@@JujuLand0 autofilled in porofessor= new to their role and likely high risk(they don't play that role normally. It's not quite the same as normal autofill, just a useful quick way of telling they are playing a new role
When I get 0 CS and still win mid I get called an inter who doesn't know how to farm, but when someone else does it and gets to GM they get into a HappyChimeNoises video The injustice in this world
Honestly man with these game breaking off meta players i hope there can be more like these so that I can watch more vids like these because they are so awesome, keep up the awesome work man and i wish those that want to try off meta picks to do their best.
I love Zac so much XD He's my second main and played him every role, also on AD. Sadly only his aa does big damage then, but it's still veeeery funny having a lethal tempo Zac and that kinda works cause of his CC XD First main qiyana and played her on every role too XD qiyana tank is extra funny and does a lotta damage too somehow XD
Forgot to mention - the reason he gets lvl 2 and still kills 3 melee minions is so that the wave pushes away from him - giving him a tiny bit of extra time for the roam. Love to see how calculated this player is! He is also the most patient zac I have ever seen - charging his E til the perfect moment - and I think that is a big part of his success. That as well as Returning to Fog of War after every play - not allowing himself to get tracked and avoided. + The E zhonyas trick is not just a meme - you can use it at any E range to avoid CC when you land. E.g charge fully, jump onto a varus who ults you - damage goes off, his CC doesnt hit! P.s - Super glad to be back making off meta videos, hope you all enjoy!
not to contradict your research, but especially in the EU server, I wouldn't call high elo ap Zac unheard of, considering it's one of the baus's go to picks for autofill games, or so I've seen.
When I get Zac in urf, I usually take at least some ap. The scaling is fantastic and even one ap item at the beginning hugely increases his damage throughout the game, even when you go full tank after that.
Full AP Zac is also generally a good "fulltime" midlainer in certain matchups. With Rocketbelt as a first Item you can easily burst a squishy champion. But this roaming strategy is also very interesting, maybe you can play both depending on the situation. But I would change some of the runes if you decide to stay mid
Second wind, revitalize + dshield is more than enough for Zac mid. No mages have enough damage early to burn your hp before they burn their mana, and after lvl 6 Zac autowin just about all mage matchups that isn’t Ryze and Cassiopeia
@@dashingflash No, its a shit matchup, because Zac can always set Ryze up to ganks, but in an isolated 1v1 Ryze is probably the strongest mage in the game(along with Cassio), he has huge base stats and very high dps. Ryze is hard cucked by his short range, thats why its such a bad champ, Riot can buff his numbers as much as they want, it wont fix the champion.
Off meta, many seasons ago: "I'm running AP Garen so I can have fun with massive ult damage" Off meta, today: "I'm playing a team focused strategy in this team vs team game, and it turns out to be a pretty good idea when noone else is really doing it"
Fun part is, most of these off meta picks eventually end up in pro play or picked in challenger. Janna/yuumi top, rengar/ivern bot and tryndamere mid, soraka mid & Lillia top are the most popular examples.
@@harurosech.4848 I cant remember the last time I saw rengar ivern bot in a pro game, or soraka mid (outside of some NA games, which arent pro play). Trynd mid is usually just used to get a good matchup top, its not really something teams go for, and enchanters top didnt work when they were tried out. Generally pros know how to avoid this picks that need to snowball early since they are actually willing to give up a bit for the team.
Lately i watched your video from a year ago about zac mid which inspired me to play him. Now Zac is my highest mastery champion. I was so suprised that i saw your new video about him
Brilliant player. HE could likely play just about any similar mobility champion the same way. Map knowledge, game mechanic knowledge, timers ect. Hes got a super human level of tracking everything in real time. Likely better then you can with apps that aide this.
I have been playing zac mid for so long now. I really thought i was innovating. I have a really good win rate and it makes me a little sad to see this vid, because i was hoping to be here one day. keep the good videos, brother!
Was thinking the same about singed mid hahaha that was my pocket pick on mid for last 6 months and i always make it work, but then i found out there are plenty fellas doing the same.
Finnaly something for my taste, i been looking for a Zac mid/top guide because i love the champ but it doesn’t really fits my play style as a tanky jg. Now that i found a more aggressive and roaming build on him i will definitely try to play him more! Thanks for the great vid and keep up the great work!🙏
@@akumaburst6158 that’s fair, I ament a huge fan of assassins but ap zac is a lot of fun. Zac as a champion is just so perfect to me he’s the only design in the game I fully enjoy.
