  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @AmItheJerk
    @AmItheJerk  Рік тому +9


  • @viviennemorgan7217
    @viviennemorgan7217 Рік тому +52

    i feel bad for kate, that she was being backed against the wall by angela but i'm glad that op stood up for his friend and up against angela

  • @ColaEssentials
    @ColaEssentials Рік тому +26

    Op in the second story definitely not the jerk. As stewie said from family guy "Poor planning on your part does not constitute as an emergency on my part"

  • @firefly4f4
    @firefly4f4 Рік тому +45

    Second story:
    If a family wants/needs to sit together, that's something they need to sort out with the airline BEFORE boarding either at check in or at the gate. There's no way I'm trading my reserved aisle seat for a middle seat at the back.

    • @iononcantomascrivo
      @iononcantomascrivo Рік тому +1

      It's because they're cheapskates so they rely on guilt-tripping and gaslighting complete strangers into switching with them after they've already paid for the seats

    • @shawn6896
      @shawn6896 Рік тому

      Sometimes its cheaper to get random seats and maybe they where struggling?

    • @Djkenna1d
      @Djkenna1d Рік тому +2

      @@shawn6896sitting next to a stranger won’t kill them

    • @shawn6896
      @shawn6896 Рік тому +1

      I agree they should not have made a big deal out of it

    • @antoniorivera6540
      @antoniorivera6540 Рік тому

      The OP should have told the children that the father is showing his entitlement... Demands I move because he failed to plan and just assumed everyone would just cater to him because he has children...

  • @sandrasausville9103
    @sandrasausville9103 Рік тому +7

    Angela should have been fired way before this happened!! This is all on the company for allowing this to go on as long as it did

  • @vintotheinny
    @vintotheinny Рік тому +6

    Stewie said it best about the airplane seat thing : "Ma'am, your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me".

  • @derapfle8082
    @derapfle8082 Рік тому +8

    3th Story:
    As a German, I can completely understand the person and would also like to say please don't talk to Germans about German culture, it's usually absolutely annoying for the other person and especially don't do it if you've never been to Germany for at least one or two years and just do it as if everything you know about Germany so far is wrong, because it very likely is. Also, especially don't talk about Oktoberfest if you don't know how the person feels about it because many people don't see it as part of Germany, even if it partially is.
    In short, we hate talking about it so don't do it!

  • @anitachiquita70
    @anitachiquita70 Рік тому +26

    Story #3-I agree that the person going on about being German was a little much. He did seem proud of it though and wasn't hurting anyone. What I find most curious is in today's world a person can pick a gender or identify as almost anything and we are supposed to accept it but a person who does have some German heritage who claims to be German is at fault. I think the OP was a bit of a snob here.

    • @phantomwraith1984
      @phantomwraith1984 Рік тому +5

      That's like me identifying as french because my surname is French descendant, but my family hasn't been French for 4 generations.
      Just because he has German ancestry doesn't make him german by default, just like how I'm not French by default.

    • @kpbennett7743
      @kpbennett7743 Рік тому +7

      It's specifically why when people ask, I say I'm Norwegian-American. I make the food (kringla and kumla are my favorite foods), I follow some of the holiday traditions, and I'm learning the language. But it doesn't change the fact that I was born and raised in the U.S. Still, op was snobbish

    • @anitachiquita70
      @anitachiquita70 Рік тому +5

      @@phantomwraith1984 I understand your point but why can't we tolerate this persons perception when we tolerate so many other peoples perceptions of the many things they identify as. What's the problem with acknowledging his heritage. Another point is that you don't have to actually live in Germany to have a big German influence in your life. I'm a senior citizen and my family came from Germany in the late 1800's. My relatives spoke German as much as they spoke English. We ate German food, went to German Lutheran church and I learned a lot of the German language in Lutheran school. I agree it's more accurate for the person in this story to have said he was German American but why did the OP have to make such a big deal about it and call him out. What motivated the OP to act like that? The OP was a bit of a jerk IMO

    • @anitachiquita70
      @anitachiquita70 Рік тому +8

      @@kpbennett7743 I'm of German heritage and refer to myself as German American and I see you point. I do think the OP was also a jerk here. Society today tells us to be accepting of how people identify. What's the wrong with this guy being proud of having German heritage. Do we really have to be that petty?

    • @lanceferguson9008
      @lanceferguson9008 Рік тому

      You obviously don't know anything about gender dysphoria. You're talking out your ass, fuck all the way off.

