Support me! 📲 Install Raid for free: and get $100 worth of prizes - an Epic champion Lady Etessa and exclusive 5th anniversary awards 🔥 Also use promo code FESTIVAL5 to receive: 🧪 X50 Magic Brew, 500,000 Silver 👑 X1 Tayrel Epic Champion! Hurry, this offer is available for a limited time only!
@@OumuamuaOumuamuain my experience with a lot of things in real life, you get what you pay for. Buy once cry once. Digital products? Yeah most are absurd in price and you should always seek a sale
The problem with the F-5C is that they nerfed the guns in the recent update. The velocity got reduced by a lot, whether intentional or not, and one of the biggest advantages it had is now void
It's mid right now. Rockets are horrible. And with new br change comming....I kinda regret buying it right now. Maybe year ago it was amazing, but now it's just mid.
@@ILoveF16-o3n well if u dont have much experience with top jets, u might suffer at the start. f4c will meet top jets, but it's a bit easier to play, than f5c. F5c is more gun gameplay, because it's rockets are very bad and it only has 2. And engine is a bit slow, so expect to be slower then most of your enemies. But you rotate faster. F4c have ok rockets.
They should make a "bait" medal so the F5c can be flown the way it should be. To rope up enemies for others to pick off. This plane is what got me my skills in defensive flying
People deeply underestimate how important defensive flying is. Knowing how to trap people up and force the fight in your favor is probably the most important skill in high to top tier ARB
@@spitfyrevii933 Recently picked up the F5C and have learned so much about baiting, defensive flying, when to use countermeasures, and also the sun is the best flair in the game ;) It's not bad but it definitely has a learning curve for the BR you are at with the limited resources that you have.
@@Xenphos Awesome to hear that! Will say unfortunately with the addition of Fox 3 missiles and changes to multipathing make it harder at the highest BR, but below that its still incredibly valuable.
As someone with around ~400 kills in the F-4S, I'd recommend to buy the F-4S if you are new to top tier, especially if you plan on playing a lot of top tier, because it can prepare you for correctly utilizing SARH missiles, properly positioning yourself to defend against SARH missiles when you don't have many countermeasures by hugging the ground, etc. The F-5C is quite good, and I've heard that it's really fun to play for players who know how to play jets in Air RB, but for players like me who spend most of their time in tanks and/or have very little experience playing planes in ARB, the F-4S is better for teaching you the stuff you need to know if your objective is to grind until you're able to play in top tier. I went from rank 5 to rank 8 with my F-4S, and I'd probably be a lot more lost and suffering a lot more in my brand new stock F-15A if I had gone with the F-5C since I wouldn't have any experience using Sparrows, and I wouldn't know how to properly defend against SARH missiles when I have little to no chaff.
This. Early, mid, and late tier do nothing to prep you for top tier where it is nothing like the earlier tiers. Flight performance is gone and missile and radar performance are the new new.
Makes decent sense. F-5C will teach you how to fly really well but the F-4S will teach you how to use the weapons that exist around top tier. Flight performance at top tier isnt all that important since 1v1 dogfights arnt that common so missiles alone will get you a good number of kills. Though will say, I was very glad to have the flight performance on my F-20 when I had won a 2v1 against a MiG-23ML and a MiG-29. That 2v1 is simply not anywhere near as manageable in an F-4 flight model.
@@FXIIBeavereveryone keeps saying to spend more time in props before I go and buy a premium. I don't get why if the skillset ends up being so different
@@dabbyduck517exactly lol, maybe all the new players should just stop playing so everybody at every br it’s sub level 50s vs level 100s and lvl 100s vs lvl 100
RN after multipathing chages I'd defenitely recommend the f4s instead. I had a 5.0 K/D with the F5c but it is incredibly hard to get kills with it rn. Your engines are a basically just 2 candles. you may have the best energy retention at your BR, but you can only use that if people dont run away from you. It is incredibly infurating to chase a guy or to pick off a dogfighting one (rare) to then just get your kill stolen by a 9L/aim 7f. SO the problem is that you dont get to use your energy retention most of the time. Meanwhile with the mentioned multipath changes you can pretty easily wrack up kills with your brain turned off especially if you are flying high and know what you are doing. Also your competition the Mig-23 ML had it's flight model and radar gimped, so at 11.3 you are the king of BVR. All you have to do is dodge phohenix spammers in the first 5 minutes and you are set
The F-5C is not very beginner friendly and you will likely find yourself dying to missiles if you are new to missile thunder. However, while the F-4S is in a similar environment, you have a much better missile kit and it is easier to learn the ropes in.
