Remedial Protestantism ep 2025.1 SDA: UN NGO or Remnant?
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
- Pr Larry Kirkpatrick, along with guests Joanna de Bruyn and Jonathan Zirkle discuss the relationships between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and ADRA, the role of NGOs, and the degree to which such work is actually humanitarian. Also looked at in relation to the Bible's Revelation 18 scenario.
Great, enlightening discussion. Thank you for this thoughtful interaction. Cathy Law
Loma Linda is equally as distant from the medical mission as the AMA with whom they are compliant.
As a kid, I heard Ellen White from the pulpit and school (went to actual grade school at the same church I attended). Some things I heard from her were clear to me that there would be a "remnant of the remnant." To me, it was a fact, still IS a fact, and made/makes perfect sense. Not every SDA will be saved because SOOOO many are in apostasy. I hear and see a lot of people in the conference teaching there will be no remnant of the remnant, hold on to this "ship," it's the one that will take us safely into harbor. This information, that you 3 have presented, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there WILL BE a remnant of the remnant and that this ship, as it stands, will sink and NOT go into harbor. That is why, when I tell people I'm SDA, I make sure they understand that I am a true SDA based in the original beliefs, not the current apostate one. Sad that I have to specify that.😢
The only way the structure Church goes through the persecution is to align with the beast. I don’t get what ppl think when EGW says it will be worse than the persecutions of the past and the doors of our churches will still be open??? 🤣. That’s the number one teaching of Roman Catholicism. That there is no salvation outside of the structure and church infallibly 🤷♂️. EGW said Many Times over the years that the GC did not represent the will of God and hadn’t for many years. She always used a small “C” when she said the church goes through never a capital “C”
I’m just now learning about the trinity controversy but have believed Mrs White’s comment on the Statutes in 1BC for many years. “They were Not shadowy types to pass away…” The statutes and Moedim of Dan 7:25 are obviously the 4th Angel to me.
You said you heard Ellen White speak from a pulpit. Wow! She passed in 1915. That has been about 110 years ago. And yet you were a few years yourself before her passing. I don’t know your age, but you have been truly blessed. Would like to know more if you have the time.
@chuckokelley7566, I meant I "heard Ellen White from the pulpit," meaning I heard Ellen White being SPOKEN OF from the pulpit. I'm sorry you misunderstood, but what I said was correct as well.
@@StudioDawneha! Ha! I misunderstood your comment. Thanks for explaining. Have a good day!
@chuckokelley7566 No problem. It would've been wonderful to hear Ellen White for myself! You have a good day, too🤗
Spot on Jonathan, on your opinion of ADRA !!!! Missleading young people especially, with no mention of 3Angels messages or even Christ and His imminent return or principals of Gods word !!!!
They did it for the $$$$
Change will only happen by redirecting the $$$
It’s too late. The church made an image to the beast long before Covid. Back in the 60’s she aligned with every communist country and betrayed the true home churches.
What bothers me about that line of thinking is pressuring with money may get results, but it doesn't change a wayward heart.
Just to remember... the only existence of the SDA organization is to proclaim the 3 Angels' Message, but this NGO status is one of the strongest holds to proclaim ...could impact the church's core purpose and prophetic identity.
now I understand fully why Diop was talking like that
Be ye separate. The world will never convert the Church. God does not need worldly help.
The mission statements of the GC, Advent Health, ADRA, Adventist Risk Management and others need adjustment. "Go ye therefore" must be brought to the forefront.
I wonder who will be the new GC President this year? We have to have change!
It is a system and the Church members are the ones who should resist. The GC President is not a king.
How about providing names and addresses that we can write personal, kind but clear letters to the leadership about this topic and others, and flood them with snail mail. Can't hack snail mail. Maybe that would help to get our voices heard.
Oh NO. I wanted to go to that campmeeting, but those dates interfere with 3ABN's campmeeting. We work there.
No confedercy
We're already in trouble. If we took the money to give to the people and be used for the people and they're crossing over coming to the United States then they would have the money. We got the money so what does that make us?
The structure made an image tinge beast long before Covid in the 60’s when she aligned with communist countries and betrayed the home churches. No different that what the Catholics did with Hitler and Mussolini.
That makes us accomplice to illegal immigration and really undermines ADRA and the GC to influence going forward. Very sad😢
Where does George Soros fit in to all of this?
We know his basic approach. But I don't now of any verified connection to us.
Acts 17: 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.
@@bluetuscan this is some of the content we’ll review when we do the podcast with Pr Bowman!
Sorry that the PARL position regarding abortion didn't get discussed. Otherwise it was a good discussion. We need to get rid of our 501c(3) status and any sort of incorporation.
We forget that the Jews linked hands with the state to crucify Jesus!!!😢
@@beverlyrachel2345Much persecution of Protestants happened the same way.
