What a powerful song considering people are still fighting over it 700 years after. Maks you wonder what's missing in their lives for them to not just shut up and enjoy the song.
Breno Florencio I'm Hindu.and we too fight for Aryan blood. On behalf of Indian Hindus ,sikhs, Christiana,Jews, zorastrians, Buddhists and jains. You pick up arms against these inbreds and we will have your back and march shoulder to shoulder
This isn't the Palästinalied. It is a drinking song actually. Alte clamat Epicurus: venter satur est securus. venter deus meus erit. talem deum gula querit, cuius templum est coquina, in qua redolent divina." It translates into: Epicur calles loudly: A full stomach free of sorrows, The stomach shall be my god. The gluttony demands such a god, whose temple is a kitchen, in which it is scenting divine."
in anglaise, alter lama in midst of dummies, commes latter is secure, truly herd is me or you, italian herd, gives proud exist, ever yours wisdon, be a knight, olé did wantcha? entwar knight, olé darling! 2x
alter lama habe no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida!
The original Palästinalied was written by Walther von der Vogelweide. This one is from Saltatio Mortis and is indeed with the lyrics about the saying of the philosopher Epicur.
Crusader wars truly were some kind of first World Wars (remember that "their world was smaller then ours today"), they were both amazing and brutal, sometimes terrible as well, but it was a part of still on-going religious conflicts on the territory of Levant between 3 very powerful religions, each one fighting for control over the Holy Land with mighty Holy City of Jerusalem in the middle. That wars were almost like some mythical conflict between Crescent and the Cross!! I just hope that there will be no more wars on that territory and that peace would reign, and everyone's religion would be respected so we can share our Holy Land in peace. Meanwhile enjoy these amazing piece of music! I hate that modern crap music, but if this song would be on somewhere in the club, I would be dancing so damn hard xD, these song has Deus Vult all over it. :D
Schaue in den Nahen Osten! Das unendliche Leid geht weiter und es wird kein Ende finden, befürchte ich! Leider!😔 Es gibt nichts schlimmeres und grausames, wie Religionskriege!
Omar Jalloh A lot of people julge the ability of the Templars according to the victories in the Middle East. However, there is no way to judge the ability of the Knights Templar if only 2% of the army was composed of them. (Sorry for my english mistakes)
Most belong to the Swedish film "Arn The Knight Templar" (Arn - Tempelriddaren). There are also some scenes from the canadian TV series "The last Templar" from minute 3:22 and also from minute 5:32.
ich bin kein (wirklicher) christ aber ich finde es erstaunlich wie viel kraft diese alten geschichten den menschen damals gegeben haben und ich denke an jede bei diesen lied die so weit von zu hause ihr leben ließen. gruß redi :)
german? is latim alter lama habe no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida!
Sir Butthurt As I see it secularism and islamism are 2 sides of the same coin and historical facts show exactly that, show me genocides I will show you islamics and atheists.
Nuja, das wird hier speziel daran liegen, dass sie es nicht auf mittelhochdeutsch singen, sondern auf Latein. ;-) Ich finde auch, dass das eine richtig gute Version ist. Ist einer meiner absoluten Lieblingslieder, auch von anderen Bands. Schon erstaunlich, dass ein Lied auch ca. 800 Jahren nach der Entstehung noch oder wieder so populär ist.
@filmbuiltyouth Thanks! I watched "Arn" but apparently the English version I watched had a bunch of clips taken out of it. Maybe those clips were some of the ones taken out. I recognized the earlier ones with Arn fighting, so I thought that perhaps the later ones were from a different movie.
