Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2x15 'Phases' Reaction!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 2 місяці тому +4

    "Is Jordy a werewolf? Huh. And how long has that been going on?"
    Love that line.

  • @migmit
    @migmit 3 місяці тому +15

    Even background characters can be terrific on BtVS.

  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 2 місяці тому +2

    Willow and Cordelia bonding over guy troubles at the Bronze is a whole vibe.

  • @johnmoreland6089
    @johnmoreland6089 3 місяці тому +10

    "Why do you have chains and stuff??" LOVE Alyson Hannigan"s line delivery. Fun and perceptive reaction, guys, on this excellent episode.

  • @TheBloobster
    @TheBloobster 3 місяці тому +33

    Ehh thanks for asking my dude on the right how he felt about the last episode. I hate it when a reactor misses an episode and we never find out their feelings on it. Well done good sir on the left.

  • @Jacana2k6
    @Jacana2k6 3 місяці тому +7

    Good insight on the episode, guys! I think at the time it aired, the "I'm gay" fake out was not as expected as it was not as common for gay characters to be on shows. Do love the different dynamics in the relationships or lack there of for the Gang. Welcome back Mike! Keep up the good work, guys!

  • @littlecitygirl
    @littlecitygirl 3 місяці тому +11

    You guys were on point this episode - first guessing the werewolf was Oz (most reactors are shocked) and then that Larry was gay. Good job guys. My favourite bit is Cordy and Willow at the Bronze talking about 'guys'.

  • @IDyce88
    @IDyce88 15 днів тому

    "Giles no one has seen anything" brilliant line with multiple meanings, firstly Buffy is refering to how the whole town is ignorant and in denial so even if they did see something they would pretend they didn't. secondly it's pitch black out so...yeah duh.
    if i recall in the Buffy universe vampires and werewolves don't like each other but i don't remember if a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire like in some fiction. all i do know is werewolves don't like silver...and vampires aren't bothered by silver (unlike some other versions of fiction where they say vampires can be hurt by silver). Vampires die from stake to the heart, sunlight, holy water, fire and beheading.

  • @AlexSwanson-rw7cv
    @AlexSwanson-rw7cv 3 місяці тому +1

    I do like the fact that the hunter had a double rifle. That's unusual but very appropriate and shows more attention to detail re firearms than we usually got in TV/film back then. (Or now, quite often.)

  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 2 місяці тому

    When Xander killed Teresa, it is not the first time he has killed a vampire. But it *is* the first time he killed a vampire on purpose.

  • @glygriffe
    @glygriffe 3 місяці тому +5

    I love Oz so much. I wonder if Willow finally got the courage to kiss him because of Buffy or because he is not as "perfect" now that he is a werewolf? (I know Oz is not perfect, but he is perfectly imperfect to me.)

  • @startingQB
    @startingQB 3 місяці тому +1

    23:42 I think y'all took that differently then intended.

  • @feudist
    @feudist 3 місяці тому +1

    Buffy being thrilled with having all the T in Lover's lane was very cute. But Willow is the Queen of Cute...and steadily transforming from "Softer side of Sears" Willow into a beauty herself.
    The incident with Buffy kung fu-ing Larry is one reason Snyder stays on her case.

  • @killianlpc
    @killianlpc 3 місяці тому +8

    Oz the coolest character in The Buffyverse, not only is he a lead guitarist in an indie band, he just becomes even cooler now he has Superpowers too. Some great foreshadowing from S1 I Robot You Jane when Buffy says to Willow about her virtual computer boyfriend ' he could have a hairy back' well Oz definitely does! I think we can see now you really are getting the show. Some brilliant episodes now coming up in the closing part of the Season

  • @codypendragons
    @codypendragons 3 місяці тому +1

    No traditionally vampires keep werewolves as pets.

  • @josephdavis9234
    @josephdavis9234 3 місяці тому +3

    It's uncomfortable how relatable this episode is.

  • @davidwalsh7128
    @davidwalsh7128 3 місяці тому +2

    Nice job. VG episode. Buckle up boys...

