Series S: 1260p at 60fps with temporal reconstruction rendering PS5: 2160p at 60fps with temporal reconstruction rendering SX: 2160p at 60fps with temporal reconstruction rendering La versión de PC se ejecuta con todos los settings al máximo usando DLSS en modo calidad con una RTX 3080. La versión de PS5 parece aplicar mejor la reconstrución temporal, logrando un resultado ligeramente más nítido a la versión de Series X, pero inferior al DLSS de PC. La versión de PC tiene la posibilidad de activar ray tracing para la oclusión ambiental con tarjeta Nvidia. Series S tiene un framerate prácticamente perfecto. PS5/SX sufren algunas caídas puntuales, siendo más comunes en PS5. Texturas similares en PS5/SX en la mayoría de los casos, pero en otros la versión de PS5 está más cerca de la versión de PC. Menor calidad de texturas en Series S. Ligera mejora de filtrado anisotrópico en Series X con respecto a PS5. Inferior en Series S. La sombras de Series S tienen menor resolución. En PS5/SX, parecen tener el mismo setting gráfico. En cuanto a la vegetación, Series S tiene una cantidad inferior. Es dificil saber si PS5/SX/PC tienen la misma configuración, ya que la distribución de la vegetación es diferente, pero parecen iguales. La distancia de dibujado es similar en las 4 plataformas, pero algo inferior en Series S. Los reflejos tienen menor resolución en Series S. En PS5, parecen tener menor calidad con respecto a SX/PC. Hay diferencias curiosas entre versiones, pero en cualquier caso son anecdóticas. Es un buen trabajo en todas las plataformas. The PC version runs with all settings maxed out using DLSS in quality mode with an RTX 3080. The PS5 version seems to apply temporal reconstruction better, achieving a slightly sharper result than the Series X version, but lower than the DLSS on PC. The PC version has the possibility to activate ray tracing for ambient occlusion with Nvidia card. Series S has a practically perfect framerate. PS5/SX suffer some occasional drops, being more common on PS5. Similar textures on PS5/SX in most cases, but in others the PS5 version is closer to the PC version. Lower quality of textures in Series S. Slight anisotropic filtering improvement on Series X over PS5. Lower in Series S. Series S shadows have lower resolution. On PS5/SX, they seem to have the same graphical setting. Regarding vegetation, Series S has a lower amount. It is difficult to know if PS5/SX/PC have the same configuration, since the vegetation distribution is different, but they look the same. The drawing distance is similar on the 4 platforms, but slightly lower on Series S. Reflections have lower resolution on S Series. On PS5, they seem to have lower quality compared to SX/PC. There are curious differences between versions, but in any case they are anecdotal. It's a good job on all platforms.
If you see a player in any multiplayer game who is staring into the grass or dirt, do not rush to kick him. Perhaps EIAnalista is doing tests for his channel)
Sorry i hate to say this the demon must feast if i see a kill i will kill. Colonel 100 must feast. 500hrs in must get some more kills to add to my tally
Same, I'm somehow CPU bottlenecked running a i7-8770k and a RTX 3080. Can't even get a stable FPS and yet I see Xbox and PS5 running at a smooth 60. I guess their optimization team spent the majority of their time making sure it played well on console.
You don't even realize how poorly optimized this game is and how little actual use you get out of a PC with this title. Then ignorantly try to translate that into a PC vs console experience and which one to buy / go with based on not only performance but value and I must say... *it's entirely flawed*
Not rly the pc still has more better graphics also more fps im playing the game on a rx6800 with ultra 1440p resolution and the game runs around 90-110 fps
@@wazxvicious75 which is still the same experience with an Xbox Series S which is the lowest tier of this generation, the Xbox series S aims for 4K and 1440P upscaled to 4K with 120FPS along side with Dolby Vision rather than HDR
@@kornweed actually the game on the Xbox one sx and ss and ps5 runs at 60fps locked idk why because the new gen of consoles claimed that the games would run on 120fps even though it's not true
ElAnalistaDeBits, el canal que siempre sigo, junto con las grandes canciones de Zeraví en los videos, soy brasileña, y les garantizo que a muchos les encanta tu canal, aquí se habla mucho.
@@ElAnalistaDeBits No tiene que ver con el vídeo muy bueno como siempre pero harás la comparativa de GTA trilogy en la versiones de Xbox? La verdad me interesa. Saludos
A good result for the MSRP $399/$499usd Series X and PS5 consoles. Some ups and downs for both, but they are both adequate. The $299 Series S version must compromise, but it's a $299 device and does quite well for 1080p screens. Multiplatform devs are starting to optimize for newer SDKs on Series X and PS5. Updated DX12U extensions to xdk to exploit Series X, equivalent AMD generation API extensions to PS5 OS Open/pssgl etc. These consoles will demonstrate surprising optimization now thanks to acceptable Zen 2 CPUs - compared to the poir laptop CPU Jaguar in PS4/Xbox One generation.
No raytracing, no 120 FPS mode, the loadings are very long. The PS5 could fill it's entire memory in like 2 seconds, and series X in like 4 seconds. They take 46 seconds to load. We still have to wait for the developers to utilize the new technologies, right now they aren't really using them, just using the brute power the consoles have
@@RogerCold009 its not that simple with the ssd to memory filling ;]. Its only good for gpu streaming like textures or geometry. Everything else needs to go through the cpu like game logic, engine and other stuff.
