This is such an important subject to provide clarity on. JP is such a sincere, affable guy and the image of God strong with him but at the end of the day, he approaches scripture as a sophist. He only seems to recognize themes and archetypes. It's almost as though he can't read what the text is actually saying. Regardless of where he is now, I am pulling for JP and his family. Prayers for their clear & unmistakable salvation.
I have noticed the same thing! Every time I hear him talk about a story from the Bible it’s like he completely disregards the obvious meaning in favor of an overly complex psychological meaning. It’s very bizarre.,
@@fflanigan strike 2… what is exactly are you basing his being a grifter on? Extending grace and understanding is not being gullible. We are to watch someone’s life trajectory for context. Conversely, being a cynical slanderer, with no basis for accusations, is sinful and not a good look on anyone. You may not like what he says but it doesn’t mean he’s an objective “con artist.” It just means you’re subjectively not a fan. Words have meaning.
Jordan Peterson is like a Christian gateway drug. Eventually, what he has to offer just doesn't do it for you anymore, and you need to look for teaching from people who actually believe what's being said in the Bible. I've honestly gotten more insights into the symbolic significance of the Bible from guys like James Jordan than anything Jordan Peterson had to offer. Ironically, when you read the Bible for what it is, it turns out to be better for you psychologically than the psychology.
I’ve consumed almost all of Peterson’s work, and he was a stepping stone in my return to faith. But I like to say to folks who liken him to a gateway drug that yes and the gate opens both ways. I’ve seen purportedly Christian kids sitting in pews for years fall head over heels for him in a way they never did over Scripture or Christ.
You’ve put that beautifully. As you said, the literally/elemental/allegorical/psychological argument for the Bible at end falters because Christianity is not a doctrine. You do need faith. Interestingly enough, Peterson’s uses a prime example of just that: how the intellectual argument for purists eventually falters in the “Grand Inquisitor” represented by the character of the grand inquisitor/ivan and how the divine/nonsensical (meaning that it can not rely on the phenomenal to be measured) kiss of Christ/Aloysha’s child faith is the key to salvation. Still, I don’t recall him using this example as a case for Christ, if I correctly recall.
Everyone who has an issue with this episode talking about Jordan Peterson…. Hasn’t listened to the episode. This was a nice respectful conversation about JP and his concepts about God.
I'm only about 16 minutes in, but before I forget: I liked Peterson more in the earlier days. As he got more well known, I realized people were treating him like he was saying such brilliant things no one ever heard. But all he was saying was basically, "Take responsibility for your life." People are so desperate and the culture is so insane that maybe hearing basic common sense now sounds brilliant? It really started turning me off when started doing those world tours. I don't even want to look up how much cash he was raking in, even at that time. Again, for saying basic common sense! The worst part was his cult-like followers. I'm sure they'll pop up in this comments section. They really do worship him. This man can do no wrong. The most frustrating ones are the Christians who now INSIST this man is a Christian, even when he, as far as I know, has made no such statement. Then he got into the Bible stuff. It was encouraging at first. I thought he was on the verge of getting saved! But then he was put up as some sort of Bible teacher/expert, when he still hadn't bowed the knee. He doesn't even fully believe the Bible. Why was Daily Wire paying him to teach it? This new book and world tour is the last straw. How much did he charge for tickets? This guy is making millions acting like an expert about a book he doesn't even believe or follow. And you know what? That's dangerous.
Totally agree with this. And true, he's not Christian,- but a smart man in misery still defying the God that convicts him to ask those important questions. I wouldn't want to be in his head, most of his misery is his constant dancing around the fire, all based from what is the 'ol "sin nature"...until God brings dead bones to life, no one can ever reason their way into the Truth of Christ.
@@jody2873 I do hope he counts the cost and follows Christ. But he really would have a lot to give up, both in money and popularity. His followers would turn on him in second. His multi-million dollar tours would dry up. Is he willing to give that up for the truth? I don't know. We need to be praying for him.
@@Yesica1993 he put everything on the line for his morals against forced speach, even said if he was jailed he would go to hunger strike. He seems to be the kind to walk through the situation and do well with conviction. God's certainly working in his family with his wife and his daughter. It's comical to think we'd be privy to everything in his private life. Just keep praying for him and his family and focus on things we can address in our own lives.
It could be that God will save him eventually. Smart people are harder to convince of the truth because they've spent so much time building a fantasy - atheism. However, God is able to knock down his castle walls in an instant as He did the walls of Jericho. God gets glorified whether this man gets saved or doesn't. Hopefully God will save the man.
The Daily Wire paying him to teach on the Bible is not at all surprising. They promote conservatism and content that conservatives will like, not Christianity.
Jordan Peterson has his own dictionary, when he talks about God he is talking about what is God for him, when he is talking about hell he is talking about what is hell for him, it makes him seem "spiritual" but in fact he is talking about everyday life.
I am so glad you guys are covering this. His beliefs are so confusing… the way he talks can be convincing and deceptive but when you come to the core of it… it comes down to what does he actually stand for…
I really really enjoyed listening to this podcast. I loved your testimonies and the graciousness with which you represented Peterson but were able to pinpoint the missing link, so to speak. So glad to hear about his daughter. Oh, and I very much appreciated the insight towards the very end of explaining why people are embracing pagan tools to heal their trauma. Our rest is in Christ! Thank you all for the conversation. Excellent!!!!
Thank you for your kind & compassionate take on Jordan Peterson, which I agree with. I also agree that he is not a Christian, although he seems to come close at times. I also loved your sensitive comment that he desperately needs rest, which he & all of us can only find in God. That 2 of the men Jordan most admires are Carl Jung (he & his parents & grandparents were known spiritualists & spirits/demons were frequent "visitors" to their home) & Friedrich Nietzsche ("God is dead") indicate that Jordan has long been interested in spiritual things but unknowingly sought answers from the wrong side.
People will put up with the Bible discussed as literature. They really go for the Bible discussed in psychological terms. (Because it puts the focus on ME! ME! ME!) But if Jordan Peterson actually got saved, bowed the knee to Jesus Christ, and started speaking about the Bible as something that is factually true and that everyone must bow the knee to Christ, if he preached the actual gospel and started calling sin, SIN, that would be the end of his world tours, interviews, book deals. And all the money and cushy lifestyle that goes with it. His cult like followers would turn on him in a minute. I don't think he's willing to give up that money and that adoration/worship. You'd think with his near death situation a few years ago, that he would've already settled that. I pray he does, regardless of the worldly cost. Because for him, it would be immense.
I think this is a gross misrepresentation of JP. He talks about bowing down to Christ all the time. His idea of belief in Christ is to follow Him. I just heard him on Aquinas and he said belief isn’t to simple state something is true, it’s to align your ENTIRE LIFE with that thing. He follows that with “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven”. His understanding of Christianity is very good IMO. It’s not perfect…but neither are the Calvinists 😂
@@-justin-4077 Please keep the CDS (Calvinism Derangement Syndrome) to yourself. This video has nothing to do with Calvinism. Please provide what they said, and the time stamp, where they "grossly misrepresented" JP in this video. Please provide the video title (I know we can't post links) and time stamp where he professed biblical salvation in Christ. I'd love to see it.
@@Yesica1993 haha CDS. Okay fair enough. But I didn’t say this video misrepresents JP, I was addressing your comment. Look up “Jordan Peterson Pints with Aquinas”. It has a lot of other content. I don’t know the exact time stamp but Jordan addresses his belief in God. If you really listen to what he says how can you say he doesn’t believe?
@@-justin-4077 I don't think JP believes in God as a being he can relate with. He's made it plain, even in recent interviews, that he doesn't think Jesus has any type of supernatural aspects to Him.
I am not and never have been a JP fan. In fact I've been dismayed at how many already professing Christians listen to his "interpretation" of the OT. As a Christian I don't believe anyone can come to the true meaning of God's word unless by faith they are in dwelled by the Holy Spirit. But with that said, I do believe that God can use anybody, even non-believers, in His work in an individual to bring that person to Christ. This was a great, well balanced discussion. Thank you guys for having it and sharing it.
@@marteld2108 Yikes - not at all. James White is about the most biblically literate man on the planet right now, on par with Edwards, spurgeon and ravenhill, RC, Knox etc. His mastery of Greek as well as church history is his absolute forte. Since you equate White with Peterson the question to you is: what is the gospel?
@@HusGoose White follows a heresy of the 15th century…Calvinism. “Mastery”???….far from it especially Church history. There us no Gospel in Calvinism. It is heresy of the worst kind.
@@marteld2108 Armininaism is far closer to heresy than the doctrines of Grace. Your position would necessitate a diminishing or outright denial of God's sovereignty in salvation. Without the "Calvinist" understanding of election, a consistent view would redefine faith from being a gift from God to being, at least in practice, a work. "Calvinists" would define faith as being a gift from God (who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith - Heb 12:2). If you believe Hebrews 12 is true, then you believe in election. If you believe you are the author of your own faith, then you would do well to reexamine the object of said faith. Also, the idea that the early church didn't believe in "calvinism" is ridiculous. 1 Clement says the following: “Let us, therefore, approach him in holiness of soul, lifting up to him pure and undefiled hands, loving our gentle and compassionate Father who made us his own chosen portion." This was written around AD 70-90.