  • @startingQB
    @startingQB 3 місяці тому

    All wierd deaths are "animal related". Lol

  • @wolandbegemotazazello
    @wolandbegemotazazello 3 місяці тому +2

    I love it when amateurs who may have taken a film class or too wax on about “realism”. Of course, they fail to grasp that a “realistic” film doesn’t exit which is why “naturalism” is a better term for naturalistic representation. There is, of course, no such thing as a “real” film because film manipulates the viewer through music, mise-en-scene, editing, holding suspense for the effect a la Hitchcock, the master of suspense, etc,. This means that film, even documentary films, are totally different and discontinuous from" real life". Needless to say, hardly any one would watch “real life”, people taking a leak, taking a dump, washing their underarms and buttcracks, washing the dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the toilet, etc. They also fail to realise that “realism” is just one way to approach art or entertainment. What is even funnier about this ideology of realism, this limited sense of how art works and what it is, is expecting a fantasy show like BtVS to be “real” at least on the literal level. One can certainly argue Buffy is metaphorically “real”, well as real as manipulated for effect things can get. But one, of course, has to make that argument if one wants someone to take the “critic” making that argument seriously. Oh well.

  • @PromptCriticalJello
    @PromptCriticalJello 3 місяці тому +2

    It's not really much of a spoiler, but i'm gonna bury it just incase.
    This sets up a bit of a running gag that only Willow gets to shoot Oz.
    I think there is one exception, but i don't recall where right now.

    • @MB.543
      @MB.543 3 місяці тому +1

      'Spoiler' below (not really though)
      Wasn't the exception that part earlier this season when he gets shot protecting Willow at the career thing with the assassin cop lady?

    • @PromptCriticalJello
      @PromptCriticalJello 3 місяці тому

      @@MB.543 I don't think so. I'm almost sure there is a later episode that it happens. Heavy stretch on the .

    • @MB.543
      @MB.543 3 місяці тому +1

      @@PromptCriticalJello Then wouldn't that mean there are 2 exceptions? Because what I described also happened.

    • @ernesthakey3396
      @ernesthakey3396 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@PromptCriticalJello Suggestion, probably not necessary for this one, but for other spoiler comments, add some more empty lines - this whole comment is visible so someone could take it all in before they realize they shouldn't. About 7 lines of text are visible, at least on my tablet anyways.

    • @PromptCriticalJello
      @PromptCriticalJello 3 місяці тому

      @@ernesthakey3396 I need some clarification,
      Can you read the original comment entirely without having to click 'read more', or my reply to another comment that i did not put under a spoiler warning?
      If some people can see more than 4 lines of text before the 'read more' then i defiantly need to address that and thank you for the heads up.
      If it's the reply that i didn't bury then, i didn't see any conceivable way to extract a spoiler from that, but thank you for the reminder. Everyone (even me) needs a reminder occasionally.

  • @disneytoysr4fun975
    @disneytoysr4fun975 3 місяці тому +1

    I dont know, I kinda wanted Larry to get gay bashed. Im not homophobic or anything but I feel like he got off too easy for all the SA he committed. Having him be ostracized and beat up for his sexuality would have made me be more open to his redemption. Also there is no telling how far he took his SA if he was willing to grab body parts in class!

  • @Talisguy
    @Talisguy 3 місяці тому

    "Does he turn into a little puppy during the full moon?"
    I have a semi-serious fan theory that he was actually the werewolf we see on the first night, the one that attacks Cordelia and Xander in her car.
    Isn't that Oz? Well, it was almost certainly intended to be Oz, but the fact that he realises he's a werewolf when he wakes up naked in the woods after night two raises the question of what exactly happened the morning after night one. Did he only think it was weird the second time he woke up naked in the woods? Did he get insanely lucky, turn back into a human in his bedroom and just write it off as an episode of sleepwalking? ...Or was he only fully transformed on night two and was the first werewolf someone else? ...And who's the only other werewolf we know of in the story?
    I know, it's just a minor plot hole and I'm reading far too much into it, but the idea of a little kid turning into a fully grown werewolf is too funny for me to pass up.

    • @ulrichs3061
      @ulrichs3061 3 місяці тому

      If Oz cousin was a toddler he would have baby teeth. Grown up teeth come through between the ages of about 6 and 7 years.

    • @Talisguy
      @Talisguy 3 місяці тому

      ​@@ulrichs3061 Edited, my mistake. Still counts.

    • @gungho1284
      @gungho1284 3 місяці тому

      @@ulrichs3061 And since when can a werewolf turn someone when they aren't in their wolf form?

    • @ulrichs3061
      @ulrichs3061 3 місяці тому

      @@gungho1284 Depends on the fiction world. I think it's never mentioned in Buffyverse but why not?