@@Denkmaldrubernacht people have gotten into the CC program by making cinematics like Hornet and Dark (though in Dark's case, he pushes the exact same kind of youtube short which doesn't get stale in the algorithm) also my cinematics are a lot more different than everyone else's which differentiates me from most other cinematic creators like Dark or Pandromodo or Hornet or something
@@DigitalShaolin I use fun busting-it-down music unlike most other people which use like movie trailer music or something or just like slow dramatic music
I used the A-6 to grind most of US rank 7/8. It can carry 2x9L, a gun, and 5k of bombs. It has the flexibility to go after a base or ground targets and get a couple of kills. It was 10.0 at the time though.
The worst part is anyone who actually made the grind to higher br’s like I tried using the mig21 at low br in Germany at 9.3 and just get up tiered to all the annoying premiums of 11.7 just because there’s so many.
Seek, surprised you didn't mention the f5c's MER. I've clutched some 1v4s by lining them all up in a 2 circle fight. The acceleration is poor, but the MER at +0.9 Mach is unmatched. After only a few sustained turns at that speed, they're all energy trapped especially the delta wings. I agree with your premium choice for beginners, but dam I miss the non rocket-willies meta of f82-mig15 top tier days
The F-5c is a very sad premium. I can survive matches, but usually only with one or two kills. I don't have the F-4s, but I do have the F-4j which I can get aces much more consistently with because it has decent enough missiles and it can actually decide when to fight. Even as a decently experienced jet player I prefer the phantom. The F-5c has a nicer BR though, 11.3s aren't too hard to fight. The phantom, even now without irccm missiles still gets absolutely destroyed by 12.0s, and it doesn't even take a full 90 degrees to break pdv lock. Without pdv lock though, using standard track the sparrows won't lock until you can see the whites of the enemy's eyes.
If I were to recommend, I suggest getting the higher Rank prem vehicle cus that way you can unlock everything in the tech tree. But prem vehicles are my 2nd or 3rd recommendation, I suggest everyone to get 1-year prem account on 50% sale--make sure to buy the 180 days prems account 2x cus it cheaper then buying the gold and purchasing via ingame 365 days. So I digress, is the F5C or F4S worth it? I'd say the F-5C is better, more versatile. F-4S is slightly more skill issue. *PSA!* unless you have some irl attachment with a vehicle then go ahead get a prem vehicle. Unless you're a real fan of a particular vehicle yes go ahead get a prem vehicle. Unless you want to grind a tech tree then go ahead. Unless you are a collector then go ahead. Unless you want a lineup for regular games then go ahead. But if you don't have any of the mentioned criterias, my suggestion once again is 50% sale 180 days - (x2) prem account. I suggest getting the F-20 cus its the highest rank prem if incase you want a tech tree grinder.
You got my support in the first 5 minutes. If someone is new player , F-4S is superior. You learn to BVR and how things are on that department, which is how things are in top ranks... missile slinging. With F-4S you learn from scratch a serious skill that will evolve your plays to the next level in top tier... that is positioning. In uptiers, things are not good, same BR and dowtiers however the plane is in relatively good place. Also it has a serious capability to ground pound, which helps grinding. You can multi-role when you feel you'll be successful for more points. With F-5C you need to know what to do. In uptiers... maybe you see some very good players in ytube/streams etc. being able to do things, believe me your average player in uptier with F-5C is in a bad place. Imagine you are in F-5C ...and in the same game you are against F-5E at the least.... As new player, if you don't have a big idea of tactics and BFM which the plane relies to... you are in a bad spot...AIM-9Es in a CM environment are nothing. As a new player the plane will carry you most of the times in downtiers though... But same BR there are fights you can pick...and fights you don't. Some planes will have All-aspect or good enough rear/side aspect missiles, so when you are trying to BFM getting 3d partied is a serious issue without having serious pool of CMs. Not a good pick for new players. F-20 ... yes... no! For the new player you'll just be shafted. You'll probably have the less experience in the lobby, with a plane that can hold its own if you know how to...but for 70 EU, too expensive... to try the game actually. This premium is mostly for people that already play top tier with other nations but they want to grind USA and already know the weapons , the tactics , BFM , the maps even...Not really a premium for new players , or even players that don't play top tier already.