  • @QuickManEXE
    @QuickManEXE Рік тому +9

    Story 1: Why would you not want to fire an employee as bad as Angela much earlier? That's just pathetic. I dont know what was worse, the fact she was sleeping around with employees (and cheating) or HR just brushing it all off. If i were the big boss there, i would also try and get rid of the VP too, he's just as bad here. Good thing the OP helped Kate expose Angela on all her crap and was finally canned and dumped and hopefully she stays in heavy debt and is miserable.
    Story 2: OP is not a jerk, you paid for the specific seat, you seat there. I get you would want to sit as a family, but that guy shouldve booked better and there was no reason for the comments afterwards. So no, OP isn't a jerk, but that guy was.
    Story 3: The OP isn't a jerk and is right on the comment of "You're an American of German descent." The guy may have German familyand whatnot, but he really shouldnt say that he is German, its rather rude, arrogant and ignorant.
    Story 4: Nevermind the good malicious compliance here... i just would've straight-up quit here. They clearly didn't value you prior to all of this and the raise was a really cheap cop out. Hope he enjoyed his off time.
    Story 5: Okay, seriously, leave this loser. He is nothing short of awful. The OP can do waaaaaaay better then this guy.

  • @222daley
    @222daley Рік тому +3

    Second story. It is literally no one’s responsibility for anyone’s kids except the parents

  • @rainbowpegacornstudios
    @rainbowpegacornstudios Рік тому +5

    I love when Karens get their comeuppance

  • @dragonguerrero1622
    @dragonguerrero1622 Рік тому +3

    Original poster. The last one get a new boyfriend. That guy obviously does not care about you or care about anything about you and it's just trying to bring you down to make himself feel like a man when in reality he's a Sucka MC

  • @dutchvanderbilt9969
    @dutchvanderbilt9969 Рік тому +5

    That pos In that last story has some serious growing up to do

  • @sej04
    @sej04 Рік тому +5

    Last story: He's clearly never been to therapy if he thinks they TELL you what to do.

  • @mrroboshadow
    @mrroboshadow Рік тому +2

    first story, yay for corporate america (i assume)
    the vp who slept with his employee and and covered up her imcompetence for booty calls not only gets away scot free but also gets to be the one to fire his "under the desk assistant"

  • @shadowcollins4589
    @shadowcollins4589 Рік тому +5

    The thing with the German person. As a mixed-race, multicultural American,, I am extremely offended by this. I am Korean and Puerto Rican. I only have so much Korean left since I moved to the states as a young child. And I don't speak Spanish. So does that make me not Puerto Rican? Does that not make me Korean? My blood is of these two racial groups. Some of my habits and traits are intrinsically of these two wildly different cultures.
    I have friends who are adopted from Korea. They're still Korean
    What does German guy doesn't seem to understand is that it's not just being a citizen of that country. It's having that blood in your veins.
    This sounds almost racist to me. What is he going to go around telling German Jews that they're not German either? It's definitely what sounds like and he's a jerk
    The OP needs to get off his high horse and humble himself a little bit and realize just how different our societal standards are. And get off his pride trip about being German as he puts other people down

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 Рік тому +3

    Second Story: I would have said “Sure, I’ll switch seats with you…for [triple the price I paid for my ticket] in CASH, and I keep the specially ordered meal. Take it or leave it!”. NTA.

  • @katthill7506
    @katthill7506 Рік тому +2

    Story #4...WOW!!!! #5. DUMP HIM!!!!

