I agree completely! Art critics do this as well. *Just a pile of trash? Oh no! This must be the artist's struggle to be free from economic worry as the artist works in a McDonald's while dreaming of being an entrepreneur. Certainly so.*
αυτός pwy 說話 многие ენები और ไป meðكثير nomina I still think it's good to be subjective about it rather than just view it how others want you to see it.
The end conclusion is sadly true. The Purge movies are mostly seen as violent-horror entertainment flicks, and less as a anti-neoliberalism metaphor. I don't think these movies are made to make people understand how our economic system is broken beyond repair, but I wish it did.
Yeah no way in hell is this a metaphor for our economic system, it was produced by Michael Bay for fucks sake, it's like analyzing a turd to find corn in it.
jim kirk it's not just the demographic, the films are just too dumb and don't try to really ask any questions. It wants to be a thought provoking commentary on society but doesn't try at all. It's so surface level and hasn't really earned the right to have that discussion.
Oh my god. They are! FFS, people seem more and more stupid, the more they deny the obvious. They're *blatant.* If people can't even recognize a message when it's forcefed to them why in the fuck should _anyone_ be subtle?
No these are made to make people okay with the idea of the whole thing. It'll happen eventually. People accept anything if you roll it out soft enough. Lots of people think it's a great idea actually.
Don't read the comments section. Everybody with a Wikipedia bookmark is dropping their own opinion on economics, and there is some concentrated stupid down there. You've been warned.
and of course, it also doesn't make sense that bands of poors aren't raiding the rich neighbourhoods to the ground. even if they had some kind of protection.
That's right. In the blurb that always plays before Purge Night begins, part of it mentions that killing certain exempted government officials or using weapons above a certain grade is prohibited.
Trey Lower I know it's a joke, but you're allowed to remove the tag itself. Just stores can't because it's a labeling law and mattresses used to often contain lice and bed bugs and ticks because they stuffed with hair and straw. And since the consumer didn't know about it because they originally weren't required to say what it was stuffed with. Once they started the labeling, it became a lot harder to be shady like that
I knew that you are allowed to remove the tag after purchase but having to say, "and remove the tag from my mattress of which I am in the position to sell to someone" would have kinda ruined the joke.
Now I have to watch the third one. Never really cared much for this series. I considered them a violent porn fetish with provoking plot, but oh man... How much more interesting you made these films be.
planepuller I'm no sure, the senator lady(I don't remember her name) was too Mary Sue, with a moral standar so high that she actually never kill anybody and she never get mad or even upset, she is just so perfect. And the danger they got (As the psycho girls or the russians) is not really extreme because all of them were killed so easy. And the more critical point, the movie is obviolusly a reference of Hillary vs Trump, is like a 1 1/2 hour of Hillary publicity as the perfect human, even we all no she's not. Don't missunderstand me, I hate Trump, but even after that I wouldn't wanted to say Hillary is the best president that US can have
So you are completly glancing over the fact that the movie has an old message, that is badly delivered? Coudld indeed be a great concept if not 90% of people just become psychopaths. Wtf has america been doing all those years? Inbreeding?
Not to mention... One would hope that there would be at list ONE reference to the fact that the entire concept was 'borrowed' from an episode from the original Star Trek! (See Under: 'Festival'!) ;)
Malthus point of view is from a time when there was no technological advancements in agriculture, or any area, so he did some simple math and figure out that at the current birth date the food produced was not going to be enough. It´s not the case nowadays when we produce more than double the amount of food necessary to feed the whole world, and we dispose half of it. The problem now is not production but distribution. We need to come up with a system that can distribute food efficiently across the world.
@@sofiaverdeja8757 It's called division of labor and private property, which turn the supposed liability of an expanding population into the most valuable resource: brainpower. The Purge is economically illiterate when it supposes that the first world countries need to cut population by any violent and near-random means necessary to reach economic growth. Julian Simon has been vindicated. Btw, in later editions of his essay, Malthus amended himself that "prudential habits" (read: birth control, self-direction, entrepreneurship and the end of feudal collectivist thinking) could replace the scours of infant mortality and adult conflict.
I've always thought The Purge, particularly the first one to be about sacrifice, like how everyone is ok with sacrifices being made to keep things working (and directly benefiting from them) until it's your time to do the sacrificing, the movie never goes anywhere with that idea but I thought it was interesting, I know it's not a popular take on the movie, at least I haven't seen anyone having that interpretation.
maxcoseti I highly suggest you read the ones who walk away from omelas. It's a very short story that explores the philosophy of people when shown a city that is a utopia but thrives of the torture of one boy. It goes along with your idea very well
Avatar: TLA uses Buddhist,Taoist and soem Confucianism see any episode with Iroh and the episode "the Guru". The useage of the 4 classical elements themselves is based off confucianism's 8 trigrams. Look up "I Ching" Aka. The book of changes.
The first one is bad because as reviewers said "they wasted a high concept, by simply using it as the excuse for why the main characters don't call the cops, in a lame slasher movie." But that's why it sticks with people anyway, because the very premise gets people thinking. Unfortunately it's also not a _plausible_ scenario, so it's bound to be considered "stupid" no matter how much it catches the imagination. That said, considering the reputation, (and some clips I've seen) I doubt if any of them are particularly good movies. They probably had the potential to be stronger.
what's weird id that after all these months of the movie already being out some people have found interesting ways to talk about the concept of something like the purge. though the movie is one thing, what the movie has done well was spawn a very intriguing discussion it's effects in the real world and all around discussions about the politics of it. damn if all the youtubers who did these smart videos actually worked on the movie it would have been 10x better
The Jester there were no purge rules last purge movie. The class 4 weapons restriction wasn't mentioned and the level 10 government officials wasn't either
Malthuses model was mainly wrong and absolutely inhuman. Even now we have a low percentage of people working to make food and its more than enough. Shit, you could feed the whole word on a farm the size of like three Vaticans the problem is transporting the food.
The Hunter x Hunter 2011 Dickriding Association Malthus's model is way closer to environmentalists and liberals who don't want third world countries to mature.
The Hunter x Hunter 2011 Dickriding Association That's not true at all, the main idea of the Republican party is to increase jobs because the best way to solve poverty is to bring them out of it instead of giving them worker's tax money like welfare.
This is a really long rant: Feel free to pass right by, I just wanted to get this off my chest. Do people not know what empathy is, specifically emotional empathy? like at all? it's a mechanism in your mind that allows you to intrinsically understand the position of others. Basically, your brain attributes someone or something you feel empathy for as part of you. This is why when you lose a friend, family member or someone you felt empathy for dies or is hurt, it's almost like it happened to you. Sociopaths are incapable of this. Which also means they gain no benefit from say a simple gift exchange of monetarily/status meaningless gifts. They can not be happy making someone else happy unless there is something else to gain from it. Humans are incapable of altruism. In fact, I don't think it's actually possible at all. We only and ever do things that on one level or another benefit us, even if it's only perception (moral high ground is a good example) I love my partner, I give them a gift because it makes them feel good, which in turn makes me feel good because my emotional empathy has made them part of my existence. This in turn makes my partner even happier because I'm happy to make them happy, which doubles the good feelings on both ends. it's selfish on both sides, but it works wonderfully for both parties as it is a symbiotic relationship. When you murder someone that your brain recognizes as worthy of life, you will feel absolutely terrible. There is a reason shell shock and PTSD exist. Humans are not a violent species. We can be driven and through out history have had the issue of being against a wall (Not enough resources usually being the main cause) but even in the desperation of survival, there are plenty of people who can not forgo the understanding that the person they are taking advantage of/killing etc is just like them, worth no less or more than they are because they to are just a victim of circumstance. Emotional empathy can be turned down or not encouraged as well which makes people have selective emotional empathy. But often this is more due to culture and a lack of education than anything else. America encourages a hideously flawed idea that if you try, you will succeed and that if you are failing, then you are not trying and therefore worthless. As if everything from when we are born to when we die is under our control. It shuns the fact that some people can have extraordinarily bad luck and that neither nature nor nurture are under your will power. You are subject to both of them and whatever cards you are dealt. I feel like it's whoever has any amount of luck to share it, because life isn't fair, and we fail as a species when we have the means to alleviate random chance and how it affects so many in horrific ways. And I'm not saying give everything you have. You matter more because your brain can not think any other way. Make sure you are comfortable and happy before you help others, or you will just resent it. Anyway, that's my rant, and it's part of why the Purge pisses me off. Most people are not secretly sociopaths and not all sociopaths are even murderers or care about it.
I have pretty out-of-the-box beliefs myself, thus I believe that humanity CAN be altruistic, just not under the current conditions. Selective empathy is common because we're still not a fully evolved species. All around wisdom and altruism is what I see happening in the future if we continue evolving. If not... then we're pretty much just one step away from The Purge, in one form or another. It's only a matter of time. Sociopaths aren't that far from feeling empathy, they just need to "heal" from all of the "wrong" education and conditioning they've been living under (you don't have to agree with me on this one). Although, I think what we call PSYCHOPATHS are those that are incapable of feeling any empathy. Sadly, there's a big bunch of those people around as well, and as a total empath, I can only feel sorry for them. (I'm not looking down on them, mind you, I just wish those people could feel the highs and lows of life that come with that kind of sensitivity. It's a huge part of the experience of life and it can make you grow as a person)
+Nila Kall. Exactly, which is why when people are taken care of they rarely act out. True, and it makes sense, because if we were completely empathetic all the time, we likely wouldn't survive as a species.
