The worst thing about PF is really loot. You could lose roll after roll after roll. The worst thing being that the people you lose to you can be sure will just go back in and roll on the same items again for their alt jobs.
For Prog purposes, whatever the PF says it’s practicing go back at least two mechanics and that’s what they’re really practicing 😂, but reclears for P5s-P6s haven’t been terrible in my experience I’ve only had trouble with groups doing p7s reclears it turns into a harvest prog somehow….. like they don’t know what they’re doing? Haven’t gotten to practice p8s yet so idk how that’ll go but I trust PF overall :)
On one hand it depends on the Datacenter and its general Partyfinder culture. For example in Eu the Light Datacenter got a way bigger pf culture for ultimates then chaos has. You can look out for hours on chaos to maybe find 1 UwU from start group, while on light there are at times even more Ultimate pfs open then savage raids. I was even able to get my Dragonsong clear last week via pf and im not the only one. If you want to do Ultimates via Pf, then Chaos isnt the right Datacenter for you. And even talking about savage. I got my p8s clear week 3 via pf, while my static hasnt killed it till this day. Now you could argue that my static is just slow, but what i try to say is that if you really want to clear the content you WILL be able to do it via pf, even in a short period of time like week 2\3. The general quality of pf really isnt that bad, its just that those are random people, so fckups have a way bigger weight on you having a bad or good experience then they would have if it was in a static.
So, as someone who had to get my P8S clear week 6 because my static was already 2 weeks behind of their intended clear goal I can safely say that PF is the worst way you can raid. Learning parties tend to be fine, people are there to wipe and learn and get better and 7/10 times they'll stay for the whole lockout depending on how consistently they're getting to the advertised prog point. Clear or enrage parties are a whole different level of torture. People in those parties do not have patience, people will not tolerate mistakes, and they will disband if you do not get to enrage within the first 2-3 pulls. You sign up, you wait 15-40 minutes for the PF listing to fill up, you go in hoping that people know the fight, some wipes happen, and then you get to wait another 15-40 minutes finding another group. Rinse and repeat forever or until you get the clear. I spent literally my entire weekend, morning till night, to get that clear my raid day with my static, when I did and I never felt more relieved and proud of myself that night. On one hand, I get it. I get why somebody would get frustrated at somebody dying to snakes or snakes 2 on a clear party when that's not what they signed up for. However, I still can't help but find it funny how ironic it is that the people with the least amount of patience are choosing to try and get a clear in the least efficient and most miserable way possible. People are going to make mistakes, even people that have gotten to enrage multiple times are going to cause a wipe at some point, it's just going to happen and there's nothing you can do to prevent it or help other than try and not be toxic. I'm not asking people to stay in trap parties, I'm saying that 2 wipes isn't enough to determine if a group is a trap party, like please at least stay for 4 wipes at least. Right now I still haven't gotten my raid weapon. After my experience in PF and now being static-less I'm not going to. If for some reason I don't find a static with similar goals by next tier then I'm just not going to raid, there's so much better things I can do with my time than being miserable while playing a video game.
While I agree with you in principle, in reality it tends to not be so simple. I am a person who has a strict 3-Strikes-You're-Out policy when creating clear or farm groups. While I understand people make mistakes, mistakes are made much less often, almost never, when you actually know the fight up to enrage. 9/10 times if someone is wiping to simple mechanics before enrage it is because they are **lying** and disrespecting your time and everyone elses time by joining the party knowing they aren't ready to see enrage ect. Ideally I would like to directly say to someone "Hey sorry, you need to practice a bit more on X phase before you're ready for enrage, good luck in your prog!" and kick them and find a fill, but any mild criticism or the mere idea of not wanting someone in your party is sadly enough to get your banned. The day we are allowed to reasonably criticize players who are abusing the time and effort of others is the day PF will improve and become more leniant.
Ha ha, true. Not to mention, if you somehow happen to win the dice roll and get a group of people who aren't actively trying to waste your time, it's likely you'll still come out of it with nothing to show for your clear(s) for that week.
We PF'd storms crown since we didn't have 2 slots from our fc due to scheduling. 100+ tries and it kind of left us a bit frustrated and snappy. We tried to do P5S but it had already took its toll and now we're all Taki g a break from the game. Alternatively, we PF'd P1-3 savage and it wasn't so bad, we cleared p 1 and 2 and got stuck on 3 but it didn't bother us too much Tl;Dr it can be both bad and good
I arrived at end game in the middle of P1-P4, I didn't do that since I was too late anyway. So Storms crown and P5-P8 would be my fresh one. Was fun at start when Storms crown first out. practice a lot now can do the mech of the whole fight till enrage. PF A2C, wipes on phase 1 & 2, feels like some members is even fresh progs who joined A2C. Those who cleared, got the weapons. only wants to PF it with others who have cleared. If you're unlucky enough, you'll ends up A2C PF for 2.5 weeks, never cleared, and rarely even reached phase 3 or 4. if it's this annoying to do PF for extreme, I ain't gonna bother with savage. Thus my FFXIV only doing dailies, glams, weekly normal raids. Done with those dailies, close game and play Tower of Fantasy & Genshin. No stress, no drama.
@@rtbear674 Surprisingly the Extreme was worse than the Savages, it's just that by the time we got to the savage we were all a bit burnt out among other personal reasons. We'll be back but prob for 6.3 and onwards
100+ tries!?! Maybe it wasn’t pf lol it was probably your static. I cleared P1-P8 and storm crown through pf. But a 100 tries? That cannot be because of pf
@@JoRdaNFaka At first while we were learning? Ya it was us, but I promise you by the end it was PF. We cleared as soon as we set it to duty complete even tho we never completed it ourselves (which I know is wrong but at that point can you blame us) and a couple of us had orange parses
@@JoRdaNFaka So I was in this static, which due to scheduling issues around the release of 6.2, meant we could only get 4-5 of us most of the time, the rest were PF. For every wipe one of us caused, there'd be 3-5 caused from PF members. Having PF rando's with 4+ deaths in a pull was not uncommon for us. We had multiple tanks repeatedly (multiple times, in a row) die to the tankbuster, not from failing to swap, but simply not mitigating it at all. Lots of issues with people going to the wrong clock spot, or going the wrong way with the various enumeration stacks. Something we'd repeatedly clarify, and we were using the same as most PF strats. Several people not even having food to eat. Where we had the most issue was the tangles. All the people we had in PF were extremely bad at dealing with the enumeration stacks and dodging tornados. So we'd be standing in the spot with our markers, and we just watch PF go the wrong direction, (We had our markers the same as every other PF group I saw/have been in) run into the wall and get yoinked back, or get hit by a tornado on the way over. Before at least one of the enumeration stacks would die as a result. Which like 75% of the time was one, or both of our healers dying. It was so bad that if we could make it past the first tangle, we probably had a decent chance of making it 6-8 minutes into the fight. The other major sticking point was the uh, tethered dashes. The people we got in PF really seemed to struggle with that one. Despite it just being along the lines of "Go to your clock spot and when you see the flash, move to the side" Lots of people going to the wrong clockspot, or just kinda running around aimlessly, often getting clipped by someone elses tether because they ran into them. We also had a lot of issues with PF constantly (like every other pull) getting clipped by savage barbery and either dying outright, or getting hit by another mechanic within 60s and then dying. Particularly with the donut, because that does have a delay and if you run out as soon as the cast finishes, you usually get hit and then die to the AoE followup. Overall, it just ended up being a lot avoidable mistakes from PF that would eventually add up to a wipe when a heavy hitting raidwide, like the punches or stack marker would come up because there just wasn't enough people to soak the damage. (Since the raidwide punches are shared damage, if 1-2 people have vuln stacks or are dead going into it, everyone else takes extra damage) With everything repeating itself, and almost every new PF member being brand new to the fight and having to get them up to speed on mechanics. When we finally got the clear, it was when after like three weeks of this shit, we got fed up and set it to duty complete, and within 10 pulls we cleared the fight. I've PF'd EX1 and EX2, as well as P1S-P3S (Never got the clear for P3S because I got too busy) and none of them gave me anywhere near as much trouble as EX4 did. Even P5S prog hasnt been as painful.
What does KWTD mean? There are so many PF groups that I just don't join because I have no clue what all the math equations in the description mean, lol
I’ve recently tried savage for the first time. I tried it as a healer in party finder. Honestly, the whole thing is so stressful that the clear isn’t even worth it to me. Its the first time playing Ff14 that’s made me feel like I should honestly be doing something more productive with my life.
I'm too scared to go into savage with all randos. I've been wanting to clear savage as healer as well. But oof ... I'll wait till my friends are ready 😅 my anxiety could never
I want to try, but I'm already anxious. I've never done a savage before, and my most comfortable/ony max geared class is currently a healer. Despite it being my most comfortable, it can be pretty distracting for me in prog groups because when everyone is learning and messing up mechanics together, I spend a lot of time healing and get a bit of tunnel vision. And when the healer dies, EVERYONE notices. I'm getting stressed just thinking about it.
@@tibowmew im the same way, i wanna go into savage raids as an astro ... but there's many guides at least for savage content so if that's something you aren't comfortable with you can look up guides so you can at least get a sense of what the fight will be while also still learning with everyone. its definitely, from what ive seen of savage groups, a complete team effort. esp while learning i doubt anyone will add more stress to you about dying cause .... they all will be xD that being said im also like IDK WHAT TO DO IM JUST FOLLOWING YOU!! lmfao cause im so focused on HP bars
While I have never tried savage tier raiding in PF, but I use it for extremes or farming stuff, and I have never had an issue. Every once in a while, you will run into one or two people who cause drama or are toxic, but it has never been enough to ruin the fun. Honestly my friends and I find it funny and discuss it in Discord lol usually. PF really isn't that bad in that aspect, but as I said, I can't speak on savage tier raiding.
lolll now you are being stupid most pf parse low grey dont align raid buff dont do mechs properly,oh and also doesnt use mitigation properly so making healers job hell please hahaha
Never used PF before, but in general I've noticed in online games the one complaining the most or being the most toxic is the worst player in the group.
It can be bad for sure. I was helping a friend clear P7S last night and I let another couple folks in who needed it, a SMN and DRG (they were related somehow). The SMN did the lowest DPS of the entire group, even despite their DRG giving them dragon sight (should've been on me). Not lowest of the damage dealers mind you, the lowest of the group, even lower than the healers. They were completely carried by the rest of us. I checked on FFlogs and all their clears are 0 across the board. Completely carried every time. I don't know if they have some disability or something, but it's made me very wary of who I invite from now on. If anything just to be considerate to the rest of the group. I've still had some great times in PF though, and the good outweighs the negatives.
I dont particularly give a shit if people use fflogs but its shit like this that makes its use banned officially. If people trigger you so hard you have to spite search them in logs and post on the internet about it maybe you should re evaluate your relationship with this game
@@lancelot717 We're talking about P7S here. If you bottom damage as a SMN in P7S there's something going very wrong there. So I don't blame OP for checking what was going on. I don't think it's about bragging and more about knowing wtf went wrong to be more wary of it in the future.
@@th0rne_999 Naw I dont see it like that at all seeing as they were talking about DRG Eye and assuming someone had a disability over them just being terrible or a myriad of other reasons. You can complain about people being garbo at videogames all you like but if you feel the need to search into their metadata because it made you mad they couldnt contribute there's something wrong there.