Fact: Jordan Peterson has understanding about human psycology that Christians haven't studied and therefore don't understand. It's his gift, but it's not everyone's gift. Keep him in his proper area of expertise, and by all means pray for his salvation. Learn from him and then process that info through the Truth of the Word of God... Pitch the bad and keep the good
The problem I'm seeing is that many people who profess to be Christians don't even seem to recognize the aspects of the Bible he gets wrong! And, as you can even see from the comments here, any attempt at correcting anything JP has said about the Bible is met with pure rage and, "I'm unsubbing!" I've already seen at least one of those here.
@@Yesica1993 you are the one raging at people. Did you literally go through and reply to every comment on this video? You have too much time on your hands.
@@Yesica1993 Well it's a good thing God still gives grace to us. There are even Christians who think venomous snake handling is biblical for show-and-tell and that clapping in church is a sin.
Y’all make some good points and at times, what I feel are some wild assumptions. All in all, I believe I know the heart behind it so, I am here and as I have been for years supportive.
There is no evidence that JP was taking a drug addict, or that he took "copious amounts of benzos". He took a prescription as it was intended to take, by all appearances, and that drug class can be very dangerous. Further, JP never stopped working through these kinds of issues, except when he was in the hospital. I love Cultish, I am a contributor to Apologia generally, and I am a Christian. I am not an apologist for JP, we have many and significant disagreements, but many things said in the episode were poorly researched.
Jordan draws people to God by presenting God to the general population including atheist in a manner that causes people to rethink what God is. They can then seek fellowship on churches and be drawn loser to understanding God. So lets not condemn a man (Jordan) inspired by God drawing people towards God for being an imperfect human a trait shared with ordained ministers of Christ. Many peoples Vision of God is a celestial being or something seen in movies abut Exodus. Anyone who makes a nonbeliever rethink about what God truly is is making a positive impact. His discussions of Genesis and Exodus are very interesting and better than most no pastor led bible studies you might get thru church. This is Gods work thru Jordan.
I know y'all are not about to talk about Jordan Peterson like he's a cult leader .... I'm open minded, but JP isn't cultish. He's objectively anti-cult. I'm still gonna listen and give benefit of the doubt... I just hope you've done your research on the man and don't end up ignorantly misrepresenting him. He is a man of humility and integrity and deserves to be accurately represented.
@Barbie-K-W I’m supposing the reason they are doing a show on him is because many Christians follow him believing he is a Christian and in fact, he is not. It is perhaps easier for someone who has been walking for longer to hear the warning signs that let you know to proceed with caution, but maybe not so clear for others. That’s not to say there aren’t good things to what he says, but if you aren’t able to pick up the signals, it can be quite dangerous. I don’t make a habit of seeking counsel from someone who doesn’t walk with Christ, because it won’t be sound. It can be like walking through a minefield just to pick out the gems mixed in with the worldly perspective. I don’t dislike him, but Peterson is more Christ consciousness than he is a Christian walking with Christ. I do pray he continues his journey and pushes through the blinding false light though. I’m pulling g for him.
We were very fair and graces and Jordon Peterson and had just returned from watching him live when he was here in Phoenix a few weeks ago. Give the episode listen and feel free to give us any thoughts
The impression that I get when listening to Peterson’s commentary is that he wants to accept all the things scripture has to say about man, and what men do. However, does not want to accept the things it says about God and what He is doing and what He has done.
The biggest problem I see with him is that newly saved young men are relying on him for biblical teaching and mentorship. My husband and I are relatively new to the faith, (converted from Mormonsim three years ago,) and our pastor meets with him a few times a month for one on one theological study and discipleship, because he knows that if my husband is well equipped, our entire family will be discipled. I don't think many young men are getting that kind of careful attention from church elders though, and so they're turning to an unsaved man who claims to have authority to teach the Bible. This is a serious problem! I know Peterson is wise and helps people make responsible life choices, but he is not equipped to be a spiritual leader. This is beyond a violation of 1 Tim 3:6. I pray he gets saved and stops teaching the Bible until he's matured a bit in the faith.
The same can be said of all teachers, I've heard wrong doctrine from this channel on about every video. When they use James two to say your not saved if you don't do works after being saved, they are preaching heresy. James was written for the 12 tribes, not for Christians, if you do or don't do works after being saved it doesn't matter onto salvation, once your saved your always saved you only lose rewards and it crowns in heaven by what we do after being saved. The important thing is hopefully all teachers get people to study their Bible and learn the truth, study scriptures with scriptures and learn to rightly divide the word of truth and get saved.
Fundamentally JP is in the exact same category as Furtick. The Bible is about you, this actual historical event is a metaphor you can mold into your own situation or self.
A sense a bit of jealousy? The fact that Jordan Peterson is so intricate and deep with his philosophy. His terminology and his message is more than what you guys can put together so you guys hating on him. Read his books. Open your mind , you can learn something
Well done. I had a video snippet from Martyn Iles from Answers in Genesis on my podcast where he explained that Jordan Peterson is focused on the self which is a trap. I got a lot hate from his followers because he has helped them.
Recently watched his interview with Pints with Aquinas (no, I am not Catholic, but they do pretty on point interviews if you can take Catholicism with a grain of salt) The interviewer was pretty smart in playing the devils advocate and asked a lot of atheistic, humanistic questions, as well as questions people like Carl Young and Joseph Campbell would agree with (Why cant I just take the biblical stories as a good framework for life without literally believing this stuff happened?, etc...) Jordan wasn't having any of it and gave the most traditionally Christian answers I have ever heard. He said that he believes Jesus is the only way to salvation and that he believes the resurrection literally happened. Also points to the complexity of the resurrection story and the gospels as something that no man could have ever "Made Up".His BIGGEST hang up and what he could not get past was that he felt "Belief" was a weak, meaningless word and that to say you are a follower of Christ is to take up your cross in such a way a soldier would put on his gear and go into battle. He had no concept of Childlike faith or coming to God in humility. He seems to have no patience for "giving a child milk" and thinks that a new convert should be completely sober, spiritually mature faith from Day 1...or at least that's what he expects of himself. It's not that complicated, Jordan! Come to Christ as you are (and anyone else in his same shoes), and his Holy Spirit with help you grow in maturity and revelation.
"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21)
I’ve been a fan and read his previous works. I am waiting on We Who Wrestle to be released. It has crossed my mind lately that JP is so close to the kingdom, it has also crossed my mind that committing to Christ versus “toeing the line,” in this instance, courting Christians and the world might be more profitable for him (I am not asserting that is the case). However it seems like profiteering from Christians, the religiously curious, atheists and those who seek inspiration and self-help is a wider financial and fame “dragnet,” as opposed to accepting Christ and be on a defined side. While I must acknowledge the work he has done academically from lecturing and also to the intellectual development of people worldwide I must say, a Trojan Horse in any colour or package is just that - a Trojan horse. If it pulls a true believer an inch away from the Gospel or Christ it is a potential stumbling block. CH Spurgeon said, Discernemt is not only knowing what is right from wrong, but it is knowing what is right from what is almost right. Believers in Christ be wary of false doctrines. As we engage Peterson’s work let us examine it under the illuminating light of scripture.
The only way to really understand the Word of God is to humbly ask God to give you spiritual wisdom while reading it. One has to become like a small child, seeking in wonderment and sincerity of understanding -- not with this attitude of "oh I have it figured out" Man's need to rationalize everything to his liking and judgment and neatly wrap everything up in a box and bow is what makes him stumble. That's no different with Jordan Peterson. He psychoanalyzes the Bible so he can minimalize it to his understanding and in the process, minimalizing God and His Word.
Peterson says, "You shouldn't fall into the justification by works heresy," at timecode 1hr 55min 02sec on his podcast called "Navigating Belief, Skepticism, and the Afterlife | Alex O'Connor EP 451." What do you think? It sounds like he has some nuance as far as earning your salvation. I'm not sure, though.
1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of The Spirit of GOD, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. THE NATURAL MAN IS AN ENEMY TO GOD. A FRIEND OF THE WORLD IS AN ENEMY OF GOD. James 4:4
It seems like you miss the point of and the purpose of what J.B. Peterson is attempting to convey. For a full, meaningful and purposefull life one must engage in the living if it. How you attend to life literally creates the life to which you attend. It takes effort. It takes engagement. It takes courage. What is true, what is good and what is beautiful.
@@Dakez3112 ,...The fact is, I have said it to you! The wicked will always do what you just did when they are confronted with truth, and correction of their ignorance. Repent!
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 In this I have nothing to repent of or for. You seem to be a very ignorant person. Would you care to elaborate just what it is you feel I should repent of?
@@Dakez3112 ,...You have everything to repent for. The problem is you being completely spiritually dead and blind, you have no ability to understand the truth I have spoken for your edification. You, like all the unsaved will just go right back to your wallowing in the mire. "But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." 2 Peter 2:22 KJV
He just needs someone who is his peer to engage with. Lewis had Tolkien. It is refreshing to see someone come to the scripture free from the chains of traditionalism.
FOR THEY LOVED THE PRAISE OF MEN MORE THAN THE PRAISE OF GOD. John 12:43 'Pride loves to climb up, not as Zacchaeus to see Christ, but to be seen.' WILLIAM GURNALL THE PURITANS: DAY BY DAY
Jerry, to answer your question: I believe from the framework that Peterson comes from - wrestling with God means this: that we must strive to understand *"what"* (not *who)* God is, because clearly there is something greater than ourselves at play here - but it isn't a person or a being; it's a "force". So we must understand how that "force" works so that we can be carried along by it and use it to our advantage and benefit, and not have it overpower us and destroy us. It's an effort to make Him into our own image, just with more "intellectual" and moral "well-meaning." It's truly sad, and breaks my heart. Peterson is a perfect example of how we must be *given* ears to hear and eyes to see, or we'll never hear His voice and understand.
