context doesn't mean every man born since Adam, this is a huge category error that people make when reading these verses. Here is an example of All men not meaning literally ALL men:
      Matthew 10:22And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
      Is Jesus hated by ALL MEN ever? No clearly not, but he uses this verbiage to show how men from all tribes, tongues and nations will hate his apostles.

    • @micearn1
      @micearn1 Рік тому

      God chose Israel to bring forth ''His PRINCE''! It is God ''contending'' for mankind! CALVINISM IS DEMONIC AND EVERY MINISTER OF ITS DOCTRINES ARE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE DEVIL, THEY MIGHT NOT BE AWARE! This is why calvinism has no emphasis on evangelism, they only go after people who are already saved to deprive them of the part of what Jesus has given them that can be experienced on this Earth! Selah!

  • @williegolden
    @williegolden Рік тому


  • @hunteraxtell2791
    @hunteraxtell2791 Рік тому +5

    “John Calvin bases his theology on the opposite of scripture”. EVERY point in Calvinism is based off of scripture sir. These aren’t “made up” points. You seem so confused.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +11

      My last reply to you: CONFUSED? John Calvin said King David and the prophet Ezekiel were confused about names being blotted out of the book of life. Those men "writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit" were confused? And John Calvin straightened them out? John Calvin also claimed the apostle Paul was confused. All five TULIP points were "MADE UP" by John Calvin, with the devil's help.

    • @calebhannahlofthus8629
      @calebhannahlofthus8629 Рік тому +3

      @@biblereality1621 Yes. I will say this, Calvin is a man. We must not follow any man. 1 Cor: 1:12&13 "12 What I mean is that each one of you says, “I follow Paul,” or “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Cephas,” or “I follow Christ.” 13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" We all fall into error if the word of God is not our final Authority. So, I respect you sir for having the word of God as your authority and not that of a man. With that said, from study of just God's word, I believe that election is clearly taught, & but by the grace of God, no man could be saved, as we are dead in trespasses & sin until we are made alive again by God. I believed in the electing grace of God from a young age, many years before I even knew who this John Calvin was. So, I would say, on behalf of many of us who believe in election, please do not put a label on us as I believe that is not helpful. Especially since, yes, there are things I disagree with John Calvin on. I will not be called a follower of anyone but Christ & one should not doubt my salvation because I believe scripture clearly teaches election. I did not come to that conclusion because a certain man taught it. Blessings to you sir! I hope you would regard me as a brother as I do you. We will have perfect communion with one another once we are glorified. Until then, keep the faith & study the word.

    • @ChapJRW
      @ChapJRW Рік тому +2

      @@biblereality1621 It is historically inaccurate to say that John Calvin came up with TULIP sir. If you are going to attack a brother in Christ then you should at least do so with truth/facts lest you be guilty of the same sin which you so ardently accuse Calvin of. You are literally just making things up to prove your own presuppositions.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +5

      @@ChapJRW You SIR are totally ignorant regarding both Calvinism and the Bible. The TULIP name tag came later, but it came from everything John Calvin taught. So be careful about calling me a liar, and for pushing my own presuppositions. So far you have completely failed to provide one clear Bible passage that agrees with Calvin's take on Scripture. He totally misapplied Romans 8 and 9, and interpreted the rest of the Bible from his DISTORTION of that section of the Bible. Calvin's entire theology is based on his false claim that God PLANNED Adam's fall. No bigger lie has ever been told. There is not the slightest hint anywhere in the Bible that God did any such thing. Thus, all the rest of Calvinism is false as well. You have been totally hoodwinked by John Calvin's lies--SIR.

    • @johndisalvo6283
      @johndisalvo6283 Рік тому +4

      They ARE totally made up points. Calvinism is Another Gospel and a complete blasphemy of Gods HOLY character. And don’t say I don’t understand Calvinism! I guarantee I’ve studied it more than you.