@@lancelot717 Perhaps you've misunderstood but there was no anger or spite. The topic is about the ups and downs of PF and I'm relaying a story that recently happened. If you need to project your own hostility onto a post that's on topic there's something wrong there.
I've only raided through PF so take this with a grain of salt. What I've found that there are 3 major parts that determine if you are going to have a good time or nor and it comes down to your own mindset, attitude and honest communication. If you join a party with a negative mindset you are going to have a bad time no matter what happens. Because you are unconsciously going to pick apart everything and look for even the smallest of faults. Whenever I join a party I have the goal of killing the boss but it's ok if the group doesn't live up to that goal because I've still had fun. And at the end of the day I play games to have fun.
You are the kind of people I like to find in PF, lol. I have the same mindset. If a group is giving honest effort, but can still laugh, have fun, and help each other out, it's fine if we don't meet the goal of clearing.
I like statics because I know that I WILL be progging at certain times. Like, I dont have an open schedule, so if I have 3 hours to raid, I dont want to sit in PF for 10-60 mins of that time waiting for a PF to fill. I know that we are scheduled to meet at a time, and we should be starting no more than 5-10 mins later than that time.
My first time back to savage since Alexander and I ended up doing pf and raiding with a static. I found pf better for my tastes since I learned mechanics quicker, but generally reclears are much more calming in a static.
Another comment mentioned that it depends on what DC you're on too, which I totally agree with. I'm on Aether DC, but didn't know when I started there that it was the big raiding DC in NA. And despite not being on Gilgamesh, Sargatanas is also pretty intense on the raiding, so there are a lot of intense people in PF too. Not in a bad way necessarily, but intent on clear and loot and whatnot. But I do think this ups the ratio of toxic players that join groups too.
I got into my first ever static (been playing since before HW) for first tier of EW raids and we made the critical error of not discussing the speed people wanted to clear content. Half the group was fine with it taking weeks to clear the first fight and the other half was not, so it was a tense time and a lot of us ended up getting our clears in pf after weekly raid nights were finished. I'm just going to keep with the pf life. Works best for my schedule adverse self lol.
Man, same. I hate PF so bad, but at this point I've been doing it for so long I dunno if I could handle being in a static. Lol. Not to mention I kinda' hate the whole process of trying to even find and join one.
I really do go out of my way to thank those people who just help people out in PF prog. As someone who is only just now starting to practice Extremes, those people are Godsends with their patience. Once I learn a mechanic, I've got it down, but sometimes being slower to read mechanics can make others frustrated. Despite that, I've still had a largely postiive experience with PF, though I've definitely not tried any Savages yet, lol
Tbh as someone who is MUCH more comfortable with callouts, I could not do most savage content with PF. I salute those who can and do so regularly while I hide with my Static lol.
@dark suns Homie, you really hit the nail on this. Most important comment about this endgame buried in a sub reply. Why have HP pools defense stats etc when everything literally every raid comes down to a one shot or a dmg down where any mistake causes a wipe or an enrage timer?
PF in this game is quite a lot better than in most games I've played. I think a lot of it is due to the endgame design: -There is generally just 1 boss/start point in endgame instances (except for door bosses/DSR/ASS) so remaking or replacing someone is fairly painless -You can usually take any classes in their role and there aren't really any wild build variations or multiple gearing systems so it is quick to vet people -There is pretty low consumable usage and not much time wasted between deaths so dying to silly things once or twice isn't really a big deal All of this kind of just makes people a lot more tolerant since it is pretty quick to get started and every little mistake doesn't cost tons of gold or time. It also means if a group doesn't fit your expectations it doesn't have to waste your whole night, you can just leave and hop in a different one.
I've played enough Overwatch to know that it's always going to be a coinflip on whether or not you can manage to perform competitively with a bunch of randos. It is what it is and the best thing you can do for your mental state is to just be aware of what you're getting yourself into.
Don't have a static. Cleared 5,6,7S which is my first savage clears via pf. It was a lot of frustration at points due to parties continuously disbanding at wipes and waiting for spots to fill for a long time.
My usual experience on pf revolves around clearing 3 floors and trying the last floor for a couple of weeks, giving up, moving on. Taking a break from the game right now after 3 weeks of no progress on pf on P8S. Even as a MMO player, I have other games I'd like to play and pf raiding takes way too much time.
after being on statics since the last tier of shadowbringers , i feel like im unable to raid with random people anymore, doing storms crown on pf even after weeks is a pain on every level. meanwhile i farmed Suzaku's 99 totems back in stormblood on PF pretty easily lol
It took me a solid 2 weeks to get my first kill on P5S, and it made me want to join a static so bad... Purely because I'd join a Ruby 5 prog party and be stuck on Devour all the time, so I committed the sin of joining kill parties just to get through Ruby 5, as I saw it as the only way to actually get practice in on that mechanic. I then proceeded to wait with P6S for like 3 weeks before cracking it open, and my current stance on PF has turned from "You can PF stuff, it's not hard to find people" to "use PF to get your feet wet, then find a static if your schedule allows for it". It means not having the mechanic discussion every time you load into Savage, which is what kills PF groups a lot of the time, as people just cannot agree on which strat to use, or insist on using THEIR statics strat... and getting a hissyfit when people have the gall to suggest using the strat 7/8 people in the party agreed on... that was stated in the PF listing.
I finally finished the MSQ about a month before 6.2 dropped. What followed was a mad scramble to clear the savage tier before Abyssos released. in the end, P3S took about three of those weeks, and after a pretty long break from trying savage raiding, I just cleared P4S earlier this week. For P3S in particular, we just kind of formed a soft-static after a while because the same faces kept showing up to these parties when they showed up. one of us had a discord server, and we just kind of aggregated there to work through it together. It was pretty fun, and it allowed me to easily drop out for a day or so to do other things while they progged. One downside is that you'll want to be in the group when they clear because at that point, you're counting on their altruism to swap you in for another clear. if all eight of them drop out right when they get the clear, then you'll be back to step 1 for the most part. Most people wouldn't do that though, especially since we needed gear in addition to the pride of clearing.
I think I'd feel better about the PF situation if I weren't raiding on Materia. I trade damn good latency for a much lower playercount, I suppose, but I think at some point it makes clearing P8S via PF nigh-impossible. I'll still keep trying, but I've made my peace with likely not clearing it before next tier. Another problem is that just before reset, people have already partied up for reclears, but they set it to P8S so that they can get a party to reclear it all, but it also means fewer parties reclearing P5-7S only and it can be a bit of an annoying wait. I always get my reclears though, which is the bright side to all this. But I do wonder how long I can get away with it for until I get effectively locked out from further progging my gear - probably enough to pre-P8S BiS a second job, but maybe not a third. It's definitely very possible to prog 5-7S via PF (hell, I did it and it's been way faster than static progging IME because static has fewer hours, static shenanigans with people coming and going and players losing focus/not retaining prog from week to week), but if you're just jumping in now, you're likely going to have a much harder time because of lack of prog players and players willing to join prog.
@@samurottman6832 the constant 'Australia problem', I suppose 😒 - never enough population - people staying amongst their own groups and not branching out - lower earning potential than the US creates a very stagnant environment
@@toriestrella tbh tho I'm kinda guitly of this problem too, I tend to really only raid with my FC, but also like back when I was in NA most of the time that wouldn't be a problem because there's plenty of people willing to help prog or whatnot In materia you'll be really lucky to find people to do prog when it's late into the tier (or any old content like some alliance raids or Eureka/bozja) Makes me wanna move back to NA tbh XD
@@samurottman6832 yeah....I get why people do what they do given the circumstances, but the end result is just.....unfortunate I wonder how welcoming JA (esp. Tonberry) is to native English speakers.
First time i did Savage and had to deal with Pf, had to learn from the start about PF symbols Like Practice, and ex: certain mechanic prog, but after that, had some progs, the biggest problem i had was, people not respecting when u put u like like far ahead on the raid, on that mechanic, and people just join and they dont know even the start of the fight, one day i got to like Enrage by luck, noted on that and still joined progs not that far cuz i wasnt confident and didnt want to to mess up, and then i learned everything and was still wasnt able to clear cuz ppl alays joined a group that said, only join if u already got to enrage, and then someone that doesnt know a thing proceeds to join and just die at the start, that delayed my clears so muchhhh, and i couldnt join a group that already cleared, cuz i never did it before, and i had really go pass all the wipes of ppl that didnt respect the entry text on the PF, normally i would just Kick the guy out of the party and get someone else if he messes up 3 times on the same shit, when he should know that bc thats a mechanic that u should know ho to pass if u really did respect the PF text on what mechanic we were, but since this is FF14, i had to be nice instead of just saying ''Kick him and get another guy'' so we can pass
As a super casual player, my only opportunity to see any raids is via Duty Finder and maybe Party Finder for a quest or some kind of drop. But it's always normal sadly.
PF at the start of a tier will be better because all the good players are running it (still think we're close enough to the start for it to be the case). but it's really a tossup which is why I don't like PF. sometimes you're lucky and find a group that can easy clear a fight, other times it's listed as ruby5 prog and you're wiping on the first tankbuster...or ruby3. or devour. or likely all 3 over the course of hours if you try and stick around. a static (ideally) trades time commitment for consistency. you say "I will show up at X time on Y days every week for raid", and in exchange you (ideally) get a group of like minded people who's prog you know. where when you say it's cach2 prog, it's actually cach2 prog. so you can prog faster overall in terms of hours spent raiding, due to less time reprogging fights because of randoms who say they know it but don't. but that's the ideal situation, sometimes you also have statics that are worse than PF groups. there's also the benefit of, if it's a group you enjoy playing with, it's an entirely different raiding experience compared to no voice comms PF groups. course all that said, for those who value freedom over efficiency, PF is gonna work better for them
When I played WoW a few years back before it died, I rolled death knight and started doing party finder. This one party started calling me a bad tank in less friendly words. I was a bit awkward about it and it kinda hurt but I just cringed it out and let them carry me through the rest of the dungeon. After that I started reading my skills and learned a good combo. Never got the toxicity again. Sometimes the toxic guys are just trying to tell you the truth.
In my experience, the first weeks of PF are fine, and then it gets worse and worse with every week as the decent players move on and only the griefers and those late to the party leave behind. This tier I cleared P5S-P7S in the first two weeks on weekends and each kill took about 1 hour from beginning party to kill. Last tier I got stuck for 3 months on P3S because I was lazy after week 3 and switched from EU to NA for friends -- and there I learned to leave groups or outright disband and blacklist players who can't clear the first mechanics when you're at enrage. Classic adds meme on P3S for example. It's so much more enjoyable if you just remove griefers or yourself from the group. Though I admit, people would already call the first toxic. Now I'm in a static and missing that option because there is totally one person who is holding us back and no one wants to say anything. That's the drawback from statics; you can totally be held back by 1 or 2 people and either you leave or deal with it.