@@pearse2944 yeah he really is underrated as well as special at the same time because of his very unique design and abilities. I feel like they really nailed the champ for what he is. Making skins on him also can be a trouble but Riot has no problem with it haha.
As a zac one trick, I tried out AP Zac mid and top and drew similar conclusions. Keep in mind I am horrible at lane csing and don’t know the lane matchups. Some lanes felt unplayable for him. His early damage is really unfortunate as wel.
Thanks for the vid Chime! I am having a lot of fun with this build/play style. I have played it a lot in drafts and have won 3 games in a row with it in ranked on my main. Cheers
This is exactly how I play Lissandra in Challanger. You dont care about cs and level, instead you keep roaming to get your teammates ahead since Lissandra is a champion that can be still useful with her cc even when behind. Negative thing about this strategy is if your teammates who you got them ahead ints and gives the enemy their shut down over and over again all your efforts will be nothing and they will blame you when you start losing because they will see that enemy mid laner is ahead in terms of cs and exp.
You said challenger, not a place I've been, so this might not work for you but I just disable chat. The only time I have chat on is when playing ADC/Supp because it's often necessary to strategize but chat is 100% useless in any other lane. Ever since I disabled chat, I've just had more fun playing the game & overall had better mental. I still see missing pings but they're like, not as annoying.
Can u make a vid about yorick? I love the champ and i love hearing u talk about different champs. Idk any off meta yorick players but just talking about a normal yorick player would make my day!
By the way, the tower cheese is actually quite possible against any champion whatever items they have. E them under tower q them in wave ult them backwards, press w a lot... as long as its not a cannon wave, the wave will die so tower will get several shots in before they get out. You can chase them pretty easily and I get this several times a game when I play him top (in silver, obviously people will just ward for it higher after the first time). The other stuff you mentioned is pretty much all standard zac stuff or at least I know about them even if I don't employ a lot of it, except maybe going veil, which I never thought about but is just for ap zac anyway. ap zac is fun and definitely quite viable in low elo, but its super risky and easy to int with. I generally go with the Sunfire demonic mejias which (if you stack mejias) does enough damage to destroy multiple enemies in one combo and still be unkillable and heal all the damage dealt to you, especially after you get spirits. All zac tank items are really good right now, so that point is gone now. Zacs passive blob healing scales off health, so you won't really get much healing as ap zac.
As a side note, I think he has been broken mid for forever now and I've been reliably climbing with him for a while (slowly I don't actually play ranked much). Almost gold now (again I just build the bruiser sunfire demonic build even in mid)
As someone who personally HATES going against this champ, seeing the one reason I go Poppy vs him as a counterpick being completely nullified just makes me want to puke lmfao. Great work tho as always
I hate how Ryto just enforces that you Can only play The game one way. I loved that AP Twitch top strategy, because it felt great to play something different. But Ryto just went: How dare you play something else than we tell you to play. At least there are still people who try to invent something.
@@RomanTheNotARoman yeah it did you cant get The gold from minions anymore, i tried few times after they changed it. I guess you can still play it, but its nothing compared to what it was before
Good to see another Chimes upload! Just noticing the 0 CS in the title, but the 2cs/min in the video. I think your channel is special because you never clickbait ever, and never lie about your content in the title, unlike other League creators. It isn't a huge issue but I hope this doesn't evolve into something more. Asides from that, great video, the editing is superb.
Thanks, 2cs is a rough estimate and really his style doesnt care about cs. XP is much more important if anything, so 0cs is a good representation of that
This is very similar to the Korean Challenger who plays Zac top/mid. I've been playing him ever since that video you've made and have been achieving some good results. Thanks for bringing us League's best off-meta strategies!
This is basically the same strat as Singed Mid. You go MId to get some CS but your real goal is to chain gank lanes. While your Mid lane may get a lead on CS it means nothing compared to getting two lanes fed and putting the enemy teams lanes heavily behind. And just like Singed Zac has really good AP scaling making him stronger AP wise the longer the game goes on.
I just stomped an AP Zac mid in ranked and then stumbled upon your video AFTER the game... It looks like people don't practice these strats beforehand.
I remember before they changed zac q and r I was stuck silver and I saw someone play zac top/mid I tried it and loved it carried me to gold then my computer died
Man I love off meta but weirdly good picks like these. Such a shame that Riot hates any form of originality or deviation from the metas they set around the champs they totally don't play favorites with
One thing that another challenger euw Zac otp (Orax, unfortunatly this is an account he hasn't really touched, can't find the main my bad) do all the time is when an enemy is pushing a tower, wait for the wave to be only range creeps and try to hit both the range creeps and the enemy with E, you can then Q enemy + creeps into W to clear the rest of the wave, he'll take tower aggro even if he didn't do damage to you
I spent a month or two doing the same thing as AP zac support. it's honestly broken. Never thought about zhonya's though - I always went night harvester first.