God those jaguar core APUs were terrible. Im still having a hard time believing the X has 64 ROPs and 768 more cores then the 6700xt, albiet at a much slower speed. Speaking of 768, the Xbox one had 768 gpu cores so series x has a whole xbox one worth of cores more than a 6700xt. Still amazed even if its not apples to apples.
Nice video, I love watching these comparison video but if I’m gonna be honest I did not like the new transition you did in this video. I’d much rather see the line go across the screen to the see the transition then having it fade. That’s just my opinion though
This confirms it then. The graphics in 2042 were downgraded and compromises for crossplay. I am sure there are other reasons like how the game was rushed and not optimized correctly but on PC, I expected the game to look better. BF5 comparisons clearly have more detail.
Llegamos a un punto donde practicamente ambas versiones en las plataformas son idénticas, poco importaron los muchoflops. juegues donde lo juegues vas a tener una buena experiencia.
@@diegocristofermartin.8286 eso ya se sabe desde hace mucho, aún así trats de ser "parejo" pero pues se nota, y cuando en Xbox hay algún detalle se resalta más casualmente
@@gersongaete1574 teniendo en cuenta que forza horizon 5 le ganó en apartado gráfico a cualquier juego de Sony sacando así un juego con fotorrealismo a tope bueno se ve que la series x es mucho más potente y las desarrolladoras hoy por hoy lo están demostrando ratchet nisiquiera en ps5 es capas de ir a 4k nativos cosa que forza horizon 5 si tanto en rendimiento como en modo resolución van a 4k nativos solo quienes si optimizan los juegos para la nueva generación son capas de sacar la verdadera potencia de dicha consola así que los juegos si o si lucirán mejor en series x así te guste o no. Tanto así que ninguno de los exclusivos de ps5 van a 4k nativos y graficamente no le llegan ni a los talones a forza horizon 5 en cuanto a el fotorrealismo y eso se verá tambien con project MARA hellblade 2 y SCORN. Y eso que forza horizon 5 es un juego de mundo habierto y así les mete una sasca a cada juego de Sony en sus texturas fotorrelistas y en su ambientación siendo los juegos de ps5 muy lineales
@@sstivenlopez6767 Spiderman Miles Morales va a 4k nativos a 30 fps , el Demons Souls tiene un apartado de grafico bastante bueno y va tambien a 4k nativos a 30 fps , todos los juegos multiplataforma cargan mas rapido en ps5 , en lo unico que tiene bajas y altas es en los fps que a veces Xbox le gana con 2 o 3 fps , pero ni asi porque en AC Valhalla ( el juego que le hacia publicidad a Xbox) le fue los fps tan bajos que tuvieron que bajarle la calidad en ciertas zonas para que fuera al mismo nivel que Ps5 , ah por cierto los juegos de carreras siempre exprimen a maximo la calidad grafica o sino ve el gamplay de Riders Public , un juego con casi la misma calidad grafica que forza
I have a series X But at the end of the day I know PS5 and SX are nearly the same powerhouses and I hope PS5 players can get their full experience along with pc and other xbox users.
@@nomenomeha30anosatras33 nope because players are always visible regardles of environment draw distance. Further away they'll be even more visible because no environment detail.
@@hydzior Yup! Id rather have the game @1080P/60FPS and the same draw distance/vegetation as ps5/sx tho... my tv doesnt support anything above 1080P anyways 🤷🏻♂️. I dont care about resolution, i do care about fps and graphical fidelity 😫
People really calling this game ugly? The fck is wrong with you people. Say what you will about Dices choices the gfx look phenomenal. Only thing is that DICE never seems to bother decorating many of the buildings insides. It's like 80/90 of buildings are just concrete training targets
This video was amazing. What graphics settings is the series s using? Is it comparable to pc low, medium or high settings? Ps5 looks to be ultra, sx also.
I have both, it is sharper on ps5, but the AF pops better on series x and its better in pc than both, but runs worse on rtx 2080 ti, series x has vrr, so if you have a tv with vrr get series x, if not ps5
No entiendo por qué en la comparación gráfica de los personajes en el menú del juego, la PC se puso en el menú del modo Hazard Zone, e incluso en las consolas la iluminación es más baja en los personajes.Porque es un entorno diferente al del mapa inicial.
Considering the price I'm really, REALLY impressed with Series S - Holy cow, if any1 is looking for cheap entry to the new generation this little box is really freakin good. (if you're playing on 1080/1440p monitor - on 4k tv I'd go for XSX/PS5)
Se supone que en esta entrega sacaron versiones para cada plataforma y no fue una en general, no? Quizá por eso la variación de distribución de vegetación incluso en calidad gráfica similar
actually when you are playing multiplayer you need everything on LOW because you can see enemies in bushes. Rich, Small and Full details are good for campaigns. Multi is all about visibility and FPS.
I'm playing for fun, not going to pay my rent playing, I rather play with everything on ultra, but I agree about fps I need high fps, and to be decently good you don't need to play on low
Obviously the Series S should got more performance. Dice fucked up with resolution and draw distance. BF2042 don’t using the full power. Owners of S version should ask Dice for graphical improvement, no doubt.
Hubieran downgradeado la resolucion a 1080p en series s y upgradeado la vegetacion y la distancia de dibujado La distancia de dibujado es esencial en un shooter mas en este que los mapas son enormes
Its incredible when u can have a series s for 180€ and get theese results... comparing to every console/pc, the series S is the most incredible with cost/power-performances
@@LethalTigerX The RTX 2060 is nowhere near the power of the PS5 and Series X Consoles, for example, there is a game where the FPS is very good, considering the weight of the game the RTX 2070 Super runs the game at 4k with DLSS with everything at maximum 20-30 FPS, the Xbox Series X and PS5 run with all in max at 4k native with 60 FPS.