The secret son was seen?! I never even knew he had a son until years after I'd seen both him and his daughter. I thought maybe they didn't have a good relationship or something.
I'm pretty sure that "We Who Wrestle With God" is intentionally a call to the name "Israel" and its meaning of "those who struggle/wrestle with God" in Hebrew.
@@Yesica1993 The Holy Spirit gives us faith to KNOW and believe the Truth. Jordan is not willing to fake faith, but he is terrified that it is true. He needs to be loosed from the world so he doesn't die with it. It's unhelpful to judge people from appearances.
Jordan is on a journey, too. A guy that smart and educated has a lot of cognitive dissonance to overcome. I soaked up everything I could find of his until the Biblical Series. I quickly identified herecy and stopped. However, he did have such profound insites about Genesis I was jaw dropped.
Summary of what this man learned about Jordan Peterson: Clean your room. Well, mom and dad taught me that. If I didn't clean my room, I would suffer. Yes, I also had a choice 😂😂
Because that's basically JP's message. It's not a bad message. But it has left me baffled as to why people treat him like he's saying something so profound. In a way, that's why I started following him. I wanted to know what all the fuss about him was. Guess what? I still haven't found it.
I would agree in the interpretation that Dr Peterson's psychologizing of the Old testament is certainly from "Oneism". However I would build on that thought and say that while it is "Oneist", it is also accurate as far as it goes. From all the work that I have seen from Jordan, his writing and his discussions, I would say that foundationally he is spot on, just not giving the glory to God. His psychologizing is essentially just a "preacherly" application of sorts from the text without pointing to Christ, which is what the primary intention should always be, when interpreting the Bible. So in conclusion, I would say that Jordan Peterson's message cannot bring anyone to salvation as it is completely devoid of Christ crucified. However, it is basically a biblical worldview looked at from a different angle. In other words I think we might even be comfortable in calling this common grace but not saving grace. Maybe these are the types of things that the Lord uses in this fallen age so that humanity will not destroy itself before the His return. Thank you Cultish for your review of his tour. Fantastic discussion and great focus on Jesus! ❤🙏
I really liked JBP, until he said he was a Christian. I knew he wasn't. When a person tells you they are a Christian, and then they get mad at you for asking them questions like, "Do you actually believe in God?" Or, "Is the Bible real?" That is a red flag. It was nice when he was pointing others in the direction of the Bible, but now he is leading them astray
There is no such thing as knowledge of God apart from Jesus Christ; we never arrive at God truly unless we come through Him. NO ONE IS ABLE TO.. COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ΜΕ ATTRACTS AND DRAWS HIM AND GIVES HIM THE DESIRE TO COME TO ME, AND [THEN] I WILL RAISE HIM UP [FROM THE DEAD] AT THE LAST DAY. JOHN 6:44
#Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, laying aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. ~Hebrews 12:1,2, John 3:14-17, Romans 8
You should find, purchase and read the book: Metaphors We Live By. Writen by Lakoff & Johnson You can't grasp that the literal stories in the Bible are Literally all Metaphors. Metaphors conveying best practices of meaningful ways to attend to the short life you have. This is a way to rise above all the petty and Dogmatic beliefs of all the different and confusing teaching denominations and get to a true relationship with the creator.
So, we should go buy and read a book written by man and use that to understand the Bible? You have spoken in complete ignorance and have exposed your unsaved, blind, lost, and deceived state. Repent!
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 I see now that you don't even know what a metaphor is. The Bible is absolutely full of them. You are a fool to say what you have said about me. I am very comfortable in my relationship with our creator. You are the one who needs to repent for judging me. You are in danger of committing the one sin that the Bible tells us is unforgivable.
@@Dakez3112 ,...Repent of being Gods enemy, of being Biblically illiterate, of being completely deceived, of speaking falsely, of thinking you are something you are not. Cry out to God for mercy, ask him to raise you from your spiritually dead and blind, state, ask him to open your blind eyes and show you what the truth actually is.
So if you don't believe God wanted us to work toward something better, then what was the point of Christ teaching his disciples how to live? What is the point of "picking up your cross?" I genuinely don't understand this criticism.
Considering that Peterson is not born again at all, his interest toward the Bible and God is quite remarkable. I remember myself before I was born again, I had no interest in the Bbile at all.
I like Jordan I think he’s very smart dude, his interpretation of scripture is horrible though everything is allegorical is what I’ve heard atleast his Old Testament stuff, not sure about his New Testament stuff
JESUS ANSWERED HIM, "I ASSURE YOU AND MOST SOLEMNLY SAY TO YOU, UNLESS A PERSON IS BORN AGAIN [REBORN FROM ABOVE-SPIRITUALLY TRANSFORMED, RENEWED, SANCTIFIED], HE CANNOT [EVER] SEE AND EXPERIENCE THE KINGDOM OF GOD." JOHN 3:3 "We are born spiritually blind, and cannot be re- stored without a miracle of grace... No sinner ever comes to Christ until the Holy Spirit first comes to him! And no sinner will savingly believe on Christ until the Spirit has com- municated faith to him." ~ Arthur W. Pink
It's SO horrible! I was hopeful that they would do "ok" with this, but I'm not even 20 mins in, and I'm at a loss for words. I'm not sure if these guys possess the intellectual capacity to even talk about this. This is SHAMEFULLY LAZY at BEST, and it really disappoints me to say that. I'm generally a fan of Apologia but this is a failure of epic proportions. They are just not equipped or informed enough to talk about this! Not even close!
Well yes carl jung inspired JBP, i hope your conclusion is not that JBP is oneness. And what made him famous was not lectures, it was him standing up to the canadian authoritarianism.
Honestly, I wish you guys cared more about why God gave an unbeliever the role of warning the world about it's folly and why so many people were moved towards the Lord. It's almost like you believe that correcting him would make him better and solve the entire question. Thinkers like Peterson have popped up in history right before massive social upheavel. The church always seems to redicule them for being wrong and learn from them 40-100 years later. Socrates' wisdom was not of himself. God was fulfilling His Word to Daniel by giving Socrates the wisdom to tear down the gods and speak of one truth. It's like we give up genuine understanding to be spiritual grammar police.
LOL! Which statement in this video did you disagree with, and upon what biblical basis? Give the time stamp. "Honestly, I wish you guys cared more about why God gave an unbeliever the role of warning the world about it's folly and why so many people were moved towards the Lord." He (God) did? Upon what basis do you say that? "It's almost like you believe that correcting him would make him better and solve the entire question." Correcting error always makes things better. Christians are supposed to do that. Solve what entire question? Thanks for being a perfect example of his cult like followers that I mentioned in my own comment. I knew they'd show up here. Y'all didn't let me down. LOL!
@@Yesica1993 Biblical basis? IF you don't understand natural things, how will you understand spiritual? Have you ever thought about the implications of Jesus's statement? 80% of the video is what I referenced. And once again, Jordan needs to be corrected for his own good. You are disingenuous, because you could have easily understood where they were wanting Jordan to be right instead of wrong. I have no interest in speaking with you.
exactly. it's completely baffling to me how so-called "followers" reconcile their claim of being Christian men of God with the absolute hypocrisy of nonchalantly judging someone else's salvation, or perceived lack of. y'all don't know JBP's heart & even if you could, speculating on it is nothing more than self-righteous judgement. judgement which is not your place. the lack of self-awareness 💁🏻♀️ it's unsettling
JP is a false teacher. He literally fits the definition of both of those words and the combination of those words. Christians need to warn against him.
I wish we as Christians wouldn’t do this. He’s been publicly struggling to come to faith while proclaiming everything in the Bible to be true. He started with Genesis then Exodus now he’s working through the Bible. Have grace as he comes to faith. I pray this gives other people the courage to search the scriptures and come to faith also. He did publicly proclaim Christ on a podcast last week. He’s not claiming to be a pastor but is saying what’s wrong with the world and the only place we can find the answers are in scripture.
🩸THE LORD DETESTS ALL THE PROUD OF HEART. BE SURE OF THIS: THEY WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED. PROVERBS 16:5 WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD - HEBREWS 12:14 "Pride is the foundation of all sin." Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world- the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life -is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:15-17
I stopped listening to JP after he asked his fans to donate money to him for his court case against the Canadian psychology board. He was currently in Florence Italy on holiday. How greedy can you get he would of gave millions in the bank
I stopped listening to Jordan Peterson when he was asked a question from a member of the audience and he refused to speak the truth because he was afraid of the repercussions. You can currently find a different version of the original video on youtube by typing "Jordan Peterson I can't do it"
I've been listening to Jeff lately and im trying to understand. Does he believe that in our future the whole world will all be Christian nations. Ive listened to some of his eschatology and i don't really understand exactly what he teaches. He is so clear on some things but others im still trying to figure out. Thanks Jeff for all your teaching. I hope this reaches you.
I again, come back to this. How in the world are you going to say jordan peterson is cult like....are yall men of God? As men of God, you are held to a higher responsibility than everyone else. Tread carefully.
Nobody ever said that… What was the discussed is us having a lot of appreciation for Dr. Peterson, but giving some honest assessments of how he falls short after we saw him speak live.
The guy in the middle lacks courage. That is not meant in a critical way. He has and believes in all the parts but needs to step back and have an AH-HA moment when it all comes together. Stop the linear thinking and see the whole come together.
