My Father who watched Heart as a boy and would say to me, try and get to se his films, this was in the 50s/ 60s. but I could never find any being shown here in England. Then one day in the 90s I came across W S Hearts autobiography written in 1929 (a must read,) now at last I can see his films on UA-cam, sadly, not with my dear old POP as he passed away in 1992, Thank You!
Fascinating-man. Just beginning to learn about him. I'll be viewing his films for the first-time. This nifty-little bio gives a tantalizing-glimpse into a few of them. From what I've recently-read, Hart took westerns seriously, striving to make them as authentic as possible. His final-farewell, considered the greatest in cinema-history, clearly reveal his heart-felt sincerity toward this end.
Thanks for posting!! This guy was John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, all rolled into one! Great as they are they have nothing on William S Hart!!!
Read his autobiography he wrote in 1929, he was brought up in the Wild West when it was all happening, His films had to be dead accurate down to the last button, he would receive broken ribs in fights etc, read the book, its great
DEADWOOD, HELL ON WHEELS and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN are new westerns with Hart's rugged, gritty approach. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY would have made a great silent film (Angel Eyes). Ennio Morricone should do a score for a Hart silent film. Hart totally ruled.
As a life long film buff.I found this fascinating...Many Thanks.
My Father who watched Heart as a boy and would say to me, try and get to se his films, this was in the 50s/ 60s. but I could never find any being shown here in England. Then one day in the 90s I came across W S Hearts autobiography written in 1929 (a must read,) now at last I can see his films on UA-cam, sadly, not with my dear old POP as he passed away in 1992, Thank You!
Im same age as you are and this is the first time i have seen a wm. HART FILM IN THE U S A
Fascinating-man. Just beginning to learn about him. I'll be viewing his films for the first-time. This nifty-little bio gives a tantalizing-glimpse into a few of them. From what I've recently-read, Hart took westerns seriously, striving to make them as authentic as possible. His final-farewell, considered the greatest in cinema-history, clearly reveal his heart-felt sincerity toward this end.
🤠🐴Thank you 👍 William S . Hart , a great talent ❤ Wonderful , amazing movies ❤ March 25 , 2024 🐴🤠
Was looking for a clip of his voice, thanks!
Thanks for posting!! This guy was John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, all rolled into one! Great as they are they have nothing on William S Hart!!!
Read his autobiography he wrote in 1929, he was brought up in the Wild West when it was all happening, His films had to be dead accurate down to the last button, he would receive broken ribs in fights etc, read the book, its great
DEADWOOD, HELL ON WHEELS and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN are new westerns with Hart's rugged, gritty approach. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY would have made a great silent film (Angel Eyes). Ennio Morricone should do a score for a Hart silent film. Hart totally ruled.