@@pearse2944 'cause rift has only heals for 2% omnivamp because aoe is 33% of it's 8%. everything else gives mana, which isn't needed on zac. Rocket belt is okay but it leaves you too far from your team, and generally isn't needed.
when u put 0 cs in the title i thought we were back in april fools but damn this isn't a troll at all, these videos are so interesting because most of us have never heard of players like this
Want to add that some champions like Janna can dual e-cancel Zac, even if Zac has Banshies, by using q/r layered during the e-travel. That isn't something very many other champs can do, other than maybe w/tap-r stacked Poppy or a very low-ping Alistar can do. I wouldn't discount Knight Harvester as a mythic item for Zac as the _25% movement speed boost per champion, refreshing,_ works disgustingly well for all 5 of Zac's abilities (but thusly post gap-close I must add), and it increases the burst output, team-wide; per-target, as well as gives him ap/hp(no mana) as well giving him haste and a haste mythic passive. Perfect stat distribution, excluding wanted stats of resistances. Knight Harvester -> Fulltank has been good even before the durability update, now you just need to slot in a demonic embrace if they bring any of those meta hp-champions. Go for this build if you don't want to practice the zhonyas usage in norms for roughly a dozen games first. With aftershock,unflinching,ult.hunter, I've had some good success with it as a brutal power support as a counter to slower ad/supp lanes like Senna/Ashe(low point-blank cc value, and unflinching).
I once was really into Zac support, but then some friends wanted to supp, I lost interest in this role and my favorite items got nerfed, so I could not play him as a tanky boy very reliably. I main Mid nowadays, maybe I should give my favorite bloop another chance.
Funnily right now the 'meta' is buying tank items on damage champions, e.g sunfire Diana. So this guy is even breaking that. (Possibly might make a video on 'tank assassins' soon!)
you have to consider what you get from getting said kill for example if you flash for a solo kill when you already have a bounty you collect maybe 270 gold (if its someone whos already died a couple times) which leaves you open to giving the enemy team 500+ gold because you don't have flash anymore in this fight not only was he with his team (this negating the risk of giving a shutdown for free) he also got a dragon and probably a turret out of it which is much more global gold than just a solo kill ive had so many games where my adc would tower dive the 0/5 soraka collect like 150 gold and give the enemy adc over 600 gold and call it worth then wonder why the enemy is ahead in gold and beats him 1v1 even though "i have alot more kills how is this balanced" and im not even considering the cs gap that was made because this stupid motherfucker ignores cs and picks fights until he dies
as some1 who had played on this high elo, and mained a champ that usually farms a lot (kayle) i can say that 10cspm is unlikely against such good players on every single champion yes it happens, but an average of 10cspm is far from being the norm if u look up opgg and the likes youll find that barring some droolerchamps (kat, qiyana etc) most people average around 8-9 cspm
so I played fiddlesticks toplane for a lot of games a little while ago, they all called me crazy, they all told me to buzz off, that I was a loser, OH YEAH? I did the exact same thing every game 2:08 and almost every time my botlane never knew what I was doing and flamed me instead. This zac mid gets to do it because he is a booger and fiddle doesn't because he is a stick? they both have a stun lvl 1, what would be the difference? the zac passive? no uh, because you are the one that is bursting by surprise. I got so happy when I saw that someone had the same idea than me, good shite "hot boy"
If you're playing Wild Rift, you can adjust the enemy missing ping to ping the exact enemy which is missing. Unlike in PC, where you use enemy missing ping for everything other than enemy missing lmao. So we can just do 'Zac is missing'
Oh my god Chimes, I JUST FACED THIS. THE ZAC BOUGHT DARK SEAL AND WENT BOT LANE LIKE 8 TIMES. Needless to say, my botlane didn't learn that Zac was going to continue ganking them after, oh I dunno the 3rd time. They continued pushing wave with no vision, I continued pinging and typing to them that Zac was coming, they still died. Smh.
the moment i heard "new combo" there are only like 3 zac mechanics in the game that are pretty unknown, you can ult mid e if you q before, you can zhonyas in e (this is what I think the combo is going to be), and q into e is pretty much a true combo unless they have flash. Every person who has touched zac knows all these so its a bit sussy to call it new.
riftmaker is more for a constent damage build which is the opposite to what you want if you wanna jump on 3 people and one shot them all you go night harvester (mythic passive also gives ability haste which is more valuable on zac than omnivamp is)
From low income to perma roaming to him buying so many control wards and cheesing bot lane level 1. Wouldn't this play style be much better if he just went support instead of mid?