    • @ulrichs3061
      @ulrichs3061 3 місяці тому

      @@Talisguy Yes, it does. But for me (and you) these few minor plot holes in the Buffyverse are very bearable, some other shows are much more illogical.

  • @Sytrylt
    @Sytrylt 3 місяці тому

  • @Talisguy
    @Talisguy 3 місяці тому +5

    "He's supposed to be 18?"
    Amusingly, he's younger than Seth Green. He really doesn't look it.

  • @invaderliz
    @invaderliz 3 місяці тому +6

    Forgot about the mean jock coming out red-herring side plot on this one. Woot happy pride everybody!

  • @williambowman2326
    @williambowman2326 3 місяці тому +7

    Another fun and solid reaction. BTVS is a show that calls back to the past episodes to help make their world more complete for the audience. The cheerleader statue, hyena pack, etc is how high school students talk and relate. Great mixture of plot development and humor. Mostly forgotten is that Angel killed an innocent classmate of Buffy. He has gone full vampire and is on the prowl to torture then kill her. A reminder of what Angel did to Drusilla shows the level of sadistic behavior has just starting.

  • @Buffy8Fan
    @Buffy8Fan 3 місяці тому +7

    Love that you asked how Mike felt about the episodes we didn't see him watch.
    Loved your reaction to Oz being the werewolf and Larry assuming Xander was gay were great moments. The seeing it coming and still being a little shocked without overly so works as well as the surprise of other reaction viewers.
    Lots of people misses Oz line about his cousin.
    Why should Buffy act like a "meek little Girly-girl" in a class where her skills would get her an A and the point is to fight off the attacker? Willow's worry comes across as either overprotectiveness or not wanting Buffy to do better than her. Perhaps even both.

    • @ArielCarmona
      @ArielCarmona 3 місяці тому +4

      I read it as WIllow being protective, she is worried people may find out she's something other than a meek girly gir, i.e. the Slayer

    • @Buffy8Fan
      @Buffy8Fan 3 місяці тому +5

      But that wouldn't make sense in the context of the point of the class. Plus, the school (and students) already knows Buffy is known for beating people up. Willow teases Buffy about her record of "violent incidents" to the point where Willow says people count to ten when they are upset and Buffy stares her down and overexaggerates the count. It happens in this episode. The point is it doesn't really make sense for Willow to be worried. That's why I think she's being "over"protective. And from what we know in my mentioned spoiler warning seasons, Willow gets a little upset (not angry, but upset and exited, as well. It's odd really) at not being the best at school. So that's why I suggested that. No one is gonna think slayer. They're gonna go with the rumor already out there: Juvenille delinquent. Willow cannot stop that at this point. My theory is Willow is booksmart, but not streetsmart. This moment just seems proof of that.

  • @harryqueen8397
    @harryqueen8397 3 місяці тому +8

    "stumbling through bettering society"

  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 2 місяці тому +2

    The thing with Angel going after Teresa, he told Buffy that he killed everyone Drusilla cared about when he was obsessed with her. So he is doing the same to Buffy, but this time, he didn't just kill Buffy's friend, he made Buffy kill her too.

  • @spamfilter32
    @spamfilter32 2 місяці тому +2

    The Larry coming out scene was very important because homophobia was deeply prevalent at that time and so many people felt compelled to stay in the closet. Especially in Highschool. Calling someone gay was the default insult in highschool in those days. I didn't meet my first openly gay person until I went to college.

  • @corgiluver9718
    @corgiluver9718 3 місяці тому +4

    Glad to have you and your giggle back Mike. Good episode and fun reaction. Oz is such a good addition to the show. Also really enjoyed Cordella and the callback to the hyena episode in this one.

  • @MrGala0apples
    @MrGala0apples 3 місяці тому +6

    Love that you called Larry was gay. There are some great background characters in this show. I’m sure another commenter will get much deeper into it, but being lgbtq+ in the nineties/2000s was a very different vibe than today. You couldn’t even show a queer kiss on tv. Xander actually handled it pretty well, considering the times.

  • @IDyce88
    @IDyce88 3 місяці тому +3

    people always bitched about how the wolf costume looked kind of bad...but considering this TV series was made BEFORE Harry Potter and the werewolf in Harry Potter was REALLY stupid...i think it deserves more credit. at least it has fur and isn't some skinny boney rat monster.

