Been playing Crapsee with this system set up like my "local" casino (3.5hrs away, vig before, boooo!), playing 250 no 6/8 ($120 + $5 vig each) and it worked well. Since this is a "While the puck is OFF" system, I combined it with my favorite "Puck ON" system: the 3unit Squeeze Play, and the ATM just started printing money for me. Looking forward to trying this out at the "local" or on my next cruise.
I’m a huge casino quest fan 😍 When I feel a shooter is inclined to roll 7’s and horns on the come out roll, I usually lay the inside numbers for $30 each, and tell the dealer “120 inside behind”, along with a $5 world bet. $4 vig. Worst case scenario I lose $36. When a 7 rolls it pays $90!
Hey David. From one of your videos I picked up a $5 Yo bet on the come out rolls. Hit twice in just a few minutes. Now I will always be using that bet!
I've been a DON'T player all my life. The killer for me has been consecutive sevens on the come out. This strategy makes that a system in your favor. Options on this strategy is to add a 6 & 8 hardway. Another brave option to this is, on the come-out only, lay-the-back-wall, $30-30-30-30-30-30 to win $120 on a seven (imagine consecutive sevens!!!!). In my lifetime of playing I once witnessed 7-sevens in a row. 3's & 11's cancel each other out. Aces gravy. You will lose you box-point for every point established though. But your established DP (say $60) is in favor. Thanks CQ. I'd love to see you test this strategy.
That's the trick, getting that don't bet locked in. If you take 60 bucks on the don't and get past the come out roll, you can't lose if you also bet 60 on the point, or reduce the lost by hedging the point while spreading 60 across. This so far ha been a better strategy than anything els.
@@happybirthdaytoyou9170 If six or eight hits and becomes the point then you would pull your lay bet. Remember, you only lay the six and eight on the come out roll. If there is no come out roll then their is no need for the bet.
@@IMove2Earn yeah, no martingale on this one. I give myself 4 bullets. A lot of pushes, a good strong of 7s on the come out and a few losses. It can be boring cause there is a lot of waiting around during long rolls, but a good way to observe the table or supplement another strategy
A hundred dollars on the Don't. No 4, no 10 on a, come out A $100 each. If 7 Comes out you're Good. If a 4 or 10 comes out. Take down Remains and make a 2 or 3 hundred Lay. Get your hundred dollars back Don't. Forget to take down your lay after the first roll Works good for me
I've been playing a lay on the come out 120 or 240 inside..more often than of those get knocked off. There are a few times that I get two 7's in a row but in the long run this hits the bank roll quick, esp if you're playing numbers as well..
What do you do if they hit the 6 or 8 on the come out roll? this is one thing that bothers me about just shooting the dice randomly, we totally understand RNG but we've watched an 18 minute video about laying the 6 and 8 but we have no idea what to do if the come out hits the 6 or 8 do we just pull it down? do we martingale? I mean ??? lol ?
I mean *ahem clears throat* outside of the 7 the 6 and 8 are hitting the next most... so it would have been nice to you know...know what to do I just played it on wizard of odds and smashed the 6 8 multiple multiple multiple times, without anyyyyy clue what to do next.
Every system is good when the dice cooperate , but I could killed recently on the don't 4 and 10 with odds on them to boot . I was getting perfect setups and the dice not cooperating.
The 4/10 lay pays less because the odds are more in your favor than laying the 6/8. The 4/10 combine for 6/36 (16.66%) combinations, while the 6/8 combine 10/36 (27.77%). Your less likely to lose on the 4 and 10 while the odds of winning with a 7 is the same.
A couple variations on this strategy would be to place the 6/8 after the point and yanking the lay bets or play the Don't Pass as well. If you play the Don't you lose on the Don't on a 7 come out, but you win on the lays. Once the point is established, your Don't bet has the advantage. You basically blunt the biggest risk to your Don't bet with the lay bet on the come out. Obviously pull the lay bets after the point is established.
Why lay against the 6&8 that's 10 dice combination to lose half(50%) ur bet And 6 ways to win 84% of your bet I would just lay against maybe the 6 with a working hardway so that's 4 ways to lose 100% your bet but 6 ways to win 82.5% of bet and 1 way to break even or win 10% of bet depending on hardway bet amount
im new to craps and i think im confusing myself here. A lay bet will lose if the come out roll is the 6 or 8 correct? so say i put a lay bet on 6 and 8, and come out roll is a 5, then basically im just only betting what was put on the pass line right b/c ill take off the lay on 6 and 8?
nope. when either hits and the puck turns on, take the other bet off and wait for the point to be resolved and the puck goes off, then you start over, flat betting.