I think the biggest problem is that there is no real on ramp for players to transition from easier content to EXs and Savage and Ultimate. People in these comments saying people are trash players, but the reality is everyone has to learn somehow and they aren't trash for being ignorant lmao
People get so mad because other people aren't perfect at the content or don't know things. It takes 5 seconds to just offer to help lmao. If they don't want it, okay. If they continue to fail at the same points, it's still possible to help. All these anime avis with 0 patience and an inability to interact with other people in any way that isn't somehow steeped in their own self loathing and pseudo superiority lmao
If you consider yourself a higher than average learner/player. Then ,100% PF has improved over the years. However, outside of early weeks, the player skill tends to go down quite a bit, making it really difficult to PF. Not even that, it also comes down to PF strats in general. PF, doesn’t always pick the best strats for given encounters, making clearing with randoms even more difficult. It’s a grind and it’s crappy at times, because not only are you proging the fight, but you are also proging the given group(s) of the session as well. People are really bad at adjusting and doing things differently when they join a group, and even leave when they don’t get their desired position. It’s rough. Not only that, but to us non-gifted players, pf has little tolerance for slight mistakes at times as well. It’s a rarity for a prog party to make it far into a session, only to get to practice the mechanic you actually want to practice, because they are actually 2-3 behind the advertised pf. Most of the time people lose patience, especially when the person who takes a bit longer to get it, happens to be you. (Hey, it happens) Tl;dr - if you can’t make a schedule and join a static, best bet is to PF early and not past week 4 - 8 it starts to get really rough.
Honestly it's the reverse for me. I'd much rather fail and be deadweight in front of total strangers than in front of actual friends, cause I care more about the time they lose because of me than people I don't know. It's why I usually always try going alone first in any hardcore duties before actually trying it with friends, to reduce my chances of messing up while with them.
Same. The one good thing about pf is if you're bad you will get a lot more practice due to more wipe runs. If there are mechanics I can't do well, I like to go into pf to practice.
I've managed to get to Harvest in P7S just from progging through the fights in PF. Prog takes a LOT longer in PF as its new people every time who have different experience levels with the fight. Cachexia 1 especially in P6S, it became very obvious who knew what they were doing and who didn't. I raided on average about 6-8 hours a week (when I got off work) and its taken me about 5-6 weeks to get where I am now. Most of the groups I've been in have been great. The only weird one I've been in was a P7S group where the WHM was doting over their boyfriend (WAR). She would constantly brag about how good he was, and if "he liked a strat we should do it. He's really good at the game". The boyfriend clearly raided on her character as she was BIS except for the weapon, but she kept dying to simple mechanics through out the fight.
PF can be good or bad, but it depends on peoples perspectives. I use PF somewhat rarely because of my static. I think PF is overall good, but it's almost always a gamble to get a suitable group.
Bad luck with PF groups is the reason I personally don't bother trying to do savage anymore, I have not made it past the 3rd fight in any current savage tier because I got kneecapped by bad group RNG. It gets discouraging when you do your part correctly only to consistently get someone that just can't understand mechanics ruin your efforts. Now I only try to clear Ex Trials for a little challenge but I cannot recommend actually trying to clear savage with PF.
I've always used pf since I started 2 years ago. I don't have a set schedule so I can't commit to a static either. I've cleared an ultimate in pf. And typically worl thru the tier. There are bad groups, yes, but it's all on how bad you want to get thru it.
I gave up on this Tier of Savage because I had really bad luck when it came to practising or clearing attempts for p5s. I'm not the most mentally stable, so I moved to Gatherer and Crafter. Got all Gatherer at 90 with best crafted Gear and am close to maxing out all Crafter as well.
From my own experience on Light PF isn't bad at all, there are groups for everything depending on what you want. People don't talk much and usually are on the same wavelength in terms of expectation, if it goes bad nobody argues they just thank the group for the runs and disband.
Crystal PF was OK last tier. This tier has been pretty rough though, so me and my friend decided to change DC's, and try again in 6.3. The trial was fine though. So I would say it was a mixed bag on a generally considered weaker raid DC. I would 100% rather have a static rather than pugs, but schedules are tricky.
As a NEW player i would like to know (even though i know we will be getting into raiding REALLY LATE what can i say WoW refugees and we are in shadowbringers still for majority of us) i have a group of 5 kinda, I have myself GNB 78. my friend SAGE 79, my GF SMN 79, friend RPR 85, and last friend 40 BRD (idk how serious the bard is if he will grind to max and if he wants to raid) Once we hit max level i know 4 of us would like to raid (again not so serious how our Bard friend is). Would it be more recommended to look for raid through PF or try and get a static????? Also when should you start i guess raiding? ilvl, gear and stuff because i know for 4 of us this is a big deal to us (we even would like to go attempt the old and current ultimates) just curious which method we should look through.
With 4 people you already have basically half a party done with all the major roles covered. It would probably be easier for you to recruit to form your own static and fill the empty slots with randoms until you finally get a full party together. As for Item level, the current crafted gear will always be enough to start raiding the current tier no problem, and can be supplemented with armor pieces you can get from the current (meaning limited) tomestones and normal raids, as well as weapons from the current Ex-fight, or even current relic Weapon (you don't strictly need to hit the minimum item level because the game ignores that check when you enter as a 8man party, but it's strongly recommended because stuff hits hard). As for older raids, you can do them as soon as your gear exceeds the requirements aswell (as a rule of thumb, gear from the second dungeon of an expansion is roughly equal or slightly worse than the best gear from the last expansion, so if you want to go through the Omega-raids (level 70) you'd be set if you got gear from the level 73 dungeon or higher). Also remember to use Party finder for searching EX-Trials and harder because duty finder is gonna take Ages, and be sure to state your goals and methods in the description (stuff like "Synched practice" if you don't wanna unsynch-curb-stomp everything in there, or "MIL (meaning minimum item level) no echo" if you want to further handicap yourselves for the harder challenge), even tough half the playerbase won't read them anyway.
Honestly I have pretty thick skin but PF needs some adjustments and I feel some people need to be more laid back with savage content. It's relatively difficult to find a decent static these days since folks seem to stay in their social bubble along with schedule issues. You know, I feel practice runs need to be more common, the other day I attempted to do savage with a practice group on PF and oddly enough, we had some folks getting upset at those who need more time to learn mechanics. also... there are WAY too many people raiding for irl money is its screwed up... I feel that because FFXIV has gotten so popular, the toxic crowds have grown along with the rest of the community. I can't remember the last time I had a smooth run in savage content in recent days. The last time I felt happy to do savage was early Eden's Gate.
The adjustment is always "make your own PF group". Assholes will always have less shame in regards to trampling over social norms and more confidence to tell other people what they should be doing (even when they're wrong or deflecting blame). The only solution is to be willing to put yourself out there, be the change you want to see and balance the scales.
@@rabid_si Agreed! That's what's made PF more usable for me in the past. Making your own party means you can kind of set the tone and more often than not it'll attract the kind of crowd you're looking for. If there's one person dancing out of line and everyone has an issue with it, they'll get called out and either stop being a shithead, leave or get kicked. Easy as that.
The worst part of Raiding for me is that if I don't understand a mechanic the way everyone else in the group does I need someone who does understand it to try and explain it in ways that make sense to my brain, but I can't even tell them how it would make sense to me.
PF isn't that bad. But you have to know when to cut your losses. You don't have to carry someone who is obviously lying about prog. Just tell the party you have to water your cat and ty4p.
Yeah, I'd been trying to do crit dungeons through PF, and honestly would rather just wait until my friends want to do it with me who I can communicate better.
I've actually had so much bad luck with prog and reclears. Last tier (6.0) I was having trouble with p3s prog parties and this tier (6.2) I'm having trouble with reclearing p5s to get to p6s prog in pf ;-; :c
I’ve only done PF because I suck at making friends and I also don’t log in for weeks at a time. PF blows but those random people you meet and moments of wiping and clears are unmatched. Clear parties suck almost no matter what tho. Everyone thinks they’re good enough for a clear party when it’s less than half, and also no one really talks or socializes for clears imo.
Honestly, the statics scene can be worse than pf. I've had terrible luck with statics and am starting with literally a 7th static this tier. I main scholar, and have been kicked from 4 of the 6 statics I've been through for not healing enough when I was spamming heals and people just weren't in range of me for those heals. I had the dream static where the healers weren't blamed for anything, but one of the dps was always late and my co-healer got sick of it and left. The rest of the static did not feel like spending another 3 weeks recruiting a healer and chose to disband. Had a static where the co-healer was being a douche and I had to leave cause he was gaslighting me when he was just bad and not putting out any heals. This tier is a disaster and I wouldn't be surprised if the savage raiding community shrinks by well over 50% before the next tier launches.
I’ve cleared p5s-p7s this tier but p8s is a dumpster fire and clearing it in PF seems almost impossible at this point. My clears of the first 3 fights were fairly quick. I just watched guides and then jumped into PF’s that were far into the fights. I learn very quickly so I don’t generally hold people back in PF most times but P8S is becoming a nuisance to clear and I’m losing the will to live where I just don’t wanna go into the fight anymore
I don't know anyone who uses Party Finder, it is full of trash or people wanting money for runs. Last one I ran was for a mount, 15 of us, 14 people got the mount I was the last one and everyone just left. 2 years later I finally got the mount.
I understand the impulse to join prog parties for a step or two beyond what you've reached. If your only options are people progging behind you and you have to wait for them to catch up (hoping they do at all) and maybe you get a few pulls progging where you were at in the first place, or you having to be the only one catching up through a mechanic or two that's already prog for you and more likely the rest of the party gets more time on later prog than you've even done (wow what a sentence...), I'd take the latter. For example, when progging criterion in pf, I was up to tethers on boss 2, but couldn't find prog parties that were exactly there. I would join Boss 2 prog parties and not learn a damn thing, and then I said eff it and joined a Boss 3 prog party. And yes, I screwed up transitioning tethers into towers twice before I got it, but that was it for me holding up the party. I learned it in 2 pulls, and we moved on to Boss 3 prog like the party wanted. So the only reason I got there was because I joined a party beyond my experience thus far.
PF Story time! The reason I had progged precisely up to tethers without beating the boss was because the rest of the party had the very wrong idea about the relationship between debuffs and tethers. I kept telling them TM north/HR south for tethers and then IIs take towers, and in chat they'd agree with me.. but they were also in a voice chat together that I wasn't in, and there they decided that the I/II debuffs determine where you run with tethers... without telling me that. So we kept getting 3 people going north (I was melee) and exploding each other, and eventually they started gaslighting me that I was the one screwing up because I, the melee, was supposed to run south with my tether if I had the II debuff. Spent 45 minutes on that one mechanic and then disbanded because they would not listen to me. The 3rd boss prog group I joined to clear boss 2 wasn't much better. ONE person in the party wanted to prog blind, and not even collaboratively blind. He wanted to figure out all the boss 3 mechanics himself and tell us how to solve them even if we already knew. So I got my Boss 2 clear and then we spent the next 15 minutes while this one guy tried to figure out line blocking, and the hour after that waiting for him to ON HIS OWN, IN HIS OWN HEAD, figure out tripwires without us telling him anything. Grateful for the Boss 2 clear, never want to party with that guy again.
the more honest you are about your level of progression the better an experience you will have in pf , if you join a clear with no knowledge and it fails that is your fault. a progression or learning party is the better option.
CBA to play with people that are deadweight and still somehow manage to flame you, people that straight up just lie and claim seeing X mechanic of a fight and cant do simple stuff, the feeling of having to start from zero each new pf i join is just too much the only way i managed to clear Storm's Crown EX was by convincing a clear group to let me join since at that point i literally reached enrage 5 times, also for some reason people in PF have WAAAY too much ego
ive a static and set times for Raid/reclears , ,but holy shit , ,if i wanna do something on my own , lets say old mount farm with PF ,its a clusterfuck . Takes a hour to get a full party just to disband coz 2 people or more are really bad , or didnt read PF yada yada .