Nû lebe ich mir alrêrst werde, sît mîn sündic ouge sihet daz hêre lant und ouch die erde, der man vil der êren gihet. Nû ist geschehen, des ich ie bat: ich bin komen an die stat, dâ got mennischlîchen trat. Schœniu lant rîch unde hêre, swaz ich der noch hân gesehen, sô bist dûz ir aller êre. Waz ist wunders hie geschehen! Daz ein maget ein kint gebar, hêre über aller engel schar, was daz niht ein wunder gar? Hie liez er sich reine toufen, daz der mensche reine sî. Dô liez er sich hie verkoufen, daz wir eigen wurden frî. Anders wæren wir verlorn. Wol dir, sper, kriuze unde dorn! Wê dir, heiden, daz ist dir zorn! Dô er sich wolte übr uns erbarmen, hie leit er den grimmen tôt, er vil rîche durch uns armen, daz wir kœmen ûz der nôt. Daz in dô des niht verdrôz, dast ein wunder alze grôz, aller wunder übergenôz. Hinnen fuor der sun zer helle von dem grabe, dâ er inne lac. Des was ie der vater geselle, und der geist, den nieman mac sunder scheiden: êst al ein, sleht und ebener danne ein zein, als er Abrahâme erschein. Dô er den tievel dô geschande, daz nie keiser baz gestreit, dô fuor er her wider ze lande. Dô huob sich der juden leit, daz er herre ir huote brach, und daz man in sît lebendic sach, den ir hant sluoc unde stach. Dar nâch was er in dem lande vierzic tage: dô fuor er dar, dannen in sîn vater sande. Sînen geist, der uns bewar, den sante er hin wider zehant. Heilic ist daz selbe lant: sîn name, der ist vor gote erkant. In diz lant hât er gesprochen einen angeslîchen tac, dâ diu witwe wirt gerochen und der weise klagen mac und der arme den gewalt, der dâ wirt an ime gestalt. Wol ime dort, der hie vergalt!
Immer diese Klugscheißerei unter diesem Video. Deswegen gebe ich auch mal meinen Senf dazu :) 1. Ja, das ist Latein 2.Ja, das Original ist in Mittelhochdeutsch. 3.Die Melodie ist die Selbe. 4.*Kluscheißmodus off* Just enjoy!
@LordShadowblade according to tobiking2000 it's from "Arn: The Knight Templar", a swedish film made in 2007, but I haven't seen it. I'm just translating the earlier German comment reply
Okay serious talk here people. RELIGION LEADS TO CONFLICT AND WAR. BURY IT AND LETS FIX OUR REAL WORLD PROBLEMS. P.S. love the music, mix between German, English and Gaelic.
Seltsamer Typ This version is in latin; the original song was written in Middle High German. Not sure where Black Onyx is getting the idea that there are are English and/or Gaelic influences from.
Alte clamat Epicurus Venter satur est securus Venter deus meus erit Talem deum gula querit Cuius templum est coquina In qua redolent divina In qua redolent divina
alter lama habere no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida!
@LordShadowblade You're absolutely right! Those scenes aren't from Arn, I just watched it too and you can tell from the coloring that it's not the same movie. Arn is more sepia-toned overall. I reread the earlier comments and missed that the scenes you're talking about are actually from "The Last Templar" the NBC tv-miniseries. I don't think I'll watch that one though, based on some of the commercials :P
thanks for posting, great combo (music and film), from what movie is it taken? i just love medieval music, pure rough and honest, this is a great version love it.
Everyone here is ranting about religion and atheism. And I'm just here to listen to a badass musical piece, and watch some awesome inspirational imagery of knights at war. c: Screw religion, screw atheism, screw politics and whatnot. I just think the music and video are pretty. c:
Both muslims and christians fought in the name of God to defend their way of life. Throughout history and for similar reasons we have not stopped fighting. No matter. I, as a Spanish Christian, thank you for my historic heritage. I thank those men who fought for today I can live with values that allow me to be freer than many other women in the world. Thank God and the Templars
@@doommarinealhob536 Jesus is God. Because the nature of God is not to understand, but to felt. There are three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons (hypostases) sharing one essence/substance/nature (homoousion). Simple as that and there is no Prophet after Jesus,because he has fulfilled all Prophecies...the Apocalypse of John is not a Prophesy.... it's the glimps of what will happen in the last age of Mankind.
Our freedom is slipping away from us across this globe. The knights gave us life as many of us wouldn't be here today if the Solomon empire had conquered more than they already did. This fight will never end as there will always be those out there fighting to conquer the free world. This time it's our own kings and queens (leaders) who are against us. They push for war amongst our own through political, religious, racial, gender divide. If we let our freedom slip away from us, we are doomed to fail.
Nun erst wird mein Leben würdig, seit mein sündiges Auge sieht, das reine Land und auch die Erde, der man so viel Ehre gibt. Mir ist geschehen, worum ich sie bat. Ich bin an den Ort gekommen, den Gott als Mensch betrat. Schönes Land, reich und her(rlich), welches ich noch nie gesehen habe. so bist du's in aller Ehre, welches Wunder ist hier geschehen! Dass eine Magd ein Kind gebar, Herr über aller Engel Schar, war das nicht ein Wunder gar? .
