你喝过香气独特的俄罗斯花茶吗?Have you ever tasted the uniquely fragrant Russian flower tea?

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • 在5月的香港文博会上,我遇到了一位来自俄罗斯的茶商。他的名字叫谢尔盖,约40岁。他的展位在文博会上的30多个茶叶展位中最为火爆。谢尔盖带来了一款独特的俄罗斯花茶,用中国白茶和俄罗斯特有的花朵拼配而成。今天,我特地邀请朋友们一起品尝这款茶。茶汤的颜色金黄,香气扑鼻,非常清新。朋友们都表示,喝进去的感觉如同回归自然,仿佛置身于一个充满花香的地方,令人心旷神怡。同时,这款茶还有淡淡的回甘,滋味十分独特。谢尔盖还告诉我们,他写了一本英文书《茶叶地理》。这次品茶的体验让我们对拼配茶有了更深的了解和喜爱。
    At the Hong Kong Cultural Expo in May, I met a Russian tea merchant named Sergei. He is a Georgian, about 40 years old. His booth was the most popular among the 30-plus tea booths at the expo. Sergei brought a unique blend of Russian flower tea, made by combining Chinese white tea with special Russian flowers. Today, I invited my friends to taste this tea together. The tea soup has a golden yellow color and a very fresh aroma. My friends remarked that drinking it felt like returning to nature, as if being transported to a place filled with floral scents, which was very refreshing. This tea also has a subtle sweetness that lingers. Sergei also mentioned that he wrote a book called "Geography of Tea," which is in English and will soon be translated into Chinese. This tea tasting experience has deepened our appreciation and love for blended teas.