  • @robertmcvicar5824
    @robertmcvicar5824 Рік тому +5

    I oppose the 5 points of Arminianism which is why I believe the 5 points of Calvinism. I'm a follower Christ not Calvin. Ex Arminian Calvinist PTL.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      If you read my books on Calvinism--Full of the actual WORD OF GOD--you will find that you are not believing in the Christ of the Bible. No way! The devil has deceived people into believing we have to believe either Arminianism or Calvinism. John Calvin lied all through his theological writings, and even accused God of lying. Have you noticed the dozens of You Tube videos other than mine that trash Calvinism? Many people see through that demonic theology. Also, I have noticed that Calvinists are arrogant people. Just get my books and read them with an honest heart and mind. Of course, it you are too proud to do so, then don't. For the price of a hamburger you can get one of my books. The positive change in your life will be worth every penny of it--both now and in all eternity. You are putting no dent in my stance on the Word of God. I pray God will open your eyes to the plain Bible Truth. Only believing actual Bible Truth saves people.

    • @robertmcvicar5824
      @robertmcvicar5824 Рік тому +1

      When I got saved I was Arminian and I knew the Lord but didn't know much. When I evangelised my catholic wife she rejected the gospel. I couldn't understand how anybody could reject salvation the free gift of God. Then the Holy Spirit opened my heart to the doctrines of grace also called Calvinism. He showed that we're born spirituality dead and unable to respond until we're born again. I then asked the Lord to save him to save her. Then he convinced her of sin and gloriously saved her. Also most of my family. The doctrines grace are a revelation from God. We shouldn't be too hard on the reformers they had just come out of gross darkness but they recovered justification by faith alone. I'm a sovereign Grace Baptist.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      @@robertmcvicar5824 Sounds like you are just eat up with Calvin's lies. If Calvin was right, only those God chose BEFORE He created the world will be saved or lost. No one can do anything to change God's will. But you are convinced, so just be smug in your Calvinist doctrine. Just for your knowledge, only our spirits were dead in sin. God made us to be able to MAKE DECISIONS--even sinners! God does not MAKE PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS! We are not robots. God seeks people to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). If God did all the choosing for us, why would He need to SEEK for true worshippers?

    • @robertmcvicar5824
      @robertmcvicar5824 Рік тому +1

      @@biblereality1621 I'm not involved in my salvation ALL the glory to God. I worship him in spirit and in truth.

    • @johndisalvo6283
      @johndisalvo6283 Рік тому +2

      @@robertmcvicar5824 YOU didn’t RECEIVE Christ like the Bible says??? In Calvinism , Christ receives Christ I guess!🤦‍♂️

  • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
    @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому +14

    "He just made it up" How is it you are writing books on someone when you have no clue what they derived from scripture? TULIP is rooted in scripture and you have to add and take away to "debunk" it. I am not even a Calvinist, this is just a taboo word people use to demonize people who see that God is 100% sovereign, Calvin knew that much.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +7

      Well, how about that! You obviously have not read my books on Calvinism, for they are FULL OF GOD'S HOLY WORD, which proves beyond doubt that John Calvin was the devil's mouthpiece. And you too! Nothing in Calvinism is Bible! And I did not say God is a monster. I said Calvin made God out to be a monster. So Calvin was the monster. And you have fallen for his monstrosity, and are totally belligerent toward the REAL Bible message. I made nothing up. I presented God's clear Word, which John Calvin twisted and perverted from first to last. You are just like concrete--thoroughly mixed and well set. Nobody can get the truth to you, for you are self-blinded by your Calvinism. That is all.

    • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
      @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому +7

      @@biblereality1621 That is all? This is what people like you do, they don't want to have a discussion about scripture, why would I buy your book, you are just calling people lost - so you agree that people have not been revealed the truth then? I agree - read Matthew 11:27 - exegete this passage in light of you saying - "self blinded". Or how about Mark 4:11-12. The scripture never says anyone blinded themselves - you are making things up right here and now:
      39Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again,
      40He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.
      Who is the "HE" here? Does it say they blinded their own eyes, no it clearly does not. Deal with scripture, all I see so far is someone who is ignoring scripture and referring people to read his book. Why take the time to read your book when you cannot even address a few simple issues with your theology. You are already casting me off as reprobate lol and Calvin is a monster? Man the hypocrisy is real here!