I was just curious, what is the movie that you used clips from from about 4:50 to 5:50? The clip with the three Templars fighting. I don't recognize this one, but I'd love to check it out if I could find the name of it.
I would like comment this song is not palastinalied, but a poem from Carmina Burana, written and played in latin. This poem is called Alte clamat Epicurus, and pretends to make fun of the Palastinalied song. some extract of the song say: Alte clamat Epicurus: Epicurus yells loud: «venter satur est securus. The plenty stomach is safe venter deus meus erit. Belly will be my god talem deum gula querit, Gluttony ask for that god cuius templum est coquina, whose temple is the kitchen in qua redolent divina.» where gifts smells as a gods" I'm sorry for my English, Bye
alter lama habere no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida! so you can sing
Please, could You upload movie in full quality somewhere? I watch and listen Your clip every day and I will really appreciate it, if You could provide it in better quality. Nice, inspirious work, Thank You, God bless You!
Welcher langhaarige Deutschritter? Meist du den Templer ab 5:32? Der ist aus dem, wie ich finde, mehr schlechten als rechten Film "Scriptum - Der letzte Tempelritter". Da kommt er in den Rückblenden vor, der Film spielt meist in heutiger Zeit. Die anderen Szenen sind aus "Königreich der Himmel" und "Arn - Der Kreuzritter". Die Belagerungsszenen in der Nacht kann ich nicht genau einordnen, ich glaube die sind aus einer Doku über die Belagerung von Jerusalem.
I'm fascinated that you have out there is an archaic German dialect, especially since Latin was the language in the video. But yes, it's true, the original song was actually sung in Middle High German, written by Walter von der Vogelweide
This video does contain the original melody from the Palästinalied but it doesnt contain the original text. The text in the video is in latin and its a parody praising good food and opulent meals. For the original text in middle high german check out the versions from In Extremo or Qntal.
Dazu wurde einst ein Buch von Lessing geschrieben bzw. ein Teil eines Buches setzt sich mit dem Problem auseinander. Die Ringparabel im Buch Nathan der Weise. Sehr empfehlenswertes Werk. Achja wenn ich hier schon was schreibe, denkt ihr, ausgehend meiner Lieder, ich könnte Laute spielen?
Vous avez entendu que je vous ai dit: Je m'en vais, et je reviens vers vous. Si vous m'aimiez, vous vous réjouiriez de ce que je vais au Père; car le Père est plus grand que moi
I am born Christian, poor in beliefe though. I visit Churches sometimes an certainly I respect those places in every way. I also visit the old places from before Christian times. I respect those places as well.
Alte clamat Epicurus : venter satur est securus , Venter deus meus erit , Talem deum gula querit , Cuius templum est coquina , in qua redolent divina , In qua redolent divina Alte clamat Epicurus : " venter satur est securus , Venter deus meus erit , Talem deum gula querit , Cuius templum est coquina , in qua redolent divina , In qua redolent divina . "
There are still crusaders conquering the Holy Land, clad in chainmails and armoured with swords? Then good for you, I haven't seen a crusader in my life!
“So whats your plan after high school?”
Me: ….
to put you to bed
better than what most people want
What a powerful song considering people are still fighting over it 700 years after. Maks you wonder what's missing in their lives for them to not just shut up and enjoy the song.
그러한 점은
잠깐 달콤했다가 마는 노래보다는 사람들의 칭찬이 더 가치있다고 한 게 아니였을까 하는 생각입니다.
The song was sung by Germanic knights going off to fight for it.
We the brothers, the templar knights, will fight all who dont believe in god and the holy mother. DEUS LO VULT
+Marco Schneider
So come to me and fight, little Karnevalsprinz, I'm Atheist.
you gain nothing with your blasphemy. our faith gives us more than you could understand
Marco Schneider i AM pagan, i fight to aryan blood, you are my brother!
Breno Florencio I'm Hindu.and we too fight for Aryan blood. On behalf of Indian Hindus ,sikhs, Christiana,Jews, zorastrians, Buddhists and jains. You pick up arms against these inbreds and we will have your back and march shoulder to shoulder
Rejoice, there is a God and he is great.
#Templars #KnightTemplar #Crusades #crusaders
God willst it!!! Pretty nice, if we could have said it.