I saw him in Austin and it was the same show. Difficult to follow. Somewhat incoherent. Unimpressed overall. I was expecting more from JP. I started on JP in 2017. Read his books, listened to his lectures and podcasts. Grew out of him as he seemed to stall out on his journey to faith in Christ.
You quote Jordan Peterson saying, "You develop a philosophy of evil that is as deep as your sin." That sounds a whole lot like what John Lennon said after going through Arthur Janov’s Primal Scream Therapy. To wit, "God is a concept by which we measure our pain." (from the song "God", by John Lennon). Sometimes I think Jordan is so close. But, other times, it seems like he couldn't find his own butt with both hands and a mirror. His problem is that he's never seen a hair so fine that he couldn't split it. I'm afraid he's gonna end up sounding like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager-trying to psychologize and philosophise away anything even hinting of the supernatural. After a while it becomes tiresome. On the bright side: at least his son didn't come out and perform the song "Imagine".
Listening without hearing. You should stop trying to process Peterson if the left Hemisphere of your brain and open up to experiencing it with your Right Hemisphere. You are bogging yourselves down with the details and missing the larger meaning.
this is just an aside... heheh why does his family, especially his daughter, have to be there all the time? its pretty obvious, shes along for the ride and not for the right reasons....
GUYS, JP IS A BELIEVER. IF YOU LISTEN AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE SAYS AND HOW HE LIVES HIS LIFE, ITS 💯 CLEAR. He might not get everything right about the Bible…but who does? Calvinists?
This video is not about Calvinism. Stop worshiping this man, and provide the evidence I requested in my other response. Do not ignore me. Do not play games with me. Provide it!
@@Yesica1993 how do you say I worship JP? I most certainly don’t. But I will defend his approach to thinking about God. It’s not conventional but it’s worth thinking about. Listening to JP has expanded my ability to think critically about the entire Biblical narrative and its relationship with reality and my own consciousness. He does get some things a little twisted, but even the best biblical scholars are fallible. Even James White
@@Yesica1993 Search “Shawn Ryan Clips - Does Jordan Peterson Believe in God”. Time stamp 5seconds in. Point blank he says “Do I believe that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life? Well, Sure!”
I’m praying he becomes a Christian. He certainly is not yet. I like him but he misses the main points of Scripture. Too Much psychology and not seeing the Bible for its real message.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Truth can dwell there, but not of ourselves. Jordan does NOT believe that Truth is of ourselves. He knows it isn't, but he is unwilling to confess something he doesn't know. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can heal Jordan's unbelief. Submitting to idealism is something he is unwilling to do. You guys are like, "Just submit Jordan!" It would be great if he just submitted to the Truth, but he is here because he resisted social hysteria and collective spirits. So he won't move from peer pressure.
Jordan Peterson is one of the biggest false teachers of our time. So much damage to young men by turning them away from the true meaning of Scripture- Christ, in the name of helping them.
- the representation and definition of the Holy Trinity by the theologians and pastors is faulty and will in the very near future become the unpardonable sin
@@joykeebler1916 ,...It is not unpardonable ever, it is just false teaching like everything else the church teaches. If you are referring to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (the unpardonable sin) then this is when someone claims to be a Christian when they are not, and this applies to everyone in every church. The entire church is apostate and is filled with those who claim to be Christians when they are not. They have ALL blasphemed the Holy Spirit and have committed the unpardonable sin. This is why Jesus said they would all be thrown into the lake of fire. The church is the false prophet of Revelation Ch. 20. "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." Revelation 20:10 KJV Get away from the church!
You guys criticize him as if you are criticizing a pastor on his sermons. He. Is. Not. A. Pastor. He's never claimed to be one, no one thinks he's one. This is an unhelpful approach from Christans, it causes more confusion, and you guys have got to stop doing that. Seriously.
@Barbie-K-W "You guys criticize him as if you are criticizing a pastor on his sermons. " Because he's acting like one, despite not even being a Christian. Worse, he's confusing millions of people about what the Bible says. And he's making millions of dollars from doing so. "He. Is. Not. A. Pastor. " Exactly. That's why he shouldn't be teaching the Bible. Glad we agree! "He's never claimed to be one, no one thinks he's one." But he's acting like one. He's teaching God's Word to MILLIONS of people. " This is an unhelpful approach from Christans," Says who? You? "it causes more confusion, " How does correcting wrong teaching cause more confusion? It's better to let the wrong teaching stand, and let people keep thinking it is correct? "and you guys have got to stop doing that. Seriously." No. And you will not silence us. Is that clear?
@@Yesica1993 girl. You really need to chill. I appreciate the time you put into that Karen style reply, but hard disagree. You just made a series of false premises. No one is trying to silence you. Weird to say something like that as you freely speak all over the place. You are welcome to run your mouth on alllll these comments just like everyone else. Geeze.
@@Barbie-K-W some thoughts require more that just a few characters to convey. A point-by-point refutation of your point was good. @Yesica reined it in quite well.
What exactly is your beef with what is being said? Everyone judges and Christians are supposed to judge righteously... they totally respect Jordan Peterson and aren't being disrespectful. Simply pointing out he has trouble exegeting the text, and instead looks for architypes and macro-philosophical gleanings is not a knock. It’s an honest observation.
I think you should listen to JP before commenting on his metaphysical perspective about God and the Bible. You showed a lot of confusion, lack of knowledge and superficial interpretation.
And yet you pointed out nothing they said that was "confusion, lack of knowledge and superficial interpretation." In fact, that is exactly what JP demonstrates about his knowledge of the Bible.
@@Yesica1993 the confusion is in the depth of the concept of belief (per example). They don’t seem to understand that for Jordan Peterson belief is not affirming a set of propositions, belief is to embody the structure of the Bible in your own life. JP doesn’t see the Bible as merely a historic description, he sees in the Bible the structure of the fabric of reality. When they say he is turning the Bible in to psychology they don’t seem to understand that if the Bible describes the functioning of reality, it describes our spiritual reality (that entails our psyche). Moreover, he does talk about Jesus a lot of times. One more example: near the beginning they say something like: “So JP thinks that we adapted our psyche to the narrative of the Bible”. No. He describes that the fabric of our psyche made us write this kind of profound narratives that reflect the depth of ourselves and reality in itself (because we are part of reality). And I get that we all wanted JP to just say God is real, our Lord Jesus is the son of God. But he is in his journey and we have to respect that the intelectual realisation of the existence of God isn’t enough to have full Faith. I think his theological perspective is way deeper than the majority of scholars, but he isn’t ready yet. I get the frustration, but in my perspective they are dealing with it in the wrong way and it is noticeable that they lack a lot of knowledge about JPs vision. (The fact that they thought he was a psychoanalyst also says a lot about their research).
@@robertodelgado2542 "that for Jordan Peterson belief is not affirming a set of propositions, belief is to embody the structure of the Bible in your own life." Which does not = what the Bible means by belief. That's the whole problem.
@@Yesica1993 that’s not true. Acting accordingly is a necessity of Faith, by definition. Why do you think Jesus is always saying “if you truly believe you would be able to(…)”. It’s not just saying the words “Jesus is Lord” (and I find saying it is really important and true), is being willing to suffer for it. If you really believe it, you embody it by definition. And the definition of faith and belief is still being debated by scholars all over the world. The Bible is not straightforward.
@@robertodelgado2542 "The Bible is not straightforward." The Bible is straightforward on salvation. Jordan Peterson is not a Christian. He doesn't even claim to be. Yet you keep claiming it for him. I'm not going to keep wasting my time on this nonsense. Goodbye.
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This is such an important subject to provide clarity on. JP is such a sincere, affable guy and the image of God strong with him but at the end of the day, he approaches scripture as a sophist. He only seems to recognize themes and archetypes. It's almost as though he can't read what the text is actually saying.
Regardless of where he is now, I am pulling for JP and his family. Prayers for their clear & unmistakable salvation.
I have noticed the same thing! Every time I hear him talk about a story from the Bible it’s like he completely disregards the obvious meaning in favor of an overly complex psychological meaning. It’s very bizarre.,
Hahahahaha. Jordan Peterson is the least sincere, biggest con artist of our time.
@@fflanigan Do you know what slander is?
@@HusGoose Do you know what gullible is?
@@fflanigan strike 2… what is exactly are you basing his being a grifter on?
Extending grace and understanding is not being gullible. We are to watch someone’s life trajectory for context. Conversely, being a cynical slanderer, with no basis for accusations, is sinful and not a good look on anyone.
You may not like what he says but it doesn’t mean he’s an objective “con artist.” It just means you’re subjectively not a fan. Words have meaning.
Jordan Peterson is like a Christian gateway drug. Eventually, what he has to offer just doesn't do it for you anymore, and you need to look for teaching from people who actually believe what's being said in the Bible. I've honestly gotten more insights into the symbolic significance of the Bible from guys like James Jordan than anything Jordan Peterson had to offer. Ironically, when you read the Bible for what it is, it turns out to be better for you psychologically than the psychology.
If he" came out" as Christian he wouldn't reach so many "science" people
I’ve consumed almost all of Peterson’s work, and he was a stepping stone in my return to faith. But I like to say to folks who liken him to a gateway drug that yes and the gate opens both ways. I’ve seen purportedly Christian kids sitting in pews for years fall head over heels for him in a way they never did over Scripture or Christ.