Yeah he plays support secondary, it is lower impact due to zac being quite hard in some lane matchups. If you are the best zac player - mid will be better every time, but for an average player both will be similar
I seriously believe he's gonna have a much harder time winning games now that his strategy is popular. Early wards in the jungle/river would crush his early strategy completely.
Download POROFESSOR for FREE: link.overwolf.com/Porofessor-Happychimenoises (AD)
I like turtles 🐢:D
The new thumbnail format is good keep up the good work
Does Porofessor differentiate between autofilled and queueing as fill?
@@JujuLand0 autofilled in porofessor= new to their role and likely high risk(they don't play that role normally.
It's not quite the same as normal autofill, just a useful quick way of telling they are playing a new role
Very cool app.
When I get 0 CS and still win mid I get called an inter who doesn't know how to farm, but when someone else does it and gets to GM they get into a HappyChimeNoises video
The injustice in this world
It's so unfair. Us bronzies don't get enough love.
„That doesn‘t seem fair.“
Haha get chall and you to can be a happy chime noises vid
The grandmaster is the important part lol
it's hard out here
Honestly man with these game breaking off meta players i hope there can be more like these so that I can watch more vids like these because they are so awesome, keep up the awesome work man and i wish those that want to try off meta picks to do their best.
Muni mid… vs ranged……
yeah but with every 1 good player there are 1000 trolls who run it down :/
I love Zac so much XD
He's my second main and played him every role, also on AD. Sadly only his aa does big damage then, but it's still veeeery funny having a lethal tempo Zac and that kinda works cause of his CC XD
First main qiyana and played her on every role too XD qiyana tank is extra funny and does a lotta damage too somehow XD
@@georgesmith6454 ppl run it down with the most fotm meta picks so does that even matter?
"how a jungle assassin zillean got to Master with 30fps and 200ms"
ap assasin zilean?
me a 40 to 50 fps master player
only 200ms? hahaha
average LAN game
@@SenseiZo me a 5fps bronze player
Forgot to mention - the reason he gets lvl 2 and still kills 3 melee minions is so that the wave pushes away from him - giving him a tiny bit of extra time for the roam. Love to see how calculated this player is!
He is also the most patient zac I have ever seen - charging his E til the perfect moment - and I think that is a big part of his success.
That as well as Returning to Fog of War after every play - not allowing himself to get tracked and avoided.
+ The E zhonyas trick is not just a meme - you can use it at any E range to avoid CC when you land. E.g charge fully, jump onto a varus who ults you - damage goes off, his CC doesnt hit!
P.s - Super glad to be back making off meta videos, hope you all enjoy!
You had me patiently waiting. I'd check every few days to see if one popped up. Thank you for fueling my trollish behavior on the rift.
Zyra jungle
@@oreburgh252 I'M LISTENING :)
not to contradict your research, but especially in the EU server, I wouldn't call high elo ap Zac unheard of, considering it's one of the baus's go to picks for autofill games, or so I've seen.
@@Soul_Hound well 20 games a season isn't really worth anything when baus plays 2000+ of sion haha
When I get Zac in urf, I usually take at least some ap. The scaling is fantastic and even one ap item at the beginning hugely increases his damage throughout the game, even when you go full tank after that.
Full AP Zac is also generally a good "fulltime" midlainer in certain matchups. With Rocketbelt as a first Item you can easily burst a squishy champion. But this roaming strategy is also very interesting, maybe you can play both depending on the situation. But I would change some of the runes if you decide to stay mid
Second wind, revitalize + dshield is more than enough for Zac mid. No mages have enough damage early to burn your hp before they burn their mana, and after lvl 6 Zac autowin just about all mage matchups that isn’t Ryze and Cassiopeia
@@Dingdong2730 wait ryze actually has a winning matchup?
@@dashingflash No, its a shit matchup, because Zac can always set Ryze up to ganks, but in an isolated 1v1 Ryze is probably the strongest mage in the game(along with Cassio), he has huge base stats and very high dps. Ryze is hard cucked by his short range, thats why its such a bad champ, Riot can buff his numbers as much as they want, it wont fix the champion.
