Cab Ride Metlika - Ljubljana (Karlovac - Ljubljana Railway, Slovenia) train driver's view 4K

  • Опубліковано 2 лют 2025


  • @FalcoRusticolus
    @FalcoRusticolus 2 місяці тому +3

    Very picturesque, the Otovec Viaduct looks amazing from a drone. Thank you for the pleasure!

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @FalcoRusticolus It was my pleasure!

  • @alemikelj
    @alemikelj 2 місяці тому +12

    Država, kjer so bili rojeni moji starši. Slovenjo sem letos lahko spoznal in del njenega ozemlja obvozil z vlakom, ki pelje iz Trsta v Ljubljano. Lepa dežela. Upam, da se bom lahko vrnil potovati tudi po teh vejah. Odlični videi. Lep pozdrav!

  • @roadsexplore
    @roadsexplore Місяць тому +1

    Beautiful green hilly landscapes on the way, enjoyed it a lot. Interesting that the railway has a different route between Metlika and Novo Mesto, with a big detour, in comparison with the direct road connection. Drove there once during a road trip to Croatia, but the views from the railway are different, was a pleasure to watch the video, thanks for sharing, greetings from a traveller from Germany!

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  Місяць тому

      Thank you very much! Yes, the railway makes some turns and takes longer to get to Metlika.

  • @robertkoch1972
    @robertkoch1972 2 місяці тому +6

    Thank you for this next journey through Slowenia. I love the Landscape of Slowenia so much, since i watch your videos ;)

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @robertkoch1972 Happy to hear that! I hope you enjoyed this one too.

  • @DavideZerillo
    @DavideZerillo 2 місяці тому +3

    Grazie per aver pubblicato questa linea; bella, complimenti!
    Buona giornata.

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @DavideZerillo Grazie. Buona giornata.

    • @DavideZerillo
      @DavideZerillo 2 місяці тому +1

      @RailRelaxation Di niente, figurati.

  • @mirkozinauer319
    @mirkozinauer319 2 місяці тому +4

    Pohvala avtorju za lep in zanimiv video z dobrim zvokom.
    Napredek od mojega zadnjega potovanja je opazen. V Uršnih selah so vgradili elektro-relejno SVN, v Grosupljem pa otočna perona. Glede na to, da je Grosuplje cepišče, je čudno, da niso posodobili SVN, ki je še vedno elektromehanska.

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @mirkozinauer319 Zahvaljujem se vam za vaš komentar in pohvale. Lep dan vam želim.

  • @wladislaw79
    @wladislaw79 Місяць тому +1

    Another pearl! I was recently in Ljubljana! and Novo Mesto! The southern valleys of South-East Slovenia and Lower Carniola are ready to see these Stadler Flirts run on their viaducts and through the wooded tunnels between the small Metlika and the industrial center of Crnomelj, between Novo Mesto on the Krka and Grosuplje! The scenery is spectacular! Slovenia is like a small Switzerland and Austria combined! I noticed that the Grosuplje station is more modern. The line to Kocevje also starts here. Is it part of a modernization that also concerns the non-complementary lines? The secondary lines, to be clear? Beautiful scenery anyway. Two hours spent in joy! It would also be nice to see the Hungarian lines in Lower Pannonia! It's full!

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  Місяць тому +1

      @wladislaw79 Oh, yes, there is a lot to film in Hungary...will go back there too. You are right, the Grosuplje station is all new and renovated. There are a lot of ongoing works in Slovenia on the railway structure right now.

  • @Stas1661
    @Stas1661 2 місяці тому +3


  • @montgomeryscott1656
    @montgomeryscott1656 2 місяці тому +6

    Wieder eine schöne Mitfahrt auf einer landschaftlich reizvollen Strecke bei Kaiserwetter. Sehr gelungen auch der eingeblendete Drohnenflug beim Otovec-Viadukt. So lernt man fremde Länder sehr anschaulich kennen. Bemerkenswert sind die abgestellten Großdiesellokomotiven bei der Einfahrt in Laibach.

    • @richiwag
      @richiwag 2 місяці тому +2

      "Sehr gelungen auch der eingeblendete Drohnenflug beim Otovec-Viadukt." Stimmt, jedoch ist er ein bisschen zu lange

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +2

      @richiwag Thank you for sharing your opinion.

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @montgomeryscott1656 Thank you. I think the drone image gives us a better idea of the surroundings. It is rare that I have the opportunity to film this addons to the cab rides. I wish you a nice day.

    • @montgomeryscott1656
      @montgomeryscott1656 2 місяці тому +4

      Solche Drohnenaufnhamen gab es schon öfter bei RailRelaxation, zum Beispiel bei der österreichischen Achenseebahn Jenbach - Achensee Seespitz - Jenbach, und auch dort haben sie sehr gut das Umfeld und die wunderbare dortige Landschaft gezeigt. -
      Such drone footage has been taken several times at RailRelaxation, for example at the Austrian Achenseebahn Jenbach - Achensee Seespitz - Jenbach, and there too they showed the surroundings and the wonderful landscape there very well.

    • @sotirios05
      @sotirios05 2 місяці тому +1

      Die Stadt heißt seit 1945 wieder Ljubljana. Bitte etwas mehr Respekt gegenüber denen, die die Naziarmee dort vertrieben hat. Grüße aus Deutschland.

  • @Nazir-WalkAroundTheCity
    @Nazir-WalkAroundTheCity 2 місяці тому +3

    Hello, super 🚈 👌🚶
    Have a nice day ☕
    Best regards,
    from Warsaw Poland ✌️🇵🇱💪

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому

      @Nazir-WalkAroundTheCity Thank you! You too!