    • @xkindredxsoulsxxx4195
      @xkindredxsoulsxxx4195 Місяць тому

      YES! I hate the Harry Potter werewolf with a fiery vengeance! More than that I actually love the werewolf here. It's bad, but the design is good, if that makes sense. I don't think it's at all a spoiler to say that they change the costume later and I do NOT at all like the design. Everyone loves the later werewolf though because it is better done.

    • @IDyce88
      @IDyce88 Місяць тому

      @@xkindredxsoulsxxx4195 i think the werewolf in HP was based more off Lycans which are a type of werewolf that don't tend to have much fur and retain more human quality. whereas Buffy took a very hairy approach to the werewolf.

    • @xkindredxsoulsxxx4195
      @xkindredxsoulsxxx4195 Місяць тому

      @@IDyce88 I'm not sure that is strictly true. I'm no expert, but the word lycan is just short for lycanthrope which roots back to greek and refers to them being both wolf and man. I'm sure with enough research the word lycan could be linked to various subforms of lycanthropy depending on legend or region or individual story. I'm sure one link probably is to a more hairless form, but considering there is a whole disease revolving around hair that has the name lycanthropy, I doubt that is the only link.
      That said my problem with the HP werewolf is not solely the hairlessness, although it really didn't help. It just looks bad all around.

    • @IDyce88
      @IDyce88 Місяць тому

      @@xkindredxsoulsxxx4195 lycanthrope is just another word for werewolf...yes, but depending on which mythology werewolves tend to be depicted in two different ways: scrawny and rat like...or big furry...and then there are soome people who try to murky the waters by saying "oh they are the same thing but they start out scrawny but then get bigger later on". i have two theories; in HP they probably wanted to try and stay truer to the myth and legends...a lot of the JK Rowling stuff did. Lupin had been a werewolf for a long time mind you so i question why he was only a scrawny creature. it was possible they didn't have the CGI to do better.
      as for Buffy...they diverted from the true version a lot...that a werewolf goes out not just on the full moon but also on the night before and after...plus it was a bigger scare factor. HP is meant to be for a younger audience (or at least the earlier ones are). on the subject, the best werewolf in history for me is Sabrewulf from Killer Instinct...so unappreciated purely because that game got a low violence rating. KI is actually as violent as mortal kombat but they messed up by reducing the age rating.

  • @migmit
    @migmit 3 місяці тому +4

    Xander inadvertently killed Jessy in episode 2.

  • @codypendragons
    @codypendragons 3 місяці тому +1

    Everybody knows that full moon lasts for about 5 days, and that it's at least a 3 day cycle!

  • @Itsjandz105
    @Itsjandz105 3 місяці тому +1

    I love this episode. Making Oz a werewolf is a great choice because it makes him so much more than just willows boyfriend.

  • @mylvem7270
    @mylvem7270 3 місяці тому +1

    Great reaction guys! This is definitely one of the favorite episodes in my opinion. Can't wait for the next episodes we're at the beginning of the end of season 2!

  • @EpimethiusPSN
    @EpimethiusPSN 3 місяці тому +8

    It is always good to see Sahjhan 😉

    • @gungho1284
      @gungho1284 3 місяці тому +4

      Get back in your jar!

  • @IDyce88
    @IDyce88 15 днів тому

    LOL i can't remember when it is, but after Larry admits to being gay there is a moment Xander and Buffy are talking and Larry comes by and says something and when he leaves Buffy comments "that was weird" and Xander overreacts and Buffy merely says "no it was weird he didn't try and look up my skirt" and i know that's gross but the way Buffy says it is so hilarious.

  • @gungho1284
    @gungho1284 3 місяці тому

    Sunnydale has to have a lot of vanishing corpses from morgues and funeral homes. It seems unusual that so many even make it to burial in the cemetery. Unless they do it really fast because of that vanishing problem. 🤔

  • @youtpfpm6097
    @youtpfpm6097 3 місяці тому

    Nice legs, Mike.😉

  • @shercahn
    @shercahn 3 місяці тому

    Buffy said "my Inferior" not "Fuhrer"

    • @AlexSwanson-rw7cv
      @AlexSwanson-rw7cv 3 місяці тому +13

      No, she said "mein furrier", as a pun on "mein fuhrer". Because he takes the skins/furs.

    • @shercahn
      @shercahn 3 місяці тому +5

      @@AlexSwanson-rw7cv - I stand corrected and all these years I thought she said the other because he was acting superior to her (inferior/superior). Learned something new.