Prison Escape Scenario, Cataclysm DDA, Episode 57

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024
  • Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (CDDA) is an open-source survival horror rogue-like video game. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a fork of the original game Cataclysm.
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  • @PaulieMcCoy
    @PaulieMcCoy Місяць тому

    **TIMESTAMPS FOR EP 57 of Prison Escape:**
    @ 0:20 Comparing fire axe vs bokken as melee (capital I in game)
    @ 1:10 Bite wound on Kenji's left leg (blue text on the sidebar incidatator of problem)
    Applied antiseptic (E key for Consumption menu is easier than applying antiseptic & bandages, or at least seems faster)
    @ 2:19 Checking inventory, 2x holsters (Ruger Redhawk, FN Five-seveN),
    M79 grenade launcher, 4x grenades, 4x molotov cocktails, 4x tear gas grenades. 3x 30rnd STANAG mags; stocked up well.
    @ 3:12 (R)ead Janes' Mortars & Rocket Launches to attempt to raise launcher skill
    _I think Cranberry's gear sprite combo looks cool. Kenji's looks cool, too._
    @ 3:54 SlashemVC figured out why music was cutting out previously, soundpack issues? Atmospherics reintroduced.
    @ 6:22 Advice for when to embark on missions (either in-game quests or otherwise) & plans to do Cranberry's mission (Active Noise Control)
    @ 9:41 Look at map & depart for the nearby mission
    @ 10:15 The "chugga-chugga" 🎸 music track starts playing, a good omen maybe?
    @ 10:33 Radio tower in sight, along with 18 NPCs/Hostiles (via V key); Tactical assessment.
    _Alien vegetation got one over on the Hub 01 people? _*_But how dangerous are they...?_*
    *COMBAT Encounter #01:*
    @ 15:05 Getting Off the "Justice For All" and taking action... ammunition problems?
    @ 16:28 "Yes. They are different."
    @ 17:45 "About as good as it's going to get..."; Take aim... and BLOOP!
    @ 18:25 Aftermath of M79 HEDP firing; looking through log
    @ 19:10 SlashemVC likes explosions, mission complete? Apparently not. Going to try more firepower? Discusses problems with these enemies/mission on another character. They multiply? Annoying!
    @ 22:00 Melee ensues, Cranberry Foster shows off with their HWP
    @ 23:39 Checking in on Cran, these particular monsters give a stanima debuff? Checking out the monsters...
    @ 26:00 Several misses with FN Five-seveN, monster reproduced, back to fire axe to take care of root drone
    @ 27:30 Planning tactically next set of moves "If melee goes badly, I'll flee myself & I'll molotov 'em. Radio tower structural integrity be damned!"
    @ 28:30 CHARGE!!!1 Intense!
    @ 29:00 Did we fix the problem? Strange NPC behavior.
    @ 31:28 In the driver's seat of the "Justice for All"; SlashemVC gives recommendation for doing the "Active Noise Control" mission on the short drive back to Hub 01.
    @ 33:25 Talking to Hub 01, HWP acquisition? Buying map of the area which reveals much more of the town of Weymouth to the N, card reader short circuits??
    @ 35:46 Oooh, home improvement superstore, also was there a hospital or clinic northeast of there (2x2)?
    @ 36:43 Looks like Cranberry Foster is applying first aid... maybe will follow you when they're finished?
    @ 37:00 Might as well check out the radio tower while waiting for Cran to lick their wounds.
    @ 38:47 Some buggy NPC behavior. You can give them overrides with 'C' (Yell) but seems glitched out
    _You can teleport NPCs with the debug menu, take control of friendly NPC and then teleport as them. It is annoying to do, not sure if doing it will reset the mission state. Maybe backup your world file & then try? I know that feels kinda cheesy but CDDA NPCs are a bit... buggy._
    @ 43:00 SlashemVC "Screw your glitches, CDDA, I'm gonna drive/cut to a laboratory!" **CUT** to unusual stone barn.
    *COMBAT Encounter #02:*
    @ 44:30 Exiting the battle bus, the "Justice for All" near the unusual stone barn. Ear protection in.
    _Beautiful human x Exodii teamwork, great to see!_
    @ 45:23 *Whoops.* Tab to auto-attack or moving into non-hostiles will automatically attack anything nearby except friendly NPCs for some reason.
    _I wish there was a warning menu to fix this._
    @ 47:20 Heal up, is the Exodii Quadriped hostile after Kenji accidentally attacked it? Tracking. Hmm...
    @ 48:14 Uh oh... "Can we go prone inside of the vehicle?" Don't forget your backpack.
    _I didn't know you could drive while in crouch, very useful!_
    @ 52:12 Waiting 1hr for nightfall - unusual light? Gotta retrieve that backpack!
    @ 53:10 Sneaky Kenji trying to get his backpack back, rob the unusual stone barn? Where's the signpost, destroyed in the carnage?
    @ 54:45 Experimenting with Exodii Quadriped enemy & approaching the barn...
    @ 55:20 Peeking into the barn..!
    _Do the unusual stone barns ever have an NPC to talk to or anything worthwhile besides the signpost?_
    **Additional thoughts:**
    The Hub 01 Enviromental Suit really protected you against the monsters at radio tower! There is a way to restore Cranberry Foster to following status using the debug menu but I would backup your world file first into a .tar.gz or tar.xz archive. Just in case... Depending on how you get them back, it *might* reset the mission? Others might have better insight into this... I'd make a video but my OBS isn't setup and I'm pretty busy tomorrow, so I can't make any guarantees on my end. These NPC glitches are very unfortunate. You're running v0.G, if I'm not mistaken? -- if anyone wants to make a test world and try NPC behaviors out. Binding the debug menu to the END key on a regular keyboard is a good call IMO.
    The debug menu is pretty bleh in CDDA, I wish the game used a console like Quake II, Half-Life, or the Elders Scrolls games.
    I've always had the exodii at the unusual stone barn be passive towards me, but I'm not sure. It just seems to be an outpost for the exodii but I've never got around to the rocky butte to do missions for them (yet). Inside the stone barne just seems to be exodii building materials in my very limited (2x stone barn run ins) but not sure if there is a chance for other stuff to spawn.
    Besides that, pretty interesting & exciting combat in this episode. I hope viewers or other resource can get you squared away with the NPC bug/glitch you've experienced & keep experiencing. Sorry the timestamps were late, Sunday - got church and all that. Cheers everyone!