I liked the F-4S but noticed over time that it's a pretty lackluster premium. Yes you get to learn BVR but it's with a diceroll missile, and the problem with it is that it's useless against people hugging the deck (which is most people). Sparrows are still really finnicky and don't like to kill things in ideal conditions half the time. You're also flying a plane capable of taking all aspect Aim-9Ls but don't have them, while at a BR where almost EVERYONE you face has all aspect IR missiles and you definitely feel the downfall of that. Your gun is not great, and the belts for it are terrible. Your flight performance is decent in downtiers but almost everyone outclasses you in a significant way. It's very much a plane that relies on having a team which is also NOT GOOD in top tier. Because your team is either gone in 30 seconds or has wiped the floor with the enemy before you could do anything. You're also a US plane which guarantees that your team melts most of the time. It very very much suffers from top tier BR compression, they didn't move the F-16, F-15, and MiG-29s up high enough, of which you will almost always be facing; and those aircraft all are planes that you can do absolutely nothing to unless they severely fuck up in every possible way and you don't mess up at all. You most of the time face MiG-29s which for the F-4J/S is basically a "J-out" encounter because if they want you dead there is nothing you can do. The F-5C is better especially since most players if they're new suffer from Turn-fight syndrome which at least for that aircraft you'll actually most likely win against all but like 1 or 2 aircraft if you do that. F-4 can multirole but good luck bombing bases or doing ground striking when everyone on the enemy team is usually faster than you and is going to B-line straight for you and shove an R-60 or 9L up your ass the second they see what you're doing. You can only do multi role if it's a situation where your team has wiped all but one or two of the enemies out and they're sitting on AF. In Ground RB it's not good either since it's at Pantsir BR most of the time and has no smart weapons and the gun isn't good enough to do strafe runs well because of how inaccurate it is. The F-5C at least has bullpups which unfortunately now aren't great either but are still a better gamble than trying to use dumb bombs against a Strela or Type 81. Especially since it's only 10.3. F-20 is pretty decent at Air RB but suffers from not having enough flares, lackluster IR missiles in an IRCCM meta BR, and a melting team; but in Ground RB it's not good at all. It costs the same as an F-16 fully loaded for some reason, and more than one with Laser guided bombs, despite only having 4 of one of the worst smart weapons in the game while the rest of those options get 6 of them. It is great for Anti-CAS though and the mini A-10 gun is fun to use. It is essentially an A-10 that isn't shit but it's at a BR when you can and will be shot down in spawn by Pantsirs. Dumb weapon passes are hard to do successfully at that BR.
I have the F-5C, constantly getting 3+ kills per match. Very easy to fly and very good BR. I don't have the F-4S but 11.3 for a Phantom sounds terrible, even if it has AIM-7F and a good radar...
Im only here for the f14, I've also heard very mixed things about which one to get. A lot of people are saying the f4s gets uptierd more ofther than the f5c. I definitely have more fun with the f4s in test drives
f5c yes because it is good at its br. yea the missile don't work but its less complicated than using the f-4s that has radar missile. also u going against some mig 21 so u can beat them in a turn fight and once they turn they lose all there speed
i shit on f16s with the f20 all the time, is the f20 good? yea sure, but its at the wrong BR, it need to go down a bit in the br in order to be competitive, but you talk like its the worst premium to buy, although you are right it is not worth the 75 bucks, id wait for the sale. but its still a good airframe and can be played well against the 12.0s
I‘m addicted to War Thunder, which is only playerabel at home but a second game that is on my phone is gonna ruin my attention everywhere is not a good promotion for war thunder players
@@SeekerHead oh really? I thought I had tried it already but it seemed that it was pretty see through for the most part. I’ll have to look again, thanks!