You could also build night harvester for some extra AP scale
@@Dingdong2730 The strongest mages are Cassio and Viktor rn, Ryze is trash bcz of his range btw
Off meta, many seasons ago: "I'm running AP Garen so I can have fun with massive ult damage"
Off meta, today: "I'm playing a team focused strategy in this team vs team game, and it turns out to be a pretty good idea when noone else is really doing it"
Fun part is, most of these off meta picks eventually end up in pro play or picked in challenger. Janna/yuumi top, rengar/ivern bot and tryndamere mid, soraka mid & Lillia top are the most popular examples.
@@harurosech.4848 I cant remember the last time I saw rengar ivern bot in a pro game, or soraka mid (outside of some NA games, which arent pro play). Trynd mid is usually just used to get a good matchup top, its not really something teams go for, and enchanters top didnt work when they were tried out. Generally pros know how to avoid this picks that need to snowball early since they are actually willing to give up a bit for the team.
Best league content so far. Watching stuff from 10 years, since im a player here, deffinetly this is the best content. Dont stop pls
Thanks so much, very kind
Lately i watched your video from a year ago about zac mid which inspired me to play him. Now Zac is my highest mastery champion. I was so suprised that i saw your new video about him
Yeah that video was 2 years ago now funnily - time flies. This guy is a lot different playstyle so I thought it would be a great time to revisit
@@HappyChimeNoises 2 years!? Thats crazy. And you are right, great time to revisit indeed
God.. I haven't played league in over a decade at this point, but holy crap... I'm actually cackling at how cracked this strat is... this is amazing.
Brilliant player. HE could likely play just about any similar mobility champion the same way. Map knowledge, game mechanic knowledge, timers ect. Hes got a super human level of tracking everything in real time. Likely better then you can with apps that aide this.
hi chime glad ur back
Zac mains always amaze me. Specially those summoners that can do the jump with the animation backwards.
This is basically fiddlesticks mid with a 9 sec cd ultimate
I have been playing zac mid for so long now. I really thought i was innovating. I have a really good win rate and it makes me a little sad to see this vid, because i was hoping to be here one day. keep the good videos, brother!
Sorry to tell you but there's actually many Zac mid players
Was thinking the same about singed mid hahaha that was my pocket pick on mid for last 6 months and i always make it work, but then i found out there are plenty fellas doing the same.
I have also been playinh quite a bit zac mid but mostly tank sometimes ap and had decent sucess
Just tried it! And had an absolute blast first time around. Finished the game with 22/5, it is really fun.
Thank you!!
Finnaly something for my taste, i been looking for a Zac mid/top guide because i love the champ but it doesn’t really fits my play style as a tanky jg. Now that i found a more aggressive and roaming build on him i will definitely try to play him more!
Thanks for the great vid and keep up the great work!🙏
Ik you said you don’t like him tank but sunfire w max on him top is real nice
@@pearse2944 Oh no i don’t dislike it, it just doesn’t fit the way i play haha
thanks for the advice though 🤝
@@akumaburst6158 that’s fair, I ament a huge fan of assassins but ap zac is a lot of fun. Zac as a champion is just so perfect to me he’s the only design in the game I fully enjoy.
@@pearse2944 yeah he really is underrated as well as special at the same time because of his very unique design and abilities. I feel like they really nailed the champ for what he is. Making skins on him also can be a trouble but Riot has no problem with it haha.
As a zac one trick, I tried out AP Zac mid and top and drew similar conclusions. Keep in mind I am horrible at lane csing and don’t know the lane matchups. Some lanes felt unplayable for him. His early damage is really unfortunate as wel.
Next vid will be something like "How a AD jg Galio with Lethal Tempo got to Challenger"
Thanks for posting this as soon as I got in my promos
Thanks for the vid
Chime! I am having a lot of fun with this build/play style. I have played it a lot in drafts and have won 3 games in a row with it in ranked on my main. Cheers
Yesterday I got 200k mastery points on Top Lillia. Thank you for introducing me to her.
This is exactly how I play Lissandra in Challanger. You dont care about cs and level, instead you keep roaming to get your teammates ahead since Lissandra is a champion that can be still useful with her cc even when behind.
Negative thing about this strategy is if your teammates who you got them ahead ints and gives the enemy their shut down over and over again all your efforts will be nothing and they will blame you when you start losing because they will see that enemy mid laner is ahead in terms of cs and exp.
You said challenger, not a place I've been, so this might not work for you but I just disable chat. The only time I have chat on is when playing ADC/Supp because it's often necessary to strategize but chat is 100% useless in any other lane. Ever since I disabled chat, I've just had more fun playing the game & overall had better mental. I still see missing pings but they're like, not as annoying.