So nicely kind of hymn, such awful point of view nowadays. Awful
Amen brother God is great and is real Amen
May Christ, his only begotten son, reign eternal.
ime.Christian and i love jews they are our brothers
Kenneth Wouters I love both Jews and Christians as they are our brothers. And teachings of both Judaism and Christianity are both peaceful
This isn't the Palästinalied. It is a drinking song actually.
Alte clamat Epicurus:
venter satur est securus.
venter deus meus erit.
talem deum gula querit,
cuius templum est coquina,
in qua redolent divina."
It translates into:
Epicur calles loudly:
A full stomach free of sorrows,
The stomach shall be my god.
The gluttony demands such a god,
whose temple is a kitchen,
in which it is scenting divine."
in anglaise, alter lama in midst of dummies, commes latter is secure, truly herd is me or you, italian herd, gives proud exist, ever yours wisdon, be a knight, olé did wantcha? entwar knight, olé darling! 2x
alter lama habe no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida!
The original Palästinalied was written by Walther von der Vogelweide. This one is from Saltatio Mortis and is indeed with the lyrics about the saying of the philosopher Epicur.
If these are the lyrics for a Crusadervideo, it has to be heresy!
Deus Vult ⚔️ 🙏 Ave Mariæ
Crusader wars truly were some kind of first World Wars (remember that "their world was smaller then ours today"), they were both amazing and brutal, sometimes terrible as well, but it was a part of still on-going religious conflicts on the territory of Levant between 3 very powerful religions, each one fighting for control over the Holy Land with mighty Holy City of Jerusalem in the middle. That wars were almost like some mythical conflict between Crescent and the Cross!! I just hope that there will be no more wars on that territory and that peace would reign, and everyone's religion would be respected so we can share our Holy Land in peace. Meanwhile enjoy these amazing piece of music!
I hate that modern crap music, but if this song would be on somewhere in the club, I would be dancing so damn hard xD, these song has Deus Vult all over it. :D
Schaue in den Nahen Osten!
Das unendliche Leid geht weiter und es wird kein Ende finden, befürchte ich! Leider!😔
Es gibt nichts schlimmeres und grausames, wie Religionskriege!
@@brittaesser6121 richtig
In nomine dei, in nomine crucis!
Dani Dani DEUS VULT!
A year ago, my mother told me that i have some german haritage, this video makes me proud that im a little german
Wir brauchen die kreuzritter heute mehr denn je ! ! !
Ja, das ist richtig✝️☦️🛡🗡
Damn, the Templars must've been badass fighters during their times. Were they?
arcotroll Oh, so they had an equal amount of skill against the Arabs?
***** Really? Cause a lot of countries in Europe got involved in the crusades besides the UK so I expect the skill gap to be higher.
Only 2 % of the Crusaders were Templars.
Mateus do Vale And that means?
Omar Jalloh A lot of people julge the ability of the Templars according to the victories in the Middle East. However, there is no way to judge the ability of the Knights Templar if only 2% of the army was composed of them.
(Sorry for my english mistakes)
for the nords ! deus vult
Danke fürs hochladen und dem Video und danke an Saltatio Mortis.
Pray for your enemies, "for they know what they do"
This video shows the values we once had. We can have them back, we should, because if we don't, we will perish.
Most belong to the Swedish film "Arn The Knight Templar" (Arn - Tempelriddaren). There are also some scenes from the canadian TV series "The last Templar" from minute 3:22 and also from minute 5:32.
ich bin kein (wirklicher) christ aber ich finde es erstaunlich wie viel kraft diese alten geschichten den menschen damals gegeben haben und ich denke an jede bei diesen lied die so weit von zu hause ihr leben ließen.
gruß redi :)
Sixty one Islamic infidels watched this... DEUS VULT, INFIDEL!
I like the covers within the old-german-languge more. but this is also wunderfull
german? is latim alter lama habe no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida!
@Kian This is clearly latin....
große angst und bewunderung von diesen menschen in reih und glied aufgestellt in den kampf. Ehre die soldaten doch verachte den krieg
This is the best version of Palastinalied ive heard
Deus vult!
wake up my heart, I`m a patriot !
Shilo Rage
Thatll do
This is great :)) I wish people were posting more stuff likes this on youtube
hello i'm from the future :)
Time for another one!
I love that kind of music, but I can't believe what i see in the comments....
Syny1004 me too. Its disgusting that they act like the morons from ISIS.