You’ve put that beautifully. As you said, the literally/elemental/allegorical/psychological argument for the Bible at end falters because Christianity is not a doctrine. You do need faith. Interestingly enough, Peterson’s uses a prime example of just that: how the intellectual argument for purists eventually falters in the “Grand Inquisitor” represented by the character of the grand inquisitor/ivan and how the divine/nonsensical (meaning that it can not rely on the phenomenal to be measured) kiss of Christ/Aloysha’s child faith is the key to salvation. Still, I don’t recall him using this example as a case for Christ, if I correctly recall.
Everyone who has an issue with this episode talking about Jordan Peterson…. Hasn’t listened to the episode. This was a nice respectful conversation about JP and his concepts about God.
JP is NOT a Christian, nor are any of the guys in this video. Repent!
I'm only about 16 minutes in, but before I forget:
I liked Peterson more in the earlier days. As he got more well known, I realized people were treating him like he was saying such brilliant things no one ever heard. But all he was saying was basically, "Take responsibility for your life." People are so desperate and the culture is so insane that maybe hearing basic common sense now sounds brilliant?
It really started turning me off when started doing those world tours. I don't even want to look up how much cash he was raking in, even at that time. Again, for saying basic common sense! The worst part was his cult-like followers. I'm sure they'll pop up in this comments section. They really do worship him. This man can do no wrong. The most frustrating ones are the Christians who now INSIST this man is a Christian, even when he, as far as I know, has made no such statement.
Then he got into the Bible stuff. It was encouraging at first. I thought he was on the verge of getting saved! But then he was put up as some sort of Bible teacher/expert, when he still hadn't bowed the knee. He doesn't even fully believe the Bible. Why was Daily Wire paying him to teach it? This new book and world tour is the last straw. How much did he charge for tickets? This guy is making millions acting like an expert about a book he doesn't even believe or follow. And you know what? That's dangerous.
Totally agree with this. And true, he's not Christian,- but a smart man in misery still defying the God that convicts him to ask those important questions.
I wouldn't want to be in his head, most of his misery is his constant dancing around the fire, all based from what is the 'ol "sin nature"...until God brings dead bones to life, no one can ever reason their way into the Truth of Christ.
@@jody2873 I do hope he counts the cost and follows Christ. But he really would have a lot to give up, both in money and popularity. His followers would turn on him in second. His multi-million dollar tours would dry up. Is he willing to give that up for the truth? I don't know. We need to be praying for him.
@@Yesica1993 he put everything on the line for his morals against forced speach, even said if he was jailed he would go to hunger strike. He seems to be the kind to walk through the situation and do well with conviction.
God's certainly working in his family with his wife and his daughter. It's comical to think we'd be privy to everything in his private life. Just keep praying for him and his family and focus on things we can address in our own lives.
It could be that God will save him eventually. Smart people are harder to convince of the truth because they've spent so much time building a fantasy - atheism. However, God is able to knock down his castle walls in an instant as He did the walls of Jericho. God gets glorified whether this man gets saved or doesn't. Hopefully God will save the man.
The Daily Wire paying him to teach on the Bible is not at all surprising. They promote conservatism and content that conservatives will like, not Christianity.
Thanks guys this was great.
Jordan and people like him remind me of what Paul wrote about the Greeks seeking after wisdom.
Video starts at 15:26
Thank you!
Jordan Peterson has his own dictionary, when he talks about God he is talking about what is God for him, when he is talking about hell he is talking about what is hell for him, it makes him seem "spiritual" but in fact he is talking about everyday life.
I am so glad you guys are covering this. His beliefs are so confusing… the way he talks can be convincing and deceptive but when you come to the core of it… it comes down to what does he actually stand for…
I really really enjoyed listening to this podcast. I loved your testimonies and the graciousness with which you represented Peterson but were able to pinpoint the missing link, so to speak. So glad to hear about his daughter. Oh, and I very much appreciated the insight towards the very end of explaining why people are embracing pagan tools to heal their trauma. Our rest is in Christ! Thank you all for the conversation. Excellent!!!!
The fact is, neither JP nor any of the guys in this video are Christians. You have been deceived.
Thank you for your kind & compassionate take on Jordan Peterson, which I agree with. I also agree that he is not a Christian, although he seems to come close at times. I also loved your sensitive comment that he desperately needs rest, which he & all of us can only find in God. That 2 of the men Jordan most admires are Carl Jung (he & his parents & grandparents were known spiritualists & spirits/demons were frequent "visitors" to their home) & Friedrich Nietzsche ("God is dead") indicate that Jordan has long been interested in spiritual things but unknowingly sought answers from the wrong side.
I love how personal this was! thank you!!!
People will put up with the Bible discussed as literature. They really go for the Bible discussed in psychological terms. (Because it puts the focus on ME! ME! ME!) But if Jordan Peterson actually got saved, bowed the knee to Jesus Christ, and started speaking about the Bible as something that is factually true and that everyone must bow the knee to Christ, if he preached the actual gospel and started calling sin, SIN, that would be the end of his world tours, interviews, book deals. And all the money and cushy lifestyle that goes with it.
His cult like followers would turn on him in a minute.
I don't think he's willing to give up that money and that adoration/worship. You'd think with his near death situation a few years ago, that he would've already settled that. I pray he does, regardless of the worldly cost. Because for him, it would be immense.
If he gets saved, he will become willing.
I think this is a gross misrepresentation of JP. He talks about bowing down to Christ all the time. His idea of belief in Christ is to follow Him. I just heard him on Aquinas and he said belief isn’t to simple state something is true, it’s to align your ENTIRE LIFE with that thing. He follows that with “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven”. His understanding of Christianity is very good IMO. It’s not perfect…but neither are the Calvinists 😂
Please keep the CDS (Calvinism Derangement Syndrome) to yourself. This video has nothing to do with Calvinism.
Please provide what they said, and the time stamp, where they "grossly misrepresented" JP in this video.
Please provide the video title (I know we can't post links) and time stamp where he professed biblical salvation in Christ. I'd love to see it.
@@Yesica1993 haha CDS. Okay fair enough. But I didn’t say this video misrepresents JP, I was addressing your comment. Look up “Jordan Peterson Pints with Aquinas”. It has a lot of other content. I don’t know the exact time stamp but Jordan addresses his belief in God. If you really listen to what he says how can you say he doesn’t believe?
@@-justin-4077 I don't think JP believes in God as a being he can relate with. He's made it plain, even in recent interviews, that he doesn't think Jesus has any type of supernatural aspects to Him.
I am not and never have been a JP fan. In fact I've been dismayed at how many already professing Christians listen to his "interpretation" of the OT. As a Christian I don't believe anyone can come to the true meaning of God's word unless by faith they are in dwelled by the Holy Spirit. But with that said, I do believe that God can use anybody, even non-believers, in His work in an individual to bring that person to Christ. This was a great, well balanced discussion. Thank you guys for having it and sharing it.
Thanks for discussing this. I like Jordan but he seems like the wrong guy to write Bible commentaries, he is very confused about christianity
That's because he's not a Christian
Sounds like he is similar to James White.
@@marteld2108 Yikes - not at all. James White is about the most biblically literate man on the planet right now, on par with Edwards, spurgeon and ravenhill, RC, Knox etc. His mastery of Greek as well as church history is his absolute forte.
Since you equate White with Peterson the question to you is: what is the gospel?
@@HusGoose White follows a heresy of the 15th century…Calvinism. “Mastery”???….far from it especially Church history.
There us no Gospel in Calvinism. It is heresy of the worst kind.
@@marteld2108 Armininaism is far closer to heresy than the doctrines of Grace. Your position would necessitate a diminishing or outright denial of God's sovereignty in salvation. Without the "Calvinist" understanding of election, a consistent view would redefine faith from being a gift from God to being, at least in practice, a work. "Calvinists" would define faith as being a gift from God (who is the Author and Perfecter of our faith - Heb 12:2). If you believe Hebrews 12 is true, then you believe in election. If you believe you are the author of your own faith, then you would do well to reexamine the object of said faith.
Also, the idea that the early church didn't believe in "calvinism" is ridiculous. 1 Clement says the following: “Let us, therefore, approach him in holiness of soul, lifting up to him pure and undefiled hands, loving our gentle and compassionate Father who made us his own chosen portion." This was written around AD 70-90.
Fact: Jordan Peterson has understanding about human psycology that Christians haven't studied and therefore don't understand. It's his gift, but it's not everyone's gift. Keep him in his proper area of expertise, and by all means pray for his salvation. Learn from him and then process that info through the Truth of the Word of God... Pitch the bad and keep the good
The problem I'm seeing is that many people who profess to be Christians don't even seem to recognize the aspects of the Bible he gets wrong! And, as you can even see from the comments here, any attempt at correcting anything JP has said about the Bible is met with pure rage and, "I'm unsubbing!" I've already seen at least one of those here.
@@Yesica1993 you are the one raging at people. Did you literally go through and reply to every comment on this video? You have too much time on your hands.
@@Yesica1993 Well it's a good thing God still gives grace to us. There are even Christians who think venomous snake handling is biblical for show-and-tell and that clapping in church is a sin.
Y’all make some good points and at times, what I feel are some wild assumptions. All in all, I believe I know the heart behind it so, I am here and as I have been for years supportive.
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
@@ChristianJune32002 are you asking for you or for a friend :)?
You guys should have him on!