  • @lisathomass4054
    @lisathomass4054 Рік тому +4

    Oh I dealt with people like her. One manager at my previous job was very over weight and was temporarily in charge of scheduling. At lunch break the schedule came out and an co worker comes up to me and asks me if this coming weekend I had taken it off and I said yes my daughter is having surgery on Friday. She showed me the schedule. Oh I vetoed your leave then proceeds to inform us all if she doy have an social life neither do we mockingly. My daughter is having major surgery.. tonsils isn't... It's not that. I said Major. Do you grasp that word because if not I clarify it. She told me to cool me tone and I told her to stop taking her non social life out on us married workers just because can't stop stuffing her mouth with junk food pointing to two microwavable cheese burgers, french fries and super large Pepsi in front. My daughter is having MAJOR SURGERY on Friday morning. We are not going to the water park,mall or anything like it. She is having friggin surgery and I WILL BE THERE!! Thankfully another manager with higher seniority decided to intervene and states to take the rest of my shift off that the manager with no life can fill in and told me my leave was still intact. As I was walking away miss no life starts trying to use her weight to intimidate. Did you forget we have on Friday brass coming on Friday and all weekend because of complaints. How the hell do you think they will react hearing because miss I have no life outside Walmart intentionally kept an mother from being by her daughter's side which is major as I spoke with the doctor at the mother's insistence to confirm and told me exactly what was being done will react?? They will be furious. One she'll be told to go. Then we get the ass chewing and possibly reduced all the way back to employee losing management and benefits and pay. This was an Monday and we had major restocking to do. I found out from an friend that the main Manager was stuck to her like glue and she was puffing and grumbling about it. By the end of my schedule shift she was sweating from actually working. I received an call from that manager. My time off for the following week was still intact. However miss I have no life was no longer in charge of the schedule. I was put on the schedule I was supposed to have originally and she was suddenly the new fill in for those out on leave. I later heard in the main meeting that she was the cause of complaints from married workers and was demoted to assistant with no chance for two years that she had to fill in officially for those she had been discriminating against simply for being married and told she posed an health risk due to severe obesity and ordered to go one an doctor approved diet.

  • @nyotamwuaji6484
    @nyotamwuaji6484 Рік тому

    Lack of planning on your part does not constitute a emergency on mine.

  • @dragonhanyu
    @dragonhanyu Рік тому +6

    First story, should have gotten a lawyer involved about an unsafe work environment. You'd be surprised how fast HR get off their asses when a legal battle they know they'll lose is on the horizon.

  • @laurasohn8332
    @laurasohn8332 Місяць тому

    The tunnel of that video game sure looks like a seizure alert...

  • @BaxterAndLunala
    @BaxterAndLunala Рік тому +10

    Third Story: Absolutely a jerk. It's not about German citizenship, to him it's about his German ancestry. I don't speak much, but I'm part German, and I would embrace the idea of Octoberfest, if I were to drink beer. Who cares if I'm not Bavarian? It's just like saying you can't celebrate Christmas if you're from Africa. Just because Octoberfest is a Bavarian thing doesn't mean it's not German. Point is, ancestry determines part of your ethnicity, and it's clear that guy's not talking about citizenship.

    • @solitariumserpens5277
      @solitariumserpens5277 Рік тому +1

      It's just that many Germans are fed up with Bavaria supposedly repressing Germany. Special because many North Germans and South Germans argue just because of the different greetings. Moin to the north and Grüß Gott to the south.
      I have a Russian grandfather and I'm proud of him too. But that doesn't mean I have to annoy other people with conversations about vodka and communism. I mean sauerkraut and Oktoberfest. It's like someone who watches anime and then says they're Japanese, or like someone who knows spaghetti and pizza and says they're Italian, and so on.

    • @happylittlevibe
      @happylittlevibe Рік тому +1

      If you don’t know anything apart from stereotypes about the German cultures, it’s decent not to bother Germans with it - who on that note also tend to not be super proud in the sense other countries may be. Living in Germany for decades I feel what makes this place home is the diversity and cultures, people being direct in a friendly manner, aiming to be on time / efficient generally speaking but also a certain dislike in things like Oktoberfest for non Bavarians. A Bavarian friend also recently outlined how annoyed many people are about those drunk tourists so getting told this was normal - meh!

  • @tylercanales5794
    @tylercanales5794 Рік тому +3

    I haven’t finished the story yet, so I don’t know what the narrator says. But the story for the guy saying he was German and the original poster told him to knock it off to me is the jerk. I don’t speak Spanish, but my mom was born in Mexico. So does that mean I’m not Mexican if I don’t speak that language?

  • @jblack5596
    @jblack5596 Рік тому

    "Your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me" Stewie

  • @spectraldragon09
    @spectraldragon09 Рік тому +4

    For the American and German story I definitely think there is a huge gray area and both of them were a jerk. The German guy was definitely a little rough with him but that's fair as the American guy was definitely going too far without knowing almost anything about the culture. On the other hand however we only know the German guy's story so there could be much more behind the scenes with the American guy that was never brought up or seen. I think that one needs the other side before a good judgement can be passed

  • @scailliet
    @scailliet Рік тому +1

    Sometimes it pays to bang the boss. Just be ready for it to go very badly for you, if it blows up.