I disagree. I think full altruism would kill a species as they would always think of others before themselves. Self preservation is why were here. It's already been proven that a psychopath has empathy missing in the brain, the areas involved with emotional empathy have less grey matter than other people, same goes for narcissists actually. From what I gather, emotional and cognitive empathy are things that can be strengthened, but if you have nothing to work with, as it seems those with psychopathy and other personality disorders that don't have emotional empathy, then there is nothing to strengthen, because there is nothing there to begin with. Sociopathy/psychopath medically are the same thing. Psychopath got changed to sociopath because it could be conflated with psychosis which is entirely different. I agree, but it's kinda like trying to talk to someone about something they've never felt. Often psychopaths/sociopaths tend to have some narcissistic tendencies too and think that they are above others and their condition is the next step in evolution. Considering that they look at us and see a bunch of suffering blubbering sentimental fools I can see why they think the way they do because they don't feel the reward of having emotional empathy and connections with other people. They can't think beyond "material" because they simply lack the capacity. That being said, there are plenty of psychopaths who live normal lives, get depressed and feel. They just are completely alone. They can not live through others and the rewards and consequences are lost to them. Empathy though is an insurance for a species to be able to function though. If you care about others, they often return the favor, meaning you have people looking out for you and more chances to propagate the species and evolve because your species continues. Psycho/sociopaths can do this too, but they would have trouble, because they are often very prone to boredom. And since they have no tool to use that gives them emotional empathy, they have no qualms about choosing anything from picking up an artistic endeavor to murder to satiate the boredom because they neither care, nor think about "what if that was me? How would I feel being murdered" they just see people as tools, playthings or nuisances. - And yes, while a neurotypical as it's called can be a murderer too, it would not be out of boredom and usually can be curbed if the person is taught to understand that all humans are just like them with lives, feelings and aspirations. Bottom line if we focused our cultures to propagate an idea that everyone doing well is not only for their benefit, which makes us feel better as people because ego, but also us, because the better educated, safer and happier a human is, the more productive they are, which benefits me directly, because the people who work on curing cancer, depression, world hunger, new scientific and technological discoveries, or even just my local plumber getting paid enough to eat, all help me and others I care about directly be safer, happier and healthier as well, in short and long term.
I hate these movies because they fall apart the moment you think about them. If you shut down all services who's putting out all the goddamn fires people start?
They show government-run vehicles gathering bodies and such in the streets to dispose of during the purge. Maybe some firefighters are working too and have guns with them just incase? *shrug* lol
They're really more analogies than actual stories. That's not an excuse, mind you. If you focus more on the moral than the story or the characters, why should we care what the moral is? We don't care about the people demonstrating it.
those aren't government run, they're regular people providing a service. the the news casts say before the purge starts: all services are suspended during the purge.
To be fair most movies fall apart some way. TV shows too. You ever watch House of Cards? If you think too hard about it, it can be hard to see why people take that show so seriously, just because it's about white people in suits, making strategic decisions, in well lit rooms, in hushed tones.
Firegen1 If you're going to watch one, Anarchy is the best because it undermines the franchise's own message and isn't dull. Election Year is transparent propaganda for last election year. They have a hotter stand in for Hillary as the protagonist against a literally drooling religious fanatic (I guess they thought she'd run against a conservative party member instead of Trump). They drop laughable vitriol bombs like the NRA being in favor of the Purge, more made up gun gibberish, Literal Nazis hired by the government (?) mistaken for right wing militia (???), stereotype militant blacks against cardboard rich whites etc. There are no poor whites and every black is poor. Using "Purge and purify" as a drinking game would be lethal. It's actually slow on top of everything else.
GenJotsu Not generally, and definitely not recently... a lot of movie franchises these days get better as time goes on (Fast and Furious, Star Wars/Trek, Harry Potter, etc)...
the philosophy of Lord of the Rings and the ring a symbol for absolute power and how to deal with it i.e. the meeting in Rivendell where you can't give it to Gandalf for he is to powerful already and would be corrupted and can't have Broomier use it as he would replace Sauron and thus the hobbits the people who crave power the least (sam's craving of a simple garden) are the only ones capable of handling such power!
“I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history - true or feigned- with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.” - J.R.R. Tolkien. Just something to think about.
Pineappleman4000 in a letter to his son discussing his leanings toward Anarchist philosophies, Tolkien wrote, " Anyway the proper study of Man is anything but Man; and the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity." LOTR is definitely not an allegory, but I think it absolutely is an exploration of power, it's inherent corrupting influence, and the unjust subjugation through force of others
Videos I would love to see next: - The philosophy of the Twilight Zone - The philosophy of The Good Place - The philosophy of Death Race - The philosophy of Rollerball - The philosophy of Mass effect
"There's no government to control how much insurance premiums are" he says as my health insurance just went up to $21,000 a year... because of the government.
Brian Madsen when the state administers anything the diseases of beuracracy inevitably infect it: responcibility shirking, the office politics of an office stretched across the nation, jump through these hoops to get what you want 6 months from now, etc. In the US costs skyrocket, in Canada and the UK you always catch cancer to late because it took a year to get a biopsy that takes one day to do
I'm not American I'm Canadian we have pretty much the same systems as u guys. Americans have the best Healthcare in the world they just happen to pay more for it than anyone else. Canadians Pay not too much less than Americans but average quality is significantly lower. Wait time are a major issue if you have a strain of cancer that's highly virolent and you have to wait 3 months to get a cat scan (this happened to my father in law). All Healthcare systems suck hard it's just socialized systems have state propaganda backing them up and deluding young people who don't have to interact with the system
@@ahmadsuleman4813 It was kinda a half measure of change though. You can't change the system within when the whole machine is corrupt and will eat you apart if you try to change it.
Sir Regenald Fisty McAssplug the 34th I know a lot more than the fuck face video creator. Republicans are the ones who want a monopoly. NeoLiberalism is basically Republicanism but on the Left.
Actually it does do better overall. Reagan left a mess. Bush 2 left a bigger one. This is especially true in their second terms. Trump will end up the same. Deregulation is mostly decriminalization of certain practices from which the public needs protection. Oh well, i'm probably arguing with a dude with a tough guy complex who thinks America will do better under Confederates.
Yeah, I would like to see that insurance provider go a year without going bankrupt because no one will buy from them for more than a year because they screw all of their customers over. Also "NeoLiberalism" or Laissez Faire economics is all about the government NOT interfering in the economy. The Purge is government interference.
The government is interfering by not interfering lol. The people expect the government to protect them on a normal day, but during the purge they shut down all government facilities. Effectively stating "Whatever happens, happens."
Cosmic Seth One do you know how many insurance providers there are? Getting them all to agree on a fixed price would be very hard (and that's also assuming none of them have a conscience). Two even if you got all the insurance providers to agree on a fixed price eventually someone new would come along and realise they could dominate the insurance market by being $2 cheaper.
MrNight48 yes we have, but still season 3 came out when? Aaron was taking sooo long and I think he said he wasn't making a season 4 but all of us wanted one, he got fired cause he didn't want to make it
Why assume they are terrible? I enjoy them, not because I think they are the best movies ever created but also not because the are hilariously terrible. The dialogue could definitely be better and some of the acting is a tad over the top, but they are very interesting to me as someone who enjoys horror/dystopian-future films, social and political commentary, and art that leaves you to discuss them in length with your friends and family. There is a lot to like about The Purge series, especially if you are a liberal who is currently disgusted with our corrupt economic system and the use of violence to solve societal problems.
scab268 I don't have to see the movie to understand its premise. Maybe you shouldn't comment until you get smarter. You don't seem to understand logic.
Anyone else feel that people waste their time with petty crimes? Sureley there must be way more profitable crimes to commit, like insider trading or just cooking the books to the maximum.
im a post keynesian and a french-italian monetary circuisist and even i got triggered by this. In the malthus part ,you cant deny the secular cycle and the commodity super cycle and sometimes exogenous or mostly demand driven endogenous forces of supply shocks the soviet union ended because of an oil supply shock during the 70s-80s energy crisis what engels describes is not a critique and not at all empirical. Market based or not an economy is subject to supply shocks and to the buisness cycle just because he assumes his imaginary economy isnt subject to any shocks in his engels law and curve world and has a market socialist equilibrium doesnt mean that the buisness cycle will bend his way its just a reverse argument of the neclassicals critisised malthus for only in a free market equilibrium with demand and supply curves and says law and rational agents context
True, anyone who tells me they enjoy Ayn Rand I can assume they likely drive a Beamer, are members of both the country club and local KKK chapter, and beat their wives.
Are you sure about that Because once the first group of poor the next group dies then the next then the next then the next until there is No more population.
These movies are absurd. Take away law and yes crime will escalate by a massive degree, but it won't turn normal people who weren't originally all insane and mudery into serial killers and such. People do what they do out of self interest tempered by a cost/benefit analysis of what's to be gained vs what could be lost, in this case one's life or liberty if caught. Change the risk analysis to omit much of the risk, and even your moral free sociopathic folks will simply evaluate that they can get what they want with much less risk. However unless what they originally wanted was to chop people into bits, which is a fairly uncommon life goal from my experience, then we wouldn't really see a *dramatic* increase in killing.
It's the psychos running around to chop up other people who will compel others to stock up on guns to shoot intruders. [breaks down barricaded door]"Heeeeeere's Johnn-"[BLAM!] [cocks shotgun]"That's the fifth one tonight. Some people never learn."
It's also why I say if it were real, people would be robbing retail stores and banks, not just killing each other. ALL CRIME is legal. Besides, it's not like they could do something like for a few hours and live the rest of their lives fine.
If The Purge movies take place many years after the purge started, then it makes sense. At first there will be a small percentage of people running around maniacally killing people. But the more years that go by, the less "normal" people there will be. They'll either die or change.
That's only if you believe the consequences don't extend beyond the night, legoman7041. Do you honestly believe you can be a good citizen & kill your entire neighborhood in one night & have shit go back to normal?
This episode made me question what EXACTLY holds us from killing each other(puting away the laws) and after a long time i finally realised that is empathy,thats what the psychos doesnt have.
The Purge movies have a far more interesting premise than anything they convey in the films. How hard could it possibly be to survive this?? You simply get out of town that morning, walk to the middle of the woods somewhere, and wait things out til morning. The last fucking place I would be would be inside a house or apartment in the city.
lordblazer this is just reinforcing the idea that the poor suffer more. How can you expect poor people to leave the country? Take out a loan every year for a plane ticket to Canada?
Don't they have a rule about no killing "high ranking government officials?" Seams like a kinda of useless rule. What's the point in liability free killing if you cant go after the people who put you in that situation.
so ridiculous how americans are afraid of saying 'low class' and 'upper class'. instead you have to say 'working class' and 'upper middle class'. maybe americans are afraid of facing the class struggle
That's a horrendous oversimplification and ignorance of the concept of class warfare. It isn't just the destruction of the bourgeois by the proletariat, it is wanting benefits for the workers, public service for the ones that cannot pay for it. As easily as you give that example, I can talk about the genocide of the Belgian Congo in the late XIX century and other colonies with the exploitation of the native workers, the constant oppression of indigenous people all around the world (right now the North Dakota pipeline going through sacred Native American land), the working conditions of the workers in the XIX century or how neo-liberalism keeps cancelling laws in third world country that protects the poorest, just so that the market can expand; all of these expressions of Capitalism. But when you hear the word, you don't think of all of these, do you? You only think of freedom and wellness. It's the same case here. If you stay on one extreme of the spectrum, you will always see the bad part from other perspectives and ignore all the illness from your side.