@LarrytheguyfromMichigan Yes, and it was also Jesus's own Priesthood that linked hands with the state and conspired to kill HIM and persuaded his own people to have his blood be upon them and their children, "for the good of the nation". We are in the same boat today.
What is the strategy for churches like yourself and other congregations who see the apostacy of our conferences and their leadership....we are all watching you. It is such a sad commentary. Are we to remain loyal to an organization that has lost its compass? Loma Linda, Religious Liberty Conference of the GC, etc.????
We are watching and praying....the organization is going to collapse because we have linked hands with the papacy us a Reformation Movement, remnant out of the Remnant emerges?
We must fast and pray and watch--God must have a plan for this apostacy as with Elijah.
May our faith, courage, resolve and fortitude in Him abide! May we glorify His name!!l ❤️ 🙏🏿 🙏🏿 🙏🏿
Mentoring is a false term per Sop
That’s quite an accusation you are all making, that people who work for ADRA, or any NGO are inherently political and are of dubious character. And further that they’re are not doing the work they do out of the goodness (the word used here though was sweetness) of their own hearts. So in one foul swoop, you’ve evicerated any person who works for ADRA.
You’ve used some great quotes here but how about this one. James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this, that you visit the orphan and widow in their distress, and to keep yourself unspotted from the world.
So, the HS in speaking through James says, to relieve the wants of the poor BEFORE you look after yourself. Further to this, the HS through Matthew in chapter 25 says that God separates the sheep from the goats on his return according to who they say they are and their works.
From the pontificating here the suggestion is, I can only help those if I lead them to Christ.
Given that we are in the time of Laodicea and most people struggle to think of correcting their own characters let alone helping out the poor, what am I to do?
This panel says that I can’t help others if it’s linked to the government. Further to this, this panel says that anybody who works for an NGO is of dodgy/sketchy intent. Which is in fact bearing false witness against those who work for ADRA who believe that they are being the hands and feet of Christ.
You would be better served preaching the three angels message, or rather, being the three angels messages , rather than sitting here and misaligning those who are out there on the frontline helping others.
I work for ADRA. What you’ve done here is called into question everything I am about to do today, despite the fact that I’ve started my day with prayer, SoP and the Bible.
@@bucephulus4600 maybe you watched a different presentation. I don’t recall that any of the statements made by myself or by the guests were so absolute and sweeping.
I haven’t watched this video yet, but will do so later. It popped up in my feed and as it began with the introductory, I scrolled the comment section and saw your response.
My wife and I have been long term supporters of ADRA. But after I seen this pop up in the news this past weekend, I’m now concerned in the direction it is headed.
I don’t think the issue is about helping others, but rather supporting illegal activity. I would expect this from the Catholic Church, but to find that we are somewhat doing the same thing is very concerning.
SOP makes a statement about Christ and the Roman authority. I can’t recall where it’s found right off, but just paraphrasing here. She said that even though Christ knew of the corruption, he in no way interfered with the authority. There was absolutely nothing that he could be found guilty of. Not even law breaking of the government authority.
So to see us tied to this doesn’t look good for our church. You can always help the poor without getting involved with criminal activity.
You can also find in her writings that many will bring a time of trouble upon themselves before the actual time comes. Look at now how many are going to see us as this has now become public awareness.
But of course we were pretty much lock and step with the Catholic Church on the vaccine mandates as well.
Ezekiel chapter 8 and chapter 9 is becoming more clearer as I see these things happening in our church. SOP says that the Old Testament prophecies are more for our days than it was for theirs.
Troubling indeed, we must give assistance to the oppressed, but through private personal donations, we soiled ourselves with govt $$ during Covid now this with ADRA, to be part of the UN is unseemly for SDAs who know what the earthly power breakers have on their agendas, when the Sunday law is issued and enforced , how will we explain ourselves after the history of going along to get along? Tithe funds can certainly be used to ease suffering AND give the biblical message of hope that evil WILL be ended. My heart breaks for the immigrants who have been here as productive honest folk and are now targeted, that same vitriol will be heaped upon faithful 7th day worshippers
The structure made an image to the heart during Covid and long before in the 60’s when she aligned with the communist countries and betrayed the home churches. No different that what the Catholics did with Hitler and Mussolini 🤷♂️ “the GC does not represent the will of God snd hasn’t for many years.” Google the number of times EGW said this.🤷♂️ the church structure does NOT go through. Our doors can not remain open unless we align with the beast. Those who teach the ship is Adventist and not the church at large are teaching the same thing Catholics do: that there is no salvation outside of the church and infallibility 🤷♂️
I know many good Christians involved with ADRA. Mistakes have been and will be made. Let's forgive, repent, reform and move closer to Christ and each other. Satan seeks to divide and conquer.