It doesn't matter. No other roll can hurt you other than the number you have a lay on. If you roll an 8 on the come out and lose, you have the don't 6 still going, do you pull it down and wait for the game to start over or do you just let it ride? It's the same regardless of your decision.
I find playing 4 - 10 on come out lessons the odds of hitting these numbers on come out. I am constantly hitting the 6 - 8 on come out before the seven. Just too many ways to hit the 6 & 8. Thoughts appreciated
Is it possible to ask the dealer to just turn your bets off when the point is on so you dont have to making the dealer keep shuffling your stuff around
I like the 5/9 better paying 2 for 3 and only 4 ways to lose 5 or 9 vs 5 ways to lose on the 6 or 8. It really matters when 6/8 get hot. I agree on 4/10 too much risk too little reward unless they are point or I see 4x4 [or 10] before 7 then I start a progressive Lay to win, Roll 7 $$$
I like this system for the come out, then when a point is made you could move your bets to place and double tap or triple lux. just seems it would be boring standing there waiting for the seven out.
Could you combine this with strategies when the point is established? Like, this is only for the come out roll, so once the point is established, could you simply play the game instead of waiting to reduce that “grind?” You could just use this as a come out strategy, right?
Never martingale. The next roll has exactly the same chance of rolling the 36 combination percentages as the roll before. I just saw three HARD 10s in a row. Probability is in the hundreds of thousands. I've seen 5 roll 6 times in a row. I've seen 8 roll 12 times in a row. I've seem 7 roll 14 times in a row (no kidding).
Looks like a great system! But when I walk to the table what to I ask the dealer do I just say “lay on the 6/8” will they know it’s for the don’t come? So what soon say to the dealer to get the bet established 😊
True 10 and 4 don't pay much, but that's cause they are more likely to loss. So you do get paid true odds there as well. If the idea is that 7 is more likely to come out then betting on 4 and 10 is a good bet not a bad one.
Got a Question would this strategy be good if you do $200 on the 4 and 10 so a $100 each plus $15 on the hard 4 and 10 is that a good bet in your opinion or no
Yes, and you have the EXACT SAME probability of hitting a 7 then also. Or on any other roll. Just placing this bet on the come out is seriously beyond dumb. As if the dice know that it's a comeout roll and they need to fall as a 7. Here's the two dyed compressed piece of cotton talking to each other: "OK, guys. You do know it's the some out roll, right? So let's roll a 7!" Just so dumb. You can play it any time with EXACT same % or winning.
I wish someone could explain this a little more dumbed down. I know basic craps, but some of these term's I'm not familiar with and I was struggling to keep up and don't know why I wouldn't just play the pass line?
Since I'm doing a $75 DP, gonna do a $48 Lay 6 & 8 (each pay $40). Go from 2 losses/hr of $75 =$150, and gonna have 2.5 losses/hr @ $48 = $120 (and make $5 x 2/hr as I make $80 to cover $75 DP)--or save $40 Every hour I play (law of large averages), saving me $200/5 hours/ play, after 5 days (5 hrs/day), save $1,000 using the strategy.. Smart!👍👍
I'm not sure how you calculate the VIG. Is it 5% of what you win? Does a $30 lay buy costs you $2.50 in VIG? Is that why you asked for $5 to put the bet up? In summary, pay $65 to lay 6 & 8, $30 each. You pay the $5 VIG up front so the win will pay $48. If it's a 5% VIG, wouldn't you pay $2 for 6 & 8?
You sure can but he explained that 6 and 8 has best return on investment. And you can lay all numbers but you will end up losing that much more if 7 doesn't roll for awhile. So I think he is saying stick with 6 and 8 to minimize risk and maximize earnings
If playing don'ts or don't come, THE FLAT BET is your advantage AFTER you survive the initial roll.... I'd say a martingale would be decent on a flat don't bet, no odds.
Next time I'm at a $25 table, I'll see if I can turn $250 into $9.5K with this system. Maybe I'll have to have a $25 bet on the PL too, so I can throw them 7 winners!
there's one dealer who don't like it much where I play, but he'll get over it..I keep this "comeout bank" separate from the numbers bank, give them a nice neat stack for them to easily reset it..
let them hate. you're there to make money, when I win they win that is how I go about it. if I do a strategy that makes them do a lot of movement etc when I hit a # or whatever, if I have any change left I tell em to to put it on hardways for them at my choice on payout (meaning if it hits I can say the starting wager stays there for them)
Lay $180 on the back wall. $30 on each number. Wins $120 on a CO 7. Loses on one number if it comes out. Then, decide what to do. I know a guy that makes a nice living playing the Dont’s…only Lays the Inside numbers, never the 4 or 10. Too hard to make that loss up should it have a streak.