Syny1004 You go on a song about the crusades and are then surprised when you see Christians commenting about the Crusades? Lol
+DukeOfWellington In fairness most of the comments don't sound very Christian to me.
+cmur078 Jesus comes to mind. . . Love thy enemy and turn the other cheek. . . This morons are racists extremist and that's all they are.
Sir Butthurt As I see it secularism and islamism are 2 sides of the same coin and historical facts show exactly that, show me genocides I will show you islamics and atheists.
Love God Always.
When you're hitting it from behind and she turns around and moan "we will take back the holy land"
what the fuck
Cavalry charging with swords... ridiculous.
Nuja, das wird hier speziel daran liegen, dass sie es nicht auf mittelhochdeutsch singen, sondern auf Latein. ;-)
Ich finde auch, dass das eine richtig gute Version ist. Ist einer meiner absoluten Lieblingslieder, auch von anderen Bands.
Schon erstaunlich, dass ein Lied auch ca. 800 Jahren nach der Entstehung noch oder wieder so populär ist.
@filmbuiltyouth Thanks! I watched "Arn" but apparently the English version I watched had a bunch of clips taken out of it. Maybe those clips were some of the ones taken out. I recognized the earlier ones with Arn fighting, so I thought that perhaps the later ones were from a different movie.
amazing ! truly amazing !
Nû lebe ich mir alrêrst werde,
sît mîn sündic ouge sihet
daz hêre lant und ouch die erde,
der man vil der êren gihet.
Nû ist geschehen, des ich ie bat:
ich bin komen an die stat,
dâ got mennischlîchen trat.
Schœniu lant rîch unde hêre,
swaz ich der noch hân gesehen,
sô bist dûz ir aller êre.
Waz ist wunders hie geschehen!
Daz ein maget ein kint gebar,
hêre über aller engel schar,
was daz niht ein wunder gar?
Hie liez er sich reine toufen,
daz der mensche reine sî.
Dô liez er sich hie verkoufen,
daz wir eigen wurden frî.
Anders wæren wir verlorn.
Wol dir, sper, kriuze unde dorn!
Wê dir, heiden, daz ist dir zorn!
Dô er sich wolte übr uns erbarmen,
hie leit er den grimmen tôt,
er vil rîche durch uns armen,
daz wir kœmen ûz der nôt.
Daz in dô des niht verdrôz,
dast ein wunder alze grôz,
aller wunder übergenôz.
Hinnen fuor der sun zer helle
von dem grabe, dâ er inne lac.
Des was ie der vater geselle,
und der geist, den nieman mac
sunder scheiden: êst al ein,
sleht und ebener danne ein zein,
als er Abrahâme erschein.
Dô er den tievel dô geschande,
daz nie keiser baz gestreit,
dô fuor er her wider ze lande.
Dô huob sich der juden leit,
daz er herre ir huote brach,
und daz man in sît lebendic sach,
den ir hant sluoc unde stach.
Dar nâch was er in dem lande
vierzic tage: dô fuor er dar,
dannen in sîn vater sande.
Sînen geist, der uns bewar,
den sante er hin wider zehant.
Heilic ist daz selbe lant:
sîn name, der ist vor gote erkant.
In diz lant hât er gesprochen
einen angeslîchen tac,
dâ diu witwe wirt gerochen
und der weise klagen mac
und der arme den gewalt,
der dâ wirt an ime gestalt.
Wol ime dort, der hie vergalt!
realmente esta muy bueno,gracias por este video
Rivals hold respect for each other , rivals are not enemies ... specially when these rivals have a common destiny in the return of Christ
This video is definitely in latin. But in another version is the song in "mittelhochdeutsch" (middle high german).
The next Crusade has began....the Angel will be at our side...
Kingdom of Heaven! I love this Movie!!!
Immer diese Klugscheißerei unter diesem Video. Deswegen gebe ich auch mal meinen Senf dazu :)
1. Ja, das ist Latein
2.Ja, das Original ist in Mittelhochdeutsch.
3.Die Melodie ist die Selbe.
4.*Kluscheißmodus off*
Just enjoy!
according to tobiking2000 it's from "Arn: The Knight Templar", a swedish film made in 2007, but I haven't seen it. I'm just translating the earlier German comment reply
what is the name of the third movie (not arn the templar and kingdom of heaven)??
Okay serious talk here people.
P.S. love the music, mix between German, English and Gaelic.
It's actually latin.