  • @sirfelix77
    @sirfelix77 2 місяці тому +1

    For the record he was seeing you as you walked up to the door, the reason he shot you originally was, because of the fact there were so many zombies around. Ai goes haywire for a bit when there are hostile creatures nearby.

    • @slash_em
      @slash_em  2 місяці тому

      @@sirfelix77 soooo, safe to enter room?

  • @wen498
    @wen498 2 місяці тому +1

    Npc fix: Keybind debug if you haven't. Choose (p)layer, (p)edit player/npc select npc, (A)set attitude to follow. Other options include trying to teleport it to hub01(same menu, e). If that fails you can try setting mission to complete in the same menu.

    • @PaulieMcCoy
      @PaulieMcCoy Місяць тому

      Yeah I would set attitude to follow as @wen498 says.
      Opinions are a series of 4 or 5 stats (1-2 more hidden) that affect barter, intimidation, other things I believe.
      In my limited testing last week, NPCs are very annoying and glitchy but I'm on the last iteration of v0.F, I need to change to v0.G. I won't play experimental as many people put in CRs and if they do the work/code, it usually gets accepted, making it quite a buggy mess. I disagree with how some of the development of CDDA is going, but that is merely tangential.
      Backing up your world file, appending TEMP and doing tests might help you for when you experience this issue in future. Setting Attitude and maybe Opinion as @wen498 has said above. I would try Attitude first before messing with Opinion, however.
      You can also control friendly NPCs directly -- kinda as when you died as Marc and started controlling Vernon Ziegler, which allows you to teleport NPCs. Just have to change control over to that NPC and then use the teleport (bottom of the debug menu list). Then change back to your character.
      Hopefully you can figure it out. I really wish someone would make a CDDA wiki again... It's not a complicated game per se but the various systems requires knowledge into lots of different things and the idiosyncrasies of the game. Timestamps are up, too, btw. It was Sunday, so, I was a bit lazy... 😁