Play this with a DP bet of $60; you'll win $60 on the come-out seven ($120-60). When the point is made your established DP bet is in your favor. (Option: HW your pt.). I would love to see CQ test this system out.
Hedging is a waste of time and money unless you're hedging on the side bets. The way to win is pick a strategy and stick to it until you get on a losing streak.
My friend shot 5 in a row. I was layed across for $194 ($188 actual + $6 vig). Each spot pays $20, totaling $120 each win. Made $600 in about 5 minutes.
What is the reason for finishing the roll when the point becomes 4,5,9 or 10? You're pulling your 6/8 lay bets down, it makes no sense to even finish the roll since the end result has no bearing to you since you pulled them down under the 4,5,9,10 being established . Aside from a dumb observation on my part, you do know that over time a 6 or 8 showing as the Point on the comeout is more likely [26 ways(6+8)]to 18 ways(a seven of any type)(according to my calculations). Therefore you are most likely to lose ONE 6 or 8 as opposed to winning both on a 7!!! That said: you will be always fighting a DEFICIT OF $31 ! So in reality you need to hit 2 SEVENS for every 6 or 8 you see as the come out point TO MAKE money this. That's why this becomes a grind. A person could easily be losing 6× ($31x6) $186 when a 6 AND 8 become the point (now you MUST HAVE at least FOUR 7's for every instance that happens( to your bankroll !!!!!!). This gig overall will only work for a short time in your session, that said one would probably have to run with profits after hitting quite a few 7's on the comeout. Play this too long and you will get streaked, no doubt. I'm not trying to be negative it's just as I see it truthfully. Something in here needs to be tweaked, in my honest opinion.
How are you not an absolute dog with 10 ways to roll the six and eight against six ways to roll a seven? I rolled this out on Crapsee against 100 shooters, and it proved to be the dog that it is. The idea that you’re only up against one or the other because only one can lose is a fallacy. Yes, only one can lose but you are going against both. That makes you a mathematical dog. Short term, long-term medium term this is just donating money to the casino.
lets see $200 for 15 minutes grinding lmao really. Now x`s that 4; Pretty easy way of averaging $800 an hour on decent day of average rolling. Barely touched his buyin from the start. Geez love the host. Could follow this guy all day playing
Amazing, laying the 6 and 8...How do the casinos stay in business? Ridiculous. Nonsense A straight don't pass bet is juice, and don't lay odds...once the point is have the edge....if a 4 or 10 comes...I have a 2-1 edge, don't need to lay anything... U have 62$ in action to win 50$...the don't pass is wayyyyyyyyy better..
This is dumb! Put the 6/8 up against the 7??? I would never. Simple math says don't do so. 6/8 equals 10 probabilities. 7 equals 6 probabilities. You guys don't use math with this game and play off emotions. 7 will never beat the 6/8 over the time. Not cuss I say so, mathematics does and it never lies!!!
@@lydell8549 It is mathematically proven that a (7) will come out more often than a (6) or (8) over time. 6 combinations of (7) vs 5 combinations of (6) or (8). You are right, math doesn't lie. Everyone seems to be combining (6) and (8) the total ways to lose, but are forgetting that if (6) or (8) hits before the 7, the loss is only 30 for the one number, not 60. Don't pass + laying odds after the point is always going to be better than laying odds and paying the vig.
@@sejournist8080 You're laying the 6,8 "Together" so you combine the probabilities. Youe not playing them individually. I need know instructions and play almost daily here in Vegas. I would never lay the 6,8 against the 7!!!! You have your science all wrong and even when you tried explaining it you're wrong!!!! Doest matter to me though. I "Know" I'm right...
@@lydell8549 Dude, just because you play daily in Vegas doesn't mean you understand the math. It's great for the casinos. When a (7) is rolled first on lay bets (6) and (8), you win both. When a (6) or (8) hits first, you lose on one that's hit. Explain to me how is that is not playing individual numbers? But more power to you if you "know" you are right...