    • @jameshoyt3692
      @jameshoyt3692 Рік тому +4

      @@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 if men are completely depraved and unable to respond to truth, then what's the point of blinding them? Why put a blindfold on a dead man? There eyes were blinded or else they may have believed and not crucified Christ. But thank you for sharing verses that help refute calvinism.

    • @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349
      @destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 Рік тому +1

      @@jameshoyt3692 So when the scripture says the reason they could not believe was bc God had hardened their hearts and blinded their eyes, it really means something else?

    • @jameshoyt3692
      @jameshoyt3692 Рік тому +5

      @@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 did you read my comment? If man was totally depraved, then what's the point of blinding the eyes of a dead man who has no ability to see anyways. But, God blinded their eyes because they have the ability to see and understand. In other words, man is not totally depraved like the T in tulip claims.

  • @dominiknewfolder2196
    @dominiknewfolder2196 Рік тому

    Removing Paul (so-called) apostle solves almost every problem with bible.
    I don't find any reason for believing guy.
    And most important, he wasn't changed by gods word inside. His personality made me suspicious about his teachings.
    There is one category of people condemned by Jesus in every gospel.
    He warned about moralists who judge and condemn sinners. Now look at Paul's writings.
    Bragging about rebuke off Peter? I'm not longer able to tolerate this guy.
    What a relief and breathe of fresh air after cutting him from bible.
    I will share his letters as example of what not to do.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      I have no idea of what you are trying to get across. Are you rebuking me or John Calvin? To to my website, ronaldcraigbooks.com to see other books on heresies, and You Tube videos on the Bible.

  • @christopherluy1888
    @christopherluy1888 Рік тому +1

    Who is this dude lolol

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +5

      If you want to learn more about this dude (more importantly about Bible-Truth) then go to the website ronaldceaigbooks.com and check out all my books. Some brave souls are bringing out the truth about all the heresies circulating in the modern church. And please tell others about this video. Thanks

  • @verraymundo2016
    @verraymundo2016 Рік тому

    Charles H. Spurgeon was a preacher of God.This preacher was a calvinist.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому +1

      That argument changes nothing about the demonic nature of Calvinism. Are you trusting in Charles Spurgeon and John Calvin for your salvation, or in the Inspired Word of God? If you will read my books on Calvinism you will not be able to claim Calvinism is Bible. Calvin accused God, Who cannot lie, of lying over and over. He said the Holy Spirit presents God not as He really is, but as we conceive of Him. He just called the Spirit of Truth a liar. John Calvin was the liar. I would not put myself in the shoes of anyone who pushes Calvinism. Your argument is a WEAK one! Check out ronaldcraigbooks.com.

  • @julien.b.t7371
    @julien.b.t7371 Рік тому +1

    I agree with Calvin' s teaching. Everything is in accordance with scriptures. Your explanation is your own. Who is demonic is one who destroys the truth from scriptures.

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  Рік тому

      Well, if you get my books on Calvinism and READ THEM WITH AN HONEST MIND, you will see that I have placed MANY CLEAR SCRIPTURE PASSAGES beside Calvin's theological statements on the same subjects, and see that his theology is THE DIRECT OPPOSITE OF SCRIPTURE! And I provide the location in Calvin's "Institutes" to prove that those words were his words, and not mine. You are obviously just as blind to Bible Truth as was John Calvin. When you say that I am wrong, you are actually attacking the clear Word of God, which my books are full of. When the Bible clearly says one thing, and Calvin said it means the opposite, then who is wrong? HMMM?

  • @verraymundo2016
    @verraymundo2016 6 місяців тому

    Yourbook is not worthy of reading,it is God-dishonoring book!!!

    • @biblereality1621
      @biblereality1621  6 місяців тому +1

      Obviously, you did not actually get the book and read it, and check out all the Scripture references. You are responding only to the title. Hundreds of Scriptures prove Calvin a liar.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Рік тому

    Jesus started one church
    The Roman Catholic Church

    • @donthephoneman7084
      @donthephoneman7084 Рік тому

      Oh wow after hearing all this hate on Calvinism. Here comes the Roman Catholic into the mix.

    • @Galatians-vr8xd
      @Galatians-vr8xd Рік тому