“paying $75 for the priveledge of being slammed by F-16s” is probably the funniest descriptor I’ve ever heard 😂 F-20 has a good airframe and engine, good sparrows and (unfortunately) the aim-9L. However if you aren’t experienced with top tier, you will get destroyed, but that is a skill issue not a plane issue.
I am looking forward for 1 year of premium account so I can learn jets better with the "premium protection" And btw how do you zoom in but not 100%? Is a key bind? Can you show us in a video?
Don't buy the F-4S. It's a struggle to play at a BR where everyone you face has all aspect IR missiles and you don't, all you have are sparrows that are a gamble if they work or not and are completely useless if you target someone flying low (which 90% of people hug the deck). It also has a terrible gun with terrible belts, and constantly faces aircraft that outclass it in every way in slight uptiers. It could be given Aim-9Ls probably but that'll never happen, the least they could do is make its belts not dogshit but that'll also never happen. Just buy the F-5C it's better.
"What US Premium Should YOU Buy?" might be a more appropriate title. Would have been nice if you shared your thoughts for other nations as well. That being said I personally like the F-5C the most. Waiting for the next sale to buy some GE and get your decal, it looks awesome.
I was thinking the same thing, if you wanted the best of both worlds you can get the Mig23ML, it’s great flight performance along with better missiles than the phantom at the same BR as the phantom
@@fire_drake12.arc.24 I Don’t… 85% of the time. I get to a second take off… It’s all in you type flying.. 796 Kmh… 4x 20mm (800) 1x2000, 2x1000 or 1x1000, 8x500’s. Repair cost 4,800 silver Lions! Research 380% Reward 520%
I also have it. Pretty much every 12.0 including some 11.7s are objectively superior planes flight model wise. And 6 9Ls isn’t a stellar loadout by any means
Support me! 📲 Install Raid for free: and get $100 worth of prizes - an Epic champion Lady Etessa and exclusive 5th anniversary awards 🔥 Also use promo code FESTIVAL5 to receive: 🧪 X50 Magic Brew, 500,000 Silver 👑 X1 Tayrel Epic Champion! Hurry, this offer is available for a limited time only!
‘Never EVER buy something full price, if it’s full price, it’s a scam’ - Seek
Good general life knowledge too tbh
@@OumuamuaOumuamuain my experience with a lot of things in real life, you get what you pay for. Buy once cry once. Digital products? Yeah most are absurd in price and you should always seek a sale
32 euros.
Got your decal, during Lee's stream, only I have in fact. I will now spread freedom with it
F-15 is the best premium 🗣🗣🗣
hewwo daddy lee :D
Nah its the F-17 Fighting Haek 🥶
Nah it’s the F-13 Flying Fucker GET THAT SHIT RIGHT!!!!
Nah F22 is the best premium
Seek having a non-sarcastic raid shadow legends sponsorship, we have gone so far
The problem with the F-5C is that they nerfed the guns in the recent update. The velocity got reduced by a lot, whether intentional or not, and one of the biggest advantages it had is now void
It's mid right now. Rockets are horrible. And with new br change comming....I kinda regret buying it right now. Maybe year ago it was amazing, but now it's just mid.
@@BoldHorseshould i go with the f4s then?
@ you have any experience with top tier jets?
@@BoldHorse used to play one of the mig 15s on a friend’s account but other than that, nope at least not on my current account
@@ILoveF16-o3n well if u dont have much experience with top jets, u might suffer at the start. f4c will meet top jets, but it's a bit easier to play, than f5c. F5c is more gun gameplay, because it's rockets are very bad and it only has 2. And engine is a bit slow, so expect to be slower then most of your enemies. But you rotate faster. F4c have ok rockets.
They should make a "bait" medal so the F5c can be flown the way it should be. To rope up enemies for others to pick off. This plane is what got me my skills in defensive flying
People deeply underestimate how important defensive flying is. Knowing how to trap people up and force the fight in your favor is probably the most important skill in high to top tier ARB
@@spitfyrevii933 Recently picked up the F5C and have learned so much about baiting, defensive flying, when to use countermeasures, and also the sun is the best flair in the game ;)
It's not bad but it definitely has a learning curve for the BR you are at with the limited resources that you have.