That doesn't make sense. You are comparing different things 'Working class' is a relational concept, i.e it relates to workers, people who sell their labour for a wage. 'Lower/middle/upper' are taxanomic designations based on a given distribution. Hence, you can be 'working class' and upper class (if you have a very scarce skill and high salary) as well as 'a capitalist' and "lower class" (such as someone who owns a very small or unprofitable business)
Upper middle and working class are between lower and upper class citizens. It's homeless, lower class, middle class, upper middle, high class (I believe). Working class means that you live paycheck by paycheck, or own a small but struggling business (a store or small restaurant). People who have money, but say they have no money, tend to be working class because they can survive, but can't spend money on stupid shit. Upper middle class are usually rich business owners or work in the government and can spend money on stupid shit if they wanted, but they go to work 9 to 5 each weekday and their value is within a stock investment or their home. If they lost a million dollars one day, they'd be broke. They're not like upper class people who own businesses that run themselves and make them money every second, like a car dealership owner or a successful electronics company, or they're in a high up government or military position. If they lost a million dollars in a day, they wouldn't need to worry because they make a lot more than that each day or have investments that are several million dollars in value.
You could have talked a little more about the confabulated reason for the purge: minimising crime by allowing all crime once a year, to alleviate violent and immoral tendencies people supposedly have naturally. This is one reason given at the end of Rick and Morty episode.
FullChicken44 Yep! It's my favourite. And you can watch whichever episode you want coz they tell individual stories about a dystopian society or present day society but with a slight twist. And the major reveals at the end (in some epsiodes) are just brilliant. It was mainly a British thing back in Season 1 but it's expanded to American audiences now in Season 3
If there ever was a purge, I would end up like the punisher, taking out my frustrations on the guilty , the ones whose soul is stained by the blood of the innocents, the killers, the rapists, the psychos, all of them will know pain
This wasn't about actual Neoliberalism... Neoliberalism is simply corporate interests using liberal talking points... Like Neoconservativism is simply corporate interests using conservative talking points... This is straight up Plutocracy...
For technology to keep changing new knowledge must be discovered, that would imply that the universe must have an infinite amount of properties, laws of physics, chemical properties, etc (o,r at least for what you're saying to be true, an enormous amount, too many for humanity to get a hold of knowlegde wise)
population growth is also not infinite, there is a peak point in which the population will stabilize. Malthus was wrong. Technology is both responsible for and the cure for the current population growth, as it is not birth rates fuelling the current increase but a decline in deaths. Blame vaccines, the Green Revolution, and modern medicine. And yet, with decreasing global poverty and increasing education rates, birth rates have also gone down. Many nations are now below the replacement rate and rely on immigration to keep the population stable. Our global population is expected to stabilize at 9-10 billion, then start shrinking after that. We can use technology to increase our resources (desalination for water, GMO's and cloned meat for food, renewable energy for power, etc.) until we reach that stable rate. We have that technology today.
Actually, if the video is right that the Purge series are a satire of Neoliberalism, then that means this is closer to Hillary and Romney's America. Trump's America would probably be a "Night of Broken Glass" aimed towards illegal immigrants (or anyone that might "look like one"). Satirically speaking of course, I may despise Trump, but I don't think he is that bad/evil.
And this is why I love the "Purge" series. Sure, the premise - an annual holiday where all crimes are legal - makes no sense if you stop to think about it for more than five seconds, but as a tool of social commentary I think it's brilliant. A bit heavy-handed at times, obviously, but still a whole lotta fun
I'm surprised this video didn't get downvote brigaded by the neckbeard fashy's the same as your Starship Troopers video did. Keep the honest content coming.
One single plot hole the purge movies have is, why does everybody instantly kill each other. It has no benificial factors to it, and you will have blood on your hands. Think of what people will say about you the next day
It's more for hyperbolization purpose. everyone will go stealing stuff from mall that cannot afford as we see in usa when people fight for changer opportunists fight for target
I'm not convinced the Neoliberal analogie holds up. For Neoliberalism to work you need an overabundance of potential workers, you can allow yourself to pay the burger cook a shitty wage because there are thousands equally skilled people whom you can replace with. But if they get killed of during the purge you can no longer keep the wages down, soon unions would sprout and become hugely influential. On the other hand, who's gonna buy all the fast food and low quality stuff if there are no more poor people? At first only some business would tank but soon the whole economy would shrink. The government might save on social security programs at first but with the economy tanking the tax revenue would diminish too. In the end you wouldn't have any winners, not even the richest of the rich, I mean they still need someone to sell their stuff to. I simply don't see how this would be a viable system for anyone?
Cubed Sure, they may want to try control the population but how to they stop it when too many poor people and workers are killed? They just started this thing, they no longer control it, when some sociopaths kill too many people they Abe no say over it
And that's why I don't think the analogy with Neoliberalism works, as its goals are inconsistent with what we see in the movie. The purge rather plays with Malthusian ideas or maybe even something akin to swift's modest proposal.
ELG0RD0TE Unless they don't pump up insurance prices and ect. it's *not* going to be as aggressive. If there is too many people, they bump up insurance taxes and general food taxes and then people have reasons to kill each other for $$$. if not then because the average human isn't a bloodthursty sociopath, it will prevent as much killings.
The Socioeconomic impact the Purge would have on Real life would be pretty huge. You would end up just making homeless people the easy targets while simply making people with basic homes, apartments and jobs would become the poorest. While inflation continues putting a bigger strain on the economy.
yeah but if your goal is to stop wasting useful limited resources, time, and energy helping people that are totally pathetic and can't help themselves without stopping the funding which would just lead them to (Even more) crime. then the purge could be very effective. Sad that the movies try to vilify such an idea instead of vilify the loser failures of the world that feel entitled, lack humility and get shit loads of free shit from those that actually contribute to society instead of burden it.
It's astonishing at how callous people can be. So you're telling me that just because someone knows how to allocate a little bit of money correctly, they deserve to be the ones to waste resources for nothing, instead of a governing entity that is supposed to protect it's people "wasting" them to actively help those in need? The concept of civilization is the strong protecting the weak, and yet people like you actively support a blatantly bad concept not only for practical reasons, but moral ones.
miller repin they'd call it out for the misrepresentation of free market economics and the insane attempt to align conservatives/libertarians with the philosophy of Thomas Malthus
miller repin I think he would say that it's not good eliminate the poor people because they are buyers of their product, middle class is one of the most important things about market, they are the majoraty and they are who most buy
I'm libertarian (ish) and I agree that neo-liberalism is bad thing, I'd term it corporatism though. It's basically a pro-big government anti-capitalist ideology that I detest and is closer to fascism than either capitalism or socialism.
Confirmation biases aside, this basically confirmed everything that I thought about the "Purge" idea when I first saw the trailers years ago. #HeyWisecrack I'm impressed with your depth of analysis. Bravo :)
Trace Puckett No? Simply that the extremist form of capitalism that tends towards fascism, and a more moderate system would benefit that vast majority of this country.
Basically what we have now but with better regulation because thinking that pure greed is going to regulate itself is one of the most retarded and delusional pillars of our national belief system. Capitalism is alright, but not when it can buy the government, destroy the planet, and start wars for no other reason to make money. At that point, the "hands off" approach to government is akin to letting a serial killer run around your neighborhood but you stop the police and say "no, no, the market will regulate itself. "
Michael Bush how much regulation do you want before you think personal freedoms can be taken advantage of and the government becomes the unregulated force?
I don't think the government should have much of anything to do with personal freedoms, I'm talking about corporate regulation. I'm not sure how stopping a politician being bought off, a company from dumping toxic waste near the water source of a poor neighborhood, or private military lobbyists deciding when we go to war could be confused with an assault on personal freedom. If anything, it's an expansion of it because we wouldn't be bankrupt from pointless wars so your tax dollars could more directly benefit you, you'd have the personal freedom to not die so quickly if you're poor, and without the corporate stranglehold that exists now there could be better collective bargaining for workers, which is a massive component of freedom we've forgotten since the labor movement.
Not sure I've ever seen a consistent definition of neoliberalism, and I much more think The Purge movies represent CURRENT socio-political structure than a fantasy caricature. We're mired in cronyism, and the idea that freeing markets Hayek- or Friedman- style would lead to corporate domination is misleading; these big companies benefit immensely from corporate welfare and regulation right now, and it's how most of them got where they are. Small businesses simply cannot compete at any level due to established regulations that are expensive to comply with to the point of bankruptcy and trade agreements that allow huge companies to use incredibly cheap foreign labor. Domestic free markets would destroy their grasp on entire industries. The idea that government helps and crafts laws around the interests of big corporations is inherently anti-free market. It's also helpful to remember that The Purge is a movie; it's a fantasy of the writers. They may be trying to portray something close to reality, but often project their own economic ignorance and political biases, resulting in movie after movie that's self-indulgent and gets the basics wrong.
People may be big in the mouth, but I don't believe a Purge would ever happen nowhere near how it's portrayed in the movies. The overwhelming majority of people simply don't have it in them to take another person's life. Partly because it's not our nature, humans prefer cooperation, and our brain are far too good at calculation risk-reward. It's hard to convince it that the reward is greater when it knows that our target may be equally prepared, and especially if the person hasn't really posed any threat to our own life at the moment.
De Wolfie Saudi Arabia's funding of proxy wars to "purge" Israel from existence-- while the ruling class buy Bugattis and expensive vacations on their people's oil money is a Pitch Perfect example.
Yeah but thats done by systems and governments. Its specificaly made like that so people dont feel bad about murdering. You are removed from the murder. Theres a huge difference between pushing a button that kills someone somewhere and actually having to put a knife in someones chest.
Of course I am talking about the everyday man. Indoctrination, in this case through religious scripture, can make a person fall into a form of psychosis. This is a case where the person fail to grasp the concept of morality. He may say he is morally right to kill someone who doesn't follow his cult; but his mind just can't phantom another perspective. It's a stretch to call it a "pitch perfect" example; but I have a hard time thinking it's, for Saudi Arabia's case, to control the population count. What they are doing that for me seem most reasonable is the same thing that the American are doing - trying to impose a government that falls in line with them.