  • @darkhol222
    @darkhol222 Рік тому

    Therapy is makes you worse person, there is even special word, for situations like this

  • @emmamorgan4128
    @emmamorgan4128 Рік тому +4

    I’ll be honest I’m not with herr deustchland in that story. Not necessarily with the American guy either but people fail consistently to understand that there really isn’t an American culture that’s purely “American” it’s called a melting pot for a reason and to ignore the cultures that influenced what we call American culture is a great disservice to immigrants who came here and brought parts of theirselves with them. On both ends it just reeks of lack off understanding of a nuance that is not only unique to Americans but mixed race people in general. To be told your not black enough, Hispanic enough, Asian enough or in this case German enough to claim your racial heritage is incredibly ignorant and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of just how cultures work. I’d hate to see him try to comprehend the African diaspora that exists, of the Asian and Hispanic one that comes with “homelanders” vs their American cousins. I don’t know man, don’t talk about stuff you don’t understand on both ends because both sides don’t seem to have contemplated these points in the story. Or the narrator

    • @happylittlevibe
      @happylittlevibe Рік тому

      I don’t think it’s about being German enough, it’s about trying to teach someone something about their own culture that is a stereotype but not part of people’s reality. Yes, it could have been delivered more kind, maybe even invite them to visit and experience what it really is but tbh - what they made it - really isn’t it and it actually is very German to be upset about the inaccuracy

  • @carriebennett5926
    @carriebennett5926 Рік тому

    Angela should have been let go long ago. She is basically getting paid for taking advantage of her employer. I would want to find out who she is sleeping with and expose her post haste. Bye bye Angela. Bye bye HR lover. Someone like that is easily replaceable. They were both stealing wages from the company.

  • @TristanL3
    @TristanL3 Рік тому +5

    German story - I get it’s annoying, but you’ve just shamed someone for being proud of sharing your heritage.. dude just wanted to make some friends he could connect to his routes with,

    • @happylittlevibe
      @happylittlevibe Рік тому +1

      While being oblivious trying to portray the culture as stereotypes that many people don’t feel comfortable with. Yes, perhaps he didn’t know but if he really loves it so much, he could always go and see. There is a chance he’s just getting a tourist experience but imo that’s on you on how you organise your trip and if you try to get to know locals.
      Apart from that - unlike other nations - Germans tend to not be proud for just being German due to our history. Making people aware of there being differences in perceptions is also very German even though I personally would have told it more in a way of: I feel you’re mostly referring to stereotypes, if you ever wish to have an authentic experience and e.g. see how things are, let me know & perhaps we can meet!

  • @monroerobbins7551
    @monroerobbins7551 Рік тому

    5:47 and a super dumb move. Like, she gave them the ammo needed to fire her! You’d think after all this time, she’d have some idea that she was only getting away with her shenanigans cause they wouldn’t fire her because of her stupid affair, but having no actual proof.

  • @brandonnewby178
    @brandonnewby178 8 місяців тому

    My twin and I have a neat plane seat-switching (nonKaren) story. F A came on the plane and admitted that they misbooked a mother and child, and can any pair please switch seats, but one in the front, one in the back? Didn't even look at each other, and both of our hands shot up, "Right here!" 😁😁

  • @dogofwar6769
    @dogofwar6769 Рік тому +10

    Story 2: the American from that story kind of does show one of the big differences between American and european cultures. A lot of American's tend to have a sort of weird LARP tendency to think that just because some ancestor came from some european nation that makes them automatic a member of that culture. It's all a part the fiction of the 'melting pot' of cultures that a lot of leftist hold to.

    • @magic8ball1982
      @magic8ball1982 Рік тому +5

      It isn't just European descendants., Yet no one seems to mind when an African-American or Asian-American does something similar.

    • @hellriderindustries3083
      @hellriderindustries3083 Рік тому

      Agreed why can Africans or Asians get in touch with their roots But if you do it as a white guy your larping. The German op is a fucking bitch. Should go suck himself off. And America is a melting pot or at least supposed to be. It’s a place unlike any other where we except into are home people of all nationality. It really shows how shitty other people from other countries can be to feel like they own culture or a identity. This is a guy with a great approximation for German culture and the country in general. Instead of being friendly and welcoming a enthusiastic person into your country. You push him away and other them like a peice of shit you are. The op and people like him give their countries a bad name.

  • @Eddiebleakley
    @Eddiebleakley 10 місяців тому

    I occasionally refer to myself as a quarter scottish because by heritage I am (my grandfather is Scottish) but I would never say I am scottish. I’m australian and I can never be anything else.