If he reaches out, we’d love to chat with him 😊
There is no evidence that JP was taking a drug addict, or that he took "copious amounts of benzos". He took a prescription as it was intended to take, by all appearances, and that drug class can be very dangerous. Further, JP never stopped working through these kinds of issues, except when he was in the hospital. I love Cultish, I am a contributor to Apologia generally, and I am a Christian. I am not an apologist for JP, we have many and significant disagreements, but many things said in the episode were poorly researched.
VERY insightful
Jordan draws people to God by presenting God to the general population including atheist in a manner that causes people to rethink what God is. They can then seek fellowship on churches and be drawn loser to understanding God. So lets not condemn a man (Jordan) inspired by God drawing people towards God for being an imperfect human a trait shared with ordained ministers of Christ. Many peoples Vision of God is a celestial being or something seen in movies abut Exodus. Anyone who makes a nonbeliever rethink about what God truly is is making a positive impact. His discussions of Genesis and Exodus are very interesting and better than most no pastor led bible studies you might get thru church. This is Gods work thru Jordan.
I know y'all are not about to talk about Jordan Peterson like he's a cult leader .... I'm open minded, but JP isn't cultish. He's objectively anti-cult. I'm still gonna listen and give benefit of the doubt... I just hope you've done your research on the man and don't end up ignorantly misrepresenting him. He is a man of humility and integrity and deserves to be accurately represented.
He cries all the time and pushes pseudo-psychology rather than glorifying Christ. Stop idolizing him and focus on Christ instead.
Why even assume. Why not wait until the video is posted? 🙄
@Barbie-K-W I’m supposing the reason they are doing a show on him is because many Christians follow him believing he is a Christian and in fact, he is not. It is perhaps easier for someone who has been walking for longer to hear the warning signs that let you know to proceed with caution, but maybe not so clear for others. That’s not to say there aren’t good things to what he says, but if you aren’t able to pick up the signals, it can be quite dangerous. I don’t make a habit of seeking counsel from someone who doesn’t walk with Christ, because it won’t be sound. It can be like walking through a minefield just to pick out the gems mixed in with the worldly perspective. I don’t dislike him, but Peterson is more Christ consciousness than he is a Christian walking with Christ. I do pray he continues his journey and pushes through the blinding false light though. I’m pulling g for him.
We were very fair and graces and Jordon Peterson and had just returned from watching him live when he was here in Phoenix a few weeks ago.
Give the episode listen and feel free to give us any thoughts
Pp p pp p a ppl a llplppppp@@AveChristusRexZoomer
The impression that I get when listening to Peterson’s commentary is that he wants to accept all the things scripture has to say about man, and what men do. However, does not want to accept the things it says about God and what He is doing and what He has done.
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Most Christians know that you go to church and read the Bible for your spiritual edification. You go to Jordan Peterson for psychology and self help.
The biggest problem I see with him is that newly saved young men are relying on him for biblical teaching and mentorship. My husband and I are relatively new to the faith, (converted from Mormonsim three years ago,) and our pastor meets with him a few times a month for one on one theological study and discipleship, because he knows that if my husband is well equipped, our entire family will be discipled. I don't think many young men are getting that kind of careful attention from church elders though, and so they're turning to an unsaved man who claims to have authority to teach the Bible. This is a serious problem! I know Peterson is wise and helps people make responsible life choices, but he is not equipped to be a spiritual leader. This is beyond a violation of 1 Tim 3:6. I pray he gets saved and stops teaching the Bible until he's matured a bit in the faith.
The same can be said of all teachers, I've heard wrong doctrine from this channel on about every video. When they use James two to say your not saved if you don't do works after being saved, they are preaching heresy. James was written for the 12 tribes, not for Christians, if you do or don't do works after being saved it doesn't matter onto salvation, once your saved your always saved you only lose rewards and it crowns in heaven by what we do after being saved. The important thing is hopefully all teachers get people to study their Bible and learn the truth, study scriptures with scriptures and learn to rightly divide the word of truth and get saved.
Yep. 100% agree. Peterson’s a great guy and really smart, but ironically, he’s still definitely wrestling with God.
I'm reminded of a few verses when I think of Jordan Peterson - James 1: 23-27 🤔
Fundamentally JP is in the exact same category as Furtick. The Bible is about you, this actual historical event is a metaphor you can mold into your own situation or self.
A sense a bit of jealousy? The fact that Jordan Peterson is so intricate and deep with his philosophy. His terminology and his message is more than what you guys can put together so you guys hating on him. Read his books. Open your mind , you can learn something
Well done. I had a video snippet from Martyn Iles from Answers in Genesis on my podcast where he explained that Jordan Peterson is focused on the self which is a trap. I got a lot hate from his followers because he has helped them.
Recently watched his interview with Pints with Aquinas (no, I am not Catholic, but they do pretty on point interviews if you can take Catholicism with a grain of salt) The interviewer was pretty smart in playing the devils advocate and asked a lot of atheistic, humanistic questions, as well as questions people like Carl Young and Joseph Campbell would agree with (Why cant I just take the biblical stories as a good framework for life without literally believing this stuff happened?, etc...) Jordan wasn't having any of it and gave the most traditionally Christian answers I have ever heard.
He said that he believes Jesus is the only way to salvation and that he believes the resurrection literally happened. Also points to the complexity of the resurrection story and the gospels as something that no man could have ever "Made Up".His BIGGEST hang up and what he could not get past was that he felt "Belief" was a weak, meaningless word and that to say you are a follower of Christ is to take up your cross in such a way a soldier would put on his gear and go into battle. He had no concept of Childlike faith or coming to God in humility. He seems to have no patience for "giving a child milk" and thinks that a new convert should be completely sober, spiritually mature faith from Day 1...or at least that's what he expects of himself.
It's not that complicated, Jordan! Come to Christ as you are (and anyone else in his same shoes), and his Holy Spirit with help you grow in maturity and revelation.
"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened."
(Romans 1:21)
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
I’ve been a fan and read his previous works. I am waiting on We Who Wrestle to be released.
It has crossed my mind lately that JP is so close to the kingdom, it has also crossed my mind that committing to Christ versus “toeing the line,” in this instance, courting Christians and the world might be more profitable for him (I am not asserting that is the case). However it seems like profiteering from Christians, the religiously curious, atheists and those who seek inspiration and self-help is a wider financial and fame “dragnet,” as opposed to accepting Christ and be on a defined side. While I must acknowledge the work he has done academically from lecturing and also to the intellectual development of people worldwide I must say, a Trojan Horse in any colour or package is just that - a Trojan horse. If it pulls a true believer an inch away from the Gospel or Christ it is a potential stumbling block. CH Spurgeon said, Discernemt is not only knowing what is right from wrong, but it is knowing what is right from what is almost right. Believers in Christ be wary of false doctrines. As we engage Peterson’s work let us examine it under the illuminating light of scripture.
The only way to really understand the Word of God is to humbly ask God to give you spiritual wisdom while reading it.
One has to become like a small child, seeking in wonderment and sincerity of understanding -- not with this attitude of "oh I have it figured out"
Man's need to rationalize everything to his liking and judgment and neatly wrap everything up in a box and bow is what makes him stumble. That's no different with Jordan Peterson. He psychoanalyzes the Bible so he can minimalize it to his understanding and in the process, minimalizing God and His Word.
Being all things to all men, but at some point in some situations you have to be clear on what you believe
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Nothing wrong with making money. Most preachers make a living preaching. Jordan is not one to compromise beliefs for sales.
I don’t go to JP for theology.
Greek philosophy had a big impact.. JP is a modern day philosopher.. More than likely he will convert to the Catholic faith 😊
Peterson says, "You shouldn't fall into the justification by works heresy," at timecode 1hr 55min 02sec on his podcast called "Navigating Belief, Skepticism, and the Afterlife | Alex O'Connor EP 451." What do you think? It sounds like he has some nuance as far as earning your salvation. I'm not sure, though.
1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of The Spirit of GOD, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
James 4:4
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Hm, that was interesting about Mikhaila!
jordan already psychologizes new testament, if you're really watching his genesis lecture he always connect that to the passion of christ.
1 Corinthians 1:23 comes to mind when listening to Jordan
It seems like you miss the point of and the purpose of what J.B. Peterson is attempting to convey. For a full, meaningful and purposefull life one must engage in the living if it.
How you attend to life literally creates the life to which you attend. It takes effort. It takes engagement. It takes courage. What is true, what is good and what is beautiful.
Repent, of your ignorance.
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 you would do well to say that to a mirror
@@Dakez3112 ,...The fact is, I have said it to you!
The wicked will always do what you just did when they are confronted with truth, and correction of their ignorance. Repent!
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 In this I have nothing to repent of or for. You seem to be a very ignorant person. Would you care to elaborate just what it is you feel I should repent of?
@@Dakez3112 ,...You have everything to repent for. The problem is you being completely spiritually dead and blind, you have no ability to understand the truth I have spoken for your edification.
You, like all the unsaved will just go right back to your wallowing in the mire.
"But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." 2 Peter 2:22 KJV
He just needs someone who is his peer to engage with. Lewis had Tolkien. It is refreshing to see someone come to the scripture free from the chains of traditionalism.
He's making the Bible say what he thinks it says not what it actually says. He adds a lot to the narrative that isn't there.
Him, and Lewis, and Tolkien alike.
You must not know about Johnathan Pageau.
John 12:43
'Pride loves to climb up, not as Zacchaeus to see Christ, but to be seen.'