Nymphonomicon What Hillary wants, aside from war with Russia, is pretty much what every similar minded person of her kind want - to punish poor people for being poor, to put it simply - while at the same time have them accept the government as their lord and savior... Just take a look over in Europe if someone dares to ask if they should leave the EU.
The first Purge movie is shit. It took a good concept with limitless room for exploration and social commentary and turned it into an awful, hamfisted pastiche. It can't decide if it wants to be a generic and terrible 2000's horror movie about white kids in masks or a satire lacking in all subtlety or humor. There was no care here, no thought, no intention to tell an actual story with any depth of quality, or convey a real message with any sense of passion. So it fails on both spectrums, and became a mediocre movie at best, with a message delivered by pure statement. Maybe I'm being harsh, but The Purge had me excited. It was a good idea, a great concept really. But the execution fell so short of my expectations it became clear to me that the idea was a wasted stroke of brilliance only ever intended to sell. I take the existence of The Purge as a personal offense, an insult--a movie written in shit that tells me as a viewer exactly what the film industry thinks of me.
+Levyathyn They need to make a "The Raid" Style purge movie. I'm hopeful we'll get a good one eventually cuz they're not gonna stop making them. But perhaps they're gonna be like Saw movies.
Levyathyn They do this in anarchy and election year, pointing out how much they fuck up every body except the well off. And the films are pretty fun too, a billion times better then the first film.
In a free market if an insurance company jacked up its the rates the day of the purge then they would go out of business the following year. Only a GOVERNMENT could force people to not have a choice of competitors. If all the insurance companies jacked up their rates the day of, in a free market you could start your own insurance company, DONT jack up the rates and the following year you would be the most successful company in the country. The free market is really really simple. The better products and services you provide the more money you make. Everyone wins. As opposed to socialism, where everyone except the politicians lose.
You are a valuable member of society, who has received and properly absorbed the correct beliefs. For extra credit, please clarify how the recent move towards government control of the economy is now also correct and good, and why tarrifs and economic nationalism is important for the success of the country.
Rick and Morty did the purge better than the actual films
Yes, I actually would have paid to see the Rick and Morty version before paying to see the feature length films.
I want a full 90 minute episode of Rick and Morty parodying the purge. But then again, I want every episode of every Rick and Morty 90 minutes long.
I've never watch any of the purge films. I saw them as boring.
This video is an english major's wet dream. With a little effort you can find meaning in any crap story.
Rhetoric&Discourse Of course! That's what English degrees are all about! 😂
I agree completely! Art critics do this as well.
*Just a pile of trash? Oh no! This must be the artist's struggle to be free from economic worry as the artist works in a McDonald's while dreaming of being an entrepreneur. Certainly so.*
αυτός pwy 說話 многие ენები और ไป meðكثير nomina I still think it's good to be subjective about it rather than just view it how others want you to see it.
Rhetoric&Discourse Technically every story is just a bunch of Bullshit with a main point. So whats your point?
You're the proof that the apocaliptic idea proposed by Umberto Eco is the correct one.
The end conclusion is sadly true. The Purge movies are mostly seen as violent-horror entertainment flicks, and less as a anti-neoliberalism metaphor.
I don't think these movies are made to make people understand how our economic system is broken beyond repair, but I wish it did.
Well it does kind of do that but since their demographic is kinda dumb so we view it as an action packed gory horror flick
Yeah no way in hell is this a metaphor for our economic system, it was produced by Michael Bay for fucks sake, it's like analyzing a turd to find corn in it.
jim kirk it's not just the demographic, the films are just too dumb and don't try to really ask any questions. It wants to be a thought provoking commentary on society but doesn't try at all. It's so surface level and hasn't really earned the right to have that discussion.
Oh my god. They are! FFS, people seem more and more stupid, the more they deny the obvious. They're *blatant.* If people can't even recognize a message when it's forcefed to them why in the fuck should _anyone_ be subtle?
No these are made to make people okay with the idea of the whole thing. It'll happen eventually. People accept anything if you roll it out soft enough. Lots of people think it's a great idea actually.
They explained Malthus' population theory better in a single minute than my AP class did in several weeks.
Did your AP hit on Julian Simon vs. Paul Ehrlich?
Stoph D | Fail to see why you felt the need to reply with so much sarcasm
Wubba lubba dub dub
tommy tran You're in great pain and need help?
+planepuller um, hell yes,..
Are you in great pain too?
MY MAN !!!!!!!
look at me i'm mr meseeks
Don't read the comments section. Everybody with a Wikipedia bookmark is dropping their own opinion on economics, and there is some concentrated stupid down there. You've been warned.
Lightscribe225 Too late, I already found a few.
Thanks for the warning
Lightscribe225 thanks for the warning and thanks for being top comment
I'm going down! I wanna see the dummies...kudos for the warning. XD
You should encourage discussion if you want society to be less stupid, stupid.
and of course, it also doesn't make sense that bands of poors aren't raiding the rich neighbourhoods to the ground. even if they had some kind of protection.
Lol, they're probably tried at some point in the past, but they failed and so they don't really wanna try again.
clydefrosch The 2nd one heavily implies that the govt intervenes to attack poor people and protect rich
clydefrosch The problem is that the rich employ private militaries. The militia of the poor would be wiped out.
Hm, that might be because poor people can't effort as many and as good weapons. not enough ammunition. And so on^^
That's right. In the blurb that always plays before Purge Night begins, part of it mentions that killing certain exempted government officials or using weapons above a certain grade is prohibited.
this analysis makes this a way more interesting movie/topic. I feel like it was just executed very poorly on the film
I'll just stick with the Rick And Morty synopsis.
If the Purge was real I would Plagiarize some documents, and remove the tag from my mattress.
Trey Lower now dats hardcore braah
Trey Lower I know it's a joke, but you're allowed to remove the tag itself. Just stores can't because it's a labeling law and mattresses used to often contain lice and bed bugs and ticks because they stuffed with hair and straw. And since the consumer didn't know about it because they originally weren't required to say what it was stuffed with. Once they started the labeling, it became a lot harder to be shady like that
I knew that you are allowed to remove the tag after purchase but having to say, "and remove the tag from my mattress of which I am in the position to sell to someone" would have kinda ruined the joke.
Could Serbia reclaim Kosovo during the purge?
Now I have to watch the third one. Never really cared much for this series. I considered them a violent porn fetish with provoking plot, but oh man... How much more interesting you made these films be.
planepuller Yeah, The series actually improved over the years. The third one is the best.
Anderson Andrighi the second and third are worth watching.
I'm no sure, the senator lady(I don't remember her name) was too Mary Sue, with a moral standar so high that she actually never kill anybody and she never get mad or even upset, she is just so perfect. And the danger they got (As the psycho girls or the russians) is not really extreme because all of them were killed so easy. And the more critical point, the movie is obviolusly a reference of Hillary vs Trump, is like a 1 1/2 hour of Hillary publicity as the perfect human, even we all no she's not. Don't missunderstand me, I hate Trump, but even after that I wouldn't wanted to say Hillary is the best president that US can have
So you are completly glancing over the fact that the movie has an old message, that is badly delivered? Coudld indeed be a great concept if not 90% of people just become psychopaths. Wtf has america been doing all those years? Inbreeding?
Definitely agree! The 3rd one was the best.
Everyone would just do tax fraud and the whole thing would end
I see you're a man of intellect
@@biblebot3947 I see you two are people of culture, or you just watched the video how to beat the purge
oh man - rebrand the purge as Tax return day and it would end in a heartbeat
@Wilson Foster "Anarchist". You don't know what that word means, do you?
Why would they need The Purge? That shit's legal if you have the money!
You know, basically Detroit on a Tuesday.
Or Robocop.
That Comment & This Let's Me Know How Stupid People Are. This Isn't The 70's.
Rick Pyle and they keep electing democrats lol
Ah yes, Detroit, the largest open air shooting range.
That phrase cracked me
The Philosophy of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
It's a show about nothing. Done. Now go do some Charlie work!
Daniel Landers its a parody on The American Dream, apparently, like a parody on old american sitcoms being all happy and cheerful and that
Daniel Landers Good thinking!
Daniel Landers hell yeah
I'd rather see one of seinfeld, probably the same answer for each.
The title and thumb nail made it sound like Rick and Morty would be focused on a lot more...
Not to mention... One would hope that there would be at list ONE reference to the fact that the entire concept was 'borrowed' from an episode from the original Star Trek! (See Under: 'Festival'!) ;)
mynameisaichlinn I acually forgot why I clicked on the video. Lol
Its also in their "Rick and Morty" playlist. How blatantly exploitative. Sheesh.
mynameisaichlinn ikr
the title says its the philosophy of The Purge, not the philosophy of Look Who's Purging Now from Rick And Morty
Can you please do Philosophy on Avatar: The Last Airbender. This one would be very interesting because there is so much to cover.
YESSSSSSS. And the Legend of Korra. You could do 5 episodes on Zaheer.
Planet Sheen is of more importance then that
Avatar was too smart in it's time so people didn't really get how good it is. I'm stupid but I genuinely feel and think that way
Malthus point of view is from a time when there was no technological advancements in agriculture, or any area, so he did some simple math and figure out that at the current birth date the food produced was not going to be enough.
It´s not the case nowadays when we produce more than double the amount of food necessary to feed the whole world, and we dispose half of it. The problem now is not production but distribution. We need to come up with a system that can distribute food efficiently across the world.
CommanderMawortz communism.
INSERT USERNAME fuck that. I want to be on top. Or at least be able to choose what I eat and what job I do when
Ndasuunye communism.
Yes!! Totally agree
@@sofiaverdeja8757 It's called division of labor and private property, which turn the supposed liability of an expanding population into the most valuable resource: brainpower. The Purge is economically illiterate when it supposes that the first world countries need to cut population by any violent and near-random means necessary to reach economic growth. Julian Simon has been vindicated.
Btw, in later editions of his essay, Malthus amended himself that "prudential habits" (read: birth control, self-direction, entrepreneurship and the end of feudal collectivist thinking) could replace the scours of infant mortality and adult conflict.
Wait what
There are several purge movies?
