Thanks for the guide. You got 1 thing wrong - flat AP does not increase the damage of your "pets" - only Gargoyle. Bladed Armor does not impact ghoul. Thanks!
@@MEYTRIX Hi there, you can simply spec in / out of it and check your ghoul's attack power. Ghoul's only scale with strength / stam / haste/ crit / hit (they also get expertise from hit)
I see so many people completely dropping scourge strike form their bar.Wouldnt you need it if you’re facing 2 dps in arena since it just does more damage than necrotic?
they can both be depending on what the opponents' weak point is, if it is paladin's lack of supporting his DK - then go DK, going paladin is usually the safer and more predictable option
I might do guides for MoP once MoP Classic is announced, but I think there's also enough resources for MoP expansion already so idk if it makes much sense
@@division2232 hey D, there’s a number of addons, one of the main ones is Bartender, but I have dedicated addon videos on the channel too if you need a better look
Čau, přemýšlím že bych zas začal hrát wowko s kámošema.. poradíš kde hrát kde je hodně lidí a je tam dobré pvp ale i v pohodě PvE? Nechci instanty ani žádné moc rychle XP rate. Diky super videa máš.
Cau J, ak chces aktivne PvP, tak to musis fakt hrat na serveri s velkou populaciou, PvE je zvycajne aktivne aj na mensich serveroch, takze to az taky problem nebyva, ale tie vacsie servery maju tie expy boostnute dost, mozes si ich znizit, ak chces, ale ludia tam budu expit na x5 x7 a podobne…Whitemane Maelstrom Cataclysm, Warmane Lordaeron/Icecrown WotLK, mozno Stormforge Mistblade 2 MoP vecer - vtedy je tam ok populacia, Ascension classless custom…these are the ones that come to mind
Use promocode UNGRIND to get a 10% discount on your order -
Great video as always sir!
@@baseballfan172 thanks BB fan 😳🫡
Thanks for the guide. You got 1 thing wrong - flat AP does not increase the damage of your "pets" - only Gargoyle. Bladed Armor does not impact ghoul. Thanks!
Is there a source I can check that? Why would it only affect Gargoyle?
@@MEYTRIX Hi there, you can simply spec in / out of it and check your ghoul's attack power. Ghoul's only scale with strength / stam / haste/ crit / hit (they also get expertise from hit)
do one for Shaman or Paladin too :D
Ret and Holy paladin guides are already on the channel 👀
Yo nice vid, where can i get your personal health/runicpower bar like in retail?
thanks prev, it's called Galvin's Unit Bars
@@MEYTRIX Tyvm :)
@@MEYTRIX Is there a classic version on it? that work on cata classic
U don’t use icy touch as unholy only chain of ice abuse it gives u 10 more runic power otherwise u suffer from rune starvation
Yep, Chains for the DoT instead of Icy Touch
@ always chains uh is no frost DK 😄 we need every bit of runic magic that’s why u use horn of winter in your rotation as soon as it’s ready
when is the unholy dk pvp vids ;)
keep up the good work
@@bahougamer4293 idk brotha, haven’t rly played much DK lately tbh 😳
Good luck mate @@MEYTRIX
I see so many people completely dropping scourge strike form their bar.Wouldnt you need it if you’re facing 2 dps in arena since it just does more damage than necrotic?
yeah but almost every dps class also has self healing going on so you are negating that. rogues recuperate, hunter chimera shot, etc
Who would kill target be in mirror match if you are playing unholy/ret?
they can both be depending on what the opponents' weak point is, if it is paladin's lack of supporting his DK - then go DK, going paladin is usually the safer and more predictable option
Can u do one for mop pls ?
I might do guides for MoP once MoP Classic is announced, but I think there's also enough resources for MoP expansion already so idk if it makes much sense
Is this on Cataclysm Classic or OG Cata? If it’s OG what Patch is it?
Hey brother! What ui do u use? Is that move all addon or? 🙋♂️
@@division2232 hey D, there’s a number of addons, one of the main ones is Bartender, but I have dedicated addon videos on the channel too if you need a better look
Good vid!👍
@@kauamoises6008 thanks K 😳
Čau, přemýšlím že bych zas začal hrát wowko s kámošema.. poradíš kde hrát kde je hodně lidí a je tam dobré pvp ale i v pohodě PvE? Nechci instanty ani žádné moc rychle XP rate. Diky super videa máš.
Cau J, ak chces aktivne PvP, tak to musis fakt hrat na serveri s velkou populaciou, PvE je zvycajne aktivne aj na mensich serveroch, takze to az taky problem nebyva, ale tie vacsie servery maju tie expy boostnute dost, mozes si ich znizit, ak chces, ale ludia tam budu expit na x5 x7 a podobne…Whitemane Maelstrom Cataclysm, Warmane Lordaeron/Icecrown WotLK, mozno Stormforge Mistblade 2 MoP vecer - vtedy je tam ok populacia, Ascension classless custom…these are the ones that come to mind
@@MEYTRIX díky bro. Očekávám další videa a další guidy i na ostatné classy jestli můžeš :D