@@nomenomeha30anosatras33 you are right and wrong at the same time. The first thing is that they're different arquitectures so it's hard to compare. The second thing is that the majority of games on xsx or ps5 runs on 4k fixed resolution, reconstructed resolutions or dynamic so the performance could change. I recommend you to check the analysis between the rtx 2060 and the xbox series x of digital foundry.
Looks like ima get this for my series x mainly cause vrr. Do you guys think that when ps5 gets vrr that it’ll be supported on non Sony TVs like lg cx oled ? Ps5 is my main console but the stutters bother me and the vrr on my series x will get rid of that
Yes it will, the updates will start rolling around December. Don't worry too much about it. Curious question, which games stutter that much in order to avoid them?
@@mmm.3839 Only next gen ubisoft game I have tried on ps5 is watch dogs legion and it was butter smooth on both 30fps and 60fps modes. There may have been a few drops here and there but they were so negligible that I can't even remember them. Star wars fallen order on the other hand, the 30 fps was fucking broken. The drops were so common that it wasnt playable. And that's a common problem with unreal engine.
te encontraste con muchos bug?, yo ayer hice 2 partidas probando las 10 horas de anticipado y el rendimiento lo note irregular en pc con framerate altos. esperare hasta que este con la suscripción básica de Ea para jugarlo a full
Buen trabajo! Se agradecen estos vídeos! Personalmente creo que luce muy bien en las 4 versiones! Aunque hay que aceptar que a la PC ninguna consola le va a ganar! Soy usuario de series S y lo estoy disfrutando al máximo desde el early acces
I'd be more interested in playing SP in the style of BF 3 or 4. The only thing I liked about MP was the Metro map . I don't really like these open world maps
If u slow down the vid when he’s switching them quickly u will notice it’s not a matter of more or less it’s actually where there placed now I don’t know if it’s procedural generation or if it’s just coding on the different consoles but it’s noticeable
Fill-rate for simple non-reactive grass/foliage density could excel on PS5's high ROPs with higher GPU clock frequencies. But the larger CU cluster on Series X compensates for frequency differential. The Series S is unfortunately limited within the GPU's low 20 CU spec, but it has a good CPU to compensate. So we see 60/120fps modes at 1080p~720p on Series S, with lower graphics presets (low VRAM).
@@manzdontknow2581 All of the newer consoles - Series S/X/PS5 - they are solid for *price vs. performance* (if you are able to buy one at the actual/normal price).
MI GRAN PREGUNTA ES mejoro graficamente despues de la beta abierta?? O es lo mismo?? Segunda pregunta vale la pena comprarlo? O me espero? Saludos y gracias cabroskis.
Aparentemente mejoró pero sigue teniendo muchísimos bugs. Pero dónde practicamente todos lo que lo han probado coinciden es que el problema de este battlefield va por parte de los especialistas y como rompe las clases (inexistentes) y el juego en equipo... Básicamente la experiencia Battlefield. Al parecer donde realmente funciona muy bien es en battlefield portal. Yo por mi parte lo precompre apenas estvo a la venta y lo voy a probar..... Pero todos mis conocidos dicen que el juego esta bastante mal e intenta descaradamente funcionar como un hero-shooter free to play como Apex. En fin..... Al menos si el juego esta mal se pueden jugar a los anteriores dentro de Portal.
Seems like even these newer games that are being designed with the next gen consoles in mind, cannot run in native 4k at 60fps. Such a shame. This defeats the whole advertising purpose. No wonder PC is the best platform. And with DLSS its gonna be even better.
¿A titulo personal donde has disfrutado mas jugar la beta?. Tengo las tres consolas del video y creo que elegire la de ps5 porque en la beta la vibracion haptica hacia una gran diferencia en inmersion respecto xbox series.
No raytracing, no 120 FPS mode, the loadings are very long. The PS5 could fill it's entire memory in like 2 seconds, and series X in like 4 seconds. They take 46 seconds to load. We still have to wait for the developers to utilize the new technologies, right now they aren't really using them, just using the brute power the consoles have
@@RogerCold009 I know, but look to some other AAA they are terrible on next gen for example elden ring bad quality textures and run ate 45 unstable frame rates with 4k , grand remastered cant run 4k with 60 frame 😂,
@@RogerCold009 Those load times aren't accurate entirely Thats loading everything, players and all. They could actually be longer or as short as 5 seconds depending if youre joing in progress
I dont get it.... Showing comparison XSS - 260€ XSX - 500€ PS5 - 400€ / 500€ And PC Over 1300€... Sure it will perform better. PC build should be around 600/700€
Series S: 1260p at 60fps with temporal reconstruction rendering
PS5: 2160p at 60fps with temporal reconstruction rendering
SX: 2160p at 60fps with temporal reconstruction rendering
La versión de PC se ejecuta con todos los settings al máximo usando DLSS en modo calidad con una RTX 3080.
La versión de PS5 parece aplicar mejor la reconstrución temporal, logrando un resultado ligeramente más nítido a la versión de Series X, pero inferior al DLSS de PC.
La versión de PC tiene la posibilidad de activar ray tracing para la oclusión ambiental con tarjeta Nvidia.
Series S tiene un framerate prácticamente perfecto. PS5/SX sufren algunas caídas puntuales, siendo más comunes en PS5.