DaAm4t3urist 3
3 of them
DaAm4t3urist ~ Yeah, I didn't think Purge had sequels either. I thought it didn't do very well when it was released.
James Lopez ~ is there going to be a 4th?
DaAm4t3urist There are 3
If the purge was really real, I would smoke a joint
so no different from any other day?
Maybe they live in Malaysia...?
i would kill
I'd steal candy from the store
limberlad How adventureous
I've always thought The Purge, particularly the first one to be about sacrifice, like how everyone is ok with sacrifices being made to keep things working (and directly benefiting from them) until it's your time to do the sacrificing, the movie never goes anywhere with that idea but I thought it was interesting, I know it's not a popular take on the movie, at least I haven't seen anyone having that interpretation.
I think I'm actually quite fond of that interpretation.
maxcoseti I highly suggest you read the ones who walk away from omelas. It's a very short story that explores the philosophy of people when shown a city that is a utopia but thrives of the torture of one boy. It goes along with your idea very well
Collin Hater thanks!
You should do the philosophy of Psycho-pass.
It's a really interesting show that brings up a lot of interesting topics.
That's what I've been saying
oh finally someone said so! btw I like this video analysis about psycho-pass main theme :ua-cam.com/video/Y5L1L-oFP8c/v-deo.html&ab_channel=Wisecrack
You do realize that in the 60's, Gene Roddenberry did it in Star Trek in the episode The Return of the Archons. They called it Festival
Th'kaal Ha finally! I was waiting for someone to mention the archon episode!
Yeah, I finally did it because i'm tired of people talking about how cutting edge the idea is.
Don't forget the short story "The Lottery." While not an exact match, it share a lot of similarities to The Purge.
You do realize the Original Idea Comes from the Pagan Holiday Saturnalia which was adopted by Christians as Christmas?
Th'kaal You do realize that tomatoes are a fruit.
Oh, could you guys do philosophy on Avatar and Legend of Korra?
Marcus Carcus Did it really have philosophy? I always thought it was just a cool show for kids.
+Angel Gutierrez
You're why they need to make that video.
You should watch the last airbender it's a damn good show with one of the best character arcs I've ever seen. There's a lot more to it then it seems.
Avatar: TLA uses Buddhist,Taoist and soem Confucianism see any episode with Iroh and the episode "the Guru". The useage of the 4 classical elements themselves is based off confucianism's 8 trigrams. Look up "I Ching" Aka. The book of changes.
A mix between hindu, buddist and taoism philosophy
kinda glad I never saw any of the purges, closest thing being the rick and morty episode
And I found that to be one of the more boring episodes...
digunder14 I would recommend you watch the third one. The first one was trash though.
yeah i heard the first one was bad so i assumed the rest of them would be
They're not great movies, but they're kinda cool.
The first one is bad because as reviewers said "they wasted a high concept, by simply using it as the excuse for why the main characters don't call the cops, in a lame slasher movie."
But that's why it sticks with people anyway, because the very premise gets people thinking. Unfortunately it's also not a _plausible_ scenario, so it's bound to be considered "stupid" no matter how much it catches the imagination. That said, considering the reputation, (and some clips I've seen) I doubt if any of them are particularly good movies. They probably had the potential to be stronger.
what's weird id that after all these months of the movie already being out some people have found interesting ways to talk about the concept of something like the purge. though the movie is one thing, what the movie has done well was spawn a very intriguing discussion it's effects in the real world and all around discussions about the politics of it. damn if all the youtubers who did these smart videos actually worked on the movie it would have been 10x better
Do the philosophy of Futurama
Topboxing YES PLEASE
Specific episode would be nice...Although they tackle some many things that you could make a whole series based on it.
kaptainkristian made a video about it.
Oh yeah. The Hedonic treadmill
I feel like on the last purge movie, someone will eventually get a hold on the nuclear weapons
David Esparza that breaks purge rules though
The Jester there were no purge rules last purge movie. The class 4 weapons restriction wasn't mentioned and the level 10 government officials wasn't either
There were rules but they broke them, that was the point of it.
that seems like kind of a logical conclusion.
Who would even respond do the purge rule breaks?There is no cops to arrest that guy
Thanks for making me smile every day with your videos! :)
These are awesome! You could literally do an analysis of each episode and I would totally watch them all! I love these.
"Malthus's model was nothing more than an excuse to be a dick to poor people" So republicanism in a nutshell huh? Figures
The Hunter x Hunter 2011 Dickriding Association Malthus is the antithesis of GOP principles
Malthuses model was mainly wrong and absolutely inhuman. Even now we have a low percentage of people working to make food and its more than enough. Shit, you could feed the whole word on a farm the size of like three Vaticans the problem is transporting the food.
The Hunter x Hunter 2011 Dickriding Association "republicanism" lol The democrats are the ones who are leaving poor people in the dust.
The Hunter x Hunter 2011 Dickriding Association
Malthus's model is way closer to environmentalists and liberals who don't want third world countries to mature.
The Hunter x Hunter 2011 Dickriding Association That's not true at all, the main idea of the Republican party is to increase jobs because the best way to solve poverty is to bring them out of it instead of giving them worker's tax money like welfare.
This is a really long rant: Feel free to pass right by, I just wanted to get this off my chest.
Do people not know what empathy is, specifically emotional empathy? like at all? it's a mechanism in your mind that allows you to intrinsically understand the position of others. Basically, your brain attributes someone or something you feel empathy for as part of you. This is why when you lose a friend, family member or someone you felt empathy for dies or is hurt, it's almost like it happened to you.
Sociopaths are incapable of this. Which also means they gain no benefit from say a simple gift exchange of monetarily/status meaningless gifts. They can not be happy making someone else happy unless there is something else to gain from it.
Humans are incapable of altruism. In fact, I don't think it's actually possible at all. We only and ever do things that on one level or another benefit us, even if it's only perception (moral high ground is a good example)
I love my partner, I give them a gift because it makes them feel good, which in turn makes me feel good because my emotional empathy has made them part of my existence. This in turn makes my partner even happier because I'm happy to make them happy, which doubles the good feelings on both ends. it's selfish on both sides, but it works wonderfully for both parties as it is a symbiotic relationship.
When you murder someone that your brain recognizes as worthy of life, you will feel absolutely terrible. There is a reason shell shock and PTSD exist.
Humans are not a violent species. We can be driven and through out history have had the issue of being against a wall (Not enough resources usually being the main cause) but even in the desperation of survival, there are plenty of people who can not forgo the understanding that the person they are taking advantage of/killing etc is just like them, worth no less or more than they are because they to are just a victim of circumstance.
Emotional empathy can be turned down or not encouraged as well which makes people have selective emotional empathy. But often this is more due to culture and a lack of education than anything else.
America encourages a hideously flawed idea that if you try, you will succeed and that if you are failing, then you are not trying and therefore worthless. As if everything from when we are born to when we die is under our control. It shuns the fact that some people can have extraordinarily bad luck and that neither nature nor nurture are under your will power. You are subject to both of them and whatever cards you are dealt.
I feel like it's whoever has any amount of luck to share it, because life isn't fair, and we fail as a species when we have the means to alleviate random chance and how it affects so many in horrific ways. And I'm not saying give everything you have. You matter more because your brain can not think any other way. Make sure you are comfortable and happy before you help others, or you will just resent it.
Anyway, that's my rant, and it's part of why the Purge pisses me off. Most people are not secretly sociopaths and not all sociopaths are even murderers or care about it.
Vixx Celacea Fuck reading that 😂😂
When you don't feel safe, you think about yourself untill you feel safe again. That is with most animals. Empathy has its conditions.
I have pretty out-of-the-box beliefs myself, thus I believe that humanity CAN be altruistic, just not under the current conditions. Selective empathy is common because we're still not a fully evolved species.
All around wisdom and altruism is what I see happening in the future if we continue evolving. If not... then we're pretty much just one step away from The Purge, in one form or another. It's only a matter of time.
Sociopaths aren't that far from feeling empathy, they just need to "heal" from all of the "wrong" education and conditioning they've been living under (you don't have to agree with me on this one). Although, I think what we call PSYCHOPATHS are those that are incapable of feeling any empathy. Sadly, there's a big bunch of those people around as well, and as a total empath, I can only feel sorry for them. (I'm not looking down on them, mind you, I just wish those people could feel the highs and lows of life that come with that kind of sensitivity. It's a huge part of the experience of life and it can make you grow as a person)
+Nila Kall. Exactly, which is why when people are taken care of they rarely act out. True, and it makes sense, because if we were completely empathetic all the time, we likely wouldn't survive as a species.
I disagree. I think full altruism would kill a species as they would always think of others before themselves. Self preservation is why were here.
It's already been proven that a psychopath has empathy missing in the brain, the areas involved with emotional empathy have less grey matter than other people, same goes for narcissists actually.
From what I gather, emotional and cognitive empathy are things that can be strengthened, but if you have nothing to work with, as it seems those with psychopathy and other personality disorders that don't have emotional empathy, then there is nothing to strengthen, because there is nothing there to begin with.
Sociopathy/psychopath medically are the same thing. Psychopath got changed to sociopath because it could be conflated with psychosis which is entirely different.
I agree, but it's kinda like trying to talk to someone about something they've never felt. Often psychopaths/sociopaths tend to have some narcissistic tendencies too and think that they are above others and their condition is the next step in evolution. Considering that they look at us and see a bunch of suffering blubbering sentimental fools I can see why they think the way they do because they don't feel the reward of having emotional empathy and connections with other people. They can't think beyond "material" because they simply lack the capacity. That being said, there are plenty of psychopaths who live normal lives, get depressed and feel. They just are completely alone. They can not live through others and the rewards and consequences are lost to them.
Empathy though is an insurance for a species to be able to function though. If you care about others, they often return the favor, meaning you have people looking out for you and more chances to propagate the species and evolve because your species continues. Psycho/sociopaths can do this too, but they would have trouble, because they are often very prone to boredom. And since they have no tool to use that gives them emotional empathy, they have no qualms about choosing anything from picking up an artistic endeavor to murder to satiate the boredom because they neither care, nor think about "what if that was me? How would I feel being murdered" they just see people as tools, playthings or nuisances. - And yes, while a neurotypical as it's called can be a murderer too, it would not be out of boredom and usually can be curbed if the person is taught to understand that all humans are just like them with lives, feelings and aspirations.