Seltsamer Typ This version is in latin; the original song was written in Middle High German. Not sure where Black Onyx is getting the idea that there are are English and/or Gaelic influences from.
Actually atheism is the thing ruining this world.
brunbamse12 Yeah, right after not believing in the tooth fairy
brunbamse12 Seltsamer Typ
Conflict and differences in opinions, are ruining the world...
For God, For Christ, y para la Virgen de Guadalupe!
Tamerlane Deus vult
Alte clamat Epicurus
Venter satur est securus
Venter deus meus erit
Talem deum gula querit
Cuius templum est coquina
In qua redolent divina
In qua redolent divina
alter lama habere no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida!
@LordShadowblade You're absolutely right! Those scenes aren't from Arn, I just watched it too and you can tell from the coloring that it's not the same movie. Arn is more sepia-toned overall. I reread the earlier comments and missed that the scenes you're talking about are actually from "The Last Templar" the NBC tv-miniseries. I don't think I'll watch that one though, based on some of the commercials :P
thanks for posting, great combo (music and film),
from what movie is it taken?
i just love medieval music, pure rough and honest,
this is a great version love it.
Being Australian I do not give a fuck about the lyrics.... The music is just orgasmic to my ears. Truly brilliant to listen too.
Covus Corax.
soslothful Walther von der Vogelweide
Everyone here is ranting about religion and atheism.
And I'm just here to listen to a badass musical piece, and watch some awesome inspirational imagery of knights at war. c:
Screw religion, screw atheism, screw politics and whatnot. I just think the music and video are pretty. c:
which is the name of the movie you used in making this video??
Best regards from Serbia, our ancestors fought with Barbarossa against muslems in Holly Land! Beautifull video,thanks for posting it!
age of empires anyone?
in credo sento
in credo sento
in credo sento
Both muslims and christians fought in the name of God to defend their way of life. Throughout history and for similar reasons we have not stopped fighting. No matter. I, as a Spanish Christian, thank you for my historic heritage. I thank those men who fought for today I can live with values that allow me to be freer than many other women in the world. Thank God and the Templars
the christians follow the words o Christ the Savior....you are on the side of Christ or you are not...simple as that
@@konstantinospii5500 remember jesus is not a god he is a prophet
@@doommarinealhob536 Jesus is God. Because the nature of God is not to understand, but to felt. There are three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons. God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons (hypostases) sharing one essence/substance/nature (homoousion). Simple as that and there is no Prophet after Jesus,because he has fulfilled all Prophecies...the Apocalypse of John is not a Prophesy.... it's the glimps of what will happen in the last age of Mankind.
@@konstantinospii5500 ua-cam.com/video/kpBsR7MWfiY/v-deo.html
Our freedom is slipping away from us across this globe. The knights gave us life as many of us wouldn't be here today if the Solomon empire had conquered more than they already did. This fight will never end as there will always be those out there fighting to conquer the free world. This time it's our own kings and queens (leaders) who are against us. They push for war amongst our own through political, religious, racial, gender divide. If we let our freedom slip away from us, we are doomed to fail.
Nun erst wird mein Leben würdig,
seit mein sündiges Auge sieht,
das reine Land und auch die Erde,
der man so viel Ehre gibt.
Mir ist geschehen, worum ich sie bat.
Ich bin an den Ort gekommen,
den Gott als Mensch betrat.
Schönes Land, reich und her(rlich),
welches ich noch nie gesehen habe.
so bist du's in aller Ehre,
welches Wunder ist hier geschehen!
Dass eine Magd ein Kind gebar,
Herr über aller Engel Schar,
war das nicht ein Wunder gar?
I was just curious, what is the movie that you used clips from from about 4:50 to 5:50? The clip with the three Templars fighting. I don't recognize this one, but I'd love to check it out if I could find the name of it.