@@timmatthes9137getting “backed off” is typically the result of card counting on a game like blackjack. I have never seen it on a craps table. It’s possible I assume… but I would assume that is more likely the result of doing late call bets, being completely wasted and out of control etc vs. how you are betting. Craps is ultimately a negative EV game and with the dice being totally random there is no edge to gain by “counting” like blackjack. Maybe someone can correct me but I have played a ton and never seen it at craps… I have seen people straight up kicked but again that is other reasons vs being an advantage player on some craps bet
“Not to exhaust David.” Wow, David is acting like he’s trying to finish 9 yards of concrete in the middle of summer. It’s dice and chips. Is that 3oz stick wearing out your arm.
Idiotic to just do this on the comeout roll. As if the dice have a mind. You can do this as a one roll bet anytime and probably a good idea when the shooter has hit a bunch of numbers. Plus you can easily lose your shirt very fast.
I went to Shreveport that system is trash. !!!!!!!!! I lost 2600 in less than an. Hour. The. 6 and 8. There is. Double the combinations to hit a 6 and 8. Then the 7. Stay away from this system. I. Was. So. Amped up. To go try this. I got slaughtered. Stay away.
if he was playing dont come pass line he would be winning on those craps and also doubled down on 6 -8 from 30 dollar to 60 , he would won nice money , and placed 25 on buffalo , kinda soft really waiting for a 7 only on come out roll no time for that man
this is a great approach for a don't player, so you don't get any haters on the light side!
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
Been playing Crapsee with this system set up like my "local" casino (3.5hrs away, vig before, boooo!), playing 250 no 6/8 ($120 + $5 vig each) and it worked well. Since this is a "While the puck is OFF" system, I combined it with my favorite "Puck ON" system: the 3unit Squeeze Play, and the ATM just started printing money for me. Looking forward to trying this out at the "local" or on my next cruise.
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
What 3 unit squeeze?
Just did this last night at the Aria. Started with $100 walked away with $1,200🙌🏼
Well done cause I plan on the same thing real soon
Same, I tried it with $400 and walked away with zero.😢
I’m a huge casino quest fan 😍 When I feel a shooter is inclined to roll 7’s and horns on the come out roll, I usually lay the inside numbers for $30 each, and tell the dealer “120 inside behind”, along with a $5 world bet. $4 vig. Worst case scenario I lose $36. When a 7 rolls it pays $90!
I like how simple this is. And I don’t mind grinding out some winnings.
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
I wonder the same....@@happybirthdaytoyou9170
I'm a wrong better myself and I love when the come out roll is a 4 or a 10 now the odds have shifted in my favor.
Hey David. From one of your videos I picked up a $5 Yo bet on the come out rolls. Hit twice in just a few minutes. Now I will always be using that bet!
I've been a DON'T player all my life. The killer for me has been consecutive sevens on the come out. This strategy makes that a system in your favor. Options on this strategy is to add a 6 & 8 hardway. Another brave option to this is, on the come-out only, lay-the-back-wall, $30-30-30-30-30-30 to win $120 on a seven (imagine consecutive sevens!!!!). In my lifetime of playing I once witnessed 7-sevens in a row. 3's & 11's cancel each other out. Aces gravy. You will lose you box-point for every point established though. But your established DP (say $60) is in favor. Thanks CQ. I'd love to see you test this strategy.
The odds of the shooter throwing 7 consecutive sevens is 279,935 to 1 for 7 consecutive throw results of any kind.
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
@@happybirthdaytoyou9170 - The 'back-wall' bet is on the come-out only and is pulled down once the point is made.
That's the trick, getting that don't bet locked in. If you take 60 bucks on the don't and get past the come out roll, you can't lose if you also bet 60 on the point, or reduce the lost by hedging the point while spreading 60 across. This so far ha been a better strategy than anything els.
@@happybirthdaytoyou9170 If six or eight hits and becomes the point then you would pull your lay bet. Remember, you only lay the six and eight on the come out roll. If there is no come out roll then their is no need for the bet.
Just tried this at my local casino at the $60 level. Cashed out after 5 losses on the 6 or 8 and came out +$180. Grapefruit!
So what did you just bet the same after a loss?
@@IMove2Earn yeah, no martingale on this one. I give myself 4 bullets. A lot of pushes, a good strong of 7s on the come out and a few losses. It can be boring cause there is a lot of waiting around during long rolls, but a good way to observe the table or supplement another strategy
@@djsimoneit7003 So probably good idea to start at table minimum and go up from there. What would be a good strategy to incorporate with this one🤔
A hundred dollars on the Don't. No 4, no 10 on a, come out A $100 each. If 7 Comes out you're Good.
If a 4 or 10 comes out. Take down Remains and make a 2 or 3 hundred Lay. Get your hundred dollars back Don't.