Bottom line if we focused our cultures to propagate an idea that everyone doing well is not only for their benefit, which makes us feel better as people because ego, but also us, because the better educated, safer and happier a human is, the more productive they are, which benefits me directly, because the people who work on curing cancer, depression, world hunger, new scientific and technological discoveries, or even just my local plumber getting paid enough to eat, all help me and others I care about directly be safer, happier and healthier as well, in short and long term.
I hate these movies because they fall apart the moment you think about them. If you shut down all services who's putting out all the goddamn fires people start?
They show government-run vehicles gathering bodies and such in the streets to dispose of during the purge. Maybe some firefighters are working too and have guns with them just incase? *shrug* lol
They're really more analogies than actual stories. That's not an excuse, mind you. If you focus more on the moral than the story or the characters, why should we care what the moral is? We don't care about the people demonstrating it.
those aren't government run, they're regular people providing a service. the the news casts say before the purge starts: all services are suspended during the purge.
To be fair most movies fall apart some way. TV shows too. You ever watch House of Cards? If you think too hard about it, it can be hard to see why people take that show so seriously, just because it's about white people in suits, making strategic decisions, in well lit rooms, in hushed tones.
Yes, bc the federal government did a wonderful job helping all the people of New Orleans during Katrina.
I now have way more respect for the Purge.
I don't.
J.M. Alexia you should have less since it's fear mongering about weapons that ends up supporting the idea that you need them.
Same. I’d actively avoided these films because I thought they were little more than murder porn. May watch Election year now.
Firegen1 If you're going to watch one, Anarchy is the best because it undermines the franchise's own message and isn't dull.
Election Year is transparent propaganda for last election year. They have a hotter stand in for Hillary as the protagonist against a literally drooling religious fanatic (I guess they thought she'd run against a conservative party member instead of Trump). They drop laughable vitriol bombs like the NRA being in favor of the Purge, more made up gun gibberish, Literal Nazis hired by the government (?) mistaken for right wing militia (???), stereotype militant blacks against cardboard rich whites etc. There are no poor whites and every black is poor. Using "Purge and purify" as a drinking game would be lethal.
It's actually slow on top of everything else.
I think he meant more respect for the movie...
The 3rd one was ironically the best lmao
GenJotsu yeah, it's pretty funny that a movie where one of the main plot points is a crazy girl wanting a free candy bar is the best in its series.
GenJotsu how is that ironic? surprising maybe.
Billy Overton Because the best movie in a franchise is usually the first,and the worst is the last. This franchise is a contradiction. Hence, irony.
GenJotsu Not generally, and definitely not recently... a lot of movie franchises these days get better as time goes on (Fast and Furious, Star Wars/Trek, Harry Potter, etc)...
GenJotsu don't think that would pass in an english class, but ok
You got my view because of Rick and Morty and now I feel cheap. You used me Jared
Can you do Bee Movie?
"hey wisecrack"
Wait, i thought you were wisecrack?!
We all are Wisecrack
pls do philosophy of gordon ramsay
Yes, do it you liberal donkey!
niteshmurti lamb sauce L O C A T E D
Ok. I fucking rock; you fucking suck. Something like that. End video.
Is this the best you can do??
Because this looks like fucking shit...
- GR
Where's my lamb sauce?
the philosophy of Lord of the Rings and the ring a symbol for absolute power and how to deal with it i.e. the meeting in Rivendell where you can't give it to Gandalf for he is to powerful already and would be corrupted and can't have Broomier use it as he would replace Sauron and thus the hobbits the people who crave power the least (sam's craving of a simple garden) are the only ones capable of handling such power!
“I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history - true or feigned- with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.” - J.R.R. Tolkien. Just something to think about.
Pineappleman4000 in a letter to his son discussing his leanings toward Anarchist philosophies, Tolkien wrote, " Anyway the proper study of Man is anything but Man; and the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity."
LOTR is definitely not an allegory, but I think it absolutely is an exploration of power, it's inherent corrupting influence, and the unjust subjugation through force of others
I've been waiting for this for soo long
Videos I would love to see next:
- The philosophy of the Twilight Zone
- The philosophy of The Good Place
- The philosophy of Death Race
- The philosophy of Rollerball
- The philosophy of Mass effect
When the series is finished you guys *have* to do a Philosophy of HBO's "Westworld".
Excellent suggestion!
"There's no government to control how much insurance premiums are" he says as my health insurance just went up to $21,000 a year... because of the government.
If you guys had a decent government you wouldn't need health insurance
Brian Madsen
when the state administers anything the diseases of beuracracy inevitably infect it: responcibility shirking, the office politics of an office stretched across the nation, jump through these hoops to get what you want 6 months from now, etc.
In the US costs skyrocket, in Canada and the UK you always catch cancer to late because it took a year to get a biopsy that takes one day to do
ObamaCare premiums are going up as much as 50% in some states next near.
Last Giant Really? As a englishman I thought the NHS was quite good, though i suppose you are the expert, being an American
I'm not American I'm Canadian we have pretty much the same systems as u guys. Americans have the best Healthcare in the world they just happen to pay more for it than anyone else. Canadians Pay not too much less than Americans but average quality is significantly lower. Wait time are a major issue if you have a strain of cancer that's highly virolent and you have to wait 3 months to get a cat scan (this happened to my father in law). All Healthcare systems suck hard it's just socialized systems have state propaganda backing them up and deluding young people who don't have to interact with the system
You put more thought into the Purge's philosophy than the writer's of the Purge did. Bravo
Movie idea: The Purge: REVOLUTION
Eh? This time on purge night, America’s rise up and fight back against the NFFA
Id say that movie is deffinitely in the works
Purge: Election Year Already did that
@@ahmadsuleman4813 It was kinda a half measure of change though. You can't change the system within when the whole machine is corrupt and will eat you apart if you try to change it.
Warning: The comments below are filled with people that don't know the first thing about economics. Read at your own risk/pleasure.
Don't waste mine and your, by telling me what I already know
Sir Regenald Fisty McAssplug the 34th I know a lot more than the fuck face video creator. Republicans are the ones who want a monopoly. NeoLiberalism is basically Republicanism but on the Left.
Quin, no. Reagan was a Neoliberal. So was Bill Clinton. Republicans and Democrats are the two sides of the same Neoliberal coin.
So basically the comments are full of republicans.
Actually it does do better overall. Reagan left a mess. Bush 2 left a bigger one. This is especially true in their second terms. Trump will end up the same. Deregulation is mostly decriminalization of certain practices from which the public needs protection. Oh well, i'm probably arguing with a dude with a tough guy complex who thinks America will do better under Confederates.
Yeah, I would like to see that insurance provider go a year without going bankrupt because no one will buy from them for more than a year because they screw all of their customers over.
Also "NeoLiberalism" or Laissez Faire economics is all about the government NOT interfering in the economy. The Purge is government interference.
Well, in that society all the insurance providers would collude raise rates at the same time, because why not?
The government is interfering by not interfering lol. The people expect the government to protect them on a normal day, but during the purge they shut down all government facilities. Effectively stating "Whatever happens, happens."
Bob Feen I honestly don't see why this is considered neoliberalism when it actually comes across as pure capitalism?
Cosmic Seth One do you know how many insurance providers there are? Getting them all to agree on a fixed price would be very hard (and that's also assuming none of them have a conscience).
Two even if you got all the insurance providers to agree on a fixed price eventually someone new would come along and realise they could dominate the insurance market by being $2 cheaper.
That's what the government does now, colluding with businesses to set minimum prices, for example.
Do philosophy of Boondocks
Max Compere Yes!!!
seasons 1-3, 4 was really bad and should be ignored because the original creator left.
MrNight48 Aaron was taking to damn long and adult swim wanted a new season pronto
B. Brazy and we have suffered greatly for it
MrNight48 yes we have, but still season 3 came out when? Aaron was taking sooo long and I think he said he wasn't making a season 4 but all of us wanted one, he got fired cause he didn't want to make it
do the philosophy of the Grinch
Was it not obvious enough? or do you just like the editing and type of these videos
Your analysis almost makes me want to watch these terrible movies.
Why assume they are terrible? I enjoy them, not because I think they are the best movies ever created but also not because the are hilariously terrible. The dialogue could definitely be better and some of the acting is a tad over the top, but they are very interesting to me as someone who enjoys horror/dystopian-future films, social and political commentary, and art that leaves you to discuss them in length with your friends and family. There is a lot to like about The Purge series, especially if you are a liberal who is currently disgusted with our corrupt economic system and the use of violence to solve societal problems.
FiercelyGold I think the end of your comment is correct. I haven't (and probably won't) watch them because I can't get past the ridiculous premise.
Onodera1980 watch em
*hasn't seen the movies* *calls them terrible* logic at its finest.
scab268 I don't have to see the movie to understand its premise. Maybe you shouldn't comment until you get smarter. You don't seem to understand logic.
Avatar: The Last Airbender series please!
Anyone else feel that people waste their time with petty crimes? Sureley there must be way more profitable crimes to commit, like insider trading or just cooking the books to the maximum.
Got only 12 hours to do it though
TheGoldenDunsparce Yeah, it's kind of hard to set up a Ponzi scheme in just 12 hours.
Ron Nickels Preparation, then execution
The real crime is the government taking money from people in the first place.
I will never forget the polite stranger. He made that movie. Without him, The Purge would have been forgettable.
The purge would've worked if it was a dark comedy, but instead they take it seriously
I love how all the Ancaps , ayn rand and Milton Friedman fans get triggered by this.
im a post keynesian and a french-italian monetary circuisist and even i got triggered by this. In the malthus part ,you cant deny the secular cycle and the commodity super cycle and sometimes exogenous or mostly demand driven endogenous forces of supply shocks the soviet union ended because of an oil supply shock during the 70s-80s energy crisis what engels describes is not a critique and not at all empirical. Market based or not an economy is subject to supply shocks and to the buisness cycle just because he assumes his imaginary economy isnt subject to any shocks in his engels law and curve world and has a market socialist equilibrium doesnt mean that the buisness cycle will bend his way its just a reverse argument of the neclassicals critisised malthus for only in a free market equilibrium with demand and supply curves and says law and rational agents context
chris Neway the purge is their version of full communism, utopic fetish
True, anyone who tells me they enjoy Ayn Rand I can assume they likely drive a Beamer, are members of both the country club and local KKK chapter, and beat their wives.