Texturas similares en PS5/SX en la mayoría de los casos, pero en otros la versión de PS5 está más cerca de la versión de PC. Menor calidad de texturas en Series S.
Ligera mejora de filtrado anisotrópico en Series X con respecto a PS5. Inferior en Series S.
La sombras de Series S tienen menor resolución. En PS5/SX, parecen tener el mismo setting gráfico.
En cuanto a la vegetación, Series S tiene una cantidad inferior. Es dificil saber si PS5/SX/PC tienen la misma configuración, ya que la distribución de la vegetación es diferente, pero parecen iguales.
La distancia de dibujado es similar en las 4 plataformas, pero algo inferior en Series S.
Los reflejos tienen menor resolución en Series S. En PS5, parecen tener menor calidad con respecto a SX/PC.
Hay diferencias curiosas entre versiones, pero en cualquier caso son anecdóticas. Es un buen trabajo en todas las plataformas.
The PC version runs with all settings maxed out using DLSS in quality mode with an RTX 3080.
The PS5 version seems to apply temporal reconstruction better, achieving a slightly sharper result than the Series X version, but lower than the DLSS on PC.
The PC version has the possibility to activate ray tracing for ambient occlusion with Nvidia card.
Series S has a practically perfect framerate. PS5/SX suffer some occasional drops, being more common on PS5.
Similar textures on PS5/SX in most cases, but in others the PS5 version is closer to the PC version. Lower quality of textures in Series S.
Slight anisotropic filtering improvement on Series X over PS5. Lower in Series S.
Series S shadows have lower resolution. On PS5/SX, they seem to have the same graphical setting.
Regarding vegetation, Series S has a lower amount. It is difficult to know if PS5/SX/PC have the same configuration, since the vegetation distribution is different, but they look the same.
The drawing distance is similar on the 4 platforms, but slightly lower on Series S.
Reflections have lower resolution on S Series. On PS5, they seem to have lower quality compared to SX/PC.
There are curious differences between versions, but in any case they are anecdotal. It's a good job on all platforms.
you should do gpu history from 1950s to 2021
or evolution of gaming graphics
and evolution of gpu history from 1950 to 2021
....pc vs console cant find difference
Is there a visual difference between final release and the beta?
If you see a player in any multiplayer game who is staring into the grass or dirt, do not rush to kick him. Perhaps EIAnalista is doing tests for his channel)
It's a girl? Huh, didn't know that.
@@jason2077 I'm sure it's a guy.
Sorry i hate to say this the demon must feast if i see a kill i will kill. Colonel 100 must feast. 500hrs in must get some more kills to add to my tally
@@jason2077 yikes
Series S performance and graphics are remarkable considering how much it makes my PC sweat at 1440p lmao.
Same, I'm somehow CPU bottlenecked running a i7-8770k and a RTX 3080. Can't even get a stable FPS and yet I see Xbox and PS5 running at a smooth 60. I guess their optimization team spent the majority of their time making sure it played well on console.
resolution drops on serie s up to 900p ... dynamic texture
@@redal35 What resolution are you playing at?
You don't even realize how poorly optimized this game is and how little actual use you get out of a PC with this title. Then ignorantly try to translate that into a PC vs console experience and which one to buy / go with based on not only performance but value and I must say...
*it's entirely flawed*
well we're finally in an era where no matter what platform you are on games all now feel and look alike out of this new generation
Not rly the pc still has more better graphics also more fps im playing the game on a rx6800 with ultra 1440p resolution and the game runs around 90-110 fps
@@wazxvicious75 which is still the same experience with an Xbox Series S which is the lowest tier of this generation, the Xbox series S aims for 4K and 1440P upscaled to 4K with 120FPS along side with Dolby Vision rather than HDR
@@kornweed actually the game on the Xbox one sx and ss and ps5 runs at 60fps locked idk why because the new gen of consoles claimed that the games would run on 120fps even though it's not true
@@wazxvicious75 it can do it thou they don't add the feature cuz y'know how lazy devs are nowadays
ElAnalistaDeBits, el canal que siempre sigo, junto con las grandes canciones de Zeraví en los videos, soy brasileña, y les garantizo que a muchos les encanta tu canal, aquí se habla mucho.
Estoy al tanto de la gran comunidad brasileña que sigue el canal. Obrigado
@@ElAnalistaDeBits te agradecemos y tu hermoso contenido que seguimos
@@ElAnalistaDeBits carnal me regalaron una one x si agarra bien el battlefield 2042?
@@ElAnalistaDeBits No tiene que ver con el vídeo muy bueno como siempre pero harás la comparativa de GTA trilogy en la versiones de Xbox? La verdad me interesa. Saludos
Русским тоже 👌🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I love the characters in the background @ 1:11 running at 0 FPS 🤣🤣
Super Mario Easter Egg.
@@ElAnalistaDeBits 🤣☠️
PS5 = do you call me???
Series S is great considering that it's $ 300
on the one hand yeah, on the other : the cheap playstation is only hundred dollars more..
true, but the s is more easly available. Still does not matter i have the 5 and the series x:p
sé que debes leer muchos comentarios como el mío pero realmente agradezco que pongas las cosas en inglés y español xD
I'm so impressed by the series S, for the price it's just nuts. Since I'm not super active anymore I might just make the switch this time around.
A good result for the MSRP $399/$499usd Series X and PS5 consoles. Some ups and downs for both, but they are both adequate.
The $299 Series S version must compromise, but it's a $299 device and does quite well for 1080p screens.