Forget to take down your lay after the first roll
Works good for me
I've been playing a lay on the come out 120 or 240 inside..more often than of those get knocked off. There are a few times that I get two 7's in a row but in the long run this hits the bank roll quick, esp if you're playing numbers as well..
What do you do if they hit the 6 or 8 on the come out roll? this is one thing that bothers me about just shooting the dice randomly, we totally understand RNG but we've watched an 18 minute video about laying the 6 and 8 but we have no idea what to do if the come out hits the 6 or 8 do we just pull it down? do we martingale? I mean ??? lol ?
I mean *ahem clears throat* outside of the 7 the 6 and 8 are hitting the next most... so it would have been nice to you know...know what to do I just played it on wizard of odds and smashed the 6 8 multiple multiple multiple times, without anyyyyy clue what to do next.
Every system is good when the dice cooperate , but I could killed recently on the don't 4 and 10 with odds on them to boot .
I was getting perfect setups and the dice not cooperating.
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
The 4/10 lay pays less because the odds are more in your favor than laying the 6/8. The 4/10 combine for 6/36 (16.66%) combinations, while the 6/8 combine 10/36 (27.77%). Your less likely to lose on the 4 and 10 while the odds of winning with a 7 is the same.
But big bets on the 10 and 4 can kill you
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
A couple variations on this strategy would be to place the 6/8 after the point and yanking the lay bets or play the Don't Pass as well. If you play the Don't you lose on the Don't on a 7 come out, but you win on the lays. Once the point is established, your Don't bet has the advantage. You basically blunt the biggest risk to your Don't bet with the lay bet on the come out. Obviously pull the lay bets after the point is established.
exactly what I was thinking. The 11 is your only actual loss that's 1/18.
@@h2t26 you can hop the 11 also
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
But your odds on the don't if you so choose only pay half is that correct .
What happens if you hit 6 or 8
you lose your lay bet (either on the 6 or 8), and then you re-bet
You lose then you lose your entire bankroll then go home a loser - which is what you'll be if you play this "system."
Why lay against the 6&8 that's 10 dice combination to lose half(50%) ur bet And 6 ways to win 84% of your bet I would just lay against maybe the 6 with a working hardway so that's 4 ways to lose 100% your bet but 6 ways to win 82.5% of bet and 1 way to break even or win 10% of bet depending on hardway bet amount
Looks good. Do you add a progression strategy on this as well; increase on wins, pull back on losses ?
im new to craps and i think im confusing myself here. A lay bet will lose if the come out roll is the 6 or 8 correct? so say i put a lay bet on 6 and 8, and come out roll is a 5, then basically im just only betting what was put on the pass line right b/c ill take off the lay on 6 and 8?
There’s very little context for what the actual F David is talking about, and I absolutely love it!
Sir What happens if you hit the 6 or 8 in the come out roll, do you martingale?
nope. when either hits and the puck turns on, take the other bet off and wait for the point to be resolved and the puck goes off, then you start over, flat betting.
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
It doesn't matter. No other roll can hurt you other than the number you have a lay on. If you roll an 8 on the come out and lose, you have the don't 6 still going, do you pull it down and wait for the game to start over or do you just let it ride? It's the same regardless of your decision.
I'm going to Harris m, MI, in June to play craps. Last July, I threw from the donts and had a roll of my life and was on the wrong side.
I find playing 4 - 10 on come out lessons the odds of hitting these numbers on come out. I am constantly hitting the 6 - 8 on come out before the seven. Just too many ways to hit the 6 & 8. Thoughts appreciated
Is it possible to ask the dealer to just turn your bets off when the point is on so you dont have to making the dealer keep shuffling your stuff around
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
@@happybirthdaytoyou9170 that's exactly what you do. Then wait for the point to be resolved, the puck gets turned off, then start again, flat betting.
I like the 5/9 better paying 2 for 3 and only 4 ways to lose 5 or 9 vs 5 ways to lose on the 6 or 8. It really matters when 6/8 get hot. I agree on 4/10 too much risk too little reward unless they are point or I see 4x4 [or 10] before 7 then I start a progressive Lay to win, Roll 7 $$$
Was thinking the same thing. Better to go for the 5/9?
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
I like this system for the come out, then when a point is made you could move your bets to place and double tap or triple lux. just seems it would be boring standing there waiting for the seven out.
That's how I play if I get 2 front line winners I do 110 inside for 60 action 😁 full press each number 1 time then collect my winners 😎
After the come out. I will place my lays onto the 6 an 8 to bet to land , as well as playing the pass line. So I can win on an off the numbers. the power of the darkside lets go! the power of the darkside lets go!