@@Xenphos Awesome to hear that! Will say unfortunately with the addition of Fox 3 missiles and changes to multipathing make it harder at the highest BR, but below that its still incredibly valuable.
I literally saw you in a round yesterday. You're the 3rd yt I've accidentally flown with first was theEuropeanCanadian then Defyn and now you.
As someone with around ~400 kills in the F-4S, I'd recommend to buy the F-4S if you are new to top tier, especially if you plan on playing a lot of top tier, because it can prepare you for correctly utilizing SARH missiles, properly positioning yourself to defend against SARH missiles when you don't have many countermeasures by hugging the ground, etc.
The F-5C is quite good, and I've heard that it's really fun to play for players who know how to play jets in Air RB, but for players like me who spend most of their time in tanks and/or have very little experience playing planes in ARB, the F-4S is better for teaching you the stuff you need to know if your objective is to grind until you're able to play in top tier.
I went from rank 5 to rank 8 with my F-4S, and I'd probably be a lot more lost and suffering a lot more in my brand new stock F-15A if I had gone with the F-5C since I wouldn't have any experience using Sparrows, and I wouldn't know how to properly defend against SARH missiles when I have little to no chaff.
This. Early, mid, and late tier do nothing to prep you for top tier where it is nothing like the earlier tiers. Flight performance is gone and missile and radar performance are the new new.
Makes decent sense. F-5C will teach you how to fly really well but the F-4S will teach you how to use the weapons that exist around top tier. Flight performance at top tier isnt all that important since 1v1 dogfights arnt that common so missiles alone will get you a good number of kills. Though will say, I was very glad to have the flight performance on my F-20 when I had won a 2v1 against a MiG-23ML and a MiG-29. That 2v1 is simply not anywhere near as manageable in an F-4 flight model.
@@FXIIBeavereveryone keeps saying to spend more time in props before I go and buy a premium. I don't get why if the skillset ends up being so different
@@FXIIBeaverwhat’s the point in grinding props all the way to jets then? since they practically learn nothing
@@dabbyduck517exactly lol, maybe all the new players should just stop playing so everybody at every br it’s sub level 50s vs level 100s and lvl 100s vs lvl 100
Greek camo is a big reason to buy the f5c
As new player to top tier jets, I regret buying f-5c. It's not noob friendly at all.
That transition to the sponsor was smoooooooth
love the decal, one of my favorites in game actually
Damn that raid Segway ad read was so fuckin smooth I had to listen to the whole thing.
RN after multipathing chages I'd defenitely recommend the f4s instead. I had a 5.0 K/D with the F5c but it is incredibly hard to get kills with it rn. Your engines are a basically just 2 candles. you may have the best energy retention at your BR, but you can only use that if people dont run away from you. It is incredibly infurating to chase a guy or to pick off a dogfighting one (rare) to then just get your kill stolen by a 9L/aim 7f. SO the problem is that you dont get to use your energy retention most of the time. Meanwhile with the mentioned multipath changes you can pretty easily wrack up kills with your brain turned off especially if you are flying high and know what you are doing. Also your competition the Mig-23 ML had it's flight model and radar gimped, so at 11.3 you are the king of BVR. All you have to do is dodge phohenix spammers in the first 5 minutes and you are set
imo you should buy whichever aircraft you think will look best with his new decal
F5c will give you a great understanding of jets while giving you one of the best jets for the br
liking the decal
The F-5C is not very beginner friendly and you will likely find yourself dying to missiles if you are new to missile thunder.
However, while the F-4S is in a similar environment, you have a much better missile kit and it is easier to learn the ropes in.
everyone's getting a decal now and I can't even get into the CC program because the youtube algorithm hates me 😭
Well you don't really make specific consumable content, just cinematics which get a bit stale after you watch one or two
@@Denkmaldrubernacht people have gotten into the CC program by making cinematics like Hornet and Dark (though in Dark's case, he pushes the exact same kind of youtube short which doesn't get stale in the algorithm)
also my cinematics are a lot more different than everyone else's which differentiates me from most other cinematic creators like Dark or Pandromodo or Hornet or something
@@Leifdoehow are they different?