  • @cybermainstream
    @cybermainstream Рік тому +10

    I'm sorry but the German story. The OP is the jerk for saying the other guy isn't German. He never said he was a German citizen. And the narrator is being an asshole too for slamming the guy for being proud of his heritage.

    • @viviennemorgan7217
      @viviennemorgan7217 Рік тому

      how is op a jerk for saying that the guy isn't german?

    • @solitariumserpens5277
      @solitariumserpens5277 Рік тому

      It would be the other way around if I, as a German, said I am an American and would always like to carry a gun with me and shoot everywhere because it is my right.
      Prejudices and stereotypes do not define your identity.
      Let's be honest, sauerkraut and Oktoberfest. The only thing missing is that he claims to build cars.

    • @fullmetalgamer6062
      @fullmetalgamer6062 Рік тому

      But it's the truth. The German wannabe is an American.

  • @renierbonthuyzen9703
    @renierbonthuyzen9703 Рік тому

    OMG. What a bunch of hypocrites. A man can say he identifies as a woman....we accept it..... A woman says she identifies as a man we accept it but God forbid someone feels more drawn to another culture and nationality, so much so that he identifies as German....then people gets upset. He isn't hurting anyone. It makes him happy. That person that told him off is a massive jerk....

  • @brandonnewby178
    @brandonnewby178 8 місяців тому

    Last story: Somebody else should look into your problems. Emotions cloud judgment. That third person could offerthe perfect, non emotional perspective. They are not always right but at least worth listening to.

  • @DragonGateDesign
    @DragonGateDesign Рік тому

    The vp should be fired with having an affair with a subordinate

  • @kirby4077
    @kirby4077 Рік тому

    Last story: Anti-therapy bf is immature and controlling

  • @missa6000
    @missa6000 Рік тому +1

    Saying you can't call yourself german because you aren't born there or speak the language is ridiculous. American or not they're still german. Their ethic identity is not something you have a right to deny people just because they aren't born and raised in that country. They are still german ethnically just not a citizen.

  • @OfficialShiggySimp
    @OfficialShiggySimp 5 місяців тому

    Painting her toenails ?!

  • @Vdinosaur03
    @Vdinosaur03 Місяць тому

    On the 3rd story i personally wouldn't have cared as long as that guy didn't keep talking about it. I'm of indian origin and i call myself indian but i can last in a conversation speaking kannada and i love all the food much more than I love stuff like pizza. I also have it as a part of who I am but i don't talk about it a lot. Its only if someone asks questions i talk about it. this german dude was being so obnoxious. He wasnt even your friend, he was a random dude you met as your room mate.

  • @malcire
    @malcire Рік тому

    Flyer op was right. Not the jerk. That fanily should have set up the seats if it was that important.

  • @BTtheDumfuq
    @BTtheDumfuq Рік тому

    The American dude could have just said “my people came from Germany.”

  • @creflot
    @creflot Рік тому

    Yeah I'm honestly not sure why the last ladies in a relationship to begin with if she still has such serious issues to deal with full sthat is honestly more of a red flag than any stupid joke the guy could have played on her. Deal with your issues before getting intimately involved with another human being.

  • @cicerothenekoknightplaysall
    @cicerothenekoknightplaysall Рік тому +2

    🍞 Bread 🍞

  • @HoneyBeeCrafts
    @HoneyBeeCrafts Рік тому

    First story sounds a lot like our floozy suzie from Fedup. She got me fired because I kept complaining to the managers to please stop putting me next to her. I don’t like watching her flirt with all the guys or making out with them, having to see them touch her inappropriately. I even got flirted with by her. I’m female. She even attacked me and accused me of flirting with one her guys.. but I have an extremely loving husband whom I worship. He worships me. We’re each others best friend. I wouldn’t dream of flirting with anyone else. I was talking with this guy while doing my job. She stops just to come over and accuse me. But then she found out from her fav manager whom is cheating on his wife with 7 kids. So she went to hr, and they fired me for ‘slander’… not slander if true. But they refused to check the cameras. Now I lost my job, no money for a lawyer and she is now a manager and does less work than before. Hubby still works there. He actually does all this work and his own. We were both on the safety committee. She still flirts hard with everyone. Got people to quit because of it. Now hubby n I are miserable because we can’t work together anymore and she plays it off to him like everything is normal. As if he isn’t pist at what she did to me.