Multiplatform devs are starting to optimize for newer SDKs on Series X and PS5.
Updated DX12U extensions to xdk to exploit Series X, equivalent AMD generation API extensions to PS5 OS Open/pssgl etc.
These consoles will demonstrate surprising optimization now thanks to acceptable Zen 2 CPUs - compared to the poir laptop CPU Jaguar in PS4/Xbox One generation.
No raytracing, no 120 FPS mode, the loadings are very long. The PS5 could fill it's entire memory in like 2 seconds, and series X in like 4 seconds. They take 46 seconds to load. We still have to wait for the developers to utilize the new technologies, right now they aren't really using them, just using the brute power the consoles have
@@RogerCold009 its not that simple with the ssd to memory filling ;]. Its only good for gpu streaming like textures or geometry. Everything else needs to go through the cpu like game logic, engine and other stuff.
@@RogerCold009 because the extra CPU Power of 120Fps used in 128Player support instead
God those jaguar core APUs were terrible. Im still having a hard time believing the X has 64 ROPs and 768 more cores then the 6700xt, albiet at a much slower speed. Speaking of 768, the Xbox one had 768 gpu cores so series x has a whole xbox one worth of cores more than a 6700xt. Still amazed even if its not apples to apples.
Nice video, I love watching these comparison video but if I’m gonna be honest I did not like the new transition you did in this video. I’d much rather see the line go across the screen to the see the transition then having it fade. That’s just my opinion though
Gracias por tu esfuerzo y dedicación para traernos nuevos videos ❤
Excelente bro. Agradezco mucho tu trabajo y dedicación. Aquí estaremos siempre apoyándote.
Cada día más contento con mi Series S, es una pequeña bestia.
Yo tambien, en juegos de nueva geracion no decepciona
@@geocruz7267 Es poca la diferencia, para la gente que no le interesa tanto los graficos y solo jugar es la consola perfecta.
@@geocruz7267 custa a metade do preço dos top de linha. Um PC no nível dele sai por 3 vezes o preço XD
@@geocruz7267 eres hater manito, te vi falando malo de lo series X, tu juegas en gt210 15fps480p manito, no mente
@@geocruz7267 el que juega en un monitor 1080 jaja
This confirms it then. The graphics in 2042 were downgraded and compromises for crossplay. I am sure there are other reasons like how the game was rushed and not optimized correctly but on PC, I expected the game to look better. BF5 comparisons clearly have more detail.
Wtf are you smoke?
crossplay is killing the fps games nowadays, they should stop with that.
this channel is fantastic and I'll never get bored of the Soundtrack that you use
Gráficamente me parece un estancamiento bestial desde Battlefield 1.
Me sigue pareciendo mas increíble aquel que éste.
Does Ps5 version have adaptive triggers and haptic feedback?? If so I’ll get that version
On multiplayer??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Thats the worst thing on the world
@@andrenascimento9112 The haptic is cool also on multiplayer
@@XReaper910 just in the begining ,you Will Turn off that right away...👀👀😂😂😂😂
The PS5 version only supports haptic feedback & I really enjoy it?
The haptic feedback is even better in battlefield than Call of Duty.
Good to see that me shelling out $900 for a GPU was mostly a waste when I have a PS5 & XSS that just work.
Well then you just don’t get it.
Llegamos a un punto donde practicamente ambas versiones en las plataformas son idénticas, poco importaron los muchoflops. juegues donde lo juegues vas a tener una buena experiencia.
Dónde de notarán más es en los exclusivos de ambas, ya que sus desarrolladoras exprimen al máximo el hardware
@@diegocristofermartin.8286 eso ya se sabe desde hace mucho, aún así trats de ser "parejo" pero pues se nota, y cuando en Xbox hay algún detalle se resalta más casualmente
@@diegocristofermartin.8286 imposible leer un comentario de un fanboy que su propia cuenta se llama "xgod series X" de ley que serás mexicano.
@@gersongaete1574 teniendo en cuenta que forza horizon 5 le ganó en apartado gráfico a cualquier juego de Sony sacando así un juego con fotorrealismo a tope bueno se ve que la series x es mucho más potente y las desarrolladoras hoy por hoy lo están demostrando ratchet nisiquiera en ps5 es capas de ir a 4k nativos cosa que forza horizon 5 si tanto en rendimiento como en modo resolución van a 4k nativos solo quienes si optimizan los juegos para la nueva generación son capas de sacar la verdadera potencia de dicha consola así que los juegos si o si lucirán mejor en series x así te guste o no.
Tanto así que ninguno de los exclusivos de ps5 van a 4k nativos y graficamente no le llegan ni a los talones a forza horizon 5 en cuanto a el fotorrealismo y eso se verá tambien con project MARA hellblade 2 y SCORN.
Y eso que forza horizon 5 es un juego de mundo habierto y así les mete una sasca a cada juego de Sony en sus texturas fotorrelistas y en su ambientación siendo los juegos de ps5 muy lineales
@@sstivenlopez6767 Spiderman Miles Morales va a 4k nativos a 30 fps , el Demons Souls tiene un apartado de grafico bastante bueno y va tambien a 4k nativos a 30 fps , todos los juegos multiplataforma cargan mas rapido en ps5 , en lo unico que tiene bajas y altas es en los fps que a veces Xbox le gana con 2 o 3 fps , pero ni asi porque en AC Valhalla ( el juego que le hacia publicidad a Xbox) le fue los fps tan bajos que tuvieron que bajarle la calidad en ciertas zonas para que fuera al mismo nivel que Ps5 , ah por cierto los juegos de carreras siempre exprimen a maximo la calidad grafica o sino ve el gamplay de Riders Public , un juego con casi la misma calidad grafica que forza
Por eso Amo mi Xbox Series X 🤗
Es una maquinita muy potente
@@geocruz7267 tu mama és mas caliente manito hmmmm tu juegas en una gt210
SX seems to be a bit more stable dropping to 59 fps while the ps5 dropped to 57-58
I can confirm ps5 drops to 57 fps at 12:21
Fps average both same.