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
My area has 15 dollar table. So whats my bet to win 50 and what's the bet to win 100? Thanks
Could you combine this with strategies when the point is established? Like, this is only for the come out roll, so once the point is established, could you simply play the game instead of waiting to reduce that “grind?” You could just use this as a come out strategy, right?
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
If you lose is martingale a good idea? How would you martingale here
Martingale is always a great idea. I encourage its use only for the serious gambler, amateurs cannot and should not try this surefire system......
Never martingale. The next roll has exactly the same chance of rolling the 36 combination percentages as the roll before. I just saw three HARD 10s in a row. Probability is in the hundreds of thousands. I've seen 5 roll 6 times in a row. I've seen 8 roll 12 times in a row. I've seem 7 roll 14 times in a row (no kidding).
Love the "Don't" systems.
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
Is not the Place Lose 6 and 8 the better bet for this system?
Looks like a great system! But when I walk to the table what to I ask the dealer do I just say “lay on the 6/8” will they know it’s for the don’t come? So what soon say to the dealer to get the bet established 😊
Say : $30 each no 6 no 8
lol this strategy seems like a great way to get cocktails and maybe sneak in some comp too lol
On any regular system, Dennis rolls 7 out every other roll
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
@@happybirthdaytoyou9170this question has been asked a million times. No one answers this question. I guess it’s up to you.
True 10 and 4 don't pay much, but that's cause they are more likely to loss. So you do get paid true odds there as well. If the idea is that 7 is more likely to come out then betting on 4 and 10 is a good bet not a bad one.
Got a Question would this strategy be good if you do $200 on the 4 and 10 so a $100 each plus $15 on the hard 4 and 10 is that a good bet in your opinion or no
Can you leave them working after a point is established?
Yes, and you have the EXACT SAME probability of hitting a 7 then also. Or on any other roll. Just placing this bet on the come out is seriously beyond dumb. As if the dice know that it's a comeout roll and they need to fall as a 7. Here's the two dyed compressed piece of cotton talking to each other: "OK, guys. You do know it's the some out roll, right? So let's roll a 7!" Just so dumb. You can play it any time with EXACT same % or winning.
DAM I LOVE THIS !!! THIS IS MY NEW PLAY!! I want to collect 100 so I need to 70 on each?
I like this! Very creative
If the casino makes you pay the vig up front, when you pull the bets down do they give you your vig back?
I wish someone could explain this a little more dumbed down. I know basic craps, but some of these term's I'm not familiar with and I was struggling to keep up and don't know why I wouldn't just play the pass line?
Agree. the guy is very knowledgeable and us newbies need the slow burn breakdown
So obviously if 6or8 comes you lose the lay bet but if 7 comes you win both bets---i am a novice so plz clarify
no need to clarify, it is obvious
Since I'm doing a $75 DP, gonna do a $48 Lay 6 & 8 (each pay $40). Go from 2 losses/hr of $75 =$150, and gonna have 2.5 losses/hr @ $48 = $120 (and make $5 x 2/hr as I make $80 to cover $75 DP)--or save $40 Every hour I play (law of large averages), saving me $200/5 hours/ play, after 5 days (5 hrs/day), save $1,000 using the strategy.. Smart!👍👍
Yours system cost me 2600. Thank you.
I'm not sure how you calculate the VIG. Is it 5% of what you win? Does a $30 lay buy costs you $2.50 in VIG? Is that why you asked for $5 to put the bet up? In summary, pay $65 to lay 6 & 8, $30 each. You pay the $5 VIG up front so the win will pay $48. If it's a 5% VIG, wouldn't you pay $2 for 6 & 8?
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
You pull the other back,you only have the 2 bets live on a comeout. If a point gets established,take down you're bet.
Why would you not lay on the 5 and 9 for the come out? The chances of getting a 7 is higher than the chances of getting a 5 or 9.
You sure can but he explained that 6 and 8 has best return on investment. And you can lay all numbers but you will end up losing that much more if 7 doesn't roll for awhile. So I think he is saying stick with 6 and 8 to minimize risk and maximize earnings
If playing don'ts or don't come, THE FLAT BET is your advantage AFTER you survive the initial roll.... I'd say a martingale would be decent on a flat don't bet, no odds.
Brilliant strategy!👍👍
You lose if a 6 or 8 roll and they are the second most common combination. I don't get how this is a good strategy.
how do you lose on the lay? If a 6 0r 8 is rolled on the come out?