My problem is PF who go in knowing fully well the bare minimum requirements, and can't be bothered to meet them, with the biggest examples being people who never melded materia on their gear despite going into P7S reclears. I know it's an MMO problem in general, but I really can't help but wish there was a way to gatekeep the people who are genuinely trash and can't even be bothered to improve.
My poor experience with PF stems from an alarmingly high percentage of players that probably shouldn’t be doing savage. Almost like they’re entitled to a clear instead being honest with themselves about their own skill level
Progging uwu on primal is abysmal. I’ve had better luck joining 7/8 static on pf than with complete randoms wiping on titan memes. Anni prog? Jk we’re here for the nail memes. Hopefully I can find a static because I’m not sure I have the energy for pf
i think 9/10 pfing the current savage tier is fine, pfing ults on the other hand is a horrible experience, besides uwu and ucob, dsr and tea are almost un pf able
Its strange going from JP to NA PF is exactly the same, the Memes are just Memes. The strats are basically the same, and the player skill level is the same. You get good people and bad people, There are more NA players so i guess there are more bad players. I like to PF reclears in prog groups, in the hopes that they get a clear and next week, they go for reclears. The only downside to this raid system is that once i have recleared... I cant jump into PF and help other people without screwing them out of loot.
most of my deaths are healers fault.....they prefer to dps over healing, which is not there main priority, and when i die they raise me but do not heal after and i die once again due to Aoe damage. so as a red mage i rather heal myself since most healers are incompetent at healing, they just like to dps too much, even in dungeons it can be the same way, i just don't trust healers.
PF isn't that bad when you're progging and clearing for the first time, at least early in the tier, but for reclears it sucks ass because it ends up being a struggle 90% of the time
So you have a friend that doesn't know yet and you'd hate him instead of trying and teaching them? Dang wtf is on with you don't play with them then lmao
I think that's understandable. If you don't want to teach them you don't have to. I think it's unreasonable to assume that you would. I wonder if they know though? Maybe you should honestly tell them how you feel about it - assuming you feel they hold that expectation towards you.
@@th0rne_999 just don't play with them in this type of content then and yep like you said just say so to them, Thats just being mean otherwhise , no one is forcing you to do so
@@Awhrii it's not even being mean at all everyone wants to be lazy and just get a carry to not learn the machines and it's super annoying if you want to cry about it that's fine everyone that has already learned it wants to get a clear plus I don't know why you're be so serious about it
I can't do PF, I've played MOBAs for 20 years, suspended twice and have had one account permabanned, I already know what kind of person I am, I'll pass. Also I'm just too tired to argue with people on the internet these days anyways.
PF is (usually) trash, but the reality is that it's all the average person has access to. That being said, we have to make due with what we have if/when our mental fortitude is up to par.
Yup. Gotta be super prepared and have thick skin and the patience of a Buddhist monk to PF, and the ability to adapt to new strats and markers on the fly. But it all makes one a better player, and very quickly too.
I have given up on raiding. I play to have fun and I have discovered that people are generally @$$holes. I am not going to pay money to be abused and suffer through the drama of someone who causes the wipe to always blame someone else.
Is PF bad? Ye, kinda. FOMO's a thing, and not by the game's design. Unless you beg on your knees, you will only see meme parties, BLU parties, or current savage/EX triañ parties. No one wants to do old content. No one wants to farm old savages. Just keep doing current tiers, gotta get that glam to look cool to internet strangers who'll forget you in a week! PF is for those willing to work with randos without knowing the hell that it is. Or try desperately to suck up to [insert content creator here] who will most likely never notice them.
Kid is ultimate pro! Party finder is good when you quickly want to do one of those trials. But if raid is something like The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5, then you really need static group, where each team member learns to become better. And in raid like these where insta kill is possible, there needs to be team members who can act quickly when Dreadknights are approaching...
You mean min iLvL, no echo? I feel like you need a static for that in general. Hard to find a PF group for old content even unsynched, but there's dedicated discords for it.
Party Finder is where you're going to find progs, not reclears. Because the people who are reclearing it already have a group of people together who CAN clear it and don't need to PF for another member.
I have a constant debate with my friends on this. I say people doing clears in Static are doing it on easy mode. But they say managing a static is much harder and you will need to be in time with 7 other person. I agree, this is true, but that 7 other person will be at the same spot all the time where you were and not below it. It may happen that they progress more in PF, but usually they will not be below that level. This is not the case in PF. People are dirty bastardos in PF. THEY LIE. If there is a PF with a prog point, there is a high chance that you will be constantly dying to mechanics that are 5 or 6 steps before the point you try to practice. However, you can do anything in PF. I did all content from savage to ultimate fully in PF because of my times on the server are messed up. You just gotta be a certain kind of masochist. People coming from statics trying to force their shit on you, people playing as friends in PF then making the full party disband cause they cause drama time, people who want to be big PP parser chads and mess up mechs for parse, toxic positivity people, toxic ego people, parties disbanding before even ENTERING the instance (this actually happened to me many times in P8S part 2 progs) - it all makes you feel a certain kind of way. I personally wouldn't have it in any other way -'^.^'-
just git gud and get scouted then get invited to a high level farm statics of randos LinkShell and you can drop an SOS for runs anytime with proven individuals that were invited for the same reason lol
As a sprout and playing solo the PF is a solution. I do not always now the mechanics and do not watch yuotube. The party members always give me time to learn the mechanics. Some times partmembers are rude, but is that a bad thing. No. I do not take it personal. 😊
@@reapus1792 uh, unfortunately was this 1h wait (some nights more) for multiple days in a week, for many weeks since the new tier started... waiting for healers and ranged usually
Me and my gf and her bros we are like 5 players we tried to practice P5S and people started demanding macros and markers we were like nope. But we actually killed first 2 bosses at criterion dungeons with 0 marker and macros with enough training and muscle memory without watching guide too so fuck those who gate keeping us from enjoying it at our own pace and we are very happy without interacting with randoms who bitch about guides and markers
Markers and macros are a real good shorthand for laying out how you wanna do the fight without having to ask every little question about how your group does the fight. Especially in a fight like P5S where there is lots of stuff going on and people can easily get disoriented without reference markers for knowing where you are and where you need to be without markers and predefined priority rules for puddles as an example. I mean i could easily say "yo, healer 2 go to puddle B at devour" and healer will exactly know where he needs to go after you finished that mech. Less stressful too. Thats also why people "demand" macros and markers, because it really cuts down on unnecessary trial and error trying to find out which player has to to what at what time. Also to be frank: Everybody uses them, all the time. Your group telling them "No" is like a real red flag for them, signalling they might waste alot of time here. And seeing as PF players tend to do PF because they dont have as much time or regular schedule for a static. They too dont want to spent unnecessary amounts of time asking about every single mechanic of the fight and how your group wants to resolve them.
@@ValkeersYT I also wrote blind prog on the PF but I didn't mention it in my comment here. there is always few Randoms want me to use them plus We want to learn the fight without markers I know how useful are markers I get the point but when we just start the fight blind and some random start marking the arena for us while we didn't even experience the mechanics. The problem is players a lot of them join pf groups for us to clear or expect us to know everything about this fight. I am not talking about reclears groups here but a lot players join and say on the chat look a guide after few wipes It just very toxic and off putting like why join our group if you want to leave after one wipe then you bitch about it. I get your point truly about not wasting someone's time like me and my group after we killed silkie we do markers for us. Also Blind progs pfs get macros and video guides problems that's all i mean.
@@GamezKiD. then you shouldnt be at fault... but i feel it has to be said: Markers arent cheating or anything. Also: she's your gf, her bros are your bros too xD.
PF isn’t too bad. I’ve been able to get all the extreme mount drops up to Endwalker by doing Unsynced PF. It took awhile for sure but still possible. I personally haven’t experienced much toxicity over PF. Most annoying thing is people bailing after loot. But for harder content like Ultimates I’m not sure if PF could work as well unless you end up with a very dedicated team.
@@gamermasterL True! Hence why looking at the different perspectives of the discussion I feel is important. So from mine PF isn’t too bad for unsynced which is faster overall but when you start hitting the stuff where you don’t have as much of an advantage the mechanics really start to count (like Hades’ Elegy). Of course it still doesn’t compare to stuff like ultimates and such.
@@sanddry738 It also doesn't compare to savage, especially current ones. But yeah, I get the point. I had no issues farming all ShB mounts in PF when it was still current. For extremes I think it's a good option. I did it for a while with savage but after I tried a static... I can't go back. It's such a gamble on wether you'll find a group that's actually doing the mechanic you advertised or wiping on the first mech. Still happens in a static sometimes but at least you're all there for the agreed hours and you can communicate and help out when needed and eventually you'll get past it. And if prog sucks at least you'll be having fun in VC still!
Savage raid is like old NES games. Since there's not that much actual content, they pad the gameplay with annoying difficulty to make the game seem longer. Why have HP pools, defense stats when everything in a raid is either a one shot or a damage down to where any mistake is a wipe or a stupid fucking enrage wipe?
Gear does play a role, hp and def too. Any Healer can attest to how much easier it is to heal people with gear progress than without. Also i dont really get "annoying difficulty". Savage is supposedly hard and punishing content and almost the hardest the game has to offer. People are here for it and the challenge and sense of pride and accomplishment it brings. Also big part of savage is learning your own job well enough so that you can play mechanics of the fight whilst keeping your gcds and rotation running as much as you can. Without enrage it wouldnt be a challenge at all if you could play it save through all of that. There would be no excitement here.
The worst thing about PF is really loot. You could lose roll after roll after roll. The worst thing being that the people you lose to you can be sure will just go back in and roll on the same items again for their alt jobs.
For Prog purposes, whatever the PF says it’s practicing go back at least two mechanics and that’s what they’re really practicing 😂, but reclears for P5s-P6s haven’t been terrible in my experience I’ve only had trouble with groups doing p7s reclears it turns into a harvest prog somehow….. like they don’t know what they’re doing? Haven’t gotten to practice p8s yet so idk how that’ll go but I trust PF overall :)
On one hand it depends on the Datacenter and its general Partyfinder culture. For example in Eu the Light Datacenter got a way bigger pf culture for ultimates then chaos has. You can look out for hours on chaos to maybe find 1 UwU from start group, while on light there are at times even more Ultimate pfs open then savage raids. I was even able to get my Dragonsong clear last week via pf and im not the only one. If you want to do Ultimates via Pf, then Chaos isnt the right Datacenter for you.
And even talking about savage. I got my p8s clear week 3 via pf, while my static hasnt killed it till this day. Now you could argue that my static is just slow, but what i try to say is that if you really want to clear the content you WILL be able to do it via pf, even in a short period of time like week 2\3. The general quality of pf really isnt that bad, its just that those are random people, so fckups have a way bigger weight on you having a bad or good experience then they would have if it was in a static.
So, as someone who had to get my P8S clear week 6 because my static was already 2 weeks behind of their intended clear goal I can safely say that PF is the worst way you can raid.
Learning parties tend to be fine, people are there to wipe and learn and get better and 7/10 times they'll stay for the whole lockout depending on how consistently they're getting to the advertised prog point.