  • @alekseysynkov1195
    @alekseysynkov1195 Рік тому

    The guy Is kinda like me. I was born in the US, but my parents were born in Russia. Some of my friends ask where I'm from and I say America, but I do mention my parents are Russian

  • @LunaNatz
    @LunaNatz Рік тому +1

    Its fine to say you have german ancestry or that your family is originally from germany but the guy was not german despite his insistance. This is coming from and irish person whos had Americans tell me that england needs to get out of ireland and other similar things while calling themselves irish when their great great grandparents were the last relatives born here and have no living family here and theyve only visited the once.

  • @LUN4R_4DAM
    @LUN4R_4DAM Рік тому

    For story 3 I have a few things..
    1. You don’t NEED to be a (for example) German and know that language and be there.
    2. Yes the guy was an asshole
    3. I agree you are not the jerk
    I’m Hispanic and I don’t know the language and I’ve never been there.

  • @jakedunne2071
    @jakedunne2071 Рік тому +1

    Just saying im irish right born and raised but i can only say like 10 words in irish

  • @Tubb2581
    @Tubb2581 Рік тому +1

    Story 3: yeah you're the 🍑🕳️, he should of got the American treatment.

  • @Matthew-np4hs
    @Matthew-np4hs Рік тому +16

    Story 3: OP is the jerk. The guy only said he was German because of his heritage. He never said he was born there. You can appreciate your heritage and your culture, that doesnt make you a jerk. The German guy got a little tipsy on alcohol and it made him want to cause trouble and start a fight. He should have just kept his mouth shut

    • @viviennemorgan7217
      @viviennemorgan7217 Рік тому +1

      he was telling this guy to not say that he's german because he's american.

    • @tongla9447
      @tongla9447 Рік тому +1

      Nope. He's not wrong. The obnoxious guy clearly said " the German should stick together". Same principles apply for African Americans. I personally know people who moved to the US with African accents. Black Americans are not African Americans. If they don't speak the language of their tribes, they don't eat the foods of their tribes and most importantly, they don't possess the physical traits of each tribe (long legs, long negs, muscular abdomen, short torso,...); they don't get to call themselves "African".
      If my kids want to call themselves Vietnamese Americans, they better speak Vietnamese.

    • @phantomwraith1984
      @phantomwraith1984 Рік тому +1

      He was telling him to stop identifying as German when he clearly wasn't one.
      That's like me identifying as French when my family hasn't been French for 4 generations. I have French ancestry, but im not French

    • @eric98292
      @eric98292 Рік тому

      This was after hours of him going on and on about being German but not knowing anything about German culture besides hotdogs, sauerkraut and Octoberfest. That like someone from Europe saying the US only eats steak, everyone has a gun and we are all cowboys. Yes, there are hints of truth there but it's largely ignorant. OP held his tongue for a long time, much longer than is polite.

    • @PastelArchyr
      @PastelArchyr Рік тому

      He isnt german he is american he may have a few german genes but he isnt german

  • @SnarkyMcCarthy
    @SnarkyMcCarthy Рік тому +1

    What’s the game? The aesthetics rule.

    • @springbreezegaming4017
      @springbreezegaming4017 Рік тому +1

      I also want to know what game that was, it looked like such a good game.

  • @hdsiding2560
    @hdsiding2560 Рік тому +1

    What do you all think is the most germam Song in the world

  • @BlackNovaCRONE
    @BlackNovaCRONE Рік тому

    Story #3. Black Americans are very much said to be African , some don't even know which part of Africa they are from. Why cant this person claim his heritage , very snobish and dismissive.

    • @happylittlevibe
      @happylittlevibe Рік тому

      Heritage and ancestry isn’t claiming the culture would literally be like the stereotypes you see in films while that really isn’t what it is about. A key feature many Germans have is specifically not being as proud of their country just for that being their home while also being very direct. The OP also mentioned they reflected on it / told them after some drinks so there wasn’t an intention in that sense. I don’t think making someone aware of what they tell everyone was the culture while it isn’t, is mean.

  • @jmackultra
    @jmackultra Рік тому

    Both people in the last story sound awful

  • @_Rajesh_kiling_
    @_Rajesh_kiling_ Рік тому +1

    What is the game name?