Cultural Marxist What? Communism with a state and monetary system?
Iracundus Fabularum no im comparing their obsession with creating a capitalist dystopia to the utopianism of some communists.
The Problem with the purge killing off the Poor is there will always be a Poor and a Rich Population no matter what.
Joshua Slawson not always
Are you sure about that Because once the first group of poor the next group dies then the next then the next then the next until there is No more population.
...under capitalism, yes. There will always be class divisons under capitalism.
Eventually when the people who can afford security it'll be able to be breached
yeah and your shitty system has never worked
"it's an interesting metaphor but when you take it at face value it falls flat on it's face" - Alternate History hub
6:00 seriously, only $100,000. shoulda gone for a couple million so that they could be safe in the future
For a sick-ass old fart? Are you in your right mind? It will entertain them only for like an hour max...
These movies are absurd. Take away law and yes crime will escalate by a massive degree, but it won't turn normal people who weren't originally all insane and mudery into serial killers and such. People do what they do out of self interest tempered by a cost/benefit analysis of what's to be gained vs what could be lost, in this case one's life or liberty if caught. Change the risk analysis to omit much of the risk, and even your moral free sociopathic folks will simply evaluate that they can get what they want with much less risk. However unless what they originally wanted was to chop people into bits, which is a fairly uncommon life goal from my experience, then we wouldn't really see a *dramatic* increase in killing.
It's the psychos running around to chop up other people who will compel others to stock up on guns to shoot intruders.
[breaks down barricaded door]"Heeeeeere's Johnn-"[BLAM!]
[cocks shotgun]"That's the fifth one tonight. Some people never learn."
+Louis Duarte Lol XD
It's also why I say if it were real, people would be robbing retail stores and banks, not just killing each other. ALL CRIME is legal. Besides, it's not like they could do something like for a few hours and live the rest of their lives fine.
If The Purge movies take place many years after the purge started, then it makes sense. At first there will be a small percentage of people running around maniacally killing people. But the more years that go by, the less "normal" people there will be. They'll either die or change.
That's only if you believe the consequences don't extend beyond the night, legoman7041. Do you honestly believe you can be a good citizen & kill your entire neighborhood in one night & have shit go back to normal?
Would love to see an updated video with the recent movies and tv show
me and you are the first comments in 6 months
The places I explore look like the purge happened... xD
Exploring With Danny
Leo Cheang
Exploring With Danny
that's a smart kind of self-promoting at least, it actually makes you interested
I like that
Exploring With Danny Good job on your self advertising.
Good job on your success guys.
s u c c
There is no success without the S U C C
Good video, but you disappoint me. I thought the actual voice actors were going to be here.
TeagleBell Rick and Morty are voiced by the same guy.
S0NIC Swag what? Not at all..the description says Jared Bauer is the narrator here and Rick and Morty Re voiced by Justin Roiland
LXVE What? Rick and Morty are voiced by Justin Roiland. I'm talking about the show.
This episode made me question what EXACTLY holds us from killing each other(puting away the laws) and after a long time i finally realised that is empathy,thats what the psychos doesnt have.
The Purge movies have a far more interesting premise than anything they convey in the films. How hard could it possibly be to survive this?? You simply get out of town that morning, walk to the middle of the woods somewhere, and wait things out til morning. The last fucking place I would be would be inside a house or apartment in the city.
or leave the US.
don't go near a US embassy, etc etc.
lordblazer this is just reinforcing the idea that the poor suffer more. How can you expect poor people to leave the country? Take out a loan every year for a plane ticket to Canada?
You can always just go out innawoods. If the purge were real I'd just get my camo gear and a gun, dig a hole in the middle of nowhere and just wait.
thats exactly my thoughts! the woods or hike in the mountains for a couple of days n return when its over.
Don't they have a rule about no killing "high ranking government officials?" Seams like a kinda of useless rule.
What's the point in liability free killing if you cant go after the people who put you in that situation.
TacticleRock410 agreed.
so ridiculous how americans are afraid of saying 'low class' and 'upper class'. instead you have to say 'working class' and 'upper middle class'. maybe americans are afraid of facing the class struggle
Can you blame us? The last time someone obsessed over class, 20 million people died.
That's a horrendous oversimplification and ignorance of the concept of class warfare. It isn't just the destruction of the bourgeois by the proletariat, it is wanting benefits for the workers, public service for the ones that cannot pay for it.
As easily as you give that example, I can talk about the genocide of the Belgian Congo in the late XIX century and other colonies with the exploitation of the native workers, the constant oppression of indigenous people all around the world (right now the North Dakota pipeline going through sacred Native American land), the working conditions of the workers in the XIX century or how neo-liberalism keeps cancelling laws in third world country that protects the poorest, just so that the market can expand; all of these expressions of Capitalism. But when you hear the word, you don't think of all of these, do you? You only think of freedom and wellness.
It's the same case here. If you stay on one extreme of the spectrum, you will always see the bad part from other perspectives and ignore all the illness from your side.
Evan Sageser That was... probably the most intelligent thing I've read in the YT comment section 😂😂
That doesn't make sense. You are comparing different things
'Working class' is a relational concept, i.e it relates to workers, people who sell their labour for a wage. 'Lower/middle/upper' are taxanomic designations based on a given distribution.
Hence, you can be 'working class' and upper class (if you have a very scarce skill and high salary) as well as 'a capitalist' and "lower class" (such as someone who owns a very small or unprofitable business)
Upper middle and working class are between lower and upper class citizens. It's homeless, lower class, middle class, upper middle, high class (I believe).
Working class means that you live paycheck by paycheck, or own a small but struggling business (a store or small restaurant). People who have money, but say they have no money, tend to be working class because they can survive, but can't spend money on stupid shit.
Upper middle class are usually rich business owners or work in the government and can spend money on stupid shit if they wanted, but they go to work 9 to 5 each weekday and their value is within a stock investment or their home. If they lost a million dollars one day, they'd be broke.
They're not like upper class people who own businesses that run themselves and make them money every second, like a car dealership owner or a successful electronics company, or they're in a high up government or military position. If they lost a million dollars in a day, they wouldn't need to worry because they make a lot more than that each day or have investments that are several million dollars in value.
You could have talked a little more about the confabulated reason for the purge: minimising crime by allowing all crime once a year, to alleviate violent and immoral tendencies people supposedly have naturally. This is one reason given at the end of Rick and Morty episode.
The philosophy of 'Black Mirror'
The purge sucks btw, great concept, awful execution.
Aaron Nichols is black mirror worth watching? I am trying to choose a new series to watch.
Black mirror is amazing, the commentary is a bit on the nose but it's otherwise brilliant
FullChicken44 Yep! It's my favourite. And you can watch whichever episode you want coz they tell individual stories about a dystopian society or present day society but with a slight twist. And the major reveals at the end (in some epsiodes) are just brilliant. It was mainly a British thing back in Season 1 but it's expanded to American audiences now in Season 3
Bohn Baratheon i just watched 2 first episodes and i love it. Thx for recommending it :)
FullChicken44 I'm glad you're loving it! Don't binge too much haha, and no problem!
If there ever was a purge, I would end up like the punisher, taking out my frustrations on the guilty , the ones whose soul is stained by the blood of the innocents, the killers, the rapists, the psychos, all of them will know pain
Thing is, most of them are legally Purge-proof
Everytime I hear about it, I'm more and more disgusted by Neoliberalism.. I could throw up.
But you did a great job, this video was really good! :D
This wasn't about actual Neoliberalism... Neoliberalism is simply corporate interests using liberal talking points... Like Neoconservativism is simply corporate interests using conservative talking points... This is straight up Plutocracy...
Josh Walker
Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
Slightly embarrasing.
Josh Walker Neo-Liberalism is an anti-concept. It means whatever liberal progressives say it means.
Marc Macaluso Point is, this is laying the problems on the feet of conservative vs liberal when it's poor vs rich. Socialism vs Plutocracy...
You know movies are movies, not real life, right?
I definitely watch The Purge for it's commentary.
Mathus also fuked up bc he didn't account for technological changes.
Technoology not gonna change forever
For technology to keep changing new knowledge must be discovered, that would imply that the universe must have an infinite amount of properties, laws of physics, chemical properties, etc (o,r at least for what you're saying to be true, an enormous amount, too many for humanity to get a hold of knowlegde wise)
population growth is also not infinite, there is a peak point in which the population will stabilize. Malthus was wrong. Technology is both responsible for and the cure for the current population growth, as it is not birth rates fuelling the current increase but a decline in deaths. Blame vaccines, the Green Revolution, and modern medicine. And yet, with decreasing global poverty and increasing education rates, birth rates have also gone down. Many nations are now below the replacement rate and rely on immigration to keep the population stable. Our global population is expected to stabilize at 9-10 billion, then start shrinking after that. We can use technology to increase our resources (desalination for water, GMO's and cloned meat for food, renewable energy for power, etc.) until we reach that stable rate. We have that technology today.
And basic economics.
@Ekin Montoya there have been people saying that for around 200 years. Guess how many of them have been proven right...
Oh look, Trump's America.
MagnuMagnus Oh look,An educated commenter
and educated commenter..gasp is that such a thing.
Actually, if the video is right that the Purge series are a satire of Neoliberalism, then that means this is closer to Hillary and Romney's America.
Trump's America would probably be a "Night of Broken Glass" aimed towards illegal immigrants (or anyone that might "look like one"). Satirically speaking of course, I may despise Trump, but I don't think he is that bad/evil.
JTR Guess we'll find out on Tuesday.
Lock your doors kiddies.
still better than war with russia
And this is why I love the "Purge" series. Sure, the premise - an annual holiday where all crimes are legal - makes no sense if you stop to think about it for more than five seconds, but as a tool of social commentary I think it's brilliant. A bit heavy-handed at times, obviously, but still a whole lotta fun
Exactly! And thank you for pronouncing "economics" correctly!
Wow this is so good. :D what a brave new world I live in.
don't worry, power armor's right around the corner, so have at it poor people
But then only rich people will be able to afford a power armour
Giulia you might have missed the joke by a bit
Nah, I just made myself the butt of the joke so you could deliver the punchline. It works every time.
Giulia Sthefany Salustiano Damn. You're a fine good worker. ^_^
I'm surprised this video didn't get downvote brigaded by the neckbeard fashy's the same as your Starship Troopers video did.