Can u make a vid about yorick? I love the champ and i love hearing u talk about different champs. Idk any off meta yorick players but just talking about a normal yorick player would make my day!
Got one soon :)
@@HappyChimeNoises thanl you!
Thank you chime for giving me more inters in ranked and taking more of my lp.
Ur for sure the problem lol
By the way, the tower cheese is actually quite possible against any champion whatever items they have. E them under tower q them in wave ult them backwards, press w a lot... as long as its not a cannon wave, the wave will die so tower will get several shots in before they get out. You can chase them pretty easily and I get this several times a game when I play him top (in silver, obviously people will just ward for it higher after the first time). The other stuff you mentioned is pretty much all standard zac stuff or at least I know about them even if I don't employ a lot of it, except maybe going veil, which I never thought about but is just for ap zac anyway. ap zac is fun and definitely quite viable in low elo, but its super risky and easy to int with. I generally go with the Sunfire demonic mejias which (if you stack mejias) does enough damage to destroy multiple enemies in one combo and still be unkillable and heal all the damage dealt to you, especially after you get spirits. All zac tank items are really good right now, so that point is gone now. Zacs passive blob healing scales off health, so you won't really get much healing as ap zac.
As a side note, I think he has been broken mid for forever now and I've been reliably climbing with him for a while (slowly I don't actually play ranked much). Almost gold now (again I just build the bruiser sunfire demonic build even in mid)
Singed being the best mid laner gives me a good giggle everytime I see it
As someone who personally HATES going against this champ, seeing the one reason I go Poppy vs him as a counterpick being completely nullified just makes me want to puke lmfao. Great work tho as always
honestly instant sub and dl porofessor with ur link content so awesome yet so simple
love from france
Thank you my friend
Been playing kamikaze Zac for a while now.
I hate how Ryto just enforces that you Can only play The game one way. I loved that AP Twitch top strategy, because it felt great to play something different. But Ryto just went: How dare you play something else than we tell you to play. At least there are still people who try to invent something.
The support item changes did nothing against playing perma roaming tops.
@@RomanTheNotARoman yeah it did you cant get The gold from minions anymore, i tried few times after they changed it. I guess you can still play it, but its nothing compared to what it was before
not even a day passed from posting this video and someone already trolled in my ranked game ( luckily he was in enemy team )
Good to see another Chimes upload! Just noticing the 0 CS in the title, but the 2cs/min in the video. I think your channel is special because you never clickbait ever, and never lie about your content in the title, unlike other League creators. It isn't a huge issue but I hope this doesn't evolve into something more. Asides from that, great video, the editing is superb.
Thanks, 2cs is a rough estimate and really his style doesnt care about cs. XP is much more important if anything, so 0cs is a good representation of that
@@HappyChimeNoises I see your point, it is definitely harder to state that he has 2cs/min, rather than to just say 0 CS.
This is very similar to the Korean Challenger who plays Zac top/mid. I've been playing him ever since that video you've made and have been achieving some good results. Thanks for bringing us League's best off-meta strategies!
I remember AP Zach in NA after he was released, his ultimate was bonkers.
That makes allot of sense, was wondering why this zac was inting mid earlier, was solid, but dude wasn’t playing to its potential
i love that some players have the skills and knowledge to create chaos like this. completely off meta, must be annoying to fight.
can't wait to see zac mid in my iron games :D
that's not really a problem if you are iron, not a single player know how to play the game champ is irrelevant
A HappyChimeNoises video about Zac, amazing!, let's take a look on the weekly rotation...
Gentlemen, this will be a trolling week.
This is basically the same strat as Singed Mid. You go MId to get some CS but your real goal is to chain gank lanes. While your Mid lane may get a lead on CS it means nothing compared to getting two lanes fed and putting the enemy teams lanes heavily behind. And just like Singed Zac has really good AP scaling making him stronger AP wise the longer the game goes on.
I just stomped an AP Zac mid in ranked and then stumbled upon your video AFTER the game... It looks like people don't practice these strats beforehand.
TF is a pretty easy match up for zac mid too, sad
I remember before they changed zac q and r I was stuck silver and I saw someone play zac top/mid I tried it and loved it carried me to gold then my computer died
Man I love off meta but weirdly good picks like these. Such a shame that Riot hates any form of originality or deviation from the metas they set around the champs they totally don't play favorites with
One thing that another challenger euw Zac otp (Orax, unfortunatly this is an account he hasn't really touched, can't find the main my bad) do all the time is when an enemy is pushing a tower, wait for the wave to be only range creeps and try to hit both the range creeps and the enemy with E, you can then Q enemy + creeps into W to clear the rest of the wave, he'll take tower aggro even if he didn't do damage to you
The tierlist probably needs a durability update
Agree for sure
I spent a month or two doing the same thing as AP zac support. it's honestly broken. Never thought about zhonya's though - I always went night harvester first.