Fratelli di tutto il mondo unitevi , dicevo di conservare e il tempo di vigilare
Both of them are great Movies
I would like comment this song is not palastinalied, but a poem from Carmina Burana, written and played in latin. This poem is called Alte clamat Epicurus, and pretends to make fun of the Palastinalied song. some extract of the song say:
Alte clamat Epicurus: Epicurus yells loud:
«venter satur est securus. The plenty stomach is safe
venter deus meus erit. Belly will be my god
talem deum gula querit, Gluttony ask for that god
cuius templum est coquina, whose temple is the kitchen
in qua redolent divina.» where gifts smells as a gods"
I'm sorry for my English,
alter lama habere no meio de burro, se vem atrasado é seguro, ents verdadeiro é eu ou você, italian herdeiro da um orgulho habere, tuyo sempter filo sofia, ein cavaleiro? ei olé, queria... ent war (cavaleiro) olé querida, alter lama no meio de burro, se é atrasado é seguro, herd verdadeiro é eu ou ocê? italian te ira entender. tuyo cento es sofia, ein cavaleiro, olé queria, entwar cavaleiro, olé querida! so you can sing
deux li volt!
absolut correct VLAD!!! The original song is in my old mother language, we say!
Extremely beautifull.
You can find a more medieval version of this song on our UA-cam-Channel performed in a church.
Please, could You upload movie in full quality somewhere? I watch and listen Your clip every day and I will really appreciate it, if You could provide it in better quality.
Nice, inspirious work, Thank You, God bless You!
Welcher langhaarige Deutschritter? Meist du den Templer ab 5:32? Der ist aus dem, wie ich finde, mehr schlechten als rechten Film "Scriptum - Der letzte Tempelritter". Da kommt er in den Rückblenden vor, der Film spielt meist in heutiger Zeit. Die anderen Szenen sind aus "Königreich der Himmel" und "Arn - Der Kreuzritter". Die Belagerungsszenen in der Nacht kann ich nicht genau einordnen, ich glaube die sind aus einer Doku über die Belagerung von Jerusalem.
I'm fascinated that you have out there is an archaic German dialect, especially since Latin was the language in the video. But yes, it's true, the original song was actually sung in Middle High German, written by Walter von der Vogelweide
This video does contain the original melody from the Palästinalied but it doesnt contain the original text. The text in the video is in latin and its a parody praising good food and opulent meals.
For the original text in middle high german check out the versions from In Extremo or Qntal.
Brother it's time tò be vigilant
Movie clips from Arn. Awesome movie
In HD version the music is shifted and is not as matching to the film as in this version. Could You fix it? ;-)
Dazu wurde einst ein Buch von Lessing geschrieben bzw. ein Teil eines Buches setzt sich mit dem Problem auseinander. Die Ringparabel im Buch Nathan der Weise. Sehr empfehlenswertes Werk.
Achja wenn ich hier schon was schreibe, denkt ihr, ausgehend meiner Lieder, ich könnte Laute spielen?
whats thie movie name by 1:09
Vous avez entendu que je vous ai dit: Je m'en vais, et je reviens vers vous. Si vous m'aimiez, vous vous réjouiriez de ce que je vais au Père; car le Père est plus grand que moi
I love this Song becurce I like Songs like this song
welcher film ist das mit den langhaarigen deutschritter??
Gibt es nicht so ein Lied auch von In Ex?
I dont even know how many time I have watch this! so fucking greate!
what movie was this?
Aus welchen Filmen sind da szenen drinnen?
Ist das nur Königreich der Himmel oder auch noch andere?
Ich würd so gern mal in so einen Kreuzzugs-film mit spielen ;(
what movie is this??
Great song
Actually, it's in Middle High German.
welcher film is das ab 5.00 min ?
Where's the video from?
what movie are the video images from?
Kingdom of Heaven? But not 100% sure.
I am born Christian, poor in beliefe though. I visit Churches sometimes an certainly I respect those places in every way. I also visit the old places from before Christian times. I respect those places as well.
What movie is this?? I know one is Kingdom of Heaven, but what's the other one? It looks friggin awesome!
Alte clamat Epicurus : venter satur est securus , Venter deus meus erit , Talem deum gula querit , Cuius templum est coquina , in qua redolent divina , In qua redolent divina Alte clamat Epicurus : " venter satur est securus , Venter deus meus erit , Talem deum gula querit , Cuius templum est coquina , in qua redolent divina , In qua redolent divina . "
I don't know all of it, but one of the movies is "Kingdom of Heaven."
My favorite movie!!
Shame I can't download this for on the go, great version.
+Snake Men Unite Not with that attitude! www.clipconverter.cc/
+Morrigi192 yeeeeee
wats the movie named?
hanks brother :)
Wo hat er das video gefunden?
First battle scenes from "Arn the Knight Templar". For the rest, in don't know ;)
There are still crusaders conquering the Holy Land, clad in chainmails and armoured with swords? Then good for you, I haven't seen a crusader in my life!