Clear or enrage parties are a whole different level of torture. People in those parties do not have patience, people will not tolerate mistakes, and they will disband if you do not get to enrage within the first 2-3 pulls. You sign up, you wait 15-40 minutes for the PF listing to fill up, you go in hoping that people know the fight, some wipes happen, and then you get to wait another 15-40 minutes finding another group. Rinse and repeat forever or until you get the clear. I spent literally my entire weekend, morning till night, to get that clear my raid day with my static, when I did and I never felt more relieved and proud of myself that night.
On one hand, I get it. I get why somebody would get frustrated at somebody dying to snakes or snakes 2 on a clear party when that's not what they signed up for. However, I still can't help but find it funny how ironic it is that the people with the least amount of patience are choosing to try and get a clear in the least efficient and most miserable way possible. People are going to make mistakes, even people that have gotten to enrage multiple times are going to cause a wipe at some point, it's just going to happen and there's nothing you can do to prevent it or help other than try and not be toxic. I'm not asking people to stay in trap parties, I'm saying that 2 wipes isn't enough to determine if a group is a trap party, like please at least stay for 4 wipes at least.
Right now I still haven't gotten my raid weapon. After my experience in PF and now being static-less I'm not going to. If for some reason I don't find a static with similar goals by next tier then I'm just not going to raid, there's so much better things I can do with my time than being miserable while playing a video game.
Well said, 💯 % agreed.
While I agree with you in principle, in reality it tends to not be so simple. I am a person who has a strict 3-Strikes-You're-Out policy when creating clear or farm groups. While I understand people make mistakes, mistakes are made much less often, almost never, when you actually know the fight up to enrage. 9/10 times if someone is wiping to simple mechanics before enrage it is because they are **lying** and disrespecting your time and everyone elses time by joining the party knowing they aren't ready to see enrage ect. Ideally I would like to directly say to someone "Hey sorry, you need to practice a bit more on X phase before you're ready for enrage, good luck in your prog!" and kick them and find a fill, but any mild criticism or the mere idea of not wanting someone in your party is sadly enough to get your banned.
The day we are allowed to reasonably criticize players who are abusing the time and effort of others is the day PF will improve and become more leniant.
Ha ha, true. Not to mention, if you somehow happen to win the dice roll and get a group of people who aren't actively trying to waste your time, it's likely you'll still come out of it with nothing to show for your clear(s) for that week.
We PF'd storms crown since we didn't have 2 slots from our fc due to scheduling. 100+ tries and it kind of left us a bit frustrated and snappy. We tried to do P5S but it had already took its toll and now we're all Taki g a break from the game. Alternatively, we PF'd P1-3 savage and it wasn't so bad, we cleared p 1 and 2 and got stuck on 3 but it didn't bother us too much
Tl;Dr it can be both bad and good
I arrived at end game in the middle of P1-P4, I didn't do that since I was too late anyway. So Storms crown and P5-P8 would be my fresh one.
Was fun at start when Storms crown first out. practice a lot now can do the mech of the whole fight till enrage. PF A2C, wipes on phase 1 & 2, feels like some members is even fresh progs who joined A2C. Those who cleared, got the weapons. only wants to PF it with others who have cleared.
If you're unlucky enough, you'll ends up A2C PF for 2.5 weeks, never cleared, and rarely even reached phase 3 or 4. if it's this annoying to do PF for extreme, I ain't gonna bother with savage.
Thus my FFXIV only doing dailies, glams, weekly normal raids. Done with those dailies, close game and play Tower of Fantasy & Genshin. No stress, no drama.
@@rtbear674 Surprisingly the Extreme was worse than the Savages, it's just that by the time we got to the savage we were all a bit burnt out among other personal reasons. We'll be back but prob for 6.3 and onwards
100+ tries!?! Maybe it wasn’t pf lol it was probably your static. I cleared P1-P8 and storm crown through pf. But a 100 tries? That cannot be because of pf
@@JoRdaNFaka At first while we were learning? Ya it was us, but I promise you by the end it was PF. We cleared as soon as we set it to duty complete even tho we never completed it ourselves (which I know is wrong but at that point can you blame us) and a couple of us had orange parses
@@JoRdaNFaka So I was in this static, which due to scheduling issues around the release of 6.2, meant we could only get 4-5 of us most of the time, the rest were PF.
For every wipe one of us caused, there'd be 3-5 caused from PF members.
Having PF rando's with 4+ deaths in a pull was not uncommon for us. We had multiple tanks repeatedly (multiple times, in a row) die to the tankbuster, not from failing to swap, but simply not mitigating it at all.
Lots of issues with people going to the wrong clock spot, or going the wrong way with the various enumeration stacks. Something we'd repeatedly clarify, and we were using the same as most PF strats.
Several people not even having food to eat.
Where we had the most issue was the tangles. All the people we had in PF were extremely bad at dealing with the enumeration stacks and dodging tornados. So we'd be standing in the spot with our markers, and we just watch PF go the wrong direction, (We had our markers the same as every other PF group I saw/have been in) run into the wall and get yoinked back, or get hit by a tornado on the way over. Before at least one of the enumeration stacks would die as a result. Which like 75% of the time was one, or both of our healers dying.
It was so bad that if we could make it past the first tangle, we probably had a decent chance of making it 6-8 minutes into the fight.
The other major sticking point was the uh, tethered dashes. The people we got in PF really seemed to struggle with that one. Despite it just being along the lines of "Go to your clock spot and when you see the flash, move to the side" Lots of people going to the wrong clockspot, or just kinda running around aimlessly, often getting clipped by someone elses tether because they ran into them.
We also had a lot of issues with PF constantly (like every other pull) getting clipped by savage barbery and either dying outright, or getting hit by another mechanic within 60s and then dying. Particularly with the donut, because that does have a delay and if you run out as soon as the cast finishes, you usually get hit and then die to the AoE followup.
Overall, it just ended up being a lot avoidable mistakes from PF that would eventually add up to a wipe when a heavy hitting raidwide, like the punches or stack marker would come up because there just wasn't enough people to soak the damage. (Since the raidwide punches are shared damage, if 1-2 people have vuln stacks or are dead going into it, everyone else takes extra damage) With everything repeating itself, and almost every new PF member being brand new to the fight and having to get them up to speed on mechanics.
When we finally got the clear, it was when after like three weeks of this shit, we got fed up and set it to duty complete, and within 10 pulls we cleared the fight.
I've PF'd EX1 and EX2, as well as P1S-P3S (Never got the clear for P3S because I got too busy) and none of them gave me anywhere near as much trouble as EX4 did. Even P5S prog hasnt been as painful.
I helped out a lot in P4S PF KFFs cause it was so much fun
I tend to avoid PF and mostly now with me being ill, I avoid most peoples. I enjoy mining so it's all good for me. :)
*Joins* "Hydaelyn farm party, KWTD"
*leaves after 1 kill, with or without mount*
there you go, this is PF
What does KWTD mean? There are so many PF groups that I just don't join because I have no clue what all the math equations in the description mean, lol
@@tibowmew "know what to do"
I’ve recently tried savage for the first time. I tried it as a healer in party finder. Honestly, the whole thing is so stressful that the clear isn’t even worth it to me. Its the first time playing Ff14 that’s made me feel like I should honestly be doing something more productive with my life.
I'm too scared to go into savage with all randos. I've been wanting to clear savage as healer as well. But oof ... I'll wait till my friends are ready 😅 my anxiety could never
I'm with ya savage aint for everybody im a causel with a full time job have no time at all to do savage mode at all but respect the people who do tho
I want to try, but I'm already anxious. I've never done a savage before, and my most comfortable/ony max geared class is currently a healer. Despite it being my most comfortable, it can be pretty distracting for me in prog groups because when everyone is learning and messing up mechanics together, I spend a lot of time healing and get a bit of tunnel vision. And when the healer dies, EVERYONE notices. I'm getting stressed just thinking about it.
@@tibowmew im the same way, i wanna go into savage raids as an astro ... but there's many guides at least for savage content so if that's something you aren't comfortable with you can look up guides so you can at least get a sense of what the fight will be while also still learning with everyone. its definitely, from what ive seen of savage groups, a complete team effort. esp while learning i doubt anyone will add more stress to you about dying cause .... they all will be xD that being said im also like IDK WHAT TO DO IM JUST FOLLOWING YOU!! lmfao cause im so focused on HP bars
While I have never tried savage tier raiding in PF, but I use it for extremes or farming stuff, and I have never had an issue. Every once in a while, you will run into one or two people who cause drama or are toxic, but it has never been enough to ruin the fun. Honestly my friends and I find it funny and discuss it in Discord lol usually. PF really isn't that bad in that aspect, but as I said, I can't speak on savage tier raiding.
PF can be very hit or miss but I find that the people who incessantly complain about it are usually the worst players in a group
lolll now you are being stupid most pf parse low grey dont align raid buff dont do mechs properly,oh and also doesnt use mitigation properly so making healers job hell
please hahaha
Never used PF before, but in general I've noticed in online games the one complaining the most or being the most toxic is the worst player in the group.
It can be bad for sure. I was helping a friend clear P7S last night and I let another couple folks in who needed it, a SMN and DRG (they were related somehow). The SMN did the lowest DPS of the entire group, even despite their DRG giving them dragon sight (should've been on me). Not lowest of the damage dealers mind you, the lowest of the group, even lower than the healers. They were completely carried by the rest of us. I checked on FFlogs and all their clears are 0 across the board. Completely carried every time.
I don't know if they have some disability or something, but it's made me very wary of who I invite from now on. If anything just to be considerate to the rest of the group.
I've still had some great times in PF though, and the good outweighs the negatives.
I dont particularly give a shit if people use fflogs but its shit like this that makes its use banned officially.
If people trigger you so hard you have to spite search them in logs and post on the internet about it maybe you should re evaluate your relationship with this game
@@lancelot717 We're talking about P7S here. If you bottom damage as a SMN in P7S there's something going very wrong there. So I don't blame OP for checking what was going on. I don't think it's about bragging and more about knowing wtf went wrong to be more wary of it in the future.
@@th0rne_999 Naw I dont see it like that at all seeing as they were talking about DRG Eye and assuming someone had a disability over them just being terrible or a myriad of other reasons.
You can complain about people being garbo at videogames all you like but if you feel the need to search into their metadata because it made you mad they couldnt contribute there's something wrong there.
@@lancelot717 Perhaps you've misunderstood but there was no anger or spite. The topic is about the ups and downs of PF and I'm relaying a story that recently happened. If you need to project your own hostility onto a post that's on topic there's something wrong there.
I've only raided through PF so take this with a grain of salt.
What I've found that there are 3 major parts that determine if you are going to have a good time or nor and it comes down to your own mindset, attitude and honest communication. If you join a party with a negative mindset you are going to have a bad time no matter what happens. Because you are unconsciously going to pick apart everything and look for even the smallest of faults.
Whenever I join a party I have the goal of killing the boss but it's ok if the group doesn't live up to that goal because I've still had fun. And at the end of the day I play games to have fun.
You are the kind of people I like to find in PF, lol. I have the same mindset. If a group is giving honest effort, but can still laugh, have fun, and help each other out, it's fine if we don't meet the goal of clearing.
I like statics because I know that I WILL be progging at certain times. Like, I dont have an open schedule, so if I have 3 hours to raid, I dont want to sit in PF for 10-60 mins of that time waiting for a PF to fill. I know that we are scheduled to meet at a time, and we should be starting no more than 5-10 mins later than that time.