Should be locked on both after 2/3 updates. The game wasn't ready yet & they're rushing it.
I have a series X
But at the end of the day I know PS5 and SX are nearly the same powerhouses and I hope PS5 players can get their full experience along with pc and other xbox users.
Does bf use ray tracing on pc? Cause the shadow lighting on objects and areas look better... or am I just seeing things
It uses ray traced AO, so yes shading, will look a lot more realistic. Digital foundry has a video on this.
The vegetation gives to Xbox SS players visibility advantage. LOL
Vegans wont like this
But the reflections, the lower resolution and the shorter draw distance put the S-Series at a disadvantage.
@@nomenomeha30anosatras33 nope because players are always visible regardles of environment draw distance. Further away they'll be even more visible because no environment detail.
Yup! Id rather have the game @1080P/60FPS and the same draw distance/vegetation as ps5/sx tho... my tv doesnt support anything above 1080P anyways 🤷🏻♂️. I dont care about resolution, i do care about fps and graphical fidelity 😫
People really calling this game ugly? The fck is wrong with you people. Say what you will about Dices choices the gfx look phenomenal.
Only thing is that DICE never seems to bother decorating many of the buildings insides. It's like 80/90 of buildings are just concrete training targets
Buen video analista de bits👍🏻 saludos bro. ✋🏻
This video was amazing. What graphics settings is the series s using? Is it comparable to pc low, medium or high settings? Ps5 looks to be ultra, sx also.
PS5 is really sharper than XsX? Looks really sharp on XsX I tested on the 10hr trial. I'll pick it up for PS5 then.
Some people are saying the opposite, I'd wait.
I have both, it is sharper on ps5, but the AF pops better on series x and its better in pc than both, but runs worse on rtx 2080 ti, series x has vrr, so if you have a tv with vrr get series x, if not ps5
So which console to play on ? XSX or ps5 ?
El Analista, they say performance on the Manifest map is way worse and sometimes even below 50fps.
Si me pusieras la versión de PS5 y Series X sin en logo de cada una en la esquina, ni me daría cuenta de la transición de plataforma.
Exacto algo huele mal con este man y luego vas a vg tech o DF y xsx tiene una media mayor de resolución dinámica y mejores efectos ect
@@dianacampos8080 pero si ninguna de esas 2 ha sacado comparación de Battlefield
How is the tornado on xbox series ? Because on ps5 it's missing the upper half and clouds compared to the PC.
on pc it also sometimes misses the upper half and clouds. Ultra Settings
You truly do the best comparisons I appreciate you
No entiendo por qué en la comparación gráfica de los personajes en el menú del juego, la PC se puso en el menú del modo Hazard Zone, e incluso en las consolas la iluminación es más baja en los personajes.Porque es un entorno diferente al del mapa inicial.
Do you think there is an improvement in resolution compared to the beta for the ps5, does it stick to 2160p?
No, it is dynamic and it drops resolution a LOT on PS5 . I think with some updates it will stay at a higher resolution, but for now it's up and down
@Cedrick Martinez Reyes My brother works at Ubisoft Montreal, blame him. lololol
@Cedrick Martinez Reyes I know it's an EA game, but blame him anyway
Ps4 and xbox one?
Considering the price I'm really, REALLY impressed with Series S - Holy cow, if any1 is looking for cheap entry to the new generation this little box is really freakin good.
(if you're playing on 1080/1440p monitor - on 4k tv I'd go for XSX/PS5)
Se supone que en esta entrega sacaron versiones para cada plataforma y no fue una en general, no? Quizá por eso la variación de distribución de vegetación incluso en calidad gráfica similar
Si se ve que la vegetación es diferente cada una llegándose a ver en las tres plataformas igual menos en series s que tiene mucho menos
It’s crazy how well consoles have evolved since last gen. There’s basically little to no difference besides frame rate at this point.
Great comparison! I got it on PC and am enjoying the game so far.
I'm waiting for discount.
@Dankina Gaming that’s your opinion. A lot of people are enjoying playing bf2042 (including me) despite the bugs.
@Dankina Gaming its very interesting
@Dankina Gaming your super boring
@Dankina Gaming feel like the only people who think this game is boring are usually the people who haven't played previous Battlefields as much
Yo esperaba ver la diferencia entre old gen y New gen xd
Harás video sobre ps4 y Xbox one?
actually when you are playing multiplayer you need everything on LOW because you can see enemies in bushes. Rich, Small and Full details are good for campaigns. Multi is all about visibility and FPS.
I'm playing for fun, not going to pay my rent playing, I rather play with everything on ultra, but I agree about fps I need high fps, and to be decently good you don't need to play on low
Buen trabajo compadre.