  • @MrTheZMAI
    @MrTheZMAI Місяць тому +1

    The legend says that one day Karlovac and Metlika will be connected again. 😢

  • @pranowobaris94
    @pranowobaris94 2 місяці тому +1

    So nice videos

  • @lucia9084
    @lucia9084 2 місяці тому +1

    Bel viaggio 👍

  • @arfr3567
    @arfr3567 2 місяці тому +2

    5:41 Did those guys make it to the stop on time?
    Love these local lines.

  • @richiwag
    @richiwag 2 місяці тому +2

    Sehr entspannend. Im Einleitungstext müsste es "152,9 k m" heissen. 😉

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @richiwag Oh, really. Thank you. Meters would be very short. I corrected it.

  • @MrCatGuyPlays
    @MrCatGuyPlays 2 місяці тому +2

    Odličen Video Obožujem Ta kanal❤

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @FrogyYTplays Hvala. Uživajte v ogledu!

    • @MrCatGuyPlays
      @MrCatGuyPlays 2 місяці тому +2

      @@RailRelaxation pa je to slovenski kanal?

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому +1

      @RailRelaxation živim v Sloveniji, lahko bi rekel, da je slovenski. Posnel sem skoraj vse žel. proge v Sloveniji...

    • @MrCatGuyPlays
      @MrCatGuyPlays 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@RailRelaxationa bi lahko pol posneli video Trebnje Sevnica in tud sevnica trebnje

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому

      @FrogyYTplays ja, tega imam že nekaj časa nagledanega. Če se ne motim, je to edini manjkajoči, razen vinskega vlaka v Vipavski dolini...

  • @rolfrichter5152
    @rolfrichter5152 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this video. How long do you have to wait in Dobravice for the group.??

  • @Arsenalprfan
    @Arsenalprfan 2 місяці тому +1

    Posnemite Lesce-Bled Maribor

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому

      @Snemalec Na kanalu boste našli posnetke iz Jesenic do Ljubljane in iz Ljubljane do Maribora.

    • @Arsenalprfan
      @Arsenalprfan 2 місяці тому +1

      @RailRelaxation ok hvala ampak lahko prosim posnemite LESCE-BLED MARIBOR

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому

      Velja. Bom poskusil.

  • @matijaudovc6286
    @matijaudovc6286 2 місяці тому +1

    Lahko posnamete se video iz Ljubljane do novo mesto kandija ki gre potem parkirat v novo mesto

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому

      @matijaudovc6286 bom poskusil. Posnetek Ljubljana /Metlika čaka na objavo.

    @HERBERTPAULO 6 днів тому +1

    28/01/2025 13;53 6m

  • @brankoavakumovic888
    @brankoavakumovic888 2 місяці тому +3

    Da je živ, Franz Josef ne bi mogao vjerovati da u 2024. godini vlakovi po prugama koje je dao sagraditi voze sporije nego u njegovo. vrijeme

    • @montgomeryscott1656
      @montgomeryscott1656 2 місяці тому

      Ja, das ist in der Tat bedauerlich. Aber Kaiser Franz Joseph wäre auch stolz darauf, daß zur damaligen Zeit und mit den damaligen Mitteln die Eisenbahn so gut funktioniert hat. -
      Da, to je doista nesretno. Ali i car Franjo Josip bio bi ponosan što je željeznica u to vrijeme tako dobro funkcionirala i s tadašnjim resursima. -
      Yes, that is indeed regrettable. But Emperor Franz Joseph would also be proud that the railway functioned so well at that time and with the resources available at that time. -

  • @kitteller7710
    @kitteller7710 2 місяці тому +1

    Gajbice, 60 km/h. Kitajci se nam režijo...

    • @kitteller7710
      @kitteller7710 2 місяці тому +1

      Ne vem kdo ima danes čas 3 ure se cijazit do Ljubljane....

    • @RailRelaxation
      @RailRelaxation  2 місяці тому

      @kitteller7710 Žal pot res traja predolgo...

  • @izoyt
    @izoyt 2 місяці тому +1

    This line it is and should be embarrassment to SŽ (Slovenian railroads). I did use in it my high school every day from Črnomelj to Nove mesto and after in my college days from Črnomelj to Ljubljana. After 30 years+ there seems to be same old problems with very long times of travelling (even they don't stop at every station), old and badly maintained infrastructure with safety issues, overgrown vegetation etc etc. It's no use buying newer (but definitely not new) trains, etc, if basics are untouched and whole thing becomes live museum inventory.
    I have seen it all , from accidents (that is general problem in whole state, where only recently railways crossing are now equipped with actually fences), suicides (not exactly tech related, but still) , derails, we were put to buses to extend that long long ride even further, etc etc.
    But since SŽ is same mess internally by (right wing) political corruption etc, there is no surprise, it is what it is. In all this decades they could instead of pumping tax money in their pocket invest in second lane etc. But it was easier just to paint another relics in form of rail stations or to erect few antennas next to some lines. p.s. Are they still chipping on train all board card also, lol?

    @HERBERTPAULO 2 місяці тому +1

    29/11/2024 05;19 16/12/2024 12;35

  • @JanezZupančič-v4e
    @JanezZupančič-v4e 2 місяці тому

    Kako gnil snemalec oz novoinar, nič ne pove nič nepokaže , to so rtv jevski podleži ....