Keep the honest content coming.
One single plot hole the purge movies have is, why does everybody instantly kill each other. It has no benificial factors to it, and you will have blood on your hands. Think of what people will say about you the next day
It's more for hyperbolization purpose. everyone will go stealing stuff from mall that cannot afford as we see in usa when people fight for changer opportunists fight for target
please do meaning in sausage
sausage party
That wpuld be great for Earthling Cinema too
Bram Verhoofstad Imposing your beliefs on other people is bad
I'm not convinced the Neoliberal analogie holds up.
For Neoliberalism to work you need an overabundance of potential workers, you can allow yourself to pay the burger cook a shitty wage because there are thousands equally skilled people whom you can replace with. But if they get killed of during the purge you can no longer keep the wages down, soon unions would sprout and become hugely influential. On the other hand, who's gonna buy all the fast food and low quality stuff if there are no more poor people? At first only some business would tank but soon the whole economy would shrink. The government might save on social security programs at first but with the economy tanking the tax revenue would diminish too. In the end you wouldn't have any winners, not even the richest of the rich, I mean they still need someone to sell their stuff to.
I simply don't see how this would be a viable system for anyone?
The richest don't want to kill every single poor person, just control the population. Because you didn't make that distinction your point falls short.
Cubed Sure, they may want to try control the population but how to they stop it when too many poor people and workers are killed? They just started this thing, they no longer control it, when some sociopaths kill too many people they Abe no say over it
and that's why the purge doesn't exist, but neoliberalism does
And that's why I don't think the analogy with Neoliberalism works, as its goals are inconsistent with what we see in the movie. The purge rather plays with Malthusian ideas or maybe even something akin to swift's modest proposal.
Unless they don't pump up insurance prices and ect. it's *not* going to be as aggressive.
If there is too many people, they bump up insurance taxes and general food taxes and then people have reasons to kill each other for $$$.
if not then because the average human isn't a bloodthursty sociopath, it will prevent as much killings.
The Socioeconomic impact the Purge would have on Real life would be pretty huge. You would end up just making homeless people the easy targets while simply making people with basic homes, apartments and jobs would become the poorest. While inflation continues putting a bigger strain on the economy.
yeah but if your goal is to stop wasting useful limited resources, time, and energy helping people that are totally pathetic and can't help themselves without stopping the funding which would just lead them to (Even more) crime. then the purge could be very effective.
Sad that the movies try to vilify such an idea instead of vilify the loser failures of the world that feel entitled, lack humility and get shit loads of free shit from those that actually contribute to society instead of burden it.
It's astonishing at how callous people can be. So you're telling me that just because someone knows how to allocate a little bit of money correctly, they deserve to be the ones to waste resources for nothing, instead of a governing entity that is supposed to protect it's people "wasting" them to actively help those in need?
The concept of civilization is the strong protecting the weak, and yet people like you actively support a blatantly bad concept not only for practical reasons, but moral ones.
I love the idea of this movie series. I actually want this series to continue and crystallize into something more coherent and thoughtful.
When you remove everything lower everything higher becomes low
Interesting insight
Who clean up after the purge
Do hidden meaning of Green Mile!!!!
read the New Testament
That has to be the best way to sponsor Audible.
Why is everyone doing purge videos?
Because elections are near
Austin Whitelaw because no one is original
Austin Whitelaw Their probably gonna announce a new one soon.
Austin Whitelaw sponsorships
Austin Whitelaw election is coming up
Wonder what Gary Johnson or any other libertarian would have to say about this video
miller repin they'd call it out for the misrepresentation of free market economics and the insane attempt to align conservatives/libertarians with the philosophy of Thomas Malthus
RyoriNoTetsujinfan Not really insane, since they align perfectly
miller repin I think he would say that it's not good eliminate the poor people because they are buyers of their product, middle class is one of the most important things about market, they are the majoraty and they are who most buy
Bobby mises.org/library/poor
i hope that help
I'm libertarian (ish) and I agree that neo-liberalism is bad thing, I'd term it corporatism though.
It's basically a pro-big government anti-capitalist ideology that I detest and is closer to fascism than either capitalism or socialism.
please talk about steven universe😃
nick browning But you are
Hussain Rashed Im not 12 step up your game
nick browning You have a Dab as your profile picture. nuff said
Confirmation biases aside, this basically confirmed everything that I thought about the "Purge" idea when I first saw the trailers years ago. #HeyWisecrack I'm impressed with your depth of analysis. Bravo :)
soooooooooo, communism or you're a bad person?
Trace Puckett No? Simply that the extremist form of capitalism that tends towards fascism, and a more moderate system would benefit that vast majority of this country.
What's a good moderate system in your eyes?
Basically what we have now but with better regulation because thinking that pure greed is going to regulate itself is one of the most retarded and delusional pillars of our national belief system. Capitalism is alright, but not when it can buy the government, destroy the planet, and start wars for no other reason to make money. At that point, the "hands off" approach to government is akin to letting a serial killer run around your neighborhood but you stop the police and say "no, no, the market will regulate itself. "
Michael Bush how much regulation do you want before you think personal freedoms can be taken advantage of and the government becomes the unregulated force?
I don't think the government should have much of anything to do with personal freedoms, I'm talking about corporate regulation. I'm not sure how stopping a politician being bought off, a company from dumping toxic waste near the water source of a poor neighborhood, or private military lobbyists deciding when we go to war could be confused with an assault on personal freedom. If anything, it's an expansion of it because we wouldn't be bankrupt from pointless wars so your tax dollars could more directly benefit you, you'd have the personal freedom to not die so quickly if you're poor, and without the corporate stranglehold that exists now there could be better collective bargaining for workers, which is a massive component of freedom we've forgotten since the labor movement.
make one of Avatar the Last Airbender pls :p
Not sure I've ever seen a consistent definition of neoliberalism, and I much more think The Purge movies represent CURRENT socio-political structure than a fantasy caricature. We're mired in cronyism, and the idea that freeing markets Hayek- or Friedman- style would lead to corporate domination is misleading; these big companies benefit immensely from corporate welfare and regulation right now, and it's how most of them got where they are. Small businesses simply cannot compete at any level due to established regulations that are expensive to comply with to the point of bankruptcy and trade agreements that allow huge companies to use incredibly cheap foreign labor. Domestic free markets would destroy their grasp on entire industries. The idea that government helps and crafts laws around the interests of big corporations is inherently anti-free market. It's also helpful to remember that The Purge is a movie; it's a fantasy of the writers. They may be trying to portray something close to reality, but often project their own economic ignorance and political biases, resulting in movie after movie that's self-indulgent and gets the basics wrong.
There should be a purge light where all petty pranks are legal
Sorry you said the purge was a "decent idea"? Yeah No. Summers summed up the movie in 3 words.
It is. It's what this entire video is based on.
People may be big in the mouth, but I don't believe a Purge would ever happen nowhere near how it's portrayed in the movies. The overwhelming majority of people simply don't have it in them to take another person's life. Partly because it's not our nature, humans prefer cooperation, and our brain are far too good at calculation risk-reward. It's hard to convince it that the reward is greater when it knows that our target may be equally prepared, and especially if the person hasn't really posed any threat to our own life at the moment.
De Wolfie Saudi Arabia's funding of proxy wars to "purge" Israel from existence-- while the ruling class buy Bugattis and expensive vacations on their people's oil money is a Pitch Perfect example.
Yeah but thats done by systems and governments. Its specificaly made like that so people dont feel bad about murdering. You are removed from the murder. Theres a huge difference between pushing a button that kills someone somewhere and actually having to put a knife in someones chest.
We'll see what happens if the minus minds put Hillary in the White House...
Of course I am talking about the everyday man.
Indoctrination, in this case through religious scripture, can make a person fall into a form of psychosis. This is a case where the person fail to grasp the concept of morality. He may say he is morally right to kill someone who doesn't follow his cult; but his mind just can't phantom another perspective.
It's a stretch to call it a "pitch perfect" example; but I have a hard time thinking it's, for Saudi Arabia's case, to control the population count. What they are doing that for me seem most reasonable is the same thing that the American are doing - trying to impose a government that falls in line with them.
Nymphonomicon What Hillary wants, aside from war with Russia, is pretty much what every similar minded person of her kind want - to punish poor people for being poor, to put it simply - while at the same time have them accept the government as their lord and savior... Just take a look over in Europe if someone dares to ask if they should leave the EU.
The first Purge movie is shit. It took a good concept with limitless room for exploration and social commentary and turned it into an awful, hamfisted pastiche. It can't decide if it wants to be a generic and terrible 2000's horror movie about white kids in masks or a satire lacking in all subtlety or humor. There was no care here, no thought, no intention to tell an actual story with any depth of quality, or convey a real message with any sense of passion. So it fails on both spectrums, and became a mediocre movie at best, with a message delivered by pure statement.
Maybe I'm being harsh, but The Purge had me excited. It was a good idea, a great concept really. But the execution fell so short of my expectations it became clear to me that the idea was a wasted stroke of brilliance only ever intended to sell. I take the existence of The Purge as a personal offense, an insult--a movie written in shit that tells me as a viewer exactly what the film industry thinks of me.
People don't like The Purge because of the movies; they like the idea behind it lol
I love the idea. I would have sold my soul for a really good deconstruction of it.
+Levyathyn They need to make a "The Raid" Style purge movie. I'm hopeful we'll get a good one eventually cuz they're not gonna stop making them. But perhaps they're gonna be like Saw movies.
Levyathyn They do this in anarchy and election year, pointing out how much they fuck up every body except the well off. And the films are pretty fun too, a billion times better then the first film.
Great episode, Wisecrack!
In a free market if an insurance company jacked up its the rates the day of the purge then they would go out of business the following year. Only a GOVERNMENT could force people to not have a choice of competitors. If all the insurance companies jacked up their rates the day of, in a free market you could start your own insurance company, DONT jack up the rates and the following year you would be the most successful company in the country. The free market is really really simple. The better products and services you provide the more money you make. Everyone wins. As opposed to socialism, where everyone except the politicians lose.
You are a valuable member of society, who has received and properly absorbed the correct beliefs. For extra credit, please clarify how the recent move towards government control of the economy is now also correct and good, and why tarrifs and economic nationalism is important for the success of the country.