Why night harvester?
@@pearse2944 'cause rift has only heals for 2% omnivamp because aoe is 33% of it's 8%. everything else gives mana, which isn't needed on zac. Rocket belt is okay but it leaves you too far from your team, and generally isn't needed.
@@unknownlongforgottenpaths Rocket belt prevents you from having to burn your flash for those sweet doubles, shouldn't use it to chase enemies down
when u put 0 cs in the title
i thought we were back in april fools
but damn this isn't a troll at all, these
videos are so interesting because most
of us have never heard of players like this
Want to add that some champions like Janna can dual e-cancel Zac, even if Zac has Banshies, by using q/r layered during the e-travel. That isn't something very many other champs can do, other than maybe w/tap-r stacked Poppy or a very low-ping Alistar can do. I wouldn't discount Knight Harvester as a mythic item for Zac as the _25% movement speed boost per champion, refreshing,_ works disgustingly well for all 5 of Zac's abilities (but thusly post gap-close I must add), and it increases the burst output, team-wide; per-target, as well as gives him ap/hp(no mana) as well giving him haste and a haste mythic passive. Perfect stat distribution, excluding wanted stats of resistances. Knight Harvester -> Fulltank has been good even before the durability update, now you just need to slot in a demonic embrace if they bring any of those meta hp-champions. Go for this build if you don't want to practice the zhonyas usage in norms for roughly a dozen games first. With aftershock,unflinching,ult.hunter, I've had some good success with it as a brutal power support as a counter to slower ad/supp lanes like Senna/Ashe(low point-blank cc value, and unflinching).
I got an ad for porofessor, after the sponsor, and the ad was by YOU
I once was really into Zac support, but then some friends wanted to supp, I lost interest in this role and my favorite items got nerfed, so I could not play him as a tanky boy very reliably. I main Mid nowadays, maybe I should give my favorite bloop another chance.
yesss, cant wait to try it in my ranked game. getting the chillz
This man discoverd the strongest type of assassin
So excited to see this in my game later.
I always play zac with ability haste rune and transcendance. This way I can spam abilities = continuing passive healing
As a Zac ADC main, I agree with this video
If u actually play him adc dont u get flsmed everygame. I like playing it but people just run it if i pick it
@@wilmerhejdenberg9861 I do get flamed alot and some people dodge it but it is actually a really fun way to play Zac
@@gongo4800 i also enjoy playing it but people will just run me down or somethinh like that.
Zac - somewhere in the top 10 of champs with most untapped potential
So it's like Janna TOP with smite, but Janna just helps and Zak kills.
Bruisers and Tanks building full damage and climbing high ranks is very scary when you think about it
Funnily right now the 'meta' is buying tank items on damage champions, e.g sunfire Diana. So this guy is even breaking that.
(Possibly might make a video on 'tank assassins' soon!)
I see it coming that I try this out, end up 0 20 0 and quit
1.6 almost 1m700k zac main here! Love the content wich show zac is really awesome (zac top laner here)
8:36’ he never uses flash in single kills around the map.’ Meanwhile, in clip:
That is the fight I was referring to :) Not a single kill. He did this so that his team could kill their jg and get first dragon
you have to consider what you get from getting said kill
for example if you flash for a solo kill when you already have a bounty you collect maybe 270 gold (if its someone whos already died a couple times)
which leaves you open to giving the enemy team 500+ gold because you don't have flash anymore
in this fight not only was he with his team (this negating the risk of giving a shutdown for free) he also got a dragon and probably a turret out of it which is much more global gold than just a solo kill
ive had so many games where my adc would tower dive the 0/5 soraka collect like 150 gold and give the enemy adc over 600 gold and call it worth then wonder why the enemy is ahead in gold and beats him 1v1 even though "i have alot more kills how is this balanced" and im not even considering the cs gap that was made because this stupid motherfucker ignores cs and picks fights until he dies
my wife+ i love your videos man, keep up the good work - youre a wizard.
when ever u upload these type of videos i get these type of players in my elo. It feels like every think they can do it.