Obviously the Series S should got more performance. Dice fucked up with resolution and draw distance. BF2042 don’t using the full power. Owners of S version should ask Dice for graphical improvement, no doubt.
what i hate in the game (consoles) is the blur you get in a moving vehicle in 1942
Pause 13:09
The graph shows ps5 fps dropping below 50fps but he does show it. Hmm
Lo único que sé es que en todas se ve bien y ahorrare para la ps5 o xbox series s o x
Hubieran downgradeado la resolucion a 1080p en series s y upgradeado la vegetacion y la distancia de dibujado
La distancia de dibujado es esencial en un shooter mas en este que los mapas son enormes
Totalmente de acuerdo, quizás después exista la posibilidad de que eso suceda
there is no way series s is 1080p looks like 720p to me
Nice PS5 have the closest PC graphical preset and much sharper than Xbox. Another W for the more powerful PS5
These images look almost identical and the PS5 dropped to 57 frames while the X never went below 59
Both consoles are nearly the exact same lmao
Contra bots va más fluído, estaría bien las pruebas en servers de 128 jugadores llenos
Eso es cierto, ahora que me fijé. Ese mapa de Kaleidoscope me va malisimo con 128 jugadores.
Its incredible when u can have a series s for 180€ and get theese results... comparing to every console/pc, the series S is the most incredible with cost/power-performances
Como siempre excelente video de comparativa, por favor hagan el análisis pero para las consolas de generación pasada!!
Por favor, has una comparativa grafica entre los ray tracing de las ultimas consolas!!!!
Gracias bro, aunque me gustaría saber cómo va el juego en la PS4 en comparación con la 5 si es posible
En ps4 normal corre terrible, en ps4 pro decente, tengo ambas
Estaría de maravilla que tuvieras una tarjeta grafica que esté a la par con Series X y PS5
Tiene una superior, pero una equivalente seria la rtx 2060 aproximadamente
@@LethalTigerX The RTX 2060 is nowhere near the power of the PS5 and Series X Consoles, for example, there is a game where the FPS is very good, considering the weight of the game the RTX 2070 Super runs the game at 4k with DLSS with everything at maximum 20-30 FPS, the Xbox Series X and PS5 run with all in max at 4k native with 60 FPS.
@@nomenomeha30anosatras33 you are right and wrong at the same time. The first thing is that they're different arquitectures so it's hard to compare. The second thing is that the majority of games on xsx or ps5 runs on 4k fixed resolution, reconstructed resolutions or dynamic so the performance could change.
I recommend you to check the analysis between the rtx 2060 and the xbox series x of digital foundry.
@@nomenomeha30anosatras33 series X= RTX 2070
Ps5: RTX 2060/GTX 1080
Series S= GTX 1060
@@4_SJR You haven't even read my comment 🤦
please stop with these slow fade in/outs, it makes hard to compare when you have continous changing🙃
Hey mate, it would be cool if you showed FPS on PC aswell. For example, set 60fps lock just to show us
Cómo 3s que ps5 siendo inferior a series x tiene mejores texturas JAJA que mamadas
На мой взгляд детализация лучше всего смотрится на Xbox SX и PC
на Series S мыло
@@Techenye ты этого не заметишь на норм телике любая игра увеличенная зумом будет мыльная даже на series x и ps5
You played with 64 bots. This is not really frame rate. You should play with 128 players
Actually 60 bots is the limit. With 128 players the game stutter almost all the time, even more when you play irruption.
Por qué faltó el test de framerate en donde peor está y va actualmente que es en PC?
Pues porque los PCs no son iguales amigo, el rendimiento dependerá de tu gráfica y CPU, entonces el video no tendría fin xD
Looks like ima get this for my series x mainly cause vrr. Do you guys think that when ps5 gets vrr that it’ll be supported on non Sony TVs like lg cx oled ? Ps5 is my main console but the stutters bother me and the vrr on my series x will get rid of that
Yes it will, the updates will start rolling around December. Don't worry too much about it. Curious question, which games stutter that much in order to avoid them?
@@thanasisthanos2152 almost every Ubisoft game and EA game stutter so much.
@@mmm.3839 Only next gen ubisoft game I have tried on ps5 is watch dogs legion and it was butter smooth on both 30fps and 60fps modes. There may have been a few drops here and there but they were so negligible that I can't even remember them.
Star wars fallen order on the other hand, the 30 fps was fucking broken. The drops were so common that it wasnt playable. And that's a common problem with unreal engine.
Any idea what the resolution is without reconstruction? Must 1600p or something on the big bois and 1080p on the little one.
1440p in the PS5/SX and 1080p in the SS
Xbox series x and ps5 at 4k and series s at 2k??
¿Estoy flipao o se ve igual en todas las plataformas?
te encontraste con muchos bug?, yo ayer hice 2 partidas probando las 10 horas de anticipado y el rendimiento lo note irregular en pc con framerate altos. esperare hasta que este con la suscripción básica de Ea para jugarlo a full
considering how similar in spec the series S is to consoles like the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, it's pretty impressive how good the game looks.
Will you make an FPS Video for Vanguard Multiplayer? :)
sometimes you are looking at tessellation and calling it textures xD
No hay otra música?
I hope they fix those small fps drops.
And then also introduce Gyro/motion aiming to playstation. And of course MnK support for both consoles
Great video, there is a discussion over on reddit that the game is downgraded compare to beta. please make a comparison video.
No es por nada, pero yo tengo una Series S y no se ve así de mal
Crazy that both Xbox and ps5 were nearly on par with pc
Buen trabajo! Se agradecen estos vídeos! Personalmente creo que luce muy bien en las 4 versiones! Aunque hay que aceptar que a la PC ninguna consola le va a ganar! Soy usuario de series S y lo estoy disfrutando al máximo desde el early acces
Tengo el series s y estoy muy contento con el rendimiento que ofrece está consola....