    Day 11 of asking for these stories because I cannot post on reddit, my parents don't want me on it, (rightfully so,) but I have a couple stories, and I really want to get mine into a video.
    Crazy Lady From my school wants Me to leave the bathroom because a smaller kid peeked under the stall, and I got mad.
    So, for reference I was in the 5th grade at this point, and I was in the bathroom minding my business, doing... what you would usually do in there, when this kid smiling runs up to the stall and peeks under, I yelled in both Suprise and anger. he was probably in about 2nd grade, so he should've known better at this point.
    I was in the downstairs bathroom, because, at the time the upstairs bathroom was gross as hell. A lady nearby says: Hey! stop yelling at little kids you are older! You have lost your BATHROOM PRIVEGES. I'm sorry, What?!?!! Schools are so controlling. I denied and told her what happened. she did not care at all. She continued to count down to call the principle over this. she came and ended up acting really chill (which is not usual) and waited for me to be done. I asked for her to be talked to, (I really just wanted this lady fired) but I don't think she was ever punished, nor the kid.
    Am I the Jerk for yelling?
    Random karen get mad for me saying excuse me. This is a rather short story but I will tell it anyways, I was at the arcade with my dad. And this lady and her baby was in the way of the claw machine That I wanted to use. She wasn't using it I think she was just changing a diaper. I politely asked: "Excuse me"
    I lost, and we moved on bu. She went through the effort to go all the way around. And yell and: Excuse me!!!! with her horrid breath in my face.
    Am I the jerk for- Nah.
    Crazy principle won't hear that I that I zoned out. So I was just getting done with recess and kind of just put a Hula hoop down on the ground.
    And the Recess duty, Asks me to put it away I zone back in and ask her what she said And she was already calling the office over this. I told her that this was a misunderstanding and I zoned out And she said that that was somehow worse! I got sent to the office, And had to wait for my crappy school lunch for like an hour more than my classmates. Someone finally gets inherent of course. It's the vice principle who's always Super mean for no reason. I just explained what happened and she said. Okay, are you never do it again? That it was by accident and it might happen again. I'm not one to just lie, And say it will never happen again. Just cause they want me to. But she kept repeating like a broken record player and Kept saying do you understand?? do you understand?!?!?! Am I the jerk for zoning out?

  • @harvus796
    @harvus796 11 місяців тому

    Story 3: The narrator straight up ignores the fact that most Americans identify with their heritage and just say shit like "I'm German". The guy was a bit obnoxious in his exuberance, but he wasn't a jerk. The narrator here takes the side of posters way too often, even when they're assholes, as was the case in story 3.

  • @ambreenijaz3919
    @ambreenijaz3919 Рік тому +8

    Day 146 of saying the same thing until I get pinned
    Karen's getting destroyed is one of the best parts of my life

  • @avanishkhandey9299
    @avanishkhandey9299 Рік тому +5

    Hey! How are bro 😊

  • @colethegaminggamer8808
    @colethegaminggamer8808 Рік тому

    Third story:
    Both were in the wrong but he’s still part German and how I see it even if your born in America your not turkey American because America is too new

  • @dizzy_dino9052
    @dizzy_dino9052 Рік тому +2

    I have German ancestors. I have a German surname. I am not German, I've never left America, nor do I know anything about that culture. Unless you know stuff about your ancestors' culture or are actively learning about it, don't just go claiming it. Or, specify that you have ancestors and that it's not your nationality.

    • @shadowcollins4589
      @shadowcollins4589 Рік тому +3

      That's idiotic. I'm mixed race and I am proud of it and it has shaped my life and is a large part of my identity. It's not just about being a citizen. It's about the bloodline and your race. I am Asian by blood. I am also Hispanic by blood. I didn't grow up speaking Spanish because my dad was always being deployed while he was in the military. I'm still of a Hispanic lineage
      There's no need to put other people down in this manner just because you want to feel Superior to them which is exactly what the OP did here

    • @dizzy_dino9052
      @dizzy_dino9052 Рік тому

      @@shadowcollins4589 I meant if you know nothing about it, sorry. I'll change it to show what I really meant. I apologize for not making it clear.

    • @phantomwraith1984
      @phantomwraith1984 Рік тому +1

      Same. I'm South african with a French surname, but that doesn't mean I'm French. I don't speak the language, I don't know their culture, I don't even know any distant relatives there

    • @dizzy_dino9052
      @dizzy_dino9052 Рік тому

      @@phantomwraith1984 Yeah, just because someone in our bloodlines was from a country doesn't mean we can claim that entire culture. It's so silly

    • @happylittlevibe
      @happylittlevibe Рік тому +1

      If you ever wish to explore Germany and its culture - my best suggestion is to go to non touristic places / or places Germans also go to.
      Best comment I saw in that regard!