My first time back to savage since Alexander and I ended up doing pf and raiding with a static. I found pf better for my tastes since I learned mechanics quicker, but generally reclears are much more calming in a static.
Another comment mentioned that it depends on what DC you're on too, which I totally agree with. I'm on Aether DC, but didn't know when I started there that it was the big raiding DC in NA. And despite not being on Gilgamesh, Sargatanas is also pretty intense on the raiding, so there are a lot of intense people in PF too. Not in a bad way necessarily, but intent on clear and loot and whatnot. But I do think this ups the ratio of toxic players that join groups too.
I got into my first ever static (been playing since before HW) for first tier of EW raids and we made the critical error of not discussing the speed people wanted to clear content. Half the group was fine with it taking weeks to clear the first fight and the other half was not, so it was a tense time and a lot of us ended up getting our clears in pf after weekly raid nights were finished.
I'm just going to keep with the pf life. Works best for my schedule adverse self lol.
Man, same. I hate PF so bad, but at this point I've been doing it for so long I dunno if I could handle being in a static. Lol. Not to mention I kinda' hate the whole process of trying to even find and join one.
I really do go out of my way to thank those people who just help people out in PF prog. As someone who is only just now starting to practice Extremes, those people are Godsends with their patience. Once I learn a mechanic, I've got it down, but sometimes being slower to read mechanics can make others frustrated. Despite that, I've still had a largely postiive experience with PF, though I've definitely not tried any Savages yet, lol
Tbh as someone who is MUCH more comfortable with callouts, I could not do most savage content with PF. I salute those who can and do so regularly while I hide with my Static lol.
@dark suns Homie, you really hit the nail on this. Most important comment about this endgame buried in a sub reply. Why have HP pools defense stats etc when everything literally every raid comes down to a one shot or a dmg down where any mistake causes a wipe or an enrage timer?
PF in this game is quite a lot better than in most games I've played. I think a lot of it is due to the endgame design:
-There is generally just 1 boss/start point in endgame instances (except for door bosses/DSR/ASS) so remaking or replacing someone is fairly painless
-You can usually take any classes in their role and there aren't really any wild build variations or multiple gearing systems so it is quick to vet people
-There is pretty low consumable usage and not much time wasted between deaths so dying to silly things once or twice isn't really a big deal
All of this kind of just makes people a lot more tolerant since it is pretty quick to get started and every little mistake doesn't cost tons of gold or time. It also means if a group doesn't fit your expectations it doesn't have to waste your whole night, you can just leave and hop in a different one.
I've played enough Overwatch to know that it's always going to be a coinflip on whether or not you can manage to perform competitively with a bunch of randos. It is what it is and the best thing you can do for your mental state is to just be aware of what you're getting yourself into.
I love this hair color and style I wish my hair was this long! Thanks for the constant content and stay awesome
Don't have a static. Cleared 5,6,7S which is my first savage clears via pf.
It was a lot of frustration at points due to parties continuously disbanding at wipes and waiting for spots to fill for a long time.
My usual experience on pf revolves around clearing 3 floors and trying the last floor for a couple of weeks, giving up, moving on. Taking a break from the game right now after 3 weeks of no progress on pf on P8S. Even as a MMO player, I have other games I'd like to play and pf raiding takes way too much time.
after being on statics since the last tier of shadowbringers , i feel like im unable to raid with random people anymore, doing storms crown on pf even after weeks is a pain on every level. meanwhile i farmed Suzaku's 99 totems back in stormblood on PF pretty easily lol
we had someone come in to our pf group and after one wipe they left. reformed with another new person from PF and cleared in the very next pull.
It took me a solid 2 weeks to get my first kill on P5S, and it made me want to join a static so bad... Purely because I'd join a Ruby 5 prog party and be stuck on Devour all the time, so I committed the sin of joining kill parties just to get through Ruby 5, as I saw it as the only way to actually get practice in on that mechanic. I then proceeded to wait with P6S for like 3 weeks before cracking it open, and my current stance on PF has turned from "You can PF stuff, it's not hard to find people" to "use PF to get your feet wet, then find a static if your schedule allows for it".
It means not having the mechanic discussion every time you load into Savage, which is what kills PF groups a lot of the time, as people just cannot agree on which strat to use, or insist on using THEIR statics strat... and getting a hissyfit when people have the gall to suggest using the strat 7/8 people in the party agreed on... that was stated in the PF listing.
I finally finished the MSQ about a month before 6.2 dropped. What followed was a mad scramble to clear the savage tier before Abyssos released.
in the end, P3S took about three of those weeks, and after a pretty long break from trying savage raiding, I just cleared P4S earlier this week.
For P3S in particular, we just kind of formed a soft-static after a while because the same faces kept showing up to these parties when they showed up. one of us had a discord server, and we just kind of aggregated there to work through it together. It was pretty fun, and it allowed me to easily drop out for a day or so to do other things while they progged. One downside is that you'll want to be in the group when they clear because at that point, you're counting on their altruism to swap you in for another clear. if all eight of them drop out right when they get the clear, then you'll be back to step 1 for the most part. Most people wouldn't do that though, especially since we needed gear in addition to the pride of clearing.
I always have to pf since my job literally keeps me from being able to play for months at a time due to travel, so i won't put a static thru that
I think I'd feel better about the PF situation if I weren't raiding on Materia. I trade damn good latency for a much lower playercount, I suppose, but I think at some point it makes clearing P8S via PF nigh-impossible. I'll still keep trying, but I've made my peace with likely not clearing it before next tier.
Another problem is that just before reset, people have already partied up for reclears, but they set it to P8S so that they can get a party to reclear it all, but it also means fewer parties reclearing P5-7S only and it can be a bit of an annoying wait.
I always get my reclears though, which is the bright side to all this. But I do wonder how long I can get away with it for until I get effectively locked out from further progging my gear - probably enough to pre-P8S BiS a second job, but maybe not a third.
It's definitely very possible to prog 5-7S via PF (hell, I did it and it's been way faster than static progging IME because static has fewer hours, static shenanigans with people coming and going and players losing focus/not retaining prog from week to week), but if you're just jumping in now, you're likely going to have a much harder time because of lack of prog players and players willing to join prog.
Hahaha yeah materi is kinda *empty*
@@samurottman6832 the constant 'Australia problem', I suppose 😒
- never enough population
- people staying amongst their own groups and not branching out
- lower earning potential than the US
creates a very stagnant environment
@@toriestrella tbh tho I'm kinda guitly of this problem too, I tend to really only raid with my FC, but also like back when I was in NA most of the time that wouldn't be a problem because there's plenty of people willing to help prog or whatnot
In materia you'll be really lucky to find people to do prog when it's late into the tier (or any old content like some alliance raids or Eureka/bozja)
Makes me wanna move back to NA tbh XD
@@samurottman6832 yeah....I get why people do what they do given the circumstances, but the end result is just.....unfortunate
I wonder how welcoming JA (esp. Tonberry) is to native English speakers.
First time i did Savage and had to deal with Pf, had to learn from the start about PF symbols Like Practice, and ex: certain mechanic prog, but after that, had some progs, the biggest problem i had was, people not respecting when u put u like like far ahead on the raid, on that mechanic, and people just join and they dont know even the start of the fight, one day i got to like Enrage by luck, noted on that and still joined progs not that far cuz i wasnt confident and didnt want to to mess up, and then i learned everything and was still wasnt able to clear cuz ppl alays joined a group that said, only join if u already got to enrage, and then someone that doesnt know a thing proceeds to join and just die at the start, that delayed my clears so muchhhh, and i couldnt join a group that already cleared, cuz i never did it before, and i had really go pass all the wipes of ppl that didnt respect the entry text on the PF, normally i would just Kick the guy out of the party and get someone else if he messes up 3 times on the same shit, when he should know that bc thats a mechanic that u should know ho to pass if u really did respect the PF text on what mechanic we were, but since this is FF14, i had to be nice instead of just saying ''Kick him and get another guy'' so we can pass
As a super casual player, my only opportunity to see any raids is via Duty Finder and maybe Party Finder for a quest or some kind of drop. But it's always normal sadly.
PF at the start of a tier will be better because all the good players are running it (still think we're close enough to the start for it to be the case). but it's really a tossup which is why I don't like PF. sometimes you're lucky and find a group that can easy clear a fight, other times it's listed as ruby5 prog and you're wiping on the first tankbuster...or ruby3. or devour. or likely all 3 over the course of hours if you try and stick around.
a static (ideally) trades time commitment for consistency. you say "I will show up at X time on Y days every week for raid", and in exchange you (ideally) get a group of like minded people who's prog you know. where when you say it's cach2 prog, it's actually cach2 prog. so you can prog faster overall in terms of hours spent raiding, due to less time reprogging fights because of randoms who say they know it but don't. but that's the ideal situation, sometimes you also have statics that are worse than PF groups. there's also the benefit of, if it's a group you enjoy playing with, it's an entirely different raiding experience compared to no voice comms PF groups.
course all that said, for those who value freedom over efficiency, PF is gonna work better for them
When I played WoW a few years back before it died, I rolled death knight and started doing party finder. This one party started calling me a bad tank in less friendly words. I was a bit awkward about it and it kinda hurt but I just cringed it out and let them carry me through the rest of the dungeon. After that I started reading my skills and learned a good combo. Never got the toxicity again. Sometimes the toxic guys are just trying to tell you the truth.
In my experience, the first weeks of PF are fine, and then it gets worse and worse with every week as the decent players move on and only the griefers and those late to the party leave behind. This tier I cleared P5S-P7S in the first two weeks on weekends and each kill took about 1 hour from beginning party to kill. Last tier I got stuck for 3 months on P3S because I was lazy after week 3 and switched from EU to NA for friends -- and there I learned to leave groups or outright disband and blacklist players who can't clear the first mechanics when you're at enrage. Classic adds meme on P3S for example. It's so much more enjoyable if you just remove griefers or yourself from the group. Though I admit, people would already call the first toxic. Now I'm in a static and missing that option because there is totally one person who is holding us back and no one wants to say anything. That's the drawback from statics; you can totally be held back by 1 or 2 people and either you leave or deal with it.
P3S is the closest I came to unsubbing to XIV. Lol.
I think the biggest problem is that there is no real on ramp for players to transition from easier content to EXs and Savage and Ultimate. People in these comments saying people are trash players, but the reality is everyone has to learn somehow and they aren't trash for being ignorant lmao
People get so mad because other people aren't perfect at the content or don't know things. It takes 5 seconds to just offer to help lmao. If they don't want it, okay. If they continue to fail at the same points, it's still possible to help. All these anime avis with 0 patience and an inability to interact with other people in any way that isn't somehow steeped in their own self loathing and pseudo superiority lmao
If you consider yourself a higher than average learner/player. Then ,100% PF has improved over the years. However, outside of early weeks, the player skill tends to go down quite a bit, making it really difficult to PF. Not even that, it also comes down to PF strats in general. PF, doesn’t always pick the best strats for given encounters, making clearing with randoms even more difficult.
It’s a grind and it’s crappy at times, because not only are you proging the fight, but you are also proging the given group(s) of the session as well. People are really bad at adjusting and doing things differently when they join a group, and even leave when they don’t get their desired position.