@@DigitalShaolin I use fun busting-it-down music unlike most other people which use like movie trailer music or something or just like slow dramatic music
I used the A-6 to grind most of US rank 7/8. It can carry 2x9L, a gun, and 5k of bombs. It has the flexibility to go after a base or ground targets and get a couple of kills. It was 10.0 at the time though.
seek sounds like jaek and jaek sounds like joob. Smegma?
The worst part is anyone who actually made the grind to higher br’s like I tried using the mig21 at low br in Germany at 9.3 and just get up tiered to all the annoying premiums of 11.7 just because there’s so many.
Seek, surprised you didn't mention the f5c's MER. I've clutched some 1v4s by lining them all up in a 2 circle fight. The acceleration is poor, but the MER at +0.9 Mach is unmatched. After only a few sustained turns at that speed, they're all energy trapped especially the delta wings. I agree with your premium choice for beginners, but dam I miss the non rocket-willies meta of f82-mig15 top tier days
F-20 is worth it even though I had to pay $80 not 70 I guess because it's on Xbox
The F-5c is a very sad premium. I can survive matches, but usually only with one or two kills. I don't have the F-4s, but I do have the F-4j which I can get aces much more consistently with because it has decent enough missiles and it can actually decide when to fight. Even as a decently experienced jet player I prefer the phantom. The F-5c has a nicer BR though, 11.3s aren't too hard to fight. The phantom, even now without irccm missiles still gets absolutely destroyed by 12.0s, and it doesn't even take a full 90 degrees to break pdv lock. Without pdv lock though, using standard track the sparrows won't lock until you can see the whites of the enemy's eyes.
The most controversial part of this video is when Seek says he taps ‘S’ for negative elevator 15:05 🤢
tap W, my mistake
If I were to recommend, I suggest getting the higher Rank prem vehicle cus that way you can unlock everything in the tech tree. But prem vehicles are my 2nd or 3rd recommendation, I suggest everyone to get 1-year prem account on 50% sale--make sure to buy the 180 days prems account 2x cus it cheaper then buying the gold and purchasing via ingame 365 days.
So I digress, is the F5C or F4S worth it? I'd say the F-5C is better, more versatile. F-4S is slightly more skill issue.
*PSA!* unless you have some irl attachment with a vehicle then go ahead get a prem vehicle. Unless you're a real fan of a particular vehicle yes go ahead get a prem vehicle. Unless you want to grind a tech tree then go ahead. Unless you are a collector then go ahead. Unless you want a lineup for regular games then go ahead. But if you don't have any of the mentioned criterias, my suggestion once again is 50% sale 180 days - (x2) prem account. I suggest getting the F-20 cus its the highest rank prem if incase you want a tech tree grinder.
F4S for grinding and learning higher top tier f5c for fun and learning key skills without BVR and missile spam
F-5C is harder to fly
i spent hours flying the f5c in test flight and the guns feel kinda mid idk
Love the decal Seek! The Eagle is my favourite bird of prey in the animal kingdom!
You got my support in the first 5 minutes. If someone is new player , F-4S is superior. You learn to BVR and how things are on that department, which is how things are in top ranks... missile slinging. With F-4S you learn from scratch a serious skill that will evolve your plays to the next level in top tier... that is positioning. In uptiers, things are not good, same BR and dowtiers however the plane is in relatively good place. Also it has a serious capability to ground pound, which helps grinding. You can multi-role when you feel you'll be successful for more points.
With F-5C you need to know what to do. In uptiers... maybe you see some very good players in ytube/streams etc. being able to do things, believe me your average player in uptier with F-5C is in a bad place. Imagine you are in F-5C ...and in the same game you are against F-5E at the least.... As new player, if you don't have a big idea of tactics and BFM which the plane relies to... you are in a bad spot...AIM-9Es in a CM environment are nothing. As a new player the plane will carry you most of the times in downtiers though...