Pillate una series X
Amazing how far consoles have come...
joder que buenas comparaciones bro ademas que la musica es excelente y buena para ver el video
I'd be more interested in playing SP in the style of BF 3 or 4. The only thing I liked about MP was the Metro map . I don't really like these open world maps
Impresionante poder de la PS5 y la SX, la PC sigue siendo la madre de todos y la Series S sigue sin pasar desapercibida en poder. xd
Will BF 2042 and halo infinite come to Xbox game pass?
2:10 a bit more foliage density on the PS5 vs SX, interesting
If u slow down the vid when he’s switching them quickly u will notice it’s not a matter of more or less it’s actually where there placed now I don’t know if it’s procedural generation or if it’s just coding on the different consoles but it’s noticeable
Although there does seem to be slightly less grass on Xbox
Fill-rate for simple non-reactive grass/foliage density could excel on PS5's high ROPs with higher GPU clock frequencies.
But the larger CU cluster on Series X compensates for frequency differential.
The Series S is unfortunately limited within the GPU's low 20 CU spec, but it has a good CPU to compensate. So we see 60/120fps modes at 1080p~720p on Series S, with lower graphics presets (low VRAM).
@@griffgames9538 listen my guy imma be real with u I have no idea what anything u just said means I was just pointing out what i saw soooooo 😂😂😂
@@manzdontknow2581 All of the newer consoles - Series S/X/PS5 - they are solid for *price vs. performance* (if you are able to buy one at the actual/normal price).
Increible que la version de PS5 graficamente es casi igual a la de PC
¡Yo también pienso lo mismo!
1:24 creo que algo anda mal, no lo sé Rick parece, ps5 con logo de Xbox.
Es un error de la imagen, se ha solapado al comienzo, pero luego puede apreciarse claramente el Gamertag y el PSN ID.
MI GRAN PREGUNTA ES mejoro graficamente despues de la beta abierta?? O es lo mismo??
Segunda pregunta vale la pena comprarlo? O me espero?
Saludos y gracias cabroskis.
Aparentemente mejoró pero sigue teniendo muchísimos bugs. Pero dónde practicamente todos lo que lo han probado coinciden es que el problema de este battlefield va por parte de los especialistas y como rompe las clases (inexistentes) y el juego en equipo... Básicamente la experiencia Battlefield.
Al parecer donde realmente funciona muy bien es en battlefield portal.
Yo por mi parte lo precompre apenas estvo a la venta y lo voy a probar..... Pero todos mis conocidos dicen que el juego esta bastante mal e intenta descaradamente funcionar como un hero-shooter free to play como Apex.
En fin..... Al menos si el juego esta mal se pueden jugar a los anteriores dentro de Portal.
I just want them to make it so I can play with friends that are on old gen consoles we I'm on new gen consoles that would make me happier
That what i Call a comparison . Nice video 👍
Thank you for this video. Do you know how many fps you get at 1080p or 1440p on the Series X?
60 fps locked
1:22 ps5 with Xbox buttons?
Seems like even these newer games that are being designed with the next gen consoles in mind, cannot run in native 4k at 60fps. Such a shame. This defeats the whole advertising purpose. No wonder PC is the best platform. And with DLSS its gonna be even better.
A 500$ console is worse than a 3000$ PC shocker.
And with graphic card pricing if you have a 3080 in your build that's like a 4000$ PC
NGL. I checked the vid to see what the beat was gonna be
How tf did they manage to make a game that looks worse than Bf1 released 5 years ago
Esto me encanta sea la empresa que sea está bien optimizado y lo vas a jugar súper bien, ahora lo de la series s es sorprendente.
¿A titulo personal donde has disfrutado mas jugar la beta?. Tengo las tres consolas del video y creo que elegire la de ps5 porque en la beta la vibracion haptica hacia una gran diferencia en inmersion respecto xbox series.
Nice i will count the pixels again
i will spend no more 5k for a gaming pc! just buy a console and a mid range pc for 1k and thats it.
Why you say that?
@@pierred7913 way to expensive
@@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA I noticed graphics quality are pretty different on low ,mid and high end PCs
@@pierred7913 after 2h game play you don't notice
Finally a game that uses the real next-gen performance
No raytracing, no 120 FPS mode, the loadings are very long. The PS5 could fill it's entire memory in like 2 seconds, and series X in like 4 seconds. They take 46 seconds to load. We still have to wait for the developers to utilize the new technologies, right now they aren't really using them, just using the brute power the consoles have
@@RogerCold009 I know, but look to some other AAA they are terrible on next gen for example elden ring bad quality textures and run ate 45 unstable frame rates with 4k , grand remastered cant run 4k with 60 frame 😂,
I’d take 120FPS with a lower res and worse textures over this. PS5 spoiled me and playing a competitive shooter at 60fps is like playing at 30fps
@@RogerCold009 Those load times aren't accurate entirely
Thats loading everything, players and all.
They could actually be longer or as short as 5 seconds depending if youre joing in progress
Nose vosotros pero mi juego en injugable en series x en momentos de mucho caos, laguea muchisimo y parece q vaya a 15fps, os pasa a alguno?
14:40 lol
I dont get it....
Showing comparison
XSS - 260€
XSX - 500€
PS5 - 400€ / 500€
And PC
Over 1300€... Sure it will perform better.
PC build should be around 600/700€
Gracias me gustas las comparaciones siempre te sigo mi hermano