It’s rough. Not only that, but to us non-gifted players, pf has little tolerance for slight mistakes at times as well. It’s a rarity for a prog party to make it far into a session, only to get to practice the mechanic you actually want to practice, because they are actually 2-3 behind the advertised pf. Most of the time people lose patience, especially when the person who takes a bit longer to get it, happens to be you. (Hey, it happens)
Tl;dr - if you can’t make a schedule and join a static, best bet is to PF early and not past week 4 - 8 it starts to get really rough.
Honestly it's the reverse for me. I'd much rather fail and be deadweight in front of total strangers than in front of actual friends, cause I care more about the time they lose because of me than people I don't know. It's why I usually always try going alone first in any hardcore duties before actually trying it with friends, to reduce my chances of messing up while with them.
Same. The one good thing about pf is if you're bad you will get a lot more practice due to more wipe runs. If there are mechanics I can't do well, I like to go into pf to practice.
I've managed to get to Harvest in P7S just from progging through the fights in PF. Prog takes a LOT longer in PF as its new people every time who have different experience levels with the fight. Cachexia 1 especially in P6S, it became very obvious who knew what they were doing and who didn't. I raided on average about 6-8 hours a week (when I got off work) and its taken me about 5-6 weeks to get where I am now.
Most of the groups I've been in have been great. The only weird one I've been in was a P7S group where the WHM was doting over their boyfriend (WAR). She would constantly brag about how good he was, and if "he liked a strat we should do it. He's really good at the game". The boyfriend clearly raided on her character as she was BIS except for the weapon, but she kept dying to simple mechanics through out the fight.
PF can be good or bad, but it depends on peoples perspectives. I use PF somewhat rarely because of my static. I think PF is overall good, but it's almost always a gamble to get a suitable group.
Bad luck with PF groups is the reason I personally don't bother trying to do savage anymore, I have not made it past the 3rd fight in any current savage tier because I got kneecapped by bad group RNG. It gets discouraging when you do your part correctly only to consistently get someone that just can't understand mechanics ruin your efforts. Now I only try to clear Ex Trials for a little challenge but I cannot recommend actually trying to clear savage with PF.
I've always used pf since I started 2 years ago. I don't have a set schedule so I can't commit to a static either. I've cleared an ultimate in pf. And typically worl thru the tier. There are bad groups, yes, but it's all on how bad you want to get thru it.
I have 0 blacklist.
I don't remember any of you and I don't want a list to remind me.
This is me.
I gave up on this Tier of Savage because I had really bad luck when it came to practising or clearing attempts for p5s.
I'm not the most mentally stable, so I moved to Gatherer and Crafter. Got all Gatherer at 90 with best crafted Gear and am close to maxing out all Crafter as well.
From my own experience on Light PF isn't bad at all, there are groups for everything depending on what you want. People don't talk much and usually are on the same wavelength in terms of expectation, if it goes bad nobody argues they just thank the group for the runs and disband.
I have the same experience on Chaos as well. Doing blind prog in PF is such a nice experience, especially on patch day.
Crystal PF was OK last tier. This tier has been pretty rough though, so me and my friend decided to change DC's, and try again in 6.3. The trial was fine though. So I would say it was a mixed bag on a generally considered weaker raid DC. I would 100% rather have a static rather than pugs, but schedules are tricky.
As a NEW player i would like to know (even though i know we will be getting into raiding REALLY LATE what can i say WoW refugees and we are in shadowbringers still for majority of us) i have a group of 5 kinda, I have myself GNB 78. my friend SAGE 79, my GF SMN 79, friend RPR 85, and last friend 40 BRD (idk how serious the bard is if he will grind to max and if he wants to raid) Once we hit max level i know 4 of us would like to raid (again not so serious how our Bard friend is). Would it be more recommended to look for raid through PF or try and get a static????? Also when should you start i guess raiding? ilvl, gear and stuff because i know for 4 of us this is a big deal to us (we even would like to go attempt the old and current ultimates) just curious which method we should look through.
Just look for fresh prog parties in pf or start one yourself.
I would try the extreme first and when you feel comfortable try savage.
With 4 people you already have basically half a party done with all the major roles covered. It would probably be easier for you to recruit to form your own static and fill the empty slots with randoms until you finally get a full party together. As for Item level, the current crafted gear will always be enough to start raiding the current tier no problem, and can be supplemented with armor pieces you can get from the current (meaning limited) tomestones and normal raids, as well as weapons from the current Ex-fight, or even current relic Weapon (you don't strictly need to hit the minimum item level because the game ignores that check when you enter as a 8man party, but it's strongly recommended because stuff hits hard). As for older raids, you can do them as soon as your gear exceeds the requirements aswell (as a rule of thumb, gear from the second dungeon of an expansion is roughly equal or slightly worse than the best gear from the last expansion, so if you want to go through the Omega-raids (level 70) you'd be set if you got gear from the level 73 dungeon or higher). Also remember to use Party finder for searching EX-Trials and harder because duty finder is gonna take Ages, and be sure to state your goals and methods in the description (stuff like "Synched practice" if you don't wanna unsynch-curb-stomp everything in there, or "MIL (meaning minimum item level) no echo" if you want to further handicap yourselves for the harder challenge), even tough half the playerbase won't read them anyway.
@@jetfire5991 ok yes we plan on getting max level first but ok ty for advice
Honestly I have pretty thick skin but PF needs some adjustments and I feel some people need to be more laid back with savage content. It's relatively difficult to find a decent static these days since folks seem to stay in their social bubble along with schedule issues. You know, I feel practice runs need to be more common, the other day I attempted to do savage with a practice group on PF and oddly enough, we had some folks getting upset at those who need more time to learn mechanics. also... there are WAY too many people raiding for irl money is its screwed up... I feel that because FFXIV has gotten so popular, the toxic crowds have grown along with the rest of the community. I can't remember the last time I had a smooth run in savage content in recent days. The last time I felt happy to do savage was early Eden's Gate.
The adjustment is always "make your own PF group".
Assholes will always have less shame in regards to trampling over social norms and more confidence to tell other people what they should be doing (even when they're wrong or deflecting blame).
The only solution is to be willing to put yourself out there, be the change you want to see and balance the scales.
nobody in this game raids for irl money bro xD nobody cares enough
@@rabid_si Agreed! That's what's made PF more usable for me in the past.
Making your own party means you can kind of set the tone and more often than not it'll attract the kind of crowd you're looking for.
If there's one person dancing out of line and everyone has an issue with it, they'll get called out and either stop being a shithead, leave or get kicked. Easy as that.
The worst part of Raiding for me is that if I don't understand a mechanic the way everyone else in the group does I need someone who does understand it to try and explain it in ways that make sense to my brain, but I can't even tell them how it would make sense to me.
10:47 me on blue mage just joining any blu party to help even though i know the spells already bc why not
PF isn't that bad. But you have to know when to cut your losses. You don't have to carry someone who is obviously lying about prog. Just tell the party you have to water your cat and ty4p.
I had to go back twice and make sure I didn't mis-read "water your cat", lol
I have to walk my hamster, sorry but tyfp.
Yeah, I'd been trying to do crit dungeons through PF, and honestly would rather just wait until my friends want to do it with me who I can communicate better.
I've actually had so much bad luck with prog and reclears. Last tier (6.0) I was having trouble with p3s prog parties and this tier (6.2) I'm having trouble with reclearing p5s to get to p6s prog in pf ;-; :c
I’ve only done PF because I suck at making friends and I also don’t log in for weeks at a time. PF blows but those random people you meet and moments of wiping and clears are unmatched. Clear parties suck almost no matter what tho. Everyone thinks they’re good enough for a clear party when it’s less than half, and also no one really talks or socializes for clears imo.
This discussion made me realize that pf raiding is actually my ideal method
Honestly, the statics scene can be worse than pf. I've had terrible luck with statics and am starting with literally a 7th static this tier. I main scholar, and have been kicked from 4 of the 6 statics I've been through for not healing enough when I was spamming heals and people just weren't in range of me for those heals. I had the dream static where the healers weren't blamed for anything, but one of the dps was always late and my co-healer got sick of it and left. The rest of the static did not feel like spending another 3 weeks recruiting a healer and chose to disband. Had a static where the co-healer was being a douche and I had to leave cause he was gaslighting me when he was just bad and not putting out any heals. This tier is a disaster and I wouldn't be surprised if the savage raiding community shrinks by well over 50% before the next tier launches.
I’ve cleared p5s-p7s this tier but p8s is a dumpster fire and clearing it in PF seems almost impossible at this point. My clears of the first 3 fights were fairly quick. I just watched guides and then jumped into PF’s that were far into the fights. I learn very quickly so I don’t generally hold people back in PF most times but P8S is becoming a nuisance to clear and I’m losing the will to live where I just don’t wanna go into the fight anymore
I think PF is fine, it'll never be as good as a static, but it is a workable solution for players with inconsistent schedules.
I like meeting new people
PF is for the hunt and finding extreme raid progress cafes
I don't know anyone who uses Party Finder, it is full of trash or people wanting money for runs. Last one I ran was for a mount, 15 of us, 14 people got the mount I was the last one and everyone just left. 2 years later I finally got the mount.
PF are great places to practice mechanics. In all seriousness though, raiding in FF isn't complex. 💃
I understand the impulse to join prog parties for a step or two beyond what you've reached. If your only options are people progging behind you and you have to wait for them to catch up (hoping they do at all) and maybe you get a few pulls progging where you were at in the first place, or you having to be the only one catching up through a mechanic or two that's already prog for you and more likely the rest of the party gets more time on later prog than you've even done (wow what a sentence...), I'd take the latter.
For example, when progging criterion in pf, I was up to tethers on boss 2, but couldn't find prog parties that were exactly there. I would join Boss 2 prog parties and not learn a damn thing, and then I said eff it and joined a Boss 3 prog party. And yes, I screwed up transitioning tethers into towers twice before I got it, but that was it for me holding up the party. I learned it in 2 pulls, and we moved on to Boss 3 prog like the party wanted. So the only reason I got there was because I joined a party beyond my experience thus far.
PF Story time!
The reason I had progged precisely up to tethers without beating the boss was because the rest of the party had the very wrong idea about the relationship between debuffs and tethers. I kept telling them TM north/HR south for tethers and then IIs take towers, and in chat they'd agree with me.. but they were also in a voice chat together that I wasn't in, and there they decided that the I/II debuffs determine where you run with tethers... without telling me that. So we kept getting 3 people going north (I was melee) and exploding each other, and eventually they started gaslighting me that I was the one screwing up because I, the melee, was supposed to run south with my tether if I had the II debuff. Spent 45 minutes on that one mechanic and then disbanded because they would not listen to me.
The 3rd boss prog group I joined to clear boss 2 wasn't much better. ONE person in the party wanted to prog blind, and not even collaboratively blind. He wanted to figure out all the boss 3 mechanics himself and tell us how to solve them even if we already knew. So I got my Boss 2 clear and then we spent the next 15 minutes while this one guy tried to figure out line blocking, and the hour after that waiting for him to ON HIS OWN, IN HIS OWN HEAD, figure out tripwires without us telling him anything. Grateful for the Boss 2 clear, never want to party with that guy again.
Everyday I thank god that I am in JP DC PF ecosystem: fixed strat, universal macro, and pre-raid position callout.
the more honest you are about your level of progression the better an experience you will have in pf , if you join a clear with no knowledge and it fails that is your fault. a progression or learning party is the better option.
The current savage tier doesn't interest me in terms of glam and getting better gear doesn't mean much outside of said savage tier.
i want that simulator, whats the name of it?