But same BR there are fights you can pick...and fights you don't. Some planes will have All-aspect or good enough rear/side aspect missiles, so when you are trying to BFM getting 3d partied is a serious issue without having serious pool of CMs. Not a good pick for new players.
F-20 ... yes... no! For the new player you'll just be shafted. You'll probably have the less experience in the lobby, with a plane that can hold its own if you know how to...but for 70 EU, too expensive... to try the game actually. This premium is mostly for people that already play top tier with other nations but they want to grind USA and already know the weapons , the tactics , BFM , the maps even...Not really a premium for new players , or even players that don't play top tier already.
I liked the F-4S but noticed over time that it's a pretty lackluster premium.
Yes you get to learn BVR but it's with a diceroll missile, and the problem with it is that it's useless against people hugging the deck (which is most people). Sparrows are still really finnicky and don't like to kill things in ideal conditions half the time. You're also flying a plane capable of taking all aspect Aim-9Ls but don't have them, while at a BR where almost EVERYONE you face has all aspect IR missiles and you definitely feel the downfall of that.
Your gun is not great, and the belts for it are terrible.
Your flight performance is decent in downtiers but almost everyone outclasses you in a significant way. It's very much a plane that relies on having a team which is also NOT GOOD in top tier. Because your team is either gone in 30 seconds or has wiped the floor with the enemy before you could do anything. You're also a US plane which guarantees that your team melts most of the time.
It very very much suffers from top tier BR compression, they didn't move the F-16, F-15, and MiG-29s up high enough, of which you will almost always be facing; and those aircraft all are planes that you can do absolutely nothing to unless they severely fuck up in every possible way and you don't mess up at all. You most of the time face MiG-29s which for the F-4J/S is basically a "J-out" encounter because if they want you dead there is nothing you can do.
The F-5C is better especially since most players if they're new suffer from Turn-fight syndrome which at least for that aircraft you'll actually most likely win against all but like 1 or 2 aircraft if you do that.
F-4 can multirole but good luck bombing bases or doing ground striking when everyone on the enemy team is usually faster than you and is going to B-line straight for you and shove an R-60 or 9L up your ass the second they see what you're doing. You can only do multi role if it's a situation where your team has wiped all but one or two of the enemies out and they're sitting on AF.
In Ground RB it's not good either since it's at Pantsir BR most of the time and has no smart weapons and the gun isn't good enough to do strafe runs well because of how inaccurate it is. The F-5C at least has bullpups which unfortunately now aren't great either but are still a better gamble than trying to use dumb bombs against a Strela or Type 81. Especially since it's only 10.3.
F-20 is pretty decent at Air RB but suffers from not having enough flares, lackluster IR missiles in an IRCCM meta BR, and a melting team; but in Ground RB it's not good at all. It costs the same as an F-16 fully loaded for some reason, and more than one with Laser guided bombs, despite only having 4 of one of the worst smart weapons in the game while the rest of those options get 6 of them. It is great for Anti-CAS though and the mini A-10 gun is fun to use. It is essentially an A-10 that isn't shit but it's at a BR when you can and will be shot down in spawn by Pantsirs. Dumb weapon passes are hard to do successfully at that BR.
I have the F-5C, constantly getting 3+ kills per match. Very easy to fly and very good BR. I don't have the F-4S but 11.3 for a Phantom sounds terrible, even if it has AIM-7F and a good radar...
Im only here for the f14, I've also heard very mixed things about which one to get. A lot of people are saying the f4s gets uptierd more ofther than the f5c. I definitely have more fun with the f4s in test drives
in the fact exact same boat lol, but im here for the f15c and i’ve seen tons of videos and comments that have different perspectives on these two
f5c yes because it is good at its br. yea the missile don't work but its less complicated than using the f-4s that has radar missile. also u going against some mig 21 so u can beat them in a turn fight and once they turn they lose all there speed
How about the A6E Tram? Slow, yes but AIM-9L...