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Jeremiah 17:9
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
The foolishness of man ruins his way, And his heart rages against the Lord. Proverbs 19:3
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Jerry, to answer your question:
I believe from the framework that Peterson comes from - wrestling with God means this: that we must strive to understand *"what"* (not *who)* God is, because clearly there is something greater than ourselves at play here - but it isn't a person or a being; it's a "force". So we must understand how that "force" works so that we can be carried along by it and use it to our advantage and benefit, and not have it overpower us and destroy us.
It's an effort to make Him into our own image, just with more "intellectual" and moral "well-meaning." It's truly sad, and breaks my heart. Peterson is a perfect example of how we must be *given* ears to hear and eyes to see, or we'll never hear His voice and understand.
peterson has always been in business
JP has nothing whatsoever to do with the Christianity of the Bible.
Eve believed she could receive the knowledge about good and evil from the world(aka the fruit) apart from God and his word.
The secret son was seen?! I never even knew he had a son until years after I'd seen both him and his daughter. I thought maybe they didn't have a good relationship or something.
I'm pretty sure that "We Who Wrestle With God" is intentionally a call to the name "Israel" and its meaning of "those who struggle/wrestle with God" in Hebrew.
So can you show me when and where JP ever disregarded the new testament as historical events?
So can you show me when and where JP ever confessed saving trust in Jesus Christ?
@@Yesica1993 The Holy Spirit gives us faith to KNOW and believe the Truth. Jordan is not willing to fake faith, but he is terrified that it is true. He needs to be loosed from the world so he doesn't die with it. It's unhelpful to judge people from appearances.
@@danimal118 Please answer what was asked. Thank you.
@@Yesica1993 I did. Why are you rude? He has not made a confession of faith.
@@Yesica1993hah! You didnt even answer his question that you commented on, yet you demand yours to be answered? That's rich.
Jordan is on a journey, too. A guy that smart and educated has a lot of cognitive dissonance to overcome. I soaked up everything I could find of his until the Biblical Series. I quickly identified herecy and stopped. However, he did have such profound insites about Genesis I was jaw dropped.
The thing is that many Christians don't even seem to see the problem with the way he handles Scripture!
Summary of what this man learned about Jordan Peterson: Clean your room. Well, mom and dad taught me that. If I didn't clean my room, I would suffer. Yes, I also had a choice 😂😂
Because that's basically JP's message. It's not a bad message. But it has left me baffled as to why people treat him like he's saying something so profound. In a way, that's why I started following him. I wanted to know what all the fuss about him was. Guess what? I still haven't found it.
"I don't want that". Children, can't be saved by works? James 2:15, ok, what does James 2:14 say?
I would agree in the interpretation that Dr Peterson's psychologizing of the Old testament is certainly from "Oneism".
However I would build on that thought and say that while it is "Oneist", it is also accurate as far as it goes. From all the work that I have seen from Jordan, his writing and his discussions, I would say that foundationally he is spot on, just not giving the glory to God.
His psychologizing is essentially just a "preacherly" application of sorts from the text without pointing to Christ, which is what the primary intention should always be, when interpreting the Bible.
So in conclusion, I would say that Jordan Peterson's message cannot bring anyone to salvation as it is completely devoid of Christ crucified. However, it is basically a biblical worldview looked at from a different angle. In other words I think we might even be comfortable in calling this common grace but not saving grace. Maybe these are the types of things that the Lord uses in this fallen age so that humanity will not destroy itself before the His return.
Thank you Cultish for your review of his tour. Fantastic discussion and great focus on Jesus! ❤🙏
How far from here is heaven? Is it beyond the universe?
“Israel” means “one who struggles with God. His title is a reference to the story of Jacob wrestling with God, subsequently given the name “Israel”.
- a house divided cannot stand
Isaiah 42:8
John 3:3
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Are you ever talk about 9 Marks cult?
A Liberal commie cult? Throw Phil Vischer in with them as well and you’d have a multi-series “rise and fall” spread.
I really liked JBP, until he said he was a Christian. I knew he wasn't. When a person tells you they are a Christian, and then they get mad at you for asking them questions like, "Do you actually believe in God?" Or, "Is the Bible real?"
That is a red flag. It was nice when he was pointing others in the direction of the Bible, but now he is leading them astray
There is no such thing as knowledge of God apart from Jesus Christ; we never arrive at God truly unless we come through Him.
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
#Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, laying aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
~Hebrews 12:1,2, John 3:14-17, Romans 8
You should find, purchase and read the book: Metaphors We Live By. Writen by Lakoff & Johnson
You can't grasp that the literal stories in the Bible are Literally all Metaphors. Metaphors conveying best practices of meaningful ways to attend to the short life you have. This is a way to rise above all the petty and Dogmatic beliefs of all the different and confusing teaching denominations and get to a true relationship with the creator.
So, we should go buy and read a book written by man and use that to understand the Bible? You have spoken in complete ignorance and have exposed your unsaved, blind, lost, and deceived state. Repent!
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 I see now that you don't even know what a metaphor is. The Bible is absolutely full of them. You are a fool to say what you have said about me. I am very comfortable in my relationship with our creator. You are the one who needs to repent for judging me. You are in danger of committing the one sin that the Bible tells us is unforgivable.
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 repent of what exactly?
@@Dakez3112 ,...Repent of being Gods enemy, of being Biblically illiterate, of being completely deceived, of speaking falsely, of thinking you are something you are not. Cry out to God for mercy, ask him to raise you from your spiritually dead and blind, state, ask him to open your blind eyes and show you what the truth actually is.
So if you don't believe God wanted us to work toward something better, then what was the point of Christ teaching his disciples how to live? What is the point of "picking up your cross?" I genuinely don't understand this criticism.
Considering that Peterson is not born again at all, his interest toward the Bible and God is quite remarkable. I remember myself before I was born again, I had no interest in the Bbile at all.
I like Jordan I think he’s very smart dude, his interpretation of scripture is horrible though everything is allegorical is what I’ve heard atleast his Old Testament stuff, not sure about his New Testament stuff
"We are born spiritually blind, and cannot be re- stored without a miracle of grace... No sinner ever comes to Christ until the Holy Spirit first comes to him! And no sinner will savingly believe on Christ until the Spirit has com- municated faith to him."
~ Arthur W. Pink
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
Maybe you guys are less enlightened of Christ's will for us. I mean this in a very loving way.
This is absolutely horrible. I really hope JP deals with this
It's SO horrible! I was hopeful that they would do "ok" with this, but I'm not even 20 mins in, and I'm at a loss for words. I'm not sure if these guys possess the intellectual capacity to even talk about this. This is SHAMEFULLY LAZY at BEST, and it really disappoints me to say that. I'm generally a fan of Apologia but this is a failure of epic proportions. They are just not equipped or informed enough to talk about this! Not even close!
Well yes carl jung inspired JBP, i hope your conclusion is not that JBP is oneness. And what made him famous was not lectures, it was him standing up to the canadian authoritarianism.
Honestly, I wish you guys cared more about why God gave an unbeliever the role of warning the world about it's folly and why so many people were moved towards the Lord. It's almost like you believe that correcting him would make him better and solve the entire question. Thinkers like Peterson have popped up in history right before massive social upheavel. The church always seems to redicule them for being wrong and learn from them 40-100 years later. Socrates' wisdom was not of himself. God was fulfilling His Word to Daniel by giving Socrates the wisdom to tear down the gods and speak of one truth. It's like we give up genuine understanding to be spiritual grammar police.
LOL! Which statement in this video did you disagree with, and upon what biblical basis? Give the time stamp.
"Honestly, I wish you guys cared more about why God gave an unbeliever the role of warning the world about it's folly and why so many people were moved towards the Lord."
He (God) did? Upon what basis do you say that?
"It's almost like you believe that correcting him would make him better and solve the entire question."
Correcting error always makes things better. Christians are supposed to do that.
Solve what entire question?
Thanks for being a perfect example of his cult like followers that I mentioned in my own comment. I knew they'd show up here. Y'all didn't let me down. LOL!
@@Yesica1993 Biblical basis? IF you don't understand natural things, how will you understand spiritual? Have you ever thought about the implications of Jesus's statement? 80% of the video is what I referenced. And once again, Jordan needs to be corrected for his own good. You are disingenuous, because you could have easily understood where they were wanting Jordan to be right instead of wrong. I have no interest in speaking with you.
it's completely baffling to me how so-called "followers" reconcile their claim of being Christian men of God with the absolute hypocrisy of nonchalantly judging someone else's salvation, or perceived lack of.
y'all don't know JBP's heart & even if you could, speculating on it is nothing more than self-righteous judgement.
judgement which is not your place.
the lack of self-awareness 💁🏻♀️ it's unsettling
The name of Israel actually means " we who wrestle with God"
JP is a false teacher. He literally fits the definition of both of those words and the combination of those words.
Christians need to warn against him.
I like Jordan, but sometimes his getting so in his head about the Bible is just aggravating.
I wish we as Christians wouldn’t do this. He’s been publicly struggling to come to faith while proclaiming everything in the Bible to be true. He started with Genesis then Exodus now he’s working through the Bible. Have grace as he comes to faith. I pray this gives other people the courage to search the scriptures and come to faith also. He did publicly proclaim Christ on a podcast last week. He’s not claiming to be a pastor but is saying what’s wrong with the world and the only place we can find the answers are in scripture.
change the title it gives the wrong impression
- HEBREWS 12:14
"Pride is the foundation of all sin."
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world- the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life
-is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
1 John 2:15-17
What does a person have to do in order for them to receive salvation?
I stopped listening to JP after he asked his fans to donate money to him for his court case against the Canadian psychology board.