Yes,you lose one bet, which ever rolls, the 6 or the 8 for $30. Now you have to decide to replace the lost and come out again
Wow never heard this. I don’t play much
Are you allowed to just turn your lay bet off after the comeout to avoid the next vig
You can't "turn it off." You have to take it down. And they will give you your vig back when you take it down.
Next time I'm at a $25 table, I'll see if I can turn $250 into $9.5K with this system. Maybe I'll have to have a $25 bet on the PL too, so I can throw them 7 winners!
Isnt this amazing for comps because you are there for so long?
Craps comps are at the bosses discretion for the most part. Most dont comp dont or hedge strategies very well because you dont have much at risk
No you don't get rated on odds only the flat bet
@@bryanhugh8905 They comp the flat bet only
Seems to me the dealers would hate you if not playing after the Come out every time.. I agree most rolls end with a 7 .
there's one dealer who don't like it much where I play, but he'll get over it..I keep this "comeout bank" separate from the numbers bank, give them a nice neat stack for them to easily reset it..
let them hate. you're there to make money, when I win they win that is how I go about it. if I do a strategy that makes them do a lot of movement etc when I hit a # or whatever, if I have any change left I tell em to to put it on hardways for them at my choice on payout (meaning if it hits I can say the starting wager stays there for them)
Never seen a roll that did not end in a 7.
Lay $180 on the back wall. $30 on each number. Wins $120 on a CO 7. Loses on one number if it comes out. Then, decide what to do. I know a guy that makes a nice living playing the Dont’s…only Lays the Inside numbers, never the 4 or 10. Too hard to make that loss up should it have a streak.
Play this with a DP bet of $60; you'll win $60 on the come-out seven ($120-60). When the point is made your established DP bet is in your favor. (Option: HW your pt.). I would love to see CQ test this system out.
Doesnt work too good. There is a blizzard of 6s and 8s on the come out
On the come out roll, why not bet the dont pass to hedge the 6 or 8?
Hedging is a waste of time and money unless you're hedging on the side bets. The way to win is pick a strategy and stick to it until you get on a losing streak.
What is the most consecutive 7's you've witness on a come-out?
My friend shot 5 in a row. I was layed across for $194 ($188 actual + $6 vig). Each spot pays $20, totaling $120 each win. Made $600 in about 5 minutes.
When you lose do you go up a unit and when it hits you go back down to base level?
I want to see this paired with Weezy.
👋 David and Dennis
What is the reason for finishing the roll when the point becomes 4,5,9 or 10? You're pulling your 6/8 lay bets down, it makes no sense to even finish the roll since the end result has no bearing to you since you pulled them down under the 4,5,9,10 being established . Aside from a dumb observation on my part, you do know that over time a 6 or 8 showing as the Point on the comeout is more likely [26 ways(6+8)]to 18 ways(a seven of any type)(according to my calculations). Therefore you are most likely to lose ONE 6 or 8 as opposed to winning both on a 7!!! That said: you will be always fighting a DEFICIT OF $31 ! So in reality you need to hit 2 SEVENS for every 6 or 8 you see as the come out point TO MAKE money this. That's why this becomes a grind. A person could easily be losing 6× ($31x6) $186 when a 6 AND 8 become the point (now you MUST HAVE at least FOUR 7's for every instance that happens( to your bankroll !!!!!!). This gig overall will only work for a short time in your session, that said one would probably have to run with profits after hitting quite a few 7's on the comeout. Play this too long and you will get streaked, no doubt. I'm not trying to be negative it's just as I see it truthfully. Something in here needs to be tweaked, in my honest opinion.
what tweak do you recommend
Never saw this strategy before….
I can play this one with whiskey!
Six ways to win fifty three and ten ways to lose thirty. That's why it's called gambling. I think I might try this when I'm at a table though.
six ways to win $48. Each $30 lay wins $25 minus the $1 vig equals $24.
This is going to irritate the dealers, you better tip well
How are you not an absolute dog with 10 ways to roll the six and eight against six ways to roll a seven?
I rolled this out on Crapsee against 100 shooters, and it proved to be the dog that it is.
The idea that you’re only up against one or the other because only one can lose is a fallacy. Yes, only one can lose but you are going against both. That makes you a mathematical dog. Short term, long-term medium term this is just donating money to the casino.