i shit on f16s with the f20 all the time, is the f20 good? yea sure, but its at the wrong BR, it need to go down a bit in the br in order to be competitive, but you talk like its the worst premium to buy, although you are right it is not worth the 75 bucks, id wait for the sale. but its still a good airframe and can be played well against the 12.0s
I‘m addicted to War Thunder, which is only playerabel at home but a second game that is on my phone is gonna ruin my attention everywhere is not a good promotion for war thunder players
seekerhead, if u had the option, would you be an aim 9x seeker or r73 seeker? we all wanna know
9X for sure
Hey Seek F8U video pls (I want to see you rip your wings and mald)
What decal are you putting yours on top of? I was looking to use it in a similar design but couldn't find the circle
8ball in “common”
@@SeekerHead oh really? I thought I had tried it already but it seemed that it was pretty see through for the most part. I’ll have to look again, thanks!
I stacked several on top of each other lol
When is the sales coming?
On the beginning of May (close to 8th May)
“paying $75 for the priveledge of being slammed by F-16s” is probably the funniest descriptor I’ve ever heard 😂
F-20 has a good airframe and engine, good sparrows and (unfortunately) the aim-9L. However if you aren’t experienced with top tier, you will get destroyed, but that is a skill issue not a plane issue.
it is a plane issue, the F-20 is objectively outclassed in flight performance by pretty much every 12.0-11.7 aircraft
To be fair I played about 30 games in my f20 yesterday and only about 4 -5 games I saw 12.7. I only remember getting killed by an f16 once
I got the f5c as a new player and i regret it so much. Would much rather have a f4s
i’ll go for the f4s then
The clear answer is none of them and to just buy premium time to learn the game and become better at it
I am looking forward for 1 year of premium account so I can learn jets better with the "premium protection"
And btw how do you zoom in but not 100%? Is a key bind? Can you show us in a video?
Mouse scroll wheel axis
@@SeekerHeadOk, thank you! I will search at the controls, us PS4 players, we use aim assist but sometimes it just zoom in too much.
an f5c vs f4s from the youtuber that if i were to buy a premium i would use his code (fire decal)
Don't buy the F-4S.
It's a struggle to play at a BR where everyone you face has all aspect IR missiles and you don't, all you have are sparrows that are a gamble if they work or not and are completely useless if you target someone flying low (which 90% of people hug the deck). It also has a terrible gun with terrible belts, and constantly faces aircraft that outclass it in every way in slight uptiers.
It could be given Aim-9Ls probably but that'll never happen, the least they could do is make its belts not dogshit but that'll also never happen.
Just buy the F-5C it's better.
That's not your aim being off in that, they changed the guns
"What US Premium Should YOU Buy?" might be a more appropriate title. Would have been nice if you shared your thoughts for other nations as well. That being said I personally like the F-5C the most. Waiting for the next sale to buy some GE and get your decal, it looks awesome.
I was thinking the same thing, if you wanted the best of both worlds you can get the Mig23ML, it’s great flight performance along with better missiles than the phantom at the same BR as the phantom
My Premium choice to grind out the US tree is A2D1 Strike Aircraft!
Why? That thing is over-Br'd and gets slapped around in Air RB.
@@fire_drake12.arc.24 I Don’t… 85% of the time. I get to a second take off… It’s all in you type flying.. 796 Kmh… 4x 20mm (800) 1x2000, 2x1000 or 1x1000, 8x500’s. Repair cost 4,800 silver Lions! Research 380% Reward 520%
Watches video * buys f20 *
Free thinking at its finest
@@SeekerHead I’m not a lvl ten noob so I’ll be Ight
Seek doesnt listen to
0 views after 1 minute? damn Seek fell off 😔
F4s is a very good Choice
neat ty
f-20 is excellent, dont let anyone tell you different. One of the most fun planes wt has for sale. 0 regrets on buying it.
I also have it. Pretty much every 12.0 including some 11.7s are objectively superior planes flight model wise. And 6 9Ls isn’t a stellar loadout by any means
Wsg seek?
Nah, SU-57 is the best prem in WT rn. 😎
you SHOULDNT buy a premium.
don't take raids money there not worth it. get a better sponser
I’ll be awaiting your check in the mail sir 👍
@@SeekerHead lol good one. dont listen to me i just enjoy ur vids