  • @BorrowedTimeisWacky993
    @BorrowedTimeisWacky993 Рік тому

    With the german situation thing dont think I'm homophobic but I cant give a crap for ppl that say out of nowhere they identify as something unless they have a reason by a reason my high school english teacher identified as french cuz they lived there and worked there for a decade and if u say u identify as a diff gender your wrong unless u actually go through all the surgeries cuz I respect that cuz theres no point in saying I identify as a upside bisexual jamaican spoon

  • @v.crowley
    @v.crowley Рік тому +1

    Story 3.. a guy can claim German due to heritage then its the same as saying youre African just because of skin color when theyve never been there

  • @malcire
    @malcire Рік тому

    Meh. Yeah Americans can be shitty about thier ethnicity. He's of germanic descent. Not German. I say that as an American of German and Irish descent. You know what I'm not? I'm not German or Irish. I'm an American who is of German and Irish descent.
    I would have phrased it (if I was in his place) that I'm of such descent and asked if they could tell me more of the culture. If it was that important to me.

  • @amithebadguy
    @amithebadguy Рік тому

    😮😮😮 Wow

  • @bigp8927
    @bigp8927 Рік тому


  • @juliehumble6751
    @juliehumble6751 Рік тому +4

    Yooooooooo first

    • @Hex_the_hexagon
      @Hex_the_hexagon Рік тому

      No the yt channel is technically the first comment

  • @tongla9447
    @tongla9447 Рік тому +1

    Story 3: Nope. OP is not the jerk. The obnoxious guy clearly said " the German should stick together". Same principles apply for African Americans. I personally know people who moved to the US with African accents. Black Americans are not African Americans. If they don't speak the language of their tribes, they don't eat the foods of their tribes and most importantly, they don't possess the physical traits of each tribe (long legs, long negs, muscular abdomen, short torso,...); they don't get to call themselves "African".
    If my kids want to call themselves Vietnamese Americans, they better speak Vietnamese.

    • @mylw4387
      @mylw4387 Рік тому +2

      One thing you don't seem to realize is that a lot of these black americans were forced out of their cultures (foods of their tribes, physical traits of their tribes). So i would argue, if they know the culture decently well and actually try to learn where they come from, they can damn well call themselves African american

    • @tongla9447
      @tongla9447 Рік тому

      @@mylw4387 I agree. However, nobody can stop them from re-learning the cultures now, if they are willing to, of course.

    • @BeauDiamant-im7dh
      @BeauDiamant-im7dh Рік тому +1

      Honestly I agree but the government kind of forced that label onto us anyways. Whenever we sign documents it'll literally say African American/Black. It's stupid honestly because we don't necessarily have the same heritage.

    • @tongla9447
      @tongla9447 Рік тому

      @@BeauDiamant-im7dh government came up with many stupid and unnecessary terms, I don't blame you.

  • @handle732
    @handle732 Рік тому +1

    I heard if you say your favourite UA-camrs name three times you get a pin
    Am i the jerk
    Am i the jerk
    Am i the jerk

  • @hellriderindustries3083
    @hellriderindustries3083 Рік тому

    You can call yourself a member of any society you want. This guy was raised in a German culture and identifies as German. Theirs nothing wrong with identifying with your roots and this guy was just trying to hang out with you guys. And I’m with him why would he want to be apart of
    The losing team in not one but two world wars

    • @happylittlevibe
      @happylittlevibe Рік тому

      There is something profoundly wrong with trying to claim stereotypes of a country were the culture while that isn’t the case. A very German thing also is being very direct and honest and also a tendency of not really being proud for the country itself so yeah - it makes total sense that didn’t work out. If you speak about a culture you claim to be part of - make sure it’s more than what movies show you.

  • @nolesrule69069
    @nolesrule69069 Рік тому

    Please stop talking after the story. Just start the next one. Your takes are so basic and repetitive. Just stop

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 Рік тому

    Second Story: I would have said “Sure, I’ll switch seats with you…for [triple the price I paid for my ticket] in CASH, and I keep the specially ordered meal. Take it or leave it!”. NTA.

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 Рік тому

    Second Story: I would have said “Sure, I’ll switch seats with you…for [triple the price I paid for my ticket] in CASH, and I keep the specially ordered meal. Take it or leave it!”. NTA.