He was currently in Florence Italy on holiday. How greedy can you get he would of gave millions in the bank
I stopped listening to Jordan Peterson when he was asked a question from a member of the audience and he refused to speak the truth because he was afraid of the repercussions. You can currently find a different version of the original video on youtube by typing "Jordan Peterson I can't do it"
I've been listening to Jeff lately and im trying to understand. Does he believe that in our future the whole world will all be Christian nations. Ive listened to some of his eschatology and i don't really understand exactly what he teaches. He is so clear on some things but others im still trying to figure out. Thanks Jeff for all your teaching. I hope this reaches you.
JD, and all those who are part of apologia are not Christians. Do not be deceived by them.
I again, come back to this. How in the world are you going to say jordan peterson is cult like....are yall men of God? As men of God, you are held to a higher responsibility than everyone else. Tread carefully.
Nobody ever said that…
What was the discussed is us having a lot of appreciation for Dr. Peterson, but giving some honest assessments of how he falls short after we saw him speak live.
The guy in the middle lacks courage. That is not meant in a critical way. He has and believes in all the parts but needs to step back and have an AH-HA moment when it all comes together. Stop the linear thinking and see the whole come together.
I saw him in Austin and it was the same show. Difficult to follow. Somewhat incoherent. Unimpressed overall. I was expecting more from JP. I started on JP in 2017. Read his books, listened to his lectures and podcasts. Grew out of him as he seemed to stall out on his journey to faith in Christ.
You quote Jordan Peterson saying, "You develop a philosophy of evil that is as deep as your sin."
That sounds a whole lot like what John Lennon said after going through Arthur Janov’s Primal Scream Therapy. To wit, "God is a concept by which we measure our pain." (from the song "God", by John Lennon).
Sometimes I think Jordan is so close. But, other times, it seems like he couldn't find his own butt with both hands and a mirror. His problem is that he's never seen a hair so fine that he couldn't split it. I'm afraid he's gonna end up sounding like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager-trying to psychologize and philosophise away anything even hinting of the supernatural. After a while it becomes tiresome.
On the bright side: at least his son didn't come out and perform the song "Imagine".
Listening without hearing. You should stop trying to process Peterson if the left Hemisphere of your brain and open up to experiencing it with your Right Hemisphere. You are bogging yourselves down with the details and missing the larger meaning.
this is just an aside... heheh why does his family, especially his daughter, have to be there all the time? its pretty obvious, shes along for the ride and not for the right reasons....
He might not get everything right about the Bible…but who does? Calvinists?
This video is not about Calvinism. Stop worshiping this man, and provide the evidence I requested in my other response. Do not ignore me. Do not play games with me. Provide it!
@@Yesica1993 how do you say I worship JP? I most certainly don’t. But I will defend his approach to thinking about God. It’s not conventional but it’s worth thinking about. Listening to JP has expanded my ability to think critically about the entire Biblical narrative and its relationship with reality and my own consciousness. He does get some things a little twisted, but even the best biblical scholars are fallible. Even James White
@@-justin-4077 This video is not about James White.
Jordan Peterson is not a Christian. End of story.
@@Yesica1993 A. Correct B. Incorrect
@@Yesica1993 Search “Shawn Ryan Clips - Does Jordan Peterson Believe in God”. Time stamp 5seconds in.
Point blank he says “Do I believe that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life? Well, Sure!”
He is a cult leader. I call him the guru to incels.
I’m praying he becomes a Christian. He certainly is not yet. I like him but he misses the main points of Scripture. Too
Much psychology and not seeing the Bible for its real message.
"I was wrestling with Jordan Peterson"... Gimme a break
The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Truth can dwell there, but not of ourselves. Jordan does NOT believe that Truth is of ourselves. He knows it isn't, but he is unwilling to confess something he doesn't know. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can heal Jordan's unbelief. Submitting to idealism is something he is unwilling to do. You guys are like, "Just submit Jordan!" It would be great if he just submitted to the Truth, but he is here because he resisted social hysteria and collective spirits. So he won't move from peer pressure.
Jordan Peterson is one of the biggest false teachers of our time. So much damage to young men by turning them away from the true meaning of Scripture- Christ, in the name of helping them.
- the representation and definition of the Holy Trinity by the theologians and pastors is faulty and will in the very near future become the unpardonable sin
The fake manmade trinity CONcept is not the unpardonable sin, it is just another false teaching from the 100% apostate church.
@@exposingfakechristianity5556 -it's not unpardonable yet
@@joykeebler1916 ,...It is not unpardonable ever, it is just false teaching like everything else the church teaches. If you are referring to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (the unpardonable sin) then this is when someone claims to be a Christian when they are not, and this applies to everyone in every church.
The entire church is apostate and is filled with those who claim to be Christians when they are not. They have ALL blasphemed the Holy Spirit and have committed the unpardonable sin.
This is why Jesus said they would all be thrown into the lake of fire. The church is the false prophet of Revelation Ch. 20.
"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." Revelation 20:10 KJV
Get away from the church!
You say umm after every word lol I cant even listen.
You guys criticize him as if you are criticizing a pastor on his sermons.
He. Is. Not. A. Pastor.
He's never claimed to be one, no one thinks he's one. This is an unhelpful approach from Christans, it causes more confusion, and you guys have got to stop doing that. Seriously.
"You guys criticize him as if you are criticizing a pastor on his sermons. "
Because he's acting like one, despite not even being a Christian. Worse, he's confusing millions of people about what the Bible says. And he's making millions of dollars from doing so.
"He. Is. Not. A. Pastor. "
Exactly. That's why he shouldn't be teaching the Bible. Glad we agree!
"He's never claimed to be one, no one thinks he's one."
But he's acting like one. He's teaching God's Word to MILLIONS of people.
" This is an unhelpful approach from Christans,"
Says who? You?
"it causes more confusion, "
How does correcting wrong teaching cause more confusion? It's better to let the wrong teaching stand, and let people keep thinking it is correct?
"and you guys have got to stop doing that. Seriously."
No. And you will not silence us. Is that clear?
@@Yesica1993Spot on, we as Christian’s need to stand up against the deception and defends God’s truth.
@@Yesica1993 girl. You really need to chill. I appreciate the time you put into that Karen style reply, but hard disagree. You just made a series of false premises.
No one is trying to silence you. Weird to say something like that as you freely speak all over the place. You are welcome to run your mouth on alllll these comments just like everyone else. Geeze.
@@Barbie-K-W some thoughts require more that just a few characters to convey. A point-by-point refutation of your point was good. @Yesica reined it in quite well.
If a podcast like this is going to get you this riled up, you should probably get off your phone and go outside.
No it's definitely a judgement call. Intended or not you are judging
And you guys aren't an operation?
This is a joke
What exactly is your beef with what is being said? Everyone judges and Christians are supposed to judge righteously... they totally respect Jordan Peterson and aren't being disrespectful.
Simply pointing out he has trouble exegeting the text, and instead looks for architypes and macro-philosophical gleanings is not a knock. It’s an honest observation.
@@jacobjohnson5992are you a schizo?
@@HusGoose But to his cult like followers, he can do no wrong. EVER. You cannot criticize ANYTHING he says without them jumping down your throat.
I think you should listen to JP before commenting on his metaphysical perspective about God and the Bible. You showed a lot of confusion, lack of knowledge and superficial interpretation.
And yet you pointed out nothing they said that was "confusion, lack of knowledge and superficial interpretation."
In fact, that is exactly what JP demonstrates about his knowledge of the Bible.
@@Yesica1993 the confusion is in the depth of the concept of belief (per example). They don’t seem to understand that for Jordan Peterson belief is not affirming a set of propositions, belief is to embody the structure of the Bible in your own life. JP doesn’t see the Bible as merely a historic description, he sees in the Bible the structure of the fabric of reality. When they say he is turning the Bible in to psychology they don’t seem to understand that if the Bible describes the functioning of reality, it describes our spiritual reality (that entails our psyche).
Moreover, he does talk about Jesus a lot of times.
One more example: near the beginning they say something like: “So JP thinks that we adapted our psyche to the narrative of the Bible”. No. He describes that the fabric of our psyche made us write this kind of profound narratives that reflect the depth of ourselves and reality in itself (because we are part of reality).
And I get that we all wanted JP to just say God is real, our Lord Jesus is the son of God. But he is in his journey and we have to respect that the intelectual realisation of the existence of God isn’t enough to have full Faith. I think his theological perspective is way deeper than the majority of scholars, but he isn’t ready yet. I get the frustration, but in my perspective they are dealing with it in the wrong way and it is noticeable that they lack a lot of knowledge about JPs vision. (The fact that they thought he was a psychoanalyst also says a lot about their research).
"that for Jordan Peterson belief is not affirming a set of propositions, belief is to embody the structure of the Bible in your own life."
Which does not = what the Bible means by belief. That's the whole problem.
@@Yesica1993 that’s not true. Acting accordingly is a necessity of Faith, by definition. Why do you think Jesus is always saying “if you truly believe you would be able to(…)”. It’s not just saying the words “Jesus is Lord” (and I find saying it is really important and true), is being willing to suffer for it. If you really believe it, you embody it by definition.
And the definition of faith and belief is still being debated by scholars all over the world. The Bible is not straightforward.
"The Bible is not straightforward."
The Bible is straightforward on salvation. Jordan Peterson is not a Christian. He doesn't even claim to be. Yet you keep claiming it for him. I'm not going to keep wasting my time on this nonsense. Goodbye.