"I was a tiny creator" hmmm . But Zepla, are you not still a tiny creator ? :P
CBA to play with people that are deadweight and still somehow manage to flame you, people that straight up just lie and claim seeing X mechanic of a fight and cant do simple stuff, the feeling of having to start from zero each new pf i join is just too much the only way i managed to clear Storm's Crown EX was by convincing a clear group to let me join since at that point i literally reached enrage 5 times, also for some reason people in PF have WAAAY too much ego
ive a static and set times for Raid/reclears , ,but holy shit , ,if i wanna do something on my own , lets say old mount farm with PF ,its a clusterfuck . Takes a hour to get a full party just to disband coz 2 people or more are really bad , or didnt read PF yada yada .
My problem is PF who go in knowing fully well the bare minimum requirements, and can't be bothered to meet them, with the biggest examples being people who never melded materia on their gear despite going into P7S reclears. I know it's an MMO problem in general, but I really can't help but wish there was a way to gatekeep the people who are genuinely trash and can't even be bothered to improve.
Yea there is a way to gatekeep trash, if you are the party lead.
that and parse low grey or cant align raid buff or wont use their mitigation either trash players all over in pf
There should be an achievement for doing savage through pf
PF is amazing (for me)
My poor experience with PF stems from an alarmingly high percentage of players that probably shouldn’t be doing savage. Almost like they’re entitled to a clear instead being honest with themselves about their own skill level
Progging uwu on primal is abysmal. I’ve had better luck joining 7/8 static on pf than with complete randoms wiping on titan memes. Anni prog? Jk we’re here for the nail memes. Hopefully I can find a static because I’m not sure I have the energy for pf
i think 9/10 pfing the current savage tier is fine, pfing ults on the other hand is a horrible experience, besides uwu and ucob, dsr and tea are almost un pf able
Its strange going from JP to NA
PF is exactly the same, the Memes are just Memes. The strats are basically the same, and the player skill level is the same.
You get good people and bad people, There are more NA players so i guess there are more bad players.
I like to PF reclears in prog groups, in the hopes that they get a clear and next week, they go for reclears.
The only downside to this raid system is that once i have recleared... I cant jump into PF and help other people without screwing them out of loot.
most of my deaths are healers fault.....they prefer to dps over healing, which is not there main priority, and when i die they raise me but do not heal after and i die once again due to Aoe damage. so as a red mage i rather heal myself since most healers are incompetent at healing, they just like to dps too much, even in dungeons it can be the same way, i just don't trust healers.
PF isn't that bad when you're progging and clearing for the first time, at least early in the tier, but for reclears it sucks ass because it ends up being a struggle 90% of the time
I just hate when others don't know any mechanics when some ppl are already ahead and want to clear especially when it's the fc or a friend
So you have a friend that doesn't know yet and you'd hate him instead of trying and teaching them?
Dang wtf is on with you don't play with them then lmao
I think that's understandable.
If you don't want to teach them you don't have to. I think it's unreasonable to assume that you would.
I wonder if they know though? Maybe you should honestly tell them how you feel about it - assuming you feel they hold that expectation towards you.
@@th0rne_999 just don't play with them in this type of content then and yep like you said just say so to them,
Thats just being mean otherwhise , no one is forcing you to do so
@@Awhrii it's not even being mean at all everyone wants to be lazy and just get a carry to not learn the machines and it's super annoying if you want to cry about it that's fine everyone that has already learned it wants to get a clear plus I don't know why you're be so serious about it
I can't do PF, I've played MOBAs for 20 years, suspended twice and have had one account permabanned, I already know what kind of person I am, I'll pass. Also I'm just too tired to argue with people on the internet these days anyways.
i like pf but ive also had some comically bad experiences
PF is (usually) trash, but the reality is that it's all the average person has access to. That being said, we have to make due with what we have if/when our mental fortitude is up to par.
Yup. Gotta be super prepared and have thick skin and the patience of a Buddhist monk to PF, and the ability to adapt to new strats and markers on the fly.
But it all makes one a better player, and very quickly too.
Started doing savage PF for the first time after my static has been letting me down, EVERYTHING Zepla said was so on point its scary.
I have given up on raiding. I play to have fun and I have discovered that people are generally @$$holes. I am not going to pay money to be abused and suffer through the drama of someone who causes the wipe to always blame someone else.
Hmm. Skill issue.
Yes, PF is really that bad, a 1 savage would take 2 weeks to clear with PF, finding statics are almost neccessary
I pf prog and cleared dragonsong reprise ultimate. Almost made me uninstalled the game
Is PF bad?
Ye, kinda.
FOMO's a thing, and not by the game's design. Unless you beg on your knees, you will only see meme parties, BLU parties, or current savage/EX triañ parties.
No one wants to do old content.
No one wants to farm old savages.
Just keep doing current tiers, gotta get that glam to look cool to internet strangers who'll forget you in a week!
PF is for those willing to work with randos without knowing the hell that it is. Or try desperately to suck up to [insert content creator here] who will most likely never notice them.
Kid is ultimate pro! Party finder is good when you quickly want to do one of those trials. But if raid is something like The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5, then you really need static group, where each team member learns to become better. And in raid like these where insta kill is possible, there needs to be team members who can act quickly when Dreadknights are approaching...
wtf are you talking about xD
You mean min iLvL, no echo?
I feel like you need a static for that in general. Hard to find a PF group for old content even unsynched, but there's dedicated discords for it.
Party Finder is where you're going to find progs, not reclears. Because the people who are reclearing it already have a group of people together who CAN clear it and don't need to PF for another member.
is PF really all that bad?
90% yes, 10% no
I have a constant debate with my friends on this. I say people doing clears in Static are doing it on easy mode. But they say managing a static is much harder and you will need to be in time with 7 other person. I agree, this is true, but that 7 other person will be at the same spot all the time where you were and not below it. It may happen that they progress more in PF, but usually they will not be below that level. This is not the case in PF. People are dirty bastardos in PF. THEY LIE. If there is a PF with a prog point, there is a high chance that you will be constantly dying to mechanics that are 5 or 6 steps before the point you try to practice.
However, you can do anything in PF. I did all content from savage to ultimate fully in PF because of my times on the server are messed up. You just gotta be a certain kind of masochist.
People coming from statics trying to force their shit on you, people playing as friends in PF then making the full party disband cause they cause drama time, people who want to be big PP parser chads and mess up mechs for parse, toxic positivity people, toxic ego people, parties disbanding before even ENTERING the instance (this actually happened to me many times in P8S part 2 progs) - it all makes you feel a certain kind of way. I personally wouldn't have it in any other way -'^.^'-
just git gud and get scouted then get invited to a high level farm statics of randos LinkShell and you can drop an SOS for runs anytime with proven individuals that were invited for the same reason lol
As a sprout and playing solo the PF is a solution. I do not always now the mechanics and do not watch yuotube. The party members always give me time to learn the mechanics. Some times partmembers are rude, but is that a bad thing. No. I do not take it personal. 😊
i quit the game for now because of PF. Waiting a hour to fill the 8th member when a static member missed the day sucked :/
Really? That's what did it? A 1 hour wait? Very fragile.
@@reapus1792 uh, unfortunately was this 1h wait (some nights more) for multiple days in a week, for many weeks since the new tier started... waiting for healers and ranged usually
Slava Ukraini!
Me and my gf and her bros we are like 5 players we tried to practice P5S and people started demanding macros and markers we were like nope. But we actually killed first 2 bosses at criterion dungeons with 0 marker and macros with enough training and muscle memory without watching guide too so fuck those who gate keeping us from enjoying it at our own pace and we are very happy without interacting with randoms who bitch about guides and markers
bro, just put "blind prog" on your PF...
Markers and macros are a real good shorthand for laying out how you wanna do the fight without having to ask every little question about how your group does the fight. Especially in a fight like P5S where there is lots of stuff going on and people can easily get disoriented without reference markers for knowing where you are and where you need to be without markers and predefined priority rules for puddles as an example. I mean i could easily say "yo, healer 2 go to puddle B at devour" and healer will exactly know where he needs to go after you finished that mech. Less stressful too.
Thats also why people "demand" macros and markers, because it really cuts down on unnecessary trial and error trying to find out which player has to to what at what time. Also to be frank: Everybody uses them, all the time. Your group telling them "No" is like a real red flag for them, signalling they might waste alot of time here.
And seeing as PF players tend to do PF because they dont have as much time or regular schedule for a static. They too dont want to spent unnecessary amounts of time asking about every single mechanic of the fight and how your group wants to resolve them.
@@ValkeersYT I also wrote blind prog on the PF but I didn't mention it in my comment here. there is always few Randoms want me to use them plus We want to learn the fight without markers I know how useful are markers I get the point but when we just start the fight blind and some random start marking the arena for us while we didn't even experience the mechanics. The problem is players a lot of them join pf groups for us to clear or expect us to know everything about this fight. I am not talking about reclears groups here but a lot players join and say on the chat look a guide after few wipes It just very toxic and off putting like why join our group if you want to leave after one wipe then you bitch about it. I get your point truly about not wasting someone's time like me and my group after we killed silkie we do markers for us. Also Blind progs pfs get macros and video guides problems that's all i mean.
@@Hurly119 did that but didn't wrote on comment here
@@GamezKiD. then you shouldnt be at fault... but i feel it has to be said: Markers arent cheating or anything. Also: she's your gf, her bros are your bros too xD.
PF isn’t too bad. I’ve been able to get all the extreme mount drops up to Endwalker by doing Unsynced PF. It took awhile for sure but still possible. I personally haven’t experienced much toxicity over PF. Most annoying thing is people bailing after loot. But for harder content like Ultimates I’m not sure if PF could work as well unless you end up with a very dedicated team.
unsynced pf isn't the same as doing pf for current content.
@@gamermasterL True! Hence why looking at the different perspectives of the discussion I feel is important. So from mine PF isn’t too bad for unsynced which is faster overall but when you start hitting the stuff where you don’t have as much of an advantage the mechanics really start to count (like Hades’ Elegy). Of course it still doesn’t compare to stuff like ultimates and such.
@@sanddry738 It also doesn't compare to savage, especially current ones. But yeah, I get the point.
I had no issues farming all ShB mounts in PF when it was still current. For extremes I think it's a good option. I did it for a while with savage but after I tried a static... I can't go back. It's such a gamble on wether you'll find a group that's actually doing the mechanic you advertised or wiping on the first mech.
Still happens in a static sometimes but at least you're all there for the agreed hours and you can communicate and help out when needed and eventually you'll get past it. And if prog sucks at least you'll be having fun in VC still!
Savage raid is like old NES games. Since there's not that much actual content, they pad the gameplay with annoying difficulty to make the game seem longer. Why have HP pools, defense stats when everything in a raid is either a one shot or a damage down to where any mistake is a wipe or a stupid fucking enrage wipe?
Gear does play a role, hp and def too. Any Healer can attest to how much easier it is to heal people with gear progress than without. Also i dont really get "annoying difficulty". Savage is supposedly hard and punishing content and almost the hardest the game has to offer. People are here for it and the challenge and sense of pride and accomplishment it brings. Also big part of savage is learning your own job well enough so that you can play mechanics of the fight whilst keeping your gcds and rotation running as much as you can. Without enrage it wouldnt be a challenge at all if you could play it save through all of that. There would be no excitement here.
"tell me you never cleared anything without telling me you never cleared anything"