Sure the casino gets money but you are also donating to the winners. We need the donations.
lets see $200 for 15 minutes grinding lmao really. Now x`s that 4; Pretty easy way of averaging $800 an hour on decent day of average rolling. Barely touched his buyin from the start. Geez love the host. Could follow this guy all day playing
Amazing, laying the 6 and 8...How do the casinos stay in business? Ridiculous. Nonsense A straight don't pass bet is juice, and don't lay odds...once the point is have the edge....if a 4 or 10 comes...I have a 2-1 edge, don't need to lay anything... U have 62$ in action to win 50$...the don't pass is wayyyyyyyyy better..
This is dumb! Put the 6/8 up against the 7??? I would never. Simple math says don't do so. 6/8 equals 10 probabilities. 7 equals 6 probabilities. You guys don't use math with this game and play off emotions. 7 will never beat the 6/8 over the time. Not cuss I say so, mathematics does and it never lies!!!
@@lydell8549 It is mathematically proven that a (7) will come out more often than a (6) or (8) over time. 6 combinations of (7) vs 5 combinations of (6) or (8). You are right, math doesn't lie. Everyone seems to be combining (6) and (8) the total ways to lose, but are forgetting that if (6) or (8) hits before the 7, the loss is only 30 for the one number, not 60. Don't pass + laying odds after the point is always going to be better than laying odds and paying the vig.
@@sejournist8080 You're laying the 6,8 "Together" so you combine the probabilities. Youe not playing them individually. I need know instructions and play almost daily here in Vegas. I would never lay the 6,8 against the 7!!!! You have your science all wrong and even when you tried explaining it you're wrong!!!! Doest matter to me though. I "Know" I'm right...
@@lydell8549 Dude, just because you play daily in Vegas doesn't mean you understand the math. It's great for the casinos. When a (7) is rolled first on lay bets (6) and (8), you win both. When a (6) or (8) hits first, you lose on one that's hit. Explain to me how is that is not playing individual numbers? But more power to you if you "know" you are right...
@@sejournist8080 my profits prove it so go jump n a lake
I can imagine getting backed off a table pretty quick doing that
So what happens when the 6 or 8 hits on the $60 bet and you lose half?...Do you pull the remaining $30 lay bet?
I'm sorry, I haven't heard of getting 'backed off' before. I want to get 'along' with the casinos. So, help me out here brother. Thanks Brother .
@@timmatthes9137getting “backed off” is typically the result of card counting on a game like blackjack. I have never seen it on a craps table. It’s possible I assume… but I would assume that is more likely the result of doing late call bets, being completely wasted and out of control etc vs. how you are betting. Craps is ultimately a negative EV game and with the dice being totally random there is no edge to gain by “counting” like blackjack. Maybe someone can correct me but I have played a ton and never seen it at craps… I have seen people straight up kicked but again that is other reasons vs being an advantage player on some craps bet
@@happybirthdaytoyou9170 ya I was wondering the same, like do you re-bet both lay to try for profit on a 7 or just roll it out?
@@timmatthes9137 getting backed off means the Casino doesn't like the way you are playing and won't let you continue playing
Only issue is most casinos I've played at want the vig upfront. I eats into profits but not too bad.
“Not to exhaust David.” Wow, David is acting like he’s trying to finish 9 yards of concrete in the middle of summer. It’s dice and chips. Is that 3oz stick wearing out your arm.
Idiotic to just do this on the comeout roll. As if the dice have a mind. You can do this as a one roll bet anytime and probably a good idea when the shooter has hit a bunch of numbers. Plus you can easily lose your shirt very fast.
Well the whole point is to win very fast, so i do not worry.
I went to Shreveport that system is trash. !!!!!!!!! I lost 2600 in less than an. Hour. The. 6 and 8. There is. Double the combinations to hit a 6 and 8. Then the 7. Stay away from this system. I. Was. So. Amped up. To go try this. I got slaughtered. Stay away.
Most boring strategy ever. This is a strategy for people who enjoy watching grass grow. And it’s a loser. Lost every time I tried it. Next…
i'd be set for the seven on every roll with this strategy.
Not every seven. Your bets are down when a shooter sevens-out. ( remember they said "...remove your lay-bets when a point is established" )
Your best odds is. 4 and 10. On don’t pass. If u know how to shoot !!! This. Is. A trash video. I don’t get your strategy
yes....of course you get paid less on a 4 and 10.....the 7 is a 2 to 1 favorite to hit first....
Well, If Dennis set 7’ instead of hard 4. He would throw more 7’s
Combine this with “Weezy” and you can’t lose
if he was playing dont come pass line he would be winning on those craps and also doubled down on 6 -8 from 30 dollar to 60 , he would won nice money , and placed 25 on buffalo , kinda soft really waiting for a 7 only on come out roll no time for that man