Welcome back!!!
as some1 who had played on this high elo, and mained a champ that usually farms a lot (kayle) i can say that 10cspm is unlikely against such good players on every single champion
yes it happens, but an average of 10cspm is far from being the norm
if u look up opgg and the likes youll find that barring some droolerchamps (kat, qiyana etc) most people average around 8-9 cspm
so I played fiddlesticks toplane for a lot of games a little while ago, they all called me crazy, they all told me to buzz off, that I was a loser, OH YEAH? I did the exact same thing every game 2:08 and almost every time my botlane never knew what I was doing and flamed me instead. This zac mid gets to do it because he is a booger and fiddle doesn't because he is a stick? they both have a stun lvl 1, what would be the difference? the zac passive? no uh, because you are the one that is bursting by surprise. I got so happy when I saw that someone had the same idea than me, good shite "hot boy"
This reminds me of Baus playing ap zac in clash, except much more detailed
i always play Zac sp, one of the greatest lv2 all-in champ with huge dmg, 2 multi target cc, good ganking setup....
“It’s especially great against scaling mages” *except Singed, batteries sold separately
Me, a Minishcap student: Yeah, let’s make this meta please
If you're playing Wild Rift, you can adjust the enemy missing ping to ping the exact enemy which is missing. Unlike in PC, where you use enemy missing ping for everything other than enemy missing lmao.
So we can just do 'Zac is missing'
well if u ping mid is missing.. then its the midlaner..
@@spencerhotello7468 The matter is that, knowing how people usually use enemy missing ping, the actual intention might get lost in the process
@@mypersonalaccount4934 if your midlaner pings missing its pretty obvious the enemy midlaner is missing if they aint using it for bm
Oh my god Chimes, I JUST FACED THIS.
Needless to say, my botlane didn't learn that Zac was going to continue ganking them after, oh I dunno the 3rd time. They continued pushing wave with no vision, I continued pinging and typing to them that Zac was coming, they still died.
Please cover AP zeri mid. Pekinwoof hit challenger with 60%+ winrate playing her
Thanks i'll take a look :)
I've actually seen baus play quite a bit of ap zac when he plays jungle
Ngl i you had me at ap zac mid but them also banning yuumi makes them a omega gigachad
mad respect for the madlad
The amount of brain going into this pick is insane xD
Time to go play this in ranked without practicing and go 2/6
Hello! NICE channel! I'm a big fan of you +👍🔔
he plays like he's fucking rengar. HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS
this reminds me of babus carrying in jungle with ap zac
Lol there was a zac supp I went up against last night. Now I know why, thankfully he tried it because we promptly stomped him.
Hey this was my strat on my main!! :D I even have a video uploaded
Increadable video, thnx a lot, i wanna try it
I don't play Zac, nor I know his abilities, but this is my favorite off meta pick it looks funnier even than Sylas supp
the moment i heard "new combo" there are only like 3 zac mechanics in the game that are pretty unknown, you can ult mid e if you q before, you can zhonyas in e (this is what I think the combo is going to be), and q into e is pretty much a true combo unless they have flash. Every person who has touched zac knows all these so its a bit sussy to call it new.
Riftmaker on zac is also insane for damage
riftmaker is more for a constent damage build which is the opposite to what you want
if you wanna jump on 3 people and one shot them all you go night harvester (mythic passive also gives ability haste which is more valuable on zac than omnivamp is)
Zac players don’t notice that their champion is this op since they’re super carried by their champ
AP zac requires you to land everything perfectly or you get banned for inting lol try it out and maybe reevaluate your opinion
I do miss being able to main him in top lane
imagine starting in season 10, still surpassing 0.7%(i dunno but somewhere along 0.1-0.7% in challenger or something) in just 2 seasons
Challenger is about 0.014%
He started to play Zac in season 10, he was playing before
The bami cinder tank trick is very common in low ELO it's just that not many now this trick 😂
That reminds me 2016 when i bought rilays on garen so his E would slow.
Already have feeding Zac mids in my games thanks
zac was used in worlds picks a few years ago
So cool the zac mid... Im gonna use it in supp
From low income to perma roaming to him buying so many control wards and cheesing bot lane level 1. Wouldn't this play style be much better if he just went support instead of mid?
Yeah he plays support secondary, it is lower impact due to zac being quite hard in some lane matchups. If you are the best zac player - mid will be better every time, but for an average player both will be similar
I seriously believe he's gonna have a much harder time winning games now that his strategy is popular.
Early wards in the jungle/river would crush his early strategy completely.
The nunu video I made last year had the same lvl 2 roam and he is still high challenger :)
yesterday i fought someone doing this mid. unfortunately this was low elo so he got clapped
Can’t sleep, this more then makes up for it lol
Looks like normal Tank Zac damage to me x)